Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 11, 1847, Image 1

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    WnMi (van ra.a area-- a ntpwffti rwi
It.BrMA8iSltr"2 PiiVtli ag
No lwCTin twived for jl lee prHl than
hi wTff AIC9mniQpiftiW. or letter on
purines relating to tha office, lb insure attention,
mmrtl POST 'PAID."-?"" r
Bu-1ievn.ia UwCovnti of tf
thuretH4 Unlen. Meowing ami. Cmuwbia, A
,; P. A. Favocply,,, , ,, ;ji , Jt
- , r.f. ,
Riroin. McFtmft & Co
8ar.Goo a Co.;
.;icNoT3l Worth Third tr3ei, .ttVy
f mta t cit worr.t.)
C. C. MAC k IS. Y, Auction err.
EVSNIN0 8ALE8 of Hardware Cutlery,
Saddlery, Whip. BikiH, SUoen, Hat,; '
Cap Guns, Piatols, Clothing,. .,.
v i Watebe anil Fancy f ), - ; ,
At Mackey' Auction Store,. 31 , N-ath Third
at rret, near the City Hott-1. t - , -. ' Vj f .....'"
The attention of Country Mtrchant ia .'invited.
The Goods will he ld in lot to euit purchaser,
and alt Good nVred will he warran'eil equal to the
representations that may he made of henv ' I
M B. A large eeaortment of Good T Private
Sale. 1 ;" ''" ' B i847. ly
The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches
OLD Lever, full Jewelled, , .... , ; f5 00
'Silver., do. . do. ..-... . 3 00
ll Lepuiee, J-ewellcM,
, 80 00
... h 15 00
I 10 00
Silver, ' do. . .. do.
Silver Qunniera, fineunliiy,
Sold Watehee, plain,. t.
Silver ttiwctaclra, .
;.lil Tftirile, '
nld BiaonM. :
y 5.i -! , ." MW
-; ..i ,. , .1.75
. 8 00
! . . . 4 00
Also, on hand, a turn aeaTtiwttt of Gold and
Hair BracdteU, finaer eiiift, bfirti yina. hoop eat
ring, jt-ilil p na, nilwpf piMn1 ausar tnR, thim
Jilc, gold nork. eurh end fib rhuirw,' fruard ky
and jewt-lli ry of eery drcriion, l a1ly low
firirca. All I want i a Call to oonvince custo
mer. All kinda of Watoka and Ctncki repaired and
wnrrmited to kera 'good ie fT one year ; old
polil or eilver Imrght ot tken in e change. ,; :'
For aale, eight day and thirty hoar hraa ctneke,
t .. . ,., - LEWIS LADOMU8V
. Watch, Clock end Jewellery Store. No. 4 13
Market etreet, above Eleventh, nor A aide, Phil
11.-' ''' 1
' (Tj 1 hae GoM and 8ilei Leveta, attilt
BtDch cheaper than the above price. . .
Philadelphia, D.-C, ?6, 1846. ly ,
To The I. O. ofO.P.i.
J. W. & E. D. STOKE 8,
Manufacturers of Premiiitn Odd Fel
lows' Regalia, ' ' V.(
Firat Clothing Store below 6lh Street " "
THE auheeriher having taken the premium at
Franklin Institute, at the laet eihihition. for
the hem Regalia, they invite the attention of the
order to their eatahlinhmcnt, where they will find a
ep'endid axanrtment of P.U. and Enpmpmnt Re
plia. They alio make to order for Lodgee and
Kneampment. Regalia. SMhceJlfb'tum and
Rihpa,-nd furnUh every thing . requisite for ih
C Qvenieiice of new Lodge or Kn tnmrni.
" -1 J. W. STOKES,'
' .tsv i-: E- rt.8TOKE8
Philadelphia, Dee, 1, Ifi46. ly iV n '
No. a North 3d sU thtrd door above
. ' : - -... , Market Street, . --v
M ALE EVERY EVBSINtt. of a general a-
Kortraent of Foreitn and D"metic Hardware,
.Table and Packet Cutlery, Trunk, ImfM,
' Latrhet, Bolta. 8wa, Sa.Mlery, Whip
'' ' ' Boot,- Bhm-a, Haa, Cap. Guna,- - -
:' tPwtol, Triwmiott. Clothing:
. . i v . r:.uuu
The attention of eitr and country dealera w n-
vited. ' The Gooila are freah. and will be warranted
equal to the reprearnlation that may he mad of
, . , ,) , No North Third t
N. O. Purchaaeia ran have their Good packed.
Several invoicr of Good have bta received to be
! -Philadelphia, 'Jy'TjLlll!
The putvie will plea obaerv that no BranJiath
Pill are genuine, unleas the ioi ha three la
tf upon it, (the 'um th i'l and th bottom)
eaeh rontainmg a fc-irjilcignatura pi y hnd
writiiig, ihuU. BaBTii M. D. Th I.
JielKte engraved oo teel,. beautify lly draigned,
and done at an ipene of over $3,000. Therefor
it will be aeen that th only thing necenaary I pro
cure th uedictM in it purity, ia to obaer tbeea
Jhel.v ..-t . . -
Remember the te, the aide, and th bottom.
The following reaptiva promt are dul autbori
'aetl.and hrtH ' :' ' i;-'"-l -
. For the aale of tirandrttk't Ytgttabk , fWwri.
... . .
Northumberland rountV I ' Millon Mackey ill
CDambnlin. Hunhorv H.B. Maaaer. M Ewena-
ville Ireland St. Meitvlt. : KoHhuabiln-Waa
Forayth. GeoiaetowoJ. A J. Walla. ... ,
. Union Cuuntyt New Berlin Bogar & Win.
tr, ' Selinagrove Georg Gundium, Ikfulille
hurg Isaac Smith. Vraveriown David H abler,
AJamaburg Wnj. J. May. Mimmbuig-Menach
it, Kay. HartUtoarUaoiel Lng. .FiMburgi
G. F, C. Mti-yer. , LewtoburgWall dr. Green.
Columbia county l DanvMle E, B. Kaynolda
k Co. Berwifk 8homa A Rittenhimae. Cat.
tawiM V, O. BrebU. ' Blooniabtirg-4ah K,
i Mover. Jvtaey Tewn Lvi Hwel. -Wantnojuoq
Rotrt. McCav.t IqirtonerBUn fe ?Mtncb. .
' Oheerve that eaeb Agent baa an Engraved Cer
tiftcate of Agency, eontaining a leureaitktion of
.lit BRANDREI H Mtoiiftvtort at Jing Hiog.
nd ii mm whi.-h aSII alao b een eiaot eop je of
the ntw hbelt new utcd upon the Bnndnlh Pi9
rhUadelpbia, otto N. , Mmlh lk 4et.
OKre in
TH E AHBtUCA N" tsaubHslied every
i 'jiotT ei pint ti
' -S(?S OS T rH-
11 14 -v
h t:J1 CJ-'-I .' I. til 0 ' e!j m JJ'
, Abaojtitg KcguivMenea in tha. dedeiort th majori, tht vital frtnttipta 6f 1IUUa,iTllji rhlch
t.i, rionr MKXitO. t '' 1 "M
(..,... f ,,rl...,J...i .... . , . .. ,t.,W..VM V,-
Rplurn , 0( flenpra,!. Qirilmig nd ShieUa '
Midshipmen Rivera in Nf Orlii,li-.Mexi;
i 'fin Corttfreea '0rffniti(lllte6Vtcd''foervVtt
'"ifW" " ' 1 J"" ' 1 ' '
. .IMt!.. Re., ;; n hv:f i'i W
! f,f I ..(,. Y-i'.'.-i.-v if. RicniiOR..J)e.S.:'.-'
; Twof the twek mail 1igv Weti' recettrrtl.
bringitisr Nc Orleani papt?tf ( of Jhtp$ lid'
Slth ult..Tl)e express, with paper of the 33th,,1
ib lo fc-tsrttjtl.'-,i?i"- ' t.-u-.'.- J
.hi Pictiytina of "21th i'4'giinni;.nrea. th, 1
rival of lh toamer AlHbuma, with Vera Cruz
date to the J 8th, und from the Capital lb the
8th tilt., being a wuek latere. ...... . M Vll
: The new t both mlctrating and important
.Maj. Gen. Quitman, Gen Shield, Colonel Har
ney, Garlai d Andreee, Morgan. Raiiwy, JSnr
nett, Mnjor Dykermart. Lteutr, Porter and Bwe
njrj of the New Totk' Vnhtnleer,' Mitlhipmn 1
Rogers, and Georpe Vyilkin Kendall, rr-ed
at Nw Orleana in the Alibama, a pawenjere,
beside many other gallant officer. : :'"J fi
Gen. Quitman ha left Mexico in. accordance
with the order at Gen Scott, directing this
greatly distineuishrd and efficient officer to pro
ceed to the United Slate, and report personally
or by ler.rr .to the War .Department, ,t ainoe
hi promotion he ha had no prominent ijrn?
mentof t divieio to command. The object ot
hi return is to eek thi. ,.i'.V- ' ; ) '
Gen. Shield returned to reek a reetnratiim
to health, being broken down by the wound re
ceived in the eervtce ol ti country. ' t; . ' :'
: Colonel Harney come home for the purpose
of recruiting' ,! :' ? ,'' ti v'-1
Colonel " Morgan, Garland and Unmet), and
Licnte. lvorter and Sweeney, and ither have
be?u ordered to join Brsgg' battery immediate-
Among the paeeengers on board the Alaba
bama, are he less than 210 ick, difabled and
wounded soldier.' " ' '
Three died on the paare, one,. named Rt-
chard McManue, of the 2d Pennfvtvania volun
teer. was ouried at sea. . , , . . ,
The Jarire train, attmberinf . ix . hundred,
which, left the city of Mexico on the lt of No
vember, arrived tv Vera .Crux on the. loth,
witboMt moiesUtioa av a fear scatterioT ahots.
The farce under Geo Lane at Puebla had
been actively engaged, in ferreting out the gvi-
err.ll, who had, ho waver, given but littla trou-
o. a at nee theaflaireat Huaanaatla and Atliaoa.
A Mexican courier (tad been captured witn
letter from Atlteco, Orizaba knd Tehtiacan, and
among them wa found a document from Santa
Anna, in which he. say that just a be had ma
tured hi plans for attacking Perute, he recei
, ... i . 1 , . v. , . 1 n ' i'
vetf the onlcra from the supreme government
to resign the command of the army. (i, U fr, ,
The Montteur RepubltcatiOi published t .!ho
capital, etatrd on the 4th. tilt, that a sufficient,
number of Metnber of Congress had arrved aj
Queretaro on the. 1st, fqr ttw transaction pf bur
ine.c A letterdirect from Queretaro, dtd
ua Ihe 4th, announce that Congre- w or
gntd on th 24 November, i, 1 i.;,.f :;
A hitter to aa F.nglich jreotleman in tbe city
of Mexica, datrd lh8tlt, eay. that althottgn
much confidence ia felt ia the acting President
knd Vice President by Cnngreas, ' and4 all ' who
are favorably disposed to peace, it b much fear
ed that Complidn, of GuadeUxera, wili be elec
ted rreideot ' ad , ioterim1 of .(he Republic,. u
tead of llerrara at Pen y Penav - !;i n;'
' ; T1e health 'of flcrrera 'ia atttl prccarloiii,
thnpgh m'proytnjr,. , V' i- '-.'; '"J
Scunany hat Elorriage will recieve a ma
jnrity of vote in the contest for President, sd
interim andqtbeVayaK dyrided' ii opinion "tie
tween the chances oC IJerrera, .Altuoale Cont
plido, Oemeneatee sad Rnetn.' . '' a -i
"' Jt was rejwted aiTera tJrvB llVal General
Ine had another brush with the Mexican for.
ee under (fneia flea at Puebla, and routed
bint entirely, , . -f to . t . jr
All waa quiet at Perota when tha train c a tire
tnrowgn, -w i1f ,.,, ,:.,. ,i;.' .rf 1
4 General Patterson watillat Jalap. suBer.
ing aomewhal Tram 1 everrcold, but wa on
the recovery.Gen Cu.hin'g' jComm.and.'w.
three mile beyiiid. t.TheeaJtre fore in that
vicioty amounted to about three thoueand.Ht i
.-Cul. Uaya left puebla on tbe 13th, gcoring
Major Polk aod Mr. Stiiilh, bearer of detpatche
toGeni Scotef H 7 TV,
Tbo report that J.rauta. ha4apt $ communi
cation t. Gen. Patteraon i onfirmrd,-i Ii ia
said that Jarauta har retreated toward Quere
taro, compwlety, aritkeo up. iHv. .,t;
'General. Butler arrived at Vera Crux on th.
17th, aiid waa received with tha Honor due' to
hi atatioo, ... .,,fi 5.'iv.t'-..Vv . ' w ''. - ,
1 From two to three 'thousand troop arrived at
Vera Craz." no the 17vb and 19tn: tlea Butrer
wa to rotpro oju Cipui tr a tQrwj.iu. w.ia
aife thoaekud men. I '"t -i'1 tfi t
" The trnon left of thd iiiviaion of (len'Oaii
maaatlha gapOal. hafl ,tefn ncorpoiuou ;wa
tha divinonruf Genml Worth and Tw.gga.
The Pennavlvaola and Nre w'5 Vdrk volobteem
have been aaaigned to the former.. u y
From the AmCricao tikar of Nov. 6.
i lj. j .ji lulii LljJ.ii '
i ....... ,f..'..i..l' t ;.'.'.. o-
1 ' 1 L L .in., aji
mart orteer- and ttoliieTa' fing otit .into ihe
atroet, na.ving' suflicienvly ttCoVered fiorn their
wound t, do go, ill i atrtnge, indeed, that
some who were slightly wounded In thalegof
arfti dieu' from the effucts pfthe wound,, whilst
others hol through ihe .bnrly and .in the. head
suryived, and are fant tvcoTertnrr. 'f There ta
rnethmDrt t Which fe Cannot iinderstanrl.
Cupiain 'Scantlan(.,' an oidTriend. ooure, who
left the lt Tenneeee regiment to lake com
mand of a company Sn the new levy; was ehot
mmugn ,ne neso, ine nuntermg near one eyp
and coming out at, the opposite temple. fc Kot,e
thought he would 4ive a dy4 and w we on-
deretaod ha . hot only alive, far tiaa made ia
. Meitear Niwt vU lk Western. Wlraa. ,1
Re vol, i. in Guadal.ara.nil, f Am...
.'dia-Triumnh of ihe Chutcn Partv -Pro'
' rmncfiment'o of P.rcdea -Santa A.naal tri-
eaUa-Defeat ofCanalea., ..: ., u , .
ar i;:,ul ; t" : Imisville, Dee. B, 1847. "
Tha rteambot Pritona. from New Orleaoi,''
arrjvid here to : having left Vh. pity on tha
ev.niag,f.f the SOtttultJ ona day later than you
mag,f.r the Vuth ult one day later than you
tiava received bjr the Sootherr. mail. ' t t
" A revolution I stated lo have broken Out at
(joadal.xar, with the design, of favoring the e
lection of Gom. g Fariag .to the Presidency. , S
tangninary engagement ensued ' between hie
troop and the mob opposed to hitri, which was
headed by tbe prleft. In the action, General
Ampudia, and many other, attachrd to Gouiei
Fariaa party, were killed, and ia the end the
rhnrci. narte nrnserl vietnrinua. ' " ' 1
Parede whs at Tulacingo, and had openly J
. , r
pronounced in favor of hia monarchical project, I
seconded bythe garriwm at Maaatian. :vv
- Tbe Mexican population still exhibit a most
unconquerable hatred fuT the American, and
expresa no desire to obtain peace. . ,. -, . . I
-Trra Mexican Congree. had arrived from Que- to Morelie, to get rid of tliemilitartr, by I
which it was overawed. , ,it, iB"t ,(;7; ,
. Gena. Rea, and ,$nta Anna, with a aingle I
brigade, are at Iriseaua, intending to make ao I
attack unnn the next train.' -''
' JJuatamepte, who baa gou to Queretaro, naa
a force cfd.QOO awa at big command, near the
city of Mexico.'' -t'J.-'f- w U
' Canalea was encountered by a amall Ameri
can force, and defeated, with some lose,. ( r
j,MV.fHO vrxi tab DraaaTBiia Of the deeer-
ter in Mexico forty-ooo are foreigner., and se
ven native born American." But eight'of the
foreigner i nad eve been oatoMliaed, or filed
their declaration of intention,, and the place, of I
thair nativity are aa follow. From Ireland, 2.r;
Germany 6; Scotland 8; England 2, ' Jwer
l l , '.'r,li;;;n,i f.-.i.m . oj i.. "
ni j f .1
,..ore..v rni
American, ar aa fellows-Harrison Kinney,
Amertcanis ar aa fellowHarrisoii Kinney,
P; Pery histte'rVWnd
oho Prooke, Pennsylvania i,Joh- TajW. Vjg-
g.ntaj; Henry, McElror, lanana Jxwph
Braoka, Maryland ; and Grbaoo McDonald; Dei
.,forV:t.,,;0 P!.,!,'J V;eW.Wm
the severity with which, they were puniehed by
their respective company oftcera. Picayune
'' A Toir! HX HI OWN Ilobf. I MbXI-
co W clipthaJollowing . from the Boaton
Post t i': ! .. t,ftt"rf J.. 5.t,.l;
Mahy'peop'e iti State treet will remernoera
m I named fltirla M. Bugbce, o ifhottt .en
year, ago acquired celebrity by hi enterprise
and aueee. in boarding tha EngttsH Meatrtera,
and obtaining the latent papcrv Vl.fcr, he 'ot,I
1..., . 1 ..... -r '1Jlii
ae-wauaa. tie 1 row ia me ny 01 . am .! .to.
and acting aa the authorized agent of the Ame-
. . . ... --1 vf . . , ,l
"' J '1: FJ'H J r
tbermf. yet ba taken part W aeveral of the
' f , .
engage ment..,. I ihe last baUle before the
waif of Mexico, h attracted the not ice of Gen.
Wwjtv wi('aher 'comprimnting "ua;j good
stvota, aaked b'tn WAt regiment, be belonged to,
rNonw air.V replied Cbarleyy belong ' to the
pres.'';. Gen.! Worth 1rirrjd him''td call at tai.
qtwrter nexdjjy; .Charje'y did, pp(,U
ved irom the general a present a a toalunoatal
of hie apprebat ion of hia gallantry in Ihe battle
the day before."li wa.'huri bad idea of Char.
i hi 'fret pa' aa a 'repVeaenUtivo
' i '
ley to use
U, prefer .uch a patriotic parpoaa.. . t- h,
- l.Aawr Hyu. -iTwo hog were brought to
Alren'.'pwfc W,' ir riU1.ville; frn lFrUy,
from K'olia Hardi'aleountv The two weiirb
aixuen b'undr.d pounda and on. of,lbern up.
ardofnin hundred." ; ;- r .
. .fti. ,.! ,;:. ... .:"; i luii '.-.a u" tm r?H
M Thr'men1 employed Id digging tha lounda
tipn'ot Mta new church at Veruaalem b W
to tnak.tbeir way through forty feetot reaaaina
ol enaienr batldinga betore
e they tame to
7 ' .ZT'r V i theljIootUtbirfty -SantAntia .aem9deos in. Jiie w. can be rented for a long or abort
freotieotly puo ,f-' ;,rof of every tenth m.a.nd the company .wa. mar- , Wwl fMMeA ta faahioaabfa -parfof
?'!? ehodontrodraw tha blacJt Imanona lack rtf.i fifty, day. the roont.
.,W?.KW.W';W'f bean for every tenth man beiar -placed 1n -he r-eJ'.nd bedroom-.' If two
aarkaa. awaaan nf ntamiKaaaaitam naathtta. aaaif Kjatri ruaon I i '.r . 1 . l t j '"' ' a' a a . I
th'w l 'no appVif b'oi o'ftrte
.jj.Ljj.n LXij ii. i. .11 .nil .1. V . i,y.'.-
in ; '.''U ' 'J'-l'tJ ' lll" ---;, ft I !
-it., c.', tb Ta geev'!"'!t''
(fem'iirl.lmiton Wlk
year iBl5, it), George county, Maryland..
Hi brother and ether eeJativr now reeid.'in
Wahlttgtor?lty.r: Imriwg lht'Si'rninola Indian
Wir K. enitetej in ih Pnited State service, as
private, aad wa. ana of (Jul. Harney ' nicked
men to penetrte the evetghHe of Florida,
where foot print f the white man were' never
liefore seen. .. In tiht' baz.rdou expedition,
wich rfacUitiy ,r, Mn ln, FhvrWa war,
hf eoBmM,rif,g (rM, Indiana around their twd
ctieiHn, Walker1 gVeatly (iiMi'ng'ui'.
lf, ' r H Wa. a favorite of t'hi daring
Harney, whose quick percept hin never failed lo
aliw tk'a to,nmt ikMrtrttHniand .h.lil ' '-' 1 '
. aiie t 7u, ,, t- . . .....t j - I
ti,, (( U "!f t. I'M'M'.t'l! S
. . .a . r a tTH.
Una Oioea 01, .av,n)w
waH Texaa and Oli Hoy' company
,M,.,mrr of ,8?' he
F ! 'V "'Tf " ,,r7" "" 7: .
Pis,''1' w,' "cked Camanche
,ndi,nf- ,"d defeated them, leaving thirty-three
JadWnji tha fiHd i and from the aum.
bt of dead, and dying carried off. It wa. be-
lievod that mora .than half of tha Camanche
force ' wa lain by thee, fifteen ranger - la
this' fierce battle Walker was pierced throagh
ttie body by the spear or an Indian, tha spear
pinning him .o the. ground I lie waa left in
that condition by hia companions, who euppoaed
he we dead. After the battle, he wa. found
with the spear still sticking thronjh him, though
he had Micceeded in getting M mitoftha ground,
Hi. companion, relieved him from it, and found
it. had not tottched a vital part. .Ie recovered.
-Walker waa !eo one of Col. Frsher'a three
htindted men 'whn'msrelred, against two thou
aan.l Mexicans, stationed' at Mier, and was Cap
tured by tha Mexican, prevkma to thai, battle,
aa he made an excursion among ihem.i After
the, defeat ot the Mier expedition, 1re wa. mar
clied, with other prironer, tp, ihe castle of Pe
rote. Thaao priaoner received the inhuman
treatment whirh norther people on earth, save
Mexicans arid cannibals, inflict upon thoee with
in their power, , At Sajado. the.Texane resolved
to make their eacape, -, Walker wa foremoat.
It waa arranged that ha should eiee and disarm
one oft the guard i and that Cameron, a Scotch-
man. fbould serve the other in tbe same way
At the signal, the guards .were disarmed in a
moment, and the Texsna.'SM in numbed rushed
Into the outer'court. where 150 Mexican infen-;
try were guarding a quantity ol arms and am
munitions Tha Tcxana aoon had command of
this point, and armed themele.. "Whilst d
iriff so. 300 Mexican, cavalry and infantry, lor-
med otiuide of the galea. , .The Texan., rushed
upon thew, and defeated them,, killing ten of I
number.' and losing five. ! The company
jhen escaped, but finally became lost. "in the
I ' r . ' . . ' . "
mountain, and wrTered greatly Jroni hunger
w.lh. nm,tA it to a fr rend, after hia ra-
v, w,Ur expresed it to 0 friend,
'turn'tVir .ye became aa aunken, ft
,nd xhlhij appoaretl like i
i'th, head, : ' , U v,
from hunger
augur hoi ea
1 i I m iKia MnnliilMn tk mm elanlaftl l,v
the Mexican, and taken tmefc tri SUmI.V 'Here
bowl, and all who tire W tnein were stiot. 1 ortng
Torrey, of thi. city, got one, und. wag u'Jed, on
: the notw iThoae who .dtew the . white bean.
were Subjected to intense siiff. rief ai Walker,
witri eight others, however, finally escaped from
Mexico, ana.returpQd to, ,exa, f le.tiieri ju(n-
led Dm Texa revenue aervwe, where he exhibi.
ted hia tirnaleflieleney.' '"' !
L;, yhe"o fJen. ,TytT marched intp Texag with
hi army of nhservMitoo, and matlera were we
rjZ.TT" T." ' - 7 "
o .company "or Texas Rngcra,armc(i 'with
nng hoetile appearance, Walker, at the head
ig .ma,pV itl;titf,fa,twrvi$em to
ine unuea niaiae,.. w. accepreu,. ana aiaeo n
-at. . a
1 Beirnaing rmi iaaai. - nw w niunmi r.
rtween that place and Gen, Taylor, advance
I . 1 r' . .r .
I m.iIi ii rii.luwi Ia Im, Iks .Afflniinii,.
T'.'rn w I .j'k,i" w. y w f..n...-..,.w.i
tioonpen, if poible.-.i Thi wrv4cu..M perU
lourV'bot WalkeirV bravery and rapid move,
njrnti ovVrcahie atl obatacle 'flii i the'SSlh' of
April, JtH'J. .he ascertained that quue a large
body of Mexican intend, to rvound General boarding bourn in Fitzroy. Square, known a
Taylor camp, and he at once ret out with ae. Mr. Fowler' where firat rate-room re' furni
vrnty five men, to comniuoicate with theGene. shed and board, on the American plan, at the
rat.' After proceeding twelve mile, he, an.
countered fifteen hundred' Mxicn,ad most
of I ol h,m, men b,in" -.lwqcetl, fell back, at the
L AnAaaia. a " vf aitnli aa m rva a a aaj V aln a rw ntfwatll iai.
; t 7TPi ." O.AZl
aiander. firmly received tha attack of tha Mxi-
"n., and gave them battle for about ae.
minute, HllingMoiit thirty of thenv ' They
hl reUeated, and were pursued to within
laaiilaof Poi.t waa reported
j Walker wa alain, but at night ba came Into
- 1 fort, ind with that Indomitable spirit tor 'which
I he waa diatinguiahad, at one. oflered to com
I municata
with .General Taylor,' provided
tha could hav. four men a. coropaniona. Thi pro
II k .
parenl of depo'ti.m.-i-iirti
?. n-U Tt,iiinTi'". a it ti if"'- '"
nr.oU r-?. lllrtT&ol Hay 3tQ
-t t
if .
enetny Ml, force!, and lurking irt et ty path and
thieltvT- Wtta'chhslden-d taah. But; ix Texilns
vniiinrprrra, anij auereyerai ooio auveiiinrev,
irvonenf which 4hoy chnrgett throngii a urge
body of Mexican Uodere, whilst the? .were pre-
paring In i for ire their hhree, tbey rpehp'd the
conip of uen.1 Jf ior in je'y pn inq xrin.., t
.wtiier was among ihe brave nif n wrwjMn
ed the gallant Cut. May, and accompanied him
in hU famous charge, wheri Ivi Vega wm
taken prisoner. ,The gnvernrncnt,, .without
Notation, rewarded hi service and anal bra
very by a Captain's coinmioion in the new re
gimerit Of United States ninunted rifles. Tl.tts
promoted,' he repaired to Maryland, and, soon
rallied; around him, principally Iron. Maryland
and Krntncky, 2Str volunteer Raiipre, whose
service-were accepted by the Oovernmeiit.
With this company ho went to. Vera Cruz, and
W emp'oyet! to keep the guerilla at bay, and
open communication. ' The bold feat, of Mm
sell and hi confident follower atruck terror in
to the prowling guerillas, and Ihiaclassof high
way ribbera, always well armed and well moun
ted, where sore fO(leve a clear path Whon
Walker and his ranger were on the track
Ilia eerviee have been moat valuable to the Go
vernment, and all wil regret hia fate. A bra
ver or nobler fellow never fell upon the battle
field. He waa the fast friend of improvements
in the art of war, and his experience and keeo
perception led him to adopt , the best arm and
equipment that coold le had. ' ld custom and
old fanhioncd arm,, unwit ldy and loeffuctive,'
found vp favor -with him,, ao long a radical
improvement were within hi reach. "" "' ' ' '
,-. a . " ' ' "" m . w a ."' " a
l the deatri or uapt, waiaer me country naa
lost ana of it braveat at.d rmwt valiant aona,
arid we cannot but eyinpethiee deeplv with the
laniny aog irienna. ... , .3 , j ,
A ,1,'Mft1"' M ' "' I'" iii.lfc.T
ra af POrelgw TravlTt reetach
-:. mar.. m i n-i i
A correspondent of the St, Loni Republican,
who ha recently beeo taking a European tour,
furnishes that paper with an account of his ex
-penre and some other' matter of interest to
those. who inteod to travel. He aaya
From New York to London or Liverpool, by
.Mil packet, , ,.' ,,'.rt ... .175
Expenses in London, for twenty day, -' 85
From London he will wanttogoto Birming-''
i 1 : ; ' -.1' '. '
bam, Wolverhampton, Manchester, Ux.,
1 tord, &c tc which will cost, say . - 50
lie will want to visit the romantic ground of
Scotland, too. 1 This will take ab-mt two weeks,
tn make a"satisractorv visit, and wilt coat about
HsfiO. The trip is performed from London to
Etlinbureh entirelv by railroad fare in the
first class ear, via Manchester, 43. fjd. aler
ling. ,v Ue'urning again to Jiondon, 1 conclude
he will want to go to t'arie. There are two or
three good route Irom lmdon to Paria. ' One
by railroad from London to Southampton, thence
to Havre by teamboat, and thence to Pari, by
railroad fare about fourteen dollar. In Pari
he wil) probably. wish toatay fifteen or twenty
day..' It i far th cheapest and most conveni
ent, in either London or pa rw, to rent lodginga.
In Lonoon, by taking a little pains, good rooms,
eonatattng of a parlor
perona join in rent kig room, thq gxpepse. are
trifling. They can , take .breaktaat ia ..their
rooms or at corTe hnuaea; just as they please.
0 English breakfast consist of I cup of coffoe
aod a piece of toaat, or aotno bread and butter;
if coat from, ten to fifteen cent. ' 'A' very' good
dinner 990, b haJ at Lunchrooms, without, wjne
ar beer, for about tiirty one eentg. Ji meal can
be had at any hour', in ' almost any pert of the
Vily foie I1! however,' are "tp be Vad down
"-"" W
I St. Paul. Church. If a perron adopt, this
in the-auajnea part, within a quarter of a mile
ulao; bacn roam about af pleasure; and tin
. . . . .
1 wtienevcr, and a berever lio chitoae. , r, , i
r- -iotei arc aiway expensive, ana ine cnar
fg amonqt, the beat way it can'be fixed, to'a-
I ", -. ..
I I . .1 1 I ! . .1 .. I . . ... ... ll ....
4mwi inrtra uoimra jwc. oaj, alio in w,,
begin fto gel such a living a he can have in an
American hotel for two third of that money.
j f however, heliaVa'fuinilf 'or a lady with himi
1 bo. will find a highly respectable ana very
I rate of about two dllar a day, iocJudip U.
I service of crvanl.r
-i Ih Pari good room caa be had at about the
T m trait am Al Ttvent
7 -IS. LSJZj'.
4 5Thua Ihe whoJa. d the ordinary exoenaa .to
aee London, F-liuburg and Pr i about W5.
If lie ahall' viait the Rhin or Rome,, it will
hall j coat more in proportion. Returning,, if be come
that j on a aail packet from Havre r Londoo to New
the I York, U Will cost $100 ; ifona ateainer about
- 1 ,, Tha, ,expenea of tbe trip abovt designated
he I aod back again to New tor k, may, with rig'
- 1 aeonumy, be performed for about wveo "undrd
J nfvTr incHioi,J,!ii M'itj't'i'W
J . .ti...r 0 TfV
i a A do .... . ..a,,,.!i .1
ErrTysu.,9flt,tjnw,.,n; t
Verry Arlvertitemrntai on, rnlumn ,4fi batf
eolomn,la, thraraare. t3 ( iv0 aonnre, f ,
on. aqtiare, fn. If t one column; f 1 i'
half cnlomn.ttt rbrearrra,f j two o,osrei'-
AdrtlmM left Without direetiona aa In lha'
length of Cime tbey err to be tabtibid. will ba
rjontrrruad until orderad out, and charged accord '
CjT-Riateen line, or e make a equar. '
1 a,; ; "4 'i.y . . ;
trunks hl Jttk waiter lecg a great chest (aa an,,
Eoglieb . servant ealla it.) weighing near o
eighth ut a ton, -with brasa nail, coming' en'
street, he will be sore it i. aa Ainericab. for
nobody els thinks of travelling about tfirougd.
the world with ucb an ..inewmbrance The-j
beat way in to take very littla baggage, And '
buy new clotfilng athe old wear out On thV
continent, they charge on the railroads extra.,
for aH baggage weighing over fifty-five pound.
I ergagad my raturtl peseaga on tbe French '
steamship J MiwoorL'Vhen we ' arrived, at'
Cherbourg, it waa dark, . nd the Mireotiri waa
anohored out in the channel. Wo had a great
time in getting onv Instead ot running- the
email boat alongside, she halted, ten rod. off,' a .io1
we were conveyed iq a' yaw, ladie and all.
when St waa quite dark and rough, to tbe ship. -
- It took tis two boura to do what an American
captain would have done In fifteen minute. "
About 10 o'clock at night' we at'arted. - The,
issouri is a splendid ship, of eoormouedimrn-;
arona, tnd when ate haeon her full weight or
canvass, a beauty.1". There were twp per(lny
on board, belonging to the ship, who could spe.ak,
English, viz: tha Doctor and tha third officer.
For the firat five day. wa had a most favorab'e
wind, but, strange to say, we did not have a.(
rag of canvass apread the whole time, The
third officer aaid tha wind would help only 'trr
Jeeffe: betL The panengera all seemed to IcpI
ontraged with tha mierable manspement of
the ship in that respect. The officer and
crew would make a great ado, but never accorn-,
plih anything. The French - dWt seem lo
have any 'Kinpfion' (I don't know who mado
the word) no ability to do thine to advantage
An American or an F.nglib aailor will take ad
vantage of every littla flaw of wind; he i. Con
stantly looking out and watching for the breeze,,
and, ere it comesj he ha up hi aail so aa to
have ita full benefit; but a Frenchman must
sea it blow a day or two before he ia sure ilj ia
worth hia while to take the trouble of hoisting
bis sail.' With the most favorable wind, we
made only from .even to eight miles an hour.
I had been abusing tbe English and lauding tha
French, all along, but now I begin to whistle
out of the other aid of my mouth. The ailor
were astonishingly awkward. ' " '
Their manner of doing things is eomethivj
likatba way Ihe firat French aenler on t.w
Ohio used to cler up the forct. They
mostly from Pari., nd the history of the tfj-
inga tell u,.-that when they undertot,k t cut
down a largo tree, tuey would baggie all, atouad
It, while one would climb up to tho to 0 a Uh a
rope, and fasten it to a limb, and then aome ten
or twelve men would pull at the rop e, white the
other cut at the root I freqently h th third
officer with hi. dinner in hi hand,. -while on du
ty, walking about on deck, with, plate in one.
hand and fork in the other ones minute giving;
ordera and gesturing with hia fork, and the next
minute diving into hi grub.
Elbctbd. By way of Louisville, we learn
that D. R. Miller haa been elected Governor of
Texas, " ....
Snokg PaBVB5Tinn ArrTC. The Pitts
burg Gazette give an account of the mtccestful
trial in a cotton factory in Allegheny city,-of
VVilliama 'Sicoke Preventive Apparatus.' !" It
aeya : 'The experiment h proved completely
aucceaaful.and will sve in thi one factory
twenty-five btwhelaof coal a day. While the
ehinineye of the neighboring fctorie were yea
tVrd VomWg' forth . clotid of black emok
that darkened he alinosphere of one of the fi
nest Indian Summer day wa have seen', the
Smoke Preventive In the cotton factory we
have named, consumed all the particle of smokn
that dropped gl moat like rain from other points
around ua. ! -.- v .--i ; . , - ,
5 RotIbv Boot Hbclb. A boot maker La in -vented
a rotary beel, to be applied to boot, w j
that when down oa one aide; by uneven tre
ing.'ilcanbeeeeily twisted round, thua prodri.
eing another '.ven surfacg, and easier Wm
tkm in th wearer. . - .- -.-.- - . .
'i Aa Exteniuvb Faxult. We learn ram the
Louiovdle Journal, that last week there ca r.a
to Troy, (la.) a German family, composed of a
man. hi wife,' and thirty-two children. 'The
children are all girls, and were., produce Tat
ixteeabirtb. ' -.
..... . ... : i - T
A looaM.CoivsvAaog-A farmer -of St.
Albans, Vermont, recently mad a grand enure
into that place, mounted on a small car dn ,wn by
four isrga boga.' Ha enie,re4 the tow n at a
brisk trot amid tha acclamation, vf b andredg.
who' were aoon draws together to wioieta tW
tincomfiion spectacle. A gonth njarr on a
pot offered him 240 ot jhe it aod.
but it was indignantly refuse,. - -
" To jBoiah .all tha railway Iae7now waxmen.
eed in Ih United SiUtj, it will requir
V.rV m' n niMAPeOJJfTMSXT. Mr- Lf i
I S" atiga died aoddenly wk to cncinnaii.
fa k fit of exeitcrneut, "occaatonaJ ay goiagaoma
June S4tb.
: i
Taa WotDZ.U.W are plaeJ lu lve ap
ii ,;- t!