Correspondence of the Public Ledger ) rno wMHiiaroii . "- WSIIINr,tO!l. No. Un, 1817. Tirs PaoBrsor or fuse wit Mexico aSais OrgNtvo' There ie news enough in town this evening i but I will endeavor tit condense It. Tift, that which concern the country. Letters have been received here, opting agsin tha pros pects of peace, and representing (do people In and about Mexico In fevo of it. Pene y Pena Is doubtless in favor o( peace hat what kind orpescst That's the question Shall we offer 10 or 13 millions for Califor nia 1 Shall our government rertnnne the Indem nity which if ds imed for it rititenst Shall it' surrender the blood stained tattle fields, momi menti of our national (lory. In order Ihat the hones nf our breve soldiers rosy be desecrated by a dastardly foe Above nil tbinfa, ahall we withdiawfrom Mexico, without her paying the expnse of .thin war, and witbout a guaranty of peace in future?. r , .., The President, in hit last message to Congress, lec lured expressly that this war was waged for the purpose, of obtaining full indemnity for our outraged citizens, and that he should bold Mexi co repnnibte for the expenses of the war. Mr. Buchanan, in his report said the same thing. Mr. Yin Buren in his last letter to th Wilkesbarre Farmer, re-echoed the same sentiments, and to r.-eed from this ground would be admitting to Mexico Sn.i to the world that th war, which we have been waging agsinat Mexico, Is not a just war, and waa not provoked and commenced by Mevien ' ' Mr. Van Rnren may now be In doubt about the origin of this war, but by referring to bis Mes sage in 1937, accompanied by tha report nf bia then Secretary or Statt, Mr. Forsyth, he will rind lh causes enumerated, which even then, in his opinion, as in the opinion of General Jackson before him, justified war against tbat most faith less of all nation and governmenta. We must, now that Mexico is prostrate, carry out thes views n our great statesmen in and out of pow er.,'and there ia no doubt in my mind, that they will be carried nut, should a treaty of peace be onrlnded Mexico must pay tha expenses of the war, and if she have no money, she must pay in) territory, which, moreover, baa this advan tage that it diminishes the power of Mexico to do mischief, or to recommence th war under im new adventurer, who, after the withdrawal of our troops, may chance to seix upon th reins of government. For this purpose we must fix upon a military frontier, and keep possession, for a time at least, ot some of the most important fortified places which are considered the keys to br wraith and piwer. The Cast) of San Juan d'Clloa ought never to be surrendered. That Gibralter of the Mexican Gull, which open th road to her capi tal, and commands th navigation of that aea, ought to permanently remain in our power England, in making a treaty of peace with Chi na, knew very well, the rebellious mob of Can- ion, and insisted on Hong Kong ae a British na vui elation, from which readily to punish any attempt of insurrection or depredation on her comm'-rce. She ia now bitterly aorry not to luve, in addition, insisted on th surrender of the Chuaan Inlands, which command the harbor and canal tbat leads to Pekin, and ten chance to one she lull hav it before another . decennium passes over our brads. To make sure nf the trade of th North Sea an I to command that trade in time of war, she i now fortyfying Helgoland at the moutb of th Kibe; th Ionian Is'anit and Malta commend the Dardanelles, Gibraltar tbe whole Mediter ranean. It is by such mesne tbst she preserves tha European equilibrium, that it peace, tnd pre vent ber flag from being insulted. The Castle of San Juan is of no value to the Mexicans. Any maritime nation, at war with her, now that w have shown lb manner in which it ia to be done, may eeite upon it, and she may surrender it by treaty to a European power, to prevent th United Stat from hold ing it, as the French sold Louisisna to the United btates, wben tbey e spec ted that, in the war with England, it would be captured by tbe British. The Cattle of San Juan d'Ulloa ia of vital im portance to us, and of tie us whatever to Mexico, encept that it may enable her again to assum a warlike attitude, and fore ua to fight our battle over again. We art now ia prssiofl nf the beat part of Mexico. We Mis 11 soon command her mines and bur commercial roaouree. Hit has neither i'ie means torsi an an arms' nor the revenue to pay and maintain one. Him liaa ethanMed )) t.r resources, and ia on th eve ot anarchy and ciwittminn. Hut the ha a enma to thi after fro nting all her promisee and pledgee, and all the liw mat C'Veru civilized warfai; ah has c.iinn to this by her fully and treachery and af ter involving u in an expense) of hundred mil I on, and the sacrifice of 4,000 of the stoutest h-arts that ever beat fur freedom. 6 be ha vhown that ah ia incapable of comprehending (menially ; and the only mesne, therefore, vtvrh wn have to prevent her from again ar riying hereelt sgainet ue that ia, against so- ,-rior civilization and law i ti deprive her of he insane of doing all lli is over again, on rome 'nvidoue pretext. The millionaire cannot play i gaineothtuid with beggar; Ibeindustri Hie msn cannot very well fight the vagabond, nr tlie saving man the spendthrift, without suf fering in the contest. He haatoo much at stake gainst the zero of his antagonist, and hence he 'mint permanently diarm him. The new from die North, which you knew a onn as I, list inado a deep impression here. ud the Union replies in s aery sb!e article? to me New York Evening Post, which charged tut' defeat of the Democratic party, st tbe isle State election in Now York, to the conduct of he eudiinistratioo. Ueneral John A. Dig le it, to poor otl on the troubled waters. I sup pmo, while tbe Irteode of Celbou esfea to like the news passing wei KfeitngtGdoronsidfr.i blc execution in the mrrYe. . But o'thie mm in my next letter. OtMtmrtR. ' PoeeUsi ISSwsewy Its CstlKlosite. ' Louis Philippe completed his ?4th year on the 3th ioitsnt. The wife of tbe celebrated Vidoca, has com mitted suicide io Paris. Tbe Archbishop of Paris baa just been named by tbe Pope Count of the Holy Roman Empire. The Bavarian Government ia Taking measures to contract a loan of .40, CS). 000 florins lor rail roads, j A process has been patented by which nrtirt- j cial stoneof every qnility may be produced, from granite to statuary maible. A patent for an eight day watcb, made to am without en insiiie clieui, baa been taken out by Mr. Henry Summersgill, of Preston. . i A. M. Ledet, a Frenchman, ascended in a bal loon on tbe 13lb ult., in St. Petersburg, aed lias not since been heard of. The balloon baa been found on the lake Ladoga. A St. Petersburg letter statea that th amount in value of the corn exported from Russia aince the last harvest is 32.ti01.6Sa roubles equalling .bout 132.000 OdOf ' Tbe Emperor of Russia baa sent to England ss a present to the Zoological Society, two aurochs, or European bisons. These rare animate bar never before been seen in England. ' There are in the new House of Commons fifty-four eldest sons of peers, seven heirs presump tive, thirty five younger sons, nineteen grand aona, forty-five brothers, and altogether 306 per sons connected with the peersge. ' A gang of forcers of Russian bank notes have been apprehended in London. - ' ' A large importation of West India yama has lately taken place in consequence of the anticipa ted acarcity of potatoes. It has been stated that 107 parts of wheat. 1 1 1 of rye, 1 17 of oats, 130 of barley. 138 of Indian corn, 177 of rice, 805 of potatoes, 1333 of turnips ar equal in nutritive power. Poarrat AanaisnrMKNTa bktwkk! tub Uni ted Statu ANoCnrtT Britain. Everybody who is acquainted with nor history, must have noticed with admiration the spirit and energy with which we have repeitedlv defeated, in s peaceful manner, the mont unjust measures of the British. When the British threatened to hang up some )f our officer, Washington im mediately placed under arrest severs! British officers, anil threatened retaliation. A(fain, in the war of If 12.' when the Brttieh seized upon some of our nv-n and threatened to shoot them, because they were British born subjects, our go vernment retaliated, and aved the men, by threatening to execute a double number of Uri tii-h prisoners. These are military instances of military retaliation; we have now to record what may be considered a curiosity to the his tory of nations: namely, a civil and commer cial retaliation. The situation of affsira in re lation In the mails and the pua'age between the United Slates and the British Government, has been so often adverted In and explained by im, that it is unnecessary here to repeal all the his tory. Below, however, we give the ultimatum nf our government. This document is impor lant; it is an act of just rvprival. We give place to this record with pleasure we call at tention to it with some pride, and we hope it will hsve the effect, as in toriner military casea it has done, ol bringing back the English Go vernment, per force, to ratrona', juet, and ami cable pofclal relations A'. 1'. Herald. rt BI.IC kotic x. Post Orrn i Dxpaxtmbrt, Nov. 5, 1&47. The British Government hsvine seen fit In chsrge with full puetsge serosa Ih Atlantic the mail matter which was actually conveyed a- cms it by the United States Mail stesmer Wi- shington, it became nec.rary, as s n-aur of self protection, that this government should take the strp therein authorized for terminating t'te subsisting arrangement between the two coun tries, in relstiun as well to British mails in tran sit through this country for their colons! pos sessions on this continent, aa the ordinary mail intercourse between those pnssesaiona snd the United Statea. This was accordingly done; and those arrangement will, in consequence. terminate on the sixteenth day ol the present month. The necessary result will be, that on snd af ter the sixteenth instant, no mail mailer desti ned for any of the British possessions on this continent, will be permitted In lesvelhe United Ktetre, unlrss the United Ktstes puisge thereon is previously fully paid Cave Johnson, Postmaster General. A Bian'a Eva View or England The New York Tribune publishes Ibe following letter from a friend of tbe editor, in Liverpool. . LivsaraoL, Oct. IN, 1747- ' I bava been travelling in the cone try. Th potato rot ia doing ita work of deslruc linn to a fearful exleut, and, it is feared, will causs great distress the approaching winter. Fai lures are daily taken plsce in Liverpool, owing to Sir Robert Pea!'s Bank Restriction and Free Trade Meaauree. On th 13lh Sir Robert viaited Liverpool, and met with a eold reception. Se vsrsl distinguished citizen declined te meet him at a public dinner given kim by the Mayor. Th Factories ar working abort time, having dis rLaiged a great number of bands. Unless a spee dy cbsitf lakes place, tbe laboring classes most suffer Mversly tbe coming winter, while tbe ca pitalists ars not exempt from th common disas ter. There are about 4.000 cases of typhus f vsr in Liverpool at present of courts mainly a mong the poor. Mr. De La flays proposes to connect England with Francs, by an iron tunnsl stress th Cbsa l between Zovr and Calais ! UL- -SJ'l '.II- JJg-J--"J THE AMERICAN. taturdntf, .Vutmhtr 13, H47. t. Jt. rAUJHKU; KM., est kt ftMflte. rle mnH Vital OiKct, reviser e3dt ewe! Cktmmt Ntrrrt; rkitmdrtpMa, ml kU ttffie 160 VhwssM S reef, JYrtr llrHt, B. m. Vmmrr am. ttmfrt and Vmlrtrt are., Brntttmrnrr, mn4,Xw 16 Slult Street, Bot'm. It nutkmrittd I awl r jtfrttt, mrd retetfit lor mil mnUt ln tkt Mire, rur ttttkmeriptim r adrerHtlng; E. IV. CAKR, corner of Third and Ihx k Slreet$, i'uti Butidingt, etppnnitt Mtrchantt' Exchanpt, Philadelphia, i alto author ittdlo vt at our Agrnt. FOR PRESIDENT, Gen. ZAC1IAIIY TAYLOII. Democratic Central Taj lor Com mittee Hon. John C. Ruchrr, nf Dauphin county Hon. John M Read, of Philadelphia city Hon Richard Vsnx do do Robert Allen, Esq. do do Andrew Miller, E-q Philadelphia county Samuel D Patterson. Esq Montgomery county Franklin Vantant. Esq. Bucks rnnnty , Joseph J. Lewis Esq Chester county Dr William Gray. Delaware county Henry W. Smith, Esq Berks comity Hon Ellis Lewis, Lsncaster county 1 Charlea W, He(ina. Esq. Northumberland c. Hon. John Snyder. Union county Col. Jsmes Burnside, Centre county Robert J. Fisher, Esq. York county " Oliver Watson, jr. Esq Lycoming county (Jen. J. K Morehead. Allegheny county Col Irrael Painter, Westmoreland county Thorns J Power, Esq Beaver county Hon Edward Merrick. Bradlord county Hendrick B Wright, Esq Loserne county Francis W. Hughes, Eq St huylkil) county James L. Gillia, Esq Flk county Jamea Peacock. Esq of Dauphin county Hon. William Dork do Gen. Simon Cameron Benjamin Park, Eq. Gin. Christian Seiler , do do do do do do do do Philip Dougherty, Esq. O. Barrett. Esq. Francis C Carson, Esq. Jamea Brady, Esq. , .. Edward A. Lesley, Esq 07 Ths NoaTfii'MBiSLsKD Bbidgi bsa been passable for teams since the (st of November.- In a few days the second trsck will be comple ted. This improvement hss been well managed, and we trust will be aa profittbl ss it is neces ssry snd useful. 07 Tea Canals Tbe breech at-Dnncan s laland has been repaired, snd the water was let in on Sunday laat. Boala, "thick aa mustard, are now on their way. - Tbe North Branch diviaion ia in good order. The breach around tbe Munry nam, on tbe West Branch, will be repaired in eight or ten daya. On . the Juniata, from the junction to Newton Hamilton, tha water will be let in to day, the 13th inst - Fiom thence to Holliilaysbtirg, tbe lepaira will not beeompltted until March. . . , 07 Nkw Goons A boat loaded with mer chandiae, the first arrival since the breach in the canal, arrived here on Thursday evening. 07 George C. Welker advertises more new goods, this week. Henry Masser haa also re ceived a new assortment. C7 Ths Dav Boos. We have received aeve ral number a of a neat and splendid new daily paper, with th above title, published by Wm, A. Kinsloe, at Pittsburg. 07 Ths Scsi'Vlxill Navigation Comsant The hoard of directors of this company have re csntly elected Frederick Fraley, Esq, of Phila delpbia, Preeident, in place of Mr. Ellel, resign ed. . In thia they bava been most fortunate Mr. Fraley, besides being a gentleman of acknewl edged abilities, poseeesea ths tem and ronfi dene of all who know kim. , As a member of the State Senate, a few yeare aincs, he occupied a position which talent and a high character for probity and honor, alone, could confer, and from which he was suddenly called to fill an impot taut trust among hia fellow citizens. And now, just st suddenly, bs bss been called upon to aa sums the msnsgement of th affairs of tbe Schoyl kill Navigation Company. At the present time, especislly, his services msy bs of tbe utmost im pnrlsnce. There is no resson why tbe Nsviga tion Company and ita great rival, the Reading Railroad Company, tinder the abl management of Mr. Tucker, should not act harmoniously to gether. Ther is trade enough, or at least there soon will bs enough for both companies. Wben ths isilioad ia extended totb Susquehanna, both aveoues to maiket will be crowded. 07Concs(ss will sssemble at Wsshington on tbs first Mondsy of December. A number of members hae already arrived at that place, Tha aession will be one of unususl interest Tbe wsr question and ths policy to bs pursued towards Mexico will be ths most exciting topic. ' The Wilmot proviso, which is intimstely connected with it, in disposing of th newly scquired terri tory, will be debated with unusual wsinith, and is probsbly the most difficult aubjeet to dispose of. Tbs succession to the Presidency will pot be lost sight of, and we should not b surprised te s th coolstt narrowed dowa I an ieau be tween tha Noil hand Ibe Seal a, tbe one for tbe extension and tbe other for tbe restriction of laser. . , . ' ; ' 07 Hamas, ths democratic candidate, who was elected Oevernor of New Jsrsey by a largs majority, it a warm Taylor man, Tbisaccounts for his strong vol in a whig atate, that has now a Urge majority ia ths legislature. 07" Ths good peopls of Pottsvllle, having sue ceeded In th reanovat of ths et of jestiea to tbat place, are now, it seem, engaged In a Sort of "Kilkenny cat fight" hmong themselves. We trust they will yst sett Is matter harmoniously. The following is from a correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger : PoTTSvn.Lt, Nov. 8, 1847. Tna RtMovAt, or ma Scat or JcsTtct. The commissioner appointed by law to cbnoss a site for the public buildings, hsve spent two dsys in preliminsry examination, and then adjourned for two weeks, to givs time for deliberation. Great excitement pievaila. snd most unreasonable haste is urged upon th commissioners, who were ex pected to declJ upon a locality at one. Th possible choice is confined to at most three or four placet, of which Market street is one; though the'eommissionets msy rule it out, from s proper sense of resilience, to ths attempt to bist their free judgmei t The Orrbsrd" ia mother piers in view. Ths public buildings would show well here, snd ths space ia not contracted, A piers of ground is slso offered at tbe lower end of Centre street, now occupied with rude frame houses, nesrly opposite the new Hotel, (Ibe Americsn House ) This would alao make a commanding aituation and svsry wsy conveni ent. Any on of these pieces would do. If it bs desirable that tbe county prison should bs essy of acceaa to lbs court bouss, ths latter two offer appropriate ground in the rear. It begins, however, to be feared tbat tbe "down owners" may be driven, by ths rourss of ths up towners" to withdrsw thsir subscriptions, if the commissioners should yield to the attempted mpressment, instead of faithfully obeying ihs promptings of their own judgment, If such a split should result, it would not astonish ua if ths seat of juatics should remsin at Orwigsburg. 07 Ji'oct Lewi' Unit id Statss Csiminai. Law We notice in the nepers thst Judge Lew is hsa published a valuable work on Criminal Law, with the above tile. We have not aeen the work, but we know that a work of thia kind haa been much wanted, and that few men are bet ter qualified to perform lbs tsak than Judge Lewis. : . 07" The National Police Gazette, of New York, ia about publishing a full report of the tri al of Madame Restell, in pamphlet form. Ths Licsnas Law. Th ground upon which th Snpreme Court of Pennsylvania declared tbe recant license law to be unconstitutional, waa. that the Legislature could not delegaie ita pow era of legislation to tbe vote of the people Judgea Coulter and Burnside ditseo'.ed from this derision. Tbs Supreme Court of Pennsylvania have de rided tbat a will to which the 'mark' of tbe tes tator is made,' ia void and insufficient. ' Accord' ing to law of the State, wben a man cannot aign a will himself, his nsme must b signed to it by some person ia his presence, and by hia express direction. , . .. , .-.!, ' Ths Wsshington Union, of lsst evening, ststes that Gen. Taylor haa asked for and obtained leave of absence for six months, in order to pay a visit to bia home and family. He may, therefore, be expected to reach New Orleans in ibout a month. Hsnst and ths Msxican Was. A tele graphic despatch from Cincinnati announces that Henry Clay will apeak, en Saturday next, in Lexington, Kentucky, en the Mexican war, ill authors and objecte. , Dsatb in tut Mjuss Two persons were suf focated in Messrs Mann it Williams' mines, st Mount Lsffy on Tussdsy last, from tbe effects of carbonic gas, commonly known as black damp. Their fames srs Mr. William Beadle, hots mi ner, snd Mr. John Murray, miner. QrraTtON SciTtvn. A question which has a good deal agitated fbe Order of Odd Fetlowa, Waa aattled lsst week in New York, by tbe adoption, by the Grand Lodge,- of the new reviaed conati." lution. The vote stood 203 to 77 giving ia its favor ths two-thirds required by tbe former con stitution. - Delegates representing nearly 303 lodges were in attendants. ., Assist or Pbimk, M'aso & Co Prime, Wsrd It Co., of New York, have been for two or three daya up before the Judges of the Supreme Court, on a Still well warrant, (a process to compel a discovery from fraudulent debtors,) st the suit of fbe Jefferson County Bank! A yssr sgo who could bsve thought thst the great Wall atreet houss would ever be brought up on a Elillwsll warrant ... . , . AssAfLT on Scnatos Hannboa Ws find, in ths Cincinnati Gaiette, a atatement of a quarrel which took place at Crawfbrdville, la , between Senator Hannegan and a Mr. E. McDonald,, which had ita origin a year past in what is said t bars been a mob, ia which Mr. Hannegan waa a party, and when McDonald ssys bs got knocked into ths esssl, through the Ssnstor's instrumentality. Mcp. hss ever since threatened vengesnre, when ever bs should meet th Senator, snd this wss lb first time the parties met. , Tbe Seastor was attacked by McDonald knocked down and tram pled under foot, and bis face horribly lacerated. After tbe Senator was released, be returned with s gun, for vengesnre ea MeDoneld, but bs hsd escsped. Such scenes are much te be regretted. Ccbiosiiibs or Politics. All the Governors elected this fall by the people, are Democrats, vis : Dsna of Maiae, Towns of Georgia, Tbomst f Maryland, Shuokof Pennsylvania, aad Haines of New Jsrsey. Yst ia tbrse ef Ihe States which hsve elected them, Whig Legislatures bars been chosen, with Urge msjorities in both branch. In Vermont no choice waa effected by tha people. Ja New York, a Whig Lieutenant Governor b been alsctci- Tha fuawlsbarg University. Th Lewisburf Chronicle of Saturday laat, aeyi:; 1 ' On Tuesday laat, th Cn'rslors of lbs Univer sity at Lewisburg met In the Baptist church ia thia Borougb not being a quorum present, they adjourned till ths next morning, when they sgsia met. A quorum then being present, they organ! xd by appointing Con. Abbot Grkk. Chancel lor pro tern , and Closge F. Mii.lxk, Scribe pro i ri.- .i ... ... 1 T u ,uu" " 'n j ths Bosrd, whereupon the Rev H O Jm... t!. lf.... e , : v .,. a -t irrsweii, Ol Philadelphia, and William Cameron, Esq., John Walls and John Gnndy, Esq of Union county, wers duly elected ('ureters to fill ths vacancies. They then proceeded to the election of their offi cers, and the Rev. II. G. Juhs, of Philadelphia, waa duly elected Chancellor, and Ceorge F. Mil ler, Scribe.. After transacting considerable busi ness they then adjourned We understand that part of tbs buildings will shortly bs put under contract. There ars now upwards of one hundred students under tbe charge of Professor Taylor, and mors expected. From II appearance, it is destined to be equal if .not auperior to any University in the United Statea. Five Daya Later arrant star ape. Nsw Yost. Nov 0. Tbs Americsn Stcsmship Wsshington wss te- tegrsphed this sfternoon, st sbout hslf psst 3 o'clock, and reached her pier at about 3 The main features of ths intelligence she brings is, that though a mors cheerful feeling is manifest in ths commercisl circles, there is no diminution of ths pressure in the money msrket, snd the failurea atill continue. The Bank of England haa given little or no relief. " Tbe prieea of Floor role the same as st tbe departure of the Caledonia. Corn ia fully one shilling per quarter better. Cotton haa receded a half penny per pound. Hoasist.t Rsvtaex. Tbe Boston Bee hss been informed thst the recent rstastrophe, on tbe Ver mont and Massachusetts Railroad, waa less the result of accident than design. It is said that tbe nuts on two bolts, essential to the stability of thebiidge, were lemoved and to this circum stance alone the destruction of the bridge is tra ced. There had been some trouble smong the laborers on the read, and a portion of them had 'struck' a day or two preceding, and some were heard to utter threats of such a calamity aa that of Athol. Two persons have been arrested. Tea Rsv. Ma. MarriTT has got int trouble with some of hia brethern in Cincinnati, for preaching upon the Mexican war, and endeavor ing to show tbst tbs conquest of thst country is a part of tbs design of Providence, for reforming tbe religion and morals of the country. There is one thing' to be said, in Mr. MafGtt's praise, whether the ground he occupies in his sermons bs tensble or not, he is on ths side of his coun try, as svsry patriot abould be. Moas Patsiotish The Boston ('our speaks in the following style of tbe gallant Taylor : "We do believe that General Taylor ia one of those human butrhera who follow the trade of war for a brutal love for ita excitements, or, what ia worse, from a lovs for the money which be gets for his services ths price 'of humsn blood. So fsr from knowing thst this is not his character, we bave never heard any thing of him that could in the least degree weaken this im pression." Pkssici'Tios. Rev. Dr. King. Missionsry st Athens, hss been compelled to fly from the vio lence of the Greeks, who, instigated by their priests, bave risen against the doctrines he seeks to promulgate, and in their fury, desire his de struction. He writes to ths American Board of Missions, from Geneva, Sept. 57."-' ' Dsatus raoM Bvbnino CsUscoAr. A French boy aad a colored man were found on Saturday morning, dead, on board the barque Louise, lying at one of tbe wbarvea in New York. They had been burning charcoal on board, for tbe purpoee of destroying rats, and tbs inhalation of tbe gat from the coal suffocated them. Sombtbini; Staxtm.ks. A German gentleman advertises thst bs bss st lsst solved the problem which the grestest chemists hsve hitherto thought impossible,' vis: by discovering sn ingredient by mesns of which the stota of the stmoephere rsn be totally destroyed, and thus producing a perfect vacuum a new, cheap, and valuable mo tive power being obtained. . Booth's Patbnt Gbras roa RailwaT Aims. Water a gallon, clran tallow 3lbs.,pe!m oil 6 lbs , common soda lb. (or tallow 8 lbs. and palm oil 10 lbs) Tbe mixture to be heated to 310 drg. Fah. and wall atirred till It cools down to 70. A Dove, which was kept in a cags at Petta ville. Pa , appearing desirous I esrspe, wss set at liberty and flew awsy. After three week's absence, it returned, wounded by a shot, snd ons leg broken, snd clamored t be admitted to its csgs sgsia. . This wss done, snd tbs bird cured, and it now rsmaina contented and happy. Mr. Summersgill of Preston, England, so ar ranges th works of lever watches st that tbey require winding np only once in eight days. Count D'Orssy bss sent hi portrait of Queen Victoria to Boston for exhibition. It is at tbs Horticultural Hall in School atreet TusaoAf, Nov. 18. Gbaim There are fair ssles of Whestatfl 30 a II 33 for good Southern aad Prnns. red, snd tl 40 a fjl 43 for prime white. Rye ia worth 8fte. Cora, N" sales reported. Oats, old Penna , 46c; Soother 43. WmsAsr-S! at 30c ia bbls-, 8 ia hbds. BLT!MonfC MSItKatT. Office of the BsiTiaeas AaaaicAS, Nov 6. GRAIN Wbsat Ths market for good t prims Md. and Virginia rsd Wheals has been pretty uniform throughout tha week at 120al30 cents, and we quote these rates to day. Ws qnots whits wbestsst 128s 132 cent's, snd par cel suitable for family flour at 133a 138 cents. Corn On Monday both kinda of Md., white and yellow, were aold at 67a70 centa, and the same ratrt continued to prevail to Wednesday in . .. . . 1 ' " "qnesosytin c"""'- lnat' ''ot, Md. wbi'.s st 64.63 cents, according to condition ; and Md yellow at C6a70 cents. New Corn is telling from 40 to COc. R re Sties of Md at 8,'sSO centa. Oats We qiote. as in quality, at 3a4 1 cents. WHISKEY Satea at 30c for hhds., bbls. 31c. To- nrcs oa ausbasats Distissa. This clsaaof in ia very numerous. They are those who woik in an unhealthy atmosphere. Prin'ers, wo k. men in festher a'orea. a one cullers, bakers, srbits resd msnuficiurers, sic s i mors r less subject lo di. srS'Ssccoid ng loiheir strength of e institution. The o- ly method to prevent, ia the occasional ase nf s medicine which sbstrscts from ths eirculsiion sll deleterious humors, snd expel ihcnt by ihe bowels. Tonics in any firm sre irjurions. ss they only put eflthe evil dsy to make it more fsttl. The use of Brsndreth's Pills will insurs health, because they lake all impure matters out of ths Mood, snd ths body is not w. skened hut strengthened by their operation, fur these vslushls Pills do nt force, but hry assist nature, snd srs not oppo.ed, bjt harmo nise wiin her. Purchase of H. Masser, 8unbury, or of the gents published in another part of this paper. Merchant Tailoring. RtsrrJi;iTl!M.Y informs his fiiemls a d t'ie pu' lie that he hue just returned Irom. PhtUdelpUa. with a general ate.irtrm-ni of goile, suitalde for men and children's, which will lis nude up to order, or sold on tbe most resousbls term, comi-tinf , in parr, of Engliah, Fiench, and American Clod's, do do do l':istiniers, Beever Cloth, D m skin Citsimers, Fsncy Css-imers Ktnn,ti, Cashmere, Silk Vel' t. Hnirt & Vsleneis Vesiings, Vteu'e, Lsilie' and Children' Clkng. Lam'oawool snd Merino Shirts and Duwere, Clo-k Tasea's, Fringe for l.sdiet' Cl.aks, A general ts-or inent nf Trimmings, Ac , Ac. Cutting will be done free of rhvge, for ptttme pu'dming goo'ls of him which they with lo risks upthemrelves. and prrs ma findii g thir own go uts wilt be accommodated aa ln-r-'iof re lie te d-rs his acknowledges!! n's to Irs fnenda f..r former ps Ironage, and icspectfully solicita a continuance of the aamf. . ,' .;. , v Ha sis in'orms the public, thst he has taken Mr. JOHN U BRKJH I' into copartnership, and il at the husinees will hereafter lie conducted under the firm of Wilssb dc Bbiubt. Ail kinda of Country Prodnc taken, at the higl set market prices. . - , Suubury. NnvemVr 1 3th, 1M7.- TESTIMONY IS NOW RECCIVED Fan sit VjcABTSas or tkb Globs. FIT HE following letters sre presented with s vi'-w .1. ef mora fully showing the opinions t.f pt vi cisns in relation to the medical vs'ue of Da. Swavnb's Conrocn frair or Witn I'msbbv. . Da. 8wib Dear Sir : Having ued your Compound 8rup of Wild Cherry, extensively in mv practice, I waa requested by your agnt. Dr. Cru rher, to express mv opinion in writing, of ita prperlie ss a remeJid agent. I most cheerfully comp'y.aal feei by so doing, I will disrhsrge a debt I oe the community at le ge, and physicims in par icular. : As muth as I de esl quack reme dies snd pslent nostrums. I w i induceil fr m a failure of the most potent eipeclorsn s. recommen ded in our materia medrcaa in i w ce-ee of Dii eased lungs, to try yoni preparation of Prunua Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is euffic ent lo ay that I was so much pleased with the result of that and subsequent trials that I now pre-r he it in preference to all other remedies where an eiprrto rant is indb-Atrd. In the much dreaded Pneumo. nia or Disesse of the Lungs, in th sls-ming form in which H appeara in Kentucky, 1 regard it aa an invaluable remedy in the trestment of that disease. To all who know me 1 hsve said enough, hut a thia my be seen by persons out nf the vicinity of Frankfort, 1 will briefly add, that I ha been en gaged in sn active praciiee of my profession for 13 year, and am a regular graduate of Traneylvani, and this i the first patent medicine I ever thought enough of to express sn opmi.Hi in writing. J. H. ELLISON, M. a Jan 7,147. FcenWin co . K y. FaABaroBT, Kg.. Jan 7, 1847. The eb.jae ewniftceta ia from one of our pntel. eisne living a few milea from bare, he ie doing a very good tw.-etwra, and is considered a good physi eian, and atanda fair ; he is aa he aya, a regular graduate. , ,t , Ha. W. J.. Cbdtcbsb, .v. . v , v .. Diuggisi and Apothecary. (y Kihce the introduction of' my snide U tha pulilic, there have s r.umhrr nf unprincipled Indi viduals got up nostrums, which they aww-rt-eontain Wild Cherry, aome are called -Balsams,' 'Hitters,' and even Wyrop of Wild Cherry, but mine ia Ihe original and only genuine preparation aver intro duced lo the public, which can le proved by the public Rrcorda of the Commonwealth nf Penney I. vanis. Tbe only safeguard against imposition ie to see thst my signature is on each bottle. Da. H. M WAYNE, Comer of Eighth and Race ate., Philadelphia. Prepared only by Dr. 8WAYNB. N W.cor. ner of Eighth and R ce street-, Philadelphia, and for sate bv respectable Druggists in nesrly sll the principal town in the United State, Only Agent io Hunbury, . . , HENRY MASTER. GEORGE BRIGHT. Dr. J. A. bloore, Dsnvdlat T. 8. Mack-y A (Son, M hoot M. D. At J. Wells, Muncs; C. A. Wyatt, le.iehurg; Davis A fchnure, 8ulinsgros ; John C. Renn, Line Mount sio P. O. I'bilsdilpliis, oc9-ctm. W-ly Orphan' Court Sale. IN pursuance of sn order of ihe Orphans' Cvt't of Norihiitnbeiland county, will be a.4d st pub lic sale, on Saturday the SOih day of November inst., on the premises, lo wit I A censin tract of land aitoa'e in Lower Augusta township. North umbetisud county, containing twenty acres snore or Ire, adjoining landa of Henry Featier and John Hendephui, herons) ar erected a large dwelling bouee and leg barn. Late the etat of Jaoob Kunts, dee'd. ' Bala lo eommeoe at 1 1 e'ck. A. M. of said day, when the condition nf rile will bemadskn.wnby PETER 8NYDER, ' By order ef lbs Court. Admr. ' EDWARD OY8TER, CYh. No. 6 h, 1847 41 ... I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers