Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 07, 1847, Image 3

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Cea. Taylot at Bonlmy. I
In inrtkft column we publish the proceed ihgi,
in part, of the Celebration f the 4th of July at
M ontetey, by Gn. Taylor ami other of the ar
my. Gen. dishing, an abt statesmen, and ' for
merly our minister to China, Wat th orator of
the day.' In reply to tottf ' proposing him at
our next President, fan.. Taylor again content
to becoma th Candida! of lb people, if they
cannot agree npon aome on who can terva them
tetter. " Thrf people have already "most emphati
cally decides) that jtettion, and Gen. 'Taylor it
therelora virtually In the field at their candidate
For honesty and integrety, free ftora all dittimn
latioa ; for firmoei in purpose, and soundne
of judgement, they know he hae no tnperior
Wo were, we confess, at (lrt tome what ttattled
at the Idea of taking military man for Presi
dent. Thit it, bojvever, one of th popular pre
judice ol the day, founded on error and the his
tory of the darkag, when people were ignorant
of their right and power,' and when heroea
knew but little elt than the science of war.
Who conld have objected to Washington on ac
count of hit military service, or who now would
, be apprehentira of dinger to Li country under
Gen. Jackson, because be had been a successful
military chieftain; or who that know Gen. Tay
lor would feel unsafe under hi administration,
on account of hi courage and great military
akill ? We firmly believe that men like Wash
ington, Jackson and Taylor, who have witnessed
and felt the horror and calamities of war, would
be mach moie reluctant to engage in it than most
of our aspiring politicians, who might be tempt
ed to try their hand in order to render themselves
popular with the masses. No mtn had a greater
repugnance to violence and bloodshed than Wa
shington, and it it well known that no mart more
aincerely regret the necessity of the present
war, and who ie more anxious to retire from its
acenet, than Gen. Taylor. Under the rule of
auch a man, our country would always be safe.
Conscious that ha possessed the confidence and
affections of the people, be would have no occa
sion for dissimulation and petty intrigues, to
catch the popular breete. That he is a democrat,
a real Jeffernn!an democrat, hi whole life
and character affords the most ample evidence. t
ttCi. Zacwaev Tatlo. A meeting of
the 'Taylor Central Corresponding Committee"
wa held at Prince's Hotel, in Harrisburg, on the
3 1st nil. After mntnal interchange of senti
ment among the Committee, npon the object of
their appointment, the glnrimis ranse in which
they, in common with large majority of the
people of onr country, are engaged, and I be Vest
meainr to b adopted in retrying out thia com
mon cense, the Hon. Kill Lewis offered the fol
lowing resolution, which w unanimously' a
dopted ? ' ' ' '
'Retnlttd That it bo reommended to th
people of ibis Cutninnn wealth' to) assemble in
Mae Medina; at Ilarriebunr, no too 24ili slay
61 September next, film anniversary d the vie
lory of Monterey,) to adopt tieh me sure as
may be deemed proper to promote the election
of G.-n. Zciiab Tatuob, to the presidency of
the United Slate," v. . , r , . ;
On motion of Gen. Seiler, Messrs. Dock, Pea
cock and Parke, were appointeil a committee to
prepare and have published circular, expres
sive of IB sense of this committee, and inviting
the co-operation Of the Iriemlsol Gen. Tavlox,
in auch measures as are calculated to secure his
flection to the Presidency. ' ' " ' .
. (T7 Pbacb Naw Th Washington rdfre.
pendent of th Philadelphia Ledger, ha lb fol
lowing in relation to the new of peac : .
"The Government is in possession of new fa--orable
to peace, and corroborating th recent
umor and telegraphic despatches to that effect
the Mexican Government may refuse, from
lily or ptid. a th rase may be, to asent to
h'aenied by .-MrTiitt; hot tb
wwr!1 Government doe riot refuse to nego
iate, aa I now moat positively inform you, th
umor and talk oft he New Or lean pre to tb
tontrary not wit Standing. , Tb Mexican, in
cluding Ik military and tb clergy, a aa tired
.f the war a we are, and bav certainly much
nor reason thai) oyreIe to b tired ol it.
V nave felt the war osdt indirectly on I hem,
fter all, fell all th leal hardship of it, a i el
ray tb eat wjlh the country which i ucre
iilly invaded. 1 Santa Aona. I ca asauic you,
:annot maintain himself in Mexieo egainet the
mwerful influence of tb peac paity, and that
th reason he is Jorctd to enter into ne jot ia
ion. v
Mr. Buchanan if to vet out on Thursday next
or bit Southern tiip, end it it but reasonable to
vppot that it baa reference to Mexican affair,
ndtbat Mr. Buchanan, will be the principal, in
ict, tb sol commissioner of peac."
Rv. Samuel Bowmen, I. P.. th estimable
.ector of 8tk James's Cburck, Lancaster, Pa.,
is been unanimously elected Bishop of lb F.pie
ipal Dieceee of Indiana.
Thb Potato Diextex, Tb London Stand
rd publiebe teller front Charles Robert,
tid to be a genlretnan of hih consideration,
od livinf in neighbor bud which ia eaten-
vely devoted to the mllivoiHM) d tie potato.
. is dated Btckiagton, Betaeteblr, July 10, end
y- . ' . . . . ; .,;
Wilhia) ,ke last three dy Ike potato dieeeee
m above iteetf tbroogb bersdreae: el ecree of
t root it geaeearly eMecbs the early soils,
td those crepe which aw jMtt coot to perlee
on, end extremely foe erope they are. This
n extewiv eft teBstorel parish. ; T have just
nrd that it a)) aha da Ha (pprertoee ke f
rje eeed district near lb era, wj
tie front bet, and , wMeb. ditrt Hat year
flvred bat trifinfljr. Th people ere Ukutf
lk area ae4 eating Ibera ia dry ear tit ear
a season, before the- - hrber hi aaVcted.
Inert) era atrewiof slacked lime oeer' toe
4Md Mai Wevee. Thie ntay. ure ii pro
jm, but at prttent the yptwn era very
uiinj. '
'. -- j-Tt'rotf, Aug. 3.
G A wn -Wheat, white U ie1d at 1 55, end
Smthern and Pennsylvania red at $1 25
$1 HO. Corn would, not now command more
than 12 a 73c i Oats, northern, 55c, end South
ern 53c No ealeeof Rye. '
WmaxxT 23c.
Office nfAeDtiTiajons Avanictn, Aug 9.
Git UN. The price of Wheat it influenced
more by the limited receipt and the demand
fur be article, than by the foreign ndvicra. The
few pircel.4 that roach.d the market were sold
at an advance on previous rate, vi; foml to
prime red 130 a 135 ct., and white at 135 et
for pood, and 1 15 ct. for one or two parcel fit
lor family fl-mr-. . j4 ,5
Corn ia also scare and much wanted. Sale
of white to-day at 7-Ut)0 ct. No yellow o'-
Otti are in active de.ntnd at advtnned rate.
Safes of Maryland new today at 50, CO and
(52 i ct.
WH'SKEY No trammctinns reported.
Holders ask 25 cl. lor hhd. and 20 ct. for
(Inr Choier.
Ma. RniToa Your paper a f w weeka atnee
gave a lit of lb name of the democratic candi
dates In the field lor the AtemMv. Amone iVem
we noticed, wiih pleasure, thit of Mr. 811. 8 H
ENGEL, of Sunbury. As th time is app oarhint
for the nonVntliou of candidates, you will much
oblige many of your ' uVmoera'ic friends in this
township, by permiting n to expree nor prefer,
ence fur tb gentleman sboVe nameil. a a uita
Me prrs n to represent a in lb next Leg Mature.
Wa know Mr. Esnrt to poser th requisite
qealiftcation to tnak such a represent tie a
tbei'emocraey of Old Not humWIsnd desire,
and shall, theref.ire, earnestly Off upon ihe psrty
his nominstton. tn bis drnvwracy we have full
faith, knowing him to he identified with the
landing measures of 'he p'lty. In his knowli-dgn
of th affair of th Stale, complicated as they are
t present, we have the assurance that he ill
be able to render important service. B4iWs, he
i tioly and mliit. ally one Me penftft, in ev. ry
reus of the hrm in sympathy aa well a in ac
tion and const qnently can command a vote which
few other will be able to do. The convention,
we at i!oded, could pot no pcrsou in nimiti
lion fur this office who would render mora atia
Yaction, end who would n fleet more ctedit upon
tb county, thau Mr. EngeL
; I'uc Vuirt or AcersTi.
9r Nrxt Mrmbrr.
Me. F.Dttox Tbe time it approaching when
w should think about selecting a candidate for
the Legislature. We rmve heard of a goodly
number of person who bate Wa mentioned a
randidatest end tn ttatm of thia perao. end that
fxtson, and t tbl aide and that aide of the rfVer.
Now we, who are not office nonter. think tbe'bv
eel habitat ion' of the candidate it of much let im
portance than bi ability, hiil'.onetty ahd integri
ty. And a for th claim of any OH lo office,
we look npon it a a bnmbug, at well at anti-republican.
. Offices wete made for the penple and
not for tb benefit of officeholders, who are,
or at least onght to be, the servants orthe people.
If there are any claims or rights in thete matters,
they belong in th people, who have a right, and
tboukl exercise that right in selecting ttirh per
ion who are best calculated to promote their in
terests, well a the interests ol the public.
8uh a man we think we find in the person of
ALEXANDER JORDAN. Esq., nf Smibui y, and
a he hat consented to serve if nominated end
eletted, let every good democrat and put
his thonloVr to tb wheel and insist upon his
nomination. Hi election would follow of course,
and would allay all excitement and division.
'i I ' r Maki rOi.o TtlBUt.
- - - Lrglilfetare. - - ..
TJb Tl illHlClXt .,
Mr. Emtob You wou'd confer e favor upon
asany of your deeeraiie Manila, by allowanf twt
rVing f irward, thrmgb the meilittm of yowr psp',
WILLIAM D. GEARHART, -t Rush twnhip,
aa a camlideta tor th LetfWIaUir. Mr. Uea.han
ia a gentleman of sound judgment, correct hsbite,
end worthy the upiO't of the Democratic paity.
We know of n pel n baoi suitble to fulfill Ihe
duties of tbal high and reMtrtUh nffic. Hhou'd
lb peopl see noper lo elect him a ibair Repre
sentative, we frl ronfidenl thai they will And In
him a Htblic servant f di-tinguiahed abilities, and
an Wile ligenl, fi'm and unwatwing Democrat of
j lb Jtffeisonun scbouL
Msai Yariaaor tux fuata.
Chu,m and Fkvkx. Wrighft 14 ia Vtgtta
Lie 1'iUt ere one of the best, if pot th very Vest
medicine in th world, for lb cuiaof Intermit
tent Fever, because they excel all others in rid
ding the body of those morbid humor which are
Ibe cause, not only of ell kinds of levers, but f
every malady incident to man. Four or Ave of
aaid Indian Vcgrlnbk i'itU, taken every night on
going lo bed, will in a abort time make a perfect
cere of the most obstinate r oi chills awl fe
ver; at the Mini time the digestive organ will
be pestered to a healthy tone, aiid tbe blood ao
completely porified that lever and eg, or dis
tal in any form, will be absolutely impossible.
Beware trf counterfeits of ell kinds! Home ere
ceeted with f eger j ether are mad to reotathhi K
awtwatd apprnee Ihe erigkaal madkiiB).' 'The
aabai txerae is, u purchas from the rexvler agent
sdf, awe ateee of wheat inoy he fcwad iw every
vheWnf ..wejiwtbw. ' 4 ' ' f
' 07 Agent foe th mW ef Wright' Indian Yegeta.
bl PtIU bSoobvKy, Ha at Masse, for eaho
8nies eea a4rUaaaeat ha aaathct estate,
' VaVsffalawf JtJt
'. On Thursday uing last, hjr the'Sfv. t. 1T,
Chapman, Mr Gaoaus Bubm, of Augutt Ivwa
thin, to Mt. Eliza Stoex( of thi flacg.
PscratttTe tb Pstboi or OaxBatta,t
PitLs. In rone-iuent-A of th great variety of
rnunteifeit Isbels of p. t tended Brsii'lieth' Pills,
Dr. Biandteih. sciing under sense of duty lo th
public, ha employed those celebrstod artiste, M
sr. Perkin and Dtiram!, wbo bav euoreeded in
producing three new label, of ee complicated a
nature, aa to amount lo en impossibility of imlis
tinn. , The border of the top and I1 of the under
label, i composed of th most laborst end ckte
pattain of lace-work. To crown the climax of
Ihe e beautiful Ubi Is, Ibe pap' upon whxh.lhey
arep iiited i previously inled red ink, after
a d-sign s i exquisite and minute a to drfy com
pe iti n t! e top and he under label esch contain
the words "nxnt.r aatanaitTn'a ntt."
written In ted ink nearly two hundred lime th
lop and under lM eontainino lhrfom, upward
of five thousand letter. .Tbr ia atso upon Ihe
t.p, tfle under, and the eide lil, two sign tU res
f Dr. Urandie h ; on bring his regular aignsture,
thus B. firandieibt end ihcmher, bi full signa
lure, thu Benj imin Bramlrmh t both bing fe
i miles of tb wri'ing of Dr. Ilrendreth. t-i Imitsi
which is f ery ! The Brandrrth Pill having
these labels upon them, can be relied upon a tin
sihI genuine.
fty Purchase of H. Master, Sunbury, or of the
gent published in another part of this paper.
- Cnrmttd wrtkty ly Iknry Matter.
WnstT, 110
Rfk, . 10
Ca, s . .70
Oats. ' 1 . ' 40
Bo-rran, . . ' . . , 12
Kaoa, 4 , . 8
Pone. ......
Plas. . llJJ
Btkewat, S6
Tsttow, " 10
Flax, ' ' '''.' . 8
Democratic Coanly Meeting
'PHE Dem-eraic Electors of Northiiinbetl md
cnuntv are requested to meet at iheir usual
places of bnlilini township me' lugs, on Saturday
the 4ih dy of September next, fir tit- purple of
i f cine the liens) numtier of dlet-, In meet in
county convention at th IJmt llu-e in 8un!u
r, on Monday th 6th of Srptwnbrr, to foim a
Democratic County Ticket i
Aoeust 7. I "47. fttandinf Committee.
UTxce'sV ukpK' Ti 'lTaegetable
Ditnooak July 89, 1813...
Tbtk is lo certify, that I wa alflirtl w th a vi
olent pain in ihe I least and right 'm. which ' t
snpiKtse ptm-erded from the impure iat of my
hloU I was rec ommended to Iske ffmtce't StU"
to par ilia of tfUmt J'i'h, ttd after liking one boi,
ib- pain waa e lirrly rent ived fiom my lreaslaml
arm. I iHimi tre n extremely senile lit tnetr oj
rsiion, and w ml I tec immenJ them to every per
son in want of a mild porgati.
PatBick Rote.
No. 33 ConWav at., betWortt lloward and Eulaw,
I evacntsinn thkss pills, let me st.l
ayosti word of caution
Always ask for H NCR'S PILt., and purchase
of nne but tbose adtenist-d -s scent, and if con
venient, call" and see lb proprietor himself.
O-PKIt'E 25 I5t. per Boi. -f FIFTY PILLS
EAt'tl, for Hsm-e's Genuine IMI-or ft for f I.
For sal by SKTH S. HAKCE ICS B .Ittmore
si , and cofner of Chirte Jk. Irtt Is., Bali more,
and by GE'HiUB ItRIGHT, Suobury,
D. BRAUriGAM, Nmlhumberland.
AUg t. 1847.
Ctmght, CM. CoHMtmpti n. Sp'tHnf of llfnoJ,
Fmm is) A'oV utul tiremf. Brtutehittt,
Vroap, Atthmit ntt all diote itrU
tint fruhid diditdirrli ttindil-mA
01 he In- gi or itrgteefeil fid.
tr The'followin nnet wa ad Iressed to the
froprie-or try a Young Lady Who W- eutet! uf
Con Umplioii I .
. Ho! ye who ni vi'b failing breath,
And ine sway and die ;
lltnrt shall " Ul sway" your di'b(
And Hfhi, ri. )UUr e.
Hw swext it mlta upon the tongue.
How jrateful in ibe hiea-l ! -A
tloriona theme for poet's song,
So.4hin his rough to rest.
Htrt t ravorftil nf the Cods, att thou )
A hbesine In thy race.
tM luel It -ttfiab en thy btoW,
And wealth, tboao taUreia glate.
When heroes ra forgotten ( klitgs
Defo ct: nr. eesrd in reicn t
(Jl rv, for Idee, shall flap bef wiltgs
Tn-'U Cii'.querOr of flliii.
Pile bt) Cent tier Ixitt'e or .it bol'le f fa AO.
Prepared end sobl by 8KTH S.H AXCfS,
108 Baltimore et, and r uner of Charleact Pfatt et.
and by OEOKliK DRKJH I'.Suni ufy,
1 1. BHAl'IIG iM, NiiribUifllierland.
An. t, 14.
Xntaire and Kxtrlettte mnr
THE rtlr.irdinry and wl ae'heiticted etjns
winnxHt by the celebrat-d Scete CoiTtn
I'Ills, et L'r. Hniilb' Improved ludian Yeaclahle
Pill, b.a haturally drawn public attention In
them. Perhaps in In blalory uf Medicine, from
lb lint of Hippiicra' to ib paeui day, thsr is
n evidence oi medical c-Hopoond obtaining equal
et-librrty In ao short a time. There was nrVer a
med do reeommeniM bv such high mhurKj a
Dr. Sm rb's Pit's, Be ides thi tr great etvi
l l-'per'iee, (p-saing as they do, sorb Bsloniab
in p-w rs to ejw n an in- nitofr drains nr th n
dy, vtsi tbe lung, Kuliiry-, 8lin and Uew.',)
i hey ate unlike e l ether pills, ettrem ly dant,
being cowed wrth ettgar, and aa thej do vot gripe,
nor rodwee nU'i, oi auy cibet ue-,,s-ant con-
seqovavra. they bav become vers popular for Dya
pepsta, Readach. ttvnraav tliKous complaints.
Foul Stontach, Fevers, Wcnta, Want uf A ppeiiia,
Isapwrrtiae of the Bbied, ObatiuetiwiM end Female
Coinptamt generslly, Colds, Ac. One of lb moat
ii.floeniial end anevuieat ladiea in New York,
Mr. S. A. Matroe of lb (7. 8. Naval Ho
BtUL eayvTn i n waJIrsne lit lew hnewledg
s well adapted to lb abate row attest! of maw
hind, Dr. 8iniihJ Coated iMt 4 She
Mciallv reeonwnMida tbw to ladle .
err ACTION .A a mweraht i nutation hag
baew etada. be the name af -eHiar Coated Piila,1
it Is nsaessary to b tur ihst Pe. O BJ.BaiiTa'e
llUlmUain.nh.1 f.fa. XB IMmlt
Fiiaewi (Mk, (79 OrMNwkh t Naw York.
PU by JOHN W, FRILINu, 0nary.
VtM, rDRSYTHfi Norinum'A
Aug. 7, 1M7.
WILD t'HEKHY We cm cmtisiently
sta'o that Dr. Swavbi'b Cnmioitnd Syrup of Wild
Cherry hat been extensively used in the United
Stale for moth than ten years that i beneficial
effects have been teated by thousands Tma it
IsVAaiAaif Ratiaet a Rtesar Covad, and
that bundreds of iudividusla, gradtiil y sinking un
der Ihe InsidioiH attack of death's Tell rn i,
PvtwonABT CoscnTl.iir, hv been rellnred to
health, happiness and friends, by its use, snJ aie
nnw living les'imonie of lb curative power of
this atMtnr. A hot t a IxvAitn ntsToasii rd
llBAire. liaAbTua most atMAnxASia teat
avtn nr.roanan!
Dt. Hwta Dear Sir I I feel e tiled by a sense
oftlu'y t o to u(1iiin( humanity, to arkiiowb-dxe
my grstiful tbsrk for ibe woiiilnfut effects nf your
Uompouii.1 Srup of WilJ Uln rry on me, after
suffering month after month with the mott sfflic
ins of alt diseaaea, Consumpl'on. Theilrst aytnp
loms were of a tery heavy cold which settled on
my luna, which gladU'lly grew WOtse. with pro
fu niiihl sweats, a hacking cough, spittiog I-I-i-m',
with ereal debility. ,.' My cnnatilutiott seeltHd br.c
ken down, and nerou viem vety murh impair-
d. I want to Philadelphia, waa tre.t.d ihrte l y
phys'iciaha of the highest stsnlTln4i but reteiVed O-i
lnefi wbtfeV, r fr nn 'tlk n. Ittil gr utii dly grew
wors. until my physician, s well as mjrself, ga
up all hop i of reeovDty i intl t fell tike rtnM ho ia
alanil to psm ttiroueh tb V-llev of ihe Rbs.l.iW
of Death. At thin "awful juncture" I heard of yolir
ComKnind Syrup of Wild Ch rry. of which I pur
ehaad sit bo'llrs, which I am happy to tay eotiie
ly cur d me, and I am now enjoying h- liet health
than I ever have l fore in my life. Physicians
oho wituaased my case are highly teeomm-uding
it In similar ra-ea, and I wi.h you lo make this
publin, so that all may know where lo Mneure
remedy si once which will reich their disae be
f re limpi-ring with Ihe msnv quick noetrnms'
with wbidi lb country is fl v J, il. My re-id. -nee
is at 46 Ann atieet. where I should l hippy to
have ihe aboe eubtati'i tid l v a i-rrsonnl inier
Who'esale and retail D-aler in eigsr-.
4ft Ann ttett N. Y.
Be not deceived by Ibe many spurbio anil
w.Tthlesa prepnraib ns of Wild Cherry, mhend
into notice bv lanoran' pr toudera, bU' ai-e iligt the
rignature of Dr. Sw.iyna ia on each lnntle, which
is the only guaiante acsinsi im-osit'on.
Pie,H,red only by Dr. 8WAYNE N W. co
lter of Eighth and K re street , Phllsdelpbia. and
for ae bv reapeclalit Dnc'sta in neoly all the
pr'nicipsl lowna in 'h t United States,
Only Agrn'e in Sunbury. a
Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville J T. S. Mark y &
Son, M lion; M. D it J. Wel'a. Moncv; C. A.
Wyatt, lwiaiiurst Di t Sebnui. Selinaaiovr;
John C. Renn, Lin Mouolsm P.O.
Philad Iphia. soT-e?m. W I v
Indian Vegetable Panacea.
tsana. RawianA Wait -Genls: Feel
ing deeptv grateful for Ihe rtlmnrdiuarv cure
performed nnti by yoor Dr. Collen'a Indian
vegaiabl Panacea, I cheerfully furnish you with
abort hiatoiy of my case.
Ahonlarveai years ago, (tah'-H Only eleven yfara
old,) I was attack! with Howfu'a, whU iHereaa
ed iii h reaaee till any thmai waa AIM with ul
cava the bones of my neck laid bar ! mv palate
doatrnyed. ami a large piece of on of the n real
bones carried swat. My he id waa alao so much
dl-eaeed that in drinking, ihe lea or lte. would
frequently pan out of my ear .' A maa nf some
thing bicb lb Doct-ir call- d a tumor cam from
my no .
I wss under th care of pbyairi ns nf the hi-ib-e-l
distinction in this city, nn.l at one lint pro.
nounred curetl. and l y n qgel altrmle.l a Itl'il Cal
leetuie, where my cse. !.;- with ibe methial
of eufe. was etpllneil to the stud- lit'. The h-e-lurer
aid, You ate now well, hut if the uWa.
h-u'il leto n, you cannot lire long, a it WoUld i
s.-oi destroy your wimlpi a."
I did not llie myaalf cured at the lime, aa I
had much distres in my hesd, and -1 her disagree
able feelines, and fier a lime the tt'e- ra re opened
In Jsna-y. 1819 my mother ralleil with me 0
pon Dr. Mullet for .lie- II id f was a verv
rick pill snd it wa doubtful whether ever I w -n'd
eet well; if ever, it w.mhl he long while. Th
di-isa gw so much wntaa, thai Ihe physician
who then attended me, a .id he could aee rav nil( h
dp I My ftre also Was sAnlli-h, hiMy inrttmcd,
and very painful, and the Ihr. said ulceration was
inevitable ! !
I waa in ih's condition In Jinuiry I !. when I
enmnenci'd taking your Da I'rma'a lauiaa
VsaiTAkl PawaI-va." The ii.fl imalioti Wta m m
teMnvrd, and the dreadful d'ceS'ioO in the race
pravonud! t am noW well I I hav hi ulcer I
no pain, or any iliiriaarile erhaat.on in rtlr havl,
and new fori that t a4 cdred. t h!l be happy
lo give an farther infrmvn tn th afictej who
will lakr the ifouhl to call Upnh Ihe at my fuber'a
house, Wl Spruce, between Beach and Willow
tceta, oppoile Sckitlan' factory.
Crvt nr PiiiitttfcitaiA. aa.
This entb dsy of April, At D. 1818. before
th subscriber, Mavor of tb asl.l city, p reomlly
aparrd Chti-tl ia Sanda, who being dn'y sW.trn,
b po nd eysj thai !' facta a. t forth in the
fregdlhg affidavit are tttictty trU in kvify putt
eulf. In Itslimofty where. if, t h brrefj.ito set my
haml ami fifed Ihe cdrpvtrale ,.l of il a a-d rity,
en the day and year bef .re Wntlrn. (I. H
JOHN W I F r, 5Iaor.
Wt hereby certify, th t tb le M it. me-,u of
oUr daUghtet ate true in everv paficular.
Wt. I.I M Hns.
MARY StlJj),
Pl.iUd. lthie, April 7ib, 1'ltJ,
Certificate nf cures; i,, pamphlet firm, miy b
bad Or. lis, st the 4ir'4 0f the agents.
Tl.ta medicrk i prepured and ml I bv th
pr fiebifa. R ,?ai.,l Wilton, No. 378 Maikot
atltwl, Prill .didp' U.
? f w iranruaowel. I Murray at. 1 T
. a 1 Ul It I. . it' , t s ll .il !
a I v w canrnaowri,
J'JJ W Danei.b er. No
.s i C T Ji iikin-. Ne 68 C,
lN N Robinson, e.tOs
v 1.IKIIU.-. ll , nail, iii,. w.
'anal Bl, N Orleans.
v A8f lioxaala. Ilsl'.
Agentsi H. MASSEIt. Sunbdry.
I. H. Kcr, Mllloni I. &-ell.i, New Ber.
Itn; Mr. Musatr, Millbcuit 8batp D. LcU.
Wilkosharre. n
Sold alao by tjfdggbts ibrmitrtoul the t'niled
8ialee. Abe. 7 1847. tm. Wy
-TJofceb it5biV fctttsit" TT
OTICti is beiety given, ibal fonere of ad-
acrihtren IB eaial of Jiccfi K liui t, Ul of Augtw-
la township, dee d. AM ptiaon mde'iiad la said
estate heanfdt'bSautls aaihal th eaeoe, are re
qusasl ti eaaf on the lul seri wr for Mtilomcnl,
KhooAdeJs). . 1 t, PfeTCR BNYpER,
Aogaeta. Aii. t. "-ht Adm'i.
F.KSONS lrttn.g thu laajt ere hereby
Ur ieiravl that they ban wlnclre iKrdeJi
ikets,J' he making appWaekik Bt th Hotel of
CbilMWar. Sunbury, - . A. E. rtAPI1
NofthtimbcilaoJ, July 3lt, 1911. tf
(rM riMiAetiraii,)
TTp ESPECTFlf LLY inform! th elffen of
UM, Snnbdfy and H vicmity, thai ha haa takifi
s room in Mr. OoMn'a new frame tHi't.lina; on the
ndrth sid of Msrket atieet, . OearlJ nppSait the
court htlfl . where fie wi! offer for aab-, for a lew
d .y. e splendia variety nf
V 111 ColO, Silver-, it, Mccl Fritmcl.
ttlth a nkw arid imprnv&J aCsniiment of (jlasse hf
li own minufartnre. These Glasses t nf th
leit I ind lor and imrnving the aieM in
cotdihue.l reml ng or wrlint, wherein they U. not
lire the ev, bill sukntthVn and improve' the vision.
'1'i ey are rrie.iinmeti'led by the motl cekbrated
Doitms snd Pi of Mt?rs. Also I
SPY tll.SSK.of ev fv slra H. (jullly,
M AUMKYIM. Itl. ASNCH or every description,
MICIIO-tl'Ol'ES, with ilfl-ftfnt ttlagnifying
to(eihi-r with a variety of article it) ihe Optical
line, not Op'iesl and other Irlstru-
meiita atid U assea piotnirly and carefully reunr-
etl, at the shortest notice. He can always select
Glttasea Iti suit Ids eight of persona, aa soon aa they
ee tlietri. uon tie first trial. He will remain in
Sunhurv dutine the Angusl court.
Julv ol-l. I8t7. If
H O T E L,
f Souilt-u-hi VorHcr from Ihe Court Home, J
P B XV Z4 I YliV A wl Al
TT R8. WHARTON continue to keep tlpeo
IT H tba House fnimerty kept by her lal hoa-
hainl. C i). Wha ton. where she will be happy 10
see all hia old cu-tonv r. With the aesisl nice of
hor a ll. sh flalter h.rsclf that rh will tendet ss
tiafaclion to all who mar give her a call.
Sunbury, July 31-t. 1847.
Dissolution or Paftocrsblpi
NOTICE ia hereby glven( Uiat lb Partnership
heretofore eitsti. g tv-tw n Daniel Evait
and Paul Amnti rman. under the firm of Evert 8t
Ammereisn, in the Tanning Buaineaa, haa bean
dissolved by mutual consent. All persona indt ti
led lo said firm are requei-i. uVlo c ll anJ settle th
same, on or before ihe SO h of Angusl, after which
the looks, &e , wi 'I be placed in the hands of
ju tice tor collection. UAMEI. BVfcRI,
Sha.nnkinlown, July 3l,l47.-3t
Entale T Janien filiated, dee'd.
IBvTO TICE i I erehv civ n, thtt letter tests-
1 mentary on sa d estate bava been granted to
I lis euhecrihet. Pet-ons haviof itemanJa sg4int
s.'Uu ista e, an rerjUea'J ro prertrHt them Ibt 8ta
mm i ti. -f i and seitlemrn', ad those knowing them
selves indebted are rcqu te l lo make immeiltate
psyir.snt. 0KA:i tlUBIEU.
SUhhtiry. Jul It. IS17. 61 Et'rx
To The Elretors
nf A'orthumberland
County :
fflHB autMcrilr re-peetfully inform th e!ee
JL lors of Niiithttiiiheftand county, that he will
be a cah I Usie for the office nl
County Co!iiiulBNlouei)
al the next geneial elect inn. Should h't fellow
ciltt naf- .ro.rr in tied fiiiil lie wi.l spat no
eteittou to rei.der enbij s isiae-litr.
Little Mahon.iv, ilKv 31. 1847.
To the Klectot 3 of mYorthumbcrland
Lou u la
IEI.LOW CITIZENS -At the r.tutt)f rn
f.ieiul-, I ff-r mv-elf s candidate tot th
olli o of
C'ouuly C'onintle.lJilcl;.
should you helicve me worthy uf vour confi-
iVncr, end cmifei this nlTlre tlpoli n;ti, I sbMl s,iie
no rltrtlJtia to give geni tal a.tUfatlion.
Cppcr Mahohoy, Jtllyt t. 1 87.
To the Elrchn oj Northumberland
A T the solicitation, nt 4 numherof my friends in
diff rent p me of the county . I bava contented
lo be a candidate for the onVe nf
Should I I itcirAed, it will be niy plr&su'rb as
welt it ibily, to at'teud to Ibe buainrrs otlha office
with fidelity and ruiictualilv.
OKORUfc WElstiR.
Sunbury. Jitly 3, IMT.
To the Electors nj AfrfAnfclferfcinrf
VoUntjt f
BEINU rolicited by many of my fiiendi, I
h iv conifenteJ to offormyiauas a YuiU
ifet eabdidtte for Ihk offlc nf
of Northumberland bounty; febouU yon ee pro
ptr lo elect me. t plrdjs rntelfio neiform the
duties of said oftccwiih QJ. tlt.
, J . .Henry weie.
Sunbuty, Juh td.h.U47. -
SKIiVjING off.
ft H. rJPi)Y, Msrket Square, Sunhtiry, haa
Jf 4 !", Bssmtmei.t ol Diy Coods, Cfoceriw,
dueru. &c w)li(n be ,1 rtJt J
P'-ce for csah nr r-Hinlry prmluek.
Sliuhurv, July Ud, 1817 -tf
froivi Mexico!
9lMt MAUir 4. McCAiY, of
the Utioba'i of NoilliUttl rlaoJ. aue ., Daniel liiaulicim, rbaprbifiilly
Infiirms tbe public, thai, allhoduh Gen.
Sroti a arniv h ia lak n Jalapa, f irtj us for it rn
durtihn of Jalipi the slib has enough of thb article
to ii ply the W tills bt hi f cul..lhciii, beatd. ever
oilier variety of drugs ind medicine usually found
in an epolhec ry elmii. llaVu g purvhaarU Ibis
-lock f Ml. (irsiifkaHi. the ha or.l BCW e
plaliliatimbnt. sltil-wl optsile bw iild stand, and
lid a, lt strict to buainesa, to weril tb
ptirolisga of li b vicinity uldlC.
Sh will continuity kfi on baud vty variety
of IfiOg'. Painta, Spicca, i'fter.l MeJiciiies, &C
thdli tistlallv f iiixl in a du x aloi'e, waich 4h
will UL poaa o at reaaonahle prues. , j
Phyaicitua and ealiiera, fiodi a dialabc, uottd
ti wholesale prices. , , . .
Norihuexrwilsnd. May H. IMt m.
W'HirEirEAlTeB kerivl VVt"4""
kind for sale to r cam! cha per than etey
before aubt ai.Siittbery, at the qtore.of , , ,
Ju'fhT, l4lt. . JOHN bodAR.
IjtESTEliN HAvS awlShduJs. jut Wcci
YY vrd. east far by . ,.
. June l.,lait. C. S.iiOCAR.
Tf RE?H M ACJtfcnEL," alTe w lot; joaTrviJ
a-, aud I r s-ik.Iuw, by
Juoat t. UdY.
SitsTjiTica paid
aik. at th atuik ol
1111 D
ah 97. 1817.
tiiriva t -
WfttOHT laniaa YesTAt Pitis.-'Hie
eefebrsleJ Pills.' sri nnivaiall ao.l ami !.
Wirei, he become to l e considered almost ss ne
ceasaiy in fsrtitlie as vVstrt or 'fuel. In fscl. tb
principle upon wbicn this metiicme bat fcslabltst.r J
its rei(it'inh piirgalioH is now pretty eeneiall
aciiiinwlel(ted lo I the only liue one, by which
ties It ii may b p es-frej, or restored when impsircd.
Wright PjH aretfow ttniveratil favorite.
From Ihe I'htladelphta Saturday l.vemng foil.
Waiou-r'a lanian YiSKTABt Pin, are at
taining treat c lehrity in New EngUnd, a well n
other iioilaof th IJriHe.1 8tlea. The attertipl of
persons lo deffaun th public by tbe ail ol spurinu
article meets .with xenertl rrprolmtion. lit.
Wilebl tl an iftii. faliefblc buaineM man. and iliniva
an array iif cmea bv th medecine which warrant
CMifi.le.nt In the ttrttte oT bit Iniliun Yegetablo
From Ihe Vhiladrtphia Spirit tflhe Tmn.
WtiitT'i laniAif VaniTASLb Pills. Prd
pie are pretty well sati-flrd by thit time tit a I citri
ml, ahll the oibar thoutand and one mineral pta
paratlona of lb rbopt, afe bitter adaiti i), a a gen
eral rule, tn kill rather Ihaii cure the pain nl ; as a
mat'ar nf cnufaa, vetfettble ttiedlcihea are therefb'
in greit rsquest. 1 here are miny hurribitea-how
eve', among the latter, and we would sJvi-e all
those who have th least regard for their heal'h, to
liy Wriiflif Indian Vegetable 1'ilU of the North
Amtrieati Cbttrgt of Health, a ihey are ihe pie
paration of one ifl imately acquainted wi ll the
healing arl. . .
From the Bo'tnn Uautf I inut.
WatnnVa lawan Vsba-rAkiK Pills. Of all
the vUWlc idvbrtited metlibines of Ihe dny. we
khow of none tha.t wk cn more aafely reeonirhehd
for the 'il's ibal flesh is heir In." thsn the P:ls that
art sold nt the depot of tbe North Ammicnn C. I
es;e of ltejtlh, No. 198 Tremont s'ree, Bos'on.
Several iiutaHce wehriov of where tliy are ued
in familie with lb highest a tit-f iction t and tid
nc ago thsn yealeiday, we heard an e-r.ini nt
physician of Ibis city recommend them in higll
Hi TdII Wine biitblv reaprctable ttotrkeepet
hav becii ddl appointed ag'nta for the aale of
Wrirhr Indian YtgetaOTt lint, in nouuornoMa
l-n.i emjnj t
t)erry R4ser; CUnbui; .
8t J. Kauffman, A it (i lists township.
SstbUel Herb, l.lttle Mshonny.
Willilrtt Deppan, Jackson.
Benevilla lldlShUB, Upper Mahonoy.
John G. Renn, Upper Mahonoy.
Samuel John, Sbamokintnwn.
Forythe, Wilson tk tJo., Noilbumbetland.
E. L. Piper, Watsnnburg.
Irlsnd dr. Hsynes. McBwCtUVillu.
James Fred, PollsgroVe.
Witt. G Scott, Ruahvillc.
ItarttHan KnnMe, Elyabuig P. 0.
Ant s T. Beitsel, Turbnttvtlle.
Old- oo SbaJel, Upper Mahonoy.
Rhodes dt Farrow, Snydatstown.
John King, Farmeraville.
v eM C. Couk. Msrtlu'a Cieki.
J. De Young, Hicksville.
Alrsham Shcrrr, tiuhmdndv
Samuel Taytor, SlateforJ.
John if. Vincent; Chitisqaique.
Wm. Heinmi At Bwther, Milton.
BWABko CoiTtariT. Tikj puUie Vr'e
esutioned against th many spurious mcciiid,
which in ortfer to decrlve, sre called by Y.amos ai
milat W.Wrihi'a Indian,! 1'tUa.
The safest cOUrae i to p-dichaae of the reguhr
gent ohty, who r gcfitlpmen that may be re
hjrd dn. '
(Cj Offic devoiej cxclusiva'y to the sale of
of lb Not l, Ainr'rican College of Health. No. 589
Greenwich Street, New York ; No. ll)B Tremuht
Ptrec'.. Ttosion 5 and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No.
I Kd RiV't Stbsit, Pbiladelphii.
June2ifi. 1847. aly.
"SlCKSON c6.,
Nt). Bo Market Str'e'ct, fivctloorS belo
Third, SoUih
Ihipok ters & WliOlefeale Dealers lis
WATCHES, Watch GTi sea atid Matr'tiala.
J"etlry of all uVciiptious qualilios and
s'ylcs, cnmpiiaing bU ihu aitkle'cJ
with the TiaJe,
Clod. .
Dixsun A Kp'n'i Uriunni., tiorm m ftl'.tet and Sil
ver Plated yive.
Shrffiekl find Birojinghain Plated Fiinc Artirlea;
itutlgeis & Son' and WostinhnlttV Cutlery, 1U-
lors. fec. ssoia, E'.aaeia, Dck Knite. dec.
Irdry Handled Table Cutlery, of the finest, medium!
and r-oniin n qualities.
A it's asaoitmeol of Qui J Pen. .
Per. local Spectacles.
Papier Macbs and Japanned Tray, vtriout ahaiMi
and qualities, at tJuod rate .
Gold Watch Cases, Dial nd Silver-Ware, of all
tlesetipliona, manufactured to order.
DICKSON CO, bvtng recently removed
into tb latg end commodious warehouse formerly
occupied by ifeMia. K. Asbhcsst St Son, am!
mdf recently by Asobst d Rxhibto, t-eg
leg td Inlorrtt Watch Dealersi Country McrrhaUte
and others, thai thb dea an bating at 411
large Baaottmebt of Gnoda, of thetr own importa
tion, which tbiy sis dktertrlincd to kll at ihe bwt
CY Evert altenllorl will be paid td lb raxaini!
. .....! . . 1 i 4 . ww a
ol uoods, nu in tne execution oi wiur.-, i-
Ilea anil prieel will U fully 8UatntoJ gM.i
cbmtitiotK .. .
Philadelphia. Jan 13th, ISdT. ly
ViUi rreiiilum Writing liiki
St North Third Streeti
J-ROM Dr. Itsre, tbe irelel rated i7bi"e.aor of
i Chemistry tu Ibe Un'iversiiV o! Penn'a.
tWr Sir li
you to send me
-A utiaut-ionia, 1 1,
iviiie I tied J pur Ink, l will thai k
aiytiher bottle, ss I find it lo bW
i icellcnt'.
I am Vour. tiuly.
It...-. H.ii'
acke. of .C'.nc'.lilislI, dUii.igUi. bJ
Frcin Dr.
foi bi numerous scirhuTtc reseaiches.
MedWai toilege of Ohio, C'u.'cinnati,
U , iv ,,n0" l7' -a
Having used Mr. Hover's Wriliag Ink; I ant
aaWftad iiaj it U the oral which haa vci fuitla to
my knqwleila'e, sod eicilly it is ero-Uenl for ibd
uae . Site) ren$. ad will nit toM'de thkin; rvt ii
u tiiug lis. . .
. .. JonnWa. PW..ofChrloiM.Jt.
Fiout B w.ll knon iniifie rnbiVV
.. .-philadel,hi. FeKt7. I84.
4r. Wpb E. HoverSti t A uae of youi C-5
in, nl. and a. practical ltlf of its supenoirty;
has induied u to ieco.nn.cnd it to others aa su
iuvaluabln aitkl (or hieuding China. Gl.
r i : j-v- iMsaaLt Maarit, ,
AaaMic CbemA
fol .i J the Manufactory, WholoiaU d R
Uii. Nw. ft Nohra Tuise Btbt, oa)
My 3:1, 1M7.-J30 ly Mnur.cinnr