Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 22, 1848, Image 1

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. H. B, MAS0, . .? F caCieeaae in
JOSEPH ElgEL?.' S PaornisToaa.
Jr. it. jutssum, E4ur. , , '.. , " ' j ,
Qles in Cenrr jlUey.jn the reqe 0 If. Jo-
r'a Srwc.) !-' ,
TH E " A MErTiffAV UlwbiwKi'd every atur.
day tf TWO DOLLARS per annum to he
paid half yearly In advance.: No paper discontin
ued till Atl arrearages are rait). .
Noeislncriptiona received for less period than
it lowTti. All enmmunicsllnne or letters on
bttslneae relating to the office, 14 insure attention,
must he POST: PAID. ' ' '
" "; H. B. lASSEB.,
Business attended to in Ibe Ctiuntiee of Nor
thuml erland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. ., ,
Refer to I
J - P. ft A; RevncaT,
Lowta ft B iimo.
Pemssa-ft SsnnoaAss, PA4
RaijroLna, Mcr At ft Co.
8rara.- Goon ft Co.,
No. 31 North Third street, v '
' (at -rev. rtTT nTt.) '
C. C M A C K K Y, Auctioneer.
IVeJNINO SALES of Hardwaie. Cutlery,
4 Saddlery, Whip. Boote, Shoes, Hats,
Csps, Guns, Pistols. Clothing,
; Wstche arid Fancy G.mds,
1: At Meekey'e Amnion Ntore, 8 I North Third
etreet, near the City Hotel. . - '. '
The attention of Country Merchants ! invited.
The Goods will lie Id in lot to auit purchasers,
and ill Good offered will be wa'ran-e.l equal to the that may be mad of them.
N. B. A Urge aaaorimarit of Goods at Private
Bale. , Jan. 16 1847. ly.
The Cheapest Cold tand Silver Watches
GOLD Levera, fall Jeweled,
Silver do. do.
i ild Lepinrs, JewrHrit, ,
tiWer. . do. da.
ilr QuDriicm, fin qutity,
Sold Watchra, plain,
ilver 8iectclra,
!o Id Pcnrils,
''old 1) receipt.
. 53 00
30 00
15 00
10 no
15 00
? 00
'4 00
Alan, on hand, a Urge onml of Gutd and
'nir Brarelrtr, finder rinRe, brert pina. hoop ear
ngs old pane, silver aponna, augar tornta, thira
, gold curb and fib chuine, urd krya
id jewellery of eteiy dffcripiton, at equally low
irrs. All I waul i a call to convince cuslo
r. ' "
All kinda of Walchea end Clorka repaired and
nrnnterl to keep good time for one ytar ; old
Id or silver boi ght 01 tkn in exchnnee.
For aale, eight day and thirty h.ur br eloc,
Witch, Cknk and Jewellery Hiore. No. 413
rkcl ftrrct, above leeuth, uorth aide, Phiia-
a. ...... .
Xj" hav eorne Gold and Silvei Levers, still
rh cheaper than the nbove pricea. '
'hilaAm, Ihx. 6. Itj46. -ly .- .
To Tiie I." b.o'r O. F.
. av. ;& e.;. II. 8 T O k E S,
nufaclurers of Premium Odd - Fel
lows' Reralia, ;
194 Marlttt Street) PHILADELPHIA,
First Clothing Store below $ib StrrcU
HE ruWctibers having taken the premium at
Franklin Institute, at the last exhibition, for
irwt Regalia, the invite the attention of the
- to their establiahmmit, where they will find a
did ansortnieol of P.l. and Encttmiiment Re
. " They alo make ti order for Lodge and
.mpmetita, Rrga'ia, 8ahea, tJoume and
s. and furninh veiy -thing requieiie for . the
.-uieiice of new Lodges ot Hniemiimen,.
' K- D.ST'KES.
iladelphia, Dec. 19, 1846. ly : -
6 North 3d st., third door above
- Market Street, . ; ;.
LE EVERY EVEMNtJ, of a general as
Hirtment of Foreisn and Domestic Hardware,
ble and Pocket Cutlery. Truuka, Locks, -Laicheu,
Uolia. 8w, Saikllery, Whips,
Boots, Shoes, Hais, Csi, Guns,
Pistols, .Trimmings, Clothing .
and Fancy G.hmI. .
e attention of city and country dealers is in-
The Goods are frevh. and will be warranted
to Ihe reprpeiitaiiona thai may be made of
BAYLI3&. UROOKER, Audionerrt,
No 6 North Thud t
B. Purchaseis can have their Goode pneked.
it invoices of Goods have been received to lie
: piivsie sale. -
ladelphia. Dec. 19th, 1816. ly
' Counter rellern'
puWic will please observe that no Brandrath
la are aenuine, unless the box hsa three U-
pon it, (the top, the si.le and the Uiltom)
ontaining a fic-similcaignature of my hind
5, thus B. BntaoaB-m, M. D. Theawla.
a engraved on steel, beautifully dsigned,
e at an eipem of over $2,000. Therefore
leseen that the only thing necessary to pro-
e medicine in ita purity, is to observe these
1. . -
ember the lop, the side, and the bottom.
Ilowing respective persona are dulv auihuri
d hold
le sale of Hrandreih'$ Vegetable Vniversa.
bumberland eounlv 1 Milton Mackey ft
eilin. Hunbury H. B. Mjsser.. M'Ewena-
relsnd ft Menell. Northumliland v m.
1. Georgetown J. ft J. Walla,
n County t New Berlin Bogar ft Win
iolinsgroe George Gunjrum, . Middle
Isaac Sanitb. . Bsaveriown David Iluhler.
lurg Wm. J.May, Mifflinsburg Menarh
'. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg
. C. Mover.' Iwisburg Walls ft Green,
labia county 1 Danville E. B. Keynolda
Berwick tthuman ft .Rittenbogse. Cai.
C. G. BrobU. Bloomabura John R.
' Jetary Town Levi Bisel. Washington
IrCay. Limeatone Belli'. & MsNineb.
rut that each A goal baa aa Bagre4 Cer
f Agency, eoouiniog a repreaenUiion of
VNDRETH'B MaDitfaclory at 8ing Sing,
n which will also be seen eiacf copies of
labels now used upon the Bnndnik Pitt
deluhia, ofiice No. 8. Nmtb 8tb stieeL
34 th, 1143.
1,1 K3 UJ Jl-N
..1 ,.:
Absolute acquiescence in the deeMone of 'rtie
Ily IrlaHHPr A. Elely
BXTli AOttDlAriT tttf RgTIG ATldlV lit
i rnnncB. ' i-
Tht allrgtJ attempt nf Ctmnt Nirtlerontktbvet
n , . , r. , Children., ... , , .,,
k .Th firfumalieCM connected with thfl rir.
Clio of the children of Count Mortier, at the Ho
ld Cliatham, in Pari, on the 7lh of NvemKer
lant, at the moment whea he stippnaerf to
be about to immolate them, mttat be frreh in the
riaadpr'e recollection. Since that time hi lami
ly hare inatitotea proceeding for the purpose
nf hvirC ni property placed in ther hahda of
euarb'.iaii" lunatic, which he haa, however,
rcaiated, upon the grounds that he was not mad;
and thai atuSonch he misfit hae determined to
commit sn'ciuy ,0 relieve himtcll of the miaery
canned by hie wi.'eVmiaconduct.yct that fie Lad
no intention of hartninp hie childrr-n, and that a
determination to commit eiiicido by tio meanB
implied alteration ot mii-d. . . . ,
Thia rxtraordinary caa' came on before the
Tribunal of the Seine, on tht,' 10ih orDecembor,
when Mr. Baroche, on the pari of Count Mnrti
er, resisted the interdiction applied f,r. The
care of Itia elient wou'd fully appear in the fol
lowing letter, written the motninu of the alle
ged attempt, ind addrneaed to hie wife.
Nov. 7, 18-17 When thee tinea etitli have
reached you. your sort, your daughter, and my-
celfahalt have ceased to exist. Our prematura
end will have been the inevitable result of your
machinations, and of your infamous conduct to.
wards me aince the birth of my da'jeliter. You
have driven me from your bed, inflicted on me
the eeverert humiliations, and the most poig
nant for a' man of honor to bear. 'I have horn
all for the love and honor of my children. I
have not loved you I have adored you ! Your j
request tr remain at Paris, your every wisi and
desire, have been gratified' with aa much eager
ness ae happiness. Nothing, however, could
satisfy your intractable character. When,
three years aince, you were at Paris, and I ;at
Turin, convinced by four ycara' experience that
I was ste'ul to V(iu, I oflered you an honest
lib. rty libbertv hannft ;)but that was not what
suited you. I then told y u in my Jetter every
day, 'It, aa I think, you have moral or physi
cal averelon to nte; be candid and con tew it.
I do not ask you on thia enbject to enter into
minute explanat ona; merely answer fne, yea
or no. 11 yonr reply in in ttieanirmattve, 1 oner letter to several persona. 1 wisn to lear me
you a friendly "separation t for the life we now mnek of hypocrisy from your lace. In a word,
Ipad does not suit either ihe' one or the others I wih to prevent you the power of showing
nor Ta It honnr&b'.e fo eilhrr of 'us.4 ' You teffose. j your face in the open day.witbout my blood and
to share bed--yon refuse to bear children to'j idyour children .appearing on it. I wieh
me. ' Why. then, did you mrryV ( entroited ijijaflix Ihe iaal of ignominy tn you. That is
you to return to your father, and t 'promised to J what you have wished to dp to me and my chil
lea've you our children. That waa aurely, thejdren.-. My last. thought will bo one of ex- era
greatest sacrifice that I coutd make. I propoa- j (inn aod curves on you, aa well as on your mi-
ed also to return vou your fortune, and to make I
an allowance uf 20,tXK)f. per annum, as long aa
I should remain employed, for the support and
education of my children, as I would not they j
ainHild oeah expt-nse to your fattier. You have j
persisted in pieierving silence on the subject ;
and since my'return lo Paris, and have demand-
ed an expUnation, you replied.- "When you
shall have driven me from your hnuao it wil! be
time enough Kir me to seek an asylum with my
lather." It ia not an jioneift liberty that you
wish you wioh ecandal ; you seek to attract
public attention. ., 1 would not allow it. . When
you returned with me to Turin you were mie
treat nf my house, which did" nut prevent yoa
continuing to humiliate me as a husband, and
aa t man before the public. -You walked the
etreela alone in opposition to my representation
and to the custom of the eountry in which I held
an official ait nation.' ft waa a humiliation for
your husband ynu wished to exasperate him,
and to compel him to drive you from hia house.
"When, three months since, contrary to my
drairea, and, perhaps to my duties, I waa com-
j pellcd todt'insnri leave ofabepnee to accompa- 1
ny ynu. here, I had a - presentiment of what
would hnpp. n. At Ostend ynu were very ae
vere and eroel lowarda me; ynu refttaed me the
drestine case. I would pot die so Cj'iirk for
yon. The imntienee and annoyance of being
obliged through kindneaatotake eare of myself
were imprinted on your countenance. You
bronght me those dispoeitinnt to my poor mo
Iher, whom you have covered with humiliations
of all kind. To avoid aeeing her die of an at
tack of apoplexy, I was obliged to force yoa to
leave her house. In thia I fulfilled your desires;
for letter, evidently written four houra before
your departure, and found in your bed, announ
ced to me your fight, and your abandonment of
your children. This paper alone would havu
been sufficient to condemn you before a tribunal
lo anything I bad wished ; but I hate )he er.'utt
and acaadal to which your deatiny tod the ad
vice to which youbave listeoed appear to com
pel you.' You are to day triumphant you beat
reduced me to despair. You have your . full
liberty; nothing shack lea you. Husband aod
children are annihilated. That ia what you
wish thai ia what you have sough: for for a
long time under the mask of humility and reti
gton. ' You are now mistreaa of your fortune
and your time ; you tan amuse yourself, and
you a. ill have time to satisfy your lovers, be
cause you choote thetn from that c'tre of tocte.
iU ViJ H.U, LL
majority, the ital principle tt Republiee, from which
Suubury, Northumberland Co.
ty who make Ihemaelvea 'pairj of the aervieff
they render. You have apnknn In my family
of the crne aij Perpe., You e rgoqtiently. ob
lice me to )inlse aecret which 1 abould
otherwise hare kept eacred. In nur worst day
I have never wiehetl to make allusion toil." u
' M. Rarnche then diaenntinued the reading of
the letter, which he said wan not fit for the pub
lisher. He, however, in few words elated
the purport of what he was compelled by senee
of decency to withold, Count Mortier waa ill
at Beror-f his wife coming to hja bedeider told
him that ah waa tncitnte dating it from about
thrre mnntl.a. IUt huRhand exclaimed that it
waa impiHaiblej he had then to support the re
proaches of Ilia father-in law. Havintr after
warrfa learnt that the fact of her having been
rncicnt waa correct, and that ahe had mincer
ried ; he thim drew the conclusion that he had
been dishonored. Thia (said M. Baroche) waa
the purport of that part of the tetter which he
refrained from reading. Ho then resumed the
rcnding'tif the letter: '' "' '
In this painful pot-it ion I hnfj but two things
to adopt: to dishonor you and my children, or
to keep ailent. I resigned myself to it ; I kept
my thsme within my own breast, and I forgave
Ju . What haa been Ihe return made for my
efner.ity 7 Yju have made me submit to a
life .which is worse than that ol a galley slave. .
'If I have joined my dear and unfortunate
children in my asd fate, it is becauxe I wished
to withdraw my daughter from the shame and
ignominy which you would reserve to her; she
would become the prey, and the victim of one
of your lovers. You would place her in hia bed,
for your heart is corrupt enough for that. As
to your, son, the poor child has euch a precocity
of intellect that he has fully understood the sor
rowful condition of hia parents. 1 He compre
bends all the shame which you will throw .on
him he is afflicted at it, and bestows on me the
most tender attentions. I prefer seeing those
two angels of my creation in heaven, rather
than they should be in your infmnou hands.
Your mm would eoon have covered you' with hia
contempt and scorn, and would have called you
j to account for the premature death of hia rather,
and for the shame which you have cast on him.
I give you notice that I send copies of thia
serahle father. I -. Comtb Mortikr.'
'Sunday Morning Nov. 7, 1847, P. S A
few words more before I die. , If your Chirac-
ter had not been pitiless and promt, I ahould
,8V0 demanded a taat in'erview with you. I
phonid, perhap, have given you my hand and
piriinne(i mv hame and that of my unfortunate
children. But no, the wile who does not fear to
dishonor husband and children, to drag them
before the tribunals, and In cover them and her
self with mire, that woman ia not accessible to
any feelin? of honor or delicacy. I have there
fore renounced my attention, and stifle that in
stinct of my heart, which won Id have sought
one taat mtetview with you. 1 have not atrenth
to add more. Adieu ' ' ". '
Half past Twelve Kejnicel my agony hee
endured since five o'clock thia morning. ' I
tremble before my poor children, whose exis
tence I mu'et shorten in order to remove my
daughter from your inl'amoua hands. No you
filial I never havo them, in spite of your advisers.
The ignomino'ia advice of your execrable fa
ther, whom you wi',1 one day curse, not withstand
ing the memoriee which you have drawn up to
cover me with infamy, with our children. Our
blood shall be Imprinted on your countenance,
and then, wherever your effrontery and your
assurance shall ed you, you will excite horror.
viz irii.i M.
After concluding the reading of the letter,
the learned gentleman went on to obaerve that
although the charges brought against hia wife
were of the moat eerioue charactar, yet there
waa nothing lo indicate mental alienation. The
learned gentleman then went on to comment on
the different evenla which took place on the 7th
November the day on which the above letter
waa written. In the morning of that day the
Count sent a message to hia wife; but the ana-
wrr returned waa thai ahe could not see tho
children, aa she waa engage-! with her man of
business., Tbia refusal induced the Count to
send Ihe above letter. What, was her conduct
on receiving i'. If ahe had. believed in hia
threat of suicide and two-fold murder, her ftrtl
idea would have been to run to ihe Hotel Chath
am, and endeavor to calm Ihe agitation of her
husband f but alie did not do thie.
She left the house to proceed, perhaps, to the
prefect of police, er to the Chancellor of France.
What ia eertain, ia, that no intimation waa gi
ven to Couul Murtier, who remained e'lut up
with ti children until half paat two, a period
I of more the n two hours a pre te the fret lest
"A Vffi
n jj no
there i no appVel bat to fore', the vfut principle
Pa. Satardaji Jan 22, IS48.
anxiety.- Had be eerinusly contemplated etti
cide, he had abundant' time to have effected it.
At nan pasi iwrytne commissary 01 ponce arri
ved, when Count de Murtier, thinking thai sjme
attempt would be fnade on hia liberty, attempted
to barricade himself. He declared that he
would allow no police officer to enter. The
commissary of. police, . who r'mamed at the
door, heard no Ihreala nf alieddins b'ood. On L
thACjiyitrary h C-imv was calm t he asserted
hia righta and entrenched himself behind Ihe sa-
cred prjnciplea o personaj hbprly,f
The learned gentleman -then went through
the detailaof the plana which had been resorted
to to enter the apartment,' and finally to disarm
nd trke the count into custody, and then pro
ceeds) to read the interrogatory which had la-
ken place, in order to establish the fct nf the
iinniindnessnf the mind ofCotint Mortier, and
concluded hit address to the jury aa'ollowa:
As magistrates and men, I call yotir attention
to the facte of Ihe care. It is for Count Morti
er a matter of lite or death. Rer him condemn
ed, although Calm and in Ml possession nf his
faculties to reside with madmen .' Iy;t him be,
therefore, immediately get at liberty. .
The proceed inga were postponed for a week.
in order lo five lime for the reply of tho coun
sel of Omntee Mortier.
Monday,' the lllth Dec, being appointed for
be hearing nf Ibe counsel on the Countess Mor
ier's side, the Court of Premiere Instance was
crowded at an early hour. A great number of
he family connect inne of the two parties were
present, having entered by the private door;
nd when at last the public were admitted, al.
most every seat was already occupied.. At half,
past 10 the president took hia seat, and the pro
cepdinga then opened.
The counsel for the countese went into a
long account to prove thit the count was or
an uneven temper frequently very violent and
. M. Thrveniti, the Advncat dn Kni, then
bronchi forward his reqnisitory. He declared
that he bad no ohjectiona to offer in point of
form ; he accepted the discussion that waa to
ake place, whether on the basis of common law,
or on the law of 1838. The only question lo be
examined waa, whether or not Count Mortier
waa mad.
An affirmative decision waa probable. The1
letters ot the 7th of November, which were not
only addressed to Madame Mortier, but lo per
sona at too great a distance In he able to prevent
he execution,, of the horrid intent inna of M.
Mortier, were evidently not intended merely to
cauae hie wife lo return to him. There were.
moreover, previous to the sflsir nf Brtiffes, other
scenes of violence, which had been proved by a
number of witnesses, and yet nothing; positive
had resulted from it. M. Mortier would be a
pain interrogated, aa well aa the medical men.
nd an inquiry instituted; until that had been
done, no decision could be come to.
After the Advocat du Rni had concluded, the
Court adjourned, deferring its judgment until
the 15th.
Leap Vxa. Tliia year ia called leap year.
because it is the ladies' piivilege to jump into
the arma of Ihe man ahe fanciea. To prove it
a r-o, we quote from an old work, printed in
IfifK). entitled "Courtship, Love and Matrimo
nii" In Ihe Chapter inlitled When' ye girlea
ehall sparke ye raenne," the learned author thus
"Albeit, it ie nowe a parte of ye Common
Lawe, in regard to re eocial relatione of life.
that aa often as every beaexitle year doth return
ye ladiee have ye sole privilege during the time
it cnnlinueth, ot making love unto ye men,
which they may doe either by wordee or lunkes.
aa unto them it seemed proper ; and, moreover,
no man will be entitled to ye benefit of clergy
who dothe refuse to accept ye offer ol a ladye,
or who dothe in any wise treat her propo.-al
with slight or contuinly."
Therefore, ladiea. you must comply with the
law, and, bringing your csptivo up to Ihe altar,
allow them benefit of clergy.
AaHtBiCAN ArrLae The London Sun saya :
"The arrivals of applee from Ibe United-States
of America are beyond precedent in extent, aud
the quality ie remarkably fine, la seversl in
stances vessels arriving from- Nw York bave
brought aa many aa nearly one thousand pack
agea of thia fruit, of the eicellent description
known as the American Naw Town Pippin "
DcscHASKLLia, the greatest whist player in
the world, dying at Paria, the principal whist
elub there put it$ twdt intt mermrit voted to
play for three months only with cards black
edged. Thia remarkable man ia laid to have had
the genieue of a Newton applied to gamea of
chance. Hia power of combination waa wonder
ful. He bad become an arbitrator of all disputes
in such matters, and bia chair, when be played
at the Club-bouse on tbe Boulevard Montmartrt,
waa suriounded by tbe curious ia a crowd.
Tualatin FaMiag caused Ihe death cf one
hundred aad fifteen tbouaand one hundred and
twenty-nine persona, according to Mr. Crattoa,
a member af Failiaarat.
.TTvn A TvT
' I V I I
anJ immediate 'parpnl of daapotiam. Jarraatoa.
Tol. SIVo. 1ft Whole IVo, 8S9
. L'J.."Jgg"5B?J.. I L JJI Jt-X 1LS ,
Port re II e General Taylor.
The following pleasant and graphie "pen and-
ink alic'eh" of General Taylor, ia from the eb'
pen nf the Rev t)r. Wighfman. senior editor of
IhH Southern CJirintinn Advncntri D.iyhraak
overtook us just below Bib n ftotige, on tho
left bank of ihe river. We have pa'"d during
ihe night that most p!ctiirque portion of the
river called the coast. The alluvial margin
on ho'h sides of the. rivr spreada in breadth
from ronr hnmlred yards to a mile and a half.
Sugar plantations touch each other, and ele
gant residences stretch out as faraa tbe eyo can
Pillow Ihe bold enrvea n' the. river. After ihe
run of 155 miles, ih Mississippi looka note
whit narrower than at New Orleans; its aver
age width is about three quartera of a mile. At
Baton Rouge, where we touch a few minutes
to take in pissnngers, th'-re st finds, in company
with two or three other gentlemen, an elderly,
plain looking man,' who after a brief leave-taking,
rome on board. We shove tiff, the break
fast bell rings, and we find oar way to the table.
I observed that the entrance of our new fellow
voyager' oecnsioned'a subdued remark,' and
brought upon him the curious glancea of sever
al spectators and whispering to the clerk, who
was abotit to take the head ot the table, I asked
who he wiia. "General Taylor," waa the reply
"Indeed 1" Locky chance, Ibougbt I, that threw
me on board this craft. There w aa the verita
ble "Roiiih and Ready" sitting opposite me
sipping hia coffee; the nioet remnrkHble man,
m many respects, in tint Western hemisphere.
I had missed the gorgeous spectacle of hia New
Orleans reception the most magnificent affair
which had ever shaken that city with excite
ment; but vastly better, I had him now where
I could see and study the man a man whose
name belongs to history, and whose achieve
ments pIsco him side by aide wi'h Ihe great
captains of the world. The first thing that
t-trnck me was hia simplicity, an unfailing attri
bute of true greatness. He ate, and curried
himself with the unstudied ease ot a little child.
You would ha ve snppnsed him some plain coun
try gentleman, wha dreamed not of attracting
a look or calling out a remark ' All right in
that line thought I, but how different hnking
and better looking than Ihe' million of litho
eraph likenea which stare ynu in the face at
the shop windows and every where else t
There ia in the living orginal of that
extreme breadth between the chin and the back
of Ihe head, very little of the protrusion ot the
lower hp, lo be f-und in the -Itihngrapha. In
a word, they are a bundle ol caricatures, one
and all. . lie ie precisely ihe height of ycur pre
sent correspondent ; has a considerable sprin
kle of gray hairs, isG'J yearsofaje, erct and
fi'in when on hia feet, with one of the kindliest
expreiisions'of face you ever saw. He bad on
a common blue frock coit with flat buttons, the
covering of which was worn off, showing that
it belonged to an order of things which pissed
away fome two or thn-e years ago. Still hia
dress aa a whole was sufficiently becoming, tho'
exhibiting no trice whatever of the military.
As we rose from tbe breaklast table t waa in
troduced lo the old hero I lold him I waa
from South Carolina, and rejoiced in the good
fortune which had allowed mo to see him and
tell him how much the people of may native
Siale honored and loved him. Hie eyes filled
with tears a he shook my hand w irmly; ani
I saw that the simple assurance of lovo could
affVct profoundly a man who laced Ihe storm of
battle with a nerve that moved. His con vers 1
lion exhibited fine clear, common sense, with
out the slightest tinge of any sort of affectation
or personal vanity. In the course of the dsy
he gsve me the details of the great batl'e of
Bocna Visit, the key to all the successes of the
American arma in Meg co. Hud that field been
loat, tbe fate of the war would l-ave been entire
ly different, even tho' indomitable courage might
in its long run have cut ita way to the Mexican
capital. That v ctory, wonugaiost odd so vast,
ga ve a prestig e to American valor that made
the subsequent battlea conipiratively easy af
fairs. Hut I must put a nub tiron my gallop
ing pen, or you will never see the end of this
epistle. The General remained with us until
I after break'ast the next morning, and waa land.
ed at hirown residence, on the river, some dis
tance above Natchez. I smiled to ae ihe re
publican simplicity with which a couple of hi
negroes, field hands, who happened to be at ihe
landing, walked up as he pot on shore, and
ehonk hands with him without doffing hat or
cap, and th expression ol delight with which
they locked into his faceaahe spoke kindly aid
familiarly lo them. Our engioe bell rang as
soon aa he touched ihe sb. re, and we were ob.
As Aaxassiaa'a ftaooaos I) y, run up
ataira to Ni. 20, and bring down my baggage
hurry, I'm about moving,' aid a tall Arkan
sas meat axe looking person to a waiter at one
of our crack hotala.
What is your baggage, mam. vnd whar is
SVhy. three pUu t pck 0f 'tit t Vowie
bniteanti. wU Ye",, glld bewail under
..y pi'.lo
pi w
. 0 78
. - I 00
Every aubseq ten tinsetlro,, ... : . tS
Verly Advsrtisereeu'e 1 one column, S3A ( half
column, (18, three eeuarra, $I9 two squsrea, f 9 1
one square, $ HeltVyeavty o column, $11
half column, lt three sqrarea, $8 two square,
fS; one equate, Jt3 60, . . . , -,
Advertieemente left without directions as to iie
length of lime they are te be published, will te
ermtineed until entered out, aod charged aoonrd.,
ingty. ...
(Sixteen tinea or h-ea make a aquare.
Tub Ejfrcnoa op AcaTan. A correspondent
of the Newark Advertiser, writing from Vien-
na, givea the following not very flatterin; de
scription of the Emperor of Austria;
"Hia Msjesty of Austria la a short, ill made
man, with a head by far too large for hia body,
and which (the head) he move, cnnattntly a
bout in a sort of nervons, mechanical, twitching
manner. Ha stands, I should judge, not more
thao 5 feel 3, ond ia fast approaching three
score, Hia countenance denotea any thing but
intellect, having a dull, unmeaning expression,
plainly indicative of both mental and physical
imbecility. It is well known that his mind
weak ; he passes much of his time in trifling
amusements, in eating and alecping, and i but
a more machine in the banda of the Km pr east
and Meternich. It gave me a thudJer of mel
ancholy to see such a man, and he the ruler of
millions, pass, through all that aplendid army
of noble looking men, on many of whom God
had plainly set the inprint of genius and power
It U said that an eagle shot by one of hia cour
tiers, was brooybt to him, and on being to'd
that it was an eagle, be denied it, saying. 'No,
no, an eagle ia alwaya double-headed' the lat
ter being tbe national emblem of Austria."
At Acstbiaw Palace. Prince Leichenstein'a
residence at Vienna ia a epecirren of the im
mense coat of some ot the Austrian palaces. A
correspondent of the Newark Advertiser givea
the following account of it;
"For a couple of hours I wandered throuph
apartments filled with the most costly end lux--urioiu
furniture reminding one nf the fairy
palaces described in tho Arabian Nights; ndr
rora covering the w hole side of a room, chiin
deliera of rock crystal and gold, floors o! po'ish
ed wood laid in curious mosaic, sta'uary of Car.
rara marble, bronse of rare workmaphhip, thf.
wallscnvered with rich silk and gold brocadtj,
ceilings of immense height painted in tresco au 1
arabesque, etarcasea, halls and columns nf poti ti
ed marble and gypsum mosaic tables, Sic. In
a word, the interior decorations of this superb
palace cost 8.000.P00 florins, or 4 000 0(10 dol
larsit fnr exceeds any two of the hundreds I
have seen, and ie ruperior to that of tiie Empe
ror's in splendor Iti princely inl.ahitnnt h-s.
an income of upwards of 81.0(10.000 yearly, aid)
is the owner of 99 estates and palaces. N ieu
jecis of Austria can possese more than ifcu
number, unless lie keeps up a standing army so
be controlled by the government. The Pricce,
therefore, contents himself with hia 09, i,ot
caring, I suppose, to piy too dearly for an addi
tions! one."
FionTtso Passos We have seen it stated
that ona-of the eompaniee from Misisippi, at
the battle of Buena Vista, Mas cnmmsMjeil by a
.Methodist minister. Just before tbe battle com
menced, and whilst the troops were fornin g, it
it said he delivered the following pithy prayer, at
tbe head of hia company :
"Be with us thia day in the conflict, oh Lord !
We are few and the enemy are many. Be with t
us as thou wait with Joshua when be went How a
from Gilgal to Beth ho ran and Ajalon, to imi
tbe Amoiitea. Wg do cot a.k tbee for tbe s
and moon to atand still, but grant ui plntyf
daylight, and no cowards Take old Kouh and
Ready under tby special charge. Ameu !
Hia company performed prodigies on the fielJ
that day.
Gi.adutoiai. Scent ix Couai In the County-
Court held in Troy, N. Y., last Fr day a week,
beore Judge C. C. Parmlee, two lawyeis, named
Z, and J P. Conn, got into a fight, the
latter giving tbe former the lie and then striking
him Coon waa twice knocked down by hia
insulted opponent, in the melee, and in attempt
ing to rally and pursue the fioht. Il.ymer seii 'J.
him by the hair and heat bim unmercifully, until.
Judge Parmlee dragged bim off by main force.
A DsscatrTiorrer a Msxicas Lrrtao. Black,
en a man in the aun ; let bia hair grew longer
and tangled, or become filled with vermia ; let :
bim plod a boat the streeta in all kinds of dirt foi -years,
and never know the use of brtuh er towel 1
or water even, except in storms ; let bim put 01 1
a pair of leather breeches at twenty, and wee r
thetn antil forty, without chatgs or ablut on ;
and over all place a torn and blackened and a
tattered blanket begrimmed with abominationi ;
let him bave w ild eyea and shining teeth, a nd
featurea pinched by famine to abarpness ; tret 1st
bared and browned, and (if female) with two or
three minaturea of the same specie tottering f.
ter ber, and another certainty atrapped to br
back ; combine all tbeae to your imaginat ion,
and you bave a receipt for a Mexican leper o.
Brantz Mtyeri Slexi co. tea. A minister expreaainf bia
tbankfulnese to a brother clergyman lor a merci
ful deliverance, said : "Aa I waa lidir g bere
to day, my horse atumbled, and caor.e very
ar throw;0g me from a bridge, where tbe fall
wouli tava killed ma en tbe spot; lM I rl.
taped unhurt."
( ran tell you something mare tbai that," said
tbe ether, "ae I rede here to-day iy harae did
at stamble at all 'i We a te apt te feil
tewiraoa raise.
I sqaare I insert ian, .
I A t 1 de V ! ".
I , do a i'4e a
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