FXIIXADEr.PHXA. SCA&XST. , TuttsoAT, July, 1. Tiavk and Mkal The prices of Flour and Meal are quite ateady, though the market ii with out any great activity. Wo notice aalei of good Tenna. Flour at $6 a Sft; and Writers at SO. Rye Flour telle in email parcel at $S,and Corn Meal at 4, a $4 J Gbain. Wheat it alto lower; we notice aalei at $1 45 a SI 43 for red, and ft 55 for white. Rye it held at 83 i fi.'.e , salee of between 6000 and 7000 buthelt of Corn have been made at 03 a Ola for yellow, and 00 1 91c for mixed. Data are worth 45c for Southern, and 49 a 30e. for Pennt. Paovtsions. rork continues very dull.' New Meta it held at SI 0 50 a $17 per bbt. No change in Bacon and Lard. j Whisht The market if very untettled no alet making. Lrgiilotnrf. toA Tut strain. Mr. Ehitob Yon would confer a favor upon many of your democratic ( iendt, by allowing otto bring forward, through tfce medium of your paper, WILLtAM D.GEARHA.RT, of Ruth township, at a candidate for the Legislature. Mr. Geaihart it a gentleman of tound judgment, cnrracl hab It, and worthy the eopport of (he Democratic peity. We know of no person more suitable to fulfill the dutiea of that high and reponibl office. Should the people see pioper to elect him at iheir Repre sentative, we feel confident that they will And in him a public tervtnt f di-linguished abilities, and an inte ligi-iit, firm and unwavering Democrat of the Jrflertonian acbnol. Mitr VoTttt or Tut Fob, a. Forum or J tar. On thit day of festivity end jy, when we are all prone to indulge in the good tltinga of thit life, and not uofrrquemly to eictt, lot ua uut f rget that overloading the rj tem, either with fond or drink, especially at ihia aettnn of the year, U ofien attended with the most errioue con sequence. If any, however, choulJ inadvertently overetep the bounds nf prudence, they ahould heir in mind ihtt Wright's (uilitn Vegtsldo Pill are certain to prevent tit evil reaube from impropriety of diet ; liorauoe they hr uglily cleanse the sto mach and lourrla from thoe bilinue and corrupt humors which are the cause nf enlx paint, dysen t. ry, cholera niorlius, and otltor dinideiaof the towp. Wright' Indian Vegetable Till also aid and improve digrttion, and tl.erefnre give health and vigor to the whole frame, t well aa drive dite of every kind from the boily. Beware of counterfeit! of all kinda! Some are rotted with augtr; othert are made to irscmble in outward appearance the (iriginal medicine. The eafeal course is, to purchiae from the regular sgent only, one or more of whom rosy be found in every village and town in the State. (J Agent for the tile of Wright's In litn Vegeta ble Pill in Sunlmry, Htssr Msaeaa. For other agencies tee advertisement in anothrr column. No Ca.sma is tbs Whatbeb will materially effect the body if the blood it pure. Every indi vidual, even the mott directed, has within bim s germ or root of thst original pure blood of our common mo her Eve; which germ of purs food it the tiipportr r of hia life, and it in constant i-tius-gle tn thro off the heterogenous corrupt humort. whirh re the mi are of diaeesa in the iudiri lull. By purging the b.idy of tl.is dixeated individual of it bad humor, you allow the germ of pure IiI.hhI to gain ground anJto mhke blood of a totter quali ty. I-el all who wirh to be of a fine, healthy hah it, and who desire to lie eble to stand wi hnul injury-the continual chingeaof ibis climate, ux1 the liiaiulrrth Pills, wliieb will cfleclua'ly cleanse the blood of all bad or corrupt humors, and reatora the human body to the state of health enjoyed I rfoie the inlroduilioo of mineral inedhiuee. (Q Purchste of H. Matter, Sunbury, or of the r genu published in another ptit of ihia psjier. I Ll ! t .11 SMI l..P .J .hji a h e o , On the 22d ult., by the Rev. S. C. Hepburn, 1,. A Mscatr, Ktq, of Lock Haven, 1o Mitt Mar Hr.rst aN.of Milton On the 3d ult., by the Rev. David Longmore, Mr Jacob Cbawfoso to Miie Kmii.i C. Uvrtt, both of Delaware townthip. I I K D. In thit place, on Friday the 35th ult., Mrt. KLIZABLTH IB WIN, wife of Abraham Erwin Hec'd.. aged 30 years. In Point township on the 17th ult , Mr. DAN IEL ROBINS, aged 50 years. ,, ... " Good Intent Fire Company." . A STATED MEETING of the Company will be held on Monday evening licit, ai 7 o'clock, at lite Court Houae. Punnusl sttmiilaiM-o is re quired. HENRY DON . EL. July3.2847 Seaelary, 'WaaUlngton Fire Company." THE members of ths " Washington Fire Com pany" are requested to meet at the Stale House, on Monday Evrninic, July 6, at 7 ' dork, precisely. Punctual sltrmlance is required. July 3. SAMUEL J. YOUNU. See. SIX YEA KS EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED THAT FOR THE :URB OF COUUH8, COMM. CONSUMPTIONS, A8TAMA, Spit ting of Blood Pain and Oppreuim nf the Breait, Ikrre it nmthine rommt to NANCE'S COM POUND SYRUP OF HOREHOUND. Tbia esedkrMie has now I a i uae fur ail years, during whieb lints thsve bat been cnnrtnnt lis mind fst M, aJ Ha popularity instead of dsrliaing, bss been aiwayt on ths increase. During this time many aew meJiriars has tpioBg p for tbs rare of lbs above eomplaMils, soma of which bled onhr s few mnnibs, aiMt others pot aa lg t but HANCE S SYRUP baa readily gine on gaining favor wild aN rlaasra of aoeisty, until it bss now batons itWoti&sd by many fsmb '" , ""REGULAR FAMII.T MEDICINE, To Ihna who htva new used ths Coiapxtjnd Hyrup ol Hoiehound, this notice H ticuairy s)i reeled l, as lo thoae who bsvs ones eiperiei.eed ita culisily htppy eflrctt, ay praise of its merite woulJ be tuperftuous. Price 50 Cents per bottle as ait bottlea for $Z 50. For vale hy HHTHS. HAfiCE, 108 HMimors at and corner of Charts A Pratt Ms., Uslt mors, and by GEOUGE BRIGHT, Sunbury, I. DRAUTIGAM, Nottbumbarland. July 3. H47. PRICK CURRENT. . Corrected weekly by Henry Master.' Wait at. 140 SO 90 45 '5' 6 mi ss 10 10 Rtt, Coair, 1 Oats. Bottii, Knot, Poa, FLtssrtn, DtttWAI, Titiow, Flax, HANCE'8 SARSAPARILI.A VEGETABLE OR BLOOD PILLS. FIFTY PILLS JV A BOX the Chenpttt and bent Mrdirine in ex;itenre f FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD! removing bile, correcting ilitonletl of the atomxch and biiwelt, rntlvrnrst, ttytpepaia, twimming in the head, &". Person i nf a full habit. ' who aie tutjeci to Headache, Giddineit, Draw linen, und ringing in the Eon, aiiin from too great flow of blood to lha head, should never be wilSmit them, at many dsnseroof tympiomt will be entirely csrried olfhy their immediate ne. ' READ THE FOLLOWING WONDERFUL CURE OF DYSPEPSIA f ' This is to certify thst my wife wit sulirtrd with the Dytpeptia for twelve yetr, end trisj both td verttted midicines and Thorn. onian, but without effect ; and myself attacked with blindneat, and my head otherwise effected from hard drinking, so thst I was apprehensive of fits; and aeeinc HANCE'8 8AR8AP ARILL PILT, sdvaittvad, went and lot a bns of them, which, to my astonishment ifTectetl a cure nf me and my wife both as yet, and I do tliii k them without a rival btfore the public. S. II. Ham. Albemarle at-eel. n,sr Wilk. For sate ly SF.TII 8. HANCE. 108 B .himore a'., and comer t'hrles and Piali streets, Baltimore, and by GEOIKiE BRIGII T.8iint urv. 1 1. 13 R ACTIO AM, Northumlrl md. July 3, IH47. DR. 8WA11VE IS TIIU SOUTH. THE followini letter juat come to hand, .and wi'l he real with intereat. The patient tnlTr ed intolerably, and could find no relief until he used Dr. Swav si's Comfoi'hd Srarr or Wild Chirbt. It ia e rtainly tho mott wonderful cure on ricoid! Read It. Wilmington. N C . Jan. ISth, 1947. Da. 8wimk Dear Sir : Having been almoat mrsculouly rured hv your valuable mrMicino, I think it not more than common prs'itude in me lo make one aiMition t the Ion g list nf rrrtifir ilea wbich you hsve received of remaikah'a Cure bv your medicine. Durins the two years pre -eding Isat AUtftiat. I was very much ili'tre-ned hv a ey bad cold and racVing rnuah. and .In riot the 'atter pirt of the time il continued to crow w. rte, and ii.de il, in July my fii n!i cave nie over, ht vine tried all kinda of meilicine, taut to be good for such diseases, without the least good i fleet. I waa re duced almoat to a perfect rorpae, anil had srarrrly any fleh upon my boly, and for a long time ne ver thnuuht lo ri-e fiom my bed again. A friend one dry sked me if I bail tried Dr. 8watjs's ('ompound Syrup of Wnn Cataar, and advird me to do so st once, tt he hesrd that il had woiked a treat many wonderful rarer. I took hit advice, and nfier using up several bo' ties of i, I frv sn much better thit I was enabled In leave mv bed, and afierwtrdt ta walk about the houae, and en out into the atreet. I wne encouraged hv thia, and continuid the uae of your medicine, and now, by means of ita wonderful, curative powers. I am per fectly well, and enjoy the uae if all my ficultie, just as much sa if I hud never been afflict, d in the way I desciibed to you. I hive written this not thinking that it w II at all interest you. but humblv hnphig thai it wilt have ita mite nf influence in cau--inu your vtlunble medicine lo I e apieaj am hr mankind, and in an at ng to raise you to lh it ata lion which you riehty deaerve, f ir your ievrring eirrts for the public cood. - Rcepecifully your friend snd admirer. JAMES R. MAISI.AND. Commeut on such evidence aa the above ia un. neceasary. A single trial will place Dr. Swv vt'a Con mum Smir ir Wiin ('Hrsnr biyond the reach of compel lion in the estimation of every pa rent. U. it its healing viitue will br lis beat re commendation. lie ware of ltpmitinn temp't have often been made by unprinc pled inibv.djila tu impose upon the community a apurinn ailirle. Stcalini; ne .rlv the whole of the nme of my pr pirstlon. To fully guard aeainsl auch baae and palpable im po ition, lha pu)4ic should hn all prepvra'i n piiiportiof to contain Wild (-berry, eteepl that bearing ths sign lore . f Da. II. Swatat on e eh b Itle. The name of Dr. 8 warvs. In c nneetion v. ith the Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, has never tot been rounterfei'ed. So if peranns would besr i'i mind the nsme of Da. 8watbb, ihry mav he rur of obtaining the oiiginal and genuine arti cle. Beware of ihe worthle-a Bala.ima,' 'Bitters.' Syrups' e . aa they contain nona of lbs virtuea of the original prsparatinn. The (iicinl and nnlv) genuine article ia pre pared by DR. SVVAYNE, corner of Eighth and Race atreet, Philadelphia, and for sale by agents in sll p -rts of lbs United Statea, and some pant tf Europe. Only Agent ia Sunbory. Is HENRY MASSER- Dr. J. A. Moore, Danville; T. 8. Mark-y & So.., M lton; M. D A. J. Wells. Muncvj C. A. Wyatt, lsiarmrg; Da via A Sehniire, Srlinegrove; John C. Rerrn, Line Mountain P. O. I'hilad Iphis, jrljlm. f lv Notice IS hereby given to all legaleea, rie.litora, and o ther persons inlereatrd in ihe estates of Ad in Soiber dee, settled by his eir Peler Kun! of Da vid KreM dee, s Ui! by hia sdror Peler Kun-; of Msry Stsdden dee, settled by her eirs John Sisd den and Charles Riddles; of Wm Staiblen dee, set. lied by his ears John Sisdden and Chil-s Rid.lles; of Michael Ciea-iriger dec, settled by hi ailmr Da niel fchwartx; of Wm Keener dee, e tied by his ira Samuel anil D ivid Reei; of S.muel Do woo dee. settled by his ad ml Cathaiine DoIhmm ; of Nj rhotst Long dee, t-ettied by hit admr Peler Biebl; of Jos ph Kelt r, snr. dec. act tied by lita eir Joseph Keffer, jr; nf Cathatine Mirhael e. art lie J by her admr John Lei keij of ('hiialain II. I i .tec, tented by BMa eir Benjamin Hine; of Dakl Kasemtn d- c, settled by bis admr Fled, rick Ksaeman; of Ber nard MrGee di-C, settled by hia eira Michael Me Geo and Dennis Bunyi of John Mover dee, settled by hi ear Dr. John K aer, of Jnhn HiK dec, set ll d by bis admr Wra Ililrj of Samuel Bloom dec, s. II lei by bis ears Jacoh and Daniel Bloom; lha account of Frederick Shell, guardian of Mary Eli abeta. Kull;lbe tceount of Davi.1 Ethhach, liaatee of ttie est iris of I'bilrp Ehtarh, dVe'd. Lai of Northumtiarbind eoumy , dee'd ; that the ei senior, adminiatratois, and gaaidran of the said deveaeed ea'aies have if sd their aeeoonts with the Register of rhia county, and that thev wiH be preMmled lo lha O phsoa' Court of airl county, on Toelay, lha 3d day of Aagaat nsit. for emifrrmsiirirr and allowance. EDWARD OYSTER. Register's Offiea. ? Register. , Sunbury, July 3, 1117. J -.- ..li. ,Jii;i. i J i u i. ii i n ia ii Notice IS hereby given, that an adjourned Court for tho Northern Diti. nf tho Snnnnwi Onart of Pa . will be held in Sunbury, on the Firat Monday of wu.y nssmna annaat Beation or aaid Court, on lha SJ Mlrday afti I month. CHARLES PLEASANTS. , Prothy. 8. O. N. D. , Prothya. Office, May t4, 1847. , Order of Court. Dr.ctMar.ft. IS, 1 84l. OnKr. d by the Court, that no canta will hereafter be taken op, unless a Paper Bonk be fi at furnisheJ the Reporter, and rises not taken up for in is reason, will be Halite ta Won. Prne. Certified from the Record. April 1, 1847. J.SIMON COHEN, t i; Lift nf Camet for Mjuurntd Court 1st Monday Wm DonstdWe Appea', , ' Union B ..kin and Snyder v8eecriat; Union' M'C.y va Burr. North'd Snyder va Reily d; co, Union Gundmm va Schnure, . Union Styre va RitTert et at , Columbia 8teinmsn vt M'Williima .do W B Bink et al va D. nl.laon Uoiou Gundrum va Schnure do App va Lutheran Congregation do Somera vt Mc Williams, North'd Noll vt Swineford Union Gumminge vs Foreaman's Admr. North'd Wilson's Adin'is vt Hall't AJmrt. do Donnrl vs Bel it . - . rlo Snvder vt Glover . ' t . Union Ekel, Spangl-r A: c.i vs eom'th Pa,' Lyc. Ilowmtn va Koh do B yd's Eir vb Brown deco. North'd Stewart ve 8'ewart Lve. Weaver va Shoemaker'a admr. do Beelar va Uck Union Overseers Mit'oi va Overseers Wms'porl. Lye. Brown's Appeal, North'd Gale's Appeal, Aa Cumnling's Appeil, ' Ljc. Sico;n Wttg, Whitman vs W right's sdinr. 8u q. Moore vs Tyler d J nes vs Jenkins Luzerne Kellogg vt Hon Wtyna Dtkeman va Pani-h Suq. Smith va Overlnn Bradf. Arkle va Ackle'a admr ilo Pond, et al va Denniaon e! a! Wayne Turner vt Hoov. ret at Lucerne P-.'terson et al va Koont ' ' do D' an va Connelly J0 tsna vs Jarksn Wyoming Poynlell a Hpenrer Wayne Snyder v. Wib, fov.-ll va MafRl Luzerne Keeler va Vsn Tuvler do MeFadden veSil ad Union Bunows el si vaginitis do K ioada vs Ro-s North'd C rr va Lounhead's Silmr. do Wi hi m vs Fiiim. r Lvc. Wii.lncr vs Matthew, North'd Foreman's admr. vg For em in do R 'bb vs B wen el al Lve. King vs Ctine d f .'oatenbsd rvs Furly Union Glov. r vt Wilson do Stewart vs Klioe ' Columhis Ingersoli va Fesaler l.yC. (indykunst vs Jones, . Jo Hoalz vs Culberaton do B lakin and Snyder vs Hooter ' Union M array et al vs Murrey North's Cameron va Paul " ' . Union , list of junons OF Northnmliertend County, for Aoguat Tirm, A. D. 1847. Cr. md Jurors. Isti'i. D 'vid Wall, fieorge Wagoner. Prluware. Robert McGee, David C. Wstson, Wi'lim Ireland. ChilHtmiaque. Wil'iam Blair, George Tioxel, William Durham. John Caul. Point. Franri Gibson. , Sunbury George P. Buyers. Shamokin --Jacob Conrad. .loeph Fo. Ruh. Go 'f ey Porkrfeller, Peiry Patton, Ro bert A mm rm-.n. I pper Mahnnoi. Danii I If.-iin, David Chik. Elia tieial. Dmiet Foiiai. fyiwer Mahonny. Will-am Fieg'ins. Jacliton. Michael Sj at, Geo. Geit. Micbaet Knias. Traverse .Jurors. Turhut John 8-sd.len. Isw --Daniel Diei.lnch, ML'hael Reg ler. Velnwnre. J ienh 8:i gel, Joeph Hammer, E. L. Pifer, Moaes M. Border, Jacob H' wn. ' lfi7rjn. Me h Csdwilader, larel Kapler. Saml. Te.wa. Jiepb Anjrad. John 9 Peiern-n. ChilliKfMtque Cbtr'ea Foi, Jubn H.tisel. Jjmea Rustel, Willi. m Kramer." ?'?- Point. Geo, L.aher, Peter Foott, Michael ArnobL ' i . . Northumher'tond John Bower, A. C. Barrett. Upper Augmtti.Gra. Obcrdorf, Henry Kline hnver Augitfln Saml. Lan't Ji ri-miih Wet sol, John V, alsln h. Henry Folk, Geo. Burn.. Shamokin. Wm Gssa, Jam" Price, (loorml Y ai, Wm. Martt Valentine Klsze, Jacob S.ioll, John Roiheimel, jr. Riuh. Ri-brri CampbeU, Thilip Hi, Wm. 11. Kae. Upper Mahonttf.Juhn Dtum, Abraham Kun aeloian. Ijinrer AfoAmot. Oeo. Lenkw, John Lower. Utile Mahnnoi I ennard Reed. Jtehtnn. Dsn'l Sehwailt, Peter Brown, Dn'l Boheer, Samuel Mtlieh. G-P.EAT 'S.?,G"i.riT3. SELLING OFF. fit. PURDY, Market Square, Sunburv. h , a large asortmei.t nl Dry liooda, (Jr.rne, Queen t Ware, dec , wl.i. h he will sell at reduced prices, for cash or roumrv produce, t I funlurv, July 3d. 1817. If MoanlCN. DR. SMITH'S ADVICE. fllUE Mea-let appeared in Eurojie about the JL tame t nun ilhlie small pot, and have a great alfiuiiy to that lis.ae. They InHh cams from the smequaiter nf ihe world, ai boili iufec lioua, and seldom stlark lha same persou but once. Tbs Mealet sre most cinmon in the epring sea son, and generally diaapiear in the autnmir. The diaraae itaelf, whin properly managtd, tebloin proves fatal; but its consequences sre often Veif Irnuldrsomt. Our buainesa ia lo aasist nature to throw out ike ei option. Blood-Utting ia almoat certain death. Nothing evrr discovered his done the work eo gently snd elleetu.Hy ss Dr. SMITH'S (Sug.r Coated) "Imlitii Vegetable PiUa." You need not for. e ihem down, en her. Qj1 i'AU TiO.N At miseralile imilation baa been mads, by Ihe name ol '8ugsr Coaied Pilla," il ia neecM-try lo be sure thai Da. O Btsj. 8 sura's aigrealara is on every bwi , Price SS cents. Pnncipal Office, f?t Greenwich at. NrW York. Sold by JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury. WM. FORSYTH E, .VsWWat, Jane 96, IS47. To the Elector $ of Northumberland County : AT the solicitation oft number of my friends lo different parts of the emtnty . I have consent! to be candidate for the office of TniUABUIlErt. Should I be elected, it will he mv pleasure sa welt as duty, to attend to lb butinert of the office with fidtlity and punctuality. GEORGE WEI3ER. 8unbury. July 3, 1847. DICKSON &CO., No. 80 Market Slrcel, fivo doors below Third, South side, . PlIILADIILPrllA. Importers &. lVholrnale Ornlrrg In WATCHES, Watch Gla-aet and Mnterinla Jewelrv of all rirveiiptions, qu-ililin. and s'ylca. compilMiig all Ihe articles ronn.-cteil with the Trade, CUka. Difon A Son's Britannia, Germ in Silver and Sil- ver. Plated Wares. Sheffield and Birmingham riated Fsncy Artlcte. Ri'dgers A Son's and Wost nholm'a tutlery, Ra zors. Scssnra. Ers.e-s, Ierk Knurs. cVe. Ivory H mdied Table Cutlery, of the fin. s, medium and comm in qualities. A It'ge aeaorlment nf Gold Pent. Perifocal Spee.lseh-a. " Papier Mar be and Japanned Trtyt, varinua shspea and qualities, at re lured rates Gold Watch Cuars, Dinla mid Silver. Ware, of all deseiiptinns. manuftcturad lo order. DICK80N dt CO., having recently removed into Ihe large end commodious warehouse formerly occupied lay Met". R. Aaaavaar Sc Susa, nnd more recently by Asaaraar $ RtMinnTOM, tieg leave lo inform Watch D -aler, C antry M rt hanls and others. Ihst thev design having at all times a large a.a.Htmenl of GihnIs, of iheir own importa tion, which they are determined to tell at Ihe lowest rates. (Zj" Every sttention will be paid to the Packing nf Go xl, and in the eieculion of Orders, the qu ili. lies sndpiicrs will be fully gu.irtutisJ sg linst sll competition Philadelphia. June 19ih, 1847. Iv OPINIONS OK THE PRKSS, r.tTivr. t WEIGHTS mm VEKCTABLE PILLS, Finm the Camitrn Democrat. Vf RIGHTS tiiniAK VrerTAaia PmaVrhrae celebrated Pill, so universally used and ad mirsd. have Ircome to I e conaldered almoat aa ne ceasary in famtliet aa water or fuel. In f.ct, the principle upon wbich thia medicine hss eatabbahed in reputation purgation now pretty geneially srknnwlcdaed to be the only hue one, hv which health msy be preserved, or restored when impaired. Wriaht'a Pilla are now a universal favorite. From Ihe Philadelphia Saturday F.rrniitg Pott. VVainaT'a Isnits VtaKTAKia Pi ua, are at taining great c.. In it v in New England, ss well sa other paitaof ihe United Sialea. The attempt of persons lo defraud the public by the s tie of spurious artiele. meets with ' general reprobation. Dr. Wilghl is sn ind f tngahle buioneaa man. and ahowt an array of curea bv the merle-cine whieh warrant confidence in the virtues of his Indisn Vegetable Pills. From the Philud-lphin Sp'rit of the Tnn. WbisBt's Units Vta.TtBLi Pin... Peo ple Bre prrliy well raii-fird by this time thatcito mel, and the other ihooaand and one minersl pre parations of the hnpe, are belter adapted, aa a gen eral rule, to kill rather than cure the patient ( aa a m.iPer of cour-e, vegetable medirine are therefore in great requeat. There are m my hambugt how ever, among the hitter, and we would advi-a sll those who hive the leaat regard for Iheir heil'h, to lit Writhe Indian Vrrlable Vith of the North Amtriean College of Health, aa Ihev are Ihe pie. parstiou of one in imtlely acquainted wi h the heeling art. From the Ito'ton Da:li Tim'. Waiom'e lvnitv Vrnmiiu Pir.ta. lf a 'I the puhlic advertised mediriuea nf ths diy. we know of none thst we csn more s ifelv rerommenJ for the "il's that fleth ia heir In." than the Pd'g thai sre sold al the depot of th- North Am-.i-an (. . lege of Health. .No I9 Trem nl a'reet. Itos'nn. Scvcal iimtrinres we know of where they are ned in funil cii with the highes s tf rtioni and no I ncer ago than yeat.-iilsv, we h-'trd an e i in.nt pbvaiiian of lids city leeommer.d the in in high lerma. The foil wb'g hihlv 'eap'-cla'de storekeepers hve lern duly tp' oimed ag n't for the sal of HVi' Lillian Vegetable Pill; in Northumbtr I n l rounlv : Henry Maaaer, Sunburv, E. 5t J. Kauflinan, Augtiats townohip. Kairuel Heih, Linte M.honoy. Wilbaoi Depfien, Jarksnn. Beneville llolt'iue, Upier M.ihonoy. John (4. Renn, Up;r Mahnnny. raiiiuel John, Shamokintoven. Fornjthe, WiUon A Co., Notthumbetland. E. L. Piper, Wslsnnhurg. . - Irhnd A. Haynes. McEtn.ille. James Peed, PotUgrove. Wm. G Sett, Ruahvdle. Ilartman Knrrble. Elrburg P. O. Am a T Deiaael, Turbutaville. G.d on Shadel, I'pi'" Mahonoy. Rhode dt Farrow, Snybulown. John King, Farmer's He. Si'aa C. Co.k. Martin's Crrxk. J. De Young. Ilirktvi'le. Abraham 8tu-r r Ri. hmond. Samuel Tylor, SI il' for I. John H. Vincent, Chllirqntqne, Wm. Ileineu A Pi other, Milton. Uiwiai or Coca rmruri The puMic ere eauiioned tgtiuat the mnny apuriout tn-illi- ne which in order In d 'C i0, are c die I bv nsmea ai miter to Wricb.'a lodiau Vrgelatrte Pills. The s.feal cour-c i lo puiehej.e of the regul ir sg-nts only, who are gentlemen Ihalm.y Im re lied on, QfT" Offiret devo'o.l rieluaive'y to the vale of WKKiHI'S INDIAN VEGBI'AHLE PILI.s, of ihe No lh Ainetican College of He . Ith No. S8H Greenwich Street. New York No. I OS Tr miit Kireei. Ilosion) and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. IflU RiritiftiiT, Phils lelphis. June i IT. hljU?. I9yj ' raoivi BXEXicoi 911ms .11 All Y A. MtCViV, nf the borough of NoithBrn'-erlaiol, aue. resor to Daniel lliautigam, re-pec fully Informs tba luiblir. Ihst. slthnagh Gen. Sc.. li a siinv bat lak n Jalaps, fimoua for ita pro durlinn of Jal'P, she atill has enough of the article to euppty the wtnts of her cuttomeie, besides eVery other variety of drugs and medicines usually found in an spotliee.ry shoii. JIttirg piirchated the rlork of Mr. Brtoligtm, the has opei ed new r tUblithmeut almoat ppoiite hia eld ttthit, and Irurt, by tfrirt attention lo business, la merit the patronage of the tieiuiiy and public. She will enn'ienily keep on hau l eey variety of Drugs, Paint. Spires, Patent Medicines, Ac ihtie orually found in a dug aluie, a hick the will diapoee of at reasmabls prn-ea. Phyaieiana and ofhara, fiom dlstaOca, supplied at wholesale prioaa. ' Nortlwmbeil.na', Mty 83, 1847. 2m, Indian Vcecfabte Panacea. ncncuilAKV JISriKK. BBfa,--t a now sit month i 3 H yoongsst child, a daughter, had a i allertlon, wbich mnde Ita aipearance o HEREDITARY TETTER. since my cutaneous rivet If a efi. tire no,iv. it waa a esse of Hrrs.IH.rv T.nse. at ao virnlent waa the dlaeate, that we wl-bed, in esse ii could not be inee.llly relieved, thai It might be toon laid in Ita grave. At thia stage of the dis ease my sis'er-ln-law called npon yon to advise a to ihe tiert preparation of Saraapatilla thai con Id he procured, as an alterrative ( when you reeom mended the uae of Dr. Cnllen's Indisn Vegelable Panacea, and I am pleated to aty that the good efT.-cte of the medic'no were perceptible when il had taken bin a few d 'tea; and by Ihe time we bad ueeil one alrg'e bntt'e, the d eesae had entirely ilitappeared, and Trnm lh.it lirne there hat been no re-appeartucr. I really f et thankful to you for having recommenced Ihe Psnirei in thia rate, for I feel confident il at had not tba direae been ar. reled, my child would, ere thia, htva been Ihe tenant of the odd and silent tomb. Rr-perlfully ynnrs, Rowtsn A WtiToaj, JOHN P. REES. Phil. Dec. 9, 1845. 85 N. Seventh 8t WHITE 8WELLINO. Mr J.T Row.vn. P,r7. D l 10. 1845 Deer Sir, At your requeat I cheerfully give you an secounl of the wrnderful cure eflTerted upon me by Dr. Cullen'a Indian Vegetable Panacea. Al the age of 14 yean I had upon my right knee a White Swelling, which a iffened the joint, and catiaed tome teven'y or mora pieces of the bona pieraa of the bone to come awav in the tore, and which wns temporarily relieved by the ututt reme-di'-s, but not entirely cured. At timet soret would again break out, and lecome to dirtret ing and pain ful that I could get no rent night nor day. In this way it continued until la -t spring, when, having witnessed the eitraordinary rffpe'e of your Panacea it an alternative, upon a daughter nf mine who waa oing it for a chronic disease, I concluded to make a trial of it in my own easel the retult hat been an entire cure. I am now 67 years nf age, and h.ve tufTered M tears with the sores. I cheerful Iv add mv testimonial to the many o'hera I have heaid, of the cures performed bv vonr calibrated Panacea. THOMAS-WALTON. 400 N. 3J st., Aldrrmnn 7 h WarJ, N. L. 8CORFULA. ! To whom it may concern. Thia may certify thai my child, almost from bit th, waa afflicted with corfuls, which covered moat of its body with sores; and that for 18 months, though constantly under medical tre.tmevt, no'!. log afforded relief tilt I was induced lo make trial of Dr. Cullen'a In dian Veg' table Panares. The attending phyti ciin, on w tneeaing its garni elleen, recommended ita continuance according to direciioiia, and by U ting s tingle bottle nl the Panacea, the child waa apparently cured. It ia now about 4 months aince the medieine waa discontinued, and 1 have no d nibi but the cure i complete. Youra truly, Rowaso A Witrov, M. MeCLEAS, Pbilad. Aug b, 1845. 380 Market at. BARBERS' ITCH. Mr. J.T. RowARn Sir Som lime laal apiing I waa an iinbtriunate a to get the "Jarkann, or IStrber.' Itch." by having after soma one affected by thai Iroubleaome and nha'insia disease. You cannot have forgotten the w .lcn snd iiri I ited condition of my fire at Ihe lime you recom mended "Dr. Cu'Ien's Indian VrpiMnhle Paiarea " I have now the pleaatlre to inform you, for the lenfit of sll who are eimd trly afllieled. that the use of s tin(le bottle of the I'snarra cured me en tirely. You may well judje i f my gratification at such s reault. a I h id so nfien known the diaei to enntiuue fur vears iiii'br the naual mercurial re medies. (8ignoil) T. L.SANDER A. Pbtla l., Aus. 6, 1815. Ptedgo Office. SCORFUI.A. Meaara. Rowami A WaLTov. I have len for Iwn years or mnre s-verelv afiliried with S.-orful.i, and af er having tried three eminent phys'ciina withnul anv relief. I had come to the conclusion ihst I onia' dir. I had lourieen open Ulcers on my f.iee and body at the rime time. While in thia condrion, a friend procured me a bottle of your lr. I oiHrn't Ind tn Vegetable P.macea. Thia waa ahoiit two rtuinll a aiiu-e. I hive t ik.-n air bottle and am completely cured . My general health ia alo belter than il hit been f ir ye.ra. C VV. MAXWELL. Msry 'a Court. Certifirnca nf cures, in pamphlet form, may be bail (Siats, at the ofTn ea of ihe agents. ' Tl la me.licine ia prewired and sol I hy th" pmprit tor, Rowand A Walton, No. 376 Mai km lieel, Phil ,deln ia. -. fV W Daneribower. No 1 Murray st. N Y. t t J J W I) nenhower. No 1 O F Hall. Tin.O. X i C T .t. nkin. No 6 Ctnsl it, N Orletna. JS S Rohintun,coi Gsv A; Kintogaata, Halt. Agenta: II. M AhSKR. ui.l.Urv. I If. ft t.f, Millon; J. R.elolJ, New Ber lin: Mr. Muster, Milllis tn; St.arpa D. Lewis, Wllkes'.irre. hold tlto by Diuggitta throughout Ihe United Statea. June 5. 1847. 2m. f6y To the Electors of Northumberland County : KEIMi solicited by manv of my fiiend., I h v enn-enieil to offer my at II st a Vwlun leei c.nJidale for I lie . Hire of T ti i: a s v n e n of Northomlicrland n un'v. Sh uld yon are ,'', pi r to elect me, I p'ejje mvselflo petfolm the iluliei uf .aid tiflice Willi t lit - HENRY WEI"E. Sunbuiy. June 19 b. 1817. PU BL ICS ALB or ON Saturddy, the 3d of July nnt, at 10 nVbxk A. M wi'l l sold by public vendue, at the t;. nit Houae in font. urv, sll ihe cl.lm, right, ti tle and iotereat of I be underignrd in one hunibed and ailty-oue tbarcs of JNo.thuti.berUud Sank Sioek. . . To a M vtrf rf-stsa' A Mrrnttirs" Bssa, Ar.. I'b.la I.I hia Cmin y. S ll her Ait.-n.ey, II. UELLA8. Sni bnrr, June ft, H47 5l " EAYDElf for" COALEjT" Floiir, Produce, and General Commis sion i)Itrchants, No, 116 Sisira's Wasar, BALTIMORE. OFFER" Iheir ertvirre to ike Merchante an I f a.rnera of the 8a.qu- hanna Ta'lev, for tha aalei of Flour, Grain and Produce generally. In the Baltim ire market, and from Iheir eteiile sc. quainlalirs among purcliuatra nl thtppirt, Cm safely w.fiani utlrfirtory ttlra. t Jorretporidenti will he mnaltnily kept advitrd of the state of ths maike t, Ac. Rt fee to M,r. Win. Wilson 4 8n; I'tac Reynol.lt A Son. ,, Davids.tr, t Rsonrier. f B'"'' Rrynotrls A mifrl.- J anJ Messrs. Tingtey, t'aldsreit A Englitb, Pbilir. Msy 1 6th, 18IT.-:m ntrr llml Premium AVrillnff Ink. No. 87 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. PROM Dr. Hare, tha celebrated Profenor of Chemistry In lha Univer.iiy n Penn'a. - 'Philadelphia. Orl. 11, 1 Hi'l. "Dear Sir Having tried your Ink, I will thank you lo tend me another bottle, aa I find it to bo rlcrlleni, I am jourt, truly. Roar. Ha at." From Dr. Locke,' of Cincinnati, diilingulthed fr hia numerous scientifle researches. "Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, January 17, 1844. Having oaed Mr. Hover'a Writing Ink, I am satisfied that il ia Ihe but whirh ha ever eome to my knowledge, and eipecia'ly it leexcllent for tha use of Sleet Peru, and will not eorrode them, even tn long uae. Joria Lnccg. Prof, of Chemistry.'' HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT. From a well known tcieniific gentlomin. Philadelphia, Feb. 27. IR4B. Mr. Joa ph E. Hovnr Nirt A uae of your Cc mint, snd some prtrticat teali of its mpeMority, hat induced me to recomrrend it to oilier, at an invaluah'e article for mend ng China. G:tta, or Cabiuet Ware. CtMratLt Mottrir, Annlvtic Chrinlat " For e!e at the Mtnufict try, Wboletilo and Re tail. No. 87 Nobtb Tmnn HTRErr, oppotita Cherty ttreet. Philadelphia, bv JOSEPH V.. HOVER. May SJ, 1847. J.10 ly Manufacturer. Spring Goods. THE sobacriber hm juat re-eivrd hit Nrrr Spring Oood,lo which he invite. h; frieni. and cuttomrrt to call and eiamine for themie ,-ei. Hia stock coniisis in part of the following: Superior Cloths, of all color; Coaaimere of di0er enl pattern Satin and other Yrttiig ; Ca liuoa, Lawns, Ginghams, Check, Tick inpt, and rummer wear of all kinds and price.; also, Leghorn and Palm loaf Halt; Umbrella and Paraaala, from 25 cenlt upwards ; alo, Grnceiie, Querns Wfrr, Hardwtie, Cedarwsrc, Oils, Paint, Fiah, Salt, Ac, Ar.. Ac, ' and in firt, eveiy article usually kept in a coitntr- store, whbh will be sold very low. for cath or tiy kind of trade. JOHN BOGAR. Sunbury, May loth, 1847. nUy jMorc New Goods ! THE latl arrival ia at Purdy's Store, Market Squsre, where will bo found a hundaome aa aortmcnt of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of Ihe latest and m 'it approved a y lea, couaiatiiig of Cloths, l!araimets, Veslingt, Summer Stuflo, Moot, d.? lainca, Liwna, Ginghsma, Calicos, , Muslins, Jean, Ar Ac, Ac ; also, a full assortment of Grocertrt, til of which will be told lower than ever offered in I'd" market. t'n end examine for youMelvrs. Sunbury, May 15 h, 1847. tf Orphans' Court Kale. TN puraumre of an order of the Orphan' Con' of Northurnl e land county, will be told at pu -tic vendue, on SaiU'day t!ie 17.h il iv ol Ja y net', on the premises, to win A rertam tract of laii' situate in Shnmok'n fownth'p, Insiid ronntv. rri I lining 209 arrrs and 113 perches, strict menrir-. adj lining land nf the lieit of M.irtin VVcjver, J oh I linger, Solomon Feijely, and laiue TiriMey, whereon U rrrctcd a two ttory log hou ' ni d B'ono kitchen, a large fame bmlt barn, ntoni'tniki home and an eicellcnt urch rd of choice fruit. At-o, one other tract, situate in the townahip and county aforesaid, containing 35 acre and 58 per ches, til'ioining the above described tract, Samuul Hal. a. Go rge Ungrr, and Na ic Treililny, where ia are erected a one and a half ttorv frame houe, a (rame elatile, and a log thop. with a good well of water at the houae, and a thriving young orrhurl of choice fruit. Also, a crt'n'n other tract of wood land ri'uve In the townthip nforrenid, remaining Hi terra and fit perches, adjoining 1,'onrnd Veicer, Joseph Chaitiberlm, and Ayjuatua Huey. Alto, t crr'ain o'ber tract nf land in a.i.l to I ship, con taitiihg 33 acre tiul 147 petch.t, a riot mei-ura, of wt.irh ubnut one half ia f Iraied. adjoining Au gUtu Hu v, Nathai'iel Ssiton, and mhrrs AU to, a certain oilier tiaet ai UuU in said toun-l.ip, cniHaini ig 9 fea and 14 perrhc, tnct meui.U'e, ai'j iii.lng Solomon Feg ly, m d other-. Lata the eaiate of I'hritiMn Fcgelv, iec'.t. Sile to coKimeuce at 10 oYlnrk, A. M. "f tnbl day, when Ihe terms of sale will be made known by SOLOMON FFGELV, REUBEN FEGELV. By OiJer of the rourl, - Adiijra. Euwaho Ortrm, Cl'k. O. C. Sunhury, April 24'h, 1S17. tsl3t WTWm THE tubrenber olTer. for tale a cheap Farm, abasia ia Sham 'kin lownaliip, Northumhcr Isnd county, about ctlit miles from Nunbtiry. ly ing brtwren the t'entre. Itnni ike and Irifh Wiry, containing 163 tfre'i and allowances. Slid farol it in a good t'tte of rijltivt,.n, with reaaunaLdy goiaJ buildinga and rieelleiit water near iLe door and all kinds of buit, Ac. JOHN FARNSWOIITH. Subbary. Feb. 5(1, IS 17. Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS ia Ctoatnvo trem ta h ths order of the d iV, at the Phjl'd. I hia Wa-.l (iohe. 1(15 Chttnut t'teet, where every .irlirle lit Ihe fine L kept, and solJ at aatoiiWilng low pikes, emhr .icing I'l'Mk. Hangupt, Over Park Cont, Short SacU ('oats. Super Fteneh Cloth lhen Fioch Coals, I'sntal'tons of eveiy giade and stjle, any nfwbbh will be told either by tue aairaent or dutcu, st pit- ' tea that will Janfy the mott rC. mimical in "buying. Weadvi.e all who want good nd ghetp I i thing, to call al No. 105 Cbetnut atreet, Philadelphia, Feb 6th, 1817. 6rn lifESTEKN HAViS and SboulJtra, jut recel v ej and fr tale, ly Ju ,e 1S47. C. 9. BOGAR. 17RE3H MACKEREL, a new lot, ju.i teceivrJ and f. r tle. low, by June 9, 1817. C. BX3Aft. K- AlSK. The bigh.it market pnea ptW Lr Dark, al the atoit of March 37,1.47. JOHN BOUAR-