Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 09, 1847, Image 2

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    MftT impoHTAWT NRWI i In the Arco Iriti wiihotit yoaohinj for tte cor-
FROMMKXICO. rectneee: . .
UiUk iithe Milte'Kl Rr..-Mejrlcait Arunt 'When (Sen. IVrr abandoned the MiU'rl
Cnpl.irt nfifu Vap,tL Retreat vfMexttan R bomb charged from Chapultepec, fell
among the ammunition warnneof the enemy m
to VuuttatiHtie.
Great Lou of Life Riley end the Foreign le
gion, Seventy in Number, Executed in Sight
of both Arnne General Worth. and Three
Hundred American! mid to be Blown Up by
1 Evplrwiiin of Powder Wagon Capture ot
. $31X1 MX) by the Mexican Reported Death
o! (iuneraU Smith and PiUow Another Ac
lion im the 1 itrt Capture of Chapultepec
Itoinhir.lmpitt of the Capital Death of Ocn.
, Jiravo Smla Anna Wounded.
,Th atnamer James Li Day arrived at New
Orleans nn ihr; lilt with tbe moat important
intelligent' yet received from the aeat of war.
From the Picayune f th 2Cth, received by
the ony express, in advance ef the mail, we ex-
tract the following particular!:
The Arro Irii bad received lettera from the.
city of Mexico under date of the 9th, atating that
on the 7th the Mexican Commissioner declared
the yard of the mill, causing four of them to
explode, by which MO American are an id to
have been blown up, including Gen. Worth,
who," a centime to th account, had not bi-en
aeen or heard of the next diy at Tacubaya.'
The net arconnt we have from the Cnpl-
tnteome In a Irtter to th" Arco lri, dated the
10th inat.- The follnwme; iin extract from it ;
The Mrx'em Government has taken f300,
080, which were being aent by commercial
houee to the camp of the enemy.
Gen. Smith haa expired, and by the erekved
alip you will oe that the Americana have mu-
t tinted and cruelly assassinated the unfortunate
Irish who were taken at the battle ot Churu-
buaco. '
Another letter from the capital, under date
of the 11th and V2th, eays it appear that the
enemy ia convinced of the impossibility of rcdu
Interesting from Vera Traa and Uauerwl
acnlt't Arm) .
Mr. Kendall letter The report pf Revolt
at Puebla Uufoandi-d Departure nf General
I .arte fronVera Cru with a large Train.
The Picaynna of tha 86th ult. eama te hand,
containing a number of lettera from Mr. Kendall,
which explain some mattera occurring previously
to the resumption of hostilities, "vhich were in
"TacubaVa, Sept. t4, 1847.
I am one of those who, without censuring Oen
Scott for not entering the capital at once, believe
it would certainly have been more satisfactory
to the country, if not the wiser policy He
doubtless has instructions in his pocket from hia
Government, and haa obeyed them; and if any
disadvantage should now grow out of hia not per
suing a panic- stricken enemy to their utter dis
comfiture, the fault must not lie at hia door. It
has always seemed to me that the authorities at
Washington wish all their generals to fight their
Saturday, October 9, 1847.
BSS.UL.Jji Si '.!.!'.! Jl'H- .
that the propositions made by Mr. Trist were
inadmnsable, in consequence of which General cing the city by any other meena than bomhar
Santa Anna convoked a Council of Generals, who ding it, bream there it no doubt that he haa
d.-rid-d that notice should be given immediately lost 000 to 1000 men, who were placed tori du
tt Gen Scott that the armistice was at an end, I combat by the action of the 9th, and among
and appointed the 9th for the recommencement I them were 37 officer, three colorcla killed and
of hostilities ' ' ' one colonel wounded
i .
On the Cth of September Gen. Scott addressed t appear that the death of Gen. Pillow ia un-
a letter to Santa Anna from Tacubaya, accusing certain
i im of having Violated several articlea of the Thpy hte spelled from their bouses all the
ermistice, one of which was that of not allowing inhabitants of tha villsge ol Mixcnae, in order to
the American Army to obtain auppliea from tbe M,ablish there their hospitals and head quarters
city nf Mexico, Gen Scott demanded ari explana- ' 0 tjl(. joihof September, a'. 5 o'clock in the
tmn and reparation, and concluded as follows: mornine. th belts awoke us by the announce
11 these are not given, t formally notify yeu that me. of an ,arm tna, ,he batteries of San Anto
. .... I
if I do not receive the most complete satisfaction Abto amj the corresponding battery of the
nn all theae points before 12 o'clock to-morrew,
I shall consider tha armistice aa terminated from
that hour.
To this letter Gen. Santa Anna replied at con
siderable length, aud with great severity, lie
accuse Gen. Scott of having violated the terms
of the i mist ice in refusing to allow flour from
the mills in the vicinity to be brought into the
uly, and saya the American wagons were dri
ven out of the city on accouut of the objectiona
ble conduct of the officers accompanying them
Santa Anna also charges Gen. Scott with having
ackedthe Mexican lowna in the vicinity of the
Capital, and robbed aud desecrated the churches.
stealing and destroying article held sacred by
every Mexiran. He conclude as follows:
"I flatter myself that your Excellency will be
convinced on calm reflection of the weight of my
reasons, but if by misfortune yon should seek
enemy had opened a fire upon each other. We
saw a multitude of bomb discharged by the ene
my, the greater number of which burst in the air
long before they reached our trenehea At the
same hour a firing commenced at Chapnltepec,
on the right side of which, and in the mountains.
tame the attack. ' At short distance from the
enemy are stationed oar forces of cavalry and in
fantry, who are watching the enemy.
We opened at half alter six, fiom the battery
of the Gasipa of Belen, or it may be from that
starting from the end of ttasco Nuevo, which is
situated in the angle formed by the causeway
leading to the village of La Piedas and Tacubaya
This brings us, says the Picayune, to the 12th,
but at what hour of the day the letler was closed
we are not informed. Of the eventful denoue
ment we have only a brief account, but sufficient
to assure us that our arms have achieved a bril
v. a. rjir-VKH. kj., t hi .
fofr and fwr- Office, rernrr of 3f an ft Chcnntt
Btrret. Vhitndrtphlo. f Mm 1tftle .Vh. ICO
.Miasm Hlrrrl, ,rtr Ynrk, H. K. Comer Hat.
tinutrt and IkUrrrt f., Unlliniorr, and. Via IC
Slate Street, Jtom'on, 1m autharttrd fe) art "
AffHt, and rtrrlpt for nil mmnltm Hue lkl
sffii, far tnamertpHom mr advrrtMng.
E. IV. CARR, cornet of Third and Dock
Street, Sun Building, pppuxite Merchant'
farther Aecnnnis of the t'uplnri of Ilia
City of Mrklca.
Sraort LA. Wright' Indian Vegetable .Pills
will be found a radical cure for every kind of
Tbe New Voik Sun publishes a letter Irom a i Scrofula because they not only cleanse and pu-
Spanish. Mexican in th city of Mexico to a Span- i rify the boJy of all bad liumois and everything
ish house in New York, which gives a more full
account of the recent proceedings at Mexico
than has reached us from any other quarter :
On tha 13 h. the Americans made a demonstra
tion on Chapultfpi'c and the mill ol HI Rey, but
our Ofenerals wpre prepared for them. Chapul-
that is opposed to health, but they reMoie the
digestive organs to a he.illhy tone, and impatt
such an energy to the circulation, that hralth and
vigor are given to the whole frame. Fiom two
to four of said liulinn Vegetable, Pills taken
every night on going to bed, will soon make a
tepee, you know, is situated between Tacubaya ' perfect cure of the most obstinate case of Scrofu
and the City, w ithin cannon shot of the former, ( la ; at the same lime tbe constitution will under
and some thiee mite from the Utter. j go such a radical change that sciofula. as welt
As the Americans ascended the hill a peifect , as every other complaint, will be banished from
torm of musket ball and grape shot drove them i the body, and new life and vigor will be given to
back with heavy lose. They recovered and ad- ' the whole frame. '
. . .... .
. art ja-i) ' f ...... !
battles with their gloves on, after the manner of txenange, rniiaanjmia, t$ una uuiiiotwu ia
nn.ili.t. who Aa not wish to hort each other mc' a our ge11'
fearful of thrashing the enemy too soundly, lest
tbe smarting of defeat might render them deaf to
fresh proposition of peace, which are always
sure to be at hand. , Magnanimity ia entirely
lost MMn this people; conciliation has hereto
fore been scoffed at or taken advantage of on our
part. The present soothing aystem, thanka to
Santa Anna's desire for peace, may effect some
thing; but if a peace ia signed it will not be
with the majority of the nation, and the larger is more than probable, will pronounce
against the rresutent at once. I his, however,
will make no difference with us Mr. Bankhead'a
endorsement that Santa Anna is the Government
of Mexico will be all sufficient for Gen Scott. .
For two or three days no provisions have been
brought out of the city, and this moruing three
hundred pack mule, ordered in for supplies,
were sent from the rarita unladen. Two nights
since, a large store house, belonging to Mr. liar
gnus, and containing provisions, was broken into
and robbed in tbe face of the authorities. At
3 o'clock in tbe morning, just as our park ani
mals were approaching the building to be loaded
some eight or ten of the robbers were arrested
Santa Anna has apologixei, tor the outrage, I am
told, and I auppose, has promised to refund every
thing stolen and so the matter will be dropped
Tbe fact that our wagons are not allowed to en
Democratic Kotninallons.
Of Montgomery County.
Dan. Smninalion fvr Northumberland County
For Assembly,
. For Commissioner,
For Treasurer,
For Auditor,
CC? We have given up our columns, this week,
almost exclusively to news from the army.
vanced again, bnt were repulsed. Our troops
only a pretext for depriving the first city of the ,nt tl;ufnpt ,d ,h,t our army ia revelling in
American Continent ol an opportunity to free the tbe lTat)s of the Montetumas.
unarmed population of the horrora of war, there Te oniv retible account w have of tbe ljst
will he left me no other mean of alvation but ittneRe before the Capital is in a letter addrea-
lo rep. force by force with the decision d to Mr..Dimond, our collector at Vera Crux,
energy which my high obligation Impose upon flom0riztba, aa follow:
me " ; ' . .. Oaixaaa. Sent. 19. 1817.
On the 7th, Gen Herrera, the commander of j taTe ,h(, ,onor to inform you that an express
i he city of Mexico, addressed the clergy, exhor- ,rrjvet here thia morning from tbe city of Mexi
ting them to exert all their influence to incite the COi which brings intelligence that Gen. Scott
Pople to aim themselves and prepare to resist wat jn the city of Mexico That on the I3tb,
Hie American Army. ,,e American trooix took Chapultepec and the
On the 8th of September Gen. Scott attacked Citadel and went into the city that night.
;he Mill Del Rey or King'a Mill, in the itnme- G(,n Brlv WM kie(, Santa An, wa.
.hate vicinity of Chapultepec. According to the woun,ed j the arm, and has retired with the re
Piariodel Gubierno, and the Roletin published at of hi troops, which have suffered much,
Atl.sco, our army was repulsed after severe ,0 Gua,a)oupe- your friend, fce
ionflict, in whicb we lost about 400 in killed and A eMr fom edible source confirms all that
from OOrt to 700 in wounded, and fell back upon . -j in ,h, .iv.. -,! ;- ,),,,-,, with it
KT Nrws raoMTiiit Av. Our readers will
find a full account of the late battles near Mexi
co The particulars are principally from Mexi
can accounta, which are alwaya exaggerated.
ter tba city, cannot be eonstred into any thing I Gen Worth, it is said, was blown up with 300
but an infringement of the armistice; yet as & mericana by the explosion of a powder wagon
Santa Anna says, be is fearful of a mob, and Gen. v hich we think ia incorrect. There in no doubt,
Scott has been instructed to tax his patience and however, that General Worth has been wounded
long Miffcring to tbe last, I suppose it will be o- Ytw loaa of thi ditinguikhed General, who, next
verlooked. 1 in General TavSor. seems be the greatest favo
Ijist night, three Americans, one of 1heir. Mr. tjt in tbe army, would be deeply lamented
Peoples, of the Ameriean Star, were confined all thioughout the Tnion. . W hope that the fall of
night in the guardhouse of the National Palace. (Jen. Smith and Gen. Pillow ia also unfounded.
They were told tbey were only placed there for 1 The rumor that Col. Wynkoop was surrounded
protection, that they were not prisoners; but a 1 and cut up at Perote by a large force under Par
a sentinel wae put ever them, and they were de. is also unfounded. Ten or twelve thousand
counted every fifteen minute, they certainly did men will eoon be on the road to join Gen. Scott
not enjoy the largest liberty.' At 11 o'clock thi One half that number, we presume, has already
morning, they were aet free, after again being left Vera Cruz Gen Iine, who left Vera Crux on
told that they bad not been prisonera. They aay the 10th of September, with 2.A00 men, has
that every thing in tbe city indicates a most war- no doubt before this reached Mexico, releasing
like feeling, that from the general tone of conver- on hia way Major Lally, who, with 1,000 men
sat ion the inhabitant have no desire for peace, was hemmed in near Jala pa. All the expresses
Except in the matter of cannon, Santa Anna ia ( Gen, Scott, with but one exception, have been
still strong, and growing stronger, say the Mexi- cut off. Hereafter it is hoped we will have force
cans, while we are constantly becoming weaker; enough to keep tbe road clear of the guerilla
and some of them openly say, moreover, that forces.
Tacubaya. The account giving by the Roletin
represents the battle to have been the most bloo
dy and severely contacted of tbe whole war -
in stating that the city was carried by assault nn
the Htb.
.The Sun of Anahuae baa it that on the 13th
I his, however, is a Mexican aceotini, ana con- h ji-ht, and works of Chapultepec were car
eludes as follows : ried: on the Nth and 15th the city waa bom bar
At tO o'clock, tha euemy eosjimeneect retro- deJ an(l ,ha, , of our army fnXtt,d it 0n
grad movemaiit. and, by two o'clock in tbe af- tbe roornmg 0f the ICth the balauce remaining
leiuoou be withdrew hia forcea from Tacubaya, I at chapultepec
abandoning the two poinla be baa occupied, ana Iu .....a ta American loss, the ficevune
blowing up tbe house of Mat, though aome say . ,.A to our 0M before the army entered
it was sei on lire oy a uomo, nrsu irom vnapui- . u.. nav. noth , auihent c. We fear
lopec. It is believed that Gen. Twigg and bj new victory haa not been achieved without
Pierce directed the attack, and that they put ir. trf,t oii 0f ,fe."
motion about 8000 men. jt ia ceriain.tnai me Tha Mexican accounts show that active ho.
fire was mora intena and brisk than at Churu- ti)itiea f orcmenced on the 8tb. and were contino
bmro lad with mora or leaa activity until our army
Jt is impossible to ascertain me loss on enner ook .jon of ,he eity.
l.le. dura ooes nor amouni io loo untu u . T,mM r T). informs us
3oli wounuea , I ner are a lew mi..inK, near., ,hat it waa renorte4i amon- ,h, Mexican at Ve
all not killed or wounded retiring to tnapulia- c ,h , , , ,,00 kjle(J allj
pee. 1 he enemy, accorJing to xne conieasion ol wounded, but he could trace it to no authentic
an Irishman who came over to us in the evening, iouri.. Another rassenier estimates General
carried off 00 dead and fiOO or 700 wounded.
We have to lament the los o Gen. Leon, since
dead; that of Col. flalderas, tt the valiant Colo
nels Hueria and Gelati, and of the determined
fapt. Matens of Puebla.
A Mexican letter announces that Riley and hia
legion of fir Patric, aeventy in number, were or
dered by the Court Martial to be hung. Tbe
Scott' los at from one quarter to on third of
hi army.
The Va.h-
Hope or Peace Abandoned
itigton Union of Monday- aay the Government
haa determined to make no furthet overture ot
peace to Mexico. The cour.e, it aujcea'a, aa
likely to be puraurd ia the only nan that ia left.
sentence wns approved by Gen. Scott, and on tbe I and it that will not brin them to their eenaes,
Mb ol September the whole legion were bung in I oolliing elae will. It aay : -
presence of the army, as also of the enemy. I The proposition of Mexico that wa ehould
From the Diario del Gobierno ) L the Mexican eilizena all the damage ua-
At half pa&l 4 o'clock thia morninf the A- nioed by them during the war, urreiuler ali
incncana attacked the position of Iht M ill of EJ
Key, cIum to the fortress of Chapultepec, Hi
numerous and brave cnlurna were however re-
that portion ot Texas wcat of the Nuucea, a ban
don all nf New Mexico, all of Itwer and one
half of Upper California, leave the import a of
pulsed throe time by our valiant aoldier who IUU own an; all other merchant into the Mexi
.In day gave brilliant proof nf their petriotirro J csn porta open to new duties, or rven to eonfia
.od bravery- More than a thousand of the ene-1 cation, and ffiva up our claim to any right of
my rritiainod on the field of battle, and nn our I way aeroa tbe lethtnua are so preposterous a
-u the tor haa been ! than one half the I to put all hope of peace, it leaat for the present,
number. We have to lament the death of the out of the nueelion
.allant Col. John Luca Dldera and Gen. Don
iitnninde lon,bi-'nig wounded, lojffther with
everal other diKtingui.itcd chiufa and i fficcrs.
The iraitor, Hm Anna, commanded in per-
n th column which forced the Americana to
Thx National Taincx Thia famous strong
hold til the guerrilla haa been taken posaeiaion
of by Col. IWhe. Maryland volunteers. It is
to be made a depot. About half way (at San Ju
an) baa been established a renting place, which i
M-treat, taking with them without doubt he held by Col. Collins' battalliun of the Sd Illinois
nnvictinn, that 'ti only through river of bhmd voUinteera, These ere the operation of tbe
mat they penetrate the city ol BUxico, and that, I troops wbe are to keep open the eommunicet
t all eveata, they will there find their eepul- I with Geo. Scott. Tbey will aeon deprive tha
( I Mexirana,tC the fowcr te anney and rob the
We translate the following letter from Jal.oa j train goiaf. up.
they are only humbugging us with false hopes of
P' ace, with the intention of thinning off our
force by aickness or starvation, and then destroy
ing us entirely. '
The head quarters of Gen. Scott are here in
Tacubaya, where Gen. Worth's division is also
quartered. Gen. Pillow is at Mixcoae, two
mites south. Gen. Twigg at San Angel, about
four mite further south, aud Gen. Quitman at
San Augustine. Some sickness prevails in the
army, but the health of the troops may be put
down as generally good.
The wounded officers are all doing well. A
day or two since both Lieuta Hamilton and Hol
low ay were reported aa in a dangerous condition,
but I believe' that all danger ia now considered
as over."
The Delta confirm the report of tbe safety of
Lieut Henderson's detachment, from Major Lai
ty's train, who were said to have been taken pri
soners and shot. They lost but one man and a
few bnrses, and have arrived at Jalapa. The
missing men from Fairchild'seompany, who bad
been despatched by Major Laity on a scouting
expedition, have returned to Vera Crux, with tbe
loss of one man at tbe National Bridge. They
found the Giienllss so numerous about Jalapa,
that they could not return to Major Lally, with
talety. They found on the road th body of
Lieut. Twigg, which had been diainUrred by
the Mexicans.
Geu Lane of the Indiana brigade, left Vera
Crux for the city of Mexico, in command of a
government t r tin on the 18th. The detachment
consisted of 2V00 men. The Sun of Anahuae, of
the ICth, saya, three thousand men were ready
to march to join General bcott.
Gen. Marshall reached Veia Crux, from Brato
Santiago, about the 90th inst., and entered upon
the duties of governor of the city. Col. Wilson,
tbe late governor, bad proceeded to the army to
join bis regiment.
Tbe reported revolt at Tuebla, and the surren
der of th garrison, turns out to be all fudg.
Tha following is the latent from Puebla. It is
announced a coming from an officer of rank :
PcraLA, September JOth, 1M7.
"Al! the expresses sent by Gen. Scott to Pue
bla have been rut of ; but one ha escsped, being
tbe only official intelligence I have received since
Gen. Scott left her. An express came to me
yesterday, and reported that he left Mexico on
tbe 8th. and wa robbed of hi despatrbea. I
am, and bav been, hemmed in by 4,000 Mexi
cans for the last three weeks. Tbe Mexicans
represent Major Lally with 1,000 men, aa sur
rounded and hemmed in at Jalapa, and cannot
venture out. Major Lally ought to have been
her fifteen dy since. Th whole country
a a arm with Cutril.'at "
DAcrcxxKOTTPEs. We invite the atten
tion of those of our readers who visit Philadel
phia, to the advertisement of T P fc D. C. Collins,
who have acquired a high reputation in Philadel
phia for their beautiful Daguerreotype Portraits.
Those who will examine tbe specimens in their
Gallery, as we have done, must be satisfied that
they are skillful artists in their line of profession.
Sons of Timpexakcx The Sunbury Di
vision of this order will have a procession in this
place, on the 1 0th inst. A beautiful Bible will
be presented to the order, by the ladies of our
borough, and several addresses will be delivered
on the occasion. The order in this place Is in a
flourishing condition, and to our knowledge baa
done much to promote tbe object of the institu
E7 A writer in the last Sunbury Gazette,
who, to conceal hia asinine qualities, assumes
tbe name of a "Democrat," preaumea to criticise
tbe course we have adopted with onr paper, and
in so doing doe not atop to assert falsehood,
whether through his stupidity or malic we ahall
not determine. - He quotes two small articlea
from our paper as all it contained of a political
character, when both he and the Gaxette knew
that in the same paper there wa an editorial of
aome length in favor of Mr. Longstreth. We
should probably answer this skulking scribbler
by informing bim that our ideas of independence
do not consist in making secret attack under an
assumed name, thotfgh the length of bis auricular
appendages should require such a safe-guard to
screen him. Snose who know us, know w have
been in tbe habit of speaking our mind freely,
and we wish it understood that our paper is a
perfect reflex of our own views and opinions. If
we have not exhibited that tintert, intense, ar
dent, unabated and unyielding affection for Gov.
Sbunk so strongly manifested by the editors of
the Gazette, it must be attributed to the cold sin
cerity of our nature, and to the fact that the Go
vernor never promised and disappointed us with
a judgeship to kindle up the fire of our affection.
His maihematital questian we will solve by ask
ing another: If tbe democratic nominee should
be defeated, bow much will the Gazette have
contributed toward the defeat, by ila acurillity.
fought with desperate valor, worthy the charar ,
ter of Mexican. ' The enemy also fought brave
ly; bis men aaemed line so many nevus wnom
it wa impossible to defeat without annihilation.
He made a third and last charge with frefh force
and heavy guns, and our gallant troops, having
exhausted their grape-abot, were forced, very un
willingly, to retreat and yield up the fortress, of
which the enemy took poieiin. Our soldiers
retreated towards the city, but were unfortunate-
ly cut off by a detachment of the enemy's caval
ry, and auoul a inousanu were mare prisonrrs,
but were soon released, as the enemy had no men
to guard them. The enemy then opened hia bat
teries on the Mill El Rey, (.King's Mill,) close
upon Chapultepec, which, after obstinate fight
ing and great loss to tbe Americans, we were o
bliged to abandon.
The two actions continued over nine hours,
ond were the severest, considering our small
number of soldiers and the enemy's large force,
that have been fought. Our loss in killed nnd
wounded was not more than 3(10, while the ene
my lost over 400, or at least such was the report
of deserters from the American camp, who came
In lie in it, n ev.niriir Reeini that the city would
inevitably be attacked. General Santa Anna, du
ring the actions, caused a number of trenches to
be cut across the road leading to the city, which
were flooded with water. On the moruing of
the I tlh. before daylight, the enemy with a part
of his force, commenced his march upon the city
Our soldiers, ported behind the arches of the a
queducts and several breast works which had
been hastily thrown op, annoyed him so severe
ly, together with the trenches which he had to
bridge over, that he did not arrive at the gates
until late in the afternoon. Here he halted and
.ttemnted to bombard the city, which he did du-
ring the balance of the day and the day follow
ing, doing immense damsge. In ome cases
whole blocks were destroyed, and a great num
ber of men. women and children killed and
wounded. The picture was awful. One deafen
ing roar filled our ears, one cloud of smoke met
our eyes, now and then mixed with flame, and
amid it all we could hear the various shrieks of
the wounded and dying. But the city bravely
resisted hundreds of flying shell. It burled back
defiance to the blood thirsty Tankee, and convin
ced him that his bombs could not reduce the
Mexican capital.
The enemy then changed hi plan, and deter
mined to enter tbe city, where we were prepa
red to meet bitn, having barricaded the afreets
with sand bsgs, and provided on the house tops
and at the windows all who could bear arms or
missiles. tone, bricks, fcc, to throw on the
heads of the enemy. Before General Scott had
fairly passed the gales he found the difficulty of j
hi position. A perfect torrent of balls and i
stone rained upon his troops. Many were kil
led and more wounded. Still he kept advancing
until he gained the entrance of two streets lea
ding direct to tbe Plaza. Finding that he could
not oppose himself to our soidiers, who wer all
posted out of sight, and that he was losing his
men rapidly, Gen. Scott took possession of the
convent of San Isidor, which extends back to the
centre of a block, and at once et bis sappera and
minera to cutting away directly through the
blocks of buildings. In some instance whole
bouses were blown dp to facilitate his progress;
but after several hours he again emerged into the
street, and finally gained tbe Plaza with great
On entering the TIbia a heavy fire waa o
pened on him from the Palace and Cathedral,
which were filled and covered with our patrio
tic trorp. Finding himself thu assaulted, the
enemy drew out" hi forcer in the Plaza, and ri
pened a cannonade on the Palace and Cathedral,
firing over one hundred shots, which did iiu
inenee damsge o the building, and caused a e
vere loea of killed and wounded, S-'eing fur
ther resietanco imelrfs, our aoldier ceased fi
ring, and on the loth of September (sad day !)
the enemy wae in po.?esaion of the Mexican
capita!. Though we inflicted havoc end death
upon the Yankee, we entfrrcd greatly our
aiilvea. Many were killed by the blowing u,
of the houses, many by the bombardment, but
more by the confusion which prevailed in the
city; and a.'.ogether we cannot count our kil
led, wounded and iniinp, since the action com
menced yeeterday, at lesa than 4000, among
whom are many women and children. The
enemy confessed a loaa nf over 1(100 it ia no
doult much greater. What a calamity ! Dut
Mxi;o will yet have vengeance.
Bewsre of cuuntirfelts nf all kinds! 8ome are
coated wiih sugar; others are made to termtleii
outward sppcsrmiee the orisinsl medicine. The
safest course is, to purrhe from the renulir agents
only, one or more of whom may be found in every
village and town in the State.
(j-)" A gent for the sdeof Wright's Indian Vegets
hie IMI in Sunhiiry, Hknht Mtsscn. For other
agencies see advertisement in another column.
This popular Scientific and Mechanical Journal,
(which has already attained the largest circulation
f any weekly paper nf the kind in the world.) will
commence its THIKD VOLUME on Se'urd.y,
Kept. 5!iih.
nub number of The Hcientific American con
tains from Fl V E io HEVKN ORIGINAL ME
CHANICAL KNOKAVINO; a catalogue of
AMERICAN PATENTS, as i-eued from the Pa
I. nt Office each veik ; notice of the progress of
all new MECHANICAL and hClENPIFHJ in
venlinns; instructions in the various' ARTS ;.nd
TRADE, with F.XtJRAVINGS; curiou PHI
LOSOPHICAL and CHEMICAL n periinents ;
EUROPE .ND AMERICA; all the different
serirs, and illustrated wi h more than a II UN'
It is in fict a per that ME HITS thn patrnnace
throughout the UNITED STATES, and hIiohM
I in the hand of EVERY ONE that feeU an
interest in the ilncemenl of Mechanical and Sci
entific improvement in this Country.
It is published in QUARTO FORV, conveni.
enily adspted to BINDING, and furnished to
Cuo'ry Su'serihers at the LOW PRICE of
IN ADVANCE, and theiemainder ioSix Mouths,
Address," . M UN N A CO., Publishers.
118 Fulton 8u New York.
"""" . "9
H7" Moax Taoors. Six companies of moun
ted men, from Georgia arrived at Mobile on the
SOth ult., for Mexico. Four companies of infan
try from Georgia war daily expected at Mobile.
The Delta discredits altogether the deaths ot
Gens. Worth Pillow and Smith, aa well a the
blowing up of tbe three powder wagons.
aSventeeo inttrments from yellow fevei oc
ctrtdet New Orleans oa the 26th.
Parede threaten that be would be in the
State of Puebla with 6,000 men, prepared to pre
vent reinlrrcementa reaching Ga. Scott. The
government had made no attempt to arrest hi
proceedings. He haa been appointed Inspector
General of lit .Natienal Guard of Tuebla
Cliv(lani. Coicjiai' ad Cihcinnati Rail
road A meeting of the etockholiWt of (his
company was held at Cleveland, on the ISib
mat., $100,000 new subscription were reported,
and ten miles ef the road from Cleveland was
ordered to be put undrr coa'.ict.
N Election for Directors, to serve for the ensu
ing year, will l e hel l st the B inking House,
on Monday the 15th day nf November, between the
hnura of 10 u'e'ock. A.'M. and 3 o'clock. P. M.
In rcidnce with the lOih a c'ion of ihrf art of
incip"rMti. n, there w It I a general meeting of the
Morkholdeia on tbe fust Tiie! .y in Novemnrr. at
10 o'clock. A. M. J. R. PRIES I'LEY.
October 9, 1847. 4t Cathirr.
C1AME to i he r mines i.f the su ecrdier, in
J Ui'ier A uaunts township, N"rthumherlanJ
county, in June tss. two lle tf r C.I L VES. a -out
9 nii.n'h" old, of a dark brown color, with hit
Jwi, Thenwmri nques ed to come forward,
pay charges, and lake them a ay, or they will be
disposed of according to law.
Upper AubuIj, Oet. 9 In 17 at
PI LLS rih'TY 'ILLS IS A ft OX f
TheClieiprst and heet Medk ine in eiictenre!
Every person who is subject to Bilious Fever,
shoulj purify their Id hkI and eysiem by
using a box of tbe
Persons afflicted wi'h Onelivenrsn. should ir ihe
Young ladies and gentlemen troubled with Pun
plea on (he Face, ah. uld try the
Ringing in the Fan relieve! j the
Headache and (tiMines corvd lv uainj the
Drow-ineas and Gener tl Debility, cured by the
I)ypepeiaean be cured hy using the
jj-IVreoiii who have laken considerable u.4ione
if inereurv, and In eonrequence have peine in the
l-ones, hnuld oe f-eelv ihe
Hmri'i rARS PA RILL , or BLOOD PlLL!
(3 Persona in want of a Pill that is Pwrltf
Yeztltibir, and is warranted not to etm'uin a jiurti'
elf nf Jlerciiry. ahool.1 nse ihe
SErtl H. II CE. 108 B-iiUmore at. and comer
ot Chrsle and Prsti streets. Baltimore,
and by (iEOIiOn BRIGHT, Suobury,
D. BKAUTIGAM, Noithuoiherland.
Oct. 9. 117.
if AN C E't CfVViro I ; N D t V R I ' 1 OF If ORE.
Couzhi, CiU, Conr-tmpi Spit.n of Wtdt
Pain in th Side and ?ee, Broiuhit.i,
("roup. Aithina nnd all diseatet an
tint frttm a dirordtrtd fundi t!n
i.'u Iwigt or uegltcftd tvll.
L s piece of advice which is tuitah'e to ell seasons,
and applicable to ail purpoaes ; though ihere ia no
MiMente Tn which ihi piece of advice ia more valu
aide, than to ' mens who have a cough or culJ, for if
they neglect w hat may appear lo ihem very trifling
it ro-iy lead to Irnflammation of Luujs. and finally
Conwmpiion ! To all who have a cough, we wulj
any, procure a bottle of
The medicine is pleasint to take, and it mty tve
you years rf suftonng
Price 90 Cent per bottle or six bottles for 3 60.
Prepared and aohl by SE TH 8.HANCE,
108 Bsltimore st, and corner nf Charlea A Pratt at.
anJ hy GEORGE BRIG1I r.Suntury.
D.' BKAUTIGAM, Nbumberland.
Ci. 0, 1847.