f B!iSaKV" tb jm- sr. Prr Talk find rhnrrh Scandal. That tall young fellow' hr to day ! I wonder what' his name ? Iln eye are fixed upon our pew Do look at Sally Dame. Who is that lady dressed in green t It can't be Mr. Leach; There's Mr. Jone with Pes con Gile! I wonder if he'll preach. I.tt'd rr your fan, it ii no warm, V.V hnlh will sit to prayeri J Mourning becomei the widow A me How Mary's bonnet flare. Do look nt Nancy Sloper'a vpil ! It's full a breadth too wide; I wonder if Susannah Ayres, Appeara to-day a bride? Lord ! what a voice Jane Rice baa got ! Oh, how that organ roars ; I'm glad we've left the singer' seats How hard Miss Johnson snore. What ut ly shawls are those in iront ! Did yon observe Ann Wild? Her new straw- bonnet's trimm'J with black, I guess she's lost a child. I'm half asleep that Mr. Jones! His sermons are so long ; ' This nltemoon we'll si at home And practice that new song. Fact for nil to Read. The hawk, and many other birds fly at the rate of not less than MO miles per hour. Leather car.nons were lined with considerable success by the Swedes in 1 63 1 . The people of Smyrna profess three distinct religions, and observe three different days in the v-eck for Sabbath the Jews, Saturday; the Christians, Sunday, and the Mahometans Friday. A chenp blaze can be made to last an evening, by tilling a tea-kettle with knots, shavings, old t'toes, or any thing similar, and closing the lid to as to exclude the air. Put the kettle over the f id for a few minutes, and apply a torch to the ppout. New York State produces annually about 30,. 000,000 bushels of potatoes. Maine produces a-l-out 12, 000, COO bushels. Three quarters of the crime committed in r.ngland, are in consequence of using spiritous liquor. Of the 700,000 habitual drunkards, 1C0 ilie every day. rbysicious are seldom known to take medi cine themselves. An etl has been known to live more than forty years. Old Tarr died at the age 152 years, leaving the following excellent advice to posterity : "Keep j our head cool by temperance your leet warm by excicisc, and if you are inclined to grow fat, keep your eyes open and your mouth shut." An effectual remedy for the various diseases i f mankind is, simple living. The wheat grown in Great P.ritain in 1700, -mounted to 1-t 000 buhls In 1830 the crop whs etim.ifed at 100,000.000 bushels. A raven will live 1000 years; a patridge, 2o ; wine, 25 ; a bull, H ; an ox, 20, a bare, 10 ; a it, 10 , a goat, S , a ram, 15 , a dog, 22. Oltvt Branch. AsErpOTr. or Gsn Taylor. The following aricdote is communicated by a correspondent of the Mniitgome i y , Ala., Journal ; "The General had occasion to visit Point Isa bel, after the buttle of Bueria Vista, and the Captain of the steamboat had reserved a suit ol statti-room for the General's accommodation. There were tcvernl sick and wounded volunteers on the boat, en route for New Orleans, who had to take the way fire incidert to a ctowded boat, and paiticularly so on thiv occasion. Gen. Tay lor soon saw all this, and at one ordered these men to be placed in bis state-looms and proper attention paid them. It was rather a cold, rainy flay when this occurred: The deck hands and roeny others on thu boat did not know Gen. Tay lor. The wind blew high, and the fireman had raised a sail in front of the boilers to protect tfiemselvts from the tain, ami under this sail tnete were some old niattrie ; here Gen. Tay or laid down and went to sleep. At supper time great inquiries were made for the general, find servants eent o(T to look him up. But he c mid not be found ! At last someone, going i low, inquired of a firemen if he had seen any .'up of inch and such a man the fireman said but added, "there is a clever old fellow a- l.fep there under the sail, in fron' cf the l-re j" was Gen. Taylor. Yes, tweet indeed must nve been ti e sleep of such a men who ha the ' art to rbnr.g aCri with the poor tit-k soldier m Taylor did on this oressien , such humanity -and out in bold relief and greatly mitigate the evil incident to war," Vermont Itbatm.--I pumpkin iiz pizen, r urn they holi?suiii viltaUl Decided in the i,'e'iDf. Which t the mnrt profitable, to herl a torn or toe a boot f Answer both. If a man should si his father hanging hint- if, and his mother sticking bersdf with a fork, "hich would he rave first? Dscidod m the 'f rvmlitt, tirxtiimcuFly, Which is generally the easiest, to,? news i.4piror a rsw! Decidttd o be undecidablo, y kou. "Dick, whrre wrre you yesterday'" Oh moving. 'Whst moving aainl" "Yet; I . r.d it cht'Upc-r to pay a hand-Carttnan for tuu '. mj llir.n it ii- to pay rent." I L.. iLIBaf'14WWa II A Kit SOTE LIST, PKX.-YSYIaVAIVIA. The t dlnwrig I'h shows the current valiin of si! 'cnuet Ivanin Bank N.ite. , The m.wt Implicit re liance may ho placed lion it, as it i' tvert tueek arrfully ontupirt J with and corrected from Kick nell's Reporter. rtanlii In Pttltnriclphln. N. Lnr.At.oir. Philvp. NOT EM AT PAR. Hank of Notlh Atom ica , , par Hank of the Northern I, ihertie . , par Commercial Dunk of Pt'tin'a.' . . p-T Farmers' ami Mechaiiics' I) iiik . . pr KcasintJn Pur.k . . . pr Philadelphia Batik . . ; pir Schuylkill Rank . . . pur Southwark Bunk . pt.r Western Bank . par Vfochanice' Baiik . pr Munufaetuiers' k Mhunics' Bank psr flank of Penn TownsWp . . pnr (irnrj liank . par B'ink of Comment1, lite Muyamitiaing pr Dank of Pcuiisylvaiiii" pr fount i) ItankA. .ami. a ssi i n11 i im i Bank of Chester Ooun'y WesttheHter Bank of Ilrlnwirr Comity (-henter Bnk of (termantown Oerrnsntown Bank of MontRomery Co. Norristown Doylestown Rank Dinlestown Raston Pank Rssion Psrmers Hnnk of Burks ro Bristol Bunk of Northumberland Northumberland t'oluml'ia Pnk A ttiidie rn.('ulumhia Farnwrs' Unnk of I sncster l.nnriJirt Lancaster Countv Ciiiili f.firicaster Runk Formers' Dank of Desdini Office of Dank ol Penu'a. Oflire do dj Office do do Olfice do do NOTES AT Hank of the United titcs Miners' Bank of Potuvillu Dank of I.pwlctown Bank of Midill"town Carlisle Bank Exchange Dank 1)0 dii branch of HnnisbuiK Bunk Lebanon Bank Motchontw' & Manuf. Bank par par I par' p.ir j p..r pur j pir par psr ir p.r P" phi Thesr I'llices hi not Spring Goods. fit HE suhncriber has jftM revived hi Ne-v X Hiring Good, to which he invites hi frien and utoiiicrs to call and examine for themsei .e His stock consi-ts in psrt of the fulhiwing l Superior Cloths, of all color J Casimer f dil''. ent pattern' Satin and other Vesting j Ca licon, I. awn, Ctitighnms, Cheek, Tick ings, and nummcr wear of all kind an J prices, Aio, T.rghorn and Palm leaf Hots; Umbrellas a id Pares jU. fr m J5 ' cents upward' ; t bio. (Irocei ie, (Jvecpa. wurc, HH'J.vi-e. C'ejurware, Oil,!. Peint, Fih, !:t, Ate.. Ac. dt., and in frt, every aiiitlc os'.ii'h kcpl u s C'J.in" storfl, which v :!' he mdd very lo'V. itt cti'i or vi kindcfirile. ' JOHH UttOAR Sunbury M iy I Sth, IS7. nl4y More i(iv GooiU! MHE U suivjl i il Purdy's Stote, Msiket TO WATCH MAKERS apaa&a.rTri?Trtm6B3a ii ffquaie, wr.rre will he toumt a htinds ome s- .Vverkt-p your eMl short; few farmers aJTordu !l'jo stsrv tr.sm thsy wilUtsrv I.Hlir.ssler ranrn-ter Radius Hatririluna' I.sncister lie uliug hnnton J msuo n. DISCOUNT. Philnd, Iphia 2 ) Potisville I,pwiitnwn 1 Middlotown 2'1 ('iiilisle I Piitxlurjr I Hullidivrlurg J Hxmsliurg Lelmnoii i Piltshurg j Pittshmg j Williamsporl Vi!liCiihfirie Ii Alleiil.nyii Peadino Pittsburg Krie No ftri.Thtun ChninU'reliur Geltyshurg Montrose r.rio Way j(!,tiurg WnshiiiU'ii Houesd.ile BroM'iHViile Yo.k 1: ilrd 1 do I do ! 2 2 i ii u West Branch U .nk Wyoiuing Bank Northampton Btnk Berks County Bir:li OlRcc of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Bank of C'hnnidf rslmrg Bask of Gettysburg Bank of Su-qmihanna Co. Erie Dunk Farmer' A' Drovers' Bulik Finnkliu Bank IlinienJiile It v nk Monont'shcU Bunk of II. York Bank N. B. The notes of those bunks on which we omit quotations, and xuhutitute a dnh ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia drokora, wilh the exception ol 'those which have a letter of nfercuce. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia av. In. Philadelphi Loan Co. Mchuyikill Hav. Ins. KensiiiKlon av. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. W Powamla Bank Alleghany Bank of P. Rank of Beater Bank of Satars Bank of Washington Coutrri Bank City Bank Farmers' ct MechVs' Hunk Farinera'Ar MechVs' ll:mk Farmers' A MechVs' Bank Harmony Institute lluiitinirdni. Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bunk Norihern Bank of Pa. New Hope 1 I. Bridire Co. Norihumb'd C'uion Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aqr. & Mmiuf. Uuuk Silver Lake Bank t 'nion Bank of Penu'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkeuharre Bridge Co, fXj All notes purportina to be on any JVniikyl vania Bank not giveu in the aliove lint, may be set lown as frauds. iv rw jrnsi:v. sonmeiii of SPRING AND StMMER GOODS, ' ol the li. t ni. J m 'St approved ,)!. cm ':ing of . (!l.'ili. Ci nir-is, Vcttuua, SuiniBcr SflutVs, Mj'if. d.- Ui'Pi, I. inns, j Gii'ghnuis, t'a'ic Muslins, I J'Miu. '..c, iScc ; nli, a tidl nsso'lm'nl of: Gr'"CriiS, id' cf which will bs M lowir than eer : oll'.ved in t' is ninrk t. J f'ell sod exiuilr.s lor yourselves. , Suiihury, May 15 h, I SI? . if i Flour, Produce, and General Commit iloii .Merchants, No. 116 .Smith's Whsiis, H A l.TIMOKE. ! FPER their s. rv're t,i the Me'chniit tin I ' Fsrr.iers of (he So fi linnna Va'lev, for the J nle of Flmi', tirjin and Produce nenerally, in the j T! ill no r m-.irk.'t, and from iheii i x'm-ive se- I quiintsnce nniiuiir pure'inseri and shippers, csn j sifely w risul iiif fu t'irv suits. ! I'urresponi'ei.li will he ornt uiily kept sdvitid , ol the nl ale of the iiuike s, JLc. Ktf.-r to Mesxr. Win. Wilson A S .n l-'SBr Reynolds A Hon llnviitnoii iV '":illi ileia, l!cynnld-i cV niith, J ml Mrsri. Tintlcy. Caldwell A Kiigli-h, Phils M..y 16th. 1947. 2m J. L A D O M TJ B, Importer of, VVatohes, VV'etch-Mflkers' Tool and Wntcri Matoriali, Vltoloinle At Retiilb N,t. S40, Murhtt ttrttt. PHILADELPHIA, A con si ant ly on hand a largo hsortmenl of . Lunette, Patent, and Pliinniis M lin- sfirinf. Verge, Dials, Witch Hands, and a coin plete assortment of all 'Pools sod Materials brling ins to the trade; with large arsortment of tlo'd and Silver Levei, Lepine, and Plain Watches ; all , of which he will fcusr imt torll et the lowest New j York prci-a. All otJsrs from ihs country punctu ' all errcutod. N. B Counny merchs'itu sr d o'her re incirod to c Ii end exooiine hi stjck, at No. 213 Msiket t'eei. Fh Ii ltdphia. Jsn.2:, m c; i -rr 7a t iciT ST c?.2, No. SI Worth Third si reel, (Sll THE CI rt UUTrt,) FniLAuBIiPlIIA. C. C M A ('. K K , At'CTIOMEKR. T( COUNTRY HTORC-KEEPEiH. IVr,NLN(3 SALES of Hardware, t'utlcry. J Snd.lli-ry, Whip. Boot", Shoes, H im, Caps, Gnn, Pi-itoU, Clothin?, Wntcti-s and Fancy G ioiIj, At M n Ii )'h Auction t"re, 31 Nnli I'hird strei-, nr the City Hotel. The ntieiiiino of Country M'r-hn's is Invited The Goods will he s dd ill lots to suit purchixrrs, snd 1 1 (Joi-ds orf'i-red will be sa'ran'el rqul to the reprci nl ili um thai may he made of them. iV B. Sule. Jnn, lrt. IB 17. ' v AUCTION STOUE, No. (5 North 3d St., third door alove Market Street, FHILASGLFHIA, CJALE EVERY EVENING, of a jrenerat as son mn t of Fnreim and Domestic Hardware, Table and Poiket CuMery, Trunks, Linki, Lalchets, Pops, Sawn, Saddlery, Whip-i, Boot", Sho.s, Mi' ii. Caps, Guns, Pistols, Trimminits, Clothing and Fancy Goids. 1'l.a attention of city snd country dealers is in vitcj. Thu Guods are fresh, und will be warranted equal to the representation thst may be mule of thrm. BAY LIS 4. BROOKER, .ItirfVomvr., iSo 6 .orlb I liird t. i N. b. Purch.iers can Lava their Gaods packed, i Several iyolc-s of OokJ ha bien rrciivcd (u le sold st t'liv.te alo. Phili leipliia, Ucc 1 Dili, iS'iG, W ATTORNEY AT LAW, suNBxrav, pa. Business sttended to in the Counties of Nor ihomlrrland, Union. LvcominR and Columbia, li efer to I P. &. A. RaWDBTa Lewaa t Bsnaoir, Sojsr.us & Sodchm, P.hilad. To The I. . of O. B J. W. & K. I). 8 T () K i: S, iWttnufactiirera of Prcmitiin Odd Fel lows' Kegitlia, No. 9i Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Store below Cth Stirct. rlIE ubncri',r having liken the prenuu.n at I. Fianklin L stuie, nt the laot eiliihitiou, for the licni R.m1i, they invite the attention of the order to their eaiald'n-hmenl, wht ie they will fin.l a 'P'einlid apottiiieiil if I', (1. and Encampment Re nslia. They alo make l.i order for Loiluen and Encampments. Reja'ia, S'nuhis, (n-,tuines and Robee, snd furniwh every thins reuuisite for the A laige us- oriRier.t of Good at Private cnveiiieute of new Lodges or Eur amprnents. J. W. STOKE., P. D. STOKES. Phila V!d to, Dec. l', IS tO. 1 w KXTIiAOliDINAKY niSrOVEIlY! RtOLDS, McFt AHD &. Co. Sraatno, Gonu 6c Co. B. KI1VIBER, JR., iVo. !J4 AWA Fourth Street, under lAe Mer cAonfs' Ifotrl, I h 1 1 a d o I p Ii I n , n modi di raais KEEPS constantly on hsnd an etter.dve as sortment of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Bea i Hsts, which he offers for sale on the most rea ?onlie term. His Hat are msdn up ot th best innerials, and in the moat approved style. Per son visiting the ci'y will find it to their internal to call. July 11th, 184(5. ly llTlHIItS BY TH S fRASm.1 1SSTITUTS, 1815. City Dagncrrrulype EstabliUimeut. ( Lste .Si mi si & COLLI.) A'd. 100 Cttrrnut ... tiliuce Third, South tide, riHLArELriiiA. for a lady, i INIATCUES l:iken equally as well in clou- as in cU' .r ue .i.n r. A it irk mlk dnoa lady, and a htu k mil for a eentlemsn. are preferable in silling f ! a pictU'C. No extra charge is nisile for roKimif;, and porlect likenesses are gu .rnnned. July 4ih, I84fi. ly 'Inltmiore. Philadelphia failed I do failed do lulled 1 da do Dyoil, prop.) failed Tovvauda Bedford no sale J BtMtvt-r Imu'd i H dli'iubuiK loxd Waaliiitoii failed liellrfollU) UiH. ,1 ( Pltlalijig HO fall' j PlllstilirjJ failod ; Fayelle co. f iilt d j tirc.'iicsil'e filled j lUrinouv no .ale Huntingdon no wle j l.i itoin no aalu Warien failed I I'liiul ifl" no mile New Hope closed I Millon no slc j Meadville closed ' Port I 'Hihon j Curlitlo failed Monli e closed i l iiioniown fhilcil ' Grcenst ur cl.tt.ed ' llki sb.irrc no sale , SOrr2BTIIING 3MBV7 ! f1ME .iil scribfr- have Iih eics-ivu light of j J. vt-n.lint J. M. THATCHER'S I Hot Ulast Hot Air Cooking j EOlrJ',fiWKi:e) ill the C' untie.' of Noithumlmilan I, C. Iilmt'is and Si huylkiii; and fmm the encourneemcnl mel wilh nln iulv, tl.ey expect lo do a larte bUhiiies. 'l'his Live i con-lruc'ed on an entirely new piii cinle, snd on the oulv p.'inc'ple that f in inaku boih a gonj wi oil and co il stove. The inventor hss over, come all ihe dilficiilt f s thai s.i freq-iently belong 1 1 other stoves. He hss by hi arrsntemnl, con-stiuct- d a broiling Cv7 ctt 1,1 fl'OIlt, where in broilma, roasting, dying or taking mny he done, and all ihe smell that arises thcedo'n mint paav into the combotil le chamber, and is not at all thrown out into Ihe room ..P0 Besides lhi, there isn oven only two inches teas than the whole six.' of the stuvc, wlisreiu baking or rousting may he done as vell a it can he in the Common brick oen. This even is always fit for ti-e when the s'ove is heated, ss the whole drsughl of hot air psi-es s lOUIld It colistsnlly. I'ubl c siientiiin is partieulinty called lo thiii Move. Ii ran I hi m at our Store anJ Tin E-lah lisbmeot in Norili Danville, nt the rign of tho Co 'iiinl'ia Tin i-bop, und at ihe t'oiuidy of Ruhrbarh t'lenieiil in Suiibnry, where iu particular qusli liis will tie folly hown and esp anted to auy person i.bini! to n .mini' it. The su' scrilh'is continue to bate on hand all kinds i f partoi Move, vuch an radiator, cv'wnlers, fancy and plum, miuhle for !l who may fsvor tin wi'h a call; also common abect and I! u unit Iron, which can be nude in any ih srable shnpe ; tog. . ihei w i ll a gem rtl aR-oilmcui nl tin slid j lpinncd (loaei ntr(.i wholet!e and le'ail. t'.iuntiv nor lunu hie iuvi'ed lo ca! so I examine our smck. sa our w. rk csniioi he surpns-ied, and price loodoerate. IS . B. We can h ly recommend thu above nn n li.ineil rtovc to , einns who wia'i lo rtuh ok in a i;.Hnl hoiui'Fs l'''e patentee w ill m II ci. I er coun ty or Ktste nhm. to euit purc'rsserH, and on rea son ible terms, lid or his agiii'K niay he found iu Danville, Pa. J. it J. ART Ell. Bank of New Biunswick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Uumherland Bank F armers Bunk Farmers' slid Mechanics' Bk Farmera snd Mechanics' Bk Farmer' and Men hauts' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Brunswick Belvider Medford Perth Amboy Bridueton Mount Holly Railway N. Biuuiwick Mlddlttown pr Jcrxey tity fiiled 1 par 4 par MOUNT VERNON Asa i S5 Nonli Md st., bet. Airfi Ac llnce sts., V h i I n d c 1 p h i a . RADY cV PARKER renperlfully inform their friends and the public that ihiy hive taken the above u timed house, recently kept by J. S. Adnnis, nn I are piepnred to accommodate cunlo mcri in the most aitinfucti ry manner and at rca hoi able price. Their table will be supplied with the bci vri. ety he market affords their parlors ami sleeping aputments will tie in the best order. I he house Ii Hi. lueii thoroughly repaired and furnished w;th a view to the Cytnfort of traveller" and strangerri. ', Hsving had several year experience in the buinei, they hope In give general svisfrction, I anil rexpectfully invite traveller nnd stranirers lo Kive them s call. BR DY i PARKER. ) P)iiliid-lhia..Ununry ttl, 1817. 'f j CHEAP WATCHES, i The C'hc.ipcst Hold hikI Silver Yutche.y j in pinr.Anr.Li'iiiA. i 1 OLD Leters, fud Jewelled, f 45 00 jBj'Sdv.r do. do. SUt'O j (i 'ld Lepinea, Jewelled, !ti( UO 1 Silver do. do. I ? CI' ' Wi-er Quirtiim, fine qn di.y, It' "' Gold Watches plain, In "0 I Silver Hirrtacha, 1 7ft I Gold Pencil, 2 00 i Gold Biacelets, 4 00 Also, on hand, a large assortment of G id and Hair Bracelets, finger ru.cn, breavt pins, hoop ear ring, g..ld pens, silvor spoons, sugsr tonga, thim bles, gold ni ck, curb and f b chains, gusrd keys and jewellery of every description, at equally low price. All I want is a call to convince custo ner. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired and w.nr ni'e.l to keep good time for cue year ; old gold or silver hocght or Iskeo in exchange. For sale, tight day snd thirty hour bran clock, at LEWIS LADOMLS' Watch, Clock and lenelle.y Store. No. 413 Market tri ct, above Elevi nth, north ide, Phila phia. (Tj" I have some Gold end Silvei Lever, st II much cheaper than the uh ive piiceF. I'hiladi lphia, D.c. 3t. 1846. ly Tr!" MottTscrs" fcXnibcrsnl SHAVING CREAM. Small quatitliios piven without Charge. .1 114 Chnnut .V.. PHILADELPHIA. FIHIS new and splendid article, a its name de al notes, is pr 'liiM-ed to he Uerior to any Sha ving Cii'hiii in the I i lit. 1 Stales or Europe. It in tinsurps6; d f r besuty. purity and f sgrmice, tho' xiuiiuhat analagous l.i Gu'-rlsiit's Ambrotial Crenm snd oil, or similar compounds. It far sur passes them all by Ihe em l ienl pasty consistency of its hth.r, which so soften the heard as lo rend, r striving pleusant and easy. It further pnnecfses Ihe udsauhige over the imported article, in being ficxhly pnpiie.l. no (kill being wanting in its man- DBAriNrES3 CAN BE CUBED 1 1 COOPER'S ETEKIAL OH A prompt and la-ting reme.ly f,.r l)KsrvKa, hIho for paina ami discharge of matter from the Earc. Hundreds of run in ea-es decmrd ut'eilv hope le-shave fi'inlv e lablii-hed ita superiority over eve. ry firmer Medical discovery. Thii valuable Acnutlic Medicine is a compound i of four ilifferi iit ().li, one of wh'n h, the active and ' princiml ingredient, is obt lined from the bsrk of a j certain m cms of Walsut, new ai.d etTi vlual j agent in the rure of Duafiiene. . i'erou w ho hud Ix'im d. af for 10, 15 end even 20 yearn, huve been permsinnily cured by using thi oil. in fact, no numerous and so i mph ilie ; have been the leniiinoniuls in iu favor, iti.it the in- j vi nlor chiima fir it the ilivim tioii of an Infallible : Ri uiedy, in all cave, whi n thu Ear is perfect in j its f.irnmti n. j Foi fuither parileu'srs, and evidence of its great ; tslue, primed ihe. ta. in the hands of Agcnl. F. l s.le iu Sunbury, by J. W. FKILING. September l'J.h, 1816 ly CHESIUT STREI1T, I' II I I. A I) i: . 1 II 1 A. fTIHS larye and comtnodinus Hotel hn recently 1 hieu lilted up wi'h entire new furniture. The subscriber Ihtrt fore solicit the patronage of the public, and tiuat that their ciptrience in the huiuen will enable them lo give entire satisfac tion. Terms moderate. BAG LEY, McKENZlE & Co. July 4th, 1816. ly V K T K II V,. MASS V. R. RECENTLY FRGM P11ILA Dl'LrHI A, ESPECTFIT.LY inlorms the citizen of Sunbury anil vi.'inilv, thai he hss nneneii sr) ! ntrice at the residence of Henry Msn-er. in Msiket treet, where he in prep ned to execute all kinds of DkT4L SiiioKsr. Plate Work, &.C., on the latent and rnol approved p!nn. Hiving had Himi' experience and iiia'rueiion, under r ne of the mint eminent and uccerul Den lis'n in Philaih Iphi i, be belii-ves tint he w ill he ah'e to give eat'iHl iciion to tlio.e who may want his services Lad es will be w.ii'ed cn st their plies of rcni dence. His charge will he moderate, and hi wo.k warranted. Sunbury, March 2Slh, H16. To I'm cliasrrs or DR3T GOODS. Hoboken lilg 6c Glaring Co HoU ken lersey City Bank Mechaiiio' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechtnie' and Manuf. bk Morria ("anal and Bkg Co Pot Note Newark Bkg & In Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Munufac. and Bkg Co Jemey City Patn reon Belleville Morristnwn I leeimlii Newmk T renton Jersey City Newaik Lauiheiiktilla llolmkcn Th undersigned, bavins fen in operation the hoi b ast hot air conking love, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thatcher, certify that we believe. from Ihe in inner of its coiintiuni n tnd opera ion, t ufictuie. E. Roufsel having had many years' ex that it i the best one ever offered In the pi.blic. The! prrienre in the celebrated Laboratory of Latigur, arrangement ism cmidete snd Ihe construction so j P.., e Kil. now Kenaud Ar co.. of Paris. I"' judicious, that Ihete is a saving ol one half the fuel j Bcai.lre bcinir the best, it is ihe cheapest artirle ., '. 1 and time, in doing any given amount of rvic, i for ahavio: u i elegantly nut un in boxe. with over other Cblehrated stoves. In short we riC .ro- j jileiulul led engrnvetl labels. menl il in pief. rence t all otl er, for the simple j Pii- f J r doen. or 37.J ccn's for a single b-.K. r. isori that it embrace evi ty branch of economy, j o ahave one year. It is ulo sold st f I 50 per Ih. Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett. D.vid Chst- j or I8J cnts per ox., so tint gintlemrn ran have field, V F Kit cli. n. John M Gray, L 'I in nipson, ; their botes filhd at El tiE.NE ROLSSEL'S, Smut) I horn; iii'i, J D Hshn, J hn llakea, kt ah tlrar, fli . F Coopn, G.n M l!i(li-it, Daniel H.if.ao. Henry 11 Rissel, F H t'arver, Daniel ln iibach, J ieph Yanknk, Brooks Eplev. Danville. March C, 1817. ly faileil 1 failed failed failed I 'tiled fadeJ A laih J i par LU. UNRIVALLKI) AND UNEQUAL! .Kl) In ruling Colds, Coughs, Atthma, Influent i, Whooping-Cough, snd all DUeise of the bie.st and lur gi, h ading to Cnusump Uon ; conipoid of ihe roncentriled vir.m of ibe herb Hoiehouiul, B'ineai'tt, Bloodroot, and several other ,(.,.-. hie siih-l.ilices. Wsrranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rPII!S invaluable Medicine ia the mot speedy -1 and cett iiii remedy ever discovered f r the s- A'n. 121 Pearlsl, NEW YORK. HAYING established a Branch at No. 144 Chen nut st., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be constantly receiving from ihe New York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of FANCY V STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold si ihe lowest New York puces, at wholesale and R. tail. Among In stock wilt he found a good assortment of the followit g articles: Jaeeonets, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Siri, B.iok, Swi-s ami Tnrla'an Muslins, Bih p and Lineil Lawns, Fancy Cap Netta, Fancy and Rail tlreae, Thrend Lace, Apphcaiion Do., rich B ack Silk Tnmmi'ig Lace, lii-ll Liions, Linen Camhrics, I. nu n Cambric Hdlifn., Curt iiu Fringes, C.inhniMie d'Ecoa-e, Mouscline du Lsine, Silk and Cotton Warp Alpeccaa, liu.ii.'s tloth, tiala Plaida, Fniich Merinos, 111 ick silks, Gloves, fi,k Hose, Shawls, Ciaviti, Ribhuns, Einlitoiderii s Are., Alc Coimtrv Mrichants and other vixinng Phi.nlel hove compla nis, as thousand- who have u.ed it ,,ni, r Nrw York to purchase, are reactfully in y.d tcr.ily. I ot Inle, in Sunhury. by ! vjlri to ca)I a(I rtHm,e ,i, J. W. FRH.ING. ml in Northuniherlsnd. by D. UKAUTIOAM, and at whulisalo, in I'hiladilphia. hv F. kl.E I T At Co, Corner of Second and Callow hill streets September 19th, 184C ly DENTISTRY. -"AC 03 HELLEPs, THANKFUL for the litieral enciur .ement which he hi received, woul I respectfully inform hi friend and the citizens of NorlhumU'r- land rounly in general, that he has prer ired him- Nov, 1, 1845. 1 y THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tur & Wood h irt Iiu. rilllE unprecedented surces of thi medicine, in the restoration if health, to those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, has given it nn exal ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing i vidrnre of its intrinsic va'ue and power, ss the on- ly spent which ran l relied upon for the rure of 1 Putmonary Consumption, Brouchittis, Asthma, I Pain in the side and Breast, Spitting of Blood, self with Ihe heal Incuiruptiblo Teeth, Gold Plate, Whooping Cou;h, Croup, ic. Gold Foil, &.C., that ran be had in Ihe cilv of Phi- I Attention i nquested to the following ASTON, ladelphia ; and that he will endeavor, to the utmost I JSIIING CI'RE.bv Thomson's Compound Syrup oi nia anility, to render full satisfaction lo all who ' of Tar and ootl IN apt ha ! may ihinlt pioper lu engage his services. He will ! be l.i Sunbury at Ihe Augu-t court, where he will I no sule i failed failed i failed 1L 1 'ft VVbolesule and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Es Hblishmenl, 1 14 t'hesnnl Strut. Dec HI, I84f..-. PHILADELPHIA. N J Pioleclon dc Looibaid bk Jersey City Orange Bunk Orange 1'ater.on Bank Patersun I'eoplss' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem State Bmk Newark State Bank Elizatiethtown State Bank Cannlrn Slate Bank of Morris Monislown State Bank Trenton Salem and Philad Manuf Cn Side in Siiasex Bank Newton ) Tieuton Banking Co Tientvn par I'niun Bank Devur j WasUingUm Banking Co. Harkenasck failed j rPHE suhserilor otl'ers fir sale a cheao Farm, situate in Shsrm kin township, Norihumber- land cnuiity, about eight mile from Sunh.iry, ly- i.. .v.-,. :. i i i. r.,i " ink iT'wn ti iiifr riiur luiin iar aiiti iriii niirv. . i. aa . l , ... ,, . ,, " . , , ' ' i me o.iurn vvi st coiner ot Market Square 9 r.tnlAiiiln. If,! mi im i. Ilniw nei.a H;,i.l f.rm . lHr I i in a g.e.d state of cultivation, with reas mol ly P,r ', good buildings and excellent water near the door j , aud all kinds of fruit. Ao. I ! JOHN FA RNS WORTH, T' j Sunbury, Feb. 20, 1817. Uilo.1 I i-sl . I I s . i ! l vioi mug UiSiauiisunioni nRIaAWAHH. Bk of Wllm A Brandy wine VVilnunpton Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank cif Baiyina 8:nyina Do -ranch Milford Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcsaila Union Bank Wilmington (TT Under 6' df On all irik tasikrd thu () ihr re ei. lhr (oaiatarfeit nr ahsred note of th vr,cu ds tiOaiirjaticri, in rirrUitjou. par par par par par paf par par I OPERATIONS in CLoeHiwa seem to be th riller of th day, st ih Philadelphia Ward Robe, 103 ChiiiiUt nut, where every article in the line ia kept, arid sold at stonl hlng low piirr. emhr icing Cloaks, Bangups, Ovrr Sack Coals, Short Sack Costs, Super Tranco Cloth Die Ftork Cods, Psctaboins of svsry grads and style, ny of wt.ii b will beaold either by the gtrment or d,n,t pii cv ibat will justify ih mo si eeonemtcal in buying. M'e advise allwhnwsni gooal tnd theap Clo tbin;, toeall SI Na. 1S Chesnul 'rt, Ph.ladeljhn, T Sth, I iT flm New Firm. j MllE l."nder gnfd hereby give notice, thst he i A has associa'td with bio. sell', as a partner in I the mercantile business, in his store adjoining ! I Wosvui's Tavern, in Sunbury, John Ha. and 1 that the said store will hi reatter be conducted un- I der ihe firm of Clement & Han. The store at ( ill be I conducted aa heretofore, by the subscriber himself, j lu which he respcclltllly in rites bis customrt and friend. He a'ao notifies all those indebted lo him. In call between this and the 1st of January next, and set tle Iheir srcounl. All kinds of produce will be taken on account, at rash prices. Hareaftrr no longer than four month credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Nov. 14. 1810 tf. be iiienarej. at his residence In insert Tielh on Gold Piste, or on Piv.it. on the latest and most sp proved plnn, and attend lo all the branch belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will he waited on at their placis of resi lie lire, il" desired. Hi charges will lie reasonable, and his woik warranted. He will visit different part of the county, about Mice in three mouth. Sunbury, July ISth, 1S16 Cm FOUNTAIN HOTEL? I.l?tit Mrc?t, TTlHE House hss undergone a thorough repair. M I he pmprietnrs solicit its former nationace. Term $1 25 per day. CLEMEITT & HAAS, RESPECTFULLY infirm the public, that on th 9th inst , ihey entered into partnership, in Ihe mercantile business, at th store recently occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver's I'tvrrn, in Sunbury. They hsv lately received a nw tock of goods, which they wiU daipo of at the lowed price. AH kinds of produce will be taken in eichtnge for f oods. No longsr than four months credit will le given. IRA T. CI.FMENT, JOHN HAAS. PunLurr.TS'ur. U, tf. July 4, IMS Iv VM. W. DI.. ARTHUR I- FOGG. Proprietor. Keller X C-reeiiousli, P-TE1TT .TTC31TE7S, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASziizraTczr, d. c. DRAWINGS and Pper for the Pa'ent Of. fice will u prepared by them, al lhair office, opposite th Patent Office. July. 4th, 1846. ly ' EXTER'3 SPIRITS OF SOAP, for ex. Irsctma GresM). Dry I'smts, sn.isb, J sr, . &e. from clothier of any description, wai- lantesl not to injur lb cloth or Ih ino delica1 color. This liquid hi also been used with grai uecea in cases el Burus, Scalds, Tell, r, Pitnples cn the face, Cbspped hands, Sore lis. Rheuma tism, Hard er of Corn, iu. (J Price, it cur isrpo'il. For al at th rore of July 1$, I6. H. MAS5BP Philadelphia, May 37, 18 H. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of the astonishing effects of your medicine, which has literally rais d me from a death-led ! My disea-e. Pulmonary Consump. lion, had reduced me o bov th.it my hys ciati pro. rojurrd my case hopeless! At this junction I be gan to u eyour inedxine, and miraculous a it may xt'in, it has coinpleU -ly rei-torrd me to health, after every tiling t'Ue bad failed. Respectfully Vours. WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte street, above George street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mark and his sulleririifs, hear witness 10 the astonishing effects of Thomson' Compound Syrup of Tar, and tba truth of lb hove statement. JOS, WINNER, 3IS North Third treet, DAVID VICKERS. 4S Almond street. HUGH M'GINLEY, S. E. corner Tmny and Fourth sm-eta. Prepsred only by 8. P. Thomson, N. E. corner nf iSlh nd Spruce strerts, Phi adelphis. Agent. H. B. Masser, Sunbury j D. Gross, snd Dr. Marfaherann, Harrishurg ; Jno. G. Brown, PiiHsvill ; Gen. Earl, Ra iding Houston A Ma on, Towtnda, Bradford county, Pa. Pi ice 60 ceuu per bottle, or $ 5 per doien. eej" Beware of all imitation. Philadelphia. June SNih, IMS. If " Cietr?e J. Weaver, ROPE MAKER & SHIP CHANDLER. So. 1 S rVortA Water Street, Philadelphia. Aa constantly on hand, a general assort- ment of Cordage, Seine I wine. cVe, via : Rope, Fishing Ropas, White Roiie. Manil la Roe, Tow Lint for Canal Boats, Also, a complete assortment of Si in Twine, die, such a Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat PaUnl Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shed and Hwriing Twine, Shoe Thread, &C Ac. Also, Bed Cord, Plough 1 Halters, Trace, Cotton nd l.itun Crpe Cbsins, Ac, (lief which he will divpoee e en reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. Iv.