Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 25, 1847, Image 2

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    Mote IVtulla nt Ilia llMtlre.
Tito Picayune haa eerioe of letters from Mr.
KruJ.ii;,.auu corre.xeil list of the kilted end
wounded. -
The regiment of N. Vork Volunteers lost
10?J mm, in kille-d and wounded.
1 ho great-at lo.s ws In the attack upon
Santa Anna's Rcond.lw, as he called it. No
rrcnr.noRnc of Una- etwtijj position hsd Hern
previously made. Trip brilliant euccrea t ihn
mornin Lad inspired both rfiicrrs ami men with
the hii-hest enthusiasm, and the rushed or-ll.
mell inlfi the position most export, where they
were inowflri down lijr hundredo. Our own
lo fl but lutie abort of 1 100, out of 6W0to.
S'i."-d . .
A Idler from Mr, Kendall, dated Tactihaya,
'Au 2"t says that the armistice has produced
umve rl ilii8ftiisrnction in the army. It ia re
garded os 0110 of .Sanla Anita's old tricks to Rain
time and plan Rome new solo-mof trickery and
difsiminiilatir.n, Mr K. doe not believe that
an honorable ppneo is to (trow out of it; in
whirh opinion he in joined hy many officers of
the army. He nays that the whole matter was
planned by the Hritish M, inter, who backs
Si at a Auna in his cotirso.
It is r.vorteil that Psredea and Rustaniente
are built approaching the capital from different
direction, with strong forces, breathing detith
and destruction In the Americans.
Tim number of deserters found fthliiifr a -(juiohI
in, and now among the prisoners, is?i
A Court Mnrtial was in session, with Col. (Jar
In oil as President, and it was tfHiught lull jus
tice would be dono the precious rascals.
Idly, the Irishman who commanded them
makes bis boasts of win. I he has dune, and says
he ejtiecls no mercy,
Gen it I was himself wounded by a grape
shot. It struck hint on the outside Cifthnlcg;
below Iho knee, and pave him so little pain at
the time that he said nothing shout it ; but it
has since ranged him much uneasinesa.
Three members of :he Mexican Congress
were tiken prioner-i, but am to bo liberated to
tike pnrt in the deliberations of that body on the
finest inn of peace.
Another letter, dated the 26th, states thai po
sitivo information has been received that Va
lencia arrived at Tolucn drunk. "
Mr. 'Prist is said to have expressed himselt
pleasod with the peace, negotiations as far 'as
they hnd progressed.
It is assertinl by bome, but doubted by others,
that every thing in proceeding right with the
M"j. Gaines, whn recently escaped fiont
Mexico, was in the staff rd Gen. Scott during
llio battle; Midshipman Rodders in that id Gen
IM low; Mnj Durland made his escape, and was
also in the battle.
The Picayune recalls its opinion that the
City was not at the mercy of Gen. Scott, and
rays it was entirely optional with him whether
to match in and take nosuoaaion nr nor .
lien. Si-ott, in his note to thfl Mexican Presi
dent, tendering an armistice, rails the war be
tween the two Republics an "unnatural war,"
and fays that too much blood' ha been already
fchrd in it. The Mexican Secretary of War, re
plying Gen. Room's note, refer to the ex
pressions, and nays: '
"It is certainty lamentable, that in ronterpience
of the discard at the riphts of the Mexican Re
public, (be sledding of blood ha become inevi
Uhlu between the first republics of the Ameri
can continent; and your F.scellency with great
propriety muliie this war a nnnatural, a wall
on nri'oiint of iu origin as lbs antecedents of two
pinole identified by their relations and interest. "
It is not witlioifl snrprus that we see such
laninge as this, reflecting en the American Go
vernment in no gr,HS s manner, quietly, received
by On St hit and allowed to stand before the
world as a pait of an official correspondence. If
Hie Mexican functionary bad ttied hi utmost a,t
insoli-iire be rould hatdty have succeeded in eon-c.-nt
i atmp more of that offensive quality in the
seme nitmln-r of words
Ft'i.Fii tivn lima Psomisb. A few years aco,
a number t Texam were taken prisoners in
.Mexico, carriej to the rspiial and made to work
uon the streets. One of their lebore was to rear
a column on which Sunt a Anna' greatness wit
inscribed, with the addition tbat the work was
dune by prisoners taken in ths Texan war. The
Texan employed on thit degrading tank, made a
vow at the time that if ever war wa cart ied into
Mexico, this work should be destroyed. " Their
pledge ha been redeemed. . After tbc late bat
tles, snd the Mexicans' w era driven in disgiace
to tlo-ir city, the Ti'xans, formerly prisoners,
went in a body to the monument, removed (very
stoue and broke them into piece. '
fciNui its There is a child in New York,
hardly twenty two months old, and is 39 inches
in bettht Recently, it grew four inches in three
day, and then, alter twelve daya intermission, it
grew lour inches iu a week. Itt f (length is con-s-nm-nce
m so rcductd, lust the circulation of
the t'li km! can be "en in it veius.
Traofohs in I'Aum In Parts, the eldest
son of the late Duke of Praslin, only seventeen
year old, has committed suicide, he being over
wbehned with the disgraeo fallen titon bia Is
mily in tho murder of bis mother by his father.
M. Alfred Muitleenitirti, son iu law of General
1'eyron, one of the tiret families, of Prance, ha
hlulilR-J himtrll in con sequence of either gamb
ling! losses, or for havine committed forgery.
Aid lastly, fbo Princa Deekmnbl, aon of Mar
ahsi DsrouKt, whu hsa been doenr.ed for some
tioi insane, baa slabU-d bia lon-Uesa, woman
whom he iiritlil Ijuui ladta. . Deutf a Peer he
has lot bet'it ifulel;, but he p utid 10 Lu kvpt
iu close cwuhurmcat ty hi IneuJ,- . ,
Llent. Cntnnet Premtmt,
TTis r)r.M?ni rn an tMMxnfATe Trial Tke
Wstbiiiftoo t'nionof 9rurday tveniiuj favblineinsj
a letter from Cnlonel Ft esmxit, addressed to the
A-ljutant General, reporting hit arrival , n Wa
shington under arrest, and making the following
request :
1. A copy of the aid dirges filed sgsinst tne
by the said general.
2. A copy if the orders tinder which the said
tenersl brooeht back from California to ths Uni
ted Plates myself snd the topographical party of
which I formerly bad the com-nand.
,3. A copy of (.tieeomirntrriratntn from' Senator
Benton askintr, for my srrest and trial on the
ehatget made iu tb rtewtpsper sisiost me, and
which application from him 1 adopt and make
my Own. '
4. That charges and uperirtcstions, in addition
to thnie filed by General Kearney, be made out
in form against me, on all the newspaper publi
cations which iisve come, or shall come' to the
knowledsre'of the oflice, and on all other infor
mation, oral or written, i
5. that t may have a trial a eoon aa the wit
nrtsis now in the United States csn be got to
Washington ; for, although the testimony of the
voice n( California, through some of its most is
tpeclalde intiabitsuts, is essential to me, sfldsUo
that of Commodore Stockton, who has not yet
arrivsd fiom that rovince, yet I will not wiah
the delay of waitine for these Isr distant witnes
ses, ant will no into tnsl on tbe testimony now
in the Unitel State part of which i now in tbe
State of Missouri, and may reiftire thirty daya
to tret it to Washington 1 therefore ask for a
trial at the end of that time-
These requests I have the honor to make, and
hope they will be found to be jut, and will be
granted. 'I wish a full trial and a speedy one
Ths charge again! rr.e by Brigadier Genersl
Kearney, and the sabtidisry seeusstinns made a-
gainal me in newspaper, when I wai net in the
country, impeach sne n all ths department of
toy conduct (military, civil, political and moral)
while in California, and if tree, wonld subject
me to be cashiered snd shot under (tie rale and
articles of war, and to infamy in the pitlitieopin
ion. It is my intention to meet thee charges
and accusation in all their extent; and for that
purpose to ask a trial upon every point of alle
gation to forma and technicalities, and allowing
the widest range to all poatiblo testimony.
The failure of the wr known house of Pst sr,
Wash ti Co. , of New York, tun created a ve'V
general setisatton throojtiout the commercial
commituitiea of the country.
Tbe New York Sun has this paragraph en the
subject :
. "This painful occurrence called lurlh a gene
ral outburst of regret and sympathy in every
quarter of the city. Their honor and integrity
were proverbial, ami their Bills of Exchange a
current in Canton, London and Parts, aa in Wall
street. .The event is a public calamity, while
the attendant circumstances add to it a degree of
national importance. Tbey have not fallen from
mtsmsnagement or indiscretion mi their part.
They are an Antrricim latrifiee Rrithh Hipu
diction ! Their downfall has been produced by
the return of CiUs of Kxrfasnge which they bad
diawn oo bankers, against ahipmentsof produce
sent forward to England. British merchants
have the produce but refuse to pay for it I Messrs
F.dward Prime, Samuel Ward and John Ward
who compoaed the firm, wielded. the experience
of half a century, during which time, they, or
their parents, had passed unscathed thiuugh the
severest commercial revulsions. At the organi
zation of the late Vi ime, Ward k King, they took
from their private fortunes snd inveited in tbe
firm .r hundre-l thousand dollur$ in specie, eve
ry dollar of which ha been swallowed up by the
rapacious maw of British repudiation. This
they wisely concluded, was enough to lose. If
their rspital bad been five millions it would have
all gone the ssme way. No honest man can
blame them under the eirenmstancea, for ana-'
pending. It was the only judicious course to
pursue. They did perfectly right."
, ' Want or Self CoNnntNCF. Mr. Hough, the
temperance lecturer, is, it seems, nut firmly es
tablished in bit temperance principles, He said,
in a lecture recently, that he bad so little confi
dence in his own power to resiat temptation, and
ao tearful h at at any time he should again fall,
that no sum of money however huge, no proapert
of worldly advantage wmild Induce htm to pan a
night in a room, with no companion but a bottle
o( ruiu. .
Half ai I!i.f. l.eigh Hunt, though horn in
F.nglsnd had American parent. Hi father was
a royalist, and fled In the mother coantry at the
time of the revolution. Hit mother was a sister
of the celebrated painter, Benjamin West.
. THitGwEATMr !VatkvruPkk ,
ivuMro. The greatest lual evor performed iu
newspaper printing was that executed upon the
ledger presses night Wore? last, whoa tint
two new presses, (I loo's 11 Fat,) wero for
tbe first time put in operation together. fcUch
of tUwe prcseee ie capable of printing about
I-INI imprixuutiH in an hour, but this tale ol
nM-ed ia not always iieci-os-iiy , when lint form
goc to prit the tcual hour tti I bo evening,
between ten and ilevro o'clock, a even the
immense edition of the J-edgcr can bo worked
oil' by daylight in the morning at a speed of
eight or nine tlioiwartd an hour.jin time for ilia
tribution by the carriers. Night beliire last the
preaeea were run together at the rate of eight
ibutisaiul each, and ij.rn thau$tn imprct
stout of the Ledger were printed elfin a tingU
huur with ease. This ia whtl vss never dona
before in any newspaper oflice in the world, and
would aearcely be credited if it wer not wit
nessorl by rtumber of individuate. Tbtj t wk,
as every reader will see, was doua aa well aa it
was duue quick, and the she U bore a clear,
; it. r.fJUSTKM, runt r t ne)
tat mnrt tmt sVSKce, corner ofHt and Chftntit
Strrett, Ittiladtlitkla, at Asa ss7 il
.Vossaiw Areef, JSm IVr. K. fWrtwe Itmt.
Unutrt arut fnfrrri sf s , WrtWfotsre, mint Alt t
State Sit ret, lent mm, it awfaerfsect la art n
Jlfcnt, suirf receipt tar mlt mante etttm lhl
airier, far intfcrifttitm ar axtrrrtMnf,
;. IV. CM It It, corner o Third and Dark
Street, Sun llnUdintft, opposite Mtrrhantt'
Ext-hunge, I'hilodt lyhia, it ulto aulLoriwti to
act ait our Agent. . , ,
Ikmorralie NomiBRlinns.
. ros canal comuissionsm,
Of Montgomery County.
Pen. b'umiimtion fur tiorthmmheriand County.
For Assembly,
For Commtsioner,
For Treasurer,
For Auditor,
07" llov:e's Iss. A fresh enrqdy of Hover's
celfbraTed ink, in bottle of all aires, has been
received and can be had at II. Master's store.'
C7" We refer our readers to a number of new
advertisement! in this wet k's tuipec.
B"7"Oil eur lirtt page are several interesting
articles, . among thesn a beautiful poem, by a
young lady formerly of this place.
VjT A Taylor teetiog was held in thit p!ace,
oo Wednesday evening last,' the proceedings of
wttk-ti wilt be found in another column.
0T Wa had a number of teftestiinv showers
last week, which were much wanted, and wonld
have proved of great service to the' termer a
few weeka earlier, :
0 No further news from the srmy. Sis day
had already passed since the suapeusion of hos
tilities, and nothing bad yet been done. It is
still doubtful whether the Mexicans will yet
agree to terms of peace.
07 The election is now rapidly approaching,
and still there is but little excitement on the
subject oiared with other seasons. This, no
doubt, is in some measure caused by tbe all ab
sorbing topic, tbe Mexican war, which swallows
up evety thing else. . , - . ,i
i . . v ; . "
K7Cot. F.vsa hss declined being the candi
date for Senator, iu the di-trh-t con.poaedot Uni
on, Mifflin and Juniata, on tbe democratic ticket,
to supply tbe vacancy canted by the death of
Pr. Wageenaelter. ' The nomination wa after
wards tendeied Henry Tearick, Esq , andaccep
07 BainbiKH Gen KRAie This office almost
went begging. The election to fill the vacancy
was held several weeks since, and yet tbe returns
are not all in, at leant no one haa thought it
worth the trouble to collect them. Below we
give some of the returns. Col. D. C. Wstson is
no doubt elected. (
Suubury. Capt J. H. Zimmerman, 71
" Jacob Hummel, 42
Col. David C. Walton, ' 33
' " Amos F.. Kapp,' ' 1 5
' Capt. Henry P. Baldy,' " " 1
Milton. Cut. David C. Watson, 09
. )aac Slenker, f , 5i
" Valentine Best, " ' ''7
1 Samuel Tieber, 4
" Amos K. Kspp, 1 ' 1
Mahonny. Cspt. Samuel Hunter, 0i
" J. II immerman, . l.'i
V ' ' Col. Isaac Slenker, " ' 3
" David C. Watson, ' I
Capt. Jacob Hummel, 1
l.ewisburg Col David C. Wstson, SI
Isaac Slenker, ('
(tv Tbs Mititonion It mistaken in aaying
that Major William L. Dewart waa a defeated
candidate tot Brigadier General. The Major
waa not a candidate, no more than the editor of
tlie Mtltonian ia a candidate for auditor, on the
whig ticket, as we erroneously slutsd last Week,
instead ol Kobe it liitien, who was Ifae nominee.
ft?" Cor.. MosciaN Col. Geoige W. Morgan,
of the 15th IT. S. Infantry, and lately an severe,
ly wounded in tbe battles which resulted so glo
riously for eur arms, ar the city of Mexico, is
the ton of Thomas Morgsn Esq . of Wathington,
Pa.f who married Catharine, one of the daughters
of the late Colonel Wm. Duane, (the veteran edi
tor of the Aurora,) of Philadelphia. . By the fa
ther's sids, Col. Morgan claim descent from the
famous Morgan of revolutionary mumory.
Pksmmon tub Wot Branch. W learn,
from private sources, tbat bilious and typhus fe
ver prevailed to an alarming extent on the West
Branch. A few day ago, in the immediate vi
cinity of Lock Haven, Clinton county, there
were between sixty and'teveuty caiet of biliou
fever- ...
Cantl CerBffiUtUnr. and Reform.
A Mrmher of the hlf fP. Rpsaking of the
proiperone eondithsn f ur public sverks since
I there is one whig in the Coarl, argae tke neces
sity of maklne; the entire Board whig, in order
to reap the full benefit of reform. This svnuM
tiide! be getting otif ofthe1 frying psn into the
fire S Iisve always contended that a mixed
Board, or one that always had one member of
the opposite party in it, svouM strove a most
whnletome reform, while it could not effect the
interest of the party in power. This opinion,
we know; is entertained by Srteny c,f our best
and most dittinpuitbed democrats, at it would
make the otfiqer of our public wot I honest and
careful in their duties, which in of vat import
ance to Our tax-payer. .But the idea of impro
ving the Board by making it whig in politics, i
piepnsteront ' We have had a specimen un
der the admiuixtrstinn of Thaddeite Stevens, snd
tout we shall never have any more of it. If
the board must be constituted wholly of one par
ty, we would of coarse prefer a democratic one ;
but what we honestly think would be best for
the interests of the people ss well as for Ike par
ty in power, would be a mixed boaid of two de
mocrats and one whig. This, while it wuitld
place the power in the hands of the democrats,
or the majority, when fairly exercised a effec
tually a if all three were democrats, would
at the tame time be acting fairly, by giving the
minority a representative of their intereats with
out the power of doing any harm. We thou Id
like to see a law enacted that would bring about
auch an arrangement something aimilar to our
Iswelectinr Judge and Inspectors of elections.
These are onr candid opinions, and we are not a
frsid to express them, and we believe them to be
the sentiment of a large majority of the reflect
ing and honest portion of the people.
For thesn reason we shall support Morris
Longstreth, our democratic eandidste, for Csnsl
Commissioner. He is an intelligent and practi
cal srisn, of unexceptionable character.
TyUr Seetins in Smbnry. .
: In pursuance of previous notice, a larse num
ber ol the citieens of Sunbory assembled in tne
Court House, on Tuesday evenin; lait, ths 11st
intt., for the purpose of appointing delegate to
attend the Taylor Mats meeting, to be held at
llarrisburg on the Itlh iust. The meeting wat
organ iter! by the aelection ot the following offi
cert: President. THOMAS A. BILLINGTON,
F.sq ; Vice Presidents, Pets Pi-rskl, Da. J. W.'
Ptsi Martin Iswin and Cuari.cs Wcavcr;
Secretaries, John It. Pucker and Ckark-t M. lf,Ul
On motion, S. B. Packer, Esq. stated the ob
ject of the meeting.
, C. W. Hegins, Fjq. being called upon, enter
tained the meeting with some eloquent remsrks,
in which he spoke tbe sentiments of every demo
crat who haa the independence to think and act
for himself. '
On motion of C. W. Hegins, F.sq.,' tke power
of appointing delegates to the Matt Meeting at
Harrisborg waa vested in the President ; where
upon he selected the following persona at dele
gates :
E V Bright, J B Packer, T A Billington G
M York, C W Heems, H B Matter, Hon G C
Welker. C M Hall, C J Bruner, S D Jordan,
Dr J B Master,. A Jordan, M P Scupbam, I P
Tursel, Geo Clark, C Weaver, E Brosius, P B
Matter, W Martz, John Ilaat, J Eisely, Dr D
T Trites, Col Geo Wetter, F Bucbsr, Lewi
Dewsrt, F. Oyster, C Kersbner, W II Thompson,
J H Zimmerman, ) Rohrbaeh, W M Baitjan,
B Kiobn, J , Diebl, S J Fry, J Youngman, S
Haupt, H Fsgely, J Young,' A S Voiingman, J
Cabel,' G Lyon, M Gass, S II Engel, 8 Mantx,
Geo W Kiehl, P Frank, J G Bright, H Martin,
DOE Maixe, Cap: Wm M Gray, D W Shindel,
Hon Geo Weiser, E B Matter, K C Eisely, M
Bucher, D Btoom. '
' On (notion, Resolved, That this meeting, be
Ting full and entire confidence in the patriotism,
honesty and capacity of Gen. 7.ACIIARY TAY
LOR, i in tavor of him aa the democratic csn
didale tbe real candidate of the people'-for the
Presidency in 1848. , .,
In Bin ros it Cointt, a convention was held
over which the Hon. J. Mann, (one of tbe purest
men in the state,) presided. The following reso
lution was passed! . , , , c
' Resolved, 'That we acknowledge ourselves e
ennd to no county in the Cemmonwesltb in our
devotion to Gen. Taylor, and should he be our
standard hearer in the next Pre'sidentisl contest,
(as we believe he will be,) the Democracy of Bed
ford county will give htm a vote equal at least
to that one polled for our beloved .Tackson
We are for Taylor, because Taylor la for hia
country.. v,
Tnx ELrcrioNS ve Conorkss. Including
Maine, the account Hand a follow, of the num
ber ef meatltars of Congress elected of the re
spective parties. Democrats elected 100 ;
Whigt 111 ; Native If There are three States
yet to vote, and the delegations stood in the latt
House of Representatives, as follows j -
There is a vacancy in Ohio and one in Michi
gan, which will be filled by Democrats.
The house numbers 228 members, and 113 is
thus a majority. If ths three States yet to e
leet shsll vole a at the latt election, there will
be 113 Demoerata, 114 Whigt, and on Native,
who will hava Ihe catting vote between the par
lies; that is he ran tie the Wbiga, though he
cannot give the preponderance to the Democrats.
Skntksciof Dsxru wa pronounced on James
P. Lsnglord at Montrose, Susquehanna county,
latt week, by Judge Cony riglism. He shot hi
wife Isat winter at Rome, Bradford county, when
t.e was intoxicated with liquor, cr tutferii.g i; ri
de I its influence.
Arrival mt the Rteamehlp llrttannU,
K ' I' ONf WEkkLA taSFkOM l:t-ROIS.
! A grades! downward "iesideiKy is' perceptible
in the Corn market, with b1 little hope ol re
animation. A large business however, eantin
ues to be done in wheat in dear, bat at declining
ratea, mainly influenced hy large supplies both
of the home snd foreign descriptions. The home
harvest is looked npon ss secure, snd Ihe cropt
renerally are considered In he t full average, an!
other produce it not deficient either in quality or
supply. The present qnotstioiis cannot be re
garded sa the minimum point.
The drafts of Prime, Ward Xc Co., of which i ac
eeptanee was. on Wednesday, definitely refuted
by Overend, Carney fc Co., were, on Thmsdsy,
honored by that firm in consequence ol the inter,
petttlon of the fiiendt of Prime, Ward Ik Co
Not'w-itbstsndiog' thst the funds have continuer!
tolerably steady since tire departure of the last
steamahip, a fearful pressure hts been felt in the
money market, deeply affecting, if not entirely
paralysing cvety branch of trade and manufac
ture, f " '
The ttesmthip Great Britain was suecesfully
floated off on the 27th ult y and arrived at Liver
pool on the .10th.
Italy at ill remains in a state of ferment., The
town of Perrara haa been invested by the Auatri
an troops, and a declaration of war seem to be
unavoidable on the part of the Tope. Tbe King
of Sardinia has declared hi intention to aid the
Pontifical power, and England warmly sympa
thiret with hit hotinett. Such a war must anni
hilate the Austrian dynasty in Italy.
In Spain the public excitement is still unaba
ted. The Queen has intimated her intention of
calling N'arvaez to the bead of her councils.
Orr-oMTioN to Unci.r Sam. The New York
correspondent of the 'Sun' tayt that a private
mail has been organized between Boston and
Philadelphia; that no change will be madeexcept
a penny pott delivery in the places of dettina
nation It ia Intended to beat the mail half a day,
and will be patronised hy all who write.
Mi'NtriccNci. Mrs. Farwell, of Cambridge,
Mass., leeently dead, left (10,000 to the Baptist
Board of Miasion. She and her hutband bad pre
viously given $100,000.
A Nobi.c Cuaaitf. Large numbers of chil
dren, among the poorer classes, have been made
orphans by the scourge of yellow fever at New
Orleans lately. With a commendable spirit, the
citixsn have promptly established an asylum for
tbem, and the contributiontof all the nrcetsarie
of life have beeu most abundant. -
Silas WauinT. It is stattd that the late Mr.
Wright leaves property to the amount of only
$10,000. ' ' ' ' " '
, r , ; , , !
Dkath from Starvation Ths N. Y. Sunday
Mercury states tbat second tenor of the Italian
troupe which came over in the French steamer
Union, died on the passage, of ttarpatiun .'. This
seems hardly creditable. ,
Gen. Piu-ow- A .correspondent of the New
Orleans Delta, writing from the battle field near
the city of Mexico, gives a detailed account of
the battle, by which it would appear that Gene
ral Pillow, the next in command to Gen. Scott,
performed a very conspicuous part, in three
well fought and triumphant battles. II Gen.
Pillow does not know how to build a fortifica
tion, as we lee some of the journals sneering))
tsy, be knows wrist is equally desirable on tbe
part of a soldier bow , to take ous, and that
handsomely, too. , , . ., . .
Col. Wilson, who recently died while Gover
nor of Yer Crua, left the county of Edgecomb,
N. C.f in hi will, forty Ihousand dollars for the
support of the poor. ' He was respected through
out the State relinquished ths ease snd comfort
ef his own home and of a competent fortune, at
the advanced age of aixty, to engage in the mili
tary service, "i .''. '.'-;- ';
Harvst wiTttot r Previoi t Sowma.-ln the
Schnellpost we find an account of a method ef
compelling the wheat plant to become pet ennial,
like fiats, and to perfect its grain annually, with
out annual sowing of seed, which hss been suc
cessfully practised at Constance, in Germany
Ir was discovered by steward or an estate, na
med Kern.' His method, after plowing and ma
noting the land and sowing it with summer or
winter wheat, is to mow it in tbe apring before
the esr makes its appearance. 'Thi process is
repeated several times in the seston, and
the product is used as hay The plant Is then
allowed to grow and be cut in the ordinary way.
The next year it ripen earlier.' ' '
A Lcatard amonu t's Some few year sines
a Leopard escaped from a Menagerie while t ra
vening the county .in the neigbboibood of Penus
vslley, Centre County. The in the vi
cinity of Adamtburg, in this county, have lately
been complaining very much pf tbe destruction
committed by some ravenous beast among their
locks of Sheep. From a variey of circumstan
ces they were satisfied it could not Ix wolves &
tbey were quite at a loss leaseerlatu what o
inal it could be. About a week since tuo young
men by the names of laaac Snook at Mc. Kuep,
being out after night about two milt fiom AJ
anuburg, were attacked by a leopard wi'ic.t f pranj
at young Snook, but he succeeded iu avoiding it,
ar.d by loud calls for help frightened it away
The neighbors immediately put tiled it with Jg
for tome diatanee towardt tbe mountain, when
the leopard turned upon them and teizlng one ot
the "dogt tore him dreadfully; which frightened
the rctt and tbey finally escsped,. IWi Star.
Tresi-AV, Sept. tl '
Gaatt Southern Wheat ia north SI 08 a, SI
00t. Corn it dull at tlO for Southern. Halt, S;u-
thersi ar palling of tie.
Wuit-Ktj I. dull atiti a iTc,
OJpie of tne Haiti nns Asttmcss, Sept 20.
GSALV. There is a telembly fair supply of
Wheat at market lo-day, and t.ilet were made at
KWitOS ctt. for good to prime reds. Moat of Ihe
tamplea ate held over Oil account ofthe Wet wea
ther. Pticetare tiot affected by the European
ttews. ,. . ,; i ,
Nnthing doing in Corn. White i held at 00
cent. .
Ssles ef Oats st cents, according to niu-
, , f . j t . ,
BaoRFAIH, A DlSAr.RcvafA Tastk is Tnn
Mot rat. and many other unpleasant symptoms,
are slway the result of indigettiorj. When the
fitod, Inatesd of being properly dissolved, remains
in the stomach until it becomes in a manner pu
tufied, a deleterious lluid, called Septic Acid js
generated in the stumaeh, which'mixing with Ihe
fluid ofthe mouth, is certain not only te give a
hsd breath, but is ato the true tsute of watting
of the gums, a deposit of the tarter, and decayed
teeth. Wright' Indian Vegetable Pill not only
cleahtethe stomach and bowels of all billions
and put i id humors, and purify the blood, hut
they alto restore the digestive organs to a healthy
tone ; and are therefore certain to remove had
breath, and prevent a premature decay of the
Reware of counterfeits of sll kinds 1 Pome sre
rotted wild' stigsr ? others are made to teecnthle ii
outward appearance Ihe nrtpinsl medicine. Tim
afest eourae ia, to purrhsae from the reular agent
only, one or more of whom may be found in esery
vitlsge and town in the Htnte. . . -i
(r-J Agent fur ihe sileof Wright's Indian Vegets
hie Pills ia uiibury, Hssnr MsssBn. "Vit oih. r
:iRencien ee sdvcrricm.-nt in toother column.
Putt. In continuance -of the great satiety of
counterfeit lahvla uf prtltmkd Brandidth's I'ilU,
Dr. Urandieth, acting under s sense uf duty to tlio
pulilic. hsa employed thiaio celebrstad ariiats, Met
ra. Perkins snd Durand, who have succeeded in
producing three new taheN, of so c implicated a
o iture, at to amount to an im possibility of imi'a
lion. . The border ofthe lop and also ofthe under
lahel.Ms. compoaed ofthe mivt elshorate snd chaato
pstierna of lace-work. To ewn the climax of
the e beautiful labela, ihe paper upon which they
aie printed i previounty priniej with red ink, aficr
a d. fipn ao exquidle and minute as lo defy com
pe iti -n ; the Ion and the under label each contain
the word', "renjamim rrasdrkth's fills."
wri'ten in ied ink nearly two hundred lime the
lop snd under IiIm- containing, therefore, upwsnls
of fie thousand letters. There is elao upon the
l.p, the under, snd ttie aide lahel, two wignHturrs
4 Dr. Brsndreth ; one being hi tegular aignstuie,
lhu B. Urandietb; and. Ihe other, his full signs,
turn, thu Uenjjmtn Brsndreth ; both being fsc
nimilea of Ihe writing of Dr. Brsndreth. to imitate
which is forgery ! The Brsndreth Pill having
thcae labela upon them, can le telied upon as true
and genuine.
(y Purchase of If. Mater,'Puiibury, or of tho
Kganta published in another pert of this pejer. .r
ecr"':'' i " .. .."i
;jThia popular Scientific and Mechanical Journal,
(which has already attained ihe largeal circulation
of any weekly paper of the kind in lha world,) will
commence he THI ItD VOLUME , on Saturday,
8epi. 25ih. ,' , ,
Ewh number of Tbe Scientific Anoericau con
CHANICAL" ENGRAVINGS; a catalogue of
AMERICAN PATENTS, as issued from the -Pa-'enl
Ofhce esch wet k ; notices of tbe proureaa of
ventions; instructions in the vaiieus ARTS and
LOSOPHICAL. and CHEMICAL experiments;
EUROPE AND AMERICA; all the difTurent
series, and illustrated wi h more than a HUN
Tt is in f'Cl s paer ihst MERITS ths patronage
throughout Ihe UNITED SPATES, and abnuhl
he in the bands of EVERY ONE that tecle an'
interest in the advancement of Mechanics! and Sci-'
entifie improvements in this Country- . ' ,
- It ia imbliahed in qL'AIirO FORM, convent.
ently . adtpted to BINDING,' and rumiahed to
Cunry Su'wibers at the LOW PRIC'E of
IN ADVANCE, and the lentaintlet in Six Months,!
MFNN & CO.,Publihers,'
"' " ' 129 Fulton SlJ New York.
On Sunday' last, by the Rev. R A. Fither,
llmrvsa to Mil Sabah llANCLxr,
both of Shumokin township.
: niu it,
"On Friday morning,' 31th xrtti ,. HARRIET,
djuehter of Mr. t.'eorgs Harrison, of this place,
agea 3 yeais, 7 montnt and iz aayt.
tiujt of IL"tJ Pain and Opprttm of Iht Urf,t,l
there i nothing equal t HiSVKS COM
Thi mn'iciue ha now le u in uee for sir year.,
during whu-k tune there haa Iwesj a Cuusunt .to.
in tiid it. snd tit popularity inaleaj of dec,Uniui,
has been always pit (he increaae. ,
During tb Hiue many ne nwdicinM have
sprung up for the cure, lne ,bo.e CWUrfaiu,
sotoe of which la'.ed onlv s few months. auJ otheis
not as long out UANCE'S SYRUP haa readily
gone on gdainj favar with all rla.atsof society,
'".ntil it bss now Uicoiim identiUed by uuuy fami
lies as a , ;
To iUte who hive never used the Compound
Syrup ot lloiehuund, thit notice i' parucujarly di
reeled o, as la (U-iis ba bave ones ciociiejire.!
it vuliaily Im j ctUct, any prstso c( rt we;in
w.uild he aupiMllu.iua. .
J'RICI". 30 Cent .er ''r, or fl haii'e foj
for .ale hy SETi & 'VCA 108 Utlli.nore
vl ,and eorntr el t'h.ile- A Pitt tt., Ba'l raate,
aud ty GPi:tiE IIRKill P, SuUiy,
l. ilWAL' I IG.VM,, '
I Srll. 'A