Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 02, 1847, Image 1
Tr.ttWs.OF TMK AMERICAN." H. It, Wsss;H, . , PoYumiiss JOSEPH ,EIELY. VpsM-mia-reae. OJtti in Ceutrt AUcyin lh : r rV .". Ato er' JBforr.) TUG " A VTrSrUO ATlelrohTSKed every Stut day at TWO DOLLARS per annnm robe paid hairyearly tn advanr. "' No paper discontin ued till Ai t arrearages are paij. o!1 i ,. Noauhorita4 jtaived far a less period than is wowTiis, Al communications or. Ivtjers. on tn inea's relating to the office, to in rare attention, kiort bo PQ8T PAlDi ' i'--- CIIDAP V7AT0IIE3, : Thfe Cheapest Gold nnd Silver Wnrthea , IN, THIhAnEM'HIA. ' '""' yrrf OLD Lever, full Jewelkd,' Silver,.. do, da.'- , . ; Gold Lepine,' Jewelled, , i . gitvet ' do,. ' ' " ' Jo. ''!l ' "" "'. PilVf r t5nttlpr,"(!n (Jiulltri !' f i aU:WMM; (tola, i '!; .. SHr SpootK, ,n . . . 1 Gold. Pencil, , .,. , - ,,.4' ,,. !.ill HtaMt.. , . a oo , 30 00 " MM moo , is oo ,1 78 , s oo 4 Od Also, on han. targe Mii(W WiM na Hir Breetet Sntrr rW. WsW'prn. hevpe. ting, gold ia,eirvr spontfe, meat tongs, thisn bles, gold, neck, curb and, fob eh", guard krye end jewellery of every description, at equally low yrircs. AU t Wn i a, ell l oenvinoe' custo mer," : ' ''! '"'- ' '" "': I ,-r A1I kind of Watches and Clock repeired end warranted to keep gmni time for one yef old Bj'dd or silver Vinbt ot ' a" hwe For sate, right dny ami ittftly bnr Iwwit eW, 4t -r ; - f . , , i.RWtS LADOMCS i Watch,. Clark mni JcwotWy Stnra; N. 4131 M(ket atrt, aim.aemk, roK aide, rbila hia. , ' . ' (Cj1 " aow OM tn SiWn Levers, alXI rhofh cheaprf than tlw iit pricX. ' " ' ' "' V PtiiUdHpdia, Deo. t, IMS ly v "FhihtMvhin Watch ttni JfBetry Son,n ' K. 90 Nuith 8ECONB atrpct, enmar if Quarry. GOLD Lew Wtrhe,full : 1 jefrrlletl, 18 vaxl tut, H5 00 Silver , Lever W.itphea, full 1 jewelled,' 39 00 is on 8ilver lver Watchei, ee en ikwola, 1 ttilvei tapiam :Waichta, jewel led, fineit SMW7i . , . ... Sin-rioT uariier Wntchea, hnikatiori Qiinrtier U'atchei.tiot wonantcd, Cold Spectacle, ' FineSiWer ScicleN . (old BrC,' k Willi UM ttonca, I.siIim'' Gold Pencil. 10 citrata. U. 00 10 00 6 00 M 1 75 S AO 2 00 ' Gold Finger Riitga 37J a to $9 ; Wach Glaa re, plain, 124 eta; patent, 18 J if luinl.'25. O ther article in proportion. All gooda rrrtnled to te what they are eolJ for, O. CON HAD. On hand, aome Gold and SAver Lever, Leptnea a.nd QoartieM, luwer than the above price.; '. , Philadelphia, D.'C 6, lfl. ly , . .. ; . ' lM PO R T A &T ' TP ALL COUNTRY - HOUS E II CS BUS. .. ii .YOU may be aure of ol.iiin.mj, at Byrth'2ile pamt or larger qoartity, at the' PeUlnTeftCompaiiaj VfMrcltouMe, 30 South Seajnd ttrtet, Mwee Murltvi nitj CAe ,...(..! .. milstrvtu. ..... ,'i,. ' Heretofore it ha been Very" difficult, indeed, al tvoi4 impAMible. "aiwaya to obtain goof Green and Hick Te.'' :Bal now yo h onrjr to twit I he IVkia TeaiJronpany'a Suifa, tq obtain a dt'liciou, end fragrant Tea a yon could with for. A II 'afa, ran here he suited, with the advantage of gcitine; a iiire article at a low ' " ' ' June 7tH, !. - - , air IE. &xLVoa&?xsi PIANOS. THE eUBSL'RIUBfthae been appointrj agen', for ilX'le .Tf 1'ONR DTklEYER-S trEl F.B RATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, at til fhtOL. The Pioo hae plain, raeaiaeRd Uau'rJvif Jtcrior fini-h. and, Cr depth and weetne of lone, and ' elegnnce of workman ship, are twit aucpaaaed by any In thelliilird Wat.1 Te M(am i reorwmendalinn.. from Cant l)i t. a ceMrt4. furformef, a)4 b ynw-lf a, IfifOr facl4leri n: ..-.,, . .. ; , ; AC AttD. H a t liad Um pleasure ol trying the excel l! ni Piaae FtMieananfactilreir bV Mr." Meyer,' and eMMteA al itielaat exhiNlion ef the FHtrkltn In ctMnte, IMH da to the true Merit ot ibja.makei " tp .ilflcUvlbat.)hee, iQtruoeet .arf . ajuiteMual? and in aome rriieci even Mipeti.n, to all the Pi alio : Ftwte,' I aaw at the capital of Europe," and Jmina a niom Of two jear al'ar. '-; .''J'beae-Piano will b aoJd at the manufactgre? a Liweat Philadelphia price, if net, aorae'hing lowerN Peruma are requei4ed to call and eiamiiie for ihrthaelve,1 at h'e reJilence of the aucriber.:" ynlury. May lTV iniii ' H. B. MAatBEB. ':cnlrf(lier ' DE ATH' DtQW. rphe public will pleaae obaerve that no Brandreth, Pilra are gerlume, unJeeeui Ml BM inrae a Ixla upoo it, ((.be top, the and tba bottgm) earh rontaininc a fjc-aimiltaicnature of my hand- writing, thua B. Ba4naT,, M. P. Theae la. - ate engraved on ateel, heautifnlly designed. and dene at anerpeiieaorover fi.OWi. I Dereiore it wilibeaaen that the only thing Deceaarj to pro cure the medicine jo it puritjr, i to olmai the ' Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom. The following reapecttve pnraon are dulf aulhori ltd, and hold . rTBTTTIflATTM Of AOTJirCT Fortbeaaleof ttraniriklt Vtgetabl Cmaerao. , 'i .-. i-. rw.' r-, ... Northumberland countv I Milton Mackey & (fcvnbeilin. Hunhury H. B. Maer. M'Ewena-' ville (re'and A Meiiell. Northumberland Wm. Forayth. GeoigetownJ, A J. Wall. . Unk C:nty' Nw Berlin Bogar fc Win te, SelogT0''"a-,,o, Gundium. Miulle hurg laaau Smith. Beavenovrn DaviJ Hubler. Adamaburg Wm. J.My Mifflinborg Menach A Ry. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg O A P.O. Moye. Lewiebprf Wall A Green. Columbia couAty i Danville E. B. Reynold A Co. Prwick---human A Rittenhduae. ' Ut tiwiaaa 1 G: Brbbu. BloomAura; John R. MoyaK Jeiaey Ton Lei Biael. WaahbgtoeJ RobU MeCay. LiireetonaBalM k. Mi??!nch, , Obaaiv that each Agent ha aa Engraved Cer tificate, of Agency, eoolainUn t rpreatUon of Ji BRANDRETH'8 Maniajpetory at 8icg Sing, and opoo whieh will abo be aeea eiact eopiae ef the new laUU n mmI vpo th$ Brandnth fUf Philadelphia, eftee No, 8, North 8tb atreet ' B. BRANDRETH, M.O. Juee-Uatb. iUii. .! ' ' .. ' - uM...n.,n ra ' Ab.oVir acaicence in ho Aw; oT; r r taMr et fefcwly ' -? SJS-SSrirH , , F.rpm, NeaPaalttrrlay Ca.ce,, ; ., t Mattr Saf, rr I ha PaaU ! X . Mourn i,ot for Mrrfwet t(Mt hat left u. ' ' ' , Though bright wre the Hay that era HeA, ' Though I ime hat of plea me bereft u, ' ' , And our heart most eadly htv bled. : The joy of onf childhood! tWy V vaniahed Tare wnpes ef oor yooth ! they heve flefl; 1 ' 1 So-me detrvjTre are far from tit baninhed, " " And ttstne areep the ileep of the dead. ' 1 '' Love1 mirirre baa deepened to hadin$, J f " Mil bright new at noontide it o'er, Xn hit orrgi tviTO thadovrt are fading, '" And we'ec can enrapttire tie mote. Sigh not ifer the past, for the!, present . , Hat dutiet for ut to perfotinj tf the Stm m wtx heart he hut pleaaarrt, We never need fear from the totrK , , Lei ru2y, waViro mA motto, , s , . i Let, fitre ha prtmpt t tb hour , . , . Diicontent T.;iUfle t het fnotto, . . . : , And tviVcan pt'tft ttytrfnin. . . , ,t Tl eonaererrce wt aavtrtiwi rmt rfeitijra, t , ' If hofe !eiwrshe ry n wr irde, Dark care with hi troiAiltvottie hrein(s " will retreat like the faitbhirrg t're. ' ' Though affl iction ntay erken wy fkthway, Heart friend lie cold in the rare, ' '' Tet faith i till given an earth-ray, ' . And Godhood Is mighty to aav, ' ' ' ' ' 1 Then ne( weep for the patt, though it treasures Were bright a the richeat of gem; The prevent still has its pleaattrrt, ' ' And contentment "adds 'brightriess to them. CoWert', N. K, Afay 99th, tM.'! " ' Klc.' f . ' v .From the Daily Sun. tTfcat le Lvf r ktttiin cot, i. ' What is love? feeling; ' ' ' ' In the maiden's hfeast ' ' ' Tbief like It goes twilinj ' ' All be bath of ret : i . ..,! ; i Waking or slaep'.ogj . ' fl Her eal la ever weeping . . J . . What i love? -a feeling .' u-"-' " la the poet's breast j . . u Tenderly revealing . ,j , i .. ,. ' The form he' loves hett t . ' . Wakirig or eleeping, : , , His eoul it ever weeping! ' v What i lovet a feeling ' " In the ehriatiari'e breast ; , Beaotioosly revealing ' - Chriattb hone ef rest t -. . ' Waking or sleeping r . , (. . ., , v , lIiou,t is ever weeping'.. , ,u , -Comlortleaal 0, ityl .ted wyjii,;.. . ,-, "God i )ove !" and ever nigh 1 ' r: n11' ; r. '' ,J) Z'.jd. L?rlo Losy Te. Verp Argot rflate ry interettinaaketch ofa 9t of Mr, AVibur, .of tfeloel, Me. wlio.wairosi in 1827, wpep put two yearf and. rnpttht old. lie wat playing with largejt cildten( but trayea rroin tberp, and no thing furlber. wat ijny wo but .that screams heard. . TiK feenngt ol Ihe parents thus berea.- ved, ran possibly he . imagined, hut we, will at- tempt no description. ofarcn waa made taj and wide, but no tidinea were received. '' None hut , i. r .. vi , .. . i ; ). r, . the. parent expected to hear .from hvm, hut they still aaveriiaea nim, tin. strsoge to say, a uay or two ago he was recoveied. under very 'peculiar iircuoinicv. , Two of Mr tyjlbur' da'tghters at work in the, Sac co factories, sa w .among a body of Luiiant en tamped there, a while young man, in whom they thought thty reconired a resemblance to their family. They arcosted bim, and toon claimed him at a brother. ' Of eoutte he hid no know ledge of them, hnt withed to tee their father.- They tent for the old gentleman snd the recogni tion on hit part wat complete. A young man oow 23 yeart old, had been told many tteries of hit parent!, but knew nothing of his abduction The Indian are now encamped at Cape J!)iia beth, opposite tbit city, with the youth and bia. wife, for be married an Indian girl Tast aprieg. -The Argut adds, 'He hat promised hit' father he will go with 'bim to Bethel, where the old gentleman intends to build hints bouse, and give bim all the license he wants to roam about in the woods, in consonance with the habits of almost hia whole life. The father came into oui, office on Thursday, to tell of hit tucceaa, H was.aa happy at a boy juat let out of school.' A Aauaon. An army correspondent of the Savaaoah. Republican, speaking of a akirmith on the nib, aayt 'At the dragoona passed ut at half tpeed In pursuit, wa were amuted to ate a rather pretty American ramp woman of the re giment, neatly habited and mdunted en a On lit- . . . . .1 . . - ... . 1 tie horae, charging with item in pursuit or the eneaiy i John Smith, we do not know whieh John, ha said ataoy good, Ihinga, and among thf real that "a newspaper ia like a wife,' because) a very mat ought to hvt cftij 6f hia pwn, . Bi;m AND SHAMOiaitiJOUKNAL; .' . tftajorfiy. die itil ptbh of fiefubKet, for Wnfch rr?r ' " l-rre1IMtrtoeja'tea'ei; I'1 U i Tfisj New Orleans belt inya ifm tohvfaat i ttilrahB tptwY rphria or vie oRccr who Fell du-; rinir Ihe .Ute enpffempTrt. , .. . i . . fcrii, Wtcntt M. Butl.Wa.-.rie death oTlbSa ! fi1jTit jRputji froUniatw'tJig representa,Va orj rc cf herijB")ia any country .haa, ptoductd, .WWl'S .Pff'Hnq ar4 cjUcpdedao.rro.Jn thiacnlry, . 4)o,hjs heefl for . long tima a ennepicunus and prominent citinen of South Car oliai and wan noted fir hie preat resolution and rortomitaoie totiLT. ' lie) poeeeenttd wtilita rf qnalitiflaiajtha hip heat order, and rave pro mieenf great rWctrees and diatimition in a' career which, elaa reminnfeid t f ra tvjry Commence. mcrrt. Colonel Botler had brrn Vrry ill for w. veral dayaprevfrtmito the battli, but wtrpei tiri heard that the Palmetto ftajr waa fnh tritftthtt Ssht, tinacrrnirM hy hiVn' W whttse apfCial charen it had tea 'ttrrnmihtW Wftn ioperj frorri hin phvuiri'ani, aMmlntid hit iiir trntch! ana wean, clAstlVj ami I ajntoet faintinjr, rnoun ted his cfiarger, n4 placed VtfvnejeT t tht tread of hrtpgiinent,' ith sucb an. camp), fat lese anient and valiant thtn, the Sooth Cam. lioian wwajd heye. becti prompted ,ttt derda of wperhvjmeri oyfte, Bt ther,waa no tuch incilcoiotit tifTisaary t0i linpyj, thr; aonq nf tli 'iffpj Iiorir.llia. Lotion, aa Prentiss once rtjletLthe gallanl Paltnct to. Stares to the moot brilliant nd, caprctKnia vlhtplay T military quaiitir. Coi. Butter, thnttgh twice badly woundrtK and writhed down by farntrmM and loeeof bhtod, maintained M position until W third wonnd cansed hia death. "' '" -' ' ' " ' " Crv TwoemNi( XTfrpC0TrP(vmjpr, rjftln? Helta, noticing the death of tJapttin Thornton, who was killed by a shot from the fort ai San Anronio, ma he waa advancing npnn it says : 'VaptThMntnn had. been Tery unwell tot antnt! tkrre, and went out ir command of hie aaguadrorr against the advice of hie ptiyticlkn and hie wnh nr40tcere; hul hia energy end gallantry would not allow him to remain Inactive) when there wm the feast possibility nt meeting th foe. The Delta pay to hi memory a hs ml seme tribure.' It alluilea to hrs being the first to begin the war, and says he was the first to fall in the march npnn tne city Mexico, it omims wne thcr any man living baa pawed, eafely. IhrmiRn o many and snch imminent perils at. had mat. ked the life of Ceplain Thornton. It mentions t he fact thl ,h waa a pa Monger, juthil l-fae J PylKi tbat sficr doipg t) he, could to. eave. othfirjyhe Kemlptdto.eayf hicusplf by aUacb ing . hjmel(, to, a ch'f ken-coop tlt, after, he wa in. the water, he picked up sever) and pla ced thnn on the. coop 4 but thf y. all died and propped o(k and, he wag,, picked up. aoma days afterward a.famiahed maniac, and saved ! He wat a native Carolina county, and waa in hia tliiriy.lhitd; year, lb waa aa brave a man aa ever lived, wiJh a apirit muoh Ion impel unua and ardour for. bis phytic! atruoltire, which waa fat front being vignrwe for he vyat of amail etat ue, and hia constitution waa delicate, -r - Tun I.ati Carram CHAttta HairsoN.-We have already annoanced,' trnnng the killed and wounded in the late battle, the name nf Capt. Charles I it harm of the 7th inlantry, a native of Waehinftm City.' ' The Rkhmnnd Republican, in annonnclng hia death, paieea the ol!owing tribute to hia memory i " ';: 'iw ..,. 'At the bombardment nf Fort Brown, bia coolness and Intrepidly were conepiciHMia." Ilia gallantry in' the storming division of Worth at Monterey, won for bini a Capuincy. ' At Vera Crufe he fuHy'ebired the glories and dangers of hia bretherh in arm j and at Cerro uordo, his daring valor won the highbat nneomioms from i he cotnmsnding officers, the Colonel stating In hia report, that h?." pqe of, tbej first who pla ced hia, leet within the , frowping tiibraler which reatrcl on .the. eurnmit of that almost in- acceatibla monnltin, A Uraverv purer, anq mare generotia spirit, never breatfted. In one of hiaUvt letiera to hi relatives, instead , of dwelling upon hia own participation in Hie re. centhattlea of Cerro Oordo, hi mind ef med. occupied with the aufforings nf hia Wounded, men, and the pjeatnre which he derived from seeing tltoir happioess at, aome extra, comforta which ha had been enabled to provide lur nun. Captain ITansnn was one of the rooat accom. plichtd gentleman, at well as one of Ihe mot chivt'rous ofUcers in the service, and better than thiai amii the temptatiohg of Ihe camp ana! the excitement of the field, maintained to the last an raaiteij Christian, chara'cler which commanded the Tovo an4 reapect even of thnee who usually repaid religion with aversion and ridicule. Mot'' sincerely do we sympathise with hia afflicted 'father,' M. l'K; Hansen,5 of' Washington, who ha'i lost in him one of toe re maining propa of hia old tie, having already gi ven another gallant' eon to the country,' Cap.' tain W. C. Htoeon, who died from dfseate con- tracted in i glorious career ia the Florida' war.' I ..a Aa editor away down Mat, whoaervad foar dtya oa a jury, aayi that h ia ao full ot law, thai it's hard for him la' beep from cbeatinf oipcbody. c there 1 no afpeaT W 1 Wt tfi frrc, Il titij ft rfitihp'e A Mel Vwrts HlaetN ' The Nrw York Express Ve1atesthe hiet(JV o anoliImsyftetciiyvhoMbueinee jt that I ofa paper scavenger, k which be nteadiiy lk hxvra fiomrtrly iSownt'ill'nicht. . " 1 , He never gooa home to dinner, hut, when htcry, genitlly pnrchkaea dry troA oT btrad, and eata it silting upon the lower steps I of the CiiHfom, .Home, or. City 1 la It. Never I doiytjers wordjtoljviirf ann.andjwbef J tire Granger lociits t)pon bim, he foe's diefVd I to exclaim--wha.t a, poor, mieersble being.'' He m, innced, a fin'shm tihjct to look npin Tor ia .tber v.hflhea are iww and herd with the steumulntrd filth nf mMiy yea and hie countneirce it U furrowed all over with doop wrinkles, WfiTCh tw orre corrtd brliPVe were cv- er moistened by a tear, lie is a hard viwigrd man rppolrtVfl, anvt evnn terrible to took up-m. Vnr flfterm yesrs have wo known this niri'gnlar beins, and Weri tten tm was ao old, he seems nn fldiet now There ate propt in this great city who have been familiar with hi form for upwards of twenty yee'rs, etrd thev affirm that he has been a paper scavenger tJntirrg all that time. At all times, when the winds of winlrr bowl through tm ' streets, awl alwn, when the dog star reigns, dors he pcrmte hia iaborwws and drrtaditig employment, And Yraw that Vve have introduced our hero tn the reader,' it is meet that we ehreiM ewntron what we know oThis aCtnal tonditioW. He is a miser, a narrow-minded and mean miter, who can count h'.a dollars by tenant" thousands. If 0 our wold, let Mm, whet ncU he meels Ihe miserable man in the pvblrc high- way, a.K mm me time ot nay, and wi i tw prompuy anewweo no tne aniimrrty or a mtperb gold watch, hidden in Ma rithy Wstments. A dry crost or bread arm cast orrbone conatilute ioWrwckel, which', prove thn 'vo.betho pro- prfetor oi a i legst nve rmndeorrw pwe iiipg hnu- see, locstrdjn a fsahinnabie pan of the rty tertillcateaot bank Block aiitj o'-hef Valuable pa- re.,Bl,,)-'dd"n i ill bir-cajkale.. Ho, is a widower, but the lather of. an only daughter. daughter. Vrf- whom be hu ostablishod om super ahed house, aa the sole miatteta and onlV tenaM. iB the. W,T, noUtThW flKintVai ft ftil AVevr. Vtialr nl Ihka kaA mk m rA I vvixKv-a wvv-vw aawv v V"I'I aavivj I rt,. . i r . , I imt?- ""T' my Fu r ,.u.m.P'?u.8. leset, none.pari.c.paies wnn, ner in a ??Jojf- ment. mourn u wotiw ana io ircr iieppunrs on auch occasions, in call in a neighboting friend, yet the privilege of giving an inVitatron is denied by her father, in (tie most positive and imperative manner.' In the rear of thietlMh ter'a dwellirtj," is located a ricWtty shell of a cabin, resembling mole (he appraiancc of a eiy than a homan hebitetion, and this is the only dwelling place of our miser. And now he spends thu prrcmua houra of hi leisure life, counting hia gold and examining Uie aignniutea ot his deer! by the light which reM iikhi hiv oaken table, and seldom Is extinguished until sfter the hour ot miJnightr snd when exhaus ted Willi hi strange Vigils, catr fully does he fasten, with heavy iron bolls, tho door of his den, and ainka to tleep on hit bed of rags I' i Dm. Pavnk, of Nottingham, ttnglaml, says that for upwsrds of twenty years he haa uwd Ireachj in thetreatment of burns With gteat sue cess. It is applied pure on the injured surface, and at the natural temperature. Cattiom to tH Vouaoj. Th following anec dote appeared in the N. O. Echo National, of the l?lb: A bundled dollar bill of the Louisiana State bank wat paid into the Citieent' Bank on Saturday last, with the following lines written on its back : Thit it the last hundred of SIO,- 000 left me by my father ; and whither it the money gone bar-roomtand in brothels. If this bill falls into the hands of any young man,' let it teach him to nee from bad company, for it it Ibat which haa reduced me to my ilt-plorabl situation. 1 . am loat,. lost, foiever lot V The wage of ain ia death, aays the inspired writer- In tbit poor young man's esse, what yonib in the blindness of ita avidity calia pleasure, haa led to something worte-M despair if we may judge hv the dreadful sentence which concludes bit telf acfuaing rneditatiou, 'N- l Tiwi'l. JeiHiE Bt aatT. Judge Burnet, a son of the lamous Bishop 'of 5albury,' when 1 young, is rid to hare been ofa wild ann dietpe,ted turn a.iiia one dav found bv lilt Itluer in a very ae- , a ( . ... .i.-... ..... 1 rioue humor : What ia the matter with yoti.Tow," aaid the Bi.lmp; 'nhal are you ruminating on I , A greatfr work than. your lordahip History of the Reformation,' answered tha eon,- Ay I. what's thatr aked the fatlier. ... t Tho rtormcittott tmyef, mf lord, teplied the aoe. -i j - i Ft-ATTsaiNo. A person look in; over tha ca talogue-ot "professional gentlemen of tha bar, with bia peneil. wrote against tho name of one who ia of the bustling order f ' : 'Haa been eccuaet) of possessing talcnla.' Another seeing 'the accusation, wrote under the charge 1 " ' 1 '' Hat been tued and acfjuitted; am. . ' nJ immediMe parent of denpotiam. jVViarofr. Vo. S-iKtK -t --IT hot 6 TTtK tn-a oVitteamrV Raaavttatj I recoUfet ne rwrnber orttortfitesn, whrt was rsllyinff roe sbixit onr CongreseiCTiat Tempo- ranee Srtr,i.-ty. ttjrp6,'lretiBrdtoBsy,lamgo 'ff liae' yoer impfsVfc eotieiy, as soon as my demijohn in empty, but juet belrire it be came empty hv always ,11v';i5 it an. ' At W,e time towards the close if tire m-iwirm, he aaid to me, 'I sm eoing tn tfgn tho pU'oje when I get hotnf.' 'Well; yoti have said o a ft real mny times But he repliwl, I am in arnert; my demijiihn m nearly cmply, and "l am riot going to fill it again.' lln epoVa with ettch an air of ai'rMe.BTrrw aa I had not owrrved. in him, and it impri'ssrd mr; audi aked him what it rtU'trit what had cVmretJ bis fceftnge, 'Why,' mid h. t had a idinrt timn sirrre a visit tVom mV brothrr, who slateil to me a fact that hrotodeep. y imprew d ami ailVcted me than any thih I reroilert to have Imard npon any temperance, speech I have ever heard or rrsd ,k 'In my noigMmhwtl la t f ettiVrtoan oT ttiy arqnaintante, well eiuicatrd, who once had nam property, hot ia no rr.d'nied-poorT lle has a beautiful and lovely ' wife, a lady of talli vatton nrl re!lnementan4 a most charming daufhtrr. , . , , This gentleman bail Womte tJvridedly in- tpmpinrate hi bia habile, and had folly alarmed bis friends in rrjjanl to, him. At one lime. w tven a number of hie former associates were to gether, thoy couneellriSe to what coo W Irs done ht him, Finally. om of them eaid to him. v.hy dont you senl yoor tlanghtor away to a di-iinirnarhwl atshool I which he named. D- csttnnl Mid ,,v ,v i8 llUl Df lnc nnc8tion. am m, Bb bv6t thw nter)sc Poor sritt! I wieh i 0,uW. Wfcll, wal his friend, :f yon will ,,n tw.ptance MK L will be to all the expenK U ltr attending school rotOnn year. Whntrluea this mean, said he. do vou think me m daon-et of hetsutnmir a drunkard ! No matter rtrt hlB rr,.nd( .iut that now, hot 1 wtl! do a I m;a AnrJ I. aahl another. Will nav the rent rvnnr tro a arif vod will sfn the nledire. Welt tireen 'cflera rn certainly liberal-btit vimt'doYhey meant "DoVoti think me in dan. te'r oborinning a. drunkard)'' Wat tar)' it mM i ' , pilom- n, In View or yotir lilie- raiiiv 'I will make'en offer:-, will ainn if yoii " .'!' ' ' Tl.l. k,..n Bk M,JMBtll.,tt lhttu had Hnl nntt. win I i hid vriq n jjia-juovinrii iv yva- sWered. Bud were not ve.y welt prepared to meet t but for his sU. ihcy saM wo will, and .. .,i .h, ,i...k And now for the tirt time tho truth poured into his mind, and ho aaw hia condition, ahd ho sat' down bathed in tonrs. ' 1 ' ' ' ! Now,' said he, genHrhicn. you must rro and comniuicain thvse facts W 'toy wi!fcj poor v.0- mun, I know she will be gltd to heat of it, but I cannot tell her.' Two ot them slatted for thai purporo. Tho lady met them at the tloor, pale and trembling wilh en.ntwn -what, aha euquired ia the mat ter? what haa happened to my husband !v They bid her tlUmins her fears,' ensuring her Ihey had come to .bring, hey tijliruja ol her hus band hut good tidings, audi aa eho glad lohrar,1 i .v , 'Your hiisbanil has pignnd Ihe lemperance pledge yra aignud it in good I' The joy- ou new nearly overcame, hor sb trembled with excitement wept freely, and claeping her handa dcVotionally, she looked Hp to heaven, and thanked Uod for the happy change. 'Now.' iid aha, '1 have a husband, aa be ouca was, in the days of mir early loVe.' 1 'But Litis waa not what moved me,' said thu gentleman. There waa io the same Vicinity another gentleman a generous, noble soul married young married well inin a charming lesnily and the flower of it. Hia Wine-drinking liabita had aroused the fear ot hia friends, and one day, when aeveral of them efe together, one said to another, let us sign the pledge.' 'I will if you will,' said one snd another, till all bed agreed to do it, and the thiot Waa done, This gentleman thought it father small busi ness, snd felt a little ennltive about revealing to hia wifo what he had done. Hot on return ing home, he asid (o herlUaf, 'my dear, I have done what 1 foar Will dwpleese you.' 'Well whst is it! 'Why; I have signed the pledge.' Have your 'Ye, I have certainly .r Watch ing hie manner aa he reolk-d, aud reading lit it sincerity, she entwined her anna a round hie neck, laid lief head tipmi Ilia bootn, and burst into team. Her hiirbwl was atKcird deeply by ttiisf conduct nl lila wifo, and aald 'Mary rfon, wp. didn't know 'tint it would afflict yon pf wouj nr,t have dime it, I will go and I Ule ,y namo olT immediately.' 'Take yonr niffl offl' said shej 'no, no! let It be there, 1 ,tiall now litVe nj more tolicitude In reference tn ynor becomin? a drunkard r I hall spend ho mofe wakefbl midnight hours f I shaN no more Bleep my' pillow in teara. V' Now tor the first time the troth ehooo upon Ai mind, and he folded to hit bo.m bia young and beautiful wife, and wept wi'.h her.' Now I can't aland these facts, and I am foing to tigb ' I the pledge.' peern nf Governor Brlgg, ef I LoietU, Matt. 1 ttfrin-e rinterttdTi, ' fO ! - V do In ' . . . . 0 7 1 du, 3 . do i. . k .1 OH r VAy tibiiee,ntltVii'lVVn, ' .0 8ft Vrttiy AdverfiMiroenlai meC0T(Jmn, 25 half coTurnn, 18, three rauvi. f IS j two equate, Ji on wrntfro, f.V nalT-ystlyi rniatoMmn, 18 half column, 9 three 'ekrea.B ( two squares, f5l 'One tqntre, f3 60. Advert W(iTfin(a tc'lt wilhmrt d'.reiiYna ta to the irmtth of ihVmtliey ire to be pifofi.'ttf1, will U coYimirod W.iit oraerod trat, and charged accoid inglv. . i " ' ; . t-J RiTrtr'it Tio, r lets mkVa a sqttkVo. RvtBatoti Jeiti.i;bn -Hve liie conmga to leave a ball when it htb no greater attruc liona tbari teOf bedi-no cliarroa tnoro enti cing than that of sleep-to esy nothing of the mor'rOw. ! ; i ' Have tli conttgn To 'conies ignorance when ever or with regard to whatever aubject y arO Oninformed. 1 ' 1 Have the Com age to tVeat difficulties 9 yo4 Wnutd obunxioua weeds attack tiiom nsBcen. Nothing gVoWa so fftgt. ' Hata the tourage to meet t tfed?raV. Yoii must be a trainer by the interview, fcVcn if you loarn tho wotst. NVe ana our own deceiver. Have the nntirftge lo be ailcot when a tool pratest ho will Ceostt theaooneV; Wsldes, whit can bo ot yott gtta by pVofonging the Conversa- lirtn. . , , llava tbe courage to own that you ate poor, and, ifyonkn, Inugh at your poverty. By so doing yod disarm your enemies, and deceive no body. VoU avoid many difficulties and much bitterness; besides, there are people who will not believe you, especially those who make tho same acknowledgement as a pTctekt fot mean- 'Hove the MWragO to receive a poor relation oponly aud kindly. : Ilia shabby appearance, e vett bis 5gVmtane, will appear to your advai. tage; for the mind is prone to draw compari sons. We h'avo nothing lo bo ttshamed ol but our own nrtors. , Have the toorago to tpnnl tho daya to quar tet day. iv will not Come the BOcher, ant! you are ike!y to ba prepaml for it. Have Ihe Coursgo to let t man aee what you think of him. If it be, favorable, he will covet your acqtiaintanco it the contrary, he is un worthy of it. ; , . CArtxts ). Huring Doniphan march from VA I'srso to Chihuahua, the black servants of the different onlcera of the tegiment formed themselves into B tompftny. There were twelve of them, of which number eleven wero officers and one high private. Jo. , servant to LieUt. I)-, waa elected Captain. He wsa the blackest of. the, ctovyd, and sported a largo black leather witfi a 'amalt black hat rIso S large sabro With an intensely bright braes hilt ' which same asbre Was eternally getting invol ved in the intricate windings of his bow ley. Wfth 36, for Captain they were a 'formidable body, ami to hear their) talk, they would" work wondera.' ' During the ' battle of Sacramento however, the company wero not to be seen, but' after the attiOn waa'overj they wefe espied" breaking out froni the wagons and joining in llifl' pursuit. ' Tha etching one ot our officers at tacked Jo. about hia company. Well, Jo., t heat your men were nid'beliind1 Ihe wsgons during the fight !' ''Lieutenant, l'so berry sorry fo eay if am do' truf! 1 doite eberyting I cafl don on de pa tcrism ob do lrieh I injoked rlem by all dcy hold most t!eah in dis worlJand ue nex, but it was no goi dcy would git ernde wrong eido eh de wagblls.' " " '''' !' 'Hut hat did you do (iiere f ' ! stnni! dtr gittin' cotrJer,' nmf do firing Sep? clttlh' hotter, and at Iant de carman hall cum aa ormighty rst, I'thoffglit the Best ling dis nig-' gB could do war to gH bchiB tht wagona ho self 'ReveilU, , T LtANal tsl,iUT.-T,Tbat'a a werry knowm hanimitl o yonroaaid a Cockney gen tleinen to the kacpor of an elephant, Very,' Waa the Cool rejoinrlor. 'He perfofmt atrange tucks and hantic. does he!' inquired the Cockney, eyeing (ha animal through hi glata. SurprisinV retorted the keeper.'we re lesm ed him to put money in that box up there. Try. him with a crown,' i 1 The Cockney handed the Elephant a crown piece, sad sdrc enough, be took k in hia trunk and places) it in a box high out of reach, Well, that ia werry heatraordinary haaUm- tshin truly!' Mid the green one, opening hi eyes. IVuw let a aee into tea it out enu nana it back 1 We niter learn him that trick,' retorted tho keeper with a roguish leer, and turned lo stir up ihe mnnkeys end punch the hyena. Mr. Jones was in the habit of gelling aome' what 'balmy,' and tins night he was discovered by a neighbor , leaning against lha side of a church for support. He hailed bim triib, Hal loa, Jonsa.' you look serious think ot joining the church 1' . 'Well,' replied Jonei, ' j incline nn$iderbltf that way at prmt' A lunatie once Informed hia physician, who waa clasaifying cases of insanity, that he font hia aeniea by watching a politician, whivo course waa to crooked that it turned hia brain. . . i ... . . .i. -- 'PaisoNrft, atand up! Are yon guilty or net guilty!' 'Faith, and do ye think 1 ahall do the work of the jury for 'em, when they are pax! for ike same! It 'em Mud it out.' 'Answer me right, air Are you guilty or not gui'.iy!' Faith, air, I m neither I'm innotcntf i