1 . . ti'-hms or TtiV. " AMEItlCAS." II. B, A88F.R, PcBiiaaias B JOSEPH EtSEl.Y. Pimiimi. v JT. MSSKM, BaVUr. ' '' Ojfict fii VtniriTAlley, in i he rear of tt. Mat- ' e?'s Store.) ' "' THE X M rt Rib A N" Isfubil.hea' every 9tnf dy TWO DOLLARS per annum to b paid tkkTf yearly in advance No paper discontii ud till III arrearage are paid. . . Nosabseriplions received for lees period than STa. All communication or letter on buetne rotating to the office, to Inter attention, muM be POST PAID. . t sqntr 1 Insertion, . fpt B k ) 4o L "' o 1 4a V do -. ; 1 EvsutserHinisHtil,.- ,. . J .Yasrlt AdwHaaraetttst ena ealUmn. IIS t half ajt' ' v. - . i v-. : j i f v - i i i t . -AND BHAMQKIW JOUJRNALV 4- rolumn.f I i. thitMritat.v lit (..two sijusrea, i one Piiaq, jn. naii-ywy,ny i oris column, slot fcalr eoluma, . j tbses sqcar, $8 1 two square, $6; one equits, S 60. .. , . .... , A ,1l iawt tail altkn iIrttnnLa In tktt Abaolute cfuieacenc in the deciaiona of the. majority, the Vital prinefpt of Rtilloa.Vrom which lhr i bo ppeal Wt to for'ci Viul prucipla and imrnkd'iti parent of ilept)Uirft JarrkMo. Terjgth pT tbxethsy ara.te be iiubr.ahed. will be continuad until oraersd cut, and cnargsa aecora , njr in turner Jt Elselr. Vot. VKn. 4-Tliibl No, toft , C3rBiten hns or teas mate a square. w 5: i, .'..'.IVi. . r.; , .7 ..'7- ' ! i..l' .. A. W ATCSES JEWZCLRT, AT "MB "PArtaJetnntia WafcA emf Jewelry glare," No. Ntfrti 6COT b elrvet, corner of Quarry. GOl.T3T.ever Watches, full 1 V 1i.4trvf.tH rant cite. Ill) 00 ' 8itcr Lever Watches, full jewelled, 23 00 Stiver Lever Walche, se vcn jewels, 18 00 Nrver leprae Wchr, jewelled, finest ' Miy, 14 00 ; Superior Qusrtier Watches, 10 00 Imitation Qusrtier Wstche, not warranted, ft 00 Gald 8pectacle, . . , 8 00 Fine Silver Spectacle, , US f .old Brao let with toiiae done, 1 .SO LlreV Gold Pencil, 16 carat, t 00 GoU Finger Kings 37 cte to $ Waich til arm, plain, 131 cut patent, 18 J Lunet. 25. G titer article in proportion. All good warranted to he what they rr aoM fur. O. CONK AD. tn hasfi.rtrhe 'Gold and Silver Lever, Lepinea ml Quartters, lower than the above price. rtWIadelphit. Dwi. ft. 1846.-ly Boot & Shoe ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEL BRUCfcEMlT,l,FAt, At Jrft Old isttablithmmt. in Market Street, 2SVffi6ry, ' toYeoStftle THB W'to VroV!) jr ETUKN8 hia thanka for put fiVora, fetid fe Jlj apectfully informa hia fiien.la and the public eerrcraJiV, that he continue to manufacture To Or der, tnnr ittfrttt Ma latent tls. CHEAP BOOTS AID SHOES, warranted of the beat material, and made by the moat experienced workmen, ffe abnt toepi on hand general aaaortment of fashionable Bos ror gntli-men urgifthv, wfth larsr rtor of Taahion able ecntlrmenV.rott.rW and children' Shore, all of which have been made under bia own imrne tliate ioapection, and are of the beat material am) workmanship, which he will sell ,m f.ir eaah. In aJdhron rb lira atovev he ha lilat receiveo' from FhtlauYlphi tars arid ekWhaiVe supply of Hoot. Shoes, Ac. of all description, wnrcn ne aixo Ucr for hA, obeapcr than ever before offered in Ibi place. He reapectfully invitee bi ohl cuato. and other, to call and eiaroih lor lee a.Wee. ' Repairrnf doM with neatnea and dtepttcm Sunlrirryt Attgt I5ih. 1846 ipo b X A 1 1 TO ALL UOUNTKV HounEtiBE fnriDt YOU may be ture cf otitanvn;, at all time) pur and highly flavored JQ2a!El.rCrt Bv theaihele Dound or larerr duar-titv. at the rektnTfkCmniny'a Tnrehoiifr, 3U South Second area, ceftttn nttrfstt ana V Hel mut efreer. inrr.A2iiiktlx.A.i Heretofore it ha bteh vfery tlifBcnUr, ineeil, al mnl iinooaaible. alWar to obtain lood (ire- O and ni.ck Tea. Bui now vno have only to iit the Pvkin Tea Cnmpauy'a Ptoti to obtain a delirioti and frae-ranl Tea a V"U could wih fori A II ta lea ran here be auited. with the advantage uf gbttiog a pure article at a low price. June Sfth, 1A46. F A N US. THE SUBSCRIBER ha len appointed ent, H,,i.e..le,.rrOiAD MEYER'S CEL. EBItATED PREMIUM R'tiE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. Theae Pino have a plain, roaraive and bradtifut eitrrlor fint-h. and, for depth and aWeelheea of lone, and eb-Jnte tlf wotkman hip. irr not ariefd bv any in the United Slatea. The follow iria? ia recommendation ft of Ct Dirts, a celebrated rMfortner and birnavlf a loan. ufictuieri A C A It IK " llatit) had (he pleaxure ol trying the effV lenl Piano Fortca manfacturcd by Mr. Meyer, and ..Kikiixl iK.l .d vxhiliillnn of ihe Fr.tiklin In. atitute. I feel it due to the true mcrh of the malar to declare that theae ioatrumcnta are quite equal and in soma reepeete even acprflott to all the IV an Forte, 1 an the eapiut of Europe, ud .liirin a aninnrn of two VCaf t Pari. Tbee Piarroa will be eold at the manufacturer' U.mi PhiluUlnhia nrrrp. if not aomethtna lower. IVranna are requested to cH and enmirr for llirmaelve, at the rrilenc of th narrit'er. 8unhttry,May l7Mv H. B.MASSSK. " (rfuilerfei.ctV, 9BATH BLOW. nne HiHie wilt pleate ofrt that no BrandrCth A Pi are genuine, unles the bos ha three li bel upon it, (the top, the nle and the Bottom each containing a ftc-similt (igoarure of tire hand' writing1, ihuk 0. rfr M. D. Tb I. beUai engraved on ateel, beautifully dMitfned. and done at an ctpeme of over f3.W; Therefore it will be eeen that the only thing neceaaary to pn rure the medtbine in ii punty, i to obere thee label. Remember the Ion. the trie, an J the bottom. The folio wieie revaecrive pareona are duly autbt-ri ted, and Anttl nvjT"T-r jayw n jkAXffCT For the aale of Brandrrtk't egetatiA t mttrtat tills. Northumberland county i Milton Mickey A t 'camber lin. Hunbury B. Maer. M'Een ville Ireland St. .tVi,n. WorthumbetlknJ Vtm. Foravlh. Georaetown J. &. J. Walls. Union Countv : New Berlin Botfar Ss Win Wt. Sdinaairove 4eerg Guodrua. MiiUlle- ura Iaac Smith. Beatertowo David llubler. Adamaburg Wm. J.May. Mifl9inbara Menacb K Ray. Hartluton Daniel Long. Freeburg G.dr. F.U. Moyen Lowiaburg Walla at Green, Oolunrbf roanty i Dawvilte E. It.. KeynoMs A.Co. Berwieh ehantan aV RitteobovM. Cat lawiaaa C. O. Brobts. Bloomaburw Joho R. Mover. Jeiaev To -Lav I Bwel. WaAlngtoa KuU. McCav. 1imsstoas BalliX. t MsNlneh. Obaarvs that aweh A cent ba an Engraved Cev 1 1 teal of Agency, containing a rtprasaatatioo of lir BRANDRETH'8 MaBxafcctorv at 8ig Bing, and upon which will also ba eiact eopi of . .aw.' SbTM th faciei UUU new uaeJ upc tit Itrandretk fill Bottt. Pbiladslpbuj. office No. . Nmtk tb wtitat. O. DKAJVIKXl I n, fBjlA . . . u Jun 34th. lt. 0. avs" aa 1 1 The following line vrtre written in the Al bum of-a lady in Philadelphia, by the eloquent Dr. Hawkei, of New Orleah $ , ., Tlae Bllrad Be, : It wa hleued autnmer day, The flower bloomed the air mild, The little bird poured forth Iheir lay, And every thing in nature rt!. In pleatant thought I wandered on Beneath the deep wood' ample rhade, Till euddenty I cam upon Two children who hid thither try'l Jmt at an aged birch tree foot A little boy and girl recline'd. Hi hand in her eh kindly put, And then I aw the boy wa blind Vh children knew not t wa near ; A Vre concealed me from their view, But alVlhey aaid I well could hear And 1 Ttrttld leetll they miht do. "Dear Mary,'"'' aid th poor blind hoy, That littl bird ting Very long Shy 'do y'6'ti kee him in bi Joy, And Ub pretty hi toVigV' "Ye, terJwtt'ri, ye,' replied the maiA, " kee A hird on yonder treie The poor boy sighed, and gently said, "SUter I wih trmt I coud 'e'.rt , "The flOWeV. yVn Wy, re Very fiV, And bright green leaVeslVe on the trees, An'i pretty birdk aVe aiTigVtg there Wow bea'aliful for cn'e who see. "Yet I the fragrant flowers can amell; And can feet he green leaf ahade, And 1 can hear the ribVes that swell Froth those dear birds that God hkth rhkde. & kikter, God to me is kind, Tboagh sight, ala t Me hak not giveh ; But tell the Ire there any blind Arnobf the children up in heaven ?" "rVtt rJeaVelt Edward; there all tee But why aik hi 4 Ihihg V6 odd V "Db MarV, Ht'i to ipodtoUte, I AotkjAf ftf Uke ttbokat Vodr . fere toHg !ikeale hlk tl.ttd ha raid On that dear oV so rheek a&h'd BiilJ : . His Widow1) mother wept and brayed That Grid would tplre hel eighties child. He felt her warm tears bh his hie, And eid"0S, heveir weep for me, I'm Koihg to a blight bright plsbt Where Mary syl kbdlhall tte. - "And you'll he there, near Mary; too; But mother When you get bp' there', Tell Edward, rhbther, that 'tis you You know I never skw ybii here." He spoke no more hut Iwefc'tly imii'd L'ntil ihe final blow ttsl riWh- W'hen God took up that poor blind child And epeneJ first his eyes In HeatHi. The Laajr'i brara. "Cold as marble," it is well Tnu my trtuhfal hesrt t h!sme', Though its putses rose and fell Calmly Wheat I heard your nam. . Though rtiy hand unanswering lay tn your trembling, fond ernSrite, And I coldly turned away ' From the pleading of your fare. Thongh y eyelid did rot fait, When yryo whispered soft and lo-, And no maiden shame did fall To my brow the sirtfden glow. Though my accents faltered not!. Answering befk yoor wildest prayer, And y6u deetfied" that I forgftt What had won you S'ich despair. Yet my heart, thai pasted the houf Of your wooing all unstirred, Trembles like a summer flower, 'eath another' lightest word; And my coward accents fail To another'a voice replying, While my eyestheir softness veif From another's glincef Hying. Say liof, fheit, rf.y htart is eold1, That it bow to one alone , For it inner leaves enfold1 Love undying as your own', And th vow my lips hav spoken' Cannot peris for j otir rjfce, It will live unchanged, unbroken, Till my heart itself shall break. TO rksmv GsrAiif X diaeottcrt Of conai. . ..u. ... .... oeram impoiiaocs naa oeen announced wilare gard lo preserving grain. To preserve rye, and I secure it from insects" anrf rata,-nothing more is BBeessanr thsn not to fan it after It ia threahiMi. and to tow it th tbe gfftkrie mixed with th chafl. In thia state it haa been kept mora ftan three year, Withodt experiencing th emalfeat alteration, and even without the necessity of b. ing turned to prcaerv it from humidity and fer. mentation. Th cxperimsDt has not yet bcea) ..J. ,k.., .-J .ik.. Ll-J. nf ,ain an1 ' . "! . . . . . I ... M.M Wt L. - . . L. . H M..k I yivimvij yiwjCITW Ul kuau w f equal ad vantag.- From Chambers' Journal. tiik room nCLaTIURS or KIHOS. . , Ont rndrnins; dnrintf the list evere winter in ar . . . . o IV I f ...... I l an, a bier, on which wa laid a wrefchMVof. M . U - .... I. I mi, envrgwi imm on of trie Kwrret it reel xA th faubourf Pt. Uarceau, followed by two a-1 airtihle, and a female, who ol prormrW avjwi cainst tha heavy enow tht fell w a wollcn I ehswl, partially Concealing feature otrte beau- titui, though trow ehlnged By aUnerirt; klftd p'ri-1 rslion, yet still bes Bring with resignation. ' ' 1 TVyounjr matf whtwe rrjmsrn Vtro iVna . i borne to the common eymrtry wa one whoc ureraiQi-re eiept id me venue or di. uenw awa t who, by birth, wa entitled to wear the arm of the Bowton family. In epeaking of Henry II. of any olhet of tVe Vinga of France, there wa ight to be called I by the king, 'my cousin ;v end equally m, by richtof ennranffuinitv. bv tha BnurhonaiafRnain and the imperial hotiM of Austria. 1 Charles da Viloiede St. Remy waa, However, but a poor journeymen book binder, employed J ned enough to subsist on. Like msny others when placed in situations little in accordance with their birth, Char! d Valoia had acquired notion respecting the greatness of his aneee- tore which Unfitted him fbt steadil mirsuinir his avocations. DeVoMor that energy which . .... , . . ... - r nlng all the VcFrilof'y ih'cevtbr haa tort. To pot these dreams into execution, however, one thing waa wanting thaHcs'de VaWSkba'J bt the heart of a Both well. Henry II. of whom hie was a lineal descend- ont, had a son, to whom he bequeathed large tee- fiiorfes the ttt'dst considerable bfeWg that 'of I St. Remy 5 cut his descendants gradually de- creased in power arid wealth; and it length they I sunk loto !ich obscurity that their existence w iiuiMt UUUU1IU. n tmj VI iuuhiiui VIIUIU I at time gibs in on some member of their family, bill, as if a fatality hung over their race, it was ucceedefl by dsrker ehailowi. I DurW the relirn of Iwii XV. the Msrchio- riess fcoulinvitlibb; wife bl ihe hrevot of oleK chinta, one tiny p win 17 between Rhbim w.d tt .I .t.t d i,l,: .k. ' l a .1'' i ... - .1 ronieiie. remariieu a uuierir. vj ;ne rnaamae ieiiui.ig b cow, ana pieaseo wnn ine prei- :Ji1I1j U -lA. d U 1' J L xl.tki. 'LI ! ty counlenance and figure of the child, called . i : .. lii . ... : hi bur to the door of tn carriage, and nnrreq ner a pifcb bf mofifey. Thejoiing Jeanne deValoi J spiirneiJ Ihe protieretl coin with ihb pride bl 8 .... , - Spanish hidalgb t and erecting her little person, I he recounted to ihe rriarchione ber fWI ge-1 neology the t'nly thlhg; beside her paternoster, he had ever learned. On being'tttJestrofiefj; she gave rniTcieht prooff of the tf'ith of what ehe staled anc ber listener, estimating nothing mole Itiia (iigh liMS, thoiigh ehe hefeblf was but the daughter of a revenue officer, made the little ct'wherfl get Into the cafttsge,' which ral led on to ran. - . . ... 4 .: a i-i . . A ner having ner educated t? me lirst rnss- fers, hrr pniiecfresa introduced her lolhefa shiohabla world, and even si court; where she . . J r. ..." 1 '. ss loosed on as a sort ol curinsity. csh was pensioned by the king; and afterwards married the Count 6$ Id Slbtta. The Queen, Marie An. t'otSielfa, took her' into 'favor, and employed hef near her person ; but she repaid the royal kind- ness of the SctfitSl ingrafiliide. By forging ' her m.jV.ty;.stgn.ture,rtfirrr.curedl.rg6rUrh ' .v ; i .r A,. rf moneV and by Ihe same means prevailed 6n t-t j i U u .u- . .. .r- iv Cardinal Rohan (who wss st Ihe time in (Tie- gr'ac at! court,- and glad 6t the rpbrturiity of recainiLg ravin ; ruri i.arc a in ta.ato, ss II for the oneen, wortn nciriy two millions of ffrmctt, ftr1 tha paJffJcht of which tbo couuteta efl alleged thai hef majesty would give a note ia hef o ft band writing, to bo defrayed from tha private puree. The necklaoa wa given into! the hands o th counisas, who immsuialely teat ber husband to Lenfloft with iL But the reran! cf payment being allowed to pass, the jeweller made his complaint to the queen : Cardinal Ro- ban, and many otoere arrested on suspicion, I araesktsa ikavtaasM Inlft llilk Risilila Ktit tkaivti tilli- matelf re!eeed on the culprit beibg discovered', mivw BS av lxe'iw vu V V - I l. . . ... .. l i ne couolesa wa puoiiciy wntppeo, and prsn- I ded on th shoulders t a aenteoc of imprisoa- 1 meat fbf life waa recorded agaio ber i but af- ul ten montha' eonfinmeBU eb eflaetad her recape, and died in London in 1T01. . . , , I Residing at Troyes, la Cbampsgce, was art anCl of Jeapn d Valoia, and looSel en is (b bead ol ber branch bf th family. Io a thorough- I far dt that tcwd might b heard from morning until aigbt, th mom of bi hammer, accomp. 1 iiiaj b hmi tAmmm uauimv Imm a frail wrmd I .Ti 7. 7.1 J. I rmm gaina iiiw wn m in, I A M.a - . . J - . . . k. .11. W I... I shop's faiaWn a ad daldeV tht shadow ef lb cm- sV - a .a . . a . I si . m ' I E- ' ' ' - . I uy on oi me many o. tnai iraae wno struggle ra rnvasr.ra nunmn.tr ruenry shoemaker, to uncertain than when they appear moat dawling. for an existence in th neighborhood of the Col- thehuhun 'race!) thVy i r.ea'ro 4 rrtanly voice Arrtortget many -who stand pre-emtneVit lor lege of France. Even with the assistance of ainging a provinchi din, while i WrVtti'eVWt VlUdVancement, may be mentioned Amyot, hia aunt. Marguerite de Valois, he scarcely ear lime to the maasUrltS The eoWe're, e'rewrJd Vri Vin'cent de Wul, sn'd Sex I us V. The one, pick inn uaria ui mn ei'ii-aovancemem, oe wouia i wwr ww vrw inuwari, nuinnni i the third, irom being a wine-liera, Dccame Pope. I ... , v.. i . .- I .v i : n.'l j Jr.. I'. .. 1 . .'. r I remain tor nours ponoering on nts tgntioi isie. i ,iuu rti.m rrrur( ownsiyarf omin wmy I u,,lbert Uhevcrt, Uatinat, all owed to them- I opq One path i Ite rfeh to me' bo Would eorneV I Ael Qtrnthii 'fMl kV ttVr,i, I jVe, th difotWe o 'Which liey wer Vaweii. ftiVdep'redstionsof umes esciaim -i snail veconi a sowier ana i marquiir, wuh many iorcu cun.pMminw, i ijur elevation la but the reult and the recom-1 i-d ,h ,rvicpa .v . - I. '.. -k. - . U.l.i.iLtiiLJ U'...u..' , v.wi.l.J- .L.l ... i ... i '! .. .. i" oy me services race in enemy 01 t ranee i in tnese reverie ' .i..,- ,, Tp ' . I Pfne of peravvefing ipduftry, ahd a Bteady ad-1 insects, he wta Vl'd Vohg'eV the DurnbTe Irtisan, but in coWlerj llrtlri'i bia cotton 'csn iWm hia heau", 1 herene'e tip th pali of rcctitu'do and justice. I A oVe pasture enri1! im'sgihktlo'n one of tli'e n'oof bi his rsco, rcssi- cleaVea I eumW.'is ben'cVi ol three or lour fcair I We are all more or less the ctestures of circu'rn-1 te'na the animals, nor tVed'ral'eilacIl, Ttmugh iwtrt ol hi (renr1rttfy, I Pirned from l.ia IhthK wlmdM in the Hotel Dieu at Parti, in 17I&. it had Inrblfed him ni- thef with pHdcrmt refffeWoottir. tn humiti . a ifrandenr, he did, with the moet philrwnphra . . . . .1 indinerenc. Hating never bnatowed ifwnRht tlilminj lh tight of hia birth, ha wnrWi, he lep, hj vthg, nd prwari!d bo tcally ceil- teritrd and happy thkt Ofle would have beca In- clincd to believe, according to the old adage, 'that th hfng vv-a irot bie oriBein.' .Thie cuiely . ... -... . i a not without merit, il tt U ttcolleclevl that H7 5e Valoia, issuing from th reignisj Ta- r w" coooiur. , . I . " 't'h "'hile the connterai w tn faVor at court, a detachment of Ihe guaroe, titer accom- Pnytng the mieen to Chateau Vilain, received bad beett already p6en of at Veruaillea A orte the remaining representatives of the branch of Francia r. alonff with the littfe cowherd of 1 onteil. A the jplsrds approached the ehed, j over which a board wa fixed, with a hot Sainted in tlstb, and the Woffle, lhri, reporateur ie splendid uniform hats off, pretectal quia d NantnUill med to such viaitoi prise; but his look . . . i .t'.i. .i j v ' v fi l to the officer's feet, ahd pt?tceivtng hissplcn- city ol contemplating I gust Visi'g through some Uttered sheets of 'p per, subelit'uted in Ih'e window for glseia. 'The king lias learned, monsieur,' said thi 'The king has learned, monsieur, said the maripiie, aa ha accepted the scat, thai you are in a position little beseeming your illuctrioui origin, and hie wish is to change this state ol tniog. lour niece t already a tonvmcing l.v.'. im .mv iu.i wiiviiwjd, . -t . x . Asd I have thnHjr doubt,' replied the old jhbler, whether Ihia royal (OliCitUd'e will hitich cobbler, benefit ihe girl. As mr me, monsieur, I am a wars tlist If Henry 11. had wtahedi he could have eonVehcd thia bench that I ait on inio a throne, thia hammer' ihto a eceptre, and that in . . i . .. i. i , wt Ifil! VaJi ' a 1 at,'. JJ L ' 1 : I . biciiu 01 uiiacc.um cap, i rnipni wrara onmini i ' ' ' m t a a- a -a' a (.11 neeo gear m fcnia Bnu aiamonoa, inougn raucn more wfelghty.' .m. - . 1 . . i i. . . . r in marquis was somewnii siarucd at itu liberty of language, but coticesling hia tatoniaH rheflt IfnBef 1 Coiirtl oiiiile, the entilcr b'b'titln I T . . ued "Eh, well, fnonsieur, I have no regret si seeing bur ebbain bf tiotirbnn arrive at Ihe crown bl Frsnce.' Think ybu that I envy Louis XV ! tot I. I am riiy own mheter i no person hn an 1 ihtcfest in deceit irig mb all the world are con tented with me, and 1 wuh them. Can the I (ihe eky Id fftiibh f This reminds me that mv wsrS pfeeaes will ybii permit met' And the I old man, who seemed to take delight in treating without ceremony the king bf France and his envoy, busily resumed bis employment iou nsit tk'tter reiicct, remsr.tea me t iticcr. I have no need of reSection ; I require or thing.' Cut you hsvcchiUrbn, monsieur; secept for theni v.hat you reftte for yotirself. and allow youf sbhs tu till that rank to which you are en titled. I . tx , ... . ... ... .. I T'lC old man scratched hia esr, ns if undjei ded how t!n .ct ; at length, milling h!s cap'o'vf . , '. . ,7. i . ,- hi gray locks, he replied, 'It U my frauk oiiin- . .V ) ' .t ; ion, monscur, that the Lo7a will not reflect ...... .. ... ... much honor on thettmily; but that is their ef- lair , so, in loeir name, I anan cf i inn ainS generosity. n:e na provcro nisi iv,w 1 needless to ooset ttrxid wuce with the foot. Cull i . . perhaps you could nut gurss.bat are my iboughtaT' eohtinli'ed Henry de Valine in a toi.e of raillery. 'I think lh king ia about doing what t do da:tjto patsb ah old boot,' which ne I ver laata lonir !' I 'Very iood! very botA ! exclaimed the rour lier, laughing boUtfrouly. rermit tuu, how ever, to finish the simile, added he: I smsure I fit, tint' Urnrl lav ill K xttitlH 1 slhslTl linW tsUw tire.' and inform hi majesty of joai intention.' I m V ww wa am aaaj V m m , , y . . i ne visitors nsa scarcely uwappeari-c, wnen . i .u '.J. k: . r .v,.i ,v,. . fih.l lh. 0er;Weuv of grandeur did not much troubl I the mind of the iofcblef. who baa been o well described in the eongs of ticrangar. I A abort tun afterwards, ndiM or tn ear leasros and rpt,tsB Whic,h H Mmioaei, Iho king peuaioaed Henry d Vsloi from th f)rjvy puree, and made bins a count, fli aoair. led la service. One of them waa create) Ba - I ran fit. KoHS . and beCSBlfl CSDUit) ol COf Vetle; 7 71- ... . .m .... ... ... TO pwiv. r; , T -i I . . .. . .MH MM WlW WWm Mil I Beat of them added much to th boner f tb fa. , advanced Veepec ftif.y, tTie.r d Up dying on the publ.c Vod, became. Archbi- i. .U, 'jf' A in t.j tbe'e. V Urn W lv their lieutenant (fie Mar- phop of Sens, and precept or to Iho Kitiff of ' , u .t et- TblW?f ''"'" '"""I0" France z th other, the son of 'pooV paVents, on- When an imnleeh't Ia no Koner wanted lor r. regarded them wA sur- 'certain fn.'ra day to day of the Wad they ale. ,t. ft nLii. i.f. V...I 'tir. t.'t :V s beins mcchanicsllv direc-1 A,,!'. . V.V.' r '.:Vi.V .'nj 'UA ViiVa aA .. '1 .. ' . . . , 6l"o.d boots, and niade a sign to the outeer t'o fee Bested ; the other soYdierB hot c'eVn'g able 'to rind room', bat! the le.i'cit v ol contemplatinir hi u- hiily. . The afraiV of t'nt heV)se' Wr a )nhv r.r mrtat .trthn th mm nf Valofa and th.e rm. Initehshlo to the Counteki Ha a Molt- nartene'd their downfall. Ahiect miser uceeeded th , perpetrathit) rf the critnt?. The. revolution tr ' rivet!, and tha desceniianl of Henry II. nk Into greater obacutlty lhn" that frnm whicfi they had Wn take a few yer previouely, The St Reniy da Vah.ia had their oriifiti (a a royal caslla. The plehu ct throne Waa re llocled on their cradle. In three centurie af- i. ... rward what is Iheir fate ! Tha lat male of their line, etroggLng with poverty daring hia Ula - lime, haa bie aehea finally trnaigned to the rmmon cit biirvinn nlauetin known kn'd for- gotten. She vv ho fitthitiied hia remaiti waa Vie Erett Crend-daughier'of the old cobbler, aiidbi only known eurvivnr of her rs,ce. Our advancement in lire depends mainly on mt 0wn ektrtm and envrgy. Whatever aa- eisitnce we may derive Wrh other, it without pnrMVtntulinir eVprtfn nfnnr own. ia too limi. pd In be. of permanent advantage ; and the p rue- Vcta of hoi ttn wbohi kinffs IsvisTi th'efr favors. like Ihe sun preceding a storm, are never tinore . I .... i Wssenbld in hi old ge, to retire in affluences stance : and fortune made bv honorable our-1 euila, are ever lh moat durable. J Yaw. Paitl-TlieUiti tli lowing ocialannouncemeal ol the delta ol iiiv EBiiani uvui. rimer. i u' - . i tt.Li... i " T ' t ' . I I . aw ' I Biw nun viviivss y.aFlAHrr.Misaryi, , weeda tnai grow unmoieaiea rounu tne ico , Aoton Litardo, July 13, 1847. 1 cee, atumps, and stones, scalier their aeeda over Air: it m wun sincere regret inat lannouoc i toih department .the death, last evening, at a lew minutes past o'clock, of Lieutenant Ja I. rsrker, my sid akd Rag lieutenant. Mr. I'srker has been with bie s'.l my lata expe- (iitiona, wbs severely wounded in th attack on Tue'pin, and, though atill suffering from th of-1 ecis or ms r.'ounu, inuiuiru uri nccuinuanvirrv mo in inn attack on iimico. UK inia IB el ex. , . . ,, , . , i.i.t. ('t - i j . . . pedition, he miist have contracted the liieease '.'.! "-''.I'- ' . '. . t'r. ittuiiil - l: ,k ; hi.. lfM Ki. ..I...hl. .f- This accombliahed i-lticcr wsa rcmarkall for ... ... tf . e u . s t u I. I.I.' hi. .ndomilabl. emiran. thr hbi enofimrf acqulreinenla in the larigus jei, ln for bia ex cellent drspoaition and character. A a lieuten ant bf the Somerr, Kneri., he escape from, the wreck .anil toineii me Ja aid! in bAaiika. of that vessel fluently wound., and' jo fajl a sacrifice to th fe4er of the ciimate. The low is irreparable lo (tier of the climate. The lot is irrepsrabj io iii, and lib one can deplore it more than 1 do. lira teaia'in i'.l be deposited, with (ail due hon ors, wiiliiii a beat enclosure upou ih island of Salinadias, upon which the hospital of thesusd. roq has been erected. . 1 have the honor lo be, wb grea,J respect, your obedient servsnt, M. C. Ptaat, CommaidiDg Horn Squadron. Hon. John Y. Mason. Secretary ol the Iavy, Washington city, D. C. , ... . ., T r---. mr - - a IeonCauriaob WdseiaI he.Balem, R.J, c.'. ; t .i ... i.r.i - . t , .L ol iron, and constructed ujn pitrely scientific pHnciples,; to now being exhibited at Mr. Mu. .r.-indirrn aava mai rnrriuirv wiicc. vu.mc-it fori' Hotel in Salem. It was patented by Ira . - - . & T V " . . .. , "LK(ub e Diohed Metallic Carriage Wheel." ,. ., ; ThTs iu a dout'e row ol lua iiort ojiokcs with . .. ,. .it - . . . . . i. k...ila .Ii...i.inn .'l..n.t.l l.nm cvuiiii:rauuf. uwiti unif i -. tKe bt'tef 8 rid irioer rim ol the bub to tha fulJoe, ... - r .,, ..ir ' , " u; . . ,- : . r ,,; t nail onaiai.i sisa ssrx iara uibwiiiu uaaaaa wa m a. ,. . , ... j. . and ihruwing aiMuch ul th weight ol Ihe car riage rpob the upper a's the lower, pa'rt cf the wiit-el. The principal ie thstrif an arch. Should the iron fetloo break, which is scarcely possible,' iho wheel under" ordinary tirturnktsncrs could not be nisJs to tall to pieces The burtheu w Inch a Verv a itht wheel thus tonatrucUd is csptLle of besring is jtoinense, if . w may credit th calculationa of frofessor Comatock. "la. , . - sl.ak n', " yvwowry ."a?" f.T l tH-a ranee, ia nut Juitkie to uei our. ui wuer.unu , j l. ' k' ir t n the ! I ai OC purcruaru ai ivuui iwu iu, I can ne purcnaiwa woou0 woe,e, I trtRbVaatarrf in IKiOMOTivn. A corre pondent ef tbe Bton i rncripi, uggeie w I substitution of sil oe.uv or so ot musical pipe. I i0 th plac of lb hidsoua tam whMtt. The engineer might then, ehtertain the paaengre aod th Burroundiag country with fsvorit air. 1 Old Dan Tucker ia y gateh for , road c roa. I airisiiand MSSa'rC Ibeoiltb SoOUatsd SlStr'rCt. . " .' - t ... . .. ' on acceiinl of lh r jTieliiatmas of tb heiva, got out da vvsy. ,4 T . Ifafets fair arstranaes. TheV iV aorna th'inga which farmera a'houi know. I us an error to plant feed frofa a Itate far. the'r South. In a cold tesson, tnly the seeds of 5 colder climate will ripen well. Often breaking up a urrace ltee'p k soil in hcnlih't for wVien it lies in a hard bobrid state. enriching showers t'io and tha stiubrioua air cannot enter. t ' yer-'is.eJthaist the slVeagth of tV.a ground, and if euITured to grov msy ba called garden sins. The hartd sAd Vhe hoe are tlfie instrument JfoV era'df'csting weeds ; ycttf thrVea room be twen the rov for the rWe l f well to uae it. NWr Veep your eattYe abort few farmera 'can anon) it. II you eta'rve them' they wilt "starve Von. . ' T l will ttot 'irj to fjoe a great field for a littii crop, or to mow twenty aciee for five load of hay. Enrich the "land and it will pay you for it. Belter farm thirty acres well than fifty acrea by halvea.t t . , .... In dr'y 'paWre dig for. water on the brow of a. hill'; springs are jrnore frerjoently near the aur rtrje on a ei'ght than in a vale. Cut buthea that you wbh to destroy in tha umrner, and with a sharp istVumont ; they will bleed freely and die. tsin good seed, prepare ycor ground wel ss'ry, arid psy very littie attention to tV bi'rda arc f'uily comprdsi. they render in preying Upon ... . ,, .. . ... . ... cnes not the bcii, nor tat. increases the vraalth of the owner. btie animal well fed ia of 'rnorrj value nan lw9 P'"y P: . , , SowcloVer deep: it secure it against lh nroucni. ., . .i 14. .1' .... . - - .... tn iarm, ana are very naeiy to grow , . " rrrrr. A writer in the Boston Chronotype, aescH bing a visit to tha "Tombs," in the city of New York.saVe:-- We called in at the "Tombs,'4 this forenoon, whertpur old friend, and the frietTd of the drun kard,. Colonel Larkin Snow, fliir as Clerk of the tolic Court. We were kindly conducted by hire through the varioris departments of thrt prison. Col. Snow poi me to a pitiful look ing man seated at a little distance from tbe rest, and asked, mi , if I did not reeogise the) countenance. I told h:m I thought I did, and asked hjm who he was. Whereupon Col. S. elated bii following incident: Lad Sunday, aaid he, 1 was passi ng Tarn' nany Halt, and saw, aitting Upon the stoop, a msn with hia head buried iri, his hands, ahd co- vercd all over with (lie. The. poor fellow waa almost naked, aaid th Col; 1 shook him and asked him who he was. He looked up end cal- led m f "m. fVnf same time, mai he only wished fore plsce to die I Igaxed npott "ow.ngurea .urr-, .uuu iU w? ,"w e,ru Jr.'" J " ciniiru iu u u w., - .vw nJ proprietor of one of the mpst re- "Potable daily joarnala of the City or Boston .... T t . .. l : .1 t i i ne man woo was a partner wnn mm mru tm ' , ,; i M null bWUVV"li . M w.a.v . a..wv.t ...... i . (He was correspondent of the Nationsl neaa. ,e was i h-g Jot of some time wss ai in inau- guratton ol narrwonai vvasningion, anu iniro- . . . . duced two feutlemen to Webster snd Clsy who have aiaco seen htm in his present tow miusuon in the Tombs, lie looks bad, but th Colonel ay he mean to make a man of bim yet Ha bad a letter in hia pocket that he received from hia a Me; who live in Boston "and," stammer ed nut th sorrow stricken men, "she begins b b always did !" sod burst into a flood of tears. ...':' iL. rnlnul'i kllMliiiM Ia th UriUVl.y Ca.llW VVIV.IVI V .1.12 letter, srd it began thus Id f ever dear Hus band!" What a sad pic t tire ! , Last Sunday a meeting waa held in th Tombs, during which time two mea wsrs dying; witn toe oeurinm iremena. awjiy-six iook w arning snd signed tbe pledge. Friend Bnow tell me a man wa kicked out ol a rum shop, nrht betore but, and brought to lh Tomb, arid died ia a few rniautca sfterwarfle. X Gotrb Rbasou Theothsrdsy w heard a! young man telling hi companions tbst sine ho lett emoking cigars, only about two wees,' h fell much better and had gamed aix pound i tn mt)lst A Si'iat Hoax. Tbe atory goieg the round about the deetructiwa of it leaaia to if Pisa by aa earthquake, Why r t-'trl batting lik a pleasant uar.. mcr dtibb fcci they ar lasae ia v gleafon i ri. t'Ktrtattlaf iheYankaat. I wr 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers