Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 25, 1847, Image 4

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    ..-W!eisaBaew - I. -...I
The Kdwoetlnn of Ihe Hear.
It it 'he vice or th age to substitute learn
inff (or wisdom to educate the head, ".fto1 for
get that there ia a more Important education ne
cessary tor the heart.' The reeson it enltivated
at an age when nature does hut furnish the ele
ments rtecessary to it weeeseful cultivstieV of
it ; aod the child ia solicited to renVction, when
he i only capable of sensation and emotion.
In infancy the attention and the memory are
only excited strongly by thinrs which impress
. the senses, and move the heart, and a father
hull instil more- solid and available inetruction
in an hour spent in the fields, where) wisdom
and pondnese are exemplified, seen and felt,
than in a month spent in the study, where tht-y
are expnnnried in stereotyped aphorisms. '.
No physician doubts that precocious children
in fifty cases Tor one, are much the worse for
(hp discipline they have undergone. The mind
rooms to have been strained, and the founda
tions for insanity are !aid.' When the a tidies
ot msturer years are stuffed the head of a
child, people do not reflect on the anatomical
fnet.the brain of an infant is not th brain of a
man; that the one is confirmed snd ean bear
exertion, the other is prowine snd requires re
pose that to force the attention to abstract
facts, to load the memory with chronological
and hietorical or scientific detail; in short, to
expect a child's brain to boar with impunity the
exertion of a man's, is just as ration! at it
would he to hazard tho same sort of experiment
on its muscles.
The first eipht or ten years of life should be
devoted to the education of the heart to the
formation of principles, rather than to the ac
quirement of what is usually termed knowledge.
Nature herself points out such a course ; for tbe
emotions are then the liveliest, and most eaaily
moulded, being e yet unalloyed by passion.
It ia from this source that the mass of men are
hereafter to draw their sum of happiness or mi
sery; tbe actions of the immense majority are,
under all circumstances, determined much
more by feeling thao reflection; in truth, life
presents an infinity of occasions where it is es
sential to happiness that we should feci rightly ;
very few where il is at all necessary that we
should think profoundly. '
lip to the seventh year of life, very great
changes are going on in tho structure of the
brain, and demand, therefore, the utmost atten
tion not to interrupt them by improper or over
excitement. Juht thst degree of. exercise
should be given to to tbe brain at this period, as
is necessary to its heslth ; and. the best ia oral
instruction, exemplified by objects which strike
the senses, - ' -. .
It is perhaps unnecessary to add,' that at this
period of lile, special attention should be given,
both by pareots and teachers, to the physical
dc velopement of the child. Pure air and free
exercise are Indispensable, and wherever these
are withheld, the consequences will be certain
to extend themselves over the whole future life
The seeds of protracted erri bopelesa suJering
have, in innumerable instances, been sown in
tho constitution of the child simply through ig
norance of this great fundamental physical law;
snd the time has come when the united, voices
of these innocent victims should ascend,.'! rum-
pet tongned, to the ears of every parent and
teacher in th land, 'Give us free kit and whole'
some exercise ; leave .to. dcvelope our expan
ding energicsr in accordance with the la we of
our being, and full seope for the elastic and
Vmodini? impulses of our young blood. Jn-
don Quarterly Review. ' '.' ' . ' ,
How a Gboboia Ji'dok wis HoAXBP. The
following clever anecdote ia copied from let
ter received by a friend, from Roewell, Georgia
If our readers enjoy it as much we tlu, we
shall consider the apace it occupies well filled :
'We have about four miles from here, a cer
tain Judge of the Inferior Court, an ignorant.
ptmpous clown, who by dint of an in6nity of
lirty labor has contrived to creep on lb Lower
ilench, and who consequently thinks himself
somebody. Well, about two weeks ago, be re-
reived a letter post marked 'Rome, Georgia,'
from Ucnrt Clay.O 0 saying, "that being on a
nnliticul tour through upper Georgia, and hear
i i that Judge Berry (the soubriquet our wot
t tk y rejoices in) was a good Whig, and an in
iltiential man, he took the liberty of requesting
a tew nights' lodging of him for himsult and
suite, as ho wished to address the cilixecs of
Cobb be would, if the request waa granted, be
wiili him in ten dive" The letter then fini
.i.c-J with hinting that if ejected to the Presi
.lency in '43, he weald not 6rgit Judge Berry
in the forming of his csbinet, ; Berry was ss
r.,..nded! stupefied ! 'What t have the great
- lug leader in toy bouse! ! the great homer
i ,1, glorious, splendid Henry Clay I M' Howev-
, r he retained bis faculties sufficiently to ait
tiw and eeratch off ao answer cxpreasive of
'pride he felt in sheltering in hia house such
Msgnus Apollo as Mr. Clay and signifying
hi readiness to acconunoiUte Mr. Clay, auive
uiien ho would 'statesmen were alwsysresdy
i i "reel thoea wno eoincit.j who iwn m i"
i, uli, etcetera.' After delivering himself ol
i,v, he monoti'd his horse and 'accoutred as he
v .' rode i:i miles to the nearest town, where
laid out t&Q for 'crockery fCO for house:
i furnKurr, and for powder and lead, the
i.t as he said for hito and Mr.Clsy to got
.initio with. These preliminsriee finished, he
'o'nmenced to '11 out' showing the letter to
very one he met, and bisggingof hisdietin
vii.hed visitor, lie returned hoiee, spread it
"iirond, aod h week nothing waa to be heard
ol f xinor uo and flxinir down. T'le day de
u rnnned upon, iioever, for Mr. Clay's arrival,
t'sesed so did the next, and lite next, and yet
no Uay. Could it be yes lha truth Cssutd
ponhiui. I he Juduf; wis sold r
a . ... I 1 . " 1 1 - L. - ' L L
Tti fMlowing lint shows the current value of all
.'ennsyivaMa 8nk,Nites, ' Tbe moat implicit re
liance may be planed upon it. as it is every toeeM
jarefuHy compared with and corrected from Dick
Rail's Reporter. , -
, Bank.) In Philadelphia.
Nsms. Wano. , PalttD
flank of North America , ,
flank of the Northern LiSertiee -
Commercial Bank ef Pcwi'a. . . .
Parmer and Mechanics' Bank
Kensington Bank . ,' .
Philadrlphia Bank - . .
Schuylkill Bank -
Southward Bank .
Welern Bank .
Mechsntcs' Bank' .
Manufacturers' dc Mechanics' Bank
ftsnk of Perm Township . . ,
Rirard Bssk. , .
Bank of Commerce, lte Moyamrneing
Bank of Pennsylvania , . ; .
Country Ilanli:.
Bank of Chester County Westchester
Bank of Delaware County Cheater
Bank of Oermantown Oermantown
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doy lestown Bank
Diy leatown
Easton Bank " "
Farmers Bank of Buck ro. Bristol
Bank of Northumberland , Northumliertand par
Columbia Bank A" Bridge en.Columbia par
Farmer Uanli of Lancaster l.anrtcl par
Lancaster County Bank
Lancaster Banks
Farmers Bank of Reading
Office of Bank of Peon's.
Lancaster par
Lancaster ' pit
' Reading par
Harrisburg' The-
Lancaaler I office
Reading jdo not
Easton J laaue n.
Rank of the United State
Minera' Bank of Potuville
Carthde 1 ;
PilttHitg '
Bank of Iewietown
Bank of Middlotown
CarlialeBank '
Exchange Hank
Do do branch of
Harriatiura; Bank
Lebanon Bank '
Merchant' & Manuf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch Bnk
Wf uming Bank
Northampton Bank
Uerka t:ounty llank
Office of Bsnk of U. H. '
Do do do -Do
' do do
New Brighton
Bank of Chamherthurg
Bank of Ceityatarg
Bank of Susquehanna Co.
Chamheraburf ,
Montrose t
Erie 131
' Wsynrsburg '
' Washingtoe) ' I
Ilonesdale I
Brownsville I
brie Bank-
Farmera ft Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank :
Honendale Bank ' '
Monongahela Bank of B.
fork Bank
York' 11
N. B, 1 be notes of those banks on which we
omit Quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the rmiadelpnta brokers, witn me
exception ol those wnico nave a wiuir oi reKTenoe.
Philadelphia Bev. Ins. "
Philadelphia Called
do ' Ceiled
do ' failed
Phuadelphta lonn Uo.
8chuylkiHav. Ina. i
Kenainglon 8a. Ins. A '
do '
; . do '
Penn Townahip Kav. 1ns. -Manual
Ub, Bank (!'. W;
Dyett, prop.)
Towanda '
Bellcfonte '
Pittsbuig ,
Fayette co.
lewaoda Uauk
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
no sale
no sate
no sale
Bankof Bwatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bk
Farmers' ec Meeh cs' nana:
Farmera' cV Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' at Mech'cs' Bsnk
Hsnnony Institute
llinunrdtH-. Bank
Huntingdon no sale
Iwistown no sale
Juniata Bank
Lumlwrmen's Bsnk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hop
Milton '
Meedville '
Port Carbon
no sale
HO sale
' closed
Naw Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northuinb'd Union Col. Bk.
North Weatern Beak of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Ps. Asr. & Manuf. Dank
Silver Lake Bsnk
Union Bsnk of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Green at'Usg
Wilkeabarra Bridge Co.
Wilkeelwrro no sale
irj All notes purporting to be on sny I enn-yl.
vania Bank not given m the shove list, msy be set
lown aa frauds. .- .
Back of New Brunswick
Belvitlere ' 1
Medftml '
Perth Amlwy
Mount Holly
BoWidete Bsnk
Burlington Co. Bsnk
Creamercial llank"
Cumberland Bank
r ,... ii-ls . 1
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk llahway
Farmera' and Merhsnice' Bk 'N. Bieinewiek failed
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown PL 1
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City faded
Hoboken Ukgdc Uiscing Co Heben
lersey City Bsnk
Jersey City
M eel tanks' Bank i i .
Manufacturers' Bank
Morris County Bunk
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanic' Dank
Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bag Co
Post Notes
Newark Ukg ck Ins Co
New Hope Dei Bridge Co
N. J. Manufsc. and Bke Co
AtoTTistown '
Freehold '
Jeiaxy Crty
no sale
N J Proteclon dc Lombard bk Jerwy Cily
Orange Bank Oraoge
Paterson Bauk Paler son
Peoples' Bsnk ' do
Princeton Bsnk . Princeton
Baiein Banking Co Halem
Htale Bank Newark
Stale Bank Ekaabethtowa
Bute Bank Csmdon
State Bank of Morris Morrutowa
ttiale Bank Tmnioo
eialetn and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem
Susset Bank . . Newma i
Trenton Hanking Co , Tien tun . " par
I In ion Bank ! j
Washington Banking Co. liackaosack failed
Bk cfWihsj V Brandy wine Wilmington par
Bank ef Dataware Wilmington - par
Bank of Bmyrns Boryina par
Do blanch Milford par
Farmera Bk of Slate of Del Dover par
Do branch Wilmington par
Ik branch Georgetown par
Do branch Newcastle par
Union Bank Wilmington ' psr
Under 6'a '
(U tin all I'striks msiked thus f M there are ei.
tbei counterfeit or altnrcd noise of ihe vsitou.ds-
J aomiosuoiis, ia circulation. -
THE subscriber has Just received his Nr-v
Spring Goods, to which he invite his frien
and customers te rail and examine for thetnset .
His stock consMs in part of the following '-j ' :
Superior Clntba. of all color ( Cs-siroers of li f--
cnt patterns; Nslin and other Testings t a
' Ilvoa, I. awns, Gingham, Check, Tick- .,
inga, and urtim wrar of all kinds
' and 'price; 1ro, Irghorn anJ i
Palm laf Hats; Umbrellas
' ami Parasnla, from 25
' cents opwa'd t -alio,
(Iroeeiie, Querns
WaTr, Ilardarnre, Cedarware,
OHa, Paint, Tiah, ,S$lt. ike. fee ee., . ,
and in fct. eetv article uo'ly kept in a eountr-'
tori, wliich will lie sold very 'low. for e-ah or n
kind of trade. . JOHN DOQAR-
t Ponhury, May 15th, 1817. n!4y. , ,. .
More New Goods !
THE last i rival is at Pordy's Riore, .Market
Squars, where will I s fouod a handaume as
sortment of
if the latest and m.xt epprosed siylee, consisting of
Chilhs, ' fl!simers. ' Vesting,
Summer PtiilTa. Mons. d.- laines, Ijwiis,
Cingham. " Calicos, Mostins,
Jeans, &e., dec , ftc.l alai, a full assortment of
Uroccrirs, all of which will be sold lower than ever
ottered in tU market.
CH and ex-imine for vourwlves.
bunhory, May 15 h, 1847. if
Four, Produce, and General Commit'
mo Jilercluiuts,
No. 116 Smith's Waaar, BALTIMORE,
FFEU their aervieea to the Meichanls snd
Fanners of the Suii0rhnna Vallev, for the
ante of Flour, drain and Produce generally, in the
Ballira re market, . eud from beu 'Xiritsie are
quinlance amnng purchaser and shippers, ran
safely Wnnanfatisfiictniv aalea.
Correspondents will be rnntantly kept advised
of the slate of lb maikeis, &c. . , - s
R. fer to - i
Messrs. Wm. Wilson Ac Runs.
Iaac Reoolils&Son. I gsj1(morfc
Davidson dt Saunders, j ,
KevnuIJi A. 8inilh. 1
and Messrs. Tincley, Caklwetl &. Euglish, Phila.
Msy 15th. I8472m
FllAE tMiliseeiber have the sactusive light 'of
A. vetuUng J. M. THATCHER'8
Hot TRIaNt ' Hot Ar Cooking
in the counties ef Northumberland, Columbia and
HchovlkiH; and from the eneonragemenl met wilb
already, they elnect to do a lan bosineea. This
stovw is constructed on sn entirely new principle
snd on. the only principle that can make vein a
send wood and coal atove. The inventor ha over.
come all tbe difficulties that so frequently belong to
other stoves. ' He has by his arrangement, con
structed a broiling rrTOarn la ftoat, where
in broiling, roasting, frying or baking easy be done,
snd sll tbe amntl that arisee ihsrefrom annst pa
into the com bust i Ms chamber, and ia not at all
thrown out into the room.D Besides this, there
is an oven only two inches less than the whole site
of the stove, wherein baking or roasting msy be
done ea welt aa it can he in lbs common brick oven.
This oven is alwsys fit for use when the stove is
bested, as the whole draueht of hot air naasee a
round it constantly. '
Public attention ' is particularly called to this
love. It csn be seen at our Klore and 1 in Estate
lishment in North Danville, at the sign of the Co.
luinhia Tin shop, and at the Foundry of Rohrbeeh
A. Clement in Hunliury, where It particular qusli
lies will be fully shown and explained to any person
wishing to essminS a.
' The subscribers continue to hsve on hsnd alt
kind of parlor stove, such ss radistors, calenders,
fancy snd plain, euitabte for all who msy fsvor u
vi'h a call; also common sheet and Russia Iron,
which csn be mtde in any di sirabte shape ; tnge.
ware, wholesale ami retail. - Cmintiy men bants
m inviied lo eall and examine oor stock, as our
. . . . ,i
nrk cannot ae surptneo, sou pucss mnunersin.
N. B.' Ws csn ssfely recommend the above men
tiened stove to tpertons who wisn to erahsrk m a
good bosiuese. The'paiente will sell either coun
tv or stale riehts, to suit tirchssera, and on res-
sortslds term. lie or his agems may be found in
DanviUe, Pa. J. J. Alt ITSR.
The undersigned, having seen in operation the
hot biaxt hot air cooking love, invented snd pa
tented by J. M. Tbairher, certify ibat wa believe,
fiom the manner of its construction and oneraiinn,
that it b he best one ever offered to the nubile. ' The
arrangement iBso complete snd Ihe construction so
judiciona, that there is a saving ol one hslf the fuel
and time, in doing any given amount of service,
over other celebrated stoves. In short we reeonw
ment il in preference to all others, for the simple
reason that it embraces every branch of economy.
Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett, Dvid Chat
field. W F Kiich n. John M Gray, E Thompson,
Hmith Thompson, J D Hahn, John flake, Hesikl
ah Bear, blue r Cooper, Ueo M KKhsrt, Paniel
HiiAinan, Henry H Kissel, r H Catver, Daniel
Dreisbarh, Joeph anknk, r3roka Epley.
Danville. March 6. 1847. ly
hp colli 7rt-aaa
THE subseriber oAirs for sale a cheap Fsrm,
-- situate in Shamokin township, Northomlier
land county, about eight mile from Sunbury, ly.
ing between the Centre lurniiiks and lrih Valley,
containing W2 acies and allowances. Said fsrm
ia hi a g'od atate of cultivation, with reaeousbly
good buildinga snd eacelleut water near the door
and all kinds of fruit. Ac.
Sunbury. Feb. 80, 1847. : - '
CiQihirrg Establishment
OPERATIONS in Cuiaaiaa seem to he the
.order of the day. at lha Philadelphia Ward
Robe. 106 Chesnut aireel. where every 41 tide in
tho lias is kept, and sold st astonUhiug low prices,
Cloak. Ban gups. Over Sack Costa, Short Sack
Costa, Super , Fteoch Cloth Drese Fiock
Coats, Pantaloons of every grade and
atyle, any of which wiH be aold either
by the garment or dosen, at pi
ces that will justify the
moat economical in
Wa advise all who want good and cheap Clo
thing, locstl at No. ins Ubvtnut etioct,
Philsde'fhia, Feb 6th, 1847 6m
" !..'' tl . I J 11 . L I I.
to watch , m azibus
J.-L jL'ti O VL TJiS,
Importer of Watchea, Watch-Makers'
Tool and Watch Materials,
' ' Wholennle A Retail.
No. Sir). Market ttrett; PHILADELPHIA,
MAS constantly on hand a large assortment of
Lnnette, Patent, snd Plain Glass; Min
js, Verges, Dials, Watch Hands, and a com
plete assortment of all Tool sad Materials belong
ing to the trade; with s large assortment of Go'd
snd Silver Lever, Lepine, sod, Plain Watches j all
of which he will gummy lo sell at the lowest New
Tork prices. All orders from the country punctu
ally executed.
N. B. Country merchants and oiher are invited
to e ll and eiamine hia atock, at No. 248 X'eiket
Pn 's'lrbja. Jan. SI. 1847. 6m
T.. ul 1iTl. T1!.:..! -I . i
lu. si tiui in siiiiu aiiuvi, i
(ssa tbs otv motcl.)
C. C. M ACRE Y. Auctions,.
to Country store keepeks.
HTtlVENING SALES of Hardwaie, Cutlery,
WA Saddlery, Whips. Boots, Hlioes, Hala,
Caps,. Guns, Pistols, Clothing,!
WsU-brs and Fancy Goods, .
' At Msckev's Auction flare. 31 Nirlh Third
street, nesr the City Hotel.
The attention of Country Merchsnts is invited,
The Good will he sold in lots te suit purchasera.
and all Good oflVred will lie warranted eijual to the
represrntliina that may be made of them.
N. B. A large assortment of Good at Privste
8sle. Man. in. ie7. iy
95 North Ud St., bet. Arch & Race sts
lfmRADY it PARKER respectfully Inform their
friend snd the public that 1h y hive taken
the altove naniej house, recently kept by J.
Adams and ara pie pared to accommodate custo
mer in the moat Satisfactory manner and at res-
aonaMe nnoee.
Their taMe will be supplied with the best vari
ety the market alfords their parlors snd sleeping
sptrtmenis will tie in the beat order. I he house
ha been thoroughly repaired and furnished wilh
a view to the eomfert of travellers and strangers,
Having had several yesrs experience in the
business, they hope to (rive general satisfaction.
end respectfully invite traveller and strangers to
give them a can. " BR tUT & TAKKCK,
Philadelphia. January 16, 1847. tf
The Cheapest Gold, and Silver Watches
IN l'H LjAUliM'lU A.
: gS
OLD Levers, full Jewelled,
ft4S 00
aa oo
30 00
8iver da. do.
Ijepines, Jewelled,
Silver . . do. , ; do. ,
Silver Quariiers, finejuility.
Gold Welches, plain, .
Silver Krctsek-s, ( ,
tnild Pencils, ii "? ;
t-i .i i i .
.15 00
10 00
IS 00
1 76
f r.
I i
a 00
ioiu uisreijirui,
4 00
Also, on band, a tara-e sesortsaentot Gold and
Hair Bracelets, finger rings, bresst pins, hoop esr
rings, gold pens, silver spoons, sugsr tongs, thira
hles, gold neck, curb and fob chains,- gusrd keys
snd jewellery' of every description; at equally low
prices, All I want Is calt to' convince cuato-
All kinds of Watches and Clocka' repaired and
wairanied -o keep good time for one year; old
gold or silver bought or taken lit eichange. ' " ' ' '
rot sale, eight dsy and thirty hour brass clock,
st . I,KWS LAUWMl-a
Wstch. Clock and Jewellery Store, No. 413
Market street, above Eleventh, north aide, Phila-
I have some Uold and Biiver severs, , sini
much cheaper than the above prices.
Philadelphia. Dec. So. 1 B46.1 y '
Small quantities glVCn Without Charge
. 114 Cheinnt St PHILADELPHIA, ,
I mm . . ' i i l . i . . : . . J
i riinis new ana.iwntiie priicsr, si Mn
II. notes, is professed to be superior to any Mia-
ving Cream in, tbe United States or Europe. It is
unsurpassed for beauty, purity and f'agranee, tho'.
somewhat analagous to Guerlain's Ambrosial
Cream and ether .similar ompounde.' It far sur
them all by tlie emollient pasty consistency
of its lather, which so softens ths beard as to render
shaving pleasant aod easy.' It further posseei
lha advantage over the imported article, in being
rrasbly prrpued, ne akill berag wanting in Its main
u facto re. R. Houssel bsving hsd many year es
perienct in tbe celebrated Laboratory of Laogur,
I'sie t Fu new Renaud dc co- of Psiis.
Besides being the best, it m lha chespeet article
forabavinai il is elegantly put up in boxes, with
aplandid steal en rrared labels- .
Jrjee S3 pgr dosen. or 7 cents tor single nni,
to shave ooe year. II la also sold at ft 00 per lb,
or HJ cents er os-, so thai gentlemen ran have
Ihs rboieefil edat. EUGENE KOHWCbe,
Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral VN a
ler Es sblisbmcnt, 114 Chesuut Street.
Dec 19, 1846. PHILADELPHIA
New Firm.
THE Undersigned hereby give notice, that he
has associated with himself, as a partner in
lbs mercantile business, in his store adjoining
Weavei's Tavern, in Sunbury, Johe Haas, snd
that the said atora will hereafter be conducted un-
dt r lha firm of Clement & Haas. The store st
the South West comer of Market Square will be
conducted, aa heretofore, by the subscriber himself.
to which he respectfully mvitrs his cuslomsrs and
Ha also nmifiea all those indebted to him, to rsll
between this snd the 1st of Janusry nest, aod set
tle their account.
All kind of produce will be taksn on account,
at eash prices.
Hereaflor no loocer than four months credit
will be given. " 1KA T. UI.EMEINJ .
Sunbury. Nov. 14. 1848. tf.
T E8PECTFULLY inform the public, that on
tha 0th insi., they entered imo partnership.
ra lha mercantile business, at the store recently
wccupied by Ira I . Ulement, adjoining Weaver a
Tavern, in Bunhgry. They have lately reeeivad
s nsw atock of good, which they will dispose of
j at the lowest prices. "
All kinds of produce will be taken in eicbangs
for goods. ,'.'
No longer than four months credit will he given.
SunUury, Nov. 14, 1846, if,
. 0 North 3d t., ihird door above
' Market Street,
aAlu bvciii lwoiau, or a general
MHimeiit Att Foreign and Domeetio llarilwtrc,
Tnhle nn.1 Poi ket Cmleiy, Trunks. Locks,
. s w iroitit nkiasa . a
' Latcheis, Bolls. Hjwi, SsdJtery, Whips,
Boots, Hhors, life. Cap, Gun,
Pistols, Tnrninines, Cluthiog
ami Fancy (ionds.
Tbe attention of city and country dealer w b-
vited. The Goods are fresh, and wilt be warranted
equal to the representations that may be matte of
them. BAl l.i 6t rJKllOKE K, Aucliunerr;
No 6 North Third t.
N. B. Purchaeer ran have their Goods a'ied.
Several invoice of Good have beo received to te
aold at private saK ! , . . , ......'
Philsdclpbia, Dec. lth, 1910. ly
Toi he i7 bTof npT
J. W. & 1). .8 TO k i: s.
Mnnufacturcrs of Premium Odd Fj1-
' 'f lows' Rcgnlin, "
So. 194 Market Street, PHII.ADELPItIA,
Firat Clothing Store below Glh Street
THE subscribers having taken lha premium at
Franklin Institute, at the last cihihiiion, (nt
the best Rcgslis, they invite (be attnnlioa of the
order to their eatahlishment, wbeie fliey will Cud a
splendid assortment of P. G. and Encampment lie-
saha. They also make to order for lxlgee and
Encampment. Regalia, Hashes, Costumes and
Robes, snd furnish every thine requisite for the
convenience of new Lodges or Em ampntenia.
Philadelphia, Dee. 19, 18t. tv
J lasting remedy for Dsvks also fur pain
and discharge of matter from the bar.
Hundred of curt in ra.-ea deemed utterly hope,
lesahave firmly e-taUUhed its superiority over eve
ry former Medicsl discovery. -
Tbi vslushle Acoustic Medicine ia a compound
of four different Oils, one of which, tbe active and
principal ingiedieot. ie oUaiued from the bark of a
certain species of irVaincT, a new and euuclual
agent in the cure of Deafness.
Person who bad been deaf for 10, 15 and even
SO years, have , been permanently cured by using
this oil. In fact, so numerous and so emphsiic
have been the testimonials in it favor, that the in
ventor claims for il tbe distinction of an lofallible
Remedy, in all cases, when tbe Ear is parfeci in
its rMinU"D. - i
For further particulars, and evidence of its) great
alue, aee printed sbevts, in tbe hand "f Agents. .
For sale in Bunbuiy, by J. YV, FK1LINU.
September 19d, 1846 ly '
f 1 nfiTf!ermtrifOi
In curing Colds, Cough,' Asthma,' Influenza,
Whooping-Cough, and all Disease of iLe
bieist and lungs, leading to Cousuinp
tion ; composed of the concentrated
virtues of ihe berbe llorehound,
Bonesett, Bloodroot. and
several other vcgeia
r hie substances.' .
Warranted ' '
THIS invaluable Medicine is the most speedy
and certain remedy ever discovered for the a-
bove compls'nia, as thousands who have used it
will testify. . For sals, in Snnbary, by
, r . J. W, FRII.INts,
and in D. BRAUTIGAM,
and at wholeaale, in Philsdrlpbia, by
F. KLETT at Co, ,' .
; Corner of Second and CallowhiH streeta.
September Jl9th. 1846. ly ' ,'
THANKFUL for the liberal encouragement
which be has received, would respectfully
inform his friends and the citisena of Northumber
land county in general, lhat he has prepared him
self with tbe best Incorruptible Teeth,' tiold Plate,
Id red, &.. ibat ran be h J tn tbsctty ail'bi-
ladetphia ; and that be will endeavor, to the, ut roust
ol his ability, to render full, satisfaction to all who
may think proper to engage bis service, tie will
be In Sunbory at the August court, where he will
bo prepared, at bis residence, to insert Teeth on
Gold Piste, or on Pivot, on the latest and most ap
proved plana, and attend to all the branches belong
Lsdice will be waited on at their place f resi
dence, if desird-
Hi charges will be reasonable, and his woik
He will visit different parte of the county, about
once in three months.
Sunbury, July 18th. I84. 8m
Llnlit Street,
Trt -Tg-rrcs-r:T-rt-r rR.
TH E House baa undergone a thorough repair.
Ths proprietors solicit its former patronage.
Tenia $1 a per day.
July 4, 1848. ly Proprietnra.
. Keller X Crenona:li,
WAsaxsroTOjev, d. a
DRAWINGS and Papers for the Patent Of
fice Will be prepared by them, at their office,
opposite the Patent Office.
. July, 4th. 1846. ly
EXTF.R'S SPIRITS OF tsilA, for ex-
trading Gresas, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar,
ax. Axe. from clothing of any description, war
ranted not 10 injure the cloth or the most delicate
colors. This baud hss also been used with great
sucee in cases ot Boras, Scslds, Tetb r, Pimplev
00 tbe face, Lhpid panos, Bora l:pe, Kbeuina
tiam, Hard or soft Corns, eVs. Price,. 36 eta.
r bo.ile. tA'i sate st IDs toi
July 18, IHU. H. MASeti.
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
lliuiol crland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia.
Kcfer tai
P. &. A, Rovnvnr,
liowsa A Bassos;,
Hoatas A. RanaaaA, PAt7af.
RttaoLns, McFislanu & Co.
Srsaiae.'oa & Co.,
E. ICirrlBEIl, .TZL,
A'o. 34 North Fourth Street, under the lcr
Cttrrnfs' ' Hotel, v .
it Mim. lit: eaai.
If 2T EEPS constantly on band an exlebsive as
m. mrlmenl of alt kinds of Hilk, Fur and Baa
vei Its'is, which he offer for sale on the most sea
sonshle terms. Hi Hits are made: up ol the hast
miterwls, and in the most approved atyle. rr
s.inn vi4iiog the ci'y will find it to their interest to
call. , . July llth, 1840. ly
S! isVKU" 3TKDAU ;
tviinin BV TMS ntstllll MSTITVTE, 1845.
Cily Daguerreotype Establishment, i
aEZE. op. caapn' iriissygs,
(LTS &. t'oti.iss.)
No. 100 CArsnnf t., nftore Third, South tide.
1MATURES taken equally a well in clou
dy as in clear w either. A dark silk disse
or a lady, and a black auit lor a gentleman, are
prefwraMe in sitting for a pictue. No enr charge
is msde for coloring, and perfect likenesses are
guarantied. July 4th, 1B4B. ty
THIS large and commodious Hotel ha a recently
been fitted up wiia entire new- furniture.
The subscribers therefor solicit the pstronsgeof
the public, and trust lhat their experience in the
business will cnslde them to give entire satisfac
tion. Terms moderste.
July 4th, 1848. 2 y - --: '
RESPECTFULLY inform the citiaen of
Sunbury snd vicinity, ttat he hss opened sn
ollire at the residence of Henry Masser, in Market
street, where be i prepaied lo execute all kinds of
DkSTiL Sunoiat . Piste Work, dtc, on tbe latest
and most approved plans.
Having bad some eierienee and instruction,
under one of the most eminent and successful Den
tist in Philadelphia, he belisves that be will be
able 10 give satisfaction 10 those who may want lit
services.. . .; ' ".'' ? '
Ladies will lie waited on at their places of resi
dence. His charge will be moderate, and hie
woik warranted. - . - .. -Sunbury,
March Mth, 1646. -. w - -
To Parchatiersi of
.Vo. 1X1 Pearl ttn NEW k'ORK.
HAVING established a Branch at No. 144 Chaw,
nut st., Philadelphia, is now opening, end will
be constantly receiving from tho New York Auc
tions, an extensive assortment of ...
which will be aold at the lowest New York price,
at wholesale and Retail. . Among hw stock will be
found & good areortmem of tho following erticlee:
Jacceneta, Plaid. Hair Cotd, Lata, Stripe, Book 4
Swuaand Tarlatan. Muslins, Bishop aod Linen
Lawns, Fsncy Cap Nette, Fancy and Ball Dresses,
Thread Laces, Application Do., rich B ach Silk
Trimming Lace,, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics,
Linen Cambric HuVs.,Cutlin Fringes, Csshnaeve
d'Ecocse, Mousetme de Laiae, Silk and ('oUn
Warp Alpaccas, Qunen'a Cloth, Gala PUiuV.
French Merinos, Blsck Silks, Gloss, Si k Hose.
Shawls, Crsvata, Ribbons, EmUoiderirs. cVcdte.
Country MerohanU and others visiting I'hu-xleU
phla or New Ysik to purchase, are respectfully tn
viasd to Call and examine the stocks.
No. 1, 184ft. ly ' '
Com pound Syrup or Tar J Woodj
Naptlia. , ,4
THE onprecedented aucceae of this medicine, in
itio restoration of health, to those who, jn de.,
psir, had given up all hOiee, hss given it en exsU'
ted reputation above all other remedies, furnisbipg .
evidence of its intrinsic value and power. lbs on
ly agent which csn be relied upon for the cure of
Ptlmonary Consumption,' Bronchittis, Asihma,,
Pain in Ibe side and Breast, Spitlinf of Blood,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Ste.
Attention is requested to Ihe following A8TOX.
ISHING CURE.b Thomson'. Compound Syrup ,
of Tar and Wood Napiha! ! '
PhilaJclphia, May 3d, 1844.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful,
trehnge I inform you of the astonishing effects of
your medicine, which hss literally raisrd me from
e death-bed t My dweae. Pulmonary Consump.
lion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro.
no. 1 need my case hojiclee . At this juncuoo 1 be.
gsa to u-eyour medicine, snd as i may
seem; it has completely restored me to health, slier
everything else had failed. Respectfully your.
Charlotte street, above George street.
The undersicoed. being personally acquainted
with Washington Mstk and hia sufferinga, bear
witness 10 the astonishing euect of J boaaaon a
Compound Syrup of Tar, and Ihe truth of tbe a .
bove atatemeut.
JOS. WINNER. 318 North Third street, .
DAVID VICKERS, 43 Almond street.
HUGH M'tilNLEY, 8. E. eornor Tamany
and Fourth aneeia.
Prepared only bv S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner
fc of 6th and Spruce streets, Pbiladeldiia,
Agents. H. a. Massev, ISuabury ; u. tiros,
and Dr. Macpherson, Hariisburg ; Jno, fi, Drown,
I'ullsville ; Geo. Earl, Reading 1 Houston A. M
on, Towanda, Bradford coanty, Pa. Pries cents
per bottle, or $6 per doxen.
fJr Btrart of ali imiioJiont.
Philadelphia. June tHth. 19(6. If.
J George JT VeTer,
No. 1 3 Aorta V.'uter Street, Philadelphia.
ITITAS ronstabtly on band, a general assort
fl UL saent of Cordage, Mm Twines, eke, via :
1 ar Uopea, Pishing Ropes, White Ropaa, Manil
la Ropea, Tow Lines for Csnal Boats. Also, a
complete, aeoitment of Heine Twines, dec. such a
ilemu Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent GUI
Net Twins, Cotton SosJ snd Herring Twine, Shoe
Threads, Ac dec Also, Bed Cotd. Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton snd Linen Carpet Chain.
Ac, all of which ha will dispone ef or) ronb!e
I Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. Jy