Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 25, 1847, Image 3

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    1 t A.yjr M KA A r tlSlM.A VEGETABLE j
J J . ok bloom pills
FIFTY rH.f.S JA M BOXle Cheapest and
tmt Al'ifirinc in c.u.;.rnrff .
for. purifying the bloodi
removing lioV.
ccm-cling disorder
ofthe stomach and bnwrls,
roMivrnrM, ilyapcpst.i, swimrnirrg
In the hesd.fce. Persons of a full habit,
who ir subject to 'teiifiArfce. fiiddinrn, lrnw
nine, and tinging fr ffte Eirs, aiir)it fruin loo
, : grrt a flow of blood to lb tired, should never
be without them, numy sjsngvsroae
, , ' fyntptotn will bp fnlircry csrrrcl
' ir t their tmmwfi
This Is W fortify tint my wife wm afflicted with
the Dyspepsia fr twelve yenr, and tried twin ad
vertised midirinee and Thom.onian, bt,t- without
effect; mtil myself attacked with blindness, end my
head otherwise effected from hard drinking, M that
I km apprehensive of fits; and wring
ndvcttrred, I went and got a bog of them, which,
to my astonishment rtWted cure. of mo and my
wife both ha yit, and I do think them without a
rival before Ihe public S. H. IIai.i.
A lhc,mrla street, nrar Wilk.
Fi sale ly Sr.TH S, H A NCR. 408 rtshimora
a., and-corner Charles and Pratt streets, Baltimore,
- - ml by GEORGE B RIG HT, Sunlury ,
1). BRAUTHiAM, Nurihumhcttaml.
epl.y5.n947. .
"" ysiCTrgimar,.
TjnjrjVtTN 'ITA'CHERS, to tr,:h the school of
" the" Shsmtikin .District. Tli . DrreetoT wi'I
rocel at the houn t T-nlig Lerrh, m SmrGlnwn,
on Saturday the 6th 'Octoher next, at S o'
clock, X. Til-, to famine and -employ aptiiicatits.
Strangers to flic Tbarrjl mafcrnr; applicalien, will
biing cTIBeTes' dT good 'morale h'tff arlcr.
. m.ix lekch, iwu
8. lora. fieuiey., , t J :
Phamnktw. Sept. -85. 384. . 3. '
' Feathers, Feathers! I
'From 12$ fo -rvwrx jmr Punni! C?icq,ir
' ' Cofc. M'hidtmie , .
ITplioltttercr & General Furnisher,
No. 115 Markel-rnvc Mth worth
siJe'roiipsiKiGirs Row.
! PUItADEtpniA, '?
TITHCRE may W bad. t art tmwa a Urere
' aortment f lleds and Marrae, Curled
ilwir am Feathetn, Gtiiira. TabVa, tedlMda and
Looking Glaeaea, together with all other artkl a in
the aboe line of biHineaa, at the I rwest cinh pri-
K. B. Gooda warranted to grin rinfac'ton
Hept ih. I47. 8m ' ' '
Watches Sz, Jewellery.
Full fav tiled CoU heutnfa $10, Warroiceat,
A'o. Jfare .rcet, I'HILAUKU'IUA,
T A8ntanily on harvl a targe Meartmrnt of
Gold and Hilver Watchct, at the fullowiMg
FB Jeveeltfft Geld LeT-Ta,- -
1 ter ' ' do
iold lupine. Ml fewellod,
Silver l.epiaeft,
liler Quirtieia,
M'iih a Urge amortra'Ht of
- - f4f0n
. SO 00
SO 00
13 00
9 00 and 10 00
Fill JnwuiAKat,
encU'aa eir ring, finper ' rinirs breast pina, bree
lets dd and silver pencil, enld ehaine. Arc. Ha
aJao n hand a complete assortment Lunette, patent
and f gain Watch glasses. Mam Springs, Vergee.
llialaaitd Hundaaf erry ileacription ; and in fuel,
a comp'etei asanrtmmil of Watchmake a' tools an-l
Watrh Materials' to which he would Call the at
tenlinn nf the man try trade in genet al. '
, Thaae wishing anything in the alrove line,
wonld find it' to their advantage to cVl end eia
nine his st4ick hcfoie purchasing elsewhere,
- Nn-Ufi Market stn el, below 8th,
PbiU.Mjdiia. H pi.t, 1847.
TTUEsfekrASin affjlicteo.
WILD CHERRY. W c.n consistently
Uie that Ur. Sway a&'a Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry baa been 'extensively os--d in the- Uniied
Sutea for mote than ten yearri that X beneficial
cflecis have been tested by ihnusanJs Tmut it
that bumlreda of individuals, gisduxl'y sinking vo
der the insklion attack of death's fell einaoary,
PuLovtat Coasuxmojr, have been restored to
health, happiness and friends, by ila use, and are
now living teeiimnnies of the curative power of
this attMipr. Avotiiss Ivvattn naaTuaan to
lIltLTU. ' Kill Til MOST lMlttllU COBB
Db. SwiTBB Pear Sir : I feel called by a sense
of duty I one in suffering humanity, to acknowledge
my grateful thanka for the wondeiful effects of your
Compound Syrup nf Wild Cherry on me, after
suffering month after month with the most amid
inn of all diaeaaea, Consumption. The first symp
toms were of a ery heavy cold which settled on
my lungs, which giadu dly grew worse, with pro-
fue night sweats, a tin-king cough, Sl itting hiood,
with (treat debility. My conttitution seemsd br
ken down, and nervous system very much impair
1 d. 'I went to 1'hil.idelpliia, waa tre.ilrd there by
plivaicians of the highest standing, but received Do
hcrieH ' whatever fr-m ibem, but gradually grew i
worse, 11 nli) my pbyrii ima, a woll as myself, gave j
1 1 all hop s of recovery, and I felt liii oue ho is ;
atinut to pas throuah the V .llev of the Shadow I
r il.iV. ti il,-,.i.,.(i 1 v..l ..r..
Comiind Syfup of Wild Cherry, of which I par.
t hased sil bo- tt. s. which I sn h.onv to ... entire-
' TI J - J I
ly rurrd me, and I am nw enjoying better health
than I ever have h, fore in my life, 'Pbyaieians j
who witnessed my case are highly recommending 1
it in similar caea, and I wiah you to make thia
pnhtir, so that all miy know where to piocure a I
remedy ut once whieh will reach their diteaao be- I
fro tamivrina with the mnnv iunk uostiunia'
tamp. nutr. with the many UK'k uostiunia'
.. i.K l.ieli iha eonnlr. i. rt.,.Ml...l. My ,tubme
is at 4.1 Ann street, where I stioulJ la) hippy la
have the above suMjnit ted Lv a iou;.l inter
view. ' ALBERT A. ROSS,
Vho'esale auJ reuil Dealer in cigaM, .
45 Ann htteot, N. Y.
rjj Be not deceiteJ by lbs many spurioue and
ivoithlcss preparation f Wild Chrrry. inhered
into notice by igooraal pri tenders, bu see thai the
ignature o( Dr. ttwiyna ia on each bottl. whteb
is the only guiiantee acainst imposition.
Prepsre.1 only by - Dr. 8 WAYNE, N W. cor
u'r of Eighth and lU'i tre. t, Philadelphia, aad
or sale bv repeetahle 1runcists in neaily all the
(riueipal Uiwua in lha Unititd States,
Only Acruts in Soubuiy, are
i!i Ann street, where 1 sh.mhl l h.oov to
-in tin 1 .... V
.iu, M Itou ; M. D. A J. Wrls. Munovi .C. A.
Wyatt, Loiaburg; Davis A: Kchuine, Suljiufove;
tin ti. Rren, I. me Mouiilain P. O.
1 , 1 K. .... bJ II ....... M,
Vui'.A- IpUJ,
rillL AD II Ll'HI A
WttliN, .Icwrllry ami" Sil
ver Ware,
Unaranlcrd Mtrr fur thr prire than nf any nlher
Fieri in PkihitlphSn. may Whttd,
. . MinJrnafr iht Krln-I, rrt ', '
(t.nle M1IIOL1S IkUI ItlV S)
No. t2 NorUt 2l strwU abovo Arch,
P It I L A D B 1. 9 It X A .
AirATCIIKS, all kind, fair, ..w and mrditim
illlti'd, anrftnft 'WtlMt arti,
Gold I.ev, r, full jwcdlM,
leplTre,a, de
Silver l.exera, do '
" lpiea, ' ' do '
tiartKrit, fine,
Ijnattie, imitation,
Jnwatiar. DiamomK trnM
f W mflOft
IS to 4fl
2r to SO
15 t. H
J to . 0
IRhatr.a. oM
Pena with Gol.l and Silver hoMers, lVirtfl Hreast
Pina, Finger and Ear HiiR, Bmrtflrts Xi.ifneos
ttfanen.rorat and laa. with every rht artirl.' of
J. wellry of tta rteheet and mt faaWetiafle f at
terna. . . t I
Sitr.a Vfi Platea,, PKort, i-tff ,
&Hif 8iandrd Silw.; ' "
him W.JCaom. Cako B inketa. Fana.
Vanea. Card Caae, and. rfht-r Kick Fancy Good
in gtout Vivrirtv. "
UnksirVi 'nyrt wi av money by tailing
here b.f re yw hainj. r..
tjjT Kev tt advert omeit, and elt at No. 5
Y..11 will beaariirned the ood are really r.hetier
and better thtn tt fVfre.l hi IV rity. For aale
low, handfomo piir oT Show Cifea. niitahle for
Jewellry or Fanry ' Ariy above.
rpt S.Vlt. lgTty '
, AolK c to Stchol I cuchcm.
1f4Jrit;E i hrreby gWon, h.t ike B..ard of
11 S.liivd D rflor et' l.owor Ane-((a town
atrip will frt at the puMio house of X5eirirc t.'.'n
rirfl, on atwday the i:it!i day rT November, at it
eVImk. A. M , for the eiamiinrXt.tu ud.rrbxmn
ofTewheia fitr the Public S. hoota of fard rtiAri.'t
TruU a are required to u li-ct rtufc IV wIirta for
cxiiuiihatin, aitiordinu to law, rtreeirtre day.
, . 'V. JtJHN SXVDiSiNisf rwN, ,
'. WatTM SrarcB Kecrrtary. ' - ;
Lower Aiiguil, Sift. 24, 14- '..s ;
Dyspepsia or 10 Years' StandW '
rpHE wife of t'apiain Roberta, on Vine Strict,
J. near Wat.r, Cincinnaili. ha been alflw-vd
with DVSPEP8IA In its tnot aggravated foYM
fur tVs latten years, waa vec tr.mendcd bv cMne
te,l vAyieiir! r)f Roaton, New York, Philadcf hi,
BultftmoTR, nd CinoimiaU. to Kavrf, as thry cottld
do not M11 c fir her She iKd ae, bnt it did her tto
good, tho hen ccirftrwnf cd ttfl'ngThe nviel pol
lav medtfirrflcnf the day for tier rftrppl dnla, but d-
rivnl no benrfit. ralnft an ailveriieement of DR.
P1I.T.S in trrnpaitr, ahe concluded to give the.m
a trhd sent to O, F. Thomas Main alreclbe
tween Third and Fonrtb, Smith's Aeent fot
Cinrintrati, and purchased a box, took them attor
dins to direction, and Can with heart Tclt loy atate
that ahe derived more benefit from the Men of one
box of Or. Smith' Sugar Coated VegelaMn PtfU,
than from any other medrrirre she has made tii nf
during the ten year. (The almva rt sent 16 G.
F. Thomaa on the 3d Dee., 1814 J Pitt. Tunes, '.
fX3 IJAUTIO?!. As a mtserabm ImHatinn has
been made, by the name of "Sugar Coat PilW
it is necessary to be rare that Dm. G Bts J. 8sttVa
ignature is on eery hot, Ptiee S5 cent
Principal Office. 179 Greetiwich et New York.
8uld by JOHN W. FRtLING, SunAury. ..
Svfit. 18. 1847. - li'.-tji'?'; t!
Notice. , f a v
ALT. persona indebted to the' subscriber, tor wool
rsrdimt end fuHmc during list year, Rt Dald
Ham U'seetatJ'shrrjent in lrwor Augusta township,
are hereby requested to call on him at the store ol
Ira T. Clement. inSunbury, nad pay up, on or be
fore the 1 at day nf Ocloler 11HU All Uiwtllod ac
counts sHrr that date, will be placed into the hands
of a justice, lot collection,
Siinbury, Sept. llth. 1817. 3t
; ' ttmranrrt
rernrt t Trtlt ' '
irrrns abb I nir
KB, THB WOtlX OF Tit '
tiFSTHoraa ats B.t wrst-v,
-Trig for a a or ' eossrjsrtio MATrt
jk RE YOl) A AIOTHEK1 Your darHngehild,
your idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps
confined to her chamber by a dangerous enld h r
pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the
hol.l di-eaae baa already gained upon her the
sound of heV aepulchrat cough pleirea your soul.
YOUNG MAN, when just about to enter life,
disease aheda a hearr Crushing blight over the fair
prospecta Of the future your hrctic cough and tre
ble liuiba tell uf your loss and hope, hut you need
not despair.' .There is a balui which will heal Iba
wounded lunga, it is . , , :
Mrs. ATTREE, the wife of Wra. II. Atuee,
Esq. was given up by Dr. 8ewall of Washington,
Die. Roe and McClrllan ef Dr. Roe
and Dr. Mott of New York. . Her frienda all
thought she must die. She had every appearance
nf being in consumption, and was so pioonunced
by her physlri ins Sherman's Balsam Waa given
and it cured her.
Mrs. fJAlTRABRANTZ, nf Bull's Fctry, ff
aUn cured of consumption by this Balsam whea
sll other remedies failed to give relief she was re
duced to a akiletJO. Dr. A- C. Castle, D'Ulist.
Srtl Broadway, baa vritucFsed it ifl' rta in seveial
ca-es whrre noo'her in 3k-ine alTixdetl relief but
"i usuem opcraieu i se a cnarm. ur. also
v' lxt VHi'il K et,-,n """)'. ftb-
i btcn ?' a'lin- .cl""'8 ''
ming as ii may be. Is efftdually cured by thia Bal
sam. II. heals Ibe ruptured -or woun.led blood
v.sseN. and in ikes the lungs sound sg-iin.
Her. !l E.N K V JONES. 108 Eighth avenue,
was cured of cough and catarrhal slV.-cti n 1 1
vp,r a an-ling. The first il.we give him mre re
j ' '
'l" "'
'r- "J- ats, is ivsin y ain rv. ga.o u .o a
I "'M-r-in-iaw v,o waa iano,,K umirr,
and to another sorvly sill rt-J with th. A.t'jina.
In cuara ItsrlC oia were imnicdia e,' soon re
storing them to ron.fortab'e health.' " '
Mra. LUCRE TI WEM.S, 35 ChrlUe s-reet'.
ulferej fiom Aathuia 43 ymr. Sbernj.D's l'a'
sjm relieved her at onee, and she Is eomparal vely
well, being eii.blr.l to subdue every at lark by a
timely nse of Ibis meJicine. Thi indeed is the
great remedy for Cotigbs. Colds, Sinning IKooJ.
Liver - Complaints, end all tt.e afl ctioti uf the
throat, and even Aathuia and Consutnp'.iun.
Price 35 cents and fl per bottle.
Dr. Sherman ' Cough and Worm Lciengea, ami
1001 Mm'a Plaster sold a above. .
Dr. Sherman's oiTiee is at IDA Nassau at. N. Y.
Ageuu, JOHN YOUNG. Sunburn.
M A. MiC Y, Northuml eritnd.
Sep.emlr Ihh. 1817.-ly.
-K ... . . .
f'l.lX SEED. The liirt'.iisl i:ni!n
. 1 lor Klas-i . al Ihc alo.t i f
i I'uce uiJ
i Aug 31, 1817. JOHN flOG.IIl.
Be- If . f'Wift ; j
1 1 & 'ir i s t k r it .i i s 1: , it i
tiivns, SiaUirirn4 irlt kintls r- Inflamed
. - Sot ra ICnrre.
rpoilREY'd lIN4YE8Ar,' OINTMENT, is
X the moat compleas Bnm Antiloteever known.
It iristauily, (and aslfViy Magir) atoftapairta rrfthe
mn.t dnpetato Rurni and Scaldo.- For old 8 taa,
Hm tea, Cot', Sprains, dte, on man or beast-, it
the best ap plication tliat can be maJe. TliooaniJs
have ttird and tlionnaiiiN riiie iu It is the mnat
pitfiTt master of pain tTrr diacomriJ. Afl who
nst recommend H. Every family should he provi
ded with H. Nuno can tell how soon some of the
family may wwd it. r
Olwerve eirh Vmj nf the genuine Ointment
ha ihs name of S. Toran writun on the outside
lnhel.'-To imitate this is forgery.
Boitmen.l.iverv Men, Farneis, snrl all whfle
Korsc, will find this Ointment thH Ty hmt thinf
Ihrytan fto far Collar G ilia. Srratrltea, Kkka,dcr.
&ca on their animals. Surely every enerctna I man
would Veep !d aidmats a free finm pain as poeai
Me, .. 'Pottaey's Uirfvtat Oiirtntnnt is atl ttiat is r
Juire.V Try it.
BM'ES OF INSECTS. For tlxe r-tftig or kite
of pftirfonous Vnarcta, Tousey'a OintO'ent is nri
ValW.!!irhdrd hae tried it and found H gool.
P1.ES CURED 1 For he Piles, Tottseya II
nivcreal Oin'tncnt is one i4he best Remrdrea that
Can be applred. All who htvt tried it for tbtt PiVa
recommtd it. 1
Ol.n STRES rHRElX f. rdd' obstinate
Son s, lho is tioming erpjal to TiAiaeyV Oint
ment. A perin itl Mautiua had, TiVr a tittmber tX
yera, sore leg dial balTled the skifl f fTle rbVturS.
TouaeyV tMtttment waa rccommcnrod by die of
the visiting physicians, (who knew itsf rat virittes.)
and two boxes prodttrro mire berrefil than the pa
lient had received from any and a'l previous tcrrrr.
dies. l.i nil try it.
BITKXS AND SOAM13 CrREl). Thousimls j
of M of llurna and r-'calds, in all parts of the
country, hste hecn eur-'d by Tousry s fTnlernl
ttiniiiient. (?crtiliclea enough could he had to fill
the wlTnle of this h,l,
nn testimonial, in favor of Tousry's ttintment
for curing Dtttixe. have- Isjn otl'ereil the propiio
tore. H andreds in Syracuse will rerliiy to ita great
merits in reli, vipg the pain nf the most Severn Bruise
All persons should" try it. , , -y
SCALD HEAD CURED. 8 .res of cases of
Sea kl llnaJ have been cured by Toa.ey'a Oint
Kent. Try it it seldom fails. ....
SALT KHEUM CURED. .Of atl the remedies
ever discovered for this moi-t disagreeable complsmt,
Tottsey'a Un-verval Ointment is the mofct comprCle.
Il never waa kn wo to fail.
Touney'a Universal Ointment will alwaya cure the
wortt casea uf liiiapped Hands, Scores uf persons
vrrll Kate thia.
SORE LIPS CL'BED- For the cure of 80. e
Lip a, there wa never anyihiog made equal to Tou
sey'a Ointment. It ia sure to cute them. . Try it.
Il is a scientific compound, warranted not to eon
tain any preparation of Mercury, trj" Price 25
eenta per bog. . Far further particulars concerning
thia really valuable Ointment, the public are refer
red ra Pamphlets, to be. bad gratis, of respectable
Diu&giaie and MerchanU throughout the United
Prepared by ELLIOT A. TODSEY, Druggfa
Syracuse. rorsaleby
JOHN YOUNG, Sunbarv,
M. A. McCAY, Northumbeiland.
Sept Uih, I8IT. ly eow J t
Great Bargains,
V,; AT AUCTION ! ! .
rT'HE under-igned will dispose of at aociion, on
Saturday the 38th of August, at hi store room
in Sunbury, an el- ganl aasorimeot l
f oniilint?, in 'ocf, of
also a Urge assortment of. L'roccrics, ueeiJiitlrr
Tin totire. d e.
. Great Batgaina will bo offered, as I am deter.
mined to dispose of my whole a oik, without ra
anrve. . I
Sale 10 commenc al 0 o'clock. A, M. on the
day and at the place slated, end to ha continued
every Saturday until the whole la itlspvri,l id,
'I he conditions of r to ahnwtt nn
tho dajr f rtle. ? A feesonable ereelit will he given1
Sunhnty, August 3 tat. 1847. tf.
V a Fu a li I e F a r in?
"ttflliL ha offered at puldie Sate, on ihrj nrlini-
f V sea. on Tuesday the 8th day f September
nett. all ihat Valuable Farm, taw the estate uf Ja
eob Keller, dee d . situate In Rhamokin 1oWtihrp,
NiMthumls-rland county, adjoining land of Aaa
T. John, Henry Moll. John fliehsnla, and ittbers,
containing on huttdred and teventy four arte,
strict aiaasu-e. tying within half a mile of the Dan
villa turnpike and 38 ml lee from PdMsville. Where
on are erected a good two stor dwelling hue.
shop, barn, good sisWtng and ouibulUings. and goad
cider weeks. AboOt 100 seres of ahitl fatm are
cleared and in a tnod atate of rtitttvatlofl j atwtit
aik actea of which arc excellent meadow. ' Thfa
are about 800 hearing apple tree. faniicliat!y
sweat,) together With a great many sweet cherry,
plum, ami pear trees ori sard farm. There la a
fountain at the door, brought from a never f illing
spring. ' The uncleared land ie wed set with thrf
vimi otiug limber,
Sale 10 commence at 10 o'clock on S'd day.
where due attemlauoe will be given and term of
sale maJe known, ty ' PHILIP KELLER,
Auauat. Slat. 1 647. at Executms.
IHERStl.NS iri.vellii.g' this touts are hereby
I int..rit'd ihat thev can tiroeure 'through
juketa," l-y making application at the Hotel of
Charles Weaver, Sunhury. A. 1.. K.trr-
Nnrthumrvrlnnd, July 31ft, 1817. if
To Ihe Eledon
Cmtntij 1
of Northumberland
TELLOW CITIZENS At iher.nucatof m;
J- fileod, I olT r in-ctf sa a cai.-dldate for Uia
fli.-a of . . , '
CuudI) CoiiinilMalo.ncr
Should you tielirvs nie woj'.ay 0f y0ur con j.
ilem-e, stnl confer this office. ttou L.e, I ahall aarfe
iio tielion 10 givg jeniul mnUfseumt.
" Upper MahoiNjy, July 17. I84T.
To the Electors -cf d'orlhumbtrUind
L'uhuIu t s
EING ii!ii'tteJ by many of mv friend, I
h it cauFemed to uller invlf as a Vwlun-
tii cjndiJate for the office of
rnr, 4 si in.h
kifNurituiiibaiisod eotuity. SIkic'J yiHi see pr.u
Di r to I led lilt. I l.L .L. a liikMil 1.1 naif.iiu lbs
; Julica 1 1 -ai.l ofllee with 11,1. Inv.
Suubuiy, J.tne l!:b. I8t-
Vi pelaMr Universal ViU,
The nnh nntfn Mrrlftinf thnt at tfr. unrnt thnt
" ptirgrt pnrijic dnd tfrrnbtftn$ the nyilti.
' '-; . ; tomr6?t, )uly 7, tM6.
TTfekH. t.E noV'a Pilla are 4 View nw.hVme
JLjV which lias just apered, and is tiA taking
the dacrs pf atl otVra if the same t'as. T.lire
pills are compose, 1 of many ingredient, uiit Ihc
IwoTrinripal ones areatsaparilia and VVild Clr
ry, en untied that they art together; thu one,
tbrmijh Ira aifiniilure wiib other ub-t-vcfs, pn;
rifytng mi) purgin. vhire the oiher ia strcn-jihenv
ing lire system. 1'hua tliotn pilU are at the sam
liire ta'iiic ami opening; a dr-ardcratuin long and
eagerly smiglit Tor by medical men, but never be
fore drsvjuvetf J. In other wards rttey do the work
of rwo medicines, and do it much brtn-r thin any
two we know nf fur they remove ttotWna . from
the s arena btt the mifmritb-a ; so thvt Wa thry
purge they irtnghrYi; and Incentive y raMw no
dtbilitation, arr.1 aVc ToIIowmI by To re-stfiitt. lr.
l.e R.iy'a Jrtllsliave e Wiidcrfrtl inneivcfll th
blood j they ot only pu'lft wnhmit vecnVViiii it,
but tliev remCive all 11 tus rsTtrrrcsTfimttlrf chvtV
I Kfoif rt is CnnVerivd iniotlu il. and thua make im
puna blond an WM tmpne.-ibtiiiy A a there ra o
di-bilitatbm, 1-0 there. H nn ttanaea dr sb-kneas at-b-nding
tmi pn'iont nf this most excellent id' me
dieirres, wltrch m-Ver vtraina nr ternirr ho diges
live 1uiH-.tinna, lJt ctt-s thm In Work m a ir.
bS lly nutttral manner ( ami hemf -prosrm., taking
llnm do not become pale and cmaetrfh-d, but the
contrary for Ithite it is the prnprrty el the Mnrsa
panll.1, Uni'vd ts il ia With other mctedreaita to
remove all that ia bireigri and impvrn, it r equally
tlie pr,ia-riy nT l!V Wild CheVry h naitt all that
isti.itutal and -mundt atid benre a r.ilint ataie nf
beat h i the ei-rtain retail! nf their unilod a-ra-
? p'irB 2-r cent. a;r Btl.V
Acrii'tl'or lie Wnv's rdrs; " "'"'
v j. w. FRii.TNtt.y:
' ' JOHN YOlTNtl.S
M. A. McCAY, Noriburnherl'd.
Al)Ji)t.3tst, 181T. ly
D. C,
ttt SkVr.Nlti oy prx-. nr'r.T, ko tinr. or ta
A IMIu Journal nf t.'frtTrnmen, tsj-litirt and
J ' .. .
I to aunounte tho crtmplction nf his arrange
merits for the esisbll hrtient of a welt-0rgn!ed and
independent Journal or News at the Scat nf the
General lloverment.
The leading features of the United SUtee Pe-
porter will be the following ;
I. Catty Intelligence of the Movemen's of the
rarioua Depattmenta, .in reference to domeatie af
fairs and to the f.treign relatione of lha cortniry.
fit ha alven tftitb acrunttlona fldelitv. roasesv
ing peculiar facilities for obtaining Information.
Ihe oitepeiter wiit ue enanieit irequennv to gsnn
munieale, etc'uicW, intelligence , of the moat im
ponsnt character. - - ' - ' -" '-
' II. The verbatim Kepnrts M me r roc renins snu
Debs Irs of lha United StaT Senate, which the
proprietor U bound, to fumiah daily to that hmly.
in acrorJanra with the terms of the Contract made
at the cloaa of last sen ton of Congress, The at
langemenla now -made will at once fully secure to
the Senate of the Untied Statea an authentic and
complete record of its debates and to the peoplet
in a greatly enli'grtJ itrgree, the oenetit ni tne eg
perience, sagacity, arid ststcamsnshtp of that holy
to which they have aver Uoked with solirltoUa and
respectful regard. . - 1
III. The Proceedings and Dobateaitt the House
ofKepreeenlaiiyea Will also be cten with tullneae.
Impartiality and the ttlmost prompiituile, F.ack
day 'a record will bo completely mule Up, and ap
pear in the Report w'1 net! morning.
IV. A Svnontiral View of the Proceedings and
Debates of atl the Slate Legislature Will be regu-
Isrly given.' Mentliera of Congress, god all classes
nf reader, will thua be kept tutiv attil systentati
rally Informed pr dnmestlc legislallon in all sett
tioMsnf the United Ste'ea. . .
V. Estly loielllgrtire of all IrUp'Irianl tnitve.
menia in the lgtalaturee of Ureal Briiairl and
France will I communleiied by tvery .learner
fmm EurojH through reporters in IamoIoU arlil
Peris, who poeseaa peculiar laelliilea t r ubUlrtittg
VI. Tlie UeiiCral Nea of the Day will he given
itt a rnmreiid form, with induatry slid attention.
Vll. Reoorls of ArgumetiU bctortt the Supreme
Court of lha U.S. - Thia depailmeni will be so
conducted as to In A the 'R, porler " ifldatpnisa
hie tit ever taWvel In the rrnilrv.
Such I a brier view of what the "United States
UriiOriet" Is ilestgimd to be. All the plana and sr.
raiigemenia haVe bun well Matured, ami ihe ho
ie conO.lenlly cheiished, that Ike "United Stales
Reporter'1 Will prove it-elf an energetic, industrious,
dignified . and perfcelty Itnlep. nilent joltitial. Il
Will have no parly Views no political big. The
proprietor, hV the terms of hie contract vi It lh
Senate uf the U. S.. Is bound trVilui condition thai
"thO papet shall contain Ho (Hilltjeat disi-ussbma
etcrpt lha debates.'! Il Will be lha vihilie f news
not tba otgan of any act of oiaiiloua. The grand
aim of lha eubaeilher ia to establish at the seat nf
Oovefument a faithful and or)tt renertrr of all
sorts oriulolllgence---S responsible agent, en whom
the pidilii iaui Uie bualui-s man, the inauufuclilrer,
the uMvhanM', and every one. interested in the af
f.ha of (Uutgrrss aiul Uie (loVcrlirmtlil. utay rely at
all limes with implicit rmufl.lence.
It ia lelieved that tiia riehihineut ttf suC.h
. idiabW J Hiinal of inielSgeuteon ti-rma which (dace
It will. in the reach ol Die great uiaxv il tne ieu
ple, at Uie eomHieuea-ini'lil of what promts' to be a
moat imrresiiug and ew-mful a-i.Ht iu the bi.torv
if t'oiiKiis-iiii'Hl c-isbng, will be regar.UI
wtin ravnr oy an ri.ii-.-rj 01 omuuot
k..;..- .I,... -li.l hi. ..hl.Tl.. t ie aulMi-. her r.-
spertliilly Milicita.a linoini sua gcneri.os .uppor'.
from the enlightened public of the United Sti.v
. I.-..... JAM Ms A, lit 1 ; I ir yt
, Sieuogrspher to the Seualo nf Vne U. K.
The 'United Stntes R. pler" v. V, l a prime, I oh
a large and handsome aheet. nn i i,.Ue. every iii.r
hing.etecpt Sun.laya, o. ilVtf ,at of six 4olaVai ef
annum 1 ii glerO.''-', two rent.
In eonneeiliTo w.ih the daily jwper, Ih. re will I
issued from it. t.ine establishment,
TiiL MiNKott Xf c .vfik :..;.
T'nc publici.tion will contain eti lilaivo'V ibo re
! J . , ..,,-
porta or the proceiuinp aim uuiaiea 01 inai 1 on
greaa ol lha Unl'r.d Sialef. It wifi hel-n?il semi
weeMj, lu ah eticl gwaio firm. tpf-UR)al the
senetorl ol lljrlgrees, arij f ill be furnl-ihcd to suh
senile rs at lha ralo i-f two dollar for the lrug -ion
ahii one dollar tor the sfiort seaaion. It, is te
Ticvrd tliat thia great aattonai woik will be ili-emed
indispetisib!e In IM lilirary of every public innii-tt.
lion, po'.uioian anil nrofeaaional mail iniougheut the
colintry ; and that il will be regarded by the great
miO of the people as the very Inrsr p.dille.1 text
book tor (hair own instruction and that uf their
cbtUlrtnl -
MPOr?r.4AT .tA'.YOI?.VC-.'if:.Yr. -THroejhout
the lessi -n of Congress, Extia
will be is-ued Ir.on the olTire of tba '-L'niud Stat, a
Reportsr," cnniaiuiiig tha repurtt cf such debaiee
as may p.issest puliu'siiy rl.iliug imeiest
All tuliu'iiptiou auJ cjiuiyuiucationa to t-a post
paid, a.ldrc..i ( "J. A. HOUSTON.
I uiied Sta'ea Reporter, Vt!iing!ou, D.C."
Aiuu.l H h, 1H . !
TIlT! "triildren hrgart ro cry fnr Shermairs Lo
tengea. Thn rrnrse wa not ao r1 at thsl
rrme.bnt ft has Vnp1trrc.Frtiing eVer 1nrrriul fi. iw
Ilea hetorrre so great tint tire Tfioutlia oT trie lltilo
ones can scarce lw srricd. Ir. Sln-rmm sYirVris. j
tliisea Whh the Villi iWoraili, knd vtti much rt- j
ere a that sny nr tnefA tlxSi bo disappnin'tel
Knowing 'he vast hon-f.t wtiich has been eoi.fei
red uriori the community l-y lire iVilroductiori of
Hr, infallible - "' '' i
WOllM liOJBNOlii,
ne lias 1-nteTi-d iiAo arrangements for enlarft;V)g ltia
Maimf nrennn nf tvtth'h lie think, he will
he aide to stipply the demar d. Arid the name onins
ar.J rare villi Iwtnkrn, that thee ic'clebrateit Lo. be mSe ss thry h.ive alwajs N-en. in or-tk-r
that loo-e who .1, Jlend upon them, may not 1m
disappointed in thVit lipr. lie knew whrn he
commenced the mm-jfirt-tUr; of the Vnrm hitm
en, that ih.y Would supersede Ihe nso of every
other Vciniifoge, a the Li trii'R ia tvry plcirxtttil
to the taste, .rroi in ils.Uerts. ns well ss rrrMin,
and the qrt nutty required to sttetl a perfect t'trr,
is very small. These pToprrfir. intpnnhrxlon With
the f.ct iht they am arid for Sit eerrt. peV bot.thu.r
pi i ing them lit the reach nf iho poortfl man in
the land, has U'A only railm-d thnm- In 4ak the
phcr of every other verniifuge ever ofli-reil, hut al
so ren.lered them populsr to the community.. -Or.
couatt LozBuacs,
eoiitinue to cure tyiMiglw, C..I.I., 'Connni4'on,
AMhms, shnrines. and difficulty nl Breathtnu, and
nttirr ea of the Llili);S. With the same facility
ttir-y did nn tin ir flrM ilitioilucti.irt. aud tho ireople
have now become pvTMiiailc.l by actu ilcieilriire,
that nn tlie acers-inii nf a -light cold, they have
only to st.-p lo eilher the Di a. plHcO, Or nne of the
Aint. and ol ta-u a tn.X nf ritn lo.itgb. Losei gre,
wh'nh are very convenient lo carry In Ihe piVtket,
sml Ie- lake a few ihroituh ihn d-.v. By pursuing
ibis cfisrn! a cure is of 11 n eft.iaid in l bourse and
tlie putient .ibouV his Im-lu. as. So trt-at ia the Ce
lebrity of Ihc Lor.'.'Pijvs. that thotl-nml. of pnv-ms
whrt baVe trseil ti:Vm, iih'l N-rnnir acrtu.iiuit'1 witu
thvir flle-ty, wilt T)eV. l Uithout thrtn. .' ' ,
POOH Xrt A tt'S FE AStf& .
has rU'i d mote caivrs of KheUmatiam, Pain in the
Bnvkv Sole and Chest, Lurulgo and Weakness
than nuv application licit baa ever been niadu. An
the rrh-btity of lite Pl.i.-tei bai luereartvl, humlreds
of impilnripled rasenlv have atleinpti-d lo counter.
feit it, nil pW it nil up m ihe rommunrtv as the
gnmnnA. n, y itewaift or ItereptuMi, JTM . Ilemem
bee thai the true and genuine I'laater ia spread up
on reddish paprr made eiprrsdy Tor the purpose,
and in every case the signature of Dr. Shut man it
B'tutid Upon the bse.k of the Pl.aiei, and the whole
seemed by Cony Right. None others are genuine.
Theirrore when yoo want a real Mtictraari s
Poor Man s Plaster, call at the olTice lOT laIMa
street, ar.d VOU will aot be dissPiNtinleil.
Remember the number. 100 Na-aail st., whrO
all Dr. Sherman's !inces aie aohl. Hia Agenls
are Mra. Hays. 139 Fult.m street, Brooklyn;
Hmrson, Wltliaat.blirg and keddiug A. Co.,
Boston, and JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury.
M. A Mi CAY, Northumberland.
rVplerrtber lltb, I81T. ly. 1
Indian Veicelablc rantteca
IrHTsssaa. ttowian A. WL-rtt8-Uenlai rvel-
if U ixf deeply grateful Tor lh extraordinary cute
pevforrneil upon me by Votir Dr. Cullen'a Indian
Vegeiahte Pnrea, I cheerfully furnish yen with
a shntt hlsloiy of my cast). , . - , :
. Almiit seVeu years ago, (when Only eleven yaara
old.) I was attacked with Scrofula, winch increaa
ed in its raVaaea till ritv tliroet nltetl with ut-
cerai the bouva Of Itiy neck laid baret my palate
.hut toyed, and a large piete of one of the nsl
IhiUPs eartletl away. My hcul waa .alao an ttinch
dbased thai ir) lirlnkiug. the Ira or Culloe Would
rUuoullv t'ttn tlui of !t 1 tnr f A mar.s of some
thing which the Doctors tailed a lunior caMe front
inh iiiwH ..... - -
I Waa tlinler iho Catc nf phsii:ljHa of ihe high
Bt distineliun ill ihi t lty, wild at itHe liaie pro
nounced rlirtul, ami by rcttae.t allemteil a medical
liKiilrC. where my cirw. Ingethttr with the method
or euro. Was ekpialiifit to the sttitlenla. Too lec
turer salil.--YoU si troiV Well, but if the disease
hoUld irtUiOi you cannnt live l;Hig. aa it arculd
soon iWtroV yoOr witnipii.". i . .
1 .lid nrtt believe mVajlf rureit at the lime, ta
hid rttuch lilslnve irt my head, and other dlasgrre-
abtr Seeling.) and aftct a time the Ulcers to-opened
111 Jau iaig. 1619. mV IHolhet railed with m U-
HM lV. M uiter fur advice, lie a.U I Waa 8 very
rick aiil. ami i waa doubtful whelhetaVrt I woltld
get Weill II Wer, il Would be a long while, Tba
rtisease giew so mUih wnise, thai the physician
wlin then alleiuted met aiiil he euulil gee WV wind-
pipet My fai-e b!mi Ws swollen, highly inflatned.
ami Very pan.lul, and the Jr. aaw ;UR-ei.ucn waa
ineviUl'le 1 1 , , ' i
I waa in this cohdltiofi III Jahltaty last, when
roiiiinencett takiuu Vmir -Da. Cl'tLga'a tablaa
auki.aU Pa V ! ,'' The iiirtartUlinn waa soon
r. UluV.d, and tho dreadful n Ice. ei loll in lha fac-j
pretenledl I em 110 vrrll j have nn ulirt
no pain, or any disagreeable achaatina in O'y 'tirli
and Mow feel that I a rilred, I shall. Whappy
In give an) further informatbtn lo llK siflieted who
will lake the trouble Ueall upon -,u a nay fat her "a
luiue, We.t Spruee, bclweeu V,each .pj Willow
stncU, otpolie Spackuiaii' cirr. - - -signed.
Urrt or Piiu.r)n,. 4
I bis Willi .'.ey 'f . ,,; X. D. lin. before
the hubciilH-r. ;,tor ,,( ihu iwdd Vity. jiersonany
appencd Sands, v holH-Tn-t daly sworn,
.1. ....j . . L. .......... . ' '
" I'""- r ,,, .. mat lim tarts ra t lonri in me
I jie. BilklH ai'u
" "B "l!
IVK-Iiy true fh oveVy aiti-
In lealimoriv wherei.f, I hiv'o Inre'niArt ia-t my
baud aiil BiVhI the eniporaWsed ot tbe .aid ciiy,
oil Iho i!jv and yif U f we Vril(e.'u. L. W.
, JOIN sWIKP, Maor.
We hereby certify, h the bImiva statements of
nut daiirthici ai'a t lie In every pariienhr. , '
ruUleliia, April 7th, 18 40.' ' .'','"
V'crlilieste i-f eure in, pjir.pLr form, may be
had I Jr. .lia, at the nhVra of the aeiits.'
This medicine ia jirepured ' and sold by the
I'lOi'tntora, Kowaud 5V. Walton, No. 3i6 Market
riieei, rni
SS-i xi
i-iieel, Philidt'lpliia. , .
W W Uaiienhower, No I Mo-ri st. IM T.
W Danrtdiowei. No 1 O F Hh, Cm. II.
T Jriikins, No 58 Canal bt, Hi t Irreans.
N Robmsoe.eor tlay 4 SaV.lngasU. Uair.
Agenls; ; H. MASH eiiniiury.
Mlltont J. Sentaitd, Nsar Oer
Musser, Millhcim) Bharia D. Lewis,
Vilkesbrre, , .. '
Sold a'.so by Druggbts throughout the Unite J
Siau. . ... , Aag. 7. 4T Sat. I6y
I ) LA s'l V. RriT nd Sail ty ruTeliTur sie i
I C s. BiG A It.
lifiiirE LEAD, in sod Paints of
V kinds for sale, 15 per cent, che .per than aver
before sM at Snnbuiy, at tbe atore nl
July 31, ln. . . j JOHN BOGAUi
KAI!K'. Tie itigh'si marktt price p.iJ fjr
Bark, al the stole cf
Maicb17,181r. JOIINBOgAK.
ni .1 ..... "....a 11 i.ti.i.M,
. , BttiTlvser ..
teiin WDUN VEUHTAflLR I'ltW,..
&nn As Yaa .! T)ets.iAea..'
VLJ KIGrtT'S UfiiAR VKsTiBt.aii.ia.-The-e
v V-'elertYarV-il Pit Is.' art liniverVattv nu,t ami n.l
iiiretV have become to tie eofisidernl almost a. ne
cefrtry in fnmilira as raler or furl. In fict. ''bo
pndt.ipte upon which this mi-dicinc. has eMail) ahed
its rertltatfan-rrrffaiir; is now pretty generally
sekiroV, li-dgrid ir) lo the 0rly irt oYfo, be whh 'i
iralth may be pnrarrved, or restored wtten impair, .
Wrighi'. Pills are now a nuivrrail TavoVitr.
Frftm flit Thilil'riphia;- l.vmtn Posf.
WainnT's IvYirs Vxrl Pt'.t.s. are at.
tahring great olcbrliy in New England, as well s
other paits of the United Slate. 1 he attempt ol
prraoris to defraud the p'eblic by UiC s.ifc of dpiirtoit
aitiiiles mi-eta: with' acneril yewolvition.
W'rlsltt la an indefaiiegldn business man, anil show
Sn nrrAy of rurrs by tho inedrcine which Wan int
coiifiileut'e in ilia virtues nf bis Imlinu Vccct;ililo
FrUn thr Vhilndrtphin Spirit fifths T-mn.
Waiaar'a Isiia V.niiTAht.s . l"i i.V.h. IViV.
pin are Prrliy wrll . sjti-fliil by this time that e 1I0
MA, and the other ftftil nut rViiheinl pro
pAraiions of tho rhnps, ale luster sdiptuit, ni rn-i-Val
rule, lnj.i)l lai'.icr than euro the patient -, 11m a
nt d'er of cout-o, Vi-uetsMe meilu-ltrrs aTeth'-Vc'rtir)
lb greM ietiieH. There are m itiy hiir.Mius ft-rvr-r,
among the latter, a ti we Wotild Advi.'e ll
I how who have the bi.'t rwrVaid lor tin ir hr .I'll, 10
iV Hrriri'a InJinn Vnirtahle FiUsYf llic S'urth
,4mmnd tortrfc nf ttrullh, aa Ihev are the pre
paration of one intimately acq-tainled wi'h thd
beating art. . - ' - '
J rAm litf u:iin iH'ly JthU's. ,
Wiit .itrV aitiaw Vi.r.siuK Pn.Vs.--Of a'l
the ptililie .lerilsed rrredicinra iT the dsy. wo
know of noh'n that we ran inme s:ilely roroium. n.l
ir the ili Hi f-h in heir to.' ill ill the I'll! 0 it
re Solil nl the dvpol of the Ninth Am-iicioi Cd-
lr;e nf Health, No. 11 Tn-mmil street. Bnamin
Sevnral iiistsHras wa know nf where th y sre rifed
in fsruilies with the ii'.&hiat ...I i.l'jclion; n.l no
loriger ago than ycstn.Jay, we heard an e.oineot
physician of this lity ttcomtoPnd them in high
Tho following hililv resp-ctalil storrkreira
baVe lieen duly apKinted ag.-nls for .tiii Mil ? ol
Wrizht't fndifii l2"c5a Tir.-, Ih Ivorlbumbcri
lamt eonnty ; ' '
lletiry Masr'er, PuubrnV.
K. Ac i. katilVtuaii, Augusta township. .
Samuel Herb, Little M.hohoy.
Williem Dvppnn, Jackson.
Beneville Kolshiro, Upper Mshohoy.
John U. Renrt, Upir Mahonoy.
Samuel John, Shamoktntnwn.
fonejib-, AViMnvSt Co., NorthUmbotland.
fc. Lv Piper, WalsottliUrft.
, irUud it Haynea, Mt;UwVnsvlllo.
Jarltea Peed, Potl-groVe.
Wm. O feolt. Rasliville.
Ilarttnvn knrrdde, Mlysburit P. O.
Am. T. Beissvl, Turbutsvilln.
Giil.rtn Shadel, Upper Mahonoy.
tlhttde etc Farrow, lny.LYMowrt.
John King, FarmersVilte.
8llaa C. Cook.. Marttn'a Creek. ,
4. Do Voting. Hicksvillo.
Abraham Shcrcr. Richmond.
Sarttuel Taylor, Slateford.
John H. Vincent, Chiliruaquo.
Ym. lleinen tt Biothcr, Milton,
BrAvnfcor CUnTrVi.lTS. Tho public ant
caUliotted against the many apurinun medicini:,
which in order to deceive, are called by names si
milar 10 Wright's tudinn VcgeUhlo Pills.
The safest coutae is lo puichAae of tho Vegubr
agelits otdy, who ate gentlemen thitotay Iw re
lied On. '
fTj- Otfieea deVoied exeliwivfly trt tho sate ot
of the North Ametrran Collefte of Health, No. 288
Greenwich Street, New YorW t No. 108 Tn-mont
Stroet. Uosion; and PRINCIPAL Of'FlcE, Now
In9 ttata StBltki-, Philadelphia. (
Jiiiim 13th, ISlfslSy.
No. e0 Mflfkct Mlrtct, Htotjoor.s below
Thirti, South s'nl,
littpeH'l'8 S. W Htlltrttrtle Icalel 8 lit
WA1t'HF.S, Watch Ola.e ami Materials;
. Jbwelty of all deriirtptlou, qn.liiie. and
styles, all tho article cotiuecUA
with Ihe Ttade,
Ditsmi i rWa Urlttlnnla, Gcthtan SPVet atid
vcr Plated Ware.
Sheffield and ili.rmlnebm Plated Fancy, Articles.
Rodgbrs r)k Sou'a And Woteilb..'im' Cuilery, i;a-
lors, Seisfirtrs, Ersers, V'cg Knirvs, e.
Ivory iIandle4TahleCji',CIy1ofibc 'fiiiea.t, medium
and quv.,ies. ' '
A Jrtrge ssaoiliiv fGold I'lins.
Perifocal Spev,cles. ;
Papier Ms'V nj J;.nncd Trays, v . 11 1'j'us shapes
"d ilatilica, at redneed rales,
Oob' Vetch Cam s, Dials and Silvwr Ware, of all
'.'iecriiupq,.mauulacluied lo ovd'nr.
DICKSON iV CO bavilig tecenlly remove. I
into live l.irge and eeminodinus ri arelioiiae foriin tly
occupied by Messrs. R. Aruu.t di Suss, and
more, teceutly by . Aavuf feT A Kaaiao roa, Im ji
leave io infonn Watch Dealers, Cuuuiiy Men lvint
ami others, Ihat they design having at tilt times a
large assortment iifGooda, of their own linporu
li.m, which Uiey aia dvteriuiued lo rtlt al the iowci
rales. ( .
fl-vcry atteiilioii w ill lepai.J 10 tho PacUmt;
ol tiooj. and ill the exeenlMt nl tinier, the qu ill
tics andpiicce willbefully 6UuioJ sii;aittl alt
Philadelphia. Jutto lOili, IStV. 1
l irst rtciiiiuui U l iliu liiK
;(. si iNorili Tliitil Slrc'xt,
ttOM Di. II in-, -thd Ci'K' f;it d Prole -ur ol
Chemistry Hi tho liniversily ni renn a.
Lhila.lelnhi.1. Oct. 11, t H 13.
Dear Sir ttaving liiod yoitr Ink I nl llia'.k
you lo isrnd hte anoiher bnllle, ss I find it t . be
xcollent. I jour. Irnly.
Kobt. Hies."
rro'm Dr. t.oeke, ol" Ciocinhati, iliaii"gui.-lie.l
for bis liumerou sclenllllt! teearrhe.
- Medk-al Cidleg of tNiin, tMncini.ati.
... Jauuary 17, lM-
lisvinc ured Xlr. Hover's Writing Ink, I ant
satisfied ihrU It U the ft' width ha. ever come 10
my knowledge, and esicitlv it imiJff-l.vit for lha
use ot Are Tea, mni wU'wt cor.wlo ihi iu, avni
in long esc. . ' .
Jnrl-s Locki. fror. ef rhrfnislry.
l-'roio a well known acientinb geiilleman. v
.Philadelphia. FW J7, IKrt.
' Mr. ioaeph t. HoVef-S!r : A' use of y our : slid s. ine prarttctd Itst of Ps scprnontvl
ht induced me to recoinmenj it to others ti aa
iiivstust.le'sllUte fur mend. eg China, OIuik, ur
Cabinet Wr. ' CaMrastt Miarrr,'
Anatvtie Chenjrt
For rale at the Miiiltfvtory, Wholesale ar.t Re
tail, firs ST NObto Tbiub kiraasT, epptrwio
Cfcswiy ttrctt,, by 1
May v:, IS4T- jJl If Man."ttt'f.