Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 29, 1848, Image 1

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: B. MAftnfcR, ! ) resttea-ass ass
)SEPH E13ELY. PnoearaToas.
jr. jr. jutssxit, Baur.
I in Centre Vey, in Ae reoi' 0 T. Ao
, . fr' Start.
IE" AM BRUlA N,r Is pubirsned every 8itm
el TWO DOLLARS pr annum ba
half yearly in advance. No paper diaeontin
.ill ALt arrearage are paid.
subscription received for a 1am period than
loirrn. All commnnicatlone or latter on
tea retain to the offie, to inaure attention,
"' S.B,a 2AS3Sl(, '
urines attended to in the Counties of Nor
4 er lend, Union. Lveneains; end jUotumbie
Rcifor toi . .
I .' A. Farocnr,
6es ABv"''t '
RaUOtM, Mcr:" Co
Sriaiaa, Goon At Co., .? s.
, No. 31 Worth Third street,
(ai tw citt sot!..)
2. MACK. K Y, Auctioheer.
VfiNING SALES of Hrdwate, Cutlery,
Saddlery, Whip. Boot. Shore, Hale, , ;
Cape, Guna, Pistols, Clothing,
Watcbea and Faney Goods,
Mickey's Auction Store, 31 North Third
, near the City Hotel.
e attention of Country Mt rrhante la invited.
3oods arill he a-dd in lota to auit purchaser,
II Good offered will ba warranted equal to the
lenutiona that may be made of them.
B. A large assortment of Good at Private
Jan. in. 1847 ly
Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches
IN . 1 IHIjAI'DuI liJ A.
OLD Lever, full Jewelled,
Silver '. do.
Lepine, Jewelled,
do. do.
Quartiers, fine quality,
Watchee, plain,
Irscetets. '
$ 45 00
M 00
30 00
15 00
10 00
15 00
1 75
4 00
1, on hand, a large etment of Gold end
Iracelels, finger ring, breast pin, hoop ear
gold pen, aitver spoons, auger tonga, thim
old neck, curb and fb chain, gaard key
aellery of every description, at eqaslly low
All I went is a call to convince etrsto
kinda of Watche end Clocks repaired end
ted to keep good time for one year ; old
ilver taught or taken in exchange,
tale, eight day and thirty hour bra clocks,
ch. Clock and Jewelleiy Store, No. 413,
street, above Eleventh, north aide, Phile-
I have eome Gold end Silver Lever,!
heeper than the above price. ... .
delphia, Dec. 26, 1846. ly
rV TUe i.76.or o. f.
acturers of Premium Odd Fel
lows Regalia,
94 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA,
rat Clothing Store below 6th Street.
subscriber having taken the premium at
nklin Institute, at the laal exhibition, for
Regalia, they invite the attention of the
their eatabliehment, whero they will find a
assortment nf P.G.and Encampment Re
They also make to order for Lodge and
menu. Regalia, Saahea, Costume and
nd furnish every thing requisite for ih
nee of new Ludgeeor Emampmenta.
J. W. STOKES, ..
lelphia, Dec 19, 146. ly
North 3d st., third door above
Market Street, H ,
: EVERY EVENING, of a general -
ment of Poreitn and Domestic Hardware,
end Pocket Cutlery. Trunk, Locke, .
rheta, Bolta. Saw, SaiUlery, Whip,
lama, Shoea, Hate, Cap, Guna, " ''
Pkvtola, Trimmings, Cl.hig
and Fancy Good. .
Mention of city and country ilealera ia in
(tie Good are freih, and will be warranted
the representation thai may be made of
BAY LIS At BKOHKtSK, AueluMtrrt,
No. 6 North Third t.
Purchaana can have their tioml packed,
nvoicea of Goode have been received to be
livate sale
elphia, Dec I9ih, 1846. ly
idtie will pleaae olieerve that no Brandietb
are genuine, unless the lxi haa three ls-
n it, ( the top, the eiile and the bottom
taining a fo simile of my band'
bus B. Baaaaaara, M. D. Tbee le-
engraved on steel, beeutifully designed,
1 at an eipeuse f over $ 3,000. Therefore
een that the only thing necweary to pro.
medicine in iu purity, i to obeer ve $heee
ither the top, the aide, ' and the bottom,
wing respective parson are dulv author!
hold . . ; ( I
frTxncATss or AOBxecY
ale of Brandreik't Vegetable ihuver$a.
.. t i rum: ..
imberland ceuntv : M Ulan Mac key 4k
lin. Hunbury H. B. Maaaer. M'Cwene-
4and 0l Meitrll. Nurthumliland Wm
Georgetown J. tc J. Walle.
Cuunty ; New Berlin. Bogar A Win
linagrove-George Gundium, . Middle-
tee Smith.' Beavertewn David Hubler,
VgWm. J.May. Mifflinaboig Menach
Hartleloa Daniel Long. Preeberg-
j. Moyer. Lewiaburg Walla cc Green.
bia county t Danville E. B, Reynold
larwick Shaman A Rittenhouae. Cat
C G. Brobta. Bkmburg John R.
Jeieey Town Levi Bieel. . Washington,
Cv. Llrneatone Uallet ft M:N!cb.
e that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer
;' Agency, containing a repreaantelion of
N'DRETH'H ManOfaolory at Sing Sing,
which will aUo be eeen eiad copiee of
labtlt now uted upon the Brandrttk PiM
,. ., , ...r .
elphia. oJRoa N. t. North fcb atreeC
ilk. 1843.
Abwlute eequieaeenee in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which
Iljr Manner k. Elscljr
Iai0v)ol Aelalreae mt gate Oewvnar ef Pa.,
MCUVMttt JASCABT 18, 1849.
Pkiknds and Fellow CimsNs: In appear
injr before yon, to renew the eolemn obliffation
of fidelity to the Constitution, and my pledge,
for the feiihful eiecutino of tht duties to which
the axiflrayee of the people have again called
me, I avail myself of your preaonce to egpres
to you, sndthrottfrh yoo to my fellow citizens
of the Commonwealth, my rstitude for the fa.
ror with which they have regarded my e fieri e
to (.'"Charge the duties ot my trust in food faith.
The praet?".! knowledge which I have acqui
red of the snd complicated duties of the
Chief Executive Majriatrste of the State, increa
ses the diatrust I have always felt, of eny ability
so to perform them, as to justify the public ap
proval, and conetrains me to solicit critinu
ance ot the same kind indulgence which lias
been hitherto extended to me so generously. -
In taking the eolemn which the Con
stitution exacts from sll who sre clothed with
the delegated will of the people, it ia proper to j
recall to mind the principles upon which our go.
vernmentii based thA their spirit and mean
ing may be apprehended, their value apprecia
ted, snd the obligation to guard them, with un
tiring vigilance, enforced.
In the formation of our government, political
power has been reeolved into its sitnpleat ele
ment. It is the power of the people, by the ex
pression of their will, in free and equal elec
tions, to rule 1 and thia aaaumea for it basis, the
great fundamental truth, that men ts capable
tif tclf government. '
Thia great politics! principle, only partially
developed before, wae, by onr republican fathers
made the ground-work of written conetilu
lion, which di fined and limited the pnwera
of government, and prescribed the duties of
those to whom it administration was entrust
ed. Thia is tl.e animating principle of tor
whole system. .' It shield life and liberty, the
eqitmtion end enjoyment of property snd re
potation. . Assuming the inherent end exclu-
ive right of the people to . inetitute govern
ment for their peace, eafety snd happtneae, it
r curve religious freedom, free snd equal elec
tions, the trial by jury, general education, the
liberty of the pree,and sll the esseatisl guards
ol religious, political, civil snd personal right.
This democratic power of government, ia the
security of liberty ia sll its fronts and no
other fundamental, political power, is recog
nized in thia country.
Its happy influence is traced, in the rewsrds
which follow industry and enterprize among
us, with suen setonwning rapttiiiy. nut as
eslth increaaea, cause that are inherent in
human nature, produce inequality in its distri
bution. The father of our government, toreaw
the tendency of this, and that it might eventu
ate in the creation of a permanent aristocracy of
wealth. Wisely guarding against it, they not
only abolished the laws of primogeniture snd j
entails, and enacted our equal law of descent
and distribution, but they secured to. tie, their
posterity, the .equal right of acquiring, noeees
sing snd protecting property, by nvsking it an
essential srticle ot the Conatitutioo.
, Still, political aociety, is, and alwaya muat be
influenced, to S considerable extent, by the di"
terirwg circumstance of the people. Cspital snd
labor, if regarded separately, have apparently
different interests . and yet thees powers, it
left to their unrestricted action, under the sslu-
tsry influence of our system, mutually sustsin
snd ehcriah'each other. Those who repre
sent each, will, in the progress of affair, change
their position laborer will become capitaliata
laborer 1 and these quiet, and peaeVul, and
equalizing revolutions, wijl be ever in progress;
neither power predominating, or injurmualy
controlling the other ; but both contributing, in
perfect harmony, to tbe promotion of the gener
al welfare, .. .- -.i .
It is to this free snd natural sombinatloo of
labor and capital, under, the contiolling influ
ence of religioua and civil liberty, that we must
crib the unexampled progress of civilisation
snd refinement assoatgat , the advance of sci
ence snd tbe arte, sad the illuatrationa which
surround 41s on every aide, ot the power of man
to exaM hia moral and intellectual nature. ' Yet
it ia s (bet, not to be concealed, that the inter
esta, so beneflcratly Snd justly ' united by the
wie policy otoor system, sre not alwaya con
tent with that eqnafity of right, " which iain
fact 'he beat security of both. ' Capital, with
untiring mduatry, is ever reeking, from the
Legislature, the grant' of special protection snd
perpetuity of privilege.' This, if admitted, ia
at once destructive of the balance bet ween these
powers,' which It should be lbs aim .of, govern
ment stesdily. to maintain, snd works most in
juriooaly to the ciliseu, leadiog to oppression 00
the one hand, snd to dependence on the other.
Thus, the beautiful order of the whole ayetem
ie deranged, snd (he fouodatiooe epon which
this noble atrsctur of govsrsinent ha risen, to
com meed the admiration and control the desti
nies of the world, sre undermined. ' To coun
teract thia Injuriooa tendency of capital, snd to
confine it within the just limits prescribed by
1 -
Bunburr, Worlhuruberland Co.
the Consfi'ution, ia the high snd impetitiveduty
of every cif sen, end especially of those to
wrtove official guardianahip the public interests
sre confided. , .
Impressed wtth the force of this obligation,
snd with s fited purpose to maintain sll the
principles of our government, I adhere to the
opinions 1 had the honor t announce in my
iret InsugtKal Address; and I svall myself of
tdii occasion to add, that I hold every attempt
on the part of thiee who are entrusted with de
legated and limited powers, to create public
debt without providing smpte means for its pay
ment, within a reasonable period ; to make con
tracts in the form of grants to individuate for
binding posterity ; to create new powers of go
vernment, without the consent of the people ;
to place any delegated powers, which sre de
pendent iipnn the popular will, beyond its con
trol ; to increase or diminiah any executive, le
gislative or judicial power, ae defined by the
Constitution, ie interdicted by that instrument,
or manifestly unwise snd impolitic. These o
pinhina are only a response to the public senti
ment, in regsrd to I lie principles of the govern
ment, which sentiment is always in advance of
those who affect to ditrost the judgment of the
people, and doubt their capacity to rule them
selves.' ' '
. With an earnest desire fully to realize the
imposing solemnity of my position, and feeling
my dependence upon our Heavenly Father, I
humbly invoke His assistance, that Ilia strength
may sustain, and His wisdom direct me in the
performance of sll the duties of the high office
to which I im called; that I may alwaya recog
nize the responsibility of those to whom the
people have delegated any portion ol their ao
voreignty, and use the power conferred upon
me, for the aingte purpose of promoting the pub
lic good, preserving inviolate all the cherieheo
principles of liberty, snd sdding to the stability
of the foundations upon which they rest.
' ' FRS. R. SHUNK.
3IIKS4 Race mt Ih Srnsrlea swri Steals.
,. Dr. Tachudi, a distinguished German natura
list, haa recently published a work entitled "Tra
vel in Peru," which i well known, . In thin
work he give a lint of thecroMea resulting from
the intermixture of the Spanish with the Indian
and negro racea in that eootttry. The' settle
ment of Mexico by the Spaniards took place at
tbe same time, and the iutermixtnr of racea kaa
been per hap greater in that country than in Peru.
An officer of our army inform ua that the Mexi
can soldiers present the most unequal cbaractera
that can be met with anywhere in the world.
Soma are brave, and maay other quite the re
verie, and poMCMing th baaeat and moat barba
rous qiialitiea. This, doubtless, ii a result in
part of tbe crossings of th racea.
. The following ia Tsehndi's liat of the cros
sing in Peru: ,.i
r-ABKNTS - ' ClUI.PtaN. '
White father and negro mother. Mulatto.
White father and Indian mother, Meatiea.
Indian father and negro mother, Cbme.
Whit father and mullattn mother, Cnarteron.
Whit father and aneetiza mother, ' Creole, pale
..( ' brownish complexion
White father and chino mother, Chino Blafteo.
White father fc cuarterena mother, Quintero.
White father aod quintero mother,' ' White.
Negro father snd Indian mother, " ' Zambo. ' '
Negro father and mullatto mother, Zambo-negro
Negro father and meettza mother, Mofhtto-oacurb
Negro father and chino mother,- ' Zambo chino
Negro father and aambo mother, Zambo negro,
...v.n -. i . - - . t - perfectly black
Negro father and quintero mother,'' Mulatto ra
b -'." 1...- ia tu,-.'.-.i. ' therdark
Indian father and analatt mother, Cbino oscoro
Indian father and mestiza mother, ' Meatita-cla-
- 1 1 ro, 'frequently very beautiful.
Indian father and ehiao mother, ' Chino-oacuro,
Indian father and zambo mother, Zamho-claro
Indian father Jr. ebino-'claro mother, Indian with
., . . ! : fritly hair.
Indian fhthat and qaiatera mother, Mestizo, r
.1 'i v. .-,. 1,. v.- therbrowa
Mulatto father and Zambo mother, Zambo, a ml
r..i ' ; - ' aerable race.
Mulatto rather and meatiea' mother, Chino,"- ra
. i I ther clear eomplexlon
Mulatto father and chine nvather,' Chino, rather
.. The effect of such intermixture upon tbe cha
rncter ia tbua atatea by Vr. l aebudi : "To Ce
fin their aninds partake of th mixture of their
bleed. 'As -a general rul it' may be fairly said
that they saite m themselves sll ths faults, with
ant any of the virtues of their 'progenitors; ss
men tbey are generally inferior to tbe pure racea
aadas members of society they sre the worst
class of citizens." -
AStsahok PxTThe I'hiUdelphi fp$t
ssyathst lady in lhat city is sucklipg tbe cub
fa Bepgal tigress, belong iog to Rsymoo4 rV
Warring' menagerie, the sir of which in a
lion.: jThf tep4P0thft tolbi half lion snd halt-
tiger, , keeps her charge in a nurse drawer
snd in tbe morning when her husband fete out
of bed, he take the little sharp clawed fellow
ootj snd nieces it in the wed with big wife to
suckle ! Many tigtr has bees thus suckled
there i. no appeal' hut to force, the vital principle
pa. Saturday, Jan. 29, 1848.
r William O. Butler, one of the heroes of Mnn.
terey, waa born of a family memorable fur its
military renown. His grandfather waaa native
of Ireland, but emigrated to America about ths
middle of the laat century, and settled io Penn
sylvania. When the war of independence
broke out, the whole male portion nf his descen
ds nte, five stalwart sons, entered tho irmy.
The patriotism of the siro snd his children be
came so celebrated that Washington once gave),
aa a toast 'The. Butlers snd their five sons'
La Fayette wss scenstnmed to say of them
When I wanted s thing well done, I ordered s
Butler to do it '
The subject of this biography waa the second
eon of Percival Cutler, the fourth in order of
these five revolutionary brothers, William O.
Butler hsd just finished his collegiate course,
ard waa preparing to study law, when the war
of 1812 broke out. . The surrender of Detroit
amused the patriotism of every American, es
pecially of the eons of Kentucky ; snd s large
force immediately volunteered to march on Ca
nada and Chsstise the enemy. Among those
who enlisted wss young Cutler; he entered sa
private in Cspta in Hart's company of infan
try ; but, before the army marched, waa elected
a corporal. Soon after he waa made an ensign
in the 17th infantry. Thia wing of the army,
under Gen. Winchester, advanced on the river J
Raisin, which they reached after a toilsome
msrch in the dead of winter. No historian hsa
as yet done justice to the privations endured by
theae brave Kentuckians. Butler waa present
at both the actiona on the Raiain, and on each
occasion displayed great intrepidity. In the
first battle, which waa fought on the 16th of Ja
nuary 1814, the Americans were victorious
In the second snd more memorable one, which
occurred fur days later, they were defeated.
In this lstter conflict Butler received s dange
rous wound. The manner in which he recei
ved it illustrate hi bravery en forcibly, and ia
so well told by Kendall, in hia biography, that
we quote the paragraph entire. 'After the
route and massacre of the right wing, belonging
to Welle' command, the whole force of the Bri
tish and Indians wss concentrated sgaicst the
small body of troops under Msjor Madison, that
maintained their ground within the picketed
gardens. A double barn, commanding the plot
of ground on which the Kentu;kian stood, wss
approached on one aide by the Indians, under
the cover of sn orchard sod fence; tho British,
on the other side, being so posted as to com
mand the apace between it snd the pickets. A
party in the rear of the barn were discovered
advancing to lake rjoaeesaion of it. All ssw the
fatal coneequencea of the secure lodgment of
the enemy in s place which would present eve
ry man within the pickets at close rifl ahot to
the aim of their marksmen. Mjr Madison
inquired if there was no one who would volun
teer to run the gauntlet of the fire of the Bri
tish and Indian lines, and put a torch to the com
bustibles within tbe barn, to save the remnat.t
of the little arniy from sacrifice. Butler, with
out a moment's delay, took some blszing sticks
from s fire st hsnd, lesped tbe pickets, and run
ning at hia utmost speed, thrust the fire into the
straw within tho barn. One who waa sn snx
ous spectator of the event we narrate, says.
although volley upon valley waa fired at him.
Butler, after making anme atepeen hia way hack,
turned to see if the fire hsd taken, snd not being
satisfied, returned ' to the barn and act it in a
blase.' ; As the conflagration grew, the enemy
waa seen retreating from the rear of the build
ing, which they had entered at on end aa the
flame ascended in the other. Soon after reach
ing the pickets in safety, amid the ahouta of
hia friend, b waa struck by a ball in hia breast.
Believing from the pain he lelt lhat it had pe
netrated his cheat, turning to Adjutant (now
Gen.) McCalle, one nf hia Lexington comrades,
and pressing Lis hand to the spot, he said, ),
fesr this shot ia mortal, nut while I em sble to
move, I will do my duty.' To th anxious in
quiries of his friend, who met hint soon sfter
ward, he opened his vest, with a smile, and
showed him that the ball had pent Itself on the
thick wadding nf his cost Snd on his breast
bone. He suffered, however, for many weeks.'
Butler waa one of the few wounded who es
caped the massacre, by which Proctor violated
hi word and earned for himself an immortality
of ahame. ' The young officer waa marched
through Canada to Fort fliagra, euflVring with
pain, hunger, fatigue and the inclemency of th
weather. Hi natural buoyancy of apiril did
not, however, give way, even under theae dis
couraging circumstances , snd he whiled swsy
his leisure by cultivating poetry, for which he
had eome Ulcst, In IS14 he sraa exchanged,
and joined Gen. Jackson in the South, with ths
rank of captain. He arrived at bead-quarters
just in time to join in the attack on Pensseols,
being tbe only officer, st the head of the new
Tennessee levies, who wss thus prompt. Fol
lowing Gen. Jackson to Nsvr Orleans, be parti
cipated in the set ion of tbe 23d of December,
1814, which wss preliminary to the great bat
tl of the 8th, an! exercised a powerful ioflu
end immediate parent of deapotiem.
, Jarvanso.
Tol. 8--X0. 10 Whole If o, 33
ence on tbe fortunes of that day. During the
conflict, the commander of the regiment got
Inst in the darkness, when Butler sv senior offi
cer, placed himself at the head of the men, and
led them to repeated charges. . Ho also fought
at the more decisive bottle of the 6th. For hia
meritorious eonduct in this campaign he waa
made major by brevet. Soon after, G'nersl
Jackson appointed him hia aid decamp, in
which situation tie continued until he abandoned
the am y.
In 1917, with the rank of colonel, Butler re
tired to private life. Hi now resumed the atu
dy of the law, married, and eettled on his petri
mwial possessions at the confluence of the O
hio snd Kentucky rivers. Here, for twenty
five years, he resided in enmpsrative retire
ment, a mode of life admirably auited to hi re
fined tastes and hia fondcees for domestic life.
Without a particle of what ia usually called am
bition, he had no deaire for popular office, ex
cept ao far as he believed he could by holding
public trusts, be conducive to the common weal.
At Isst, in a political crisis, he was induced by
his friends to become s candidate for Congress.
Twice he was elected, snd would have been e
third time, perhaps, had be not absolutely decli
ned. In 1844 be bees m the candidate of his
party for Governor of Kentucky, when he as
sisted, by his general popularity, considerably
In diminish the ususl majority of the Whig par.
ty . and this, notwithstanding hiv opponent waa
an estimable man. Butler belongs to the de
mocratic side in politics. He lias never, how
evrr, been considered a violent partizan.
When the war with Mexico broke out, he
was created s Alsjnr Gwrsl. He msrehed
with the Kentucky and other volunteers to the
aid nf General Taylor, and was with that hero
at Monterey. In this terrible siege, Butler was
second in command. lie, like Gen. Taylor,
ssw the Importance of seizing the Ssltillo road,
and fully favored the movement of Gen. Worth
to turn the enemy's left. From the narrative
of Mjr Thomas, one of the General's compan
ions in srms, we quote the following detailed
account of hia heroism on that day :
Worth marched on Sunday, September 20ih,
thus leaving Twiggs1 and Butler divisions
with Gen. Taylor. Gen. Butler wa in favor
ot throwing hi division across the St. John's ri
ver, and approaching the town from the east,
which was at first determined upon. Thia waa
changed, as it would leave but one, and per-
hps the emailed division, to gusrd the camp,
snd attsck in front. The 20th the general also
reconnoitered the enemy's position. Early in
the morning of the 21st the force was ordered
out to create a diversion in favoi of Wortl), that
he might gain hia position ; and before our di
vision came within long range of the enemy's
principal battery, the font of Twiggs', diviaion
had been ordered down to the northeast aide of
the town, to make an armed reconnoirance of
the advanced battery, and to take it if it could
be done without great loss The volunteer di
vision was scarcely formed in rear of our how
itzer and mortar battery, established the night
previous under cover ot a riao of ground, before
tho infantry Bent down to the northeast aide ol
the town became closely and hotly engaged, the
hatteriea of that divi.ioo were aent down, and
ve teere then ordered to tupport the attack.'
Leaving the Kentucky regiment to support th
mortar and howitg'r battery, the general rap
idly put in march, by a flank movement, the
other three regiment, moving for some one snd
s half or two mile under s heavy fir of round
shot. , As further ordered, tha Ohio regiment
wa detached from Quitman's brigade, and led
by the general (at thia time accompanied by
Gen. Taylor) into the town. Quitman carried
his brigade directly on the battery first attack
ed, and gallantly carried it. Before thia, bow
ever, sa we entered the suburbs, the chief engi
neer came up and advised ua to withdraw, as
the object of, th attack had failed, and if we mo
ved on we must meet with grest loss. Th
general waa loath to tall hack without consult
ing with General Taylor, which h did do Ih
general being but a short distance ofC As we
were withdrawing, news came lhat Quitman
had carried the battery, aud General Butk-r led
the Ohio regiment back to the town at a differ
ent point. . lo the atreet we became cxpoaed lo
a line of batteriea on the opposite side ot a small
stream, and also from a ttte sfe ponf (bridge
head) which enfiladed us, . Our men fell rapid
ly aa we moved up the at rev t to get a poaition
to charge the battery across the stream. Com
ing to a crua street, the general reconnoitered
tbe pvsitinn, and determined to charge from
that point, aent me back a abort distance to stop
the firing, and advance the regiment with the
bayonet. I had just left him, when he was struck
in the leg, being on foot, and waa obliged to
leave the fieW. ; .
' On entering the town, the general and hie
tronpa became at once hatly engaged at short
muakel range. He hsd to snake his reconnoi
saoces under heavy fire, ' This he did unflinch
ingly, sod by exposing bis person- on oee oc
casion passing through large gateway into a
yard which wss entirely open to ty fhvnur-
riucK, or ADVEnrrssUfca.
t square I insertion, go so
1 do t ds . . . . , ) To
do S ' d . . . 1 di)
Every suhseq sent insertion, . . . W
Yearly Advertisement 1 oneeolumn. ftS hnlf
Column, 18, three squares, git; two squares, fttj
one square, fJ5. Half-yearly t one column, 18 1
half column, $1 t three squares, 8 two squares,
5 ; one square, 3 60.
Advertisements left without directions aa to th
length nf time they ar lo ba published, will b
continued until ordered out, and charged aeoard.
CSiiteen line or less make a aquare.
When he was wounded, at the intersection of
the two streets, he was exposed to a cross fira
of musketry snd grape.
Gen. Butler continued with the army for se
veral months sfter the storming of Monterey,
snd waa in supreme command at Sa'.tillo and.
other plaees. At last his wound, which had
never healed, becoming excessively painful, and
Hmta Anna's advance being, it waa
longer to be dreaded, be solicited snd obtainnl
leave of absence, and returned to the Ugtited
States, where he has since remained. We un
derstand lhat, in consequence ol bia wound, he
will be lame for life. Kendall, who haa lately
written the general'a biography, closes it with
the following description of hia personal appear
ance, and this glowing eulogy on his character .-
"In person Gen. Butler is tall, straight, anil,
handsomely formed, exceedingly active ami.
alert bis mien ie inviting bia manners grace
ful bisgsit sod sir military his countenance
frank and pleaaing the outline of hia feature
of tho aquiline cast, thin and pointed in expres
sion the general contour of his head is Roman.
The character of Gen. Butler in private IHe
ia in fine keeping with thBt exhibited io his pub
lie career. In the domestic circle, care, kind
&eas, assiduous activity in anticipating the wan'
of all around him readineea to forego hia own
gratifications to gratify othets, have become ha
bits growing nut of his affections. His love,
makee perpetual sunshine at hia home.
Among tho neighbors, liberality, afTkbi'ii j.
and active sympathy mark his social intercu ure,
and unbending integrity and justice all h:,s dea
ling. It is too much the habit in Keritucky,
with stern snd fierce men, to carry their perso
ns! and political ends with a high han iL Gen.
Butler, with sll the masculine stre-jjj ih, eon.
age, snd reputation to give succef to attempts
of thia sort, never evinced the eligit'.eat disposi
tion to indulge the power, wbilnt his well-known
firmness always forbade such attempt'on him.
His life haa been one of peace with all men, ' x
cept the enemiea of hi country." icut Cat.
(mportamt Discovert !T. ,e Washington
correspondent of the Ledger 6tates that the dis
covery haa just been made that the r-cfipts in
the Treasury are nearly trven mil'ions larger
than tet forth in Secretary Walktr'g Report !
Thi ia certainly a startling bit ot inte ligence,
and does not speak well for the accuracy in
which the accounts sre kept in the Treasury
Department. How a mistake of such magni
tude could escspe the keen eyes of Mr. Wal
ker, hia Chief Clerk, and all hia minor satellites
ia not only a matter of great astonishment, but
some might think a matter for unqualified re
prehension. A mistake of this kind is calcula
ted toahaken public confidence in the accuracy
of the whole of the tabular etatemente which
appear in Mr. Walker'a report. We presume
that the whole of the loan or 818,500,000. ask
ed for at the beginning of the session will not be .
required now. Philadelphia Bulletin.
Tbe Cincinnsti Atlas ststes thst one tif ti
gresteat natural wonders ever seen is r o- m he.
ing exhibited in thst ci:y, being nothing leg
than a horse covered with wool, instead of hair;
without mane ; with a tail tike an elephat j, and
s beautiful form.
Romance bd Reality.---The NrlU Amer
ican ssys that Dr. Niles, recently appointed Ly
Preaident Polk as Charge d'Aftuirs to Sardinia,
married the widow of Eugene Sue's father, and
their twin daughters sre the origins! of "Kota
and Blanche" ia the Wandering Jew.
IvrzaxmiKi Fact. At a recent dinner gir.
en at the Hotel of Pope and Ormsby, Brooklyn,
the superintendent of the table wss tbe coo lc
of Lord Byron, at Venice.
On the 1st of December tbe Emperor of Rus
sia completed Ibe twenty-second rear of bis
reign; in three years, therefore, he will bive;
arrived at an epoch which baa not been at tam
ed by any of tbe Cxtre before hitn. A 'funda
mental law exieta in Russia, which datea before
the time of Peter the Great, and by wh ch Vtn
Emperor of Russia can reign no mo re aia
twenty five years. After this period he
liged to sbdicste in fsvor of the heir presump
tive of the Imperisl Crown. ' It ie sasn that
his majesty will take up hia ride in
thi country. He will find plenty of sovereigns
here to keep bim in countenance.
1 i', ,
; To PaKrAtK Scrssron Miner! Mkat. Tske
stone currants sugar, snd suet, of each two lb,;
Sultana raisins, boiled beef, (lan and tender,)
of each 1 lb; sour ortartapptce 4 lbs ;the juicn
of two lemons, tbe rind of one season chopped
very fine; mixed epics quarter lb ; candied ni
tron snd lemon peel, of each 2 cz ; snd chop
the whole very fine. The preparation mty ho
varied by adding other epics or flavoring, and
tbe addition of eggs, or the substitution, of chop,
ped fowl or veal, for be, according. 10 fancy
or conveiene.
Th nun, 0f -UrMtisf Msc'ieral Iapcte4
in tk. Stat ( Jrlssasrhuistts last year, waa