L - I .1 J ..L- HI.S itflecdotte. mt Wsnsvwl Tea-tear. - - One Seageant Harri', who was wounded at ih stormine; of Monterey, and ordered home' for the recovery of hie health, related the ful lowinjr characteristic anecdote of 'old Rough nod Ready' to correspondent of the N. Y. He rald. " They ate, of course, interesting. The character of General Taylor in Jrey much what It it represented. He in mild and affiblfl, yet firm and unflinching. If a soldier under hit command think he is apfrteved, it ia to the General he look a for redrew, ana opv er fails in getting; it, in esse General Taylor, on inquiry, ascertains it to be well founded. The 'old man,' a lie in familiarly termed Ly officrreand men, ia approachable at all hours. He will ait and talk with the commonest soldier in the most affable manner, and my informant telle mc that he has oten wotwlered at seeing him enter minutely into the private attain of the soldiers under hie command, sjive them hw advice when asked, aa it frequently is, and when that ia over, read to them from tho newspapers the anecdotes of .the army, which have mailt their way into print in the northern cities, at which he would Utioli a heartily as any if them. He ia beloved by all in bia command, officers and men. All take pleaaure in obey ing his commands t and when an order is given by him, there is emulation among all who hear it, obey it. Ilia treatment of the Mexicans ia marked with the same urbanity. They, accor ding to my informant,, at least auch o( them as have been in the habit of serving- the camp with milk and other little n'c uacs, luve him as much as his own soldier do. On a certain iKcaeinn one of these poor crea tures complained to lit Capiluna that a volun teer had entered hid raitoho, and appropriated to his own oe emneW Ilia edibles, witnout pay inr Kir them. Now this) was a breach ol orders which Gen. Taylor could not overlook, ao he had the marauder indentrfied by the Mexican, and brought before him. The General examin ed and crose-e.v.amined him, in relation to tho offonce, for upwards of two hours, at the end of which time he arrived at the conclusion that the volunteer was not quite so much to bliuie as the accuser represented, but thought hirn de serving of some punishment, and what was the punishment do you suppose he inflicted upon him ? Why he directed a barrel to be placi d in I root of his tent, directed the volunteer to mount it, and kept him standing there (or two hour. At the end of which he gave him a few word about not doing the like again, &.c. and ecnt him back to his quarters. Occasionally it occurs that a nan will want to write letter to his Jriende, end lies no materials tO do no.- VV' H fi out limitation he applies to the 'old man,' and guts all ho whiKs, pen, ink, and paper, and wa fer, which comes from hid private stock, which ia alwaya at the service of the soldier. We have all beard the sou&rtwf of Rough and Ready had its origin in the Florida war, in which Gen. Taylor treated tbe red skins in the roughest way and in the readiest manner; but I have not seen it alatad when it waa first used in this war. According to Sergeant Ilarrir, it wan in this war; After the memorable bottles of .Itueuca do la Talma and Palo Alto, the old General directed the men to be brought up be fore him in review, which waa of course done. While reviewing them to aee, no doubt, how tbey looked after their acrimmage with the yel low bellies, an old soldier, who served under hiui in the Florida war, proposed at the top of his voice, 'Three cheera for old Rough and Rea dy which were eiven with all lienors. As soon as they had subsided, the old General, eve ry feature in his open countenance speaking volumes, gracefully took off his chspeau, and returned thanks, and added, 'Gentlemen, I would be nappy to treat you all, but I have got nothing except tome Rio Grande water with which to do it. On one occasion a volunteer getting; tired of discipline, thought he would relievo himself of it for a time at least, and with that view absen ted himself for a week without leave, and made atrip to the country. As soon as his absence was known to the camp he waa proclaimed a de serter, and men sent in pursuit of him. He re turned, however, before he was arrested, and immediately made his way to 'the old Gene ral, and told him in mitigation of punishment, that he was alwaya accustomed to open bark wood life, and it went bard with him to be con lined ao much. 'Well, (said the General) don't do so aeain, my boy, without leave, and direct ed hirn to go to bis quarters. That man, say my informant, thinks General Taylor tbe beat man living, and he would willingly loose life it self at his bidding. . Gen. Taylor's modesty ie equalled by magna nitnitv. It was not known in camp until three weeks after it waa known to the General him sell. Unit he had received a Ilrevet. and all the army heard of the sword presentation to him was through the pipers. ' EeiONAtr IIin s Tie Journal ef Health has the following remarks upon sleeping in reld bedrooms, which ara quite appropriate to th season, now fir end cloaks ars beginning to flourish : Cold Dcd utnit.- person arcustomed to un dresa ia a room without tire, and to seek repose in a cold bed, will net experience ths least tncon v'enienre. evn in tha svrwt weather. The natural beat of bis body will very speedily re n ilsr birn even suote cooifuitebly warm tha a the individual who bleeps in a beated apartment, and in a bed thus artificially warmed, and who will t extremely liable to a sensation of chillnessae soon as tbe artificial beat ia dissipated. But thi ia not all tha constitution of Ih former will be rendered mora robust, ami far lets susceptible to tbe influence of atmospherical viciasitudts than that of tie latter. TfOTK LIST. ...... PlttlNSYLVANIA. . The Mfowittg list -moWm1 ear not tain of alt 'enueylvenia Bank N.sVs. The most implicit re liance may he plated upon it, as it i eeery loeeA arefully compared with aid. corrected fioin Bbk setCe Reporter. . , Ratakej 1st IMillartclpiilii. i . Ne-ttu I MIC T IOI. Disc, ik Pia.an. par . par par par . par NOTES AT PAR. flank of Not th Americ . , Bank of the Northern Liberties - . Commercial Bank of Penn'a . Farrnere' and Mechanics' Bank Kensington Bank ' . Philadelphia Rank Schuylkill Rank . Snuthwerk Bank Western Bank . Mechanics Rank Manufaelurere' St Mechanics' Bunk . flank of Peon Township GirardBank Bank of Commerce, late Moyamensing Dank of Pennsylvania . . tT'ountrjr klankn. '" I par par par par . pat par pa par par Hank of Cluster County ' Westchester par flank of Delaware County Cheater par Dank of Oermantnwn Germanlnwn pa Bank of Montgomery tjn.' IM orns'owti par fH-ylcstnwn Hank Dnylentown pur C avion Bank Eastrm par Farmers' Hank of Burks en. Brt-tol par Bank of IVorthumlietltinil "Vorlhunibrrland par (olnmhia Hank MtMiare rO.ITolHmma Farmers Bunk of fni'ater f.anraiei par par l.ancaMrr County Bmk .nnraster Bank Farmers' Bank of Resiling; Office of Bnnk of Penn'a. Olfice do do OHico do do (llnce du ' do NOl'TIS AT, Lancaster Lancaster par pt par Thexe ntficea Rt siting Harrishurg I jancastnr Iteailing to not r.HKton J issue n. DISCOUNT. Rank of the United HI iti PhiloYtihi Potieville lwintowu Middletown , tHrlisle riiMuiif ' Hollidaysliurg Harrislmri; llaoiMi I'iiuliurg Piilktiutg Willis msporl Wilkesltarte Allnntowii Resiling Pittsliurg y;. 43 li Miner' Bank of Potisvillc 1 Bank of l-ewistowu Hank of Midillotowu Carlisle Bank Cxt'haOge Bank 1 llo do branch of Itairistiutg Bank Lekauon Bank . , Mcrchauts' it Mnnuf. Bank Bank of Piltbl'urg West Bianch B uik Wyoming Bank Northampton llnk Berka Countv Batik Otlice of Batik of I J. S. Do , do do Do do do Bank of Chanibnrnliurg Bahk of Gfltysliurg . . Bank of Hu-quuhauoa Co. Erie Bunk Farmers' & Drovers' Batik Frank lin Bank llimcedale Iljnk MonongaUela Bunk of B. failed do brie New Brighton do 2 Chamherstiurg tiittynliurg MniiUuse Erie Waynesburg Washington Honeadule Brownsville York i U M 1 York Bank I N. B, 1 he note of those tanks on which we omit quotations, and sutmiiurte a dnsh ( ) are uot purchased by the IMiilmlelphia brokers, with the exoeption of those which havo a letter of r ference. BKII K EN B AN K, Philadelphia etav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. S.huvlkill Sa v. Ins. Kensineton bav, I us. A Phila.WU.4iia do do do . do faifcd faili'tl failed I'eiin Township tSsv. Ina. Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dynlt, prop.) failed I'pwanda Bank 'i'owamla Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver : Bank of Cwatnra . Baok of Wasbiogtoa Centre Batik City Bank Farmers' & Meth'cs' Bnnk Farmers' At Meeh'cs' Bank FarmtTs' 6l MechYa' Bank Harmony Insiitutn Huntingdon Baok Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Rank Bedford no aale closed closed Heaver H sriisliurg Wahtiigtiii Belhfonte filled closed Piltslmig Pittsliurg Fayette co. tirn'iicastie If aniiouv no sale failed filled fatted no sale Huntingilon no sale itisiown notile Warieii Uun.laff failed no sale closed no sale ' closed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. UriJge Vm. Norlhumti'd Union CoL Itk. North Wwrtern Baxk of Pa, Office of Bchuylkill Bank New Hope M lit on MeaJiille Pun ( forboa tarftsie Muntroae Uninntown Pa. Aer. & Manuf. Bank blind closed failed closed Hilver Lake Bank Uniou Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Oreens)iusg WHkesLarre Brhlge Co. Wilkeatiarre no sale fTT" All notes putpoiung to he on any Pennsyl vania Hank not given in uie anove list, may be set Jowo as frauda. Bank of New Btunswick Brunswick failed i "I par failed I faded Bclvideie Bunk Belvulere Burlington Co. Bank MnllorJ Coaimercial Bank Perth Amtioy CuiqlierUiid Bank Bridgelon rarmcrs Bsnk Mount Holly Farmers' aud Mechanics' Bk Kabway Farmers' and Mechanic' Bk N. Ilnutsvsiik Farmers' end Men haul,' Bk MfcldkUown Pi, Ftatiklin Bank ofN. J. Jersey City HolNiken Hlg& tuaung to llobokeu failed f.ule.1 failed failed i failed i par lerst-y City Bsnk Jrtst y City Meciiatiiis' Bsnk ManulHClunrs' Bank Morris County Bunk MoniiMiuth Bk of N, J. I UIH'ISaIII Bi'Uevillo MorrinloAii Fieehold Newark Trvutun Jeiwy City Newark Mtcbaiucs' Bank Mechanics' ami Manuf. Bk Morri. Caiul and Ukg Co Piibl Notes UO sale Newark Bkg St Ins Co j fniled failed 4 failed i New ifw M Itiidite Co I.aiiiherlkill HoUtken N.J. Maimfuc. and Bkg Co N J I'rotecloll ii Lombard bk Jersey t'ily Orange B:ink Orange Paierson Bank Paterson Peotiles' Bank do Pliticeton Uank l'ruie'ton par ralelii Banking Co H detn par r!laie Bank Newark 1 State Bank fcliiaHsthtowa k 8late Bank Caimlen par State Bank of Morris Moiiton 8tate Bank 1'rrnton failed eiaknn aud PhilaJ Manuf Co ciaiem failed eiuaMK Bauk Newton i Trenton Banking Co Trenton par I'uion Bank : Dover j Wsauiogton Banking Co. Hackeosack faiivd Ut:ruAV4RK. Bk of WilmeV Brandywme Wiimniftoo Bank of Dolaware Wilmington par par par par par par par par Bank of Hniyrna Kinytna Do Is auch ' Millord Faimers' Bk of ritata of Del Dovtr Do branch Wiloiington Do biaurh fieorgetowu Do brunch Newcastle L'uion Bank Wdiuingtoa aT Under 5'a ' ri rOuall banks aaaiked thus C) ibsre are sk tbar couuterbil or altered notes of (be various ds Aonunations, ia circulation, RAK K OPINIONS OF THE PRESS, r r 1 r r, MtaT-rvs ti' i - WIIGST'S mH tEBpTiULfi pillv frnm the Cem'en Democrat. WRIGHTS' Inniitsi VaoaT&att Pii.is.-These cetrbraleil P.IK so universally used and ad mired. hva taeniae to. I consl Jerr j almost aa ne cessary In families ae water or fuel. In fict, the principle upon wmcn mis medicine nas ewaimsimt ha ref.otaitoo-pirrgar(oii--ia now ptetty feneiany acknowludeed to te the only live one, trv which tieatth may te pteaitvcd, of restored vthen impaired. Wrljthre ruts are now a universal issotiip. ; i From Ih rhiladetph' Soturday Evening Tott. WmeaVe l.atitna- Viaaraaic Pitts, are at taining great ci trbiity in New Englnnd, as wi ll aa other pait of the Unitsil ltat. The anetnpt of persims to defraud the puMicby the a ile ofitious arilrtes meets with general reptoliatiuii. D'. Wihihtis an indi f ilicaMe bunnets man, and shows an array of cure by the niedecine which wvnnt confidence in the tinuCa of his Indian Vegetable Pills. ' ' ' " ' - From the Ph:ind-tph!a Spirit of the Tmr. , WaieaT'a Isihah Vioitsl Prtis. Peo pie are pretty well usii fifil by this time that ctlo tnet.'and the other thousand and one mineral pre paraiioiis of the hois, are httier adapted, as a gen eral rule, to kill rethrr than cure the p.itirnt ; as a m.it'er of course, vrgetsdle medicine are therefore in gteat request. There are many humbugs ho' eve, amnfig ihe latter, and we would aifri-e a; those who have the leirt regard fur their heilih, tu fiy WrigtiCi Indian reliable VilhttJ t AurfA Amtritart CuHfge of Itiutth, as tbey are the pre- paration of one in'imately arqueinUd wiih the healing art. From the Pttirtt D,vlil TimtS. ' Wbiohi's Isniis Vr.otTjini.it Piti.s. Of all ihe public ailvortterd taedic.iiies nf the dny, we know of none that ws ran more snfely recommend fur the "il's that flesh is heir to." than the Pills that are sold at the depot of the Ninth Ammiran Col lege of Health, No I9! Tremonl street, Boston. Bcveisl instances we know of whers thev are tted in (utilities wilh the highret a tii-f ictioti ! and no I ncer ago than yesletdsy, we h. ar.l an mnim nt physidau of tins city lecontmenil thvia in ingn terms. The foil wlr.g hiiiMy resp-ctslde storekeepers have I em duly apniiliteil a ma for the sain of tvnenra Indian tcgrtiiule I'llh, to Nuitliumlii r I unl county l Henry Maser, Suii'.mty, K. Si J. Kaiitfinsn, Augusta towuhip. Hamuel Heib, Litile M ihonuy. William Depiien. Jackson. Beneville Hutsliue, I'pier Mahonoy. John tJ. Ren ii, l'pi-er Mahunoy. Hamuel John. Khnmokirttown. Fon-jlhe, WiUoinV Co.. Noithumberlaud. " E. L. Piper, Wstannoure .1 7 . " Irhmd V Haynef. MeUnetisville. . ; ' Jnna Peed, "Poitsgrove. Wm. tl Scott. Rushvdle.' Ilartman KntrMe, Elyburg P. O. Ain. T . Beissel, Turhutsville. (Jul. OH Shaitel, Upper Mahonoy. Khodes &. Farrow, Snydrrtown.' John King, ParmersviRe. ' ' ' ' " 811ms V.. Uflok. Matltii's Ciei k. J. De Voting. Hicksviile. ( Alirnham Hherer. Richmond. ' ' Samuel I'sylor. SI iU for.1. John H. Vincent, Chilieqoaqite. 1 ' Wm. Heinen A Brother, Milton. : Dtffisi ur CoewTaartiTs. The public ere csmioned against the many eituriims medicine. which lii mdeC to deceive, are C illed bf names si milar to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. The s.ifest course is to puirlia.e of ihe regular agents only, who are gentlemen that may tie re lied on. (jj- Offices devo'el eicltisive'y to the sale of WKIUHTS KUIA. VEuKI Altl.ri ril.l., of the Noith American f'.dlege of He .Ith. No. t8 Oreenvrkh Klreet. New Vork : No. I9 Tri-mont wt. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No lf 'J Rier Ktsrit, Ptiilailelphia. June 12th, 1847. silly. DICKSON & CO., No. 80 Market Street, five doors Below TliirJ. Soiuli it!e. rillLADELPHIA, Iiupoi tern & it lipUsiale l ult rs lia WA I'CHES, Watch (ila ses and Materials. Jenelrv of all ilecii litM, quallUes and a'ylea, eiHopiiiug all the articles connects J with the Trade, -CL"ks. ' DiiHtn A fon's Britannia, Gernvm Silver and Sil cr-Pjted Wares. - .' '! -' SbelReld and Btriiiiiighsm Plnied Fanry Articles. Kodtteie St- Sou's and W, U. nh.m t.utlery, Its- gors. Hciasors.'Eraseis, Desk Knnes. &.c. Ivory H .ndled 'Fsble Cutlery, of iho finest, meiliura si.d conim m qu.ditirs. . , A iare sacdilioeiil Ml O9I I PDS. j f- -( ( t Perifocsl Woeclaelis. .... . . Pap er Mai-he and J .panned iTays, various shajie and qu dilies. at teilued tales Gold Watch Cjaia, Disla and Hilver-Ware, ef all ilearrimioos. manufactured to onler. DICKSON & CO., having recently removed into the large and cummodiooa weretionss formerly occupied by Messrs. R. AsuMt asr & Sos," ant. more rcceutlv bv AstiucasT A lUmnaron, leg leave fo Inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchauta and others, that they design having at all times s larte a-s.ii I men t of O-oda, of their own Imports lion, which Uicy are determined to eH at the lowest rates. Cfj Evey attention will be paid 10 ihe Paeking ! (..i.a.and in the eieeuthm of Orders, the quail- li. i ...i.l i.iir.a will be lullv BU.irantieJ against all iouiixMiln.il. PhilM?elphia, June tOih, IWt. 1 I irl rreiitfitm IV riling Ink. No. 87 North Tliinl St reel, rillLADELl'HIA. I7r0V( Dr. Hare, the cel!ralrd Pr.s anr of Clieoiistry iu the Univeisily ol Petin's. Philad. Iph'u, Oct. II, DM3. -Dear Sir Having Hied your Ink. f Mill thank you to sen J me another bottle, aa I find it to bs rxc.lUnt. ' I siu yours, truly. Hoar Hiaa-." F'Oin Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distn gui-hed f.l bis numerous scientifie resea.ches. Medical College of Ohio, t.'ir.cinnati, Januvy 17, If44. Having used Mr. Ilovvr's Wruiag luk, I am satisfied that it is the rV wiiiih has ever ciuue to my knowletlge, and especially It ie r xtvlitvt for the use if Steel ftnr, aud UiU'twl cxjrrodt (hem, even in lung IKK, Juas Lorgi. Prof, of Chsinistrv. HOVERS ADAMANTINE CEMENT. F10111 a well known scientific gentleman. Philadelphia, Fee. 27. IMA. Mr. Joseph E. Hover hirt A use uf your Cr mint, anJ eme practical tult of ita sufivtioigy, has -induced me to ieeo.iiu.fnd it to others as so invaluable article for mend r.g China. Cilssa, or O all net Wutt. CiM.'alLL Muartr, AnaMic Chemist." For tale at the Manufactory, Wkolsatls and Re tail, No. 87 Nobtb Teiae nvraair, opposite i Cherry sttest, Fhtladslpbis. by JubEPH E. HOVEB. May Hi, I84T. j30 ly Msnufadurer Spring Goods. fTtHE awSecrihet has just- re-eive.l his Ne v JL pring Oonds, to whkh he Invitea hs fnst end casiomecs to call and eramlun for themsn. e Hie atr-ek consi-ts In part of the following! Pnperiof Clothe, of all colors 1 Cnssitnera of dtfV. ent patterns; Matin and other Vesting Oa - Ik-os, Lawns, Oinghams, Checks, Tick logs, an.l summer wear of all ktnile ' end price ( also, Leghorn and ' Palm leaf llata; Umbrellas - and f'sros K fr .m 85 cunts upwaids ; also, tiroceiie, tjueena. vrnre, Ilstdw.ne. I'edsrware, Oils, PuintM, Fiah, 811. ic, Su ic , and in fart, every article usually kept in a couu'i s'ori', which will be sol J svry low, for cash on n kin(l of Ireile.' "' . "JtlHN BOO AR Sunbury, May lSlh, I8t7. n!4y jre :iew Goods ! FTtHE last airival is at -Purdy's Mtore, Msiket 1 Square, where v. ill be found a hanilaotne as- sorlmenl or . ' fcPRINO AND SUMMER GOODS, nf the late,! and uvst approved sijti s, consisting of l-loths, trsasitners, ratings, SuintMer Stuffi, Mous. d,' laines, Liwus, Cii. shams, . I'alicos, Mdslins, Jenns, Sic, Ste, Stc ; sti, a full assortment nf Groceries, all of which will be Sold low r ihan ever olteieil In t'ds mrk t. Call and examine for vourselves. yuilluirv. May 15 K, 1847. if ' ' SOMETHING NEW! FlfHE Kul'scrihers have tin-exr'u-ive tight of I vending J. M. THATCHER S Hot IIIaNt lint Air fooUInt? MnrrfljWDi3 ill tbe coubtiea of Noiihunililan.l, Columbia and Schuylkill; and from the encsuragemnnt met with alresdy, they expect In do a large business. In stove ia cotitrucied on an entiiely new prtrciilc and ou ibe. only principle that cm make both a good woo.l ami cdsl stove. I ne inventor nas over. come all ihe dillicultiee that so frequently belong t other stoes. He has by his arrangement, con stiucte.l a broiling (TTOv?ll III front, where in l.roMint;, rnassing. frving or bsking may be none. and alt the ainell that aries ihs.efroiu must pass into Ihe cembustilna ettamber, and is not at s thrown out into the room ,D Beaith-s ,thi, there 11 an oven only two tne.hea less then the whole sin of the stove, wherein b .king or roasting may be done aa well as il Can he in the common brick oven This oven is altaava fit for U'e wben the siove I heated, a the whole draught of hot air passea round it constantly. f'libl.R allentton1 is particularly ea'leil I tnt stove. ' It can be seen at our Store and Tin Estab lishment in North Dsnville. at the ign of the Co- luuibta Tin shop, und at the Found' y of Kohrhach Sl Clement III Sunbury, where its particular qtialr ties will be fully shown aud eip'ained to any person wihing-lo eximmc it. The sultscribeta contitne to Nave on hand all kinds of parlor stoves, such as rs listors. cy tenders, fancy and plsin, suitable for all who may favor us wi h a call; . also common eheet and Kuwait run, which can be made in any desirable shape ; logr. iher wiih a gom ral ss-ortment of tin and japtnned ware, wholesale and retail. Country men. hunts are Invited lo call and etamine our slock, as our work cannot he surpas-ed, ami prices inodnerate. N . B. We can estely recommend the above m n tinned stovu to permns who wish ,to emhsik in a gisid bu'tiuese. Tl.e psientee will veil cid er coun ty or slate rights, tu suit purchasers, and on rea son ibh' terms. He or bis agents may be found in Danville, Pa. J. Sl J. ARTE It. The nndersijrne.I, having rem to operation the hot h;at hoi air cooking stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaicher, certify that we believe, from the manner of ita construction and Oera-ion, that it is the best one ever ottered to the public. The arrangement is so complete and the construction so judicious, that thete is a saving of one half the find and tune, in doing any given amount of a. rvioet over eiber celehralett atuvea. :Li short we recom mem it in piofereueti lo ad ethers, f.w the simple reason that it embraces every branch of ecoonmy, Saiiionl Garrelt, John W GarreU. David Chat field, W F Kiith. n. John M Giay, E Thomp-on, Smith Thonipann, J D Ilalin, John Oakes, Hrsiki all Bear,' EH is F trooper, Oeo M Rkhrt, Daniel HutTuian. Henry It Rissel, F 11 Csrver, Dauiel DreiKbai-h, Joseph Vauknk, Brouke Epley. Danville. March C, 1847. ly FARM nlui subscubcr olUrs for sale a cheai Farm, situate in SUaiui.kiu township, Norlhuinbcr land coumy, aliout eight miles from tuubory, ly. ing beiwsen ibe Centre luiniuke and lri.h Vs'tey, containing IfiU ctes and allowances. Said faun is in a g.o-d state of cultivation, with reasonably good buddings and excellent water near the duot ; and all kiuda of fruit, &.C JOHN FAKNSWORTH, Punbury, Feb. 8f, IH1T-. . ... CI-rT ATTCTIOif 3T0SLS, No. a I 'A'urtli Third street, (isTsiriTT sorii.) PHILAOELFHI A. C. C. MACK. Ii Y, A LOTION EKR. TO COUNTRY STORE KEEPERS. EVENING HALES of Hardware. Tutlery, Saddlery, Whips. Boots, feUoes, Hats, Caps, liuus, I utols, toothing, Watcbea and Fancy Ootids, At Msekry'a Auction ttore, 31 North Third street, near the City Hotel. Tbe attention of Country Mi ri bants is invited. The Gihios will be sold in lots to suit pu'ch isers, and all Goods otU-red will be warranted equal tu the representations that may be made of them. N. B. A large assortment of Gooda at Private Sale. Jan. 10. 1 8471 y iarouNT vernon 95 North yd t., let. Arch At ace sts., I Ii i I n l c I p It i a . . BRADY &L PARKER respectfully inform their friends and the public that liny hive taken the above nerved house, recently kept by J.' S. Adams, and are pi spared te accommodate ceslo mere in the moat satisfactory aasnnsr end at rca soi.able prices. Their table will be supplied wiih the bet vari ety '.be market s fluids their parlora and sleeping apartments will be in the brat order. The house has been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view to the eoiofort of tiavellere and atrangers. ; Having had see'sl yeare esperatnee in the business, tbey bops lo give geperal satisfaction, uoj respectfully invite traveller and atiangara to give tbeea a cell. BRADY St PARKER. Philadtlpbie, Jsnusry 1, 18 IT. tf ... j5CaiT3J33 TVXsV7" - ' AUCTION STORE, No. 0 North .'id t., lliird doyr abov Market Street, FBtXiAsntFUIA. . . m 111,11,1, mm t.t.i. 1 r i IiVLIll LVLtl.tU, 01 a geireral Sf.- sortoKMil of Foreign snd Domestic Hatdware, Ti ible Laic nd Pocket Cuileiy, Ttui.ka, Locks, icticis, Bolts, S.iws, bailJIery, Whips. BjoIs, bhnia, Ha s, Caps, (tuns, PiVoln, Triuiiiiinira, ('lulling and Fancy Goi da, The attention of city and Country dealers is in vited. The Goods are firsti, and will be warranted equal to ti e representations that may tie sntHle 01 them. UAVLI3& BROOKE II, tMVoie.r, , No North Thiid t. N. B. Purchafl'is can Visve their Goods a irked. Severs! invnicta of Gjodi have bicu tteivcd tu be sold at ptivute sate. , , ntifsiteijdua, Dec. ifltb, tsir.. ty To The i. o. "oir'o. i". J. W.'fc K. H. 8 TO K K s. Mstnttfacturers of Vicmitini 01J Tel IovV Iti'xlia, A'o. 19 MrirrVef Stretf, PIlll.ADELPniA, First Clothing tore below Gib Streat. riJIE sulisciibers having taken the premium at 1 Ftatiklin Instititln, at tbe last exhibition, for Ihe best lleglia, they iuvi'.e the attention i.f the order to their esial.lixhmcnl, wheie they w.ll find a splendid SKsoitmeot of I. 15. and Encampment Re iislia. They also make t,i order for I.mlges and Eneampiuetits, ' Regalia, Sasbis, C-o-lurnes and Robes, and furnish every thine; requisite for the Convenience of new Lodges or I'maiiipuiinis. J. W. STOKER, ', ! ' E- D. STOKES. Philadelphia, Dec. 19,' 1816. ly Trn Uousscl's MnfAjcrsnl SHAVING CREAIVI. Small tjuantiiics given without Cliarge. .It 111 Chcmitt St., PHILADELPHIA. THIS new and splendid article, a its name de notes, is profoswtj to be stirioT to any hB vinq Cream in the United States or E1111 pe. It is linsurpias d f.r beamy, purity and 1'autanee, lli. rornewhat analngoua tu Ou rlnin's Ambrnsial ('ream and oil rr similar eompiunda. It far sur passes itinn nil by ihe em. I iont pasty cnitcnry of its latlit r, which so soflena the beard aa to rend, r shaving pleusant and easy. It further possesses the advantage over the imported article, in being freshly pr. pne-.l, no skill being wnn'ing in its ma. -ufscture, E. Roussel baving had mai.y yejra ex erience in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pcie et FiN, now Kennud St co., of Paris. , Besulys ling Ihe best, it is the chcas at article for shaving; 11 ia elegantly put up in buses, with splendid steel engraved labels. ' Piire $3 per dozen, or 37 4 crnte for a single lt, to shaVM one year. It ia eb-o sold at f 1 6(1 per lb. or 12( cms per ox., eo ih it genileim'n ran bate their boxesfilled St KUtiENE KOLSSKI.'B. Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Ea'ablishmeot, 1 14 Chesnul Street, Dec. 19, 1816. PHILADELPHIA. New Firm. riUIE-Urtders-'gned here'.ygtvea notice, that he 1 has associated with himself, as a partner in the mercantile business, in his store s.ljoin ns Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury, John Haas, and that the said store will hereafter bo conducted tin der the firm nf Clement Si Hans. The htoie at the K.mth West coiner of Market Square will be conducted as heretofore, by the subscriber himself, to which he rcs(ectfu!ty invites hie customers and friends. He also notifies all those indebted tu him, to call between this and the Irt of January next, and set tle their aecoonts. AH kinds of produce will be taken on account, at cash prices. Hereafter no longer tl.an four months credit will he given. I It A T. CLEMENT. Knnbury. Nov. M. t P4H tf. LEisiTT & ::ls, RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that on the Uth itist., tbey entered into parlnerrbip, in the mercantile business, at the store. recmtly occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Hunbury. They have lately received a new stock of goods, which tbey will dispose of at llie lowel prices. All kiuds of produce will be taken in exchange hr giou.. ;...,--. .... 4 No longer than four month credit will I given, . w .... IK A T. CLEMENT, ...... . t r y , s.- - J0HJt HAAS. ' Sonliurv."Nov. U, liilC. tf. ""fountain hotel, I.lsht Street, r'HK House bee undergone a thorough repair he proprietors solicit ile former patronage. Terms fl S3 per day. WM. W. DIX. ARTHUR V. FOGG, July 4, lMfi.lv Pr.q rietors. Keller Sc Oreenotilia P.TEXTT TTC?alTZ7D,: AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASXIXNGTOXf, D. C. DRAWINGS and Papers for the Pa ent Of. fke will he prepared by thein, at thuir olli.e, opposite the I.Veiit OlTice, July.4ih. let 16. ly S3S1TTI3TR7. I'KTE It II. M ASS K II, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ! RESPECTFULLY inlorma ihe ciiiseua ol Sunbury and vicinity, tbal he has openid' an rtice at Ihe remlence of llemy Miei'. in Matket street, where he ie prepaied to execute all kinds ol Dsn rL uuesay. Plate Work, Sic , oil the latest and most approved plans. Having baJ some experience and instruction, under cne of the most eminent and successful Den tist a in Philad. Ipbia, he Mieves that bs will he able to give satisfaction to mote who may want his services. Ladiee wdl be waited on at their platvs of resi dence. His charges will be mojeiate, and hie work warranted, Sunbury, March SSth, 1 84C. TTVEXTER'S M'tRH'S OF VL9 ('acting Grease, Dty Psiu Wax, Sit, fr.un cluthiug of any M'IKII'3 OF SOAP, fur rx- aiuls, V amuh, 1 ar, description, war ranted not to injure the cloth or tbe must .Micute colors. This liqu d baa also been used isitU gr,at success in cas. s ol Bum. Scalds, Tetl-r. Pio.ple. 00 ths face, Chapped bands, Sore lips, Rhauuna li.m. Held or aoll Corna. 4c Price, S5 cts. 1 er bottle. "fAortaleet ihe state of July II, I 18. 1J. MA6ER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUWBtTRY, PA. Bualneis atn;ridcd to in the Counties of Nor thutrlerland, Union. Lycumin and Col'tmbia. r.t fi r to 1 P. A A. Rov outer, " Lowtu A BtRRUV, Harns St Stinnnss, Philad. BBtMor.ua, McKmmu Co. Prraiso.'iiHiu St fo., E XT ft A O ll DIN l Y l)lVHUY DEATNESS CAN BE CURES it GOOPEIFM EIEIMM. OIL A prompt and la-ling rerneily f.r Dnvif.H, also for pejus anil enchants or mnttcr from llie r.ars. lltltidrrd s oTcuri a in ca es deemed ut'erty hope, ic.'shsve firmly e tal.li.-hcd iu nireriority over eve ry furiner Medical discovery. This valusble Acoustic Medicine ie a compound of four dilfcn nt Oils, one of which, Ihe active and principal IngiCilient, is oMiineil f.om the baik of a certain epecice of Wstsi'T, a new god cflirtutil agent In the cure of Deafness, Person who had len deaf for 10, IS and even tfl years, have been permanently cured by using litis nil. In fid, so numerous snd so emphatic have been the tri-timnnitils in it favor, that the In. venter claims for it tbe ilistiuction of an Infallible Renirily, ill all cases, wh 11 the Ear is a-rfert in its fnmnti n. For further particulars, nnd rvidence of its great value, s-i-e printed sheds, in the hands of Agents. For sale in Mnnl tirv. by J. W. FKII.I.NU. September t!Mi, 1R4fi ly rrTlTrarTfsTl, UNR1VALLKI) AND UNEQUALLED In ruling Uolds, Uoushs, Asmma, Inllii. rxi, Whooping-I'uugli, and all Diseasea of tl.o hteiitil nnd lui.gs, leading to Consump tion ; cuinpOri'd of the eoncentr itcd virtm-e of the herbs llori hour d, B 'liesett, ItlooilMot, and seveial other i ge . ble sub-lances. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. nHlSS invluat Ie Medicine is lb) miwt s re.ly J and certain n ineily ever discovered f r the a l ove com pU n's, as thousands who hate used it will testily. For sale, in Sunbury, by J. W. FRII.ING. and in Nortt uii.b. rln.l. by D. BRAUTIOAM, and at wholesale, in PIuImI. lohia. by F. K LETT Co, Corner of reeotid and Calluwhill streets. Septcn.lier Itfth, 1846. ly To IMircltascru of DRY GOODS. ,o. lit Pearl t., NEW VORK, RAVING e-tnhlUbed a Branch at No. 144 Ches nul St.. Philadelphia, ia now opening, snd will be constantly receiving from ihe New York Auc tions, au extensive assortment of rANCY c STAPLE CRT OOODS. which will tie sold at the lowest New York puces, at wholesale end R. lail. Among U s al.H-k will Is found a good assortment of the folio wii-g aiticle: Jaccnnets, Plaid, Hail ('old. Lace. $ripe tl ink, Swirs and : Tarlatan Muslins,. Bishop and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dresses, Thread I. ares, Application Do., rich U aek tlk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens. Linen I'auilirics, Linen Cambric IMkf-.,('uit.iiu Fringes, V, oIiuuto d'Ecos-e, Muuitchne do Laine. Cilk and t'ott ui Warp Alaecas, tju-ien's t'loth, Gala Plaids, French Merinos, Bl.ck i,ks, Gloves, H k H.ise, shawls, Cravn's, Ribbon. Emhroideri. s, Scc.,e. Country Meiehanls arid others visiting Phil .del phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited to call and examine the i-t ks. Nov. l. 145. ly lTk iTT k v k""nT) la Wit. THOMSON'S Coiiiiuiind Syrup of Tar &Vtootl Aaptbiu rfiHE unprece.U nu-d uccs of this medicine, in J the reMnralion of health, to those who, in des pair, had pien up all hopes, has given it mi exal ted reputation jbove all olher senwalier, furuiKhini; evidence of its intrinsic value and power, as the on ly ient which cau 1 relied u n for the cute of Pulmonary ' Coueumption, Br.suhittis, Asthma, Pain ui llie side and Brea-t, SpiUiug of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, kc, . Attt nti.Hi is requested to the fallowing ASTON. IsHhNG fiURE, be Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tr and WojkI Naptha M - - Philadelphia, May 3J, 1814. . MB. THOMSON Deer Sir Wiih grateful feelings I inf.irin you of the astonishing etfecls of ' vr mdicuie, which has literally laia-d tus from adeath-lsfd ! My do-ea-e, Piilinonary Consuuip tiun,ba. ie.luce.1 me se low that my physician pro. ueancod my cace bepeless ! At this junction I be gan to u-eyour meiltcine, and miraculous as il may reetn, it has completely re-tioed me to health, after everything els had failed. Respectfully vours, WASHING I ON MACK. Charlotte street, above Geotge alteet. Tbe undersigned, being -eisonaHv acquainted with Washington Mack and his sull.fms, beir w.lnese to the aBtoi.ishing elT.'cU of TnouiMi's C-oniHund eiyrup of Tr, aud the truth of ihe a hove statement. Jtl.s. WINNER. 31K North Third street, DAVID VIOKERS, it Almond sireet. HUGH M 'KIN LEY, S. E. corner Tammy and Fourth a'r.ts. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of Pth and Spruce slre.ts, Phila.le'phia. Agents. H. B. Manser, Suuhory 5 D. Gnvss, and Dr. Macpherson, Ha.ilsburg ; Jno, G. Brown, f uttsvi Ie ; Ge.i. Eirl, Re .ding; Houston Ac Ma ori, Tosr a ml a, Bradford county, Pa. Price 50 cents p.r bottle, or f 3 i. r dozen. (Tj titwart nf nil imitulimn. Philadeluhia, June 2Hth, Is) 1.1. ly " iieorf-re J. Weaver, COPS MAKER s SIIIP CHANDLER. Ab. 1 3 A'orA Vt'oer Srecr, J'AiWeAio. We ir- rarl R. S cotisiantly 011 hmd, a general assort meut of Curdaoss Seiue I kvmes, vu: Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Rupee, Mtil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete aiworlment of Seine Twiuue, eVc such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Baal Patent iiill Nat Twine, Cotton Sbad and lloauag Twins, .Shoe 1'hresds, Ac. ii.c. AUo, Bed Cords, l'kugh Liues, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, . , Philadelphia, November IJ, I84J. ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers