Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 04, 1847, Image 2

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    Fniii tha 1 hi la Ledger, 30th ult ,
" - - VKt'S. "
utur ran. ParfUtte nirica-His sue
tMilJitnin 10tAULiaUrlor.
' Tbo annexed rene if frwrren "Extra Pice
brie," irsued at 10 o'tlocKcm the niorninir, of
Itie nat. It is of conaidbrahle,, importance,
Kttip three ly Uter (ram Vera Crut than that
received be the regular totilgu'e laet nighfjand
1ve ilbUf aamif titcja .'th,at . th nex('Jes
patcli'by noV'-Cxprcss' will b of exerting iote
eietatjd amporta'ftfir "' - - ;"';.
c:iTlife Aeamihfj "bama, Capf,' Wiodle. rrt
ved at New 'Orluanarn the morning of the Slat
mat. from VwGfo lining tailed thence on
ft i.Vh-Jhsi.- '"r ' ' "
Quite the most Important news by this arri
val ia the return: of OonTsredee to Mexico".
At last acooentd hf?we inPeria. ' He reached
Vara Out tut the- 14ih inul. in thtt English toy a I
ttnil et?amer Toviot, tihdef an assumed 'na. rile.
The ateaWr svts telegraphed about 6 o'clock
in (he morning froth the castle. From the stea
ler herself a - private sinfah wis ihrown but,
known only tn English merchant, that die
iinpuistifd personage was on board. Prepara
tion Was made for hia immediate ' reception by
liw irionda, hut all we etill as midnight. The
teenier anchored and Don Martino, passenger
irim Havana, leaped into the first boat lying
a hmgside, lauded vn the fnole, and went to hit
hieud, Pup Ztmora, borrowed forty ounce,
lijroo borsee, hat, coat end servant, end wan past
'he galea in leas than thirty rhiifaiee with U fast
barse and a clear track..-. , ,.,' , I'
The mail from the etesmer in the mean while
i me on shore. Among the lettetk were rome
to the Collector lind othertfrmn Gen. C impbell,
our Consul at Havana,' dieeloeiitg' the fact that
Gen. Mntiano Psredcsy
ot Mexico, had taken paawige n the steamer,
and directing thorn to look Mtl Tor' him. The
information came bit hour ton Me ; the bird had
lliiwn. We pother ilioe facile from one of our
correspondents, and below we give h letter from
another without having time to ponder upon hi
rpeaulationsss to the iorWnceof the return of
J'aredes upon the war. ' "' ?vfT
- We are" deeply pained to learn of the" death
of Col.Wilsoti.of the I2th Infantry?'' lis wa
represented ta'us by the' late arrival -to be con
vaieacent, but he -died ihff evening of the 12th
mst. He waa to have commanded the train
which let Vera Cruz on the 7th inat.' ' He wait
buried on thb 13th inat:'i ';"' ' ' '
,.,-,':''.'( . :." 'j, .i-: a
Correspondence of the r',0. Picayune.
, '. : Vfia Cklx, Angust 14, 1847. ,
tt is with mortification and regret that I have
to inform you that Gen. parcde passed lb rough
our city thia morning about, .7 o'clock,' in dia
puisc, and before it-waa aacerUined; that fuch
una the fuct, he waa far out of our reacti on hie
ago, haa iieen tried and condemned to twenty From California.
yeara'aolitary confinement. " Thie grand acotin- Arrival of General Kearney Col. rieinont'
drel has committed tto rew ttrnn four tnurdifa, Return uader.ArrettOregoo EmfgHantaf'.
besidea da ngeroualy wouiidtng oth,- and f Tha Indiana a1!! QOiet Col. Maton Left jh'
when the city v.aa irrf ndVrejl he Wajirrird ?;' Cornrhat)tf--Ou Pacific Squadron.0 V
over to the new eutlnn'itiea, aa' a 'notorious """"'' CincinNVTi", Aug 30.
acoundicl, and Mr. Ilolsingcr waa particu'arly By the Weatern .we learn thaJCen Keat
charged to aee that by no mesne thia man ny and suite arrived at. St t.oilia on Wedriasjay;
ehonld be permitted to p.?ape ; laat, the 25th inat. Col. Frt mont and hi rrty
let him looap7 wtth ""partt'of WhcTTnTtl.thata," Wet left ar tha KaniaiT'ahd will arrive in the
to try their handa upon tlie-Amerioana, and ma- ie' boat that cornea down, -i ' "
ny of them hnte gone and j lined the guerrilina. Ge" Kearney , ft California on bin homeward
" Last evening the remaini of Col. L DWtl. route on the 13th June lle"va'aarcornpahled by
eon were escorted to thtf crave by the lit Infan- hia personal atatr and several diarharged volun
'3u.iLui.J.4JjLLJ-i. 'Ji-J LLi jmaaa
try, and a large, concourse of American an
.Mexican citizens. The coflin waa placed in a
vault in the cerrtftry, where il can be cotiveui
ently obtained by hia friends. , , , , t
The U. S. eloop ofwarS.iratogajH tinchored
off the city.' where she will remain, for aome
r. Pv Aug. 15'h. Not even, a rnmor rotn
above. encUae,ii slip from the Sun of Anahu
ac office, publiahed jeiterday., t .. ,
teeri, formerly belonging to the Mormon Hat
taUon, whole parly numbered from
fifty to fiff eona.
voi. enng iinuer arreii, ami oruereu
borne for f, -Jvr rha'rrea ef disobedience of
- Anlirrrfaai, 8jArmhtr 4, 1847.
B. rATMKH, Etq., ot kit Htnl r,,.
tote m-4 Owl iMRtt, etmer oT$d and Chetnut
Htrtrti, rkitaatifthia, at M t?rnc, a .Mj. ieit
VWm NirrH, JXtw IVr, N K. Vmrr tat.
timmrrmmd COIrtrt .," HaHimort, and. 16
State Streely JIM', in ain Merited act at
Aff-t, tud. reeript for mil mte cfiw thlt
tlirfy Tt tubicrlpUan or rndt'trtUhif,
K. W.VARK, mrner of Third and Dock
03 Rmodk lnxitu.-on Taeidiy7 eleeted rde
mjcratjcjntmber of Confteaa. Thia ia a Demo
cratic gain. The fiktrieV watf repreaented in the
laat (Dongreaa iy Lemuel H Arjiold, whig. Rhode
latand ia Jhna thtowti out of theiarcount the de
legation being equally divided in ease the elec
tion of President should go into the House. i
07" RaMARKABt.a CotrtriKNca Santa Anna
was landed at Vera Crnf. by a British steamer,
on the 14th of Augmt, 1S4C, and Can PareJes on
the 14th of August, 1847.
Senor Antorha, wh aa in the Custom
House, and Mr Ctark, the officer of the port at
Vera Crut, have ben diirnUied on accounTof
the admission of Paredea. - " -
OT The tfiaToC Professor Mctlintork and
others, for fiot closed on Saturday last, at Car-
lial. The jurjr rendered a verdict of Pot guilty
ordra.'left Caiffor'nia' with hia party almut the Shreti, Svil BuUdinst, nnrwt'e Mrrr.hantt' in lV C,M f l" Profeasor, but twelve of the
. . ..... . ' . : n fl 't tlf - i . . ..J i . .-11" . '. J
t.KCHunge, i-mumaetjinta, tt auto 9tnori$ed to negroes namen loim imjinmem, wert ronTiciea.
,vjy to the city of Mexico. . : i ,".'' '
He arrived thia morning on tha royal mail
e!amcr Tcviot,; under an aanomod name and
c.itirrl unknown ioJbc captain of the veesei
At eoou as the veaaql Cme to anchor' he itnme
(J lately cmc to the-rpole ia a pilot 'boat, and
ftjoceeded through the heart uf the city to the
((vsidcuce of a Mexican merchant, lb whom he
ntaJo Jiiniaelf IrnnwB and'obtained from him a
tounrj jicHei, gombrtro ana nor see for timi-
Keif and servant,' and uvamotJ from the ranch
without ceremony.. OneJmndred dolla ra were
.inured lor bit arrest aa toot) aa: information tea
.clicd Colouet Wilson that he waa or had been
:n the city, and every effort waa made to arrest
In m but the "bird had flowu4! ami given us a
Fpcimen of aMiirance and running that would
dv) credit to the father of Yankee trick.
Tlie fclexicon- merchant who aeaiated in the
oHcapo ia Pope Zsmnrah, aao during the tearch
tfor Tarudea hit house was aurrwinded. 'The
oihcfr entered and waa anaured by Za mora that
.'l'arttles waa not in the hrnse. ' "Una he been
here!" waa the question asked, "Yes, replied
i Zanutra, very coolly.1 Whnt did he want?"
naked ihn American, 'He introduced himself to
me aa Hen. I'aredea and asked me to befriend
!iim, an. I 1 told him that I would, lie then aa
U.I ruoji t hitn have a jacket, hat and hornet,
which. 1 furniehed him immediately, and he haa
lien gone from here two home. ' You are wel
rwiii to eeareh, but I can eseure you' that you
.' vill not fiiid him here, and what I tell you la to.
.'There arc Ua coat and hat, which you can take
nhmg if you like." .i- " ... t
I fiirjot in mention tliat a letter wet sent by
' 'iic AutHricat. Cojiwl sf Havana, informing the
' Mithoritiea here that Gen. Taredea waa on board,
Vut U came to hand too late to do'any good. "f
" "There jii hardly an American here but what
' '-It that he could craw(j hroogh a gimlet hole
v hen .the aijUyii-dipg newa that Ta retire, the
'sworn enemy U3nla Anna, to Americana and
, n peace, and the oitlg! man who at the preacot
' s tuMion uf afTaita cat nsriisHy restore the con
fideoce of thi M' xi-an pcooleatid inspire them
ince inorewiil a hope to conquer, tneir ene
iiie. had pnawil, unknown end unmoieeted, in
, i an out ot ineratt't, qi our city, lie win no
. 'iuubt inake every effort to rtach Mexico before
' tUcu.'Scoll Jota. ' '"" ' ' '
The'eoniturin-ua wjll, no doubt, be tueover
' irow'qf Saiila Aunt, and most Jikelj" he will
" i k'eVinhhand the rc'tt of govtrninent, crush ell
Mtteijijila nKgHtiaj.mi, ati head the army jn
j vrron 'igeinaC tiiiulilMi think jt
"'xtiedient but if not, Call iia'cj to' tome pjace
K j'ond he city sod prepare hnnaelffoj aiioiher
'id perhaps bcWr ojcanon., At all everita, he
' - iuat the inaij that the' Mj-xicana have been;
nlin' :''ver iinei'the.bstlVii o Cerro Gordoj
,S .,j , ,.iA T 5 .'.iu . . i
siid now, that he ta with them onco more, there
no'telling 'whilnighty.eventa iaflM ta
' 'iilt nf hV tetntu Irora exi'r. " ' ' (
c : 'Zibtita.Y Me'aaria)', w(.rn ft wili be reoiei
" t.itabbtd three Atneriipe'ttoiil (wo etk
Tha tcarapa of RorrM anil tlalnaa.
' The correapondent of tha Picayune, under date
of Puebla, 5th inst., eivps the following account
of the escape of Major Gaines 'And Midthipman
Rogers i ' ' "'I .': v "
.: Midihipman Rogert, about whose Imprison
ment to mneh haa been aaid, haa taken the liber
ty of reletting himself in plain English, ha haa
ear aped from-the. rfty of Mexko, and has rri
ved here iu safety. . He was not en parole at the
time. but . at large in the capital Uhdei a bond
with a money penalty riot to break hia botinda.
.. Learning that ihe American officers were to
ba removed to Toluca, and that there was no pro
bability of his being exchanged, be started on" in
the night .toward Chalco lake in a boat. Arri
ving there, he started on horseback thtough the
mountains with s guiJa, and, as above stated, got
through in safety.
lie renorta that Santa Anna baa not so many
men as has been stated tbat he haa not more
than 1.1.000 who are well armed and well orran
zed. Perhaps he did not know that alencia
had arrived with reinforcements from -Sun Luis
ftoth Rogers snd Lieut. Semtties, who waa ieirt
on by Com. Perrf to attend to 4iis"case; witl go
on to the capital 'whenever The army movoa,
arid take a part in any game tlat may be there
i Last tiigrrt about ten o'clock, Major f?aines
rame in; passing aafely "'through the entire Mrxi
can lines. It seema that on Mondy last all the
American officers were ordered to the headqiiar
trreof Gen. Lombardini, and -were there told
that they muet prepare iu twelve hours' to move
to Tallica. , All of them, aav Majors Gaines and
foreland, and Capt Danley . ejave their paroles
that they would proceed to tbat place, but Maj
O. distinctly told Lombardioi tbat his paiole was
at an end that he did not ask for ita renewal,
nor should he accept it., . . , , . , (. . . ,
On Tuesday morniiiK the officers, with three
exceptions above named, started iu the stage for
Tolyca, and on the same night Maj. Gaini'j, ac
companied by a trusty Mexican guide, set out for
ame tirm-lhsf Gen . Kearney iM," and Was W a
short distance In hh) rear daring the entire johr
ney, anfl reached Fert Leavenworth before the
General'a dopartura for St. Louie. " Gen. K. arri
ved at the fort on Snndy week, the 2 2d, ha
ving made the entire trip in the very short apace
of sixty. five dsys. He chose -the South Pasa for
his route, and had many obstaclea to encounter,
as the suow oo the anouotaios was very t!ep, and
the track in many placet almost impassible. M- '
Neither psrtj experienced any difficulty from
the Indians on -the contrary, they were very
quint, and evinced no hostile disposition whatev
er. " ..,., , - ,
.Major Cook and Judge Dryant, vt ho were of
the returned, psrtyv state that all the train of
emigrants now on the way to Oregon,, were ae-
verally met . They w'ere progrening (iiiey
stood the fatigues of the journey well, and had
abundance of provitiona . , , . . ' ,
When Gen Kearr.ey and hia party Wt Cali
fornia every thing waa in a penccful and prosper
out condition.' ' ' ' ' ""
Col Mason was left in command, 'as military
Governor of the Territory. " '
There was qite a fleet off the coast of Califor
nia, conaisting Of the aevetity four f,un ship Co
lumbus, haarint the hioad penattt of Com ' Bid-
die; the fngat. Congress 44 t the three sloops of ,6" b?1 of Dnch b',,er
ur P..i.i.n..ik or. it.. iv..., im n.t. ni I flavor: ' ' ' .
and the atoreships. Lexington 8 and Krie8. The
latter was tp lave in a few daya with about
500 men., , ... ; ,..., , , -r' ..;
,rThe rest of the troops were divitVcl into par
ties under separate command. ao ata,tioeed at
act e our Agent.. ., ,
Cien. ZAtllAUY TAYl.OIt.
, . Prmotralle Kominallons.
roa oovraaoB."
- '" roa caNAt coJtMtsstoNea,
... . , r Of Montgomery Count.
"U 1 VbIO Ntl.HtNATIO.NS.1 1
, ,, ; ,,! (. For 4ovrnor, n '
, 'i .1 For Canal Commissioner,
077, Hovtn's Ins. A freah supply of Hover's
rrlabrated ink, in bottles, of all aixes, has been
received and can he had at H Maaser's at ore. '
f3" Fat-" Peaches and other fruit, though
abundant in this place, have not done an well on
hills and high ground generally. Last year pea
ches In this place ripened about ten days earlier,
- rRIZ.ASSLVHIJk UAUST.' .?: if . '' nTiaaoAT.Aog. 3t.
Caxia Small parcels of Southern red Wheat
have been made at 11 25 a II 34. Penna. yellow
Corn 73o; Oats Penna. old 50r( and new 44 a
45; Southern new 39 a 43f. . - ' - ' . 1
Whisrxt is dull at 28c in bbla.
OIce ofa Baitixobs Aeaaicai, Aug SO.
GRAIN There waa a fair aopply of Wheat
at market to day, and prices declined. ' On Sat
urday there were salea of good to prime reds at
UOallO cts and to day the aama descriptions
sold at I05sl 10 cents. 'We quota white, Wheat
atllOU6 ets., and family flour whit at 130a
ias tnr-" ' " :', ' ' " '
Sales of white Corn at 70a79 eta. ' No aalea of
yellow. '
We quote Oats at 33a33 ctt. for Md., and 35a
S7 eta for Virginia. ! ' , ' ;
WHiSeTF-Y. There it a very limited demand.
Holders ask 27 (tt. Tor hkdi. and 27jaa3 eta. far -
bbla. ' ::-
, , ; ' ,
Kit C Amort, the Oregon post-rider, has been
robbed of all his horses, by the Indiana.
Professor McClintnck, it it said, is an abolition'
ist. Some of the testimony was certainly very
strung against him.
Cor.. Vat. This gallant officer passed through
Harrisburg last week, on his way to Carlisle,
where he ia to establish aschoot for Cavalry.
. - .
Moat Troops to at Rataen At the request
of Jefferson Davit, the President haa authorized
the raiting of five companies of Riflemen in Mis
sissippi, to serve during the war,
Missocai StNATORs. -During the twenty. sev
en years that Misaouii has had an existence as a I
State, ahe has been represented In the United
Statea Senate by but five individuals. Of theae claima than Little Mahoney. ' Thia township has
Col. Benton haa been Senator tor the whole time. 1 never had but one officer, and that waa 4 com-
The othere are David Barton, Alexander Buck- missionet,' some ten or twelve yeart ago. Mr.
ner, Louie F. Linn and David R." Atchitison Raker, who It the candidate; ia welt known 'to
Col. Benton's term will expire in ' 1851, and the deeiorracy of the county. He haa always
Judy Atchison's in,, 1840. A Senator ia to be been a firm', unwavering uVmocrat. ' lie ia also
elected at tha next aeaaion of the Legislature. a farmer, and beeides, a mechanic, acquainted
with business, and well knows how to discharge
TB.H DT LATH PBOS1 KVIIOPIC ... .,,: f fh. nfRre. T tnvera ar. iuterea.
ted in having buainest men as commissioners,
ami we trust the delegates will not fail to put
him in nomination.
rot TUB AMKRICAfl. , (
Mr. F.ntToa I believe it ia pretty well aet-
llrd that our neat Commissioner it to be ftorrt the
Mahonoys,"auI we have therefore the names of
several candidates, who are atl good men. 1 Up
per Mahonoy, haa named Mr. Holla, Lower, Mr.
Albert, and Little Mahonoy Jacob Raker. Now
we think no part of the county has stronger
. 07" The late arrivals show a still further de
cline in the price of breadatufla. The harvests
throughout Europe are abundant. . ,- -
Arrival r Ika Uasrialqnlrrr,
Flour and Grain Markets, I'ricrt st ll down
llsrventi good Co'ton Market Firm Very
Important Intelligence to the Commercial
Community -Another Money Crisis in Eng
land. . .. . . ,-. ,i :
N'tw You, August 20, 10 o'clock, A. M
The new eteamahip. Guada'quiver,' dpt.
tty Tb Pkocsssion of the Sone of Temper-
different postt throughout the country, .where it I anre, at Selinsgrove, came off on Thursday last
was deemed most advisable, either from ptecao-1 A large number of the order, and others, from
tiouary or defensive views
VUl t I'l
this place, were in attendance, accompanied with I . t
,,, Ma. FiiitOR.- I was much pleated with a com
munication in the Sunbury Casette, recommend
in Me Phriatain Alhprt. of Lower Mahonnv
IWken, arrived thia motning from Liverpool, l rllMv Commiion t h.. been Ion an.
bringing datea to the afternoon of the U h. i,aiMtef acquainted, with Mr. Albert, and
Fsoua At Gaatis tAvrrptni; Aug. Uth. ,ak, mucb pUMnre in tubscribing to the senti
The weather hae been unfavorable, and a mentaof that eommnnicat ion. Thecommission
slight reaction haa taken place In the corn mar- rrt office is one of great importance,' in whit
Nothing baa yet transpired, a to. tlie tperiAr I the Sunbury ' Band, which, together with the
nature of the rh'arge a;ainst Lieut Col. Fre- Band from Mifflinsbnrg, discoursed sweet music,
mont ; but as both the commsndine; officer and The'' procession assembled in the new church,
the arrested subordinate have now returned, we when'tbelalies of Selihserove. thiouch tle T?ev.
shall soon have our irnrioaitlei satisfied on thia j Mr. Weiaer, presented the order of that place
head. v ' - . v- I rith a handsome Bible, aecompanied with a aeat
" There teemt at least for the preaent, lobe no I address, which wa accepted on their behalf by
further feeling of resistance towards our anthori-1 the Rev: Mr. Crevpr, who also eloquently ad-
ty in California. The civil officers elected on- Pressed the audience, on the subject f Temper
der the provisional government are executing I ance. The Sons of Temperance will have a pro-
their duties with Anglo-Saxon honesty and di-1 reasion at, Danville, on the 10th inat. - A large
rectneas, and present to new a phrase of justice I number are expected to attend, , '. ,,..:
prices again gave way.
every taxpayer in the county Is interested, an
this place, and after being once in the haads of ' ,ue.nal,.ve '""""iiama inat inev are oengnten
the eiierrillai,' end ' running many narrow risks
betides, succeeded in corning through In safety.
He informed Lombardini distinctly, through the
interpreter, a brother of Almonte, that he should
not give hia parole for Toluca, and anticipated
being arrested and put under guard at once; but
not thinking probably he would attempt to es
cape, he waa allowed to depart. The aequul is
koowtv -
t. Cart. Rirers En6 AQtMENT with GrraaiLi.AS.
Intelligence haa just been received that Capt
Ruff, with a squadron of cavalry,' hat pivrn the
gneriillata severe drubbing at San Juan do lot
Li.mos. General P.F.Smith, learning on hia
arrival at Ojo de Ague tbat a party of theae gen
tlemen pi' the road had a rendexvoua at the for
mer place, tJespetehed Capt R. with ordera to
surprise them if possible. .. . , .,
The expedition was successful in every way
the guerrillas were surprised before they bad
time to reach their horses, ond at once took ref
uge in a church and In two or three stone houses
adjoining. Into these our men at pnee ihargnd,
the Mesicane recoiled in dismay, and after a
abort atrnggle were entirely : defeated, with a
loss of between thirty and forty killed and some
fifty wounded. A priest and cure, taid to have
been in aome way connected with the guerrillas,
were taken priaonere.
From the N. O. Bulletin, 23d ult.
Prom Brmnt, Moatcrrjr a ail HI Crsailn.
1 By the arrival here yeaterday of the schooner
Visiter, Capt Wilson, from Brazos, the 17th ii:at.,
we have received the Matamoras Flag of the 14th
inat., from which we derive the following infor
mation regarding things in that part of Mexico
and ita vicinity. .
, alt appears that the roads between Monterey
and Camargo are becoming more and more Infec
ted with irregular cavalry and guerrilla bands.
On the. 30th July an express mail wagon for
Monterey, with an escoit of seven men, tinder
Lieut Reynolds,' was attacked ten miles from
Marin by about sixty Mexirana, . The mail dri
ver succeeded in passing the ambuscade, and put
ting hit horses to tl. ir speed reached in safety
the encampment of a train which waa coming
down from Monterey. The escort was scattered
by the assault, and two of the, number are mis
sing, tuppnted to have been killed., Tbe horse
of a third waa shot under him, but he effected bis
i-n An tttnt Tha mail nrnjHui1 nn tn ita I
...... ......... ' 1n that city.
ui rat lilt,, ,u.
The next day after the attack, a merchant's
train, composed of sixty motes and aeveral wa
gons, freighted with merchandise, belonging to
Col. Lewis, r. Cook, Geo. N. Dowties and Mr.
Gleaaon, under a amall escort of citixens,'- waa
C7 Dratu or Sila8 WsifiHT. The death of
this eminent statesman, in the vigor of hia life
and intellect, has every where been received
with the most profound regret. There are few
men who have taker! a more active part in poli
tcal life, and who had fewer personal enemies
than Silas Wright. r He possessed a mind of un
For the last three days the weather haa been those who are entrusted by the people to selec
very fine and the harvesting, which haa been candidates for their support, thoold, in disrhat
partially suspended, has ben recommenced ging the important trust committed to them, a
with activity, with rery prospect of abundant waya be particularly Valiio'ua to select such car
cropa. The large amount of foreign grain re- didafet, for goprntsajoiier, as ara'well qualified t
ceived eince Monday, haa also effected the mar- discharge the dntfee of that office J and as Low
ket, and with a great pressure in the money Mahonoy is cleaily entitled to the commission
market, apeculation haa almost e aaed. ,h!i ,ime' 1 ope the delegation willjaelee M
a .i Albert. He peasessea all the qualulcationa r
Rr thsj Pht 1 4H. By the Pikit Line last quired to make a good commissioner, having h;
night we received Kng'.iah papera, from which considerable experience in the besiness affaire
we make the following Summary t " ' 1 the connty ; and if he is intrusted with that offic
The newa ia of the greatest importance to the people will Cnd him to be an honorable ai
the commercial communitVi There ia another faithful officer. SuAMOtia.
financial criaia in Kuglaud, and aeveral very ex
tensive failures have taken place. Prices of
course are down.
The total amount of the liabilities of the va-
k 1 Brigadier Grnrral.
- Ma, Epitub. As theie will be an election hr
on the 1 1 th day of September, to elect a Brigad
rioua firma whose failures have been reported on General, la fill the vacancy occasioned by t
common vigor, and an intellect that shone forth I tne Corn Exchange, London, during the laat I uWh cf Gen. Robert H. Hammond, permit mc
on all occasions, ami equal to every emergency. J peeteure,' was estimated at 1, 300,000, or about recommend Maj. W ILLI AM L. uc, WART,
Hia aaaiable disposition and unassuming manners
made him many warm personal frienda, even a
motif hia political opponents. - The Baltimore
convention, it will be recollected, tendered him
the nomination of Vice President, which he im
mediately declined by telegraph, when Mr. Dal
las waa nominated in bia atead. He was after
wards iioioal4 for tiQvernor of New York,
which he only accepted after repeated refusals,
to gratify hia friends. J( , ( i . . ,.1
Jfl 500.000.
' ThroughouUhe history of Europe there nev
er existed similar examples of so many sover
eigns threelenlng to resign their thrones ss at
the present moment No fewer than three or
four potentates, are declared to entertain seri
ous intentions of abdicating their power and au
thority." The autocrat of Russia intends to re
Sunbury, for that office. Major Dewsrt has h
considerable experience in military matters, at
if el- clod, would make an excellent officer.
. 8BAMOnl.
' ' B7"G'a: pABinis. The landing of Gen. Pa-
redee at Vera Crur, and bia eacape through that
eity on hia way to Mexico,1 created no little ex
citement and mortification among our military
frsm Ihtludlan t'aaairjr
Mexico liicitlvg httlian turner ct Puytig for
' . American etoipt
CiNd'nwaTi. Aug. 31.
-' A correspondent of the St. Louis Reveille, w ri-
ting from the Osags nation, states that the Ca
Brigadier General. . .
Ma. EoiToa. Permit us, thtough your pap
to say aomathing in reference to the military el
a uvea aw a itv su.v as a w - 1 1 s
tnrnw Half. The Prince of Orange talk, of ion ta y- '0,,L1'ti'aB,!
rvngninf mt crown or ulm.i.u, aiiciiiiij; v
lkfj Ravlawaaaaaam sWaa amet asI lm ika Mm faW at W t mnA
S V -n,B (SJtSI WSjaes IICVWV S aaaw " J I ----- .-aa..! . . .
I a.l.Laii skal Ikai l.L aaf .liaI.l ma alnJ thaw IH
the Quccen of Spain haaekpreseed her resolute "7 ,
C. - bordlnaey manned by tha mil.... of oer ling.
(or at least of our Battalion,) require a detarmi
mind 10 improve and que II Therefore, we
pleasure in recommending Col A-M03 E. K.V
aa man in every reapact qualified for ika rest
stlile station to which hia claima and aserlt
quesironahly enliila him. If elected, there is
one would be more active et would take a d
interest In Improving the declpHae of the Brig
and tinder hia sajfservlatafbaj rtaUfciaTeateaa
ner aection of eowntry won Id soon tuas egak
the dignity that belong to tne name. -'A
Goontf Fotiosi oe tea let Daieir
determination to abdicate ber thrown
'' The"? eiectiooe ' for the English, Iiieh end
Scotch borourhs ere now concluded. There
' r..r Par.H.a it will tx recollected.' abont two I are vet few of the countiee andecided. The
years since, at the bead of the Mexican Army at Liberal party haa (lined 49 votes,' which gives
San Luis Potest', revolted and marched against Lnrd Raseell 06 Volea on a division.
Santa Anna, the President of Mexico, and drove ,, Ur est mortality prevails thia year in Galicia
him into exile.: Santa Anns, about e year since, among the peasants and the lower clasers. In
ratiirnail In Mavirn. nverlKrew Paredea Who had .u .r U'.J..:. Jn IWI uMnn.
. , . . . ...1 1 .. 1. . 1 - , - - 1 mi, vmii vi ' auuwia, aw w(vw
a tacked at Pant. Ag ode, by . large force o, w d rrefiJent hiM ,,. .
Mex.e.tu, and ns entire train capturra.-i h- r,redri u mott ptohMj on ult way now to
assault was so sudden and overpowering that no tske his turn at the game of revolution and Preti- rAtrPta' L4Nt.tx0.i-If it be true, as sfsted,
resistance rould be offered. The first intimation dent making. Mexiiois undoubtedly the grea- tnt the eaptain ot the British steamship was ac-
of an attack waa given by a discharge of Are arms test rountrv for revolutions of government, that qualntad with the trne name and character of
from the thickets on each tide of Ihe road, and an vvrr existed. They think no more of gettipg up Paredts, it will remain for him te explainhow
t..J;.n. In rmmril ia-.'th the O.a. I immediate rharte of ravatrv noon the train. The I . r. ik. nr.t.noalna nna Fta. and whv he. aa a nentral. introduced to decided
iM.I ik. tattar ttt lha Knaniardi rineaninir trein had been atonned to water and feed the ani- ..a .nn.v.. ,. . Annt an eaaraV iato a country with which We are at been named as candidates for Brlgsdier Gen
the Mexirana, we preaume.) had advanced their, ri-.als, and to rest and refresh the escort At the tins op , political meeting to nominate a eandl- wai The Union ssys that whila en board the pe mil ua to recommend Capt JACOB III
large sums of money, and msde many preaent report of fire srms, Mr. Gleaaon, who command- data.' What efTecl the presence of Gen. Paredes ahip m ; , ,, , - MKL, of Union county, fur that office, Wet
efinulea, aa payment for murdering Ihe Ametl- ed the party, knd was just mounting his horse to ml) baMin Mexico, is a matter of speculation ; .' Heapoke freely of Santa Anna's want of en- a man f, that ofUce should have seen some
eana who travelled along the road, aad deatroying pot the train again in motion, turned and found Sama say it will prolong the war, Otkera,' that it ergy, ability, and prineiplea, and declared lhat vice-and as tht 1 Captain aeived three yaarg ir
their pioper'y.' ,a his train completely encompassed by Mexican will ,kt! favorubla to its conclusion. ' We era unfortunate Mexico would bsvs to throw her- laat Wsr, as a eaptaie of a company at Ma
,Tn ordsr to stimalste them to tbia woik. large cavalry, and hiniaelfand'escorf, only six in num- jiinej ta the latter opinion. ' PsredeS (S some- self into the arms of . America, or of tome Euro- Hook end other places, ahd will tree an eneir
rewardt were liberally paid for every scalp and her, entirely cut off from it. ; J. 1 thine of a iuonajrbiat.aed haa bura poor opioion pran power. Thia last allusion ia suspicious a laf w b the same fesrleaa IntreplJity, we t
Brigadier OenrrtU
Me, Eettoa-As a number of persons I
oxtail ahich lbs Camanrhea brought in... Jt w-as
therefore their intention to tskf their old stands
Vr. Coolidge informs us that Gen-Taylor was of hiacountrymen for self foverpsnent, end ex-
prepared for an onward march,' and the general pressed himself to tbat effect en hn rfturn pet-
Patedea is a monarchist a friend of a foreign
monarch, there is some reason to believe j and
were made by Mexico, he would be' on tha road governments, whose commerce is severely suf I looks rather abroad than to raitin, for the
to San Louis by lha 1st of September. " : "" fe;ing on account tSf the war, are anxtoua for ita change of her rulers." . .. ,
-The troops at Monterey aad Saltlllo were in conclusion. Pvedea,; who baa but Wile to hope ' It appears Iram thi Xtn Crux letter, thitwhen
exee-llent health. -Likewise Ihose at the Ttfier toi ia a fight with Scott or Taylor, or a tevolii. Paredes eafered that city, ha was recognized By
: I ' . ' . . . I 1. . - . ' I. a . 1 ' .1
encamptneot. u-
I Vion in Mexico,' will throw hia influence jii that twee three parionh an inspector at the gate,
on both sides of the Arkansas liver early ia the impression was, that enless peaee propositions sage to tha captain of the vessel. The foreign his presence in Mexico, if it looks to any change,
DnT or Ho. Silas WaiGiiT The New
York pspers of Saturday bring us the painful in
tellitciica of the auddep decease of the lion. Si
las Wri(iht, one or lue niosi oisiinjuianrn min
men of the present day. lind ene hoenjoyed the
cenAdmre of hi friends in aa eminent iegee,
and the lespect oall psrtiea, He expired in an
apoplectic fit.' in tha 63d yesr1 of his age,' at hia
resManee ia .Canton,' fM- Larenceoeny,' Now;
yrlr, 00 Friday qnorning , Few re" havf eloi
s4 a.long iA activo (Nititiral Hf wiih so euvta
hia a rrHititrtin. tfe rfe'eitredthar gubernatorial
hanoC- .huriiatiea gtata.'aad '.was or many
vaaiaita ranresaoUlit-aaa the U. S- Sanate. Jn
arory public situation dischvged his d,itia!
'wsv, especially as he has no love for Pan I a Aa.
t. " . '.A . J J. '.. 'twill'
pa. WDO It SI tne peso 01 ins war lnj.
.-i! oiats ul ' ' '' :i -i" "
Potato Rot. The New York Courier says
that thia diaease" baa mads ita appearance ia h-u sum ol " - it Zn." --:oiv
... ..'. . I . - - . . ' ' , ' . . ' W' 1 . m.m M jl. ' msL . ML. I
vTeatcnesrer coumy; in max siaie j 11 is sat a eisa 1 1 ny tub nrw usir. rom s norsins rri
te be somVwhat prevalent on Long 'island. " -'' 1 1 aidant has eallod for five new regiments Of troops j
, Th DtytW (Ohio) JouVnai. 'of 'AVg. 57 ssys Two ragiectU pem'.Ifantuckyt.lwio-rrom Ten
A kentleman from Salemi In tliikVonnfy.'ii.rorini neaaeetand one from Indiana Theae troops arej
ua' tBat three fburths of the potato eVop in that to be rsissJ and ut into tervua at soon as pos
r-eithberkood hts ttin dssuovfa tt ta lot. " ' I f a.'blr.'
,1 1 11 1 " it 1 I j u'm ... it j
aad by tenor Arocbe.whe attempted Justification
fot bia silence upon the fame excuse, that though
t was e America crtiren, yet he waa bo spy !
The fatia,tbtrarsdea scarcely reanaiqed ten
mmulasiA IbJ sity. and Went off without the
knowledge ef Colonel Wjleon, er any of the mili
tary oUcsra,, ,Ha rstvint . to -Mesiea) wndor the
general aoiatalyiecwHly granted te political ef
fester r ' " 1 '
he l juat lha man for a Brigadier General.
. ' ' ' . - Mast os Pgsr
" ' ,;i m, .
. " 'r- Aittmbly. .
'! '' (VoB Tt iXtXBICl
EwtsB.' Jn looking otsr ths papei.l
aoasa a number of communication, reronmer
variouat persons as candtdetea for the Jegiah
My object is not te say snytbing sgernet them,
permit ma to recommend to the democratic
toraef thta county, Msj, WM. In DCWA8I
candidate for AasWy.-.Msis Pewaa iaa
tlemsn of pofKilat ananwera, and haa the caj
to make an able snd efficient mernhor, snd v
no doubt diaebarga the duliaa of that station
crtdit to binwelt, and antirt satiafAClioa to hi
.'a ". ,'! ".j e Jacf's
,! . ' t.i ! ' ; i ': ' ! h r
. m ii.tli.-.i w.iii ' : ,' I : J '