Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 16, 1847, Image 1

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    H. B. MA89ER, " " Pvatisata
JOSEPH EtSE.Yu JPaorsi.Tr.... .
Cfice tit Centre Alley, in :- the rrte of M. Mas .
er' Store.)
THE' AM ERICA X" is uuhiiVhsJ every Satnr
day at TWO DOLLARS per tnnum to be
paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till ait arrearages are paid.
I No subscription received for a less period than
mi. wokts. AH communications or letter on
business relating (n the office, to inmire attention,
mwst be POST PAID. '
The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches
I OLD Levers, fa I Jewelled,
(45 00
23 00
30 00
15 00
10 00
15 00
. 1 75
Xjf SJver drv. Jo.
Gold Lepiriee, Jewelled,
Sifver I Jo. ' 'k 1
Silver Qaarliers, finequ.d'uT,
Gold Welches, plain.
Silver Bpcclaelts, .
(Jo I.I Pencil.
Gold Biacelet.
Alan, on hand, a large s'rtment of fJMJ an J
Hair Bracelets, finger rinRS, tirei! pina. hoop ear
T'nB'"i B'dd fene, silvnr pjimuia, apair tonga, thim
ble., gnM neck, curb and fob rhitie, guard key
and jewellery of every de .cription, at equally low
vrirra. All I want i a edl W convince custo
All kinda of WalAea and Clock repaired am
warranted to kern good time far en year ; old
gold or ailver kwoilit m in eachaneo.
Foe side, eight day and thirty tmur hraaa dor,
Watch, ClerV and .lewefleiy Bi.tre. No. 413J
Market atirct, adore Eleventh, uurlh eiJe, Phila
' (TT ' have aornfl Cold and Silver Lever, atdl
much cheaper Iban tbe t" pitcta.
Philadelphia, D. 86. JB46.Jy
, "PhUaMjtkia IVmteh mmd Jewelry Store,"
Tin. 96 North SECOND a rret, corner of (Quarry.
J)LDLe.erWUheii,fill ,
ji'Wi'lled, IS rarntCaPp, $15 00
71 '' lever Wntcnia, lull
23 00
18 00
14 00
10 00
5 00
It 00
1 75
3 50
2 00
faifigl7T?roaa vin iMweW,
Silver lrpiue Waichi jwflle, Anrat
' quality,
tfoperior QuarlMf Walehe,
Imitation Quartier V'clK,not warranted,
Gold SprelarSea,
Fine Silver Sjeetdea,
(i.dd Brae leta with topas ('one,
Lai lira Oold Pene4. I rarata.
Guld Tincer King 87) cu to (9 ; Watch Cla
are, plin, 12, eta; aien, li t Lunet, 25. O
ther article in proportion. AH oda warranted
Co l what they are acid for. O. CON HAD.
On hand, some Gold and Hrlwr Ivrra, Ianea
and (juarrier, lower than the alve priota.
Philadd.fci t. D.c 6. !''' ' 1
YOU may betore of obtaining, al
rVj I1 time, (Hire and highly flavored
By the aingle pJind or hfger, qtiart'ity , at the
ft?ektn Tea Com pan y' Warehouse,
3U South Second itrett, betwen Market unJ Cht
nut street, . .. ,. .
Heretofore it baa been very difficult, indeed, al
most impoesible, alway to obtoin food Gr n and
PI ick Teaa. Bui no you have only to viit the
Ptkin Tea Conipat.y'a Store, to ohtain a dolirioui
and fragrant Tea a y u could wiah for. A II tale
can heie he auiled. with the advantage of getting a
pure article at a low price. j (
June 27th, 1846. ' .,' .
n ins. n3jff jsrttjjssvfi
THE SUBSCRIBER ha been appointed aeent, MEYER'S CEL.
ANOei, at thin Auo. - i'bes Pianos have a plain,
anaasiee and twautifial eiterior fiui h. and, fur depth
and .weetnee ef tone, and elegance of workman,
ship, afenutsira4b aey ia the United Slate.
The lollowilta a rounmniendatino ' from Caai,
Di RTa, eelebfvted pefbimer, and himself a man.
ufuctuier : .
Hariae bad the plraure ol Irving ihe excel
leal Piano Forte manfaelured by Mr. Meyer, and
exV.iUtfd at Ihelart eihibilion of the rrBkltn la
etitute, I feel it dee to the true merit of tbe aeaker
to tleclaie that these instruments are quit eooal
ami in some Traprels even superior, to all aha Pi
ano Fortee, I sew at the caprula of Euiope, and
tmire a sojourn of two veers at Pari, i
The- Piano wilt be sold at the manufacturer'
lowest Philadelphia price, rf not something lower.
Person are reuueted e call and estmine for
themselves, t the resilience of the aubacriber.
8ur.lHiry.May 17. 184&. II. B. MAW8ER
nTh Kul'lie will iileae observe that no Brandreth
Pill are genuine, unle the hoi b three la
bel upon it. (the top, the ile and tbe bottom)
e.fb containing fncaimilf aignature oi my nana
writint. thu B. Bsaauasra, M. D. These la
hel aie engraved on ateel, lautifnlly deaigned,
and done at an eipenae of over $ 3.000. Therefor
it will be seen that the ouly thing necessary to pro
cure tbe medictua in iia purity, U to obaerv the
IIh:I. .
Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom.
The fUowuig respective persona are dul ulhri
x d, and hM
TnrrnBATi!9 of AdmrcT
For tbe sale of BrandreiK'i Vegetable Vnivarta.
Northumberland roontv i Milton Mackey dc
Chambeitin. Hunburv II. B. Maaaer.' M'Ewen.
villo Ireland di Mem-ll. Northumteiland Wm
Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Walla.
Unioo County: New Berlin Bogar St Win
ter. Selinsgrove George Gundium. Middle-
burg Iac Smith. Betvertown David Hubler,
Adamaburg Wm. J. May. Miffliuabqra Meriseb
Ac Ray. Hartletou Daniel Long.' Freeburg
u. dt F. C. Meyer. Lewiaeurg Wall Green
Columbia County t Danville E.' B. HenoU)
et I'o. Berwick shuroan nitumhouse. Cat
lawiasa C. G. Drobt. Bloumaburg John R.
Mover. Jiey Town Mvl iel. Washington
Robu McCsr. Liinetone--Ball- fi MsNlneh
. Observe that each -Agent hu.n..Bogrved Cer
tificaU of Agency, containing a rptvnUiion oi
Ot BRANDKlTirU MniJoMy -at iog Sing,
and upon which will alto be wen eiact copies of
tbe navf label mow uttd upon the Brttntkah J'itl
: Pbuadelpkia, aatae No. 8. North Sih siivet. ,
Junellth. li. , -;, 1 . '
Ah.oJut acqnieacenca in the decisions of the majority, (he vital principle ef Rapublica, from whkh
- T T r--rr
ny Itlaicr aV FJel. f
u -'Li.i
. Selected for the American.
Tbe Rainbow. '
T AMCM.t, (MRS. WtT.Bt )
I aometirne have thought in my lonelieat hour.
That lie on my heart, like the dew on the flower,
Of a ramble I took one bright afternoon,
When my heatt waa aa light a bloatom in June:
The green earth w moiaf with the late fallen
The breetc fluttered down and blew Open tbe
rlou'ere, .
While a aingle white cloud to it haven of rett,
On the white wing of peae floated olTin the we at
A I threw back my tree to catch the cool
That scattered the raiu drop and diirpled the
Far upon the blue ky, a fair Rainbow unrolled
It oft tinted pinion of purple and gold,
Twa born in a tnomrnt, yet, quick a it birth,
It had stretched to the uttermost part ol tbe
. earth,
And fair aa an Xngel it floated all free,
With a wing on the earth and wing on tbe era.
How calm waa the ocein! bow gentle it a well!
Like woman' soft bocoin it roe and it fell,
While it light aparkling wavea, atealing laugh
iagly o'er.
When they saw th fair Rainbow, knelt down ou
tbe chore.
No tweet hymn aacended, no anurmar of prayer,
Yet I felt that the ipirit of worship was there.
And bent my your.g head in derotion and love,
'Neath tbe form of the Angel, that floated above.
How wide waethe sweep of it beautiful wing,
How boundless its circle, bow radiant its ring.
If I looked on the sky, 'twas suspended in air,
If I looked on the ocean, the rainbow was there ;
Thus forming a circle as brilliant and whole,
As the thought of the rainbow that circled my
Like the wing of the Deity, calmly unfurled,
If bent from the cloud and encircled tbe world.
Tere are moment, I think, whea the spirit re
ceives, ,
Whole volumes of thought en it unwritten
When tbe told of '.be heart in moment enclose,
Like the ir.ermoU leavea from the hert of a roae;
And thu when the rainbow had paaaed from th
Tbe tboughU it awok wer too deep to pass by,
It left my full soul lik tbe wing of a dove.
All fluttering with pleasure, and fluttering with
, love
know that each moment of rapture or pain,
But shorten the link of life's mystical chain ;
I know that mv form, like that bow from th
Must pas from the erth and lie cold iu tbe
Yet, on! when death' shadows my bosom un-
When I sink from tbe thought of the coffin and
May Hope, like tbe Rainbow, my spirit unfold,
In her beautiful pinions of purple and gold.
. Ipeeellma Pleatgat. '
Tke team ar watting in th field,
The ploughmen all a-rew ;
A britk and gay a birds in May,
They make a geodly show.
The firmer rnd, and aee all hand
Turned out and ready now;
Yet ere they start, with all our heart,
We'll ay, God speed th plough !
W plough the field, but He must yield
Hi sunshin and hi rain ;
la hope w plough, in hope we ow,
That He wilt bleti our pain.
T i even weight and furrow itraight,
That bear away the bell ;
So ofT! And now, God speed tbe plough,
And send the ploughman well !
Spuria A New Orleans letter, published in
the National Intelligencer, says
The steamer New Orleana took out to Ver
Cm 100,000 in gold for to army ; 300,000
more went last week J and pow that the flow of
specie ha ceased from F.urope thi constant drain
of specie for the army will be seriously felt
The abov with previont hipment mak $1,.
800,000 that the public print bav annouud a
having been tent from thi port line lit of lt
month, exelutiv of a .large amount of bill
drawn on Mexico by tb Quartermaster her.
A FTirta Kitx'to s bib 86k'. Rolla Suther
ind, a respectable man wnen obr, of Winches-
ter county,' Ky., became a madman when drunk.
While attempting to butcher hi family ou Sat or-
day week, rife son Jam, a worthy young man
wnom na wa turtou.fy reproaching with a anita,
Hot bin dead. A eoioner'a jury pronounced if
,.if.,u. 4 ' 1
''"'-)-' . ' '
- . , -r4J:-.,':, TTT
II t tkll u hi bare word ia'not I menstrstioa in honor of the arrival of tha Wa"
l crtdrtcd. i ' ' --i'- i. ahington ; but befort thi Coil!1 lake place lh
Sanburr Korlliiunfccrland
, . ft,
Thf iw.rjjj i,m of the U. 8. mail inVamer Wi
Bhiniinn, on lW orrBaroei ( her recent firal iit
to nreewn, j thus rloacribed by a writer in lh
October number of Hunt' Merchant' tlaga
zine : . ' i
The North Sea amilet) at thetUip dw nigh
tlieebnrca of Germany. It waa lh firat A
mericBn T earner that had rrnr moved noon that
fpI, and Capt. Hewitt piloted her himaelf. The
9un broke cheerily at alio entered the Weser
Twoeteamfra. decorated with the flag of all
nation, em down to ereet her. . Aloft wtho
str spangled banner, and etreeming in pmud
and brotherlt; unioo the flag of the Republic of
Bremen, emblazoned with the arm of the city.
a large key, emblematic of it local Qnmtion, aa
holding and ready to open the kxr of Germany.
With rmisvc playmjr, aeirl rannnn firing, the two
steamer escorted the' Washington to her moor-
inir at Bremen Haven. The port and all Ihe
veaeel iu Ihe harbor were decorated with flags.
A ilopiitntinn of the monicipil anthoritie came
nn bnard, and w i'h a formal ndrfree welcomed
to Gi-raiany tbe firat American mail steamer.
Oie tT the attending steamers received on
board the mail, Major Ilubbie, the director of
the eninpiny, and other passenger, and, fol
lowed by a numerous escort, started for Bremec,
thirty miles distant. As she moved up the ri
ver, merchant veeeels, steamer, lighters, row
boat, eail-boate, and every craft 'ie met were
decked with colore. The Weser fishermen.
scattered along the line of the river, and even
the stolid boor, eonetantly drugging to keep o-
pen the channel, amiled a welcome; while at
every village the whole population lined the
bank, u mined to ihe noify welcome of a hurrah,
but with helming eyee expressing the deep fee
ing ol their heart, at thia opening of direct
steam communication with America. It wse,
in truth, the opening of a day of promise. A
preciotis meeeenger had arrived, bpngtog to
them the thought, wishes, hopes, feeling and
prospect of near connections separated by an
immense f. At ehnrt intervale the Mme
messenger would come again ; at times, indeed,
bringing tale of bereavement and wo, but in
the main to ecatter joy and gladnera to heer
the heart of the toiling peasant hy frequent and
early intelligence of the poepcrjty and thrill of
, hi Iriend in America.
Approaching Bremen theeecortof boat a be
came more t.umeroue; and trom ttre raniparta.
which Uxm on that side the boundary of the ci-
ty, the quay wa lined with cititen of all ages
and size, while the balconie of the tall house
fronting ;t in(i ,VT w ndow presented living
tableaux, graced by ladies, who, waving hand
kerchief and scattering flowers, welcomed the
Americans to Bremen. In the balcony of one
house, distinguished by his standing white hair
and strongly marked features, and to the Ameri
cana on board remarkable tor bis striking re
semblance to General Jackson, was Burgomas
, p,,,,! for twenty six year Burgomaster of
Bremen, and a historic person in Europe; ha
ving drawn upon himself the jealoua eye of Na
poleon for hia liberal opinions, and aa the head
of disaffection in the Ha nse Town. On the
fall of the Emperor lie had been sent by those
town aa a delegate to the Congro of Vienna,
which divided up the continental empire and
fixed their territorial limit. The year prece
ding the city ot Bremen had celebrated the
twenty-fifth anniversary of his aervice a burgo
master; and one of hia sons, resident in Loui-
ville, in Kentucky, went out in the Washing.
ton to join Ihe family gathering on tho fiftieth
anniversary of hi father' marriage. But the
old burgomaster ws not repoaing upon hi hon
or, or falling back upon hi domestic tie i; on
the contrary, he had on him at that time the
r'nl! names of usefulness, lie had been the
master-spirit ol Germany in bunging about the
consummation of thi enterprise; and among
Ihe thouand and ten of thousand or German
heart which welcomed the arrival of Ihe Wa
shington, perhaps none beat stronger than hi.
Escorted by deputation of Senator, with the
crowd opening respectfully before him, he cam
on board, and in Ihe name and on behalf of the
city welcomed ihe American lo Bremen. In
the mean lime cannon were firing, and a full
band on the quay and on board the stesmer wa
playing the national air of Germany, The
inii.ic ceaaed and all at once changed to Yankee
DHNlle in that distant region a heart stirring
sound, and to thi home tune, the American,
each on Ihe arm of a burgomaster orfcenntor,
were escorted up a stair-case, covered with an
arbor of evergreen, lo the quay. The crowd
opened so a to allow a passage? to tboir carri
- ' I ge, and thf were escorted to their hotel. Tr
I in wnoie c."y " aeeiuea a jnpuee; arte per
I hapa'throuhout all Bremen there waa not an
I old woman tr child who did not Inow of tbe ar.
nti 0 (he Wahingtro, and that a joyful event
i ,a(j WCUf j Germeey.. ,
I . , , , " - , .Vi. u
An rarly Intimation waa given that tha ben
late of Bremen intended to mske a formal de-
tlMr ttt9 appeal bdt Mlbfte", 1 'vVul prtnoijde end
Cvta. Salur4ajrf Oct. ItJ, IS IT.
'lltiatera' Clab offered the enTertin,r?it f i Prow, S tirtflary Tor P.a-Hffii Aira, and dele
a Wtj1 &rng. Thi came off on 8wj3ay, gnle from HanoVet, Branswrck.Oldenborg, and
which, according tolhe custom ntCtrmany, at- o'bnr Stsnea assiflti'd, manIVirting thst all Not
ter morning attendance at chwecb, IedeVo'.cJ to thern Germany eyippathterH in this eponing of
anrflavtrvr-nt and social tnjoyment. direct comnmnicatmn wtth Amrtte. ttinHy
Tire place wa an open field, about ix miles h tbere assemhb'rl at one boarvl a mntvj re-
from the city, surrounded by wood.. Entering
the barrier, the guests reeeivd-adgr conett-
t-iting them member of the club. In the cen-
tre o Ihe ield, the most cxHisp'rcuous object, and
immediately attrertmrj thu eye by He fanciful
and elegant appearance, was a lar(;e eircolar pa-
viliott, perhaps COO feet in diameter on the
ground, and rising gracefully, in alti'rnate
stripes of red and white, to a point. On the
top of th staff waved the American and Ore.
men flag. Under Ihe canopy waa an orches
tra, and range nl table with cover for per
hap 2000 or 3000 people, arranged with a
much nea'nefs and nrrler a at a hotel, tn rfif
ferent part of the ground were mast to climb.
and arrangement for gymnastic and other
sport to eaercUe and amue. N xt to the pa.
vilion, the ball room wm the most sinking fea-
ture, which, though but a temporary structure,
waa large and taatcfully decorated. Beyoc.d
wis the shooting-ground, and all around wete
the wood for a stroll. A large portion of the
population of Bremen was there burgomasters.
senator, mechanics, and tradesmen of every
degree; lathers, toothers, husband, wives,
brother, aistere, and lover, children and eer-
vent, nd, forming a etrtking feature, peasant
women in the custumee of their eperte vill.
fes, tall and well formed, with long hair hang-
ing down the back, and glittering plate on the
crown of the head, all niovimr harmoniously to-
ce ther generally knowing each other, free,
affable, and social; the rich unpretending and
fhn mnr nnnrMiininT. -tiilenimr th rirelo of I
. r--.. .., , fc .
hn,.. .fi.u.iir.a
Aa the entertainment was in hooor of the ar-
.k- W..U. l-A. -.,u
Um, guest of Ihe d.y. At the hour for dinner
they were brought in from their rambles, and.
with Burgomaster Smidt leading the way, con
ducted to place at table. Senator and other
connected with the enterprise wereaeated near
them. The lent waa hung with American
flag, and the d'atx belore the trucauj weie de
corated with miosture flag, tem.hips, and
emblem cotu'iiemorative ol the occikhi.
Thrown among burgoruaeler senator, and
other dignitaries, the Ameiicen were excluded
from the society of die ladies, who graced Ihe
other tables, and whose presence gave an air of
eleganje ind threw a refinement over maimer
which would per bap not always be found at
target-firing.' While at dinner our hoat. 'the
hunter,' with n'fle laid aaiue, hut in cueiume,
took their place in the orchestra, played and
ang the national airs of Germany and America
One, in a fit of enthusiasm, wrote the Wash
ington Polks, which was played on the spot,
and is probably now in print on its way to this
country. Another, from the orchestra, in his
hunter's dree, and surrounded by Ins associate
hunter,' made a long speech at n in German,
which wo could not understand, but in which
tbe Irequeul use ef the word 'Washington' and
America,' the hint of friends alongside, and the
expression of a thousand eyes, assured u that
he wa giving us a 'hunter' welcome.', Major
Ilobbie responded, and had the advantage of
hiving aruund him a party who understood and
pprecUted the peculiarly feliailou chrctcr
of hi reply. After dinner Ihe company again
scattered. The ball room wa a favorite gtho
ring-place ; waltiing, gymnastic, and ehooting,
all had Ibeir votaries, and many paired ufl tor a
troll in Ihe woods. The American walked to
beautiful country-seat in the neighborhood.
ud about dark returned to the ground. The
hunter were waiting lor them, drawn up out
side of the tent, lore procession. Places were
assigned them. . Burgomaster Smidt look the
arm of ono of the directive, and, with the band
playing Washington' March, they were escor
ted aero the ground. Reaching Ihe other ex
treraity, the hunter opened, and the guest mo
ved between them, and weru brought toa stand
in frout of a large illuminated frame-work.
Cannon were fired, aud from tha frame-work
flashed out, in letter ot fire, the name of Wa-
liingtoo.' At Ihe Mine moment Ihe hunter their acceptance of a model ol the Washington, t the purpose designated in the will of Smith
sent up a shout which shook Ihe air, Waehing- prepared by Mr. Weatervelt, the builder. Si- (son. Various achemea bad been proposed to
tun and Aroeriee I UockeUand fire ball ligh
ted up the darkness of the scene, and showed
all aruund the tern feature of men and the
gentle face of women beaming with enthusiasm.'
A friend, at the request and on behalf of the A
merican. answered Germeoia ." Tbe hunter
took up tbe word, and aa the light died away
the stirring .noul from a thousand manly voiees
Uermaqia aod Anc,! jwg in that ear. . ;
'- The next dsy the Senate gave a stately din-
ner. In tha cincertainty aa to tha time of the
Washington's arrival, no invitations had beerj
seal to tbe interior, but delegate were preaent
from several ot the adjoining State. It was
understood that the Crown Pilnce of Prussia
would hate bei there, but Ihe Diet w in os-
I sion at Berlin, and his; presence wa required at
' th capital. ' I'ruatia wa rrpretenlcd by Baron
4ww1i .parcvrt o Aeiftrrm--.JTao,
epectable or venerabln looking body of men, or
more iindiViiKd Jn sympn'.hy with Ihe ciuse
wnirh brought tht-m tngethi r. Tbe room wa
beautiiiilly decorated with tho flaga of the dif-
tcrent Cerman States, and at tbe bead, crossing
each other, were ihiwe of the United State and I
Bremen. On the coming in of live roast, being
the point of the dmnpr recognised for such pur-
pose's, according to the custom of Geruinny. Ihe
venerable Biirrroiiiai-ler Smidt tore and said: ;, .
lie rieeienated the arrival of Ihe Waslimg-
Inn on he Weacr s nn event which hd con-
lerted hope info reality speculation into
fact: it wtthia which had bimighl together
those present ot" the American and German na-
t iona. In all the world," he said, "(here are no
two countries which are so well calculated for a
mutual interchange as the United State of A-
meric and the United Statea of Germany. Net.
ther of them piissesa sny cn1ollle nor doe ei-
ther wish for any; and in this respect both ee-
cape the jealousy of colonial mother Statea
"A a c.tren of Bremen," he continued, I
may well remind you of the lact that, jtter the
glorious end of the American war of indepen-
dence, Urimrn ee were the first which un-
furled their saila to visit tbe shore of the young
transatlantic Republic; and a on tho weatern
horizon of liberty one tr lter another hi
made it appearance, so the vessel of Bremen
have continued progressively to steer their
courxe in that iTtrection. This fact, as it would
appear, liaarrot been forgotten in America, and
aa if in return the United State DOW teiid U
ilieir fiiai transatlantic, steamer, thinking that
ihe best key to G. rmany is tho Bremen key;
.. .1- h. enne.hidnl. in the
.me f my fellow c:tite, I offer a hearty
welcome to the Wliington, aa the worthy pio
neer of an enterprise which is destined to open
a direct intercourse between two great nation
Perhaps no man ever stood higher in the eati
mat ion of hi fellow citiaen than Burgomaster
Smidt; and the ipirit with which hi toast waa
received showed that ilia sentiment it contained
wan no lea acceptable than the person who of
fered it.
To tho timM in honor of Ihe President of ton
United State, and nl I ho linn Cave Johnson,
Postmaster General, Major Ilubbie responded,
Hi ex pni ion ot I he e i rcu mM nce und e r w h ich
the line wa established of the Urge and libe
ral view sot the Postaiaster General wa liste
ned In with much interest ; and the glowing ex
pression of his hope that the mail line to Bre
men would be the means of drawing close to
gether in the bonds of amity and mutual good
i.fTices the United States ei.d the great German
nation, met a warm response in every heart,
Damn Patow, in the name of tho German
States, ofL red as a toast the city of Bremen ; and,
in reminding the company of the importance ot
the ocean a being tho great highway which
united rat iona all over the world by commer
cial interiure, ho begged to otter hi good wi
the for the further success of that city, which,
in thi enterprise, a in many others, had been
foremost of the German Statea in opening the 0ii my father' ide I am a Northumberland
way. Captain llewitt'a interesting aeknowl- on my mothcr'a I am related to king. But Ibid
fHgemei.t of the toast to himself, apologizing
for hii ,hip if there had been any failure tomeet
,-;, -rctation. nn the irround that it was
only on the 7th of September proceeding that
her keel wa laid, and that the carpenter were
still at work upon her when she left the dock a(
New York, kindled hisaudience. Mr. Stephens,
the Vice President of the company, aeknowl.
edged the powerful co operation of German in
the enterprise which he hd the honor in part
la represent, r.d particularly of the city of
Bremen. He might ray much of thia eily, ita
hiatorio associations, it monuments and public
institutions, iu enterpri) and ita hospitality,
but he chose rather to express hi admiration tor
that which it had not. It had no custom
nor restriction of sny kind upon trade.
Mr. S. read a letter, igned by alt the diree-
or, 0f thu company, retpieeting of the Senate
uuiUaneouelv. and unexpectedly to niot pre-
sent, the, beautiful model, ait leet" long, wss
burn iu on Ihe shoulder of eight native Bremen
ess, reiiilcnte in and citizen of the United
State. 1'ti ia was received with a storia of ea
thusiaeio, when Mr. Oolnchs, an associate di
rector, a native of Bremen, returned after year
d H.eiMMj tu all present by early
,;elt pul , upun ,IB enlbuiin of the ev-
ning by announcing the intention of the com pa-
ny that the next ahip which came to theinaliould
bear the name of 'Hermann,' name identified
with German history and poetry Hermann be-
ing the dehvrrer of Gennsny I rein the Roman,
( WoihtnJTon waaof America from the British
I .Thenrxtdsy the festivity wss returned mi
' Mrd the Watrhinsbjot Bremen Haven, where
rttftrrii or XtrVTmr.V.
i a waaaBfcaa'
I aqnnre 'l inortrot, " f 0
1 -ff.i - t tt i " .r ' ; 7" f) T5
I do 3 , , da ., . . .. ,., .' , 1 0
flvdty aoWqaent tn.eTti-iTi, ' . - t5
Vearly Adveitiaerniniiaf trneeoVumn, $25 j
Column,! 1 8. three aquktei. Xt ( two aquarea, f ;
one equate, X HalT-yaatV evia ootourh. $18 1
half column. $U ; Ihrra ffitraa, j twoaquarae,
5-; rtrra aqoare, $9 50.
Advertravmenta Tell v1thiA Alrertiona aa to the
torrent of tirAo Wrey are to ha jtuVHohed, will b
contrflWed tsuftvl vtOeTed tftt9 tlnfl tj'al ged Cfccotd
rnfty, - - ' '
CT7?iitMn. linea r lee nu t eaajate.
tho aright oftrre ebip, rta fWtt , and thebean--'y
ol It ctrommKlatirnonlirTned and realizod
all eitprttlBtiorm. The day ettthjd with a iit
to lie dock, trren in pnrceaa of CrtnalrutirtoO, W
bihe InrgeA rn 1i world, undertaken by tho
city of Bremen alon at an ekpense tf more
than a million ol rjollat, for the exptes nse of
thrj American mail steamer, fren of U dock
ehargoa. '
Tint tbe most important feature tonwreted
with tbe teccption of tbe VaMngtoo at JJre
men, showing the true appreciation of the ob
ject our Government hud in view in eptablit-hing
the line, (ond in thi respect moat atrnngly in
contrast with the course of thin gs in England,)
wa the fhcility aflorded for carrying out this
grand scheme of the Postmale General. In
Senator Duck win, of the Pot Office Depart.
ment. Major llobhin found an abl and ready
coadjutor, full of enterprise and tmergy, and
competent lo treat and arrange upon the po-
ahead' system of our own country. The basis
0f an arrangement wa gred noon, by whichr
the noetofnee of Bremen undertook to distribute
0UT ntt tlVer the whole North of EuropeT
through Russia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, o.
vcf ,) Germany, and when Ihe railroad should
be completed to Trieste, over the Grecian Ar
chipelagn, around the whole shorf of the" Me
diterranean, up lo Constantinople and Ihe Blelc
Sea, even over to Egypt, and down the Ucd
Sea to India
The practical operation of this wou'.d be, thst
the German resident in Iowa could go up to tho
village nearert hts farm, drop his letter tit the
post office, ami, Bosfne potJ or nof, it would
go direct lo hi friend in the heart of Si.eeia, on
the banks of the Danube, or on the border of
the Black Forest
-v-.-K f
I ustitcte -1 ne
ot American IMaiurain-lB aoiournru ai u ...... u
Saturday, to meet next September. In P hil.del-
phi. The Boston Journal gives the lollowm?
report of an interesting communication by the
eminent philosopher whose scientific research,
es have conferred honor upon our ronntry ;
Professor llenry read a paper on the plan sou
objects of the Smithsonian Institution. He gave
a Uriel historical account of Smttrvn. wl.n wtia
born in England, in the yer 17fi8. Me was
educated in the University of Oxford w.- a
man of amiable disposition and devoted to sci
ence. He was the best chemist in CiforJ. and
after hia graduation became the riv. 1 ' Wol-
laston, in minute analysis, and posseted most
extraordinary skiU in manipulation, '.'he VI.
lowing anecdote lo the point wa related on the
authority ol the late President of the l.ojal So
On ono occasion he observed a tear trickling
down the face of a Indy he caujrbt it on a piece
of glaa, lost one half--anal) zed the ot'icr half
and discovered a microsropic salt. He reaiced
n.ust of the time abroad, and was the illegiti
mate son of the Duke of Northumberland, who
rtco"nised him, and left him a handsome pro-
en riy. H w author of upwards ol twen
ty original memoira on vriou iibjcta ot sci
ence. He appear to hve been proud of hi
scientific attainment, and on one occasion wrote
'The best blood of England flow in my veins
is of no consequence. My name shall live in
the memory of mankind, whea the titlee of Ihe
Mn.tknmhrlanda and tho Pcrcr are forgotten''
professor Henry aaid he could find no evtdenoo
j tnit be had written thi in view of the etab-
( ligament of an Institution.
I Smilhon died at Genoa in the year 1929,
leaving hia property to hi nephew, the eon of
I hia brother, with a cluse in hi will leaving it
intrust to the United Slate, lor founding an
institution for the increase and diftVsion ol
j knowledge among men, in cse the neptiew
dird without issue. He did so die, and the roo-
ey, .W. $500.0CX, came into poae'on ol our
government. It waa idle to say that tbi mo-
nr. woa lout when it waa lent to Arkansaaani
I uther Sute. It could not bo loot, lor tbe na-
I ttooal government held it in trust, and having
I . ....
I accepted the trust, waa bound to sea U devoted
carry the plan into execution, but none wa Jf
Ontteiy uectuen on until a ye num, ,u
ct ot Congre9 waa, orgauizing the f.
titutiun. Professor Henry then explained hi
own connection with tha Siniljsouian In tjtu.
I inn, which w entirely unaolicited on hi , p,,
He inentioned the seversl plans which hi ,j been
suggested for the organiiation of th lo .itotion,
a well aa that which had been finally adopted
ai a cotnprowi.
A far hum ' wife in Nw Connet;c,-t f,; )t
preparing o immeos che for a pr i,.
Queen Victoria. With soma few of her iwi(h
bor sb has procured tb milk of 500 cows fog
on day;' Tb production U, a cbeeaa wcir.-
eoo 'pouRd." 1
" Every 'per W4- '- "
wanUawn . -4 i Wv U
. , . . ., t 1 ' . u.ka.