rrMU ot rhii 4ii Kif iV. . ' R. B. mwmrtrTi'ut km "JOSEPH EISELY '5 IjtToa.' ' 1 ' u.c o jr i.":ijt;;'jptof J ; ' Orcein tftktrc'jltlejr, ih the" fear of . ' Ao ';' ' ' '""' " 'see's Sfrre. I -.t ' THE" AMERICAN' is published every Satur lav at TWO UOI.LARS' per annum to be jiakl half yearly in advance. - No paper discontin ued till ait, arrearage! are raid., ' No subscriptions received foif teea period than bit ohtb. All communications or letter on business relating to the office, to insure attention iat e POST PAID. ? , i . . .-, VALTCHES JEWELS.?, v "Phtlidnlphia Watch and Jewclru ftorc." Jio. 08 North SECOND street, corner of Quarry. - T OOI.T) titrrr Wstrhes, full 1 JV jewelled, 1 8 carat cases, t4fi00 VXl ' "'I"" Le Wslcbes, furl , , jewelled, t3 00 pSaiX" Silver l.evcr Watchca, se- HUmouJ ven jewels, ' ' IS 00 iSitver lupine ' Wslchrs, jewelled, finest quality, ... ' U 00 ftuperiur Quirtirr Wstchoe, 10 00 Imitation (jusrUer Watches, not warranted, . 6 00 fluid Spectacle, .' ( : . 8 00 TiM Silver Spectacles, '' 1 7S Trotd Braovtsts with tnpa Stones, . IM I.sdtes' Gold Pencils, IGearals, ' 200 Uuld fjncr Rings 37 J cla to f 8 ; Witch Glaa sea, plain, lsj cla; (intent, 18 ; l.itnnt, 35. ' O ihef ' article tu proportion. All good warranted Uwliattkey areaold (or, O. CONK AD. On. hsud, eoeie GuU and Silver Levers, Lepinc and Quarticr, tower than lha above prices. . , ' PhilajelpM.t, Dec. 6. IMB.-ly ' 1 ' "' Ilioot & Shoe ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEL ijnUCKEMIMF.R, At Ium (Ad EstablhhmeM. ia Market Street, Srrn&wrn, ' (or-prntc Yntj ko mow wrm.,) RETURNS liia thank tot favors,-and re spectfully itiforma hia friends and the puldic generally, that he conlioues to manufacture to or der, in the neatest and latent stvle, CIIEA1 HOOTS .4 Vl SHOES, warranted of the heal matt-hut, and made by the roost"1 experienced workmen. ' He abn Veep on hond general aanortmenl of faihinnable B jo tutor H.-nib mony t;ther with a large slock of fashion able gentlemen's, boys', ladica' and children's Shoes, all of which have been mde under his own imme diate insctiun, and are of the besl material and .workmnmhip, which hs will aell low forcssh. ' In addition to the aliove, he has just received from Philadelphia a large and' extensive supply of Doota, Shoes, &C of all deseiiptiona, which he Iho cflcre for cah. cbeaier than ever before oiYrred in Ibis place. ' He respectfully invites his old custo mers,- and others, to call and examine Tor theea- elves. ; , ; . .. r Kepsiring done with neatness and despatch. . , Sunhury,.Aut,urt I5lh, I84G. . .. IMPORTANT .TO .ALL COUNTRY" HOUSE KEEP EHS. , ; YOU may be sure of ohliiumg, at .ii ...... hin.i i... r - - aa i By the single pound or larger quarlity, st the " PeklnTMa Company's VareliotM3, 20 South Secuud itrtet, ttficem Market ainl CAei nut street$, TBZI.ASZXFBTA. ' v Jteretoforc it W been very difficult, Irhternt, al rnoi4 impnraihln, always to ohlnin good Green and U! Kk Teas. Bui no you have only to vUit the lkui Tea Company's Store, to obtnin an delicious am! fragrant Ted as you rnuKl wish for. A II laxles ran heie he suited, with the advantago of getting a pure article at a low price. " ' June 27th, 1840. PLAN O Sv rpHC UUt.'RIHERhns been r.ppointe,l seen', 1 r the sale of CONUAD M K Y B It'H CF.I. KBKTE1), I'CEVHUM , K'JK .WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. Thec Pianos have a plain, luuwive ami Itrautiful etterior fini h, and, fur depth ui id sweetness of.loae,. and.tclcg4iire.of workman chip, atc not surpassed by any jO the United Htales. The- foltowitig1 is a rreomineniislioti fm L'm Di tTt, s ccWbrated performer, and biniiwlf a man ufuctuicr; ! - ' ' ! ! ' i ' i ACAItl). , IJavias had the pleasure ot trying lha excel lent Piano Fortes manfoctured by Mr. Meyer, snd rxbibtted at the M eshibitioii of the Franklin In etiiute, I ftwd it'tlus to the true merit of the maker to (Ware that these instruments are quite equal' and in some recpeets even supi-ripr, to all the Pi ano Fortes, I saw at the capitals of Eurojie, and tlurtng a sojouni of two years 'at Parish These Pmiios.wiII be so'.d at the manufacturer's lowest Pbtlsdl(iiiia prices, if not something lower. J'eraona are requested to call and examuie for themaelvet , at the residence of the subscriber. Bunbury.May 17, 1845. II; B. M ASSE Rj J T" Counterreltrra DEATH BLOW. ' rrh puljie will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine, u.nlesa the l baa three la bels upon it, (the top. the a'..!e and the bottom) each containing a fic-si wile signature of my hand writing, thus B. RataiiaiTM, M. I). These la. bel aie engraved on ateel, beautifully designed. and done at eneiptmseof over 13,000,-e-Tlierefore it will be seen that the only thing neceary to pro cure the mediciue io its purity, is to observe these labels. : " : Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom. Tb following respective person are dulv aulbori zed, and hold ' OSST1TICATE8 Ov AOE1TCY For the aale ol liruiulreik t tgcluitU t uttxrta. mi.. Northumberland county Milton M ickey At Chambeilin. Hunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland h Meixell. N.rthumtentand Win. Forsyth. Oeorsemwo J. it J. Wall. Union County t New Berlin Hog at & Wia tcr. Selinsgrove Ceorge Oundrura. Middle burg Isaac Smith Beavertown David Iluhler. AdamsburgWm. J.May. Mifflinabotg Mrnsch ii Kay. Hartleton Daniel Long.' Freeburg--g. & F. C. Muyer. LewUburg--,Walla &. Ureeo. ' Columbia county t Danville E. B. Keynokia K Co. Berwick Shuman A. Riltanhouka. Cat tawissa C. G. ' Brobt. ' ' Blbomeburg JobVi R. MoyeY.' Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. J Vshingtorj ltott. MrCay. l,lmatono uait! s -"fen. ; Observe that feh .Agant haa aa Engraved Cec ti6cate of Agency, conU'ining a repreenta,l!on oil lit BRANDKETH'S Manuftctory at Sto Sing, and upon which wilt also be seen exact copies of the ntw label new uud upoh tht Brandreth Pill JftWS.'" 1 .- ,M e - ' PbUadalphia, office No: 9, North ttb attest. " '"" B, BRANDRBTHjM. D . J-n Slrt 185. , roo ".f- FT 'S rrT-TTT . Absolut .cqi tir Mane ai-.tJ. ' " ' i i Ono morpinf (atlitr told sne to tkt lit Merit mare to Rinp; 8np, and gpl her shod, tthd,wVit till oM film noec Bert, the bltckaoiith, ahnd iter; So I stood at the door of old Bon' shop, and wfca aiKHiki drive up to the tavern opposite1, hot Washington in his coach, and Lafayette with him. They both got out, and I aaw both passed into the bacfe-ronm, and the landlord followed; and in a few seconds the landlord beckoned me front ih piM. 1 felt tryhterfed St first ami wondered what it meant t but thinks I they want some prog and fresh water. I was in my shirt ami trowsera, without shoes, and on my head ah old cocked tint, and of my fcoV and an cles you may judge. . I had been hoeing corn in the morning; but in f went. As I spprosched the square bar, I met the landlord ; he said 'There are twe pnnrtcmen in the back room who wish to see you . Unable io smother a 1auj;h, I snid 'I can't po; sec tne,1 and 1 exhibited myself and pointed to my fcef. -Come alon? I'll go with you.' So in he went. . , As I pulled off my hat, the stoutest man save ; 1 . 1 1 ; 1 'Sit down yotinfj man. "" 'This boy,' said the landlord, 'I am confident Will do any service you may trust him with, to ytmr satisfaction,' and withdrew from the room; and the ticnerel began, (for it was Washington himself.) : -. Younjr man; I wish to proenre the) newspa per of to day, from New York tan you procure it for me! I hesitated t moment and replied I think I can, sir.' ' Well, strys he to the Marquis, "please in- qnrre ef the landlord if he "will furnish food horse. '' v-t. -. T No, no, said I ! donl want i horse,' ' ' ' ',llow will jrH go, tTneii V " '"' ' ' 'In my canoe,' I said, ' The Marrjii is could not refrain from down right laugh, which brought the landlord te the mki t ..1. - 1 ")-.'' t: 'La diable ! you'll be drowned P eeys the Frenchmen.-, . r - 'There is not water enough in the' North Ri ver to drown thia child, I know,' aiid I. v The Marquis and landlord enjoyed the retort by a hearty laugh, but the other turned To the window, looked on the river a few seconds, arid observed ' 'The tide1 serves, and T wish to see you o(T. What timeVtll you probably return !' ' "Bot ween' seven and eight this afternoon,' I rrplird. " lie handed me a gold piece; .'.I don't want half so much; I only want, suf ficient to buy some fowls and eggs with, for I am going to market.' , The General turued to the landlord and aaid to hiin ....... , 'G ve him aa much change as he wishes,' 00 which lie handed we about twelve ahijlinga while I observed : . . . . . 'Now I'll run home and gel some clolbinf on in a few minutes. ' ' 1 l wiidi to epealra few word-with yov befbre you start.' r ' '. ': ' .' vi 'I shall not be here again till I come from New York, sir. In fifteen minutes I shall .start irom the little etone duck,' and I fuiutei to it out ni th window. , . , . : . ! !. , 1 - 'I desire you to be prudent and keep your own counsel said the General ; 'and should a ny miwshief befalyou, se that you are detained, do not fail to k-t me know all eircumstanrce im mediately, so that I may relieve you.' So saying 'good-bye,' I took my bat and start ed, and by the time I stated, I started from lh tlock, and saw the carriage drive offl , I s 'son reached the city, and went to Claua Vandara's rnthe Bowery; who used to keep the Mourkrout club house, as it was then called, and where I had often been with my father, who was an old friend of his. I told him my errand, and the haste I was io 00 account of the time of tide. "' ' Wi ll, said he, 'here's Hiighey Gaides' to day 'a paper, and here w an English paper which came in the British packet last night take that too ; and the sooner you .are oft the better; it is now dead tow water.' I fell rejoiced at gettinjf the other paper, and had them between my shirt and skin, in my 1 sonA, very sono. I Uft my fowls and eg with him aud took the baskets back, but not until the good old Dutchman bad tossed into one large roll of gingerbread, and which began to need very much. Aa 1 approacbd tfehrf, there were three led coate lock tag toward .hip at anchor in. the river. . As 1 stepped into ny ca noe, they walkad. to the place, sad oee asked- Where are you going V 'ToVekbewk,'eid !. , 'Where have oAi beeq I , . ,.: s- . T UMrkvt, to sell seme chickra aod egg,' I answered. . .-. . , - . 1' They aaid m more, and I made the best of my wsy to Sing Btng, with fink tide, and irrtved there jiut bcture lhr;se' I Have' mcr.lidnc3, arid "II I - - - n t .rJ .., i J i : i , . , . . - 14. .TV I lift dVi !"; l-it' T q inD iu ;. - u t-i "t 1 f t. .AJHP( HAW0KIN JOURNAL; 4 . 1 T if-JS - 'f Suubury, IVorUnmilMHikiiat my neart felt good to see the carriage drive to me tsvern,and both of them looked for me out of the window. f,plened my ranoe but left both biskels, lor I knew that funny Frenchman wotjh, make fun of the gingerbread. As I en tered Ihr house, the landlord was in the bar. 1 aw the bark door open and the landlord told me 10 ge in, which I did, end Ulayette ahoved it to, i ... Waahington was on his feet,' and before 1 could takeraTmy hat he tbserved : ' aWel trey yoimg friend what sniceees? - All good, sir, I said lauehing as T thrnst my hand into my bosum and pulled out both papers, and handed them lo liim. ' ' Enplfch p per where did you gp( this from !' said he-, as a look ot approbation spread over hia noble face. fWrkrou't Hat)! fir '- rcacbeil his hand and took mine, saying 'I am greatly obliged to you.' Sisjrkrout IU!l,'aid the Frenchman, looking very aifjnificanlly. , ,,. . 'You've not had your dinner V said the Gene rat. k . . , ,. .. .. Not to day, sir.' . . , , . 'Marquis, please order some, and a dioh of tea.' No sir, I most go home. Washington took out hia purse and held rive guineas towards me. I drew back and said I am an American, sir, and father would make me retnrn it right away if he knew h.' Well, said he, if I can reward you no other way, bear in mind tht General Washington thanks yon; and give' my respects to your fa ther, and tell him I congratulate him on having such a son; and remember,' if at any time du ring this contest, or hereafter, you get involved in ariy difficulty, let me War from you, and I will relieve yon if in my power.' A be said this I thought 1 saw a tear startieg in wis eyes, aad Lafayette's likewise, as they both homed into the carriage, wbea the land lord followed to the steps. - While the waiter was closing the door, f fayette aaid ' What a country patriots from the comman der-in-chief down'' to the ploughman ! Ihry de serve fo be free.' 4 "' " ' Yes,' replied the 'other; 'and I trust in God they wilt be,' as the coach drove off. Garni" Advice far Bay. He brisk. K.ncnocTic AMD rRVFT! The world isTfulI of boys (and men teu,) who drawl through life, and never decide oo any thing fur them selves; but just draggle one leg after the other, and let things tske their own way. Such pen. pie are dull stud" on the earth. They hardly deserve as much credit aa the wooden trees; far trees i all the srecx liey een, in merely grow ing and bearing leaves and seed. But these trawling, draggling boys do not turn their ca pacities In prollt, half as far ss they might be larned ; they arc-unprofitable, like a rainy day in harvest lime. Now thv brisk enrriretic hot will be constantly awake, not merely with his bodily eyes, but with his' mind and attcntiiln, during the hour of business. After he learns what he lias todii, he will take pride in going it punctually and well, and would feel ashamed to be told, what he ought to do without telling. The drawling boy losea in five minutes the most important advice; the prompt wide-awake boy never baa to be taught twice, but strain bard to make himHf n to the mark, as fast aa possible out of his own energies. The third-rat boys are always depending upon others; f r'e boyt iepttdiuf "pan MemsWses. end after a Utile teaching, just to know what is to be W, they ask do f sears afany budy.. Deeide it is a glorintM thing for boy to gel this noble way cf er reionee, art i til if mrnt energy. Such an one is worth a hundred ot the poor draggling creatures, who can bard I v wash their own "hands without being told, each time, how If is to be done.' Give me the bov who does his 'work preirptly and well, ' without asking, (except once, for ill, at the beginning,) any questions; the boy who haa his wits about him; is never behind hand ; and duu'l U l the grass grow under his heels. Vrav Trie. The Northampton Gaulle says ; 'The idea, rjnile comu.on among pious young men, that they cannot fulfil iheir mis sions of good to mankind without getting into the pulpir, has filled the sarrcd desk with a great mqny poor preacher. A Ssubt Mas! A Blr. Simmon was very successful in destroying a hornet's neat In the reaves of his tarn, at Taghkacic, N. V , setting fire to it Tee maltciou fire, however, kept on, and burned bam and contents, to the value oTflSOa '' ' ' ' " " 1 " " ' . It is ALttoco that among the hardened eri miaale who fill the English prieowa there are no Jewa. A Jewish murderer or borg far hi un known. A Jewbh beggar is equally rare. Trc Eatr-raoa r RraeiA ha forbidden dea lers la corn te make time-barf ama for the tale ad delivery of .thai article. Hight. " ' . A TittrNiTTn ITT TN . A .xnr .r ' va ft x .' 1 J m c. Pa. Aatordltr, fSepl. 1, Imi, cl. m Gambling Hease, . . Tlie following very remarkable circumstance is vouched for by Green, the reformed gambler, which we eondene from hie work on gambling. There e degrro of romance attached that in a manner relieves it of the horror excttvd by the catxastrocato. It occurred at New Orleans eorsjsj yearrsge. , .l A sr CapiaisTWaa in the habit of frequenting Roulplte Table, kept by a Frenchman in com pany with party of Gsmbler. Green remarks that they flayed with more regard to fairness then, than i customary or general with them now. The Captain was evidently influenced in hi visit more by a wisfi to kilt time than by srjy passion for the sport. It had visited the plsce on the night in quest mil. - . - The sea Captain having placed hia bet upon the red, set with his head leaning upon hi head, as if to await lh result of the game. The ball f-ll into the column, knd he was the winner. The wheel starred again, but the Captain did wot move, and, contrary to nstial " practice, the amnunt of hie bet was doubled. He won the second, third, fourth, filth, the 'sum doubling each time. Thns it went on In the eighth lim, when the gamblers began to be excited, and ut tering toud curses exclaimed 'lie wins sgain !' At this, many who where in the room gathered round :the table. The result ot the ninth and tenth being the same, one cried 'We is a ford ! why don't be make sure of what he haa won T The eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth brought the same result, snd msny exclaimed 'He is mad !' But the game went on and the Captain coatinued beedlessv The fourteenth was in his favor. At the fifteenth, thousands were si stake, from the small beginning of twenty Jin reals, and all eye seemed fixed in amazement Still be woo. The sixteenth was the same. The bankers vociferated enrses upon the heel player. Other urged the Captain to withdraw a part of bis winr.mga, Sixteen thmt$and dot lars was at ; etske for tire seventeenth. The bill flew like lightning,' but there was no change. The money was piled up before the Captain in heavy bank notes, he moved not a finger, nor uttered a' word.' ' At this juncture, a voice in sea men'a phrase, was heard 'Haul in old Csptsin .' you don't bet all that pile against thi set of land pirates! haul m! and a band was stretched forth from one at tbe table, creep ing the money and depositing it in a hat It was the first mate of lha Captains vessel. Ha viog thus secured the money, he seised the Captain by tbe ahoulder, saying Tome you have a full cargo, its lime to hoist sails;' when horrible to relate, the corpse of the Cap tain fell against Iihu. He bad been sitting with bis head upon hia hand through all Ihisex citing scene ; having died in the act of betting I ho first quarter. . The male eall.-d for water snd dashed it into bis face ; and then for spirits; but all eAoria to resnsciste him were in vain. Life waa extinct. ' Green goes on to detail the result: ' " The gamblers then demanded tlmt (he money should bo refunded but the mate had rolled it up in a handkerchief, put ii into tbe hand of a cabin boy and charged him to run with it fur hia life, In the ship, and deliver it to the clerk, aad summon .the crew to the gambling house. Tlie tumult aud confusiua waa so great that the boy alipped away unnoticed. ' When the corpse was laid on the plank, the gamblers again demanded the money of the mate, staling, that ae the Captain had tindonbt ly died betting the first qoartcr. jnstiee required that it should be retorned to the bank era. The mate, in a tone of deflancei replied, the orphan children of the Captain needed the money, and should have it. Force waa threatened, if he re fused to deliver it op. fleeing that their threats were unheeded.-ihey rushed upon him w ith vio lence, seized his hat and bore it ofT, supposing they had thus secured the money ; but tn their surprise the hat waa empty. A large number who were present took the put cf the mate, and great excitement prevailed throughout the house. An ssdautt waa made upon the, rnale. Hume rricd one thing, and eom atioihcr. 'Down with Ium !' 'Gel the money !' 'Let him alone 1' 'You have nu right la rob him '.' mingled with oaths, and imprecations and cuise. At (hi luomeut twenty or thirty uf tlie ship' crew, ru shed in, and ooe word from the mate brought I hew to hi rescue, and the gambler were made to etaod at a distance. KomeUiiag was said respecting the money, which led the sai lor to believe that the mats had been robbed, acd they were about I ashing 00 Muneieur Grain pia, aa tbe pro per person to indemnify kin tor y lose be might have sustained, but were di verted by tbe entrance of some twenty of the city watch armed with short awards. The sai lors knew tbe character of tbia posse, made) up of what were Called mong them, wAerrer Frenckmex" aad were no more daunted by their array of force, than they would have Veen by the display of lia awoids io tbe band of q rnany tnonkeya, A fracas waa however pre vented, betweee the sailors and the watch, by the assurance of the inatr that the money' wia and ImmeJi.t. p.ren, of de-J arrtasoa. TeL T-Ko. A2 Whle No, 804 sale, sr. J a request from him that ho would qui etly return to the Vessel. He proposed to take the corpse on. board, hot 'was informed by the Cop'sin of the watch, that a cornier' inquest mui-t be held over it before it Could be removed. He tl.cn seated linn If by the corpse of his Cap tain, to wafeb over it during the rest of the night; anc'. the gamblers returned to the com mon work of darkness, playing Csrds and drink ing liquor, the meanwhile, now and then utter ing curses upon the dead body of the Captain. Ait Kngllsh Oak. , J A correspondent of the N. Y. Commercial A4vertiser thusdeecribes 'Chalsworth,' the resi dence of the Duke uf Devonobire : This, I believe, is srknnwedged to be the mot splendid mansion in England. It is in the Grecian style, of Portland atone ; it fronts shout seven hundred foet ;. the windows are of plate glass, equal in Size te many of the largest in Broad way, and most of the Hame work is richly gilded.' ' ' 1 ' The private entrance, which, was built a short time before the visit uf the present Queen, is an elegant arch of stone, with iron gates cover ed w ith gilding. On ringing ihe bell a servant in livery made his appearance, and conducted us across an open quadrangular court into a spa cioua hall, paved with Italian marble, the walla being nf the ssme rich material. Soon the housekeeper made her appearance, a very lady like person, and by her we were conducted over this immense residence. The flrght of Heps which we ascended in proceeding from the hall to the grsnd staircase passes between walls of variegated alabaster, aod being ornamented with gilt balustrades, haa a magnificent effect. From' the entrance hall we passed through the picture gallery, the door of which is of highly polished oak, inlaid in the most beautiful manner. One thousand paint ings nf ihe beet masters enrich the gallery. I shall not attempt a description, for, were t able to write one, it would swell this letter to a grea ter length than Jrour column will allow, . The chapel i in keeping with the , building. The panel work is of cedar, and aa e entered gave a most del:ghtful fragrance. The whole is richly nrnamcuted. The ceiling and every part not other wU-o decorated, are embellished by ihe pencils of Yt rrHi and Lsgtirm The or naments in Wnnd are said to be the Work of G bbun ( lb rich alter was sculptured by Cib ber. ' , The next room looked at was the 'Velvet Chamber," appropriated to Queen Victoria when she visited ChatBWorth in 1813. Tho wslls are covered wtih rrim-hn Velvet, bordered with gold ; the ceilinrf Is of stucco-work, Cover ed with gilding; the (lour is of polished inlaid oak ; the paintings s re very good, and thu fur niture ot cnniHHi and gold, tn one Corner i an elegant rosewood piano, obtained for her Ma-j'-eiy'e use. , . ; The next a par! men I w.-re a suite of, roooia, the wails nl which ate cover od with rich em bnsseil leather, finely gilt. In these wore the coronation chairs of several of the former kings nf Euuland, which came into the possession of the Duke of Devonshire by hie being tho Lord Chanrell-w at the time of ihe coronation. The library is only excelled by one other in the kingdom. The rooms appropriated to sculp ture contain some nf the finest pieces of statua ry in the world ; the door case and table are of alabaster from the Teak of Derbyshire. The rooms are so constructed that ori any great occasion a suit of apartments can be thrown open to the length of aix hundred feet The park,' gardens, jets of water, fountains, Ate. are on the same scale with the building The 'conservatory' is a gls structure contai ning seventy-eight thousand square feet of glasa, and ia kept warm by pipe equal fa th length of six miles; it is three hundred and thirty feet long, on hundred aod thirty feet wide, and sixty-five feel high. Tho immense 'hot house' is liJItfd w nh all the tropical tree which Ihe wealth of Ihe Duke bases Wed bun tu obtain ; and so auxiuus is he to excel all others, that 110 price, however high, prevents bis obuining every thing that it is made known to bun Worthy of place in thi depot. The Duke has btf n visited by the Emperor of Russia and by other distinguished men, and by them hia house and his grounds have been enriched with ilidnj ta'uaVu and costty ' pre sent. - . ' tws Wasr Ucld. Such little hopes I'd always found. Of gaining Bstsy for tny Wife . That 1 bad Wigsred Dick a pound , I should not win her all my lit. But, thanks to Heaven t my anxious rate I all removed the knot la tied j And Betay, fairest of the fair, Consents at last to bs my bride. To Dick, tbsa, aa in honor bound, Well pleased. I bold B.yelia dbt ; Thns, by ths oddest luck, tia found, , 1 loss my wager, but wia my Bt ! ' t square I insertion, vf0 -a ; v 7 t de 1 3 do;. . IM ' Kvsry subscqseiitlrtsertlnn," .' . .' 'i Yearly Advertiesmsnfst en ctihjmn7$J5 j Imlf Mfonn,tia,ihrs)qaare, lltflwo squares, !; not square, $H..- Half-yearly t one eolumn. fix ; halfenfomn, 13 ; three squares, QS two squares, ffl t one squsre, $3 AO. .' - Adesrlisnmenta left without direetinns s to ths length of time they are to he published, will be continued until orduted out, and charged accord ingry,' -1 CTTiiotm line or less maks a square. Rrssa Bleintaln Maid. 'Twaa on a boautiful spot wh ere the vine co vered cot of tho mountaineer stood on the edge of the wood. Thnre the foreat birda echoed alt the day long, aod tbe mouatam at ream played in the edge of the shade, while the grateful young faWn cropped the herbage at dawn from tbe wide spreading lewn. 'Twa a beautiful spot 'twa a beautiful cot, and surely there ne'er was a maiden more fair, nor a maiden mors rare than the msid that dwelt them. Sh ill 1 picture Ibis maid of tbe greenwood and glade aa she was in the dsy when rid "Allen" he'd sway, while hie Irott nerved men were the prido of the glen 1 ,Sho wits neither too tall, too ho:t or too small, nor an light or so airy as the form of a fairy. But lha pride of the glade was thu rosy checked maid, with eyes quite as blue ss the summer sky' hue, and tresses of brown floating gracefully down, and nestling below on a bosom of snow. She eould warble and sing like the songstress of spring; she could spinand could sweep, could mow snd could reap could ride the gray steed at the top of hia speed, and had sported a trifle with ber old father's r-fle. And this bouncing young maid of the evergreen glade wss cbnte and refined, and she had sue h a mind as you seldom will find among tbe gay maids of haughtier grades. A lover she bad who would have been glad to capture her heart by his scheeminfT snd art O'llandy his name, and a dandy by fi.tne, who Ihourh wrinkled and parched, was whiskered and starched, and displayed quite a rare and ci tified air. , ,i Well, ho knelt at her feet and began to en treat,' while his great bosom beat with unmer ciful heat; and he told such a tslu aa he deem ed would not fait to make her believe (hat ho could not deceive. While thus he knelt pleading, while thus in terceding, he thought by her smiling that hia words were beguiling. But he (bund the con clusion a hopeless delusion ; for the maid was unlinking hia icheeming wis thinking; and she thought in a twinkling she'd give him a sprinkling of the well peppnred ointment of black disappointment Ere he drew to a close she turned up her nose, as you may suppose, just as high as she chose; and scorning his prose, through big pleading site broke, and thus 'twas she spoke ! "U, great is your fame; O'llandy your namo from the city you came, wi'h your heart all in flame i and you thought in the shade of the mountain or glade to capture a maid by pomp snd parade. O, save all your tears, your hope a and your fears, your ducks and your dears for some other ears. All men are agreed you're a nice bird indeed, but your figure's too lean; you're ton gaunt and green; nd that is not all, you're excessively tsll ; your nose is too b p, you've a voice like a pi,', and you wear a big wig, while your upper lip seems jus, the shado of your dreams. Now my answer you know there's the door, you may go." Still he lingered to plead his luvo and bis need and boaitcd and told of his titles and gold of her station in life whom he chose for a wile. But he found 'twaa no part of tbe mountain maid's heart, to bear insult or wrong from an eye or a tongue. The maid could not brook such word and such look, and ahe Caught down the broom that hung in the room, and she hit him a blow that made the blood flow not gracefully slow. He lit on all four just out of the door, alt covered with gore. Then ho sprung to his ftet and consi dered it sweet to beat a retreat, to cover defeat, hd ho fled from the place in shame and din. grace disappeared o'er the green and was ne ver more seen and ever since then city dandi fied mea have teamed to bewaru of the Green Mountain Fair. 1 t Rl'Ssus. Gold. By tbe returns published at St. Petersburg, the produce of gold obtained from the washings of the rivers, kc. daring the last year was equal to 17,000,1X10, and the average of tbo last aix year haa been $12,000,. 000. This return, which continues to increase every year, is enormous, snd ia equal to the whole prodiicaof South America in it pa 1st ted day. It does not sppenr that the mines sre, so very rich, but ihe quantity of labor to be obiai ped is very gre t for very small rot. , Thn s dsys in the week the serf wurk for hi three dsy be title the ground for his own tp. port. Ilia lord protects him from all ill utnsge, (except his own4) feeds him when ill, and pay his medical attendant tor hi in, give him a sut of clothes a year, and in return takes from hint all the gold be finds. If a Russian aerf r a tree more gold than four dollars a year, be give av profit to hia master. Tub Prist uf an eastern paper say that snany of hi patron would make good wheel horses, they hold ttck so well. Nut bad. A GbrIun wbites observes, that, in Eng' land, there ia sucha scarcity of thieve that they have to offer a reward for their recovery. If you run away with another man' wje. you will be takeu up for stealing ber eJot&t-.J A case of thte bind bis bvcv f " ' at riusburg.