Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 16, 1847, Image 4

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    ' From the New Orleans Delta.
A isarar On of Ik OMN flint,
Ystnrdj morning an old colored woman, by
the name of Rachel Kepp, caaue before Rccor
cler Baldwin for the purpoftaof inakfof anetea
-tion against a man whom she accused of hav
ing beten her. Rachel was a tall, masculine
neg-rees, with a pair of shoulders broad enough
!'if t mwJtm Hercules. She was as prey a s
budger, and yet ehe seemed to be aa JilLe as a
wild cat. , Thoold woman was d rowed ia a suit
ol faded bjsck, and her venerable head wa
enveloped in turban, which, Tike Joacph'a coat,
w bt ninny hues. Hor eyes were dim with
a ?, but all Hie rest ot her physical faculties un
i rinaired.' When 6ur Reporter asked her how
old aha' A as, aha replied that she waa one Aim
tfrerf years nf nine noT ht.
Where were you born V seked the Reporter. 1
'I war born sir, about thirty-five an ilea this 1
ride of C.iltimore, and raised in lha family ot old 1
Nicholas Rawlins, abont twelve miles from j
Dalrimoro.' i
'Well, Rachel, vou must have sees great
deal in your time.' i
Vrs, air,' said the olJ woman, wiping her
tyra with the end ot her black apron; 'I've
kern a fond deal, as you eayi in my time. Vir
uitny ami Maryland wasn't then what they are
rfow. Th country belonged to the English
then, sir, and 1 being free born, was on of lha
subjects of that country.' '
'Aunty, yoti rilust have known tome of tbo
I'rtat men of that time. Did you know Wash
K.tfton I' i
'Know him!' said the old woman, her eyes
sparkling with animation, yes, air, I koow'd
him three years batbrs Breddock'e defeat. He
was Colonel then, or they used to call him so
in old West morels nd. I seed him, sir, when ho
as a General. Ah ! I remember him well !'
What kind of a looking man was he V
'Ha waa a big, tall man, air. He had broad
forehead, and a sharp, crooked nose. Hedidu't
laugh often, end when I know't! him first he
teemed to be jiat the same man only a little
y ounger, as when I seed him last.'
Do you recollect the namea uf any of the fa
milies in the vicinity of which you speak!' .
'Oh, yes, air. I'm old now, but I recollect
tlio Bsrbours, the Tsxewelle, the Walker, the
Morgans, the Doraeye, the Seymours, and God
It hows how many more.' .
'How long have you been living in this city,
'Forty three years, sir, last month. '
The lest wesaw ot the old woman, she was
standing up in Court as firmly as a person in
the prime of life, waiting until the person she
had prosecuted should be called. Rachel see
med to be a link between the past and the pre
M-nt, snd when she spoke of those who lived in
iite 'time that tried men's souls we could not
tint look oil her with reverence. '
HoNORABt.BTO Printers To the credit of
ihit useful and patriotic class, the printers, be
it i-aid, that among all the men who have bceu
iuLlihht d aa deserters from the army not one is
i printer; of all tho soldiers punished for diso
bedience of ordcts, not oua is a printer. The
printers who have entered the aervice, compa
red with their numbers in tin country a to o
'..u r, will average three to one in their
favor. These fact are the most complimentary
to this valuable and meritorious clsss of the A
merican people. Who would not baa printer.
Tho folio inj- ronunilrum recently took a
prize cup at Hi. Louis: 'Why are the battles
totiirlilby General Scott, in Mexico, like a suit
of di'tho made by a neat ea mat rocs!' Be
cause the work waa done as well as it could be
i lone without having a tailor (Taylor) to do it I
Hkioki. An old gentleman fell in love with
it young lady named Page. ' In a ball room the
young lady dropped her glove instantly be
t iok it up, a ml bis address waa in presenting it
'.( from elove you Iske the letter 'G,'
n.rn glove makes love, which I present to the.'
' Vml if from Pace you take the letter 'P.'
l'Vo Pa ! mukrt age, and that won't do for me.'
' Which is the bed shop to get a fiddle at V
linked a pupil of Tom Cook, the musician. 'An
ix'othecary shop answered the wag, 'because
if you buy a drug there, they always give you a
The I: te Duke of Not folk waa much attached
tn the bottle. On a niaru,uerade night he aaked
1'uotf, who was his intimate friend, what new
ha racier be should go in. Go sober said
A Clergyman told an Indian he should love
hi enemirs. 'Mee do lve 'em replied the
itil'-r. What enrmiea do you lova most?
Hum and cidur.' There art too litany auch In
Cihu. John, has the doctor arrived !
Vee, sir.' 'Then go immediately for the un
'inrlaker. ,
When Socrates wss told that his judgea had
'Ttcnced bim to death; 'And bath not nature
-aid be, 'passed the same sentence upoo ibtm ?
Wisdom's beat school is adversity. Prorps
my wss pinifl by the ancient like a harlot,
Vi its blind, on the brink of a frightful precipice.
When you cso find wAliiug else to do, plant
irmt or shade tiecs they will grow when you
m' avleop, .
Tonguea are tiko race horses, which run (be
'later the leaa weight (hey tarry.'
, Tba Voluptuous man gtaudg la lha market to
ie bought and aold.
, . ; tt.YLVAftlA.
Ths following list shows tne current valua of all
Vhiaryivenhv Bank N . Ths awist impHett ra
lisnca tasy be placed upon It, a it is teeey fesseJt
sirefuny compared with 4 oorrecieJ from Bltk
asll's Reporter. " ' T . -
nanhn In Philadelphia.
. '.'n. ..' ." : ucatio..' ' .
I dir. An.
Bank of North America ,
Bank of the Nnrtbarn Liberties , "
Commercial Bink of Penn'i. . ,
Farmer' end Meehtriira' B:mk . :
Kenairiffton Brk . . '
lilaArlpVm flunk . .
Wwrhm Hank ...
fcovjthwark flank
Western flank
Mechanics' flank ' .
Mtiwlwer' rV Mechanics' Dank
flank of Penn TownsMp . .
Olran! Dank " .
Bank of Commerce, lute Moyemrnsing
Dank of Pennsylvania .
Country Dnnkn.
Bank of ChenUvr County- Wrsstetiestee
Hank of Delaware County
Bank of Oerrusntow n
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Ooylrslonn Bank'
Gaston Bank
Farmers' Rank of Bucks ro. Bristol
Rank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bonk A n ridge ro. Columbia , par
Farmer' Bank of l-ancssaer Lancaslct par
Lancaster County Bunk l.ancsster pat
Lancssirr Bank Lencaetor pi
Fnrmere' Bank of Resiling Reading pat
Ulrica of Bank of t'ci.n
Harribuiff." The-e
Lancaster I offices
Reading f do not
Easton J issu n.
Rank of the United SUto.
PhUd.lh 23
PotiWII 2
Middle! own ' al
Cartisle; ' . 4
Piltahuifr i
TTirticburg 1
U'illiomapurt t
Wilke.Uri l
A Mnntown
Pittatmrg railed
Erie do
Net Brighton do
Montroso Ijf
Erto llj
Wtyneshurg ii
Wsshington H
Honesdsle I J
BrownsviHe I i
Yo4 ial
Miner' Bank of PottsvilU ,
Bank of I.ewiMown
Bank of Middrntnwo
Carlisle Bsnk
Exvhanee Bank
I)o Aa ' branch of
Ifarrisburg Bank
LelMoon Bank
Merchants' & MrHif. Bank
Bank of Piltuhiirx
West Bnnch U uik
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berka Comity Honk
Office of Bank of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chaniberaburf
Bank of Geityaburg
Bank of Bumuehsnna Co,
Cria Bank
armrr-' & Drovern' Bank
Franklin Bank
flunesdalo Bank
fonongahHa Bank of B.
York Bsnk
Ti. B. I be note of those banka on which w
omit quotations, and mirwtitnte a daafi ( ) are not
purchaacd by the Philadelphia broker, with the
axesptioo of those which hse a letter of rvferwice.
Philadelphia 8av. Ina. Philadelphia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do Tailed
Schuylkill Sav. Ina. . do failed
Kensington Hsv. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ina. do -
Manual Labor Bank ( I. YV Dyett, pruo.) filled
1'owanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of 8watara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
no sale
Fayette co.
no vale
uo aale
Farmer & Mech cs' HanK
Farmer' &. Mech'ca' Bank
Farmere' & MechVa' Bank
Harmony Instil lite
Huntingdon Uank
Hiiii(innlon no sale
I.ervi.tflwn no (ale
Juniata Bank
Lumhcrmeu's Bank
New Hops
Purl Carbon
Northern Bank nf Pa.
no aale
no sale
New Hope Del. Bii.tge Co.
Northumh'd Union t;ol. nk.
North Weatern flank of I'a.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Aur. &. Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'.
Wrstmoielaod Bank
Wilkexbarre Bridge Co.
Wilkebarr no aale
Qfj- All note purporting to l un any PennayU
vania Bank not given in the ahuve lit, may be aet
lown aa fraud.
rw jrnsKY.
Bank of Naw Biunawick Brunawit k failed
Belvideie Bank Bejvidere )
Burlington Co. flank MnlforJ par
Commercial Bank Perth Amboy j
Cumberland Bank ' Bridneton par
farmers' Bank Mount Holly par
farmer and Mechanic' Bk Rahway i
Farmers' end Meehantca' Ok N. Biunawick failed
Farmer' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pu
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jeraey City
Hohoken Bag Ac Uiatmg l a llobiiken
leraey City Bank Jcr-xy tJiiy
MticiianUa' Bank Patleraon
Manufacturer' Bank Belleville
Morri Coonty Bank Morriatown
Monmouth Bk of N. S. Freehold
Mechanics' Bank Newaik
Mechanic.' snd Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkf Co . Jsrsey City
Port Notes
no sale
Newsrk Bkg ft Ins Co Newsik
Nsw Hoe Del Bridge Co Lainheitr-.uis
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Ilobokon
N J Proteclon dc Lombard bk Jsraey City
Orange Bank Urauge
Paksraon Bank Paieraun
People' Bank do
Piinuemn Bank Priueeion
Salem Banking Co Salem
Stale Bank Newark
Slate Bank Eliiahethlown
Slats Bank Cajmlen
State Bank of Monia Morriaown
Slata Bank ' Trenlon
Balem and Phtlad Msnuf Co Hlm
Suaaei Bank Newton
Trenlon Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Doaer
Washington Banking Co. Harkensack failed
Bk of Wilro Si Brandy wliw Wilmington par
Bank of Delaware pal
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna par
Do branch Milloid par
Farmera' Bk of State uf Del Dover par
I to branch Wilmington 'par
Do - branch - Georgetown ' par
Do branch JVJaweasile par
Union Bank Wilaimgton psr
rX7 Umior 6's ' .1
(U On all banks aanrked tbo () I bar ar sk
tuw coaounfoU or islisred notsa of lis various J-
iiominsiioos, in ctrcuiaUon.
ijji'i j1. ..a i :n- si .- s --..-.i---
; , Ic-. 'irthTtvr-' i 5 "li
ViuchtX uiDiA.i Uittkit pills,
Vom lJU. Qpmikn Ptmottat.
WftlOHl" fsataa VsasT4au Piata-Tbssa
eeUbralw) PilK aw anfvereetiy swsd aa4 sd
mired, hav besoaM to t eonablerei almost a a
c.eosary In families as water or fuel In fact, the
principle npon whish this medicins has etiblihd
its tTAifm-y)rrgatin now pretty gsnsislly
srknowkdgrd to l the only tius on, by which
heilth may bs p es rved, or reatored when impsired,
Wrinht's Pill am how a aniversal favorite.
From Ik i'Mladelphia Satmrioy rnt? Pu. '
WtnaaT'a Isniaa VtaaxABta Pitts .are t
tainirvg creat , bbrity q New Englnndvas wt(l a
other pait of the United State v The at fmpt of ,
prreons to defraud the public by the s.i'e of puriout
aiticle meet with general rrpTotmnon. . V. '
Wilht is an in J fnf inablo bu inesa man, and ahewa ',
an array of cute by tho medecine which warrant
ouCJenc in the virtue of hi Indian VsgetaMe -
Frosa tie PAWejsA-'tf Sp'rit of Pa T.met.
Wmaat'a Isniaa VutT 1'n.t. Pe
pie are pretty well sail fled by thia time that ilo
roel, and the other tboueand and one miveral pre
paraiione of the fhopa, r b, tier adipted, a a gsn
tal tut, to kdl rather than cure th pjtient ill ar of courts, vegetable medicinea are therefore
in grrat requeat. There are many humbug hw
evor, among the latter, and we would advi-e all
those who have the learl regs for their hslth, to i
ny Wriiiht'i In&an VtifttabU PUU nf tit Sertk :
Amintan Uorligt oj JltulUi, ss tney sre the pre
psrsiron oT one in iinatsly arquaiulsd wih lbs
besling art
From flit Bw-tun D.r'u Timet.,
Waiaai'a lamas Viostblk Put. Of all
the public advertised m-vjicinr of lha day, we
know of none (hat we can inor nfaly recommend
for the "ills that flash is heir to." than the Pills that
are sold nt tb depot of the Not lb Amniimn Col
lege of Health, No. 199 Tremont street, Boston,
Seveisl instance) we know of where they are ud
in faniilie with tba bigheat s tirfiction; and no
I nger ago than yeatetdsy, w h--ard an eminent
hysiiian of thia city tscommsnd them in bgh
terms. ,
Tbe foil wing highly reapt clsMe aloiekeeier
have been duly spioinU-d nis for the sain of
nngnt i Mian tegelalle Fill, in iorihumbt x- j
l-uil county :
Henry Maaaer, Sunbuiy.
E. dr. J. KautTmui), rVuuata lownabip.
Manjuel Herb, Lilile Mihonoy,
William Depi-eo, Jackson.
Benevilla llolahue, Uper Mabnnoy.
John G. Ivenit, Upi-sr Mabsnoy.
Hamuel John, Sbamokiniow n.
For.ytlo', WiUont t'o Noithumberiand.
E. L. Piper, Wstannburg.
Irland A. Haynes. McEnirW.
Janaes Peed, PoiMgnwe.
Wm. G So'tt, Roahville. -Hartman.Knoible,
Elr-burg P. O.
Am.'S T. Reieael, Turbutavill.
Uid.on Shadel, Hp per Maboney.'
Rhodea 6t Farrow, Snydttown.
John King, Farmeravdle.
Silaa C. Co. k. Martin's Cisk.
J. De Young. HickaviJe.
Abraham Mlierrr. Rii-hmend.
Samuel '1'aylor, 8lat' fof.l.
John H. Viooent, Cliihsquaajue.
Wm. Heinen tt Brother, Milton.
Bswaas er CoCRTsarsira. -Ths public sre
cauiionsd sgainat Ihe many spurious medicinea,
which in order to deceive, are c dlod bv names si
milar to Wriuhi'a Indian Vegrtabl Pills.
Ths Sjfeal cuurae i to puich. of lb regular
sgnts only, who are gentlemen that may be re
hd on.
rrj OtTicea drvo'e.1 eiluive!v to Ihe ele of
of the Noith American Colleg of Health. No. 388
Greenwich Street, Ni-w York: No. 198 Ir.monl
Street. Uosmn; and ritlNCII'AL OFFICE. No. j
169 Rack St hit,' Pliilailelphia.. : ' -Juno
Uih, ISI7. aly.
"Tic kson & c 6.,
No. 80 Market Slreet, five doors below
Third, South si!
Pfltli ADD liFRTA,
Impnrtr-i-a it Wliolonttl) Ise'nlersj In
WATCHES, Watch Gla ea and M.iteriala
Jewelrv of all decii ti n. qualitiei and
a'yiea, coiopiUiiia; all the article conni-cleJ
with the Tiade,
P x on 4; Son's Britannia, Gtrm m Silver and Sil
ver-Pl.ted Wars.
Sheffield and Birminghtm Plaiad Fancy Articles.
Budgets A; Son's and W. at. nhi lm'a Cutlery, l!a-
tor a. He ora, Erei, l)e,k Knives, Axe.
Ivory H nd'ed Table Cutlery, of ihe nn , meJiuin
nd common qoulaiea.
A laige asMirlinenl of Gold Peua.
Perifocal Spectacb,
Papier M.iche and J ipanned Tray, various hsie
snd qu ililiea. at re-lu. ed rale
Gold Wa'ch Caa,Uiuta and SiUer-Wsre, of sll
decriiiion, raanufacluied to order.
DICKSON 4 CO., having recently, removed
into the Luge and coinmodioua warshtome formerly
occupied by Mesara. R. AoairrtaT & Sona, and
more recentlv bv AanaoaT Jr RsviianTOS, beg
have to inborn Walch Dealer)', C. unliy M rihauta
and otbera, that lhe deaigu having at all timea a
large e-soilnient of Good, of Itnirown Imports
lion, which they ars determined to tell at tbe lowest
j" Every attention will be paid to the Packing
of and in ihesicution of Ord ra, ths qu di
lit andpiice will be fully guurautis ) agaiut all
roinMiition. .
Philadelphis, June 19th, tBI. ly
vjcj; r ri vyy ; p Gg
rirst lrrmiuiii Wrilins liik,
Mo. S7 North Third Strccf, .
ROM Dr. Hars, ll-e celebrated Profeeor el
Chcmietry ia the Univy ol Penn .
-Philadelphia. Oct. II. 1813
"Dear Sir Having Hied your Ink, I will thank
vou to send ms soother bottle, as I find it to be I am youiv, truly,
. - lUaTIIaaB."
Erom Dr Iocke, of Cinrinnatl, diiiguhd
fi hi numerous scientific ressehs.
"Medical Collsge of Ohio, Cii einnsti,
January 17, l44.
Having uaed Mr. Hover'a Writing Ink, I am
aaliafhjj that it u the but which ba ever com to
my knowbtdse, and especially it txt'Uml for Ihe
use of Siul J'ras, and totWnot cunod them, sven
in long use. v i r.
Joaa Locks, Prof, of Chrmialry.
Frout a well knotva acienliAe gtatlarasa.
PbibMlolphia, FW ST, 1841.
Mr. Joseph E. Hossr Sir : A use of your Ce.
mi at, and practical Itil af ila superiority,
baa Vidueed ma to recommend it lo other aa au
iuvduabi aiti.l for rocndiog China. Glaas, or
Gsblnst Wars. Cansaeix Moanr,
' ; Analytic Chendat ."
For aal at the Mmufictnry, Wholesvls snd Re
tail. No. 87 NoaTa Taiaa SfaaST, oppoailf
Cbarry atrett, Pbaadelpbla, by ' -
" juwern ri. uuyx.ri,
May , l4T. j$0 ly
Spring Goods-
THE sahaeribsr hts iuat 'reeivJ hi Nr r
itrtif Ooofk to wrrkb k (nvitn hi ftW.
ami iwaiomara to call and ettralne fot thanaei w :
Hie snk osnai-t in part sf the following ,. '
Superior C.lMbe, of allcolvrst Csasimera of di(V.
eni pattern ; Satin and other Vrstine I Ca
liooa, Lawns, Oinfhama, Check. Tick- 't
. ings, and sumnwe wear of sll kinds I
and price t also, J,rghrr an!
Palm leaf HaU Umbrella
and m 26
cent upward j
also, O rocsi U-, (jueens
, , wnro, Hsrdwa'S. Csdsrware, :
Oil, Paints, Fish, 8s!t. fc.o Ac, die ,
and in fir, avriy article usually kept in a eovm't -aiorn,
which will be aold very low. for eaah on n
kind of trade. JOHN BOGAK
Sunhury. May 1 6th, 18l7.nly
More i ew G oods !
THE taal arrival la at Purdy' Store, Market
Square, where will be found a handsoms as
sortment or
of (he late! snd most spproved si) Irs, consiaiing of
Cloths, - Cssaimeia, ' Veaiingi,
Summer Stuff, Mous. de Isines, Lawn,
Giiigham, ' Calicos, Muslins,
Jean, Ate., dec, diet eleo, a foil assortment of
Groceries, all of which will bo sold lower thsn sver
offered in 0 ia marki L
Call and eiamine for youraelves.
Sunbury, May IS h. IS47. tf
PIHE .Subscriber have ihe exrliicire right of
X vending J. M. THATCHER'S
Hut lllaat Hot Air C'ooklue;
in the c untie of Norihumberland, Columbia nnd
Hrhnvlkill: and from the enrotfraeement met with
; If early, they eipect to do a large boxinet. This
j toe ia constructed on an entirely new principle,
and on the onlv principle that e n make both a
gaud wrid and coal atove. The inventor ha over
come all the difficult' thai ao frequently belong to
other atove. He ha by hi arrangement, con
stiectel broiling dj-OTeii In Troilt, where
in broiling, roaating, frying or baking may be done,
and all the amell that ariae lhaiefiom must pas
into the combjslilfla chamber, snd is not al all
thrown out into the room XX Berde thia, there
i an oven only two inches le thin the whole aire
of the atove, wherein baking or roasting may be
done aa weN aa il can be in ihe Cnmavon brick oven.
This oven ia alnays At for ue when the aiove ia
healed, the whole draught of hot air paaKca a
rouod il ctHtataolly.
Public attention is psrtiroUrly railed to thin
atove. It can be sen al our Store and Tin Etah
lifhmenl in North Danville, at the aigu of the Co
lumbia Tin ahop, and at the found' y of Rohrharh
St Clement in Honbury, where it particular quali
tiea will be felly ahown and eap'ained to any eron
wishing le ettmhie it.
The aubacriliera continue lo have en hurid at)
kmda of parbu atove, such aa radiators, cylenders,
fanry and plain, suitable for all who may fivor us
wi'haeall; also common aheet and Ruit Iron,
which can 1 made in any drairabl ah ape; tngr.
ther wbh a general aeaortment of tin and jt pinned
ware, whideaale and retail. Countiy merrhan'l
are invited In call and eiamine eur inck, a our
work cannot be urped, and price modoerate.
N.B. We can eately recommend the above men
tionetl atove to perion who wiali to embark in a
good buines. -The patentee will veil either coon
ty or state right, to suit purchasers, and on rea
sonable leim. lie or nu egrnr msv oe inuno in
Danville, Pa. J. St J. ARTER.
The underdgned, having seen in operation the
hot biat hot air rooking atove, invented and pa
tented by J. M. Tbaicher, certify that we Mieve,
from the manner of it cn'truclion and orainn,
that it is ihe best one ever offered to the public. The
arrangement leao complete and the construction so
judicious, that there i a saving ol one half the fuel
and lime, in doing any given amount of a rvice,
over other celebrated atove. In short we recom
ment it in preference to all other, for the simple
reason I bat it embrace every braocb of economy.
famuel Garrett, John W Garrett. Dvld Chat
field, W F Kitch. n. John M riiay, K Thompum,
Smith Tho'mpaon, J D Hahn, John Oake. Hesiki
ah Bear, Ella F Cooper, Geo M Rithart, Daniel
Huffoian, Henry H Riasal, F H I'aiver, Daniel
Dreiabach','Jnvrph Yenknk, Brooks Epley.
Danville, March t, 1817. ly
THE subscriber oilers for sale a cheap . Farm,
i to ale in Shainokin township, Northumber
land county, about eight miles from Sunbury. ly
ing between ibs Centre turnnike snd Iri-h Valley,
roptaiutng I6S ecioe and allowance. 8aid form
i in a good it of cultivation, with reasooably
good building snd eicelleut water pear ihedooi j
and all kiud of fruit. Ste.
Sunbury, FehgQ, 1847.
No. l Worth Third trcef,
(arsimr aovst.)
C. MACK. K Y, Aictioskkr.
EVENING SALES of H'dwaie, Cutlery,
8addlery, Wbipa. Boot, Shoe, Hate,
Cap, Gum, Puloli, Clothing,
. f Waif Ues and Fancy Goods,
At Markey's Auction Store, 31 North Third
slreet, near the City Hotel,
The attention tf Country M rchanta ia invited.
The GmotU will be a dd in lots to suil puichaarra,
and aU Goods offered will h warranwl equal to Ihs
repieaenlaliona that may be made of ihein.
N. B. A large aatorlauent of Gootls si Private
Sale. Jan. 18. I84T ly
95 North at., bet. Arch Ax iTace sis.,
BRADY Si PARKER respectfully inform their
friends and lha public that lby hiva taken
th above named kouso, recently kept by J. 8,
Adsms and are prepared to eoeoaemudate caste
mar in tba aaosi salt factory meaner and al rea
sonabls prices.
Tbeir Isbla will ba supplies! with lbs bet sari,
ety tita maiket aiTotds tbnir parlors snd aleepiaf
apvlmeola will bs ia tba beat order. Tbe boose
has beau thoroughly rspaired snd furnished with
a view lo tha comfort of travslbws and alraogers.
Having hsd several yssrs ax parlance in ths
business, they hope . to give general aaiiafsstion,
end respectfully ipvKs traveller od strsngsr e
glv thm a can. BRADY A PARKER. .
. rb.UJtlie, January 18, ISIt.-tf ,
No. 0 North 3,1 su tliifd door above
.-Market Strtet
ALE EVERY EVE.IINU, of a genersl s- !
1 sort men t uf Forsisa and Dmetle Hsrdware, I
1'able ami Poi ket C jtlery. Trunks, Locks, j
Litchns, Bolts, Saws, Ssddlery, Whips, j
Bouta, Shois, Hi a. Caps, Oona,
Pistols, Trimmine. Clothing
arid Fsnry Gord. i
The attention nf city and enuntry dealer ia in- j
viied. The Goads are freah, nnd will he warranted I
equal to tbe repreaenia'lnn thai may be mde of i
litem. BAYLHJt BROOKE R.AueVioraeer, .
No 6 North Third t.
N. B. Purcharei ran have their Good packed, '
Several invoice of Good have Ixen received lo b i
sold al private sale. --. j
Pbilsdclpbis, Dec. ,191b, 18IG. ly . i
To The I. O. orJhV. i
J. W. & K. D, 8TOKK S,
Manufacturers of Premium Odd Fd-!
lows' llegnlia, .
Ko. 14 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA,
Firat Clothing Store be'ow 6th Street.
THE subscriber having taken the premium at
Franklin Institute, at the I nut ethihilioo. for
th beat Reg.ili, thev invite tbe attention of the
order to their establishment, wheie they will find a
splendid assortment of P.O. and Encampment Ro
salia. They elo make l.i order for I.odec and
Encampment. Regalia. Saehia, Cotumr and
Robe, ind furnish every thing requisite for the
convenience of new Lodges or Eniatnpment.
Philadelphia, Dee. 19, 1846. ly
Try Uoussrrs Clnftorrsal
ISmall quantities given without Charge.
.It 1 14 CArW , riilLAJ)EU'MA.
rlH18 new and splendid article, a its name de
1 notes, is prfecd to be sucrior to sny Sha
ving Cream in the United States or Europe. It is
unau'P'is. d fr beauty, purity and f aur inre, thor
'ornenbat analaaous to Gu- rlsin's Ambrosial
Cream and other similar compounds. Il far aur
es them all by Ihe env I ient pasty consistency
of its I ithi r, which so softt ns the Iward as to rcndi r
shing pleasant and eat-y. It further possesses
the advaritage over the tmponel srlH'le, in being j
freshly skill Iteing wanting in it man- i
ufactore. E.Rousael having had many yejra' ex
perirnce in the celebrated laboratory of Laugur, J
Prre el Ftl, now Renaud St to., of Paria. 1
Besidea U-ing tbe het, il ia the rheapt st article J
for stiavinn ; it Uvleganlly put-up in boles, with I
splendid steel engraved labels. j
Pri-e f'i per doaen, or 374 cents for s single bnx, i
lo shave oris year. It ia also sold at Jl 50 per lb.
or 12) cnt r ot., no that gentlemen ran have
their boxes filled at EUGENE ROLSSEL'8.
WJioletale and Retail Perfumery and .Mineral Wa
ter Es ablishmeot, 114 Cbesoul Slreet,
Dec 19, 1816.-- PHILADELPHIA.
jfew JEiriu.,.
riHE Uudera'gncd bere'-y gives notice, that he
i ba aasocialid wilb bimself. a a partner in
the mercantile business, in hi store adjoin ng
Weaver' Tavern, in Sunbury, John Mass, and
thai the said store wdl hereafter be Conducted un
d. r the fiun of Clement & II ana. Tbe -toie ul
the S .uth West coiner of Market Square will be
conducted aa heratiifore, by the (uhsciibir himself,
to which be respectfully invite bis customer sud
He '.i n.'lirie sll those indebted lo him, to call
between this snd tbe 1st of January next, and set
lie tbeir account.
All kind of produce will be taken on account,
at cash prices.
Hereafter no longer thsn four months credit
will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT.
Sunbury. Nov. 14. 1848 tf.
LSikElTT & ZA-3,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that on
the 9th in1 , ihey entered into psrtnership,
in the mercantile business, at tbe store recently
occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver's
Tsvern, in Sunbury. Thy hsve lately received
s new stock of goods, which they will diapose of
st the lowest prices.
All kinds of produce will lie taken in exchange
for goods.
No longer thsn four month credit will be given.
Sunhurv. Nov. 14. 1848. tf.
LIvM Street,
rilHE House hss undergone a thorough repair.
X The proprietors solicit its former patronage.
Terms $1 25 per dsy.
July 4, 184fWIy
Keller Sc tircenoupli,
, WAsnntaTON, d. c.
DRAWINGS and Papers for the Ps'ent Of
fice will be prepared by them, si their office,
opposite ine rstent (mice.
July. 4th. 184(1. ly
1 K T K It B. MASSE H,
UESPECTPULLY informs tbe ciiisea of
Sunburr sod vicinSv, thai bs hss opened sn
otlics si the re.bleuea of Henry Massrr. in Market
street, where ha is prvneied to execute all kinds of
Dksrsi Svaeaat, Plata Work, Ave , on lbs latest
and most approved plana.
Having bad some experience) and instruction,
under on of lha moat eminent snd successful Den
tists in Philadelphia, bs believes tkal be will be
able to give aatiafactiou to lDoe who may waal hi
services. ,..'',
Ladies will be waited rut at their places of resi
dence, : Hi charges will be modsrsts, snd Ju
work wstrsntsd.
Sunbury, March !8th, J8.
TTtaE-XTEBt. 8PIRH 5 OF SOAP for si
II 9 .reeling Gresas, Dry Psinta, Varnish, Tsr,
Wi, Ac, from elolbing of any desaription, war.
rauti'4 net to iajua tba cloth or tba mot dvlicste
colors. This Uuuid baa also bsM used aith grcst
success ia caaaa ol Bums, Scalds. Teller, Pimplct
ontlsa fsca, Cbsp4 bands, giors lips. Rbsums Hard or auft Corna, Ac. fj Price, 35 da.
iwr boiiss. 4or sale al tba aloia uf
July 18, 1848. , H. MA&8ER,
Aa Ba 1A33ER,"
. svwatrav, pa. , :
Business sliended to in tJie Cot.ntios of Not
thumterland, Upion. Lyeorning and Cm!. rubra. ,
Itefer to i
l . or A. havut'iir,
l.owta St Baaao,
Soaras ot Snonoaass, yl'hUad,
. Kstaotna, Mc FRta n St. Co
Sraainn, loou fc Co.,
COOPER'S RTRRML Oil. A prompt and
la-ting remeily fir, hIsu for pains
i and di rha'ge of matter from the
1 lliindn ii of cun a in r e drein'd utterly hope
1 re have firmlv e tablUhcd its Ueriori'y over eve
1 y fmer Medir il dinoverv.
This valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound
of four different (Ida, one of whieh, Ihe artive and
principal inciedient, is ol t lined from tbe bnrh of a
i certain speciea of Waiuct, a new and effectual
I agent In the euie of Deafness.
Parson who had been d. af for 10, 15 nnd even
20 year, have been permanently cored by using
llu nil. In f.ict, so numerous ami so emphmic
have Wen the leoiinmnials in it- favor, that the in
ventor claim for il the distioetion of an Infallible
Remedy, in all cases, when the Cai isjarftcliu
its formsti n.
Foi further particulars, nnd eviilonce of ila great
value, aee printed she' Is, in the h ind of Agents.
For a de in Mind ury, by J. W. FRII.l.NG.
September I9ih, I84C ly
In curing Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza,
Whooping-Coiigh, and all Disease of Ibe snd lungs, leading to Consump
tion ; coinHi-ed of Ihe eoocenlrited
virtues of the herb Horehnund,
B nesi ti, Bloodroot, and
evernl other vrg a
ble snb.t..nces.
Warranted 1
rPHIS invnluable Medicine i the most peedy
and c itnin remedy ever discovered fur ihe a
bove curapla nis, s thousands who bava used it
will testify. For aale, in Sunbury. bv
and in N.t un.berland. by D. BKAUT1GAM,
and al wholesale, in I' Iphia, by
Corner of Secon l and Callowhill street.
Septeo.U-r 19th, 1N4A. Iv
To lttirliBera er
Z2 S20f3XliI33d
,o. lil I'tarltt., NEW YORK,
11 A VINO e.tabli-bed s Branch St No. 144 Ches.
nut t., Philadelphia, is now opening, snd will
be cons'anlly receiving from the New York, Auc
tions, an extensive assortment of .
' which wilt be sold at th lowest New York prices.
al wholesale and R tail. Among h a st ick will be
found a good assortment of ihe following articlna:
Jacconeta, Plaid. Hair Cotd, Lace, Stripe, Book,
Swi-s atid Tsilaian Mualin. Bishop and Linen
Lawut, Fancy Cap Netls, Fancy and Ball Ureses,
Thread Lacea, Application D.i.. rich Back Milk,
Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen ('ambries,
Linen Cambric Hdkf'..Cutniii Fringe, C.ishiuera
d'Ecoe, Muusetme da l.aiue. Milk and ('otloo
Warp A l scene, CJu eu's Cloth, Gal Plaids,
French Mctino, Bdcks'ilk, (l-e, Si k Hoe,
Shswl, Crava's, llil'bon-', Emluoulerii s. Ac, Ac
Country Mcichsnt snd others visiting Phil del
pbia or Nsw Yoik to purchase, are respectfully in
vited lo c ill and rxainiuo the t.l.i.
No. I, l5.--y .
ij K Is I K V HAND L I V E .
; sL'onipouutl Sjrup of Tar k Mood
j - Kupttna.'
I riHE anprwredenleil oeres of Ibis medicine, in
I m. the restoration of heahh, io those who, in de
1 pair, had given up all hope, has given il an exal-
ted reputation a love all other remedies, furnishing
I rvitlcnc of its intrinsic va'ueanil poster, as the on
j ly agent which rsn lie relied np- a for the cure of
I Pulmonary Conaumpiinn, Brnncbiitis, Aathma,
I Pain in ibe side and Bres-t, Spitting of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ste.
Auentii.n ia requeued lo the following ASTON.
: ISHING CI'RE.hv Thomson'. Compound Syrup
of Tar and Wood Naptha ! !
Phitutlrtphia, May Zd, 1844.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful
feelings I inform yon of Ihe astonishing floe is of
j ,((Uf medicine, whieh haa literally raird m ftorn
death-bed! sly disease, ruimonary ijonsump.
lion, bad reduced me .o low that my physician pr.w
nojnced my case bopeWs ! Al this juociioo I be
gan to u-eyour medicine, and miraculous ss il msy
seer, it has completely restored ms to health, after
everything else bad fadwl. Reapertfully your.
Charloti treet, above Geoige street-
Th undersigned, being personally acquainted
with Washington Mark sud bis sunVnoita, bey
wilne to lb astonishing effect of Thomson's
Compound Syrup ol Tar, and the truth of ibe a.
bove alaiemrul.
JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third atreel,
DAVID ViCKERS. 42 Almond airert,
HUGH M'GINLFJT. S. E. corner Tsroanj
and Fourth aiteeia.
Prepare.1 only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. cornet
of 5th and Spruce streets, PhiUds pbia.
Agenl. H. B. Maaser, Sunbury; D. Gross
nd Dr. Macpherson, Hrri4iurg ; Jno. G. Brown
Paiuvi le i Go- Ea(U Re idiiig i Houston d M
on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Pric90csnl
per bottle, or ft V t dozen.
Q3 Beware nf all imilatu
Pniladoliihia. Juns Miru IMS. 1
Cieorge J. Wearer,
So. IS fA W(itr'&re,iWei)ia,
WIT AS consisnlly on band, s general assor
M If nisnt' of Cordage. Seina Tsviaaa,e., vtt
Tsr'd Ropes, Fishing Ropss, White Hopes. Msnl
Is Kopee, Tow Lioss fot , Csasl Bosta,v AWo.
complavs saurtment of Seine Twines, Ac, such l
Hemp Shad ai(d UerrUg Twine, Beat Patent G
Net Twine, Cotton Shad sad Herring Twine, Hhi A-, Ac Also, Bed Cord. PUgb Lin
Halters, Traces. Cotiou suJ Liiieu Crpet Cham
die., all of whs h b vt ill disposal of ou p-asisab
lernsa. ;
Philadelphia, November V3,
J ei -
fM Kfft IBVslkN WMj