Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 29, 1847, Image 3

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    Tfc Craps.
The New York Journal of Commerce says
A gentleman who has jiut returned from a
tour through the State of New fork, Ohio, Indi
ana and Illinois, informs ne that in the Northern
part or Jht two latt mentioned State (particular
ly irimoii,; fie fall-sown wheat ia a good deal
winter-kitted i rk'f lh,t wi,n Ihis exception, the
crop look well thrO',hout 'he whole region.
He ia of opinion that the f.'P of Ohio and New
York bill fair tabs as targ a 'a,t year. A no
ther gentleman just arrived fron.' Wnoie, tell
us that not only io the North, hut in UM Southern
.part of the State, and in fact throughout tji - Slate,
the wheat ie very much winter killed, ana 'h,t
fin numerou caie the field have beeei re-sowi...
the grain being limply harrowed in, s a not to
deitroy the surviving part of the winter-sow.
Our informant i of opinion that Illinois wilt not
raise more wheat this year than will be rennired
for the consumption of ber inhabitants. He bow
ever says there will be ocean of Indian com,
and that if the price of wheat tlioutd be high, a
portion of it will be sent off, and its place sup
filled at home by the coarser article. In the
Satrthern part of Wiscomin and Iowa he lays the
wheat crop has suffered in the same way as in
Illinois; but perhaps not to such a degree. In
Michigan he understands there is a prospect of
an exceUeot crop. There has been no lack of
rain in any of .he Western State. In Western
New York, rain was much needed.
The Westminister, Md., Carrol I ton ion of yes
terday says
We fcawe ki rain in tkia county of any ac
count for several weeks, and as a ciecessry con
sequence much f the wheat looks bad. In the
limestone land not more than half a crop i expec
ted, whilst mi the red land it cannot exceed ne
ihird of a rrop.
The Norfolk Herald of Thursday says that
much of the growing Wheat in the vicinity of
that place is atunted by the drought, and prema
turely heading. The Corn crops bare suffered
from Sxost.
A Sigh. The Democrats of Sussex county,
N J., a county which polls a larger Democratic
majority thanaay other in the State, have called
a meeting for the 25th inst. to nominate Gen.
Taylor as a candidate for the Presidency.
. Gen. Tati-oV Fabm We are happy to learn
that the Mississippi flood, which swept a few
Jays ago over Gen. Taylor's plantation, did little
or no injury to hi property. The old General
himself can eland ire, sutd his Car si van stand
The exports of Breadstuffs from Baltimore to
England and Ireland, daring the week ending
Thursday evening, says the Baltimore American,
were 16,103 bbl. Flour; 20,827 bushels Wheat;
79.060 bushels Corn; 35,000 bushels Oats; 13,
O00 bushels Ship stuff; and 2421 barrels Corn
Meal the aggregate market value of which was
At least two hundred and thirty thousand ilitkrt.
The tsxffs to be paid by the citizms of New
York this year exceed $2,500,000' The ex
pen d it n re of 1t year exceeded the income
$'U.737, which amount ie added to the taxes of
the present year.
Tint Illi'mination in New Orleans on the e
vening of the 15th, in honor of the victories in
Mexico, was a magnificent affair. Upon the sin
gle building occupied for the Mayor's office, there
were 7,1)00 lamps. Some of the squares had va
riegated lamps hung around the railings and sus
pended upon the trees, while io the centre pyra
mids, completely festooned with tapers, produ
ced an agreeable completeness.
Col. Yell's-So. The President, it is stated,
has taken the son of Col. Yell to adopt and edu
cate bim as his own son. Col. Yell and the Pre
sident were warm personal as well as political
friends. The lost letter which the brave soldier
is supposed to have written was to Col. Polk,
directing the advance of Col. Yell's pay due to
bis family. He was poor, and hia family were
dependent upon him.
A letter in the New York Courier says that one
of the volunteer companies recently raised in
Missouri for service in Mexico is commanded by
an old and respected citizen of St. Louis, about
fifty years of age, and worth at least $100,000,
who served ia the last war with Great Britain
The train of cara from London to Binning
ham, on the 23th nit went the dintance in two
hours and thirty minutes, including three stop
pages, to allow other trains to pass in opposite
directions. Tliie is at the rate of fifty six mile
an hour. A part of the distance was run at the
rate of seventy five miles an hour. Twenty-one
miles were run in twenty-one minutes.
Suicide or k You no Lady -On Tuesday
considerable excitement waa created at Pitta
burg in eonsecjuenee of a young and beautiful
female committing suicide by jumping from the
Monongahele Or id go. Her name was Elia.
both Richardson.
' It appears, that for some time past, she has
been afflicted with sickness, which had a seri
ous influence upon her mind, and kept her con
fined within doors, but on the morning of tho
suicide, she was though tto be convalescent o
touch to, indeed, as to warrant her in leaving
liome, to set her tnantua maker. But strange
to say, instead of going on this errand, she di
rected ber course towards the Monongahele
bridge, crossed to the west side, and then retur
ned Io the centre.
Here she stopped, took of! ber bonnet t.J ti
ed it to the wire cable, removed hf slippers,
climbed upon the side wall o( iM bridge, about
four feet hiuh, and Voen deliberately pitched
herself heio foremost Into the river. The
height of lh bridge ie about thirty-lire feet, and
there was but little over one foot of wster in
the liver at the place. She fall on. ber bead,
inJ of cojrte wm hilled instantly,
The following ia a list of the new American
paperi published In Mexico :
Name. Place.- Department.
American Fiat; Matamoras Tamaulipai
Sentinel Tampieo , , do
Pioneer ' ' Monterey New Leon
Picket Guard Saltillo Coahuite
Eagle Vera Cms Vera Crux
Chronicle do do , .
Star Jala pa do
Anglo Saxon Chihuahua do
Californian Monterey California
Mormon paper Vol a I'.n-na do '
Total 10. In a few days we expert to hear
that another is established in Purbla, and a
twelfth intbecity of Mexico.
.An iLuaniaun in Battle. The fallowing
jncli'")t mentioned as having occurred at the
buttle oi ' .luena Vista during the severest part
of the fihf.
Captain CotiyV wno commanded a company
in the Illinois Re,, 'ment, received a very severe
wound in the left, fracturing it; the lieu
tenant cobnel of .the r.'giment was standing
near him. The gallant Cp"n came up to him
and said "Colonel, I am winded, but must
st'irktomy company." In a le minutes he
returned to the same officer, and exclaimed
"Colonel, they've shot me again." He had
then received a ball in hislelt shoulder. "I
am sorry lor it stay with your company as loop
as possible," was the reply to bim. Capt. C.
returned to hi company, and in a few minutes
an 18 pound shot struck the ground s few feet
before him, ricocheringovcr his head and Cover
ing him with sand am! gravel, and stinging him
severely with the pebbles thrown into hie face.
Faint with the loss of blood from his two wounds
aid under the itnprercion tint the explosion of
a shell had severely wounded him, he returned
a lAinf time to the same person, exclaiming
' Colonel, I am now torn to pieces, and must
eet away it I can, but never yield the day to
them j" and yet he was neither Mistiiaippian
nor a Kentuckimn, but a plain, straight forward
Illinois man, tint required to be W twice and
lorn to ices onre before he gave way.
Ti'RftOAV, May 25.
Fli a and Men. Tbe market for bread
stuffs is still inactive, and without material
change in prices. We net ice sales o( 1600 to
2000 bbls of Flour, at f9. In coneeqnenceofthe
more abundant supply and lower prices at New
York, we hear that 3000 bbla were bought there
yesterday for this market, bales of Com Meal
at $51 a $3 J and (5 44. Rye Flour is worth 6j
GaAiM. Wheat is still ia demand, at 62 OS for
red and $2 10 a $2 12 for white. Large sales of
Corn at $1 14 a t 10, weight. Oats, Southern,
60c; Northern 63c.
WuiSKxr is firm at 33 a 37c.
OJiocuftht Baits mobs Annate, May 2t.
GRAIN. Wheat ia inquired for, but there are
no receipts of any descriptions, and we are with
out transactions t note.
Sales of Md. white corn at 103 cents, and of
yellow at 105a 106 cents. A sateofavery small
lot of Penna yellow at 100 cent.
We not a sale of Virginia Oats at 38 cents ; a
nother of Md. at 0 cents; aod a cargo of North
River at 62 cents.
WHISKF.Y. The demand is moderate at 34
cents for bhds. and 33 cts. for bbls sales of the
latter to day.
Diiowsintss, Swimming of the Head, a roaring
noire in the rais, hcadsctie, palpitation of the heart,
die. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are a certain
cure for the ahove unpleasant complaints because
they purge from the body thoee stagnant and cr
ropt humors which, when floating in the
mass of circulation, are the cause of a determine
lion or rush io the blood to the head, giddiness,
loss of memory, dimness of sigh, drowsiness, pain
of the head, and many other symptoms of a loaded
and corrupt state of the blind.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill are also one of
the very tst medicinca in the world for the cu e
of indigestion, and therefore will not only renvivo
all tbe above unpleasant symptoms, and roll rely
prevent any evil eonarxjuenree revolting from a
rush of blood to the head, but will roost assuredly
restore the body to s slate of sonnd heshb.
Beware of counterfeits of all kinds! 8jme are
coated with sugar; others are made to resemble in
outward appearance the original medicine. Tbe
safest course is, to purchase from the regular agents
only, one or more of whom miy be found in every
village and town in the 8tate.
(j Agent for the sal of Wright's InJian Vegeta
ble Pill in 8unbury, Hans Misssa. For other
sgencies see advertisement in another column.
TnvsT To BaAanntTn's I'iils take them so
ss to produce a brink t fled, snd jour sickness will
be the affair of a day or two, while those who are
too wise to follow thi common-sense advice, will
be sick for mon'hs. Let the sick enquire of the
agents fur Brsndreth s Fills whether these things
are so or not. Let them enquire among their
friends and ask the same question. Verily if evi.
dene is wsnted it shsll re procured. To the tick
let me say, us the Bsavdbsth Piil U tbe best 1
adv'ce mortal man cm give you.
fXj- Purchase of 11. M,s,, BrWy. or cf th.
sgsnts published in another ,f (bj, ptJM,fi
Ma it u I b v .
On the, aOtb lost., by the Rev. i. p. Shindel,
Dr. Isaao HoTTSKiiKin to Mrs. Fitssi majors,
both of Union county.
On the 23d inst., by the same, Mr. Sambsi,
Hsaa, of Mahaotaogo, te Miss 6vsa Con sab, ef
this place.
In this place, en Sunday last. Mr. BENJA
MIN STARNtR. gd .bout 35 veara.
In Philadelphia. onthaSOtk la.1 . Mr. MARY
CHAMBERLAIN, daughter ef George Martin,
..? , ei ints place, aged aimul 34 years.
G VLA TED. Therefore if the blood becomes im
pure, a general derangement of the system must
ensue J and give rise to
Coughs, Cold, Influenaa, Dyspepsia, Dropsy .Head,
sche, Fullne-s of Blood. Bilious, Scarlet, Tvohnd
and Typhus Fever of all kinds, Indigestion, Weak-ne-e
of Stomach, Rhnumatism and Kheometie Af
fection, N rvous Affections, Liver Complaint, Asth
ma, Pleurisy, Inflammation of the Lungs, Low
Spirits, Fits, Mes-le. Small Pox, Whooping
Cough, Croup, 8ore Eyes, Inward Weakness,
Worms, Qu nt-y, Bronchitis, Cholie. Dysentery,
Gravel, Sslt Rheum, Deafness and other affi-rtinns
of the Est, 8i. Anthony's Fire, Seorfula or King's
Evil. Ulcers, White Swellings, Tumors. Biles, 8up
prime J Monthly Discharges and Feinute Complaints
in general. Eruptions of the Skin, Hebituat Cos
tiveness, snd sll dresses depending on a oWroVre.l
and disessed Mate of the blood, or a sunpunsion of
the healthy secretions.
Then f ,re, on the first sppesrsnce of sny of these
H a net's 8 A R8A PA Rl W.A. or B I.OOD PILLS!
should be .rnrured, and used scroiiling to ll" di
lution.. PRICE 'ia CK.VfS per Bn of FIF
LAR. For sale hy SE Til S. H ANCE, corner of
Charles snd Pratt at., ami 108 Baltimore strait,
snd by GEORGE BRIGH !',8unl ury,
D. BRAUTIGAM, Northumberland.
Msv 29. I84T.
Mn. Oronos T. W am kotow, residing in York,
ftrret, Federal Hill. Baltimore, was attacked with
violrnl cough and sore throat after trying manv
lemedies, was indurrd hy a friend lo use Ilanct'
Compound Syrup f Hon hound, and before using
one bottle, wm entirelv cured.
Mhs. HtssiiTTi Msnaicn, residing in Monu
ment street, between Ctnal snd Eden street, wii
sit irkeil with s very severe cough and psin in the
tirenst, which was so intense, thfit it extended to
the slniuldeis. She was afllicud alo with a pain
in tie aide.
After tryirg manv remedies, she was pcrntiuLd
hv a f.iend to one HANCE'S COMPOUND SY
RUP OF HOHEHOUiND, and after o-ing three
doses, the e(rriened gret relief, and before she
tisd finished the oolite, wss enlire'y rured.
PKICE 50 On's per 6 hott'es for 2.r0.
Fur sale Ly SKTH S. IIANCE. 108 Baltimore
St., slid corner Charles and Pisll streets, Baltimore,
snd by GEOHOB BRIGHT, Sunhuiy,
D. BRAUTIGAM, NoitUimberland.
May 29. 1847
DyMpepniR or IO Yearn' Stnndlnsr.
FlHB wife of Captain Roherte, on Vine Street,
JL near Watir, Cinrinnsui, ba ten sfflicted
with DYSPEPSIA in its mot sggrsvstrd form
for the last ten years, was n'4smended hv r trfirs
le.l Dhysiciaeis nf Bonton.Nrw Yo.k. Plirltle'plii,
Bkhimore, snd Cincinnati, to Irsvrt, a tht y could
do mhing for her. She did , Imt it did ber no
good. She then comawnci-d using the most poa
lar medicines of the dsy for hercorppl-iinta, hut de
riv.'d irw benefit. 8stng an ailveriisoment of DR.
TILLS 1st the paper, she renchidej te give tbem
a trial sent to G. F,,TlnmA, Main street, he
twern Third and Fourth, Dr. Smith's A rent for
Cinciwnsli, aod purchased a box, took them accor
ding to direction, and can with heartfelt joy etste
that she derived more benefit from the no ot one
Ihii of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coiled Vegetable Pills,
than from any other medicine ahe has made use of
duiing the ten yesrs. (Th shove wss sent to G
V' I'hfirri. nil ik X.I !. 1814 1 t in. TTlM.
rr (CAUTION. As a miserable imitation h
been nsnde, by the same ef Sugsr Coated Pills,"
it ia rx-ei-ss ry to be sure tbst Dn. G Ban. 8aiT s
signature is on every hwx. r nre 3S rents.
Principal tXTice. ITSXireeiiwicTi st New Vorfc.
SolJhy JOHN W. FKILINU. Sunbttry.
WM. FORSYTH E. .Vorfnnm'ct
Feo Att (Joaktcbs or ma Gioss.
f i'HB following letters sre presenti-d with s view
I of more fup v showing the opinions of plvsi-
riwns in rvUtiiHi to the me.liesl vsluo of Da.
SviiDi'i Conrot'XD Srut-rnr Wits t'nsnur.
Da. Swtvsa Dear Sir t Having used your
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, extensively in
mi practice, I waa requested by your sgent. Dr.
Cru'cher, to express mv opinion in writing, of its
properties ss a remeJiil sgeol. I most cheerfully
romp'y. ss I reel by so doing, 1 will discharge a
debt I owe lbs community at large, and physici ies
in par leular. , As much as I detest quark reaae
die nd patent nostrum, I was induced tVosn a
Uitureofthe most potent expcctoran'S), recommen
ded in our materia mediraa in some ca ea of Dis
eased lungs, to try yout preparstion of Primus
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficient Io sy
thai I was so much iU-sd with the result of
that and suWquent tii.ils thai I now pre tie it in
preference to all oher remedies where an ripecto
ranl is indicated. In the much dreaded Pncumo.
nia or Disense of the Lungs, in the slsnning form
in which it sppears in Kentocky, I regard it as nn
invatusble remedy in ths treatment of that diaease.
To all who know ine I have said enough, hut as
this ray It seen by persons nut of the vicini'y of
Frsi kfort, 1 will briefly add, thai I have Iwrn i n
gaged In an active practice of roy profession fir 12
years, and am a regular graduate of Tiansy!vni,
and this is the first pa'eiil medicine I ever thought
enough of lo eipiess n opinion in w riting.
Jan 7, 184T. Franklin en , Ky.
FaAaaroBT, Kr.. Jan T, 1847.
The abate certificate is from one of our phvsi
riana living a ft w miles from hete. be is doing a
veiy good pructire. and ia consldrrvd a good physi
cian, and atands fair; he is a he sifs, a regular
graduate. Dn. W. I,. Ci TtHfc,
Diu;gU and ApiHhi caiy.
$y Since the inttrduc'.ion of my anitte i the
public, theie have rjumtvr of uriprinci)red Indi
viduals got up orStrUma, tsh'rth they assert contsln
-Wild Cbrr.y, soma are railed UsUsms,' 'BIAers,'
and ev.jfl Syrnp of W lid Cbrry, Ml Wine ia the
ntiglnalnd only eriuina preparation tsvr Intro-
dncrd to that publics whhihean I proved by the
puhlie Record ef the Common Wealth ef Feoosyl-
ilt. Tbn only aafegustd against iinposition is
tu see that my signature Is on ssch boltla.
Corner of Eighth and llac ats., Philadelphia.
Only Agvtit In Bunbury. is
Dr. J. A. Moore, Dsnvdl j T. 8. Msck'y A
Son. Mdton t M. D. tV J. Well. Muner t C. A.
Wyu, Iowuburg; Davis A Sehniire, Silinsgroset
John 13. Renn, Line Monnlain P. U. .
Philadelphia, al 0 c2m.f6 ly
I BARK. Ths highest maiket price paid tor
U 9 Uark, at ihe slurs or
Match 17, 1847.
dosea Corn Brooms for sale, by the do
or single, at f I AO pes dosen. by
Hrlsrch S7,
Physic for the Army.
MlM MAltY A. McCAY, of
the bornug! of Northumberland, sue
cessor to Daniel Brsutigsm, respectfully
informethe putdie. that although Gen.
ocott s srmy bas taken Jslsps, famous for its pro
ductlon of Jslsp, she still hss enough of the article
lo supply the went of her customeis, besides every
other vsrlety of drugs snd medicines usustly found
in an apothecary shop. Hsving purchased the
slock of Mr. Brsntigsm, she has opened a new e
stablishment, almost opposite hi old stand, snd
trus1, by strict attention lo business, to merit the
patronage of the vicinity snd puMic.
She will ronslsnily keep nn hand every variety
of Drugs, Psints, Slices, Patent Medicines, dec, is usually found in a dtug store, which she
will dispose of el reasonable prices.
Physicians snd others, from a distsnce, supplied
at wholesale prices.
Northiimi-eilsnd, Msy 22, 1847. 2m. '
Firt rremiiim Writing Ink.
. No. 87' Ncirlli .Third Street,
I71.ROM Dr. Hsre, the relehrst.d Pr. fe-or nf
' Chemistry in the University nl IVnnV
"Philad Iphia. Oct. 1 1,1843.
"Dear Sir Having Hied your Ink, I will thank
you to send me another bottle, ss I find it lo he
iccilen'. I am yours, truly,
linBT. tlAKt."
From Dr. Locke, of Cineiunstl, disiingui-hed
fi'l his nttmernus seientiflit researches.
Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati,
January 17, 144.
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I am
sstisfied i hat it is the btt whii h lis ever come to
my knowledge, and esiecisty it nert"tlenl for the
use ,.f Sttcl Ftn, and unit not corrode tLein, even
in long use.
Jon a Locks, Prof, of Chemistry. M
From a well knonn scientific gr-nilernan
"Philadeli hia. Feh. 27. I84fl.
Mr. Josiph E. Hover Sir ! A use of your Oc
in. nt, and some prsrtical testa of its siiM-riniity,
hss induced me to rero nn end it lo other ss nn
invnliish'e article for mend ng China. (!!, or
Cabinet Wr. CAJsraatt Mearir,
AnaM'e Chemist "
For -ale al the Manufactory, Wholesale and Re
tail, No. 87 Nonm Tamil fmnr, opposite
Cheny street, l'luladelpfif... by
May 22. 1817 130 W Manufaemrer
Filiate of John lMitllpaj, decd.
NOl'iCE is hereby fiiven, that lifers of sd
ministration hsv.- been grantnd lo the sub
heritors, nn tlterslale of Jnhn Phillips, late of the
borough i.f NortUumliif land, Noftli'd coiinly, dee'd
All p rsons indtbird lo said late. or having
cl iiot sgsinvt tbe same, sre r n slel In call and
(ouk.. I HKlsriAN PHILLIPS,
North'd, May til I, t47.-6t
Spring Goods,
rY,HE surMcrilier ha just
ha just received bis New
Spring Goods, Wi which be iutle hi
anal customer lo call and eiamine for themeelvea.
His stick con si Ma in part of the following t '
Superior Cloth, of atl colors; Casimeia of iKfC r
ent patterns; S,iin and other V stings ; Ca
lico. Lswns, Gnliams, Checks, Tkk
ings, snd summer wear of sll kinds
and price, ; slso, Leghorn snd
1'aloi lenf Hals; Umbrellss
and Paiaaols, from "5
cents upward
slso, IJ rocei ies, tjueens
war, Hdrao, lldarware,
Oils, Paints, Fish, Sslt. Ac, Ac.. Ac,
snd in fict, eveiy srlicle ususlly kepi in s country
s'ore, which will be sold vtry low. for cssh or any
kind of trade, JOHN L'OGAR.
Sunbury, May 15th, 1847. nUy
More lcv Goods!
flHE last strivsl is st Pu-dv's Stoic, Msriet
JL Square, where will bo found s hida.iiue as
sortment of
of the latefct snd m at Approved si) Irs, consisting of
Cloths, I'assimors, Vesting,
Summer Stuffs, Mo i. d.- laincs, Lawn,
Giighanis, t'a'icce, Mualina.
Jean. Ac. Ac. Ac t s'ss a lull ssMiitimnt nf
Groceries, all of which will be sold lowir thaiitver
olfeietl in I' is market.
Call and examine for yourselves.
Sunbury, Msy 1& h, 1847. if
fT,HE Stockholder are hereby notified, that an
JL election wi I beheld at the hoiisn of Janiea
Lee, in the borough nf Northumberland, nn Mon
day the Tlh day of lune next, betwrrn the hour
( 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 n'clni k, P. M , for tlm
purpose of electing otlice s for the ensuing rr.
North'd. Msy 8, 1M47 41 P.vs'i.
Orphans1 Court Sale.
IN nnreu nre of an or.hrr of the Oiuhans C
1 of Northuml cilatid cnUinr. will be a dd at pub
lic vendue, on SsiUrday the 17th d iy ol Ju'y nrt.
on the iremisvs, to wii ; A i erisin tract of I md
siiuare In Shamofc h township, in siid coUniy.con
taining 209 acres snd 113 perches, sli'tRi meosute,
sdj lining land iflhehenaof MartW vt aer, J,,lm
Cnger, f olortton reijely, and Isaac tietiley.
wheten Is erected a Iw.i story log house and i iwr
kithn, a large fame bank lam, stone sntke
house and sn rsreliciit nrch td (f choice bum
At-tt. one oiher tiact. sitUata In the township and
county abnsaid, containing 33 acre and h8 per
ches, si'otnilig trie sOuve ile-cnwu iraci, o unuei
If sirs, Geoge Chger, snd LaC TreiMny, where m
are eree'ed a one shd half story frsttte hous.
frame stable, and a log shop, with a go I Well of
waier at the house, snd s thriving young orchard
of choir fruit. AlsO, t erl'sin other irsct of wood-
Isnd sltuiie in the township aforesaid, enislntiig
81 acres and 31 perches, adjoining Conrad Yesger,
Joseph Cbsrtiberlin, and Augustus Huey. Also,
a certain oilier tract of land in sld tonshlp, ron
laining 3t acres and 147 perdue, arid mra.-urs,
of wbirb uboul one half ia cleared, adjoining Au
gustus H,0-y, NsthsnifH Salton, and other Al
so, a certain other tiact situate la said township,
containing 3 sere and 14 peirhee, strict meesure,
adjoining Solomon Feg ly, and other. Lata tbe
estate of Christian Frgely, dee'd.
Ssle to commence at 10 o'clock, A.. M. of ssld
dsy, when Ihe terms of sale will be made known
By order ef the court, Admrs.
' Edwabd OtSTB, Cfk. O. U.
unb07, April 34tb, !17. lei Jt
PERSONS afflicted with Cancer, Soorfula,
. , . Klng." 'Tetter. Bali Rhinm. Erysipelas,
Old Bores, Mercurial Diseases, snd all eomplainte
arming from Impurities of the Blood, are reeueetej
io Read the FtllorlnpT in
Row Ann A Wairen. Gn. Feeling grate
ful for the eilrsordinary euro p-rformavl op.m me
BLE PANACEA, I feel it my duty to furnish you
with a short history of my case. I
When about 13 years of age I was attacked with
King's Evil. I wss under the car of an miraMI
physician, snd after a long course of medical treat
ment, waa pronounced cured. Al 14 year ef age
a disease, pronounced hy some nf the medical facul
ty sa Srorful. and by others Cancerous,' mani
fested its If This disease increased in It lavages,
till my throat wis filled with u'cera, and my fsce
wss covered with them toy nose was ulcerated
and swollen to sptisrenlly four lime its natural
site. I sl-o had tumours iu my breast, and ulcers
on different patts of my prison. I was placed un
der the car at various limes of Ihe most eminent
physicians of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Cincinn att. who after having used their utmost
endesvors to eff cl s rure, my case by them was
pronounced Incurable. I have travelled over 21
etoea of the Union aetking relief; no expense was
spared, and a Inrge amount of money was expend
rd, but sll in vain. I ihcn used Urge quantities of
Swaim's Panacea. Have al o taken Carpenter's
Saraarilta, Schenck'a Pulmonic Syrup, Town
send's Ssisnparilla, snd numerous other prepsrs
tiona without etWt ; mv throat, nose and face were
still ulcerated, and al length I lot entirely the sense
of smelling. 1 continued in this ddoinble condi
tion for about two years, hsving given up sll hopes
f recovery, I resigned myself to the will of Provi
dence, supposing thst every means of relief had
f d'ed. On Ihe f h day of Auiuat last I common
red tskingyonr Dr. Ct-tt tVs lanuw Vsostabii
Panics, hsving but little hopes of its hem fl'ting
me. Af er hsving used one bottle, I discovered to
my uitei sstoniahment snd Rraiifi.-s.iion, that my
sense of smelling waa entirely restored, and that the
ulieis were rapidly dimiiii.hing in sife. I hsve
ru.w tiken three lot les of the psn.1 ; my face,
mouth, tomtit snd nose are entirely heulrd. I sin
in w 40 venrs of age, and after 58 yenra of indeseti
bible suir ring, my general hea'lli i better, and in
f .rl, at no period of my life hae I f it a wall ss I
have allies using your invatulU Panacea.
N. Y..Se..t. 30. 1846. No. til ClrrTst.
We, the undersign d, Iw ing personally scqusin-
led wilh Mrs. Julia Branch, of No. 1 1 1 Cliff street,
mid having s knowledge of her (i'ua'tnn ft sever
al ve rs na.t, do hereby certify, 'bat the above ia
true s'atemem of her case, so far as our personal
knowledge goes; end from ber ih irseter snd atan
iliiii. we hsve full confidence in ber slalemenls,
and in the efficacy of Dr. CulUn's Indian Vegeta
ble Panares. '
Edwin A. Ware, 113 Chff street,
Maria V.'are, do.
Samuel Batter. HI Mulberry street,
S. GI-saon,S3 Roeevett sUsa.1,
C. O'Neal, It I Cliff street,
Emily Esrle, Hudson street.
Ye b srned on. sof ibe'Heding All,' if ye can
f jr overcome professional pride, ss to use n medi
cine which te know not how lo compound, y msy
preserve insny vaUiiMe lives which will other wi-e
W sacrificed. W ill ye not presenile it 1 If it shsll
ml arc. imidUh all w claim for it, after a fiir trial
arci'iding to directions, we shall putdtsh nn account
of its failnie in any three pspirs in tbe United
Stales at our own es (M-nae.
Dr. t'ullnii's Imli hi Vegetsl-le Panacea ; dj do.
Specific; dn. do. Pile Remedy ; Dr. Appletnn's
llernrdy for laojft ets; Rowsnd s Magic I.ottou.
W srr.intcd lo cure.
Certificaies if cures, in pamphlet form, may be
hsd (irstis, st the ufVues of tbe saints.
These niedirtnes ere iirepared grid sold by the
I ro rntora, Rowntid A Wslton, No. 376 Maiket
meet, Phil .d.'ln' is.
- . f W W Danenbowcr. No 1 Morrsy st, N Y.
; - J J W D..nenhower. No I O F Hall, Cin.O
ilCT Jenkins, No 58 Canal at, N Orresns.
- 1.N.N Robinson, c r Gav f 8aralogsts,Bll.
Agents t II. M ASSEK, Sunbury.
I II. U ser, Milton; J. Seelkl, New Ber
lin: Mr. Musaer, MitlheiUt; Sharp D. Lewis,
Sold stso by Druggists throughout Ihe United
Stat.. April 3d, 1847. Sin my
rfHE fulajcrihers hsve the exclusive light of
J. vending I. M. THATCHER?
Hot ltlHit Hot 4lr Cooking
in the c unt es ol Northuinbeiiand, Columnia and
Sibuylkill; and from the encouragement met with
Iri sdy, they expect lo tio a large budness. I bn
love is con-tructed on sn entiiely new prlrciple
and on the only principle that cm make both a
ghd wood snd coal stove, 1 be inventor hss over
come all the difllculllra that ao frequently belong lo
other stoves, lie has by his arrangement, con
sttuctej a broiling cCi Oven III front, where
in broiling, masiing, fiying or baking may be done.
and all (he smell that aruee thairliom must paa
into ih' rotnbustilile chamber, an I Is no at all
thrown out iu'o the loom.XD Beaide ibis, there
is sn oven only two inches h'ss ihsn the whole site
of the stove, wherein l. iking or roasting msy lie
lone ss we'd ss it Can l in the Common brick oven,
I'hia i ven is slwsvs fit f.r U'e when Ihe s'ove is
heuled, aa the Whole draught of hut air passes a
round it constantly.
Publ c stieniion is psrticiiluity railed to this
stove. It csn I ssen st our Slot snd Tin Estah
lishraent In Nonti Danvill.., at the sign of the Co
ium''U Tin shop, and at ihe r ound y of Rohrhach
A. I'h mf nl iu Sunhury, where Its particular queli
ilea Will be fully shown snd ctp aiited to any person
wishing to ei inline it.
The ti!.cit!fia continue lo have on h md all
kin Is f parliu atovr . such aa railiaiora, cylenders,
fancy snd plain, sulinble (ot all who inay favor U
lbs ralli slso coni.non siie.t sou ivuaau iron,
which can he nude in sny d. sirahle sh spot tog
her with a genital ss-oilment nt lia and japinnrd
ware, wholesale and loiall. Uouiitry ma-minte
ate thstiei to rail ami eainine our biiick, ss our
work cannot bn surpss.d, and pi ires modoeraie.
N U. We can BAtely reroinmend ihe above men
tioned stovs lu -erons who wlsri lo embaik In
g.KHl tmainesa. Tl pa'eilie will sell aiihor Coun
ty Or stale lighis. ! suit pure issers, anU on rea-
' . i . , i r .1 t
a. n i'oie teims. HO Ol Cts Bgims msy na io.. ...
Danville, Ps. , J.4 J-ARTERn
Th undersigned, having seen In op ration th
hot b.s-t hot air cooking slovo. iiiVenusd and pa
tented by J. M. Thsichrr, certify lhat w lli. vo,
from tha manner of Its ronatructl -n and oprs'iolt,
thst il I ths best one ever ottered to Ihe public. The
arrangement iaso complete and lb construction so
judicious, thai there is a saving ol one half the fuel
and lima, in doing any given amount of service,
over other celebrated etoses. In shorl we reeoin
menl it in preference lo sll oilier, for tbe Simple
reason thai it embraces every branch of economy.
Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett. DsVld Chat.
field, W F Kilch.n. John M Gray, E Tbntneson,
S.niih Thnmpson, J D Harm, John Oaks'., y,,sikW
ah Bear. Llls P Cooper, Ge M UU,.,!, O.nM
llulfmao. Henry H U.el, ? Catvsi. lil
Drcisbacb, ;0f ph Vanktik, Brook Eplry,
V , ,1 s. a I - 1
Vnviii "sartn w, i.
Flour, Product, and General Commit'
'ion Merchant t,
No. Ilfi 8stiTn's Weaar, BALTIMORE.
rFJ"ER Ihrir services to the Merchants so I
v- Fsnners of Ihe Suuehsnna Vs'ley. for the
sate nf Floor, Grsin and Produce generally, in tha
Bait ironre market, and from their rg'rpaive sc
qoaintsne among porch ssr and shippers, csn
safely warrant sstisfsctory sale.
Correspondent will be constantly kept advised
of the state of the markets, Ac.
Refer to
Messrs, Wm. Wilson V Sons,
lsac Reynolds A Son, I .,.
D.vhlson A Saunders, f " ""'
RrarnoLta Jlr flmifk I
and Messrs. Tingley, Caldwell A English, Phils.
msy ioin. 1817. tm
2. J. WX&LXa&lffS,
Venetian Blind Manufacturer,
No IS North 6th si., (a few doors above Market st.)
AS now on haud the laigest and most fashion
slit. assiHTtmrnt of Narrow 81st snd other Ve
netian Blind of anv establishment In the United
Ststes, which be will sell. Wholesale snd Ketsil.
si Ihe lowest pikes.
The citizens of Sunbury and vicinity sre respect,
fully solicited to esll on him before purchasing else,
where, a he is confident of giving entire satisfac
tion lo all who msy thus f.ivor him with call.
OLD BLINDS Repsintcd and Tiimmed. so as
to look equal lo new.
Order punctually attended to, end the Blind
forwarded with despatch.
U. i. WILUAN3.
March 8. 1847. 3m.
rT' HE subscriber offers for sale a chesp Farm,
situate in Shamnkin township, Norlhumber
Isnd county, about eight miles from Sunhory, ly
ing between the Centre turnpike and Irish Vslley,
containing 163 seres snd allowance. Said f,rm
is in a g d atate of cultivation, with reasonably
good buildings and excellent water near the door;
and all kinds of fruit. Ac.
Sunbary, Feb. 20, 1817.
Clothing Establishment
OPERATIONS in Uingntiao seem to he hi
order of tha day, at PhiLtdvljihia Ward
Robo, 10H Chesnut s'reet, where every article in
the line ia kept, and sold at astoni-hing low prices,
Cloaks, Bangup. Over Sack Coats, Short Sack;
Coat. Super French Cloth Diesa Fiock
Coats, Pantaloons of every grade and
style, sny of which will be sold either
by tbe garment or doten, ut pia
ces that will juttify the
most economical io
We advise all who wsnt good snd cheap Clo
thing, to call at No. 105 Chesnni stieet,
Philadelphia. Feb 6th. 1S17 fim
XT XS Vxtt?T21T
COMMON t-ENSE, that the natural veget.
ble productions or every country arc, if property
applied, amply sufficient for the cure of every mi
lady incident to each peculiar climate.
or TDK
Xorth Amerlrnn C'nllop;c ofllealth,
are composed of e.t! plants 'v'-.h-b trow iin'ri"i
ously on eur own am!, an I are ther-lo.e btxt.-r a
djpted to our e n rti'cti 'n l'.rn eoncne
ltd from foreign d'l ga, riotarvcr well they irnv r.o
compounded; n !a l!'v Te founded bpon the
principle that the ' nmati i.odv is n truth
namely, corrupt humors, and li st shl MeJitlua
cures this disease on NtTt-HAt Pmcin.n, by
tteannin and parifying the lo'ly, it will be man
ifest th tl, if the contituti n be not entirely ci
haUstrJ, a perseverance in their use, according to
directions, is absolutely ceitsin 13 diire d sease of
every name from the lody.
When we wish lo resioie a swamp or moras to
fertility, we drain it of the superabundant water. In
like manner, if we wish to restore the body to
hes'lh, we niual cleanse it of Impurity.
will be found one cf the btst, if not the very best
medicine in the woild for carrying out this Gbasd
PuairriSB Pius elfin, because they rxl from
the body all morbid uud corrupt bum r, the causa
of the dise.'se, in an e.iay nd Natural Manner
snd while they every day eivs ttss avn yaiAscat,
tli-ise i f every nsme is rspid'y driven from tha
Th foil wing highly respectable storekeeper
have Iswn duly apnotnted strnis for the sale nf
Wright't Indian Vegetable PiUt, io Northuuilra
I J county :
Henry Mssser, Sunbury,
E. & J. KjotToun, Anguala township.
Ssmuel Herb, Lililu Mahonoy.
William Deppoo, Jncksoii.
Uenoville Holshue, Upper Mahonoy.
John Q. Renn, Up or Mahonoy.
Ksinuel John, Shamokinlovn.
For-yihe, Wibon dr. Oo., Nonhumberland.
E. L. Piper, Waisotiburg.
Irland.V Hsvs. McEiaensville.
J imes Peed.'Pottsgrove.
Wm. G Scott, Rushville.
Hartman Klicehle, Elyaburg P. O.
Am T. Be.sael. Turl4i svilla.
t.'.d.on Sha lel, 'pir Mahonoy.
Rhod.-s 6t Farrow. Snydsiatown.
John King. Farmeisv lie.
Sl'aa C. Co. k. Martin a Crtk.
J. Ie Young. Hicksvi I.!.
Abraham Sherer, Riehmond.
Samuel Taylor, SUbTord.
John II. Vincent, Cbilisquaqoei
Wm. lleinen At Biolher, Milltii
lli Was a or CerarsartiTS. The public are
cautioned against the manv spurious medie he
which in order lo d-e-lv are e dled by ttrhs sl
mdsr to Wright's lo.'isn Veg.isWe Pin.
The ..feal is l putrts cf .gn!r
agenta only, who ore fjentlcnien truy t ra
iled On. . a
try Office deVoie.l ridusiv! to be , rr
of lb. North Amer-can ""l,,.J18t
flreenwlch Street. NeW York ;
Strosl. Boaion and PRINCIPAL VTt ICE. No.
169 Rats StassT, Philadelphia.
Jsn. 30ih. 1S17. tivy,
I ie- Vpe'. Willi
'.Wrrisou's Columbisi
(CHOOi7tfb'i)Ka. Bi',! 1'e'aineni. Uia-
nig Taper, cic. i .
n Ink, lor a do cheap at ine
iiarnsoii 1
slur of
i.n IB. 1S47.
slur of
Jan. IS, 1T.
---v -i Vi Tu"? in"n.wa.e. H an! ware.
0 Groceries, Uquor,
Tin. 16,lt7.
niw " -...j.-.. k,w.b