Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 16, 1847, Image 3

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Corrected weekly by ITcnry Matt. '
Sti, ' ' ', ( 62 .
t'o,?, . ; ' ' m
Oath, ' , a
BttTTim, UJ
. K. 8
Pome. . . . . 5
Fiaxsmo, 112J
Titio'i 1
From v 5Cf to 400 A crcs,
At front $1 a to $1 per Acre.
"TffTtTTS offer Cr sate and fnr srtlement, about
of unimproved land in Fabmr. above stated, to
the first twelve purchaser. For two dollar pr
were, c-h, and the mat in thro yearly pay
ment, the purchaser may choose hi faim out of
the whole 17,000 acres (excepting water power
ml the Pine timber 'and.)
The premises are ailuaied in the counties of Ly
coming rid Sullivan, Priui'a., about 65 mile
north front Northumberland, and 10 mili-s went
ward frm the North B anch of the Susqneh Hint
Itiver, nn the hiai'e of Mahoopenv and Loyal rck
creek. About 3,000 ace have hern already sold
to 20 families, and Nettled by them, and they have
-cleared about 600 acie. They certify that ike
and the ground ira-onatdv level, ilml.cred with
Sugar Mile, Beerh, Hemlock, Wid'cheny. Ac,
well watered by fine Hiring, a1 reams nnd bikes,
and the Situation I7acommoilt Hf.ttTHi.
Their full tealimopy and description may be aeen
at the office of the "Union Star," signed by John
Huntginger, Henry Ranch and 14 oiher artller-t.
Thoee who wieh to -ee the land, or to mike pur
chae. may call on II. BELLAS, or at once go
through Danville. Bloomshurg end Orangevil'e.
Ac. to ih Berwick Turnpike, which pan.e with
in five mite of the premiee. 'Only aober and in
dualiion tellers are invited, ' The clearing, fen
cing. Ac e t b itit tli rame as 1r oilier Counliet.
i A family fhoull bive $ 100, or more, to begin
there with aiir-f:ctinr. ,
Apply to D. W. Wood Esq , Agent. Nrw Her.
Hn, for further information, or to ti e proprietors,
HUGH BELLA!", Snnbury. '
Oetoler I6ih, 147 2m
tcstimoxv is kow itf:c:i:irLi
From ail luATn or tiik Ginnr..
fllHE following letter are presented with a view
X : of more full y showing the opinion of pi. vsi
cian in relation to the medical value of Da.
Swiun'i CoMPoriXD Srscror Wttn Chxjht.
' Da. 8wtti-Pear Sir: Having ned your
Compound Srup of Wild Cherry, extensively in
my practice, I wai requited by your agent. Dr.
Cru'cher, to fxpres my opinion in writing, of it
properties a a remeJiil agent. ' I mnt cheerfully
comply, a I feel by eo doing, I will discharge a
debt I owe the community at lege, and physician
in par icular. A much T de'eat quark reme
dies nnd patent noatrum. I waa induced front a
failure of the moot p ttenl expectoran. recommen
ded in our materia medtcaa in iw cs-e of Dis
eased langa, to try your preparation of Prunu
Virginia or Wild Cherry. . Il i sufficient to say
that I waa io much pleased with the remit of
that and subsequent trial that I now prescribe it in
preference to all o'her remedie where an e pec lo
rn nt i indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumo
nia or Disease of the Long, in the alarming form
in which it appear in Kentucky, I regard it aa an
invaluable remedy in the treatment of that disease.
To all who know me I have said enough, but a
this my be seen by person nut of the vicini'y of
Frankfort, I will briefly add, that I have been en
gaged in an active practice of my profession for 12
years, and am a tegular graduate of Transylvania,
nd thia i the At pa'ent medicine 1 ever thought
enough of to express an opinion in writing.
JanT, 184T. Franklin eo . Ky.
FattroiiT, Kt.. Jan 7. 1P47.
TheV abovo cer'ific ite i from one of our phv.
cian living a f-ve-miles from here, he is doing a
very good practice, and is considered a good physi
cian, aid aland fair; he is he , a regular
graduate. Pm. W. L. CacTcwaa,
Dniggi't and Apothecary,
(jr Since (he int induction i.f my aniile U the
public, there have a number of unprincipled iudi
vidual got op niatruma. hich they assert contain
Wild Ohtrry, aome are called Bilsam,' 'Utiter,'
arid eea Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mitio i the
original and only genuine preparation ever Intro-
tioeeOj M the public, which can be proved by the
public liecords of the LOinmnwealih of Pennsyl
vania. The only atfeguard against imMisition it
to see that my signature u on each bottle.
Corner of Eighth and Race t.. Philadelphia
. Prepared only hv Dr. 8WAVNE. N W. cor
ner of Eighth and R ee treet, Philadelphia, and
for .ale hv respectaMe Urtigiiat in neiily all the
Itruioipal town in ihf United Mate.
Only Agem in Suubury.
Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville t T. 8. Msck-y &
Son, Milton j M. D. At i. Well. Munc C. A.
Wyatt, Leislurj Davis Si rehnure, Selinsgrove;
lobn C. Rrnn, Line Mountain P. O.
I'hilmlrlpliis, . rr93m. fC-ly
'' Snhpoenalttr Dhorcr. ' 1
Nnrthum'ierlaml couniy, .
T'HE Commonweal h of Pennaylvanla, to Lo--
rei to Kelchum, husband of Catharine Ketch
im. Greeting t Where the said Cslhaiine
Cetchum did, on ihe 9h day of January. A. D
846, present her petition to Ihe Hon. Judges of
he court of common plea of said county, praying
hat fnr the causes therein aet foith (he might be
livoreed fiom Ihe bond of mlrimnriy entered in
o viihyou Ihe aaid Lorenzo Ketrhum, You are
ereliy commanded thai, selling aside all other bu
ima and excuses whiUoevsr, you be and apar
your proper peron before onr judge in 8unlu
y, al a county court of common plea, there to be
nllen the first Monday of November net', to an
et the charge contained in the aid petition or
bet of th aid Catharine Ketebum, or shew
iiise if any you have, why Ite aaid Catharine,
nor wife, should not lie divorced ftom the bond"
' matrimony entered into with you, the said Le
nto Kelchum, agreeably to th act of assembly
such cat made and provided.
Sheriff's Office, tun bury, , Bbeiiff
. Oct, Diu, A. D. 1847. 5 4t .'
. If Election for Director, to serve for the ensu-
ing year, will U held at th Banking House,
Monday the I6th day of November, between lb
urs of 10 o'clock. A, M. and 3 o'clock. P. M '
In eofd jure with th 1 Bib section of th el of
vrporation, tbsr will he general meetiag of the
ekusUsr on lh list Tusaday in November, at
o'clock, A. M. J. H. TRIES, ri.EY?:
;:cbti 9, Hit. 41 Vafiier.
list or, Jtmous
OF Northnmberland County, " for November
Turm, A.D. 1MT. . ? V . '1 i '.
fa ran rl Jurors.
Twluti David Mtr, Dvid Eshbe
PrToUMre James ICalhcart, Daniel Cirew,
John McKinneyi Robert Hutchiaon.
MiIon. Samuel Blair, Isaac Brown.
Chil!qUue Joseph Kincaid, Joseph Freder
ick. Daniel Caul. '. . -
Point. John Elston.
Sunhury Charles Gassier, Ira T. Clement.
!' Aug fa. lease Camplell. Wm. Miller.
Lower Augutta.Vtiid Hauck, John Hinder
Ruth Abraham Campbell, John Colket, Wm.
Coa.--George Long.'
I pper AoAimoy.- Daniel Hotshoe. '
Lower Alahtmiiy.lim 8tepp.
Traverse Jurors.
7VrrW. Philip Follm r. H. J. Boyer. -
Drlaware. -Anthony Follmi-r.
Ckillixtfuatitte.-Jacob "B .rnharl, Jame Turk,
Hamuel Mc.Mahon. Jeob Kline, George Haas,
Tlioma Brice, John Beck, Joseph Kremer.
Point Thotna Johnson.
Northumberland Grow Fetter. Robert Leah
er, George Johnson. John Dunham. J hn Geisl.
Sunlury. Samuel Manls, (teo. Zimmerman,
Joseph Nail, George Kohrbach, Wm. Marti, Cba.
I'pftrr Auguita.Jcob Eckmin, R 8. Grant.
John Clark. . .
itier AugH'ti. J .hn Ships, Henry Long.
' Sianwkin. .lames Linn, Isaac Hull, George
Keller. i
Ktmh.JnXia Fitner.
Coa. Johu Kerateltcr. E!i Eirnhart.
Upper Mulionoy. J ihn Molich, Esq. Adam
Ltitt'er Mahonty. DdVld Wal l, David Franlz.
Henry Lamt, John Tclnipp, Abraham Kebler.
Jickson --Abraham T. Trontman, Jacob Wei
aer, Jeremiah Longsdorf, Daniel M'olf, Paul Hoi
lenbach, John Haa.
Pcllt Jurors.
Turhut. Jacob Hoffy, :hrlcs Ki.ltlie.
Lewi Samuel Russet, Jacob Gtllner, James
Delaware. -John H. Wilson, Cornelius Jty-neeraon.
Milton. Leonard Stoughton, Maltliiaa Striue,
A brali am Pt'aub.
ChiHisquaque.Soba Snyder, Solomon Dent
Icr. John Pa k.
Point. Anthony Watson, James Nesbit, Wa
rbilKton Newlrty,
Northumberland. Mriin Kissinger, Dsvid Hil
kerl. '
Sunlury John A. Shis.Ier, Jacob Kle.
I'fiper Auguta.JoUn Woolverlon, UaruarJ
Istwer Augutu-George Haupl, jr.
Sianmliin. John Ripley.
Coa. Jo ejih Dimmick. . -Upper
Mithonoy. Abraham Gi 'rat, Jacob Kauf
man Ituer Mahonny. Thoma Z-rle, Mirhael Gar.
man, John Bwaeinan, jr., Jno. Iturrel, J no. Smith.
Little Mahonoy George He.ojel. Rob't. Boaeh
lel. '
Jaeksnn. David 8chwarlt, Benjam'n Strick.
IOR trial in Ihe Court of Common Plea of Nor
thtimtrland Countv. at Nov. Term. 1847,
commencing the first Monday, being the Ist
Jno B and Andrew Fetter vt Charles G Dott
W nieli.r.l. Franklin XV Plilt et al
J W Srilxinger, aliens of Garver J Garver'aheira
William Simenlon vs J Shipman t. ureenougn
Wm H Heineman s It art man H Ki.rxble
Piler Richter' cxr's v Dodge & Barrel
John A Lloyd vs Wm E McDonald
Wm H Pomp' assignees v Wm Welch
Benjumin Robin vs Vlentine Klaxa
Henry M.iser v Wm Mc atty el al
James Merrill's ex'rs vs George Wat s' adnt
Vickery & Viekery
Mahlnn Hamlen et al
v Peter Brosiu et al
va John Bidleman el al
v William Frick
Charles H Frick
Wood & Rhawu'srxi David Haupt
Daniel H f -onner
(Jeorge C Lilly I v
John Hine
Com'lh for J Jeukioa
George Eckert
Francis Ball' admis
Balder Garnhart
Borouch of Milton '
v Daniel Weitlner
v Jacob Lilly adm'r
vs Elixabelh Iline
vs T A Billington i4 al ' .
v Jacob Shi '
va Samuel Blair
vs George Oyster
vs Samuel Blair
vs William Carr
Jacob W Seiutnger
Henry Maer vs II B M asset cV Joseph Eisely
Ualtmr Uarnhart va t.eorge iiysler
John Has. Eqr
va Rob. rt A Pariah
v D N Lake et al
va Peter Hanghawnut
va John B Boyd'a exra
a ' Same
Jaenh Heed
William H Gilliert ,
Whiiall Al Brown
Wil!iam Nansn
Vardlire & Lower rt al vs
Moil Al ttchoeber et al v
Daniel ft While
ls uenjamin nonm
.Auguitn Al John Huey
Vs John Schriner
Vs llenrv EUton
tl : n l 1
Hulet Smi'h
Freeman H Clark
l-a.e Huff
D Al P Railroad eo
v Haywood Al Snyder
Hub n O.k.'s adm'i va J me O .
William Dal John Fullmer' ex'r
William Gi!on . V Dsvid H olden
Wm At R Fege'y At ca vs Georgn Heckert
Willi im Alnniihl
va Isaac C Brvanl
I'hailes PbMtill
F II Wilson
John N Ojrtef '
Harlow Prior
va James Rosa et a .
v Abraham Straub
vs Hugh McF-ll ,
famh II Coo i ley
vs . VYni H Frymire h eo
Miners' Bank M Pottaville va Lewi Dewart
Char! Plrasanla
vs Baru
Philip Billmer
William Murray
Robert D Fordsroao
(Se.rge Oyier
Fb icher Mathews
l-r.iel Gmelius
vs George Good
vs Ud'xr.r Gsmhart
v Benj imia Fordsmm
va John G-rmbart al al
v Daniel Weidner
v John Potter
va Geora H Helta '
Samoel Reed -
Sih I Conily ital v David M .rr & Isaac Biown
Wm V Hearhan v i narie i r
Dniel Mdler and wife Phibp Heckert
Juhn W Peal vs T A Billimlon, late constable
Hm " ' " " ' Ham
Myer At Batton a Lewie Epplesbeiiner et al
J.m. Ujndaset al va Cslvin Blv b I
Jacob liseiiring
Den tier & Montagu
Hugh Bell
El jah IVswford
Win II Fry mil ' '
Witlism Stark
vs William Depuey
vs I'h-istain (ioah jr
va K At W Feaelv
va M oV P Billmyer
v Samuel Henderson
va John McGinnie ' '
va Fletcher M tlhewa -'
Bamuel Blair
Prolhonotary' ofnc. ? Prvtk'tf
Bunhury. October IMT.$ f ' ' '
C1AME to' th premise of the subscriber, in
'J Upper Angusla township, Northamberland
county, in June las', two Hs ffcr CALVE8,.'oa
9 raoniha old, of a dark brown color, with wh'te
fscs. Tb owner i lequesied to com) forward,
pay charge, and take thm wy, or ihey wiH h
dipocd ef accinding I law.
i'nv a giw, c. 9, :47. ai
"Secure the Shadow trer the Substance
(oLMits rct,rnn.4TRt
TWO BII.VKR MEtoMA rfutaritnl at the Patrt
of the Franklin and American Inititutrt for Ihe
lt and mntt artistic! tpeciment of Dogiitrrto
tyt Portraits. . : "
ri'iHE recent improvements made by the aubscri
JL ber. and which i peeollar to their siblih
ment lon. vizi art Upper Light, hut received th
highest recommendaiiona from the Pre, and a teo
wtitlen testimonial from the first arlisla in th
country, aa to il gre it superiority over th usual
Side Light. The peculiar advantage of this Light
is lhal ihe NiTeaat Exrasssioa or th Eti
can be nh'ained more perfectly than heretofore.
fX Cit r.ens and stranger are respectfully invi
ted, whether desiring Por rait or not, lo visit our
spacious galleries, probably iho (argent and m ist
eiten-iv in Ih Untied Sisies, snd examinefor
themselves the astonishing improvement made by
the suhfcribera in this wonderlul art, " , .
T. P. 6t D. C. COLLINS,
Proprietor of the City Daguirrrian Establish
ment, No. 100 Cheenut street., two doors above
Third, south side.' ,
Phi adelphia. Oct. 9, 1817 4m eow
IS hereby given to all legatee, creditor, anil o
ther persons interested in the estate of Deb
rah Grant dec, set fed hy her sdinr Kenderton
Smith! of John II. Hart dec, settled hv on of hi
etrs James Hutchison; of John Peiff r snr dec,
fetl cd bv his i xrs John and fsentge Peifler; fif
Smuil Birr dec set i led tiy his adrnr Thorn is
Bar ; of John llitllesenr dee, sailed by hi admrs
George Hitlle and John Hitlle; of Joseph Folk
dec, settleJ hy his adrnr Daoi.1 Hilhish; of Geirg
Neiharl dec, settled by hi adrnr Jacob Zartmnn;
of Alem Marr dee, settled by hi admr Wm. P.
Marr; of John G ncM dec, c tiled 1y hi admr
Henry D. H-fTman; of Win. Moritt dec, rettlnd hy
hi admr Jonathan P. Shu'tz; of John A. Schnei
der dec, settled hy hi exr Joseph Bound; of John
Mutebler snr dec Milled by hi admr Michael M.
Sober; tbe at count of David Dunkelberger, guar
dian nf Esther nnd Maiy Philips. Late of Nor
thumberland county ; thai th eiccutor and ad
ministrator of said es'stes have fibd I' eir accounla
with the Register of thi county, and lhat Ihey will
be pri'srnted lo Ihe Orphans' Comt of said county
ou Tuesday the 2d day of November next, for con
tii in i Hon and allowance. , -
RegiSlor's Office, J Register.
Sunbury. Qt. 2. 18I7. 5 .
Wale lies, .Jcwrllry ami Sil
ver Ware,
Guaranteed better f.,r the P' iee than at any other
Store in Philadrfp.h'ia. may be hud,
Whalftale and Refa'l, al
(Late MC1IOLAS aLefirilAY'S)
No. 72 iorih 2d street, above Arch,
ATCHES, all kinds fair, low and medium
Qualities, amonc which are.
Gold Iv. ra, lull jaweU'd. f 40 o $ 1 00
Leplnoa, do ,. S&lo 40
Silver Lever. do 20 to. 30
- Lepi- ea, da I J lo 18
Quartiera, fine, 0 to 10
(juartiers, imitation, 6
JiWKLiaT. Diamonds, Gold Chains, Gold
Pens wi h Gold and Silver holders. Pencils Breast
Pin, Finger and Ear Rings, Bracelets, Csmeos
of shell, coral and lava, with every other article of
J i wcllry of the richest and most fashionable pat
tern. Silvk. Wabi riates, Foiks, Spoons, Cup,
&C, of Siand ird Silver.
1'hthi Whi.-Cai-lor, Cake Bisket. Fana.
Vases, Card Cse-, mid ulber Rich Fancy Goods
ill grekt variety.
W holesale Buyera will sav rnnney by railing
here bef .re purchasing.
q3 Keep thi advertisement, and call al No. 72
You will betii-ned ihe (rood are teully cheaper
and better than are offered in the city. For sale,
low, handsom pur of Show Caaea, suitable for
a Jewsllry or Fancy store. Apply ai above.
Sepl25th. 1817 ly .
Watches & Jewellery.
Fail Jewelled Gold Levertfur f 40, Warranted.
Ao. 246, Market ttreet. PHILADELPHIA,
HAS constantly im hand a Urge assortment of
Gold and Silver Watchea, al Ih following
low pricea ,
Full Jewelled Gold Levers, 1 $ 40 00
- Silver d , 20 00
Gold Lepine. full Jewelled, SO 00
Silver Lepine, ' . , . ,3
Silver (juirtieis, 9 00 and 10 00
With large assortment of Fiwa- JtwaiLiar.
uch a esr ring, linger ring breast pins, brace
let gd l and silver pencil, gold chains. Ac. Ha
also pi: hand a complete oitment Lunette, patent
and plain Watch B !, M iin Springs, Verges.
Disls and H nd of every description snd in fuct,
a compleie assort ment of Wstehraak ' tools ami
Watch Materials to which he would call the at
tention of the country trade in genual.
Those wMdng anything in the above line,
would find h to their advantage to call and cu
min hi stuck before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 240 Mrkrt street, below lt,
Phila.lelphia. S pt,25, l47. ' ' f " t '
Fcjatliers, Feathers. .
om Yl to 45 renila per Pound. Cheap for
C'tisA H koltnle and ReluiL
fiuwemciTg. Viiaseh,
I'pbolfttcrrr & Grneral Furnlnlirr,
No. 415 Market St., above I ltd north
side, opposite Cirard How,.
AlfHERE may lw bad. at al times, a Urge as.
sortmciil f Beds and Matrasses, Curie.)
Hair and Fealheis, Cbaira, Tablea, Bedsteads and
Looking Glisaes, tojjelier with all other articles in
Ihe aboe line of bu.iness, at the loweel c.h Pri
Mfc -n ' . ..
N. B. Good warranted giv aaliafetion.
Sept tiih. lH47--3ot ' '
NtlrVti'ascUoul Teticlien. .
IMOTitE i hereby given, Ihst th B ard nf
11 School DirectoM oi' liwa Auguat lnwr.
hip wdl nrt at th public house of Ueerg Con
rd, oo Satuiday ihe i:ith day of November, at 9
o'clock, A. M , for the and selection
of Tesehar fur tb Publie Schools of ,aid district
TrusUM ar required I) aelcot their Tr.eher for
rtsounalioo, cording to law, lL s.r.i day.
JOHN SNYDER, jr, Pres't,
Waitssi Seaacs, &eettsrv.
Lowai Aatfsto. Beyt, H, IM7 7t
YLAX WEED. Jh bigbeet rawkei j.rics ld
tor r taiaeen, m nor or
A,:jr 21, !817.
The" Grand Purgative
-'Von rn otnrn or,
Headaea,C!lddlr),' ' Malr. Salt Ubeuplt,
Rheimtiam,'Plles If TJdrn. Worms,
DVp'efl l,"rlJi, r T" TJholer Morhtl-i '
SmaH Pw; ladnrlie; Corlgha, Q-iiriiey,
Pains in the Bark, ' ' Whooping OoHgh, '
Inward Weakhasa, " l)onumption. Fita, ;'
Palpitation of h Heart, " filver CoTtiplain,
Riiiing In ih Throat, Kridprlas. Deafi,
Dnpy, Asthma, ' Itcblngs of the Skin,
Fevers of all kind T Cnlda, Oonl, Wrvel,
Female Complaints, ' ' Netvooe ComhUlht,
'! a f Ai.iT tit oTHarn tissb AtfMtrit
raost tsteuaiTtrs o? lita klooii, awti oa.
aTSCCTlojr iw TR oaoAa or 1I- "
1 s)v.Ttotr,
Experience ha proved that neir'T every Di
ease miglna.'es from Impitrliie of the Bloml or de
rantfemcnis of the Dtgeative Organs ami lo secure
Health, we most remove those obstruction or re
store ihe BIkmI to it natural stale. '
The aversion o InVing medicine i most rrTei-.
tnnlly removed by Cttctcvea' V'.tal Pert
stTivs.Ptt.tSj being eomphltf'y rntefnpett mi'h a
mating of pure white Sugar, (whfch is as dislihef
from the internal ingredients as' a rut shell from
lh kernel) tan nr vri ttr or wrnct',
"Hut are' MsTv Swalloweil ' bil of candy.
Moreover they neither natmentf. or gripe in the
slightest degree, but nrate equally on all the die
eased parte of tbe svs'em, instead nf confining
th.meives in, and racking any particul r region.
Thus, if tl . Liver be affected, one ingredient will
operate on th it parl;eulr nrgm, and, by e'eansing
it nf an Eicessof Bile restore it lo ita na'ural
date. Another will operate on the B'ood. and
remove all lmpuitie in ila clrcnlitinn; while a
third will effectually sntpel whatever impnritie
may have tn discharged into the atnmach, and
lienee thev sTtx at tb hoot or ttrsiti-t, re-
move all Impure Hnoini from the body; op-n j
h pores externally and internally ; sr-pirat- all j
fore go and obi oxioua particles from the chyle, so
that the Mood m ey be thoroughly pure thus seen- j
ring a fee and healthv action lo Ihe Heart. Lnngj
and Liver; and thereby ihey anToan hsitii a
n m in othis MtKrr, rurn
The entire tru'h of the above CBn be aseeitaincd
by the trial of a single Imx ; and their virtues ar
s i positive and ccrrvn in rea'nr ng Health, thai
Ihe proprietor hind, himself lo return thern'mey
paid for them in all case where they do not gre
universal salis'aetion.
Ilefall Prfrc, cfJ p?r nx.
." Piincip.d olTiee No lifl Vev si.. N. Yo.k.
Sold by JOHN YlM'NG. Sunbury,
M A. McCAY. Northum' e land.
(CJ nememlier Dr. C. V Clicliener is tbe in.
vrn'or of the Pujarf-oated Pi s, and lhat no'hiPK
nf the s 'N waa ever heard of until he introduced
them in lime, IM-t. Purclnsera sbi-u'd, ihirefor.
always ask for Ciiekener's Sogar Coated Pills, and
inke no others, or they will be madn the victim of
s fiaud. Sept. 18th, 1B47 ly eow
TT '
covan I TH
Lwns an i
ora, tii wobk or th
TiRHT sot ta ba atxrr meow,
rat core or coxatnrTios hats
A RE YOGA MOTHER 1 Your darling child,
Z your idol and earthly joy, i now perbap
confined to her chamber by dangerou cold It. r
pile cheek, ber thin shrunken finger, tell the
hold dt.eaaa haa already gained upon her the
sound of her sepulchral cough pieicc your ool.
YOUNG M AN, when jusl about to enter life,
disc shls heart ervj.h ng blight over the f tir
pros poets of tbe future your bectio cough and fee.
Iile limb tell of your loss and hope, but yon need
not despair. There i a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, il is
S II r. W M A X ' S
Mrs. ATTREE, th wif of Wm. II. Atlree,
Esq. was given tip by Dr. Wewall of Wa-hinijlnii,
D a. Roe and McCb llan of Philadtlnhia, Dr. Roe
and Dr. Mott of New York. Her friends all
thought he must die. Phe bad every appear mce
of being in consumption, and wa so pronounced
by her phyaicUne -Sherman's Balsam was giveu,
and it cured her. ,
Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull's Friry, was
a'i cured of cnnstimpMon by this Balsam when
all other remedie fa'led to give relief e'la was re.
duced lo skelefn. Dr. A. C. Cta'le, D'nlisl.
SH 1 Broadway, has witnessed its effects in sever!
ca-e where no other medicine efToided relief hut
the Balsam operated like a chain). Dr. C. also
witnessed i'a wonderful eff rt in curing Asthm.
which il ner fails of doing. Spittinc Hloo I,
ming a it may be. ia effectually cured by ibi Bal
aam. It heals I be ruptureJ or wounded blooJ
8s, and m ike tbe lung ound again.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eiuhth avenue,
waa cured of cough and catarrhal affclin l 50
yenr a'anding, Tbe first dose gave him moro re
lief than all Ihe otbet medicine he had ever lk n.
Dr. L. J. D 'ls, 19 Ilelancy ttreet, gave it lo a
irter-in-law who w Istmring under eoii.umption,
and to another sorely aflictrd with the A-lhma.
In loih cases, its rffceta were immejia e, soon re
storing th- m to rnmforuh'e health.
Mr. LUCPET1 WELLS, 95 ChrM.e at.eet.
suffered from Asthma 42 year. Sherm m'a Hal
earn relieved her al once, and he i comparatively
well, being enabled to subdue every attack by
timely Use of ibis medicine. Thi indeed ia the
great remedy for Cuglit. Colds, Spitting Blood,
Liver Complaint, and all ti e art ction of ihe
throat, and even Asthma and t'nn.unip ion.
Price 2ft centa and tl per hotil.
Dr. Klierman' Cough and Worm Loxengea, aud
Poor Man' Platter sold abov.
Dr. Shermau's effioe i al I0G Nassau t. N. Y.
' Agent. JOHN YOHNG. Sutiburv.
M A. M 1! A Y, Northumberland
Seplemler llth, 1847. ly .t
Great U a r a i p4 T
fTHE under igne.1 will dispose. , f t eoVii.on
- Saturday the 58lh of Aueosi., sl his .tor roort,
in Sunbiiry. an el unit ass ,r mrn, f
MERCS .iTD-iaas,
( wiaul-.Uf in part, of '
Chm!MBMH,- K.nRn.G. Stl.Kx,
also a Urge as jttntanl of tiroteriet, Qiuetiewarf,
Tmware Ve, . . . ....
Oisat targsins will h offsraxV, aa 1 am iMr
mined io dispose ef my hole ock, without re
8sl lo crinejr at 9 o'clisrk, A. M on the
day and at th place eialed, and be OMnriaut J
vary Saturday uniil ih whola Is disposed of.
The conditions of sale to be mad knowu on
lb day of !.( 'A taKnabU credit wdl beg vn
Sunbury. Aagust flat, t84T. tf.
1QERSON9 itlbog , ihia eut ar hereby
Jr InliHovdj that . tbay ' Csv irata 'ihiouh
lickata' by making application at th Hoiel of
Chai lee Weaver, Sunbury.. r . A. E, KAPPv
Northumbrrlaud, Jul Jlt, 1847. if
Tegetabte flnlTemal Pills,
Tlit only known Mtd'tint that at the tnmt Hmt
; I'urgr furifta and ttrtngthtm the eyittm. .,
: ,,-iv ' Loahev, July 7, 1849.
IpKR. LE ROY'S Pills are . new
.U-W which haa.juat sppestsd, and it fist taking
ibe places of sll other nf the sane class, fbe.e
pills art Composed of many ingredient, but ihe
Iwo principal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher
ry, so united lhat ihey act together; the one,
through it admixture with olher ub-tct, pu'
rifytng and purging, while the other is strengthen.'
ing Ihe system. Thus those pills are at the asm
lime Ionic and opening; a desideratum' long-arid
eagerly sought for by medical men, bill wever be
fore discovered.' In other word ihey do Ihe Work
of two medicines, and do il much better ihin any
two wn know of ; .for Ihey remove nothing fr..m
Ihe sys-em but (he impurities ; etht while they
purge they strengthen ; and hence lhy cause no
debilitation, snd are followed by no re-action. Dr.
Le, Roy's pills have wonderful influence nn lb
blood; they nil only purifv without weakening it,
but they remove all liixloti particles from Ibe chyle
befote it is c. inverted into f)u d. mid tbu make im
pure blood an ntttr impos ildli'y. As there i no
debilitation, so tlteie i nff nausea Or sleknes at
tending tbe operations of this most excellent of me.
dir'iiies wh'ch never tlrain or lorrnres the diges
tive functions, but cau es them lo werk in a fer.
fectly tiiitural manner ; and henrst peisnnt Iskitig
them do not become pale and emscinled, but the
contrary ; for while It I th properly of the 5.ira
psrilla, united s it is with other ingredient, to
remove all ihnt ia foreign and impure, it is equally
the prierty of the Wild Cherry ro retain all tht
ie natural and sound; and hence a rohutt date of
beabh is the certain result of their united opera
tion, dj" Price 2IS cents per BOX,
Agent for Le Roy' Pill. 1 '
J. W. FRIl.tXG,- .
JOHN Yi)ITVj.5S,,n1,,Ify-
M. A. MeCAY, Nor.humberl'd.
Auguat tte IS47. ly .
A Daily Journal of Unvervment, Isgilathe and
General ffrwt..-
In announce the eomfiteiioo of hi arrang -mcnts
fo ihe ealabli-hment of a wnlboraaniaed and
indept'iident Journal uf News at the Seat of tbe
General Goverment.
The le.olirig feutuies nf ihir United Stites Re
ortcr will be th" following : '
I. Early iiit!ligenc nf ile Movements of the
varnu Di pnimeiii, in reference to domestic f
fair snd to Ihe foreign rel iii ms of the country,
will le iveu wiih srrnpuloua tidelttf. ' Possess
ion peculiar faiilitica for oluiiiiii inf.rn)atlon.
ihe Repoiler" will be en.ibled frequently to com
miiiiicatr, etc'u'ivcty, iutulligence uf the moat im
portart character. i
II. The vethslim Wepor's of tbe Proceedings and
Debates of ' the United Sives Srmale, which Ihe
proprietor is bound to firniah daily to ihnt holv.
in accordance with ihe lerm of the con'rjet made
al the close of last session of Congress. ' The r
ngemerila now m de will at once fully accure to
the Sennte of Ihe I'nited State an authentic and
complete record of it dehaies; anil lo the people,
in a greatl rn'a'ged ilegree, the l enefil of the ex
pi'rtence, fagacity, and statesmanthip of lhal body
to which ihey have ever looked with solicitous and
respectful ierfrd
III. The Proecedine and Debate in the Houne
nf priaeniaiivcs will also be nlven with fullness,
impart isliiy and the utmost promptitude. Each
d i)' record will ! completely mule up, and ap
pear in the4 Reporter' next morning.
IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceeding anil
Debate nf all ihe Stale LeeiUture will be regu
larly given. Mcminn a of t'nngress, aid all claasea
nf readers, will thus le kept fully mid systemati
cally informed of ilom stic legislation in all sec
lions of ihe Coiled Sla'c.
V. E'r.ily Inielligeuce nf a'l impor'anl move-
men' in tbe I.i gislature nl 1 1 real Uu nn snd
Prsnee will l e conununic it. d by every steamer
tioiu Europe, through tepor'ers in In don and
Pnns, wt,n poaaea peruli.r fueilnies f ! obt.iining
iuf ninit'oti.
VI. Tbe tteneral New nf the Dy will be given
in a coudenred form, with industry and attention.
VII. Report of Argument before tbe Supreme
f?ourl f the I. S. Thi depntmenl will be so
conducted to mike ihe Reporter" indispena
ble to eveiv lawyer in the cnoulrv.
Such is a brief view of what ihe "United Stntce
Renlcr" is designed t Ih. All the plans and r
raiigerm nt have been we'l m:ilnred, and ibe hone
is confidently rherished, that the "United Stale 1
Reporter' will prove itself an energetic, industrious,
dignified and peifectly independent jouin il.
will have no paily view no political bia. "be
proprietor, by the term nf bia contract wi.'a ri)e
Sen lie of the IT. S., U bound to the condition ;uS
"the paper hal contain no political iric' jssion
except the debate. ,It will be the viiclc, v( ntvt9
not tbe ortan of any art of oplnior., 'pne gtanj
aim of the ubaeriher ia lo rtabrian )ne eAj uj
Government a fdthful ?nd pro,,,,! reporter of alt
sort of iiitelliiience a re.por.,ib' M on whortl
Ibe politician, the butine.t u,. h. manufacturer,
ihe mechsnic, and everv on 4 interested in th af-f-ii.
nf Congress and le Government, mdj rely at
II time with tmplu'.t r jdudeuce.
It ialebeveJtK.t ihe es-al li.hthent of such a
rehih Ic i j mrnal ol itl'igeiueon lerm which place
it within the ,er,n f te grell, mM,, rf th peo
pie, at Ihe e in .flncenient of what promise lobe
most UU' r' .(Jug t rvenilr.1 r-fi,N in the hilory
nf Co'.,g. ,m..iolli,i (.roceed.rg., will be regardetl
with. fa-0( i,y a ciss-wt of the community ; snd
n' v'".gthiui Muted liiij elijiii.Tlre fubscilber ns
I' jrifully ndicits s liVial snd generics iuprngt
irotu the rtdhleurd J'uldu- o the liniled Stales.
SfenOgrspVr ta th Senate of the V. H.
The '' Stutea ft. poTler" will be printt I At
a large ami handsome sheet, nn I issiiitl rveVy 'mor
ning, except Sirndaye, at t"ie rate of ail dillsT per
annum; sing'o copies. tw. rents.
In roiineotion with the lUily paper, hrre will be
isVUt'd Trom the same t ihtutuiferri, -
The public, lion will contain rirlui'y there
pert of Ibe pioceetliiif a and debate nf the Con
j grVs t.( the l.'uievd Hialcs. It will be issued seroi-
wtrkly. Hi an enfant qua'lo f rm, broi(hout ihe
session of t'ougleaa, and will b furiiitd to tub.
ac'rib. ra at tha tale ivf two J ll rrs for h b'ug ca
aion and one dnllai for die short scsaioH. , It ia !
liesed th i (his great nations! v. oik Will be deemed
tndispeiitib'e in Hie library uftvery putdic ina'i u.
lion, poliucian and pioftj-sAbnil man throughout the
voXiniry ; and lhal il will let larded by the great
mae of rhe people a the very best political ten
booh for their nwu tnalruriioii and rliat uf their
, Throngkottt the session of Ceng'ees, Extras
wil( lie isud ft.m Ihe nftire of lb Uniid.Ftati s
Uvporlfir,". CsMitaiuiMg the reports nf tucb debates
s may prmaeaa fiartirularly eti-iting Iniasest.
. AU suDaicrtpriosM wad com ma sic nitons to b past
paid, address . J. A. HUUa) TON.
Lniied StaJea Reporter, Waaliingion, D.C."
Augut 14tb, 17. IH
T ItC children began tr! cry fir Shermsn' Lo
eiit.a, The noise wa not a.i loud al thft
time, hot it hif kept Increasing aver sl ice, and n
haa heeom e great the! the mouth of the liMM
one can scirce be tjeprrl. Dr. Pherman Ttr.i
thise with Ih litll acT rer. and viry mneq ie
re that any of them shootrf hn disappointed.
Knowing the vast benefit wh'ch ha been csmfei
red upon the community by th introduction tf
hi infallible
he ha entered Into rrangemena for enlarging hl
Manufciory, by mean of which bethink he will
be able to supply the demand. And tbe rame pain
nd care will be tsken, lhat these celebrated L"
gsnga be male a they hav ly been, in or-'
der lhat those who depend upon them, mav nni bu
disappointed in their hope. . Jl knew when he
commenced the manufacture of Ihe Worm lAtzen-'
gen, that th'-y would supersede Ihe ue of everir
other vermifuiie. aa the LngengA is fery pleathnt
In ihe lle, ejteedy in its effect. well rerta'n,
nd the quantitv lequired lo ffert a perfect cure,
ia very small. ' Theae propr rlie in connexion wiih
Ihe f .et lhal ihey are sold for 25 cmls pet box, tbu
pi icing them in Ihe reach of th poorest nsrr in
the land, baa not only caused ihem lo take the'
place of everv ther vermifuge ever offered, but al
so rendered Ihem popular lo the community.
Dr, Bhennsti' ' '
continue lo cure Cough, Gull, Consumption,
Asthma, shortness and diffirolly nf Breathing, ntnl
other' disc e of the Lung, with the nine facility
ihey did on their first introduction, and the people
have now become persuaded by aclUal experience,,
tbt on the accession of slight cold, they have
only to step lo either the Dr'. office, or one of the).
Agent, and nblain a hot of hi CnUgh Loxei'gc,'
which are very convenient lo carry in the pocket,
and to take a few through Ihe d.iy. By pursuing
this course a cure it nfieti effected in 24 hours, ami
the patient about hi buslo' s. So great I the ce
lebrity nf the Lnx"nc;c. thai thousands nf person
who have used them, and become acqitiinicd wiih
their itTtcl, will never be without them.
roon to. a it's p&astgs
haa cured more caaea of Rheumatism Pain in th
Back, ?ija and Cheatk Lumbago and Weakness,
than any application lhal hsa ever been made. Aa
tbe celebrity of the Pljster h lncie ifcd, bondreda
of onpiinciplrd ra.ical have attempted to counter
feit it, aud palm it off upon ihe community aa the
genuine, (jj" Beware nf Deception. 2D Kcrorui
ber that ihe true and genuine Plaster ia spread up
on reddish paper made expressly for the purpose,
and in every case the aignature of Dr. Shuiman ia
print, d Upon the back of Ihe Plaater, aud Iho vvhobi
secn eJ by Copy Right. None other are genuine,
Therefore wl en you vVant renl aor-d hermnn'a
Poor Man' Plaster, call at lie nfTirc, 106 Nau
t rest, snd you wi I not le disnppoiole.',
Rememlter the number. 106 Na-aau st.. whe o
all Dr. Sherman' Loxr-nge resold.' Hi Ageti's
ro M-s Hay. 139 Fulton reel, llrH.klvn ;
llmesnn, William-hur ; and Rediing Si Co.,
Boston, and JOHN YOl'NG, Sui.bury,
M A MrCAY.NonliuinheiloiHl.
September llth, 1847. ly.
Indian Vcgclnblc Tnnacen.
Mssana. Rowa-i At Waitoh. Gent i Feel,
ing deeply grateful for the extraordinary cure
performed up in ni by your Dr. Cnlleti' Indliri
Vegetuhle Panares, I rhreilul'v futnish jou witli
a short hist oi y of my case.
About aeveu years ago, (whi n only eleven yr
old, I was attacked with Scrofula, vliich inrslv
ed in its ravices till my throat ss filled wt'a uj
cers! Ihe bones of my neck laid bare 1 me p
destroyed, and a large piece of rue of 1 ,n(, nisal
bones carried awav. My he id was al' n so mur'.i
diseased that in drinking, the tea or cofliir W j,, I
fiequenily jo otif of my ear ! A mast of vomc
thing which the Doctors called a t-jmor c jlne from
my no-e.
I was under the ciro of phy sirian , of i!ie hii-h-est
distinction in thi city, n,nd s'A one x,me pro
nounced cured, and by rcqwsst -ltrnitej a m.J.CHl
leelure, where my Caee, tO'rf,.(i j0r wi,n ,hn lllHh,Kl
of cure. wu explained '.0 t. Mu,j. . The lee
turer said. '-You sre noV ,,ul jt- ,nB jj.,.,
hould teiurn, you cnr )ive ong ;,, wuij
sihiii destroy your witJ(pi e,"
I did not beli evo myself curfj al the lime, ail
had much dw'.res', i n,y hejj, im ,.t,er disagree
able feeling , j ,fu.r , jme ,ija ucett re orH.nrd.
In Jn',arv ( jgjs my thother railed wiih me u
pon Dr. M'jtte, for a.lvlre. lie a .1.1 I was a very
'ck girl. ,n,i j, naa doiibtful whether ever 1 Would
w' il; if ever, it would h a I g while. The
'''"".ee giew o nfuch wois'e, that the nhysirl M
'.i0 then Hendad me, a iid Tie'cou'ld aee lov wr'ij-
pipi ! My face also was swollen, highly inflamed,
and very ptinful, and Ih Dr. aaid ulceration waa
inevitable ! !
I waa In this condition In January I .'at, when I
commenced taking yriftr Da. Or'tir.' linn
VaaxrAbLiPANACiA." The inflimalion was so,. n
reftoved, and the dreadful ulceranun in the fnce
firevenled ! I am now well! I have no ulcers !
no pain, or ny disagreeable ae'uantion in my bead,
and NoW feel lhal I AM Ifeird. 1 shall be hapr y
10 give any further iiiforrnarlon to the fflicird who
will take the (rouble to call upon me at mv father'a
house, West Spruce, bntween Beach and Willow
alrecta, oppobe Spaxknian's farlorv.
CrTt or PmtA'nYirHt A, aa.
Tbit eveorh day of April, A. D. IS4C, before
the subscriber, tavor of ihe aaid city, pert nally
appealed Chrisiiaoa Sanda, who being duly aworn,
depose snil say, lhat th fact aet forth in ihe
forojoteg allUsvil are strictly true in every paiti.
tn testimony whereof, I har hereunto set my
band snd filed the corporate seal of th said city,
011 the djy and year before written. L. S
We hereby certify, tlift ihe above atatemenl of
our daughter are true In every particular.
Pt.ttaJ.1ihia, April Ttb, 1846,
Certificate nf cure, in pamphlet form, ma be
had Grslie, at th ufttre of the ?enU.
This niediciu ia prepared and nll by the
proiritnra, R.iwatid At Walton, No. 378 Market,
slrvel, Philsdelpliia.
. u
J J W D.i
lCT Jelil
JN N Roh
fW W Danenhowrr. No I Murray n V.
J V Usnenbower. .u 1 il r Hail, Uin.U.
A ex
iVtns, Nd 8ft Cantl st, N Orleans.
binsoii.eorGav d- Ssr itrsys sta. Ball.
Ageniat H. MASERU, tSunhurv.
It.' Riser, Milton J. P hoW, New Ber.
Mr. Mttsser, Millhera; Sharp D. Uwi,
Sold also by Dreggtsta throughmi tVw rniteJi
Plate. .. Aug. 7. K47 2m ffiy
JLAMfSK, and Slt hy it for aite bT
Au. 21, t847.
AyillTK LEA IV ,, keg, aud Psiul
of a!
v v gimi wr s',e, Q j, cent chept't than tr
before sold tl .unbuty, at tbe store of '
Ju'j LM47.- " JOHN nA". .
n Alt K. The highest market puce paid fur
Mm Dark, at lha slots uf
Maich37, 147.