Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 26, 1847, Image 3

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    Gkn. Minon. This officer, whom Santa Anna
denounced for a want of skill am! courage at Bit
rna Vuta, hat published in the Republican) a re
futation of the charges brought againit him. He
d'darea that the assertion by Santa Anna, of
the want of proyisionsand water in the army, is
falsehood. He states that he himself had rat
tle to the number of 600 head, besides maiie
and (lour, of which he apprised Santa Anna. He
further asserts that the latter' retreat was un
just ible that the manner of ft wa still mora so
', moving off in the darkness of the night, and
tearing hundreds of his poor wounded soldiers to
their fate on the field more like a fugitive hid-
; Inf from bis enemy, than a General retiring to
recruit hit forces. It waa to prevent these facts
, from being made public that. he, Gen. Minon,
was persecuted, imprisoned, and denied commu
nication with his friends. Truth will out, it ap
pears, and Santa Anna will shrink into a pigmy,
by ind by, from the inflated dimensions he gave
, himself as the Napoleon of the West. N. O.
Tub Enqi.hh has eight presses, which
strike CO blows per minute and produce 3000
coina per hour. Good steel dies supply 300,000
, or 400,000 impressions. The mint was establish
ed in the 18th year of the reign of Edward II.
TrssuAT, June 22.
Flouk aid Meal. The price of Flour cent in
, ties to droop. We have heard of sales of a few
thousand barrels at $71, but more are making
at $7, which may be quoted as the fair market
rate to day. There is no Rye Flour selling
Corn Meat is held at $4g a $4 J dull.
Gbain. We hear of sales of some 800 bushels
of Wheat at SI 53 a SI 53 for white, and $1 45 a
St 50 for red. Corn, Penua. yellow, 95c a 98c.
No sales of Rye. Oats 50 a 51c.
Whiskey. Sales in hbds. at 3tc ,and in bbls.
. at 35 a 35 jc.
OJficfofllieMkXTimonu Ambbicab, June 2 1.
GRAIN. We are not advised of a single trans
action in Wheat. There are some parrels of
Penna. in market, but there is no inquiry to day.
, - We note sales of Maryland yellow Corn at 03
rents, and of two or three pa reels of white at
100 rts. Sales of about 4000 bushels Penna yel
low at 97, 90 and 95 cts.. principally at the lat
ter. A sale of Penna Rye at 100 cts.
We quote: Oats at CO cts sales to day.
WHISKEY The market for Whiskey is ve
ry dull. We note small sales to-day at 35 cts.
for bbls Nothing doing in hhds., Swimming of the Head, a roaring
noise in the eats, headache, palpitation of the bear I,
Ac. Wright's Indian Vegetalde Tills are a certain
cute for the above unpleasant complaints, because
they purge from the lody those stagnant and cor
rupt humors which, when floating; in (he general
mass of circulation, are the cause of a determina
tion or rush in the blood to the head, giddinnee,
loss of memory, dimness f eight, drowsiness, pain
of the head, and many other symptoms of a loaded
and corrupt stale of the Wo id.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilts are also one of
the very lst medicines in the world for ihe cure
of indigestion, and therefore will not only remove
all the above unpleasant symptom", and entirely
prevent any evil consequents resulting from a
ruh of blood to the head, hut will most assuredly
- restore the body to a state of sound health.
' Beware of counterfeits of all kinds ! 8ome are
coated with sugar ; others are made to resemble in
outward appearauce the original medicine. The
safest course is, to purchase from the regular agents
only, one or more of whom may he found in every
village and town in Ihe State.
(jAgent for the est of Wright's Iudian Vegeta
ble Pill inSunhury, Hsxar Misaia. For other
agencies see advertisement in another column.
No Ciiisuistsi W sat a sa will materially
affect the body if the blood i pur. Every indi
vidual, even the most diseased, has within bira a
germ or root of that original pure blood of our
common sno'ber Eve; which germ of puie blood
is the supporter of bis life, and is in constant strug
gle to thiotv off the heterogenous, corrupt humors,
which are the cause of disease in the individual.
By purging the body of this diseased individual of
- its bad humors, you allow the germ of pure blood
to gain ground and to make blood of Utter quali
ty. Lot all who wish to be of a fine, healthy hab
it, and who desire to be able to atand without inju
ry the continual changes of this climate, ox the
B I and ret h Pills, which will effectually cleanse the
blood of all had or corrupt humors, and restore tbe
human body to the slate of health enjoyed before
tbe introduction of mineral medicines.
. ey Purchase of H. Masser, 8unbury, or of the
agents published in another part of this paper.
In this place, on Tuesday night last, Mr. A
BRAHAM ERW1N, aged 33 years.
e .. """ -.'.
THE Mea.les appeared in Euroe about the
same time with the small pni, and have a
great affinity to that disease. They both cam
from the same quarter of the world, ate both infec
tious, snd seldom attack the same person hut once.
The Measles are moat common in tbe spring sea
son, and generally disap?ar in tbe summer. The
disease iiaelf, when properly msnagrd. seldom
proves fatal; but it consequences are often veiy
troul hsoine. Our husiiies is to ast nature to
throw out the eruption. Blood-letting is almost
certain death.
v Nothing ever discovered ha done the work so
gently and effectually as lr. SMITH'S (Sugar
floated) Indian Vegetable Pills." You ueed not
force Itiein down, either.
fj CAU TiON. As a miserable imitation has
Ixwti made, by the name of "Sugar Coated Pill-,"
it is nerieeary to be sure tbat Da. G. Baa J. Smith's
signature is Vui every box. Price 5 cents. '
Principal Office, 179 Greenwich st. New Yotk.
Sold by JOHN W. FRILINU, Sunbury.
WM. f ORSYTJIE, Nurlkum'd.
Jjne 3, 147,
Corrtcted weekly by Henry Matter.
Rtb, .
PoBK, .
"- PI I, I, .
OULATED. Therefe rf the Mood becomes im-
pur, a general derangement of the system must
ensue ; and give nee to
Coughs, Cold.', Influenza, Dyspepsia, Dropsy. Head
ache, Fu'lne of Blood. Bilious, Scarlet, Tvphnd
and Typhus Fevers of all kinds, Indigestion, Wei.k-ne-e
of Stomach, Rhnumatism and Rheumatic Af
fection, Nervous Affections, Livsi Complaint, Ath
ma, Pleurisy, Inflammation of the Lungs, Low
Spirits, Fits, Measles. Small Por, Whooping
I'ougn, lroup, Sore Eyes, Inward Weak ne. s,
Worms, Quincy, Bronchitis, Chnlie. Dysentery,
tsravel, Salt Rheum, Deafness and other affections
of the Ear, 8t. Anthony's Fire, Seorfula or King's
Evil, Ulcers, White Swellings, Tumors, Biles, Sup
pressed Monthly Disci a'ges and Female complaints
in general. Eruptions of the Skin, Habitusl Cos
tienesa, and all diseases depending on a disordered
snd diseased state of the blood, or a suspension of
the healthy secretions.
Therefore, on the first sppesrenc of any of these
should be procured, and used according to Ihe di
rections. PRICE J5 CENTS per Bot of FIF
LAR. For sate by SETH S. HANCE, corner of
Charles and Pratt sts., and I OS Usltimore sired,
and by GEOROR DRIOHT, Sunbury,
D. BRAUTIUAM, Noithumlerland.
June SC. 1847.
Ma. Gannon T. WaaBiRaTOS, residing in York,
trret, Fedeial Hill. Baltimore, whs attacked with a
violent cough and sore throat after trying manv
lemedies, wss induced hy a friend to use Hance'e
Compound Syrup of Hon hound, and before uxing
one bottle, waa entirety cued.
Mas. Hkmriktta Mcbbice, residing in Monu
ment street, between C mal and I'den streets, was
attacked with a very severe rough and pain in the
breast, which wis so intense. Unit it extended to
the shouMeia, She was afflict d eUo with a pain
in the aide.
After trying many remedies, she waa persuaded
Lv a fiiend to use H ANCE'S COMPOUND 8Y
RUP OP HOREHOUND, and after u-ing thiee
doses, she experienced great relief, and before ahe
had finished Ihe bottle, was entire'y rured.
PRICE 60 Cents per bottle, or 6 bottle for 250,
For sale by SETH S. HANCE. 108 Baltimore
e, and corner Charles and Pratt streets, Baltimore,
and by GEORGE BRIGH P.Sunhury,
D. UR ACTIO AM, Northumberland.
June SB, 1847.
F Northumberland County, for August Tirm,
A. U. 1847.
Grand Jurors.
Lewis. David Watt, George Wagoner.
Delaware. Robert McGee, David C. Wataon,
William Ireland.
Chilli t'uaque. William BUir, George Tioiel,
William Durham, John Caul.
Pnint. Francis Gibson.
Sunbm-y. George P. Buyers.
Shamukin. Jacob Conrad. Joseph Fox.
Ruth GoJfrey Pockefeller, Petry Pattnn, Ro
bert Amnvrmm.
X'pper Mahtmoy Daniel Heim, David Clark.
Elias Oeist, Daniel Foiisl.
iMwer Mahnnoy. William Firg'one.
Jack ton. Michael S atx, Geo. Gi'is. Michael
Traverse Jurors.
Tm-hut. John Stadden.
Lewis --Daniel Dieiabsch, Michael Reader.
Dflaware. Jacob Stiitel, Joseph H ammer, E.
L. Pifer, Moses M. Border, Jacob Brown.
.Milton Seth Cadwalader, Isrsel Kepler, Saml,
Tease, Joseph Angsiad, John S Peierman.
ChillitijuaqueCht'le Fox, John Housel,
James Rusael, Wiltism Kramer,
Point. Geo, Lcsher, Peter Foust, Michael
Northumberland John Bower, A. C. Btrrett.
Upper Augtuta. Geo. Oberdorf, Henry Kline.
Louier Auguita Saml. Lan's, Jeremiih Wet
ael, John W, Malirh. Henry Folk, Geo. Burns.
Shamokin. Wm. Gaas, James Price, Conrad
Yost, Wm. Marti. Valentine Klere, Jacob Sholl,
John Rothermel. jr.
Rush. Rcbert Campbell, Philip Hile, Wm. If.
Upper Mahony.iohn Baum, Abraham Kun
set man, .
Lower Mahonoy Geo. Lenker, John Lower.
Little Mahnfiay Leonard Peed.
Jaekton, Dan'l Behwartx, Peter Brown,
Boheer, Samuel MaKch. '
No. 80 Market Street, five doors below
Third, South side,
Importer Jk. Wholetiale liealcrs In
WATCHES, Watch Gla sea and Materials
Jewelry of all dereripti ns, qualities and
styles, composing all the articles connected
with the Trade,
Dixson 4 Son's Britsnnii, German Silver and Sil
ver-Pined Wares.
Sheffield and Birmingham Plaed Fancy Articles,
Kodgers ck Sou's and WaUnhorn s Cutlery, Its
sora. Sciaaors, Erasers, Desk Knives, Ac.
Ivory H.nd'ed Table Cutlery, of ihe fimst, medium
and common qualities.
A large assortment of Gold Pens.
Perifocal Spectacles.
Papier Mache and Jpasted Trays, various shapes
and qualities, at tedueed ralea
Gold Watch Casta, Dials and Silver-Ware, of all
lesrriptions, msnufacturej to order.
DICKSON & CO., having recently removed
into the large and Commodious warehouse formerly
occupied by Messrs. K. Ashiii'bst A Mo and
more recently by AsaHnavr 4; Ksmibutob', beg
leave to inlorin VValch Di'ulers, Oouniry Merehanla
and others, that ihev des'gsj having at all times a
large assortment ol tiood. of their own importa
lion, which they ai determined to tell at Ihe lowest
CT' Every attention will he paid to the Packing
of (Jooda, and in the eircolion of Orders, the quaii.
lies andpnees will be fully guarantied agaiuat all
competition. .
Philadelphia, Juns 1 0th, 1817, ly
THE following letter just come tn hand, snd
will he read with lnteret. Th pitient suffer
ed Intolerably, and could Ibid no relief until he
used Dr. SwAtaa'a CosirouBB 8t are or Witu
Crsbbt. It is certainly tho most wonderful cure
on record ! Read It,
Wilmington, N C. Jan. 12th, 1847.
Da. SwAtwa Dear Sir Having been almost
miraculously cored hy ynnr valuable medicine, I
think it not more than common gratitude in me to
make one addition to Ihe long list of certificates
which yon have received of remmk ih'e eures hy
your medicine. During the two years prereding
last August. I was very much dUre-sc.l by a eiy
bad cold and rackirg rough, and during the latter
pirt of tbe time il rontinned to grow worse, and
indeed. In July my friends gave me over, having
tried all kinds of medicine, aaid to he good for such
diseases, without the least cood r fleet. I was re
duced almost to a perfect rorp.e, and had scarcely
sny flesh opon my body, and for a long time ne
ver thought to ri from my bed again. A fiiend
one day aked me if I had tried Dr. Swsfvx's
Compound Syrup of Win Crtraar, and advised
me to do so st once, ss he besrd lhal it had wmked
a great many wonderful rttres. I took his advice,
and after using tip several bmtVs of it, I grew so
much better thit I wss enabled to leave my bed,
and afterwards to walk about Ihe house, and po
nut into iheatreet. I encnursged by this, and
continuid the use of your medicine, and now, by
means of its wonderful curative powers, I am per
fectly well, and enjoy the use nf all my faculties,
just as much as if I had never been afflicted in Ihe
way I described to you. I hsve written this not
thinking that it w II at all interest you, hut humbly
hoping that it will have Ha mite of influence in cau
sing your valuable medicine to be spread among
mankind, and in assisting to raise you to that sta
tion which you richly deserve, your persevering
eff .rU for the public eood.
Respectfully your friend and admirer.
Comment on such evidence as Ihe above is uo.
nereamry. A single trial will place Dr. SwatBi'a
Conroo) Stare rr Wim Cbbmbt beyond the
reach of compet tioii in the estimation of every pa
tient B. it its healing virtue will be its best re
commendation. lleware of Impn'iilon Altemp's hsve often
been made ly unptinc pled individuals to impose
upon Ihe community a spuriou artrle. Stealing
ne rlv ihe whole of the name of my pn pimtion.
To fully guard against auch bsse ami palpable im
position, the public should hnn all preparati ons
purporting to contain Wild Cherry, except that
hearing Ihe sign .lure . f Db. H. Swatsb on eich
b ttte. The name of Dr. Swains, in c mn'-rtion
with the Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, hss
never yet been counterfeited. So if iier.'ona would
bear in mind the name of Da. Snttsit, they may
be mre of obtaining the oiiginal and genuine arti
Beware of the wnr!hle-a 'Balms,' 'Bitters,'
Syiup.,' tie, as they e-mtain none of the virtues
of the original preparation.
1 he (originiil and only W nuine nriic'e is pre
pared by DU. SWAYNE. corner of Eiehth and
Knee street, l lilladeliih a, anil for aile by scents
in all p rts nf the United States, and some parts of
Only Agent in Sunbury. is
Dr. J. A. Moore, D.mvillej T. 8. M.iek'y &
Son, Mdton; M. D. Sc. J. Wrlli, Muncv; C. A.
Wyatl, I,ewiatiirg; Davis At Schnnra, Seliusgrove;
John C. Renn, Lin Mountain P. O.
Philadelphia, . jrta-ctm. R5-1 v
To the Electors of ' Northumberland
County : '
BEING solicited by many of my friends. I
have consented to offer myself as a Volun
teer candidate for th office of
of Northumberland county. Should you see pro.
per to elect me. I iiledje mvself lo neiform the
duties of faid office with fib lit v.
Sunbury, June 19 h, 1817-
Suerviors Account.
Joh Lnnr and Eliab Baostcs, late Supervi-
tort of ihe lluroiinn oj Sunbury, in account with
laid tmroiteh, fur the yrnv commencing in May,
1816, una' ending in May, 1847.
To whole amount of DuplioMe, 5163 15
To balance due on settlement of Super
visor, account of 45 and 0 I 51
f 464 36
By this amount paid, consisting of sun
dry borough orders, $ 73 06
By sundry expenditures fr labor in r
. pairing roads and highways wiibin
eai J borourth, aa per receipts, 189 01
By this emoB paid John Bogar,
for padlock, sa per receipt, ' 't 18 -
By Ihia amount paid John W. F ri
ling, for nails and spikes, ss per
receipt, I 26
By this amount paid J. H. Zim
merman, for blacksmithiug, as
p-r receipt, 1 30
By ibis amount paid Sam'l Mantx,
for lumber, aa er receipt. I 73
By thissmount paid I.T.Clement,
for lumber, as per receipt, 9 36
By this amount paid Go. Bright,
f..r a lls. spikes, ss per receipt, 14
By this amount p iid D. Rockrfel
low, for urvi-y ing borough road,
as per receipt, 1 00
IS 07
26 91
Dy this amount paid Ehenezer Green-
ough, on account of his demand vs.
aaid borough, as per receipt.
By this amount paid Lewis Ilewart, on
account of hiademand vs. said borough,
as per receipt.
By exonerations of uncollectible tax,
By p reenlage on f 14.1,
By personal service, including auditors
2S fi
20 I A
22 15
42 6J
44 t 6 65
46 71
Balance due from aaid Superviaors,
464 36
Tbe undersigned, Poronoh Auditors, having
examined the Receipts and F.tiendilnres of John
landau and Eliaa Brosioua, late Supriora of
said borough, aa eel foith in the preiea.hng slate
ment, exhibiting a balance tlu from them lo said
Iwmugh, r.f Forty nix MIotm and terenty-one
tent; do a'low and aa the same.
In testimony of which, we have hereunto set our
bands, the 30ih Miv. A. D. 1847.
E. il. M AHKLP.Y,
Ikinfr ol John IMiIHih, lec'I.
sOI'H'E is hereby given, that letters of ad
ministration have lw n granlsd to Ihe sub
tnUei., on thersute id Juhn Phillips, lute of ihe
buruugU of Noilhuinlxrland, A'orth'd cjuuty.dec'd.
All ixraons indebted lo said e.tale, or having
rUme against Ihe same, are requested In call and
Notlh'd, May 22d, 18i7.-6t Adrnrr.
wwenn iiDiiii tkcetablb nus,
W. From the Cam, ten Democrat.
RIGHT'S liver a YtaarABta Put s.-Tbe.e
celebrated Pills, so universally uaed and ad.
mired, have become to r considered almost aa ne.
cessaty in families as water or fuel. In fid, Ihe
principle upon which this modicine hss established
ill i reputation purgation is now pretty geneially
acknowlcdRed lo b the only liue one, hv which
r",i,,LTy h l"f,'tt",t t restored when impaired.
Wright s Pills are now a universal favorite.
From the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Pot.
Wbisjht's tftrttAff VvnrTABLB Puts, are at.
aining great c kbiily in New England, as well as
other parts of the United States. The attempt nf
persons to defraud Ihe public by the sjIc of spurious
atticles meets with general reprobation. Dr.
Wright is an indefiiif able business man, and shows
an array of cure by th medeeine which warrant
ronfidence in the virtues of bis Indian Vegetable
From le Phihdrlphia Sp;rit of the Timet.
Wmiabt's lnniAH Vkoitabib Puts. peo
ple are pretty well sa l fied hy this time that clo
mel, and the other thousand and one mineral pre
parations of the shops, are better adapted, a a gen
eral rule, lo kill rather than cure the patient 5 as a
matter of courxe, vegetable medicine are therefore
in great request. There vr mmy humbugs how.
ever, among the latter, and we would advi.e nil
those who have Ihe lesst regard for Iheir healih, to
try Wright' t Indian Vi get able Pills of the North
American College of Health, aa they are the pre
paration of one in imalely acquainted wiih the
healing art.
From the Bmton Dn'ly Timet.
WaioHr's Imab Van bta a lb Pills. Of all
the public advertised medicines of the day, we
know of none that we can more safely recommend
for the lis Ihst flesh is heir In." than the Pills tbat
are aold at the depot nf the Noith Ameiiran Col
lege of Health, No. I9t Tremonl street, Boston.
Seveial iustaneea we know of where they are used
in families with the highest s.itisf iction ; and no
linger ago than yesieidsy, we heard an e-ninenl
phyaii ian of this city rocommend them in high
The foil wing highly respectable stoiekeepers
have len duly ap:oitited ag ma for the ante of
Wright't Indian Vegetable I'illt, in Northumber
land county :
Henry Masser, Suuhnry,
E. A. J. KaulTniHii, AiigiiHla townahip.
Samuel II eib, Lilile M thonoy. '
William Depien, J irk son.
Beneville Holsbun, Upper Mahonoy.
John (. Renn, lrpper Mahonoy.
iSainuel John, Sbamokiniown.
Forylhe, Wil-on A Co., Noithumberland.
E. L. Piper, Watsoiduirg.
Irlsnd A. Ilayoea. MeEucn.ville.
J. nu s Peed, Poltsgrove.
Win. G Seolt, Rotliv.llo.
Hartman Knreble, Elv-burg P. O.
Am"8 T lleisset. Turl'liisvdle.
liub on Sliadel, 1'pper Mahonoy.
Rhodes A Farrow, Snydristown.
J.iliu King, Farm, r-v lie.
Silas C. Cook. Mailin'a Crerk.
J. De Young. Hieksville.
Araham Sfierer. Richmond.
Samuel Taylor, SUteford.
John H. Vincent, Chilisqtiaque.
Wm. Heinen A 11 1 other. Milton.
Bawabb or CornraarnTs. Tli pu'dic are
cautioned against tbe nuny spurinua medieuies.
which in order lo decive, are cilled by mines si
milar to W right's Indian Vegetable Pills.
The s afest course is lo puichase of the regul ir
agenta only, who are gentlemen that tniy bo ro
lled on.
rfj- Offices devoie.l exclusively to ihe sale of
of the North American College of Heahh. No. 28H
Greenwich Street, Ni w York ; No. 198 Tremont
Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No.
169 Rcr Ntbsit, Philadelphia.
June I2ih. IH47. sl9y.
" public sale
ON Saturdsy, ihe 3d of July next, at 10 o'clock.
A. M., will be sold by public vendue, at the
Court House in Sunbury, all ihe cbiim, right, ti
tle and interest of the undersigned in one hundred
snd .bare of Noithumberland B ink
Thb M asmtactcb bbs & Muchabics'
Bask, Ac, Philadelphia Coun v.
By her Attorney, H. BELLAS.
Snnbury. June S. 1847. 5l
Miss HI ART A. MrCAY, of
the liorough of Northuinirland, sue.
censor to Daniel Rtsuiigam, respectfully
L informs the public, that, although Gen
Scott'a armv haa taken Jalaps, famous for its pro.
duction of Jalapj she ftifl has enough nf tho article
to supply the wants of her cuslomeis, hesidt s every
other variety of drugs and medicines usually foui d
in an apotheory shop. Having purchased tbe
.lock of Mi. Brautigam, she has opened a new e
alubliahment. almot opposite bia old stsn l, and
trusts, hy strict sttet,ii n to business, to merit tbe
pitronsge of the viciniiy and public.
She will constantly keep on hand every variety
of Drugs, Painta, Spices, Patent Medicines. Ac,
th it is UKually f.unJ in a ding atore, which ahe
will di-pose of at reas mable prices.
Physicians and others, fiom a distance, supplied
at wholesale prices.
Northumbeiland, May 22. 1847. 2m.
I CO 2J 02. 8 iS3
Vimt I'reiiiiiim Writing Ink.
No. H7 rtll Third Street,
IROM Dr. Hare, ihe celebrated Profe-snr of
' Chemistry in Ihe Univeisily ol Penn'a.
', I Ml.
"Dear Sir Having tned your Ink, I will thai.k
you to send me another bottle, sa I find il lo be
nci llrnt. I am yours, truly,
Robt llABt"
From Dr. Lncke, of Cincinnati, disliogui-hed
f r his numerous scientific researches.
MeJical Collego of Ohio, I'inrinnaii,
Januaiy 17, 1844.
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I am
sstisfied that it la the lfl which has ever come in
my knowledge, and eapecially il is ejr-lleut for Ihe
uae t f filed Pint, and utlt not eurrode tbein, even
in long use.
Join Irficaa. Prof, of Chemislrv."
From a well known scientific gentleman.
"Philadelphia, Feb. 27. IMfl.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover Sir t A use of your Ce
nt' nt, and s,.me practical tcttt of ila superiority,
has induced me to recommend it lo others ss an
invaluable article lor nieudmg China, (ilass, or
Cabinet Ware. f wrest i MoariT,
Analytic Chriiii! "
For vale at the Manufactory, Wholesile snd Re
tail, No. 87 Nobtn Thibii S-raxir, opposite
Cheny aliett, Philadelphia, by
May 22, 117. j30 ly Manufacturer.
liidtau Vegetable l'anaccn.
aars, It i. now ais month alnc my
M youngeal child, a daochler, had a cutaneous
affeclinn, which lie spnearsnea oe. r Its en
lire bode . It was a en f Hereditary Tetter, and
SO vnolent waa the dlseaae, that we wl-hed, In
case il could not be speedily relieved, that it might
I soon laid in its grave. At this stage of th dia- j
esse my sister-in-law called upon you in advise a.
to the best preparation of Saraaparilla that could
be procured, as an elterra'iv when you recom
mended '.he use of Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable
Panacea, and I am pleased to ssy that the good
effects of the medicine were percplibl when it
bsd taken but a few doses t and by th time we
hsd used one singlo bottle, thed'sease. had entirely
disappeared, and from that lime there has been no
re appearance. I really f el thankful to you for
having recommended the Panscea in this case, for
I feel confident tbat had not tbe disease been ar-re-ted.
my child wo'.ild, ere this, have been Ihe
tenant of the cold and silent tomS
Respectfully yours, A, JOHN P. REES.
Phil. Dec. 9, 18 15. 85 N. Seventh St.
Mr. J.T. RnwAn, D r 10.1845
Dear Sir, At your reqit-st I cheerfully give you
an aecounl of the wonderful cure effected upon me
by Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea. At
the age nf 14 years I had nimn my right knee a
White Swelling, which a'ilTened Ihe joint, and
reused some seventy or more pieecs of the hone
pieces of the bone to come awav in the sores, and
which wna temporarily relieved by the usual rrme
di s, but mil entirely cured. At times sores would
again break out, and become so distresdng and p tin
ful that I could get no re-t night nor day. In this
way it continued until la-t spring, when, having
witnessed the extraordinary e (Tec's of your Panscea
as an alternative, upon a daughter nf mine who
was Ufing it for a chronic disease, I concluded to
make a trial of it in my own enae; the result haa
leen on entire cure. I am now 07 years of age, and
have suffered M years with the sores. I cheerful
ly add mv testimonial to the many o hers I have
beaid, of the cures performed hv vmir reb-brated
490 N. 3J st., Aid. rman 7 h Ward, N. L.
To whom it nviy concern Thia may certify
th .1 my child, almost from huth, was afflicted with
StMifula, which rover. d most rf its body with
sores; and that for 18 mouths, though constantly
under medical treatment, no' afforded relief
till I was induced to make trial iif Dr. Cullen's In
dim Veg' table Pnnarea. The attending phyai
rim, on witnessing it. go xl effects, recommended
it. continuance according in directions, and by u
eirig a single bottle ol the Panacea, tbe child was
apparently cured. Il is now about 4 months ainee
ihe medicine was discontinued, and I have no
d uiht hut the cure j. complete. Yours truly,
Kowasd A. Waitos, M. McCLEAS,
PhilaJ. Aug 5, 1815. 380 Market st
Mr. J.T. RnwASJD Sir. Sometime last spiing
I was so unfortunate aa to get tbe "Jackson, or
Harhers' Itch." by shaving after some one affected
by that troublesome, and obstinate disease.
You cannot have forgotten the swollen and irri
tated condition of mv f,ce at Ihe time you rccom-mniili-d
"Dr. Cil'len's Indian Vegetable Panacea."
I hsve now the pleasure to inform you, for the
ben. lit of all wbo are similarly afflicted, that the
use of a single botile of lb Panacea cured me en
tirely. You niy well judi-e f my gratification at
auch a result, as I h d so often known the disease
to continue for yeara under lb usual mercurial re
medies. (Signed) T. L.SAND1SRS.
Philad., Aug. 6, 1815. Pledge Office.
Messrs. Rowabd A WiTor. I have been f.w
two yeara or more a verely afflicted with Seorfula.
and afer having I tied three eminent physicians
without any relief, I had come to the conclusion
that I must die. I had fourteen oprn ulcers on my
face snd body at the name time. While in this
condition, a friend nrorured me a tattle of your
Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetsble Panares. This was
about two mouths since. I hsve ttken six bottle,
and sin completely cuird. My general health ia
sImi belter than il has been fir yeara.
E. W. MAXWELL, Mary'a Court.
Certificate nf cure., in pamphlet form, may be
had Gratia, at the offices of ihe agents.
Tl is medicine is prepared and sold by the
proprietors, Rowand A Walton, No. 370 Market
lieet, I'bil .dclpt ia.
. rW W Danenhnwcr. No 1 Murray st, N Y.
c J J W Danenhower. No 1 OF Hall. Cin.O.
1 C T Jenkins, No 58 Csnal at, N Orleans.
VN . Robinson, cor (lay A Saratoga sts. Halt.
Agents: II. MASSER. Sunbury.
H. R.ser, Milton; J. Seel old, New Ber
Mr. Musaer, Milllie m; Sharpe D. Lewis,
w sc.
Sold also by Druggists throughout the United
Stales. June 5. 1847. 2ra. fBy
Flour,, and General CommiS'
xion Merchants,
No. lieSatTH'a WuAur, BALTIMORE,
OFFER tl.t ir services to the Merchants snd
Fa'iaera of the Su-quhsnna Va'ley, for the
sde ol Flour, Grain and Produce generally, in Ihe
Bdlnm re nuikel, and from their rxteiitive ac-
ql urilaiice among purc'iasers and shippers, call
safely w -riant silisfactory sntea.
Correspondents will be constinily kept advised
of the slate of the tnjike s, Ac.
R. fer to
Mcsr. Wm. W.laon A S ns. "
Naac Round, Is A Son. !
D.ividsin A Saui deis, f
Reynolds A Smith, J
and Messra. Tmcley, Caldwell A English, Pbila.
May lAth. 1 8 17.-2m
More Saw Goods !
fpllR last arrival U at Putdy'a Store, Market
1. Square, where will be fouud a handsome as
sort ment nf
of ihe late.t and rami approved sty lea, consisting of
Cloths, Cassnnera, VestinfS,
Summer Stuffs, Mous. d. laii.ra, Lawns,
(Jnglrains, Ca'icos, Muslins.
Jeans, Ae.. Ac , A,c j also, a lull asuoitim nt of
Groceries, all of which will be sold lower lhautver
offried iu ll is mark. I.
('all and examine for yourselves.
Sunbury, May 1ft h. I 17.- "f
"WESTE'lN HAMS and Shouldera, jut recci
' v yr, and f r .ale, by
June 19. 1847. r J . BOO All.
IRE.-H M ACKEREL, a new lot, just received
and f r e.dc low, by
June 19, 1817. C. S. UOUAR.
BARK. The highest market ftire paid fwt
Bsik, at the stoic of
MkI 37, 1917, JOHN BOGAR.
Spring Goods.
fllHE subsrribor has just reveivad his New
JL Spring Goods, lo which he invite, hia friend
and customers to call and examine for themsulvea.
His stock conaHa in part of the following t
Superior Cloths, of all colors; Cosaimera of differ,
enl pattern 8alin and other Vesting t Ca
licos, Lawns, Ginghams, Checks, Tick
ings, and summer wear nf all kinda
and prices; also, Leghorn and
Palm leaf Hats; Umbrellas
and Parasols, from 25
cents upwards
also, Groceiies, Queens
ware, Hardware, Cedarware,
Oils, Painta, Fish, Salt. Ac., Ac.. A.C.,
and in fact, every article usually kept in a counlrf
s'ore, which will he sold Very low. for cash or any
kind of trade. JOHN EOOAR.
Sunbury, Msy 15th, 1847. nl4y
Orphans' Court Kale.
TN pnrsu mre of an order of the Orphana' Court
- of Nonhombeitaiid county, will be o.dd at pub
lic vendue, on Sa'.urday the 17th dy of .la!- t , e x t ,
on ihe i remises, to wilt A certain tract nf land
aiiiiata in Shamok n township, in siid county, con
t. lining 209 acres and 11:1 perches, strict mei ;jre,
adjoining lam! of lhcWiie of Martin Wesv.--, Ji-hu
UiiRcr, Solomon Fejely, and Is.iac Tieibley,
whereon is creeled a two story log houae end tionsj
kitchen, a large frame hunk barn, stone stvIio
bouse and sn excellent orchnrd of choice fruit.
Also, one other tract, situate in the township and
county aforesaid, containing 35 acre nnJ 58 per
ches, adjoining tho above described tract, Samuel
Hales, Geoigc Uriger, and l-ac Treihley, wherein
are erected a one and a half story frame house, a
frame stable, and a log shop, with a good well of
water at the house, and a thriving young orchard
of choice fruit. Also, a crr'ain other tract of wood
land si'.uite in the township aforesaid, cmiaining
81 acres and 51 perches, ndjoining t.'nnrad Vesper,
Joseph Cbambcrlin, and Augustus Hucy. Also,
a certain oilier tract of land in sjiJ to.vnahi;', con
taining 32 acres snd 147 perchis, s'rirt men-lire,
of which nboul one half is cleared, adjoining Au-BU-tus
Hu' y, Nathaniel Snxion, and ethers AU
so, s certain other tiact siiu.ito in said town-l ip,
containing 9 acres arid 11 perches, strict measue,
adjoining Solomm, and others. Late the
slate of Christian Fegely, ilec'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. nf sail
dsy, wheu the terms of salo will be mule krwn
By order of tbe court, - Ailmrs.
Enwann OrsTr.n, Cl'k. O. C.
Snnhnrv. April 24th, 1S17. ts!3t
IHE Subscriber have the exe'usive tight of
vending J. M. THATCHER'S
Hot Blast Hot Air Cooking:
in li e counties of Northumberland, Colu:nbii and
Schuylkill; and from the encouragement met w'th
already, they expect lo do a large I usiness. ' This
atove ia constructed on sn entiicly new principle,
and on the only principle that cm make both a
good wood and coal stove. The inventor tins over,
come all the difficull es that so frequently liclong to
other stoves. He has by his arrnnae-nent, con
sliuctej a broiling j Ol Cll III Front, wberu
in broiling, roasting, frying or baking msy be done,
and all the smell that arises iheiefiom must pass
into the coinbuslililtt chamber, an 1 ia not at all
thrown out into the room JJ Bcs;des this, iherr
is an oven only two inches lef th. ''ie whole sirs
of the stove, wherein hiking or roasting mav be
done as vell as it can be in the common brick men.
This even ia always fit f-.r ti-e wi-en tbe s ove i
heiited, as the p.'o.i'tf draught of hot sir pusses a
round it const:... iv.
1'ubl-c atieuiion i pur:ir'.ilrlf . a'le-1 l- .h
stove. It can l.e step at our Store and Tin L-tah-lisbment
in North l),.nv !J.', a' the igu rf ihe to
luiul'ia Tin shop, mid at the foundry of RjUrl'irh
A Clement in 'unbury, where its particular quali-.
lies will be fully shown and exp'ained lo any person
wishing loexsniiue it.
Tbe suhscrihera continue to have on li.itul ',
kinjs rf parloi atov.'s, such rjidia'om. cylen.ler",
fancy and plain, suitable for all w in may favor ua
wi'h a call; alao common sheet and Rusit Iron,
which can he made in any desirable shape; toge
ther with a gtiiicra! as.oitu.cnt nl tin and japmiied
ware, wholcsalt! and tntail. Country iior. hin s
are invited to call and examine our stoe;. r our
work cannot be surpassed, and prices modoerate.
N. B. We can aalely rccoimnend tbe above m. n
tioned .tovu to perxins who wi-t'i to emhaik in a.
good business Tbe patentee will t.el! eiiher coun
ty or state rights, to suit pnrc'issers, and on rea
sonable terms. II or his egtnis may be found iu
Danville, Pa. J. A J. AIM ER.
The undersigned, having seen in operation tho
bot liiasl hot air cooking stove, invented and pa
tented hy J. M. Thaicher, certify that we believe,
from Ihe manner of its con-liucii n and operation,
that it is ihe be.t one ever offered lo the pub'ic. The
airangement iaso Ccmplvle and the construction s.
judicious, thst lliere ia a saving of one half the fuel
and time, in d ing any given amount of a.-rvice,
over other celebrated stoves. In short we recom
ineut it in piel'erenre to all others, for Ihe simple
revs, in that it embraces every branch of economy.
Samuel ('.arret!, John W Garrett. D ivid Chat
field, W F Kitch.n, John M O.av, E Thompson.
Smith Thompson, J D Hahn, John tHkea, Hesilti
all Dear, Elias F Cooer, Ceo M Rirhsrt, Dam!
Huffman. Henry H Rissel, F H Carver, Danisi
iach, Joseph Yinki'k, Brooks Eph'y.
Danville. Match 6. 1847. lv
F i ll? M
nHE subscriber offer Tor sale a cheap Farm,
situate iu Shann-kiii township, Norlhmulxr
land ciiuuiy. about eishl U'i'ca from Sui.baiy. ly
ing lt ween the Crude Iu lit ike arid Iri-h Va ley.
containing 163 acres ami allow inecs. SaM fsrrn
ia in a good state of cultivation, with reasonably
g.Mid buildings and excellent water near the duot ;
and all kinJs ol buit. Ar.
Sunbary. Feb. 21). 1817.
a OPERATIONS in CioxHivo scorn lo be th
1 f order of the duV, at ihe Philadelphia Wa-.
Robe, 105 Cheanut atrett. where very iiic!e 111
the line is kept, and sold at astoiiihing low p tiers,
Cloaks, llangeps. Over Sick Costs, Short
Coat, Super Flench t'lotli lWa Frock
Ci-als Panlal.Hns of every g.s.le and
style, any of whnh u ill be sold either
by the r'n'ent " d. '", l lii
' cos Ihst will jj.t.fy thu
O.oil tcononiical in
We advise all who want good and cheap Clo
thing, to C!l 11 rrt. H5 Chtaui.r t,ltf ,t
Pbiladtlphia, Feb 6ih, 4647. tint