Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 07, 1847, Image 1
terms op nra AW miCAX. ' juscm.. . . ... 1 1 r.reiTaa. OJiet kt CtntriMlhtnJ Urearf .Vat .JT ' tri. r,h7 Ttf AUEffl(UNM iTTubhtWetery Sstor iy lTlW'1JOT,13lRr fi Annum t be paid ktffrr.1rtdiMCr .toaf dlseontin urnl Witt irrrarage are paid. ' " No subscription received fat taw period than it asnn. ' All eommunietlortaor letter on Astwe veWtiag let He etfceie invar etssarlon una be POST, P AID. .n-A.. .' t.iL.-..i 1, j-'gg Ni. It Nona SKCON D at rett, Corner i.f Quarry . ;6L0 Lever Watche,fell ' jewelled, I i ratal case, $45 00 euver r aicura, juii t 8ilver t.ever Watches, ae. " ' " ven towel. 18 OT Silver Leuioa Watolna, i"wlJ, Tioeat quality, UH Superior Quartirr Welches, . . 10 00 lmiilipo.iiurlicrWatche,Bot wartantaJ, , ft 00 Gold pecacley " ' 4 ' " 1 00 Fine Silver Spectacle, , . . I 7 Gold Brao lata with Vlt t'onea, j . .1 8 60 Ladiea Gold Teocda, 10 carat,) , ,, 3 00 Gold Fimer King. 37 cU to $8 j Watch Glee ses, plain, 124 cU ueient, 18jt- Lone. 25. O tlier article in pnpwlinn. All goads warranted to ha what they areanU f. , O. CON RAD. I In hand, aonie Gold and Silver Leer, Lepinea and Quartiera, lower than tha above prices. Philadelphia, Dra.svl848.-1y ESTABLISnriENT. DANIEL DRUCKEMII.LER, : At kit Old Etfblithtnent. in Market Sirtel, j . , Sunburtf, (OTPOSITt THIS RED UO rWTKI,) RETURNS hi ihenks for pier frvora, and re spectfully informs hi! friends and tha public eweraly , thst a roinuee 40 manufaetaic to or ,det, intee irsetes and latawt'etyle.. -.? . ClIlAP BOOTS AKD SHOES, warranted of the heat matrriil and made by the 'moat experienced workmen. Ha alto keep tin - hand a perietal ManrtmMit af faahionabk Boeta tor grnlli men, together with larta atork of fiihion .phle geotliroenV. hoy', la W and ckildraw'a 8hoee, all of which hkva heen mmVe under bia own imme tliate inaioelion, and ra of tha beat malarial and -woakmanvhips whieh he will aoll lrw for eaeh ' -1 la addhioa to tha aliove, ba ha fvat aeoaived from Philadelphia Urge ad ettive avppty of lloota, Shoea, Ac of aH aeacnptiona, wtiian Da aiM oWce for caah. c bra per than ever belare ofMad In tliW place. Ha repectfa!lT invitee hie old eoeto "rnera, and other, to call and examina for Ikanv rlveev-1 ' "' -ti . t 1 ;. i u, Kepakiag doa with ajaetneaa Mid iWapaUh.',,. Sunbory, Auguet 15th, )846. ri j -1. roi4a p out a it.T. . ... TO ALL COUNTRY . tt o tx c EHEEPimc. - YOU my be ear of ottnnc, at ' I O (J At note, inrr and highly ivorJ - 1 .By thiagU pnaind or larger aaantity, ( 2U SwuA &mf atore, Mtoat AfarA aiW nul ttrtett. Hrralnfore) it ha been very dUtieolt, Indrad, al mod impoakible. alwara to obtain good Drat m and ltlk Trna. But now yu have lj to viit the Pekin Tea Conipn.y'a, to obtain a delirioU and fragrant Tea aa yon eonld wiah for.' AH teKtee cau har ba auited. with tha advantage of gvttlng a pure atlicU at kiw price.,, ; -tui ' June S7th, 184T'. ,, , ,L, , . . P I A N O S. - THE SUBSCRIBER baa her appointed aeenS tor tbaU.t't)NiAD MEVBK'8 EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD Pt AN08, at thia tdace, Tfaee Piabna have a plain. tnaaaive and faradtifal exterior Bnih. and, for dRith and eweatneee of tone, ami ' earganee of workman ship, are nut WHpnaetl by any iu too United Slalaa. Tha following, if, a recommendation fiom Caat littta, a cckbtited parluimar, and DimU man ttlaeroiert " ..'i.f Arm had tan piraua ot trying rba vnxtrV km Piano fort aaaniaclurod kv Mr. Merer. and ihibtted at the laat ribiUtlon of the.Pr .nktin In. alitute, I feel It due to the true merit of Ih maker to leelrethal tbeaa inatramenta arc qahe njoal and intern rrvpret even attperiai, to all tha Pr a no , PoiU, 1 aaw at the capiule of Europe, and during a eojoura of two year at Pari., '- The Piano wiH be ao!d at tha manaraeturtt lowawt Philadeteoia prieaa. If not aome thing brw, Peraoaa t ranueoted la call and examine tot themaalv, at 4be mblaucaof the. anbacniier. ,j Sunbury, May 17, IMfl. ft. P. tJABaou. ConntrrftettaiflV . ssAfU DZian. fPhe iiuMic will pkaae pbaerve that no Braadreth -- Pill are genuine, unleaa ha bo baa three la beta upon it, (the top, the aite'and the bottom) each centaluing a facatmi1t (ignetur of are hanav wruint.thtw B. BaaaaasTn. M. &r Tlieaa av bek ate. engraved oq ateel, beautifnlly deaJgnesV1 and done al an atpenae of over 2.00O. TbereTpre it wilt be aeen thai iba only thing nceeary to pro cure tha medicine in iu purity, is to observe these , E member lbs rap, ths .aide, and tha Wtoov The folUtwuif raapecpvs persons are duly authwrf, xetl, and hoM , , , . onTrrxoATSS or AomfOT Xot the eele 4 wwnenaia egtum . f U 'Worthuniberlarii eountv f jlrfIItoiiMay i ChasabeiHn; Hnnhury H. B. Maaeer'.' 'WEen. eHlawiwMuad A Meisrrl. ' N orh u m Hind 'W m PoraTth. Gaofaewa..J. 41. Welle. .1 ( Union County i Itaw Berlin Bocai A Win ler, , linMiW potfe , GuqditKn. MkUhv turg Iaeas Smith. TJeaveriown DattJ TJoWflr. .damaUfrf-i-Waa. 9. May. 1nMfnabargManech at n U09i- lUthm ' attentat LaaM. faaewuri J. AO. kaawaa. LswwAnra Wadkt.4 0aeJ. , Opium bra, ewanjy t, Jal3E 9.(nibV la (Jo. BeTwichv-ehnaaan A Kittenhouae. Csv awkano: O. thxAta. - Etoomaborg . loha Moywr. JeeaTevTw-Levl BieaL'WAhigagi Ul McUav I iaaaaaana PrlfrT sV SaX'mSaw- UrjstMec At ia Egrvrd C iAeate af Agency, eonuMnlng a lantBtataa of a aaiimiPTii'a Alaaasm)a:fA StsrBI, ait nM ihiia win aha a anen exact aisa of be new Ubck mm ueeW vrm IU BramtUllf fit lore. ... Pbtladelpbia, olBce We. 9. Jiu tthstwat June uib.m:- - ' 1 1 SOT IBM I-ST AYM mwi A (o Abaolute 'acquieacenca in the rjaciafon of the Of Uitiarr Ai EtMf T from Gwitu't Reprint nf the London Vurtd oft i nr. a uv nn a bi myxw must m . . .. ... i.. ..... . .. v i . - I i it' , Surrounding a table, on which writ minaled cm pa of lea, ootllca of liqnorr (rlamsknrl a howl of ptinch,' Alfred Cotimar!, and , eome half, a doxpfi nl his yminj companion were flniahnr the We'njtojiY eaierUinmcnt. j Their pHj ad'beea rather a noUy one ; all young and gay, the fotmt 'had trtWBndB'tl . virifli Vtvoue foolrrie, minhrI aonga, and ehout of laughter. But ae cnangv, rn inia worio, ia nuiTcreai, iiren uiriii- meuta woretmt of itaatf, and th eonvtiraation look acrte-TOmre turn. ' tt waa evident that the liquid aere irearty exhaflaietk s f It mtwt bo allovrt, gentlemen, . raw Allrtfl, placing hi empty jlaw tin the table, ant with heightening colouts that Corrtrartcd hircibly with the tone of gravity he triod to aaaumt it mtut be allowed Wl bt !iTe tif bachelor la yoiy insipid. tits companion look re at hint tit as tonUhmrnt, and their etfetrce iirdkated Utal they m ere trot of his opinion. Alfred continued, Ex- ertno, itlMnii an end ', noiaesmt riot witltont acy food result.,, Day epent fjowietg the fruits T prodigality, reewt and repentance. Thia ie tha lift of a hacbelor, which hi called ibe most dliglktrwleesontf our etahJTrco. , But it is tha lieedom fmn care and restrain that form tB cliarm j yoM tannot deny- that,' aid,Fvlix Janier, who appeared to , ItaVe pm- scrved bis scnacs better tha a the rcU v t.n l am tired of that freedom,' cried 'Alfred, wearied with illueiona and chimeras that ex haust me while at templing to realize tbemv ' I am d tag listed ' with silly amours which fail to interest tha heart, while they destroy my sensi- bili'y. .. I must hate (ranquility regular on teslie Hat.' vi fi n-a i . 4Are yea dretm'mg of a marriage V aiked 'Yoeimee aaid k; Yea ! a beloved wifa, with mm Httle images of Myself; happmee aarbm- ed and ewatmnno tt wnf theaw I aVearm.' ' Them what aeeawnta yea fman aaarrytng V Whv.mT Bond fhllosr. l ast Idle.- I do not litra the trmWnf seekms.trae-is not likely lailndsraifaMnfetwm.1 'i il". 'Thaw I atirmMSl vMl anakl lihe ladfta t i. I -utr And trhy wotP -' W41 lane but mm ways plaealti tdVcttbat. went In anma tjvorite journal P 4 t Paith I Bern thottght ol thatPt - "? r And ynn would no baVe it done If you had. was but jestine? when I named k.' ., "' Btrt t ant JtoeHively eerions V i What, to publish yonrsclf in this manner f .YeeP i u 1 ! .! ' -f '' i. m And give Vnttf adtlress ' . To be earn ! i -a-i ;; a -Cuinr, eonie--lliat wqiildbe ton rjtiginal, Ind yon am not Hie man to do it . . r But I will do ill , . ; ,r,j .7 . aj ...t it. TtHBiglltl i . -4A .. ' t ,i?J , 'I will wsgor a dinner fou do bot !' , t, ''Pt ",,., ; , . t (., . a.. . .GenUetnen,' Hid t'eliX, rieing, 'ynutfe wit neaens to thia wager. You will partake of tlie dinner to morrow at the Kechet Concala,' , Of course, there was no diesentlng voice to this inVitalloo, and the evening being far gdVabCbd the party separated. The morning of the peJct day waa cold and rainy; .one of ttuwt gloomy days is which lime creeps slowly awsy, and Ibe atmosphere seems aliooat to bruthe despair. , Jrlartime Souvillc snd bet friend Lucy were rufTeiing from its iu fluence f , Ibej X been silent for more thai five minutes, end that tu a long tint for two young, fortunate ajidpreiiy women, one of whom bad, proved, that, ,ya may survive marriage, and the other was (, twood twanty, the widow of aa old man, to wbotQ she bad considered herself acrtfW, Sealed .before a, good ire, the two isdies were, pntwithatsndtng, devoured by the vipoiKS, when JyucyaoOdeqly paused from m cbanica j turning ovr; the leaves of Uie sboro ing'aJourOiL, lief attntiuti wv arrested by a lew lines,, wich sha had perceived on looking itovef, sDd baring read them, sbe laughed heertily. , , ,, r : i,,,, tWk.l La it f ..'lit Ia. ftimiA , ' , ' ' " '''""' unit -u4' ,.r-a Oh, the oddest, Ihitig ; the dfullerf, thv most incredible, that joq eo faoej,'atreei I'ucy. ;n wlrat mtpre Trr w wi t'?d,1,,wenieoL, ,1 will giteyntntn inio- .e,Tt,f;en,l mnrl. iKViWPoJ1! r aa&'Vfl th while to try. ,mT -h ,-rrbaa . not f str liatee. ,M ycriftg one tweglylglit yean, a ge, i,, .awsiraJeaisei, few, guse.. egTseebto ewtortec - wen ftcaUdrWd swetssing acsiHee Whth bH taw ktM iwaaswlf wM enitvatbe anTtfaete efv ear Udy ; . t a poy m siUoaae art gf. aaor sbfn.ansht lltasjaaM trWJktV iesirea a ewie the elatt of rnathiiony wa eetlyew pxwaiHav Yoeth frod bneiy are oq 99 nch titoed In Jbit tt aaaUasiu I hose Snort I a.anetliag? )uads3sw which form the basis of esBMstic psoelness vet be would nijilCti")tiiZW;m f teed hie ewe. age. wet woe lMjwto feisMtif toe woimr reeuUivelf -trfty Address - (be3 - mm j ' !u. 1 ..... . .... . . '1 ; t . T ..jjp SHAMOKIN, JQUJRNAL. majority, the vital (ttnftipm f RepublkViom which fmkfflrr, fewtihtttUtitftilAiKl Cip. iwern'tf riooti anJ h r.'ah ) to M. Alfred tVtuv 'Arethnrn reallv thn wn'.st' 'tA MBn. j: r ;j..r - -- Bomillo, laushinir in Iter turn, i ... .. , u .Rcsd for, jrMrarlf,)' ,,. ... .; Madame look, 1m psper, atd Jookad over the paragraph, 'It is too sbiurd,' aha said. . . , . ;k f He is some ninny, added Luty, .toroe Igno- rant stupid lont J 'Who la ink btmacli an aceoninfUhed mtle . . ..... . . . men, Continued Madarht ' - '.s 'It W carrying aetfeoneeit rather ttx) faf,' ob served the lively yeung widow. 'Such a felrow eorrht to be punlaned ne Vrahto I trrtson. ' Bop pneewe give him one ! ' ' " ' And hnw r ;!- f";" 1 "'" ; " tiehd toV Mni hvtf, to iattgh at him " lib mosi be a fit' object fur mirth, I am sure !' ' oh; yrmjeit"; ' , ; No, indeed ' fj do "not t ' ' ' " fiit wttM furpTjewotiTu! It snswer ! ' ' Why We are already weary of this gloomy day, end it i not yH half gviie.V , . Well, bttt roftott, my tlear Lucy , obaerVan- wrsyoukiiow..,.,, IJo ntiii't be a prteon mcapable of judging o( such mttera,.; . j, ,,sl n , But what tan wneey to linn r", , ,'Wv aliunld be at bo loss on that point, t am quite certain V - , vH -:. ! , SnptaiM anything unphsent thouM artsv out of such a pmecedtngP'-'- s l have no fear rrl that, we sltall betwotootn and two wvnntn von P " ' Alsdatne Bon vi lie hesitate! a moment," lri said, Yon eeewt n rJcterfninetl that 1 suppoee I must consent' . Bhe then wrote a few lines on pretty ptpef, fokfetf, stod sealed it corraett'mh ly, bad tftWt rtbg for the toathman, Peten klro aaid.'ptit the horaea to the Carrisgv, and take this note to its tddreVs. - 1 ' The coachman obevtd his etdvrsl end Lucy etappad ht hands tn ccstacy, anticipating' rare sport. . The two ladies, like two childim, W ger lor a game or play, win tmptiieniiy rot in . , 4 i . retura of Peter With M; Alfred fuyrawd. Madame fSouville'a cartisgv, had boeti natter tet of aw boar before Atfrdn oW yet be hid i wot Coolemplaled the note, hiCh He o ree wig for the nrnth time. M, AlfrttJ OonVtend fa'rlnraeated that he will llwtV " himself to be Conveyed, in the Carriage Sent Fur hihi,to i peron Who want a to see hint CB IttipoTlBnt bust i . i . . . - . .. ". . . . . I peas.' ' euurjenly recollecting tbewaeeror me preceding evening, he aatd to bimaatf. Ab ) this la some trick of thoee' metry fblloWs'( they would fain see If I am willin to follow up the coneptiitenccs of tha Insertion, ,Wcll, they shall And I sm not w e to recede, ton it taey think to ntiatify me, tliry my see Ifce tables turned perhaps. . And he dressed bitnrclf has tily, ind deacended, but on getting ittio the Car riage, the coachman's livety stiggemd him littler n lie stretched .biinefU, hoWekef,. quilt eomlbttaUyow the ettabioitod seat, and thought Bah the belter to succeed, they hsVe borhW ed this rquipage. Well, let thoatt laugh who In The boiaeo, in a Vary few minUtea, stop ped before the gait Of k hahdsiihie hotel, Whifch were Immediately opened, and Alfred, alight inf, Wae pwiduetetl by a domeatrc,-Who Was eVitlentty WaHittg fof him, tjjl slslfa. 'The young frhtleman was totbewbat astobuhed, When, the servant having thrown open a pair of fofiling dtmrs to inhnilnee hlth hd found him self itl the presence bf 10 Isdibs. " Though, hk felt Buittled, lie did not lose his presence of rriind nd still suspecting snme ambuah, he held him- rlf 'prepefflj Jo aCton fbc i defbtisiVPi . 1he sUf- prise bf tl.e ladies wis etjunl td hia.oWn. , In ftesd of sa rk,Wafd simpleton, with whom they thobgbt to imuae JHrtriselvee, (bey .a w . Well maobefeiL pefwhlble yntinir man. Ilia lok Was gracious, yet polite j and his drees elegant. ilbftut being fuppUlu He ddiCedthe lalilef WrUraattielMfaumerlttld begged to knpW to what eatiae be might .attribute , ibe iovitadml Which; had brought him tp thcif preerocf Te Were confotfpd,cd ind iledl Ut a time, not know ing how to reply. At, rebgth, jicy, stWimon irff eonSdenee, porting to the Journal, ind a 14, ; believe you are (be gentjemaa whose tuatt appears in that paper, !'? ;( 1 I am Madame be replied. ,, You will e JcOse Ifa liberly.rws; hsW tken,' Cpnli.DQcd Luty tnotjoiiing tlutt, pt should.. Uk 1 , ;LsdiW,l s9id Alfed i efafirijf 'lintelf J)V lisvei'flly' trte.!ith,prtiseg,vfi':h cturde4 'ttt one by irist adteftiiemeot , j,.,av-e I Perhaps or cntinsiiy hat been tod gfeat to (hi vmle,f'sdMea tire1' Tr " " 4 fvaf grektef lhA rhe" eingottHfy bf IM line! that beeeet) itv fit adeue ) the cue 1 foetifhi the OtnTi" " ' f '''t,, '... I i 5'f" " TheWewerevrefinof fed, aAd she kegti 1o kt Ttmn WtlW a Wk wwMIt utteitecT, -when M frttttd Cim fo ef sahjftAcs5.flreise fhta fhseftleb frif meairt 4 M I it it. laaathw vne'.' Vsdain I"" t: ! "And do yew tbre. if wtU 'awtwtf ted poi Jiweef' -uu ' ! ! hoe ft wilL '- v- JK ' t m there ine)"appV.Y Viit wVorcet inV" yitai prSii'icipra and r a BtrCt7i Asant T t4Y 'Marriage, Sir, ia s sacred and important thing ( the mesne yott take' 5 .. , -; 'Are oettiibly not the moat nrudent, Msdamo bt.t they have the merit of candour.' It la bet ter, lo be, known before marriage, than In I rtudta) afterwards; and lor my psrt, I look for eomeihinf more solid thin a IrtVe bated Tin illu sion, and the hyprtfrcttte) happiness of mere promiee. - a US., i . ' ' -Yo)arefMsilive;8ir' ' - ' l Ihrnltivhressonahle. ' " , 4 n'Ma'rfamd tA no more, nd tLocV V.iV op the convrrwition in a latightng manner. ' I tin if I were to ofTrr you rny band,' you would acce,M it without heaitatirnt' '. !. ' vVVit'lMjUtheailation that in, U jo'A W.iMhl ftnawer to the condition flit which I etipttlaled,' said Alfred, tftlhcr stoaeVcd by the lady Com ing to jhe point at once.. ... , A . , t 'Vlist a pity ( no troubt you mean ft young gilt; you would tmt nisrry Widow. . , , (. 'And why not V replied the, oOng loan, Un able to percieve how he ahotild get out of the pcrafjfl he had idvertisod bimaelfintu. .'I aliouhl thihk my chaoee for bappineiw grvttef with widow than a young girU GitlehaVe such gold en dream, and invest the man of their choice with imaginary perfection. And I kriow that ! km not perfect.' -. Thie difficulty ' being retoiiVed, 1 see no o ther,' added Lucy laughinw heartily. Alfred tVIt rather strange; he thought some j-t.t wa to t plsyed off, but could not guess how, nr hV what purpose;' lie resolved, howeVer, Vn hsVe itl his wft about him, and at any rate to come on with honors of war. 'No,' continued Lucy '1 see no obstacle think I am not Very Ugly, and t know I am not too old and t euprmsf If my rbVUitte waadoublo' what you name, fisl would not be a positive ohj' ction.' Alfred breathed prore freely be saw a mean ofescspe, m behtatenbd to ssy, 'Indeed, Ma dame) tba wobhi .be t gteatbt bbsUcle than youtMyaepposeP,. .-, . : . , Ves. I hsve UhntU by which Icsagtia a yearly inrisna of .ihn et tetl thmtsimi franc. 1 cetimaU myself et that rtUte, end no rtonre ; ftwa wa I atti ef opthmb that tbens- ahobtd he vsjoauty en all points betWeea nnttlHg patliee to ensure their Metttal hsppirrean, 1 hive reiolv- sit that t wilt ow nolhlrlg ' to my wif, nor shell she he indebted to the.'" ' " 'And WouM you rfefuae a lady froth thia mo tive r ;! " ' r ! would. ' t am not of In ungtatt-rul dispo i lion, but cannot endure the febling of obliga tion. The h, Kir, there (a no mnft to he said, forget thia Interview, Madame,? ihd Alfred rising, Ceggwl VermieeiUn to retire. 1'he ladies Bwnted i he bowed Ind left the room, doubting w nether he wcte lit I dream, or had been enga ged in scene, pUtined by I'elix janinr, . . ..JTrllly this. young matt is asingulsr bring) skid Lttcy to her friend, when the door had fclo- sbd on Alfred, Hi is Very- Well that I msgnitied tny titheet er hb might ha Ve tlktn me at my t told you,' raid Madame BouVdle, lhll we might find a fhnliah thing.' " 'But Who could jtttiglhu Ihat Vb Ihbtild meet Wiih such su adversary,' observed tlto ttitloW, 'really t do Hot dielike him.' ' "That lame evenini,' Alfred, fe!it, lllil their ffiende, isaernhlrd at the atlpninted platK P tiS ebaCtCd the AntUttilrynh, wiih a rather ill ghee, and Alfred, by a few' Ijrolt questions, satu-fjt d hiltiattf thai hntiB bf the pa Hy badbi tii priVy to the tdventure of the inorningi he thought it Very odd, at he rr fleet ed ota it, after in rvturn trctn ins umtier. , ibe kiuotvirig uy he went to the Concert Valentino, and. there by clMiDCe, met, the two tidies. , He bowed to then. A day or d tfler flu ores pUjyel il'if . llttm TdfT Shd intbe lobby r tbeoperaiouea, Alfred sgaltt. by chafece met ftadame clouVille and itcjt They exchanged i few wordK ThefblloWmg 4y Was inviting tor a Wa'k, arid they mcf In the THithrips of course, by thsneti. This time thet rtithi tii6 (fbnVerMiluft ; some thing like old acquaiiilahee.' 1 1 Two ffiontha tflff thtf, PVlif f anier, krfii-ihg from In cxcufMufi into fViirmahdyrfoOhd bn'his UMeJI letter fftfm Alffrd, aflftohiitibg hia sp- proeehiflg mafritger 'affd retirlfr h!s fiehd to ha present tt the ceremony. W llcfeaftrf fct' it not be Aaid.lhaf i(t afK erti- nieot is t frbhs' fxperloncht,' skd 't'litt (he '.''a, " M Ta ml . F : k A. - e t ' al-at -'Wat .. money expenoca nr if losenioo n in i::o s (efs tbrowa ibtp the tes. . l: iatmmta tLMJftUiciaM ah wi tripi Asep' him ua'iirnighCthen' procure Vi fe paratkui of phovphofn til oil, apply k l pvef the ra(,'xC nil fcetft, tn1 t0fn i auoss) iiji 7l hole." 'SucA Vlt'smpbrinj; (nd tltting' pv 0 tb ton pctiif, It M phptphortW majesty puftoet his aWsn4 , friends, who. ( (4 if 4kMt ioovetuk. aUt?XlMJy MtKOiiy pgirajf the teteta et the ssyawdett tat iratg awaaosa, ..! I ,r i . a f't 3.1 i irt;-. iVewAfrwnSM -s The cstebrtted Comet of 1338 w ilf rrtJto t us next ycat; l . .a iminudltie ptrcttt or'delam.-lariinsoa. VM. t-0. Ha), fog t "The Nisw fork lotirhi! of Commerce tOTtalns reVeral letters frohi so old' resident at Monte- tey.CaMtnia, fioin winch w eMractthe fol tewtttjr ttrigraphs:' " "; ' ', ' At prearnt lliete is not a yard of tspe, a pin or a piece of dnmeatic ttrttirti, br even the thresd tits sown with, that does hot come from ' the Uniled Ststkof America: snd Ihia in a country where every thing necessary for tbeir mshuluc ture can be prntureV wiih less trouble and ex pense, "on account of the super iorily of the cli mate, than in any other pnrt of tha American continent. Even shore sie ohliged to he brought from the Slates beftfTe we can go out of doors. ; Not withMnhiling ox hides sre sold here for one do! lar ami fitly cents each for car-h, snd lb dol lars in Serter, Vmi cabhothuy, one half thn time in any part of California, aa much leather as will ante a pair of shoes; and whrr), tt swrbe iobiN lime, thry may .hn bought, they mat from threo to four ilollnra a pair, ' . Still ox hides ran be taken from California in America, and. the earno hhlvs thpre hhttwl arid oreesfcd Ihd made into ehon, and (hen hrnight Cbtv Igain round Cape Horn, a distance of ten thousand mites, and ah impntuVioh duty paid on ihem of at Inaat oiie dollar per pair ; and after all tht trouble arid expend, ibV-yaro ohl hero it the aainn price aa tht$ manfHCt'iireii in the coun tiy, and very trrqnently frn tweuty Bve to Bl ty per cent. Irs. 1iUw all other Vnnnufaftttrcd- articles, all the crockery ware naeti in Cllitornit has to come from the Plates; and that family which can bnat bf a full aet of good crockery, ia to be Con siilercd ilmodt a nrodii'v. ' ' : AbnuVa nHhiglit (V'd 4ncW Wal rnthb'wss (lit-coVercd, viluaVed in or hear l!ie mission of Han Luis Obispo-. This arikle w sblj here Isst Veal for tive dollars a bushel by an Ameri can whaler.' There are no lea thab three Coal taibee Withlto a distance tot about thrbb hundted mite or les, but luCh busineti at this,' like kna y other branches ih Caliliwniai reriuirca a cs pi ta! to pbt it ili ttperatmn, IHti Ihetb ale bo Capi- tsTliils in Uslifornte. If there Were, they Would at. ."'-. aUA 1. a. . . - a. . ' . . 1 1 I - not rit-i their money in this branch of business. brcslioe there are ho person here who tender- stsnd it or ahVllimg blso that requires prsfctlcs I knowledge,' ' ' ' ' Phere ia Hbl, bcither has lucre ever been, a mh ih the Cnhntry who knew how to weave a blanket. It i trtte tliey nilta heto enrtbl rbg, ao Coarse and So ordinarily made-, that in any tttlter tnUntry hut I his it Would be called a liorcte rug ' tud eVtn of tlieS lliete arb hot su&- rient made to suripty bnb-twelflh )part bftbe populltttib. The blmikpl thi Uy ued ih this cobniry cum from TepiCi in Mexico, ind are old at trotn tbn to nli.ftV dollars each. AVbat cnhalirrs the price iif these blankets, is tbeir rtilot. A few ted srnis. ot ftbe, with a border, will make bhb bflheie bUokettscil for almost shy price. Common to second best cloth hssilwtysbeen worth ftotn tneltbto fhtirtecb dli!!ars a ysrd, and tho tnilbrs rhargb eighteen dol Is rs for ma king a Out, and furnishing the plaineat trim tilings. tVmnioii wont hata tre wonb herej 4 nurng the native, who prefer them to III other fcindsi eight dutlaf tpiete.' Wollen stockings of the Coarsest kind are one dollar Ind tWehty five cents per pair. It baa born fairly pr.iVt J, that' the iheep ol thia M'tnf'y need nnththg tilt 8 little Care' t'nd at tent Inn to prbdute Wool of the ' vet ' finest quality. Ahothrt great advantage, -there ; is no sibkbeee artibrlgst them eter known; of toy kind whatever. - 1 " Hhnuld any of yoiir fearjera be weaVers, who With to toak an independent fortune, I would ailtiHe tfli m to Ry lo Ouliloihil, whefe therb' ik lit tin doubt of thllr rftb sbeumblath one to their saliatsclW. - The fprtrtleF. as well ts ih maleJ'afe a very he Mi y slid foUit-f people', (Jlill rhofily live lo a great ago.f Their fcrunrjity is extraordinary. Tfin-h iili-iancFSSie tvrt rart whefe 8 frthale neli not have aiiirth wilLin r-ar.ii two year t- ter her Kiarriagri. and many bf them hate a birth etery year. Thejo ao tci tt't-j haa three A o, inch in IliU town whb have had a birth each yeafa!hc (heir marriage.; and they hsvo; all been nuiriej jweiity yrpr br riQ'rq Ith, i bve nodmidl, 00 1 lie wlude, UmI all the wpmee who isve boee married within ike it twenty icag, iff fsiirbil would, atrg,ea;l, the birth of th!d vry 6ltere woaiiMi, ut "f. "e'taairtti bTTTss -in &Upi Cfyrttfr-td't: W fisclirat Utitpli, we nni'l'he M to wing for Hsriryinl butter': 'Melt freah butter by placing; if iat Vfliel s In Wa'rni Whf'tat'it sitftlf. Ind pour off the ttstr Ititd sb sirthettyrsf bajiu. Ht pot, set In io1J wate'r, to tolt It'aa qiVkly as poaaibls, WWiout fetiiof U'chryaUltta. "ll krepa f Ion floS w it hotft becoming rant ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' tUeasatai Mesn -Boil tqiuutaef b'af I berries ten minutes, sad aid nilf i pint of nt taeaea ' VYkea it boifa again.dtitf into it, from the geS. three tatde-sssMftftaie wf 8a wasal leer la templetely- hi4 I, it is dons sanugkv t rok1 a cheap and bealllilul draaret for the I b, and ia capital tor lbo,f hil.lrtq (a-,tke to aebeol (4 cat with bread tor dinner. Ftlic of Att iitriif aio. 1 jurra I iaaertien, . a ,a; .$0 A) I . de t . do., . . , .. 0 7ft I da 3 do . . , I Oil Every XibeW)aentinerit-n, . ' 1 . . tft YelrlV AdVettieasMMtlat mmmIiimk. 14ft t kalf column, 1 18, three squares, tlS tWoauares.fUt one square, $!". Half-yearly I ona column, 1 1 8 t half corumn.f 18 j three rjrarea, B two squares, $; ehasqwafe, ISO. Adveruesmenta tatt without dlreriinn a to the letitth of tiute tbry f to be puhlUhtd, will b continue J uhtil etdsted Out, and cbargeJ accord , "'".7?. ....... .... ...... . rjjrrtiawefi tinea or leas maxa a square; i ii i I i 1 1 1 "si ' Ti ' BvAtt i'lt VegetiUn tni tratfil A phy. sicish In Ntw VorTi'ssys, in a dornmunlcltion to the Jotlfmif n commerce, Hy the s idol ana lytic, it haa heeri ascettsfhed thlt' bbtter in A .-t- ' f.' L: ' J '' li 1 .tl fniiv imri ia conioinou ill o, or iieanj n, gta8t, aeeus and grains. Out of one hundred weight pf Indian porn men), for instance, a good chemist can extract from eicht to ten pounds of buttef , ,'H hae furtbermbte heen proved, thit butter obtained from the cream ol mnk, is not animal secretions, but that it previously exia ted, irt the pure And original slate, in . the hny nr find of t the cow i and a skillful chemist cait make more butter out of one hundred weight ot hay thtb a cow can, at the cow must approprii tte considerable share of it for the ttb vd. necessitia of het orgauilstion. GiVee Cow a hnrnlrbd pOuiirhi ol hay, and she Will tender back eight pmrhda of butter, but an exprrf chemiut Can rei'.irt twelve Ot thirteen poonde out of It." )l thia he Ihie, hay can be tutned to t better profit then soiling it even kt the pVcaent high prices. " We may soon expect to see a chemi cftl butter establishment orgnIcd, with ils President, Hirc'ctori, Jtc Truly' Wo live ib a wonderful sge for scientific researches and dis coveries. There tan he bo danger of having rancid Wt'trV, rVheh ft can be turned out frcstt from A handful of hay every morhinf. . . . - CHARfcoxt. Bf.isribuL to l'tcn T aits Mr. Mason Cleveland, of lla'rtford,5onn., wish es to msko public an experiment mad e'uport a peahb tree, by ab act)uaintonce ofhia; the Irutll of which lib ssysi can be depended oprtn beyond sll question -at any rtte the experiu'ent ia acheaponericu is worm trying, lit na; a yoting pesth' tree, tho leaven of whieh werri taming yellow and showing other yoiponia '' decay. - My friend calling to mind the q.ialitis of charcoal, removed the turf and , soil m ar. the roots, in 8 Circle of about two tett in diameter round the tree, 'end filled the space to a level with thb sbrrdindihg soil, with -fine pieurg and dust of charcoal, which remained in the bottooi of Abo. "The result was surprising. The tree put on ftoe bbatlhy teaVba Instead Of the yellow -ones, and all other signs of sickness departed in a Wonderful short space of time. The ttee again' commenced growing;, end re mained perfectly healthy until eome yens after, when it sVtt the freight of itse'rop of fruit, assisted by a strong wind. It is worthy of note that It fruit) both in quality and size, was a much improved ts Ilia appearance of tho tree itself. Astcrt'fun AgticuUuri$t . fecliNTihc AoKKtLTruE. TliO Callimoro American says : We ha vo seen a parcel of vtry superior red Wheat, weighing 64 lbs. per btiftheli Which bad been purchased for city grindibg, snd which Wat raised under circum stances showing what good management may eflett ih the agricultural line. The1 wheat id question was the product of t field which, a rhort lime sihCcj wall part of the waul common that had been uncultivated for many years, and was deemed too be to poor ind worn out to yield any thing. Alter enclosing; it, Ibe present Owner plii lime upon it in tlie proportion of 100 bushela to the tern, tmt consequently followed the lime with a liberal application of stable manure. The field thus prepared was sowed wiih w heat, and returned a crop of the very best qualily, averaging 80 beahblt io the sere. . . At) ArBCAM Pamca The Home Journal eaye the Parteiaa editors are discussing a letter that has been aJtireseed by a negro king in Afri ca to ibe young Queen of Spain: In this diplo aMttieCacUinetit he Calls ber his m(r, snd ss surea her of bit lively sympathy, declaring that 3psniard are the otily foreigners whom he will ever, peiuu't ta roiJs iu his diuninions. , He sent varioiji prcseutsj aud reques'ed in return (run In . Majesty, ' pairofMarlt-t lrowei with go!. stripo, a coat with the UiiU vtry long, a cocked bat with t iweepirig i&d plume, ami a Wife with a gjidticod ol the.tiza of IU orhga." !lor Majesty has despatched the de sired article to her brother, with the additiousl oft scarlet cloak trimmed tithe neck with gold lace. .-, " !: .Tas ritfaeiaadr Busik Vit Tais Temarit sble fenuiie, arrived Ihia moraiug on tha Bfit franklin, is eempany ef a number of ths 2d re giment Illinois volunteer. Her history, a we obtained it from an intelligent volunUit ia brief. She bad emigrated rpro Germany but . A bort Tirol' pfevtoul to tb arrival of tb Illinois volan teAr at fialveat'on,' en thetf way to the teat of war, a'nd tberi aht" 'joined tVipf.'' MiWer'i com pany.'tbi rehiained wlrb them' 'until ftelr fi-' thttg.-1 She' procured living byVaibiAg A.r h4 votofiteera. 1 Af Baent tiaft ah went" br bullets fell tnitkeat.'carrytng coffee aml rro viaione to the wort-ant eeldiers, who seem very grateful for tbe ntay knvd effltea which bo tksa iierfesmeal fee lhe.i (he la ktawa only by the name ei Mr tiuteh Mary, a, toe Ve!ater'famihTlyrall her. , The Marys are ausM.and ao mUukt. , W did not learn ber ue aiiat'tion, nor hat she is yet determined wnr'a aW will make ber heme, u ... ....... .. tWe'ri' JJj IV."