Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 22, 1847, Image 4
Oen. Tafia tat Battle. Yv have til along looked for loree descrip ion of old faugh and Ready daring th erlti ol fight at Sueoa Vista, end are at laetfretifi i d to find H in ths following, which wai furni shed to Jbo Ciaowatti Chronicle Lieutenant Conine: "By way uf illustrating an im(iortant charac teristic of tion. Taylor, to wit, irttrmiimlion, I briefly relate a acme that occrrJ mi ttia bull ifmiind at Buena Vwta, during the action .l the 2iJ. At tha time when the fortunes l tteday aoemedf extremrljr problematicalwhen many of our side even despaired w wccvesold Rough and Ready, a he ia hot inaptly etyled, iaorrt you roust know, by the, bye, ia abort, tat, i nd dampy in person, with remarkably ahort J. gi look hie pnatt ion on a Cosmianding'hetght, 'Ttt1ool(in(f tbo two arnica. Wit wa about inrce or perhaps four o'clock in twe afternoon. The t-oeuiy, who had succeeded in gaining i aJvafitagooos position, made a Here charge ej ponour column, fend fought with a desperation that eeemed for a time to insure auccee to their rwi. The etrso-gle lasted for aome time. All be while, Gen. Taylor a a silent epectaior, Via countenance exhibiting ! wH-rtnJtiole 1citude, alternating ctwee- hope ewd deepon dency. Hie etafi, percehrinf tit perilous eilua- ion. (fur he was exported therac,f tiew my.) approached him and Mnptored him to re t .te. He heeded them not. Hie thogwte were intunl upon victory or defeat. He knew trot at Hk moment what the reault would fee. He V. "t that that engagement waa to dpcide Ma fate, lit) had givin all hie ordera and aelected hia po M'non. If the day went againit him he wasir julnevebly loet; if for him, he could rejoice in toni own with hie countrymen, at the triumphant uteres of our arme. ' Such seemed to be hia thought hia deter mination. And when he aaw the enemy gie ay and retreat in the utmost confusion, he j.ave free vent to hia petit up feeling. ' Hia r grit leg waa quickly disengaged from the pum mcl ol his aaddle, where it had reieamd during Hie whole of the fierce encounter hia anna, Inch were calmly folded over hia breaet, re Used their hoM hia feet fairly danced in the i-iirupH, and hia whole body w.e in motion. It m aa a moment ot the most exciting and intense interest. Hia face waa suffused with tear. The day waa won the victory complete hia uttle army saved from the disgrace of a defeat, ami he could not retrain from weeping fur joy at u ht had seemed to aa many, but a moment Ire lore, as an impossible remit. I-ong may the noble and kind-hearted old hero live to enjoy the lienors of hia numerous and brilliant victories, mid many other honors that a grateful couutry will ere long bestow upon him." Major Si'MNtu Major tiumner, wb ie4 the Kitlt'8 in the attack ot the 17th, on the ene my advanced poaitiofi, at Cerro Goruo, made a narrow eacape. In the charge, he waa struck on the head by a musket bullet. The bullet wae flattened to the Ihinneaa ot a dime, and re tained on its surface the print of the Major's hair, and yet, strange to say, excepting the ae verance ot'an artery, he sustained no aerioua in jury. The artery waa taken up, and at the I.ibI accounts the Major waa doing well. The ex cellent officer accounted one of the bett tscti ri ms and dituipltuariana in the army may cer tainly telicitaie himself on the strength of his craniological ilelencea. He wilt never find any ililEcu!iy in geiiin a liberal policy iu any of our life inaurance offices. Arrald f tlta Qllcrs. During the height of the opposition between the two fcteamboHt linee, ruouiug from the Ken nebec to Boston, last summer, and just aa the rival boats were making ready toalart, a wagon hove in eight, in which waa an old lady, with an accompaniment of band-boxea and bundles, evidently equipped lor a journey. The respec tive agents uf the two lines sprang towards her. 'Take the Marshall, niorml Sne boat. 'Try the Penobscot, new boat, built last summer, commanded by the favorite of everybody Cspt. ,' die, dec. The boys and loafers around, penned the claims of I heir favorite in concert. 'Hurrah for the Penobscot,' 'Go to the John Marshall.' The old lady, who hsd probsbly ne-v-r seen a steamboat before, and whose chief notioi uf the varments waa connected with t!teir boiler-bursting propensities, wsa almost beside herself with terror, at the hubbug. '(), Lordy! I wiah I'd never atirred a step if I'd a known there waa to be auch an awful lime aa this, I'm sure I wouldn't. The pesky biters I know they'll bust every body's look ing alter me; and nobody attending to 'em. There, go right awsy, all of you, I'm going Htraighl back. I couldn't rest a wink for fear of them peaky biters.' 'You need give yourself no anxiety on se count of the boilers in the Marshall,' as id the a ent ot the M., ubey are new and sound, and couldn't be made to burst. 'Are you sure ot itV said the old lady, evin- cJng aymptums oft favorable disposition towards thu Marshall 'you ain't a tryin'to practue on the credulity of a poor lone woman, I hope!' No fear of ine sound as a teakettle," waa iiib reply. The old lady waa about descending from the wsgo... t0 embark in the Marshall, when No. 2 eta-'pi'-.! lip. Msdom.'saift he, in a aerioua tone, no doubt tha Marshall's boiler are good enough, but the beat boilera are dangerous thinge. Wa know i bat a great many peopls had been killed by them especially of late ted we loo the boi let $ out of our lout thrtt uxtk$ ego' 'You did," said aha ; 'that'a tim boat lor ma. then. Jecnea (to the boy in tha wagi) pM nut ths basket, and the bonnet box, and theum brclla, and paiasol and don't forget lha new allocs and doughnuts, under tha sett. Tell Sal ly I went in the boat without any bilers, tad aha fleud bava no fears of m:Boitonim. BANK WOTE WIT, PtWTl.VAWIA. . Tha Mowing ahowa tha current vsloe f M 'niwyrvsnta Bank Notes. Tha moat ImpMo re l.mroe joas la fJanri spon it, aa it it teerjr uiraA arefully aompored Witt and sametod from Brck aafl't Rvrwtiar. Rank la Philadelphia. N . " Disc, i awe. t.ecaTioit. p-ltJ( 'MOTES 'AT PAR. Bank of North A merles . , '.! nawk of the Northern Liberties . r par Ownmarcial ttnnk of Penn'e.-' . . par Farmers' una Mechanics Dank pr Ken-nnf-ton Bank . . pr Phils-Mnbia Unnk . . (WmyTiiill TUnV . . . P"' dnuthwark Hank par Wemrn fi-mk . pr Median if LanV P" MnntJflvctlr, Mechantea' Bitil" f Bnnk nf Prnn Township . . pat Oiar.t sk ' P Dtnk of Commerce. 119 M?ymrnaing" par Bank of ?ennylani . . f Country Danka, Bank of Theater County Wt(chtnii? pat Uaok of Delaware Coumy Cheater par Bank of tiermarAnwn , Oermantawn par Bank of Monigoiwry Co. Norriaiown par Ooylratown BatiL Dnylratown par Ration Bank . Eaaton par Farffiira Uank or Bucks en." Urutol par Bank of Nnrttiamtierlafiii NnrfHumbrrland par (Joluml is Bank Ac Dridge co. Columbia par Farmers' Hunk of Lancaeiei" Lancitiat par l.ani-t'ler (bounty Unok 1. line act ur Lancaster Rre4ing par Tliaae offices l.aocaairr Dank FamMla, Bank of V7adlng Office of Bank of Pwm'i. Office do do . Office do do lX6ca do do Harrisbuig' Lancaster KtMuling do not Eastoii J isinscn NOTES AT DISCOUNT, tank of tha United Statca Phila.l. Ij.hia S.I 11 1 I J Minora' Dank of Tottaviila Hank of l-ewinlown Hank of Midetown Carlisle Bank Exchange Uank Do do branch of Hairisburg Dank Potisvilte twitown MiiMaiow, n Carlisle PitUburp Korlidavsburg Harrnihurg ltianiei Piltstiurg Pittabuig Willismsport Wilkraharra AKentown Reading pKtabnrg Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank' Bank of Pitiahurg Wrst Uianrh U.nk Wyominft Itank Northampton Bank fletk' County Bank OlhVe of Hank or V. M. Do do ito Do do do RatA f Oimteri4urg Bank of Gettysburg" Bank of Huxquchanos Co. Erie Bank faile.1 do Erie Ne Brighton tti smhershurg (jrttyshurg Montrose do i I lali si u n Erie WsynestiuTg Wsshingtua Honesdale klmwnsville Yotk Fuiuif r' Ac Drovers' Bank Franklin Uank tlonrsdulo Hjnk Monongahpla Bank ef B. York Bank I N. H. 1 be notM of those banks on which we omit quotations, and eubstitosft dash ( ) are not purchased by the PhiladrfpV.ia brokers, with the exception of those which hste a letter f eifercnoa. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia Rav. Ina. Philadelphia lhiladelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill 8a. Ina. do failed fiiiled f..Ued Kenciiigioii 8a. Ins. A do Perm Township 8av. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott. prop.) fatlod I'owsnda Hank Towauda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk of Beater Bank of Swttara Bank, of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Hank Bedford Beaver Harriaburg Washington HeUrtoexe Pitt (burg I'ltulmrg Fayette cn. Ureencaatle Harmony no sale chtfml I'loned failed rhaM'd no ale failed failed fulleil no sale Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Hsrmony Institute Huflttnrdoc Uank Huntingdon no kel lwiatown no sjle Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bsnk Warren UiiudstT New Hope Milton Mesdtille hilled Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. no sale cl.isrd no sale Cloaed Northumb'd Union Col. Hk. North Western Bsukof Ps, Office ofSc-bu)!kill Bank Tort Citrbon ' Carlisle failed .Montrose closed L'niontown . failed fireenaliurg closed Wilkeshsrre no sate Pa. Aer. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of I'enn'a. Westmoreland Uank Wilkealisrre Bridge Co. rrT All notes purporting to be on any Penn.yl- vsnis Bank not givan in the above list, msy be set Jown as frauoa. NEW JKItSr.Y. Bsnk nf New Brunswick Brunswick failed Belvidete Bank Belvidere ) Burlington Co. Bank Medford psr Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Dumbcrljind Bank Brldyeton pr Farmera' Bnk Mount Holly psr farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Railway j Farmera snd Mechanics' Hk N. lliunswlik (ailod Farmera' and Merchants' Bk Middlctown PL i Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City - failod tlolmken Ukg& Oiszing lo I loth. ken failed failed failed faded i failed i psr 00 Sale Jersey t'ity Bsnk Mechanics' B'ink Jersey Oily I'stlpraoQ Uelleville Morristown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey C.ty Newsik Manufarturi ra' Hunk Monis County Bsnk Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechsnics' Bank Mechsnirs' and Manuf. Ilk Morris Canal aud 13kg Co Font Notee Newark Likg cV Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co S. J. Msnufoe. and Bkc Co i i failed faded i failixl i 1.a in herUville Hobokon N J Proieeton & Lombard hk Jrey City Orange Bank Oranga Psterkon Bank Patnraon Peoplea' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Sslcm Banking Co Bslcm 8uts Bsnk Newark Blate Bank EHiartethtown State Bank Camden Slate Bank of Morris Morristown State Bank Trenton Bslcm and Philad Manuf Co eWlem Susses Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. Hackenaack DELAWARE, Bk of Wllm & Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Milford Farmers Ok of Bute of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington breach Geoigetowa . D- branch Nswcsstla Wtlawigto. par 1 par raited failed i n failed par par par par par par par par par U 'M4f p gj J J Ihv aooatartail or slued BMaf ""J .- ku () there are of tha i vaiiouf 4e sraiafiMNw, in euoMusiioA. GDIGD & SON. sum Comttkl16n Alerclitknt), For tha sU ef fJour, Grain, and all kinda of Coun try rraiuoa, S. 49 OgmmtrttitHrt Wharf, ' BAXTIMORB. (rj Cash ad tanc s on Centignmants. Feb. 3lh, 1 847. 3m. TO WATCH MAIIBRC AND apxrftirttirxiSaBw J. L A X)0 X TJ a, Importer of Watclws, WntcH-MaKets' lx!A And v atch Alatnalt irholeanle X Retail. . S,m(h Fourth $t., PHILADELPHIA, 1 9 roiiatim'ty on hand. a large aioriment of l.unett'-, ratent. and Plain disss; SiiiUig. Vergi'S, Dmls, Watch Hands, seitl com' ptrla mrt nnl of att Toote and MalsilatsM.tnf Ing to i ha trariVt with large aartment of Wo it and S.lvi-r Lever, Leiine, and Plain Watchen t all of whiA fee will fUftTnntr to aril at the lowest Mr York prici a. All orJrrs from tka conatry pirajctu ally exrculcd. N. B. Country merchants and others sre intiteJ to c 11 and eiimine at the Old Staad, No. 3J fnU'b Fnunh at i eat. Ph la lelphia. f.n.t.t, m cxrr atjctioit storb, No. 31 Worth Third atrcet, (s,a vat crt aorsi.) PHILADELPHIA. C. C. MACKE Y. Auctioneer. TO t'OIM'RY 6TOKE KEEPEK4. EVcNMNQ BALES of HaMsrsrr. Cutlery, tfsdJVry, Whips. Botts, KUo-s, Hats, Caps, Cuna, Piatola, Clothing, Wstchrs and Fancy (t.ioJa, At Markry'e Auction te, 31 Nurlh Third alrrct, nrar the City Hotrl. Tha attention of Country Mi rrhsnts is inrited. The Gmos will be a 4d in lots to suit purch iaers. snd sllUooda orn red will be warranied rqual to the renrearnlatinns that may fee snade of thnm, N. B. A large asorimei.t of Ooods at Private Sale. Jan. 1. t847. ly MOUNT VERNON 1)5 Xwrtti 2v1 st., bet. Arch &. Race sts., I'liiladelphia. BRADY A PAKKEK reeucctfully inform their frienda and th public that ibey hive taken the shove nsnied house, recently kept by J. 8. Adams snd sre piepared to accommodate cuto mrra in the most satisfactory manner and at rea so'ialdr price. '1'beir tahfo witl Toe aupptind with the bail vsri. ety 'tie market afTorda their parlors and aleeping aptrtmenta will be in the heatetiVrr, Tbe houae has been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a ie lo the comfort of travellers and elrangers. Having had several yesrs experience in the business, thev hope to give general satisfaction, jnd repectfully invite traveller and strsneers It' give thesa a esH. Blt ADY A. PARKER. rhiUd.-t.hia. January 16, 1847. if CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. I OLD levers, full Jewelled, $45 00 83 00 30 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 1 Vb 2 00 4 00 IT Sder do. do, (iokl Lepinea, Jewelled, Silver do. do. Sdter (juartiers, fine quality, Cold Wslchee. plain, Silver Spectsche, Gold Feueile, Uuld Uracetrte. Alan, on hand, a large ssanrtmetit of OolJ and Hair Bracelet, fmger rii'gs, bread sms. hoop esr rings, ("Id pens, silver spoons, secar tongs, thim ble, gold n'rk. curb and fib chains, guard keys and jrwellny of every dercrievion, at equally low prices. All I want ia a Call to convince cuto Aivr. All kinda of Watchea and Clocks repaired and wmrin'ed to keep gmd lime for one year; old gold or silver bought or taken in exchsnge. For sale, right day and thirty hour braas clock, at LEWIS LA DOM UH' Wstch. Cl.rrk and Jewelleiy 8tore, No. 413 Market atreet, above KUventh, north side, Phila phia. $J- 1 have some Gold snd Silver Levers, rt II miKh ehesper thsn the above pi ices. Philadelphia. Dec. 26. 1 8 UK I y TQaTXEQXeTQaT" AUCTION STORE, No. 6 Nortli Ikl sr., third door above Market Street. BILADBLPHIA. I 4 ALE EVERY EVEMNU, .f a general ss I nrl merit of Foreign snd Domestic Hardwte, Table and Poeket Cutlery, 1 rui.Ba, L.'ks, Lstehets, bops, flaws, Ssddlerv, Whips, Bioia, Mnvs, Ifaa, Caps, fSuus, Piaiols, Triinminss, Clothing and Fsnry (i.xda. The sMention of citv and country dealers is in vited. The UihnIs are firth, and will he warranted equal to tha repreaentalons that may he made of them. BAYLISck BROOKEW, Attctmntm, No 6 North Third at. N. B. Purchaaeis can have their Goods parked. Feeeral I ,vniea of Goods havs bten received to be Sold st privste asle, Pbilacletphis. Die. 19th, lt.tC.-ty JTtD Honsscl'3 tlnOjfrsal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities given without Chargo. M 114 CAem St.. PHILADELPHIA. THIS new and cplemlid article, a Ha name de notes, is prfeaed l be superior to any ttha ving Cream in the United tatca nr Europe, It is unsu'p,isa. d for beau'y, purity and fagrance, tho' somewhat analagous to Ua rlain's Amhrosisl Cream and other similar compounds. It far aur passes them all by the envMenl pasty e-nalatency of its lather, which se aoftena tha beard aa la render shaving pleasant and easy. It further poisassrs tha advantage over the imported sniele, in being frsehly prepiel, no skill being wanting in He man ufacture. E. Ronssel hsvlng had many years' ex perience In tbe eelebrsted Laboratory of Laugur, Pera at Tila, now Renaud dt Co, of Paris. Besides bring the bast, it ia the ebeapee! article for shaving it m elegantly pot op in boxes, with splendid steel engraved lahele. PiirefS psr doaen, or cents for a single bx, lo shave one year.' It la also sold at f 1 60 per lb. or It) ernta per ex., ao thst gentlemen ran bava their botes filled at EUGENE R0L8e)EL'8, WhoWale and Retail Per fernery end Mineral Wa ter Es'sWishmsni, Hi CbeanetlireeA. re l,IH,i yHIXADELPHJA. To The I. O. of O. 1 i J. W. &, D. S T O K B 8, Manufactilfers of Promium Odd Fel . ' Iowa' Regalia, . i Xe. 194 Market Strat, PHILADELPHIA, - First Clothing filors below tb Street. THS anbaeriSsrs tasng taken (ha premium at Franklin Institute, at tha last ethlbltien, for tha best Ragslfs, they invite the attention of the order to their est sbllahnwrrt, where they will And a splendid assortment of P.O. and Encampment Re fjtia. They also make to order for Lodges and SncamprTifjrrts, Regstla, atashre, Contumea and Rubee, and furnish every thine, requisite for rbe soAvantanea of new Lodge or EtHampwreTtm. J.W. 8TOKE9, E- D.8TOKES. Phik-MpMa, Tc t. t64. ly No. 21 North Fourth Street, rillLADCLPHtA, f3l tnvita.Meerhanis and Milliners to -ft3Q 9smine heir si.k of Bonneta, PslmH Li af nd Leghirn Hats. Fur snd C'oth Caps, and India Rubber Shoes. It sitll be fnatml to contain all of the most rlestrshle kinds, aud wfll be Bold at the lowert mar'ki price. No. tl North Fourth Street, between Maiket aud Arch Rtreets. Pbilsdi-lphia.rcc.l9ih, l4B. om New Firm. THE Uoders:gned hereby gives notice, that he has saweiaisd wilb himself, as a psrtnsr in the mercantile businat, in his store adjoining Wesver's Tavern, in Suubory, John Haas, and that the said store Will hereafter be conducted on-di-r the firm of Clement A Hsea. The store si lha 8..uth West comer of Market ?qure will be conducted aa heretofore, bv lbs subscriber himaelf. Jo which he najieclfu ly incites his cuatomeis and ' friends. He also notifies stl those indebted to him, to csll i lei wren this and the 1st of January next, and set- I tie their account. j All kinda of produce will be taken on account, : at cash prices. ; Hereafter no long, r than four months credit ' will be Riven. IRA T. CLEMENT. j fcunhuty. Nov. 14. UMfi tt RESPECTFULLY inf tm the public, th it on the 9th wist , they entered mln partnerrhip, in the mercanti'e huine, at (he store recently rcupied by Ire T. Clement, adjoining Wraver'a Tavern, in Sunbury. They have l.ti ly received a new slock of good which they will disose of st the to went prices. All kinds of produce will be tsken in exchsnge for goods. No longer thsn four monlha credit wilt he jriven". f R A T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. 8onliurv. Nov. 14, 184. tf. 1'iXT KAOKDINAKY DISCOVERY! SBAFXrESS OAXT 8S CUKES!! COOPER'8 ETERIAL OIL A prompt and lasting remei'y for Dsarvxas, also for naiua aud dihargeofmiue, from the E.r. V Hundreds of cures in cs-s deemed uferty hope U a have firmly e tst.liahed iu superiority over eve- ry former Medical discovery. This valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four difTereol Oils, one of which, the active snd prUicipal ingiedient, is ol tiioe.1 the bark of a cerisin riieeirs of WaavtiT. a new and enYclu il agent in the cure of Deafiieaa. Person, who had been d. af fm 10, 15 aud even 20 yesrs, have lm iermsnenily cured by using this oil. In fact, en numerous and so emphatic hsve I wen the leaiimoiiisls in it- fsvor, that the in vector clsims for il I lie distinction f an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when the Eat ia rfect in its format! n. Foi further psMirulars, snd evidence of its great vstue, see printed she. is. in live hand of Agents. For s..le iu r-'unhury, by J. W. FKILINU. Bepteniber 19ih. I84C ly IhVthltt Ihuiiouitlii'! GOTgKllXa UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In ruling Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenst, Whoofiug-Cnugh, and all Diseases of the snd lungs, lesding lo Consump tion ; composed of the eoncentr ited virtues of tbe herbs HorcboUnd, B nesrtt, Bloodront, and aeveial other vegeia Ue so tx-t antes. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS invaluable Medicine is ibe mot speedy end certain remedy ever discovered f r the a bovs compls n's, as thuuesnds who bave used It will testify. For sale, in Hunbury, by J. W. FRILINO. and in Nort un.berland. by D. BRAUTIC.AM, and at wholesale, lo Pbila'd. Iphia. by F.KLETT dt Co, Corner of Second and Calluwhill streets. September 19ih, 1 84t ly DElV'JLMSTllY. JACOB HZLLEK, THANKFUL for the liberal eneoursgemant which he boa rseeived, would respectfully innm bis friends and the citiaens of Northemtr land county in general, that ha has prepared him self with lbs beet Incorruptible Teeth, Mold Piste, tiold Foil, eke., thst can be hsd in lha city ef Phi ladrlphia and that he will endeavor, v lbs ejtmust ol his ability, to render full ssti.faction to all who may think pioper ta engage his services. He will be In Sanhury st lha August court, where be will ta prepared, at hia residence, to insert Teeth on Hold Plata, or on Pivot, aa the latest and most ap proved plana, and attend le all tbe branches belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will be watted an at their places af sasi dance, if daeared. Hie cbergee will be reasonable, snd ttia wosk warranted. Ha will visit different parts of the county, about once in three months. Bonhory, July Ulh. !84L-Sm pOSGkk&S jVjfblo. and black Coart , w jna, M s superior quality, ror aahi cheap, si ibe aloa of HENRY MAUSER. July 4tA, INI. OIK, I amiMialininaini I xl iiirjDEn, jr., A M AorfA Fourtk Street, srrnfar the Met' . . cAamU Ilattl, , P tk 1 1 a d e I p la I n , l mods di raaia t KEEPS ceastehtty on hsnd an ettrnsiv ta- ; eortment of all kinds of ttirk. Fur and Bss- ; i Hats, which ha offers far salo on the most res i sonsble terms. His Hsts art made up ol ths beet msterlsts, and In the moat approved style. Per I sons vlsitieg the ciy Will find it to their Interrsl to ! call. July llth, 1tt46.ty I COLTJICBIA H0TJ3E, ORSSXrUT STJIBHT. PHILADELPHIA. FTtHIS bire and commodious Hotel has recently JL bi-cn Hired up wi h r. furniture. Tfca subscrihrr therefore solicit the tatronngs of tha I'ubiic, and trust that their rxpertersce In the buaine Will enable ibrra to give entire satisfac tion. Terms tmvleraie. B AOLEY, McKEXZlE A Co. July 4th, 1S4. J "fountain hotel, PTHE House has undergone a thoroi'gh trpwr. 1. The proirietors solicit Its former patrotia. Terms f 1 2S Oct day VM W. DI.T. ARTHUR I. FtXir.. July 4, 1846. ! Proprietors. , Keller Ac ireenovish, ATTOP.1T27S, AND MECHANICAL ENGINF.F.RS, WASUXZrGTOM, Z. C. YRA WINGS snd Pspcrs for the Pa'ent Of. V fice will be prepared by them, at their of tire, oppueite the Patent Office. Julv. 4ih. !8iC. ly SILVEIt MKDAL, twiiDta bt tbe raatiKLiK isstitctk, 1640. City Dugnrrrrotype EilablUhmmt. (1.4TB SiBoaa & t'oiuxn.) Art. 100 Chwnut it We Thin, SoutA tide, PIXII.ADEI.rHIA- ! T .Y I MATURED taken equallv a. well in clou. IB ,y sa in cler nenSer. A d.iik silk diets f7i Udy, and a black suit for a senllemnn, aie l prefmslde in sitting for a pictu e. Noextrs rhsrpe j, m,e for coloring, and peifect likeneeea sre ju .r.mieJ. July 4lb, 18'iti. ly j aa'ti it T" ' T 'X 'V TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be sure of ol.t un.iip, a I all times, pnre and highly flavored By iheaiiigle pound or larger qusi tity, at the j IcklnTeaComan'M tvnr?IioiiNc, SO .Sou A Scond it red, between Market und (Vim- j nut ttrtttt, j aPBZX.ASin.PHlA. ' Heretofore it baa been wry diiflcult, indeed, at mo.t imnoai.iMe, almaa to obtain good tire, n and 111 ick Tea a. But no ynu have only to virit the 1 Pekin Tea Company's Store, to oblsin ss delicious ! snd frsgrsnt Tea ss y on could wiah for. A II tsMee ' can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June 27th. 1843. i G !ti" QT I lTG-" " " 5 MIIOIaESAILE AXt tlfT illo 'P-'IL mberaibeis isre constsntlv rosnul icturnitf " f'0"1 the hrrt French, bug'tah and A iner icaii j 1 manufactuied Cloths and Casaimers, CLO I HINCi , I ' a very superior style, cut snd workmanship.; ! fersotis Miyti.g to sen .g,m w Kl Hint one ol ilia i 'rK"' ,ld u fa-ljioneblc stock of gooJs to svh-i t "7 " yiT....u ". I J. W. dc E. D. STOKES. i 194 Market at. Philad. N. B, A latiie ortmepl of Odd Pillows !tf ' galia conaiantly on b ind, and all order, from lodgea ' or iiidi.iduals pUi.CiUally attended to. on the mo.t ' liberal terma. J. W. & E. !. . PhikuteJphM. June 87th. 1W46 ly D A NV IL L B T-C JLV . TO IT j WOOLEN FACTORY. SAlfYXI.t.a", COLtHrlBlA COCNTV, I'eituayliuiila. THE DancilU 7cam Woolen t'oetort. fmmer ly owned and nccup'ed by Dr. PatmiK) v. h.a , recently been purrhaaej hy the subscribers, who respi ctfully announce to their friends and the pub i lie general y, thai they ; now piepared lo do sll j kinds of wjik in Ibeii line of businrea, at '.he shor l erst notice, according to order, and in the best com l parative snannn'r. Having gone t ennabterahle ! expenae in rrpairidg theh euocbinwy and spatlius, j atld Ining very psnirulal in seCtlrtng the servics of j espeiienced inechsnics, the) feel confident that ' Ihey sre capable of etec'iling all kinds of w. rk in I a style superior to si.y other wablishment In the J tountry, at the old customary p ices. ; CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS. FLANNELS n ! BLANKETS conatan ly on band, and for sale si ' rwlurcd prices, for Cast of Barter. CAUUl.Vti A.I Fl'-LIalVC. I will be d..iie in the test manner, at the usual pri. j era. All kinds of country produce taken In pay ' mini fot walk, at D mville market prices, j For the aocommodaiien of ihoae who live at I di.tanre, Wool, and Clots will be taken in st, aud, when finiahed, returned to lha following p'.a ! ce, - Plain written directions must accompany ( each parcel i j Colombia rowrry. Roup & Mart's store, Wt shipgU nville i K. Fruit's store, ; Yra i ger's inn. Roaring ("reek Ctharpleaa' atoie. t'alla ! ias C. F, Msnn's store, Mifilinviilej Miller's store. Bar wi k t J. Clins'e Mill Riekri'e store, Oisngsville; Deir's siore. White ilalL Narthumbertaud Courift-Michsel Readef's ten, TurhutvitW j Ireland & (lev's store, McEwens vilte; E. L, Tiper 'a slQie,.WsUoiistown 5 c. I. Comly ek Co's store. Milton Gibson's a, Chil liarjusque 1 Forsyth's stoia, Northumberland ; Young's store, r3oebury. Luitrni Couny.ReynokTs store, Kingston I Gitdersleevs's store, Wilksabarre t Osyiord'a store. Plymouth 8tyer'a . store, Nafclicuka . Judge Mack a Mill, liuntmgten Lmomi Comhv-D. Claaa's suxa. Muuey t Hhoemakai'aatorsi.HmUb'a Mill. GEARHART eV KOWNOVER. Oaavilla, May 9. 1S49. EZTER'b SPIRITS OF atOAP, lor traetlnc Graasa. Dra Famta, Varnish, Tar, Aa. fmni elothieg af any description, war. ranted not to injur the cloth er th most dslicsia colore. This liswaj bsa also bean Used wits freei fueeaas in aasae ol Boms, Bcetds, Tettn, Pimple as the face. Chapped hand. Bora line. Rheuma tism, Hard or soft Com, akc. Price, ti eta. pes feoula. Fee sale at the store ef July 18, 1st. li. MAMTBR. - Ha B.1A33EH, ATTORNEY AT LAW-, XilSlMMKWf PA Business St tended te in the Comities of Nor- tburol erland, UnioO, Lycoming and Columbia. lunviei tart ' is. VPAi it as dr. Ce. I Co J . P. k. A. Fevowlrr, V Lowsa s Biaaox. ' SoMtas dt 8oooaass. l'MlaJ. ' Rstwema, McFiat Srta(tt,loOB dt P1TEMIUM SCALES. Cain's Cele' rated R.ll R sd Scsles, Coal end Hay do Iron Manufev'e' do Portable Platform do SO different sixes, Dormut or Floor da 6 dirlercnt sizes. Counter do 19 different rites. Tha above 8cslea are msde either single or double toem, teVl are j docidedly the moat dm able, accurate and tanveni I eat i-C il. a ever inve ilrd. Wa aUo have Plaitit m and Count r Scales, Patent Balancea and every i kind of Weighing Machines in use- for ssle, whole ! ssle snd retail, at low pricea. All Scales sold hy us i to f i out of ths city, sre boxed free of charge, and : e aitsuted to give satiafiiriion I the purehieer in : every particular. GRAY St BROTHER, ; Manufactureis and Dealers, No. 34 Walutit street, j June 27, 1840. ly FhiUuIelphta. ; O ALT. New York Hall in barrels end baefor ' ' Ante al matiofueTurerit' liftrea. bv CRAY dc. BROTHER, June 27, Its ,6. ly :t4 Walnut at. Philad. 0 HORSE SHOES. Burden's Patent Horae Mines, for sale at manufacture!' pnets, by rjRAY dt BROTHER, I Jut.e 27, 1846. ly 34 Walnut -t. Philad. ! " l4:NNl7vANiA7TloiT8E, BAXi"VXaVaV.B PA. rilHE auWciibcr, late of tbe Union ILte1t Mum A cy, Ps , respe.-tfully informs the c(d and nu i meroua custmnera if the lcnnK)lvanln Ilouao, t snd the public cener.illy, thst he has leased the Tavi rn tatsud of John Rhode, in Danville, where I he ia now prepared to entertain travellers, and ier sons Mailing the town, in the vi ry bet style. The . accommodations will be eu"h ss a well rrwdurtrj public bouae ehonld sfTird, and no effort will be ' spared to render s itifurtion, in every respect, lo sll who ti at call. The cit'sen of Lycenung county ' are invited to put up wilb the undersigned when they viait D mville. ! HENRY WEAVER. Pani !e, Mav 2. 16tfi. DE1TT13TR7. PKTliU R. MASS K K, RECENTLY i HOM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the citiiens of Hunbury and vicinity, thai he bs opened an office et the of Henry Mai-er, in Market atreet, where Ire is prepared to execute all kinda nf Dkstsl Sueatnv. Plate Work, die , on the latent and most approved plana. Having had ome experience and instruction, under i ne of the no-t eminent and sueneasful Den is's in Philadelphin, he believes that he Will tie able lo give Miisficion lo ttio.e who msy want his services. I. adieu will be waited on at their plies of resi dence. Hi Chaqre wilt to nvodeiste, and his wick wsrranted. hunbury, March 28ii, 1816. To Purchasers or DRY GOODS. Ao. 121 I'tarltt., NEW YORK. HAVINti et.ibli-hed s Branch at No. 144 Che iiut st,. Philadelphia, is now epeninc snd will be constantly rrreiving from the New York Auc tiona, sn extensive sasottmrnt of r AKCT tt STAPX.E DHT CtOOSSw which will 1 sold at the lowrwt New York puces, st whnlensle and It- tail. Among hia atock will h ' found a goirt aenor'.ttn nt of the following articles: j Jaccoiifla, Plaid. II air Cotd, Lace, Stripe, Book, ! Swiss snd Tsilsian Mualins, Bishop and Linen : Lawns, Fsnry Cap Netta, Fancy and Ball Ureae, ' Thread Laees, Apfdicsiion Dir., rich B'sck Hilk i Trimmieg Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen CaiuUic Iidkfs..Curtain Fringee, Cashmere d'X.coa-e, Mouseline de Lsise, Mlk snd t'otton j Wsrp Alpaccas, Qu -en's Cloth, Gala Plaids, i French Merinos, Bl.ek eilka, tibivea. Mi k H.we, j Shawls, Cravata, Uilihon., Embroideriea, Ac, dte. ' Cnuntry Merchants snd others visiting PbiUdel- phia or New Yoik lo purchase, are reepectfully io ! vited iu c .11 and examine the slocke. Nov. I. IMS. 11 K L IE V K A N U L MNlT. THOMSON'S Compouml Syrup of Tar & Wood j Naptha. THE unpteredented ucce-s of thia medicine, in the rentoralioh of hnabh, to those who. In de . pair, had given up all hnpct bss given it sn exal j led reputation above all other remsdiea, furniahing I rvidenre Of Ha intrinsic vs'ue and power, as the on : ly sent which csn be relied upnh fot the tVstt et Pulmonary Consumption, Broiuhittis, Asthma, j Pain in the aide and Brea-4, Spitting ef Blood, i W hooping UoUj;h, Croup, JtC Attention ia iequoaie,l jq the following AS I'O.V 1 ISHINO t' Thomson. Compound r?yrup I of Tat and Wood Naptha 1 1 VhilaMphia, May iJ, 144, j MR. THOMSON lajar Bir Wiih eratafal feelings t iofutm you of the astonishing effects of ! your medicine, which bss litetslly ttia d me from I s death'bed I My diaea-e, PuhnOtlaty Conauntr ; tiaviihatl retlured me so low that my physician pre j noonred my rasa bnptless I At this junction I he j gsn to u-syour medicine, snd miraculous aa il may 1 seem, it has completely restored ma to baalth, after everything else had failed. Reapertfully yours. I WASHlNtirON MACIti ' Charlotte atreeL above Geatse atreeL - The undersigned being personally acquainted with Washington Mark and bis sufferings, bear witness 10 ths astonishing effects of Thomson' Compound Hyrop of Tar, and the tratb of the bava etaiesMat. JOQ. WINNER, IU North Tbird strati, DAVID V1CKER8, 4S Almond street, HUGH MGINLEY, 8. E. corner Tsrasny sad Fourth attest Prepared aaly by S. P. Theaasan N. E. ceenet of Stk sad Bpfuce aUest. Philadalphia Agents. H. B. Maaaer, Bunbury ; D. Gross, end Dr. Macpkareon, Harriaburg Jbo. G. Brown, Paweeitte Oao. Eert, ftasdmgi Rooetoa ck Ma cno, Tawanda, Bradford aaty , Ps. Puss M caats per bottle, ot $f Per doiasr , (y Bvrtif ailmilaliv. Pknaielfhft, June ndt; ie5. do ' da da ' do da do do do d , do