Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 09, 1847, Image 1
T 1 ... -. -id:. . ra ryy..rg." Ti:nns or the .iaii:niLHx. JOSEPH EISELY. Psnrait.Toas. it. jr. n.tSSKH, fatlLir. ' OJlctit Crl.'re AUcyTiW )hr'rtnr of If. Mas ,' i ' ' itnr 5,'orp.' THE" AMERIOW" ispubliVhed every Katur -.lay at TWO DOLLARS por annum to he fiiid half ye itly in No paper diaconiin aied till all arrearages are paid. Noaul!cripriins received for a loss period than i jtosTrt. All romnoinlratinn or later on business retatinc to the office, to insure attention mast be POST PAID. ! CHEAP WATCHES, The Cheapest Jo1d mid Silvor Watches t . - : IN PHILADUU'IIIA. jTi OLD Levers, fall Jewelled, . 15 00 M.JT8'Der !' '10 tld Lepiue, Jewelled, 3000 Silver f-V ' do, ' 15 00 ;Kdver Qvsrtirr, finequdhy, ' .10 00 Gold W'atcbes. plain, . . 5 00 Silver Spectacles , 1 75 Cold Pencils, " ' ' ' t 00 old Bracelet, ' - - 4 00 A on hand, a Urgo asanrlrnent of Gold and Hair Bracelets, firmer rings, breast pin, hoop rar "S"t gold .pens, silver spoon, sugar, tongs, thim Jdes, golil nr. curb and fob rhiitns, guard keys 'and jt-wellertrtrif e.W-.ry1 deHciipilOa, at equally tow I'ricce. All I want is -a call to conviuce cuslo- ?. :::'. r " i r . Al i'mJ of Watches atid Clock repaired and Warranted to keep good time for one year; old 'gold or silver lmi-.ilit nt taken in exchange. ! Furte, eight dny and thirty hour hraaa rlnrk, t , . LEWI LA DOM US' W'lch, Clo. aod Jewelleiy Slore, No. 4t3i Market street, s.Ihiv Elevtmh, north side, Phila his. ' . Hj" I have erm" ol J and Silvri Levers, still much chea (bffn lha ibve ewices, . ; t rhiladrtpWa, Dee. 6. Itjl6. ly . u ,. i . , , r t . , , "PkilatkifJiia IVwftfi nI Jetrrlfj SoT,',, No. 06 XonU SEOONO e'net. crnroer rf Quarry. GOLD Ter Watctte. fult j( WHlkd.raftt;iei, $IAO0 1 yl '"' t'vf Wi.elie, full rT4iK Silver I.hvct WaUlire, e 00 18 00 yjHidOTVl en teel. tSilver I.Ciitio W'Jirliia, j'weltod, Snml - qiMlity, ! 11 00 4SuHtior tutriirT Wrtthe, 10 (X ,liniia'ioniiiiuitr W atthe.tiiA wanantO)!, 5 0l 7itld Kp ctarlo, ! VineSilvt-r Kpwtncres 175 4Snld Brac kta wnh topat aonfl, 1 50 l.adira' Gold Pencil, 16 runt, (Sold Tinner Uina 3TJ eta i fS ; WMfilot e, pliiin, cis; jmnt, lf ; l.imet. S5. O lier artinlcx irt pr-ifortiork All fx'" arratt i he what they are .ld for, 1). COS KU. . .(Ill had, Mine Otild and idtcr Ivera, lifitiura and (J'inrtirr, iwer than the ahuve (triers. Phikulelphi.. l.e. R. 1f4. l y . JJlPoilT AST .. rit Al.t.COUNTKY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may he aura F iltt.minfr, ai aUtinwa, pur and highly flavored It tei Minnie pound or larger qnat t'oy, at the 1riiln Tra fnmpniiv'N Warcliotwte, U( Nuofc Nieofin (rfrerf, Wtreri tlurkxt umt CAor- nut jrfrerw. ' PHflaADELPHIA. Heretifor ' hie kn ery !iflf ulT, indeed, al innit inipuHnitile. always to nhmni J!"vl ttrmn and 111 nk Tea. But nnw you have only to Mt the IVkin Te tTnmpany'a Store, to ehlain as delirvm nnd fr.igrant Ten nit you could wih lVr, All tactes van lifie bo suited, with the advanlugo of getting a june rticb at a low yriee. - ; June Hi ih. t1(i. ' . in ?".h . or is iitxriscr rom P I A N O 8. .rpHE SUBSCRIBER haa h-n appointed aen, 1 for tte sale ..f CONR I) MEYERS OE1 i:ilR.TF.U PREMIUM R'ISE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place, '!tee Piano have a plain, iiiHnive Bii.l iK'auiiful esteiior fini-h. and, for depth n4 wevtan Of Kme, and elen at of workman ship, are twit ul hy any in the Uni'cd Slates. Th t.illovMiic m a rorosnmndatin fiora Cai Ultra, a coU&rvUid pnrfoinwr, and hnuatlf a iuaa uIjciuixm; ' ' ' i A CARD. If tvia had th ileaurt trying th eieel lent Piano Fortea msnfacturoi by Mr. Meyer, and cihiUted ai thtt ethibiiitm or the Franklin In wtnuie, I frt4 t to the true merit of the maker to declare that time iuiaromenla are jfliie qual and tu aume reprcia eaen Miietiot, to alt tha Pi ano Fortes I ar t th caprtt of Europe, and ihiFMie; eojourn f two year at Parta. - These I'laitos will ba e!d at trie manoracturrr'i kiwest Philadelphia (triciae, if not aomeihmg lower. I'eraon are roquewlod to call ami examine for iheinaelve, hi Uw taiilonew of the avbicrihrr. Sunlmry, May l. 1845. H. B. M AW8ER, "t'ounlerfelters DEATH BLOW. The puHic will pleaaa obaorv lhal no Uraudieth Pills are genuine, unkva the ti haa ibrne la bels ujioii it, (the tos the aiiie and the bottom) rch ronlaininc a fjc-aimili aigoaturo of my baini wriling, thus U. BauaTU, M. D. These la. bel ate engraved on ateel, beautifully dwined, and done at aoetpente of oer fH.OOO. Therefore it will be seen thai ihe only thine arre-oary to pro- core the Qiodictua in iia purity, a to obaeive liicse j labtU. Kenieinber the top, the aide, and the bottom. The fullowing re(ect.ive eraona are duly auihori ted, and hoM CEHTXriOATTS Or AQBNOT ; For the aale of Hrandmk s iegetuiU t niixriat Piih. Northumberland countv t Milton Maekey & I'hambeilin. Sunliury H . B. Maaaer. M'Ecna ville IteUnd A Meixi ll. .Northiimlierland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. 4t J. Walla. Union County i New Berlin Bogar A: Win ter. Hfliimrrte (ionrge Gundratn. MUblle hurg laac Smith. Beaverlowii David Ituhler. Adamshure; Wm. J. May. MiHiinsbarc Menech 1 Ray. llailleton Daniel Luna;. Froehurg Ci. Ji F. C. Moyrr. I-ewinbufg Walla it Giten. Colunili county i Danville E, U. Keyixdda At Co. Berwirk Sliuman vV Rittcnhouae. Cat twiaaa C, G, Bnibta. B loomaburgt John H. Moyer. Jtaey Town Levi Biael. Washington Robt. M.Csy. Limertono Bailie h M;eh. OliMuve that each Acent haa an Engraved Cer tiorate nf Apjeney, containing a repieaentation ol Ot BRAMtKETIt'S MameK-tnry at Sing SinR, and upon which will also be seen etaet copies of I ha ntw labtit now uttd upon the Brmdrtlk till Bexn, ' Philadelphia, tiKiee No. It, N.Mth fllh street ; B. DKANDHETH.M. 0. June Stth 1813. Abeoluto acuioscKnce in the ilocWow wf the : s , , . .i.;L tty Mnsstr Jt lonely. WU'i.Ulillt!.'!g!fl! .! IELI0CT POBT5Y TAYLOR. Ilia name is like ftphield , Of gloty to hii men; A He netrer loal field . He never (truck in Vain. SCOTT. ' . A rhieftain he, who leads Where Victory calli, Until perchance be trraJs In Montezuma's halls , , WOOL. , ,' . YVe rigid man of ateel, ( Who drills his troops to fight, 'Till ifl the rray they fall : The kl man's way is right. WORTH. A form of princely stamp! Paine N'atwre meant him for A courtier in the camp A thitndertytlt in avar. JJUTLER. His epirit has trie firo Of Duroe or of Key,- fle'a ViM Kentnek" ia ire A Ikm n Ihn prey. 1 Ar lilie hin in their epeel; Dole, re htwi tnifrr the foe Beinfl .him re ffit deed. TKWWtlAK. The royal Ssrefle is tie, ' StrikmgortqtieSt ufat", MrssoHrfs 'chivalry '-'' ' ' IVasIs VKft m hvftitM- ar. ' Tti l' J tw Jllrclin-K- Tlio Tayli mectinij on Friday last, tttc rt nitrt;rry til' rhe haWle and vtetory of MoTitTcy, waisoitsnifring tfve season of lh war and tire weather, orost (OlerrJrd adair, .To tinre was unpropitiiMta for large tncVinf;, . .Tiro favwnr lhrouiliiul the Siatr, luoetof wtfosu arc .Tay lor nrt,r in the ottdstot opiit potatoclig giug ami corn harwest, and caiiisut buave their work 'o atteu a meeting at distance fnmi home. The pnliticiana wvre qo niticd ciR ged in canvasiJng iirul preparing tt lira elec tion in Octiibor, to b iWul tur a week or more; ail bwilrj, f (JetiigiHOjr men have endeavored to excite inupiciotuj that thia Taylor mceiine was for other purpoava ;han which an peared on tlis lace nftlie call. Add tu lliic, lhal it was not only tire tmsal time fur the equinoc tial etirm, bnt actually in tke very mh!at of it the ' rain nourin; in torrents tlironphnut the whole rlay and niht, et aa tn prevent many who were actually on their jonrnvy to the nrre tinp, from other coontiets in private conveyan ces, Iroui renchiiifj here, and we Can only ac count for the large number present, on the ground ol tho strong leeling everywhere in fa vor of the hero of the battle ol Bueiia Vi:a the nation's favorite.' The meeting was held in our court houee, the large room of which Was filled tooveifliwiitg. Fifteen cotintiea were repre;iitpd by their citt- i tenrs and nearly all the rest in the state, by let ters from many uf their mont iuflueBtial men, The information obtained !eaveausno mom to doubt thai a large majority of the reel hone and nioew of our common we stth, of all part'tea, are in favor of Gen. Taylor Sr the nent preeidenry. We believe that the rlecti rat ticket pledged to his support, will receive, in ISP, larger majority in the Keystone State, than was ever given to Gen. Jackson. Such a ticket will be formed at the proper lime, ol men good and true a Taylor army that cannot bebealrn. A reference to the persona who look pari in this meeting, and the Centra! Committee, who are clothed with ample power to act in carrying out the will of tho people,' shows a strength which has been seldom equalled in any of our rtate conventions. We commend Ihe patriotic resolutions which were adopted without a dis senting voice, tn Ihe attention of the people at large. flmrisbitrg Argu. Root CutMrtNa Machine. Among thn mrt uxeful and ingenious labor saving inventions now on exhibition at tho Mechanics' Fair, ia a machine tor crimping boots, which is pronoun ced by competent judge to excel every article hitherto used for similar purposes. The inven tor of this machine it Mr. John K. Tucker, a poor, induMrtoua, and hard working mechanic, occupying a ftnall shop on Canal street, near the corner ol Thatcher street, where he haa one of them in constant operation. Tho uperiw of the machine ia about 1H, and ia inado with nineteen pair of "yaws" firmly fixed within a wheel, winch is constructed aa to make one revolution every five minutes, and turns oui" at each revolution eleven pair of "uppers, crim ped in the most perfect manner. This inven tion is well worthy the attention nf a!l manufac turers ot bouts, ai.d i ho inventor will no doubt reap a rich harvest, as the fruit ol hid ingenui ty. Button Journal, AiJD ; SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. mjntiiy, th vital prmeiphs of f tuhh, from wh' ' - i-'i , --"-v ' ich f fee VrcvtittMt TtrChas.t-rri1. ' Mr. MTavixh, nhrt haa lately Veen electn1 lo reprrwnX the rintioty of DnndnlW in Ihe Cri- tish Parlinmenl, ia rmn of Mr. M'Tnvian, Drf- tish Conawl in Baltimore; and lWgh a nalive nf that city, atvrl Wn of an Amoricin mother, nc is m J?n;-)i.iimiti, hy birth even, s rotten as if he had lwen born in her Majesty's Palace. T he circtimatict of hi bring hy birth an A sf treats, and hia deeceet lrow tJB latc .Cbarlw Carroll, ofCarTnlltrm, will, perhapa.adrl interent to the following brief notice ol (ait family, and his own career. Charlea Carroll M'TaVifh was bom in RaH'r nmre fti tSfW.,? ttin fathcV, 'JoWlif ti visit, at preeeni Hrrtrnh Conmil in lhal city, married the youngest rlattghter of thh aVa Mtk. Csttfl, Ihe eldest itnttghter vf the distinguiehed Carroll of Carrotlion, the last surviving aignnr of the De claration of Independence. Mr. Carroll ofCar MllUin hJ but thtce children his first born was a eon, named after him', who died in the prune of life, leaving a widriwand aeveral chil dren, the eWenl of whom is d Charles Carroll, now reeiding on Carroll' Manor, a bowl M miles from T)ilttmore; one of his i!aughtera married the lion. Richard DayanJ, late United Slates Senator from Delaware another marri ed Mr Jorkfvn, of Philadelphia, and her sis ter lio married Philadetphiana. ' The Met daughter of Charles Carroll marri ed a Mr. Ctoti, and left lour daughters, the slit et of whom married the Alartjuisol Weltexlc-y, elder brother of the Duke of Wellingtor., and during the reign of the late King ol England ehe held her levees in Dublin, when the Mar quia was IaaiI i.iontenant nf Ireland. At the death ol the Marquis, which look place in she was loft Willi a moderate income, altogether iiwufticient to keep up tho State of her rank ; but through the ii-.llnnce of the Duke of Wel lington the iqiteeii granted hor a hnrrdenine pen ion, and gave her A residenre at Windsor Can tie, 'with srmte aineeure office. The second dawghter of rMra. Caton married first Mr. Har vey; but after a lew years of uncongenial union whh him, i4ve obtained a divorce from tfie ec clesiastTeal ewnrt, ami by an act of Parliament, and shortly afterwards married the (tuke of tjeeds, wieof live most wealthy uobleaof Fjig land, Site renn'ea with the Duko at ll.eir ba ronial ciftato n Ibc borilcta vl Scotland, ia England. .. Tho third daughter marrK-ti, about ten yewt agi Mr. Jernynuliam, who upon the deaM ol Matathet-, in tKl., became lord Staf hiTil and Bucsetxivd to the cstBtna r.f ana lather. I happened tn be in In.lon in AngTist, 1.", and by tho Kind invitatjim of his linUhip, nc- cottipanied lum to the of Peers on the j occasion Pf , ho. Prorogxt cf Parliament fcy Her Majesty in pemun. This Was the ttrnt sp pesranc of his Utrdtdiip in the llintw, and e which occaeioti he was dnly a worn ir. Tire hnirth daughter ntarrievl Mr. M'Tavifh, in Baltimore, ami she rmvv rcwdea at one tif the Hun magtijttcontaad vouiplvtecoutitry reen.'cn cea this etdo of the Atlantic- She was a great tavunte ef hvr illtntriona gramifather, to whore she was devavl h years, and wmtnt h ten ded in hia Inst illness, and in eonserfiience Bhe becanis heir lo a vty large ortmnof hieestatee, valued al Ihrca tmllioHs r dollsre. By the death of her mother, Mrs. Caum, nhc came into poasinn of about pJtRMKM ami her fortune, may he st!t down at $?tt0(Hlt). Who haa several chil dren pf whom the eldest . is Charles Carroll Al Tavuli. the niember of parliament iVom Don- dalfc. . Ilia Bar ly education waa begun at Rock IUI Academy al KUteott's Mille, ucar ten miles from lialitrnnre and firttr fmm Carroll'a Manor. We were elaeematea together, ami on Saturdaya we generally vijih'd tho wanor and pamed the Monday. He was what ia railed a bright boy, tall and erect, a good Ivorxeman, and even at that time, though a mere child, he upoke the I'enrh beautifully. An unfortunate acci dent if which I waa tho cause, fractured tua arm and cemented our friendship. I le was sent from this country school tu his aunt, tdy Wei- leslcy, who pluced him at ft. Omer's College, where his grandtathcr had received the educa tion which dlinguUhed him as a scholar of no ordinary ability, . Young Carroll, maintained a ! respectable position iu his class, ud lull Cull go with Hne distinction. .... .. The Duke of Wellington took a great fancy to him, and invited him tn redde at Apsley House, where he imbibed Irom the military hero a passion for arm. A brilliant Career was open to him in tho Rr lioh army, bnt his atlnia did not wish hitn to enter Iter Majesty service, let he might, by war between England and the United States, be called upon to take up arms against hi native country. Through thc influence of the Duke, ho received sn appoint ment aa Lieutenant in the Guard of tho E.npo. rnr of Russia, in but he only remained there a year, and returned to Kngluod, to ac company Lord Cowley, brother of the Duke aa attache,' to Constantinople, and altcrwarda to Parie, Ythetic he returned a aiiort timua;o, to aland for Dundilk, aa the candidate of the Libe ral parly, who succeeded in rvturujpg him for the teal in Parliati.cut. K:iv.v1ng him fruin thoro ia no appeal hut farcis lh Vital prfnep!e hi ymitfi, vro predirl Tor rVirri 4 brilliant tarrrt, i and oul mr tni liVral ptinviiplesahA republican feelingn, which wc. know he Kirs vvb v.vnld not he mtrpriaed to Kce him, al en wo hjt'jrorl'iyi with tne ecarlel robe and ertninvj Taoiftgn, ocenpymg a seal in the Iloitae nf Peer. , - . The sinter ol young M'Tavixh married a Tew yeareago, Mr. Howard, wnn will he laird How ant, if Ive livw long vjrvoogK, a nephew 'Vv tvrd Cowley, whom l aocompanivd h Pri, where hie pnlitl Viriile wwi' lm Brlmivation vJf all Paris, hy her rpiepyiOike betrinr?, oeiiml and cregnht flgttre, and hernllkrn attliwrn T.air.' She lis an rxnnistln soprano Voiced and an excel lent tmnHtriaK 1 conclndw tliia hricl notice of ihe tlescen ilnmenf the fllnstrinti Tnrroll, i Vvil! name hi seemd dangllet, who married the fate rten RnVrt Goidlttp Harper, nneoT tho nrel emi nent Idwyere til Maryland. Gen, Harper was the able 'champion r.f the late Judge Chase, of Maryland, and his aiirrcli befitfe the Senate of the tlnited States, in defence nf the Judge, at fits imprachment, was cnnrtdera! one of the mrol able legal effiirn eer prononoced. Nl re. still resides in Baltimore, with her only danghtrr, an accomplished and reliwable lady. llm ftiemt of, .the poor, ,to whom she dUtrilmles alms to the amount of several thnosaml every year. Mt. II. had but one son, who married a Muul.rc of South Carolina, lie foil ft vie tim, nt Ihe age ot 33, to a polnionaryconRtimp lion, whilst travelling on the cntilitivtil for Ins health A'. V. Aforrrmr. ' We pttblifh fir the benefit of all pvtch grow ere. sno importanl lact counrcted with the cultivation of thin unrivalled fntit. The mo I hod which we new give is said not only to m tuns a plentilul uroppf peaches, liut greatly ittv prove their sixe and flavor. A highly tutollt gent farmer of this county, who gave u the in- formation, haa practised it fvr Hie laei 'Jt years, and has never known In lei il i insures him a imwl plentiful crop every year. ' I'carbrs, IrO Ihe fall of the jn-ar, draw the earth away Iruni the ruots, tu nYplh of some six im-livs en sto exprwe the large roots at their 'Jiitiction with the tree. When thn mow come, hhnvel the snow inM a hesp around thn trve, arrd pick it rill it haa the solidity ol ee. Throw on. char coal dost, and then rover il over with straw. This will preserve the Know lill mhlptimmer. When snows do not tall lo euflicient depth, ive packed up around the trees, ansWrr lire Minns purpose. The object, it Will al once lie petrel veil, is to prevent vegetation ami bSim until 1 1 .1 r.. i' . ;wl.. I i.... thc ,pnng S(Ivi,nc, wliMJ , d, rake it away Imm the they look dead, tln-y will Fpring into lite nnd lnvuripro, with a viiror irn- , ly , ajiioiiiidiing. Tlie only imionveutrnec (is tlat Uio bloom i so redundant, thiil il is cary, when tho yonng fruil appivirs, In thin it out witlt a notched slick prepared tv the pnr ps so lhal '.ho tree may have no ntore than it can brie? to tho utmost maturity and por lec tion. . i . . Thc same geni'etnai gave una aitnelo pro cen Tor preparing peach, aptrcot, rhvrty, and plumb atone for planting, ty which tht-y Will Vegetate jivarly as quick aa a gtattt of .--ISteeplhom in spirit of wine ihrre hours ami plant them 8 or 4 inrhes deep. r Jcnic K tKv,of Wanhington Cy nns in vented new Arqiy Ten., called paw's Kglv T.-ut, which wit'ffnot!, no doubt, take the place e all the lenli ngw. in urn, U i n admirable cumrivance, and nwet U warm approval of all the officer who bava sveu U. The tml is ruortiy, cheap, durahlt, witlumt a lent pole, without cord, button, luatk er pin, i perfectly Ventthited, having a floor! a cellar, and chimney. It ia light, iudeetroctaWe, snt can he act nd struck in one minute's time. The value of the late tfilaa Wriyht'a entire propurty thn-s not exceed SltVHfJ. As ho was unatU-vltidly plain in hi manner of living, tli.a moderate hirtuuu is in tho higheu degree bun orublu tu his character, lor hu haa had ubumlaut opportunities of adding lo hi Wealth by using kis otficial kno'slitlgu- in private epetulatron. Il is also in striking uoutrast hi many ol in po. liiicuS fiienda, who have amassed princely for tune through thir rMlicial stations, , F.v.rKAitiniAav Blast. A blast 'was made on Ihelllhull, at tho liiieisa liuarry of Hon, Gcu.'tJ. I'iper, U id ley lowiihi;t, Delaware coiiuty, which cut out a block ot the to! lowing dimension; depth, Ifl feet Q iiiuhc t width, iW t'eclat one end and W I al the other length, ex lertorry, llUfcet, luteriorly, 11(1 led. Ily i rouh estiuiate, tho solid content niy hu sol down at 70.1WU cul)i feel, wuh a weigh, ol 57 7U lone. The buro was lit feet deep, lw incuvs in diameter at the bottom, and two kega ot powder were smployed. wt'ennttjltanian. 'A UKiil'Laa Bl ix. (Jen Shields, in hi ofTieial repoi t of thi) I altjc yf Cberubukco, ipi aV of the ground over wlii'h Le passed brin '-filLd with tficinn ', The Gi', though a gallant son of Ihe Fmerald hie, never ina'ri a blunder when he attack the ri.t iny and ltrtawdtato fart nt of itHKpotiam. JryrHaow. CotM-ilr.1 "rttr. Ct. Viur ekpenaes Sn the Mexican War, Trfirn lla commencefnenl lothat nl tho eiiFtting spwiort Of tongrciw. Will proba j My he P2l!,W(VWM Ailmittioglhat wewccnpy i and (artixoit all Mexico Willi ftlVWW nxin. our expeni-ea in getting Ihertt IheVo Will probably ex;erd irt.'0(W.tW, loV the firrt six irrontha af ter they are called ont. Fr.m the expiration ol that time, we can make the occupied country maintain mem. This i one side of the aceotml. What is the oilier ? Under American rule, Mexico wrnild he wnrlh to the United fttateg, nim incalcula ble, in tew. miner a tarifl almost prohibitory, and In th" midl M all the paraly zing influences of bad and untitMe gnVernment, the revenues ef Mexico exrevd-d jiri.tWHOIT. A staple enycrnineiil and the Artonran larilT Wottlil Very soon tptadrnptv this ain.-ont, and tbm leave it lo increase With the inetensieg prosperity nJ the country. ShotiV! it cnrvfjnerevl and annexed, ilmrongh reforniutiona should be Introduced, The oycrptown rs'ntes of the plwnderjpj Gene rals should bo confiscated, nnd sold as public lamle. . The feudal rvftramt upou landed pro perty should be renmvjfil, aa a nuaYtre for ex linguifliing a tnii-chievous lan-.led aristocracy, and converting the actnul cttltiVali rs into land owner.. Frettiom of religion should .be gusr aulied; and this Would reltefe the landed pro perty from many exactions of the Chnich. The who'c rabhra tf Mexican military officers ehouhl be turned out nfttvmintamn, ami left to get their livieg by honest work, instead of Irnttd ami robbery. Liberal ftuJirtement tn rhrapnesB of public Innirls, shiittld be offered to emigrant IVom tlm United Utaie ami nuropo, ept,elnlly from Gemittny. Schools should be cstiiblrshvd al the putilic expcm-v, ih every town and Village, in which the leaching ol the ling lish lotigtinge t-lumld ho re-ttiivd 11 public records, legislative pr jxidrcinl, should bo kept in tho I'ngtrsh language.. No Mexican should hohl any ftllcv wmlvr the Mexico American go vernment, without coinpvtetil knowledge of 1 FiiigiisH. I'ntUc fsitjitr. . . .. A Pcaiuewi TRof:tiv.--A realteation of the story of G;nrvra, tn-ated hotli hy Rogers and Mnlley, atnl of Uio eong of thc "Mietlvtoo Pntiyli,,rrrciTl at Glasgow on Watimlsy last. Three young boystwo of them sons of Mr. J. Wilsort,' lniihiev,Tslfiwgte, and tho other no of his hrtither, Mr. .Chat Iv Wilson, were hiet. As the rest of ihe Ir.nuly Were down the Wah-r, tt)e boys' tibf'tire at tirst tccaaKHicii no gteat nieamnei-, as il wan supposed that the yeunjleris the ehlet tjf whom w about 11 yearn of age, hai! r-et oil m join thuir mother and tjm nl ui the loimlv. As nothing had been hvanl vl I'.n'.o, XJr. Wilmu Ivlthiime early yee leHay morning wiih the iyt niton nt proceed mg to tlelenshurg, where thn family were, to ascvrlnin tl tlm tnnawava wtre there. Hs Ud not been bn-j sway, wnii ratter who lake rhargvola horse be kiogitigov Mr. Wilson, Went to the -.table lor thn purpose tf proenring some proveoder tor the mml. Tfio provender i kepi in a rorn rheM a ho sis feel long and abotit three deep. With three sepr-ratc compart ments, and serwvvd on the outside with an iron harp, w hivh fits into a staplo in tho sidcol the eh. . tin njvening the lid the man washotmr strirk- m at lindlog the three ynnng boya motionless bl ihe bottom of the chest, each occupying one of ihe compartments. He immediately summoned aitancn, and they were taken nut( but it Was found that two of ihem, )ames Wilson, aged 11, and Charles Vilon, about a year 'younger, were quite dead, and had been so apparently for a rnnHideralilo length of time. The youngest, a buy between seven ami eight years, showed some sionsof life, and by prompt medics I atten dance he frai!nlly revived to as to be able to statn what had h-d to the melancholy catastro phe. The brother Bint cousin had gone into the chert in srsrr.h of beans, and While n engaged, tho lid, Which, a- haa been already slated, ia seenred on tin nov-mle by n iron hnsp,' fitting into a staph1, eloscd on them. In' falling, thc hasp, aa il nmsl'tinirriuiiatety happenedflier! into the staple, iod at' the united rtrength ol thc pr-or cap'ivea was insollic'ent to enable Ihem to buM the fcamls of what, loo truly, proved their tomb. ' - j Do the aide at which 'he youngest boy wa huuid, the lid did mil ii tMi cloott n tho other parts, and to the limited supply of air which had bicu admitted through thi. i revico i to be at tubulrvl bis ret.ervt'hHi. Tht-y had einleavur. ed lo support each other' Courage a well as they coo Id in thoir dismal Oumvou( and heforu giving op hope, lino of them bruko tho hlado of a pen knile in the attempt to make an incision through the side of Ihe client. Alter they had ex iauted thetnsolve with unavailing shout aud cries, wliifb were not Ittwrd on eat lh Ihey all joined in prayer. This u llio lint tirpuii)sisuce which ihe Aiirviviog mutlVrer rerol eels, a he soon a It r brcatue inmnihle. To ju':uuufor tut iiuisn having beun bear.l, it may be meotun. ed thai the woodyarJ in which tho Habit )it iiattd is licked up early on the FVlay alter- ii.Min, auu i nut again culetc4 tall Monday uioruing. ' l sqnats I iiuertion, - . fn 6" 1 do 3 do . . . ' . 1 n 75 . I da 3 I do ( . . : 1 0' Kvry snhseq.ient Insertion, - 9 55 Yetfrly AdtertlserDentat rinecbtuinn, 35 j half column, fltf, squares, ft St TWoaqoarea.ftti one sqwire, r,. Hall-ysa'rly t tint column. jl I half column, t ; the S4p"ares, f 8 ; two sqdan-a, 5 j one airohie, f.1 50. AdvertiSemerita Wft Wtthmrt Mrec'tirrna aa tn the lensth of ifrrto'iheY lira to n fuhhntiti, will h eontrniKad Wft'til (rraerod '6nt, kod clilftgtjA accord rjV!i,',f,,n tlnsa V less mate k Sfjialfo. DoN Jo MxttYX JViAf-tlut Kit: H Ax nr. SxtVAAM rise, it aecms, made its way south wardly rntrt rhe city of Mexico, from Encarna-. ctm wVr We rirt heard ot him after tho batilu of uuena Vista. tP.a recent indi'-riant lines ad- dreseed to the wvanglirig Mexican genera Ih. hi the "Dfariotycial ol Gobiemo will hardly add to Tlis literary Vepolatron but me threo stanftas, in which he turns ti car wldiety .nd holda tttom Dp ts an example to tiis inglottonJ cmntryrneiri, strike tia aa rorntrng tplios a te ranper like Mite lyric ot tScrnsolvts, Wte have, thetcfotre, rn tVanstating ToV the Litemy Worlil, trrnt heriUtcd to detach ihem from the rest, and append a Huotatrori from an AmeTrcsn Jmtrnal. lrwi irUta tT trmetrWtseri V'CVintreHis Being carried by Percifer Smith, Vorh pushed ovi towards Fan Antonio and Sari AngeV Vlow San Antonio was carried by Worth, and how ifVe u Aoe artny ihtn ftll upon Vficrulius- Co and drove the ehtttty from hit Work, and com pletely router him, the letters we give in other columnt sufT.eienlly tell." N. 0 Pie., Sept. a tltey'll point them out in after years The men nf Cherubnscrj Fight' And tender hearts will name with tear,' ' the gallant spirits quenched in night, When each who Under Wtrrt-ixtb fought, And kept the field alive, ' Waa equal, in the deeds he wwvtghT, To any common five They'll point Ihem out, ihose veteran then, As far neyW. all common men, And each to eaeh, w ith trn deligbt, Will name the Cherubusco Fight. TheyMl sing their praise, When they're no more, The men ofUberubusto Eght ! And when, their ktcst march is o'er As one by cms is lost to sight . Then girl will ask bis friends to spare, , From off that hoary brow, i A shred but of the scattered hair Which W ave so richly now : And loiterer by the inn side hearth . Will pause amid their tavern mirth, Ami, filling, fear since he ba pass'd, They drink to 'Ciierubusco' last!" They'll pait-.t their deed in statued hall ' Tho deeds ef Cheruhtiseo fight ! -And on the smoke-dried cottage Wall Will smile their pierures, brave and bright, Who tougbt With stalwart Scott of yore, That glorious field to win When every warrior bosom bora Five hero hearts Within: They'll legends tell of heroes then, . Far, far beyond all modern men, . And still in song will grove more bright, The dw-ds of Cbenilmsco Fight. , GtRMut. TttRKKJOfi. This Mexican officer appear to be sopplnxl with an extra supply of lives, for he ha been regularly killed in every oneof tru preal battle. ' At Palo Alio he wai slain by a grape shot ; at Alunlorry by a Texan rifle bullet ; at Bucna Vista, by a thrust fnnn a bayonet; at CerTO Gordo hi dead hotly waa found oti the field at the clow of the fight ; and now he ha been Villed again at Coutrera. It ia unlucky for hiu.hat hi aptittnle for getting himself killed le on a par with hi facility at coming lo life again. A. V. Cotnmcn iat. Raps. It is now tho season to begin the growth ot the beard for protection gaitiKt the wind of winter. Tho growth of the beinl at tho age uf manhood, is not without it design by Ihe Creator,, and although it perpetual growth give u the privilege of trimming and dressing it, or at certain seasons of khimng, yet w cannot tee whence a mr derire a right of perpetually suppressing that which wa inudu doubJle for wise .user, a part of hi frame. No man i justified in voluntarily inviting bronchitis and consumption lo prey noon hi throat, depri. ved of its natural covering. The word of play mines sometimes sink dee. per than dull prosing, and we add a "llohenliu den," written when our heard waa much tender er than now: Cihj item. " On Manhood, when the rice ws )uung, The braid in oinhoro beauty sprung. And nation felt what poets sung : Man' great and niatchlrss majesty, Hut manhood saw auolher sight, When Fashion bad each lurklet wight With lather umk4 himsirlf a fright, And u the keen edged cutlery. WiiU nepkin nar bis (lass arrayed, fc:li man tbon drew his nun blade, t While soap aud btush a lather made, To hide the dreadful butchery. And bit her yet that face ball grow. When, all the gloi ioua beard hivd low, Hi glass a woman's face shall show, t Shorn of its manly majesty. The J!or glides. Lsfoie it fall , , Mii.taehio r,d Imperial , The tt&tely Ward auid whisker, l The vivtimi of its tieachery At! few fntmu to be uin, For many veu glory, wbea Fvb fJy th soapy loam agaik .. It ni.! ttvir ...miuood sepulcbt