Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 13, 1847, Image 1

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H: U M AWrTK Ta'iWpsai.n '
: J01BPH .BISBJfY::I.S smIMMu.
if. ft. JtASSHItJ rktitor."
OJiat. Im Centre AiUg, in Ihe eser ". )Vat
. .1 .,.rr'.Str.y t m .im,
TH R(' A M RKl(H " i 7uhTibe.1 evry FaMir
clay at TWO t'OLLARS fief annum to
f ii tl half yeurly in advance.' ' Io piper discomin
rd till ait, arrearage are paid.' ' ' ' '" ' ' ;
f I Nosuheriplin rereived far 'a leM period thah
six north. , All roiomnoicatinit ,or. Iptter on
husinca relating loth office, to inaura) atlsntion,
"muKtW POST PAID. , .
The Cheapest fSolrf nnA Silver YValche,
' IN rllli.AllljUl 1IIA.
jr OLD Levert, full Jewelled,' 1
HJK Silver do. " do.
v4d lupines, Jswv-lle.", '1 ' '"' "
Sihnar ' . da. - " do. ' 1 ' ' "
Mver QuartierSf fine quality,, .
i wll Watchea, plain, , .;
Silver Ketaclra,
M IVnol, " ' "
Ciohl UrM. - . ' '
..M 00
' 30 00
15 00
10 110
IS 00
1 ?5
' i oo
4 00
Alan, on hand, a large aaairtwnt of Gold and
lliiir BrafcUa, fineer riyga, hre pina. hoop car
Tiiii:Vt"M pen, thref apoon, "ttr torn, thim
. fclea, l.r hock. eurt d f rhidns, enard key
and jrwelh-i; of every deaeiipiinn, at equally low
prirra. All, I.waut ta call to convince cvmto
' All kind of Watches end tilrtclia repaired anil
Wini-iinied to kevp' good time Aw-on yar' old
, gold or aihrer Ihk'rIiI nr Jaken in eichana. '
Fur sate, eight day and thirty h -w hrjs rlorka,
at r LEWIS t.ADOMl'S'
Wairh, 'ldrkVd Jewel? Swnt; No. 4I3
Market atrret, almve r'k-vrnth, north idsy Pbila
I'liia. t .... i
ffJ" ' kiw,.MBf Gold and ,ilv Levers, atill
rnueh rlt-aMT than the tive price. ' '
Pliihulrlphn, . ' "
ctz3 bed: ir3 sv;n:
"So. 96 North 8l"Ut)N D rrret. corner f Quarry.
; vittl.UUver Walrhe.,f..r J
- j.wpllwl. -! cim. f4S00
Kil-r I.eor Wutehra, full
'; irwelU d, . . 23 00
Silver l.ever Walrliea, e -
ven jawetii, . i 18 00
tsilvcr, Waifh-a. ii-wcllej. finrat
qualjly, r y,, 00
HujM'rinr Quarlirf Wytrhea, , , , .. "0 00
lini'aiion (juKiiiff V atotif,nol wanauteil, ft 00
tSold Sp.iarkK, if- , i . . 1,0
Fm Silver Sprrincle. , ,: Vlr '. ..... 1
CJ. ild llntc. lots with tp a'Ofea, , , 3 SO
I.adiea Fiold IVnc In. 16 rrtt, . 3 Oil
Cold Pmaer Uuig 37' r.ti lo f ; Wa'ch tiiaa
, plrtin, I2J n ; jiaient, 18 j ) .unil. 2i. O-tlu-r
Hrticjra ui propoiluun All r.'OiN warranted
lo he ih.y an-aoj.l for, . O CON l( Alt.
In hand, aome (Sold, and 8ivrf I.evtm, Lrpiuea
and Qiarliera, iwer tlian the ale price., fi ,
; , Phiiideiphjit, i.t, ft. t4B. i y . s , , ,'; f
l ji I o n T w T "
H O U S E K EE r B RS .
YOI" ; be fura'I.ol't 'Win!, ar
41 tiinea, pui nJ highly flavored
ft tK HimitM nonml nr larffer flimrtllv. at tho
: lckln Tea lomphtjn " WntehtibaflfU
30 Soulk &eoni itrttt, fefw-ert Market and I- flea.
T ' 11 iif arrrVa. ' 1
1 : 7ntX.A-DEX.TOZA. i
1 Herelofore it hue been very diflieult, SnJeeil, ah
T rriol impo'iwiMe.' alwaya to'utilain foJ Orein and
:' 111 ek 1'eaa. " Out ,nr voU haveVnty to visit the
11 IVkin Tea t'oropaiiy'a Store, to obtain a ileliefoti
and fragrant Te a yon could iah for. A II laMea
' ran heie t'e aiiiled. with the advantage of getting a
Y pure nrtiele nt a tow price. , " ' " ' ! ' '
', J"" ' t7Vh' ' '' ' i"" ',
., f1'B HUISflUDEnbi,fPii't,l an'"'.
, , .Jl ifor ita.4e.t (NK.U MEVKK'f t'EL
ANW. at thia place. ' Theae I'ian. ha a plain.
,., no wive and lnau'iful axu-iioi. 6..i b. ami, t-r depth
ami .weetnea.if lone, ami elegance uf arotknian
ahip, are not aurp-l tv nv in the Uui'cd Kiaiea.
I'l.a f'tllawiM i a, wornmenilaiion . from.Caai
r. IU ara, aelt'bcaled perfo BVM, and himaclla wan.
.. ulaiuir :; ; - . i . - . -i
...I . ! i. A'! A'R-IK' i r
i HiTiva had the itlraere t trvine the .ftcel
lent fnoo Fortea manfarlurrd by Mr. Mayer, and
t I eiV.iWied at the h4 evhihtiinn . nf th Fr-nklin In.
.-'titute, I feel il dud loJha lru merit of the maker
; ' to ifeclafe Aa ahoaa inatrunmiU are. auile equal'
and ia) aoine f t rprcia aea . MM ioi, ) all lha Ph
i.o'' Forte, I aaw at lha capital of Eu0, and
, t during aoiourn nf two yeara al ran.
:'l he' l'rau WiU baia'd at the manufacturer a
. araveal Pbiladehihra ntieea, if Bt aumeOiNig lower.
I'eraoiia ar reqoeMed call an4 eaaaatue fot
.-thetM4v, at tlta truratM at lha unaoiler. ,
Suury. May 17. IMft. u . II.MAttsEt'
Ti't: , . I . lr'Ainti.rfsl.rai
.; .rpM utic will pteaae obaerve thaj no llrandieih
. X Pitta are . iiM(iir, uulco lb, Ikx haa three If
-1 litvla ti(Mo it, (the , tii, tb, aiie and tt Wittum)
, ruh conuinm a r.-Mmilegiialur oj my nuno
. wriiina. ihua U. Uaawoaat", M. p.-Thee la
t M ae.en(raved OM .atoel, Jieaunl'iilly ileaiKued,
i iuuI doit t Mvaaiieuae of over J2.t)t'0,-.TrM-vfoT
t i will ba aewu. ttuu ha oull thins nrceaiy to pro.
cure lha tuediciua in il purity, 14 l iluiv Uu
Ul'ut. .. . . , , :i .
, KiiHmV-r the tip, tlw -ile, t ul .the boitoin.i
. .Th) JtUowng ri-apeiiive rM-iota are tiulv.auihori
....I ...J kuLI . . .... . . j
For lha aalc ul Mrandreii I tgttnlile Vmrrrta
. IorlhiUWbiU)l fjuiutv annon nucirj .
Cbnkueiliu, 'runhury II. U. Maer. M'Bveoa
.villo MnJ& Mail.'ll.,, NrihuinlilaJid-Wiu.
Foryt. Umrgcuawur-J. A J- w'u- , - ' .
Vuion Cunty Xw,Uerhn flogar W in-
tfr.' Selinfrv .erg huiioiuiu. ., .tiiuoir.
hiug laaac Snutb. Beavertown Uavid Hut.ler.'
. AJjmaburg Wni.J.May. Miffluialiorii Menach
At (y aiOoan--DAl:fvO irborg
, O.aVF.C. Mrer.- Uwwhw'VValU V Vfn.
, Oulumnt county t D")'lh B, U. , Hay nfclda
- At Uo. Berwick Whuanao d'ubouae,, Vj.
lawiaa-r4J., vi. Ilrl4. Ul-utaflmrg John K.
, Mi"rcr. Jeaawy Twr-Lvi W. V lnt.Hi
'., KoU. MrCay. , l4itoWH-Ul't . K?Njeh
, ,i il,..- 0 t Ao ha aw Bavv Ur
. tifle.i of Arev, eon'" KJWWW W
,' it, UttANDKETH'J Jrlnaei.aTy alSmg touig,
,a.l vpMi whuJt will .Ua be arn
r the Jw luM uh4 V 3rJrUh fill
?b,iadVli.hla.'.r Nn. . K'?',. I
'jue':4Ui l". ' ' '
1 ' i tit ) is nil' ' vi ?"'".'. i : : i Vi '";'v I
Abaolut. acqniencenca In tha declainna of the-
, ' , ltm rnon MKXica
Sjota Anna tlMtnred to Popt M xlcnn Go
wrnmrnt at Qiierpiarn Hen. I.ahe' Advan
' , f pd to Iltiar.antla Santa' Anna, with ' 25(10
Men, Abantfnnrd tbat P1ac Seventy Atna
J Hriana Rpporl.-d Killed U-n Rea aallipfl ciu'1
from Pufbla to meet Gen. Lane Pfoapeft of
niiiiuiiT mine.
" Prrrnxnt-iiri, Nov. ft.
The New Orlpana ppra rrcHved tbta rnor
nmjr announce in arrival mrre oi ne aicam-
ali.lp Alabnma, 'with datra fromTira Cruz to
ioth nit. - ' ' : ' " ' '
(5fn. Paltrrtnn waa epoclcJ lo orch into
the intprior on tho 24th.
Yh Genttia.pi Liberty haa fi'pa frurn th city
of Mexico to the ?ih. t Profound, tramjiiillity J
rpijrned there. Aa aoon aa. the govcrnniciif of
Pen a y Pena had beena fully qrganiapij, the fact
wat oitieially announced to the repreaentat jvp
pf ,foreijrn power in friortilly relationa with
Mrxicr, aud the Brilwli mmittcr replied in aa.
Jiifat:tury. teroin. j , , , -. , -r.i '
The Geniua of I.ibr-rty waa informed .by a
per-llfHian that Wft the Capital tm the 7th tilt.,
.4rmt.tlia drciec which t.rdered Pena y
thould taka charge or the Supreme power, in
Oonjunction. -with twa aaooriatea, had UeVn re
pealed, and Santa Anna had been apain called
toiiavtirne the rein! of (he' government and re
uu'ihe the command of the army. . The aume
gentleman ateo report that ParedeaiaatTulan
cingo, where he ,wa endeavoring to eatablieh
liia monarchical ayatem, ami he haa recently
made romc impurtant convert, to,, hi, political
principlea. . . . .. . , ., . ;
Valencia waa at. bia hacienda, Uking do part
political eltaire. ,,,. Tv-. , ;
. ,Uen. Bravo waa in -Mexico,; perfectly quiet,
on hia parole, ; , , . ,h , . , - , r .
The aemblance of the Mexican government
mnt, accur4inir 10 appntatmtnrt, at Qiw-tetaro,
on the 5th alt.i bnt there beiti- nhthmg- like a
ejiMwum nothhig unfd ne' done. ' The feelinga
of the people are- aid tri be atrenuoualy opposed
loany cnmpfomioe with rtl 'Americana.' 1 The
other h-adinj' menarid'Gfrni-rata.' for I he moat
part.iiirf gttne ViCuernaraca, aeventeen Icaguca
wihlh of ihc cily of Mexico" 1 . '
Troin"'tne ia'ni'e ource he tJeniua of Liherty
'irm that Gen. fjine a force, on the 11th ult..
waa at llumiintla, a. town half way between
Perot- and Puebla : ISanta Anna waa there, but
evacuated the town on the approach of Gen.
Ltine, leavTiig behind him twnpieceaol artillery,,!
nd two priaonera, Coloncla Vega and Jturbide.
Santa Anna had. 100Q cavalry, at hat lime.
and hajl Mibeequenlly been reinfurced. by 1300.
Ueye' command again ; took poeeear-ion of the
town alter (!en. Lane', departure, and follow
ing up hi rear, kilhsl aovrnty men, principally
eiragiitera. Gen. Ila had rallied outlrom Poe-
b'a with a cnidcrable force, and waa awaiting
the appn ach nf Gen. Lne, whne flank and
rear wa conatantly haraatcd by attacka from
amall Uvliea ol Mexicans.
, Tho Picayune pnhlivhrt two important circu-
I ar from lYna y rena, and the Secretary of
State, bning expoaitinna of the view and policy
ol the new adnnniatration.
The Texan Ranger, about whom npprehen
ainna were entertained attha lart aecoetitt, liad
returned tn aafety, " ,-
' The yellow fever waa atill taking off its' vie'
time Lieut. Jetikina of the Dragoona had died nf
it. : ' ' - ' ' 'r ' '
No improvement in the health' of Matlmoraa.
had. occurred ,up to the laat accounta. Capt,
Churchill ia named among the victims to ita ra
vase. , ., ir 4 , ,, , ......
i Brporta. prevailed hat anamy mail bad been
captured hy the guillaa, and that s.. Mexican
furce wee. pouted at Mier. .-
A Povkhtv sthicvrM Rich Ma Art old
Gorman liveain the suburbs of Covington Ky.,
in Seeihing Want and ooverty, who, it is said,
brought to tfi's' country over $50,000 in'gold,
all or. which, w jnveaied in realaeUt in, Indi
ana. , He collrcta .scraps aod.bonea for a glue
fuetory, which he crn-s on in a email way
perfoiuMoie a4 ibu lalmr hiiulf, and selling the
eriicle; -manufactured whon ready or market.
llnlia nit family, the on!y inniatee ofhia liotise
being e ooanoion 'game bock and -repnlatve
looking dogi rl'he old otan, paople aay, .live
upon the refiiae meat of lsughter-hotHMY his
only luxury being jlipet 'which he seldom re.
move from his lips. He is taciturn and crabbed
il his Huteeeourse with men generally,' and
seeks to life and die unnoticed by the world.
Qvn A Fkt. We do not recollect ofever
hiring: of erceter. It at with , Ji'V qf pa)en,
than that lately, pt rformed,. by ftl;. K, Uogrrs
jr. M r. Rogers left this county about two yeara
age; am) tetthul ia ASriaMnainjvNt being sa
lefiesl hi bia net location, he concluded lo te
tura, which, he did feceutly,, wifh-lv.qpving.
drawn by a yoke of exen; perlor oioi: b jur
ey, a distance of p THoyaf so mLr ifWy
ve afets 1 avt rf ina W'l nules p r day 1 iTh4
we call extraordinary fast travWIieg for $ jvkt
of emi!,. ,Wnnr y Lvmivtry. - .
fnajnrliy, tbir vital briheipte of Hepublica,' from Wblh
Mr. Vm llMrcn Anal lha tPrcaldcaia'. . ,
The XVilkMwfre tPa.) Farmer haa placed
tne niirne of Martin Van Burrn for the PreM
drncy tl the head of ita column, and (fives a
h'tter in'anntlirr part of that paper, of the 30 h
October, (mm Mr. Van Duren,, jn rrply to
letter written to iim by the editor, announcing
hia intention (if bringioff him Girth, aa.a candi-
dale fur re rlrrlinn iTIia lolt 11iirtot In in
Loi jon(Jby, -r,d from , f..jV c tin-
deratand .him.tQ ay,,in aubatanco, that he halt
j.i.n -
nndeaire afain to occupy that exalted elation,
but atill be would be willing, it the intererta of
Ihe. IVmnrralia party required, it, to conaent to
have hi name naed for that purpoae. The fnl-
lowii.g piragraphe, however, ee-npriee hi re-
irmark on thie point ' :- , !
'Kvery day rhor and more? confirmed in the
aoundnee of the political principle tdwhieh I
nav aoner-n, contcimi. W klwayi havtng done
' - "" f V w " "V
a . - i'. : f at " a 1 . l
iiivmtr nnnenri mirnmrK 10 iwt iiktph. nnn nn
, i
rearn.menia to oe gratmea oy a rmntm m
power, and finding my preent poaitinn entirely
adapted tnmjrl.rte and, diapoaition, I am sin-
c?rT Wfc' liroua to we,ar the hnrinre
aOd enjoyment, of private life uninterruptedly
to the Mid.
; It, therefore, the aopport, which you,, with
whom 1 have not evenjhet pleasure of a peran
nal acquaintance, have ra (rankly and ho
riorably tondeved me, rnclude that, not only
of th ' inflexible and victoriooa Democracy
al your Congrrnional dirtrict, lait elao of the
Democratic -tj throughout the Union, and
the conar queo'. aaaurance of auccraa, could not,
consulting my own feelings, and wjtliea, heai
tale, Terpccjlully and racijfiilly but decidedly
to decline it. That any atate of thing will
herealtar which Uiia indulgrnc of m
owu prfereecea wttohl. in Ihe opinion of true
and faithful friend, conflict with my dnty tn-the
political party tn which my whole life hit been J
oevoreo, ann to wnicn i owe my personal aacrt-
fice; fs in the laat degree Improbable.5
The letter then proceeda tn expreca hia anxir-
lyAoeee'the integrity of th Dearmeratio party
of Ihe LJOMMk' fully indicated, end eaya .
".fWhntbef llaeeedrwirableobjecta can be ao
compltstmdo tnninly ttapend ttpnn' the course
which ie puteucd by- 'ho reepedive friend of
thoe prominont citiaens -among w '.who 'are
made candidate for the Presidency. ' Should
the capital of the Union, during the approaching
seaaion of Congreii", become the rallying point
of their partirtn, and hot Only their attention,
bo the time and attention ot those who ars
charged wilh'the dirt c'tion of public affairs, be
oevoieu io 1 resincni-mamng inMeac oi neir
appropriate duties, we shall have little to hope
in. this regard. . . ...
. But if mere political scheme and intrigue,
however cunuingly devised, eoq however pro
fi 'able they may have heretofore. appeared, shall
in the present emergency give plsce to the un
ceasing and ' vigorous Vftorts of all to preserve
a1 rid protect the bleeding irnereata and perilled
honor1 of our" country efforts which csn atone
attract th rOhfidence and support of the Demc-
era tic maa the reault willprove far mote au-
Scarcely ever baa the casepjial, welfare of the
CfUiutry been jn more critical copdiikin, or ita
ediainietralion in greater need of the energetic
support of theseiwhe taiaed it lo power. ; With .
probable majority. Sgaiaat tt in I'ther popular
branch et the NrtmnaliLegielature-, and but. a
mU d it is to be regretted, not very har
nionioua majority in its fcvoT,' irf the Senate, it
max be, csllrd, upon to vindicate tjie past, ami
il oebUtft d to( support, poaaiUly, for an . in.
finite, pet iod, a dtaat an4 difficult oreign-
lie then rwoceeds to speak of the war, and
the ncceaeity' uf it boing trnimpbantly'siMtain.
ed aud b'rotight tn en honorable eooctusiun, with
juat hidt'titrrity for ' the past,1 and reasonable
security for the future, and concludes' aa 'fol
low; .
iTkusui suvfumii ilnliA mitsifr ti nArC.rinat . it
, w , ' p. -v
is to be feared,, whb rhapa S,lw honorable
me, without if psonei aid of an opposi-
tirm, numbering in he .rank, m.ny f sntlemen
ef great talstta, who have had an unuseal ahare
. ..
of legisletiveexperesnoe.end are Well versed tn
. . ' ....
Ihe taettc nf pavtlsen wan a re, unatt ctreum -
. . .
stance sondVerse, the real friennaof the Denir
eratic Candidate for nomination will wofully
niiafudge th'tT interests of their favorites, if, with-
v.-' -i' .u '. i
out despairing of Ihe republic, fur that is feel
, ... -, l. .- . .-t .- k-
Ing unknown lo the Democratic heart, but, die.
t -T . . : -. - ' .. : f t . i '.
aiming sinister influences, end purpose of eve
, .K . , , . ..
rv oeacnpiiun. iiiry uu not limn iiieir rivaiaiup
: . . . , - . ; ; - - .. . . V .
lolhe wisdom sod efficiency of hsir effort, to
U fnanasx .n..-.o ey ene wxo sn.wa,
m n . . - . l j ' .i .
lusugn wa oo an rown imt ina ran,' idbi young
VMNt' ia -Kevs-Haven,' Conn'., of great ecanomy,
was accaatomsd,'fore bta marriage, to rids est
wUb bis bsttotbed,' bttt with I hsei press Stipe
lat ia, that hi eaasrlMidtd not ensrry " hsr,' she
should pny half tht rpet of tht ftiim. '
lh"or U fio' appTtl' btrf to forcp. tbe Vital nri.V.pIe
. Arrival T lha at aahpCaitl4Mtla
. tc tuta r.ATKft Vnoit krRorr "' '
i Gloomy. Giinmercial , Intellitfence Fifty-fivo
Failnrea aincv - lart StFamahinPrire at ill
' iieredins in th Corn ami Dtitt'nn Market
Great Di'prraaioit on lha Money "Markt-
Bank railurea Unaineaa in the ftlaoHfactn
rina Diilricta Re appearance ol Famine in
Ireland. ' . . t '
The corn rnrk t of eodra,nnibl jeflo-
enccd by the uhpaj-hlleted atrinenry of the mo
ney market, and enow a grneral. 'ooline, par
ticularly in ijtiotathma for jnffrjor pnrcela. In
dian corn har doprt-ciati d from 2a. n Hajper
quarter, and tm-al haa alstj receded in yalun and
ia in vety limited demand. The abore rjuola
lion'ii reprent lin, maximum pricei buf 0cca
aional lorcetTflra have lieen made. at conaidcra
.Jndw tHlWf ,,,,, y,rf,ll)r
; -wPBftke euonl of foreign wheat.
hul (ho IrailA um iiiill. Mini AHipiiriK ilparrin
- . ij i. o, ... j . . ..u ....
ihmw itxrurtj irtrm r 7-. aa tiunucii witujut
,ntf nrmrp(), ,ptn(i mni J
anv nrnirrea nrini? mnile in aalea.
I T ---'i-m . .-;
pyy' '' '
ttimmmAttf r.corded iu our teat a
hf dlirin(r ,h'e u,tinh,t ConllMl,
, Wlh un;bie(, ,8vrrity. inv.Jvmg ev
ra! additional failure, and diffuaing a deep and
impenetrable ';loom throughout the whole mm'.
mercial community tit Great Britain.' .Toeuch
a point of inteniy haa the inaccessibility of
money now arrived, that there ia scarcely any
one hnufe which can be looked upon without an
apicion, no matter however exalted it p"itin,
while a leelin; of unmitigated anxiety ie every
where percept iblc. , '!
We may avoid enumeration by Mating that
altogether fifty-five houea have either broken
down, or euapended pavmcnt ajnee the depar
tore ot the laal ateamahip. ,..
.Yeaterday, it waa announce that .theRuyal
Bank of .Liverpool had b:en compelled to ana
.p p,y mplt jd ihq information turned nut In'
tntl co,rect. At prenent it i impowble to
piv). any,hinjr jike , te.,,e ,t,ten,ent of the
prawiiwrfof theeatahliahment, but it ia nhderi'tnod
m poaeerSMact enfCeienl to mectall ita liahili
I ttc. . - j i 1 I ...
In the prevent atate of nniveraal mnfuaion
end alarm, it can well be conceived how dor-ply
manufacturing r-perationa havn b-en ancteil
and buaineaa appear to lx quite at a stand atill
withrnrtthealighteatproapecrof a re ac.'inn, al
though good order are atated to be held by iua
j'ny firm a. but in the present position of monetary
flair they, abatain from executing them.
The prospectant Ireland during the appro
ching winter are gloomy cno-jph. Famine in
I an aggravaieo lurm nan aireanj rerippeareii, ami
the Queen s letter has been leaned, cnmmaiMl
I ing general collections lobe made in the church
I establishment.
A Tendon letter published in the Boston At
las says.'.. ..... -. .. ...... ; , .
'The moat extraordinary, and onacrountslile
aifair connected with the failure of the day, i
the difficulty or 'embarrassment' of the Duke of
Bachm,f h,m' owncr ,h 'Men;fi"nl du
cal reatdi-nce of Chandoa House and -lfuinghan;
House, of London i ot Stows and W'altmi, in
Bucks, and Avingten, in llanipvhire. ' Il is su
led that the Duke of Buckingham actually owea
Ins creditor nearly ten mittion f inllatt
Theywil! probably ever receive'ten (er cpnt.
This is art extremely hatd caae," for a large pur
tion of thla money ia due to tradeapeople, who
cannot afford to lose it. They have attempted
to se'iM and aelf by auction hia peraonal proper
ty ; aa for hia estatea, they cannot be touched
The value of the splendid pictures by tie dd
maaters, the elegant furniture, the magnificei
gold ,aod ret P'fl't. '" lrK 'f 0,1
wince, and, bia other cnert, cnuttiniM! in ,hi
mmieions, it ia suuposcd, wou!d,acll for half
millui of dollar. , .. ..
.'In Aitguat an execution waa put into Bu'.k.
iogliaui IJouse fur twenty thousand pouoV., and
when Ihe officer were about In seize Hot fnrui
lore- sad' plate.-, I hey worn informed that the
I ...
take of Buckingham had amine J over the
wllft, of hi-eflrt5(i ,0 hi, eMe-l ()(,
ullCatitm lo fh j,,, l0Ver, it was argued
x dpdof . wfri. ,pnt
, ,. , ., ' "l"i''W' .
void, and that the diatrcas wss k-gsl. Thejudge
i -i- , '.. . : ., ' - -
decided that the aheritf ahould remain in do-
1 . , , l.
session, and uiiicliil incite to be tried hot ween
f 1 ' . ... r .
, . M TT . '
' '' ' " ' ' - . " ',
:vi 'lhi,e i only nneantof bundretl; tor
' . , , . . '
tuF P""F,-,,,1' ,p " e Krtr oiiiiiurr oi n
. ... , , , . ,
pobilily uf Loglsnd.who areauppnaed to enjoy
.L ;
wcoinea-ranging from five to-titty thnuaaiut
. ,, .
pounds, annually, are so deeply in dubl lhat
Mn(A . Xn bill, sod yet
personal properly,' K" seised . 'Would noT satisfy
ntore than- one credilor in ft ft v. ; Ttre n'rotid nn.
I r -
of uro.,d En!f,nd tre in retli . i. of
I hankrunta
- - - ' V
I ' A Biiorsitrwt, tit Bond tlreet,; Livefpon!,
J I advert teed last week turn saerrf boy.'.'-One sp
plies at grouttderl hiaqtialiflcsrirjn of -shaVpneaa
I on the fact of having enf trom tW placlra.' " '
l - JI-.
anJ irnmcdiat parent of tlwpittiwn.
U.atnl , Uaiimia, '
Thin worihy and gallant ifficer, who has hren,
from ihe first, one of the moat popular, a he fie
lwas. hern roocenrd to be one of Hie moat de
serving, of the President's f eneral. haa arioVd
o thej eompliment of his appointment 'hf Go"
vernor-nf-MekiciV the distinction nf a salute of
ens- hundred gnn fired in hi honor by' hi fel-
ow ci'ixen of Natcheu " In the newspaper rio-
eounf of thia cplebrationi now travelling th6
rriundi, we find a aortDf bioraplie'iirakptch r;f
the general, not m renmrk ihle for h-ngih a fi r1
he number nf ito error , G noral Ciuitman wa?
Imrn in Dutcheas county New. Vork, aa stated ;
bul he Ofiver rmfgraied to or lived in Georgia ;
nor was hjs father, the Rev. 'Dominic, ult
man, a divine of 'he Reformed Dutch Church,
hut the reverend Dominic, (that waa he an
cjent style and title) Frederic Henry Quitiaan',
pastor of ihp Fvangelical Luihoran Church of
Rhineberk, and for tvtenty years or moie Prcsi-
dent of the Luthern Synrsi of the Sts.e of. Now
York. He waa a man of preet learning, piety
and worh, and wa horn, we believe, in the
aland of Cuiticna, wh-ro hia lather was h Lu.
theran clergyman before - him. '' J-ihn A. Quit
man eeiigraled in enrly lifu 10 Ohio, which he
soon exchanged for MteiMippi, tv here lie grew
np to dint met inn, highly appreciated as a man
of talent and prnhity, with a few or no Taulte
that we have ever heard of, except Ihe single
one of belonging to Ihe wrong tcliool of politic.
He has wirm friends in Philadelphia, and in
tleed reUt'ona, U-in the half brother of the
Rev Dr. IV F, Mayer, of St. Join 'a Evangelical
Lutheran Church, in Race street. ,The won-
er is that the sapirations oi a soldier ahould
ever have licen born of such a atock. The ven
erable Dominic would have quaked .with fear,
had any one ever presented the idea of a son of
hi', a general iu arms, cliurgjn amid bjood and
fire, up the heights of Ciapulteprc, and through
the ;a tea of Mexico. , , , , , .i : !
Bishop Onukroonk's Cask. The' puhlic
have' noticed with some aurpriee the colifl. cling,
account which have appeared in the New Vork
papers in relation to llnM raae. We havo our
elve reprint' d two yery difo-rent statements
from two of the principal N'ew l oris pape'ra, not
knowing W'hich waa riulit and wh'ch wrong.
The Jifliciilliea have.doohtloas aricen from the
exciunion of reporierai from the House of Bish
op, which sat with ctoaeil door, leaving the
preaa to uncertain and errnneou aources of , in
formation. ' We are now happy to have it in
our power to preeent a statement of facia in re
gard to the action nf the House of BiNliops in
the Onilerilonk cane, which will diauuie the
public mind of error, and prevent injustice to,
individual. The report of the committee ot
five bishop, (which waa atrongly advene tr tr.e
suapended prelate's memorial.) trus adoeted. by
a vote nf sixteen to i'x--one ll'pliop Pot voting,
and two being absent. The vote s'.iiod thus:
1 ' Aye The presiding Bishop, Bishops Brown
well, Mesde,' Hopkins, Mcll's'me, Otey, Mc
t!rokey. Polk, Fllintt; Te, ' Johns, Easlburn,:
l)ei.hsw,Cobb, llawkaaijd Freeman.
Nav.' Biehoja Ivea, Doane, KrmTter, Pelan
cey.Gadailen and V.'h'mingham! " ' .
Bishop Chae, of New Hamr-hire, declinrd vo
ting.'and Binhcp Smith aud Bisljo-,1 Potter were
not present.' So far is it from bfing truo that
twelve bULops votvd Sir hia r itoralioti. that
tho quest ion of his restoration tens not eren mo
reJ iioi one biahnp, wo far aa it appears, being
in favor uf that measure. It waa moved in trei
titer house, '
Nor ia it true, that 'the General Convention
has settled tbt the Diocese is not t oVsnt,' &.c.
TliatHinl was, in no ahape, presented to the
r house rf bishops ; and iu the "houne of clerical
and lay deputies, no vote wss tskch to that pur
j e, this house' rvfuaing so to declare! by lay
ing upon the table a molt. hi lo that efT-ct. ' '
' Thia statement nf facts may be relied 'upon,
being made on tho authority bf one nf the bi
hop wlm to k ptrl in the proceeding, and
whoso letter on the subj.-ct lies before . us.
Aortt Antrrtcun. !
Tnn Dtvuio.N im i ns Mm tniiimT Cut sen
A writer to tho Nsshvitln Christian ddvocnie,
in a letter addressed to Kt'V. lr, FJliot, ot Cm
cinuati, threaten, i" the Ucueral Oonforenc of
the Northern M'thdi.t Church should refuse to
divide the property with th Chtisgh iailb, that
S mil . in chaucory jusy be Uie result. 1 And
altouM the CtHirl require: the North is- eetlhs
with alias HiMith on the plan of separattnn, -he
sayslhst it wuuM oblig them ta psy over li
Ih South at lewsl ).jill.000, in amiual : mstaj.
anente of -25.(Hkl 'each. Slumld thn Court
disregard the plan t if pa rat ion, and dee We u.
pon the principle of general eqnity,"' -It rrll re
quire the Northern- lUwk Room to pay over at
once a aum etiuil to ffl.W 000, mote or !'.
A Cat4T Fsnily. lUpjH'niu; to be in tV,
couri-noupv laa oioer uar, we overneaio .
. 1 .'. -. I A .
niantelluig another what a trat
.. mil v I. a
belonged to. 1 auppnae x
to the greater, f m,W ,1 f0y
thcr hJ twenty five, f Jrc ,'"-L-4VhM Cuitr.
";e; . y. - n
I aotitru insertion.. . . - j .tl0 So
p W't1" vo rr?. Vo t
r,..m .1 niM If', i -i tl.- j - i
i Eiwry mlifenaeru imsrthn, i ' . 1 " . ' sft
. 1'carly Ailv. tliaflmeulai ,rieeolumn. f ft j' half
column, f I , three aqunrra, fig; two souaici, f l ,
inn aqnir; Malf-yeaHy t eolunin. IM 5
lf eelrtmn. l thrsesqrtre, r two aquarea;
.! one a ninre.,860.' ... o-i-l-' '
Adverliapmenti. tell wilhottt directiona aS lo tho
ln.lh of time lbs are to, he puhliahed, -will Im
mnlirtseTf ohtlf ordered out, and chargad accord
: CTj't'uAeen. linea or lrs male a square-. ' 1
... . t-r , : ' ' ' J--'- " - ! "!'" -I -
Crle) H.Drmwr . . i
,.Canf. Drum, who distinguished himelf in the
battles in Mexico, waa a citizen nf Westmoro
Itnd county and ho a family new residing in
that ootrnty.' He fell at the hfcad of liiit compa.1
tfr while gallantly' storming 'the heipht of
Chapultepec. He was attached hi the 4'h sr
tillery,' and short leafier tlie commencement of
hostilities," his company was ordered to Mexicn
-yn arriving mere he was attached to thq com
mand of Gen. Wool, on his long sin fitigninrj
mafch'yo Raltillo. ''While with General WooT.
he frvej injhe rcnnniule position. of Assistant
jinepeclor Gnra) he afterwarda retiiaed thes
sppointment of jnppeclor General, nobly, pre q Jiejail bis company in lima of battle. -He
.performed, rssential servico ss, Optain of
Artillcryat.the siege and capture of Vera CritK.
At the bloorly battle of Cerro Gordo, we again
find b.m actively employed. At the bttlle of
Cnntreraa he distinguished himself by capturing
the pieces of artillery which were- taken from.
Lieut. O'.Bryan at Beena Vista, for which gi
lent feat Gen. Scott, aa a mark of wel! merrr-d
hnnbr; formed them with other captured pir cen
into a separate battery,' end gave the comc'iiml.
lo Capt. Drum. ' 1 We next find him and hi bit
ter pouring destruction on the enemy at tho
hsnl fiiught and destructive battle of '.Molino
del Rey, at which battle he gathered fro ah lav
rels. At the storming 'of the heights of C'j;
pultupcc, Capt Drum was placed in a. pr.vui.
nent situation, and by hia cool courage nnt Ju
liberate bravery, contributed not a litt'.e tc- ;h
succesaofour army; and while here cvirroioileil
by the very guns he captured from the jy.ny,
and almost in tjie arms of victory, ho f immor
tally wounded. Thus fell Captain Dr uoh co
vered 4wiiU glury, and while we sl.ed tear of
(trie! for bis untimely fate, we can'ant buCfne! a
melancholy pleasure in reflecting tht ene to-
ihstinguishsd for his brsvery and skill, in battle.
waa our felWw townsman. - J
Cpt. Drum- has left devoted 'ife and aeve
ralsmsll children, an aged father, together with
brothers shd sistrre, to whom he wss devotedly
attached. ?rrenfirirJi ll'.puittcan.
, The Lvri Coi. Mclr.T oui. It is a little sin
gular that .tho late Co',,. Mclntoch though twico
severely .wounded on. the 8th of Sepiemher,
near Cbapultepec, r'ied front tho efK-cta of hi
woiiu4a receive, s.tvResaca de la Palma. Tho
New York Conner, says :
: , )n the fr.or nin? ol the 8th, G'.n. Worth' di
vision (w'.ii.jhihe Co'.or-cl was in) was ordered
to storr.i nd carry certain fortified works of tho
enerr.y near Chapultepec. ' At sunriso'lhe divi
aion morfrj the attack By cannon' and nn:!ieiry.
.ori after tho order-was given for the division
'.o charge the enemy. Th Colonel, 'as on all
other occasions, tat t!ie liesd of his regiment, was
forcnrobVih the, charge.' They got w ithin fitty
yards of tho enemy's works, when a masked
battery (several pieces of cannon) opened upon
.them,.. The cannonading and the firing of mua
ketry(wero so severe on our troops, that we had
to fall back, hit soon after, wo rallied, and tho
.enemy's wot ks were carried. In this second
charge the Colonel received a musket hall in
tha right leg, i three inches above the knee,
which passed through the muscles without In
juring the bone.' Before he could recover him
self, he received another in the same extremity,
two inches below the knee, passing upwards
andrr Ihe skin and integuments, and lodging in
the hip, without touching the bone, ;
:. Not withstanding all this, the Colonel was hot
ly engsged in the battle of Churubuaco, on tho
19th; bJt came out safely, and everything see
med fc indicate that he would eventually reco
ver, antil about lha Xkb oi September, when a
disease msde its appearance in his throat, (in
flammslion of Ihe gland) which baflled all sor.
gical skill, and nn the night of the 2th b. at li o'
clock, removed him from this world. We leant
from the letter announcing those facts, that Col.
Mcintosh was conscious uf his approaching end,
and remained senaible, without the power of
speaking, until the time already atated, when h
expired without struggle. .
1 Swupt Awsv bv a TorhTaoo 'r BirTAMns.
The Hannibal "(Missouri) Gotutte says that
young thniton.'one of tho Matum volunteers,
wairosfon the way from Sinta Fe, in a aingn
1ar manner."' We are told that when the 'nunler
ridea into a herd of buffalo, it is often '.)ie ca
that they become frightened and the wi hule mis
starts with fu'iioiis speed for the in .iuntsins, and
there ia no way to get out, but n kaeptha aame
speed, and work your vay gi.JuBliy from anionif
them; to halt wof'J be, certain death, aa tho
mass would pas, ov'J. tnd crufli you. nd hun
ter ate ofts.,'car',ed seven aod ten inilea be'uru
they can digerfogU ih'emsBlvra trom amoi f
the he,dhr j nrr In this way M r, H nt n
' ppp 'jej. When last aeen he was flyinj; o-
' uu. i' l.t mitbn hi ttll OI t.
1 r.'' drovo of aeveial thousand, and haa notbiej-
J ...!.....
. nsaru oi iuo.
iv.... ..... . u . iMiun nl.orkHCID, lift
..,;..... hvoifot nnible tor the lea sntl
boopie onderstand, tho morrofwir.d thV
think youarev -U fc vacuum, weulleet, teethe w
(all at hul gitiueat. .