Msne In Cartel. .......... A trial for murder in the first degree, or as porlinff rccn coll if, a race for life and death, time oft a short time ago, Within leM than a hundred miles of civilization. ' The accused was a bi? negro, shining black, with hair as ctitf mid coarse S3 the teeth ol a mrdinp machine. , Clerk.' Prisoner, look upon the juror juror look upon the prisonnr t Do you challenge ? founcil for Ihe Vunner. Not pre-cmpto-rily. Clcrfe. Have you formed or expressed an opinion with regnrd to the piilt or innocence of the accused 7 Juror - Why, what a question. How should I? Clerk repeats the question. Juror. Why I never nw him before. Vlcrk -Answer the question yea or no, Juror. No, air-r-cee ? rrr. No sport hero, it is too acrimia a matter. Cltrk. Hate yon any conscientious ecruplen? Juror l have a few leil. f.Vrft I mean about inflicting capital pun ishment. , Juror None, whatever, I do (retire you. 'I his emphatic declaration brought the ri aonetV counsel to his feet, who was going, tn iirin- thnt the manner in which the juror 'n last miKWcr was given wasa pood challenge fora C'iu?e, hut wa.i slopped , by the court. Clerk. Are you akin to the .prisoner ' Juror. What ! fC'lwrk repeats the question Are you nkin to llie prisoner ! Jurm: Who do you tuko me for 1 Clerk. Arc yon akin to the prisoner? Juror. Your face is blacker on Sundays than initio is on weekdays, and yuur hair h wool. Are you akin to the prisoner .' CUrk. Answer the miestwn. ' Juror. Akin the devil 1 my family are re epectahle white people ! Here the cloudy brow of tho court indicated ihnt tho conference ulioold bo cut short, and tin; prisoner" coutmel boding uo iood from the juror's contemptuous opinion of his client, chal lenged the juror for cauae, namely, an opinion x pressed. Juror continue. Whatl lam insnhVd by that blackguard clerk, and now a hired bul lies has challenged me; no, I'll fight his clerk iirrt, and his bully afterwards. Court to Juror. Sir, you are challenged, you may retire. Jutor. I never turned back on friend or loc I'll not retire. Court. Sir, you are committed for tweiity four hours for contempt of court. Sheriff, take him into custody. Here the sheriff, who was a resolute good notured man, walked off arm in arm with the prisoner. Juror. Why Slier itf, I voted for you, what nre you about 1 Sheriff. Oh .' nothing, you can eat, with me and sleep in my room. Juror. You are) both snv)fe and kind, Mr. oheriir; I refused to vote? for your advursniy, '.cause when he was sheriff he never summon ed mp a juror I thought he slighted tnt. I am the first juror culled since you were elected, und I am in jiil ! D n you, the court, the clerk, his dully, and every body else. Why I am going to be married to night and have fifteen miles to ride. The sheriff explained matters to the court, und the sentence was commuted to one hour's custody. Is it TniE? Since the birth of Christ, it is eMimatttd that there have been 32,000 million of birth'). Deduct the present population, va r outily cstimulrd frjtu 800 to 1000 mil ions, say t'OtiO millions,) and it leaves thirty one THor M4NO for iv million, who have, in a little more than IS centuries, gone down to the prove. Of the number in the grave, about 0,000 (HMUKK) have died in war, (UKJO.OiHM'OO by famine and pestilence, 50O.(HKOlK) by martyrdom, 5S0 000 000 by intoxicating drinks, 1:3,000.000.000 natural or otherwise. Thus it will be seen that war and strong drink have sent nearly one-third of thu human race to a prcmntore grave. Upon the drinking part of this frightrul cats- lojjue, a conteinMrry speaks after the manner following; We might examine the causes of war and famine, and not unfrequently will we imJ that intemperance has played an active and j I'ouspicooud part in the creation of both. . "The calculations upon this subject might be 'Vended to an utmost indefinite length, and perhaps too, with propriety, if thought and medi ation would dwell upon ihein, and deduct the noral from each and every avenue. For in- tarice, it strong drink bus now had its 50,000, nOOof victims, Ikhv many more mutt it hate More the moderate drinker 'vill lay his shoul der to the pledge ot reform ! Suppose but thir ty days of intense agony and misery, to be the 'ot of each drunkard's family of five each ! what n the ajjgregulu ! Suppose it required even hi more than fifty bushel of grain distil'.ed, to nuke a roan a drunkard, how long would it last .iiiiKhmg l!uro:(? nay, even the vhula vni 1 'rst,l world ! It would amount to fifty-eight iiuudrcd milium of barrels of flour. Suppose nil, that eacli drunkard loses or on , 1111 yeum ol his life, at three slid "lit:" per dav, ho 'liany solid globes of gold of (btieizeof Jurenrih, would It (JsGM.O-iU.lltVO,. . "id) puicha.e! .Mako your own calculaitons, r.i't only upon these supposed cases, but any atu ra of vthch tlna subject is susceptible, and I'teruMilt uiil ahiuui.ii ou, and perhaps lead 10 somewlml different curse of lite. These estimates are many of them below the reality." Daily Quttn Cuy. 1! A II V O T K 1. 1 ft T. ' rti si.i ' Tbe fl. owins Ui shows lb current veins -of til .'ennsyMiiia Bunk Ni(Vs. The mostimplicit re lisnrs my r plarpil npon it, at It U every week jarsfnlly cottipnrtd with and corrected from IHck Dell's Reporter. . nnnUt In Philadelphia. M , Disc, t Nx. LncATioir. . Phiub. NOTTS AT PAR. Bank of Notih Amerlra- . , Bnk of the Northern T.llwrties Oommprcial Rnnk of Penn'a. . . Fsrmera' and Mechanics' Uank . par par par par par par par par par put par par par par par Kensington Uink Philadelphia Rank . . I Schuylkill IWh ... Southwark Bank ' Western Hunk Mechanics' Dank Manufacturers' &. M"chanics' Dunk , Bank of Penn Township . fiirard Bank . Hank of Coinniftrr, lata Moyaun nsing Bank of Jeunylvaui . . : . . , , Country Hank. Bank of I'hester tJouniy Weatchealrtf Bsnk of IVtaware Comity ('heater Bank of (Jermantown Grrinantntvn Bank of Monlcornnry Oo. Norrliowii Ooylestown Bank ll iylestown GasMn Bank Faston Farmera Hank of Bwrfcs eq Briol par par par par par par par Bank of Nrirthumlipflnml Northumberland par (Inlumhia Bank fir prides PA.('nlunihia par Farmers' Bank of Lancaster I.nnevJtct liar (ancaxter ITnnnty Unlik f.ancaster Bank Farmers' Bank nf Reading Office of Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Office ' do do Oific do d.) NOTES AT P "ank of the United Slntea Miners' Rank of Potlurille Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middl-'town Carlisle Hank Exchange Bank Ito do branch of Ifarrisburs Bank l.chanon Bank Merchants' fii Manuf, Bank Bank of Piitsl'iirs; West Branrh Wyoming ltnk Northampton Bink Beiks (ounty llnuk Office of Bank ol IT. 3. Do do do Do do do Bank of C'hamliersburn Uiihk of tieltyaliurn Bank of Kuquehanua t'o. Erie Bunk Farmers' Droera' Bank !.nnrtrr pr Lancaster pal Keadina; par Harrislurg" These Iinncnster I offices Ifenlinir do not EsiHno 'J issue n. I sen if N T. Philadolphis t3 Potisvrlle i fpwi'-town j MidHlctnwn J at t'arlisle J Piltshurr i Nnidavbrg I Harristiorg J Lelmnon j Piitshurg Piltsbuig ' i Williamsporl 1 Witkenl-arro I J Allentown Reading Pittsburg failed Eric do New Rriulitnn do Chamliershurg J fti-ltysburg J Montrose j F.rin II, I J Wnesbnrg J'j Wash!ni;toii t Hoiiu.liild I Brownsville tj York Z Franklin Bank llonesalnle B'lik Monongxliela Bank of B. York Bank N. B. 'I ho notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and suhetitutc a dash ( ) are not purehaxvd by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh Ihe exception ol those which have a letter of reference. UROKKN BANKS Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill 8av. Ins. Kensington Kav. Ins. A Philadelphia failed 1I0 lulled do f j lie J do do Vnn Township Hav. Ins, Manual I.ahor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.) failed JVwanda B11A Towanda Alleghany Dank of Pa. Bank of Bearer Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Merh'cs' Bunk Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bunk Farmers" V Mwh'cs" Bunk Harmony Instituto Huntingdon Bunk Juniata Bank ' Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of I'n. New Hope Del. Briilire t'o. Northumti'd Union Col. Bk. North Wextern Bauk of Pa, Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Uauk Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmorland Bank Bedford HO tale Beaver closed Hiiri'Uburg cloned Washington failed Bcllifonte losJ PittKbutg no sale Putlurg f.iiled Fyet4to. fjiled ti'ri-euuixlla failed Harmony 110 sale Huntingdon mi tale Lewi-itown nos.ile Warren failed DnndalT no tale New Hope rl.ieoil Mill on no ksIh Meadtillo closed Port i 'arhon CarlUle failetl Montrose closed I'liionlowi) fild (irrettstiurg closed Wilkesharre no sale Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. (Ej All note purporting lo be ou any Pennsyl vania Dank not giveu in the alwve list, may be set iown as frauds. keiv ji:nsi:Y. Bank of New Brunswick Brunsw ick Belvideie Bank ' Belvidere Burlington Co. Rank Medford Commercial Rank ' P.-rth Amhoy Cumlierland Bank Brldgeton Tanners' Bsnk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway failed 1 ar par par 1 Fanners' and Mechanics' Bk N. Riunswhk failed Farmers and Merchant Bk Middletown Pt. ) I- raukliu uank o: i. J. Jerwy 1'ity failed failed failed failed fulled I failed i par DO sale Hobnken Bkgdt liiazmg Co lloliokcn Jersey City Bank Jeisry City Mechanics' I'stlt-rsoii Mauufucturt-rs' Bank Belleville Morris Coonly Bank Moiriatown Monmouth Bk of N.J. FreeholJ Mcchauica' Bank New.irk Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morria ("anal and Bkg Co Jerbey City Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newaik New lloie 1M Bridge Co LambeiUtilln N. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Hotsiken I failed faihxl i failed 4 N J Prolecton dt luibard bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Paterstin Bank Paterson Pcoplca' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem Stale Bank Newark State Bank Khiaiieihtown State Bank Camden Slate Bank of Morris MorrUtowu Slate Rank Trenton Sslem and Philad Manuf Co Sakm Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Pver par par J "I fsiled failed par failed par par par .ar par par par par par Washington Banking Co. Jlackunsark DIXAHUtl. Bk of Wilm 6l Brandy wuit Wilmington llsnk of Delaware Wilmington. Bank of Saiyrna Smyrna Do branch Milford Farmer.' Bk of lnie of Dei Dover Do branch Wilmington 1J branch ( eurgetown Do brsnih Newcastle Union Bunk Wilmington nT I'udei &' 3 ayOnall bunk marked thus () ibsrs sis ci thcr counterfeit or altered note U til vsnou ds noniioauoos, in circulation. Sprihi; Goods rilHE subcribst has jmt' rectivsj nl New JL Spring Good, lo hich he Invite his frien and cu'tomer to call and examine for thttnaei His stick conni-ts in part of the following t Superior Cloths, of all colon t Caesiums of dif-. ent patterns ; Satin and Other VettinRt j Ca licos, I.awna, Olnghams, Checks, Tick-. ,, inpa, and tummer wear of all kinds '" . stid pricej sNo, Leghorn and rlm leaf riauii llmhrnlla ." 4 and Parasols, from 28 cent upward $ lo. tJroreiies, Queen- wire. Hardware, Cedarwate, Oils, Paint, Fih, Salt. Ac Ac. Sic, and in fict, evetv article utoaMy kept in a countc siore, which will I told very low. fur cash' or an- kind of trade. ' JtlHrf EOUAK Sonbury, May 15th, ftl7. ntiy ' ' Orphans1 Court Sale. T N pnmi nre of an oriler of the Orphans' Cour of Noilhuml eiland county, will be s.dJ at pu lie Vendue, on Saturday the t7th day of J'y nex on Ihe premises, to win A certain tract of lara. situate in Shamok h township, in Slid county, Crt.i txhiinft 209 acres and 113 pitches, strict measitrn. adjoinins, land of the heirs of Martin Wsaver, Joh 1 Cngrr, Holomon Fcijely, snd tt.iac Treihtejr, hereon is erected a two story log house and sione kitchen, a large fiamn b.iuk barn, , stone smoke house and an rxcellrnt orchard of choirs fruit. Al-n, one other trart, situate in the township ami county aforismJ. conlainine 35 acre and fH pet chrs, adjoioinn the obove described tract, Samuel Halts, Geotge linger, and lsie TreiMey, wlieraoa are frertpd a one and a half story frame house, a Irame st ihlo, and a log hnp, with a goo I well ot water at ihe house, and a thriving young nrchaid ofrhnice fiuit Also, a crr'ain other tract of word land siut ite in the township aforesaid, eentaining f acres and 6t perches, adjoining Conrad Yeager, Joseph Chaniberlin, and Aiiijustoa lluey. Also, a certain o'hrr tract of land in s iid tow nship, con taining 3? se e and 147 perch's, s'rirl measure, of which ubotil one half it rleaied, adjoining Au gutu Hu- y, Nathaniel Snxton, and others Al so, a certain other trart si u ite In said lown'hip, containing 9 or ret and 14 perches, strict measure, adjoining (Solomon Feg. y, and others. Late the estate of Christian Fcgcly, dee'd. Male to commence st trt o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the term of ssls will he made known hy SOLOMON FKGE1.V, REUBEN FKOEI.Y. By order of the court, Admrs. Kiis tin Otitis. C'k. O. C. Sunhury, April 2-tili, IH47. Ul3t . something" newT fII! Sulsrriler have the exr'unive light of JL vending J. M. Til A TCHEK'S Hot lllast Hot Air Cook Ins; l49 in the counties of Northumlierland, Columbia snd Schuylkill; snd from the encouragement mel with already, tbry expect to do s large business. This stove is constructed on sn entirely new principle, and on the only principle that cn make lioth a go. J wood aod coal stove. The inventor ha over, come all ihe difficulties thai so frequently belong to other tove. He Has by hit srrangement, con structed a broiling tXJOVCIl III front, where in broiling, roasting, frying or baking may be done, and all the smell that arine therefrom must paa into Ihe combustible chamber, and it not at all thrown out into the room JTJ) Beside thi, there is an oven only two iochea leas than the wbole sice of the stove, wherein linking or roasting may be done a well as it can be in the common brick oven. This even is alvssva fit for tle when the stove is heated, ss lha whole draught of hot air passes a tound it constantly. Public attention is particularly called to ihit stove. Ii can he wen at our Store and Tin Estab lishment in North Dnvill,, at the sign of the Co lumbia Tin shop, and at tbe Foundry of Itohrbach rV ( 'lenient in Sunbnry, where its particular quali ties w ill be fully thown and exp'ained lo any person wishing to 11 imme it. The subscribers continue to have on hand all kinds of psrloi stoves, such as radiators, cylenders, fancy and plain, suitable for all who may favor ua i h a call; also common sheet and Russia Iron, which can tie made in any desirable shape; tngc. thcr with a general assortment of tin snl j ipinned ware, wholesale and letail. Country nor. hsntt are invited lo call and eiamine our Block, as our work cannot be surpassed, and pi ice modoorsl. iS. B. We can salelv recommend ihe shove men tioned Move lo ierons who wish to embark in a good business. The patentee will sell eiiber coun ty or stats rights, to suit purchssers, ami on rea sonsble terms. He or his sgent may be found in Danville, Ps. J. dt J. ARTER. The undersigned, having seen in operation the bot biatt hot air cooking stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaichrr, certify that we believe, from Ihe manner of ils conslructim and operation, that it is the let one ever offered to the psbiic. The arrangement is so complete and the construction sn judicious, that there is a saving ol one half ihe furl and lime, in doing any given amount of service, over other celebrated stoves. Ia abort we rec'Xn rneut it in preference to all others, for tbe simple revson llisl it embrace every branch of economy. Samuel Garreil, John W Garrett. Dsvid Chat field, W F Kiu h. n, John M Giay, E Thompson, South Thompson, J D llahn, John Oakes, Hrt ki sh Bear, Elin F Cooper, eo M Kkhsrt, Daniel Ilnir.osn, Henry II Rissel, F H Caiver, Daniel Dreiabach, Joseph Yanknk, Brook Epley. Dauvillo, March 6, 1817. ly Far m THE subaenbsr oilers for sale a cheap Farm, situate in ShanW;in township, Northumber land county, akul eir.h! mile from Suubory. ly ing between the Cm' re turnoike and Irish Valley, containing 162 acren and allowance. Said farm is in a good state f cultivation, with reasoiiably good buildings and excellent water near lbs door ; and all kind of fiuit. etc. JOHN FAR.NSWORTH. Sunberr, Feb. SO, 1817. Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS in Cisuim seem lo be th order of the day, at lb Philadelphia Ward Rube, 105 Chetuut sirret, where every snide in tho line ia kepi, and sold at aitouUhing low prices, embracing Clonk', Uaogups, Over Sack Coats, Short Sack Cost. Super French Cloth Dress Frock Costs, Pantaloons of every grade aod style, any of which wilt be sold either by Ihe garment or dosen, at pii ce that will justify th moil economical in buying. W advi all who want good snd chsap Clo thing, to call st No. 105 Cbssnut sliett, Phdadelphis, Ftb 6th, 1817 6m TO WATGJJk M ABBR8 .J .' L A"b0 -Irl U3, Importer of Watches,. Watch-MakerV ' ' Tools nd Watch Materials, ... Wholesale & netall, to. 246. Market Ureri, PHILADELPHIA, HAS constantly on hand a Urg assortment of Lunttte, Patent, and Plain Glass j Main spring', Verges, Dials, Watch Hands, and a com plete assortment of all Tools sod Materials belong ing to Ihs trade t with Urge assortment of Gold snd Silver Levor, Lepine, and Plain Watches all of which he will guaranty to tell at lha lowest New York prices. All orders from the con a try punctu ally sieeutpo. N. B. Country merchant and others are invited to and examine bis stuck, at No. 840 Market street. Philadelphia. Jan. 23, 1847. dm No. 31 North Thiol street, (sS TMR CITX HOTKl.) . PHILAOBIiFHIA. . C.T C- MACK K Y, AucTioxtER. TO COUNTRY BTORE-KEEPEK9. v Tr4Vr3NtNO 8ALES of Hardware, Cutlery, JIJJ Saddlely, Whips. Boot, Wioe, Hals, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, ' ' Watches and Fancy O.wd. At Markey'a Auction Store, SI North Third street, near the City Hotel. The attention of Country Merchants Is invited. The Goods will be ld in lots to suit purchasers, snd all Good offered will be warranted equal lo the rapresentstions that may be made of them. N. B. A large assortment of Goods st Private Selw. Jsn. !. !847.--ty 95 North 2d st., bet. Arch & Race sis. 1 h i I n d e I p h i a . "TfeRADY & PARKER respectfully inform their JIJP friends and the public that they have taken the shove nsmed bouse, recently kept by 1. S Adams, snJ are piepared to accommodate custo mer in the moat satisfactory manner and at rea sonable prices. . Their table will be supplied with the best vari ety '.he market affords their parlors and sleeping apartments will be in the beet order. The house has been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view lo the comfort of travellers and strangers. Hiving had several years experience in the business, they hope to give general satisfaction, and respectfully invite travellers and strangers to givelhem scan. BRADY & PARKER. Philadelphia. January 16, 1847. if CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold und Silver VVatchcs ir piiiisAuui.riiiA. (1 OLD levers, full Jewelled, f 44 00 )g Silver do. do. S3 OO Gold Lenine. Jewelled. 30 00 Silver do. do. 15 00 Silver Quartiers, fine quality, 10 00 Oold Watches, plain, 15 00 Silver Spectacles, 1 lb tiol.l Pencils, X 00 Cold Bracelets, 4 00 ' Also, on hand, a large assortment of (J old and Hair Bracelets, finger ringa, bresrt pins, hoop ear rings, gold pens, silver soons, sugar tone, thim ble, gold neck, curb and fob chains, guard key snd jewellery of every description, at equally low prices. All I wsnt is a call to convince custo mers. All kind of Watches snd Clocks repsired and warranted to keep good time for one year ; old gold or ailver Istught 01 taken in exchange. For sale, eight day and thirty hour brass clock, at LEWIS LA DO MLS Watch, Cbrck and Jewellery Store, No. 413 Market street, above Eleventh, north aide, Pbila phis. rjj I have some Gold snd Silver Levers, still much chesper than th sfcove prices. Philadelphia, Dee. 20. 1846. ly .Tnj IX onssci's ti nftc rsal SHAVING CREAIVL Small riuantities given without Charge. M 114 CAemii St., PHILADELPHIA. THIS new snd splendid article, as its name de notes, is professed to be superior to any Sha ving Cream in the United Statra or Europe. It is unsurpassed for hesuty, purity and fagrance, tho somewhat analagou to Guerlain'a Ambrosial Cream and other aimilar compound. It far sur passes them all hy ihe emollient pasty consistency of Hs Islber, which so softsns tbe besrd ss to render shaving pleasant end easy. It further possesses the advantage over the imported ankle, in being freshly prepsted. no skill being wanting in its man ufacture. E. Roussel having had many years' ex perience In the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pere et Fil, now Renaud 6c Co., of Paris. Besides being the best, it I Ihs cheapest article for shaving ; it is elegantly put up in boxes, with splendid steel engraved labels. Price f 3 per dozen, or 37 J cents for a single box, lo shave one year. It is also sold si $1 60 'per lb. or IS eenls per ot., o that gentiemeei ran have their boxea filled at EUGENE ROLSSEL'S, Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Establishment, 1 14 Chesnot Street, ' Dee 19, 1846. PHILADELPHIA. New Firm. riHE Undera;gned hereby give notice, that be JL ha associated with himself, a a partner in the mercantile business, in his (tore sdjoining Weiver't Tavern, in Sunbury, John Haas, and that tbe said store will hereafter be conducted un d.-r the firm of Clement St Haas. Tbe store st Ihe 8,uth West comer of Market Square will be conducted ss heretofore, by the subscriber himself, to which he resiecifully invites hi customers and friends. . He 'o notifies ll those indebted lo him, lo call between thia and the 11 of January next, aud set tle their account. All kinds of produce will be taken on account, at cash prices. Hereafter no longer than four month credit will be given. IRA T, CLEMENT. Sunbury. Nov. 14. 1846 tf. . CLElflSITT & " RESPECTFULLY inform the poblie. Ihst on lbs 9th inst., they entered into partnership, in the mercantile business, at ths store recently occupied by Ira T, Clement, adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury. Tbey have lately received a new stock of goods, which tbey will dispose of at the lowest prices. All kinds of produce will be taken in exchange for goods. No longer than four months credit will be given. IK A T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Sunbury, Nov. 14, IS!.. tf. AUCTION STORE. No. 0 North 3d gt., third door above Market Street, rRITiADBLPHlA. SALE EVERY EVENING, of a general a, sortmeni of Foreign snd Domestic Hardware, t able aul Pocket Cutlery, Tranks, Locks, Latchets, Bolt, Sswt, Saddlery, Whips, t Boots, Shoes, Hat, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Trimming, Clothing and Fancy Goods. The attention of city and country dealers is in vited. The Goods ars fresh, and will be warranted equal to the representations that may be made of them. UA V LIS at BKOOKRR, Aurtionerr,. No 6 North Third st. N. B. Purchasers can have their Good packed. 8everal invoice of Goods have been received to be sold st private sale. Philadelphia, Dec. 19th, 1848. !j To The I. O. of O. F. . J...W. & K. D, S TO KE8, Manufacturer.' fif Premium Odd Fel- " r Iowa' Regalia, , iVb, 194 mrkcl Street, PHILADELPHIA, First piothing Store below 6th Street. THE subscribers having taken the premium si Frsnklin Institute, at tbe last exhibition, for lha best Regalia, they invite the attention of the order to their establishment, where they will find a splendid assortment of P. II. snd Encampment Re galia. They also make to order for Lodges snd Encampmenta, Regalia, Sashes, Costume and Robes, and furnish every thing requisite for the Convenience of new Lodges or Enrampmenl. J. W. STOKES, E- D. STOKES. Philadelphia, Dec. 19, 1846. Iy liXTK AOR DIN A R Y DISCOVERY! SB Arin88 O AW BE CUBED 1 1 COOPERS ETERIAL OIL A prompt and lasting remedy for Dasrssaa, also fur pains and discharge of matter from tho Ears. Hundreds of cures in cases deemed utterly hope let shave firmly established its superiority over eve ry former Medicsl discovery. . "i This vslusble Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four different Oils, on of which, tbe active and principal ingredient, ia obtained from the bark of s certain species of Wslhvt, a new and effectual agent in the cure of Deafness. Persons who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 yesrs, hsve been permsnenlly cured by using this oil. In fact, to numerous and so emphstic hsve been the teslimonisls in its favor, that the in ventor claims for it the distinction of an Infallible Remedy, in all case, when the Ear is perfect in itt formation. F01 further particulars, and evidence of its great value, see printed aheM, in tbe hsnd of Agents. For sate in Sunbury, by J. W. FUILINU. September lUih, 1846 ly UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In cming Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influrnzi, W nooping-Cnugh, and all Diseases of the biestc snd lungs, leading to Consump tion ; composed of the concentrated virtues of the herbs Horehnund, Bonestsu, Btoodroot, snd several other vegeta ble substances. Wsrranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER FT HIS invsluabls Medicine i ihs most speedy -1 and certain remedy ever discovered fr the e hov complain, ss thousands who have used it Ail! testily. For sale, in Sunbury, by J. W. Fill I.I NO, and in Northumberland, by D. BRAUTIGAM, and at wholesale, in Philadelphia, by F. KLETT&Co, Comer of Second snd Callowhill streets. 8eptember Wtb, M6. 1yj, DENTISTRY. JACOB EELLEH. rBflHANKFUL for the liberal encoursgewtent which be haa received,' would respectfully iniorm ni rrwnd and tbe eitrsene of Northemlwr- land county in general, that he baa prepared him self with Ihs best Incorruptible. Teeth, Gold Plate, iiot.t r oil, etc., tbst csn he had in the city of Phi Udclpbia 1 and thai he will endeavor, to the utmost ol hia ability, to render fuH satisfaction lo all who may think pioper to engage hi service. He will b tn Sunbury at the August court, where he will be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on Gobi Piste, or on Pivot, on the latest snd most sp proved plsn, snd attend tn all tbe branches belong ing 10 DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will he waited on at their placca of red dence, if desired. His chsrges will be reasonable, and his work warranted. He will visit different parts of th county, about once in three roonih. Sunbury, July 16th, 1846. 6m FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Light Street, THE House ha undergone a thorough repair. The proprietor solicit ita former patronage. Term $1 83 per day. WM. W. DIX . ARTHUR L. FOGG, July 4, 1848. ly ' , Proprietors, Keller & fSreenonjfli, PATE1TT ATT0R1TE73, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ' wAsnmaTOK, v. c. DRAWINGS and Papers for tho Patent Of fice will be prepared by them, al their office, opposite the Pa'ent Office. ' July, 4th, 1840 ly " ' IPEXTER'8 8PIRITS OF SOAP, for ex U " traeting Grease, Dry Psinls, Varnish, Tar, Wax, eVc from clothing of any description, war ranted pot lo Injure th cloth or lbs most delicate color. Thia liquid has also been used with great success in esses ol Burns, Scslds, Tetter, Pimples en tbe face, Chapped bands, Sore lips. Rheums tism, Hsrd 01 soft Corns, dec. ry Price, 35 els. per bot lb. F01 ssle at the stoie of July 18, 1646. , HA MASSE R. ATTORNEY AT' LAW,'1 8TJXTBTJRV, PA. Business stlendod to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. It r rr r tot P. & A. ROTOtTBT, " i Low ia dt. BAaaox, -SoMtn &. SsjonoBAS, PJiilaj. Rtrotns, & Co. Srxmine, Goon St Co., ' J r E. KIXVXBEIl, JR., ho. 34 North Fourth Street, under the Mer chant' Hotel,-' Philadelphia, a L4 mods ua riais KEEPS constantly on hsnd an extensive as sortment of sll kinds of Silk, Fur and Bet vei Hstt, which ha offers for tile on the most rea sonable terms. Hit Hat 1 are made up ol the het material, and in the most approved atyle. Per sons visiting the city will find it lo their interest to call. July Uth, 1846 ly SILVEtl' MEDaTT iwianrn ay tie ransaLin mstitcts, 1845. ssaaa I City Dagntrreoljpe Establiihmfnt. (l.tT Simons Sl Clhss,) j io. IUU CAetnuf it., nhvee ITitrd, South tide, rniLASELPHIA. MP? for a lad INIATURE9 taken equally as well in clou- ly at in clear weaner. A J ark a ilk dress dy, snd a black suit for a gentleman, aea prrftirahle in sitting for a picture. No extra charge ia maile Tor coloring, snd perfect likenesses sre guirsmied. July 4th, 1846. ly COLUMBIA EOTXSE, CHESXfTJT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THIS large and eommodious Hotel has recently been fitted up with entire new furniture. Tbe subscribers therefore solicit tbe patronage of the public, and trust that their experience in the business will ensble them lo give entire satisfac tion. Term moderate. BAGLEY, McKENZIE St Co. July 4th, 1846. ly DE1TTISTE.Y. PETER B. M A8SER, RF.CENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinitv, that he haa opened an office at the residence of Henry Masser. in Market street, where he is prepmed to execute all kinds of Dsn-rat Scsoaat, Dale Work, Slc., ou the latest and most approved plans. Hsving had some experience and instruction, Under one of the most eminent and successful Drn lis's in Philadelphia, he believes that he will be able to give aatiafsclion lo those who may want his services. Ladies will be waited on at their places of resi dence. His chsrges will be moderate, and hi work warranted. Sunbury, March 28th, 1846. To 1urettnnera of DRV GOODS. ,o. 121 Pearl tt NEW YORK, - HAVING established a Branch at No. 144 Che nut at., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of ' FANCY aV STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold st the lowest New York ptioos, at wholesale and Retail. Among hia stock will be found a good assortment of the following articles: Jaccnnets, Plaid. Hair Cord, I.ace, Hiripe, Bonk, Swiss sml Tsrlatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen Lawns, Fsncy Cap Netts, Fancy snd Ball Dresses, Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Eeosse, Mnusoline de Laiae, bilk snd Cotton Warp Alpsccss, (juoen'a Cloth, Gala Plaids, French Merinos, Black fills, Cloves. Milk Hose, Shawls, Crsvats, Ribbons, Embroideries, Ac, Sr.c. Country Merchants snd others visiting Philadel phia or New York to urchase, are rerctfully in vited lo call and examine tho stocks. Nov. 1, 1845. I y bk is Te v ka"n dT7i ve". THO XVX S O N ' S Compouutl Sjrup or Tar & M ood Kaptlia. riIHE unprecedented tuccess of this medicine, in JL the restoration of health, te those who, in des psir, bsd given up all hopes, hss given it en rxaU ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of itt intrinsic vslueand power, ss the on ly sgent which can be relied upon for the core of Pulmonary Consumption, Broitchillie, Asthma, Pain in Ihe side and Breast, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, 5tc Attention ia requested to Ihe following ASTON IHHING CURE, bv Thomson's Compound 8yrup of Tar and Wood Naptha ! I Philadelphia, May 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful leeltnga I inform you of the astonishing effects of your medicine, which bas literally raised m from sdesth-bed i My disease. Pulmonary Consump. lion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro. nojnced my caae hopeless ! At this junction 1 be gin to use your medicine, and miraculous aa it may seem, it bas completely restored me to health, after everything else had failed. Respertfollf vours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte street, above George street Tbe undersigned, being personalis acquainted wilh Washington Mack and his suffering, besr witness to ths astonishing effects of Thomson' Compound Syrup of Tar, and the troth of lbs Ss bove statesmen t. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKER8, 41 Almond street, HUGH M'GiNLEY, 8. E. corner Tamany and Fourth street. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 6th and Sprue streets, Philadelphia. Agenta. H. B. Mauer, Sunbury ; D. Cross, and Dr. Macpherenrt, Hsirisburg ; Jan. G, Brown, Pottsvilss 1 Geo. Earl, Reading J Houston 6l Ma on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price SO cents per bottle, or S3 per doxen. QJ" Beware f all imilatiu. Philadelphia, June tth. 1845. If CSeorse J. Wearer, BOPB MAKER V SHTP CHANDX.ES. A. 13 Aort, ITTAS const JIB. nent of Trd Rope. Fis A!s. 1 3 Xurih Water Street, PkilaJelphta. antly on band, s general assort r Cordsce. Seine Twines, Ac., vis 1 Rope. Fishinc Kop, Whit Kopea, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boat. Also, complete assortment of Seine Twine, Ac, uch a U. L'L . 1 J U....ln. Tsi'im. Heat Pitant f ill Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and HerringTwine, Shoe Threads, cVc Vc Also, Bod Cords, Plough Lines, Halter, Traces, Cotlou and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac, sll of which he will dispose of on reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 13, 1 tit. ly. sf