Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 09, 1847, Image 3

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Currerlcd tvrekty by Henry Masset.
Wnr.iTt 11
Rr, ' til
Com, . . . . ra
Oars, . . 40
Hcttkii, ..... loj
Earns, .... 8
Von k. ... 5
Ftaxsrm, .I )JJ
Bskswat. , .... 86
TitLOW, ' '10
Ior Sale
rrilK BRICK HOUSE In Sunbut. of he mil
A 'scriher. now.neroplet? by Mia Morris. For
terms apply to W, L, Dewsrt, E q . or lo myself.
. W. R. SMITH.
IVnrthumlierland, October 9 I 9 17 If i
' 10 ail (jumTr.a or Tit Omar,
Til HE following letter are presented with a view
L ' aaf mora fully a bowing the opinions of pi vsi-'a-tans
in relation to the medical value of Da,
Swiim'i Coateorjun Starr nr Wn Crntear.
'Da. Swrv Dear Sir t Having ued your
'Compound 8rup of Wild Cherry, extensively in
my (practice, t was r quested by your agent. Dr.
Oru'che,'t "iwe mv opinion in writing, of ha
fircpertie a ecmedi'l agent. I moat cheerfully'l fori by ao doing, 1 will discharge, a
debt I ow tke'eammunily at hvge, and
in particular. X much as I detest qu.u k reme
dies and pateirt nostrums. I vr induced a
failure of the ttiu$ tnt expvetoran s, recommen
ded ia out miri. uWiess in a-ime ca-ea of Dis
eased lurtgs, to toy your preparation of Primus
Virginia or vfifcl CltrWry. It is- eiilliciaiit l aay
thai araa di pleased with the reult nf
that sod aulwiMt "trial totsl I now prescribe it in
preferencei ts aw wihT refejedie vvlie're an expecto
rant i indicted, (a rfce touch drended Pneumn
tia or Disease of the Lungs, in tbe. slarming form
in which il appear in Kentucky-, t regard it aa an
fnvatu dde remedy in the treatment wT rtisl disease.
To all who know I haw said tnouth, hot a
thi may he teen by perano out of tie) vicinity of
Frankfort, I will briefly add, that I nave been rn
paged in an eltve practice of my prnfc.noh 12
yearn, and tin tegular graduate of Transylvania,
and tlii ia the fir patent nxdnine I ever thought
vanugb of to express an opinion in writing.
Jan 7, 1847. Franklin co . Ky.
Fex.rntiT, Kt.. Jan 7, 1817.
The ahive cerificle ia fritrt one of our phvsi
riinn living few milea from here, he ia doing a
very good practice, and it considered a good physi
cian, and stands fair; he i a' he eiv, a regular
graduate. I. W. CaiTrar.a, . j
Droie.i-t and Apnthecaiy,
Fire the miodu-,.!-n of my ariMe t;i the
fMililic, there hav a iximlx-r of unprincipled indi
viilunln igot up noatroma, a hich they aert ennt.iin
Wild Cherry, iin aw -atVd 'Balnms,' 'llittera,'
and rwi Syrap of Wild Cherry, hut mine -ia the
iriginnt and only genuine preparation evir intro
dncid to the public, oMehtan l proved by the
public Record of the t)mmonwealih nf Prniidyl
aiA. T1 only cifi guard againat impciiion u
(a ttidrt my signature i on earh bottle,
Dn. If. H WAYNE,
Corner of Eighih and Koe "to-. PhilwMphi
rrepmvd tmy by Or. 8WAYNE. N W.cor.
tier of Eighth end R ce etrect-, rhtladctphia. and
for rale h ae)avtahle Drinciiata in nearly alt the
frinripal towna in the UniteJ Statra,
Ooly Afciti in Senhury. a")
Dr. I. A. Moore, D.mvide; T. M. Mark y ft
So.v, M4ton;' M. D. & J. Welle. Muncy;' C. A.
Wyatt, ltahuTR Dai & fchliiire, 8elitMgroS
John t J. Kenn, Line Mountain T. O.
I'hiladilphia, ot91m. (tS-ly
OF North ombrrlaml Couniy, f. Novem'.ier
Trim, A. U ltT.
TurW. David M ur, David Ehlw
t U-UiHHtrtt iamra Cathiarl. Dani.l Carras,
J olio MuKinney, Kob-rl Hulchiann,
MHltm. Samuel !)', Uaac Bio vn,
aejrh Kincaid. Joarph Frt'iVor.
ick. Daniel tJaul.
Point. J.ibn F.laton,
Sunbttvy Charlra Uua.lrr, Ira T. Clement.
t'pter Afntn.nic Camptvll, Wm. Miller.
Lower AtiguM. Did Hauck, John Hinder
Kiwft. Abrahim CtDipbrll, J hu Culkct, Wm,
Jobnin. " t
Coat. George Lone.' ' '
I jpjrr Miihimttff. Daniel Itolahoe,
Lower Atahonny. John Stepp.
Traverse Jurors.
TrbHt.- Philip Follm. r. H. J. Doyet.
Jeotrnrr. Anthony Pnllmer.
CAicVainiritie.a-Jaroh Ft irnhart, J a me Turk,
Samuel McMahon, Jroh K Ine, fteire Htaa,
Tliomaa Ur ire, John Berli, Jonejih Kreruer.
' Point Thntnaa Johnaon.
Jimthmbrrkmii-tteoife Fetter, Robert Lh
rr. (ieorga Jnhnaon. John Dunham, J'hn HeiM. '
Sunbury. Samuel Manic, Geo. 7.imTn iman,
Jnrph Nail, George Kohrbach, Wm. Marti, Chaa.
fpprr Augvtia.-lot Eiknun, R. 8. Grant,
Ijnvrr , Phipe, Henry Long.
iVinmrtAan. .tamei Linn, laaac Hull, George
rViiA John Pitner.
Coat. John Krrl Iter, Ellaa Ki- nhatt.
l'per Muftonoy. John Malirh, Fi, Adam
tsnrrr Matinnt. Da W Wal t, Did Franiz,
Henr LanK, John Trhopp, Abraham Keliler,
Jafkimn .-Abraham T. Troutman, Jacob Wei
art, Jeremiah Longed. rf, Daniel Wolf, Taul Ho!
lenhach, John Haaa,
Prlit Jurors.
Turbut. Jacoh Hofly, Charlea 1'i.lille.
l.nvi Hamurl Kurrel, Jacob Giuiirr, Jamea
)f.iicurf. John II. Wilton, Co neliua Ry.
AlilUm. IomrJ fionghlon, Ma:thiaa ttuine,
Abraham Hiauh.
CAr7w7i7ue.-ohn Snyder, Soloniou Dent
ler. John Pa-k.
Point. Anthony Wataon, Jamra Nerbit, Wa
bunion Newhaity.
Kirtfiumbcrlani. Martin Kiirioger, David H li
ken. Srtnburti -John A. Whiaaler, Jacob Kahel.
Vpptr Aitgutta. John W'oulwton, Uarnard I
Istuvr A jgusta.--GMf Hiupt, jr.
Shamokin John Ripley.
' Cnal. Joeph Dirjnmlck.
Vpptr Muhanoy .-AhraLam Gtiat, Jacob Kauf
man. - Lower Af38nry---Thomi Zerl-e, Michael Gar
man, John Binge'inae.. jr., Jn. Uurral. Jno, Smith.
I. it III Mahnnny Gsorge Henael, Rob'l. Beach
Jatkson. David Kcbwartl, Benjamin Slrick-
OH trial in the Court of Common Pleaa of Nor
thumleiland County, at Aor. Tenn. 1 fit7,
commencing th first Monday, beine the lai.
Jno II and Andrew Felzer a Cliarle. O D"tt
Kenjamln W Rir.harda .a Franklin V Piatt et al
.1 W Peir.tnger,alii:nre of Garvu v J Gnrver'aheira
W'illiamHimenton a J Shipman rV E ftrernough
Wm II llelneman va llartinan IT K'rtble
Peter Rirhler'a exr'a a Do.tge rV Rarrnt
J -hn A Llov.l a Win E McDonald
Wm II Pomp'a aasignr-ea va Wm Welch
Benjamin Robina va Valentine Klat
Henry Misarr Win Mc atty et al
Jamea Merrill' cx'ra ra George Walta'a adni'ra
Vickery cV Viikerr
va Prtnr Brosiu rt al
va John Uidleman rt al
Mahlon llamlen el al
Charlea II Frirk
v William Prick
Wood & Rhawn'a era a David Haunt
Daniel H Conner v Danii-I Weiilnr
George C Lilly
John Mine
Com'ih for J JenVin
George. Eckrrt
Francia Dall'a aJmra
Balli. r Garnhart
Eoruugh of Milton
va Jacob Lilly' adin'ra
va Elirabeth Hin
va T A Billington rt al
v Jacob Shi t
V Samuel Blair
va George Oyater
va Samuel Blair
Jacob W 8eitr.inger
v WillUm Can
Henry Matter va H B Maaeer & Jrweph Eiscly
ualtter Uarnhart
John Haas, F.5qr
Jacob Kred
William H Gillrt
VVhilr.ll rV Browo
Wil iam Naiian
V George Oy.ti f
va Roh. rt A Pariah
va D N Like et al
va Peter Haughawout i
va John U Boyd'a etra
va Same
Y'ardlirg & Lower et al va i
mom et nchoeimr el al va
Daniel S White
Hulnt Smi'h
Freeman II Clark
Iaac HulT
va Benjamin Robina
va Auijii-tiiaoV. JolmHuey
va John Pchriner
va Henry Elcton
1) & P Railroad cn
v Haywool St Snyder
Hush D O ik'a adm'ia va James O k
Willi im Dale va John Fullmer1! rs'r
William (iilnn v David Holden -
Wm St R Frge'y A'c i 'va George ILv keil
William Albright
va laaac C Hryarit
Char Ira P lias AM
F II Wilson
John N O . ater
Harlow Prior
va J.nnea Roe rt al
va Abraham Straub
va Hueh McFall
va Same
Sarah H Cnmley
va Wm H Frvinir St to
Miner.' BnuV of Pottaville va Iwia Dewart
Ch.irtra Pleasanta
Philip BillmeycT
William Murray
Robert D Fordaman
va Same
va George Good
va Babgr r Gainhnrt
va Honj imin Fnrdamafl
va John Garnhart rt al
va Daniel We i doer
v J. din Poirer
George H Heiffc
George Ovater
Fletcher Mathewa
Lr.iel Gtitetiua
Hamuel Ri ed
8cth I Comly rtal va David M rr &. Ifaafi DiOwn
Wm D Gearhart v Charlea 't rt
Daniel r'.ller and wife va Phd p Heekert
John W Peal va T A Billinclon, late ronataUe
Same va Same
Myer & Bat'on va Lewie Eipleheiiner et al
Jamea Uondaa et al va CaWin lllyiha
Jacob le aenring va William Depney '"
Dentler ft Montague va ChHotaln Gnah jr
Hugh Bellas
va K & W Fi gely
v M & P Uillmyer '
v Samuel Henderaon
va John McOmnia '
va Fletcher Mathewa
Elijah Crawford
Wm H Frymire
William Starke
Samuel Blair
Prnthonotarv'e office," ' . J'ruth'y
Sunbiiry. Octoher9. IH47
Subpoena for Divorce.
Northumtierland county, aa.
THE Commonwealih of Pennsylvania, In Lo
reiiEO Ketchuin, huaband of Catharine Ketch
um. Greeting; Whereaa the aaid Catharine did, on the 9h day of January. A. D
1848, present her petition to the Hon. Judges of
the court of common If t of i-a d county, praying
that for the cauaea therein aot foith ah might be
diTorrrd fiom the bonds of matrimony entered in
to viithyou th aaid Lorenxn Ketchuin, -You are
hereby conitnanded that, selling aide all other bu
inrs and excuses whatfoevsr, you he and appear
in your projier prrai before our juge in Sunbii
ry, at rouidy court ol common p'eaa, thee t be
hidden the fiai Monday nf November nrit, to an
swer the charpe contain" d in the aaid petition or
libel of the said Caibarine Kelcbum, or shew
cause if any yon have, why li e aaid Catharine,
your wife, .hntild not be divn'ced fium the bond
rf matrimony eiitced into with y. u, the said Lo
renzo Ketchum, agreeably to the act of assembly
in auch case made and provided.
Sheriff'e Office, Sunhury. 7 . SI.eiift'
Oct, 9th. A D. 1847. 5 t
"Secure the Shadow ere the Substance
payt vr a rt.a rr cm rsrt trr
TWO SII.VtR MEDALS mcar.led of the Pair
nf Me Franklin and American lnstitule$ for the
larst nttrf mof artUtical epvcimtni ef D.'g erreo
tye Pnrtraili.
THE recent Improvement made by the subscri
bers, and whii h i peculiar lo their eiubli-h
mem alone, viat rut Upper Light, but rerei.edtlie
highest recommendation from the Presa. id a'a
wriuen ietimoniU from the fiiat artiste in lha
country, aa to it great superiority over the usual
Sul Light. The peculiar advantage of ihia Light
ia that ib Ti'aai. htraassiu or TBS bra
can le nl ained more petlecdy than bereiotore.
(Tj Cit t-ns ami etrangrra are rraperifully iui.
ted, wbelltet dVunn Pol raila or uot, lo visit our
spar i. mis gadertee. ptobsbly. iho largest and most in the Tnited Stater, and examine for
themselves th! astonishing improvement made by
the subcrilers in this wnnderiti! srt.
Pioptb-tors of the City Dagu.rrrian Knt.hli-h-
mi'nl, No. 100 I'livf nut strurt , too do.m above
'I bird, smith aide.
Pbi adilphia, Ocl. 9, 1817 4m eow
IS berthy given to nil legatees, credilora, and o
iher persons iuterp.ted in the estate of Deb i.
rah ttrant dec, set fed by her admr Ken.lerton j
Smitht of John H. Han dec. settled bv one of bis j
exra Jamea Hutchison! of John I'eilV. r mr dec,
sett ed bv his txra John and Oeotgo IViltin; of
S mil. I Barr dec. aelib d by Lis admr Thorn ia
Bar-; of John II ittle seur dec, r-e'th d by hia admra
George Hitile and John Hittlei of Jopli folk
dec, settled by his sdmr Daniel Hilhisht ol deorge
Neihart dee, settled bv hia admr Jacob '.
ir J.ieoli .arlrnaut !
IT l-r M.rrdee. aiillp I I.. .,m, W. p"
of Alein Marr dee, aettle.l by bis ad
" " - J - .
! Marr; 01 Jonn w m-eri tie.-, settled 17 His oumr
. 1 . a 1... .. . 1
j Heniy D. Hodman; ol Wm. Montr dec, en led by
hia aami Jonathan I . Miu'tx; of John A. Sthivi.
Art dec, setlled by his er Joaeph Bound; of John
MuUhUr snr dec, settled ly his admr Michael M.
Sober; tbe s-counl of David Dunk.tjbeigert gu..i
d in nf Estbei and Maiy Phiiips. Late or Nor
thumberland crtitnty t that the executor a tod ad
mlniatratora r.f said es'a'rs have f.led their accounts
with the Register of tl.W county, and that tbry will
be presented lo the Orphana' Court of said county
on Turaday th 2d day ofNuumber next, for co.i
titmation anJ alipwtnc.
Rrgislci's Office. i Register,
bunbury, Ocl. ', 1817.
- tolson.. , '
'lfl3 think a man who will make ami palm
W V ' op 'ti an unopecting peraon, '-Sugar
t oated Pill." not havin on (ha bor Dr. G. Deni'n
Smtth'a signature, woulil not healtnt to -ell poiann,
rrga4iiM ol alt ennreqnenrca. ' NO "Btti t;n
r.n ritia" can be relied upon, utile Dr. Smith'
sifjnnturaiann the 11, and (ry all othera are either
imitation or counterfeit, and of eourae dangeroaa to
Ur, , k ,. t . .. f.
(TT CAUTION. A tltlaerabl Imitation haa
tcen made, by the name of '-Sugar Coaled Pill'
It ia iirctaaary to bnaurclhat Da. G BJ. Sjtitn'a
Mttna'ur in on every hot. 1 Price 85 centa.
Piincipal nrtice. 179 GreonWich et Nrw York
8old by J(HN W. F RILING, Smtbury.
. WM. F0R8YTHE, e,rthum'A
Oot. 2. IS4T-' ; .
Watches Jcwcllerv.
FutlJtmdtttt GoM Lrrertfur $10, Warrahteti.
Ao. 21H, Market ttreet, PHU.A DfiLPHiA,
V AS cnnalan'ly on hand a large aanrtmenl nf
MM f!"''1 "hd Silver Walchra, at the following
low pricea
Full Jewelled Go'd Levrra, :
" . Silver da
Gold Lepinea. full Jewelled,
Silver Lepinea,
Silver Cjuirtiria,
With large eesorimrnt of
' " flO on
' an no
30 00
13 00
5 00 and 11 00
Fink Jawguattr
aurh aa ear ringa. Anger rings bretat pine, hrnn;
lets gold and silver pencila, gold chaina. r5to. Has
also on hand a complete asamtment Lunette, patent
and plain Watch glasses, Main Springs, Verges,
Diala and Hands of every description ; and in fact,
a Complere asaonmtt of Watrbmake ' tool and
Watch Material , to which he w. uld call the at
tention nf the country trade in gneial.
fXj' 'I'hose wishing anything in the abore line,
would And it to their advantage to call, and el i
mine bis stock befoie poreliaalng elaewhere.
No. SIS Market stnel, lielow 8th,
hila.lelplii. S pt. 2, 1W47. Wm
FoathcrS) Feathers.
Pftrm 12 70 l r1 per Fauna'. Cheap for
C'uirA.-M'Aolcanle nrid Retail.
. . i i i . m '
.'ttKnElliCK-Cl. t'ltASKil,
I'ltliolaterer .V facmcrai rti-nl.her,
No. 415 Mavkcl St., nbov-e 11th north
snlo', opposite Giraitl Rov
WItERE may be had, at all timei, a )ar(o -aortment
nf Pedtt and Ma if awe, Carted
Hair and Featheia, Chaira, Taldfla, Hedatetda and
Looking Glusea, together with all other artic! in
the above lu.e of buaiucsa, at the I iweat taU pri
ce. N. D. Good warrantrd to give aaliafaciiorr.
Kept 25lh. I47. 3m ,
ELEVEN TEACHER, lo teach the schools of
' th Shamokin district. The Directors will
meet at the liou of Feht Itrch, in Snudtnwn,
on Siturday tbo 9tb day of October next, at B o'
clock, A. M , to examine and employ applicanta.
Strangers to the Hoard making application, will
tiling ccnitieatee of good moral character,
8. Joita, Secretary.
Shamukio. Sept. 23. U47---3u
Kotlce fo School Tencliem.
OTICE ia hereby given, that the Board of
School Directors of Lower Augusta town
hip will meat at the public house of Ueoige Con
ral, on Sattiiday the l:ittj day of November, at 0
o'clock, A. M , for the examination and selection
of Teachera for tbe Public Schools of said tli.tiiet.
Trusters sre required lo m lec.t their Teachers fur
examination, aicordirg lo law, the sunn day.
JOHN SNYDER, jr, Pies't.
WtTa cteKM-K, Secreuiy.
. Lower Augusta, Sept. 25, 1847. 7t
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Gidilines,
Rheumatism, Piles,
Dyspep-a, Seil'W,
Small Pox, Jaundice,
Paine in the B vk.
Inward Wejknaa,
Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevers of .11 kind', .
Female Complaints,
Measles. Salt Rhritm.
Heatt Burn. Worms,
Cholera Morhda,
Coughs, Quin-ey, .
Whooping Cotigh, '
'ollniition. Fits,
Liver Complaint,
J'rtaip.lss, DeaTi e.,
Lcblng of the Skin,
Cohla, Gout, Gravel,
Nervous Complaint,
ivn a vaatavr or eerUsa ntaatac latajiirj
raot ieViTlra nr Ta Hlooo, in on.
' aTBCcTioas I vita oaeaaa er nt.
rxperleneo has proved that neatly every Ple
eaae originate from tmpnrlliea of the Blood or de
rangements of the Digestive Organs and to secure
Health, we must remove those obstructions or t
store the Blood to be natural state.
The aversion o taking medicine is moat efl'rr
tually removed by Ci.iravta'a VrnrTiBta Pea
n.Tiva Pills, being empletey tnvrl'prtl u'i'A o)
itmting nfpnre trtiitr Silxar, (which la aa dl.tlnct
from the' internal ingrmlietita aa a nut shell Horn
the kernel) ma ! aja T.sra or tstrnrivs.
But ate aa eaadv swallow as" as hits id- randy.
Moreover they neillier inutfute or gripe In the
slightest degree, hut operate equally on all the dis
eased paMS of the .ye'em,' instead nf conftnlng
them-lvcai lo, and racking any panicul.r region.
Thus, if tl c Liver l afi'ected, one ineiedlent " ill
op rate on th t pirt cuUr ibii and, by cleansing
it nf an Exconf Bile restore it lo it. na'ural
state. Another willoprr.i on the B'ood. and
remove all imnuiitiea in its circulation whilo a
third will ed'eatually expel whatever impuritiea
may have lecn discharged into the stomach, and
l.euci! they ariuax it run aonr nr insti.r., r
tnove all Impura Humoia from the hotly i op. n
the porea externally and ilivrnally s pirat i
fore go and ol'i oxioua paitii'Iea faun the cLv'.e, .,0
that tile blood may b tborougbly par.-'',,!,, IMU.
ring a fee and healthy action to the 1l':rt, Lungs
and Livi'i ; and thrriby ihey sT-.,ai hliltA r
Vrv n 4ll nriif Hti'.i utT k ranrri.
The e tire mi h of le r,',Kr c, tw ,MeiUin'v.l
17 ir.e trial ol a i:l5Ic. pna . ,r, their Virtr.ea are
, a I poklltve i 1 certain in rel mnn ll,..lih
" :V i " M"W W " 1"
i rail. ,nein in Sit racrs 4hra lh, A.t .1 -
1 amveraal 1 .i,f.. ii,.
- - - j ..w. . -
ttetnll Irli, 'i5 ctk. pet- llott
Prineipnl office No. 6fl Vesey at., N. Yoik.
80IJ ly JOHN YOl'NC. Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, f.'orthumteihnJ.
(CJ riemrm'icr Dr. V. Clitkenrr la th in.
vrnior of ibe Sur Coaled Pi la. and that nothing
of the rt waa eve. beard ( uoiil he iutroducrd
them in June, 1843. Ficbaaeia ahuu'J, tbtrefura,
al.vy. ask for Ctnkrnvr'a Sygar Coated Pilla, and
t.k n others, or they will hemVath victims of
JraoJ. Hepr. Bth, M7. ly eoW
JJ.AX eiKKll. Th highest uiaikel piic paid
for Kid seed, a the store of
An, 1817. JOHN VOtiAH.
Watcher, afctvrllry Aiut Sil
' rcr Varc, . ;
tluarnnteti heller fr lite pi-ie than al any ofhr.t
. Start in Pkitculelpbia. tnan he hud, , ,.
; Wfioletafe and Metal, at .
(laafo IVICIIUIaAS I.eII'lt iikS)
No. 72 North 2d street; ftboVc Arr.h,
ATCHES, all kind., fair, Ijw and mJltim
qu littles, amnns which are.
Gold Levers, full j.weU'd,. ,,, i flntofinii
" Lepinea, j do . . 2. to .
Silv.a-Itvera, do .. 80 to 3(1
Lepinea, do '. ' . IS to If
(J.iartlera. fine, 9 to 19
Quartief, imitation, 14 .
JawrLtav. Diamonds, Gold Chains, Gold
Pens v.('h GoM snd Silver hnldeis, Pencils Brant
Pin, Finger snd Ear Rings, Bracelets Cameo
of shell, coral snd lava, with every other arlicli nf
J-wcllry of the tidiest and most fashiunable pat
terns, , ., ....
Pitvua Winr. Pla'es, Foiks, Spoons, Cops,
Are., of Stand ud Silver.
PtATltn Watts -Castore, Cake U tskeia. Fana.
Vases, Card Caca,.und other Rich Fancy Goods
in great variety.
Wholeaalo Buyers will awe money by railing
here purchasing.
(Jj Keep this adverll-rment, and call at No. ?J
You w ill be aalisGod the Gtxida are really cheaper
and better than are cfiered in the city. For sale,
low, a handsoni" pair of Show (vises, suitable for
Jews llr y or Fanry atnrc Apply above.
ept Soth. 1R17 ly ,
Voreil J T
lr'c. til ix in
nt.a, res wort or thk
tiKsTauraa mi ftr.KM ainuv,
i 7Hs roiuM nr rnvRUNrti nxtd
tv ir a anrDir Outii.
A RE YOU A MOTHER? Your darling child,
your idol and earthly joy, ia now perhapa
confined to her chamber by a dangeroua cold In r
pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, fell the
hold di-ease haa already gained upon her the
sound of her sepulchral cough pieicea your emit.
YOUNG MAN. when jtit about in enter lite,
disease sheds a heart crushing blight over the fair
prospects or the futuie your hectic rough and fee
ble limbs tell of your loss and hope, bui you need
not despair. There is a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, it ia , ,
8 II i:it II A K'S
Mrs. ATTREE. the wifo of Wm. II A time,
Esc, was given up by Dr. Sewali of Washington,
Die. Roe and MrOMInn of Philad-lpbis, Dr. K'
and Dr. Moll of New York. Her frienda all
thnuglit shB must dbs She had every appearance
of letng in consumption, and was so pronounced
by her pbyaieiana Sherman Balsam was given
snd it cured her.
Mrs. GARRABUANTit, of Bull's Feity. was
also cured of consumption by this Balaam when
all other remedies failed lo give relief-alie was re
duced to a skebilm. Dr. A. C Castln, Demist.
Sl Broadway, has witneBMij its eflnrH iti aewtral
ca-es where noo'her medciue afl'oiihcd relief-. but
the Balsam operated like a chatm. Dr. Cs also
witnessed i's wonderful iff. eta In curing .-istbma,
which it never fails of doing. Spitlius: Bho I, alar
ming aa It my be, rsena-claally corrd by thia Bal
aam It heals the ruptured or wounded blood
vessels, and makes the lungs aotind again.
Rev, HENRY JONES, IDA Eighth avenue,
was cured of Cough and catarrhal aff.Cttons ho
years a'anding, . The ft rat done gave him mote re
lief than all the otbei medicine he had ever taken.
lh L. J. 'Jeala, 19 Do'aticy street, gave it lo a
Birter-itvdaw who waalalkiritig Undet consumption,
and to another sorely afflicted With the Asthma.
In both rase. Ita rfleete Ween immfdiatv, soon re
.torlng them to comfiriable health.
Mrs. Lt:t:RETl. WELt.S.P5ChrMre a'fret.
suffered from .athm 44 yara. Shrrm in'a Hal.
asm relieved bet at onev, and ehe fa YOmatatively
well, bcinff etiablrtl to sttttlue every attack ly a
timely oe of this triedit-ine. This indetd it the
sreat remedy for Ciingba. (Mollis, Siulting Blood,
Liver Complnints, and all the all etiona of the
ihioat, and even Aatluna slid Consumption.
Price 25 cents and f I per bottle.
Dr. Sheimau'a Cough and Worm Lnftenge and
Poor Man's Plaster sold as tlmve. '.'
Dr. Sherman's otTlcs. ia '. io Nassau st Nt Y.
Agent, JOHN YOUNG. Sunburv.
M A.M.CAY, Nortbumbcrland.
Septemlwr Ilih. 1 847. -ly
Great Bargain
THE umler igned will dispOs . f at auction, on
Saturday the SSlh of August, at hia store room
in Sunbury, an obtain aaeorttncrii of
t vntii'inn, in part, nf
also a large assortment of (Jrvctriti, Qiteeutu arr,
Ttnware. dc.
Great llarcaina will I oifered, aa t am deter
mined 10 dispute of my whole a oik, without ro
suive, , . . . , .
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M.t on the
day and at the plsce stated, and 10 he eooiirj
every Saturday until the whole ia disposed t,f
The cmditinna af stla 10 be uiade k (inwo ol
ihe d .y cf ralo. , A rresojuibls cr',i ji ftn.
. . . . J- l,L IU).
unbury, Aucnst Slst. 84" tf,
Jkial,'.Mrj "
10 r,oy.v,"-r- a'Kd nrLXitTmA.
1"JLRSO rr,j ,,u route lire her. by
. ,r'''itmd that they can p'rortire Mhruugn
til ,y ,,,,,,5 aiinliiatiuii at the Hotel of
, C,i,e, Weaver, Sunbuty. . A. l. Iv kPP,
.orthunilicrlunil, July 3lt, 1 S 17. it
tyiTte iZtrtan cf XdrthamWrtntii
Voanty t
IEI.LOW CTIK.NSAt the r.e.iestof rov
I'liend', 1 ntt'ei myself aa k hi'di'd..t (,tt the
on of
I'd net tomhllMlointr.
rtottld you laj-lieVe ine worthy Vf vour confi.
U'lice, snd confer this oftlea upon me, I shall spate
110 exertions o gt've general satisfaction.
trppVrXLihoh 'y, July 17. 1847.
i'o the iiiecton of Yorthubtbeilntul
Vounty : ' -
BEING roliriled by many or my friend.
have couseuied to . oil. r my a. If at VUun.
tii kandidaW for th utfice uf
cf Northumberland county. Should you se pro
ptr tovlect me, I plejgs myself to Perform lb
duties of id ufuc with fidelity.
Sjiiboiy, June I'.uli, 1H,,
VcsTrlnhlc'lliilTcrftAl rills,
The nly knnuia Urdifinr. Vmt tit fhe tixtnr lintt
parget pur,fte$ and tnrncthen the ytrm.
Lnstif), July 7, IS46.
DR LE ROY'S Pills are t new medicine
Which baa jnet apprsted, and is fist taking
the places of all nlheta r.f the snron rlaaa. The
Jiilla are cnmpoal nf many ingredients, Ixit tho
I wo principal nne ttr Saraiparilla and Wild Cher
Vy, unllerl that they net together; the one,
through lm admittttre with oilier tib-lm.cea, pu
rrfylng ind purging, fchihi the nthet is eirenuthen.
ing Ibe system. Thttt thoao pills an at Ihe asm
lime totilO Hid rpetling ( a deBtiletaltun long and
eagoily aoitght f. f by me.lical men, but never be
fore discovered. !n rlhcr word, they do Iho Work
rjliw-imrdielrc. snd do It much better linn any
(Wo wn know of; Ihev remov nothing fnm
thesys'em but the impurities; to thil while they
pultw they ttrengthen; an I hence Ihey Cause no
rlitbilttition.and are Pillowed by no fe-arilin. Dr.
lie Roy's pills have a wonderPjl fnliiinhre on Ihe
blood; they not nnly punf. without weakening it,
but they remove all lioxiotm panicles from Ibe chyle
hi foie it is convened Irlto flu'd. anil rhus ronke im
puie bbuid an Utter impea-ibility. A there i no
debilltntien, so thri is no nausea or sickness st
tendir the epnainw.s of this mot excellent f me.
dieinei., which n.ver stramn or lorturra the diges
tive (utirtinus, but can e them io iverk in a per.
fit tly natural manner ; and hence poison, taking
them do not become pale and emaciated, but the
contrary ; for while it ia iha properly of the Sarsa
pardla, united aa it ia with other ingredienta. to
remove nil that ia foreign and impure, il ia equally
the properly of the Wild Cherry to retain all thnt
is natural and sound; and pence a rohntt state of
heabh is tbe certain result of united opera
lions, (jr Price an rents per BOX.
Agents for .e Roy's S'd'a,
J. W. FRII.INn,7 .
JOHN YOUvtl. B"n,ury
M. A. McOAYNnrthumheriM.
Augtiat st.' HIT. I y
wh.l b'e piTblis h t:iHN w AtTnllsolroN,
it). C, . .1 ' . -i
ON tlllt KRVKNTtt Or XiY.C SYHt, VT. OS ttV tB
A ltaify .toHmat of t;nrriimni, tsgimnltXe and
r l iteral Arrt. 1
to atiuounte th romidelloti nf hia arrange
ments for the 1 atnbli-hnienl Of a well-organised and
0deMndent Journal 01 News at tbe Seat of the
Crnctal Goverment.
The leadiiltf fenttirra of Ihe Ignited Slllei t?e
jsnrter will le th" following ;
I. Early Inrelligence of the MoverTlehts or the
var 011s Drpiiincnt in reference to domestic af
fairs snd ti the foreign relations nf the rnnntry,
will I given witb seynpuloua fidi'lity. Possess
ing peculiar fa. ilit if a for obmloing i formation,
thw ' Uepoiter' Wilt be enabled frequently to com
munlcaie, ivcly, intcll'.gRucv of thri most im-
porlatit ebartetey. !
II. The verhattm Rerwir's of the Prortedinga and
Debates of the United Sla'es Senate, which the
proprietor is bnMnd to Torn is h daily In tVlat bo-ty,
in accordance with the tcrirt of the Cenrr.irt maita
at the rinse VaT 4 seaiimt of Cotifrress, The ar
langemenla now made will at once folly tecum to
the Senate or the I 'idled States an authentic and
eomptrte tetord of tt debates and to the people,
in gieatly enlarged decree, tho I ncfit Of th" ex
perience, skfacity, and statesmanship of that body
to which they have ever luokrd With solicitous and
rcspcttful leg ltd.
III. The Proceeding and Dehntce in the Hons
of lb present' iVes UI also be Given with fullness,
impart ndiiy and the ntmo.t prompt it utre. Earh
daya rnrOrd Will laS rnmpletely W nh Mp, and ap
pear in the Reporter" next morning.
IV. A Synoptical Vie id the Proree.1 inga and
IMntri of all the Stale Legislatures will be rcgu
lurlv given. MemW'S V I'oiigri-as, and all classes
nl" reader, will thus l kept fully and systematic
cally nf .lOm- alic le,isiilion in til set
lions of ihe liniled Statra.
V. Early Intelligence tJt a'l Impnrtanl move
menta in the L.giilainres tf Great Britain and
Kranew .'i'l la rominiititealed by every steamer
fiom Europea through rrpnrier in London and
Puns, wim poasess pecttli .r facilities tot obtaining
VL The General NrWa of the Day will be given
in a romrenved Inrre, with industry and attention.
VII. Reports of Arftimcnu lefori the Supreme
louil.r lb U.S. 'Phis irepaittnenl will be so
conduit tl as to make ihe Reporter" indispensa
ble In every lawyer tn lite COOIilrv
Much la a brief VrT of what lb 'IThlled States
Rnirorter iadraliined to be. All the plana and ar-
raiigiinu nis have been well matuied, and the hope
a cotilltieiiiiv rnrnsneii, mat t "l inie.1 Kt
Reporter will prove itself an energeiir, lndusir1PU(
ilUmfled and perfectly independent joUiri t('
will have no party viewa no pelillcal b' , d ' 1',t,
propiietor, by th term of Ida rotitr ,.. w nB
senate of the H. 8., I. hound to lb- ,Mn ,hal
the paper tha i eontaln ' lMi..if, ,icus.iona
except me OeUaies. u Will ',
eVne vihicle of rirsr
not tbe organ of any act
of opinions. The'trlind
aim of the subscriber is
to establish at the seat of
t.o.ernmenl a fal.uP,. .-nJ .,.,.; pT
risor.ntelllgon., retf p.tii, bsohf . on whom
the ,dtt,cin !.,,. u,illtfM m,n,'i!ie mauufactnrer.
the mwllao'c, e,ery i,,V.Vst.d in the af
laiia of I oppress and ihe'GoVernmcnt, May rely at
Myv.f ,.h implicit'cbundriice.
" 'a la-licvcd that the estaldishVnent of sttVh a
able j lutnul of int'i I'iteineon lefiu which place
within the irnch of the great mass, a cf the pe.
I pie, at ititi'coiiiiiicnivtiient id what promised lo W a
most interesting and evenitCl peiVnl In uln hi-tory
of tongi.'r-ii'.nat proceeding, w'll lo regarded
w'-th faVor by all rlasa.-? of the comm'ur.ity ; and
having ihcis stated hia otyxts. to'fl sutiscifber r.'
oxa tlollv s.dic t a IiIm'iI and cener. ua support
froiu thr ru'rhtcticd public, of'lhe I'nited Ststea.
Sferfc.graplt.'r 'to the Senate of the I'. S.
The "1'ni'tid latetVt. portei'' will I printed
a large and hatnlKome slnvt, and 1-sue.l t Vety in r-tu'r-.g.
except "ctuSvbiy. at the rate of sit dollur. per
aiii'iun ; uig'c tOiie, two cenla.
Ill ctiiiiie'ctioii with the daily paper, there will he
isetnal from tbe aoie establishment,
. uit: siWKOK or ro.wh'Kss.
The publication will eotttaitl exclusive there
porta of ihe ploceedlnr; Slid debates of ihe Con
Kte.s el Ihe I'nl'ed Slate. It will Imi iied semi
weeklv, in an eh'gaut ipiaili. f mi. tlir the
t-e-si.ii of C,ltgre!ia, arid will Ih) ftirni-dird li aub
crit!ei at Iha rate .1 iw.i dollar Tor the loug era
amn and one dollar for ihe rhort tension. It in be.
liTved thai this great- national woik will be deemed
indrspensible in th! Ilt?ar ol every public insii o.
lion, politician and irtleUiisl man thr-wighoul the
rountiy ; snd that il will I t ganjeal by th grrat
mass of the isopl at tho very best political teal'
Inxik fur their o inslrurtioti and that of their
children. .
Throughout th trssi. lis of Conguss Ettra
will be la.ued from ibe oiTic of the 'rnmd Stab
Kepertar," containing th repoit nl uch debate
a may possess particularly leiliug Interest.
AU subscriptions and communication to be post
paid, iddresacd "J. A. HOUSTON,
Lnited Sta'ea Kcporl.r, Waahinglon, P,C
Aujubl llth, t47. tar
M' TIM IIS i'Xco ;
fttllE rhildr'n began to cy for Sberiiiai' I.i).
JL t.engea, file nniae was tint" a i lotul al th-it
lime, but it h kept increasing ever .(ice. and tivi
has hreome so gfal that ihe moutb uf th lntio
nne can scirre be (topped. Dr. Sliennan symp
thies wllh the little sulf. rera, and vrry much re-tnj-
that any nf them alvoitil I ilisnppninted.
Knowing the Vast benefit which haa len ennfni
ted upon therommunity by tbe introduction uf
his infallible
he his entrted Into arrangement tor enlarging bd mean of which bethinks b will
be able to tUpply the demand. And ihe same pallia
(rid care Will lie taken, that lhoo celebrated Lo.
rengea be made a they have always l ien, in or
der that llio e who depend upon (hem, mev not Ii
disappointed in their liojies. lie knew When bo
enmmeneed the msnitfuf'nre of ibe Wirrro Tszrn
ret, that ih'J wnuld anprede the bse i.f ever.'
other vermifuge, aa ibe I.otetige ia twt pfrneatit
to Ihe taste, njindy in itartlocta. ns well as rerlain,
end the quautitv required to elVeel a per fret cire.
It Very amall. These prnprriies. In eorine'xion wiih
Ibe f et ihlt they nresobl for 24 erttlspet box.ibua
pi .ring ihem in the tenc'i of tho poorest mm in
the land, hs nol only cruised them to take tbo
plat of every nthet vermifuge evfr off-red, but al.
so rendered them ropular In the c.omrmtniiy.
Dr. leriais
cnptintle lo tnre Ccrtigtis, Guide, Consumption,
Asthma, shortness and difficulty nf DreMhinc. and
other ilixea c of the Lung.i, Wllh the eatne fjciii'y
they did on their first introduction, and the people
have now become persuaded by actual expetierre,
that on the accession of II slight cold, they have
only to step 10 either th Dr'e. officr), or ene of the.
Acenis, snd obtain a box of his Cough Lutoigis,
which are very convenient to carry in tto pocket,
and to tak a few through the day. By pursuing
this ctmrve cure in nfien clTectrd in 21 hours, snd
ths patient about his business. So great is tho ce
lebrity of the Lofcengea, that thousands nf persona
who have jraVl tlitm, and become acqtnin'ed With
their t fleets, wilt never lie without ilu tn.
has cured mote case of Rheumatism, Pidn in the
Bark, Sido and Chest, Lumbago and Weakness
than any application that haa ever been made. A
the rcletaity of the Plaster hie increased, hundreds
of linpiinciplcd rascals have attempted lo counter
feit it, and palm it off upon the community a tho
annninte. tJ Bvwaie of Deception. Rement-'
brr that the true and genuine IMaeler is spread up
on reddis-h paper made exprcsfly for the purpose,
and in every case tho signature of Dr. Shurman it
piint'd upon the back of the Pbs'er, and the wholo
seemed by Copy Right. None otlrera are g-nnioe.
1'lierrfore when you a good Sherman'
Poor Man's Plsster, call at tho oflV.-c, 101 Nassau
slrcet, ar.d yOtl will not be rJitappniM.'d.
Remcmlier the numlwr, TOO Na sau st.. where
all Dr. Sherman'a Lokenges are sold. Hia Afentt
are Mis. Hays, 139 Fulton street, lirjiklvn;
ILneenn) Wllliaaisburti ; ar.d Redding A- Co.,
Boston. and JOHN YOUNG, S-mb'nry.
. M. A MrCAY, land,
September I lib, IS IT. I y. ,
r tt t :rr. vi t -i Tim :r " J?
Indian Vi'gelnlilc PannCFa.
i.aar.a. Rninn A Wiiriiv. f.icnli' , rwv.i
ing deeply grateful for ihe extr 4rd ,,. y 'jr
perform d up m nie by your Dr. Cull
en s Imilan
L. .
rgoiooio ranarca l ciiccrtuiiv lutr ,Mh vt. iib
a short bistmy of my caae,
AImmiI seven years ago, (when ou)y rfcVeii years
old,) I wsa atlsicked with Weror u),t Itlcrt.nt.
ed in its raVBgvB till my thrc,,, w ,,,.,. with u,
cers ! tbo botiea of my nee ,re j my
de-troyetl, (ml a large i ;,rr, ol (lf ,je n )tl,
bones farried awsv. 'y head Waa also n ronrh
disessed that in dri ving, irTe tt a or c.ilTe.- would
r.-yicnily ;tii iu of my err A miss nf some
thing which the Doctors tabled a tumor came fr.vo
mt tio-e.
I was nr. ler the ctte of prlTS;,i. f ib... ,iRI,.
es distinctinn in iVucity, nnd at one lime pro
nounced cured, and by r,.,,west attended a medical
Itvtuio, where mV ciso, together with the method
of cure, Waa eVplsinr, lo lnB luj,.riVa. The lec
turer aaid,-"You ere now well, but ir ihe dises-n
should reiuitt, yoj CanniH live tunic, a. it would
Boon destroy ye,. wmj,,i,,e
I did not '.Vieve myself cuVc.l at the time, aa I
had milch distress in my tsead, and other dissgree
abV fei,;,rj,pf ,nj aftet a lime the u'cers te opened.
J'.naary, 181S, toy mother called with nifl U
P0'.! r. Mutter for advice. He siid I waa a vrry
'ir girl, and it was doubtful whrthet ever I Would
et well ; if eVeT, it Would he a long wt.ile. I he
diseaso grew so much worse, that tbe physician
who Ihefi anended me, siid be cuidd see ruv wind
pi! F.J flee also Waa swollen, highly uilUinid,
and Very painful, and toe Dr. said ulceration waa
I was in this condition IVl January last, when t
'commenced taking yonr "Da. Ci tLrs' I im 4 ar
kin: i a tilt PvVsa." The inilatnaiion Wasoui
removed, and "the dVekdful ulceration in tbe face
prevented! ' t irit tiritt well ! I have ita ulcers?
no paifi. or any iaagreeabl sensation in my bead,
and ajuw fee1! that I ah cured, I shall be happy
to fcive any further information to ibe a flic ted who
will take the trouble lorall upon me at my father's
hCtwe, West Spruce, between Beach (ud Willjw
si recta, opposite Spst'kman'a factory.
Crrr or PHir.antirilix, as.
This se.enth day of April, A. D. ISffl, befire
tho suhsenber. Mayor of the aaid city, p rsonally
0'eaicd Christiana Sanda, nhola-ina duly sworn,
deposes and says, that Ihe facts set forth In the
foregoing affidavit are eirictly true in every pxiii.
cular. . . .
In leatlmnny whereof, t have brr. Uulo aoi my
band and fixed Ihe corporate seal uf ti e said city,
on ihe day end rear Sef ne written. L. S.
We hereby certify, that ihe (boVe st.truients of
nur daiichli'i ate true iu every particular.
' Philadelphia, April 7th, 1810.
Certificates of cures, in pamphlet f noi, nny bo
had (Sratis, at the otVnca of ibe sjeuts.
Tl I. medicine is prepared and sold by (ho
proprietors, Kowand A altou, No. 37 tl Market
strrol, l'l.iladlpt ia.
W W Danenhnwer, No I YTuiray t, N V.
J W Daneuhower, No I OF 1 1 all, fill. O.
C T Jenkins, No b Canttl st, N Oi'eansi
N N Robinson, enr Gay dj Mirslotiana, Bar.
Agenlsi II. MASSEK, NulibOry.
.1. IL.Haser, Millou; J. Scebold, Ne Ber.
bril Mr. Mtisser, MiHuenu j Sharps D. Lewi,
Sold alao by Drugrtst throughout the I'mu'd
StaU. ' Aug. 7, 117. 2m ty
"LA W ER. jtid Sall by Tr'a Sack, kil sale bv
- Aug. f4. 1847. C.S.BOGAW.
UIUVE LEAD, in kn. and Paint ol H
i Uiud tW aate, 16 r c4. eh .per than ! sU al Sunbtiry, al tb of ,
JHI, ai. U47. J0HNJIOAR.
CiiK7Z-rhiahest"nsiki"t pti P" Cit
tiaik, at the slur of
a a. -
Maulii, IS?7.