Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 21, 1847, Image 3
I lion and wneecroeTitly can command nt which few other wilt be able to do. f Th convention, we are persuaded, could pal no person in nomio. tion for thia office who would render nor satis faction, and who wevld reflect mora credit opon tha county, than Mr. Engel. ' " ' . tut Voice, or Acbcita. Aiscmljlj, , , - tnt AMtaicaw. M a. EniToa. In lookoa over tha paper, t have ecen a nnmler of communications, recommending -various persona aa candidate for the Legislature. My object is not to say sny thing against them. But permit me to recommend to the democratic elec tor nf this county, Mj. WM. t. DEWART aa a candidate Tor Assembly, Major Dewart ia a gen tler n of pnputvr manners, and has the capacity o make an able and efliclnl mimter, and would no doubt diachargt the duties of that atation with credit to himsrlt, and eutit atifaction to hia par ty. . i. ! . . J.casoic. Oor Nrit Member. Ma. Editor Tha time ia approaching whn we thou Id think about fleeting a candidate for the Legislature.. Wo have beard of a goodly number of person who bare been mentioned aa candidate, and the claima of thia perion and that fwson, and of (hi tide and that aide of tha river. Now we, who are not office hunter, think the ' aval habitation' of Ni candidate Uefnnrcn lea im portance than hia ability, hi honesty e4 integri- ty. And aa for the claim of any one ta office, we look opoti it aa a hnmbatg, aa well a anti-re-publican, OAce were made for the )cotle and not for the fcewetit of officeholders, who are, or at leaat ought to be, the servants bfthe people. If there are any claima or right in theae matter, they belong to the people, who have a right, and hould exercise tnet right in eelecting rach per on who are beat calculated to promote 'heir in tereata, a well as the intereata of the public. Such a man we think we find in the person of ALEXANDER JORDAN, Esq., of Sunbury, and as he bss consented to.serva if nominated and elected, let'every good democrat and tirir.en put tiia shoulder to, the .wheel ami insist upon hi nomination. Hi election would follow of courae, and would allay ail excitement and division. " Many nrOu TcatniT. ' Lfgiilatnrv, " roa T AtttatCA. : Mr. EniToa You would Confer a favor opon many of your dernocratic fiienda, by allowing u to rjng forward, through the medium of yonr paper, VILLIAM D. CEARHART, of Rush township, a a candidate for the Legislature. . Mr.'Gearhert ia gentleman of aonnd judg ment, correct habit, nd worthy the eiiport of the Democratic patty. We know of mi pereon 471010 auitahle to fulfill the alutiea of that high and reeruMii Office. Shou'd the people aee proper to elect hie aa their - Repre sentative, we (eel confident tbat they will And in him a public eervaut f dl-ling uiehed1 abilities,' anJ an intelligent, firm and unwavering Democrat of the JerTerfcauiaii school. ' I i l . u i. i .. ''Maw VoTiaa or tb Pot..' CoMPLnioit TlVrXf Indian Vegetable I'illt are the bett eotmetie in Ike world ; becauae they clcante and purify the body of those morbid hu mor which, if lodged in the tuticle, are the cauae not only of yellow or awarthy complexion and roughness of the akin, but ot all kind of e ruptive diaeaaea ' Wright' Vegetable Pill al o aid and improve digestion, a well aa cleanae and purify the blood, and, therefore, give health and vigor to the whole frame, which, in turn, will be tore to give" a clear and healthy com plexion. Beware of oontnf IVit of all kinds I Home ate coated with sugar ; others are made to levemlde in outward appearance the original medicine. The ealeat Course ia, to purchase from the regular agenta only, one or more of whom may be fuwid hi every viltaae anal ta in the fttaia -.j ; fJCT'Agent for the Bile of Wrht' Indian Vegeta. hie PiH ia)8uuhiiry, llaaat Maaaaa. For other agencie aee advertisemi'Ul in anothnr colamn. 6ccaiTT to raa Patho or DaAwnatTa'a PiiLa.ln eunaruenca of the great variety of coonteifcii labels of pretended Urandirth'a rill, Dr. Brandieth, aeiing under a sense of duty lo the public, ha employed those celebrated artists, Mea ar. Peikina and Purand, who have su or ceded in producing three new labels, of so complicated a Datura, a to amount t art imposaibihty of imita tion. The border of (be lop end aun of the under label, ia eompoaed of tha moat elahmste and cbssie pattern of lace-work. To crown the cliinat of ttie-e beautiful lalx la, the paper upon which ibey are printed ia previously printed with red ink, after a deaign . et()uioiie and inmate aa to drfy cont ra ition ; (tie top and the atuler label each contain the words, "immxn r aaaaaaara'a run." wii'tea in red ink nearly two bandraj time ti e lop and under lalel conteinine, therefore, upward of five Ihoueand laltvrs. Tbtre ia also opon tha tp, the under, and the aide Utel, two signature of Dr. BraaJroth one betng hrs regular aignatare, thus B. Brsndieth ; and the other, hie felt signa ture, thu Benj imin Brau?rerb both being fao aimUe af tha willing of Dr. Berth, to imitate wkieh ia fgary f Tka Brandieth Pi I la having thee label open. thaa, can be relied upon aa true and genuine. fCT rurebase eftf. Maaaer, Uunbury, or of tbe gnta publiahed in another pari af thia paper. ' FRICE CURRENT. - Ccrmttd weekly 4y Uauy Matter, 145. 63 2 ua, ik I ' 160 Rf a ' m ' . (Jhi, ; Oara, ' ', ' ; larrian, i . t , i Eaaa, . - Fobs, . . ' Fi4aaaa, 'l . ' ' . t ' Baaawta, . , , uin i ' y. Tnar i , i . Tut, - . . . : Hacsiia Flat, ; . ! .. . Daian Arnaa, ... Vo. raicaae. ' - ... . .SI1,2 nU, on Tuesday last, Mr. CATHA, R1NE BUCUER, ralict of the late Henry Bu cher, anr., dee'd.. aged SO year. - In Hamhurg, Berka county, at the reaidenca of her aon, on tha 10th ioat., Mr, MART III WIN, aged 80 year. HANCE'8 SARBAPARILLA, OR" BLOOD Pi 1.1. 8. fl WHAT 18 THAT PRINCIPLE WHICH WE rAI.I. THE BtOODt 1MB BLOOD tS THAT PklSVtPtE BY WHICH THE WHOLE SYSITSMlS HE O ULA TED. Therefee if tha blood bet mites lm pure, a general derangement of tha ryetcm mtit ensue t and live rise to Congha, Ctd, Inflnenu. Dvapepai. Dropny.HeaJ ache. Fa line of Bloorl. Billon, 8carlet, Tv .hoJ and Tvphua Fever of all kind, tnrligeation, Wrk nea of (ttomach, Rhnuroatism anil Kheumatie Af fection, Nervous A flection, Liver Complaint, A "lb ma, PteuriKy, Inllammalion nf the . Lones, Low Spirits, Fite,( Measles, Small , Pol, Wlrnoptng oounh, I, roup. Bore Eves. Inward Weakne Worm. Quiney, Bronchitis Cholle. Dysentery, U ravel, Stll Rheum, Deafneea and other atteclinna or the Eir, 8t. Anihnny. Fire, Scrofula t Kini'i Evil. Ulrera, White 8wellings,Tumirs, Biles. 9un prrased Monthly Dlachargea and FemnleeompUints In general, Eruptions of the Skin, Hal.itual Cos tivenees, and all dieeaaea denendinc on a disordered and diaeased state of the blood, or a aurpension of tne healthy accretions. Then fire, on the first appearance of any of ihcan pymptoma, Hanct'a 8AR8APARILI.A. or BLOOD PILL! should be prnrurari, and used according lo the di rections. PRICE ." rr.NT8 per Bot of FIF TV HLL8.or FIVE BOXES f ONE DOI LAR. -' . ' F. sale by 8ETH 8. HANCE. corner of LIiarlea an.l Pratt ats, and I0S Baltimore street, , , and by GEOKfJB BRIGHT, Hunburv, ' ' ' D. BRAUTIGAM, Noithhmberland. Aug St. 1847. rr, FURTHER PROOF8 OFfl'HE EFFIOAOT OF HANCE'8 COMPOUND 8YRUP OF HOREItOOND IN BELIEVING .- ; AFFLICTED MAN t r '-4 Ma. Oconee T. Vf aaiaoTOii, residing in York, rtreat, Federal Bill. Baltimore, wa attacked with a violent Conga and aore throat - after tryint many ienBdlee, waa iodured by a friend lo use Harxu's Compound Byfap of Honhound, and before using one bottle. Was eniirelv rUetI ' ASOrHEkt YRT MORE ASTONlSHlSGJ . Maa. HakatKTTA Maaaica., renidin in Mono ment street, between Cnal and Eden atreeta. wae attacked with a very severe tough and pain in the breast, which waa ao inlenee, that It extended to the shoulder. 8he waa afflicted also with a pain ia the aide, - ,.. , . i . Afi-r trying many remeilir-a, he waa hrrudni l.v a f.bnd uae HANCE'8 COMPOUND SY RUP OF HOKEHOUND. and after using three doaea. she elpeticnced great relief, and berbte aha bad finished ttw bottle, waa entire'y cored, , , i . PRICE &0 Cent, per bonle. or B hnUlea for tZiA, , For sale by SETH 8. IIANCB. 108 Baltimore alH and corner Cturiee and Prall street, Ualumorr and by GEORGE BRIGHT, Sunl'ury, . , . .. D. BRALTIOAM, HTurthnmberUnd. Aua. St, 1847. TO TUB KICK A HI A FFE,ICTKi. R HWAYNEU COMPOUND 8YRUP OF WILD CHERRY We can eonslstenttv slate that Dr. Swttsi'i Compoond Syrnp of Wild Cherry tiaa been oxtensivsly used in tha United State for mm Hum (en yeare-MBa Va henelcial Aea have been tested by lbnaM4kTaat.T InTaaiABi.r Rr.ur.TK -a jBtcaur Cpvnf , atul that hundreds af individuals, gradnal y eirAmg nn der the inaidion attack of death' 'fell era'anrr, PvLaopABtr CuaaoamoH, bava been restored to health, happinesa and friends, by it' use, and are now living testimonies of the curative power of tnia amiBT. AttoTMaa IxvAiin naa-rnaan to HatLTfl. NlillTHI MOST BRXIBKAatC CI7BX avitn akcoaiiRn ! Da. Kwt Dear Sir t I feel called by a sense of duty I owe rosulTatinc humanrtv, to acknowledge iny graUful tlianka for the wortilcifol elTecis nf your Compound 8rup of Wild CHrry on me. after aulTering month after month with the most sflliet. ingot all diaeeara, CiHreumplion. The first vmA torn were of a ery heavy rold which siid on my lungs, which gradually grew worse, with pro fuse night sweat, a hacking rough, spilling Mood, with arret dehiliry. My constitution seemed bro ken down, and nervous system very murb impair- d. 1 went to Philadelphia, was tre .u d there I j physician nf the highest stsndinc, but received ho heneA whatever ft m it em, but gradually treW worsv. until my physicians, a well a myself, gave np all bnpa of -recovery, and t fell like one v. bo ia bout to pasa through the Valley of the 8haduW of Death- Al thia "awful Jufteiare" I heard of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, of which I pur ehsaed six bo'tle. which I am happy lo aay entire, ly curi) me, im) 1 am now enjoying belter health than I -aver have before in my Me. Fbyaietana who witnessed my eaae are highly recommending it in similar casea, and I wish yea lo make this public, ao that all may know where lo procure a remedy at one which will reach their disease be fore tampering with the many 'quack iwtftiame with which the country ia flooded. My reaidenca ie at 46 Ana aireot, where I ehould be nappy to have the above ewbtantited he a personal Inter, view. - ALBERT A. ROSS, I WhoWie and retail Dealer in cigars, 48 Ann ttieet, N. Y. (Zy Be not deceived by the many apuriou and worthless preparation of WHd Cherry, nshered into notice by ignorant pr. landers, but ae that fh .ignsturs of Dr. Bwayna ia on each bottle, which ie the only gwsiatitee againat irdooaitinn. Prepare.1 only by Dr. S WAYNE. N ner of Eighth and R ce etreet, Philadelphra. and for ale b repertelle Drugaida in nearly all tha principal town in the United State, . Only Agroi in. Sunbary , are HENRY MA8SER, . i ' GEORGE BRIGHT. Dr. J. A, Moore, Danville T. S. Mack. Ac Son, Mibi.n t M. D. &, J. Wetle. Moncvj C. A. Wyatl, Mwiahorg; Davis ft Schrrure, 8tliiMgrove John C. Renn, Line Monulain F, O. i I'hilsdrlpliij, a7-egm.m I Great Barg a ill s, AT AUCTION ! ! rTHE nde'-rgned wttl diapoaa of af aoetKm. on Sat arday lb Mth of August, at M. atora raora in Sunbury, an elegant aorttnent of lrCEP.CHiLlTDISZ, ( onttttiitf, in part, ef CLOTHS. PRINTS. . DELAINf. " CAS8IMBRS. StHRTINOel.v mMm, s 8ATTINETT8, SHEETINGS. SATINS, dt. also a large aaeur tmeot of Groctritt, Qutentuwe, Tinware , Great Bargaine wHI be o (fared, a I am deter, wad to dkpoM of my whole aTocg, itbou( re serve. Sate to eoramrnra at o'clock , A. M., on the day and at tha plaee Mated, and lo be continued 'I? Uetardey unUI the wbeU la disposal of. Tha eosvliuon of aala to U made known on tha day ar ae. A Meaonabl credit win ha given. ' J. ff. FUBDYi tfunbury Auguat SI si, 1847. if. aluablrj Earm TfTILtj. Ka onVad at poitte ail, on Hul ptlrrit. eaa, on Taeeday tha fiStb day nf September nail, all that Valuable Farm, let tha aeiate.of J a, cob Keller, dae'd , aUuata in SbamokKitownahip, NorthamSariand county, adjoining lande of Are T. John, Henry Moll. John Rieberde, and other, containing one hundred and seventy four sore, strict meaeute, lying within half a mile of the Dan villa turnpike and IS mi' from PoU.ville. where on are erected a good two story dwelling hom, shop, barn, good atahling m) ou'buildingti.iwia gottd eider works. A boot too acre of aaid farm- are cleared and In a good etate or cvltivation t about aix acrea of which are excellent me.idow. The a ate thoot 800 baring apple, tree (principally eweeit) Ingether with a great many awel cherry, plum, and pear tree on said fsrm. There ie a fnnniain at the door, brought front a never Mllhg rpring, The uncdared Und ia well ret with tbri vlng young tiBibor. . . .1. Sale to eomtn- nfe at ID o'clock nh ia J Hv. where due attendanta Will be givrn and terms of sale tnsde known, by , PHILIP KELLER, , damRl Keller, : soLOMdw Keller. August, Slit, l84 dt , Exccuiore. Tho "Sugar Coated llll.' Rkwahb or Mrarr CaatirtcATB or ecu I. VevTioa. - ... NW Yon, June tOl'h, l8l. We, the undRrsigned. never anw or heard of 8ll gat Coaled Pills." until Dr 0. Brnjamitt Smith msnufdCiureJ and ethlMled ibtjm to ua a bout a year aince. lanatt RAneirtt. M t)., t.ibeny st RcsHToa ti. Co., Iltl Broadway, and 10 A st or House. Hoaic EfaBkTT, tlrug, 06 Hudson at Jons Cast In, 97 Hudon ad Iat some few maf be ilecrUed by lgnr)fnt quarks, we publish the following ( and none hut unprincipled dealer will countenance any irhila lion of thia invaluable medicine, - . PAtaar Orntr, Received rhi 17th day of Jone, 1844, fiom Dr. G. Benjamin Smith, the fee of f30, pa v able on hi application for a patent for a Pill Coated Milk Sugar." I' ' H. L. fiLLawnartl, Commissioner of Patents. A three Pill ire prepared by an educated Thy sician, they have an advantage over other prepara ationa ao much adveiti.ed, and are aufficirnlly dis tinguished from all o'ber ly their virtues, aside from their pecoliav pleaantnea (XT' CAU TION. A a miserable imitation has been made, by the name of 'Sugar Coated Pill, it ia neee iry lo be sure thai Dn. G Bear. Smith' signatnre ie on every box.' Price 25 cent. Piincipsl Offiee, 178 Greenwich at N.'.w York. ' SuhJ by JOHN W. F RILING, Sunbury. - ' i WM. FORSYTH E, MWaWal Au. St. IM7. VfRflnhle Unlf-ersal Fills, The eny fttunin Nedttind that mt the tame time ' PurS" rilT'fi' ttrenglhent the rytent. . '' " T.n H n . I..l m lei DR. t.E ROY'8 Pills are a new medicine which baa juat appeared, and ia fiat taking iba plates f all other of the san e c!aa. ' These pitla era Composed of many ingredient, tilt the IWo principal one are Parsiparills Ind Wild Cher ry, o nulled that they act together; the one, Uitotigh Ita admixture With other sUbrtvcct. pu rifying and purring, while the other la slfertalhen- ing tha system. Thtii Ihoee pi ere at the lain time tonic and opening a deaulefatdm long and eagerly ioUght fof by meJIrat men, but never be fore dlscovrred. tr) ilhff woMs ihey do the Work of IWo rtledirinr, Ind do tt much better than enjr two we know of for Ibey remoVa nothing from the ays-em but the ihipntitlfi ; o thlt while Ihey purge they strengthen; and hence they cause no debilitation, a ft. I are follow. d by tin fe-adl h. Dr. Le Roy a pill have i wonderful influence on the blood ; tbry nol only purif, without weakening it, but they remove all ii ixiuua patliMes from the chyle bifoie It is Convened into ilu'd. and thus make im pure blood an titter ioipna-IMtiry, Aa there it no debilitation, 1 theie ii nd haue dr lrkncs at tending tbe operations of ting moat eice'li lit nf ae. dirineii, which never htrsins nt tortures the diges tive (unctions, but cattle Ihetn to work hi a per. fectly natural manner and bene peison taking them do not become pale and rmuciatrd, but the contrary for while It la the property of the 8arsa psrdla, no ita J aa it ia with other ihfffmlienu. to remove all thai ia foreign and impure, it ia equally the property of the Wild Cherry to retain all thai ia natural and sound and bende a tSbatl slate of heal h ia the certain result of their united orrra lions f3 Price 8S cents per BOX. Agent for le Hoy 'a Pill. ' ' v , J. W. FRILINO, 1 - , . - i . . . JOHN YOUll.$Sunl,urfr- M. A. McL'AY, Norihumborl'J. . Auguat list, 1847. I 1LAX SEED.The hhearmarkei pi Ice paid for FUxserd. at the dare of Aug. 31. 1847. JOHX EDO All. OALT, by the .ck, foi nle by Ang. 91.1847 C. S. BOO AH. . Democratic Couuty Slectlntn rPHE Demncraiie Electors of Nouhumherlmd county are terpieated lo meet st their usual place of botdlni township meetings, on Saturday the 4ib day of September neat, fur lit purpose of el ding tbe 001 number nf tltftetatcs, to nxt in county at the Court llnttsa in Sun'.iu rv, on Monday tha 6tu of Cip'cinlier, to form a Democratic Ceuoty TrcVt. ' - - ' JESSE C.?HORTOX, JOHJV MrKINNEY, . . JACOB D. HOFFMAN, ABRAHAM Sllll'MAM, A. JORDAN. August 7, 1847. -. Sisndiug Committee. Wanted. A BOY, between the age of 14 anJ 18, lo be employed in a private fairtily, to tahom good waae ill be if'eo. (uquire .n. at A Of. 141847. 3t , THIS CrflOU. afacob Kuntz utafe NOTICE ia hereby given, that letter of ad mioietreliffn hav boen gianted to tbe aob. scrileroo th rststeof Jeeoti Kant x, lata of Augu t township, dee'd. All person inde'tJ to id estate or kweing aVmand againM the sane, are raw quested to call en tha eulweriUr "for ecttleOiaot, witftout delay. TETER 8HYDER,.' Augusu. An. T. 1 847at ' ! AaWr. DirMoittii Partnership NOTICE i hereby gie, that th Partuership barstofof fiistu f batwara) Dniel Evert aod Paul Aaunerraan, under the firm of Jbeerl V, Aoameraian, in tho Tanuing Bui'mssa, ha been dissolved by mutual ocM. AH puree indvh ted lo said fiat era requested lo call anJ aaulo tha same, on or Mere Iba 8ik af August, aflat which ina root, et , wiU be placed in the placed in the bend of a DANIEL EVEKT. PAUL AMMERM4V julice for aoUeclicn,- tbannclimtonp, July 31, IS7.-3 WILL BE PUBLISHED IK WASHINGTON, '-" rti D. c," f r ' r"i ; : o tnt" rvciroto nBtf; bo oki'oy Tuk tNlTEO 8TATES REPORTER, A Daily Journal qf tiotenmtnt. Legislative 'ani , -. . General AitH j THE SUBSCRIBER tS NOW ENABLED to announce h completion of hia arrangs menu for th etab)Uhoient of a well-oritanieJ and Independent JanrnaJ o New at the Seat of tha General Goverttent. Th leading fisaturea of the United Stitea Ire porter wITt be the following s -1. Esrly Intelligence of tha MuVrrnen's nf the Varous Dcpattmentv in reft-rence lo domratic af. fair and to th foreign relations of the country, will be ittven with ecropuloua ndclttv., P. .rca Ing peculiar rd1ities for ohialning informatlntl. Iha Repoiter'1 will be enabled frequently lo com. municate, eiclu-lvely, intnlllgenca of the mnat lin portart charinter. II. TKa verbatim Repnr'arT the Pmceedings ami bebateapr the United 8h'ea Senate, vihlohthe propriator is bound In furnish dally to th U body, in aceordanra with the terms of the e. BlfnH matle si the close or lat seeaion of Oonerea. The if lenaemenla now made will at nnre fully aecUrfj to th Senate of the United States an uUeciie ami enrriptele teoord of Its dcbala and to the people, in a greatly enlatged .Irgrrr, tha lenrrtt nf thr m prrienee. egselty. am) tieinnhlp nf that liody In which they bav ever looked With eotlcttott tnd tespectrnt legarj. lit. Tbe Proeeedtnit and Dehairaln the Hottse of Reprearnta'ives will also be riven with fu Unarm, Impartiality and the Utmost promptitude. Each day's record will be completely Wide Up, ahd ap pear in the Reporter" net! morning. , IV. A SyMnntical View of the Proreedinna and Dcbitet nf all the: State LecisUluras will be regu larly given. Member nf Congress, ami all classes or f i adore, will llui be kirt fully and syal rliati. tlly Informed of ilrtrnretic ! ( slstion in all aec llousofihe United State. , V. Early Intelligence nf all Important move. Itiente In the L gislature of Great Britain and Franca Will ho Communicated by every steamer ijom biirope, through reporter in London and Fans, Who possess pecull facilities for obUihing informsiion, Vt., The ti eneral NeW f the t)y will be given in a condensed farm, with industry and attention. VII. Report of Argument befor the Supreme Court f the U. 8. This ileputtinent will he so conduced as to make the "KVpoiler" itldispenea ble to every lawyer in the countrv, Such is a brief view of what tha "United States Reporter" is designed to be, Alt the plana and ar rangemrnta have been Well matured, and the hope ia confidently rheriahfd, that tha "United Plains R porter' will prove llselfan energetic, industrious, dignified and perfectly Independent Journal It will hav Bo party views no political bis . Tbe proprietor, by the teems of fill PnrrtraW wl K the Senate of the U. S., Is hotlnd lo the ftlndl i-n thst "the naner shall rontntn no bolltical diacussions excel Iba debate.' - It will be tha Vdilcle i,f new nol tha organ of any set of oplnhm. , Th grand aim of the auhsrtlVwf ia Id ealabHrth al the seat nf Government a Mthful and pmml reporter of all orlsotintelllgeiiCB-a rCspohitihle tgetit, nn Whom the politician, the basinet man, the mannr.iciurcr, the mechanic, and every one intereired in the af fslia of Congress and the GnVerttrrietlt, may rely at all tim with imp'ii It confl Janre. It i Irlicved that the evaMlshment of snCh a reliable j urri1 of Intetlirtent on letm which place it within the reach nf the great maevr rf the peo pie, at the commence mem of what prnmitte to be a most Interesting ind eventful peiiod in the bt.tory of ConttreSairlnal pfoCeed'rlg'i will be regarded with raVflr by All Classes of the eommuriity t sntl having ihUa staled hia i.hj.-rts. the aubacrilier ro apecttntly solicit a liberal and getie'r.-us srjport from the enlightened puMir nf the United State. JAMES A. HoUTOt. Stendgripher to the Senate of (he U. S "Tha "United States R. porter" will ta printed on s large and handsome sheet, nII'I iilet everv rnr nilig, except 8undayi at the rale of ail dullah per annum t single cttpleav, two cent. . In roiini ttion with ihe J.l!) per, tUrte v. Hi 1 issued from tbe rame csUblishment, Tut. Mtunon or cosohbss. The publication will rontsin rxdualve'y the te pntia of the proeeedinge and debates nf He Cin gtessnf iheUni ed State. It will he Urtted eernii weekly, In all elegabt (Jilarlo firm, thr.4ich.ojt the sewlon of Ciligrees, and will be furtilalied lo sub scribers at Iha rate of two d llrs for the long se. sion and one dollar for the abort rr-tfloit; tt i he lleved that this gresl national work will be deemed indispentihtn in the library of everv ptihlte insri'u ilon, politician nd profeiclnal man thlnttahoul Ihe codniry ; and that it will te r garded by the great raa-s or the people aa tBe very teat politicl ten. bonk for their oWn inatruetlrJn and that of their children.1 '" ';' - ' ' 1 IMPGhTAST .iSSOVSCEVEXl4, Throughout the sessions of Congress, Extras Will be ined flora the olfic of ihe 'llnitcj Suit ReportM," contaluing th report of such debate a may posses particularly exciting tutcrrat. All uhcrlptioue and coininunicjtinns to lw pool paid, Jdr.d , -j. a. Houston, LniU'd Stat Repoiter Washington, D.C." August 14th. Ih47. tsc II O T E L, ( Suuihwert Corner from the Court Ifaue.J SunbtirFt Il'ortltumberlnild 4'titiw, FDlfHSYLVAtflAi MRSi WHARTON ronilnuf to keep open Ihe House formerly kept ry her iate hb band, C. Di Whatton, where ahe villi be !ispy to ace all his old euUiinrra. Wih tba aMi.tjute ol her aon, she Matter herself that he will n-t:d. t fa lisfsction In all who may give her a Call. Punbury, Julyst-i, If 17. TO POT TSYILLE AND MllLADELnilA. i.ivovy..o iraicuiiig inia rnuia are urrcrf informid that tbev Can tifotui 'thtrus'. itcket C,' !t making applica!iori at tha Uriel r vnaiiea weaver, ranbury. A. fi. ti Pp, Northtttnberlaod, Jalj 9M, 147 Kntate or JaiifCR lliiteilsic7'' NOTICE is bereby ghr. n, that Uut, testa, uientary on id eatato bav 'jen granted lo IM subetribcr. Ftraeaa baeing d,m,BJ. krjainst aaid relate, at re(ueatJ to prenl theni l!, ,x. mtri .tiori and etu,uiot, ar'i Hxv knoaihg thera aelre hidebtod are roqua.a w .,., iinroedlato' psymaol. - UARAH HU8TED, Banlrury.Julj 17,)M7; 6 , E4', To Ttt icfirr nf iVurt humberhnd Vaunt y t . . THE aulxctiber lapctfu!ly informs ihsVec tor of Northanibertvid couuty, that he will be a candidate fr the oi&ra o CkhqtT C'tfniailutrincr, at the next geoeial election. . Should hit Hlow eitlxenaaae proper lo eleet man. ho will spare uo ricitiooa to randor general aaitaaaeiior. - JAt'OB RAKER. Liltl Mafceiioy, Juty 81, IcJiT. Indian Vegetable Panacea -.. fc VcrofuVa.' f..V..;U,'.. IwU - WaitoB. Goai Feel- if M. ing deeply grateful for the extraordinarr erne performed upon me by your Dr. Cullen's tndlan VsgetublB Pinacea, I cheerfully" futhiali ydtl ith a ahori hlstmy of my eaae. ...: , About sevep yes is sgo, (v. hen only eleven years old,) I wss sttsrke.1 wttll SerofU!, which lncta vd In iu ravagsa till my thrott ws filled with ul cer ! the boii of my beck laid bar ! my patate destroyed, and a Urge piece of rrta nf the rtisil bene cirried wy. My heid Wa also to much di.eaai d thsl In drinkilig, the tea or tofte Would f cruently pan nut cf mif ear A mas of romp thing ehich the Doctors calbd I tuthot eitne from my no a. I waa under the tire ef phyrlrj iti nf iha titsi. et tltaiitirtifln )n thtatliy, anJ at orte lirha pro. nounei'd CUreJ. atld by rrfiurrt ntteliJe.! I Wd;eal tc ttire, where my cute-. or?ihr with thn n.rthod of cure, wait. rplhed la the riu.lent. The lee lfler salJ.' YoU are how w. ll, biU if tha dl-ea-e hotlld tciU n, yltu narnot live long, sj it woUId Bonn tietfny your wind pi t." ' . I did hnt believe n.ystf cured at lb" lima, a 1 hid much dlatre-a in my bead, and liier 4issgree ab frelingn and "flera time the u'erra reopened. In Jan iary, 1843. my mother called with ma -pott Dr. Mutter for odvlc... He a .id I wa very eick girl, and it ws doubllul Whether ever I Wld I well ir ever, it would be a long whuVi Tha disease grew o rotlth worse, that the phyaidin who then ailende-l me, a id he could aee roe wind pip. I My fare also Wa swollen, highly Inllamed, mid Very painful, and the Dr. aaid ulceration waa inevitable ! I i i . . , t waa in this Condition In JahUnty l ist, when I commcnord taking your Da. Ci'ttka'a UntAB aosi ARL 1 AftACaa. The mil imation wis soon remov. d. and the dreadful u'Csra'ion in the face prevent! dt t am now well ) I have m nicer! no pa in, or any. iliaagrrealdn sensation in my head, and MOW feel that t a rUrcJ. t shall be happy to give any further inform nion to the afljicted who will lake the trouble lo call upon me at my faihel'e htiuse. West SprUcB. between deach and Willow irrCU, opi,iie SpaCktllan's firtorv. Slgn.J CHRISTIANA SAjfDS. Crt ok PBiLAttKteHrA.Rt. , This seventh dsy of April, A. D. ISitt, Wore ihe subscriber, Mayor of the said bity, personally appeared Christiana Sands, who U ih ditly sworn, deprts. ami say, that the facta aet forth in the foregoing allljavlt are strictly true in evefy parti. culr. In testimony whereof, t hVB hrretlnto set nly hand and fiked the crtrporsle aCal of the saiit city, on the day and ysat !H-rre written. L. 8.1 John kwift, Myor. We hi tehy certify, that the atiovc ataUrllrli'l of our dadghter ate ttue in every particular. william 8and3, mary Sands. , PMIaJ.-lplii., April 7th, 1 U4B, . , Certiflcatea of cnct in psrrtphlel form, may lie bad Oralis, at the pfticee of the agent. V . Plil medicine is prepared anil , sold by ttie proptittor. llowaud ft, Wallotl, No. 378 Market atreet, Phtdelphia. ' , j . fW W Danenhowel. N 1 Murray !, N V. Z J J W Dnei.honer. No 1 0 F Hall, Cin.0. J In (5 T Jenkins, IV 0 08 Canal st, N Orleans. " V. N Robinson, cor Cav Rritogaata, Bait. Agents 1 H. MASSEtt, Snnbury. I. H. Rseer, Milton J. SceholJ, New Ber lin J Mr. Murder, Millhe m', Phape D. Lewis, Wllkealiarre. rold atao by Druggist ihrnnfrhoht the United Slati-s. ' AbeY. 1817. 8m. f8y To iht ICtefhrs f JSMhumUrland Ctitintu i' " pEI.Lofr CITIZENS At the nijueatef my - friend'j I rjflVr rilyscir aa a tii'didjte fur tbe oflT e ..r ' ' rmiwty rotninttl0nrr ' Should you believa nm worthy of vonf confi dence) and enrifer this oPlce Upon me, f shell Spare 110 eli-riloft td give general satisfaction. JACOB HdFFA. Upper Mahonoy, July 17. tR!7. To The Elertors tj iMorthniuberlQud Fun nly t , 'V the solicitation of numherof my nr'ienirain chit' rctit part of the entinty. I hiTC consented, to be a candidate for the office uf T.n 15 'a s un en.;7 , Should t be elected, it will b my pleasure s well a duty, to atU ud to tl t buaiouas o'fth olltce with fidellly and punc'ua'.tiv. . , , . GEohcE ve1sb.i Scinbufy. July 3, 1847. 'Va The Elector MflhMirT County t BE'.IMU solrcilwl by may cf my friend. 1 have couneutud lo oflcr fciyai if a a Vi4r,u teer candidate for the olfice of TKBAt!REK of NorthUihbotland Comity. Mi,uU yoir see pro. pr toel.H-1 me. I pledge mvsiilfw erlorm the dutit-tralJ oftlce With ii.Mav. ' 1 . IIE.NRV WEISE. fiutibut; June tg.U. 1647. S 11 Ii ti I N l. OFF. ! W 11. PURDY, Msrkct etqnare, Sunbu'rt, has aesortineoi o hy Goods, Cfoteries, lue.n Vaie. &e , w.ii.-h ,e sell ill reJuct j puces, for eahh or crU itry lflViuce Wnbilrv, July :td, 1847. tf. "' ' rPJM MEXICO! (Cr 31 Ins l 4 H .4 , Mc4J 4 V, oj pf tbe bunmiri cf Noitbum!ertand, sue fy to Daniel Hi4Uligarn,.is.i.ectuliy VJL informs public, that, although Uu Si on, army hi i.ik. n Jjlapa, fa in. ma lor ita pro. Auction nf Jalap, ahe still has a nbugK uf the article to eupply the Waiita dr her ruatomeia, besiuVa evert other vaitely of drugs ami medieinea uaually Lund in an apothecary ehnji. H.vmg purhaI tbh loci ot Mi. Uraul'Cain. the has onened a uvw e. lalilidlnneiit. alinoat onpositf h a bid s'taml. and Iriivs, by strict altri.iioii to birinsa, to me fit lb pairnnsge o li e vtctnuy and puljie. , . Bhe will cookiamly keep on haiil every varisty of Drugs, l'aiuia,tlpicr, Patent Medicines, ie,, th t tt usdally f.iiaJ in a Jifg store, which she wilt dispose, a.f si reaemahle pru-e. - Phyaicisn sad other, fiout a diatanca, auppiieJ at w holesale pi Ices. Wotthumliland. May ti 147- Cm, V HU E LEAll, in keya. ei4 .' v kind for sale, IS per caul. cheaper than ever before sold al Suubyry, al tha store of July It. 1847. JOHN B00AR. WESTERN H A Mb and SUaUvrs, jusi t.' vd and f aaU, by ,. June IS, 1U47-. j, 8. BOG A R. I'RES'H" M ACKtKEL7Tiwlol7jut krWd and f t sale, low, bv Ja 1. 147. ' - O. S. BOOAR. til ARK.-lTligh- t'm.tket jpfUi iSS Vt JIP Brk. at th stoie W ' .. ns:cht7, I17. JOHN DtMJAR. OPINIONS OF THIS' I'Ri;SS 1 mtn mm vegetable una, W. FVb tht CanHen Democrat. RIGHT'S Ibbiab VaaarAai.1 Pltia..Theie celehrared Pillar. T universally used and ad tnirad.hsve hetorna to I a consbiVrril almost ae-oe-fofsary in lemilie a water or fuel. In the principle Upon which thia medicine crtahlishi?!! lis reputation pin-gntlnnm now pretty genet ally acknowledged to, h the -only tine ops, by which health may he p ei rved, or rentwd vhn impaired. W'rlght' Pill srenow a unieer! faritn. ) f'rtj.-rt ihe Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. W'atoaV NriiAB VaatTAats Pitts, are at ISihthg great Crtrbrtty in New England, aa will a other patt of th United 8tte. The attempt of persona te defraud the public by tha ata Of apUrrnu article, rrteela with general reptob.rtioO. Dr. W'rlght It an indefatigable business msn, and a how a an array of CUrea bv the mrdecine which warrant confident ill lheirtue6f his Indian Vegetabla PI""- i From the thitoJrlphia Spirit njlhe timm. Wat' Iipia VotiBti Pitta. Peo ple are prrtty well satbfled by thia. t;rne that alo met, and the other thooaaad and one mineral pre paratlnna of Aba ahops, are better adapted, a g gen etal rule, to kill rather than cure the patient ; as a mnt'er of eouHe, vegetable medicines ale therefore irt great hrueat. There are many otimbatrs how e', among lb Utter, Sad wn weubl dvi-e all thoe ho have Ihe least regard for their henlth, to try WrinhT Indian Vegetable liff nf the fi6rlh American Collrge nf Health, a they ar ihe pre paration of one in inialely acquainted with, tho healing art. From Ihe Do'liiti Da'li Timr'i. WmoRt'i lintA VtoRTAOta Pitta.-i-Of all ttle public advertised meilieliie nf the -day, we know of none that We can mora e.ifoly lecnmmeiij for the "ills that fiesh is beir to." than the Pills tt,t are sold nt the depot of the North Arrtp.ican Col lege of Health, No. 198 Tremont street,. Boaton. Several instances we know of vrhi-ro they are used in fntniltl's with the highist s .(ficu'.-n ; and no l iiKCr ago Ibah yCstiiday, we hrvd en et in nt physician or thia city recommend them ' in h-g lerm. ,; . , , , The foil Wing hiily resprclalite toriikeeet have lieen duly appointed ai 'tiis for the salo of WWet' Indian Vegttabte t7.', in NotthumbcM I md county t - Henry Maaaer, SunborV, E. St J. Ksuflcnaov Atiqusl lowii.hip. Samuel Herb, Little Mahonoy. William Deppen, Jackson. Behevilla Holshue, Upper Mahonoy. 7 - , John O. Kenn, Lpj er Mahonoy. Samuel John, Sbamokintown. Foraythe, Wilon& Co., Nortliumbctlatid 'l E. L. Piper, WatsonbUrg. ' i Irlsnd dr. Haynee, McEAcaivillc. Jsmeo Peed, Fottegmve. , Wm. G Scott, Ruehvillo. Hartman Knrftble, ElysbUrg P. Ot I Am T. Bciscl, Turbutsvillo. Oidcon Shadcl, Upper Mahonoy. . Rhddea dcT Farrow, SnydarstovVri. John King, Farmereville. ' ' , u- Slls C. Cook, Msrlin's Crtii.' . - J. De Young, Hicksville. . , . . ( ' Abrsbnm Slierrr, Richmond. 8amnel Taylor, Sbteford. ' ' John It. Vincentj Cbiliejor,rne4- Wm. Heinen A. BiothorvVlit.oni. Br.wAor; CocBTKri-r.,tlia 'pubftc are cautioned against the 'j,p.- ajotjivus medicines, which in order to dec We, are CilleJ tv f.amea si milar to Wriiihi's I odi-jn VegiliTHc Pillo. Tbe suresi course i m put chase of the reguliir agrnta only, who He geiitlcraon that may be re lied on. (Cj- Omco-a .cvoie.l exclCsivrrv to the sale of WKIUHT'S INDIAN VEGE t'AULE PILLS, of the North. American College of Helth..No. 28t tireene.ich, Street, New Yoili; No. 193 Tn-mnnt Stree',. Boston; and TRINCIPAL OFFICE, No; lfiS R ,ca STaart, Philadelphia. ' Juuol2th. 184T. al9y. , v. - 1 SIC KSO N 8c CX So. SO MaVlvCt Street, five dodrs below . . TMrd. South side. ; ' PtiiXiAPBLFItIA, Impok'sem V Wlioleauaic DetUera In VVTATCHES, Watch Ula-aes.anJ Materials. T Jewelry of all ms, (jualilioi and k'i;lc', compiisinj all lb article cunncteJ with the Trade, - - . Clucks. l)ixon 4- Son' Biitannij; CivrmAi Sliver anJ Si! s ver-Plated Ware. Shcfliel' and BirniingSafh PlateJ Fani-y Articles; Kodge fa Han't and Wostehholm's Cutlery, Ra- xo's. 'ifiiasors. Eraser, Desk Kniaea, cVc. . Ivory flsndled Table Cutlery, of the fimst, moJluul jd common qualities. , N A large aasortmrnt of OolJ Pens. I'eriocal Mpeclsclri. Papier Macbb and Japanned Try, various shapes' and quititiea, at reiured ratea GolJ Watch Caere, Dial and Silver-War-, of all ' tlescrlptbm, manufactured to order. DICKSON A CO, having i.oTitly removrd into the Urge audcotumddiouwarchiiua formerly occupied by Melts!. R. Asuiii'hst dr. Snia, sni! more rebently by AiaicfcaT V IfmaiaoTow, beg Wiavto iiilorco Watbb Dealer, Country Menhanta and other, thai they tlesign having al all times a large asort'rrieiil of Oooda, of their own iinporia tion; which thby are dotcrininej to tell il the lowest raise. '. - , rrj" Every altantioii will be paid 10 the Packing of Goods, and in the. e xecution ufOrdira, the qu ili tie aod piicea will be fully guarantied againat bit competition. 1 , I'liiWelphi. June l4ih, 1847. ly ?7rC ytn rt o.-yy I ii I'rt'liiiiilit Writing; Ink. v No. 87 ' Nortli Thihd Street, I'll I LA DELHI I A. Ihjl1l Dr. llare, the celehrated Prufe. aor ol ' Che wintry in th Univcrai'y ol Peih's. ' I,.hi. Oct. 11.1841. "Dear Sir Havina tiied ybbr Ink, w ill thank foo to send" Ihe another bottle, sa I flud il to be tit'elltht. I am your, truly. Roar. IlAai." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, tiieiiuguiheii lor hlg MUfnerows scientific researches. 'Medical Col legs of dhio, Cincinnati, January 17, 1844. Having used fttr. Haver's Writiag Ink, I arrl sal6ai that t is ihe iW which La rur Cm 10 thy knowledge, sud epviHy il nexent for the 0a nf Stftl l'tnt, ami wu'f iut corrode tberh; even la long dse. ' - - . Johb Locca. Pi of- f Chrmislry. HOVPRcJ ADAMANHAE CEMENT. ' Froiu S wtjl kriorvn i'ltiiiliGc gintleman. ' a.r(Si!adelrhia, Ken. tt, 116. Mr. Joseph E. Hevwr Sirt A use of your C'e mint, and oro practical .' of it rupenoiUy, bA induced me to recomn enj it lo other u invaluable aitiiie Tot meiidnig China, Glass, ex Cabinet rtei ' ' ' CAMktt Moaitt, : ' -i' i.t- Anal)Ue ChamUt," , Pot asile at th Manufactory, WbokajjU i,d Re tn. No. af NoTa Taiab Ktit1 eijes.t ltrr) afreet, PhtsJelphi. by JOSEPH K. HOVER. Mi) i, 1647 jW ly Minuratturer,