TEniHS OF THE " AMERICA V H. D. MAB8EKrT"fBitiMM JOSEPH E18ELY. S Phwumwih. H. B. JOSSER, Edttar. VJiee in CentrTAtley, in the rear of H. Mar er' Store.1 , . . THE" AMERICA iV iapubliahed every Satur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be p:iii1 half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till ALL arrearage pre jmiJ. Noulcriptions received for a lea period than Hit worths. All communication or letter on business relating to the office, to in.ure attention, muat be POST PAID. "' CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold and Silver Walches GOLD Lever, full Jewelled, 1 45 00 Silver t do. do. MOO OLD Lever, full Jewelled, J VJ (1 CT Kill. w-. (told Lepine, Jewelled, Oil vu Silver do. do. Silver Quartiere, fine quality. . Oold Watches, plain, Silver Spectacle, Gold Pencils, 15 00 10 00 15 00 I 75 S 00 4 00 Alan, on hand, alaree assortment of Oold and Hair Bracelet, fineer ring, breart pin, hoop ear ringa, gold pen, ailver epoone, sugar ton., Ihim Mr, gold neck, eurb and fob chains, guard key and jewellery of every description, at equally low fricea. All I want U a call to convince custo mer. All kinda of Watches and Ctocka repaired and warranted to keep good time for one year; old gold or silver bought or taken in exchange. For ale. eieht day and thirty hour brna clock, ,t LEWIS LA DOM US' Watch, Clock and Jewellery Store, No. 4I3 Market street, alwve Eleventh , north aide, Phila fihia. fjjT ! have orne Oold nd Silver Lever, Hill tnurh cheaper than the above price. Philadelphia, Dee. 1. 1846. ly ' T T "PhilaMphia Watch ut Jewelry Store," No. 90 Norti SECOND ceet, corner of Quarry. GOLD Lever Watches, full jewelled. I Set rat ciaes, $45 00 Silver Lever Wutche, full iewejled. 23 00 8iWrer Lever Watchea, e I en jewel. 18 00 fcilver l Watches, jewelled, finest quality, Superior Quarlicr Wmehe, Imitation iUHVtier Watchea, not warranted, Gold e-pectaclei. Fine Silver Spectacle, G.rld Brae, leta with tepat atone, I .J'r.,,1,1 P.n;l, IA r.r.ta. 14 on 10 oo s eo oo I 75 t bO 00 Oold Finger Kings 37 J eta to f.S; w aleukia e, plain, HJ ct; patent, 18 ; Limel. 15. O ther articles in iropoitiun. All goeda warranted to le what they an- aold for. O. CON HAD. On hand, aoiue Gold and Silver Lever, Lepine and Quartiera, lower than the above price. Philadelphia. IecS. tM.-ty " 1 MPOnTiST TO ALL COUNTRY TTOTTSE KEEPERS. YOU may beaureef obtmmng, at jsawaj all time., pure and highly flavored r-mntm Dv the single pound or larger auai tity, at the Pekln Tea Company' Wareliouae, 30 South Steun4 ttrtet, between Market und Che mit gtrrem, PBXI.ASELPBZA. Here'irtore K haa eeo very difficult, indeed, al moft impoaaible. alwaf a to obtain good Greon and III .rk Tea. Bui now you have only to viMt the rVkin Tea t'ontpany'e Store, to obtain delirioua end fragrnt Tea aa you could wiah for. AU taslea can bore he auitl. with the advantage of getting a pure articl a low price. June 17th, 14. PIANOS. THE SUUSCRIUER hn been appointed agent, far it (nte f CttNK AD MEYER S CEU F.RHU'ED PREMIUM R'SE WOOD , PI ANOS, at thi Klnce. Theae Pianoa have a plain. maaaive and brautifal eitorioi fini-li. ed, for tleplh and cweetneaa of too", and elegance of workman ship, are not aurpaned by any in the United Slatea. Tlie folktwiiM? ia a recommendation fietn Caat Dirt, a celebrated perlb'aaer, and hiaaattf a man- olacluterj ' A CARD. Hirma had the nleaore o trying thai ecel- lent Piano Fortea manfactured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at the bat eshibitton of the franklin In. etiroie, I feel il due to the true merit of th maker to ilecla re that theae instrument are quit equal4 and in some resnrcta even sairenot, in all tna 1 1 no Forte, I aaw at the cipttaU of Europe, and .Uirinv a soiourn of two yesra at ran. Theao Piano ill be sold at the manufacturer lowest Philadelphia price, if not omeihtng lower. Persona are reauewted to call and eiamine fur thcmaelvee, at the resilience of the subscriber. Sunlwry.May I7.184&;.. H.B.MASSER. Counlerlelters DEATHBLOW. The puldie will pleaae observe that no Bramlreth Pill are genuine, unless the li haa throa la bels aMn it, (the tos the aile and the bottom) each containing a Ijc-aimiieaignaiure oi my osiiu writins. thus B. BaiBCTa. M. D 1 bese la lel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at aneipeiise of over $ 3,000. -Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in it purity, i to observe; Mi laliel. ' . Rememtter the top, the aide, and the bottom. The following respective tmraon are duly author! ked, and hold rTiarprrrp ATTIH or AOXOrGT For tba aale of brandreth't Vegetable Ihiiveria Fill . Northumberland county I Milton Mckey & Uhambeilin. Hunhurv H. B. Maseer. M'Ewena- ville Ireland 4 Men ell orthumllland Wm. Forsvth. Georgetown J. Sl J. Walt. Union County t New Berlin Bogar A. Win ter. Selinearove George Gundrum. Mldill hura Iaaae Smith. Beavertown David Hubler, Adamkburg Wm. J. May. Mifflinahorg Meueeh Ai Hay. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freeburg U. dt F. C. Moyer, , Lew iaburg Walla & Green. Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynold A Co. Berwick Shuman A. R'ttenhouse. Cat lawiaaa C. O. Drobta. Uloomaburg John R, Moyer. Jeieey Tawn Levi BiaeU Waahington Roht. McCay. Lime.tooe Balli- MsNtnch. Oliwrw that each Agent baa Q P.ngraved Car- ..rmiMnt Aeenev. containing a repiewntotion M .i, HRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Stag Sing, and upon which will also b aeen eiac eopiea of the new label nvw used upon the Brandrtik Fill Uujet. . . . ' Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Bthetreet. B. BRANDHBTH.M.D. Jun SilJi. 183. f - if IIM -: .....;( Abaolute aequieacenc in the deciaionl of th majority, the vital principle of Republic, ffom which By Masscr V Elacly. From the Dollar Newspaper. the woitKixo.mir. BT CHARLKS Tkt. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! for th working-man, In every land and clime! Hurrah ! for those who wield the press, Or work by rule and line! Earth cannot boast a nobler race, Nor one whose power has wrought Such wonder aa the working-man To life and light ha brought. Tba working-man! the working-man! Bring change with every hour; He aettlea in the forest, And eitie spring to power. Let these who acorn the working men, For honest worth make room, It is to him tbey owe the plough, The ship, the forge, the loom. The working man! the working-man! Hi mission must fulfil; His march is "onward!" and hia mind Moulds earth unto hi will ; Who shall the heart1 wild impulse tame f The mighty mind control ! Or turn him from the purpose That waken in hi soul f The working-man ! the working-man ! Shed light npon hi path ; Ha soar into the blue expanse. Brave ocean' stormy wrath; To far-off ialand in the sea H bear our flag in pride : Proud emblem of free-born ra, That none may e'er divide. The working-man ! the working man ! The world will disenthrall; When knowledge with the "million' rests, 'Twili soon be free to all ! Grant to the working-man bis boon, A school -house en each hill; "Knowledge is power," and through it ail High hopes will he fulfill. The working man! the working-man! None is more free or brave, He claim dominion over earth, And rule upon the ware; In every hour of peril dark, When foe would overwhelm. The first to stem the battle's tide Were free-born working-men. The working-man ! the working-man! Bring from the hidden earth The iron and dusky coal, Treasures of untold worth; The choicest boon in nature' gift, Bestowed by power Divine Richer by far than ailver, gold, Or gema from Indian mine. The working man! the working-man ! Ilia labor scan with pride ; The "iron horse" upon the land, The steamship on the tide; His genia rear him monument In every land and clime; Press on, th price i worth th race, The earth will yet be thine ! The working-man! the working man! May boast a lineage high : Sons of the aire of seventy sir, Their fame shall never die; Fearless and free, their manly breitts Ne'er felt a craven throe : The first to grasp the battle-blade, The first to spar a foe. A curse upon th craven few, Who would divide to rule, And let us writ upon each brow ' Foul traitor coward fool ! Our is a common cause, and let All working-men combine; Expunge each line "political," From Main to "forty-nine!" There come a voice upon the brerte. That all may understand Let there be light within the soul Of every child of man. And let each kingly brow that wear A glittering diadem, Remember that a nation'a wealth Liea in her working-men! And (et it be the honest pride Of every son of toil, Te guard the beiitage, that God . Ha given them, from spoil ; Keep evermore before your eye The motto of th dead "Be sate yoa're right in ev'ry thing, Then boldly go ahead !' Aye, go ahead! andottfoe Shall dare to turn u back, With eye intent upon tba prixe And foot upon the tracks None shall define our boundaries On thi green earth so fair The genius of lb working-man Seeks empire everywhere ! lloUmtburg, Fa., 1847. AND "SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. gunbury, ffortUumberland Co. LATE rnOM MEXICO. Action at Huanantla Capt Walker, the Tex an Ranger, Killed Atli.co captured by A tnerican Forces Mexican Government Su perseded San'.a Anna's Command of the Ar my Re-occupation of Puebla Flight . of 1 Gen. Rea Gen. Smith appointed Governor I of Mexico Sickness among the Army. The steamship New Orleans arrived at New. Orleans on the 7th, with dates from Vera Crua to the let of November. Gen. Patterson was to leave Vera Crux on the lt inst. The whole number of the train and escort is 5 000 atrong and 220 wagone 1 Capt Briacoe'a Rangers accompanying the train, The brave Capt. G. II. Walker, of Texas, was killed in an action with the Mexicans at Huanantla. I The English courier arrived at Vera Crux on the .list ult., bringing news from the city of Mexico to the 29th tilt. Nolhinsr verv imoor- tsnt has transpired in the capital since the pre- viou advice. I " I We extract the following items from the Ve- ra Cruz Genius nf Liberty, of the 1st inst. Atlisco haa been taken possession of by 1000 of our forces. The large city was yielded with-1 out the least reaistance. I Oriz'iba ia doubt lea by tht time a!so in pos session of tbe American forces. The Mexican Government haa superseded Santa Anna as the commander of the army. Gen Rincon has been appointed to that office Santa Anna loudly protesting against the viola- tion of hia rights as the first Magistrate of tbe nation, a he style himself, and refusing obe dience to the government, retiree to Tehuacan. Gen Scott and staff have lately visited theci ty of Guadeloupe. Gtn Almonte reached Querela ro on tbe 7th ult The New York Regiment of volunteers have presented swords to Capt A W Taylor and Lieut J Griffin. The city waa filled with rumors of peace, and it waa as id that a quorum had met at Queretaro, and that the majority dicided in favor of an ami cable adjustment of difficulties. There seems to be but little doubt that a force of Americana have entered and taken poaseeaion of Orixaba, and it ie altogether probable that tbe force did not exceed 400 men. Orixaba contains a population of something near 16.000 inhabitants, yet they had the good erne to surrender their city, notwithstanding that the force waa so meagre that demanded it. Tbe following officers have leave of absence, and proceed to the United States those who are not incapacitated by wounds or sickness, to recruit for their respective regiments: Brevet Col Garland, 5th infantry; Col G W Morgan, 14th infantry; Ward B Burnett, N Y volunteers; Garrett Dykman, N Y vols.; A King, 15th infantry; Robert Porter, 2J Penn a vol.; Jas Murray, do.; David Hopkins, do.; J D Putter, N Y vole.; Sweney, do ; Lnrimer Graham, 10th infantry; C II Jones, N Y vols.; W Brown, do.; IJewellea Jones, monnted Ri - ties; MA Van Buren, do.; Henry A M Fill - more, 2d Perm's vols. W. C. Toby, of the Phi - ladelphis papere, has published a paper m the city of Mexico, called the North American. It is a beautiful sheet, the Delta says. The affairs in the city of Mexico were in a quiet state. The following from the Genius ef Liberty, f the 25th ult. contains the most important item we can gather from the Vera Crux papers From four French gentlemen, who left the city of Mexico on tbe 13th. and Puebla on the 16th of the oresent month. w have received intelligence of a very important nature concer- nine the state of affairs in those quarters. Gen Lane havinff arrived at Perote. waa there joined by Cant Walker and his command. Both sd vanced together on the Puebla road till they reached the town ot Vreyea. At this place Capt Walker, by order of the commanding Ge neral, took up his line of march to Huanantla, by way of the towna of San Franciacoand Gua- pastla. On his arrival at Huanantla a sanguin- ary engagement took place in the atreeta, be tween the force of Cpt Walker, conaisting of 250 men, and that of the Mexicans, numbering 1 (WO. the result of which waa the total expul sion of the enemy from the town, and its occu- pation by our gallant little army, which lost in . l l. ..I a man . tint th ft.ll.nt W.I. 1 1 1 C uailiv Will. ' mm , " - " k, . ker, after performing prodigies ot valor and fusla 0f the moat daring character, fell, in single combat, pierced by the spear of an enraged fa- ther, who, goaded to actual frenry by the death of hia son, whose fall, beneath the armor Capt Walker, he had just witnessed, rushed forwent, beedlees of all danger, to revenge his aeaio, ana attacking the Can tain with irresistible violence, plunged hia spear into bia body, and alew bios almost inilantly. Tbe Mexicans lost two hundred men and three 'pieces of artillery. Tha latter were thrown into a gully adjoining the town by the victors, who, after the achievement of their ob- jret, the dispersion of the enemy, for which they wert despatched to Huanantla, evacuatea placoaBJdeitheWcoufatlo" there it no appeal but to force, the vital principle and Pa. Sntnrdaj, Nor. 20, 18-17. on the Fucbls road, which they reached with out opposition, and .there meeting with Gen. Lane, the combined American forces continued its march npnn Puebla Into this city in eteta of insurrection it en tered in platoons, delivering at every step a con etant and well-directed fire of musketry, which ceaaed not until the enemy retreated, and order was restored in every quarter. Gen. Rea, of whom w heard so much lately, fled with 400 guerrillas towards Atlisco. Gen. Santa Anna was at the last account at Tehuacan de las Granadai, having been deser ted by all his follower, with the exception of two hundred. A large American train was to have left the city of Mexico on the 3lat ult., on its way down to Vera Crux. The escort for its protection is composed of four or five companies of infantry, a battery, and some cavalry, under the command of Col Harney. T J m a . . The capital is already teemintJwwTTh hotels, taverns, billiard rooms, cafes nd theatres, all advertised in the American style. Some very severe shocks of earthquake had been experienced in the capital. The health of the army i far from being good. The climate of the valley of Mexico is not, as it appear, congenial to the constitution of the South, It ia just aa enervating and fatal to the Sou thern, as that of Vera Crux to the Northern constitutions. The effective force of the eji e army ia reduced ten or filteen per cent, in sequence. Gen. Persifer F. Smith succeeded Gen. Quit man as Governor of the city of Mexico. Capt Nsylor, of the Pennsylvania volunteer, is Go vernor of the Palace and Keeper of the Ar chive. Geus Shields and Quitman will come down with the train, on their way to the U. States. The ship Ossian, from New York, with troops, arrived at Vera Crux on the 30th ulu From the NTpiceyune. Farther Kilracle of Mvaleaw JV.wa. Death of Col. Roberta, of the Pennsylvania Vo- lunteera Return of Midshipman Roger, Ma jor Gaines, &.C From the Dursngo Journal, of the 14th ult.. is derived me miormation insi ine unnea Slatea frigate Portsmouth arrived in tbe tera of Maxallan on the 23d of September, from Monterey, in California. The U. S. squadron, coni6ting of the frigatea Congress, Dale, the Cvane. and a transport, left Monterey on the 1st ( September, for Maxallan and San Bias, and I for those of Guayamaa and Acarmlco. Major Gaines, Capt Caseiua M. Clay, Capt. I Heady, Major Borlsnd, Capt. Danley, and Mid ehipsnan Roger came home, and we are happy t,dd onr associate, Mr. Kendall, I Mr. Bankhead, the Britirh minister, arrived ,t Vera Cruz, on the 30th ult, aod waa recri- I ved with military honors. A duel wss fought about the 24th ult, be- 1 tween Capt Porter, of the rifles, and Capt Ar 1 cheref tba voliigeurs. At the second fire Cap 1 tain Archer waa shot in the abdomen a severe I but not dangerous wonod. I A duel waa fonght near Vera Crux, outside I the Gate of Mercy, oo the 1st inst., between I Warrington and White, with muskets, st sixty pac- At fir1 fire c,Pl Warrington re. ceived a ball through the neny part ol ootn lege, below the knee. The Uentdaa' letter made a great stir in the nr. One of tbe abeve duela grew out or it. wATiie or uiticxbb we regret w iern I n itr I t" Star that Col. Roberts, of the 2d Penn yloia regiment of volunteers, died at the ca P1"' " 'e au or uctooer. i.ieui. Jose pi, u. Bacun, of the 8th Infantry, died on the 12th ult. of wounds received at the baltie of Churu- busco. Lieut E. B. Daniels, of the 2d Artil lery, haa died of hia wound. Lieut. Steene, of the Sonlh Carolina regiment, and Capt. Hud dleaon, of the 14th Inlanlry, are dead ; the for mer ot hia wounda, and tbe latter of a bowel complaint. Dr. Wm. Roberts, of the medical staff, and attached to the 5tb infantry as surgeon, died - on the 12th ult., of a wound received at the King a Mills. Capt Pierson, of the n. Y. re gimenl ot volunteer, died on the 10th ult. nf I avniinria reiwif in alnrmini. I .hanitltetwie. Aa. I " ' ' - - ... . r .. siatsnt Surgeon Tredwell died st Vera Crux on the 24th ult., of vomito. Lieut Shackletord, of the 2d artillery, has died of his wounds. A far back as the Uth ult, General Pillow and Shields were able lo De about 1 he steam frigate Maeiskippi armed at e ra t.rtix on the 22d ult . A court martial was in session at Vera Crux I on the 28th for the trial of Captain John II. King, Military Storekeeper. I Gen. Marshall is ill at era Crux and will not be able to go up with uen. Psttercoo. lis will watt till Gen. Uuiler s division arrive The ateamef A; R. Hetxel, Capt Zct t. ved at Vera Ci tom Mobile th- jj. in i Dan ,brow overboard -" u. norM. D,in tbt tetmar immediate parent of despotism. JarrBBSoir. Vol. Wo. 9 Whole No. 8T Florida was in the same galo and had to throw overboard all her mules. ' ' " There were several shocks of an earthquake at the city of Mexico, on the morning- nt the 2d of October, and again at midnight on the 5th They do not appear to have bt.-en very severe, ss no damage was done in the city, with the I exception of cracking a few walls. j a new paper hae been established in the caahbUhe old world. In the prosecution of this duty, a ut entitled I -a Raxon. ' It is published enT, in Spanish, is a Democratic paper, an rt. the re-eetahlishment of the constit 21. Gen. Mora y Villimit has been appointed Mexican Secretary of War. Thb Dxatii or Captain Wai.kxr The Picayune, speaking of Capt. Walker'a death, says: Captain W. left the Castle ol Perote in com mand of three companies, in advance of Gen. Lane's train. ' Nine miles south of Puebla he met 000 Mexicans, said to bo under the imme diate command of Santa Anna. In charging, Cnpt. W. received a lance wound entirely through the body, and also lost a leg by a can non shot 11 is personal antagonist ir. the charge, and who lanced him, waa a celebrated guerilla chief. It if said that he had sworn vengeance against Capt.W. Dut he, fell in the conflict, and by Walker'a hands, receiving two bal'.a from his revolver. Captain Loyall and eighteen men of his com pany of mounted Georgians, and from six to ten of the rifles, are also known to have bfen killed in the charge of Capt. Walker. A man, named Raborg, of Baltimore, interpreter for Captain Walker, lost a leg from a discharge of artillery. Col Wynkoop writes that the Mexicans wore elanghtered after this like sheep. The Delta also says: 'Our correspondent, writing at a later date than the 'Ji)tn ult., gives the following accouot of the death of Captain Walker: The death of Captain Walker is fully confir- med by a later arrival. It ia stated that he was shot by a cannon ball from a ma.ked battery, a- bout 12 miles from the main road, at a point some lfl leagues from Tuebla. The hall also killed Capt Loyall, of the Georgia Monnted Company, and eleven men are also reported to have been killed in the me ction.' Torres, the editorof the Monitor Republicans wai cowhided for aspersing the character of a lady. - Gen. RiQ 7a and Bravo have been exchanged I M A for Capta. Heady and C. M. Clay, and other Ea carnacion prisoner There haa been a revolution in Guada.ajara. Mr. Kendall thinks Gomel Fariaa is at the bot-1 Urm of it Senor lloss, the Mexican Secretary of State, ha under the instructions nt Pena y Pena, ad dressed Snt Anna a note from Toluca, order ing him to give up the command of the army to Gen. n i neon, until hi conduct in the late bat ties shall have been investigated by a military council or court martial. Th officers of the Mexican army who had gonetoQueret.ro and Tuloca were hooted, it is eara, uv ine population, uuin men suu wumuii, ana scarcely caret! to appear in tne eireeis rar . . . .I . . i fear of being chot The guerilla are on the road between Quere taro and the capital, and are plundering every traveller they met A letter dated the 12th ult, received at the capital from Queretaro, says Pena y Pena had just arrived, in company with a few deputies-, making the tutal number in the capital about fifty. It waa thought, says the Star, endea vors would be made at once to organize a Go vernment, which would settle the question of peace or war. If a quorum of Congress could be assembled, the first question wh ich would be brought up would be the presidency. Almonte wa spoken of aa the candidate f Palo and ome of the Moderados, and Olr guibel, Governor of the State of Mexico, as tb a candidate of the opposing partiea. Nearly all the officer of the dispersed arrry were t Queretaro, and it i said, found it hard to obtain subsistence. The military force at Queretaro coneittd of about 1,000 cavalry .nd infantry, with aix pie ce of artillery front Guadaljara, under the com mandot General lleredia. The Star ia assured by a Mexican that the cathedral of Guadalajara had been sacked, by the party opposing the church. The Star thinks I , ... , n l ' ...... The Star or the 16ih saya the assassination ol American soldier by the Mexican had again commenced. Sergeant Sutlifle, of tha R.flce. wa( klej tie jht before. A private of one - af the infantry regimenta was also killed t'je same night, and it wa reported that Ir.o o'eri were killed. Earthquakes, says the North A mer',cin 0f the 29ilt ult,. are at the present ''nn gf ery fre quent occurrence in thia e.eau',,fu country. A f'w osyssgothe vills'eof Ocotla waa totally destroyed. The lAnton. de la Karva haa alto suflered a severe shake, throwing down bouses aad tbe tower of the principal church. . Wa btve had four of .hea unpleasant visiters in this city since our O jeunatiuuof it. I qnare I insertion,' . . 'W $9 Bft 1 ; do . S do . ' . 15 I do 3 do . loo Every eubseqaent insartiin, t tfi Yearly Advertisements! one cotama, f28 half column, f 1 8, three square, ft IS ; two sqnare, 9 , one aquare, $5. Half-yearly t ow column, $18; half column, 111 three sqrares, 8 8 two aquares fS ) onb aquare, 1 3 60. Advertiaementa left without direction a to the length of time they are ' to be published, will ! continued until ordered out, and charged accord ingly. ..'. (X-Siiteen linea or lees make square. LrrrtKo ovt A Link. The following refer to Capt. Philip Kearney, a nephew of Gen. Kearney who lost an arm at Cberubusco. His private income is 130.000 per annum J the en joyment of whioh he left to serve his country on the battle field. He was some years since one- in a commission, to visit Europe, to report upon the cavalry tactica of theaeveral governmenUof iii3 vai Iheol Jrtio Irfty rtion of the commission visited Algiers, where were hospitably entertained by the French officers, among whom was one of the eon of Lou is Philippe. Hoon after the return or the com mission to France, a number of the French nfli ccra who had thus entertained them, visited Pa ris; and, as an expression of their apprrciation of the generoua treatment which Capt. Kearney and hia associates had met with, he reaolved to proffer them a banquet. The invitation was promptly accepted. The Captain felt himself the head of the American army, and determined that the feaet should be worthy of the American name. He accordingly ordered a full set of ail-, ver plate prepared for the occasion, upon which his initials, aaan officer of the army, were en graved ; and when hie guests arrived, they were astonished at the magic like magnificence of the scene which presented itself. It waa the most costly banquet ever spread by an Ameri can (with a single exception) in Paris, and well it might be, fjr it coat the Captain over foO.OOO. He i, in hia whole deportment, quite unosten tatious; hut he 'let out a link' upon this occa sion, not to claim eclat for himself but in honor of the American name. The motive was a rv predated by his fellow officer, and lecUTti their grateful thanks. Albany Evening J u r. Ft'Nos is Mxxico The financial diffir ju'tssw ot remitting money 10 niexicu ui1.y:a.u' j wiib time ago. In the present state of thingr i sithsa country, it is impossible for the tng.i i mer- chants to forward the dollarato the cos st whisb they collect irom tne minea ana oin r sosree in the interior. They have been g le.d, taee- fore, to exchange these dollars for o a ft tn the Treasury ol the United Diaies, ar.a lo give $10o, and somctimee we are tout r,s high a $115, for $100 payable here. Tr.e effect is tu. tumour coin to Lnglnd inteaa ot Wpxim. We take the coin in Nexico which t'. Eng- lishman would aend home, and Ocpn the- a mount ourselvea in London. This '.uwia of op eration is going on extensively, th ra.'iv exactly how extensively we cannot ny. jm at Com. Stoct Soloisrs Six r,fa be)oag'tnL t Captain Pritchard's com pa t t Louisville, who mess together, were c" , tailed for some ser vice a few evening's si n ce. Their sixe at tracting the attention oV tome curious penon, they were aked to get or, a pair of scales, when it was found that their, i jDitcd weight amounted to 1008 pounds. Fo ur of them weighed 74 pounds, which is s a average of liXJ pounds each. And what ia th heat nf it it i. auM that -itherof the alv is. -ntimle able to 'whin hie wejght in wiW cA,lnd Mt calculaUn? hovf Mexican Goni: to A.mkbica. In the course of the present teg' stration in this county, some opposi. tion was rjade to tbe retention on the roll of x missing freeholder; but, on inquiry, the revi ving b arrister saw reasdn to believe that the ab sent, elector had only gone to America. 'Oh, sajd he, 'that i nothing now a-days. 1 waa in a. counting house at Liverpool, a few week gr. The head of the firm had jum received his A merican letters; and on reading one of ihctv, he banded it to his son and partner, quietly V serving, 'You had better go orvr; you'll ettV the matter more readily in perron than by ietvtr." The young man put on his hat, snd wr uf to. America with bia carpet-bas the asm e Ny " The learned gentleman, thereiore, th oirb it quite unnecessary lo strike the voter rff Tne re giater merely because he had go"e t n America Gateshead itbtrrvtr CfRX roa aCovoh. A the t aaon ercotp snd colds is st hand, we recomrnenj tV fcUew. ing remedy, which we have ued fey several years, and never knew it to (ail 1B rJWtig lV moat troublesome cough, in few iMya time. It is a pleasant, cheap, ar.d klaaoat iavSallikle cure; and ia worth mo re than a tfetesj af the nostrurna r,o Trrech ex'.ol'.ed by iatersatsd ouack and srd at ten tim e tbe cost : P ut a qasrt ol hontboead te s quart of water, a .id boil it down to, a pint. Strain 'A, and put the water to a pint oi naolasse, and simmer the whole down to a pint. Then add two or three sticks nf liqorice, and a table spoonfull of essence ot lemon. Take a table apooofull of symp three times a day, or as often ss the cough may be tioubleaome. JMaworian. At a lati balk or aooxa ix Exulakh, the auctioneer put up 'Drew' Essay on Souls, which was knocked down to a ahoemaker, who very Innocently, bat to the great amusement of tha crowded room, asked tha auctioneer if 'be bad any more works on tboemaking to sell.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers