A Gooo Sfttca Bait and to thi Purpose. Daniel Webster, recently, at Columbia S. C. College, received from the senior elm a brief and tasteful address. He made the following reply, hich is happy and to the purpose . Young Gentlemen of the South Carolina Col-lege.- I thank you for the manner in which you have been pleated to receive me, and for the re spect which you hare manifested. Yon are of the generation Which ia to come after in, and your judgment are to form pait of the opinion of poilerity in respect to those who are now ac tire in the scene of life. It will be happy for me, if the mature sentiments of your manhood ahall correspond with those thus expressed in your youth. My young friends, I may well congratulate you on your present. condition and your prospect. Yon are members of a flourishing institution. Tot enjoy the teaching; of a learned faculty, with a name at its head beloved in private life, highly distinguished in public life, arid which confer grace a well as usefulness on these aca demic groves. Private and family affections cluster round you all ; a thousand hopes are che rished for you ; all good auspices hover over you. Every one of you may take to himself, in this respect, the language of the ptset "Non sine Dis .Animosus infans." Let me, then, ay to each of you, "Carpe di em !" Art i long, and science is profound, and literature, in our day, is various and extensive. But you have youth, and health, and the mean of culture and improvement, and can areomplith great object. With you it i the bright and treexy morn of life. A long day, I trust, is before you. Let me dvise you to be early in prosecuting the great work, which, in that day, is to be done. Like the morning of the natural day, let the morning of life begin with devotion to the Great Giver of all good ; and let every succeeding hour of that life be filled with acts of duty, and friendship, and private and public beneficence. The even ing of such a life will be full ol hopes for a bet ter; and all will be cheered and consoled "By 'that which should accompany old age, A honor, love, obedience, troops of friend.' " Young gentlemen, all my good wishes attend you! May you here sow, with liberal broad cast, the seed of a future harvest of honor to yourselves, gratification to your friends, and use fulness to your country. Slavery or the Worst Kino. In Mexico slavery of the worst kind exists. The baai( ol this system is not difference o( color, or inferiori ty of race, but ia simply debt . For inability to pay the most inconsiderable rum, wnn is made the alave of his creditor, who lives upon the fruita of his labor, allowing him to take but a bare subsistence, and accumulating the original debt by interest and other charges to an extent that makes the bondage one for life, and entails it upon hia descendants. Csn any thing else than degradation be expected from such a sys tem ? A Generous) Donation. The Irish Relief Committee of New York have received the fol lowing letter: Washington, May 23d, 1847. Bear Sir: We deeply regret to hear from Ireland that (amine is still continuing there it work of death. Feeling it a duty to aid in al leviating this dreadful calamity, we herewith transmit five thousand dollars with which please purchase food, and ship for distribution in the way to effect the greatest good to the greatest number of the offering poor. Yours most respectfully, CORCORAN A RIGGS. To Myndart Van Sohaick, Esq., Chairman Irish Relief Committee N. York. Cotar Postage Movement. A movement n favor of a still greater reduction of the pos tage on letters and papers has been made in Bjeton, and a general public meeting ta favor of the object hi to beheld. At a preliminary meeting on Wednesday last resolutions to the following effect were passed: That the best Interests of society in every country are promo ted by theap pottage that no higher tax should be levied upon the transmission of written or printed matter through the mail, than it neces sary to prevent abuse of the privilege J and that reduced and uniform system of postage is cat ed for in the United States. The friends of cheap postage would have been eetiefierj, they eay, to let the present rates remain tore few years, but for the partial change which the op ponenUof it effected in the last session of Con' frees. They now go for radical reduction of the postage, and the total abolition of the frank ing privilege. This early commencement of the agitation of the subject shows that they are in earneat and intend to make a bold attempt at the next session. Phil Ledger. What the Treacher SaIth! At one of our anniversaries, Rev. Dr. Greene, of Haiti more, remarked as follows! "By the laws of population, within the United States there Will be 100,000,000 Anglo Saxon men, with all their superior advantages, during the lite of thoee now living. The young clergy now on the stage will live to see this country with this pop ulstion. In a little more thsn t generation thore will be a population of 300,000.000. They will in that time have swept over Mexico and all South America." Exchange Paper. Part of this prophecy ia being fulfilled. Af - It . . A ter we nave annexed ait Douin America, we shall begin to turn our eyea towards E.;-0p -but the eastern continent will hT tq behave much better than it has dono, bore Wf can tike it into the Uoioi ,;;. UJgtr. ' Asioitq T CsNTaiatiTioN for th relief of th Starring Irish, i on from the Choctaw Indian's, and another from th seovieU in on ef tbs pri isn home of Enflani Hll.A&BMttXA MAKKBT. Tdesbat, June 1. FfcouR aho Meat,. The Flour market i very It.active -the sale to-day not exceeding 400 bb!, at 8 for fair brand Pennsylvania Flour. Wes tern Flour is held at 8j. Corn Meal ell in small parcels at 15. Rye Flour $6. Grain. Good Penna. red Wheat is held Penna. yellow Corn is selling freely at ft SI 11. Oats Penna. 65c, 8outhern 64c. Whiskey In bbl is worth 37 a 36c. at (3 10 a BALTIMORR MARKRT, Office oMeOAtTtMoaa America, May 13. GRAIN. A (mail lot of prime Penn'a Wheat wa sold to day at $3 per bushel. We quote good to prime Md. reds at 93,S0a$3. Sale of Md. Corn to-day at 100102 et. for white, and 105108 ct. for yellow. The demand for Oat is lei active. Sale of Maryland and Virginia, to day, atoSaOO cents. WHISKEY. There i not much inquiry to day. Small ale of bbl. are making at 35 ct. Hhd art held at 34 ct. A Soldier' Price The average price of a (oldier, according to the standard fixed by Gen. Scott, i $300. A letter from Mexico, in the Journal of Commerce, says that Gen. Scott has taken the guerilla business in hand, and by his order, every, murder that the Meiicans may commit, takes $300 out of the nearest alcalde's pocket. This i less than half the amount that a good slave will bring his master in the couth. Drowsinrm, Swimming of the Head, a roaring noise in the ears, headache, palpitation of the heart, Ac Wright's Indian Vegetshle Pills are a certain cure for the above unpleasant complaints, because they purge from the body thore stagnant and cor rupt humors which, when Hosting in the genetil mass of circulation, are the cause of a determina tion or rush in the blood to the head, giddiness, loss of memory, dimness of eight, drowsiness, pain of the head, and many other symptoms of a loaded and corrupt state of the blind. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill are also one of the very best medicines in the world for the cure of indigestion, and therefore will not only remove nil the above unpleasant symptom, and eniiiely prevent any evil consequences resulting from a rush of blood to the head, but will most assuredly restore the body to a stale oT sound health. Beware of counterfeits of all kinds! 8ome are coated with sugar ; others are made to resemble in outward appearance the original medicine. The safest course is, to purchase from the regular agents only, one or more of whom may be found in every village and town in the State. 03Agent for the sale of Wright' Indian Vegeta ble PilU in Sunbury, Henri Masse. For other agencies see edvertisemmt in another column. TarsT to Bbandrsih's Pills, take them so as to produce a brisk effect, and your sickness will be the affair of a day or two, while those who are too wise to follow this common-sense advice, will be sick for months. Let the sick enquire of the agents for Brandreth' Pills whether these thing are so or not. Lel them enquire among their frienda end ask the same question. Verily if evi dence is wanted it shall be procured. To the sick let me say, use the Bbad.eth Pills is the best sdviee mortal man csn give you. rrj Purchase of H. Masser, Sunbury, or of the sgents published in another part of this paper. HANCE'S SAR8APARILLA VEGETABLE Olt BLOOD PILLS. FIFTY PILLS Iff A BOX the Cheapest and best Medicine in existence FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD! removing bile, correcting disorders Tf the stomach and bowel, toslivenees, dyepia, swimming in the head, Ac. Persons of a full habit, who aie subject to Headache, Giddiness, Drtiw- linns, and ringing in the Ears, aiining from too great a flow of blood to the Head, should never be without them, a many dangerous symptoms Writ be entirely carried off by their immediate use. READ THE FVLLOWIXG WONDERFUL CUBE OF DYSPEPSIA .' This is to terlify tbst my wife was afflicted with the Dyspepsia for twelve years, end triej both ad vertised mrdicttw and Thomonran, bit without effect ; and myself attacked with blindness, and my head otherwise eflecred from hard drinking, so that I was apprehensive of tils; and recing HANUE 8 sAHSAPAHlLLA PILL8 advertised, I went and got a box of them, which, to my astonishment effected a cure of me and my ife both as yet, and I do think them without a rival before the public 6. II, Ham. Albemarle street, near Wilk. For sale by SETH 6, HANCE, 108 Baltimore , and comer Charles and Pistt streets, Baltimore, snd by liEDKiiE BKIll HT, Sunbury, D. BRAU TIOAM, Northumberland. June 6. 184T. CMX YEARS EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED THAT FOR THE CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS. CONSUMPTIONS, ASTAMA. Spit. ting of Mood. Pain and Opprtssiitn of the Brtait, there i nothing equal to HAKVETS COM POUND SYRUP OF HOREHOUND. This medicine has now been iu use fur sit years, during which time there haa been a eonatant de mand for it, and ita popularity instead of declining, has been slwavs on the increaae. During this time many new medicines have sprung up for (he cure of the above complaints, some of which lasted only a few months, and others not ss long 1 but HANCE'S SYRUP has redtly gohe on gaining favor with all classes of society, until it ha now become identified by many rami lies ss a REGULAR FAMILY MEDICINE. To (hnea who hsva never used the Comprond Syrup of Hoiehound, this notlcs Is prttulr'.y J,, reeled to, as to those who hsva or.es experienced its peculiarly happy etTrcts, any nre,lM of its meiits Would be superfluous. PRICE 60 Cents pVr Veule, or 6 bottle for 550. ... Of ' ty SETH 8. HANCE, corner of Carles Pratt si., and 108 Baltimore atreet, I and by GEORGE BRIGHT, Suntcry, 1). BKAUI IUAM, NOrthumbeiland; June 5, 1847. A Baif Wifs Hsstia ba left my bed nd boar J i& wiibotil any just cause, I cuu'.ion hny ikon sgsiuat uusring hn shytbing en my account, as 1 will pay nothieg of her contracting. . Jonathan farnsworth. Shamokin, June 1, 1847. 3t. Wt IWLI TRICE CUURENT. Corrected Weekly by Henry Matter. Wftait, . . . a S00 R, . . . . .too Co S, a ... a 100 Oats, a . 60 BottbM, . . . .18 Eoas, k . . 8 Pork, . . . . 6 FtAXatUt), ... lis BsKBWAt, . . . 30 Tallow, ... 10 Flax, ... .10 Hkcrli Flax, 10 Daiait AreLEa, . . 78 Do. Patent-, . . 1(0 " Good Intent Fire Company" A STATED MEETING of the Company will be held on Monday evening next, st 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance is re quired. HENKY DON N EL, June 5, 1847. Secretary. "Washington Fire Company." THE members of the "Washington Fire Com - pny" are requested to meet at the State House, on Monday Evening, June 6, at 7J o' clock, precisely. Punclual attendance is required. June 6. SAMUEL J. YOUNG, See. PUBLIC SALE ON Saturday, the 3d of July next, at 10 o'clock. A. M, will be sold by public vendue, at the Court House in Sunbury, all the claim, right, ti tle and interest of the umleraigned in one h undred and sixty-one shares of Noithuniberlwnd Sank Stock. T11 a MitrcACTratV A Mr.csuatrV Bark, Ac. PhilaJrhihia County. By her Attorney, H. BELLAS. Snnbmy, June 5. 1847. 6t Fro all Quarters or tre titnnr.. THE following letters are presented with a viw of more fully showing the opinions of pi .ysi rians in relation to the medical value of Dn, 8watr's CoMrousn Stauror Wits I'merht. Dr. 8wist Dear Sir: Having Urd your Compound 8yrup of Wild Chttrry, extensively in my practice, I was requested by your agent. Dr. Crtttcher, to express my opinion in writing, of it properties a a remedial agent, t most cheerfully romp!y, as t foci by so doing, I Will discharge a debt I owe the community at large, and physicins in panicnlar. As much as t detest quark reme dies and patent nostrums, I Was induced rVm a. failure of the moat p.itont evpefctoran'B, tecommen ded in our materia medicas ill some ca-es of Dis eased lung, to try youi preparation or Pruntts Virginia or Wild Cherry. Ii is sufficient to say that I wa so much pleaved with the remit of that and suVf qucnt tit ten that I now prescribe it in preference to all other remedira where an Wtpecto rant i indicated. In tho much dremred Prrcumo nia or Disesse of the Lunga, in the alatming form in which it appears in Kentucky, I regard ft aa aft invaluable remedy in the treatment of that dis-ae. To alt who know me I have aaid tonouah, but an this my he seen by persons not of (he vrcinity of Frankfort, 1 will briefly add, that I have Wen en gaced in an active practice of my profession for 12 years, and am s regular graduate of TransyNani.i, and this is the first patent medicine t ever thought enough of to express sn opinion in writing. J. II. ELLiaiim, M. . Jan 7, 1 84T. Ftahkhn to., Ky. Fbarkvort, Kt., Jan 1, 18)7. The above reniRcale is from one of our physi cians lilng a few miles from here, he is doing s very good practice, snd is considered s good physi cian, atrd stands lair; be is a he siy, a regular graduate. Dr. W. L. Crvtthkr, Druggift and Apothecary. try Since llie introduction of my article to the public, theie have a number of unprincipled indi vidual got up nostrums, which they assert contain Wild Cherry, some are called "Ualnams, Uitters, and even Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine ia the original and only genuine preparation ever intro duced to the public, which can he proved by the public ftrtords of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. I he only safeguard against imposition 1 to see that my signature on each bottle. Us. Ii. SWAY INK, Corner of Eighth and Race eta., Philadelphia. Only Agent in Sunbury. is HENRY MASSER. Dr. ). A. Moore, Danville ; T. 8. Mackry &. Son, Mdion ; M. D. & J. Wei's, Muncvt C. A. Wvatt. Iwisburir. Dans & Schnute. Sehnsgrovet John I'. Rean, Line Mountain P. O. rhilad.lpt.ia, - alO-ctm.m-ly Djaprpflltt of lO VfcaiV fltttttdlng THE wife of Captain Roberta, on Vino Street, near Wst. r, CinrShnaiti, has been afflicted with DYSPEPSIA In its mtttt aggravated fond for the last ten yra, was ree.immendcd by tvlebra led phyaiciahs of Boston, New Yoik, Phllailelphia, Baltimore, and Cincinnati, to travel, as they could do nothing for bee. She did 0, but it did her no good. She then cnmmvnCed using the moat popu lar medicines of the day fit her complaints, but le rlvrd no benefit. Sestng an ailveriiaement of DK. SMITH'S VEGETABLE SUGAR COATED PILLS in the paper, she concluded to gitre them a trial sent to O. F. Thomas, Main alreet, be tween Third snd Fourth, Dr. Smith's Agent for Cincinnati, and puichased a box, took them tccor- ding 10 direction, and can with heart felt Joy slate that aba derived more benefit from the ue of one box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Veg. labia Pills, thatt from any other medicine she has made one of during the ten yeat. The above wa sent to G, F. Thomas on lha 3d Deo., 1844 1 Cin. Timet. CAUTION. A a miserable imitation has been made, by the name of 'Sugar Coaled Pill," it is necessary to be sure that Dr. G Besj. Satttt signature I on every box. Price 35 cents. Principal Office. 179 Greenwich st. New York. Sold by JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunbury. WM. rORSYT.112, MrAumfc Physic for tho Army JdliAPA TAKEN! 51 188 NARY A. IlItCAY, of the borough of Northmtrland, uc. ceaaor to Daniel Biautigam, repectfuuy Inform tba public, that although Gen. Scott' rrhv has tskeh Jslips, famous for its pro duttion of Jalap, she still has enough of the article to supply In wnis 01 oer cusinmorr, ocsiurs cwij other variety of drugs and medicine usually found In an aontbeeirt shop. Having pUrchssed the thrk nt M r. Brsuliaam. she has opened a new e- slablilhmeut, almost opposite t'ta bid stand; and trua a. bv alriet attention to buainras, to mHl the natronarra of the vicinity snd public. Clia evil! eonslantly keeo ort harid every variety of Druoa. Paint. Spirea, Talent MaUicinea, etc, ihat.i usually found in a diug atois, which ah will dlfpos of at reasonable prices. Phjaicisna and others, from s distance, supplied al wholoaala piies. Nwthumbeiland, May 33, 1847. 3m. Indian Vegetable Panacea. HEREDITARY TETTER, "suts, It ia now slk months since my youngest child, daughter, had a cutaneous affection, Which made its srpesrance over 'Its en tire body,'' It wss leist of Hereditary Tetter, and o i rule tit was the disease, that we wished, in case It could not be apredtly relieved, that It mhrht be soon laid in its grave. At this stags of the dis esse rhy slsterin-laW called upon you to advise a to the best preparation Of 8arsptilla that could be procured, a sn altercatlve t when you recom mended the use Of Dr. Cullen' Indian Vegetable Panacea, and I am pleased In say that the good effects of the medicine Wate perceptible when it had taken hut a TeW doses ; and by the time we had used one single bottle, the disesse hsd entirely dissppesred, and from thnt time there has been no re-sppearauca. I ieallyf.el thankful to you for having recommended the Panacea in ihi esae. for t feel confident that had not the disease been ar reted, my child would, ere this, have been the tenant of the cold and silent tomb. Rerpeclfully yours, FowAnn A Waltor, JOHN P. REEH. Phil. Dec. 0, 1845. 89 N. Seventh St WHITE 8WELLINO. Mr. J.T. Roward, ri7. D-t 10. 1845. Der Sir, At your request I cheerfully give you n account of the wonderful cure effected upon me by Dr. Cullen' Indian Vegetable Panacea. At the age of 14 year I had upon my right knee a White Swelling, which stiffened the joint, and caused some seventy or more pieces of Ihe bone pieces of the bone to come away in the sore, and which waa temporarily relieved by the usust reme dies, but not entirely cured. At times sores would again break nut, and become ao distressing and pain ful that 1 could get no reel night nor day. In this way it continued until laM spring, when, having witnessed the cilrsordinary efler's of your P.inicea aa an alicrnotivo, upon a daughter of mine who wa using it for a chronic disease, I concluded to make a trial of it in my own case; the roult baa been an entire rure. I am nnxv 67 years of age, and have suffered 53 years with the soree. I cheerful ly add my testimonial to the many Other t have heard, of the cures pitformed by your eelebrsttd Panacea. THOMAS WALTON 400 N. 3d at, Alderman tth Ward, N. L. BCORFULA To Whom it may concent Thia may certify that my child, almost from birth, wa afflicted with Scorfula, which covered moat of ita body with sores ( end that for 18 months, though constantly Under medical rteatmcat, no'ldog aff riled reliel till 1 waa induced to make trial of Dr. Cullen' In dian Vegetable Panacea. The attending phvai ciin, on W'tneeaing ita good effects, recommended ita continuance eccording to directions, and by u sing s single bniilo ol ihe Panacea, the child wan apparently cured. Ii ia now ahnn.1 4 month' since the mtJicinta was discontinued, and I have no doubt but the cure ia cnmplrte. Your truly. RowAHit A W.tTO, M. Mei:I.EAS, Philad, Aug fi, 1815. 380 Market st. BARBERS' ITCH. Mr. J.T. Rowsan Sir. Somi-time laat spiing I wss so Unfortunate as to get the "Jarkson, or Barber Itch," by shaving after anme one affected by that irouhlewme and obstinate disease. You cannot have forgotten the swollen and irri tated condition of my face at the lime you rccom manded Dr. Cdtlen'a Indian Vegetable Panacea.' I have now the pleasure to inform you, for the benefit of all who are aimilarly afflicted, that the liae of a single botile of the Panacea cured me en tirely. You may well iudiie of my gratification at such a rcviilt, aa I h id so often known the dtwase to continue Tut years under tl) nsual mercurial re- medic. (Signed) T.L.SANDERS. Pfctlad. Aug. 6, 1845. Pledge Office. SCORFULA. Mfssra. RoWAsn &, WilTorr. I have been for two yeara or more severely afflicted with Scorfula, am! al er having tried three eminent pt yaiciana Without sny relief, I bad come to the conclusion thatt most die. I had fourteen open nicer on my face and body at ihe same time. While in this condition, a frirnd procured me a bottle of your Dr. Cullen's Indian V egelsble Panacea. Thia w stioUt 1 Wo months since. 1 have taken six botitea and am tomplerely cured. My general health is lao bettet thsn K haa been for eara. E. W. MAXWELL, Mryva Court. tJertiftcarC of curee in pamphlet form, may be h1 Gratis, st the ofiicea of the sgents. Tla tn.lfr4n fs ,iViiurftl mid attld bv the proprietors, RoWand Ot Walloh, No. iTt Matket atreet, rhiladelpMa. rW W DanenhnWer, No I Murray st N Y - . . a.. a. at Ii art aaa sat s arv! ar. W Uanennowr. ro 1 w r nan, ,in. w. c T Jenkins, No 58 Canal at N Oileatta. N Robinaon, cor Gay $ Saratoga sis. Bait, Agents t II. MASSEK, Sunbury. H. Mr. ..aer, Milton t J. Bm-IoIJ, New Ber lint Musser, Millheim; Bhatpe D. Lewis, Wilkral.artK. Sold also by Druggists throughout the United State. juns o.imt. am. my " Kfttnte of John lMillin, ittrTti. -vXTO I'lUE is heretiy sWen, that letter of t- iyi miniMntion haVe beeh granted to ihe aub cribrM, on the estate ol John Philltpa, late of Ihe borough of Northumberland, iNoMh d rounty, dct .1 All uitsons indebted to said etatx, or having claims against the same, are rcqnealed in call and tattle. t;rini?i 1 ia. riiu.i.u'Ji, PHILIP YOl'NU, Nnrth'di May 847 Ct Ajlinra. First lVrmiiilii WrlllliK liiU. No 8T North Third Strccti tMllLADELIMIlA. 7iRllM Dr Hare, the rrlebraieo! PridVaor nt 1? Chemistry lu the Univeiaiiy ol Penn'a. tPhlUileSuhil. tlrt. 11. IMS. 'Dear Sir Having tiied your Ink, will thank a . . k a a t. : 1 i . you lo lend me anmtier ih.uu a 1 una 11 10 i ncillent. I am youra, uuiy, Rbir. Hae." From Dr. t.ocae. c"f flncinhatl, dlminauied f.ik hit numerous aiientlnc reaeaicber. Medical College of Ohio. Cincinnati, January 17, IM4. Hviiig uaVd Mr. Hover 'a Writing Ink, I 4m aallatVed that It ia Ihe best which baa ever Coine 10 my knowledge, end eapecially it urxe-lltnt tot Ihe use of Steel Fens, ttAd will not corrode ihein; even in long ue. to Locks, Pibr. of t'henitrV., HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT. FrOm a vveil known scibniific gentleman. . -Pbiladeljihia, Febt 37. 1840. Mr. joseih E. HoVer Sir I A us of voiir Ue mini, snd sum practical tests of its superiority, ha Induced me to recommend it to others aa an invaluable article for mending China, Glaaa, or Cabinet Ware; CinraaU MoariT, ,- Analytic Chemist." For tale at the Manufactory, Whole! and R tail. No. 87 NuaTit J sibd btassT, oppuaita Cherrv street. Philadolphia, by . , JOSEPH. Ms 33, 1847. ,30 l .B. HOVRR, Manufacture!. Spring Goods. THIS subscribe haa Just received hi New Silting Good, to which he invite hia frienda and customer to call snd examine for themselves, His strk consists in part or the following t Superior Cloths, of sli colors Caasimer of differ ent patterns) Satin and other Vetting t Ca licos, Lawns, Ginghams, Check. Tick ings, snd rammer wear of all kinds and prieei; 1ao, Leghorn and Palm hiaf Hatai Umbrellas and Parasola, from 35 cent upward Iso, Groceiies, Queens ware, Hardware, t'edarware. Oil, Psints, Fish, 8lt, Ac, Ac., Ac. and in fact, every article usually kept in a country store, which will be sotd very fow, for cash or any kind of trade. JOHN BOGAR. Sunbury, May 1Mb, 1847. nl4y More New Goods! T 11 E last arrival ia at Pti'dy's Slore, Market Square, where mill be found handaoino aa- sortmen' of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of the latest snd most approved styles, consisting of Chillis, nwmera, Vcatings, Summer Stuffs, Moos, de laiires, Lawn, Ginghams, Palicna, Muslins, Jeans, Ac., Ac , Act fclao, s Villi asaortment of Groceries, alt of which will be s.dJ tower than ever nflmed in ti ls market. Call and examine for yntuselve. Sunbury, May 15 h, 1847. tf flHE StorVholders are hereby notified, that an 1. elertion will be beM at the hoe.se of James t"e, tnthe liorough of NorlhumWrtand, on Mon day the 7th day of June next, between the hoora e.T 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock. P. M., for the purpose of electing olflcei T.r the enauing vear. J. R. TRIESTLEY, North 'd. May 8. 1847 4t Pres't. Orthan Court Sale IN pursumee of an otder of the Orphan Court of Northumlieilaml county, will be (old at pub tic vendue, on Saturday the 17th day of Jvty next, on the premiaea. to wit; A certain tract of land aituate in Shamokn township, in aaid cottnty, con taining 109 acres and 113 perches, atrrct Weasifro, adj tmng laud of the heiia of MaTtm Weaver, John tJnger, Solomon reaely, anu ac 1 reTOiey, whereon is erected a two rtmy log hiVQaeand atone kitchen, a large frame bank barn, atone smoke house and an excellent itrh .Yd of chtrice frtlit. AIo, one other tract, sitOate in the township and county aforesaid, containing 35 acre and M per- chea, adtlning the atiove (leCTirea TTircr, Samuel Hales, TJeoiee linger, and li-sac 1 rcibley, whereon are erected a one and a half story frame boose, a frame stable, and a log shop, with a grmd Well of water at the house, and a thriving young Orchard of choice fruit. Also, a ceVain oThcr Ttsct of wood land situate in the township aforeaaid, containing 81 acres and 51 perches, adjoining Uemrad Yeager, Joieph Chamberlin, and Auguatua Hucy. A bio, a certain O'lier tract oi larm ni una townsmp, con laining 33 acres and 147 perches, stYrcl Tnatfre, of which about one half is cleaied, adjoining Au- guntua Hu'-y, Nathantel Button, and othete. Al so, a certain other trart erAate 1n aid toWTlahlp, containing? seres snd 14 perchea, strict measure, dioining Solomon Fegrly, and othera. Late the estate of Chrtatian Fegety . dee'd. Sale to commence at lOn cmc, A. M. or said day, When ttre mm of salo Will be made knowu by SOLOMON FEGELY, REUBEN FEGELY. By order of the court, Admrs. Enwa Ovstxb, Cl'k.O. C. Sunbury, April 44th, 1847. Ul3t SOMETHING NSW! FIHE Subscriber have the exclusive light of 1 vending J. M. THATCHER'S Hot Isiost ttol Alt- Cooking in the counties of Nniihotnlajrland, Columbia and Schuylkill; and from the encouragement met With already, they expect 10 do a largW bUainess. This atoVe ia tnntrocted on an entirely new pricciple, and on the Only principle that fn make both a good Wood and coal atoVe. The inventor has over, come all the difficulties that so frequently belong to other stov'S. He hss by hia arrangement, con structed s broiling rxjOVefl III Irotltk where in broiling, masting, frying or baking may be done, Snd all the smell that arlaes ihtreftom must ps into the combustible chamber, nj I not St all thrown Out into the room. .3) Beside this, there it ait oven only twolnehe Irsa than the Whole site of the atnva. wherein baking ot toasting may be done a well as it can be in the Common brick overt. Thi uVen i alwava fit for tie when the a'oVe a healed, a the Whole draught Of bot tit pSsaes a rOUnd it constantly. Publ e etir-nti.m 1 pirtlrUl.il! trailed to this atoe. It can be seen St our Suite and Tin Estab. lishrhent In North DartVillrt, at the ign or the Lo lumt ia Tin shop, and at the Foundry Of Rdhtbach A Clement In Sunbury, where ita particular qualU tic ill be fully shown 4ndcXp athW to any person wiahing lo eX trnine it. Th. aoliac.rltiera Continue to have 6n hand all kiltd of psHoi atove. such i rsdistor. cjr lenders, fancy and plain, sUUaOle lor tl wno may iaor ua with a call: alao common sneci anu nuaaia iron. hich Can tie Made in any deirtble hape : toge. iS..r U lih rent HI aR'ttrtmenl of tin and jauinned ware; wholesale and iwiail. Country nier. hanta ate lnited to can ami examine our stoca. aa our Wotk fAnruH be sltrpaSaed, and pucwa mixloerSte. N It. We ran lately recommend Ihe above men ll lined stUve lo irrths who wish 10 emharX In I g.aid buaineas. The patentee will a'cll ellbfer couh tW or state Vlehlr. to suit iiurchaar'r, and on re u'litlile teima. lie 01 Ola ac'tlit may ne ion no in Danvillo, P. J. A J. All TER. The umleraigned, having sten lo operation the bot bial hot air cooking atove, invented and p 1....1..I 1.. 1 M 'li.irhrV. certify that w believe. from the manner 01 Ita conwucimn ami oiera'ion, that it ia the boat one eVet offered lo the public. The rrSneernetit la Mt 'complete and IheConatruclioh art judicioua, that there i a saving ot rme half fol ahd Ittue, In doing any given aniounun --, over other cetebritetl stove. In abort w reeom meht it ill preference to ll other, for ihe simple reason ths't it embrace every brsnch pf rconorriy. Sml 5'rrett, John WGarrell. David CbsU w b u ;,,k.h Inha M ISiSv. B Thortipsun. Smith Thompson, J D lliho, John Oakes, Heaiki- ah Uesr, Cllas r uooiier, on ei u.,, I'.mti Hoffinsn, Henry H Rifl. f H '. Daniel Dr.Uliach, Joph Vanki.k. Brooke Bpley. Danville, March B, 1847. ly . ARk. The highest meikat ptic paid for Bark, at the slots of March 37, 1847. JOHJJ BOGAR. JS dotan Uorn Brooms fVf gaU, by the do sen or single, at t Aft H dpaen. by arc 37, 1K47. - JOHN BOGAB. HATDffilT & COALS, Flour, Product, and General Commit lion Merchant $, No. lie Suits'. Waaas, BALTIMORE, rFFER thetr services to tha Merchants snd V Fsrrners of the Sutqaehsnna Valley, for the sale of Flour, Grain and Product generally, in the Baltim.wa market, and from their extensive ac quaintance among purthsesrs and shippers, csn Safely wsrrant sailsfartory (ales. Correspondent wiH be eonetsndy kept sdvistd of the state of tba markets, Ac. R.ferto Messrs. Wm. Wilson A Sons, Iae Reynolds A Son, 1 n , D.vi,lson A Ssuoders, -Bwe. Reynolds A Smith, j and McssTt. Tingley, Caldwell A English, Phil. May 1.6th. 1847. m CHEAP BLINDS! S. aT. "77ILLIA1S, Venetian Blind Manufacturer, No 1 3 Norih ih at., (a Tew doors above Market st.) PHttafA.aOfiX.a9nZ Ay MAS now on hand the targeat and moat faAion. able ass 1 men I of Narrow Slat and other Ve nettan UKnda of sny eatnh!iahment In the United Statee, which he will sell, Wholesale and l.'ctail, st the lowest pi I ecu. The crtitens of Sunbury and vrcinity are re port, felly solicited to call on him before purchasing else, where, as he is Confident of giving entire satisfac tion to all who may tbos favor him wKh a call. OLD BLINDS Repainted and Trimmed, so as to look ejusl to new. Order pnnclually sttended to, and the Blinds forwarded with despatch, D. J. WILLIAMS. March ft. 1 847. 3m. F AlOi nPHE subacrrbor offers for sale a cheap Farm, site ale m Shamnkin township, Northomlicr 4and county, about eight miles from Sanbury, ly ing between the Centre tern pike snd Irirh Valley, containing 163 seres snd allowance. Said farm is in a good slate nf rultivatiim, with reasonably good huHdtngs and rxcelleot water Rear the door t snd all kinds of fiit, Ac. JOHN FARNSWORTH, SunhaTv, Feb. 2. 1847. Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS in Ciotmiva see m to be the older of the day, at the Phil.idulphia Ward Robe, 10r Chesnnt street, where every article in tho hneta htA, and sold st astunichiug low prices, embracing Cloaks, Bangups, ttver Sack Coats, Short Sack Coats, Super French Cloth Drees Frook Cost, Pantaloons of every grade and style, arty of which will be sold either by the garment or dozen, at pri ce s that will jartify the moat economical in buying. We advise all wbo Want good End cheap Clo thing, to call at No. 05 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Feb ih, 1817. t5m IN THE BOOK OF NATUPE AND OF COMMON SENSE, that the natural vegeta ble productions of every Counfry Te, if prerly sypfied, amply sofTlcienl Tor the cure of eVery nta lady incident to each peculiar ttimsre. miTS INDIAN VBGET1BLS rittS, or the tforih AttierlVikik toHrtfc oritcftl'tha are composed of all plants Which grow spnntSne ously on our Own soil, knd ate therefore better a- daptcd to our cons' iVutinn t'han NhUfines concoc ted from foreign drugs, however well they may b6 compnuhihid ', and a they are founded upon tha principle thM nie nnVaa'11 lody ia in truth 8UUJECT 10 BL'T ONE DIPE.SR, namely, Irtrrub't humors, and that fsld Me!rine curea thia dieas on Natraai Fruit'! r. by cleansing end purifying thi rWtf , it Will le man ifest that, if the conatitntlon bo hl entirely ef a haUaled, a pemeverarrt in their Ufte, accord in lo directions, ia sraoluttfy tetlain to drive discus of everv name from the body. When We Wiah to ret0tB s swamp or (Morass to fertility, we draih it of the superabundant water. Iu) like manner, ir wo wish to restore the body la heatlh, we must tlesnte it of impurity. wrioht's Indian veof.table pills will be found one of the best, If not th very best medicine in the world for carrying out this Gbabb Puetrttsa PainciFLE. because they expel from the body all morbid ahd corrupt hum ir, Ihe causa of the disease, in an easy and Natural Manner and while they fcVety day eiva babe ahd risarsa, di -ei.se of every name is rapidly driven from the liody. Wlliwlng highly respectable storekeeper hsVe beeh duly appointed agents for the aale of IVricAf t Indian Yegttvble rtli; in Northumbeta lahil county : Henry Masser, Sunbury. E. A J. KaulVinah, Angnatt lOWnship. Samuel Herb, Little Mahonny. William Deepen. Jackson. Benev'tlle Horahue, tiper Mahohoy. John G. Rcnn. Upper Mahonoy, Sam'tiel John, Shamokintown. Forjthe, Wil-on A Co.. NotthumbeVtentf. E. L, Piper, SValaonburg. Irlatld A Htv. McEwenaVille. JaVfte Feed.'Pott.grove. Wm. G Bcot't, fioshvilTe. Hanotan Kntcble. Bly.turg P. 0. Arwus T. Betsscl, IMrbXitsville. Oiden ShaJfel, tYl' Mahonoy. Rhode A Frrow. f rtV.l.istuwp. John King, FarrheraVille. SVs 0. Cihl.Maitln' t.rek:. 1. De Voting, HivVki!l. Abraham SlieVeY. RichmotitV Samuel Taylor, Blateford. John H. Vincent, Chiliauaiue. Vrii. Heinen A Biother, Milton-, , Biwaas oV lToekTEaiT. Thi VHhlic iH cautioned agalnat the rOany apurioul medicine! which in order to drcrlve, ,r called V.y name h miH'r lo Wriuhi' Indian Vrgelalb Pilla. The s ijest couVae 1 lo purchase of th tegular agents oltly, who ars gentlemen that may be Mi lled eo, , . . try Office dcvoleJ eclusiely 10 ICS IB el toKioirrs Indian vegetabLb pim.n, of lb North American College of Helth No. 284 Greenwich Street, New York ; No. 18 I ni"' Strawt. DiVaton; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Nor 109 Rtcg StWeit, Philadelphia. Jap 30th. 1847. 19y- UCHLTToOK8TlJvTVre Df log P.p. Writins. P.per, Steel Pen. n.l Harrif Columbian .... J-VftfiAlu' store of w" Jan. 16, 1847. igV.DARWARE. gunws..