Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 21, 1847, Image 4
Jl.aJ.!JPiJJ. ...1. .t 1 , Flom the London, People'' Jcdifnal. ' ..: , CIo 4 ty -. r..-i f v- i . . . fc CJlAtLM fcicSAtY a r f .' i : -1 , h . . ' i -i i - . v -m ; Cleon hath a million tore-.' ": ! .'.':'' ' NttiM oA have I - cuon awtiu'th'in pirate ,v7 -"" , ... In cottage I t . ;t . rf. ..... . . Cleon hath adoxen fortune-" r ...... Not a pnny I r 'i But the poorer of the twain i " ' ' , ' Icon, end not j. , , Cleon. ttne, potetotb crei. , . Etjt the laudsxapW I ) !' . . , ' Half the charm to me it yieldttb, - '.. Money carinot buy.. J : .; : Cleon harbor klotli and dullneta ' ' He in velvet, I in fustian, ? . ' Richer man am 1. .- .1 ' . v Cleon i a alaet to grandeur,; . - ' Free at thought am I t ' ' Cleon fee, a Mora of doctor ' -Need of none have I , '" Weltri-urioun4ed, care-uvironrdf , - Cleon feara to die ; ' :i ' Death may come, he'll find me ready Happier man am 1. " " : '. Cleon tees no chatm in Nat ore ' ' ' In a daisy I; Cleon heart no authemt ringing In the tea and iky. , Nature tinea to me forever Earnett listenei t. " Stat for ttate, with all attendantt, , Who would change? Not t. i i Keep Col. by a. w. LIOUT. At your mattera all awry T Keep cool ; But conaidar well tbereaaon: ; If you are but right youraelf, ' I Thing will come right in their tea ton. Keep cool. '.' ".' Though your caaa be datperate, ' r. Keep cool ; Deaperate eril may be cured . They cannot witbttand a mad '. What bave true men not endured? Keep cool. Hat a villain cheated you? . Kttpcool; ; .i! HcU the loaer don't deipair ; ' 1 ' Now your aye-teeth have be tin cut. Keep jour tamper : grin and bear. Keep cool., !':' Hat a maiden proved unkind ? ' ' ' Keep cool ; . I( yoa'd have your beat t'a dctire, . . t ' Teach young Cupid'i golden bow You can and it keen eat fire '' Keep cool. Can you reform tka world Keep cool ; Only one thing you can do-" ;. ( Give a brave heart to tba work ; , Heaven want no more from you. Keep cool., f r - - ; ' Doe th prioeaof terpant hit ? '' Keep cool ; ' ' Show your ttiflVat upper lip; y When he ee that you are firm, . You will find that off U'll al.p. Keep cool.. . . '. Let your ill be what they may, i " Keep cool ; . L. . -. , Seiaa thi truth with heart and band : - lie that mletb well iiiraitlf, Can the universe witbttand. 1 ' ' Keep cool. . Do Stoat". Mr. S. kept a calf tk"d in bi yard, but the mpo occaaionally got untied and Mm calf waa left looae. One day a neighbor cal led in and aaid, "Squire, I preoucne your Calf ha made an escape Irutrt tbe yard." . Mr. Stone replied, he preeiiirted not, ard inquired on what le founded hi opinion. Ilu replied' I know rour dog well, thqugh 1 not your calf. I overtook your cog near Mill Creek, with the r ipe in hia inou'h, leading calf toward tbe y,' (about a nule west of Mr. Stuna'a house.) Mr, Stone went into the yard, found the ealf f ', mounted Iih horse anJ took the road for tue mouth of Mill Creek. When he had gone ..tnjut halt the dintanee, he aict hie trutty dof, '"t'tf'Pg ot wild the rope In hia mouth, leading t!i! calf. He gate 'him a won! ot encourage. ' out, and turned hi horae and went home, lea- ving the dog tofimbh hi undertahinc. He had m.t been lidmebut tbort lime, when the faith- 1 1! dog brought the calf to the gate tod be waa tt iu. CuJ AJv. . mn" ' ,. .jr nvrcavnt, a tno very appropriate name of a firm in New York, wntcn loaxce patent medicine oo a large acale. Cull f- SttiU have a tailoring eala bind want in MeadtlUe. ' I tUMimt lh aiaaahntl Mul,la 1 - , kwV..u.. W I. W I . Neul f Prey ia a businet dim at Portland, Mi. It ia auperfluoua to add that they belonir to urthodoi churchee. - : ' vuav onarpr i m me retail butoeae In Cin emnatk Aa miehl be exoected from tha name. 'e H alwtye wida awake whenever money ia to be made. Cttt'a Aiimliscr. A lpy Deacon, wbe toraetime engaged iq I'opiilar games, heating the minister u the word shuffle off this mortal ceil atarted ep, rubbed bi eyes, and exclanred; ' , ' ' 'Ho!da! -tt my deal?' "a""!"?" 1 . '!. 'I 'J J. I' .. j . .JW.JJ DASH NOTE LIST. VVAMtlVMtjp The MMide l -lnnet'tW cnttf tttf vf aB annayhania Bunk N..trr Xhmo Implicit re tine may be placed upnii it, a it i every tvtek jarefuilycrtmpnred with ar4 cotrrciej frbra Bidu MIT Retiorier. " " ' ''j'1 T' ' a-;- '. r:. , . Itnnfcii la pillMellil(tu . , . ; '.NOTES ATPAR. : Bank of Notlh Amerira,.' . , ' ", .' pnr Rank of the Noitiierit TiVfirtiof -, ' 1 par lloitifnercinl Pnk of f'cnn'a . -f', i, par r armcra and MectiaNioa Uank" r . . . par KanainxtM Ppk . vf J ' ', " , , , pat Philadnlphia Bank . ' . '. ....... 5 , par ficttuylkill Bank , ' .. r .... . par Siffitlmark Hank par wratarri Bank !.,.... ... ..... par Mecbanica' fJank .. . par Mantamcttirerr ft Mechantca Hank- ,. par Sank of Peon. Township , . . ,,. , . , ' . par RirarJ Bank , , . ... par Bank of Commerce, Into Moyamning . par Bank of Pennsylvania . .... . par Country Itnnk. Bank of Chatter Cnnnryf ' Wawtcnenter ' Bank of DeHware Coomy Cheater Bank of fKrraantmn - 1 Oermantown Bank nf Mnnteomery Co. Nnrrittnfrn " DoylefOown Bunk A Dnyteatoani ' Eaonlenk" Kaairm " Farmcra Bank of Buck pa. Briatol - 1 par par par par par par par Bank of Northumberland Northmnherland par t'nlumhia Bank cV Pride eo.MJolambi ' par ParmtaV Bank of Lancaster l.anciftei par l.nca1rr dmnty Dmik I.ancaalor Bank Furmpm" Rank of Reading Ofnoe of Bank of Penn'a. Vffica " do ' ' do OrTire ' do t: ' do Uffioa do ' ; do Iiaiicaater ' par I.ancuMCf ' pat ' Reading " par Harriahurit' Thiae I.anCMtvr ' I nfficea Rending ' f do tint Raatnn J Issue lt.: NOTE? AT DISCOUNT, tank of the United State Phflad.-lphta Miner' Bank of Pottaville Potiavide Bank of Iwiatown i 1 , lewiown ', Bank of Middlntown ' ' Midilleiown' Carlisle Bank - ; , .' OarlMe ' Czchange Bank '' Pitutiuip , Ito . do branch nf ' HntliJaV'liUTg Harriaburg Bank ' Harriahurg ' Lalianon Bank :'' Lehannrt Merchsnts'ck. Manuf. Bank Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg ' Piitshmg West Branch '''" Willinmpor Wyoming Bank . Vjlkrlarie ' S3 A i 14 Northampton Bsnk '' Allontown ' ,' Berk County Bank ' Reading Office of Bank of U. 8. ,' Pitlahurg ' fill Do :' " do " do ' Erie . tin Do ' do do New llriclilotl do Bank of Chamberitmrg ," (hamhersbuig I Bank of Getty aburc ' Gettrnlmrg ' Bank of Haiquehann t 'o. , Mnnlrtise , . tj Erie Bank Farmers' Sc Drovera' Bank Erie lalj Waynesburg , Washington ", l Honeadsle I Brownsville ' 1 1 York , 2al Franklin Bank Hooesdala Bank " '' Monnngahela Bsnk of B. York Bank I N. B. Hie notes of those banks on which wa omit quotations, and substitute a tlsxh ( ) are not purchssrd by the rhllndelpbi brokers, with th exception of those which hate a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. In. . Philulclphia failed rhiladehmii Iwn to, ., , do - failed Hchuylkill Sav. Ins. do l.il4 Kensingtou fsv. Iu. A . do Penn rownsliip Bav. Ins. do Manual Lalor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) fild r Rwanda Bank . Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver , Bank of Swalara ',. Bsnk nf Washington Brtlf.ird -Heavet ,. Harriaburg , V-liiniitii PelWfiHita Pitlsbmg PiliklHirg Fuyello ci. Grerursktle Harmon v lio aale . rinsed l.Md fsiled cliwd no eale lailnd failed failed IIO slrt Centre Bsok,,., CKv Bank Farmer & Mecb cs Dank ., Farmers' cV Mecb'tV Bsnk , Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bsnk Harmony Institute Huntincdor, Bank Huntingdon no aale liewiktown noasle Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bsnk Warren Dundaff Now Hope Milton Mesdtille Port t'arboo lrli-le Monlfiise I'uiontown failed no nule ciuaed no sale closed fnied closed failed closed Notfbero Bank of Pa. . New Hope Deb Bridge Co. Nortbumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Baak of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr, 6l Manuf. Bank Sir Lake Bank Union Bank of Pcuu'a. ' Westmoreland Bank Greiiiaburg Wilkeibarre Bridge Co. Wilkesharre' nossla try AM notes purporting to be ou any Pennsyl vania Bsnk not given in the aUive list, may be set jown a irauu. 1JKT JKRSr.T. Bank of New Braoawirk Brnnawick ' Bi'lvidi're Midtbrd Perth Aniboy Bridgeion Mount Holly Rahway N. ItiunswHii failed "i par par i fsibnl Belvidete Bank Burlington ClB. Bank ' Commercial Bank UumbrUnd Bank Fcrrneta' Bsnk . Tanner and Mechanics' Bk rrmcra and Mechanics' Dk Partners' and Mercbsnts. Bk Franklin Bank of N.J MidJkiowa PL J ernes Vitf - failed Hoboken Bkgfc Giaxiag Co lluboken fsibd foiled fiiik-d failed 4 failed i '- pai lersey Ulty Dank . Jersey C-ny Mechanic Buna s Manufacturers' Bank Patterson Billevilte ' Morrtatiian Freehold Trenton -Jereci City Newstk Morri County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mecbanica' and Manuf. Bk Morri Canal and Bkg Co. foot 3ete no sale Newark Bkg &. to Co New Hope Dal Bridge Co' LamberUvilbi Hobnken , . - I faill failed failej '' ' par par N. J. Maoufac and Bkg Co N J Protecton dr. IxMnbatd bk Jeraey City Orange Bank Orange Palerson Bank Palerson PeopW Bank do . ' ' '" ' Prtnccioo ' Sa'.em . Newark EhVabethtewn Camden t Morris town Trenton Salem , Newton TrenUo ' Dever Hackemack Princeton Bank Baler Banking Co State Bank' i i fulled failed . i ' V raited I a,.,. n.nLS state Bank of Morris Slate Bank Baleaa end Philad Manuf Co Suaaex Bsnk Trenton Banking: Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co. IJIAeTARE. Bk of Wilm V Urandywine Wilmington Bankef Delaware - ' Wilmington Bank of Smyrna " ' ' Smyrna ' .Do branch ' Milford , . Farmer' Bk Of State of Del Dover I)o - avswek i Wikaiegton lo braacn ' - Georgotown De y- Uanch Nsweaatle Union Bsnk i ., Wtunutgtoa try- Under 6 .,: par ft par par par K par fu rrr On all bank marked tbu ( there are i ther ceontairatt or altered notaa of th vaiioua da ftominatloo, in emulation.,- ,. t' ' r . r . . - i . ' I S.. a j n l . a.. . m' '. T - - .r THE subscriber has iut nveftail V',Ncw, HiTiny Oottda, tt wlilcn he rlle hia (ienb ' and customer to can and examine for thamam .-e. Hiaailok eonsi4a in 'pari oT (hi lblowinj' C'r Hf SupcrioK Cfotna, of iff enfiira "dirmeta'bf ilifi-i eht pattetn f Matin ahtj bther Vettjrigji " : llcoi; Tuawn,,'Xinfrharm, Cbecka, Tick"'''""; inga, nd summer vwear of '411 klpd, ''-'!.'" " 'and price ' sko,' T.egltOm and " n T . , Palm leaf HatsiTmbreltet' ! ' r" " and Praola, frm 5 ' ' . C(,nU up,,- ; . r ,7 'lf!o,(ltoceiieW,Qoeen-J " ' wire, Hardwai." t'edarwar. ' '' ; ' "' Oil,' Paint. Fih, Salt, drcrkc. Ac, ' and in fnrt.'evetv article usually kept in n cnuiitr-' twe, which will be' oolJ very loW,!fnr caaH or ttv kind of trade. JOHN BOOAR Sunbury," May Ilih,' I8t7. nljty " 1 ' ' ; More New Goods ! THE last at rival la at Purdy't Store, Market Square, where will be found bandtome sortment of " .' ' " ' . .' SPRING AD, SUMMER GOODS,' of tbe lateat sod most approved sty ks, consisting of CIdiIis, ('ag.imera, Vestinga, " Snmraor Stuffs, Moil, de lainei, I.awne, .'Ginshsma, t'alicos, ' ' MnaHna,' Jean. ttr. dee, tit atsn, a full assortment of Groceries, all nf htch will be sold lower than over olleied in lids murk it. ' ' ,l ' Cill and examine for vonrarlves, Sunbury, May 15 h, 1847. tf - EAYDE1T- & GOALS, - Flour, Produce, and General Comviis- i , , ?on Jlercliants, ,. ., ''.,'t "" No. tlO SaiTu's Wnaar, BALTIMORE, OFFER flicirT aervice to the Merchants anJ Fsrrners nf the Suqiii'hanha Valleyi for tbe sate of Flour, Grain and Product generally, hi the Itxltim re inaikul, and from their rxien-ive ac quaintance among purchasers and shipers, can sjfely Wunant s.ititfnrtnry sole. Correspondent will b conMantly kept sdvised of trw state of the maike', &e. " Rrf-rto ' - ' ' ' Misira. Win.' Wilaon At Si.hs. fuac Reynolds & Hon, I n Davidson Si Saunders sltimora. Keynokl fe Smith, J : and Messrs. Tincley, Caldwell & Engl glih, Phila. Msy 15th. 1847. '; SOMETHING NEW! fTHE eultscribrrs have the excluive light of X vending J. M. THATCHER'S . Hot niasl Hot Air Cooking r in tlie counties of Noiiiiuniberland, Columbia anil Schuylkill ; and from the encouragement met with already, ihey expect lo do a large business. , This stove is constructed on n entirely new principle, and ou the only principle that en ,make both a. good wikxI and coal stove. The inventor has over come all the difficulties that o frequently belong to other stoves. He has by his arrangement con structed a qroiling rX7OVCU Iu front, where, iu broiling, roaating, frying or baking may be done, and all the aoautl tbal ariae tbseefioin must pse-j into the combustible chamber, aad is not a all thrown out into the rnom..X. Besides this, there is an oven only two inchea' less than tbe whole six ! .1 nf the stove, w herein b. iking or ronsling may Ive don a well a it can be in the common brick oven. This wen is alwsys lit (or tlo when the s'ove is basted, ss the whole draught of hot sir psmes a- round it constantly. Public attention is partirnlxrly culled to this stove. Il csn be sren at our Htore and Tin Etb lishmenl in North D.invilli", at the Mgn f the Co lumbia Tin ahop, und at ibo Founiby of Rohrhach A t lenient in Vunbury, where its particular nnali- lies will be fully shown and exp'ained to any person J wn-htng lo ex iintue it. The Mitistiiibei continue to hsve on hind all kinds of parlm stove, such as radiators, cy lenders, fancy and plain, auilable for all who may favor us with a call; alsj common sheet and Itumu Iron, which can be mils in eny drsirabla shsM ; tge. iIimc with a general asueilmesil of tiu snd ja panned ware, wholesale and lelail. . Countiy nieri biota aie insiled Iu call and etamine our stuck, ss our wink cannot he auipied, end price moiliM'raie, . IS. U. We can eafely recomrueaJ ihe alwve men tiiMMil stove to vema who wish l emhaik in a good business. The paleulv" will sell eillier coun ty or stale rights, to suit purchasers, and on rea sonable lei ins. Haul bis sgrn's ntsv be found in Danville, Pa. v , , J. & J. ARTER. ' The undersigned, having seen in operation 'he hot b'a-t hot air emiklng stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaicher, certify that we believe, from the manner of its construction and npera'inn, that it is the best one ever ottered lo the public The sirangeineut is so complete snd the construction n judicious, that there is a saving of one half Ihe furl snd lime, in doing sny given amount of n-rvice, over olbi'i celebrated stoves. Iq abort w recom ment it in preference to sit others, for the simple reason thst it embrace ewry branch of economy. Pamui I Garrett, John W GarretC Divid Chat- i field, W-F Kitcbin, John M , E Thompson, SieKh Tbomj.aon, J D liahu, J"n ttakes, tleeiki sh l.ear, LU is r A oopir, Geo M lMhrt, iruel Huffman, Henry H Rissel, F H Tstver, Dankl Drrilch, Jowph Vsnknk, Brooks Eplvy, Dsnvilla, Match 6, 1847. ly FARM- rPHC subscriber olfort for ! chnau Farm, ailuate in tshamitin township, Northamber- land county, about eight iui!es fiotn Sunbury. ly. iug betwevn the Centre turnnlke and Iri-h Valley, containing InS acre and altowsnce. Said farm is in a g v'd stale of cultivation, with reasoustdv good building anJ excellent wster near th door ; snj all Kinds of fiuit. Ac.' - ' JOHN FA RN8 WORTH, Hunbary, Feb. -0, 1817 Clothing Establishment PERATIONS in Cteteta aeem to b the order of th dsy, at tbe Philadelphia Ward Robe, 10ft Chtannt street, where ev,ry article in th ho is kspt, and aold at asioni.hing low price, embracing Cloak,. Hangup. Over Sack Coal,' Short 8ck Coats, Super French Cloth Dree . Fioek Cols, Pantaloon of yry grade and - -' tyi,ny of which will be aold either r " by tho garment or doen, at piir ; . cea that will justify tha' , Bteet eeooeaaicsl in '"'!'. buying.. . ... i , Wdvie all who wast good end, cheap Clo thing, to call at No. 106 Chase ut ana!,' Phiktdslj hia, rkth, 1817. tu TO WATCH XVt AICBRS Importer or.Vlchci, ,VatchMalier? -M vTooIti and 'Watch Material9, a .! . n. fyhoteNale K netnlt, ' 'f 14,''Afiref ttrert.. PHll.A DELPHI A , y At renatantty on hand a large ataoriment of r.MnettV ratenf,' an Plain TJIsr MaW springs, Tergesf Dial, Watch Hand; and a eom- ptet avaArtmeni oi an i oew hod MateiioieDeirg ing tfib wnV) with a large' tstortment f Ootd and Btleer f jever, Lepine, and Plain Watehes c H nf which ha will guaranty losell at tbe lowest New York "prices.' - Ail orders' from the enuntry punrtu ally eterntfwl. e ' N.B. Country fnerchaiit and other are invited to e II and examine hie stork, at N. 946 Market iiee, wrf t ' " t s "' ''""t I n .-vi ' s Philadelphia Jan. S3, 147. m ' ' " ma' CITTATTCTIOlTSTOSiE, ' No. 31 Worth Third street, " "" " 1(iinni cit . " ' PRItADBLrRIA. - - C, C. ' M A C K K Y, Auctioneer. ' TO COUNTRY HTORE KEEPERS. WVrlNING SALES of Hsrdware, Cutlery, JI2J Saddlnry, Whips. Boots, shoes, llaia, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, Watches and Fancy Gttods, ' ' At Market's Aurtiori Store, 31 North Third street, liesr the Cite Hotel. ' " The attention of Country Merchant i InviteJ, The Goods will be snld in lots to suit purchnxera, and all (Soodt offered will be warranted equal to the ronrevrntniiKiis that may be made nf them. ' N! B. A large. atioriment of Gnmls at Private Sale, ' .'. ' l ' Jan. 1. IH47 ly MOUNT VERNON j ' n if v 95 ISorth 2d St., bet. Arch &, Race sis., IMi i I a l el phi a. BRAUYA PARKER rs.tfully inform their friends hd tbn public that they hive, taken i ri above' named boMsa, recenily kept by J. n Adsmiy anJ ra niepared lo acoornmodala custo mer in tha moat aituifaclory manner and at rea sonable prices. i, : . . , . . ' Their table will ba supplied with tbe beat vari ety the market afford their pvlora ami aleepiug aptrtmeol wilt be in the beat order.: The hoo-e ha been thoreughly repaired and furnished with a view to tbe Comfort of travellers arid sirsngera, Hsving had several yeara experienoe.aa , tbe besinese. They hope , lo give general ealisfactioti, end rospeclfully invlt traveller end strangers lo givalhent seatLi:;'! BRADY dr. PARKER. Philnlelphia. January 16, !847.-f "CHELAP WATCHES71 The Clronijosi Gold, nd Silver Vale lies IN PHILADEU'IIIA. , " OOLD l.evra, full Jaivellcd, ' Silver . do. ;J do. Gi.d Leplne, Jewelled, , ; i Silver , do. . ,,' do. SiNer (junriicrs, fine qu.dity, . ,' Gold Walchea. plain, Silver Spectacle, Gld Pencils, '. , Gold Bracelets, ;,' . . 46 00 S3 00 , , no oo '. IS 00 vt0 00 lit 00 . 1 75 s on ' " "4 00 Also, on hand, a large assortment nf Gold and Hair Bracelet, fiucer rings, breast sins, hoop esr n ';,J l"l "''f P' tongs, thim- K'sa sbj.iI.I H..Tfer . 1 n.l f..l uli.ina nllar.l kims b'es, gold neck, curb and fob chain,, gusrd keys aud jewellery of every detcription, at equally low prices. All I waul i a call to convince cumo- All kinds of Watrhe and Clock repaired am wuirnnted to keep good time for one year; old guld or silver boe.gbt or taken til exchange. . For sale, eight dsy and Unity hour bras clocks, s( , LEWIS LADOMtS Watch, Clock and Jewellery Store, No. 413 Market street, above JJlevtnth, north side, Phils I'his. ... .,.'...;.,.. i i . (jj" I have some Gold nd Silvci Levers, still mueh cheaper than the above prices. Philadelphia, Dec. 26. 1840. I y ffr aioitssers vnnftjersal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities given without Charge. M 114 CAevnuf PHILADELPHIA. THIS new and splendid article, as its nam de- nntea, is trofeaiwd tn be superior to any C ba vin Cream in ihe United Stat or Europe, It ia unsuipasstd fr beauty, purily and fragrance, tho' roruewhat anabfoua to Guerlain's Ambrosial Cresm and other similar eompunnda. i It far ur paaaea I hem M by -the emiUient paaty consistency nf ill l.ither, which so soften Ihe beard as to render aluiving pleasant and easy. ; 1( further podsesscs Ihe sdvsnlage ovor the imported article, in being freihly prep ned, no skill being wanting in its man ufacture. ' E.Rousael having had many year' ex perience in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pere et Fils now Renaud cV co of Pari. ' Besides being the best, it is the cheapest article, for ehaving; it is elrgsntly put up in boxes, with splendid sleel engraved label. Price $3 per duten.'or 57 J cent for a single box, to shave on year. It I at said at $1 60 per lb. or ISJ cents per ox-, so thst gentlemen can hsva their boxes filled st EUGENE ROISMEL'S, Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa- ' ler Eaiablishment, 114 Chesnut Hlseet. . Dec-19, 1846.-. '. PHILADELPHIA. New Firm; ritllE Undervigned hereby give notice, that be X ' hss assncisied with himaelf, as a partner in bs mercantile business, in his store adjoining Weaver' Tasern, in Sunbury, John Haa. and that lb said store will hereafter be conducted un dcr ihe firm nf Ckunanl A. Jlssa.' .The store at the Squill W. at rumw of Market Squire will lie cnndueird as harte(aie, by th uhscribr himself, to which he respectfully invite hi customer aa trirnrts. 1 IU also notifies sll ihoae Indebted to him, to call between this and the 1st ef January next, and set tie their socounis. , , , All kind of produce will b taken on account, at essn prices. t " Hereafter no ' longer than four months credit will be given, IRA T, CLEMENT. ' Sunbury, Nov. 14. 1848 tf. " ' ' CLE 1EITT & T? ESPECTFULLY inform th noblie, iht on A th 9th lnt ths entered into partnewhip, in th mercantile business, at the (lore recently occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining W Tavern.' in Sonburf. They have lately received a new eroett f good Which . they will disboae of at toe teweei pnee.' All kind ef produce will be taken in exchange for coed. 1 ' V"! " '"' "' ' ' '' ' ' ' No longer than four Bwnth credit trill be given. r; IRA T.-CLEMWT,' " . . f m mm e wa . . eunherj, ffjv. II, lfl,t. AUCTION GTORE. No; 0NortK 3d n.thlrd'do.of .bbVeiJ i AlB B.VBRY EV.NINO,4f general sortment of Foreign and Doraeatfc rlarihvtfe, .Teblav and Pocket Cutlery,- Trenka, fiockae C L:tcheta; Boi; Bswa, M1ry, Whip,. I J Boois, Bhoet,'Hstt,iUps, Guns, H0!?r7 ritpKTrtrtiitiltigsji CMhlng:i . ; am) Fattty Uondtn V nThe.ittantkiaj f !iiyTana eountry dealer U in- rtrd. ?ThGiiod aY fresh. and will be warrantrd equnLto the 'reprewntfltinn thst may b made of tliem, n :AYLI3&fiROOKBR,JucMvKr,. , Na. 9 North Thiid M. ; N; B.. Purjhsima can have their Good packed. Several iovaicee of Good bave been received to be aoid at private salei i'p 1. I ! 1 1'hUsdelphia, IMc, 181b, 1840. ly . )i, , - TTT To The I. . of O. V. i , sJ;-.W; n. StoK s, Manufacturers of Premium Odd Fcl- ''-j 7 " lows' Regttlia,- ' " No. 194 Market Srer, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Stor below Cth Street . THE subscriber having taken the premium at Franklin Institute, l tba Issl eibdnliiin. for the beat Regalia, they invite the attention of the order to their esiahlialirnenU where they will find a splendid assortment of P.O. and Encampment R galia. ; They alio make to order for lodges ami Encampinonta, Regalia. Sashea, Cool u met and Robes,' and fuinich every thing 'requisite for ibn Citivcnienre of new Lodge or Enc ampment. , : J. W. 8TOKES, ; , , vr, c i;r E- D.8TOKES. . Philadelphia, Dee. 19, 1846. lyi ') EXTRAORDINARY,' DISCOVERY! DZSAFTTESS OJLK J3 CTJXJn) !! OOOPERU ETERIAL OIl.i-A prompt and tailing remeily for Dorskss, also fur imins and dircbarge of matter from the Ears. ' "'' ' H Huhdreda of cere in raer deemed titterry hope less have firmly established its superiority over eve ry former' Medical 'disrovery." ; '" '-' 11 This vsluable Acoustic Medicine is compound of four difl'erent Oils, one Of which, Ihe active and principal ingiedient, in obtained from the bark of a certain species of Wict,' a new and effectual agent in the core of Desfneea. ' !'' " Persons who bad been deaf for 10, IS snd even SO years,' have been permanently cored by using this oil. In fact, so numerous and so emphatic bave been Ihe testimonials in it favor, that the in ventor claim for II the dlntiiirtion of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases,' when' the Ear ia perfect in ila formation. ' i ' ' ' ' For further earticularst and iie)ce of h great value, are priutni hi, in the hsnds of Agents. - For saui in Sunbury, by y '! J. W, r'KU.I.XG. September lih, 184G Jj , , , i ,, r. , ,, UNBIYALtED AND tJNEQlALLEP ,, In euiing .Colds, Coughs, Asthma, IaAocnxa, , .Whviqiing.Cough, and all Discuses of tho bieiwt and. Iuiigf leading to xiesump- tion ; cotnNied nf ibe concentrated . . r virtue of the herb Horohound,-- . ; Uorieartt. Bioodroot. -, and - , , several other vegeiai ' - . .:. ,; . . Ide'-sub'tsncss. - - - 'i ,; Warranted '.! , PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rpHlS invaluable Medicine is' the mol apcedy I and certain renieify ever discovered for the a bove complaints, a thousand ho bave Used it will lealify. For aale, in Sunbury, by ' " " " J. XV. ntlLtNO. ' ' and in Northumberland, by D. BRAUT10AM, nd at wholesale, in Philadelphia, by 1 F. k Lett & Co, '"' Corner nf Second sud Csllowhill sUceuC September 19th, J846. ly " ' ' ' " ' 1 D F7NTJS T 11 Y. JACOB. HELLEFv, . THANKFUL for the liberal eoeonragement which he hae received, would respectfully iulorm hia frienda and the eitixen ef Novthnmhrr lnd county in general, that ba ba nrenarrd him elf with tbe best Incorruptible Teeth, Gold Piste, "W fen, etc., lliet can be bad in tbe cttv ef Pm ladclutiia ; aad that ha will endeavor, to l he eitnuMt ol hi ability, to remUr fell ssli.tactioo to sll who msy think proier te engage hi service. II will be la Henbury at the Aonu.t court, where he will l prepared, at hia ridoce, lo insert Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Piot, on the lateat and most -prosed plans, and attend lo all the branches belong tngio UENI'AL SUROKRV. ' Ladiea will ba waited en at their places of resi dcncei, if deaired. . , . x. .-, . ; Hia charge wilt be reasonable, and hi utk warranted.' I -' : ,. ''- .-n.-, ' He will visit differvnt part ef the county, abtmt once in three mmtb. . . - .' : Sunbury, July IHlli, 1846. s FOUNTAIN HOTEL, i'i : ;: Ugh (itrert, THE House ht undergone thorough repair. The proprietors eolicit its former patronage. Terms f I S3 per day. . 11!, J ARTHUK U FOGG. July 4,lS4.1y J J -m 'iPryxrieiora. .i Keller Ac reeiiou;li, H' PAT3CXTT ATTOP.1TETS, AND, MECJUSIC.ALJ:NGlSl:LJiS, r TTKRA WINGS and' raper for the Patent Of- UJr ee wdl b prepared by Uim, at ofptxfee the Patent OlEea. J i ' . ' -July. 4th, 194&r! . :" " Ik air office,' i : 1 - JTiXEXTER'S SPIRITS OF.tfOAP, fr . IIV tractibg Grease, Dry Painia, Yarniah,Tr, Wit, Ac froxa cfothing of any deatription, war ranied not to injure th cloth or Jht drlioa'e color. ' fhia tinW h aUo been used .with great uceet in css ef Burn, 8fld, TeU r, Pimple en the 'face, Chppd band, Bor lip. Rhsaasa tisot, Hard or tell Ceo. Ac, (01 fiict 5 ?. per boill, .Ter ! t lb alor of Jul IP, I81fi. t, : ,,. MAS5J3R, , .2. Ba IilSOEPv, .. , ..A T,T U. N B Y AT d.AW, .i , .. , , SUZfBVBV FA. . ., . . j Business attended to in the Counties bf Nor ilihrfberland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia." nr in H m .v.,-' Hefsar tel t "d-tr '"it ,"i i ; P. & A. Rovocdt, Lowtn A BaaaoA. T Roka SrtAnoaias, SPUitatl. KSTSot.ns, incr iai aan uo. Sptatao, 'Joan de' Co., I'S. .E. KI1WCBEII, JR So. .34 iVoff A owrfA ftreet, ncr. lAe ,Vcr, , '. " chants' tfotnl, " - V li 1 1 n d e I ri I a ' ' w .-.u il ... ( x Mann eaers.1 - ' i KEEP8 constantly en hand an ex lea we as sortment of all kind of Silk, Fur and llea ! Hals, which he oftVra for sale on the most rea sonable terms. His Hat are made ep of the best material, and in 4hemost approved style, - let son visiting tbe city will find it to their interest to call. Julv llth. 1846. ly .s. SILVEU MEDAU iwiantn bt tut re. us ibstitctr, 1815. ' City Pngncrrrotypt! EitiWiinmfBt. - (I. at Hiaros A. t'oLiivs.) j - Wo. 100 Ckanut it, nwme Third, Stmift tide, ,::!. h " : riUXaABBZJPHZA. ... MtNtATURES uken equally as wilt in clou', dv in cleir wenlSrv. 1 A dark silk dress for i a lady, and a blsck suit for a gentlemen, are rrfralile in sluing for a picture. , No eaira charge is made . for coloring, .anil pprfret likenesaes are, guarantied. July '4lh. I84fi. ly . COLTJMBIA.HOTjaSv , , ,. CQfiSNUT STJLEBT, , - , . PHILA I) E h V II I A.;',, THIS ts'rce a'nit commolioiis Hotel has recently been' fiitml ' titv with nire ' new fbrrilture. The euhscribem therefore solicit th paUeusgeof th I'ublic, and Itusl thst. their experience .in tlie buamees will enable ihem to give entire, satisfac tion. Terms moderate. , . . n AGLET, McKENZIE A t'o. July 4th, 1846. ly A'-n ;i ' P K T R R ' . M A 8 S K R, RECENTLY FROM ''PHILADELPHIA; ' RESPECTFULLY intnrm thn. citixens f Sunbury end vicinitv, that be bis opened an office at the reiileni-e of Henry Masi-er, in Maiket street, where he is prepared to execute all kinds of Dfstai Kuroxst, Plite Work, &c, on the latent and mot approved plan. " Having bad some exvefienc and inatrneilon, nnderone of the most eminent end euceessful Den, tun in , Philadelphia, ba believe tint he, will be able lo give satisfaction to tboe who may want hi aervice. . '',' 'j Ladies will be waited nri at their plane of resi- dene, : Hi charge will be modeiale,: aud hia woia warraii'eii. . , s . , ,j. j v , ,t . Sunbury, March 28th, 1846. . t To Iurcbutr f , . ,;, DRY OOODSs., .Yo. ttl Ptartst., NEW YOHK. ; - HAVING erttblt-bed a Branch at No. i44 Chen, nut t., Philadelphia, ia now .opening, and vil be cnnstaatly receiving from the New York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of TAXtCt & STAfTuB BBT GOODS, which will b ld at the lowcat New York ptice. at wholesale and Retail. Among hi stock will he found good annortment of the following aitirles: Jacconcts, Plaid. Hair duel, lee, Siripe," Bwk. Swis and Tarlatan Muslin. Bish'vp and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nelts, Fancy aud Ball Ureses, Thread Laces, Appliestion I)., rich Rlaek Silk Trimming Lace, Irih Linen. Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringee, Uaelinwie d'F.coSre, Mousclme- de Laiae, Silk and Cotton. Warp Alpaceoa, Quel's Cbthr GsU I'lnids, Flench Merinos, Block rilks, Glove, fi k Hose, shawls, Cravats, Ribbon', Embroideries. &cM c.' Country Merchants and other visiting I'htMel phi or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited to call aod cxajuine the stocks. . Nov. 1. 1845. ly , DKlil K V.K AN D U V E - THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar JJb Wood . ; , . . ; PalM'Uin. . . ,...-.. THE vnprecedeqted sucueea of this medii-inr. in Ihe retoratiio of health; to those who. In despair,- had given up all hope, has given it an exal ted reputation above all other remedies, furnUhing evidence of Rs intrinsic value and power, th on ry treat which can te relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. . Brouchiuis, Asthma, Pain in Ibe side and Breast, Mpittiug of lUoo.1, Whooping Cough, ('roup, Ac. " Attention' ia requestetl lo the following' ASTON. Will NO CURB, bv Thomson's ('oatpeund 8y cup tf Tat and .Wood Nsptba ! f , . , i. . Philqilttphia, May 3(v 1811. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feeling I inform you of the astonishing effect nf your medicine, which hss literally ai'al ma from death-bed 1 My diat-e, Pulmonary Consurnp lion, hjd rciluced me so low that my pbyieian pro. no.inced my case ho'lea ! At this Junction I be gsn to ne your inedicme, and miraculous a it may Hceiis it has completely reMlored roe to health sltei every thine else bad failed. Ke-i tfull j yours. . WASHINGTON MAth'. ' ' " ' Chtbtte' street, shove (ienrge street. The undersigned, being' personally sequinle wilb WKhiogto Mik aud bi suilutiiica. bust witness lo ibe ttonibing ertects of Tiomon' Compound Syrup of Tar, and the troth of the a-, bove statement. - ' ' . . .: i , JOM.' WINNER. SIS North Third sires V- ' . DAVID VICKERS. 4 Almond at wet, . .HUGH M'GlNLEYj S.( E. corner ;Tniny ' snd Fourth atteela. ' " ' ' "' '' ' ' Prepared only by. 8. Pi Tliemaon, N. E. corner of oth and ttpruce streets, Pldtadvlphia. ' - . " , AgenU. IL B. Masscr, Vunbury ; U. i"s, snd Dr. Mscpherson, Hrribuig ; Jno. G. Brown, Polleville ; Geo. Erl, Reading ; Houston de Ms on, Towanda, Dradibrd oounty, Pa.' Price 90 cent pet botUe ft 15 per dozen, - . v I . , .' ' c . (Jj liMwui mf ail imUatisns, - Pbiladerpht. Jen 4Hth, 184a. -lr Ttmeorge J. ,Wfera ) BOPS MAKER & SUIT CIXANBUX. i vNo. 13 Xirth Water Street, PMUadelphiM.1 AS conatantly on band, a geaerak aaaort- t of Uordage, Heine 1 wines, de. tlx : Ropea, Fiahing Rope. While Roneav Meat I la ,Ropaa, 'J'ow line for Canal Boat. .Jkiae. a complete aortment ef Seine Twine. Ac, ancht a Heann Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent, fiill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twiae,aao Thread, Ac die Also, Bed Cord, Plpngo Ljitea, HsJtera, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpet. Chhi, Au, all of which ha will dispose ef tm roaeaaat It teirn. MinA , J PhUadelrhi, Novcmbai 13, IliB-Jy.