ingtm left Bremen on the 2Vh, her regular day of "eallinjr, ' 'and reached Houihamptoft on the S?ih, in the forenoon, performing the voyage in forty-six hours, w o -.! -. r..; ,!.; t - Midshipman Roams hr.l written a letter to hit father, who reside r.eaf New Castle, Delaware. It It dsted City of Mexleo, 'June 28, and itatea that the writer' was allowed the liberty of the city. further states, however, that he had not received any etippoit from the Mexican govern', ment, snd that hewatt twice fobbed oiVhia way from the sea coast to the city of Mexico." SiurMRNT or BKAOsttirrs.-i-13,000,000 bneh el of corn, 3,700,t00 bushel of wheat, ami 3, 000,000 barrel of Hour the' whole valued at $33,000,000 have been shipped this season to Great Britain and Ireland alone. ' "'" ' ' ' - . I. -JB tk.. J, i . T Swtntst STRAMta Afloat The atea rnerAlida now waken the trip between New York and Albany,' (154 miles,) jn seven hoiiri caaijy. Thi it at the te of twenty two miles an hour, Ai'pftoratATx. An eaiteYn editor ha adopted aa it motto, "Come and Take me." .-Alack ! and alaa! we ate etYaM that there are too many Santa .Innat in Vhe comrnrmrty in which he residee for the good 'of hit subscription list.' WaH.ii Work for Hot WkaThrr Rev. James C. Richmond ha challenged Harvard University to attack the 'divine doctrine of Episcopacy, the Holy Trinity and the Atonement of sins,1 and proposes to defend, at uch time and place a the University shall select. I.ioHi Nfuo aso TEurnxMi , Wires. Pro lessor Olmetend, of Yalo College, says he has no doubt that the wire of the telegraph have n effect on electricity, v ' "As the storm cornea up, and especially when over the wires, eay fifty or a hundred mi leu dis tant, the lightning is ntlraclfd by the wirra, which enn be proved by anyone remaining in the telegraph office for half on hour. About the time the. storm ia coining up the wiree are continually filled wall electricity. It is my o pinion v. shall never have very heavy thunder showers or hear Jightmng striking, aa Jong as we have telegraphic wiree spread over the eatth." ' ' 1 A Washington letter in the New Vork Cou rier sayej I from Haven, thai he recent pledge given by the President, to exempt all import under our Mexican tariff from confiscation, or any further duties tti be imposed by Mexico, after a peace, has produced a great excitement there, und that immense shipments of sugar, molasses, coffee, tubneco, RTcnr8,nil especially ngurilos will be made from Cuba to Vera Cruss, in part to bo fold during the war but chiefly in the expectation of realising an immense pro fit in the event of peaot. Nu doubt the same course will be pursned in Europe, on hearing of this pledge; and hence, the import into Mexi. co will bo very Urire and the revenue very con eiderabte.' You must bear in mind that thi pledge was not contained in Mr. -Walker's Ta riff, aa promulg-tted ; hut the suggestion camo from Scott and Taylor, and has been adopted by the administration. rxiII.A.BE&rHXA MARKET. Ti'ksiia v, July, 20 . Fiir and Mfal Contrary to gtneral ex pectation, (he price of Flour and Men! hue not fallen much in tins market since the receipt of the late foreign news. Sale of 20(10 barrel Flour, freidi ground, hate been made at $5), and several lots of Western at $3 a $.'. Corn Meal is firm ; fates uf l.'iOU bbU of Drandywine at S'-H. per bul., and puncheons at aJtl'J. Pcunt. Meal ia worth No sales of Ky Flour. ? Grain Wheat ia inactive, at about $1 10 for Penua. red; Rye 73 a 75c; Corn, sales of i!500 bushels Peons, and Southern yellow at 70 J. There are no largo sale ol Oat making. Wbiskev Is dull at 25c, in barrels. BtLTinORE H1RKET. ' OJice of the Baltivobs Am sbicas, July 19. GRAIN. Some lota of new Md. red Wheat were sold to-day at 100105 cent for to prime, and some lot of new Md, whi'.e at 103a 111 cents. , In Maryland Corn there ia nothing doing tor shipment, and there are no receipt of moment. A parcel of Pcnna. yellow was sold today at 63 cent. S i lea ofPenna, Oats to day at !J8 cents. WHISKEY Noaule making by which to entablwh a price nominal quotation 21 and 25 cents. Cur Krxt Jlrmbrr, Ma. Eiito Tb time is approaching wber. w should think about selecting candidate for the Legislature,. We bave beard of (owtly number of person who have Wen mentioned aa candidates, end Ihe rUima of thie person aed that person, and of this side and that aide ef the river. Now we, who are not office hunter, think the 'lo cal habitation' of the tsudidaj is of rwu h less im portance than hut ability, his honesty and integri ty. And a for the claims of any o office, we look upon it a a hnmbite;, aa well a anti-republican. Offices were made lot the people and not for the benefit of fJktbeldess, wt are, or at least ought to be, the servants ofh people, li there ar aay cUima or right in these maitera, they belong to the peaple, wbo have right, and shouhl caercis that right ia selecting eurh. pep. sons who are bet calculated te promote their In terests , as well s the interest of the poWie. Suicb a tnan we think we Ind the person of ALEXANDER JORDAN, Esq , efbunbury, end a he bs eon sen ted Is eerv if nominated and eteifedjet every good democrat and citizen pat hj shoulder to' th wheel suJ insist eton bi nomination. Ilia election would follow of eowar r.1 would alley ell excitement sn4diviaisv.- Ma.m ei Old Trrm. SS" .r . Oar Choice.-. r Ms, EntTot. Your 'papers few'weeks "sines gave a list of th n times of the demorrslic candi date in the field for the Assembly. , A moot them we noticed, with pleasure, that of Mr. 8ILA3 H. EN'GEL, of Sunbury. A the lime is spp'oaching for the nnminstino of candidates, you will much oblige many of your democratic Mends in this township, by permitting us toeajirsss our prefer, ence for the gentleman above named, a a suita ble person tn tepretent o In the next Legislature. We know Mr. Eaott to posses the requisite qualiflcstion lo make such a representative as the democracy of Old Northumberland desire, and shall, therefore, earnestly urge upon the party his nominHtlon. tit his di mocrscy we list full faith, knowing him to I identified tsiih the leading measure of ihc pstty. In his knowlidge. of ike aflair of the Stste, complicated as they are at present, we have the nssuranco tint he will be able to render important service. Itesides, he is tru'y nnd one of the peitk, in every sense of the Irtm-r-in sympathy as well is in ac tion snd consequently ran commnnd a vote which few others will be able lo do. The convention, we are ersosded, could put no person in nomina tion for ibis office who would render more satis faction, and who would reflect more credit upon the county, than Mr. Kn(jc(. Tbk Votes, or AcocstA. Legislature. roa Tat AMrnir as. Mr. Enron You woukl confer hvor upon many of your demucratfc fifrmls, hy allow ing ustn brine; forward, through the medium of your psper, W ILLI AM 1). (lEAlJHAR I", of Ruth ton-tiship. as a candidate for the Legislature. ' Mr. Getihart is a jtenllrmnn oT sound judgment, Correct kshits, and worthy the euprt of the Demotrstic psitv. We know f n pent n mora suitable to fulfill the duties of thsl high end resjionslbll ftfTice. Shou'd the people see pioper to elect Mm aa rhvir Repre sents'iVe, We frf-l roti(ld-nt ihal they Will And In him a puhlift servant fdi-tingniahed abilities, ami an iote ligeot, firm and unwaveilog llem.cfAt ef the Jetfeisoman sellout. Mast VeTsns uv thi TdBss. ?i.mfs Wfathrr. It should be remembered that during the intense beat of summer, the pro cess of digestion is performed with such extreme lunsunr thst our food, instead of being speedily dissolved end converted Into nutriment for the body, often becomes actually spoiled, or pnlr'fi eil in the it a much. Hence bad breath, disagreea ble taste in the mouth, colic pains, dysentery, cholera morbus and other disorders ef the intes tines. " . Wright's iniiian Vegttuiiit Pilh are certain cure for all the above dangerous complaints : be. cause they cleanse' the alimentary canal tif all those billiou and putrid humors, which are the cause, not 6h1y of ill disorders of the bowels, but oT every malady iittident to: man. They elan improve digestion, ; end purify the. blood, hd therefor give lieatthand VigOr to the whole frame, as Well as drive evuy description ol psin from the body. Beware of counterfeit of all kinds! Pome are coated with sugar; others sre made to lesemblo in outward appearance the original mediclrift The safent course is, to purchase from the regular sgents only, one or more of whom may he found in every village and twn in the Slate. (j3"Ageot forthes.leof Wricht's Indian Vegetv hie Pills in Sunhury, Hint Misses. For other sgenciea see advertiscm nt iu another column. No Censor. is ma W'ninsn wi'l materially ufi'irt (he body if the blood is pure. Every indi vidual, even the ni"M d'eaeil, has within blm a germ or root of that otiginul pure blood of our common mo her Eve; which iterm of pu t b'ood is the Mippi.rter of his life, and is in constant sliui; g'.e to thiov olTth.' heteroyfiioU', corrupt humors, which ere. ihe causes of diocese in the Individual. I!y purging the b. dy of this diseased individual o it bad humors, you a'low the germ of pure blood to gain ground and to make blood of In tier quali ty. Let all wbo wish to be of a fine, healthy hab it, and who desire to he able to stand without inju ry the rnntinnnl chinges of this climate. ue the Riandreth Pills, which will effectuslly cIcsum the blood of all had or corrupt humors, and restore the human body In the aisle of health enjoyed I efoie the introduction of mineral mediiinrs. (J3" Purchase of II. Maner, Sunbury, or of the Hgents published in another part of ibis psper. WHsjajeBa)sssBaBBBRsaaiAflaasee D 1 1: ii, In thi borough, on Wednesday evening Isst, Mrs M AKV SEASHOLTZ, aed about 41 years PRICK CURRENT " Corrtttid Uieekty by Iltnry JJjtttr. Itr. i f Cnssj, . 0T. UrTTia, Kss, . I'osa, . Fmuin, . Bssmvas, T.itow, fass, HscsLsn Tut, Dhibi. Ar stair, . . Pi Tsjicifsii," no 70 70 45 ' 5 J 117 J -j 10 10 75 1MI F AdiTrvii tt ilio 1'Hblfcv THE unpirccdente.1 sueeesa stlending rts uss f s.O.ttn)'N nisV (atiriarGHiiedT-fnw proved VsgetaWs .ls,H and llie sefcoewledtfej su Ijeeioriiy which Ihey possess over She common An. ti-Blinos, Cnthartie, snd vsrinus ether Prtt in nersf-irse, have gtveir them a decided prrferei,ce with air who ,hav used them ; sad they sra sni ve raslty esteemed the mot siile and f Vssaot puf gailvrs ever off. reil tn the potl e. i OCT CAUTION. A misciabW imitation his been nrxhr, hy rhe Dims ef 8ugvs Coated I1II, it is neeesssry to be sore lost Ira. O. Urii. Smith's signature is oa every bos. Pile ?5 cent. Piineipsl Office. 179 Greenwich st New York. fold by JCMIN W. rittLING, Kunburu. 1 ' - " WM. rOilSYTHE, Nortlvm'J. Je'y 1M7. HANCE'8 8AHSAP .RfLLA, OR BLOOD ' . P I 1 I. ft O WHAT ta THAT PRINCIPLE WHICH WE CALL THE HLoODt t 1 UK 8 LOO D IS THA T PkmctPtE BY WHICH THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS RE GULATED. ' Theref S if the blood becomes im pure, a general derangement of the system must ensue snd rive rise lit i . Coughs, Colds, Infliienss, TJvspepaie, Dmpsv.Hesd ache, Fu' a of Bloml. Ulll .os, 8crlt, Tvphod and Typhus Fevers or sll kinds, Indigestion, VYssk-ne-s of .Siomsch, Rhnumstism Srul Uheumatic Af fectlou. Nervous AfT.-ctinns, Liver Complaint, Ath ma, Plcuri-v, Inflammation t f the Ltrng, Low Spirits, Fita, Meades, 8mall Pot, Whooping Cough,- Croup, Bore Eyes, . Inward Weakness, Worms, Qn-ney, Bronchitis, Cholic. l)vsenteyi Gravel, Salt Rheum, Deafness and other affections of the Eur, St. Anthony's Fire, ricorfuts or King's Evil, L'lreis, White Swellings, Tumors, Biles, Hup presse.l Monthly Discharges and Femslneomplaihls in gensral, Eiuptions of . the ,Vin, Hsbitusl Cos tiveness, snd all diseases depending Ort s iKsitderil ntiil iliHeased state of the blood, or S suspension of the healthy secretions.. , f There f jre, on ths firt sppearanco of any of thea.! fvmitoins, -r ' ' ') Hssra'a 8 RS A PARlLLA, or BLOOD PILL! should be procured, and used according lo tlve dt teelions. 1'RICE M CI'.NTS r Bo of FIF TY TILLS, or FIVE BOTES f,r ONE DOLLAR. For ssle by 8KTII 8. 1TANCE, corner of Charles snd Prstt sts., ami I0H Bslliinore street, and by GEORGE BRIGHT, Sunbury, D. BRAU riQAM, Northumberland. Julv 21. 1847. I'RTHF.R PROOFS OK THE EFFICACY OF H ANf'E'M COMI'OtTND 8YRIIP OF HOREHOCND IN KEI.IEVINU AFFLICTED MAN I Ms.GrnsriitT. WsssisoTot, residing In Yi'rk, rt'c'et, Federal Hill. Baltimore, ws attacked with u viol, ol c.iUiih and sc. re throat sf'er trying many lemedies, wss induced by friend to ue llanei-.'n t'oinpound 8yrup of Ilonh 'Uiid, snd before Uting i ne bottle, wss emirelv cured. ANOTHER, YET MORE ASTOyiSUlSG f Mas. IIbnhibtta MsHfeicR, residing in Mono men! street, between C inal Sod Eden streets, wss attacked with a very severe Cough and pain in the hieast, which via so intense, that it .mended to the hIiouMcis. She wae sfHictcd sUo with a pain in the eidrs After lring msnv remedies, she wss persu ubd hv s f.lend ts use II A NCR'S (MIMPOU.ND MY l;L'l' OF 1IOKEHOUND. snd after u-ing three doses, she eirirne.d relief, snd before she had finished the bottle, was rntire'y cured. PRICE fiO (Vti's nr bottle. or (I bottles for $250, For sate t.y M-rrH 8. HANcE. I Up Bxltimorc stv, snd Corner Charles and I'isti streets, Baltimore, snd by GEORGE BK1CII I'.Sonlury, D. BRAUMGAM, Nor.bumherlHnd. July 14. 1817. "lilt. VAlXirfyf lllTTs(tTll. Til E following letter just come to hsnd, nd wi'l le read with inWreit The pstient Suffer ed intidorshlyi, and could (Vnl no relief until he. used Ir. Hwatis's CoaieocSn ttwre or Wild ('lira nt. It is crtainly llio most wonderful cure on nfotd! Read it. Wilmington, JV C, Jan. I2th, l$i7. Dai PVt Pear Sir j H iving been almost m'rncktloUsly cured hv your valuaMe medicine, I think it not more than common gratitude in me to make one addition to the long list of certifiaties which you bave lec-ived of remaikab'e cures hv your medicine. During ihc two years pro filing last August. I was very much distie-sed by a veiy bad cold and ricking coi;h. and during Ine latter pirt of the time it continue 1 to grow Worse, and indeed, in July my fi it-no's gsVe me over, hiring tried all kinds of medicine, ss'd to he good Tor such disense, Without the leant pood . fleet. I was re duced almost to a perfect cotp-e, snd had srarcel,' sny fleh upon my hody, srid tot a lung lime ne ver thought to ri-e fiom my bed sgam A fiiend one dny asked me if I hid trod Dr. Switn'i Compound Hjnip of Wtt.U Osinir, and advi-ed roe to do so at once, as he heard that it had Wntked a great many Wonderful cures. I tooiis advice, nnd after using up several hot ties of it, I grew so much better that 1 Wss enabled In leave my bed, and ufierwnrda tt Walk shout the house, and .'o out into the street I W:i enrotirsged bv this, slid continued the use of your medicine, snd now, by mean of its wonderful curative powers, I not per. fctly well, snd enjoy the use i f aM my faculties, just ss muth as if I had neVet bcert afflicted in the wsy t described to yoti. I have writb-n this not thinking that it w ll st sll interest you, htit humbly hoping that It will have Its mite of influence In rsu sing your vsluuble medicine to te spesd aiti ng msnkiod, snd in assisting to raise yon to that sta tion which yott richly deserve, fr y nut jersever!ng ctTirtsfr the p-ddie cood. ' KerpiCtfUlly Jour friend end admirer. JAMES R. MAISI.AND. Comment on such evidence ss the is tin iiccesiury. A single trial will place Dr. Su-Atsa's CoMrousn 8tui e or V'un Cusnut beyond the reirh ofcnniprl lion In the e.l:mstion of eery pa tent. Bat its healing vita will be it best re-t.-inuionjalioi). Hcwarc of I"ihnHion Attemp's have often beau msde I y uuriuc pled indiv. duals to impose uport the community a sutiriou. article, ettealing tieirlv the whole of the name of my pn p nation. To fully guard acainat such bsse and palpahle im-lio-ition, the pot-tic should hon all preparati ons pui porting to contain Wild Cherry, escept that tieaiing tbd sign -tore -f Pn. II. 8watns on etch b lite. The nsmo of Ir. S w-Af sr, in e nn clton with lh Compnui d eivrnp f Wild Chciry, has never yet been counterfeited. 8o if persons would ler iu mind tie nem of Da. Kwts. they may he lure of ubtaiuing the o.igiual and genuine arti cle. , Ben sic of the worthie s 'Psls ims.' 'Bitter.' Syiup-,' &c., they e uitaia none ef th virtues of the original prepsiation. . The ( O'siiiil and g noine article is pre pintd by DR. 8WAYNP.. corner Eighth and Uses slrei l", l'hihlelit) s, and for ails by events it sll prs ef the L'niie.l States, so J some arii ef Europe, On'y Agen s in aunbiry. s-e HENRY MASsE IT, , GEORGE BRIUHT. Dr. J. A. Move, D.nvill! T. 8. Mark' & so, M bon; M. P. & J. Well. Manev ; C. A. vstt. I.exrsoii'c; Dsis & Schnuie, 8t'insgrove; John C. Reno, Liue Mountsia P. CI. . . . I'hilsdUphtv . jeiaSm. fft-Iy Entufe of J antes) iitrtfetf, fccd. NOT ICE is I fsol y givt n, that ktieie testa mentary pn said estate have If en granted to the suhecriber. Pefsone bavhg demamls against sen tasane, ate requested to-present thenr for exa mination Hint settlement, and tUoae knowing them, selves Indebted are tvquertej to make immediate payment. . - 5ARAH HL'81'EH. Oesibufy.Jtrly 17, Et'tt. list or Oil USES.- VOIl trml in the Court of Common Ploas of Nor. A thumherland County, at August Tern, 1817, commencing the first Monday, being the SJ. i ; Jno 11 Snd Andrew Fetter vs Charles Q Dotts ' J W 8eitstnger, alienee of Gsrver vs J Gsrvei's heirs William 8imentorl ve J 8hiriman fc E Greenongh Wm II Heineman , ve Hartman H Ki oebls Peter Rir-hter's sir's - vs D'ge A Barrel , J 'hn A Lloyd ,,. vs Wm 15 McDonald Wm H Pomp's assignres vs Wm Welch Benjamin Rohina , ve Valentine Klsge Henry Mssser va Wio McCarty et al Jamea Merrill's ea'ra va George Watta'a adn.'rs Vickery rV Yiekery , va PHer Brosius el si Mshlon Hsmlen el si vs John Bidlemsn et al Charles H Frick vs William Frick W'ood cV Rhswn'setra va Ihivld Hsupt t)antel II Conner v Dani.l Weidner Oeorge C Lilly Va Jacob Lilly's ednt'rs . John Htne va Elirsbeth'Hine . ' Com th f..r J Jenkins Vs T A Billii cton ct al va Jacob Shi t -vs S.imin l Blair'. '" ', Vs George Oyster " ' vs Simucl Bliir v Witlurh turr Henry Masser vs II B M isser A Joseph finally Gsrnhart vs (Seotgc Ov-'ti r Vs Roh. rt A" Psrish vs P N t.ike el nl Vs P.-tei ttaiighawout vs lohn B BoyJ's etrs PSme hllDS Goorgn Eckcrt Frsncis Ball's admi Balti't Garnharl Borough of Milton Jacob W Hetliinger John Haas, Eeqt .la roh Keed William II Oillic.rt Whitnll cV. Brown Wil ium Naoan Ysrdling A Lower et al v.. Molt A Hchoeber et al V Daniel White Htdet 8mi'h Freeman H Clark Naae Unit DA P Railroad co s Benjamih tiohins vs Augustus A John Huey v John Mehrlner vs Henry F.l-I o vs H .ywood A 8ydct' Hugh D O .ks's auiu'ia Va J me O .ks Wli.,m Dale vs John F..llmers e'r William Gibson vs David Holden Wm A R Fege'v A M vs George fleikett Willi , m Alhrtqlit ('haile Phasants F II Wilson . John N Ouster Harlow Prior Ev Mutchlct !Hih II Condey SFslsLINO OFT. II. FUUDY, Msrkst 8'rjusre, Suiiburv. has , a large asawu tassel of pry Ciooda, Groceries, Quevna Ware, Ac , whiih he il.s1 at roduasd puces, forrsA or rv ptmlurs, ' . Punbjry, 7uty W, lift if Vs Isiac (5 Bryant vs J a nes Ross et si vs Abraham Siraub vs Hugh McF.ll Vs 8sme vs John Mu'chter's sdm'rs vs Wm II Frvmiie co Miners Hunk M I r.ttsvillu vs I.eUis PeWsrt t'hnrlcs Plessants Vs Same Philip Billmeyer Vs (I-orpe Ciood William Murray B d r-r Gsmharl JOHN FARNSVN t'iRTtf. Prnthonntar'a offieo. 5 YofVy Sunbury, July 10. 1847. J list or rJiSoRS OF Northumtserland County, for August Trtm, A. D. 1817. (a'raiitJ Jiii'ofis .rni'j t),ivid Wstt, George Wagoner. Manure. Robert Mcllfle, David C. Watson, Witlia n Ireland. CliiUifffunrir. Wil'lem Blsit-, Urotgto Tiokel, William Durham, John Caul. Point. Frsncis CibnOn. Suntiury CleorgS P. Buyers. SliuiHufiin. Jacob Conrad, Joseph Pot. Rush. Go Ifiey PorkefcllCr, Peiry Patton, Ro bert Amm-rmin. t'pper Mahrmntf. DartM lteim, David Clark. Elias Geist, Daniel Fount. Jwer Mahnninf. William Fing'iorve. Jne.wn. Michael Spate, Geo. Goie, Michael Kniaa. Traverse .furors). Tiirhul John Stadden. twit --Daniel Pteishsch. Michael Reader. ' iMmcarr. Jtcoh Sir tel. Jo-eph Hsmrfter, E. L. Pifer. Moses M. Bolder, Ji.cob Brrwn. .Miltnn. 8eth lsdwalader, Israel Keiiler, Rami. TeasS, Joseph AneStml, John 8 Peiefinan. Ch!,'lirifuaue. t'harles Yot, John Hoiisel. James Russet. William Kramer. VnZ.--Gro, lusher, Ttter Foost, Michael Arnold. Scrthumber'ntiil John ttower, A. C. It irrett. t'pprr A'tgiiitn. Geo; Otietdotf, Henrv Klinn tnttr Anrttn Xnml. t. Jen-mith Wet tel. John V , Maliih. Hiniy Folk, Geo. Burn. Shitmnkin. Wm Gass, James I'tlce, Yi-st, AVm. Marti Valentine KlaHe, Jacrj!l 8holl, John Rothermel.Jr. Rush, -Ruben Usmrbrll, Philip Hile, Wm. H. Kase. Vppir jVrtlon.y. John Bgum, Abmhim Kou sclntan. hnflrr Mrttionoy. Cteo. Lenker, John Lower. tttlfr Mnh'itwti -l eonard Reed. Jtfknm. Pan'l 8chwSrla, Peter Brown,'l llohrer, Samuel MaHi-h. Afo(ico IS lieitl.v -iva.i to nil lejatees, creilltdr. Snd o ther persons intemslcd in the estntl-s nf Adun 8orher dec, settled by his exr IVte Kuot of D i vid Kreps dec, s ti ed by his sdmr Peter Kuio; of Mary Siadden dee, settled by hhr rs Jehu 8 ad den and Charles Riddles; of Wm Klaildc n dec. set. tied by his ens John 8tadden snd Ch ill. s Riddles; of Michael t'rea-ingfr dec, settled ly bis sdmr Pa-tl-el chwarlr; of Win liceser dee, retlled by his . irs Samuel and David Ri esc; of8imne 1'o'inni dec. seliled by his adniT Catharine Dobsoo; ef Ni chotaa I. "11? dec, settled by his adinr Peter Biehl; of Joseph ICeff. r, sur. dec. settled by his ctr Joseph Kcltto, jr ; ofCathaiinn Michael d.C,- settle. I by her sdmr John Lenker; of Ch'irtatu lh-hi dec, setthd by his cxr Benjamin Mine; of David ICaseioan dec, setttrj by Ida sdmr Fr. di rick Kaseinan; of f5et nard McOee die, settled y his eirs Mic'isel Mc. Gee and D 'nnis Buoy; of John Mover dec, f-ctll d by hi. ftr Dr. John H ke.r; of John 111', dec, . t lltd tiy his admi Win llilf) of Samuel Bloom dee, s. tiled by htseir Jscott and Pimel Bloom; the account of Frederick felicll, gnnrdian of Maty Eli t'beth Kulhihe arconnt if David Eshbu-h, t'Uatre of the estato i f Philip E.hl ach. det'd. La'te of , Nofthumherland c.iuii'y.dt-c'd ibnt the etei mors, aibfl rti-tiatois. snd guaidians uf the ssld dei eased estat.s bve 8 ed their scf,ounta the 'ei;i'er of this ccutity, nnd thai ihey will bo presented to the O phans' (3ouri of siu county, mi Tuesla.v, t'i 3J ilsy of Anjuat tied, for .o Prnmiion dnj ailowsncs. EDWARD OYSTER. Peg'sier'a Ofice, i ftil-ter fenbury, July a. 1817 To the r.lcclors County : TELLOW CITIZENS At the r sfiest of my - fiiend-, t oil t A.y.clf at s tardsUte nn the o(Ki e of County Coniiulviloitrr Ehodld you helievs me worthy f your confi dence, snd confei litis oTice upon me, J shall apsis lie exertions Ui give getttrsl ssti'sfaclion. JACtVB ntfrtx. ... . I'pper Msbohoy, Jut 17. M47. . To the kTeVtartof VrthumberUiHit County : AT the solicjinfiorj of a nOeVherfof niy frnds in JifY. rent parts nf lbs C"nnty . btfv ConsSutcJ to bs a candidate for the effTce of v H k A s uilnn. Should I be elected, it will he my pleasure ss well aa duly, to attend ! lb usine of lite alike wiib fidulity siut suneltsliW.. v . s; OEOliOE WEIitft. Sunlosy, July 'J, 1517. rf A'orihtimbcrland OPINIONS (it TIIE-PRKSS, v wRttrrvc i" T WRIGHT'S 1MIIAN f BGRTABLB PIUS, ' " Jv'" tft Comrten Democrat. " wmaHT'8 UntAst Vrosnats Pitt.rTh.e celebrstr,! Pdls, so universally used aftJ ad mired, have become to I e considered .Imost ss ne. ee.sary in families ss water or fuel. In t ies, the principle npon which thin medicine has nsfalifished its repolstion pnrgntim now pretty genetally avknowledaed to be the only It us one,' bv which health may be p ea rved, or restmed hrn impatri j. Wright's Pills erenow a Universal fsvnrite. ' From the Vhiladefphla Saturday Evening Pott. WnrnnT'a lvnt YsnrTista Puts, are st- aining great cebbrltv in New England, as well as other psits of the United Slates. The attempt of pnrsnos to defraud Ihe public by the a de of spurious article meets with sereral reprft'iatlnn. Pr. Wrfgnt t an indf itigshle business man, and shows so srray r ernes by the niedeelne which warrant eonfideiice in the virtues of his Indian Vegetshle Pills. From the rhUndrtph'a Siin't of the T-mes. Whisht' Ivnras Viomsta Pitta. Peo pie are pretty Well s'i Ti-d by this time Ihst calo mel, snd the other thousand and one mineral pre parations of the .hops, sre hi tter adapted, as a gen etal rule, to kill rather than core Ihe patient as s m d er of cout-o, vegetable mediciliea are therefore in great request. There are miny humbugs bow. ever, among ihe latter, and we would advi-e all those wbo have Ihe lewt regard for their beabb, to try Wright" Indian Veg-.tahtr Pilli of -Vie North American Collfge nf Health, as they are the pre paration of one in im&tely acquainted With the healing srt. From the tUrlun thi-'tu Timet. Wstnrti's Indm Put. Of all itl't public s Wrrtised medicines nf ths day, we know of noho thai tae can more s-ifely recommend for the '-il's that flesh is heir to.' ihsn the Pdls that are sold st the depot of the Nmth Atns.lrsn Cd-I- ge of Wealth, No. 138 Tremonl stteot, Uoaton. Seve-al lustaVlCea we kriow of where they are Used in fiimitiea with the highest a litf iclion i ahd ho I oner ago than ycateiday, we h ard an eminent physician of this City tccommci.d them ill high terms. The foil 'wing highly respvclshle storekeepers hive been duty sopoinied sc-nts for the sale of Weight tndian Vegetable Pill, in Noithumber-. I old county t Henry Masser, Silnbury. E. A J. Kaulfnan, An soul towiikhip, Samuel Herb, Little Mahonoy. Witli&m Peppen, Jackson. Itenevillo llolsluie, t'pper Mahonoy. John G. tti no, I'pier Mahonoy. Samuel John, 8hsmokintown. Porythe Wil-on A to., NotthUmbctlsnd. E. L. I'iper, Watsonbiirg. Irland A Hsynes. McEisrn'Ville. James Peed, Poigruve. Wm. O Scott, Rushvdle. Hartman Knrrible, Ely.burg P. 0. Amos T. Beissel. Turbmsville. tl:d. on iShai'cl, t'pper Mahonoy. Rhodes A Farrow, Snydmstown. John King, Parniersvlle. Silmt-. Cook. Miitin's Cre.k. J. lie Young. IticliHVi e. Abraham Sin r r. Rii-hoidud. 8 ininei Taylor, 8.ili'l'or I. John It. Vincent, OhlhsJosrJue. Win. lleineti A Biolber, Milton. lUwiatot Cocs rr.srrtts.-- Tho public, are cautioned against thii many spurious medicines, which iu order lo deceive, are illej by nsntns si milar to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. The s .feat cuurMj is to pui chase of the regular ag'-tits etily, who are gentlemen that may be ro lled On. (J- OtTn-es devoted etrlusive'y lo ihe sate of W RIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILI.8, of the No-lh American College nf Health, No. Greenwich 8treet. N.-w York ; No. I!R Tremont Street, Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. lb 9 Pvtrs 8tssst, Phila.ielplua. June 12'h, 1817. sl9y. To the Electors of Vt thnmbcrland County: KEING .olicited by many of my fiieniL. I have colt -billed to ofl'er my s If as 8 Volun le. i candidate fitr the elliee d' 1 Kl 1! 1 S L It t It of Norihumberlsnd bounty; Hhould Joo see pro. tier to rtect me. I pledge mvself to perform the dulles.if.sld offics With B lelitv. HENRY WEISE. Suhbtiry, June 19 h. I94T. B X C K S O N & C 0.7" Tin. M) iMarkcl JStreel, fivetloors below Thittl, South nirfc, PUltADBiFHIA, tmpnl'tc!- St TTltoloeat ICilIctS tri BA TCHES, Watch G la sea and Materials. Jevielry nf all doiCiiplious, qualities and styles, coinp.Uiog ull the aiticles connected with the TiaJc, Clot-ks. I'.x-on d Son's Briismiia, Ci ium Silver and Sil ver PUied Wares. flieirifhl itnd OiriiiiiiKhim Plated Fancy ArlicleK. Itiideis A Sou's itiul WosLiilndm's t'utlery, Ra t.irs 8c;srs, Eraeis, Iejk, Ac. Irory ll nj ed Ttil' Cuilery . of ihe fun st, tneJitlm end coonii ui qualitiea. , ! A Irl'ge asoitiociit of Gold Pens. Perifocal fpcclscb . P'ipirr Mache and Japanned Trays, various stapes and it dilies, at ielu ed rstes CM Wach Ca , Pi.ds and 8ilrcr-Ware, of all desciiiitiona, oninif u ui'P.I to order. DlCKoN A CO.. b,-ing rrrently removed into the large sod CumuitMiiuuji wairU"se fotuierly occupied by Measis. K. AiiHesr A 8osv, sud more recently by AsmtcKr A' IIsmisio Ma, big leave 6 Inl iini Watch Dealer-, C untiy M rt hints and ioher, that Ihey tie go having at a'l tiotes S laiiie a soiiment off", of tluironn linporla lion, h!ch aiu determinid to tell al the lowcal , rates. r Every site, timi will le p. id is tds Packing of (Jo d. and in ihe e( cutioii nt DiJ rs, the UQ nl- lies and prices mid In ful!y gu xatlii.'vJ ugaliisf stl rum(ioiioii. PbiU'clphia, June l'.eh, UiJ.--i ruoivs ivsBXico! Csa5 mim .itiuV Mr'.i', cf e-i- 'he bomugti of rioalhomterleoJ, sue. IfWJl cs-sor to Dsnicl Brsuogam. ie-Kxlfully Qh. InUme ihe pUtifie, that, almnagh Gen. 8coti s army has taken Jersps, fsmoua Hw its pro. duction of Jalap, aha stilt ban eoough of the srlicle lo Supply the wauls of her euaioneeiK, besidea evcrv other vsii'eiy of drugs and medicines usually found ia an apotbscry. op. Having piirchascJ lb .lock of Mr. ifreuligas. shs has opened a new r sUMishnvsut, almost opposite his old stand, and dusts, by strict st Italian lo, to merit Ibe paUoosge of tb stCMii'y snd public. . Hits Wfll eoosisniby keep on band every vsiiety asf Pruga. Paints. epiCrs, Patent Medicine. Ac, th-l is usual'y ft unil in s divg alme, sbifh stis ...ii 1 : . . li.. ...... Fby tiuani anj oiheis, lien) s ilietsBxy, SajppW j SI wnop sai puce, Ns.rtV..rrteiland, May SJ. ISlV.- "i "'""1" 11 ajajsaiMi ..i,: i,. , Intfiati Vcgcfahle Pnnncca. II ERF. PITA RT TETTE1T. est, ft ts now six months ainee my vJH yonngest child, s dsngbter.hsd a cutaneous affection, which made its spnrarnncs ever Its en lire bode. It wa cse of Hereditary Tetter, and so virotrnt wss the disease, that we wtkherT, in eare it could not be speedily relieved, that It might t e sonn laid in its grfu. At this sbige of Ihe dis rase my sister-in-law called upc-i . r.o io t Ive m to the best preparation of tat c--e'.; be procured, aa an alteres'le" t . ;, s.t rt. mended !he use of Dr. Cullco's Iu ' '... Panacea, arid f am f-'.'ssei t s-.y '' at the efTects of the nWicm were pfrepii'i I "!.e it had taken bur a few rimes; aod by the lime bad used one slng'e bottle, the disease had entirely disappeared, and from that time (here ha. teen ria i.sppersoca. I really f.el thankful ti you for having recommended the Panacea.. in ihi.-t easi. ' r I feel confident that had not the din aaa been rested, my child would, ere this, have been tha tenant of the cold and sil.-nt tomb. Respectfully yours, RoW!n A VtTo!, JOHN P. UEE8, Phil. Doc. 0, 1813. 85 N. Povenih St. WHITE SWELLING. Mr. J.T-RoWAVit, PhiLD.e. tO,lR45. Dear fir, Al youf reqilcat I chperfuliy tjitf ;-ou nn account of the wonderful cure effected upon n-e by Dt. Cullen' Indian Vegetshle Panacea. At ihe age nf 14 year t had t't'oii my riaht kn-e a White 6wnlng, which atitfetied the joint. Mi l caltsej some seveh'y or more pb-ces of the bot:n pieces of the bone to eirn awav in the sores, and which Was temporsiily relieved by 9 uul rente dii sjiut not entirely cured. Altimeiserci o. .1 sain break out, snd hecoiie' a 1 d sires jog and p i-n-ful that 1 could pet no ret night ::.-r :! iy. fu in s way it continued until tat soring, when, having witnessed the eilrsordinary e lice's of your as an alternative, tipiin a daughter nt mine who was Using it for a chronic disease, 1 concluded to make a trial of it in my own case; the result ha been an entire core. I am now 87 years of sge, and hsVe suffered S3 years with the sores. I cheeri ly add mv testimonial to the many otbera I have hesid, of the curea performed by y.e. r ce'rhihti J Panacea. THOMAS WALTON, 430 N. 31 et, Alderman T,h Ward, N. L. SCORFULA. To whom it may concern. This may certify that my child, s'.inost from biith, wm a.Tlicted with 8corfuls, Which covered most of i's body with snirs; and thsl for (8 months, though constantly under medical treatment, nothing sfforded rolii-f till I was induced to mako trial of Pr. Cullen'a In dian VegrtablC Panacea. The afend'tig physi eian, on witnessing its good efTects, recommended its continuance according to directions, and by u sing s single bottle of Ihe Panacea, the efcild was apparently cUted. It U now about months sin- e the medicine was discontinued, and I hive no d.niht but the cure 1 complete. Yonrs truly. lUvtait A WaiTO-r. M. McCLEAS, , PbdaJ. Aug. 5, 1313. 3S(J Market at. BARBERS' ITCH. Mr ).T. tlnwste Sir. 8im iime last apilnij I was so unfortunate aa to get the "Jackson, or Barber' Itch," by shaving efier some one aflc;e.l by that troublesome snd nls:itinte disease. You cannot bave forgotten the rw.JIcn an'T i r: ta'ted condition of mv Tire at the time voo t r- n. Winded "Dr. Cvi'ien's Indian Vegotahle " I hsve 11 iw die pleasure to ii,f"tn you, f " iho lienrfit ilf all who s m I r'y alTlictfd, that ' , use of a slnulo bo-!o v ,e I'h a. ea cn--'J me en tliCly. You may well jud -e f my granileat.ii n sutli I result. a I had ao often kurnn the d o a-.-to eoritinue fur "srs under the usual io re:irial r nuilies. (Signed) T. L. SAN DEIia. PbllaJ., Aug. 5, 18 to. Pledgj C:r..-e. SCORFULA. Messrs. Row i so A Wlto. I have ixifn for two yenia or more snetrly afflicted with Scorfu!.,, snd having trir l three .r.'.it.ert f hysVlma without any relief, I had corrto lo ihe corirluiron that I must die. 1 i.u.l fourteen open ulcer on my face and body at the same lime. While in tbix condition, a friend procured me a botlln of y ntr Dr. Culleu'a Indian Vegetable Panncen. 'f u v j about two monlhs since. I have til;. 11 t '.' and am completely cored. My eeeral h .' 1 r also better ihsn It has beeo fir , f .' B. W. MAXWELL. M.-y'c ' vr- CJeriineatea of cures, in!ih- f. u., t:i- ' j bad Gratis, at the offices of the a'-nts. This medicine is prepared ai d s " by th proprietors, Rowand A Walton, No. 376 street, Fhiladelphis. . fW W Panenhower. o t Murray st. iN . tr I J W Datienhower. No I O F Hall. Cin (). f Sil C", T." Csril t, N Orleans. U IN N Rohinsoo. c.rCisv A hailos sU. Bap. A items t H. MASTER, bunbery. I. II. B.ser, Milton; J. Heebnld, New Ber lin: Mr. Musser, Millbeim; Eha.-pe D. Lewis. WilLrcbsrre. also by Druggists throughout ths United StaU-s. June 6, 1317. 2m. f6y rirl ri'cnsiiiiii Wriil.: Iitu. No. 87 Nortli Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. ROM Dr. ilure, the celebrated Tiofe-arr of l'hrrti::?r in th l'mveisilv of Peon's. ..... .... ' i. . .. "rhllailt Ipliia, ci. 11, in 10. "Dear Sir liaving Hied your Ink, I t'.ianl; you lo send me soother bottle, ss I find it to lo Xculli'h!. I am jours, truly, F. nr. Ilins." From Df. Locke, of Cie-i'inati, distii j;'! h.'J f r hi numeroua scientific. ree.i... - 'Medical College of Ohio. Cincinnati, January !7, ia 14. Having neAJ Mr. Haver's Writing ink, I sm sstisfie t ihsl it is the ftrW which be ever come to niy knowledge, and eapecia'ly il i cjco.V.i for to use , I Sltct I ens, and will not eorrod them, ev 11 i t bft.g use. Jons l.neS. Ttof. of Chrmistry. DOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT. Tiotu Sj.wiM known scientific gentleman. Pbil-delihis. Fab. 17. Mr, Joseph E. Hover Kii : A uss of your C--mint, siid some practical tctt of bs sopei onty, has induced ins to recommend U 10 other ss su invklnsble srtiel for meod;ng Chins. Glss., ur C'sbinei Wsr. Csxrastt MoariT, AnaMie t'hsitilst For sale st the Minufae.tory, Wholesale and Ro Isil, No. 87 Noarn Tiriae 8TaT, oppuano Cherry slret, Fhiladelphis. by JOSEPH E. HOVER. May S3. 1847H30 ' Manufaciu... VirtSTERN HA V.8 and ShoulJeia, jut reeef ll ed aud f l sale, by June 19, 1847. O. 8. HOG AR. , IREfll MACKEREL. usw loUjusi riH-etved snd f 1 sslii, taw, by - JuneJP,J447, .'. C. 8. EOGR. K.-TfhT bTg"h"s malkVptL-e psii L fi the sua til