TIIOIS OF .TIIBJf AMERICAN." h. n. MAKsui, i roiiMi. I, JOSKPH EISKl-Y. SPiiotRiiTOM. H. Tt. JtlASSF.n, Editor. Office in Centre' Alley, in ' the'reae of It. Mas ser's Store. THE- AMERICAN" is published every Satur day fit TWO DOLLARS per annum to I piid hslf yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till att arrearages are paid. i No subscriptions received for a lest period than ix mouths. All communications or letters on business relating In tho office, to Insure attention, must be POST. PAID. ' CLZ2 jonos a, .:n? VAA.TCHE3 & JEWSLP.T, , at ma "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 9G North SECOND street, corner of Quarry. GOLD Lever Watches, foil jewelled, IM rarsl c.ises, $15 00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, S3 00 u:l - 1 lf- i si'tMhsWI-flSV a) tit waicncs, sc farn.VyTag ven jewels, 18 00 Silver Lejiiito WstcluH, jewi'llcJ, finest quality, 14 00 Superior ljuarficr Watches, 10 00 miislionCiusrtiur Walche,liol warrnuled, 6 00 loki (Spectacles, 8 00 Pine Silver Spectacles, 175 SM Brae, lets wifh lopst stones, 2 f0 ladies' Gold Peneds, IHesrals, 2 00 Cold Kmgrr Kings 37 rts In ; Wa'rh das es, plain, 12 cla; patent, IB; Liinrl, 25. O Iter articles in iirnpoilion. All emils warranted AND StlAMOKIN JOURNAL. ' Absolute acquiescence in tho decision! of the msjority, the vital urinch.le of R.-..nl.li f.m ,i.;.,k ) ... . . 1 prciTie of Republics, from which there is no appeal hut to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of dmpuiiam.- larraasoa. Wy Mniwcr S. r.lxclr from tho N. O lelis. firm, Scott's tdravrr-The Preparation to Oppose him. We do not share the apprehensions of those ol onr contemporaries, whn think Oen. Feotl's position a very perilous and embarrassed one. Mexican prowess ia no more to bo dreaded in th defence of the Capital thanitw8on llic field q! Bticna Victa, and nn the heights of Ccr roG irdo. Indeed, the men wlm fought those battles, were of far better material than those which ran be rallied in their effeminate Capiat. They fought, too, under the met favorable cir cumetances in the one case with greatly supe rior numbers, md in the other with great advan tagaa of position. Hut now thry have to defend a city which lieann a level and exposed plateau a city embracing a larjje area and which unlury, Northumberland Co. Pa. Saturday, July if, is it. Vol. ? No. l.'I--Wliole Wo, 355 I what they are sold f,.r. O. CON KM). tin hand, aoine li.dd and Sdver levers, Lepinea could not bo iueceefully defended with less od (jnarliers, lower tlan the almve prices. r hlladelphl I, Ucc. f, IK4G. ly Moot & Shoe 2STABLISHMBNT. DAN 1 151. bit UCK KM I M.KH, l hi Old Establishment, in Market Street, Sitnbury, (OFPOSITK THE RKO MON MOTEI.,) ETITRNH his thanks for psst f ivors, and re lb, speclftdl informs taw friends and the public literally, that he eonlmvrea to maouladure to or- real than two hundred cannon. Where are the cannon t We hear of the melting of church bella into cannon, but we believe this is all Mex icon casconade. If the church baa made (his sacrifice in Mexico a very aerinus one it ia certainly the first they have made for lhi war. But if the cannon are there, were are the sol diera to man them t Where are their artille rists their experienced oflieere ! ' ' They are early all exiled from the Capital, or under ar- The patriotic and honest Bravo fir at Iieen aent northward ; the chialroua and able Al- 'i, in the neatest and latest sryle, M m r. a wm nAAra awn fillArtl arrVTfmarTsraorTu,. m0n,e ri ho cunin nd ost expeitenred workmen. He also keeps on Ampudia has been aent under guard, to Cnerna- nd a general assortment of fsshionalde Boots for vaca ; Pliizun ia on parole; Lombardini ia ml. men, together with a lento stock or issniorc nur8in. his wounda and tut ire egaim ... tlty of iilrkleo, An Albany paper haa a deecription of this far famed city, wich for richness and grandeur has no parallel in the New World and Very lew in the Old: "The aittmtion of the city is the moat ict'urea rpio imaginable, occupying the bottom of a val ley cnntaiiitmg sixteen hundred stjuare miles, tho whole surrounded by a battlement cd moun tains rnnging from two U ten thniifand feet in heiht In the centre of litis vast oval baain ia a lake, or rather a chiin of lakes, through the midst of which the road paaeea for abntil eigh teen miles on a raised causeway, and over which an aimy will have to feel its way with artillery The city stands in the northeastern qtiarter of the valley, not more than three mile from the mountains, at an elevation of seven thotimnd four hundred and seventy feet. The plan of the city was laid, am! the greater portion of the public bmldinga designed, by Corten. The principal square ia the pride of the Mexicann and the admiration of travellejs. It has an area The t hihantan K press. The Liberty Tribune, contains a letter from '""'T. Ilughee, dated at Naltillo, pivlnir an account of his trip r.om Chihuahua to bear Don iphan's despntches to Wool. He had with him fourteen men. They travelled only by night, and went through thirteen days. During toe trip, they were two day without water. After escaping many perils, tney met with tho following- adventure: Redlining satisfied that every elWt would be mndu to mb W rT papers, and i.nnd uaas pri Ki'ners to Durangn, we bulled near a gorge in the mountains, and examined and burnt a'.l letters of our friends, and every other paper and letter of intrmltletifin, which we hart, except Col. Dnniphnh'e Communications to Oen. Wool, The llapilsnt of Henry Clay, The following communication appears in the r.piacopitl Recorder of last week : A notice was very crni'Ully circulated through the public papers of the country some two or tbVee yera aco, to the effect, that Mr. Clay ban bi'Ome U iiii'iiiber oT tha rtotek'tant F.piacopal Church. The wish was, douhtlesa, father to the thought, as Mr. Clay had not at that tithe taken any such sfev fiiU he has at Inngth cwiscmted his ereat powers to Cod. He was baptir.ed in the little parlor at Ashland, en Thursday after noon, the. S'.' l ull , together with one of hi daughters in taw, (the iStber lcih( already a member of the church.) ami hrr four children, ry on rt--. . r.wMi.i r . irxior of Christ Church, Lexington The taptism was administered privately, for the reason, ami tiiese we aeweii up in toe pad ol one ol imr that the conRrcftation oft'hrist Chinch are repla sadilles. Ilnewudid that nothing mi-lit be cjng their old chun h with new edifice, now in fouml in otir possession that might betray tie as rtpid prngreta of erection, and are riot suitably expressmen in the event we had fiillen Into the situated for the most solemn and decent adminia- hamlsoftlie enemy, which we f.ad great rea- traiinn of this rite in public son to apprehend. I When the minister entered the room on this About sundown, we arrivrd at Pan Sebastian h?eply solrrYinand interestin- oe'easioft, the amall le Rcnllf men's. trs', ladles' and children'a Khoea, of which have been mude niHler bis own imme ite insieclion, and are of ihe best material and rkm'inxhip, wlrli-h he will sell low for cstdy, fo a.ldkron to the above, he has just received o.s, tSh.s, &c. of .11 rirwriptiMie, which he .1. "" h.gli-swell.ng letter, and orders. -rs for cah. cheaeT than ever before ottcriwi in Nearly all toe prominent military men oi jviexi Anna, at San Luis Potosi ; Minon moves with in prison bounds ; Valencia lives in quiet at Ida hacienda, cultivating the arts of peace ; Canalizo satifiea hi valor by writing m gnanl. place, tin lespeenuuy invnea ma ohi nun li ra, and others, to call and examine for them rcs. Refisirine; dime with neatness and despatch. utihury, August 15th, t84. 1 MPORTANT TO ALI.OO'JNTRY ;OUSE KEEPERS. . ii iV'OC may be sure of olitiinine;, at II At J M times, pure and highly flavored ly the single pound or larger quantity, at the iiln Ta Company's Warehouse, Houth ikevml ttrett, brtween Market and Chtt nr( trreu. PBXXAXIIX.PIlXs. rrt.X.r ii ha ten vcrv dirficult. inJreil, al- .1 impossible, always In obtain good G" n and ck Teaa. But nor you have only lo viit the in Tes Company's Store, to obtain as delicious franranl Tea aa you could wiah for. All taxlee here be suited, with the aJvautage of getting a e article at a low price. line 27th, 1846. ' F I A N OS. , tHE KCBSt.'RinER has bren apminti1 asenl, for the sale nf CONRAD MKYBR'H CEL KVTED PREMIUM ROE WOOD Pi co have retired, t have been driven from the service. They have lost all confidence in the generalehip of Santa Anna. . Scott will leave Puebla with 12,000 of the beet troops that vivcr went forth to battle , he will have veteran, experienced oiiicera, coin, plete and nfloctive artillery, abundant supplies, and what U more thati ill, he will have men in whose vocabulary there ia no such words aa falkV : . The MeS'iCane will rmrlnubt, tnake a stand before tbey yield up tbeSr capital, but it wl be a weak one. Their dreaded Pintaa, with their wild looks, lornrVniV arid bowa and arrows. will carry no terror to tht souls of our men. Their barbarous arms and warfare will prove of little avail against tho ui-r guna of our arti! lery, the long tmynnets of our infantry, ami the resiRtlcra charges of our cavalry, lien. Scott will rntcr their capital with les difficulty than Cortes experienced three hundred years ago. rsptala Wilder anal tht Unrrlllss. TrROTr, (Mexico.) June Oih, 117. We have quite lately been engaged in seVc- assembly, consisting of the immediate family, a few family connexions, and the cl.Tgynian's wife, rose Up. )n the middle of Ihe room stood a large centre table, on wVch waa placed, filled with water, the 'magnificent cut glass vise, presented to Mr. C. by some gentlemen of Pittsburg. On one tide bT Ihe room hung the Urge picture of the family of Washington, himself an Episcopalian by birth, by education, ald a oev'du't communi cant of the Church ; and immediately opposite, 9n.'iAUlf,llJ,.,u bust o(. the. JiVriented oflwelve acres, the whole paved with the nmst beautiful marble, and forming ono of the moat on the Rio Nasas, where we atnpped to prepare t.ea in 1 1 u I pnrs.e ground, that American sol- a little coffefi. IVn Ignatius Jirmenet, wesl diers were ever summoned to msnwnvre or en- thy and influential citizen of the place, eollec camp on. Hot it is the public buildings, alter ted about 100 men together, and notified us all, that form the distinguished characteristic that he had orders from the authorities of Iu- of this majestic and opulent city. rango to stop ua and make lie prisoners. I he cathedral fills one whole ido or the Capt. Collins ssys : 'well, what are yon go- great square, the pe!ace another, and Ihe sites ing t0 do about it T Jirmenez replies, 'I shall of both are memorable and historical ; the catbe- put the order into execution.' Mr. Collins, 'I dral etaudinjr on the ground where once stood urn going; and you can twe your pleasure about me ureal ii.oi reiouii-, miu imiw. w. . . i eoiiiioiii ub. o,M,.b, ; 4 eround of Monteziiina ! The latter building ia men passports!' Mr, Collins, 'Yes, sir, we ming uion Vsd. who wis fj have been coVi tfX) feet long, and cot.tains the public ofliccs, have.' Jirmenfs.'let me sec them.' Mr. Col firfred in Church the Sabbath after be died fit besides the apartments of the President. The tins, hohlinir his rille in one hand, and a revolver witneei of srh a scene. Around the room cathedral is of striking Gothic architecture, and in Ihe other, 'these are our pas-pone, sir. ami were subpeuded a number of family pictures, and alter all the pressures and plunderiiige4f these we Ih.nk they are Buffiient' Thus ended our among them, the portrait of a bettSVcd da'ilpbter, latter dava. still retains immense wealth. The parley. We fluckled on our pistola anil bowtr- who died some yerl ago, in the triumphs of that high altar is covered with plates of silver inter- knives, and shouldered our rifles and left 'sans raith which her noble father was now about to spewed with ornaments of massive gold. Thia ceremonie.' Travelled all night and all next embrace; nd the picture of the late lo.tsoh .ii.. ;.o.ol with . h.ln.trsde a hundred .1.. ..mil near sun down, and havinff arrived who fell at the battle oT Buetia ist4. Could . . . : .1 .1.. i.t-k .li.J i r. ki,.l. ,niin in il.n State these silent lookers on at the scene abdut trans itself. It is composed of an amalgam of gold, ofCoahuila, we stopped again to take some re silver, and copper, richly flourished and figured freshment, and grew our animals a moment. It is said that an offer has been made to pur- While taking our coffie, this same refreshment chase it at its weicht in silver, giving half a Ignatius Jirmenc7, with a band of 00or70 arm million of dollar besideu. Of this balustrade ed men surrounded us no doubt with the view 1I.1..MM1U in 1 ho hiiiMinc than 5HK) I nf f.ri ml. Ii in ir anil then niurderins us. We I.IVIW . ' ... - feet. Statues, vases, ami huge randlesticka of quickly formed a lino ol battle, heavily charged tm precioim melals, meet the eye everywhere Ur holsters, revolver, and rfles, and through 1 I 1 1 t'RU M ov Aivt Mr titi. I square I insertion, . . . f.0 A9 J do 2 do . . . . 0 75 I do 3 do . . . . 1 00 Rvery sobseiannt insertion, t) 2!t Yetrly Advertisements) one column, l2f j half column, f 1 8, three sqnaree, $13, two aquarea, Jt one squats, f.r.. Half-yearly 1 one column, f 18 1 half column, fit ; three squares, ft 8 ; two squares, (5 ( ens equate, f 3 50. AdVertiSfrmiente lok wlthoet directions, aa to tha lei'mth of limn they are to he published, will ba (tintintied until ordered out, and charged accord , ingly. Chte'rn lines or less make a square. . .. . . .1. . .j plslrssslnaj Acetdenta at Potter's Mills. A correspondent or toe ThL Bulletin furni shes that paper with the particulars of anme dis tressing accidents which occured near Potter's Mills. Centre county, last week : "There bat teen ijiiito a chapter of acchlenti over about Potter'a Mills 011 yesterday, Wil liam IVilsoh, a brother of the Judge's, was killed by falling from a barn which ho was assisting to raise. )le fert fioin nearly tho highest point, (4 board slipping 'Irom under hit feet, ) and struck on bis head, splitting open his akutt he died yes terday abtfiit 4 o'clotk, P. M , the accident hap pened about noon. On tbe - - . " . Oen. John Po'ter, Lawyer John Potter, Uen. James Potter, Wrt. Betonit and Lex Potter, were coming down the hill near to Dr. Wilson's of Centra Co., in a atone wagon, on their tetma Troth a nshing excursion, when the roller, which holds up the tongue, gave way, and let it down between tht horses and frightened them, when hey began to kick, fee ; Uen. James Potter limped 'from tbe Wagon to eecure the horses by head, and Norris caught the reins which Potter had dropped, and in endeavoring to stop the hor tea also fell; When the wagon was lighted it waa found that Col. Butler had bit leg badly fractured in two placet below the knee, the bone protruding from the desh several small piecea were aplintered from the bone, which he him self picked out from tbe wound. - He suffered ex cessively during the night, and tome dariget of lock-jaw is appreb'ended Gen. John Potter had is cblitr bone broken and wat otherwise inju- t.J -.Ipune Joh,n .Potter had histtrm broken and olthe flesh, ten. 5amet Potter and Mr. Retonii had no bones broken, bttt weje severely bruised." and it iaeaid that the still morepreckw portion our interpreter gave him the Spartan reply ; y (i;l0sti( piring. have spoken from the marble and the cn- as, they would heartily have approved the act which dedicated the great man to God. There wat a deep emotion pervading that s1a'.l aiisem blv. at the recital, under sucb circumstances, o the sublime ordinal of .the Ctmrth, and every heart thrilled with a solemn joy, when the mcr ciful and Elntiniis covenant was sealed, "ih the name of the Father, ahd the Son, and of the Ho SHKFTlVlC fcxAsH!TIO?l OF tHt! t'OTATO Dl ses -The French Governmertt haa ordered that scientific men in all tho departments shall examine microscopically, every fortnight, tha growing potatoes in the several districts, with a view to discover If the plant be agsin tainted, and the tense, if such a calamity again rirc. lOH, at thia place. These Pianos Have a plain. rj vcry dangerous senilis at least tney miglil ivs and lu auiiful exterior fmi-h. and, for depth jf t)C((p eowrf1y dogs were not an easily I .wel lness of lone, and entrance of w orkman- , . , . , MV u. . .. rnTst surpad by any iV the United Stales, fr-uhtcn. d al the tal.smanic name of W alker. e' followins is a recommendation fiom Csat We attack towns with fjOOO inhabitants. On Wednesday last we went on a scout of this kind to a town called Riconada; there were sts, a celebrate J perfo'raer, and himself a mau ctuier: a a a tm aa . via. m ak sm mm i . . .T. , ' ,i.. but t-ixtv of us wechsrecd into it at 1 run, I iviao nan. me pirsnu . ujn.( . , - t Piano Fortes muiifaciund by Mr. Meyer, and rind you never in your life faw such a (-camper' liblled al the list exhibition of the Fr.nklin In- . B10ng the cowarJ. This place Was twen me I feel It due to the true merit of tbe maker ... .., , . ... , ,C..re A.itm instrument, -re quite cqu.P ly mile, from Pcrote. We left thereat 12 o- I in eoine re.ptcu even supeii.n, to all the ri clock, lo beat up a e'vamp whore some mule- Fortos, I sew at iw capitals 01 cuiope, sou jrjvcu ,s(j been murdered, llefore we arrived at the place we met with three or four Mcxi cans, and with them one of the men who was with the murdered party, They had tied him and went in pursuit of the other two, and while. they were ah-ent he untied himself with his teeth and evenped. Tbey told us where the . tv.:.. ing a sojourn ol iwo yrsrs 111 n. I'hese Pianos will be so!d at the manufacturer s eel Philadelphia price, if not something lower. soiM are requeued lo call ami exainiue for iwwlvtw, al the teridenee of ihe subsciilier. uiiburyjfclay 17, ISIS. II. B.MAHSER. "t'ouiitciit'lleri.' jrT!AnpTT Tt T. O Mf. i.7....iT, till nlesso ol,,rve that no llnu.l.eth murdered men lay. Wo marched forward in Pill are genuine, unless me nos uss oouuio quo; 11101-, mm wi:n i: nn...., o. 4 upon it, (the tof, the si le and tho bottom) ,wl),0,,f there they lny sure enough, utripped h cnuiniii 1 a ficsimilt "I'J ,nUt,.y, and cl,op,K-d and mangled in the moat ling, thus B. BatanaeTH, M.l. I nese la. a.o eug'aved on Me.l, Leautifolly designe.1, horrid and siirsge insnper. Ihe man who cs- I done at an evpeue of over f 2,000. Therefore ,.ap,., tl,ere were seventy of the murderers, all he seen that the only thing l.eces-arjr to pro- t i, hchet , lt,Hl c the oicdtrine in ua purity, i lo oliserve Uiese r tl r they went into a rancbo or town some distance (c member the lop, the ile, snd the bollorn. from here. Wc returned lo it, and made thorn ' ndTl't8 ,t''r,,,V """ ,llW Ulh'"' ed us ami our horcs, and at ono o'clock in the ' CERTIFICATES Of AGENCY morning charged into tho rencho and took t vc- n the kale ot Hraudrttk't Vegetable Imvertal ry 0f tju,. was sent round the town in VorihumherlauJ roiuv':' Milum-Marker & 'carch of skulkers : I found scver.l-t wo of them mheilin. Konlitny II. U. Maswr. M bvens- were ploughing with oxen, and I crore inern c Ireland A. MeixeM. N.wttmheiUnr wu, frnm lh ulf,h.ihinkinjr at the snine lime twenty of them would not drire rne from mine in old Caltiinore county. We mnrched just our own number (nineteen) info lbs caatfe,- pr iso. nere. 'Diia was about twenty miles from Ia is bid from the popular eve. Such is a brief description f the city of Mexico. Captain ttrngft. . , A Washington correspondent of the IZmrigh (X.V.) ilrbifhr, rpcaks in the following terms of Captain UkAiiw ': "Captain Hrapg ia truly the lern of Poena Vista. ' I have conversed with rtntrlftitt, Mat- Bhall, fields and IJaVis, whn were in the atdu- olis strife of blood tor a whole tlay, ai.d all ol thorn concur iu say ing lhat Nragg 1,10 AJ"X rjflhnlflcht. liven tlie teamsters galheied a round his battery in witness its mstderly man aeemenl and tbe deadly fleet of hia skill, and I have been amused to liuar several 0. these teamsters describe tho no dim lit exsggetated heaps men and broad lanes that were cut down before him. Often his mert Could scarcely load their pieces so hard were they pressed by ttVnao cotutneanf the memy. At theso Critical trirt. meets he ordered his men tn luad without t.ik in tirtiB m awsb out their L'Utis. ami the die- 's- charges then resembled quick flashes of light ning. We i-hou'id be proud ol him K a son ol North Carolina, and I hope that the govern ment w ill promote him ttill higher. To ymit .1 I ..I...I. ....I Li !. .iar.t..d tji WHO KnOW IHS ""ll "Oil ..... y that he is a modest unassuming gentleman Olheers in active service are exceedingly jea II. re we are,' if you want ua, como and take .j-l)js trl ie pj,lr)y t.itiPd at the visila us. Alter curvenne snnioa as t:r ... ,jn of ttc i!s!iop, on tne ttiinl 5unuay 01 juij- durinf? which time we pained the ba of the 1 . ,Ve lH,t0,f rile of ConfirOuitioh mo.ii.lnin. ho concluded we were a r-tub.nnn act I (ine 0( ,e prominent tins of the ptcSPht day to deal wilh, and accordingly '00k the prudent 1 i., ihitt the 'gr. it men ol" our louniry, aa 4 body, plan of withdrawing his lorces. although they may be, for the most part, apecu 11.. ;.!..;!, 1 a,. .Wiiinl tit II a nc iu. 1'oso. 1 alive lie levers 111 ( iirisimnu v, are. neverine fll.MI, IMMlll f( 11 '------ 'I . - , ...i..v. ..,rli.NO.I liitlo corn fur i!r am- I'cSi. Iiol legariltnl of religion, ami of uod. Let them review their ground let them look tit the treinetnr-i'is inlViehbe they wield in behrttfof ir- religion and of evil; and consider the mighty power tbey might exert for f eli'gidn awl of good, t.et them fix their eyes hpon the ptartiral testi mony to the ttilth anil valtle nfChrlstianity, given by the giant in intellect, whose name stands at the head hf this paper, and gi and do likewise. Lixitigtott Ky June 25, 1817. StHAWBKRHV STaTWK-9 Actortling lo rsylh. Georgetown J. k. J. WaKa. Juion County 1 New Uurlio Bogai A. Wia Htdinsgrove -tieotge Gisndruni. M Milks g Isaac Hmith. ' Beivertown David IIiiMst. amsbswg VVaa. J, May. MtMiMbnia Merisch If ju I iMxtluLoa Daniel Loss. Freebure - A. F.C. Mover. I-ewisl.uig Wlhf A tifecn. I Puebla. Cotrt$pondtnf f BlL $sj. "olun.liia county : lenvllie C. U. Ksynobla Co. Uerwick Shunsaa 9c Rmenhntjee. Cat 'ifea C. U. Baubta. Uiooantrburg JUtn R, yer, Jeiaey Tews Levi BisoL Wnhinglon hi. McCay. Limestooe Dalliet h MrN.nch. bsive that each Agent haa an Bn graved Uer :a4e of Ageney, eoalaining a repretaiOB ol BUANDRETH'H Manithctoiy al Smg im, I aiwn which will also be seen eiac! eopie of male and look a litltu teat, as we had travelled nlpht and Hay since wo lett Chihuahua. With- nut futther difiiculty. except the feiltlrt bt wnne of our animals, wc arrived Bt the large a of lieatiUrul hacienda of ilon Manuel Ahnre, near thecitv ofParraa. Manuel Aharc was c'uS.. led in Hnrdnlown, Kentuckv, is a friend to the Americans, and received us kindly. He gave us all the inlorinatio i we desired ahotlt the A- merii'sn fortes antl Ihe battlea of Hnena Vista and Saltillo. After r-howing us his line bounce, statement maiie by that man of facta and fig gardens wilh roses rithly blooming, and premi- uers, Mr. Cist, tlio enormous quantity of 4,072 trniiPtsllv. he rrave us comfortable quarters ouslic'a ol strawberries were nM 111 me uincin during the pight, and a fret-li supply of mules ulti market for the lii dtya rndlng Juno 0, and a guide through the mountains, 111 otuer to . c,m.,.,linli (;,,,,, has been iiiforriic.! eApwIile onr march to Uen. Wool's camp. I -m t)M pretlininary t, ps are being taken for the Manuel Abate speaka good Migiwi., -u" A" Usiali'Mimfi.t of a L'niVcrMlv in California, On ...... 1 itwriciin iit rieitlir, ihd mcnln mir biiMt ,ie JHy of San FranciFCO. 1 11 ; ..... J ; . Tl. inn ia an A! rart Ik IPiSl Al 1 M a IIC It SI IU SS1BJ B Ht( Irom a letter, dutf d Itiea. june 1. received b a When green peas have become) old and )reU low, they may be made tender and green by sprinkling in art iOcli cr two of pearlash, while) they are boiling. Pcalsah has Ihe same effect upon all summer vegetables, rendered lough by being tooo.d. If your well water is very hard it is a'wiys an advantage to Use a little in cooking. A Goon PastS kor IIook, Mtisi.is, Ac, When made in tha ordinary manner paste anon becomes mouldy, am! by fcrrUenling in warm weather, Wea its si iking power. To maka 8 tr" to keep, make it thus: bissolvc ahout au once ol alum in a quart of warril water, wheit coh), nJd aa much flour Ua will moku it the con sistency of cream : then strew in it us intiuli flour as will make it tbb tonsiotcuCy of cream: then strew in it as b.Ucli powdered rosin as will stand on a shilling, and two or three cloves; boil it lo a timt'.ptency, elirring all iho lime. It will keep for 12 months, and when dry may be softened with water. Sr.icn.HJic American. Phrenology is rather al fault regarding Dr. Chalihere. From the largeness of his heau ex ternally, and the peculiarity of his uienta! tern pciamcht, the leading craniologists hive long snoken of hiril as of necessity potsepeing a large brain ; but tlio post mortem inepection of tho encephalon has disabused thie idoa. Thus, tlio weight of brain in Dupuylren was 01 cz., ia Cuvier Ctt, in Abercroiubic fi'5, in Chalmers f.:l; the average weight in persons from DO to 00 years of age being fi(J e. 2 drachms. of us. of this in the srmy when llragu'e n"'0 c"'- thniiigli the culpable carelMfihes id one of ll.c led. A l aremouihs tilled with his rnie. Mr. John M. firowft, a native of Pi tersburg, Liverpool houe ; "It ia atuiost impossible, to loiisof each other's fame; hut you will hear none hw lite in Richmond on tllf) I' mirth p,BS f,olic!i ihe ships in this river; there are at present filled! huiu!rcd hi)S iii Una port, and this only the riioht'i of June,' more ships thai t vcr were in Riga beloro in a year." A Nkw DnHxitrat rt KenfrfBtH. Prof. 3i h.i nbeiri, it ia announced, has made ri disco very which it making a great sensation in (lor- rranT. This diatingi!ikhd Professur, whn in Mr. JuJah Tooro, of Itew Orlearrs, hat pre sented a church to the Hebrew congregation of that eity, valued at $f 0.000, to be fitted up al hia own expense aa a enyagogire. Mr. Tooro ia rather remarkable in this line of beueut, and Sesi t UAitoa At a Maw i-atis CafitaIi. Tiietn uisii a freat sccuo ot sfKCulation lat week at MtchigauCity, the newly created cap ital of Michigan Stale, et which bidders Irom Ohio and Me Voik.as well as from tho Pen insular Hiate were in attendance. The now seal of government was, when pitched upon by the Legislature, a blank in Pie wilderness. The recent silea was of a purf of one school section. Two-thirds of the section, S00 lots, had been first appraised at i?Sfi (KJ0, the lot rangmg from UilOloS-KiWf. Abotft CKiO of ihese were put in market, every two alterm.fe lots being fe served. . The sale weal tf fU. m ' ... . . t: .. fjt the lots sold above ineapprsieai ur fhem bi ing ing jsf)W0. many private tales. members of a volunteer corps of Unit city, wlulbi tho military were firing a rtatimitl sululf. A musket ol oneol the Richmond (.Vye was Iim ded with a ImM earlfHlcf. ""' ' ileceased, who 8s sffiontr (ho speetaiofs. wits shot ihro'ugli the head. The tftlhrrtttnate man waa standing at ia not in the least exclusive. Tie some yeara nw labtlt mew uud upen tht Brtndrtth Ml sjnc nurehased a church in Ffew Orleans and ' wow. '," Prcse"l Rev. Mr. Clspp, a cfistinguWhtd rtmsunpiu., oc o. lTnit.,i. clergyman, with Ha Mmrf reftnot (una 2ith. 1843. - which he ia to tnjoy during bn lifetime liesidea (hia there were Virginia- Wmkat Cmof. from Various parts of Vireinia we learn tlrrt the wheat crop bae been harvested without any damage, arirlthat the yield ia good both aa lo quantity and quality (ien. Rust, residing near Iesburg, Va., baa just finiKheii harveatitig,- etuf be cetimalea hia troB el wheat this year at IO.000 bushels, ia, 1 which ie representee' to be of superior quality ' Ifjlumore Sun. The JewsoT ClRenbach have, in imitation of those of KoMiigsberg, tranafered the ce'ebratiort of tho Sabbath Irom Saturday to Bundny. (ho lime conversing with a triemi, a younj? vtJ!,e;j Ouu-r'itti'ri, has jut dtstofcred a me child being between O.c.n, ana cacii nsTingino (f !mim.dlll,cy CHI,,ng wounds. This chi'd by the Harm. inventk-n, in f-onneilfifi with t!-t of insensib.li .... ' n....... i... m.v the fot- 'y prodi.ted tiht-t, effect complete tniin . it njm i . - - 1 I -Ik.iiWf. in Monrerv Inwin? heenic amiftnnecment---moro woniu p ' hate beert superfluous .'"Mr. Bsylies loch- Ut.ir Mhhnri t'bvtt ft Hungarian Che iraaul was fomid rfead il Taunton on Honda?, mist r.as discovered a method ol producing heat supposed to" be died in a fit. He left a wife without fuel. He. places m Contact twft iron and family, and a l-ettlt and tT in his pftClet.' Iloa PiW-ee tffu f:reii f awa. It re ta- ted that fcW out of It pewa ot the new Church reeentty erected' in He Orleane fcr te Rev. platea ahJ a copper' cylinder,- U'tgh'f pulished, turnioy in an aria at the end of a lefer, With' a balanee.weigo: a( (he other end to keep the pTatef in contact, when, by means of a vary simple eppsrat fit aod trifling rxartron, a glowing Dr. Hawks; eofdat edition fcf aixfy-three thou-1 r4j bM, projucea ft five minutes, em sand dollars. maintained with eate. 'A Yankee baa intented a nev kind of ink, ScAtea and Biiaaat are easily cored, aimply .. . ... . .. jmi k. :. . ...... fA I r,4 slop-, nf tha size .- - called "tne love-ic.iertna, which um vj mw..... . f..v. .. . .ma Cit.irVc F.i.i.oK K:.vr. We meet the fuliowingf iu the Cleveland True Democrat. Whether trite or not, it ia truly tliaracierUiicof the brlk, quick spoken ond linmertiu old jurist ! 1'oci.rriNO an Lvsti.f Nicholas Riddle, when President of the U. S. Hunk, obtained the opinion of Chahceller Kent on some impor tant point of law, for Inch the Chancellor char ged a fee ot 1U0. 'That is not enough, Judge,'' said Mr. IV 'here are f?200 anftyosr services) arc cheap enough at that-' 'How ia this1' sa d the Chancellor; do you think I do not know th value of my own opinibn 1 Yoa have instilwl me, sir, i'nttl'fa5 met but on the whole I gwaa ril pocket the imuit, aud very quietly put. tbai money in bis pocket. r " 1 - - -' 1 11 T LtTHaON The moat rema'.kablej ce oftb use of the Letheon ia that 6l a rioh roaa X York, who, while nmlet :.U iufluei.ee, had "ex tracted front him filly dollars for a cherilab! purpose, vtUhoiit srperifincing lk let P1"1 .t r..w .ftral.a,il j .t,r,rt- rr Kttfh nrAni.MA of! nn inking U in ik i I USrUj ! SJ u I -irss v. - I I ' w illlll w"-' I A. ... sfa .a.l a . . I kU'f. at tial mm i fim Witt ftWav ktin leivc rie i ana naiuii' ... ufjiwiin t n- - ,i.,tK. iiUiin i r" " w IllfJI i ivitxi ia - , I .H - a, i - An ove? tini,.war neigboor tair.y - kimr ue the aimpiesi qoctin a fish crsy I- tnd aasured ns it . . r flk tsVslsl M.UlfsUaa .beef blank in .bout four wecbe afte, the IflCf U applied lo the fm until re- w )y , :,e!. R.Wingt.n V, II g ili lyu btea wiUrea" lliefieobuitctl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers