Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 21, 1847, Image 2

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    - From the Extra ledger of 3tlrJay.(
ir.n8impotsf rncrn m it too
Afrinl of the Fashion-Jnnehil Scout Still at
Piii'blM -Failure ot th Peace Proposal .Ac
. Urn ( th .Vutionii BridgeCouncil of 8an'a
Am't Olfieers Deiermrmitton to Stand A-!
nottier Bartfe The Capital fortified, 6c'.' " "j
:,.The.ewOrlrenepepoM recllhieir)ni.
in j announce the arrival or fie areamer I aari
ion, wfth Vera Crot, date io ihii iJ irnt. '
", Gen, SccjU wa at Pebl.on thai SOlK of Ju
lv, but there waa a probability of an immediate
advance: " ' f r"! '' ,"" '"";.'. ' 1' , '.
Cpo. Valeric! waa reported to be in the vi
cinity, with' 4000.' ' " " ' ' ' ' ; ." ' " "' f
" Gen.' Fierce had arrived at Perote after an
action with the guerrilla4 hear the National
&ridaT. ' ' '' '"
Lieutenant Tipton, of Indiana, and Surgeon,
n Pennsylvania, hJ died.' ; -.
The courier ol the But it Legation arrived
at Vera Out on the 31f, with correspondence
trjm the Capital to the 29th, Puebla to the
JOih! ' - ' 1 ' '
Mr.hndll represent the chance for peace
a unfavoraUi?, but says Scott win march Iwi
inmliaHy no the arrival of Cen. Pierce cer
tainly in the first week of August, and more
than probably the hardest fi?ht yet will take
('ice at the city of Mexico; that the Mexicana
re prepared to meet him, hat ing all their forti-'
octtiona completed and twenty five thousand
men aa the garrison. :
lie alo elatee that the British legation were
'pcrctly exerting influence, to keep the Arueti
unna out ol lit Capital. '
' Other lelurs in the Picayane, represent (lie
rhancesof peoce aeroore favorable, and think
(Nat '.he resistance to Scott'e advance, will be
lUtnost nunioal. . , ,:.:..-.!
. The Mexican Congree bad referrec! Mr.
Buchanan's letter lack to the Executive, and
thrown on him the reepooaibihtreeof the war.
'I'tie peace party in the capital is at rot g, and
increasing rapidly. They hava no faith in their
... m - . '
tronerale. "
The Sun of Anahuae aaya, in describing the
cuerrilla attack upon Gen. Pierce, that a body of
i it W Ameticans approached under a briak fire
until about a hundred yard a from the Mexicana,
when a deadly fire waa opeoed upon the oneiny,
forcing them tj commence a hasty retreat.
At thia moment a epirited charge waa made
upon the retreating Mexicana by the American
tavalay, in which at least one hundred of the
rnemy were cut to piecea. The poaition occn
p'ed by the Mexicana waa one of the etrongeat
in the country, bat the Americana paeed the
Kridge after ' thia engagement and arrived in
nfety at Perote. Gen. Scott despatched Gene
rjtl Sinith'a brigade from Puobla to meet him at
Perot. : i i . : i ' , i
The Commercial Timea oonaidera th newa
a lull confirmation of the failure of Mr. Triat'e
i lias ion and that all pmapecta were diaeipated.
Ita correapomlence eta tea that there baa been a
tontett ol etiquette about constitutional right
between Convreaa and Santa Anna, eacii char
ging the other with the Tespon?iOiliij of making
. It ia however ahrewdly aopnoaed that the Ut
ter perr jnage ainccrely deeirei the patching up
ol tho diflVreneea between the two countries, aa
the eole meana of aeeuring tho grand object of
Ih ambition, the Oictatiirabip. Wien Con-1
greaa waa dieaolvec, it waa don by the with
drawal of auch a number ! the membere aa to
U-ave the remainder too few to form a quorum.
' 8inta Anna held a council of bia general rffi
eere, when it wat reulved to try the effect of
another at rujrgle, either by marching not to
meet Gen. Scott at Pucbla, or, rejecting the
projxwitionn of Mr. Tiiat, calmly to await Scotl'i
aJvancc, and act upon the defenaif e.
In order to be free to act, the Government hat
iiied decree, euapeoding the publication of
all the newapnpera except the Government or
Itan.' " -V"
The Doha aaya that Congreaa had met and
adjourned without acting on the pence propoai
tiona of our government ; that all their lettera
agree in expressing the belief that Gen. Scott
Can take the city without difficulty, and tbat the
foreign reaidenti there are anxioua for hi arri
val. ' ' ' '
Liaut. Whipple had arrived there; he waa
treated well, and expected tu be exchanged
Minrlly. .
Com. Perry baa withdrawn bia force from
Tobaaco, in eonaeqiience el the eickneaa prevai
ling there; he exacts to return when the eickly
aeitaon ia paaaed.
The Sua of Anahuae attribute hi withdraw
al tu an everwhtoliniiig force of tb enemy be
ug io tb vieiaiiy, an J liie foar of a attack.
Gen. Almonte waa in eonRnement at Tula-
tnmgii, Gen. Alvarei waa at the eepital the
Middle of July, and had aeveral long interview
ty rtn Santa A ana.
I Mr. Trial had bee mdiapoaed, but had be-
taotne eoavaleaeent.
' Th Sub lellaot variooa axp'oila of Metican
fithbeaj near Vera Crux, but they are bardly
worth repeating, atealinr horaea being tbe grea
teat fait. The following parairaph fror the
Son of th 23d wit. kmchea Father Jaruta :
Thia prieet and hia band of robber having
fbSed aome of the property belonging to the
(I. 0. Government, from Gen. Cdwatdere
train, delivered it over to tl Governor of Ori
- ' rsaba, who auld it and rocketed th proeceda.
i aaid that the priest ia not al all aatUfied with
thia and haa abandoned bieeammand. 1
We have letter freiu in American officer.
. prieoner in Mexico, , whib w cannot And
room for tbi morning. Th lateat data ia th
16th July. TU health of lb patty ia good, but
they ho fin prorecl of release. They long for
the arrivnl of th rmy.',, Gon. Scott bill made
mother effort in their bt half, tu we do not jet
know the reault. y I-" j c '
Mr. Kendall persevere in tending couriers to
,V Crui, though ho ha haJ three captured.
One hat been killed. He fought bravely fur
;"1,llIV" - a w,!''ir"1 ".. . By
i gaga iwnns ire reucr cy inn courier we
hnte fecftVetrd. r Thpy ire not of a late'.dntp,
but it it rather eingtilnr that they aSould have
. ., . ..... ,,, .. ,1
reached iih dtii,aWoii tigatiftl Iht Kiftr of
. -. . .
the Aecicam, whn once in their Ooaaeraion. i
AVe have tint yet had lime even In read then,.
Mr. R, vilt continue to dripatch meaecngar to
Hie coaat.
Editoiisl rorreapnriilence of the Pii-aytin
' '" ! Pccbl4, Mexico, July 3?, 194?.
In my lat t mentioned the capture of a Mexi
can mail by t prty nt dragoon. " Sine then
anther paektge haa been taken, and th con
tent of one of the letter waa outrageoua be
yond belief. ' The writer, a young man half
craty and two-third kosve, rpoke of women be
ing daily outraged by not only hur men, but the
higher gradie of tfficcrs ; raid that the moat
groe rfeceraea were perpetrated in open day ;
that fetn slea were rot eafe eve in their own
hdtite; that many good citizen of I'm Wa had
already died of rapo, and that he hiiriHrlf could
not peteitjly live much longer and witneva auch
horrible crime were hourly comni.tted by
th aavage and perfidioua Van keep tie mem die
from an excea of choler. lie wiod np hi l't
ter by iwearing to the truth f all he he writ
ten, and thew ashe hi friend in the eily of Al-xi-co
to read and cncolatv the precHMie docnmint.'
Ii ia now eafely lorlped in prieen, and give a
an excw that he only wrote the hitter in joke!
Aa he haa been told that lie must remain in pri
son until he prove one of the statement he has
so solemnly rworn to, bia incarceration' i likely
to be Ion; onn.
- In vine of my last It-Hera I noticed the death
of Lieut. Tipton, of the rifle a avnt of Senalnr
Tipton, of Indiana. ' Sine then a ann of Sena
tor Sturgeon, of Pennsylvania, a licntenant 1 in
on of the rog-imente from that Siate, ha died,
and he, too, i have been told, wai a young man
of ntneh promie. I cannot learn that any of
our officer ara now aeriowiy indi-MMiud, and
th health of tire army generally ia improving.
To be rare there are 11)0(1 or 2tKX) men an II on
the eick Hat, UK a larger portion ot tliem are
convatescent : ' 1 '
1 wrote you a short time tince that I had de
spatched a man to Vera Crux with ltlrf, end
that after hia departure I waa obliged, tn virtue
of a verbal contract, to pay alt ' the expense of
hi family during hia absence, to keep a candle
continually burning and have a funrion pernor
med in en of the churches for hie aafety and
buen tinjt. ' I have just learned that the fellow
waa captured on the road by the guerrillerns,
alripped, beat most unmercirully, hi horse
paid for the animal taken from him, and was
then turned loose to make the heat of hia way
back to Pucbla. Theetory of Io adventoree
and capture t 'nost amuking, aud I will give it
it ever 1 live to get borne; at present I wtll on
ly aay that I thought the family made too much
fusa from tbe firnt.
Last evening, on the strength of a letter said
to bav been received fiom th Spanish Minister
in Mexico, peace aloe k want aft. It waa rumor
ed that tb contest of bia communication made
peaee inevitable tbat the Coogrea and Santa
Anna were disposed le aciee to anything in or
der to insure it; now, whit I am writing, intel
ligence ha come in from wbicb it would appear
that there ia no earthly chance for an amicable
adjustment of our difficulties. From all accounts,
it wonld appear tbat Santa Anna ann' Congress
are at sword' points, and that tbe former haa
all the advantage over the constituent wisdom ot
tbe great and nnacnanimous Mexican nation. It
my be recollected that aome two months since
Congreaa passed an act declaring any one a trai
tor wbo would even entertain the ida of a peace
withT the American. So far ao good. When
Santa Anna received Mr. Buchanan's last propo
aitions, a few weeka (ince, be at once submitted
them to Congress for that body tu act upon the
matter in the premises ; but what did Congress
do bet aend tb paper back with an answer Ihst
tbe initiatory steps belonged exclusively to tha
Exec alive. At thia 8ant Anna became enraged
'Said that b did not lend the papers In fore ("on
great to ascertain what bia preogalivea werebe
knew their full extent well but ba bad laid the
matter be lor tbat body in order tbat tbe mem
bait might retried their former decree declaring
any one a traitor, fee , if they saw fit. That bs
thought they would do thia, and thua give him
all and every power, ia highly probable; but
Congreaa took a stubborn fit, and here the whole
affair real for the present. I do not even aa
who is to deien oiler an answer to Mr. Buchanan's
propositions, wbicb eeem to have been transfer
red into a apeeiea of foot -ball to be kicked back
ward and forwards by Santa Anna and the Con
gree neither party, in the present distracted
state f tbe eaumry, daring to lay banda upon tbe
nfortanat docasneot. Bold nd unscrupulous
as even tbe tyraut is in all rr.attr of State poll
ty, b dare not take a responsibility ao heavy
Spoil bia hoIdei aa to coma out alone and ad'
vocata a neace
The impression now is. that bebaadatarmined
to basard tha defence of tba capital, and tbi im
pression gaina strength, whn it is known that he
baa Congreaa to lay tba blame upon in caae be
auffera another defeat. A not bar battle, in my
humble opinion, will be of Immense advantag
to tba United Slates ,' for If Oen.' Scott moves
iipno tba capital tbe Mexican wtll certainly be
defeated, and if be remain hare, and there is no
mere igbting, tbe enemy will contrive to eoma
oat eft k war romjueror. ' Tbay will endeavor
t aaaka it appear that fkf Tank, fearful f
ritking a battle at their principal city, aud Tor
price, anJ in the 'eye f th',WorJ4. thrj will' b
able to make Jwlerably f tear raM ' ? ';
jjUnim Ann taf recently levied coi'tributi';
a forced loan It may be railedup tbe inba
bitacte of the capital, In which be call far tMO,
73 to carry en the 'war J Hitcburrietand cim
vent, aa wall aa private individuate, are aaee
aJ, and it i hitilitd that the tyrant hat left the
namee of ome of hi few tritnd offaf the tax
1it. The foreigner, who have been railed u-
non withoat atmt, have made rerular proteata it
t. i , ; A i
i ld acamit the unjust exaction, but Santa
. . .a . .
Anna doea not aland upon (rifle in hi money
transection! , , , , i
From every indication, it would appear that
Gen. Scott inten ts an immediate movement npon
the city of Mexico at least within a, week or
ten daya. Hard bread it being baked for th
march, the qnartermastert have been ordered to
hold themselves in readme, ' and in every de
partment all la bustle and activity. It being
IbunJ Impossible to' receive lotbng from tbe
United State, bandied of Mexican are hard at
work potting our men in uniform.' Some even
think that the army will move before General
Pierre cornea up, but It ia bardly probable that
Geo. Scott Will march before that officer get
within one or two daya marrh. ' At leeat ISOO of
tb eick will be left behind, but a majority of
them would be in a sit oat ion to take up arme in
case the gsrrison wss attacked.
Speaking of sickness, tbe South Carolina Regi
ment.has suffered more than any other in the ser
vice. This was not expected. It waa thought
that the Northern regiments would tnfTer most
hereaway in the tropica, but the New Vorkers
and Sooth Carolinians have been, at it were, aide
and aide, and the former have bad but few cases
or? the sick list comparatively. The South Cyo
liniana, oHt of 900 strong w hen first mustered,
now turn out but about 400. Of the other 300
some 1 10 have died, 200 have been left sick in
the rear," and the rest are now in hospital here.
The health of tbe regiment ia improving, bow.
ever, and many are convalescent. '" '
Yours, &e , ' C. W. K.
PrxaLA, Maxico, Joly 30, 1947.
In relation to tbe movements of the army, I
can give you no other than, tbe impression that
General Scott wilt march immediately cm the ar
rival of General Pierce. The men , composing
the divisions of G- ns. Worth and Twiggs, are
probably better soldiers than any at present in
the world. In the first place, the material ia e-
qual, if not euperior, to any; they are equally
well di illed; have the best officers to lead them;
and, what is of the greatest importance, a great'
portion of them have bee la the front raak of
battle in numerous fights. ' ' .,v '
Nor is tbe diviaioa of Grneral Quitman, which
will doubtless take an active part iu any opera
tions yet to take place, much behind the others.
The regiments composing : it, the New lork,
South Carolina, and first and second Pcnnsytva-
have been long enough in the field to become
well drilled, while fteptoe'a admirable battery
ia attached to it. The army tbat will ett down
efore Mexico will be the atrongest and best ap
pointed we have yet had in the field, and, let tbe
Mexicana fight a thfly will, tbe result of any con
est that may take place cannot be doubted.
Capiea o tbe D'ttrio del Gubirrno up to the
"tb iust. bave been received here. It ia the on
1 paper now published at th capital, ai d eon-
aina little aave government orders and deireea,
or ait idea published under ihe express sanction
of Santa Anna. In one of the Utter th editor
aika tbe people not to forget their great and glo-
ions victory over "los Yankees'' on the trium
phant field of Euena Vista, nor tbe three pieces
of cannon and the standard then and there tsken
from Geneial Taylor ! He himself has piobabty
entirely forgotten th seven or eight hundred
cannon eapteredVrom hi countrymen within th
last eighteen months, a well aa tha flage innu
merable tbat have been sent on to Washington. '
I muat close tbi letter with a few speculations
of my own. There i now every indication tbat
tbe army will move uno tha capital in tbe
course of the coming six day, and it ia more than
probable that tbe hardeat fight yet will beat th
city of Mexico this it the eyjnion of the majo
rity. , Santa Anna, however, much as be may be
averse to it, ran hardly avoid a battle, although
he wtll still creep out of it if possible. No one
not ia all the aeereta can know anything with
ceitainty, but there are yet strong reasons to be
lieve that the Fnglish legation ia exerting every
influence to keep the Americana out of the capi
lal, and to effect thia Santa Anna haa been tam
pered with, and golden ahowera, of American
coinage, mind you, bave been made to riae before
him. The English do not want to see os in the
city of Mexico ty have Interest of their ewn
to subserve, and are fearful the American hold
upon thia shafWred Republic will be too strong
to be shaken off except to tbeir great detriment
If aa immediate peace ia mad, why tbeu tba
United Statea rau help beraelf to auch portion of
Northern Mexico aa tb may covet, while Cog
landwill com in at tb seulhein extremity and
lay bold of territory to their hrart'a content.
Tbe obstinacy of Congress, tha deep hatred of
the Mexicans and American, and tba alight hold
Santa Anna haa npon tba people, may, and pro
bably will, prevent hia own schemes and those
of th English from being carried out the com
ing fortnight will tell tb story, ffo wonder tbe
English are anxious to see this wat brought to a
close, for it ba already proved most disastrous
to their heavy mercantile interests in tba ceun
try, and it continuance most beaten its alter
ruin in more way than one. ,
Difficult at it i to gat lettera ofT t th reast
I thall con t inn to ttmpt it, far th event o
the coining month most be pregnant with iata
rest. , Your, fkc, . , O. W. K.
Euaorr.A poaiaox. A pound of cotton or ef
tobacco It transported to Europe for a couple of
esntt. rA ponnd of literature or ef telrnee, in
Utter form, coat in Itaiy.going from Vtw York
I ntaily tixty eight ddlltrt !
ii mii.ii i an aii 'i ii .Jtuujamrmm
Smturdap, Amfvtt SI, I84T.
.u-iixi iii . ii tun
t. it. Enf., ml kit Jtl .'.
tart araor (Veil IHKce, comer fSgrf rmT Chnmnt
Mreete, PhildtltM, at Ass Of lie. Ah 16(1
AtoMN Nirtrt, .Mar lnk, 0. B, denser
timers mnd CmireH it I, , ttaltlMmrf, mf .Yb 16
Ktmi tore ft, JVoe'aw, U MfHef I awl
Aremt, mid t0Cfiitt far all maniti a"ut
amct. far aahatrtptian or adeertttltir. . .
E. IV. CARR, corner of Third and Dock
Street, Sun Building; opposite Mrrchanln'
Exchange, Philadelphia, ii alsa authoriaed to
act at out Agent, i
m Drmorrttie XoniittUii.
roa oovesNoa,
, roa canal commissions:., .
Of Montgomery Connty.
. Whiu NomNATions. - .
' For1 Governor,
For Canal Commissioner,
f3 Int. A fresh supply of superior
printing ink just received, and for tale at Phila
delphia prices. ' 1
. 07 llovaa's Ink. A fresh upply of Hover'
celebrated ink. in bottles of all fixea, haa been
received and can be had at H. Maaaer'a store.
ttT" Lout, on Wednesdsy last, a pair of ateel
flamed apectaclea, with one glass out. The fin
der will be rewarded by leaving then) at ibis
office. - ' "
K7 Pkacmcs. aome of the earlier kind, have
beea ripe about a week.,. Tbe crop ia abundant
in this quarter. There ia alao a fine crop ef ap
ple ud other frail. Tomato are now in full
season her. . , ,
07 Tns NoTnrnt.s Rarodx, from the
unhury shore to tbe Island, la progressing, and
wdl, no doubt, be ready for passage In October
The fiame of tbe first pan; on the Island aide, ia
now up, and the others will follow in rapid sue
cession. , Tb President of the company ia an in
defatigable aa well a an Incorrigible (we had al-
most said "oUl") bachelor, and ia determined to
ave a dry passage over thia modern Hellespont.
Q3" The pemocrats of Union county have no
minated Col. II. C. Ever for Senator of that
distiict, for the unexpired term of Dr. Waggen
seller, dce'd. : ' ' ' " '
C7" Aa IraovtrT. Tbe public School
House has been pauuled outside, a beautiful atraw
color, which givea it a beautiful, fresh and lively
ppearaota. . This School bouse, with its defaced
walla, haa long been an eje sore, and should have
been painted some years aince. We are pleaaed
that tha directors bad tbe good taate to select s
strsw color instesd ef the rommon dingy red
There are a number of beautiful buildings of
this color in Philadelphia, among them aeveral
churches. In tb Fast, and in tha flourishing
towns in tbe etate of New York, we find many
public and private buildings of this color. Ia
fact, there i aotbing tbat looka to clean, fresh
and comfortable aa a atraw colored building. Tb
wash waa put ea by Mr. Haupt, according to tbe
recipe uaed in painting tbe President' house at
Washington. This, together with the new fence
put around it a short time since, makes a decided
improvement. : A handsome row of trees is now
all that ia wanting, to complete the work. - 1
B7 Tm Darvillb Covbt ia now in session
for tba laat time at that place. Hereafter the
court will be held at Bloomaburg, ten miles fur
Iber up tbe North Branch. Tbue, "Northward
tbe Star of tha Empire wenda its way." - Tba
loat of Ihe removal of tba teat of justice will not,
however, be very sensibly felt by the good peo
pie of Danville, tine the iron business ha givea
auch an impetus to their place. , Removal seems
to be tb order of tbe day. Tbsre is now a se
ver struggle pending in Schuylkill county, for
the removal of the seat of juatice from Orwige-
burg to Pnttsville. All other considerations ara
merged into tha matter of removal. The Potta-
ville people are aanguina of auceesa, and calculate
to poll 9.000 votea in tbat place, and all but about
20 for removal Pnttsville, with two or three
sdjoining township, can poll more votea tha
tha rest of th eountv. The election will be
warmly contested.
BP" The Steamship Cambria arrived with
two weeka later newa. The price of breadstuff's
bad declined. Tbe prospect of a good harvest
contibue eacoursging. Harvest baa cemmenced
in some of tbe Souther ceantiea. Th potato
lot is not extensive.
B7 Gen. Taylor waa to bave moved on t
Sao Lais an tha SOtb alt Geo. Wool baa aaarc fe
ed for Settillo. , No newa from Scott's army.
The Canal and Railroad telle f tb present
year, an tha Peunaylvaaia Line, ap t the end ef
July, amoeata to 1,1Q.M1, being 307,976
enure than, th same tiaat laat year, j ",',,
U"L SaVe Expe0 fo 'b lt quarter
mounted, t 123.475,805, Tbi it at the rat of
nearly aioety million, ef dollars per annum.
' Bxlts ara coming into fashion again, among
tba ladies. Wonder whether they will bring
back with thtm rortttt and nar w waists
SOT Tu eaAt ait. ran Tatlo. There I
ia not more patriotic race Vf people in the
wart, tnan our uermaat, which account for
their devwiedrtee i General 'Jackson, and the
aame warm feeling they now atanifeat for Gen.
Taylor. The southern portion of thi county
i made up almott entirely of German, and a
more henea!, industrious, and well doing people
ia net to be found. They are also a reading
psople, which' fact w know from the circulation
of our German paper. A large majority are de
mocrat, though in on township of several hun
dred votes, four-fitbt are whig, lfe. tbe adjoin
ing township, of th asm site, about seven
eighth are democrats.' Yet these men of differ
ent' political opinions' end strong party b'an, are
nearly unanimous for Gen. Taylor. .The demo
rrata are varmly attached to Shnnk, and will
give him a hearty support; But for President,
they know no dittinrtion, and all go for Taylor
r B7"Gsm, Wat.. F. Pack Defeated fy Fatne
Htturn.Mt. Packer, a few daya aince, discove
red tba important fact tbat he wtt, al tbe laat
election, duly elected a -member of tbe legisla
ture, by a majority of tight votes over Benj. F.
Pauling, F.sq., hia whig competitor, who was re
.turned and served the entire session. Mr. Park
er, in bia statement published at length in the Ly
coming Catette, aaya that he waa considerably
aurprlaed after tba elect ioo laat fall, to And tbat
he had fallen twenty votet behind the party vote
in Porter township, Cfinton county, where he
had many warm friends, and supposed that Judge
Ives, hia eolleagae, bad received ao many dead
vote, as the whig of had not been increased.
Upon inqairing among hia frienda there, recently,
be found that thia was not tbe ease, vhich led to
an examination of the election retnrna, which
revealed the fact that Mr. Packer had 69 acorea
on tbe tally paper, and on th returna mad up
from the tally , papers were the written words,
Mm. f. Pother Ao vxij-nint rrfM." which.
however, wat rarried out ea the margin, in fig-
urea, 49 votes, thus giving tbe election ta Mr.
Pauling by a supposed. majority of 1? votes, when
Mr. Packer waa in reality elected by a majority
of 8 votea. Wm. B.Foster, Gen Houston and
Wm. F. Packer each had 69 'votes, and Allison
White and Judge Ives had 70 votea each, in Por
ter township -The whig vote wat 48, except
James M. Power, who ha, 49 votea. It I to be
regretted that Mr. Parker did not make the exa
mination teoner, or that the return judge did not
ref the retarn. ;r..:; , ..
Lascastx Cocntt PaopuciiOM. Mr; Tebiaa
Stehmau, , of Conestoga township, Lancaster
county, Pa , baa now feeding a mammoth steer
which ha raised from a calf, and is said to be the
largest ever fed in tbat county, bit weight being
about 4,000 pounda. He ia 0 feet, 9 inchea in
length, and measitret round the body 9 feet, S
inches snd is 3 feet scross the haunches.
We find the following in tbe New Totk Cou
rier of Friday ' : ' ' 1
There it a rumor in the tfreet to-day tbat thi
Secretary of the Treasury hat eueeeeded in ma
king a contract with the house of Rothschiui for
th aupply of coin to tbe armies and Commissa
riat in Mexico, of all the money they aball re
quire againat the drafts by th proper officers
on the Treasury at Waahington. . We were not
able to ascertain tbe accaracy of tbe rumor
much leas the terms en which, if at all the ar
rangement haa been made but aa it seems to be
probable, and would certainly he advantageous
to both partiea, we think it right to give it a hea
ring. By such an arrangement, European creditora
of Mexico, wbom the RoTHsrntpa may be auppo
aed to represent, would receive their pioperty in
specie in Mexico, avoid all the danger of em
dnetat, and other dangera incident to the present
deranged state of Mexico take Bill On th Uni
ted Statea Treasury at Wavhington, which at
molarity could be converted into good Bills ef
Exchange on England. .. . .
t Oo anr '!, by inch an arrangement, all trana
portation of epeci from the - United Statea to
Maxic would be avoided, the ahock to our banks
incident to large expenditure of coin would be
avoided, and not least the risk of tiantporting it
from the tea coatt to Ibearmiet.
Upon the whole, therefore, at there it manifest
advantage to both parties in inch so arrangement,
we eeem it altogether probable that it bat been
mad, and only marvet tbat it or aome lik ar
rangement bad not been earlier made.
PaxAnrft, Sairwacea -! e the Swedish
Bark IdwutOne Hundred and Seventy run
Perm DrawntdK telegrtphie despatch from
Boston for the New York Hen Id maket the fol
lowing melancholy announcement "Tbe thip
Chaaenga, PatUn, from Liverpool, 13th lilt.,
bound to tbia port, report that o Monday mora,
ing, 0t b inst, at oira 'clock, th weather foggy,
ha came in contact with tba Swedish bark Iduaa,
tram Hamburg for Nw Yolk, with 206 person
on board, and that tha bark aunk ia 30 minute
after tba collision. Ctptain Patten immediately
sent bit boats to th rescue, and with en boat
from the bark, picked up 34 persons 173 perl
shed. Among them was Capt. A.. A. Moberg
LUi of Paueuger Saved. Edw. Xair and Ta
rasa Letthner, cabin passengers ; Carle Laoson,
Leonard Roahuber, A. Wester, Frederick Rohn,
Cbss. Sets and wife, Daniel Ganther," Frederick
lCeberg, Johanna Weneell, H. T. Robl M
Shock. Michael Depre, yeungma wor
king I WoltH feandvrat Cincinnati, a th 16th
inst., had oa of bia feet beraed off by molten
iron. Tbe liquid metal was prd into n sf
bitboeta. ' ' ' : : i ' ' : 4 ' "
' To Paavaetr Ftita from Injuring Picture
Frarnea, Glaasea, te. Boil three or four onione
io piat of water ;' the with a gilding brash do
over your glaases and fraroee, and tha liea will
not light aa tb article a waabsd. ' Thia may be
used without apprehension, as it will tot do tbe
lsatt injurj ta the fram. " '
'Ad Amelia EatTa'a. It. Fletcher, 6f tba
Alton (HI ) volunteer, wtt among tbe killed at
Buena Yitfa.' ' He waa a widower, and tbe ra
ther of a little girl two fears old. Hi remain,
with thete, were recently buried at Alton, and
bi little daughter, accompanied by ber grand pa
rentt, attended the funeral. The night before
the battle, Lieut. Fletcher wrote the following
letter, which presents, in a gratifying light, hit
paternal affections: -
Camf BctiiA Vista, Mexico, I'
' January 14. 1817. J
Dea CoLo?iKt, ! To-morrow, we expert to
have an, engagement with a (upertor Mexican
force, and, on tb eve of the battle, I bave thought
it proper to address you a few lines. -A you
are well aware, the object nearest my heart, j
tbe welfare of my little child t and, to far at I
have been able, I have provided for her. My
wages, to the amount of S380, are due from the
Government ; besides a small aum owing me, as
well as the contents of my trunk, and tha books
and tbe other articles I may own, I have, in a
memorandum in" my trunk, left to her and pla
ced the whole in the charge of Capt. Baker, to be
forwarded to you in case 1 abonld a all of
which I doubt not you will most religiously see
appropriated to her use, at may eeem fit and
proper by you and mother.
And now, with respect to the child: ahould f
fall I leave her entirely with you and your wife t
bur I have writjea to my brother, requesting him
to throw hi brotherly protection over her ; and
if, at any time, you think fit to tend her to him,
he will receive her as hia own child, and protect
her aa auch. Should abe remain with yon, I
wiah that (he shontd receive a' good an efaea.
Hon st the little metns left her will afford ; and,
above all things, teach her that feM and virtue
are to woman what tbe tout ia to tbe body tbe
life of itt life. :, Teach het that to be just to all
in thought in word in deed, ia the true the
great aim of a good mind ; and those wbo strive
to accomplish that pnrpnse seldom fall to live at
peace witn the world, and accomplish the "Great
Destiny" for which they are created. I wiah
to aay a theuaand things more a boot her, and my
wishes for her. but that would be superfluous, so
I will revert to other subjects.
In death at in life, ever your,
GaTUT Mist arc The pt hole digger for
(he telegraph made a , great mistake Ihe other
day, When they came to the forks of the road
below Daytrm, instead of aking the great Miami
turnpike ae waa intended they took the l-ba.
nonpike, and dug th holes for three or four
miles before they discovered their mittske.
Great Sraao. On Tuesday, on the Charles
ton, S. C, Railroad, a trial trip waa made with
the. new locomotive. John 9- Calhoun, from the
foundry of Morris &. Brothers. The rocomniivl
ran three miles, M'. G, . Shippley, being
the engineer, and accomplished the distant ii
two minute and fifty second. Thia wat tbi
rate of aixty-nine miks and seven-eight pe
hou."' , 1 " ' ' ' ' . ' -
'..-" .. , TiasoAT, Aug. 17.
Gir k Wheat ia rather more in demand, an
aome considerable sale bave been made to mi
lert at SI 27 a f 1 30 for Southern and Weater
red; and $1 35 a $137 for Pennsylvania whit'
Rye ia worth 73c. Saleot Penna. Cora are not
ced at 76c. Oata, old are held at 50 a 51c; nc
45c. .' ' - ' '
Waitxtr 29c in bblt, and hhdr 28c, wit
sal '
Offiee of thelt ktnnnnt Aaaaicta, Aug IC
GRAIN Th receipts of Wheat contia
mall, and with a good demand, prices are a lit)
better than on Saturday. Th sale to day we
a follow : Good to prim Md. red Wheat, 1
a 158 cent; whit J?5 130, and family So
whit 13 a 140.
Very little doing ia Corn. Small ealea at
eta. for yellow, and 75 a 77 et. tor whit.
Sale of Oat at 3 a 40 cents, and two or thi
parcel at 43 cent.
- WHISKEY. There U some inqairy, bet
sales ar light at 27 eta. for bbla. and 2G eta ' " ; v- '
Brigadier Cr nrral.
Ma. F.sivoa. A a number of person b
Keen named aa candidate t Brigadier Gen.
pe mit ' t' recommend Cspt JACOB III
MEL. of Vni m county, f or that office. We th
a man for that efflca ahould baa aeen some
vice, and a the Captain aorved throa years in
Ust war, a a i tio of a company at Mai
Hack and ahr places, and will ire an eoamj
a hear wi b the same (earloas iaisepidity, we ll
ha Is jur. Ibe man for a Brigadier General.
Max or Pass
. , , . . Our Choice.
Me. Editob. Your paper a few weeks a
gas a tie4 of th name of the democratic c
dates ia the aVU for tha Aeemtly. Among t
we noticed, with pleasure, that of Mr. BILA
CNGEL, ef Sun bury. Aa the lime ia app'oacl
foi th nomination of candidate, you will a
eblig many of your democraiie friends in
township, by permitting u to expre ear pr
enee for ,1b gentleman above named, aa t
ble person te rpeeo us ia ihe neat Legwia
Wa knew Mr. Erest t posers th reqi
quaHneatiOo I make aoch a repraBtti
the democracy of Oil Northumberland" i
ead shall, wrao, sasnaatly rge opa the
hi tteaninatien. ' I hi dematraey w bn
faith,' knowing bim to be klcntiied whh
ktadiug xacaeurae f the party. ', I hi Stmwl
of the affaire ef the St a w, anmpaiaaaea aa the.
at present, wa be th assaraneo Jrl tt
be abl t aaadsr iperiea4 Ht-k. Bosid
ia truly a) mf halloa Uy ant eftht ffflt, in
sens of th tcim in ymftthy aa well as i: