On wr In Fill a Pletnr Gallery, A letter from Parle speaking of the sight to seen there, adde : "Tha president ofth Council, Marshall Smilt never throws open his doors it would cost mo ney. A more avaricious old Isrsclite does Dot exist in France,- nor is he at all scrupulous ts how he fills hispm-re. ' His Spanish gallery '? painting, for instance wero the spoil of his reninsulat campaigns, which rra was m honor 1 .nml to have deposited in the Louvre, but pre ferred keeping, occasionally disposing of some atom tor a vat sunt. Not s fortnight since he lims sold the Paralytic, by Morillo,for eighty tNousand dollars snd wss very irtdiirnantataorne the? paper for saying rtiat tno money should tii into lb army chest According to his ac count, every picture wss purchased -ind the transaction to which he became the proprietor i.t (he Paralytic (as related by him after dinner ii a fr iend) is a curious piece of picture deal ing 5 " 'People reproach me for having stolen pictures in Spain, but I bmgM them sir bo't iiu-in I' "Indi'ed Peerd the listener, with sn in rr edible elevation of the eye brows. 'Yes, I b tight them, sir J returned Soult. There, for ii i-tuncp, is my Murillo, the famous Paralytic it cost me two monks' 'Two monkal' ea minted thr listener. 'Yes, two monks fvo :ia fine, fat, sleek, oily men of Cod a you ever laid eye on.' 'But two monks for a picture !' exclaimed the astonished liaterner. Yes, t osve two monks for that picture, Fir?' said Moult, 'and it was in Ibis way that the birgain was mnde : -(lake some more of the Burgundy.) Onn evening aller having been rather hard pushed by WHItngtin and his red coated rascals I and a great num'x r of my men had taken up our quarters in a convent. We made the laiy i .l . iMirunsivu u;i 'cr'i wine, and then wo went tooea. iexi morn- in?, when the men were muntered, it was re - iwirtml lliatKoiiie twentv or thirtiv of mv Prens- ' ' " dicrs hail been tomt.l wttti lhc:r ttiroaTscnt the eood monka had iiiel wver'd their windpipes ttiv alont mill snris ptiiUKth thf rwmr fplliiwa r., - - i-.j u. I i w-ii f wrre a. u..u . .....K...c.r.. v, . immediately had all the monks drawn up, and air! to ttietn : ' You internal vagabond. I Can't i i: .u:. ...... niltliu lu Hjav llljr rvnuuiria lit iiiiawojr, aiiu iu convince ynu ot the fact I mean to hang every one of ynu !' Such a wail of despair I never heard, followed by piteous supplications lot par don. Alter frightening them well, I consent-t- d so far to pardon them aa only to hang the aine number of them as they had (tilled of our men ; it was twenty odd, and they were to draw lots. The dotinied lot were soon set one side, the ropes knotted around thetr necks, and my men were just about stringing them up, when two oflheir victims declared themselves 1 1 bn the abbot and his assistant. 'Sorry I can't r,blue von irentlemen. but realW (fill your . - ' T . ... w " giarw.; mni nan you. -ait-icy o.. . Can't do it gentlm.an, ymi really muKt awing with the rebt !' LisU-n said the nboot, 'wo have hid away Murilli.'M Paralytic tako itasa ran som and let us go.' 1 llioupht this fair enough bargain, 1.-1 off the two dignitaries and up went the reid thus giving the two monks for the Murillo. And yet people will Bay that I don't buy my Spanish gallery.' " Corn Cons Premium for Corn. R. L. Cult, Ecq , of Pa'ernon, N. J.. stated, in a letter to the American Institute, that in accordance with the request of Mr. Skinner, he had caused o heaped bualiel of the ears ol Jersey vthite corn to be carefully i-helled the produce being hall a bushel and six quarts of Bhel.ed corn and a heaped halfbushcl of cobs, the latter weighing 7 lbs. Now, if we raise 500 million bushel of rorn, the cobs will weigh 3J million of tons. Certainly we ought to have these questions fsir ly and honestly tested whether the cob cm tain any nutritive power, and if to, how much t and next do the ashen of the cab contr.r'n of nihf. and if so, how much, and how are we to get the benefit of it ? Shall the cob be burned, or ground with the corn and fed to cattle, and thus get the potashes in the shape of manure! Ttiio is supposing there is no nutriment iu the cub, but that Mr. C. does not believe for so well persuaded of the value of the cob is he, thst he is building a mill to grind corn ar.d cob to getlier. And so well satisfied is he, also, that we do not properly appreciate the value of In disn euro, that he authorizes the Auierican In stitute to oiler a Premium of f 100 for the best .u aj r..-i:.:- .. "n,7' U1 ""5 .......v viu-m. o. inu,.n Corn the blade, the stalk, the husk, the Cob, as also the component parts of the ashea of each. Cmksp Pa i nt. An Ontario farmer gives the following recipe tor a cheap paint He say he ha tried it on brick, and prefera it to oil pattit, and aays it will !aet longer on rough aiding of v. ood than oil point will on plain aid ing of beards. Take one bushel of unpacked lime, and black ii with cold water; when alack ed, add fitly pounds of Spanish whiting, seven teen pounds soil, and thirteen pounds sugar, Strain the mixture through a wireseive, and it will be fit lor use, after reducing it with cold water. In order to give it a good color, three coats are necessary ou brick and two on wood, It may be put on with a brush similar to white wash. Each coat mudt have sufficient time to try before the next is applied. For painting inside walls, lake aa before, one bushel of unpacked lime, three pounds su"ar, five pounds salt, aud prepare aa above. Otn. Farmer . On Sbockino' We learn froin the Jlaston Post that last Wednesday, in that city, there was a very impressive and solemn funeral in tA.t.p AI.A..I a i i ..t 1 . i...,i r.u.... , . . . . from truck, and soma filty mourners were landing rouna in titer, BANK NOTE I-J ST. The following list shows the rnrrent value of all Vnnaylvanfa Bank N.ca. Thn irnwl implicit re- linnre may be placed Uon fV It in every week iarefully compered with aiid Corrected fioni BicV Dell's Reporter. , ImrUj In P1il1aAelihl. M t Disc t I'HIkAS.i NOT EH AT PA 11. Bsnk of tVmih America . , par Bank of the Northern Liberties par Commercial Hank of Perm'a. . , par Farmers' and Mechanic' Bank . . par Kenaington Hank . .. . .par Philadelphia Bank , . par Schuyrki" Bank . . . par Sntuhwatk Rank far Wen tern Bunk , par Mechanic' Dank par Manufacturer' A Mechanic' Bank par Bank nf Penn Townahip . . par OirardBank . . fa Dank of Commerce, lata Moyamcnaiiig par Bank of Pennsylvania . . par Country Rantm. Bank of Chester County WeattWtcT par Bank of Delaware County Chester par Bank of Oermantown Germantewti par Bank or Montgomery Co. Norrrt'own pr Ooylcstown Bank Doylcatnwa par Gaston Bank Enslim par Farmera' Bank of Duck co flri-Vil p.r Dank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank & Bridge cn.Columhi par Farmera' Bank of Lancaster Lncitet par Lancaster County B:ink l.arrrnr pur I.aiiciKic.r pjr Ri-adinf; pa IfarrtsburO TheiM! Lancaster I otlwea Reading f il not Eaatmt J isauen. Lancaster Bank Farmera Bank nf Rratfng Office of Bank of Pn.n'a. Office fc OflVe do do O trice do do NOTES AT .DISCOUNT. Bank of the United Slates Philadelphia Pntirvitle twihtuwn Miildletown Carlirfw PilUliurs: Iltitliiln vxlurg llarrivburg Itvhanon Hn1sliiir( Pittaburg W'illiainnport Vt'ilkeilairs S3 M 1.1 I i j i Miner' Bank of Pottsvilfc Bank of Iwianwn oanaoi jniooioiown I Carlisle Bank Cichange Bank 1 Do do branch of Hsrnshurg Bank l.olinnnn llanli Merchant & Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittaburg West Branch B.inL " J"' S. it Northami.ton Bank AtVntown Seading I'lttaliurg failed Krio dn New Hrihto itn Berk County Bank Office of Bank of IJ. 8, fa ua uu Do do do Bank of Chamhersbuig Chamlrerahurg Bask ot beltyshurs, (irllyaliurg Monlroae Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmera' A. Drovers' Dank Franklio Bank Hulieadale bank Krm WvinilHirg Wasliincloo lloneadale llrownsTilh) York Monnngaheta Bank of U. York T.ank N. 11. The notes of those banks ou which we omit quotation, and auhattlute a dastt ( ) are not purchased: J the fhiliMli-lpbta brokers, with trie exception of Umee which have a letter of rcfcrctiCB, BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. lira. Philadi'ljdiia do do ito do hiletl filled failed Philadelphia Loan Co. chuvlkillSav.lna. Ken,in6lon av. In. A penn Townahip Sav. In. Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed fowanda Bank Townndu Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bedford BJaer H arrisurg Washington Belli forite Pttlibuig Pittburg Fayette co. (ireencastle Harmony no aale closed cbwed failed cloacd no -ale fitted filled filled no sale Bank of Swatara Bank of W'sahiiigtirti Centre Bank City Bank Farmera & Meth c tShna Farmers' & Mech'cV Bank Farmer' & Mech'c' Bank J Harmony Institute "cnnnfrnon Iff .aitaaaffaa TlaanaT Huntingdon no sale Leivistown no ale Lumberman's Bnk Warren tutidsrT New Hope Milton Mead.rlle Purl t'arbon t'srlible Montrose L'ninnlown faded no sale chwol no sab closed Northern Bank of Pa, Ne Hor".D:i:,-.lJ,i!L c Noithumb'd Union Col. Hk, North Western Hank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aar. 6c Manuf. tiank failed closed failed closed Silver hike Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Dank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Gri'enshurg Wilkrsharre no sale CTT All notea puriioiting to be on any PunyN vanta Bank not given in the above lid, may be set lown aa fraud. NEW JCRSKY. Bank of New Brunswick Betvkleie Bsnk Burlington Co. Bank Brunswick Belvidere Mcdford Perth Amboy Bridtetnn Mount Holly failed i par i par par Jomruercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmer' BBiik Farmer' ami Mechanics' Uk Rabwav Farmera' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswiek failed Farmer' and Merchants' Bk Middlulown Pu I Franklin Bank of N. J. Jcrwy t'uy liobokun Bkg 6i Uiaiiuj Co Hubokcn failed failed failed failed failed f failed i par no tale Jersey City Bank Jersey tyity Patterson Belleville MorriKtown Mechanics utnk Manufacturers' Bank morns ouioj u.n . : - . , a. . Monmou,h Bk nf N. J Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey ('ily Newark Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morria ('anal and Bkg Co Pool Notea Newark Bkg A. Ins t'o i i faded New Hope I VI Undue Co Iam(ieilvilltf N. J. Msuufac. and Bkg Co Ilnboken N J Protecton & Lombard bk Jersey City tailed i failed i par par I par 1 failotl failed 1 par i failed par par par par per I' par par par Orange Bank Orange Palerson Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Patctkon do Princeton Sale in Newark Elrtabelhlow Caroden Momatown Trenton Salem Newton Trenton Dover Hackeusack Buleni Banking Co Stale Bank Stale Bank Stale Batik Slate Bank of Morris 8iute Bank eialein snd Philad Manuf Co fcurawi Bank - Trenton Banking Co Union Bank Wsatiinglon Banking t'o. Bk of Wilra Jk Brandy win Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Milford F aimers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover Do hrjnrli Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington fXj" l.ioler 0 s VLT n " ' "k mailed thus ( ) there sre i k Ito eounierh it or altered fcCir J the var.oas ds itoiomauoQs, tu curulauon. OBISB & SON, CotiituUtiioti Merchant, Fur the sal of Flour, Drain, and all kinds of Coun try Proddce, Ae. 48 Commerce street Wharf, BALTIMORE. fj Ch advance ort Consignment. Feb 13th. 1847 am. TO WATCH MAKERS AND -y-rgi t . rT -tum . J. L A ifo 1 XT S, Imrtortor of Watches, Watch-MaketV Tools nl Watch Materials, Wholesale S. Retail. No. 546, Nurhtt tlrrtt. PHILADELPHIA, II AS constantly in hand a larte assortment of .tiiiitte, r.iierit. anil Flam lila M on piing. verges, llinls, watch Manila, anil com plrle ftOrtnii lil of all Tool and Mateiiala hi Ions- ing to the irniip; with a lutffo a.tnment m iofl anil Silver l.nrr, t.cne, ami Plain Vetchc: all n( Wb'ifh hevitll tUBt mtv toarllatlheloweal Nee Yoik pr:cf. All orde'ra from the country punctu- tlv PKeCllti'J, N. B. t'oUntry merchaxta snd oitiora are Incited to e II anxl examine hi dork, at N". 24 Maikrt atrWst. Ph.la.lrl;.hi. Jan. 11. 117. m CI T7 ATJCTX01T STCP.E, No. ai North Thin gtroei, (.it ran ntr bsthi.) C. V. MACK. K Y, AiTTto.vKF.n. TO ttttJNTRY MTORE KEEPERS. IVr.NINO SAI'.ES nf Hsrderare, Cutleiy, 2J Saddli-ry, Whips. Boots, HIuhs, Hals, Csfi, r?uns, Pislota, ll.hinf, WHtcbr-a and Fanry ii nd. At Msrkry' Auction J't'.re, 31 N.fth Third strert. near the City Hnli'l. The iitttiii.in of Country M reliant is invited. The (i.inds will I M In lots to sutt pttrehaarr, and all CihmIs otTi'rrd will tw wa'rau'ed equal to the repre-H iit ill. mis that may he made of them. N. B. A large assortment nf Hoods at Private Sslc. Jan. !. It7 ty MOUNT VERNON 115 North si., bet. Arr.li &. Race sis lMiil a l v I Ii i a . BRADY A. PA RKRR reHptTtfuliy iV.Votm th. ir ft A'nxU and Hie puhlic thst ihi v hive taken th altow named house, r.rrntly kept by J. S. Adams, sn I are pieimred to accomniodste cuslo mi'r.4 in the most satisfactory inamier and at rr soi aMe print. Ttwir laldi viH he rcpplicd wlt the bet Vri ety '.bo market a(Vonl their parlors and sleeping sp.rtnienta will be in the tx-st order. The house haaheen thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view to th comfort of traveller ami strangors. Having had several years experience in the business, thev hope to give general sa'isfnrtion, .tnd respectfully invito traveller am! .ilranoera to Kive them a call. BRADY & PARKER. Philadelphia. Janusr H. 1W4T. 'f CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. afl I OLD Levers, full Jewelled, f 48 00 23 00 30 00 15 00 10 CO 15 00 I 75 1 00 4 00 tT Silver do. do. Gold Lepines, Jewelled, Silver do. do. Silver Qutrtiers, fine quality, Gold Watches, plain, Silver Spectacks, (Jold Pencil, Gold Biaceleta. Alsi, on band, a large nsaortment of G.lil and Hair Bricetels, finger ring, breast pin, hoop ear ring, old pena, silver spoon, ausar tonga, thim bles, gid ni-ck. curb anJ f.b chains, guard keys and jewellery of every dccrip'ton, at equally low price. All I want is a call to convince custo mer. All kind of Watche and Clock retired and wmr.inied to keep good time for one year ; old gold or silver liorght or Iskeo in exchange. For sale, tight day and thirtf honr hras clock, at LEWIS LADOMUS' Watch, Cloek and Jewellery Hiore, No. 413J Msrkct ktrtet. above Eleventh, north side, Pbira phi. I have some Gold snJ Silvei Levers, si ll much cheaur than the ab ive prices. Philadelphia. Dec. Sfl.JMtt. I AUCTION STORE. No. 0 North 3d St., third door abovo Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. SALE EVERY BVEMNG. of a general as sortmeut of Foreijn and Domestic Hardware, Tahle and Pot ket Cutleiy. Trunks, Locks, Latchets, Hull. Saw, Saddlery, Whips, Booia, rhuca, H, C, Guua, Pistol, Triminine., Clothing and Fancy Uoods. The attention nf city and country dealers i in vited. The tioml are fresh, and will le warranted equal to the repreaenta'UHi that may be niade of them. UAYLIS&. BROOKnlt, .1icrolfrr, No 8 North Thud st. N. It. Pumbasei can have their Goods parked. Several invoices of Good have been received to be sold at pnvate sale. Philadelphia. Dec. I9th, lHlfl. ty Cnj uoussrl's cin(tjrrsil SHAVING ORSAM. Small (uantities given witliotit Charge. M 114 Chnnut St.. PHILADELPHIA. fl'sHIS new and splendid article, lis n ime de m note, is prole.ed t- le luperttir to any im ving Uie.io in the United Male or r.uii pe. II I unsuiiss.d for beauiy, purity and f agtance, tho nmehat anabiuous to (iu rlaiu's Ambrosial Cieain and other similar compounds. It fsr sur passes them sll by I lie emtieol pasty consistency of it lather, which so softens the beard a to rendir shsving pleaaant and easy. It further possesses the advantage over tha imporieJ article, in being freshly piepoa l, no (kill leing wanting in it man ufacture, E.Kou hiving bJ many years ei perience in th celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pera et Fits, now Kenaud At co of Parts. Uesiiles King the tt, it is ih ehsspest article forabaviog; it m elegantly put up iu bole, with splendid lrl engraved label. Priee 3 per dusen, or 37 j cent for a (ingle box, to shave on year. It is sImj snlj il H 6U per lb. or 12) cents r in., so lint gentlemen ran have their holes filled st EUiI.U IIUl?t.LB W holnvlo and ItsUil Pvrfuiuery and Mineral W. let Eaiabhshmenl, 114 Chnol Sirrat, Die. 15, 146. PHILADELPHIA To The I. O. or O. F. j. W. & K. 1). STOKE S. Mnnufacturers of 1'rcmiitm Odd Fel lows' llegalia, No: 1 94 Marktl Street, PHILADELPHIA, Firat Clothing Store balow 6th Street. THE subscriber having taken the premium at Franklin Inalitute, at the laat exhibition, for the tie! Regalia, they invite the attention of the enter to their eilablUhment, where they will find a aplenJid assortment nf P. U. and Encampment Re galia. They also make ti order for Lodge and Kiirampinent. Regalia, Saaht, Costume and Robes, an J famish every thing requisite for the cmveuieiice of new Lodges or Encsrnments. J. W. KTOKES, E- D. STOKES. Philailehihia, D.19, l848.--iy No. 21 North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, tnvite Mvechanra snd Mitflnrtato et a. amine their stock ot Honnets. ralm t.raf snd Leghorn Hats. Fur snd Cloth Caps, and India Kubler Khc. It will tie f.und to contam II of the most desirable kind, and will be S.4J at the loweA markH price. No. 21 North Fomh ElrW., between Market and Arch Ktmsta. rhilaiti'li.hia. Dec. 19th. 14R. fim New Firm. rjiHK lnder:ftied hereWy give notice, that he X has associated with hi'iiself, a a partner in tha mercantile business, in his (tors adjotnins; Weaver's Tavern, In Wiinbury, John Hsa. and that th Mid More will hereafter be conducted un ib r the firm of Clement A Has. The store at the tS.'Ulli West enmet of Market tjuare will be eonducteil aa heretofore, by the subscriber himself, to which he respectfully invite hi customer snd friend. He ' notifies sit those indebted to him, to call liween tbia and the 1st of January next, and set tle their accounts. All kinds of produce will be taken on account, at esah prices. Hereafter no longer than four month credit will .he given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Nunl'ury. Nov. 14. IMP tf. CLEiCElTT&. HAAS, RESPECTFULLY inform the public, that on the 9th iust., they entered into psrlncrohip. in the mercantile tnmne, at the store recently occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver'a Tavern, in Honbury. They have Istely received a new stork of goods, which they will dtspoee of at tlie tovteiil price. All kinds of produce will lie taken in eichange for g ols. No longer than four month credit will be given. IR T. CLEMENT, JoHN HAAS. Runtittr. Nov. 14. tntfi. tf. EXTll AOUUIIA R Y DISCOVERY ! ssArzrzss cam bb cttkbdu COOPKKH ETKRIAL OIL A prompt and la-ting remedy fir DEsrasaa, also for pain and discharge of matter from the Ear. Hundred of cure in ra-e deemed utterly hope less have firmly e labli.hed its superiority over eve ry former Meilicsl discovery. This valuable Acoustic Medicine i a Compound of four different Oils, on of which, the active and 'principal ingredient, i obtained from Ibe bark of a certain specits of Wslkct, 4 new and effectual agent in the eure of Deufne. Person who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even SO years, have been permanently cured by using tbia oil. In fact, so numerous sod so rmphslic have been the tcslirooniala in iw favor, that the in ventor claims for it the distinction of sn Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear ts perfect in its formation. Foi further particulars, and evidence of its great value, see printed sheets, in the handa of Agents, For s.le in Sunbury, by J. W. FKII.INU. September 19th. 1846 ly UNKIVaLLLD and unequalled la curing Cold, Coughs, Asthma, InQuenea, Whoopiug-Ceugh, and all Disrasea of the bte.t and lungs, leading to Consump tion ; cnmsed of the concentrated virtue of the herla llort bound, U.'iieselt, Bloodroot, and aeveial other vegeta ble ubtrreea. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rPHl! invslualde Medicine is the most speedy S and certain remedy ever discovered fr the a I live complaints, aa thousand who have used it will testify, Foi ale, in Sunbury, by J. W. FRILINO. snd in Northumberland, by D. BRAUTIGAM, and al wholesale, iu I'bil.d. Iphia. bv F. KLETT Co, t'nrtift of Scond and Callowhitt streets. Septeinla-r I'Jih, tH40. ty DEN TJMS Tit Y."" TACCB HELLSPa, M1HANKFl'L for the hbiral eiicoursgemenl 1 which be has received, woul I respecllully inform his friend and the cititens of Norlhumt'er laud county iu general, that he haa prepared him self with the best Incurruplihle Teeth, Gold Plate, Gold Foil, Ae , that can be had in the city of Phi ladelphia ; and that he will endeavor, to the utmost ol his ability, to tender full satisfaction to a! who way think pioper to engage his services. H will lie in Sunhory at the August court, where h will be prepared, at hi residence, to insert Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Pivot, on the tateal and moat ap proved pUns, and attend to all the branchaa belong, ing to DEN PAL SURGERY. Ladiea will he waited on at their placra of rssi denra, if desired. Hi rharges will be reasonable, and bis work wsrranted. He will visit different parts of the county, about ones in lluee nii oih. SunburyjJuly 18th, 1848. Cm CONfTiu:islsi;uu nd uiack Cng Ink, of a supeiior quality, f sate cheap, at tha aur of HENRY MAWER. July 4tb, lb4tf. E. KIMBEH, JR., No. 34 Aorrfc Fourth Street, under the Mcr- chants' .Hotel, Philadelphia, a Lt mods ft raai. "W7"EEP8 constantly on hand an eitenaiv as ABl aortment of all kind of Silk, Fur and Bea vm Mats, which hs offers for sale on ths most rea aonable term. Hi Hata ar nude up ol the best tnslsrisls, and in th moat approved style. Per son visiting th city will find it to their interest to Call. Jul 11th. 1848. tv COLTJlrCBIA ZOTJSEa OHBSNUT 8TRZ3BT. PHILADELPHIA. fplllS large and commodious Hotel hs recently X been Hired op wiih eniire new furniture. The atibscribera therefor solicit th patronage of the public, and tiust that their eapenenoe in the business will ensl.le thena te give entire sstiafac- tioo. 1 arm moderate. B AULET, McKENZIE & Co. July 4ih, ly "fountain hotel, IJarht Slrert, THE House Vias omlenrone a thorough repair. The proprietor solicit it former patronage. Term fl M per dy. WM. W. DDt. ARTHUR U FOOO, Jury 4, l4V..1y Proprietors. Keller & ttrccnougli, ?ATE1TT ATT0B.1TSTS, AND MECHANICAL FNGINF.F.R8, WASBWaTOIf, S. O. DRAWINGS and Papers for the Patent Of fice will lie prepared by them, at their office, opposite the Patent OtHce. Julv.4ih. 1846. ly SILVEIl MKDAU awianto av thb raiacLis isstituts, 1845. City Dngnrrrrotype Ettabtishmrnt. (I.stk Smoa it I oLLlsa.) No. 100 Chcxnut st., abate Third, South side, 2111 LADE LP HXA. MS for a lad INIATURES taken equally as well in clou- ily as in cle.ir we oner. A dark silk dress idy, and a black suit for a gentleman, are prcfuraMe in sitting for s pirtuie. No eilrs charge is tnaJe for coloring, and perfect likenesses are guarantied. July 4th, I84B. ly 1 M i' 4 11 T .4 K T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may he sure of nMsimng, st all times, pure snd highly flavored By the single pound or larger quartity, t the Pckln TcaConipan-'!! WarvIioiiNc, 3U South Stcond street, cetlveen Market and Chts Put ttreets. FBZZ.AZ)ELPnZA. Heretofore it hs been very difficult, indeed, si most Imnoasible, slways to obtain good Greiii snd Black Teas. But now ynu have only to visit the Pvkin Tea Compat.y' Store, to obtain as delicious and fragrant Tea as you could wish for. All tastes csn here suited, with ths advantage of getting s pore article at a K)W price. June 87th. 1846. CL C TTZTIT G, WHOLESALE AM RETAIL. THE sut-sraibers are constantly manuficluring from the lest Fn nch, Englih and Ameiirari ruanufacluied Cloths and Cassimers, CLOTHING in a very superior style, cut snd workman. hip. Persons buying to sell again will find one of the largest and most fshionable stock of good to select from in lb city, snd at unprecedented low price. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, 194 Market st. Philad. N. B. A large ssrortmerl of Odd Fellows' Re galia constantly on hand, and all orders from lodges or individuals punctually attended to, on the most liberal terms. J. W. fc E. D. 8. Philadelphia. June 27th. lt46. ly DANVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Pcntuilvatita. THE Dnnville Si cam Woolen Factory, former ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pbtsikis, ba recently been purchased by the subscribers, who respectfully announce to tbeir friends and the pub lic general y, tbet they are now prepared to do all kited s of work in iheir line of btlsinrra, at the ebor test notice, according U order, and In the best com parative oianaur. Having gone to considerable expense in r pairing tbeit aachinery and aparatu, and being very particnlar in securing the service of vipeiienced mechanics, they feel confident that they are capable el eiecoting sll kinds of work in a atyle superior to atiy other es'sbliehmeni in the country, al the old customary prices. CLOTHS, 8ATINKTTS. FLANNELS aso DLANKETS constancy on hand, and for sale at reduced prices, for Case or Baer. C'AHDIXG AXD FILLING will be done in the bct manner, at the usual pri ce. All kinds of country produce taken in pay ment for work, at Dnille market prices. For the accommodation of those who livs st distance, Wool ami Ciotb will be taken in at, and, when finished, returned to th following pis cee, Plain written direction must sccompsny each parcel t Vuliimlua Connry, Roup St Man's store, We shingumville l R. Fruit's store, Jeraevtown ; Ya ger'a inn. Roaring ('reek; Sharpless store, Calta-via-a; C. F. Mann's store, Mifllinvilte; Miller's store, Uerwick ; J. Cbne's Mill; Rickets store, Oiangeville; Derr'a store, N hue Hall. Northumberland County Michsel Reader's inn, Turhutville ; Ireland A il's store, McEwens vide; E. 1. Piier's stme, Waltouatowo ; S. I, Comly & Co's store, Milton ( Gthsou's ina, Chit lisouaque ; Forsyth's (tors, Northumbf rland ; Young's stoie. Sunbury. Luzerne County. Reynold's stois, Kingston; Gilder.leevo's store. Willuabarre ; Gaylord'a store, Plymouth Styei'a atoSe, NanUcoke ; Judg Mail'a Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. D. Clapp' tora, Muocy Shoemskei'a store, bmith' Mill. GEAKHAKT 6t KOWNOVER. Danville, May 9, 1649. 5? ETTKK'S SPIRITS OF AP, lor trading Grsaae, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar, , tec, front clothing of any description, wal. ranted not to injur the cloth ar the most delicate color. This liquid ha ale been used with great succea in cases ol Burns, Sealda, Tetter, Pimple en the face, Cbspped band, Sore lip. Rbaum lisrn, Hsrd or soft Corns, Ax. fj Pike, So eta. psr bonb, Fns sal at tha store of July IN, 1S40. 11. MA&SER. He B. 2AS32Pt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SimBTJBV, PA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thumterland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. Rcrer ten P. A A. RavooBT, Lowia At Babsos, j Bonaas Sl HaoDoaiss, PhilaJ. RarsroLna, McFaaiaRS 4c Co. j 8raai,Goo tc Co., J FREMIUIVZ SCALES. Dala'a Celet rated Rail Road Scale, Coal and Hay do Iron MsnufacV do Portable Platform do tO different srses, Dormut or Floor do 6 different lixes, Counter do 13 different sixes. The above Scales are made either single or Joubls beam, and are decidedly the moat duialde, accurate aaJ convent ent -c.le ever invented. W also have Platform and Counter Scales, Patent Balance and every kind of Weighing Machine in use for sale, whole, sal nd retail, at low price. AU Scale told by u o go out of th city, are boxed free of charge, and warranted to give aatisfaction to the earchseer in every particular. fill AY A BROTHER, Manufacturer and Dealers, No. 34 Walnut street, June 37, 1846. ty Philadelphia. SALT. New Yoik Salt in barrels snd bags, for sale at Boanufsciurers prices, by CRAY A BROTHER, June 37, 1846. ly 34 Walnut st. Philad. HORSE SHOES. Burden's fatent lorse Shoes, for sale at manufacturers' rices, by Hit AY ft BKOIHKR, June 37, l4fl. ly 34 Wslnut -t. Philad. lKN X S V LV AN I A HOUSE, BAMVILTJI PA. THE subscriber, Ute of the Union Hotel, Mun cy, Ps , respe.-t fully informs the old and nu merou customer of the Ifititnyl vanta Ilotitac, snd the public generally, that he has leased the Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Dan die, where he ia now prepared to entertain travellers, snd per sons visiting the town, in the vety best style. The ceommodallon Will be aUeh sa s well eondurted public house should afford, snd no effort will be spsred to render satisfaction, in every respect, lo all who may call. The citixeni of Lycoming county are invited lo put up with the undersigned when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. PmvUtc. May 2. 1S46. IDE IT TlST!PTe PETER B. MASS Ell, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY inform the ciiiien of Sunbury snd vicinitv, thst he has opened an otBce at the reidetice of Henry Mssxer. in Market street, where he is prepared to eircote all kinds of DxsTAt SpBBRBv, Plate Work, Ac , on the latest snd most approved plana. Having bad some experienca and instruction, under one of the mal eminent snd successful Den tists in Philadelphia, he believe that he will he sbls to give sstisfaclion to those who rosy wsnt his services. Ladies will be waited on st their places of reai dence. His charges will be moderate, and hi wo k warranted. . Sunbury, March 38th, 1846. To Purchasers of DRY GOODS. Jo. 121 Pearls!., NEW YORK, HAVING estahlivhed a Branch at No. 144 Ches nut st Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of FANCY It STATZ.E CRT GOODS, which will be sold at the lowest New York prices, at wholesale and Retail. Among bis slock will be found a good assortment of the following articlea: Jacconets, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace, Siripe, Book, Swiss and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen tiswns, Fsney Csp Netts, Fancy and Bell Dresses, Thread Laces, Application Do rich Btack Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linen, Linen Cambric, Linen Csmhrrc Hdkf.,Curtin Fringe, Cashmere d'Eeoase, Mouaeline je Laiae, Silk and Cotton Warp Atpaecae, Qu-wn'a Cloth, Gale Plaids, French Merinos, Black Silks, Gloves, Silk Hoaw, Shawls, Cisvsts, Rihhoo, Embroideries. Ac, Jcc Country Metchsnts snd others viaiting Philadel phia or New Yoik to purchase, are respectfully in vited to call and examine tha stocks. No. 1. 1845, ly BEI.IBVK AND LIVE. THOMSON'S CantMuud Syrup or Tar lb Wood JVaptbm. THE unprecedented success of this medicine, m lb restoration of health, to those who, la des pair, bad given up all hope, has giveq it sn exal ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of it intrinsic value and power, as th on ty sgent which csn be relied upon for the care f Pulmonary Consumption, Brouchillis, Asthma, Psin in th side snd Bresst, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, ('roup, Ac Attention ie requested to the following ASTON. ISHINQ CURE.bv Thomson's Compound Syrwp of Tar and Wood Naplha M Philadelphia, May 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir-With grateful feelings I inform you of the astonishing effect of your medicine, which ha literally rars d me from a death-bed ) My dieae, Pulmonary Consump tion, had reduced m so low that my physician pro. nojnced my caae bnpeleaa ! At thia junction I be gan lo oe your medicine, and miraculous as il msy seem, it baa completely restored me to hesith, after everything else bad failed. Reapertfullv vours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above George street The undersigned, being personalis ceuaialed with Washington Mack end hi suffering, beer witness lo Ibe astonishing effect of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and lb troth of the a. hove statement. JOS. WINNER, S18 North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 43 Almond street. HUGH MGINLEY, & E. corner Tsmsny snd Fourth streets. Pvepsred only by 8. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 6th snd Sprues alraeta, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Mer, Sunbary ; D.-Gross, and Dr. Msrpbsrson, Harriaburg ; Jno. G. Brown, Patuvill ; Geo. Earl, Resdiog I Houaton it Ma on, Towaada, Bradford county. Pa. rit 60 cents per bottle, or ft per dasmn. (Tr Bmomr ef all imUatiant. FsUlaitdotua. June S8ib, 1841.-1 do do do do do do do do do do