! in .j a . j i . i 1 ... i mi Th Dillally In the Army. The difficulty among prominent officers of onr army app-ars to have been quit a eeriont at wat represented. We publish here tha orders of Gen. Scott reacting npon th officer who war Mid to be under irrrit. Tbey betray no littla 'emner rwrhap wa should y. acarbity of tempeT : Gbbal Okdem No. 3 Was Dkf ARtciT, Aot Oe'. Orrtos, I Washington, Jan. 97, 1647. Tha following regulation hat bean rcived from the tha War Department : Wak Dabtmbrt. I Washington, Jan. 38. 187. . Tha President of tha United Statea direct! that paragraph 050 of the General Regulation, for the Army, estsblished on the 1st of March. 1823 appears, on account of the letter of which ha la tha hero. We hear, federally, that th cauta wat thia : Oen. Pillow having taken ex ception to the finding of a ewrt of inquiry, which finding hat boon approved by Gen. Scott, addressed paper relating to the matter to the Secretary of War, through the commander-in-chief, preeerving copy which he avowed io a lutter accompanying, ht had tent (or would end) directly to th Srcrvtary at Walking ton. Thia transaction ia judged to be a con tempt, and for the ao j'tdgrd contempt Ueneral Pillow ia arreated. Not undemanding the technicahtiea of the cnaft we are not advised whether part of or the whole transaction ie re garded aathe contempt but that ia immntprial. Gen. Worth' arrest ia ihne noticod in the ..... ... " '" '" North American of the 20th ult. : The last arreat occurred yeaterday that ol 1614. be now pitblithed, and that ita obier van a. narf nf tt,. m n.r.l .iilatlnna b strictly enjoined upon the army. By ord.ra of Brwrt Maj. Gen. Worth, and the charge ia, the President : wo contempt toward the commander- (Signed) W. L. Mabct, Secretary of War. in chle, Without full knowledge o( the facta The following it the paragraph of the General w d purpnee to lengthen thi article by Regulation fur the Army, ettabliihed on tha ltt n7 remark upon thia proceeding, of March. 1523, referred to above : . We ahall have more to eay on this grave eub 630 Private letter or reportt, relative to mi- ject another day. litary rnarrbet and operatfona are frequently mil- chievont in dosien. and alwava ditrraceful to the Scudm Dbath or Skatob Faibfuld We army. They are, fherefor, ttrietly forbidden ; ln telegraphic despatch from Washington, am! any officer found guilty of making tuch re- t Mr.. Fauheld, of the L. S. Senate, died aud port for publication, without special permittion deuly in that city on Friday evening. A cor or for placing the writing beyond hie control, to I respondent of the Herald tayi Mr. Fairfield hat thst it finds its way to the press, within one month I been suffering for a long time from a diseaeetl after the termination of the campaign to which j 'pg A year eeo he had a surgical operation it relate, thall be dismissed from the er vice." By command of Maj Gen. Seott. ' " ' .' (Sifned.) - Wa. G. Fkbma, - . ' Att't Adj. General. Giniial Ordkbs No. 310, HsAiHjUAateaeor Tat Abm Mexico, Nov. 12, 1847 made upon it, whuh relieved him, without cau sing any immediate inconvenience. On Friday morning, having the advantage of the adjourn ment over to Monday, for repoie, he seized thi occation again to call in hit physician to repeat the incition, from which he had received tneh benefit in the first experiment. The operation THE AEIEHICAN. Batwrdmf, Janutrn 1, IMS E. IV. C.4R ft. comer of Third and Dock Afreet, Sun Building, uppotile Merchant' Exchange, Philadelphia, it mlto aulhoritcd to act it our Agent. 1 tie attention ol certain olhcers ot this army it wat accordingly made by Dr. Magruder, the re called to the foregoing regulation, which the phytician in the firtt instance. During the day general in chief la resolved to enforce ao far at Dr. May, waa called in, but in the mean time a it may b in hit power. powerful aolntion had been applied to the wound A a a - m a .). ... At yet, out two ecnont irom nome oi trie otu- tb necessity or the cse doubilet suggesting linnt operation of our arm in thia batin have tome tuch stimulus to the neivout system in a reached us ; the first in a New Orleans, and the direct application to the aeat of the disease. But aerond through a Tampico newspaper. the aymptomt rapidly became more alarming It requiret not a little charity to believe that and although everything that the best medical the principal heroet of the tcandalout letten al- skill and experience recommend wat promptly lim-u to dut not write ihenr., or specially procure I supplied the patient's sufferings continued to in them to be written, and the intelligent can beat create till about 7 o'clock thia evening, when, in no lost in conjecturing the author chiefs, parti-1 great agony, he expired sans, and pet familiara. To the honor of the It was but Thurtday that Mr. Fairfield repor- anrvice, the diseese pmnency of fame, not ear- ted, in pursuance of the President's recommen ned cannot have aeized upon half a dozen offi- dationt, the bill for the appointment of assistant cere (present,) all of whom, it i believed, belong purser in the navy. As chairman on naval af- ta the tame two coteries. fairs, b has been industrious, well informed, and l alsecreUit may, no doubt, be obtained at I rueful, in a high degree, to the deliberationa of home, by tuih despicable aelf puffing! and ma- the Senate. He wat a modrit and a valuable lignant exclution of othert ; but at the expense man, and the public, in him, have lost another of the just esteem and consideration of all honor- faithful aervant. Within the abort spare r.f a tile olhcera who love their country, their profet- I year. Pennypacker. of Virginia. Barrow, of ion, and the truth of history. The indignation Louaiana, Speight, of Mississippi, Huntineton, of of the great number of the Utter rlatt cannot Connecticut, and Fairfield, of Maine, all of the :an, in tne euti, to ormg oown tne conceited and Senate, have died. A tevere mortality for u the enviou to their proper level. .mail a body of men By command or Maj Oen. fecott. Mr. Fairfield, w should suppose, waa about ii. I., scott. A. A. A. u. nrty of age. He wa amall in stature and The letters alluded to by Cen. Scott aa "the f a delicate frame, much weakened for a long echota rrom home" are evidently the "Leonidas" time past from the diteate which has thue end Utter, and theothor a letter which appeared firtt denly terminated hia life. But be seldom com m the Pittsburg Post, waa thence transferred to plained waa seldom absent from hie post in any the Lnion, whence w copied it on the 8th Octo- weather er, with aoroe introductory remark, and the But we leave the detail of bis last day of a bol then appeared in a Tampico paper, in gony, and the merit of hi character, and the which Gen. Scott first aaw the letter. Upon the services of bie useful life, to hie physician, bia publication oi ueu. bcott'a order, given above. on,per, and hie immediate associate. Lieut. Col. Duncan came out promptly in the North American with the following frank avow-1 TeLtoaAra to tbx Pacinc The magnetic al of hia connection with the "Tampico letter," I telegraph being now In operation to St. Louit, so called. According to the North American theoewtpeper of that place are talking of ex the "Tampico letter" wa "compiled from two I tending it to tbe Pacific Tbe cost for 2000 lettere written by officer of tbe army in Mexico I anile, at $ 1 90 per mile, is $300,000. The Re. to a brother officer in Pittsburg, for hi eye a-1 veille aaya lone." But read what Col Duncan ha to ssy of I "Looking at what baa been done, we regard it. FOR PRESIDENT, Oen. ZACIIAUY TAT Mill. Democratic Central Taylor Com- mlttee. Hon John C Burlier, of Dauphin county Hon John M Read, of Philadelphia city Hon Richard Vaux do do Robert Alln, Eq do do Andrew Millar, Esq Philadelphia county Samuel D Patterson. Esq. Montgomery county Franklin Vanzant. Esq Bucks county Joseph J Lewis Esq Chester county Dr William tJray, Delaware county Henry W Smith, Esq Berks county Hon Ellis Lewis, Lancaster county Charles W Hegins. Esq. Northumberland CO Hon John Snyder, I'nion county Col James Burnside, Ctntre county Robert J Fisher, Esq. York county Oliver Watson, jr. Esq Lycoming county Gen J K Morehead. Allegheny county ' Col Israel Painter, Westmoreland county Thomas J Power, Esq Beaver county Hon Edward llerrii U, Bradlord county Hendrtck B. Wright, Esq Luxrriif county . Francia W. Hughes, F.q Sc huylkill county James L. Gillis. Esq. Elk county James Peacock. Esq of Dauphin county Hon William Dock do Oen Simon Cameron do Benjamin Park, Esq. do Gail Christian Seilt-r d Philip Dougherty, Esq. . dn . O. Barrptt. F.q. , do Francis C Carson, F.tq. Jo James Brady. Esq. do Edward A. Lesley, Esq. do . K7 Foa Sal. A strong and well made two horse wa-on, entirely new, for sale, cheap, by H. B. Masser. Mexico, Not. 13, 1817. To the Editor of the North American Sir I herewith present a copy of the 'Tampico lew the feaaibility and utility of thit plan a already demonatrated. For the present, it might rest here, but would it continue to do ao Would not the next dash be to connect the Watlametle ier,' characterized ae acandaloaa,' 'despicable, tnd Sacramento valleytt Would not Sao Fran malignant.' &c, in general order No. S49, pub- cisco, Monterey, Lo Angelo. San Diego, soon liehed in the American Star of thia morning. be linked, and the returning line be found on ita To the end that the true character of thia let. wT from thia lt point, flathing up the Gila ter may be known. I desire tht you republish y. once more crossing the mountains, stri .t in your paper, and that none of my brother kin6 lh Del Nort lowSanta Fe, and eveutn ..fficere mav innocently Buffer for a nuMieation M completing the grand circle by linking it i o obnoxious, hereby publicly acknowledge myeelf to be it author. The eu balance of it I oimmuniceied from Tecubaya, aoon after the Little, in a private letter to a friend in Pitta- Iwrg. The etatement in the letter are known by vry many office re of thia army to be true, and I can but think that the publication ot troth ia 1 likely to do violence to individual or the elf, at the capital of New Mexico, with that earlier line which should already have connected New Mexico with Missouri This is certainly txttntiv i but, in support of it, we repeat, O'. ReiUy has Jinialmt tere.nl een hundred milci nf tele graph ilnre Inti June." '. Whitney' project for connecting the Atlantic and Pacific by a line across the Continent is lite rally to be accomplished by the telegraph. This is literally realising wbat waa onr the fanciful girdle ... . ..v...w.. . ... ,uetof l6 poet tbspman, of "putting a juatiee ui nan. worm, (wno ia evidently r0und tbe world." one ol the 'heroes' pointed at in order No. 819.) requiree roe io ataia maine anew noining wnai- ucnkbal CScorr ako Vorth it ia a over of my purpoeR to write the letter in que- aource of very general regret that the cloee Km, nor that it had been written till well on friendship which hat exieted for more then inir- - te way to ite destination ; he never aaw, nor ty year between General Rc tt and Worth lid he ktiow,a dirertly or indirectly, even tho should, for any cause, have boen interrupted. ,Kjrport of one lin, word or eyllabl of it till be The reported arreaU of General Worth and .4 it in print, and he ia equally ignorant ol Pillow, and of Col. Duncan, ia duubtleea true ny dewign lo mak thi declaration, which 1 We have certain information of exiating difli-r do, a 1 wrote the Utter, unprompted and on encea, but are not at liberty to give particular, my owa rponibiliiy. The firat difficulty between Grnerale Scott and Very repcifully, yoor obt aervant, Worth occurred at Puebla in October, ainca Jambm Dcncax, Bre. U. Col.', O. 8. A. which time they have had no intercourse but ol Alter the publication of thi litter. Col. Dun- an official character. Albany Jour. Dee. 23 rm mmm nl.no.l mutor a r re.l. and aubaranentle , n ., , . r; 1 Hon. Sanrsi. Hi bbabo Diad. The Hon. iv..k ti- v..h a m-,i,.n nf r.inin Hubbard, Ju.lge of the Poprem. Court of L . r, . . I Massachusetts, diel at Boston oat he 84 th inst ven. ruiow wa ihii arrencu on icuuum 4 ihe 'LeoDidaa' letter, but oo the following The telegraph ia now io operation Irom Phi. cruutid : ladelpliia to Bt Iioia, a disisDce of 1900 mile, i nera na oeen auotuar arreai, uiaior en. i over wnicn megea arc tent aa quick Pillow, oue of the chrf aforenamed, but not, I thought, OJT VVe publish our carrier'e address this week, not so much for ite merits, aa ita matter in filling up for holidays. 07 Mt'NCT Dam We understand that the late freshet has done considerable injury to thia dam. W presume,- however, that it will be ia good repair at tbe opening of navigation. K7" Smow. While we were anxiously wai ting for snow for wreks past, tbe Pbiladelphians were in the actual enjoyment of the article on Sunday last. It commenced snowing there, on Christmas Hay. Further north, tbe sleighing is good. Several persons arrived her, who ean from Ithaca to Williamsport io a sleigh, the be ginning of tbe week. E7" New Mail Rorta The cititene of Dan ville are getting up a petition for a daily mail route from Potteville to Danville. Milton, and over the Mountains to Williamsport. Distance, 69 milea. The main route should, and we pre sume will be, from Pottsville to Milton by way of Northumberland, which ia only three miles longer, and a much better road. 07" The notea of the Susquehanna County Bank, and of the New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. were no sal at Philadelphia, on Wednesday last. 07" We are idebted to Lieut. Wm. J. Martin, forfilea of tbe "North Amrican" and ' The A mericaa Star," published in the city of Mexico. Tbe North American ia edited by our young friend, W. C. Tobey. We make tbe following extracta from the Star : . "We learned yeaterday, that ae an American was passing through the Almeda, quietly taking a walk, a Mexican took it into bia bead to stone him. After firing one or two vollies, he hit the American in the head, when the latter drew hi revolver and shot him dead." "Sa Fbahcisco Ball.-Wagner fc Co. respect fully inform their friend and the public that they have taken the Ball Room ' in the Second treet of San Francisco, and it will be opened for the present on Tuetday, Thuriday and Sunday. for tha amusement of the public. ' Ticket $?, admitting a gentleman and two ladies." 07" Tub Com'miiia Calci i.atob is the title of a new arithmetic, by Almon Tricknor Thi woik seem lo be admirably adapted to the ease of common schools, leading tbe student by easy gradationa from the simplest to the most complex problems. It is a practical work, in tended for practical purposes, and should be in troduced into our common schools. The work ie published by B. Bannaa, Potteville, and ia for sale at the store of Henry Masser, ia thi place. ' ' ' Fob tub AvtaicA.'' ' At a meeting of the Bar, convened from the county of Northumberland and the adjacent eoun tie, the 30th ult., at the Court Honse in Bun bory, for the purpose of testifying Iheir repect for the memory of their late aaaociate, Tbcnk ebb CatBtoooa, Eaq., deceased, . On motion of Alexander Jordan, Samuel Hepburn, waa; appointed Chairman and John Cooper Secretary, j Whereupon Hugh Bellas, in troducing them with appropriate remarks, offered the following resolutions, which were uuani monsly adopted : Resolved, That, considering the long period of near forty years, ia which tbe decraaed haa beta in the midst of ut a conspicuous member of the legal profession considering the superior talenta which have dittieguithed him bi profound and persevering iaveetigationa, and hia lucid exposi tion of difficult ubjeets hi unshaken fidelity "aa well to the court a to tbe client," aad bia exemplary induatry, in a word hi eminent bility a La wyar, aad en of tbe oldest in f eaa sylvaaia, w could aot, witaoutaaaotioa, receive the intelligeac of bis death ; nor without vio lence t our feeling, witboldour testimony from hi. character,; f 4 H T ', , " ' Resolved, That, in the Court held in thi Borough, where Mr. Oreenough hat ao long real, ded, and in the variout Court, far and near, where hi high reputation often caused hi ervi ees to be sought, th abene of hi legal learning and discriminating intellect must henceforth, both by th Bench and Bar, be often regretfully ex perienced ; but it ia only at borne, where the void left by tbe departure of an affectionate husband and father is never to be filled, that thia afflictive dispensation of Divine Providence ran be reali xed in all ia severity) and there, with them, we express our deepest sympathy in their affliction Resolved, That, a evidence of l eg ret for the loss sustained, it ia rtcommndtnd lotbe members ofthe profession in their counties, to wear the usual badge for thirty daya. Resolved. That Hugh Bellas, George A. Frick and Alexander Jordan be a committee to preaent a copy of these proceedings to the Family of our departed friend and associate. S. HEPBURN John Coop, Chairman. Secretary. TIIR CARRIER'S ADDRESS TO THE PATRONS OF THE 'AMERICAN." January 1, 1119. Oreo more ! once more, . . . Kind Patrons, : ' The Carrier is at your door, i To greet you, . -And to cheer You on the new born year. These are great times, Not only for rhymes, But for domestic jars, And foreign wars ; For floods and fires. And telegraphic wires. What news, you'll ssy, "Since you were last this way ? Well, since our last. Like a sirocco blast, Pale famine o'er Europe sped ; And the starving poor, On Trittania'a chore. From our bounty, long were fed. What of the magnanimous nation? Ita braggart heroes, And vile leperos, Who threaten all creation! What of the gallant chief. Who since the day . Of Monterey, Added another leaf To hia laurelled brow Who, an Buena Vista'a bloody field, Ma te Santa Anna's myriads yield; When legion upon legion pressed on. And the day wat nearly lost and woo ; Whn gallant Brage, Without any boaat, , With "a little more grape ' Treated bia host But in that bloody conflict fell, Brave Hardin, Clay, McKee and Tell. And wbat of "old Chippewa." Who left his soup, In hot haste, one day, Asking to be eent, By th Preaident, To Mexico, That he might teat Hie mettle With that cunning pest, Io battle, Who modestly styles himself The Napoleon of th Weal On Vera Crn billa of sand. He first makes bia aland, Amidst a thousand rheere. And a they did not choose, To let him in, He sent them bombe and balls, And knocked their walls, Like old shoe, About their ear. Next, at Cerio Gordo, Old Santa thought. He now had caught Old Chippewa, But could'nt atay Aa he bad "ott to," But to remind him That be wa in the fight, And took to flight, He left hi wooden leg behind bim. Near Mexico, , . He next met the foe, With Santa at their head. How many noble spii its fell, Let Churubusco and Confreres tell The Mollno del Rey, And the Castle of Chspultepre. ' ' But from the walla ' ' 1 ' ' Of Mnntecuma'f Halls, - The one- legged bero fled. Wr make beroe, ' ' " Heroe candidates, - From President down To clerk of the town. But who the aext President thall be, .' I in lb womb of futurity. ' . Futurity I, , Don't tell toe. , Where i Buchaoan, .. . That favorite toe, U'Lo conquered Texas And Oregon. Where is Dallas,' Tb Original ' A Democrat 1 Since Adam' fall, Who a famous speech one wrote, In favor of a ratting vote. And where ia Cata, ' Tbe eld war bora, i Who made a pest Te get ea tb cearee, i With 6 49 Oregon, ., . 'Gain! f .llion asd Caielma'a ioo. 4 aayfF 1 1 And wbr i Van ' Of atinderhook. Who kaow the track Just Jik book. But om will say, Where' Harry Clay, Who ore wk since, At Lexington, The Presidential war begun. Where He talked to the nation And the ladies, Which we have beard said, ia Hit latett proclamation. And where, It it pretumed, He did not care, To ly, At to lat day, From bom "nook or corner," That Mexican." He wants no annexation Of vile greatere ' ; ' To this great nation ; And in bia measure, Takea hia stand East of the Rio Grande. But clear the track. Here cornea old Zack, ., All powerful and mighty; He'll clear the course. With whirlwind force, Mounted on ' Old Whitey." But now for eelf t I want him pelf; And to cut the matter shorter, I am not unwilling . To take a thiltiug, : . X dime, a Jip. or quarter, . Grn.ral Taylor's l.eller. We give in our paper to day, the letter of Om, Tavi-ob to H. A. Mum.nutaa, E.q , the Presi dent ofthe Democratic Taylor State Convention which met in Hairisburg on the Anniversary of the Battle and victory of Monterey, in answer j to a letter of Mr. MuhlenSurg covering a copy of ; the proceedings of that Convention. j This letter, like all the authentit letters of Old , Rough and Ready which we have aeen. is open, On the 9 ltt n!t, by the Rev. J. W. Yeoman, Mr. Exbal Vincbnt, of Warrior Ran, to Mis Susab A.Lbmon, of Wyoming county, Pa. DIED. In thia place, on fcatntday last. Dec SStb, F.BE NEZER GREENOUGH, aged about 83 years. The death of Mr. Greenough, though sudden, wa not unexpected. Tba character of bie di sease (aa affection of tbe heart) was such, aa lo preclude all bopee ol reeorery. He waa well aware, for tome time peat, that the slow but un erring band of death wa upon him. He met hi death with the most perfect composure and re signation, with bia intellect unclouded, and con scious to the last. Mr. Greenough baa been long and favorably known aa one of the most distin guished lawyera in the State. For many years he stood at th head of bia profession, among the membera of the Bar in this district,' who, know ing how to appreciate bis talente and hia worth, sincerely regret bit death. In private life he wa amiable, kind and affectionate, and bia moral character waa without reproach. We aincerely sympathise with his Tamily In this, to them, af flicting dispensation of divine Providence. u ia . . .1 ': ' ;. .j - l'RICE CURRENT. - : Corrected wetkfy by Henry Matter. Wibat. ' . Kra, COB". .... OtTa. . UPTTBB, ' , Knoa, ;.m;t.' ' ' PUBB, Flstsbsb, . : Taliow, Bisswai, Ftax, . :.:. ' ? - o ; 1 Hiraitn FlAX, Dbibii AreLit, '. Do. Psacuts, . I AO 75 6(1 411 10 10 S 133 10 35 - 8 10 75 150 PUMPS! PUMPS!! Improved Iljdruullc I'imip, Far Weill. Rollins Mill. Furnaeet. or other I'urpo-e. THE nuWrilier rwpecifully announces t the k.,l.r,M ih.l h iii n.iur frn)tra.l It, .111,, Jv or frank, and directly lotbe point; just such as a ; Jert (J) ny MtMlt f. n,, Patm,! Double sciion warm-hearted patriotic and honest man would be likely to write, and similar in style to their model despatches ofthe O'd Hero There have been several letters published over Gen Taylor's name, which are in atyle and aentiment so utter ly unlike the one now before us, or any othera known to be genuine, that we never believed they were written or authorised by Gen Tayior and r.ever published them The lest of these is the one not yet published, said to have been received by Mr Ingersoll in answer to one never written by him. The public must not be aurpriaed at hearing all aorta of aeatimenta and opiniona attributed to Gen. Taylor, it waa so with Gea. Jackson. Gen. ! Taylor ia the candidate of the people and not of political wire pullers he must not, therefore, expect to escape the censure and alandera of thoae who deeire that the people ehall merely do tbe voting aa tbey may direct, and never dare to eay in advance of a puppet convention, wbo ahall be their candidate. Rxammo, December 1.1, 1647. Mr Dbab Sib : Testerday I received the en cloeed letter from Major General Taylor. Ae the letter waa directed to me in my capacity of Preaident of the Convention, it aeema to me, that the moet proper disposition of it, ie to place ! it in your bande, aa Chairman of the State Cen- i tral Committee. That body can then take auch order with it, a tbey may deem proper. Very respectfully, . Your most ob'dt. eerv't. HENRY A. MUHLENBERG. Hon. Jko. C. Bccaia. Hbao Qr a btiss, Abut ot Otci vatiob, I Ebaxob IstAKO, Txias, Nov. 35, 1847. ) Dbab Sib : 1 tak great pleasure in acknewl- edging the receipt of your favor of the 9th Octo ber, encloeing to me a ropy of the proceedings of th Democratic Taylor State Convention. which aaeembled at Harrisburg, Pa. The resolutions of the meeting bate given me great pleasure, and aatitfaction, aa the expression of high respect, and consideration from tbe peo ple of Pennsylvania, and I embrace tbe earliest moment to acknowledge my warm appreciation of the high honor tbua bestowed upon me, by their nomination of me for tbe Preaideory. To yourself I would not fail to express my thankfulness, for tb very courteous and accepta ble manner in which you have conveyed to me tbe proceedine of tb Convention. I remain, Mudion and Force Tumps. I hene pumps are m ule of ca-t iron, und the ureter is sucked or for ced through lead pit. F. r .implicit of r,ntruc lion and durability of at linn, they are rntlly tape rior lo any now in u.e. They h. mtry advan tage ver the common pump, among which tie lite following : 1'hey are ei cone'rurteil that miachievoua per sons cannot spoil ih'ir action b introducing nsil or spike or any other auh-tani'ea am-mg the valee, aa ia often done with oih'-r pumpe thereby render ing them oaeteaa till overhauled. They are war ran'ed to b perfectly secure from frost. They are so arrsngeJ as to arT-rd ample pruec ion afsinat Fire shout Ihe p-emiees on which Ihey are arreted, by simply attaching a piece id ho-, thro' which the. will frce wster to any pari of, or over, a three steiy boose. They ere particularly adapted lor vety deep wells, aa tbe leverage ran be so re gulsted that a chi'd f six yesrs old eun with the greatest esse draw wster with them from the dee peel wells. The nlj-ction so justly urgeJ by tin ny, thai w .ter ie oilrd by standing in pump logs, ie entirely obviated in thia pump, and fre.h water ean always" he as surely obtained as when drawn with a bucket. In situations where it ia necessa ry to raise or force lat re qo.nti'ies of water to great di-tencew for eupplying boilers in mill, furnecee. See., iheaa pumpe ere invaluable, aa Ihey can be made -t any a te, aad capable of throwing from 15 lo 1000 gallons per minute. And to crown all, tbey can be sold aa cheap ae the cheapest. The subscriber bee spent the last year in expe riment ng upon and perfecting his pumi. and now bringe ih'm before ihepuhlie with the fullest con fidence that they will be found to anewer his de scription. He takeepleean e in referring lo the following enmpaniee and individual, upon whose premises hia punfpa have been erected, and who have expneatd their eetiafction in th highest terms: - Tbe Montour Iron Company. Danville, H. Bra voort. agent; the Bloomalmrg Railroad Iron Cua. pany. Bloomshurg. Col. Pa Hon. agent l the R -ugh and Ready Iron Works, Danville, Hancock, Foley A. Co., proprietors ; the town Council of Berwick; Minion P. Kaee, Esq., and Jobn L. Watson, Eeq , Danville. ' He could relet to many other, who ha t Sited the'r quel tire, t ut II e above tespertahle firms snj im'iMdusts ere deemed sufficient. q3 An eaaewiment of LEAD PIPES constant ly on hand, which will be sold on Ihe most icss in able terms. All orde s addressed lo ths sulscriber, at Moore A. Biddle'e Foundry buildings, or Mon tour House, Dsnville, will m"t with prompt at tention. HOMER PARMKLEE. Jan. 1. 184S. tf. roa ! Wright' Indian Vegref able IMIla. Henrv Maeeer. Howbury. E 6c 1. KaurTman, Auauate township. . dear air, with high respect, your most obedient ; lnn Vine-i-ai.. Chilliequsque, servant, , , Z TAYLOR, , ., ,. Mjor General U. S Army. Henry A Muhlenberg, Esq , (President Tay lor State Convention,) Reading, Ta. ' Harrx New Yab. Io ths midst of our merry making and good humor, let ua not forget that moderation both in eating and drinking ie the onty rational meana of aecuring to ouraelvea a happy New Year. It is not our purpose to encourage any species of intemperance; yet as the most circumspect may, at times, be seduced into aa overloading of tbe digestive organs, we may be permitted to re commend Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills as tbe most effectual medicine in the world for remo ving beadach, sick stomvrb, loss of appetite, lowaesa of spirits, and all other complaints which arise from an over indulgence at the table. Coupon Te avoid counterfeit, purchase from thoea only whe can enow a eartiflcate of agency, representing the landing of Williaaa Peon ( and compete Mm label on th box with tha ( simile on ihe earbfioata. To be genaina, ihey meal be exactly alike, signature and all. Beware of coun fciu aad impoaiuon. (7 Tb genuine for sal by Hsaav MAaaaa, sola agant for wunbury, and ether agent, publish ed ia aaotbai fait f thi ff. ' ' Kss dc Bei(tteaer. Ely.hurg. Hamuel H.rb, Littla Mabonoy, . William Deppen, Jackeon. . Ireland and Heyues, McEwensville. William tleinen dr. Brother, Milton. . Foraythe, WiUnn &. 'e NoilhuiulMMiaaJ. . Jamee Reed, Potlegrove. ' :' G. W. Scott, Rdahviile. W. eV It Fegelyahsmokifitowo. :. , K nodes A, Fair. Soyderatown. . , s , Amos T. Baisrll, TuriNileville. Brnnesilla Halshue, UptMM Mabonoy. J..bn G. Kaon, i do do. l I.. Pir, VVatsooiown. . Wholesale, al ihe ufBca and general depot, 169 Race et Philadelphia, . .. - D., IS, 1817. ly Public Sale, ; WILL b sold, at Public Bale, et tho Court House in Bunbory, oa Monday the Sd ot January Dxt. FARM in Upper August town hip, Nortbamberland county, formerly Ihe pro (erty of Wa, and Rob. n Hunter, cooUiuing ibO acre. 100 acres of which ra cleared aod in eulli vsUoa. ' Tb improvvsjwnu r larg two slory dwelling bene, large bank barn, aad outbuilding. Them ia a larg orcbaid om tho pramieea, and 60 acre of aaaeidow wll watered, Tb Farm lie ixi tbe Hhantokia ereek. about S ntilea from ttunhuiy, aad lb railroad lo Hbfa.Hl passes ihrouxh it An nodiepuiehla till will be given, nd lhoa dilioa aaade kaewa aa lb day of oak. CHARLES W. HEGINS. Peceabfi S lib, 1I8T. it j -. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers