; PRICE CURRENT. Corrected wetkfy by Henry Matter. WaT, ' . . Kit, i . . . . 1 Conn, . . Bcttxb, ' Kee. ' ' 12.1 3 50 40 ! 8 6 ISA 10 35 8 10 75 150 Taiiow, , . . BxltaWAt, ' f Ft.' in' ' " It are. tee Fiat, I) k i it n A eras, ,.t , Do Ptacuca, , HANCE'S 8ARSPARILL4. on BLOOD PILL i FIFTY PILLS IS A BOX The Che ipest end heat Medicine in et ietence ! ' Every person who ia subject In Bilious Fever, ahould purify their bl.avl and eyslem by ning a I wit of the SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS Persons afflicted with (Jnetivenee. eheuld try the Hawca'a SARSAI'ARILLA.oi BLOOD PII.I.S! Young ladiee and gentlemen troubled with Pim ' elee nn the Fee-, ehnubl try the SARS.1PARII.LA, OR BLOOD PILLS Ringing in the Eara relieved by tha If a vet' SARSAPARILLA, nr BLOOD PILLS! Headache ni1 Oitldineae cured It using the SARSAPARILLA, OR BLOOD PILLS Drowineae and Genrral Debility, cur.il bv tha Hawca'eSARSAPAHtl.LA. or BLOOD PILLS! Py.pepaia ran ha cured bv mini iha S.1RSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS (TV Person who h we taken considerable p.ii linna mt mercurv, and in rnnequeiire have pains in the rone, ahou'd use f eelv the i .... t Hurra's KARS4PARILL., or BLOOD PILL! C5 PeronB in want of a IMI that'i ' Pwtt itgcinttle, and i warranted not to contain a part U of Mercury, hnuld ue the 8ARM'AIJILLA.or BLOD PILLS! ' rr THE GESUISE FOR SA LE BY IJS ETH 8. If ANCH. 1(19 Baltimore, at. and earner . ol Chralea and Prntt rtieeia. Raliirae, -andty GEORGE URIGH I'.Sunbarc, , , D.BaACI lG AM, Northumberland. Nov. 1-3. 147. HANCtrsCOVII'nl'NDHYRUi'OFHOKB HOUND FOR. THE CURE OF Caught, CvtJe, Conumplin, Spitting mf Blood, ram in th Side and nreinl, Bronehtlm, Croup, Aitfima mud all diHatei ' ir frvm a disordered amdifinn, r o"fs Iw gtar neglected told. TAKE I IM B HY THE FORELOCK", I a piece f advice which ia auiteb'e In all reope nd applicable lit all purple ; though there i no imtanee in which iht piece of silvice i mnra e1it ship, thin to prrMina who have a e.mgh or cold, fir if hry nrglt-ci wh.l mny aiirar in ihm er trifling IS THE BEGISSIKG. it may lead to I inflammation of Luuga. and finally Cmirumption ! To all who have a cough, we wou'd eay, prorure a h ttle of HASCE'S COMPOUSD SYRlT OF HOREHOVSD. The medicine l pleaaunt lo lake, and it may aave 5011 vera of ufTring Piire 50 Critfe ier hntt'e or fix hollle. for ft 50. Prr,Mred and eold hy 8ETH 8. HANCE, 108 UaliinMre at, and crnrr of Charlrt ft. Pratt ata. and hy OF.OROE IJRIOHT.S.i. hnrT, D. BHAli riOAM, Northumberland. No. 13. 1847. 'V - "taze'itotice, i ; THAT ii 1 he 3d day of Novembrr. 1847, my I wife SARAH ( my bd and lioard. with, ut Iha Iraal rauae or provocation. . All perxone are therefore warned aiainat truatinc hei on my ac count. a I am detei mined not in rnv an debta of hr contracting. HH.OMCN DERK. Hhamokin. Nov. IS. 1847. 3t ' PHILADELPHIA lEBIC.L EOTJSE, EtU.bntked 15 ytr no by Dr. KISKELIS. The oldeat, aureat and beat hand In cure all forme ' of accrr I dierae, dieenaev of ihe akin and 1 ' aolitiry hahita of yonlh, i : D II . K I N K Fa L I N, iV. W. enrnrr ttfd and Vnmn tit , hntrren Sprute and Pine, tan-art from Ike Exthange, YOCNG MEN! if yon vain your life or yur he ilth, rrmcmbrr, the d lay of a month, nay, e.rn a week, may prove your, rain, both ef tmdy and mipd.. llence Irt on falae modeaty deier you from mxkina vnur ra" known lo one who, from : rdurat im and rrctahitiry,ein elonr hrfriend von. He who placea hmvelf amler I). KINKELL'8 liealmrnt, may irligionaly corfide in hia honor aa grn Irm.n, and ia who hoaom will be) forever locked Ihe arcret of the patient. Ton many think ihey will hug tbeaerret lo their own bearta, and cure ibrmcl'e, AlaaJ how of ten i thiaa fatal deluaion, and bow many a pro mising yourf man, ho m'ght have been aa orna want to eociety. haa faded fiom the earth. COUNTRV INVALIDS, finding H inennvrnient lo make pereonal annlira. li n, can. hy elating their tM etptiritly, t"e h-r wiib all their aymptoroa, (per I-Her poel paid.) bave forwarded la ihem a cheat eontaimbg Dr. K'e mo dicinea appropriated aceorlmgly. Parkagee of M'dtcinra forwarded to any part of tha United bletee al a moment a nonce. fry I'oaT rata UTTiaa, add eeaei) lo D'. Kia KrLia, Philadrliliia, will promptly a'tendtd lo. Oer. 30th. 1847 I y Stoves, &c., FOE. SALE, CHEAP. NB common Ten-plate. one Kl-lcrbch, Cooking, Cl Stove. one amll Room Coal ftove, one Sulkey, on. large Carriage, Inquire at the office nf tbe , 8CN BURY AMERICAN. 8unlury.Oct 30ih. 1847. 3 nitcsv.TDkr- CAME to the miaea nf the au'eenber, in Lower Aoguata lownahip, Northumberland county, aome lime in July laat, e BLACK COW, aVoul 8 or 9 yeara old. Tbe owner ia reqnea'ed to come forward, prove property, pay chargea, and lake her a ey, or he will he diaioaed nf accor ding to lew. WILLIAM R.JONES. Lower Augta, Oct. 30. 1847, 3 ' . . LAaTOTICET" ALL per Mine indebted to tbe eubaeiiher over tt month, either by note or bonk account, will do well to rail and aettle anon. Immediate atten tion to tbia notice will eava coeta. 'Sunbary.Oct 16, 1847. JOHN BOGAR. For Sale. 'THE BRICK HOUSE in Hunbutf. of tha rub- - acrther. now occopiod be Mia Morria. For term apply to W, L. Dawart, E q , or lo myelf. w . at. twin n. Nuitkumbeilaod, October 9, 1847. tf DR. 5WDETSEIVS S2T 23 OO THIS M.didne ia erarrant'd, rm oath, nni In contain panicle of Oalnmel, Corroaive Sub limate, Ararnic, Chloride of Gold, or any ilelr te roiia mlnerate. The principle upon which thie Medicine act, U hv aaaiatlng and harmoniiing with natural it drive out all foul acrimonioua humora from the blood -and body, and hy asaimitating with and Mrengthenit Ihe gngtrle juice of Ihe atonMch, it aaaUta dura Ion ; In abort there ia not a vein, arte ry, mnacle or nerve in the human body, thai ia not etrengihi'nel by the PANACEA, and it alao pnnae.epi the remarkable property rr removing mercury from the bonea and jointa. FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKI.V, Scurvy, Scorbutic Afleeliona.Tiimore, Scrofula or Kinea' Ev , White 8wHina, Eryaipfl. Ulerra, Canrca. Running Sorea, Scaba and Di'ea. time and a dpterminrd peraeverance in D , SWEET 8ER'S PANACEA, will efleel a cure. , FOR IDIOESTION. Rejection of fod, NaUea, Vomitinga, Nervoue af liTliona. Billiou. Complaint., He id arle. Pe'en-aa, or r rrnilf irrrgiitaririra, u'.onouiwuii'.'i n- NACEA will eoon eflrcl a cure j bm if ohatinate. or aitfnded with griping, ' flying paina, Ihe doae ahnuld he inereaaed, and tha cure will anon be ef fected. Let not the patienta frig'itrtn thrmar-lvee with the idea that th'y are ton we .k to take much mcdii-ine; but bear in mind that thia mi'illy opera ling med cine put not weakne.a Into the frame, but motl certainly drawe weakne. out, leavea atrrngil) in ita place, and hy giving enntiord e'erp at nig' t. and an appetite 10 rrliah any fond, re-animaea the whole frame wi h vigoroua action, clearing the mind and improving the eight, SCROFULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. .' Scrofula ia avid to bo heriditary, lh infmt re ceiving from ita parrnte the aeeda of thia diaeaa , which increase with ita yeara, if neglected and not enb'nitied In frrqu'nt purific ition with Dr. 8WEETSF.R'S PANACEA. The glanda are pla red in the corner of Hie body, and out of the way of direct communication ; their real ue i a tubject on which much diffrrnce of opinion prevaila ; it auffii-ea ua to know th.it when in a diaeaand etata. they are capable of being .urlfied end cleaneed by a long cour-e of Dr. sWEETSER'S PANA CEA, which' reatorra thrm .to eound and piopcr action. Scrotul ua peraona can nevrr pay loomucn attention to their blood, ita porifu ation ahou'd be their itrat thought, for aflrr a long courae nf prae i ranee, ihcy will ever cure hit edit .try diaeeae. tri raaea of JACSD1CE. ASTHMA. LIVE R COMrT. HXTS. 1IC DOLOREVX RHEU MA 7TS.V OR RHEUMATIC GOVT, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot betoohiih ly ei totted ; it eeaidira onl the vrry root of the tlie-aap, and iy removing it from the Blood makee a cure certain and perm.aant. For diwt.aca of the Bfadkr mod Kidneyt, Srre turtt Gravel Stone Pile. Fitlnla. Urinary Ob ttrurtinni and Extreme Crmtitenrtt Dr. 8 W BET SEK'S I'ANCEA ia ihe brat remedy ever tr e l ; it removee all ihee acrimonioua hameva fr m the Blood which give riae to the above diaeeaea, and by keeping ihe blood in a para condition, invurre health. ' : Fr DROP8V, F4LL1NG eeraa BOWELS, Impor liff ef the Btnod, Mercurial Taint, Wfalc arerv Spine Flow of Blood to Ihe Head Gid d uett, Singing and Butting So tf in th Head and inr. Dr. eiWEETSEK'8 PANACEA will give certain relief; In all arvere and chronic caae.. the palirnla cannot he leoollrn rammded that lar ger dotrt ami ptrtrteranee will rfT-cl a cur. lo IAim aajif r erere. a unut revert, a nemont nf the F.jtet and Ear. Spongy and Bleeding Game Braneh'l t anil reee.nl Caught and ( , Dr'. SWEE THER'H PANACEA will U f-,unJ perfectly eure and certain in ita r Recta. , . 1 GRAVEL AND URINARY COMPLA1NT8. ' Thoae comp'ain'a are geneialty attended with the moat fatal ronarqoencea, end are acldom or ne ver cured by the preaent mode of treatment ; thry uatialiy accompany the patient I tbe grave, after aufTering the moat eicruriating pain and torture. The caua-.- nf iheee complain a are the eame aa all thera. thedio.anl the blond becoma encrueted on the flncat narrow paaaagra. whence ana" morbid aecietona end oppageof uiine. You .will find the moat powerful d nrrtica of no ue, a. they otdy incn-aae the quantity of urine and do not puiify and atreniillo n th- part.. 15 y purifying the MoihI with Dr. SWEErKERS PANACEA, ou re move the caune id thediaeae.convqu.nty it can not exiat any longer, aflrr euflicienl peiaeterance in ita uaa bee deprived Ihe hlood and body of all acrimoatou. bumoie and incrnalation. DISEA8ES or Tat LUNGS-CONSUMPTION. Thia ia a ery prevalent end fatal iliaea : it re aul'a rboally from neglected Cnagha,colla and bron cbitia, alao from iaioper treatment in many utber caea, aueh aa rueaalea, fevere, ir.fUmmati'-ne and amalt poi.and a boat ef other badly treated diaeaeea; where ihacaaae. tnatead nf having len ihorongh'y retnoved from the Mood and liody, have only been palliated or removed from one part to break out in another. ' By diveaung your hodiea nf alt foul hu mora. through ibe medium of Dr. 8WEET8ER 8 PANAeCEA. iha eure ia at once rendered certain and rmanent. Rt collect, while there ie acrimo n'wti humora fl ating in the citeu'ation, it i aa apt lo aettte on the lunga aa any other part of the body ; Ibie ia Ibr rcaeon lhatconaumptioa ia ao prevalent. r BILES, SORES AND ULCERS, Which )ou ee on the exterior, come from and have their eource in, the inleiior, and might ju.l aa well hav .ettled on yogi lunga, liver, or any nther p. it; which a know Ihey frequently do, and ro tluee mt violent inflammaiory diaordere. The bunn which orcaaiona Ibeae eoreg ia of a highly aerimoni.in burning n.tuta. Wa know it from th pain it give in forming, end afterearda ita ra- 4dly ulcerating aud corraling tbe nal and akin ot the ait wbrro it uneka out. Ibie ahowe the neeeaiiy of fiequeutlv puiify ing tha Mood with Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACtA. and keeping euch malignant humors in u' j clion. Should you bave a bila or ulcer, be thankful that nature haa taken trouble le warn you nf the danger your life and bo dy ia in, for it ia a warning thai tbe blood ia foul. Had ibi aame acrimony a-b-e'ed ibe lunga in-trad .f the eurfaee nf your body (or Me aeal, roneump lion of the lung wou'd bave been iheWiaequen-e. D lay not then, la puiify and cleanea with Dr. Swe.tacre Panacea. 8TINE DISEASE Spinal effVction, mlaigemenl of tba benee and jointa, while awellinga, bip joint complaint, rup- lutea, lallmg oi tne aeweie ami worn' aiaeaea, win find a epeedy oure in Dr. SH'EETtEU S PA' SAVE A. Where Ihe diaeaae baa been of I ng ataudiog, ibe lima required ta make cure will be kmgei ll tba patient may real aaanred that a de'.ermined pereaveranre wdl e flee I it. BRONCHITIS ASTHMA awn DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. Theee diaeaae proceed from the eerioeity or corrupt Ituaaor of Ibe blood, having tiled ileelf on the throat and lunga. and etonped Ihem up, ao thai ihey cannot drew eunVteni air in for rrapi ration. Dr. BWEEIDER'S PANACEA will give Imme d ate relief, and to make Ibe cure par fed and cer- tain, Itahonldbe eontlrrual eotn lime after, to free tha ya am of all bad humora. - , ; RUEtMATISM, RHRUM TI0 GOUT AND . MERCURIAL DISEASES Find a eafe and apeedy cure in Dr. SWEET SE R'S PA SA CEA. Tt curea by eearching every blood veael and artery, and driving ont all tm'pu ritiea and foul bumora aecumuiited therein, which e the rauae of rh umatiam, gout and awellinga nf the jointa. The de'elerotte e(Ticta of Calomel and nther mineral poi-ona, rea lily ytold to ita rovereign Influence indeed, when Ita valiabla propertiea be come fully known, tbe uaa of all miner I pniton will be conaigned In 'the lomb of all tha Capnlete,' and only be thought of aa a by -gone diatom nf the dar ker agee. Dr, 8wniter'a Panacea la alao a euro eure for dyapepale. pia, cnativeitraa, vertigo, head ache, pain in the breaat and liver complaint, FEVER AND AGUE. Fever ia tUave cauaed by a diao'derly move ment ef the bl iotl, rtrugtling to f aa I'aMf af aome thing ibat encumbent It in fact, avary kind of fe ver ia nothing more than a etroggte between the b'ood and corrupt humora, and aa anon aa the cor rupt humora ate expel erl. you have no more fever. When a patient with fever aubmite to be hbd, or have hia bio -d poieoned with mercury, it weakena hia frame lo auch a degree that if he anrvivee Ihe proceta, it alwaya leavea him auhject 1 1 diatreaaing chill., when 9 time nut of 10 he retort, to aiue pill., pnwdera, or Ionic mixture; thia ia gnlng from bed to worae, aa theee vegetable pilla, powdere, die, era n 'thing but mercury and qifnine in diagulac, wh:ch may for a lime drive tbe dieeaae ao far into the body aa n it to be perceptible, but very eoon it will lire ' nut again with fretful vio'ence To cure Rue and fever, the cauaeof the diara e muat he re moved out of the hlood and bod v. which can be ef frctualty done by uaing Dr. SWEETSER'S PA NACE K, which purtfin.,cleanaea and etreng'hena, Ilcontiina nothing that can poaibtv injure, and ita uae ia elwave a eafeguard againt c!iilla and fevera, PILES. In Att Caa er 1'ttr.a, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will rfT ct a very apredy cure. It re move, from the hlood, etomvh and bowel., all Ihoae foul acrid burning humora, which are the eauae of I'ib e and Cuettveneas and by atrengthen ing the dig a:ive organ, improvea every part of tbe entiie bodv. FLATULENCY AND WIND. 'Theaa dieeea ar cau ed by Ihe Momaeh and bowela being choked up with viaciJ elimy mailer, the air whi h enter thrm cannot e cp until forced by aome contraction of Iha aomach to expel it; hence the cauee of pain. A few doaea nf Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince the aufleier that relief ie attained. GREAT MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Parenle will find the PANACEA a .aluab'o metliHiief wthe r childten, keeping their bodre. in a headhy c. nditi n, thereby a.aiating their g or h; children or grown petanna, after taking H. are not liable to be attacked, with an eptdemie aa brf.we, aa it alwaya leavea the Woixl in a pure condition, and ihe) f ntire y .tern In a atrengthened atate ( it drive, out e l kind of weakneaa from the body and leavea all heal bt within. - , MARRIED LADIE8 WinfindDr.8WErER 8 PANACEA a medi e ne purely adipted to their uae. M.wt lediee du ring the peri.id of precnency ere afflicted with pi lea. Dr. 8weptarr'e Panacea, by regulating iha bowela, wiB entirety obviate ible. and ita purifying proier liee on the Mood and final, inurea to them bra' Ihy off pring. No etna who U a mother ehouhl be without it, aid tboee who arenaraing will find it of gieat b-n fit to the health ef their infanta. ' For banenre.a and all divraaea of the womb, it ia without a rival in the entire hiatmy and Catalogue of medicine ; by ite extraordinary etiengthening power, it ktimulatee and atrengthene the womb, a weakneaa of which ia tha cau. a of failure lo bave ofiapring. NERVOUS DIE.8E3. Under thia head may be daaaed Palpitation of the Heart, Tie Doloreaux or Paceacha, Neuralgia, Indigra i in, Toothache, Melancholj.HyaiaHca.and in fact, every diaeae cauaed by Ibe aharp, biting acrimonioua humora irritating the nerve. ; the nerve receive the morbid imptea.inn from the .to rn ach, or rather from the blond through the agency of tbe ainmach end dige tive organ, and although other parte of the ho ly are apparently the eeat nf the diaeaae, till it 1 cauaed by ihe morbid imp-ea aion conveyetl from tbe blood be tha nervea. to thai patt. A f.w doee of Dr. 8 WEE TVER'S PA NACEA will eoon aaeure Ihe patient that be be the eure in bla iKweeaaioo. ' " 1 ' ' " ' ' ' ' ERYSIPELAS, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE Thia ia en inflammatory di-nider, alrya atiend ed with m're or leae pain. It prnreede from the foul, aeitmoniona humora lodgetl in the blond end fluid, eetlling on Ilia bm' e end face, causing ex treme pain and fevere ; all application on tha aur- fare are wnre than uaeleae, aa they only tmd to throw tie diaeee in aome other part, and perhap. raoae death. Bleeding ia likewiae improper. To rate the dt-eaae you mu-l gel rid of the cauae ; on ly manage to get the fool humor, out nf your brood end vou will be well in a day. Dr. 8WEET0 SER'8 PANACEA, a thorough purifier of the blood, will ecarrh nui every impurity in the more remote pirte of the body and exprl it through Ihe mnliuro of the bowela. There ia not a vein, arte ry, mnecle or organ of the entire frainewoik of man, that Dr. 8weetaera Panacea doee not im prove. To lake it wh-n you are well Ie ta keep we I ; and wben atck to become well. DR. SWEETSER'S PANACEA.Mntovn- poed only ot a vegetable matter, or medical heiba and watranted. on o.ih. e containing not one par ttele of mercurtul, mineral, or ehtmical auuatvncee, e found lobe rfecllv barmle to the mo-t tender age, or the weakeet fiame, under any Mage nf hu man aufTeiina ; Ihe mot plee.nl and benign in ita 0eruttoii that waa eer vfbrir i the world; end at tbe eeme lima ibe meal renain in eean bing nut ibe root of any complaint, however deep, and of performing a ere. , . . Puce $1 per bottle, or ail bottba for $5. For eele. wholeaale end retail, al ibe corner of CHARLES aad PRATT HireeU. Baltimore, and aUohy ; GEORGE BRIGHT, Nov. 8 1847. ly - Hunbury nohthuimdbul And TO TH e""pUI1II C. NOTICE i hereby given that the Bridge, over iba North Eet Branch of the Su-qifh.nna, ai Northumberland, will be pa.aabla on ibe Aral day nf November next, for Cerriagee ef berth, n die., and that tha rate of loll bave been teduced. to take i fTe-t from and afar the Bridge ia peaeable ae above, via : For every Foot Paneer, For ever Hora er Mule with Rider ft cent. 10 8 For every Horae or Mule without Rider, Tor evtry V.btcle etih one florae, For every additional Horae, . For II ..rned Cett'e per bead, For Sheep or bwme per heed. 30 10 3 1 By otdrr of ibe Beard, D. BRAUTIGAM, NoitL'J.Oct.30, 1647. 4t I'ret'L Fee eele, cheap, two Ferry FUu and two r4 !. e.nqnre of . UK AC HO AM, Noilbuwbeiland, 50 to 400 Acres, At from 8)1 3.) im 03 per Acre. WE ofTer f.r eele and for eel l-menl, about SEVEItlEEN THOUSAND ACRES nf unimproved lend in Faa. aa above tinted, to Ihe first twelve purchaaer. For Iwo doltur per 'acre, half rah, and the real in three yearly pay--mente, ihe purchaaer may ehnoee hie faim nut of tbe whole 17,000 eeree (excepting water power and iha Pine limber 'and.) The prrmiaea are situated In the round, nf Wy. oming end Rntlivan, Penn'a., about 55 milee north from Norihumheiland. and 10 milea wet ward from the North Oianeh of the Suaqtieh mna River, on the hear'a of Mahonpeny and Lnyalaork creek. About 3,1)00 aerra have been already od to 30 familie. and aettled by them, and they have cleared ebnul 500 acre. They certify that tbe SOIL IS B It'll A!I DEEI. and tbe ground taaaonahly level, timbered with Sugar Maple, Beech, Hemlock, WiU'cbe'ty &r. well Watered by Ane apring. e'rearna nd lakra. and the SimaTioe licoinvtf lleatrnr. 'I'heir full leieimony and deacriplinn rna be aeen at tbenrnee of the "funhury American." eigr.ed by John Huulxinger, Henry K.uch and 14 other ectt lera. . Tboee who wih to aee tha land, or to make pur rhaae. mav call nn H. BELLAS, or al once n through Danville. B'oomaburg end Orangevil'e. dtc. to ihe Berwick Turnpike, which p.e with in fivenilra nf Ihe pretniea. Only aober and in- duatrtnua aetdera are invited. 1 he clearing, fen cing &c. c at ihout Ihe aame aa in other count ie. - A fmnily houl I have 8IU0, or more, to begin there with eauafactmn. Apply In Char let I'l atantt. Ef Agent. Sun- bury, for fn'iher information, or iwVfie proprietor, HUNII BELLA. Sunhitry. JOSEPH B. ANTHONY, Wiliiamtport, GEORGE A, FRICK, Danvilie. Oeiuber I6ih. 1847. 3m r Secure the Shadow ere the Substance Fade." COLLIXS' 'KLCIIR4TED S3 2" a Ho S2 CE 'CP DAGUERREOTVPES! TWO SILVER MEDALS awarded al Ihe Fa!rt of Ihe Franklin and American Intlitulrt fur the l-eat nrtrf mo attiatical tpetiment of Dng'ierrro liipe. Portmiit TIIIIE recent improvement made by the aubcri M. here, and which i ieculiar to their e-tubli-h- menl alone, vix: nrt Upper Light, h recei'edt'ie higheat recommendaitona from ihe Pre, and a'eo titten teatimontal. from the flrt rti-'a in ihe country, a to ita great etipertnrity over Hie uual Side Light. The peculiar advantage nf thia Light i that the Ntfbii Eirat.atow or thi Etc can lie obteined more pcrfecdy than heretofoie. (Tj Cit xena and atrangera are ie.pectfully inl- let), whether ile.tting Por raita or not, to vi-ii our apacioua gallcikra, probably lho brget and moat eiten-tve in the I'nited Stetea, and examine for themarlvea the eatoniahing improvements made by tlie aebaciber tu thie womlerlul art. T. P. A D. C. COLLINS. Proprietor ef the City Daeuirrrian Ettbli-h- ment. No, 100 Clieanut atrect.. twodo-u above ' Thild, aouth aide. Phi adelpbta. Oct. 0, 18IT 4m eow Watches So Jewellery. FmllJcwelkd Cold Levert fur f)40, Warranted . JACOB LADOltlTJS. 'So. 346, Market ttrrtt, PHILADELPHIA, 1 AS conatantly on hand a large aarortmenl of I j Gold and Silver Watchra, at the following low .rice Full Jewelled Gold Levera, f lOOO Sier d i SO 410 Gold lupine, full Jeweled, , 30 00 Silver Lepinea, 13 Oil Silver Quariieia, HO ami 10 00 With a large enortment nf riee Jkwatticar, euch aa ear ling., finger ring breaat inn, brace let eold and ilver pencil, gold chain. &c. Haa alao on hand a complete eaniiment Lunette, patent and plain Watch glaane, M.iin Spring., erg'-e. Dial and H.nda of every deacription ; and In fict. a comple.e aaenrtmenl nf Walchmake a tool and Watch Materials to which he w. uld CjII the at tention of the country trade in georial. (J3 Thnae wi-liing anything in the elmve line, would find it to their advantage to ci'l and exa mine hie etock befoie purcSaaing elaewbere. JACOB I.AUUMU''. No. 34ft Market atr.et.bekiw 8th, Philadelphia, S pC25, 1847. fim PHILADELPHIA Watches, Jcwrllry. and ; . ver Ware,- Guaranteed belter ftr the priet lhan at uiy oier Store in Philadelphia, may be kud, Whntetale and Beta i, at , (Lair NICHOLAS LelH Rl S) No. 72 North 2d street, above Arch, PHILASBLPBIA. WATCHES, all kinds fair, low and medium aualiiie. amone which arc. qualilie, among which arc, Gold Levers, full jewell'd, 810 lo f 100 35 to 40 20 to 30 13 ! 18 9 to 10 5 Chaina, Gold Lepinea, do Silver I-evere, do Lepinei, do Q larlier. fine, Ijuartiera, iniilation, JrwtLiar. Diamond, Gnld Pen wi h Gold end Silver boldere, Pencil Brcact Pin, Finger and Ear Ring, Bracelet', C.uieo. if (hell, coial end lava, with every nther article nf J, wellry nf the richest aud mot faahionable pat tenia. Suvaa Win Pla'ea, Foike, Spoons, Cup, Stt of fctianJnd Hilver. ll4Tn Wane Caalore, Cake B n.kela. Fana, Vaaea. l!ard Caae, and other Rich Fancy Cm! in great variety. hnleaale Buyer will esve money by calling here hef ire purchasing. (vjy Keep i hi. ed. rti-emenl. and call al No. 72 Y"U will be aati.fied ihe (S.mmI. are really rhepcr and better than are offered in the city. For a ale, low, a handaomx ptir of Show Gaare, vuilable for e Jewellry or Fanry etnre. Apply as above. Sept 25lh. 1817 ly Kollre) to School Teacher. NOTICE ia hereby given, that tha B ard nf School D rertore el' Lower Auguetg town. bip will meet at the public houx of George Cop. red, on 8etutday tha 13th day of November, at f) o'clock. A. M , for the examination and etec;,tl, of Teacheie for Ita Public School of aai-i diatrii-t Trueters era required lo select their Teacher for examination, acording In law, ' t4lna jtT JOHN SxYDEIt. jr., PreVi. WaiTXa SeAgrx, Secreuiy, Lower Ao;rt, Sept. 85, lw47 7t L LX eEEU. The highest maikel puce paid. for Flaxaeeal, at Ihe elora af Aug. 31, li47. JHX liOdA. i Indian Vcge table Panacea. ' SCROFUf.A? k ; Mmik. Powaen A Wit.roa. Gen'ai A ynn have .nrce de.l in efTating a cipe up on me with your"Dr. Crr.t.tja teniae Vaorr- aLt-Pieeta, after the moat eminent pliv.tc an. in Cuba, New York, U dtimnrn, and Philadelphia, and all the mot impnlai edvertiaed me'licinee of he day had tailed, you are fully eniiilrd In hII lb benefit which ihe following ataiement of facta can confer. lit the year 1810. while at wi nn hnard th hiie Comm. id. ire Perrv. nf ihi. pott, my leg wa Injured be the anchor. The wound became amfu'ou. waa highlv inflamed and painlul, piriictll rly in apring and enmfner. From the time nf the accident I wa under the treatment of the mnt celebrated phvician In the Llaud nf Cuba and thi. c tv. un til 14. The ummr nftbat yer I .pent in the eountrv, ta ml.e a fir trl d of Swim'a Panacea; but even that popular medicine failed to pro luca a ny dieided Imprnvemenl In 1830 I applied to ilm moat eminent anr. eon In New Vork city, and wa. for a eon.ider be lime under hi. care without any naiticutar benefit. Fiom that lime nnlil 1844. there Wa no-keFTrfl fni the betlei and dor ng thnl tear, whileSrfUr- tlinoie, my leg W.i liebtly injured bv ar'rail mad car. wliieh eaueeil the ulcer, to ngo with tenfold violence. I applied to e phyician, whni, after ex baualing hi k It in vain. .aid. -the unround tim ber muat be renvved. i he could not much longer kep ihe craft ef! et !' Nol liking lo pirt wiih en obi ahipinal, bowev-r IMuM, aome, I mfuaed to have it taken nfT; my leg, however, became ao much W'ir-e that the nicer extended finnj the fmt ahno t In the knee, lyinc tare Ihe hone, andei excaedingty a ire, thai I could not bear even willed plautnin I ., or the m-l imple alve lo ton h it. 1 hu matter t iod in Octoler lt, when for vour gratification f commenced wiih Dr. (ulleu a Indian Vegetable Panacea; with little faith. I con fe. for I had uaed in rclible qtianti'ieaof Har.apa tilt, and in facl eve-y nther me licne wh eh I eiw dertied or heaid recommemled. Phy'ciana had ftt en l hope hd lied ! Imauine, then, tny Jov. when (after aufTering for TUTT-Mt TK.M.)I found, before I had fin ah' il the fir.i buttle, that the Panacea h-d wrought a dicide I change f t the better. I am now a well man. and have been cured by your Panacea atone, without tbe nan of any other medicine or p-epa'atum w ha ever ! J Any perMjn iU'iriua of obtmning further parti cular can be gralifi"il bv calling upon me at n.y pi ce of buii. ee. No t? K- rlh Tliirteeuth at., oi at my residence, 41 Race atreet. JOHN K. BARCLAY. Philadelphia, April S7th, 1816. Certificatea nf cure, in pamphlet form, may be had Gratia, at the office of the agent. Tbi medicine ia prepared and id by the proprietor, Rowand &. Walton, No. 376 Market Mieel, Phil idelpi'ia. - . fW W Danenhower. No I Murray at. N V. t J J W Danenhower. Nn I O F Hall. Cin.O. t C T Jenkine, No 5H Canal at, W Urleana. '3 L.N N Robinon, e.r (iav d; 8:intog ata. Bait. Agenta: H. MA8SER, Sunburv. I. If. Riaer. Milton; J. S.-eloUl, New Ber lint Mr. Musser, Millhem; Sharue D. Lewla, Wilkebarre. fold alao by Druggtata throughout the United Mlatea. tJ I. U IH17. am. toy The Grand Purgative rOR THB Headache, tinlilinea, Rheumaliam, Pi lea, Dy.pep ia, 8cuv, m ill Pox, Jaundice, Paina in ihe B n k, Inward Wr.kneaa, Palpil.tiuti of the Heart, Riaiug in tbe Throa', Dropay. A.ibma, Feer ,f -11 kind'. Female Complaiuta, , curb or Me.iilea. Sail Kheum, Hea'l Burn. Worm, Cholera Morbus, . CoiirIi, Q tin-ey. Whooping Ojuuh, I'onaumption, Pita, Liver loimpliint, Erisipelss. Deafne, tiebing nf the 8kin, C.iM, tt on, Gravel, Nervous Complaint-, ab a TaaniT or otrch niaaa.sa abihiho raoai )Mri'BiTi nr T blooo, an ua. . . . TaccTioe iv rm ooN or ni ei:TIOV. Eiprrienre haa piove.l that nearlv every Di easa nrte'na'ea from Impiinnea nf the Blood nr de laugemeuta of the Digestive Organ ; and le necure Health, we must remove thoe olutructions or re store the UI hhI lo it natural state, :. Tbe aveisiun to la'-ing med cin i mo effec tually removed ly I'ui ima'i VietTABLK Pua etTx I'lkk. being e-nnpttldt enrebtptd wiih t rooting of pure white Sugar, (which ie aa distinct from lite internal inureoienu aa a r ut she'd from ihe kernel) ao hit hi tt or Mioiciex, litit ere a. eeeilv wloail a bit nf eendy. Moreover they neither exiuaeoe ne rrjne in Ihe lightest degree, but iqwiale equally nu all the d -eased paite of the ava'em, instead of confining them-ei.e in, end racking any penietiNr region. Tliu.. if tl e Liver he all'ected, one in Jiedient ivill npirate on th.l pari coUr orgin, and, by cleansing it nf n Eiccsenf Bile rctire it to it natural a' ate. Another will opente nn Ihe ll'ood. and remove all imuiitie. in ita circulation; while a Ihiril will efTdClually eipel whatever impuritiea may have ln discharged into the etomach, and benee ihey araici T tub boot or ei.st.K, re- move all Impure Humors from the body; open the pores rx ernally and internally ; eeparate all fore gn and obi nxioua particle from the rhyle, so tbtt Ihe blood may he ihorongh'y pnre tbu secu ring a f ee and healthy action to the Heart, Lunga and Livei ; and thereby they bb.tobx kiltm b- The entire iru'h of ihe above ran be eacettained by the trial of a eingl box ; and their virtuee are ei tHt-itive and certain in res'or ng Health, tfia', the propnrior bimU himself to return the ro tr.ry paid for thrm in all raaea where they do not gj univrraal a ma action. lU'lnll Pi Ire, 'IX cl. per Vmx. P.uicip d nttice No 18 Vey aU, N. Ya.k. Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury, M A. VleCAY.Nijiihumlie.Uiv, (fJ Remem'eir Dr. V. V. Clir.ener ia the lt vrnmr ef ihe Suai Coated Pi la, and Hut ne ,f,i(,8 nf Ihe a 41 waa ever heard if until he it mdoced them in June, 1843. Puic'iaeei abnuld , therefor, alway. aak for Cliekenet Kag .r Coa0. Pill, and take ni other, or ihey w ill be maJr, ibe victim of f;i- lh. '. 847 It eow .Feathers, Feathers. fVom 12J fo 4S renf-a prr 0um. Heap for CusA. V w0ee mud Retail. FnEP;EmciTfi. khaseu, I'pho'.aterer &. Oeneral Furnlaher, No. 415 Market tk, above I Itn north st Je, opposite tJirrd Row, rXULADBLTBIA, WHERE may b had. at al timca. a l'.r4 a soctment nf Reds and Matrae l'UrlJ Hair and Feathers Chatra, Table, '.et,,V,Ja and Looking I i lame, togtther with ', -.(bar auicl-e in Iba above n,a wf luainea, t the weet pn ee. . N. B. Qnrit wtrrantrd o aTa satUfaelloa. Sept 5ili. mi7 3m pLArEK.i,ud v',! !y ire i..-k. I. I Au.,1tT. c.rt. In aaie by ' ' UUUAU. . CZLENCE m. ' T0T ae?et enunn I vav. .'. ttryri aat 1 nav. .. r. e, fua wdh or ree rmaraoraa na eaav tit . "tub cotraa of roaanvterioe narer iv it a aorta e or n.tvu. ARE YOU A MOTHER 1 Your datlina rt il.l, your iiM end earthly jot, ia now perhan confined t her rhemher by a dengernu-t fold lv r pale cheek, her thin ahiunken fingera, tell the hold di-eaae haa already gained upon her he round of her eepulrhral eongh pieicc yonr aoJ. YOirVO MAN. when jitl about lo enter fife, diaeaae ehevj a hear! rru.bing blight aver the fur proapect of the fujure your beclic cough end fee ble litnb tell tt yottr lo and hnpc, but yon need not deapair. There ie a balm which will heal tbe wouoded lung, it ie i SIICnMAM'fl ALL HEALING BALSAM. Mre. ATTREE, tbe wife nf Wm. H, Allee, E.q. wa given tip by Dr. 8ewll nf Washington, D a. R. and McClellan ef Philad-lnhia, Dr. Rt " end Dr. Molt of New York. Her friemla ajll thought he muat die. She had ecry'epieaMnq o nf being in con.umiition, and waa co propound I by her p'Kai. iana Sherman a ualajui waa gtveli and it rureil her. Mra. OARRABRANT7., f Ilnlr Fury. a!a cured of coneumplioii by thw U.'eatn wheic other remedio faded to cue n ir s'i wa ri'- diiced tn a akeletm. Dr. A. C. fV.ilr, 1). nn.i. 3lt Broadway, baa itneascd itrffi-c'a 'n verl c-ea where no other mcilieme alloiite-j reltt but. the Balm .opcrleil like a ebaim. Dr. O. 'er wiineraed i'a Womlerful eff. ct in cnrii'u .Aibm. which it never foil of doing. Sp.tt ne IU..o I, lnr ming ea ii mav be. ie effectually curid by tbi aam. It lieala tlie rupiurej or wounoeu i-inoa veacl. and makee tbe lunga aonnd agnin. Rev. HENKV JOXES. 108 EicMb. avenue. waa cured n! cougn ana catarrnai n c:iona i on year, e an.lii g. The firel dne eve him m ire re lief than all tbe otbei medicine he bad ever taken. Dr. L. J. 3"ela, 19 De'aney trcet, gave it lo a ai.trr-in-law who wa laboring under consumption, and lo another aorely afft cted with tho A-thnin. In both caeca, ita effect were immediale, aoon re atoring th' ra to cnmfiirtah'e health. Mr. LUCRE I IA WELLS, 5 t-;hrilie atteet . uff.-rcd from Aathma 43 yar, Sherm in a bat . earn relieved her at once, and ahe i comparativrp y well, being enabled to aubdue every atlai k by a timely uae nr tlita meuicinn. i in mueeu ia ii e great remedy for CoUgha. Cold, Spitting Clor ,, Liver Cnmplainta, and all tbe afl ctinna of the throat, and even Arthma and Conaumpdun.. Price 25 cent end $1 per bottle. Dr. Sherman' Cough and Worm Loicngee, and Poor Man'e IMnater old as above. Dr. Sherman'a nflice i al 100 Nau at. N . Y. Agenta, JOHN YOUNG. Sunburv. M. A.M.CAY.Nortl-umbe rlanL. September llth. 1847. ly ": SankTYEAUS AiO THE children began to cry for Sherm an'eUo-. tengea. ' The nniee waa not a.i lou J ut tbat time, but it haa kept increasing ever aiore .inia. tr haa become eo great that the mouth o',' Uo nnea can ecirce be etopped. Dr. Sbetr .i.n iTnajia thiae with the little auff-rera, end v rj much rc gre'a that any of them ahnuld be !ir appoint d. Knowing the vest benrfit which has been confer red upon the community by the intrcdtictior. of his infallible WOnM 1.0ZEHOES, he haa entered into arrangement for enlarging bis ManuLclnry, by meane of which be think, he v. ill be able to supply the dema'd. Aril Ibe -ame pain and care will be taken, that the-e eclebr.rrfd J.n lenge le made as they h ive always been, in or der that those who depend upen them, n-TV nt .a dianppoin'rd in tlieir lionea. Ho know when he commenced the manufic'ure of ihe Wmm Lturn. get, that ih'y would auper'de ihe uso rf everv other veimifuge, a ibe Lexiiee ie very plratnnt. to the tatr, tpeedy in itflect. : we'l rerta tt. and the qurntit icquired lo effect B perfect corf, iaverv small. -These troperlie.a in connexic uhI, the f ct that they are sold for 25 cent per r t,.tbit pl.icing ihem in tho reach of the poorer t m,n jn the Uud, haa not only cauaed them j faf, place of everv rther vermifuge ever nfT .,0$t Ym . o rendered them popular lo tbe coir m unity. Dr. 8) her maw's covon Lozin cms, continue Ifcore Cnnebe, GnlJ- lf t;onmmpl:on. Aslhme, ehnrttiee and difficulty .jc Drenbing. a. nlber tlisea ee of the Liin, w ,, ft Mmll fJPiij,y they did on their firt intro.lf Cii,m ,a ihe people have now become icrauade j fjy ,cla.lexpiieiie., that on the aceem.in of . , igh, rojj( ntrB only to step to either the p ,v office, or one' of the Agems, and obtain a b ,x nj, t,ush Loxei g. a, which are very ennvcr ,i,-r.t to rarry in ll.e pocket, end l lake a lew thr nurh the d iy. By pursuintr this course a cure ie nf,. ,fl-erted in 34 hour, and the patient about r. ,,Jsjn. fto gtraX it ne eo. I. brity of the Ley.. i,8 lt ,(,,, ihouaand nf p-rina who have used I .icm , nn.l become aequ timed wiib. their lOVctf, will r w;thout ihem. f IIER.II.AWS TOOJl Tc ANS PLASTSS b. cu-ed mor ce of KhcuiiiMi,i,, Pnio in ih Ilmk, S.do 'ind Cheat, Lumbago and Weaknen, ihan any aTi.p,,;,,,, ,hBl n, rYrf j,, mtuB Ihe celehr iy of the Pl.iMer r.t i.iciejfed, bundnile of unpiii,,e,,eJ rf,u hive altrmptrd lo coontvr. feu it, ,j p.tm , pfr Up tnP eoinmonrtv a the genu ,ne. fjj Bewa- a vf Deception. Kerne m ' that Ihe true ae genuine Plater i spread up f reddish pepc mado expres.lv for ihe puipoaa, and in every r a Iha signaler of Dr. Shoireaii i. piint d upor. the back of the Pl.ster, end tbe whoU eecuied h Copy Kig'il. Nme others ere g noine. 'i'heiefo'a wren yon went a real good Khfvmvi'e Poo Ur n's Plaster, call at tha nfHce, I0 Nae.-att atrr -t, and you wi I tint lie disappointed. Remember the numbtr, 106 Na aau at., wbe a all Or. Sherman'a Lnxenge are eold. Hta Agent are Mre. Have, 139 Putt m aireet, Urooklvn ; Hiocson, William-burg ; and Redding A Co, Boston, and JOHN YOUNG, Sunhtiry. M.A McCAY, Noribumbe, UnJ. 'September Mth, 1847. ly. G r e a t ii a" r 2 a i ii s. AT AUCTION ! ! pHB vnder-igned will diapoee cf at auc'.'ien, am Saturday the 28lh of August, at hi r'.ore fimm in Sunbury, an elega-jt Baaortmrnl of ' Vontittinf', m ptst, of CLOTHS. PRINTS, DELAIN. GAPeSlMERS. SIHRV'NGS. ISILIIS. K A'lTINETTtJ, SHEF.ILNtW. SATls,Ac alao a large aseortmeuV of brvNr'M, U.uttutunirt, Tinware. e, ' Great Bargaina will be offered, aa 1 am deter mined ta dispose of uty whale aetk, wblout re aetvo. Sale lo eommenea el f o'clock, A. M., e th Jay end at tha place e'ated. and ia be cuntinued every Saturday umU tbe whole ie dipoed ef. '1 be eonditioae of sale to be mda koowa cm, the day of rale. A tsasuaudda credit will be gitwi,. J. IL FtTKDYi Ifuntury, Augaal SUl, 1 4147. tl.