Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 04, 1847, Image 3

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Carrecitd weekly by Henry Matter.
W, " ' ' - - 160
Rta, " '. 75 '
Co, 60
Oat. " ..-.' . , 40
Bcttib, 16
Y.., '. . ' . " ; y.j 10
Pan. ' .' S
Fuhmh, . "' ' ' ' U5
Taiiow, " ' ' " " 10
BBWe.g," ' ' - " -. ' v " 80
(Seed Intent Fire Company."
A STATED MEETINof the Company will
beheld on Mondty evening i,el, at 7 o'clock,
t the Court House. Punctual attendance it r
gtiired. .. HENRY DON NEL. V
Dee 4. IK47. Seerefary.
"Washington Fire Company."
THE memlier nf the "Washington Fir Cm
panv" are requested to meet it th 8lt
Hons, on Monday venine, 1 Dee 6, at 7 n'
dork, precisely . Punctual attendance bt t eqnired.
TH E following letter jut com In hand, and
will ha read with interest. The patient attfler
d intolerably, ml eottld And nn relief until he
ud Pr. Hurtint'i Ciiwenrjnn S art or Wild
CaraaT. It is e rtainly the most wonderful cure
on rieotd ! Read It.
Wilminrton K C. Jan. 13th, 1847.
Da. Status Dear Sirt ILiving been almont
miraculously cutvd bv your valuable medicine, t
think it not more than common tratitoile in ma to
make org addition to the long Mat nf ccrtific.le
which you have received of runarkah'e cure by
tour medicine. During the two y are preceding
leaf A usual. I waevery mnch ditrsd by a very
bad cold and raeliiig cough, and during the latter
p 'V of ibe time il continued to erow w-r, and
Inde.d, in Jul ray friend gaa me over, hiring
trird all kinila of medicine, aaid to be good fir inch
die, without the let pood efleet. 1 wa re
duced almost t. a perfect rope, and had sorrels
e-y fle-h noon my budy, and for long time ne
-r thUL'ht tn rt-e ftom my bed aaain A ftiend
one d y a-ked me if I had tried Dr,8Tii'
Compound Syrup of Win Caesar, and advi-rd
me to d a at once, a be heard that it hail worked
treat manv wonderful cure. ' T took hi" adice,
nl fier uaiue up eevcral bo't'ea of it, t grew so
much heller th;it I was en-ibled to leave mv bed,
ai d afterward t wa'k aloul the houw, and p
out into the street f w- encouraged bv thi. and
eoiitinurd the ue nf your nvilieine, and now, by
mne of it wimd -ful rtnative pwere. I am tier
fctly well, and "joy the ue .f a'l my fictiltie,
jttt a nmc.h aa if I It -A rer been 'fflict- d hi th
way I ibwibed t you I h'tve wriii.-n thia not
ttl'r k'nr tb.t it w II at tll nt--ret you. t- bumhlv
bnp'ii tlia t will haw ita mie nf iiiAune in cau
tine y i'r aalunMe medicine to t-e ap-ead am tig
wiatikind. and i-i t ng m ra you to th. t eta.
tin which y-u rlrhly V'eia,f if your (tenevering
cf.itta the pnbtic. i onL
lieapt'Cfu ly your friend and admirer. .
C.mmeiit on eurh raidenca aa the abae it un
TirceaaHry. A tingle trial will p'ace Dr. 8wAtta'a
Coiaaouan Sravr (ht.mht b-yond the
reach of cmnpi t tiitn In the"e-t!mtion of every pa
tent. Brt ita healing viitua will be, ila let re
commendation. Beware of Impttntion Aitemp'a have often
beau mad I y imprint p'ed ind v duU to impone
tion the commu'.ity a arur nu; article. Pleating
tieirlv the whole of the name of mv pr-pration.
To fully guard aanat auch baae and pa'p thle lm
po-ftion, the paW'C should h"n all prep.ra'i ina
puipiiriing to contain Wild Cherry, except that
(earing the 'gn .tore . f Da. H. Swati on e ch
b tile. The name nf Dr.Swinr, in c nnprtion
with the Compou' d Kyrup nf Wild Cherry, hat
never at been counierfet'ed. So if pertona woukl
lear in mind the rame of Da Swivaa. they may
be mtf of obtaining tho o genuine arti
- Beware nf ihe wnrthle-a Bali4ma.' Biuera.
Syiup'.'&e. aa they e--atain none of ibe virtuea
of ihe original preparation.
The ( 'i'ain..l and nMv) g-nuine article ia pre
p.reJI.y DK. rt WAYNE, comer of Biifhth and
Kite nireil', PKiladrlph a. and fir aile by aaenta
in all p ria of ibe United S tatea, and aome parta of
Curope. . '
On y Agenia io Sunburv. a-
Dr. J. A. Moore, Fanvillttj T. 8. Mirck y &
Fok, M lion ; M D St J Wei . Mu.v t C. A.
W yatl, l.ewia'tirg; Davia St Schnnr. 8clioagrot;
John C itenn, Jina Mouulaiit P. 0 . .
Ibdad.lpliii. de4tm.fftlf
OP Foreign and Doni atic Merchandiae, nf the
Coui.ty nf Nwtlhumhrrlaiid, who have, anil
who have not paid their Lie nee.
TV bo nave lnld.
Henry Mareer I. Brown
Geee Bright Arnna T, Reieel
John W. Fiilmg Ireland ot H yt
John Young Kelrhnrr A Hirtle
John H. Purdy - D- nllei & Mnnlag
C. B D-Foneat Yoder & Camp
WH ian Rein George B oaiua
Forrrythe. Wtlaon & co Weat A Ntr
Gi orea Axley Henj ,mm HerTner
Jonaa Wolf William Krea
J hn H. Vincant Willi tm Dappen
Adam Conrad J hn K rl
Jamee Reed J"hn fl Renn
Ueoiffe Ciwrey Peter Heieel
Maekey ft Haag Benneville HoKkoe
8w'ny A Hon (Ji.teon Shade!
S.iH Cadwallader W.41) RothermM
Rmue Kethl Kaae A Be't a Mr
Bennett A Fibkf - Rhnad. A Frrow
lleinrn A nrotHt Jaa Henayl
Wm H. Frymit Jub C. Reun
I. Brown
Wuo hare net Paid.
Clement A Haas P. McDowell
1. a T. Clement Flewbr Maihew !
John Kocar 8. Condv A CO
Cieorge H. Uuyera , John II. Raaer
Wm. II Tr.imp on Ma.te'Ur A Swenk
Wro, H. Wa, plea . II air A Reed
Ifenr Wank J ... ph Hlmrplea .
TbomatJ Shannon E I. P p
R U,D Normandi . H.mmi A Deity
J.'hn lj enin Daniel e.l,w .rtm
Hamuil R. W0HI ... Wm A K. Pajrly
W'ni. F NagU .. . Ai lhonv Dangler
John Mray Taylor A MoCkaahan
. N eTe neeebytlven. lh4 the Te .uier U
rauard. l y Ww. t-i roavtc Ml ) againat til
thoa - wb tin not c.nn f vaaid ami pay their lican
aaa an or Ulur th I lib 4 f Dcmlt- awga.
Ctwbary, Net 0. U47. - ? r.aaaairer.
: Tl V r reereJ. han.'a m b4 T CluUu, I
U timmrw. Clmu, Cettt ,f aU kuida, Cttai
SJtot. tat awn, woman aud children. Grmtr
QtttHtumre, and varitly of rW artM-lea, cbow
nef than ever, by HEKRY MASSEK.
tiaobnry, f. t7th, U47.
Indian Vegetable Pariacen. '
MMana Rewaan Watt. aentla-vnn,
It h with laatur that I give yu the
following biatory nf my eaae, whkh fio n it -e ve
rity and long continuance umler ih be-f mrdiCl
tiendanee I eou'd p'ocure. a(T r 'a' a ttriking illu
tratinn of the womlerful aoierloritv of your Dr
CE A over alt the p'tpulat tameiliea nf ih d iv.
' It wat my miaforlune to Inherit'ula. which
made itx app arance (at my mother Informed rnc)
when I wa t ut a few mnntha old, hot wat n il va
ry trouble .me until my tnth year, whao It atta -k-lmy
right ibw, andatiAVned ihej.tin. A 'out
eight year f er thla. It mal iia apnearao on
my arm aaain, a'mnat coveting it with ulceta. At
th ame lime t tirkel my iktoat alio, K ling it
with tttcar. My longn became friihtfu ly two I.
In, and lm.t hrd a a pice of wnod.
I applied to on of the moat tkillul phytic! m in
Nnrrirlown, Pa., wlter teaidrd at the time, but
tha diaear eeoed liejnnd hi iach. He adviaed
ma to e ima in Phil' elphia and cntult th late
Dr. Parriah. I did o, and waa under hit ca for
a ahnrt time, when he adviaed me to return home,
at my phynician eiuld do much for m aa he
could. Thi wat certainly not very encouraging
I returned, anil wat for foiii or five ye mot nf
the time under tiealnvnt, when the Doctor inform
ed m that hi resource wre eh iU'cd. and I Wat
at liberty to try any thing I thought would do me
good. '
I then to "k Oikb y't Baratnarilla, which at flrat
aer-mi d to d.i me good, but toon lo-l it power, and
wat diecon'inoed. I have tken Swaim'a Panacea,
MrahiH'a, HouckV Leidy'a tnd other prrpa-a-lion
ofSartiparillt, without fff-ct. My Ihrnai wat
Kill u'ceitted, mv ptla'a entirely etrried aw y, my
fac anJ no much swollen, and eicredingly pain.
Thn ma't-ra ttood in Jtnuvry ia,whn f com
menced with Dr. Ct'tLtn'a lant VoTatt
l'aMACi4,and I frank y conf. l, if your medicine
h d rt quired Faith tnen-ure a cur.-, it wou d have
failed in my re; for I had tried ao mu. h tranh
that my tonRJence in mediaine waa gone; and il
waa only aa drowning man will gtatp atraw,
that I commenced with the Panacea.
But atrtnge a il may pper. the inflammation
and aoreneat wer a'moat entirely rem .ved in 3fl
hour, aa'itfving me that I h id got hold nf a med
cine whih I had not used before, and which would
cur me My anticipation have lo alt appearance
bien leal'xed, for I am heailhirr thin I have been
fot eeventern yeara. ; My akin baa tumed a heal
thy appenrance. My bead, which had tr nub led me
for to many yeara, ia nnw frc fiom all ditar eah!e
acnsttioiiii ; my throat it toundj an I ao far at I
cjn jude, th diae it cumpbtdy eraJicatcd
fiiim mv rv'ttein,
I tliati I e h inpv to give any further inf irmatton
tn xn who cYoe l exit upon me at mv rea dence
in Poplitr meet, firat hou a eaat of Rlebth aireet.
IM.ild Iphia, June tl, 1H6,
Cnriificate nf cure, in pmphlet firm, may be
liad (ir.itia, at the nfficCa nf lb agenla- - -
Tlda mcdicMi ia preimred and eM by ihe
pro) rirtora, Rowand A Walton, No. 976 Matkct
treat, Philid-lpia. f , , -,
. fV W Danenhowrr. No ) Murray at. fi Y.
t f J J W O.nenhoww. Nn I O F H.M, Cin.O.
aa C T Jenkine, No 6N Canal at. N Orleana.
tt i. N Robtnaon, cr Gav 4 8ar.toga ate. Ball.
Agentas H. MASSER. Sonhury. .
I H. R iter, Milton; J. 8.-et obl, New Ber
lint Mr. Mtiaaer, Mrllhaimt Sharp D. Lewie,
Wilkeaharr. .
Hold alio by Droggitt throothout th United
State. Dec. 4 1847. m. Iy
IVotlcc ill Partition.
NOTICE in heicby given to Snphit Jol'y, Nm
cy Ely, Charle Ret and l.ylia P. h-a wife
in nitht of vaid Lvdia, John 1'hompaon, n'r nf
Rebcci-a Jolly dec d and Kel-ec a l.a Due, adin X
with the will annrsrd of Mry Re, ilec'd., hewa
of Thorn ia Mayhurv, dce'd, Relierca Mavbury,
Warner Jonea and El:heth hie wife in righ of
ft'd E ixa'eth, William Harn-on and Anna h a
wife in right of taid Anna, William H 'trie and
Sua in tain wife in tigh' of aaid Su-an John Boyd
and J line hit wife in right of aid Jure, and Sarah
Ann Maybury, whkh aaid Rein-era.. Eiii tlvih.
Anna, Hutan, Jane, and Harb Ann ate heira ol
Will.iughiiy Mnybuiy, dei'J., who wat one nf the
heira of Thomaa Ma) bury. dec'J., th4t a wii lo
me direrlrd. ieaued out nf th Court of Con.nvn
Plena of Norihumberland county, Pi-nn'a., to the
leim f January, A. D. 184H, whereby I am com
manded to tummon there the alioe named panfea
aa drfand -nia, to h and pii b fare our Judue
of lb U.'Uit nf Common Pleat to Sehobbn at
Suubury, in aaid eountv. on the I at M nd -y of Ja-
ury neit, to narr Wm. I. Green ugh, pliintitT.
of a plea whercfor th tai l plain-ilTnd th raid
defendanla loartber and und vt.h d ilo ho d a cer.
tain tract of land, surveyed on warrant d ted the
St J day of June, A. D. 1773 to Jaute P.Mtt itu
ale in Ruh lownth-p, county aforeaaid, a 'j"i.iing
landi f John Nurah, Lewia Vai e, Benjimin
Valine and other, and containing three hundred
and twenty acre mora or leaf, partition thereof
lien them the ui d- fendantt doth not -ermlt;
of all which tha aid partb at barely p tjuired lo
tak notice.
tiheiiff a Oflice, t?unbury, ? 8hiiff
Nov. tO. A D. 1847.
. J-6t
Merchant Tailoring.
UKSPEC I FCLLY inform hit hieud and
t .e pu'ltf that he hat juat returne.l from
Phil idelp' ia. with a general aranitmrnt of g'wxlt,
tuilatde for mm and children ' wa.r, which will I
ni.Jd up to nrjer, or told on the moat reatAnahle
lerma. cnnti-tinp, in part, of
Engliah, Fiend , and Amcrieai) Clotht,
do do Jj ' Caaainiera,
Beaer Cloth, " Djetkin Caaauiiera,
Fancy Caa-imer. rlaiimtt.
Caahmete, Bilk Velvrl.Bjiiii A Valencia Veeiinga,
Mim'-.ldia-'atd ChibW CteakUtg- v ?
Lanilaotil and Matioo Shirt and Diawctt, ' "
CI k TaaU,
Fiing- for Lvdi' Clk a, .
A aeneral aaoriment nf I'fimminga, Ar., Aa. .
Cutrtng will be don fraa of rbvga. for pert mt
pu'chtMng gaode of him which tliev with W make
up tiiouvM. aud peraMia ftndi g thrit own goodt
will b- accommodated aa liereiof re . He le.4),ra
bi rkiiow'edgein ni i hi friend former pa
linage, ami repct(ull aoiictia a uuiuiuanca of
th Mine,
II l in'oir. the puldia, that be baa taken
Mr. JOHN U 1) RIGHT into en-partnerahip. and
'bat lit buaineea will I vieabar U eonducMd under
tbe firm of Watcta A Bbit. .
fXJ" AH kinde of Counny 'io4e lakaa, at tha
hiiiheat market price. . ,
. atunbury. Novmtrt 13th. 1447
For Sale.
THE BUCK Hfliiav. u n.. -I .k. .k.
aewibar, nww oecapiad by Mi Motrt. Fa
- . . Uf
m f7 "it wewan, k r ia myaait.
Nortktwibwbaw, Ocaabat , 1447. t
-T PJ! TL APE LP til A ,
Ett.MAtd Ift yeirt ego y Pr. KINKELltt.
Ill oldeet, qrwat and lt hand 1 1 cur all f.Knia
f eeer. ldiaeaer,d.aeeof ibetkinand ' i
aolittry habit nf ymith, a , .-r- .'
ft. W. enrnt nf 4 m4 Union a., Ae'trrei Sprite
-nd fine, If iipttrret from the Exehnnne. '
YOUNG MEN! if you value your lif or yonr
he ilih. remrmlter, the delay of t month, nay,
ven a week, may pmv yottr ruin, both nf body
and mind. Hence let no fala rnooWy Wrtr you
from making your rae known in one whn, from
education unrl renctability,e m alone h friend van.
H whn place, hirrnelf niKhw Dr XINKELIN'8
treatment, may tefigiottely wild in hi honor a
gen lewt.n, ami in who-e boaom wiN b forever
locked the errt of lb patient.
To i many think they will hug the eerret t.t their
own heart, and cure tnemlv a, Ala I how nf.
ten it thie a fatal deluaii-n, and bow many a pro
mli'ng you-'g man, ho might b been an eirot
ment lo eociety. baa faded fmm the earth,
finding II Inconvenient lo make petonal applire
ti n, can. bv atatlng their ee etpleitfy, tot her
with all II sir rymptome. ( per I Iter poet paid.) have
forwarded I thern a cheat containing Dr. K'a me
diein. appropriated aecnriHngly.
Package nf M dieine rorwerdetl tn any part of
the United 8iatee at a moment' notice.
(EJ PnT f m larrrna, add'ea.ed in D. Krr
nrtta. Philadelphia, will b promptly a tendrd to.
Oc, 30th. 1847 I y
"Secure ihe Shadow ere the Substance
5S3 OS. Ua U 23 UTJr tQ
TWO SII.Vr-R MED LS owartied at the Fa'n
of the Fra' klin nwa Americm Inttihil-o fur the
mnut artiatical or meni of IJag'ierrto-
Ithe I'urmuit.
FIHE recent improvement, made by th auhreri
X here, and whirh A peculiar to their etabtih
meni alone, vix: nn Upper Lighl,b received the
highert recoinmendatione from the Preta, ami a'a
written tetimini.t. front tb firtt artiata in th
country, aa to ittr.t tuperiority over th utual
Side Light. The peculiar advantag nf thi Light
ia that th NTttat. Eif atina or thi Era
can ha otvaiiied more perlec ly than heretofore. .
. fXj Cit ina and atrangere era iipect fully ini
ted, whether deniring Por raita nr not. to our
vptcinua gallrriee. prohtldy the larger and mo.t
cxten-irein the United State, and eiamina for
themtelvea the natoniahing improvemeula made by
the tubacribert in thi wnnderlul art.
Proprietor! of the City Daauirrrian Ethlieh
ment, No. 100 Cbeanul atict t., above
Thitd. anuth aide.
Phi ad.lphia. Oct. 8. 1817 4m eow
Watches So Jewellery.
FullJiwefted Col! Ltvertfur f40, Warranted
So. S46. Market etreet. PHILADELPHIA,
HAH cnnatently on banvl a large enanrinwrrt of
Gold and Silver Watcht. kt tb following
low price .
Full JewelleJ Gold Lev r., , f 40 00
StKer d . 30 m
Gold Ipinee. full Jewel ad, 30 00
Silver Lepitiea, - 13 00
Silver (juvtiima, 00 and 10 00
With a large aeanrtmenl nf Fin JawBLtaar.
fitch aa ear ring., finger ringa bveal pina, brace-h-tt
g- ld and t ilver pencil, told chaina. Ac Ha
aten nn hand a c anpltt eeitmenl Lunette, naienl
ai d plain Watch glaM"a, Miin Spring. Vergea,
Dialt and Hndnf ev-ry ilearr'ption ; and lit I Ci,
a compre e atortm'nl nf Wtichmtike ' tod. and
Watch Material , la which he w.m'd call tha at
tention of the country ir'e in getMttl.
q3 Tho. wiping anything in the a ho re line,
would find il in their advuitag to ca'l and ait
mine bi aiuck b fot ptire taing cla-where.
No. ttfi tlarket atrial. bebw 8lb,
Ph lalelphia. 8 pt86, IB47-0m
TT . ,
aairt'l ....
coi'ou ! raa
tcjraa aa I at.
' , tub worn OP TO
tna cone op coatcarTie T s
ARE YOU A MOTHER I Your da.lina child,
your idol and eurthly j'y, ia now perhapa
confined in ber chamber ley a dangeruua cold tor
pale che kt, ber thin ahiuoken finger a. tell th
bold di-a baa already gained upon b th
round nf her eepukh'a1 enuh pieice your aoul.
YOUNG MAN, when juat ab uit to enter life,
diaeet,abedt a heart ciu.hmg blight over the
proapecta of the futui you' hectic rwugh ami fi
Id limb tell nf your lo. and hope, hut you need
not darpair. Them i a balm which will kaal lb
wounded lung, it ia
S II En M 4 IW'S
Mr. ATTREE. th wife of Wm. H. A lire,
F.q. waa given up by Dr. Bewail of Wahinilori,
D a. and .McClellan mf Philad-lphia, Dr.
nd Dr. Mott of New York Her frienda all
ihought he mnat die. She had ever apneer.nee
nf being in conumntion, and wa. ao prntiuced
by her phi i,ne Sherman' Balaam wat given
and il cured bee.
Mr. GAKRABR ANTZ, of Bull'. Feirv. waa
alat cuied nf cooewmpnon hy thi Balaam when
alt oilier icmedie faded tn giv relief the waa re
duced lo a akeb-t . Dr. A. C. Cattle, Dentiat,
tl Broida.y, baa witivewwd il rffecte in everal
ta-ea where no other medicine affailed relief but
the Balaam operated I ke a charm. Dr. O. al.o
wimeveed i WiMKlerful iff et in curing .atlhmt,
which it never fad nf dointi. Spttina Bion I, alar
ming ! mat h, iaellectoally cured by thi Bal
aam. ' It heal lb rupturej or wounded bluod
vr U.and a.k ti ltngaoiMMl gait).
Re. MENRYJONK8, 109 Eihtb avenue,
wat cured of cough and catarrhal alT. i t 60
ye.r a anding. Th flr -doae gave him more re
lief than all the other medicine he had ever taken
Dr. L. J. 9 tl, 19 De'ancy ttrret, gave it to a
ai-ter-in-law wna waalabnting under onumpt inn,
and to another aorly a(R ctad with lb Asthma.
In both ear il ttTecia wer immdi a, aoon ra
atoring th m tA eomf irtab'e heahh. ' ' '
- Mr. LUCRE I U WELL6,86Cbrialitiei
utT-red from Aaihm 4t year. Sbeimm'a Bal
aam relieved her at one, and aha ia comparatively
weH. being enabled lo aubdu every attark I7 a
timely ne of thi medicine. Thi. Indeed i th
treat remedy for CoOgha, Coble, Bpilting Blond,
Lbear ' Cnmplarnt, aixl all th all ctmnt of lu
thmat, end n Ati'tm end Cenmpiion.
Price t6 cent and f I pr KnttK
' Dr. Hhetman't Cough anal Worm Loang, and
Poof Man' Pleat nild aa abnv. -
Dr. Bberaaan'a nffie . at log Naeean at. N. Y.
Agouu, JOHN YOUNG. Bymbary.
M A.M CAY.NaribumbwUnd,
UpWtjkbw Ilu !47 ly
THE CbiWf'W begaw ry fh Hbenrlan'a L
eng. ."To ! ya not a t loud at that
rim, hot it hat keptincrea-ing ever -I tr and n -w
baa hie'tm ao great that the mnntha nf tha htl
nnea ran e tree be atoppeti. Dr. SHermiri rtmpv
thlee with the little aulT rera. and rf much te
r a that any of ihem ahoold he iiapponteJ.
Knowing the eatt henefli which hat been confer
red opon th community ly tha introduction ef
hltlnfall.bin ' ' -
. wo jaw SaOSBxrcrsa.
he baa entered into arrangementa for en airng hia
Mannf .ctnyy, l-y mnana of which I think he will
he able to enpi ly Ihe Heme d. A"d the -am nain
and car will be token, that th a-letnied L.
aevig b ma le aa they h . alaraya ben. in or.
der that thoe wb d-pend upon them, mav not he
rftmppoin'ed In tltr itnnea. He knew when he
commenced the mannfactnr tvf the Wiri ltxen
get. that ih y wrmlJ nnetarr)' th ne nf vr
nthr eermifit. aa th I eery pfmamt
to the ta.t',tteerTy in )flet. ni . rrrtrvn,
and the q nttlv lenired tn efleet perfect enre,
ia verv am ill. Three protfrttee in connexion wi h
the f cl that they aia tdd fir 85 e nl per bog. ihu
pi ring 1 hern in th reach nf the pon-e-t mm in
th bind, bat not only canned them to take the
pier nf ever 1 1 her vrrmiftiie evr nffVred. hut al
rendered Ihem ipular to the community.
Or. naiertw
couon LoziNOss
continue to cure tVtii , O t.i. tin.timpt nn,
Aathma, ahortnej and diltletilty nf Breeihin. and
fiber ditra ea nf the Lunge, with ih nnw fci'ity
they iliil 1 in thi ir firt intro lurtinn. ai d the aopl
huve now become teruded by actu ilTintei ce,
that on Ihe creeion nf a I gh cold, they have
nn'y toii-p to lither the DrV nffir. o' nne of the
Agi ni. and nbtn a hot o hi. Ctiijh L lr gi a.
wh ch are verv ciMiVentenl to carry in tl a pockrt.
and to take a few through ih d y. By por.iiin
rbia rntiree a eurei. nfirn elTected in 14 bnti, and
the patient ahut hia hvin tt. So treat i ibe ce
lebrity nf lh L' 1 ng- t. that thnu'end. of p-r"n
thn have need t1 em, and become acqn tinted with
their if ct, will navr he w thout tin m.
w. . MIERMtV
Pdol MAHII VT. AiattlS
haa cu'ed mora cae uf hhrun-atteoi. Fin 10 the
Back, 8id nd Cheat. Lumi-o and Weakne.,
than any appbratinn that hae ever bee r made. Aa
Ihe ceUhrity of ihe Pliater hat lucre ted, hundredt
of onptinctpied ra eal have attempted to rounter
feit it, and palm it off npon the community a the
genuine. irTBewa nf Dreeptmn. D Kemrm
ber that th true and tenuine Platter i irrad up
on reddiah paper mad eprealy for the putpo,
and in every car Ih aiinator nf Dr. Hhetman i
P'int d upon Ihe hack of the Plater, and the whole
aecued by Copy Right. ' None other are g -nuine.
Theiefira wren you want a real good Sherman'a
Poor Man Platter, call at the fibre, 106 Naarau
atreel. ar.d you wi I not He dieapiminlnt.
Remember the ntimlar. 106 N au !., wb
II D'. Sherman Lo ten fea are void. ' Ilia Agent.
r Mr. Hay. 139 Full- reel, HreNn;
Htneeon, ' WilHam.hurs and Redding A Co.,
Bu4on, and JOHN YOUNG, Punbtiry.
September I lib, 1847. I.
Our , Scalds, ami all kindt of Inflamed
Soree Cnml.
JL the mii.tcomp e Uuin Antidoteever kimwn.
It ti.tanly, (n I aa if by Migir) atop paint of the
mn-l deeiwiate Burn- and ScdJ'. for oUt S r
Biu tea, Cut-s Sprain, Ac, nn man or I- t. it i
ihe hett appl cation that can lie n a Je. Tlioua ndt
have tried and tliouaand it. It ia he mtt
peif-ct matter of pain ever dicoreed. All who
uee recommend it. Every farndy thould be provi
ded with it. None can tell bo aom aotse wf tlie
family my need it. ,
Oierve eh boa of th genuire Ointment
ha ihe name nl S. Tncait wntt- n on the ouleide
lalw-l. To imitite ihia it forgery,
Bo'tinen, Liv.rv Men, Fariuc. and all ahoiv
H.irae-, will find ihit Ouitmvnt the very het thing
Ih.y ctn u-e for Collar Gill. Scran bea, KicV. Ac.
Ac, on their animit. Sorely rverv merciful man
would keep ti animate a free ftom pain at pom
hie. Tnuny. Unieral Hiutineut ia all that ia re.
quired Try it.
BI TE8 OF INSECTS. For the Ming or b te
of pni.oiion Inneet. Touy't 1 nnri.
va led, Hundrrd hve tr e.1 It en I found il nd
PILES t:URKD ! For t' e Ptiee. Touaey't II
niverral O n meni i one rf the heit Rem-diet that
can le applied. All who hav trird it fot th Pi'
recommend it.
OLD SORES CURED. For oil ntinte
Son 1, the- i no'hing equal tn Tnuaey' lini
ment. A parntn in Man-iua h-d, fir a nnmber of
yr, a tore leg that 1-afmt.l th skill nf th doctori.
Tnutey't Ointm- nt w-t rrc-.m-nndel hy n
lb vimting phyticlan, (who knew it-g-rat virtua.)
and two laiiea ir-duced rn.ii benefit th-n h 1
lient bd rercivrd from any t J a I piioua irm
die. all tr it
of oar f Bun ant) Scold, in all aHa of the
country, hav len cur- d by Towey'e Univeial
Ointment. Certificate enough uld b bad lo fill
the wbnl nf tbi ahr.
nn leatimoniaU, in fcvnref Tnueey'a Umtmnt
(or curing Biuieea, have been off red th t r'pM
t. Hundre.1 in Syracu-e w. rettify to ila grear
merit in rati vine Ihe pain nf ihernoai severe Bruin
All pernon rhould try it.
SCALD HEAD CURED. 8 .re of oae of
Scald lled have iieen cured by t oo ey 'a tlinl
meni. Tr it it eldom fn'a.
8AI.T HHKUM CUKED. Ofa l the reme.Cee
ever dicnvemi f r thi anal dteagreea! le complaint.
Touay' l;n tiinlinent i the mo.t complete.
Il never wa. kn wu I fad.
Tou-ey'a Univereal Ootment will alwaya cuteili
wor-t eara of Chapped Haods bcote uf person
will Mte tin'
SOKE LII'S CURED For the cure of 8.
L'p. then waa'arver anything maite equal tn Tu
aey'a Ointment. - Il ia aure to cure them. Try il.
Ii it a aciamilie comiurtd, warranted not to c'
tain anv piep-rttirn f Mercury. (JJ" Pi ice SS
cent per bol. ' F" fuilher paMCuUre entceruina
tbit re.llv wlu ible Omtrne!. lb puhji a lefei.
red to Pamphlet, to be d gtait. ef reapcible
D Pggtt and Mervnanu throughout lb Unibd
Stam. .)..: i .. . ,
Pr. paraJ by ELLIOT 4 TOU8EY, Druggi ,
tyracuae. Tot al hy
JOHN YOUNG, Kunhurv,
M. A. McCA Y, Nur.buenWirarwl
Sent llth, HI7. ly tt
Teaitliers, Feathers.
Ftom l?i In 45 renf per PoundCheap for
Ci.-m4al tW Retail.
ITpheltitercr General Frnller,
Ny. 415 Market Su above llth north
' sideoppngite Girnrd Row,
riuxADia.raiA, ,
WHERE may be bad. at a I limia. a larg a,
ton ment if Bed and Malta, CurJ
Hair and Fethei, Chain. Tah'ee, tled.trede and
linking Glaeeea, logrthar with all Mher aittd-t in
lb abova lina nf buamaaa, at th lowest t4i prr
a. ......
N. B. Good warrant1 to tl aatitfaailon.
Sept. Mi. IM7. la
. I r - i .1 , 1
From 50 to 400 A cres,
At tYom ft a.1, te M ner Acre.
WE ntTi r l-tf ate and fof aet b-ment. h tn
of untmpmeed land in Fanna. aa above atateJ, to
Ih firat teve purehater. Fur two d IUr per
acr, half et.h, and th real in thre yniy piy
ment. th purchaser may ehew hi farm ou nf
th whole 17,000 acre (i Bcvptjng water power
and the nn tlmrvr 'enrt ) .
Tha premise are titua'ed in th cnantie nf W.
mini end nlliv.n, Penn'a., h.ut 69 mile
nnrth frm Northtimhernd, d lOmih' l
ward. Ir.-m the North B anch nf th Sueair-bnne
River, nn th-' heat e of MiPotpeny and loyala-ck
reek. Ah.iut 9,000 aeira have barn abe d told
tn In femilie. and settled hy them, and they have
eleard enut B00 aeee. The rertif ht ib
anJ the gr -ond lea-onahlv bvl. ilmlw-red with
Sog.r Maol-. Beech, Hem'ock, Wildeharry. Ae.
I w-iev d hy fin nttnt. t ream d I kea.
end tha SiTtnTinv Ukc nrnai.r Hr.tvrtT.
Th-lr full tee1 m ny an.l denrripiion ,ne he teen
al ihenmce of the "tinhitry Aniertran. tttnil hy
John Huntaingri, Henry Rjncfl and 14 other t. ti
le n. "
Thoee whn w;rh tn -e th l.nd nr to m-ke pur.
rhaa may cab nn H. BELLAS, nr'at once o
lbrulb Danville. II g end Orangevil e.
Ae. to the Bereptrk Tnri p k-, w' ich pa. ea with.
in five milea nf the premise. Only otier end in-
i'utrfnot tel Irr are invite I. The el irint. fen-
ring Ae. c tt h 'itt ihe tame a. in ther countie..
A fimily h inl I have $100, or more, to begin
here with ea'i-fiici'nn.
Apply to Chnrfet t'l nuantt E1 . Agent. Sun-
bury, for ftt tber n-f-rm-ti-'n. nr in tl a prtipr elora,
ItlJiill tlt.l.l. .Virrru.
JOtF.PH B. ANTHONY, Yfilliam'port,
Oetober 16th, 1847. 2m
WatcUee, Jewel try aiiti Sil
Trr Ware,
Guaranteed better f ir the price thim at any other
Store in Phihvtetphia. may be hud.
It hidennfe and Prta I. at
(I,tte NICHOLAS LelltTllAir'S)
No. 72 North 2il street, nhove Arch,
ATCHE. all kind, fair, low and medium
qu ilitie, among which are.
Gold Lev. ra. full jewell'd, $10 lo $100
!epln, do 55 to 40
Silver lvert, do 20 to SO
, Lepi. et,' do 11 lo li
(Juartiera. floe, 0 to 10
Unaitier, imitation, S
JawtLiat. Diamond, Gold Chains, Gold
Pena bit Gol I ami Silver hdere. Pensile Breast
Ptna, Fineer and Ear Rmg, Bracelets, C.inroe
if he, coral and la. with every other artirle nf
J welliy of the richest and most faabtonabl pat
tern. Suva Waait Pit-, Foikt, Spoona, Cop,
AeM of Stand nd Silver.
I t an Waa CaHort. Cake Birkett Fan,
Vae. t,'rd Case, i nd other Rich Fancy Gjd.
in aret iy.
W holcMl Buyer will v money by calling
her.- b. f ie purchiaini.
rr Keep thi tdvi rti ement, and rail at No. Tt
You will be atti.rird the f iood are really cheaper
and better than are offered in the city. For sale,
low, a handom p nr uf Show Cases, euttsbl for
a Jewsllry or Fsnry .tore. Apply a above.
Sept SSth 1H47 ly
No. 60 Market Street, five doors below
Third, Smith n'ule.
PnitADE trHIA.
ImfrnrlfiN WliolfHale Ueulera In
WATCHES. Wmch (Sla sml Materials.
Jeelrv of all lo'Cripti n. qu.litie. and
s'yVs, atl lb aiticle conn.tted
with the Trade,
Dn-on 4 Snn'e Brbannii, G rm.n Si;vrand Sit
vee-Pl.ted Waree.
ShelHekl ami Birmingh.m Plated Fancy Article.
Rod A Sun's and W..t-nh.ln Cutlery, Ra
aor. 8c seor. Erse's, lirtk, Ac.
Iorv H .nd ed Table Coilery, of th fintl,mdium
ml comm m qnalitiea.
A la-ge aaortmiit nf Gobi Pen.
'erif.rl Hpectarha. t .
Papier Marl a and J panned Traya, varioua shspa
end qu ilniee at eeou'cd rate
Gold Wxh Caa . Dial and Silver. Ware, of all
tlesciipti-ina, m.nuf.ciu'wl in order.
DICKSON A X.. having recently removed
into th l..rge and rummiMlimi w.reHn1 formerfy
nrcupie-l by Mesl. R. A'anoee-e A So., end
mora tecinlly by AaavnT Kantsaro. Ug
baveloli.-um Walch D'a'er.,C umry M'tthant
and in her, that ihev ilea'cn having at n'l time, a
large a-aoitmrnt of Good, of their own imnnria.
li.m, atbich they are determined to rail at the hi weal
CTj" Every altarlion will he paid to th Packing
nf Go iK anil iu ihe ! cut inn ol O'di ra, the qu ill
lie and pi ice will I fully gu.iantid ag.iu.l all
PhiWelphia. Jon ltb, 147 1
x j ojj iXi 8 asa
Firat I'reiaiiim Writing luk.
No. 67 North Third Street,
PROM D'. Hsre, Ih ralrl rsUd Pn re or of
Cheuiiatry in the Umveiaiiy nl Penn'a.
"PhiLd lphi.'Oct. II, 1843.
Dear Sir Havina liM your Ink. I will thank
you to send nie anmher buttle, ae I find il In t
tsevllent. I am your, truly,
Roar Hbb."
From Dr. Iicke, of Cincinnati, alutinguiiAed
fut bis numeriHia scientific reeesiches.
Medaral College of Ohiei. Cir cinnali,
Januaiy 17, 144.
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I m
aeliafia.1 ilial it ia Ih beti whkh ha ever com to
my kntlde, and it-iall it i eete-lknt for tb
ttM i-f Steel tta, and anil not eurrada tbrnn, even
i long ua.
. Joaa Lncai. Pinf. nf Chemialry.
Ftom a well known .cienlifi genileman.
Pbtlsileli bia, Fns S7, 1446,
Mr. Joseph B. Hover Hit i A ua uf your C.
mi nt, end practical fec'a of H eaprnotily,
ha induced m t rer nn.and it to ethers as an
ivluebi attic for mend ng China. Glsa, er
Cabinet Wt. Canrstit Mnanv.
r ; AnaKl-c Chea.Ut "
. For ale at th Mannfactory, VVHnk! and Re
tail. No. $1 Nnnvn Tuiaa Vtbiit. paii
Cbtrry ttiett, Pbtladalphiu. by
May tt. 1M7 ft T Manufaciuw.
WJKRSONS travailing thi inula are ten by
U inlornvd that Ibey can pMcut thrwugn
lick el," by making application at Ih Hurl
Cbailee Weaver, Sunbury. A. 6. at A PP.
Vegetable I nlveraal PilU,
The only knmtm Mtit'eint that at the inme time
purgtt purifee and tlrenglhen the tyiten.
Loanoit. July 7, 1948.
Dn t.T! ROY'S Pill are a new medicine
whirh hta juat aptererl, and it fuel takir g
the ,ace nf all other nf the rre cl.aa. The.
pill sr competed of many ingredient, but tha
Iw.t principal one are Strttprill and Wild Cher,
ry, o nniied that they act together! the on,
through ita admitture with other fuh'ttveea. pu
rrfying and pB'gina. while Ihe other it etvenslhem
ing the ytm. Thdt those pill are al the ttm
time bitiie and opening ; a deanleratum long and
eacerly aught f"f by medical men, but never b
fir diaenvrred. In other word they do Ihe work
nf two medicine, and do it much better than any
two We know oft fur they remove nothing fr .m
Ihe ayrem but th impuritiet as that while they
purge they etranaihan ; and htnee they cause nn
debilitation, and are followed by yii re-arti in. Dr.
Le R y a pilla hnv a wonderful influence nn tha
I lood ; they tint ordy purifv without weakening it.
hut they remove all ti'lioua pari idea from the rhyle
h f ne it w C inverted into flit d. and thus make im
pu-a hl iixl sn otter impoa ihili'y. At there ia nn
ih hl'it.ti 'n, o fine ie nn ntuaea nr irk"C il.
tending the npataiiona of thi moat ticeib-nt nf me.
ili'-ine., wh eh nrver .trame or tortiliea the ltj- a
live (unction, but them In wrk tn a per.
frttly nMtur.l manner aod beure petaoni t.k'itg
iliem do not become pale and rm ci ued. biit the
r oiiUary t for while il ia the property of ihr- Sam.
pr lit. umteil n t with nth-r intrdienta l
remoe alt ia foreign ami impure, it r eq i.lly
ihe proper of the Will t'h-ny to rewin ll th -t
a nntutal and neotid; anil he ee a r.ibu-t et i(e nf
heal h I Ihe rerta'n result of treir unite! oj'erj.
tiooa (jj Prite Sft cenla per UOX.
A genu lor Le Hoy'a r I'a.
M. A. McCAY, Nonhumbeil'J.
Aojnattl', 1847. ly
D C,
tna at vBNtn er dec. kbit, no. cut or tbb
A Daily Journal of Government, Ltglnlative and
enzrai pew.
to nnnnnc the rompletton nf bis tr-ars".
mantt f' th eelabll-hment of a well-oraaiiifil and
independent Journal of Newt tt Ihe Scat of the
General Govermenl.
Tha leading fenturea nf tha United 8titet Ve
porter will be th following ;
I. Etrly in'elltgence of Ihe Movement nf iba
variout Departments, in refcrenre to domestic af
fairs and to he foreign retaiion of th country,
wiH I given with, rcrnpulnu ftdrlttv. Poe.
ing peeuliar fcilit:e for obtaining ii formation,
tha 'Reporter'' will be enabled frequently to com
munfeare, eie'n-ivelv, intelligence of Ihe most im
po'taet character.
II. The verbatim Rrpnr of the Proceeding and
Debatee of the United 8tvca Senate, r- hich tha
iroprietnr ia bound to furnish d.ity to thil bm'y,
in crnrdence with the term nf the ci-ninrt mad
al th cloe of last rrinn of Cnngre. The r
tangemente now mule will tt once fully ecnre to
Ihe Senile of the Untied States sn authentic tnd
rumplete teeord of i't debate; and to the people,
in a greatly rn'atged ilegree, Ihe tcnefil of tb ex
pertence, ragacity, and atateamanahip nf that body
to whirh thry hive ever looked with aolicilous and
reepeclTuI tegnrd.
lit The Proceeding end De'ia'e in the Houe
nf Repreentiivee will alao be given with fuMnees,
imps liality and the utmott prompiitt de. Farh
d i's recotd "ill be mmplelely mide up, and sp
pear is) ibaReiOTrteT' nut mo-ning.
IV. A Hyn-'plieal View i f tho lVrcfdinga trd
Dcbilc ef all tha Stat Legislature will be regu
larly given. Membe a nf Cotiuria., ad Mtcl ira
nf teairer. will Ihu he kept foly nrnl tt mati.
cally infirm' A nf doinistic kgiaiiun tu all sec
tions of the United Sta'e.
V. Estly Intelligence nf a'l important more
men's in tha gislsture of Gr'at B'i'tin and
Franrawill b cnmmunieite,) hy e'y Meamer
fjom Europe, through rrporiera in Lor don and
Parts, who puaace peculiar facilities foi otUining
iiifitrn.lion. '
VI. The Genrl News nf the Day will be given
ia a eondanrcd form, with industry and attention.
VII. Report of Arguments lefore Ihe Supreme
Court nf Ihe U.S. Tbit department will be sn
cotidutfcd sa to mk ibe "Urportei" aiJiiprnta.
ble lo eveiy lawyrt in ihe rountry.
.Such i a brnf view nf what the "United Sutra
Reporter" i' detigned to be. AH the plant anil sr.
raugem- nt hav been well m.lured. and tha bop
' confidcntlv cheriahrd. that tb" "I'nued Stele
Hi porter ' will prove il.elf n enerfetic. indunrima,
dlcnified and petfeetly imlep rjent jooin.l. It
will hav no --ty views no political bia. The
Hopri0', by the trma uf bis contract win th
Sen .1 nf b V. S., it Imund to the Condi' i n that
th paper abai mnloin no political dieeoaainna
ricept tb drbawx." Il Will be th vibicle nf new
not th ortan of aaa set nf opinions Th'. g'and
aim of ihe ul""i'- r is lo etlablish st the re. I nf
Government a faithful and prnml reteoier nf a'l
ortaof intlliga'Ce a rep nsiWessen', on whon
ti e (Hikliciaii, ihe Imeinee man. the mauuf.ctuier,
he nv-rbsnie, and every one iiilt-r.a id rn th- af.
f'ita of Conares sml th i G virumeut, in j rely at
all limes with imp'iiil conltJei ce.
Ii is Mieved th tt the e'sMirmei f eurh
relitble j utnlof intel ign teon n r l i.b l.r
it will in tha iech of the g'est .n f 'b p-o.
pie, at the eomif.aiicement t hl p-nmiaes to he
moat interesting and eventful peii n In ihe hiit.ny
f Congressional proceed ngs w.H he I
with favor by all etaea nf the cnmn'ttt.'ty j i d
having thus tuti.lh1 nhj.rl-. tli sul ac iln r r.-
speetfutry .otic l lihe al end newer. u ur p H
from theulightened put be . f the IToit.! rii.te.
Stenographer to th Senate nf the lT. S.
Tb "United Stuies R. poriet" will t printf I -n
large and bandtome tincl, m l issued every m if
ning,icept Sundays, at the tat uf tit dliuri per
annum ; siagl copies, two rants. ,
In conntc iu with tb dily aper, tbett v-ill b
iaaurd from th tarn etli!ihineiit,
Tha publication will contain y th re.
port of th pmcerdings aud debate nf lb Con
grett uf Ik Uuitd StaUM. Il will be iud temi
weekly, ia n elrgaol qua. to f.rnv (hrouah ut th
seriion ofCungrees, and will furnWied toaub.
arribeia at tha rate f lw d H.r M ih burg
ion and on dollar lor th h rt renaion. Il i he.
liawed that ibis greet nstlunal wotk wi I b deemed
ndiepenaib' in th lihrary ol vrry public insti u.
tktn.iadiikcitn and mofe-ionl m.n throughout th
countty and that tl will r f'M h '
masof Ibe pep a th very bet p-dtiic-l teat,
book fee their vwn inatroction and thai uf their
Throughout th rai- na of Corg-ea. Extra
will b iud f r m the nfivc of the A tt' a
Remti,u u.tiuing tht repiutt i f tb dtkatca
aa may ptaaM p.rtnu'arly tiruwa fnteirat.
AH euUctipiioiia and coninmniciiion la h peat
paiJ,tdJrted "J. A. HOUSTON,
butted Slat Reporter, WseUuglou, D,C."
I Augtut Hth, l4?. Uo
Nnhambrlnd, Jaly Ilt,1t47.-