fcvlittoaVV 0lt""i'v ; (I,Ti Tbe Cincinnati Advertiser f ivee the follow-, no; record a to the closinf scenes of litV ami final resting place of soma of that gallant Wind of officer who figured in our revolutionary atrophic: t' '( - - GeiL fiercer is usually said to haw been trilled at the battle el Princeton, but really died r an epileptic fit, in thai neighborhood, week Iter thet'affairt" The popular notion ia derived f rota the fact that he received e Mow on the head, from the butt end of d roesket, in the hands of a British eoldibr, fn full retreat with hie Comrades. He was knocked down and stun ned fbr snme time' ae (he consequence. Mer cer was famed in Christ Church, Philadelphia. - Putnam was disabled from active service in the very middle of tho strife, 1779, by a partly tw etrrAe, but survived till 1790, being 72 vears of ape at Ins death, lie was buried at Brooklyn, Conn. Wayne died at Eric, Pa., where he wsa htiri eii. At a later date the body wae transported Chester county, Ps. " Although nearly a quar ter of a century had elapsed, the lineaments of the deceased hero were distinctly visible, and tlie features recognized by persons present ; of course, the corpse crumbled to dust on exposure to the atmosphere. Schuyler, who deserves all the credit of the capture of Bmrgoyne, of which be wss deprived by Gen. Gate assuming the command, just as all the arrangements lor the battle had been made st Saratoga, died at New York in 1804. Steuben, the Chevalier Bayard of our revo lution, tanspeur et tan reproche, after vainly endeavoring to obtain the fulfilment by Con cress of their engagements to him, returned to I Jtics, New York ; the legislature of which State voted him a township six miles squsre of land in that neighborhood. Here in hum ble loe house be died, and was buried adjacent i 197- . . Sr. Clair's Isst resting place is at Greene burp;, Westmoreland county, Pa. A neat mar )le pyramid being erected over his rem tins by Lis masonic brethem. Mifflin, the idol of Penneylvanis, died in Lan canter, Ps., snd was buried there. Maxwell, who commenced tbe battle of Bran dywine, by opposing Knypkausen's troops, in their attempts to cross Chad's ford, died at Fie minirton, N.J. Montgomery and McDougal era boried in New York. Alexander Ird Sterling, at Albany. Parians, at Marietta, Ohio. Morgan, the hero of Cetcpcnt, at Winches ter. Virginis. SulKtan, at Exeter, N. II. Scoff, in Kentucky. Knox, at Thomnatoo, Maine. Henry tee, in Virginia. Charles Lee, lies at the foot of Gen. Mercer's torub, in Christ Church, Philadelphia. Vent Explicit A Yankee riding up to a Dutchman, exclaimed, 'Will, stranger, for ac quaintance sake what miht your name be?' Vy, my name Uh llause lloilenboficniffiu hofTengrafrensteincr ! . , 'By Cape Cod I that's long as punkin vine t Well, I hain't no time to loose I'm on a spe culation. Tell me the way to Harrisburj.' 'To llarrieburg. Veil you see dst road poo de hill,' pointing in the direction. ,- O yes, I see it.' 'Veil, den, you musht not dake oat rent. You see die roat by dc coalbaukl' .. Yes.' . , 'Veil, dat ish not der roat, too ; but you must go right straight py lee pern dere.and ven you ace von roat jhuet en, (bending hie elbow and describing it at the same time,) and ven you bit dere, keep right along till you gits turder. Veil den you will turn de potato patch round, da pridge over de river upelream, and de bill up, and directly you eve mine prodder Fritt's parn, shingled mil straw, data de house where vine prodder lives, He'll dell you, so petter as 1 csn. And you go little pit forder, you see two rents yoe musht not dake bote of 'em ! Tbe yankee rude off al the lop of bia speed Blow 'em up! 'Don't talk to me about gun- cotton,' said gentleman 'I'll put my wife a- gainst any invention in the world for blowing p ople up. It the government would get her to f t down opposite Ssn Juan d'UDos, the Mexi runs would lesve iottsiiter.' Our devi! thinks he must bo the man who whs 'Mowed up on a steamboat, and on being kcd how he escaped uninjured, replied Ibst he 'a so used to being Mowed up by hie wife, tmt the mere bloving up of a steamboat bad'nt the least effect whatever oo biin ! A DiocR iMifsTiNn tsHor Two men, Jonea and Martin, went deer hunting. After remain ing together awhile they aeparatcd, and soon -'noes, hearing the report of Msrtin'a gun, went to bim. tieeing no game, be asked him U ha had snot anything. 'No,' replied Maitin, tcry csialessly, 'didnt shoot anything.' 'What did you shoot at V Martin seemed confused, snd evaded reply. Jones louked around a little, and aaw a calf gra. zing a abort distance oil. Did you shoot at that calf 1' asked Jones. Yes, replied Martin, 'I ehot at it.' 'You didn't hit itthongb,' remarked Jonee. 'No, 1 did not kit it,' and Martin went on to , explain 'y vj , I aa uncertain whether it waa a calf or a deer, and J shot so aa to bit it if it waa deer, and wise it if it was a calf.' It is cruel to use carnages so much ; the wheels era aUtyc "tirad. DARR NOTK HHT. -The following list shews die evnwot value of all Vnnsytvnnie Bsuk N.ttee, Tbs most implicit re lianoe aasy he plsord upon K, at it I csery uek , awfully complied with and corrected from Biuk nsll's Reporter. , ,.. Bank l IMillar1lpklu NaV' Wtionl' era llsaJto NOTES AT PAR. Bsnk of North America , , Bsnk of the Nnrtlmrn I.iltarties . , Commercial Bsnk of Penn'a. '. , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . Kensington Bank . . Philadelphia Bank . . Schuylkill Bank . . . Soathwartt Bsnk -. Western Bank . MschsnW Dank . Msnnfaetuters' tt Mermarrka' Dank Bsnk of Penn Township . . GirardBank Bunk of Commrrre, late Moyameneing Bsnk of Pennylania ' . Country flank. Bank of Chester County Wasicbevter Bank of Delaware Coiimy Chester psT P psr P par par F par par par f par fat par Bsnk of Ocrmantown Bsuk of Montgomery Co. Doyteotown Bsnk Esaton Bsnk Germantown Norristnwn Doylestown Easton par psr par par pat Farmers Bank of Duck rn Briel Bank of Nnrthumlwrlatid Northumberland par Uotumhia Uank ex. midge ro.'i;olumbia par Farmer' Bank of l.aiiratei Lanostei par Lancaster County Bank Lancaster pir Lancaster Bsnk Lancaster pm rarmers' Hank si Meaning" Keening par IWice or Hank of retin a. Office do do Office do do Office do , do Harriburg" Theae Lancaster I effice Reading ( do not Easton J iuen. NOTES AT DI8COUNT. tank of the United 8tats Philadelphia 13 i I Si inert" Ban of fottsvtllo" Potiille Bsnk of Lewistown Bsnk of MiddhHown Csrliale Bsnk Exchange Bank D An branch of Harrrtburg Bank Iebnon Bsnk . Iewi4wn Middletown Csrliate PilUburg Hollidavsrmrg HarrUborg Lebamm Merchant' eV. Msnuf. Bsnk Pittsburg Bsnk of Pitlstturg PitUburg WilKamstHirt Wilkeabarre Allentnwn Reading rillaburg West Branch Bmk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Hank Office of Bank of U. 8. failed Do do do Do do do brie New Brighton t-hamberburg do do i Bank of Chsmherthurg Bank of Gettyaburg Bank of Surquebanna Co. Gettyaburg Montivse Erie Wsyaetburg ' Washington Honeadtde BrowMviihi I t.tj ';l Erie Bank Farmer' A Drovera' Bank Franklin Bank Honssdsle Bank Monnngahela Bank of B. York Bank York ial N. B. Tbe notes of those banks on which ws omit quotations, and substitute a dah ( ) are not purcMsed by tbe fbilstlelpbia brokers, who. tbe exception of those which bar s Uller of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. Ins, Philadelphia Philsdelphia Losn Co. do Schuylkill Ssv. Ins. do Kensington 8av. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Msnusl Labor Bank (T. W; Pyott, prop.) failed failed biled fsiled rowanda Bank 1'owanda Allegheny Bsnk of Pa. Bank of Besver Bank of Swalara Bank of Washington Centre Bsnk City Bank Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bsnk Fsrmers' A Meeh'ee' Bank Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bsnk Hsrmony Institute -Huntingdon Bsnk Juniata Bank Lumbermen' Bsnk Northern Bsnk of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northamb'd UnWm Col. Uk. North Western Bsak of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bsuk Ps. Agr. A ManuC Bank 8ilvv Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Bedford HO sste closed cliwsxl Beaver Harriaburg Washington Hellrfniile failed ciustfd Pitisbuig Pittsburg Fayette co. (reencaatte Hannouv no sale failed failed failed UO asle Huntingdon oo rale I w istow n nasals W arret) DunJafl New Hte Mikon Mesdville Port Carbon Carlisle Montroae Uniontown fsiled no sale closed no sale cioasd failed closed fsiled Westmoreland Bsnk Urveusburg cloaed Wilkeabsrre Bridge Co, Wilkraharre nossle fX All notes purporting to be on any PennayU vania Bank not given in the above list, may bs set lown as fraud. NEW JERSEY Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick failed I "t par ' failed Belvidere Bank Brlvidre Burlington Co. Bsnk Modford Commercial Bsnk Perth Amboy Dumberiand Bank - Bridgeton Farmers' Bsnk Mount Holly Fsrmers' snd Mechsuics' Bk Rshwsy Fsrmers' and Mechsnica' Bk N. Biunswick Farmers' and Merchanu' Bk Middlrtnwa Pi. 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersev City fa'uVd Hoboken 0kg bissing t-o liutMiken faiksj failed frilled failed I failed 4 par are sale lersey City Bsnk Jersey City Mechsnks' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechsnica' Bank ratirraon BfUesille Momstowa Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark Mechanics' snd Msnuf. Bk Morria Canal and Ukg Co Post Notes Ncwsrk Dkg A Ins Co i i Nsw Hons Dsl Bridge Co Lambrrusille N. J. Manufac and II kg Co Hoboken failad failed N J Proiecion A Lombard bk Jeraey City Orange Bank Orange Pateraon Bank rsierana failed I Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Ha tern Banking Co Saletw eUate Bank . Newark . Huts Bank Elisabethtown Btats Bsnk Csmdeu Btste Bsnk of Morris Morrietown Stats Bank Trenton Salem end Pbilsd Msnuf Co Hslem Sussex Bsnk Nsw loo Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bsnk Dover par psr psr railed fsilsd i Washington Banking Co. Hscksnseck DELAWARE. Bk of Wiles A Brandy wins Wilmington Bsnk o f Data wars W ilwingtoa Bank of Stuyma Smyrna Do brsuch Milford Jailed par par par P' par par Farara Bk of Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Nswcsatts Union Bsnk Wdmmgtoa PW aj- Undet 6's 4 (TT On all hanks marked thus r ihara era ak the couotsrfsit or slurred notes of the vsnevs ds- BosniBttieos, ta cuculsuon. Spring Goods THE Mbseribn hat iuat re!elv,i Via New' tJring Ooodt, lo which be invites hs fVierxs and evjMonieva te call and etandns for tbemss sm HisttbCk cat-4a in part r tb foltowm t ' Superior Clothe, pf sll enlorai' Cseimers of diPe. ' ent pattern ; Satin and other Vretinf Ca litma, l.awna. Ginghams, Check, Tick ioga, nl anmmrt wear of ell kinds . end pricet 1not I.rchorn and Palm letf Hats; Umbrellas . . and Parvtnl,tV'mSS centa upward J , . alo,()roceiie, Queens vrn. Hardware, I'edarware, ,' Oils Paint, Pih, 8ah. Ac, Ac. Ae., and in f.ict, everv artii-lr usually krpt in a eountc rr, which will I told very low, Ut rH or an bind of tratle. JOHrt BttQAR Sunbury, May ISth, IS4T. nUr More iew Goods ! THE last arrival is at Purdy'a Store, Market Square, where will be found a handsome as sortment ef SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of the Istort and m t spproved styles, consisting ef Cloths, funtimers, Vetting, Summer PtufTV, Mons. d.-laines, Liwna, Ginghams, t'alicos, Muslina, Jean. Ac.. Ae , Ae ; aleo, a lull annortwiefit of Groceries, all of which will be sold lower than ever offered in ttda mark t. Call snd examine for vonraetves. Sunbury, May tS h, IH47. tf HA7DE1T COALS, Flour, Product, and General Commin lion Merclumti, No. US Bain's Wnaar, BALTIMORE, OFFER their servicea to the Merchants snd Fsrrsere of the Susquehanna Valley, for trie ale of Flour, Grain and Produce generally. iiTthe Bltim -re market, and fr.no their r(ii-n4e ac quiiiitsncw among purchaser end shippers, csn safely warrant ailiafactory sales. . , Gnrrespoiidentt ill be constantly kept advised of the state of the maikeis, Ac, Rtfer to Messrs. Wm. Wilson A 8,.na. S,.n." k Son. I midert, r ith. J Isaac Reynolda A Dattimme. Davidson A Ssu Reynolda A Smith, end Messr. Tineley, Caklwetl A English, Phil. May 15th. 1847. tea SOMETHING NEW! inptHE Sulwcrihefs have the exclusive light of JL vending J. M. THATCHER'S Hot Blast not Air Caking in the eonntiee of Nortbusnberland, Crlnmhia and Schuylkdti and from tbe encouragement met with already, they expect to do a large busiitess. This ktove is constructed on sn entirely new pritiule. snd on the only principle Ibat cn make both a good wood and coal stove. Tbe ineenlor has over. eoaae all ins difficulties lhal so frequently belong to other stove. He haa by hi arrangement, con stiuctej a broiling (rJOt tn In froat. where in broiling, roosting, frying or bsking msy be done, snd all ihe smell that arise iberefiora must pss into the combustible chamber, and is not at all thrown out into tbs roomD Besides this, there is sn oven only two inches less Ihsn the whole site of tbe swve, wherein baking or roasting msy be done ss well e it csn bs in tbs Common brick oven. This en is always fit for ue when the stove is bested, ss ths whole draught of hot sir passes a- round it constantly. Public attention is particularly caned to trit stove. It can te seen at our Plore end Tin ntat liahment in North Danville, at the sign of the Co lumbia Tin shop, snd at the Foundry of Rohrhaeh A Clement in Sunbury, where its particular qualU lira will be fully shown snJ exp'sined to any person wishing to r limine it. The subscribers continue to base on band sll kinds of parlor stoves, such at radiators. ryleoJers, fancy snd plsin, suiuble fbr sll who may favor us ih s call; also common sheet and Kuseu Iron, which can be maile in any d-strahle shape ; loge. iher with a ceneral assortment ef tin snd iipinned ware, wholesale and retail. Country mer. bants sre invited to call and etemin our stock, ss our work cannot be surpassed, and pajcee modoerate. N.B. We can ss'rly rrcorantend Ibe above men tioned stove to person who with to embark in I sood business. The psientee will sell eiiber coun ty or slate rights, to suit purchasers, and on rea sonable terms, lis or his agents may he found in Dsnville, Ps. J. A J. ABIEK, The onJetsie-nsd. having seen in operation the hot biasl hoi air cooking stove, invented and pa' tented by J. M. Thatcher, certify that ws believe, from the manner of its construction snd open-ion, that it ia the best one ever offered lo the public. The arrangement iaso complete snd ths construction so judicious, that there ia s saving ot one half the furl and time, in doing sny given amount of a- r vice, osr other eelebrsted stove. In short we recom ment it in preference to all others, for the simple reason that it embrace every hrsncb of economy. PamuH Garrett, John W Garrett. lUvld Chat field. W P Kiich n, John M Uiay, E Thorni-on. Smith Tborp(on, J I) Hahn, Jbn (lakes, Hciki ah Hear, tli F Cooer, Urn M Idrb-rt, Daniel HurTman. Henry II Rieeel, F H Cstver, Danisl DreUbach, Joseph Vankuk, Brook Epky. Danville; March 6, 1847. ly . PlHttM THE subscriber oTers for ssls a cheap Farm, situate in 8hsnaokin township, Northumlter land county, sbeut eight miles from Sunbury, ly ing between ihe Centre turnpike and Irish Valley, containing 163 scree and allowjnces. Said farm it in a gd aiate' of cultivation, with reaaonaMy good buildings and excellent Weter near ihe door and all kinds of fmit. Ae. JOHN FARN8W0RTH. Sunbury, Feb. 10, IStTV i 1 Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS in Cteaeiwe seem to bs th order ef the day, st the Phidslphis Ward Robe, 105 Cbceont street, where every article in the line la kept, and sold at Satonuhing low prices, embracing f Cloaks Bangups, Over Sack Costs, Short Sack Costa, Super French Cloth Dices Frock . Costa, psntaloona of sveiy grads and style, sny of which will bs sold sithst by ths garment or dosen, tt pri ces that will jeatify Ihe msil .eeonemical in buying. MTssdviss all who went good snd cheap Clo thing, loesll at No. 106 Cbesnut street, tbilsdel hia, Feb 6th, let?. tm f TO VrATCfa TXAiamx ., um.i:uv noaiiissw T. L"i: B cuxr Itiiportet of Watchc,' WnWh-Mtkeri' . ,TooU nd Watch Materials,' ' ' . lFlilBrU Retail, " No. U9, Market street, PHILADELPHIA, HAS cooslsntly on hand a large aesortment of Lunette, Patent, and Plain Glass t Maln aprint. Verges, Dials, Wsicb ttsnds, snd a com plete assortment of all Tools and Malarial belong ing In ibs trade't with a large sraortment of Go'd and Silver; Lever, lupine, snd Plain Watches all of which he will guaranty to sell at the lowest New York price. All orders from the country punclu slly executed. , , , N. B. Country merchants and other sre invited to c II and examine bis stuck, si No. 340 Msiket stieet. Phila.kBlphia, Jan. as. 187. m CIT7 ATJCTIOIT 3T0P.E, no. ai lxtorm intrtt eircet. - ( TUB CITV nOTKl,) RtLADBLPHIA. C. C. MAC KEY, AccTtott ekr. TO t'OUNTRY STORE KEEPEKS. EVENING SALES of Hardware, Cutle-y, Saddlery, Whip. Boot, Shoe, Hats, Caps, tiuns, fistals, tloUiing, Watches snd Fancy Gitod, At Mackry'e Auction Store, 31 North Third atreet, near the City Hotel. . 1 he attention of Country Merchant is invited. The Gimds will be a 4d in lota to suit purchasers. snd oil UiNsJt offered will be warranted eqntl to tbe represent i inn that may be made of tnem. IV. u. A large assortment of floods at Privtts Sale. ' Jan. 10. I84T ty MOUNT VERNON 4 t isjv laxiiritt 05 North iM at., bet. Arch & lUce sts., Philadelphia. BRADY A PARKER respectfully inform their friend snd tbe public that I hey hive taken tbe above iramed house, recently kept by J. 8. Adsms, n l sre prepared to accommodate custo mers in the moat satisfactory manner snd st rea sonable pneee. Their tsble wilt be supplied with the best vari- ety 'he market aflord their parlor and deeping pvrtmenl will t m the beet oriter. Tbe house ha been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view te tbe comfort of traveller and strangers. Having had eevarat year experience in the business, they hope to give genera! satisfaction, snd respectfully invite traveller and strangers to givetheea scaB. BKADY A rAKKBK. Philadelphia. January 10, 1847. rf CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold nnd Silver Walchca IN PHILADELPHIA. GOLD Uveve, full Jewelled, f 15 00 Silver de. do. 33 00 GM Lupines. Jewelled. 30 00 Silver do. do. 16 00 Silver Qusrtier. fin ejusKiy. 10 00 Gold Watchea. plain, 16 00 Silver SpecUclei, 1 75 liubl I'enoils, 3 VO Gobi Bracelets, 4 00 Also, on band, a large saeortment of Gold snd Hair Brscelets, finger rings, breast pins, hoop esr rings, gi4d pen, silver spoons, sugar toni;. thim bles, gokl neck, curb and f"b chsins, guard key and jewellery of every description, at equally low price. All I want ia a call to convince custo mer. All kinds of Watches snd Clocks repaired snd wsrtmred to keep g.vnl time for one yeat ; oIJ gold or silvsr bought oi taken in sxchsnge. For aale, eight day and thirty hour brass clocks, at LEWIS LA DO MI'S Welch, Clock and Jewellery 8iore, No. 413 Market street, above Eleventh, north side, Phils phi. ( 1 have some Gold snd Silvei Levers, still much cheaper than the ab.ns prices, Philadelphia, Dee. 26, 1848. ly sT'iliuitiw SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities piven wiihout Charge. . 114 Ckemut St PHILADELPHIA. THIS new snd splendid article, ss its nams de notes, i professed to he superior to sny Shs ving Cream in the United Statee or Europe. It i unsurpaee. d ( beauty, purity and fragrance, th.i' somewhat analagout to Guerlaiu'a Ambrosial Cream and other similar compounds. It far sur i esses them sll by ths smollient pasty consistency of it Uthrr, which so softens the Iward a to render having pleasant and easy. It further possesses tbe sdvsnisge over the imported article, in being frexhly prepiel, no skill being wanting in its man. ufacture. E. Roussel having had msny yesrs' ex perience in ihe eelebrsted Laboratory of Laugur, Psro et Fib, now Rensud A eo of Psris. Besiiles being the beet, it is lbs chsspest article for shaving it is elegantly put up in boxes, with splendid steel engrsved label. Pries $3 per dozen, or 374 cents for a single box, to shave one year, ft ia also sold st ft AO per lb. or It) ernte per oc, so that gentlemen rsn bsve their boxes tilled st EUGENE ROL8SEL S, Wholesale snd Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Es'ablishment, 114 Cbesnut Si reel. Dee 19, 1840. PHILADELPHIA. New Firm. THE Undersigned hereby give neticr, thst hs ha associated with himself, a a partner in the mercantile business, in hi store adjoining weaver I avern, in Sunbury, John Haas, anil that lbs ssld store will hcresfter be conducted un der ike Brm of Clement & Han. The store at the South West roiner of Market Square will bs conducted aa hereto fore, by the subscriber himself, to whieh bs respectfully invitee bis customers snd friends. He slso n-trifle ihoa indebted lo him, to call between thie and ths 1st ef January next, and art tie their accounts. All kind of produce will be taken on sexount, st caab price. Hereafter no longer Ihsn four months credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Nov. 14, 146 if. CLEttlEITT & HAA3, T ESPECTFULLY inform the public that on Av ike Bth tnet., ihsy aniseed into partnership, in tno asereaniiie Putins., ai tne store recently oeenpied by Ira T. Cwmemt, adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury. They have iat.ly received a new stock of goods, which tbey will dispose of at ins lowest price. All binds ef produce will be tsksn in eicbsngs for goods. No longs than foei month credit will be given. IKA T. CLEMENT, Jt'H HAAS. tunlurVjNor. 14, lt, tf, IWBTTtfcCsir AUCTION STORE. No. G 'North 3d st., third doof above j' ; Market Street, T ! PttltiABtltPlltA.' SALE EVERY EVENING, of a general a sort merit fPoreiirn and Doeaetttc Hsrdware, J able snd rocket uutlery. Trunks, boras, Lstcheis, llolta, Sswt, Saddlery, Whips, Boot, Shoe, Hs's, Csps, (funs, Pistols, Trimmings, Clothing " " 1 - and Faory Goods. Ths stlention of city and country dealer is in vited. The Goods sre fresh, Mid wilt be warranted equal to the representation that may be made ef them. BAYLI3 A BROOK EH, Anttianeert, No 0 North Third t. N. B. Purchaer ran have their Good packed. Several invoice of Gtmd have been received to be sold at plivate sale. Philadelphia, Dec. Ilh, 1816. ty To The I. O. of 4. I J. W. & K. I). STOKES, Manufacturer, of Premium Odd Fcl lows' RegHlin, So. 194 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Stors below fith Street. THE snbsctiber having taken the premium al Franklin Institute, at the last exhibition, for the best Regalia, they invite the attention of the order to their establishment, where they will And a splendid assortment of r. tt. and Encampment Ke- salia. They also make te order for Lodgea and Encampment. Reealia, Sashes. Costume and Robes, and furnish every thing requisite for the convenience of new Lodge or rjmemprnenm. J. W. HTOKES, E- D. STOKES. Phils.Wphis.Dee. 19, 1846. ty EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! BXLcVrZf E8S CJLA BB CTJRX1X!! aClOOPERX ETERIAL OIL A prompt and la-ting remedy fr Dstess, also for pain and discharge of matter from tbe Lars. Hundred of cures in cs-e deemed utterly hope lesahave firmly e taMished it cuperiority over eve ry former Medicsl discovery. Thi valuable Acooetic Medicine is a compound of four different Oils, one of which, ihe active and principal ingiedient, is obtained from the bark of a certain specie of Wiiaot, s new and effectual agent in the core of Deafness. rersnns wno hsu been deer tor 10, 19 snd even 20 years, have been permanently cured by using thie oil. In fact, so numerous snd so emphatic bsve been tbe testimonials in iu favor, that the in ventor clsims for it the distinction of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when tbe Ear Is perfect in its formation. For fVirther particulars, and evijence of ila great value, see printed sheets, in Ibe bsns of Agents. Tor sale In clunhury, by J. W. rltlLING. September 19ih, 1846 ly iBjxaaiK!X!jaBb UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, Coughs, Asihois, Influensa, Wbooping-Cnugh, and sll Diseases of tbe bienst end lungs, leading to Consump tion ; composed of Ihe concentrated virtuea of the herbs Horebound, Uiinesett, Bloodr-mt, snd several other vegeta ble stibtnees. Wsrrtuted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER THIS invalusbt Medicine 1 Ihe most (needy - end certsin remedy ever discovered f r the s love complsim, sa thousand who bate usej it wid testify. For sale, in Sunbnry. by J W. FKILING and in Northumberland, by D. BRAUT1GAM, and at wholesale, in Philsdrlphie, by F. K LETT & Co, Corner of Second and Callowhill stieeU, September 19th, 1848. ty DENTISTRY. TACOB HELLE?.) FHHAKrLL fbr tbs liberal encouragement U which he has received, would respectfully inform bis friend end the citizens nf ?iorthumtr lend county in genersl, thst hs hss prepared bim self with Ihe best Incorruptible Tetth, Gold Plate, Gold Foil, Ae., thst ran be had in tbe city of Phi ladelphia i and that he will endeavor, to the Utmost ol his ability, to render full sail. faction to a'l who may think proper to engage hit services. He will he In Sunbury at the August court, wheie he will be prepared, at bit residence, to insert Teetb on Gold Piste, or on Pivot, on the latest and most a proved plsns, and attend to sll ibe branches belong ing to DENTAL Bl'RliEKY. Ladies will be waited on at their places of resi denee, if deeired. Hit chtrges will be reasonable, snd his work wsrrantcd. Hs will visit different parts of the county, about once in three months. Sunbury, July ISth, 1846. fim rOUNTAIN HOTEL, MsUI Street, THE House hss undergone a thorough repair, Tbe proprietor solicit iu former patroiiage. Term SI 86 per dsy. WM. W. DLY, ARTHUR L. FOGG, July 4, 181(1. ly Proprietors. Krllrr fc fsrecnotiglsi FATE1T7 ATTOB.1TIEYO, . AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, wAUUMaTozf , s. o. DRAWINGS and Papers fbr tbs Ps'snt Of. Cos will be prepared by them, at their office, opposite ths Pstsnt Office. July, ith, JI46. ly lrKEZTUPS Uy irectingG Wax, eke fresn i Errcjrs spinrrs of soap, for - Grease, Dry Paints, Varniab, Tar, cleikieg of any descriptioa, wai- ranted net lo injurs tbs cloth or Ihe most delicate color. Thi liqaid bee slso been need with great success in cases of Burnt, Scalds, Tetter. Pimplsv on tbs fsco, Cbsppsd hand, bore bp. RhsuaM lisoj, Hard or soft Corns, Ac. rr Price, SS cU. I per bottle. Fee salt at tbe store ef 1 Jul; I 1119. U. M Act Eft a i i uk w n i a r i a y, " triraxrmY, pa.' Business sllendod la in the liHmlies at N. tburpbetland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. Herer li P. sk A. Raveesr, - -Lews a dr, Baaaen, -SoMsaa ek Saoaesasa, PMhit. Rst sotas, McFaatassdr. Co. 1 Srtstse.Ooee eV C., J E. Kir.IBEU, JR.. A'o. 34 Aorfft Ponrtk Street, under the Mer chants' Hotel, Fh 1 1 atle pli I a, - f a Lt nee vsais.1 - TfjT EEP8 conaisntly on hand an extebsive as. Jrtk. sortmenl nf sll Mud of 8dk, Fur snd Ilea vei Hat, which he otter fbr rale on the most res- sotisble term. Hi 111 srs made up of the beet material, snd in the most spproved style. Per- on visiting tbe ci'y will find it to their interest to call. July 1 1th. 1846. ly Sli.VKIt MEDAI awisnre av tsx raasatts inititcts, 1845. City Dtfurntotypf Extablinhmrit. 5CE. OP. C23CE)t2aai3l25.3S3, (I. stb nisinsa ox I tuimi,) Ao. 100 Chnnut tt.. afnire Third, South side, rnxT.AXEX.partV. MINIATURES t"ken equally s well in clou dy ss in cte.r wetlSer. A dark silk dies lady, and a black euil for a gentleman, are prrbiralile in silling for s picture. IXoeitrs chsrge is made for coloring, snd perfect likenesses sre guarantied. July 4th. 1848. ly COLTIlrlBIA HOUSE, OHSSZTTJT ST&EST. PHILADELPHIA . rWVtTfO t..- mw.J UAi-l V.a awawaletlle l been fined np with entire new furniture. t he subscribers therefore solicit the patronage of the public, end trust that their experience in the business will enable tbem to give entire satisfac tion. Terms moderate. B AGI.EY, McKENZIE it Co. July 4th, IMrtjy - DBlTTISTRTe PRTF.ll . MASSKR, r r.i r.pi 1 1. EESPEC1 Sunbury St the re RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ECTFIM.LY inform the riti.-iis of iury and virinilv, that he ha opened an resilience of Henry Maaier. in Market street, where be is prepared to execute sll kinds of DtftTtti Susesav. Plts Work, Ac , on the latest and most approved plan. Having had some experience and instruction, under one of the most eminent and successful Den lists in Philad'-lphia, he lelieve thst he will be able to give eatlsfjction 10 those who may went hi services. Lsdies will be wailed on St their places of resi dence. Hit charges will I moderate, and bis woik warranted, Sunbury, March 38th, 1846. To Parchaneni of DXITT G-OODS. Jb. Ill Pearl tt NEW YORK, HAVING established s Branch st No. 144 Cbs. nut st, Philadelphia, it now opening, snd will be constantly receiving fmm tbe New York Auc tions, sn extensive assortment of rANCT A STA.FX.S DRY aOOSM. which will be sold st the lowest New York pliers st wholesale and Retail. Among his stock will be found a good assortment of the following articles: Jacfwiiets, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Siripe, Bwk Swiss and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Ltnei Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dresses Thread Lsces, Application D.H, rich- U'ack Sill Triminiig Lace, Irish Linens, Linen t'amhriei Linen Cambric HJkfs.,Cuitain Fringes, Cushmen d'Ecoae, Mouseline de I, sine. Silk anJ Cot lot Warp Alpaccae, Quen'a tMotb, tSala Plaid Frruch Merinos, UUh ftlk. Gloves, ni k Horn Shawls, Cravats, Ribbons, Embroideriea. Ac, Ac. Country Meichsuts snd others visiting Philsde phis or New York to purchase, are respectfully it viied to call and examine the itucks. No. 1. IMS. ly BEI.IKVK AND lil V K THOMSON'S Comiionnd fyrup or Tar Jt Woo Kaptlto rilllE unprecedented sucie of tbis m-dicine, i JL tbe rertorstion nf health, to those who, in de ptir, had gfven up sll hoe, baa given It an rxr led reputation shove all other remedies, furnishii evidence of Ha intrinsic value and power, a the o ly sgsot which csn bs relied up..n fbr ths curs Pulmonary Consumption, Briiiichlttis, A.thn Pain iu tbs ride snd Breast, Spitting of Bim Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Atteution ia quested to the following ASTO: ISHI.NG CUKE.bv Thomson' Compound Sy of Tar and Wood Naptha! ! Phi!atetfhia. May 9d, 1944. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grt (eelini I inform you of Ihe astonishing effect your medicine, which haa literally raia d me fn a death-bed I My disease, Pulmonary Cnnsuu lion, had reduced me so low that my physician no.incrd my esse hnieless! At ibis juneuon I gsn iu u-e your medicine, snd miraculous aa it n seem, it hss completely re.toted me to health, s everything else had failed. Respectfully yours. WASHINGTON MACK Cbarlotls atreet, above George str. The undersigned, being personally scijuaiu with WashingUm Mack and hi sufferings, b witness to ths astonishing effects of Thorn Compound Syrup of Tsr, sod lbs truth of lb bovs statemuut. JOK. WINNER. 318 North Third etrcct, DAVID VICKEUS, 43 Almond street. HUGH M 'GIN LEY, S. E. corner Tern end Fourth streets. Prepa-ed only by 8. P. Thomson, N. E. cot of Sib snd Spruce streets, Philsde'phis. Ageuta. H. B. Masser, Suubury D. Gr and Of. Macpbsrson, llsrrisburg Jao.G. Bro Pitttsvills t tree. Earl, Reading I Houston A ou, Towanda, Bradford county, Ta. Pries iO e pel bottle, or f 4 per doxen. (jj beware ef all imitations. Philadelphia. June ttiih. IH46. ly George jTWeaver, SOPB BKAXSR ak SHIP CHANDLB No. 1 3 AorfA Water Street, rkUadetpkia. 1TA8 cecMtantly on hand, a general as 11 11 nvant of Cordage, 8une Twines, eVc, TarVl Ropes. Fisbiog Ropes, White Ropes, M Is Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Al eoulelo assortment of Seine Twines, eVe, cut Hemp Shad aad Herring Twine, Bast Patent Net Twins, Cotton Shad and Herring Twins,! Threads. Ac Ac. Also, Bed Cordt, Plough L Halter, Tiacas, Cotton snd Linen Carpet Ch Ac, all of which he will dispose ef on noi leimir. -fhiladeljhia, NeveavlsN I3,lit2.-ly.