kiTsrnon i rrival of the 3-mer Virginia Rumnri of, Peare Negotiation Hnlmh Mediation, The moat impunaut intelligence by this ar rival are indefinite but current rumors of secret negotiations being in progress that protniwe peace, . . ,,; :.i ' Despatefipp werp received at Vera. Crux on tha riipht of the 3f rtNilt , by the arrival of courier from Mr. Boyle, the Rritih ehargp d'af "n ire n t the capital. They were Immediately dee-patched for Now Orleans' on board 11.. B. M. brip of war Daring. I Nothing pnelive was known concerning the despatches, but the opin ion that ihoy'i w,re nej-ntiitions for peace had ljfn formed at Vera Crux from fhe fact that, they had bepn tent in a vessel ol war instead of ' wait inir Mr steamer; '' " Cl. Mil.', wiih 1.100 men',' Vera..' Crul p;i the S I litvl for thn cspital.' General Mar thai! was at Jalnpa on the 'JU h ult., awaitinrj tie arrival of the train rxpected under the com. mand of Col. Miles. John Reynold, attached to Company D, of 'he 8th He?imentof Infantry, waa hung at Ja apa fur having murdered pome Mexican women. It ffportd in the Mexican papers that Santa Anna had ptnbarked at AcBpulco for the port ol S.m Rise. ''" A loiter from QirrtBro states that the Gov ernment waa doinf all in ita power to pet the new member of Onneree together, and it waa believed it would asemhle tv. 1 1 1 the middle of . . ..... N, -, ... . . .., January. Advice have been1 received from Mazitlan to tliP .Tfhh ult. ' The guerrillas, tinder Mijares, had made an a'taek iip.n Cape,' but were com pletely routed, and Mijaree and many other Mexicans were killed. ' An expedition waa despatched on the nipht of the '2lA a;air.8t Chohila, to apprehend some Mexican officers. A btc irmth took place', when three Mnx.nena were killed and three wounded A number of America;! prisoners, who had hppn tuken at various timea by the Mexican", had b.'Pii sent to Col. Child from Zacatian, by Izunzoa.the former Mexican Governor of Pue bin, asking an exchange lor Col. Pavor, but if that waa not admissible, that an equal num ber of Mexicans aliould be restored to liberty ; ami in cnae neither proposition ehould be accep table, asking that the priaoneta slioulu be recei veil as restored voluntarily. Col. Childe, in replying to this message, an nounced that lie could not comply with either of the propositions, the Mexicana Wing greatly mnebted to our army for the great number of nriaonora librated in the progress of the war. lie returned his sincere thanks to the Governor Iznnzea, for his kindness to the prisoners thus voluntarily reatrred, and would take pleasure in nutating his kindneaa towards the Mexicana who might full into his hands. The brig Rupert, bound from Tamp;cn for IVnaaeolj, loaded with lumber for the Govern vnf, waa totally lost oti the 1st inst , upon Tumpien bar. Latkr from Msxrro Col. Miles, with a t'urce of from 1000 to 1500 troopa, left Vera Cruz on the 2J inst for the city of Mexico tjuncral Sc"lt waa anxious for his arrival, which it waa auppoeed would not be later than two (;Pkd- As .-won as another column, ir00 rdrong, can tie collected at Vera Crux, it is expected to move thenee for Orizaba, under command of Col. Bulkhead. In Vera Cruz this ia expected to be a delightful excursion, from the beauty of the country, the fine roada, and the kindness of thj poole, who have repeatedly solicited that roups should he Bent thither. The President's message reached Mexico on tiie 2oih ull., having been despatched from Vera Cruz to the capital in aeveoty . hour, for the American Star. It loft Washington on the 8th nn I was consequently but seventeeo days in rcachiiig Mexico. It waa immediately publish ed by the Star at length. , There ia a atory in Mexican papers that Santa Anna had embarked at Acapulco for 'the port (,f S in Itlua. Upon this El Monitor exclaime: "1 1' tl.m i-houlil be so, aa we hope not, may ! Lijd protert the peace of Jalisco." Later from Mexico, itack of a Train on its way to the Capital Ten Americans Iiat ijilUO.OOO worth of Property Captured by Guerrillas. ' I'vikubcho, Jan. 24. '! The daily rxprva ol this morning brings New Orleans ppera of the lSth inst. The pa-p-T auniiiince the arrival of the ship Tahma inn, from Vera Cr.iz, brinjinj dates to the 6th i'lut., four d.iya later, A pirf of the last train that le.l Vera Cruz "or the capital, waa attacked by guerrillas. ;. The party atiark'-d conaiyted ot a imall party of the Mounted R llumen, under 1eut, Walker m liich had become acattfred from the rest about .even milea. The Rtatemeuta in regard to the a (fair are very conflicting some aay that the guerrilla force waa about four hundred strong t and others that it was only to huodred and ifty.' The guerrillas nunqeeded in cap'urin three hundred park mules, together with pro perty to the UMt'int' of on hundred thousand doll r. The Aiueriran lo waa about ten out of the thirty inen that composed the iarty. L eut. Walker had obtained ' FtinforcenteMe troni Vora Crux, and had followed itl pursuit of the marauders. ' ' Tub TtoMaM Ctuouc population of Cincinnati eatimatad in Cist'a Advsrtiier, at 34,000 be tug about one-lourth of the whols. Fo Maxico Four sompauiea of Michigan volunteers, numbering in all 393 privates, arri ved at New Orleans on tha 10th raatant, ttroutt for Maxiro-'1 ,J,:'" is. KvRTnCR rROM LIBIT. WiLKKH'tCoUllANP. By Expren. Just aa ,v. -"were grViiajt to press we received the olh.winp riistrpasing'Jet ter from a friend. The"' letter was written ator the enpapemcnt of Lieut. Walker's men and the guerrillas : Santa Fb. J in. 4 V o'clock. Hero WC are we have lost about U00 pack mules one hundred thousand dollars' worth ot property ! The gurrrllaa attacked at-omj. o'clock , we have lost about ten men out of thiity nnr!er. Lieol. Walker, of the" R.fleV." "' tie was obliged to dismount his men In art open prairlr1,1 fur 'at the rlrat firo aevertn horflep' broke fmm on'" dor their rider. ' Thirty mr-n were not enough to protect a million worth ol pioperty. ' ' . Vonrs, 11 O N. Th ea mo paper nf-lhec'th intsnt has the following narapraph on the satne pnhjpet :' , Wo undprstand that some of the mrrchanta who suffered from tlie o of the' nitllep taken by the robbers left thletfy frir Orizaba,' or Cor dova (we suppose) to enter into an arrangement with them. We wish them aneeess. ' 1 " ' ' ' The Wenfy of Vnee .Vurnef.ln' a lettpr received he tia yesterday troin our correspon dent at Jul.ipa, heintorniaua that an individual holdings high position in the American nrmy, ml whoso assertions deserve entire credit, said publicly, nnd without ' the leawt reserve, that Irorn letters received atjalapa from Pnehla.on the let inst, it was prwitively knrtwn'that 'a treaty ot peace had bern signed In Mexico. On being told that it was strange that this should bo the case, aa Mr: TrUt had not the power to sign siieh treaty, he answered that Gen. Hcolt bad taken it upon his own responsi bility to sign the treaty, in consequence of which tho treaty had tieen sent to Queretaro for the approbation of the Mexican Govern ment. ': - .' Lair from Itrainf, , CoLLKCTION or TK'TIKS AT M ATAMtlRosj. The ninety thousand dollars in specie, before repor ted aa having arrived at Matamnros. waa con signed to S. C. Ilatzell, ex United Slates Can sol, who waa allowed to take thp silver on giv ing his written promise to nav on, demand the dutiea, amnnntinij to $i00V . When payment , waa demanded, lirnvrvr. he n fused, and would not tell where the silver wa. ,.Mr. t'bapmanv our Collector, forced the dooranfMr Ilatzell's premises, and having found the silver, placed a . sentinel over it., and hand, terminer) not to with draw tho guard until the duty is paid, ,. From the Fhi'adelphia Ledger.', Th Manry Market. The stork market since Saturday has ahown unusual animation, with increased sales at h:ph er prices. Almost every Fti-ck on the list lias 'niprnved, and many operators areo,uite sanguine that prices have seen their lowent that what ever chnniro now lakes place will be for the hotter. The monev'market .is a little eatier, though the street rate does not vary much from what it was this itav week. There is, howev er, rather less difTiPiillV in olila inini money than I here has been. The rate of foreign exchange at New York has fallen a liltle, and. aa we took occaaion to remark a week or t wo ajro, if it falls helow ten per cent, prem for liest hilts, the apprehension entertained hv the hanks of a farther export of coin will no Hotilif subside, and those institutions will feel free to inrrease their accomodations. With an inrreafe of currency higher pr.cee will certainly follow.'' If the ba lance of trade with Enf land ia really in favor of the United States, a the fall of exchange would indicate, nothing rrnains in the way of anoth-1 er expanamn of the currency and a cnnserjiieni inflation of pricee, but the claims of the govern ment nn account of the wir with Mexico, 'if theae, from any cause, ehould he largel'the bank.a will be wary how they put theinselve'a In the apecie clawi of the Independent Treasury Ther are, ; however, apa in peaceful minora, and if they should be verified, nothing will iaud in the way of unusual buoyancy. Stock circles re certainly brightening up, and as many stock holders who are not stoekdealeri are anxious to know whether stocks will continue to rise or fall, we say, watch the rate ofexchange on Eng landit is the best barometer of prices jul now that we know of ; if the rate continues to tall below ten, it ia pretty lair to presume that prices, aa a general thing, will rite in about the same ratio that exchange falls belo v that unt. Pennaylvania yesterday rocel over Sa turday's shies; Government 0 1; Treasury Notea ; Schuylkill Nav. bonds 1 1 Reading R. bonds 1 ; Chesapeake and Delaware Cm ml 1 V Morris Canal shares i - Kentucky Bank J ; Reading R.- 'shares J, and Girard and U. S. Rank thares i each. ! ' ' i , ... - . -.,-:.u'jS i.:.--J ' ' " ; Mail FAtt.i'kta The Nt'w Vork Fxpresa pub Ukbaa table of mail failure! from lit Novem ber, 147, to the Htb inst. Tbey amouiif to tbrea hundred and twenty aixl ' :...' ' Tea Cafit l at Mcuii?a!(. $t it known that tha capital ot the Stats of Michigan ia "Michj tan," in the town Lapsing, not '-Michigan Cityv" which ia quite another place, but plain "Michi gan." ' ' ' ,' " The difficulty between Col. Benton and Gen. Kearny will not end in "hostile meeting at haa barn intimated. It appears that Col. B. la unJer a'aolsmn proroia to bis " baltar kalf, mads ia good faith at the lima pi bia marriaga, that bs would eevvr tugsgs in any nel - Ooo.H We tope vary lady may exact 4 aimilaf prom- taa from those who, by virtus o( tbsir pablic p- i iil,o, ap' to hs ld into sack acrapra. From the N O Pieayune, Jan. Later frH Vr rrHST" " ' THE ABXZ2XIZCAN. , totlurdnp, Jttnuarg S9,'IS48. 1. It. V4..rfA'H,.iSff., tnte anil Ctml IHKrt, tnrnrt of',A mul Vlitwnut Mreefa, B'MlnHtlphln, mt Ma 'WMe 1fl .s.ih irerl, Msp Vrwt Vfmrr Itnl. timnrt anil Vvli'ert tm , HntHmnrr, and V ,lfi rfe hlm' ftot'ttn, in frl tfd to act at .f , and rvrript let all mnU dot Ihim -, for luhicriptlth ar advtrtUInf V. IV. L A I! II, cirm r of Third and Dock Slrrrtt, Sim ItvilJinKt. ' ofipnuitr Mi rihnnti' Enchant,' I'fiifndi ljihid, it .o nuthoritrdlo act sm wr Agtnt- t ' -" ' ' 4 FOR PRESIDENT, ' tic ii. AC.lllltY TAVroil. Ut-iiittcratle Central Taylor C'oni . , ., , . , .. . mlttcc j lion John C Bucbrr, of Dauphin county Hon John M head, of Philadelphia city Hon Rirhnrd Vanx do do Rubert Allen, Kan, ' lo ' ' do " Andrew Miller, Kq Philadelphia roin.ty , Samuel p Patterson. K. MontKomery county Franklin Vanr.nnt, F.sq. Burka county " Joseph J Lewis Kso, -C hester county ' jr .William Gray, Delaware county . v. ., , . Henry W Smith, l'q. Berks county , ,, lloti Ellis L'ewia, Lancaster county Charlea W Hefint. . Ksr. Northumberland ro -Hon John Snyder, Union cimnty . i , - Col Jamrs" Burnside, Centre county Robert J Fisher, F?q Tork rounty ' " Oliver Wataon, jt. Esq Lyrnminn county r. r fJen J. K Morvhrad. Allegheny rounty ... . t'ol Iarai-I Painter, Weatinoreland county Thomas J Power, Esq Beaver rounty ' Hon Edward llerrirk, Riadfnrd county Ilemlrirk B Wright, Esq Luzerne rounty , . Francis W. iliiithes, Eq Sihuylkill county Jamra L. Gillia. Etq Elk county .tames Peacock. Esq of Dnunhin rounty . ' Hon WilliHm Dork do Hen Simon Cameron do Benjamin Park, Eq do '' (.in Christian Seiler . . .-. -do - ! , Philip Douehertyt Eq. . do , ; O. Barrett, F.tq! do FrsncisC Carson, Etq. do' Jamra, Kaq. do , Edward A. Lesley, Eaq. , , do ; , CE?" We ore indebted to the lion Jsmea Burna, President of the Board of Canal Commissioners, for a copy of tha Canal Commisiionrra' Report. We are indebted te the Hon" Simon Came, ran, Hon. James Pollock, and George A Frick, Esq , for public documents... .1 v ' -' K7 Thb Wahif. baa asaiu become mild, and aa variable aa April. Some of the weather wise folks predict plenty of snow and cold wea ther, the next two montba. , , ' OT Stam Saw Mill. We were mistaken last Week, iii saying that' the entitle of Mr. Cle ment'a new steam aaw mill, in this nlace. was built by Mr. MrOitinia. The englris ' waa built by Mr. Dellaven.'of ' Minersville. The engine waa put in tiperaf ion a few ilaya aince, and worka ' well. It is of 20 horse power, artil will drive two sawa besides several rirrolaS saws. ' The main buiMuiK is iubtaatially built with beery timWrs. aod.ia 40 feel in width by. 7 lert long ' Mr. C"Uont says hs ia ready to saw , timber .-of any required length or site, ou the abort eat no ir' .. ... , '. , ' ' .- '!' ' ,;'-;"". TT-i -'" . ..i '.'i KZT' Roots. Those pf our readers who are in the habit of getting their boots in the city, would do well to call on Mr C. Rrnkert, JVn 40 South 4th Street, who ia noted not only for fitting any hoped foot, but for making a beautiful as well aaa most durable boot.'' His card will' be found iu our advertising columns. ' . C7" MiDDi.RTOvrst ' Bank We stated, last week, that this Bank had been quoted with a dah by tha North .American, but that we had teen no aotice of any thing a fleeting the Bauk from any other source. , Wa at the time believed the quotation pfthe North . A mt-ricaa to be aa 4 error wliitb, upon enquiry aince, we found to be the rase.. .The MidJIrtown Btuik iauudrr the charge of faithful and rapabla olrtcrrs. Gen, Cam eron being the cashier, and bas always been con sidered one of the soundest Banks in the Slate,, ,t, C7Ths PavsinaNcr The leading politicises are now busy at Washington, in furthering the interests of the different randidatea for the' Pre-' eidencyJo The game ia waxing warm ''Oh the whig 4ide, Mr: Clay ia present, ostensibly attend. in a rase ia the Supreme Court, but meat probe blytakins rare of his. wn Interest in laV esMiitifrl contest, and bringing im the refractory who are disposed to desert tiro fur a more available can didate, . Mr. ClayMr- M'rbatvr aed G-o. J oil are tbet only, whig , randidatea apekei pf.1, Tbe promin'Bt,i(lemorratic candidare,. are Vetera. Buchanan and .PallajJ fP-nivsylvania, Gen, Cass nl Michigan, Ma.. Woodbury of N , Hamp shire, and , Mr. Walker is talked o( by apme, though hp has declined, Mr Walker js a. nstive of this county, aud was born, we believe, in Nor thumberland. A correspondent of the Ledger calls him the thiid favorite son of Pennsyjvania. Gen. Taylor ia thus far known only aa the peo ple's candidate,' and it the only one of thst party yet named. (T7 The Governor baa issued writs of electron to fill the vacancy in the Bucks and I-ehigh dia trict, occasioned by the death of John W, Horn lerk. .Tbe elect ios will bs ksld oa the 13d of Flruary, .,.,.; ,- n .d- r. . 4 . i - i " " 4 . v ' - a ' fjy Post Orricx ArreijiiMiNT. The Rev. Mr. Pprstf has oeen appointed Post Master at Soyilrrsfewn, ib the place of Joseph Hoover, re- iiied T'--a ' - - j J tryOaf. SertrSraiaiirir-The fact of the ampention of Gen, Scot t from bis eorprr.and, lias been acknowledged in the tl. S. fienate by Gu. Caaa. On Monday laat, when tha Tea Regiment bill was calied up, Mr. Crittenden asked" Tllr. Casa whether Cen. kcolt bad been auspended from the command of Ui4 arrhyand Gen. Worth relieved from arrest. '' Mr Cass replied that both were correct, and that the command now, devolved upon General Butler aa the aenior officer, Mr. Crittenden ex pressed . hia astonishment and rrgret at the (otHis-ptimeH rn this matter.. I '. !(Jj'Thk tAtt.v Sun. The tiativp paper in Philadelphia' has met with' tome diffirultiea There are now two tuna' in the horizon of Phila delphia.' Mr C. B Tarrett, who adhcrea to the principlea of the Native Americana, requests hit Exchangee to direct to Barrett's Sun" Phila delphia. . Mr, Bl complains that Mr' OSroVer, in diapoaiagof the materials etc., of the' "Daily Sun," o Meaars. Cummints, Peecork and Sims, attempted to transfer the Native American party at appurtenant thereto. .' 0 According to the report of Canal Comoiii tioiiert, the net revenue! of the State Canals and Railroads of thit Commonwealth, for the year ending Nov. 30, 1847, ' were $838 044, being an increase of $307,522 over the net revenoetof tbe prvviotia year " But for the damage by the freshet,- the Commissioners ' say, the net revenues would have reached $1,272, 163' more 'ban dou. We the net revenoea' of 1S48. The increate in the tonnage on the Railroad from Philadelphia to Columbia, over that of -1840, is fifty-five mil lions, nine hundred, and forty thoutand and eight hundred pounds. - The toll received on the Sns qoebanna and North and Weat Branch divisions, in 1647, waa one hundred and righty-five thou sand eight hundred and . thirty -nine dollars and seventy four cents, being an excess of thirty-three thoutand teven hundred and four do Hart and fif ty, two centt over 1846 On the Delaware divi sion the excess of receipts over expenditurre in 1917, amount to one hundred and forty-eight, thousand eighty-two dollars and aixtyaeven centt making a large interest on one million three hundred and eighty four thousand one hundred, and thirty tlx dollars and ninity-tix centt, the original cost of construct ion. .i . . . . ;X1. ' ''' C3T The Court at Philadelphia have decided againat Mr. McMai-kin, in hia attempt to appro priate the' wbole of the goodwill and pntronage of the Saturday Courier to hia own use, and on, justly deprive the widow of bis deceased partner of at least $20,000. , He baa aince issued a pros pectus to publish a new paper, which tba court have stopped by sn injunction He will find that the community will not countenance him in auch flagiatij eejfithness and t injustice.. , . H ' K7 The Tsa' Regiment Bn.t now before, Coneress, will no doubt pass. V r, Calhoun and hia friends, who ire opposed1 to the further pro secution of the war,' will not vote on the qne. tinn, it is said, but let the bill pata. ' C?" A eancnt of the Democratic membera of the Senate anJ Home waS held in Washington, on the 84th inst., to determine when and where the National Convention, to nominate the Presi dential candidate, shall be held. tty The Washington correspondent of the Public Ledger, baa the -' following sigbificent .paragraph" j ..... .. . ' "Is the Intelligencer quite sure thdtthe recall of Gen. Scott would be such hardship to him : esperially if he were recalled, not to be tried, bnt to enjoy elegant leisure nlium rum H'gni tote ? It it quite sure that auch thing, if not absolutely atktd by Gen. Scots, was at least ren dered possible by the relatione which the arallant old hero himself rhoae to assume t And would not, inthatcates tha Intelligencer be bound to retract some of the harsh and hatty expression! in regard to the Adminietration ? .-. -' - .,, -l.r 'rot.i, Meateo. , t , . The attack ?n Col. Milea' train ia confirmed. The Josa ir, consequence of goods captured by the Guerrillas, (alia principally upon the merchants one F.uglisb house alone losing $04,000. .:." Gen. Scott had issued so order assessing apon the Statea of Meiio, occupied or to be occupied by our tioepe. an atwutal tax amounting to about 43 OOQ.000,.. Padre Jarauta waa at San Juan Ze ohituacan, with S00 guerrUlas, ou the 27tb ult i ,mo. Fioro thence he proreeded to within eight miles of the city of Mexico, , He is a bold fel low, but tbe dragoona are after kiov. . :rr. ... Miasissirri U. S Sstutoe The .Legislature of Mississippi hat elected Hon. J rTerson Pavia . tq the Cnitcd .States Senate, tb .ftati h now b,d" bt Pr"'B f ,he Cnor of that Sta'e. ,.,, , , j , ; .ji ,n - -csX .na i Hon. George Poindeiter, heretofore a promi nent whig, spoke ia tba Mississippi Co vent ion in favor of the oucasuras of the Executive, and in denunciation of Mr, CUy'a Lexingtoa speeeb and rraolutiona. Ai 5 .rtT 't-t---' -" . I.. ' 1 -The Whig convention, in Ohio, hat, adjourned after t be passage of reeolutioof , denouncing I he war and fupporting Senator Corw in. ia hia posi tion on that subject.;, No cxpraasion waa elicited aa to the candidate for the Presidency. : v - , .. - t """-"r.' i ' i Exebcisb or the PaapoNiNo Powss, During the last year Gov. Toung, ol' New York, pardon ed 139 convicts. ! Gaa4t Fitx'ar Faiacofna,1 N. H A senous lire occairrsd at Francenla, H: IV, tn Wednesday night, the lth iM.' The large VoaV house of Ike NIL IronFartery Compaay,' 100 feet long by 60 ret .vide, and eoutainiag forty thooaand butbela of charcoal, took firs, The matt waa ao thoreaghly igaited before the fire waa diseov. erad, that oay boit tro Ihoasaed busbela f tba j'wiib coaJ could be saved... The does of tha Com Be a 3000, iteRlslitrlre Prneetdlnga. ' "f '.' Hatais'tr'ao, Jan. 20, 1848. HorB:' The Sp alcer. ptear'nted a petition from Lycomintj, in ftvof of a general Banking 'aw', andemotittraled against rerhartering any new Bank. Alto, a petition from Clare town ship, Juniata county, for a change in the place of holding their elections. Mr. Nickleaon, for an outlet lock on the Dela ware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal. Mr. Fox. from Dauphin, for a new county out ! of parte of Sc huylk ill. Dauphin and Xorlhumber i a a . v.. ,.n.i ai.n... " " ' elia, IV urn IMUIIIMHUIIgl) , . Mr. Blair, from Huntingdon," for the construe-"' lion of a railroad from point on the Penntylva. nia improvement Jo the coal region ef 'he Broad Top Mountain. Also, lor the passage of a law confirming all wills and tettamenta heretofore made by the mark of the testator. ' M Messrs Hill, Fernon, nallowell,'('of philad. county.) Downa. Vansant. Finletter. Ol wine and Daly, great number of petitions. n favor of the ten hour evttem of labor, and for an act to nro. hibit the emidovment of ehildren in fceiri.. under twelve yeara of age. ' Mr. Frick, to authorire tbe Mine Hill and Schuylkill Railroad to eatrnd their road Into the Middle Coal Field. AI?o, a supplement to the act to incorporate tbe bbamokin, Mahonoy and Schuylkill Railroad Co. Jan. 2t. Hnrsr. TtUlt trad in place Mr. llallowell, relating to nka. 'The general features of the bill are to prevent banks from loaning money u pon collateral -securities, and also to prevent loans being made to Directors of any Bank. The bill from the Senate to abolish tbe Board of Revenue Commissioners, were passed through committee of tbe whole. . . , . . Jan. 32. In the Senate, this morning, a great number of petitions were presented on subjects hereto fore frequently noticed. Mr Msson, from the committee on Bankt, re ported, with a recommendation that it be' nega tived, the bill to provide for the payment of in terest to the hanks o"r man town and Delaware County, on account of their relief istuel.' ! Mr. Daraie, from the Committee on Finance, j reported the bill for the payment of the interest on the public debt of the Commonwealth.' . Mr. Sanderson reported, with amendments, a bill to enable the executors and administrator! of decedents to perfect title in certain cases. Bilh Krad in Po, Mr. Gi His, to regulate suits against administrators, . . . . Mr. Smith, to make embezzlement of tbe pub lic moneys by attorneya a felony. . , The Trn-lfour System The auhject of the ten-hour system, and the employment of chil dren In factories, next came up, and elicited an interesting debate, which afforded an index to the probable fate of the bills now before the Le gislature, giving sanction to the system. The matter was brought npby Mr. Sanderson, (Whig ) who introduced a resolution for the appointment of a committee of five from each home,' to whom should be referred all the tills and petitions on the subject, with power te send a tub commit tee throughout the State, to obtain 'information at to thenecettity of legislation in the matter. Messrs. Black atui Small; both Dcmncrata, op posed the resolution, because they conceived the sntricient. information had already been obtained, and was in possession of Senstors to enable them to vote intelligently upon the ten-hour factory bill. They also argued, that as the committee Would have a wide field of operation, their labors would be long and heavy, and could not be brought to a close during the present session This would, therefore, defeat the proposition for the pretent They were prepared, they said, to vote on the question now, and to tay that no man or woman ought to be compelled to'labor more than ten houra a day,' and that children no de r twelve yeara of age should be released and excluded from factory labor altogether. ' 'I1 7 Mr. Da r sir. (Whig.) supported the resolution, but declared be wwu'.d not serve on the commit tee. . :i- . r i i : . . " -.a ;-- ' . .'. Mr. Smith, (Whig.) opposed it and expressed an entire readiaets. to give a legal character ta ttle ten-hour system, viirv Messrs. Sandersqn and Smith bad a sharp tilt, in which tbe latter lost bia temper, and was very near ssying severe things of the former, when the Speaker pro (rm-jMr. Middletwarth, called him to order. 'The question was taken, after considerable de bate upon tbe resolution, when it waa rtjtcltd in a call of the yeaa and nays, aa follows: Veas Messrs. Benner, Crabb, Darsie, Harris. Johnson (Erie,) Johnson (Armstrong) Levis, Mstlhiss, Middletwarth, Richards, Sanderson, Williamson, Speaker 12 ' "' ' ' 1 Naya Messrs. Best, Black, Boaa, Brawley, Creacralt: Fortriti s:ilti. V,r, M..nn Potteiger, Rich, Sadler, Sankey, Small, Smith, Smyser, Streetoe lt,v ": '' Thia Is, 4o my mind, pretty clear indication that a nujvMy f the Senate are prepared to g. with the public in limiting, as mark as practice. ble, tha bour of Ubor, aud ia protecliag chit dren, under twelve yeara of age. from Ike oVfoim ing ant jiaini'ul toils af factory. ; Tba only tfafs firulty whjcb I can. foresee is in the application of b law io the various cmplofrpeuta of the lop'e, (The great majority of the friends of the measure desire that it ahall only extend l milla ad factories. They feel that it will be difficult, if not (mposaibleo apply it to many Jradea and professions, and that it would bs prejudicial to Ita BBCcet'a Yo attempt to extend R to every wpik, ahop in tbe Sate.; ' Enough will be gained by establishing the system in the Tactoriea. Hoi-at ' Mr.' I vea, on leave, presented 'five pe titieas from the county of Sullivan, for new com miasioaera to locate their rounty seat. ' 7' . in-,- , . :: .. ' s . I i . ) ' Jtn. 24. " : SiMATa -The Houea resolutions, relative to i cheap postage ayatem, were taken op and pasted. HODts. Mr. Krick presented a petition to exempt membera of Fire Corapaniea from mili taryduty,.. ,. I Mt. Wikox, imorwUots aruaat the ia charter of any old bank or the charter of new bankt, and aaking for a free banking lav Mr. llallowell, of Montgomery, offered fullo'ving resolution, which waa adopted : Resolved, That the commiltee of Ways Means be Instructed to Inquire info the exf ency of abolishini the office of Mercantile praiaers in the several conntiea of thit Comn wealth, except Philadelphia and Allegheny, thst the Asteraota be required to perform t duties, i . .. - , Mp. Ives reported a supplement to the act provide for the survey of a route to avoid th cfined plane on the Columbia RailroaiL . Ctmt iftJ t.lee tot "" Mr. r.ushnelf.'frnm I select committee to whom waa referred the n I terot tbe contested election from Luxerne, it a report setting forth that tbey had inveatifi the larts of the rase, and Were satisfied from evidence adduced that Jamea W. Co IT, thesiti w'mb' entitled to hia teat, and that Jo C Be"ch' th' f on",". ' eatal. c'im- 'l be :ePor rd and laid on tabtr. B;ilr(,iJin Plav Mt: Hallowell, of Mon mery, anket relative to rotoner's inquests. 11 vides for reducing tbe expense. , . The bill to abolish the board of Revenue C misaionert was again taken tip on second read end the consideration of the tame wst postpo till the 20th inst ' ' , (Correspondence af the Public Ledger mon wAinttuiux. . Washington, Jan. 22, 184f I Sf e that the Washington correspondent New York paper attempted to discredit the sd meut I made to you about Generals Scott, Wo and Pillow,. , . r .. . ... My -opinion remains - unshaken, till 1 shall a better authority than the conespoiident of above mentioned New Yotk paper, that Gem Worth has been ordered to be released, and t he it now at the head of his division. He ran of course, be commander-in-chief, as lung as Major General's commission of Wm. P. Bu' datet further back than hit brevet rank. Gen.', Worth will not be tried now, and if C Scott ia pretent at the Court ol Inquiry of low and Duncan, it will in my bumble ji ment be as a witness. . "' - My opinion ia that Gen. Scott will come hi and shake hands with bit friends in Washing and elaett here, and that the opposition will welcome to make the most of it, under all cumstanres. ' . . . - Tha declaration of tbe President and the Departments, that the. Palmetto Regiment two rrgimente from Pennsylvania and the I lor I: regiment, who are all greatly renurei loss in actions, from sickness and hard serv will be discharged, and the Volunteers alio to return home, the moment they are repl by regulars, cannot but have a strong eftVr the membera from South' Carolina, Pennsj nia and- New ; York,; who most have a de courage, if they attempt tu vote against the Regiment Bill, under these circumstances. 1 will , under these circumstances, have to am their constituents for maiiy valuable lives, be accountable for many a bereavement. ' ' ' Jan 2 The news which reached here by the night's mail, oi the ceruiuly id Gen. Herri t'lection to the Presidency in Mexico, is Im opon in a high quarter a? the harbinger of pi but do not i-te that there is, . iiutnhstaii( this probable event, any substantial pnwpei peace.-' llerrera was, no doubt, from the c mencetnrnt, for recnvuig Slidt-1!, and fur tlio' the difficulties bet worn the two count by treaty, but he was overruled then, anil w. ' . - , v ... , ... .. i, v - no doubt be overruled new, were otsr (roup be withdrawn from M xicm r ' The town i; full of rumors pf pea:e couti eiooerti which are daily expecltd Irom Mex w I doubt whether the administration wi venture" to trest with them. There isnoj iroment iu Mexico that can five security tl.e future, though it mey nominally give demnity fur the past. ' No government treai with us now can givtt security for ita owu e tence in future, and can ouly Use and treat v us under the protection of our army, 1 hi the elder Mr. liurbide himself sjy, jocoaeh be aure, but not great truth andlorec "There ia no peace to be made with Mej that can last after the withdrawal ot the Ait ican troops, and the only way to secure iudt f n"T or ,h fx veaniy for the futun ! to lake half of Mexico as an indemnity and (other hall at aecunty for the future,". 1 th 1 there ia more in this apparently innocent 11 mot than Would appear at first "inspection. ...... Jan. 2i There was Cabinet meetinjf late thia ev 1 in;, which lasted aeveral hoora.and the cone i ,ion tft,ms ,0 ,hll h con,eoU Mf Tf . despatchea formed tbe auhject of then delinc lion. 1 am prepared to sec a peac? written paper or parchment, go into thu Senate," en j the preaent mood of Congress, to see it ratifi uX I have no ' idea of its duration, even fo limited ' period. G.iigresa will, novcrthelt ratify the treaty'r-r.lhey will do it ia preennrr Mr. Clay, a ad with the amiatance of Mr. C boun after' which Mr. Clay will be nomina on onerideapj )he l,ord knows, who on I other, with Old Rough end Ready" betwc them. ; r ' 1 ... .-.? .... ... I kno from very reliable aourcs that Gi Taylor wJ not except party . nomination, Iher Wbt or Democratic,' tor tba IVeaidew has oq rfesire to be jVfaident ; nor does know 4 or uudnstaad politic but ii peo think he is capable, b w willing to do the bi fie cart, and administer the jroverrment onpu principles. That, I understand, ia the sum a substance uf Major Bliea' semi-official views the life end tbaractii of Gen. Taylor, t Omirvii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers