Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 22, 1847, Image 1

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H. B. MA83ER. .
tt. B. aVafMCA, matter.
Office in Centre 'AlfeyTiii"tirm- of B. Mu
j fer'i Store.)
THE m AMfilTCft NSprutad every Sstor
v st TWO DOLLARS Jsr annum to b
paid half yearly in advance. Wo paper discontin
ued till all errearsgee are paid.
-KAvtVscription receivsd for lea period thao
aix mosts. All commtHucations or lettera on
buaineaa relating to the office, to insure attention,
nml be P08T PAID.
"Phifoieluhin Watch and Jewelry Store,"
No. 96 Worth SKC'OO a:reet, corner of Quarry.
COLD Lfver Welches, full
jewelled, la cl Cises, f 45 00
Silver Lever W.tchis, full
Silver Lever Wstchss, -
van jnwdi,
Wtch , jewelled, (inert
S3 00
18 00
Silver Leuwe
quality. ' 14 00
Superior (juarlier Watchea, 10 00
Imitation Qusrtier Welches, not warranted, 5 00
Gold 8peetarle, 8 00
Fine Silver 8fect.le, 175
Gold Drac let with topaz a'onea, 2 50
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 16 rarata, 3 00
Gold Finger King 37) eta to f ; WaYh Glaa
ara, plain, 12J cl; aieiit, 18 i Lunet. 25. O
tlier articles in proportion. All goode warranted
to be what they are enld fr, O. CON HAD.
On hand, aome Gold and Silver Levers LeirfneB
and Qnartrers, lower than the abnVe price.
PWIadelphi, 1646. ly
Boot & Shoe
At his Old Establishment, in Market Street,
ETURN8 hia thanka for put f.ivors, and re
spectfully informs hia friemU and the public
(ttnrtaTly, that he toiifrnwea to nunafoclure to ol
der, in the nrtWI Vfd latest styt.
Warranted of the beet meVriA and made by the
meet rxpeilrnred workmen. He alao keepa en
hand a general assortment of fuahionable B iota for
gi nth men, together with a laree stork of fnshion
etMk tcnil. men's. bova1arW end childen'e Shoes,
ail of which have been mmte VmJtt bit nn1mme
diate insprrtiwi, rri ere rf th tieat material and
worYiOansnip, which he will aell low fir cash.
Iu aJililion to the alove, he haa juat received
from Philadi Iphia a large and e tensive aopply of
Boots, Shoes, Ao. of alt descriptions, which he aUo
rffcra Vivr Vi. cheaper than wet before otTi red in
lliia place. Ha respecffilry invite hia old custo
mere, and others, to call and rlamtrra for them
Repairing done with neatness and despatch.
Kunhury, August I fill), 1846.
THE SUBSCRIBER ha been appointed agent,
for the enle f CONRAD MEYER'S CEL
ANOS, at tbia place. These Piano have a plain,
rnawive and Ixautiful extuiior fiai-h, and, for depth
and sweetness of tone, and elegince of wnrkmen
eh'ip, are not aurpeaiied by ey fn the United Hlatee.
The MlOwnig is a recommendation from Cm
Iitm, a celt billed performer, and himself a man
uficluter :
Hiviae had the pleaiure ot fryitig trm excel
lent i.ano Foffrv manff-trtrfd by Mr. tf'eyer, and
exhibited at the I.t4 e'xhililtinn of the F r-nklin In
atitute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker
to ileclarethattheae irwlrumente ara quite t-qnal'
vnJ in aome rmpecta even eupe.rior, to all the
ano Foitee, I aaw at the capiul of Eu.O, and
duiing a aojnurn eftwoyear at P ..
The Pianna will be rtilA a the mRnoracurer'
loweat Phrttrtetphia prieea, if not eomeihiug lower.
Pcraina aee requeued to call and examine for
tbrmachte, lie resilience of ewbecriher.
Suntrtfty. Mny KK, ttt: H. B.MABTEn.
The put -lie will pleaae observe that no Brandietb
Pill are genuine, unleaa tin boa haa three I
1'ate tsrwn r, (the topi ttro tiit and Ae bottom)
each coDUKiiiit a fir-aimiltiaignature of my hand
writing, thus B. BetaoaaTH, M. D. These la.
bel- ate engraved on rteel, beautifully deefnd,
knd done a. n eifieiwe of ovrr ft.OOO. Therefore
it wfli be aeon that the only thing necMary to pro
ture the medicine in ita purity, ia to oetv thtae
ffvj'.miiuber the top, the aide, and tha bottom.
The following respective pereope ara dul autburi
aeil, and hoM
Forhe aaietftf Bmitt" tofrtebte fWeersrtf
Northumberland county Milton Mackey &
tJajw!in-. (fbttry H. B. Maaaer. M'Ewena
vrtle Ireland h. Meixelt NorthUMltlind Wm.
Forsyth. Georgetown J. A J; Walte.
Union County t New Berlin Bogar A Win
ter. f(hirhje George Gandrum. Mhldt
t"V taaac Smith. Beavertown--DaVid HuMer.
Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Milflinaborg Menach
A Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Peretarg'.C Mrv. I-witrg--W!ta A Green.
Wtrr.W county t Danville E. B. ReynoSda
A Co. Berwick human A Rittenhoaae. Cat.
O, BroWa- Bl.kurlut R.
Rot4. McCay. Limetoue Ballot & M:'!"ch,
t'jvii a vw uigcii i patiilllUJU
tM)rve that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a rapeaaentalmn ol
Ot BRAAiURETH'H Manufactory at Sing ing,
tfi upon which will akva be aeen exact copfoa of
ta hew hhtU sou) netd iptn tu BranJrtlK JHO
rhiladelbhis, olfec No. 8. Noith 8th street
Jane 84th 1848.
sUeorseM. VcaVtj.v,
So. 1 ) Rorth Vt'oicr Siretl, Hilattlpkii,
It' frAS eonatanlly on hand, a geueral asaorV
If II meat of Cordage, Seine Twines, etc., vis :
TarM Ropes, Fishing Ropae, While Ropee, Manil
la Ropsav Tew tinaa far Canal Boat. Alao, a
esoH'Wta aaaertaasa4 of Saina Twlnea, Ac. such as
Hemp Shad sod Hsrrieg Twine, Beat Patent GUI
Nat Twine, Cotton 8hed and Herring Twine, Shoe
Thread, Ac Ac AUe, ad Corda.Ploegb tinea,
Hahsn,Traoev Cstlsa and Ltneat Carpet Cheiaa,
htr sil 9t which hi UI 4ipgaof o naUMahle
Vina. : . . . .
Philadalphia, Wevsmnsr ia. inax-iy.
MOIAUoTtJ.-Tb. nist eju.T.rr Sug.r House
Molaasaa, only 11 cants par qeartj also. 8
.uMif m aMaeteior Veeloav MoHaase Is wui
.1 1 LI J -I L.i;.B AM
t. itl iMta BMauarL for aaUattkastMe!
'Jan. 13, 1I47 MAr"
By MiuHcr At Einelya
From the Phila. Lodger of the 14th inel.
iMPonrisir rnoitg Hiexicnt
Lata from Vera Cniii
Taking f talapnThe Cattle ofPtrrte in
Pctsetticn of United StcUe$ Troop.
Advance olowr Army into tha Interior Occu
pation of Jalapa anC PrntevPueb! r xt.
aa ReportedSanta Anna at Oririb. afraid
to return to the C'ty of Mexico y aafioction
at the Cipital Moral and Phyaitsl P rostra,
tloti t Mixico Gen. Phielda yet Alive
Hopca ot hi Recovery, tc , &r.
We received by Sprtl Express from the
South thia morninp, 24 hour in advance of the
mai, the following important iateiiifenM from
Mexico. It will be aeen thatG-n. Scott's army
ia rapidly penetrating to the interior of Mexico,
and haa already taken poaaeasinn of Jala pa and
Perotr. The latter ia a town .ft mile hryond
Jalapa, and ettntatning 10,000 inhabitanta. It
is one hundred and eight from Vera Crux and
one hundred and aeventy one from the city of
MpKico, One of the five priecipal tortre-weot'
the country is here. Rut this etrnnp; place haa
been taken poser ee ion of by General Worth hav
ing been dismantled by the Mexican
The rapidity of ScolOe movement and hi
aucceaeea have shaken the courage of the Mex
cant and givrn them no time to reorganize th ir
hroiiertaimy. The march to the Capital will
probably Do OnitV.pftdwl if continued immediate.
ly. Santa Anna is afraid to return teat he
should be aawssinatedv He ia hi a desperate
condition but th sooner the Mexicat.a are
brought by their miafbrtunea and revrrwe to a
sense of their cond'itkm, the stxnrer th-y rU tre :
dwpoaed to come to terms.
Prirf otth ArniVt
From the N. O. Commercial Time, of May 6.J ;
Dy the arrival here last evening) or the stttYn
ship New Orleans, Cpt. Wright, which left
Vera Crux on the !29tb alt., ve haVo received
a mam of letter and papers from our friends
and correspondents in that city. Gent-fa! Scott
is vigoroorfy pressing the enemy, affording the
defeated Mexicans no renpite. Jalapa and Pe
rote have been occupied and the report wis
current, whan the New Orleao set sail, that
Gen. Scott waa on the point of making a tie
monstration on Puebla i'self. Nothing i more
likely, since there sfpears to he now no orgtYi
litio'h of troop to impede the march of our ar
my even to the Capital. Sinta Anna, when
last heard from, was in so forlorn a condition,
that it was expected he Wo'u.d give himse'T up
to the American Governor of Vera Cruz, pre
Torring to trut himi-elf to the generosity of an
open foe, to exponing himre'.fto the tendrt mer
ciea of his o n toutitryinen, who n6vv denounce
him ss their betrsyer. We ley before our rea
ders the following extracts Train the Eagle of
the 28th, and the Mexican Chronicle, a new
paper, established at Vera Crus, in Kttg'.ish and
Spaniah, of tho 26th and 2Slh ult.
The Mexican Army, after the heavy teee
of killed and vnramhfd, amnngnt which larA.tien.
Ciriaco Vaeities and other chiefs and officers of
less note, who fell on the field of battle, has
broken up altogether, not an officer or soldier
remaining with their atanrrard.
General ?anta Anna, wlo Commanded in
chief, was the first, according to some, and the
last according to other', to leave the field, ac
corrpenkrj by only twenty-five dragoon, tsking
the by-ways ; and a party ia cvon brand to as
sert that he aaw him in one of the villages of
the Sierra, in averch of tmrm to remount hia
The fact of thia Genera) not having fallen
bath Upon Jalapa, haa iel room for the supposi
tion that his flight is prompted by the feat off
ing sacrificed, lor treason imputed to hint, and
which baa no other foundation thao the adverse
results experienced by the Mexican arms in eve
ry encounjer with the Americans-.
General Canaliio. in hia rettrat on Puebla,
dismantled the tort of I'erote, carrying oft all
the ordutnea he rpuld, and spiking such ae he
had to leave behind. He art at liberty all the
criminals confined there, including lha aaata
,in,of r,,coni ,nd bi, br0th6r-in-Uw,
of our readere will remember to have been cru
elly murdered in thia city.
In consequence, the American troops advan
ced in triumph from B.Crra tlotdu CD Jalapa,
where the Corporatron and civil authorities went
out to meet them, and took posaes.ioU of the ci
ty where they behaved themselves in the same
uet and orderly manner as in thia city.
The Inhafcttaulaof Jalapa.adopting a different
line nf kiAnjtiii.t r.... .1... ..i M.nH MA.Art.ia im thi
, . ,., v, ,.,., -
i pmcv, iciiMincs m ineir nouaer, a no nave unoe-
ceived theraselVea, without the expense and In
convenience of travelling, that they will he no
where nTei than under the protection of the A.
tnerican chiefs. All the inhabitanta of this City
who were living there satiafiad also on this
point, art disposed to return to their homes, and
uke cats of their eonerrne, only waiting lha
first opportunity to effect it, C&rentc(, 26dk
Gen, Worth left yeatrrday for Perote: The
pats occupied nine miles from hero by the ene
my, hss been abandoned, and was taken pseeea
sioo ef by an sivante last evtniti.
Sonbury, Nor1humbr1and Co.
h W. Child, i, ,he Military Governor of Js -
Gen. Patterson, im happy to inform yntt,
hs recovered his hnaWi in a great degree.
G. n. Srntt bt.a his head qnnrters in a let g
houe no the Drineitul ki,i t.. r .i.
r iv vMiiti' ,iuiu nit:
t ' J
The low in killed and wounded, in our atdn
ia more than I set Arwn toyrwin my Jt, but I
wm not spea of them again until can send
yon lint of them.
The people of thia place are following their
usual occupations, and do not seem at all die
pleased at our presence. J. j p
iklktk, April 23- 8 A. M
An exprees has just arrived from Gen. Worth.
He entered Perote yesterdsy morning about 11
o'clock, and found a Mexican Colonel who waa j
eharirpit with ika - i ' . i
m uiacuiitr ui uiv piece, ana .
... . . . M '
all the arms and munitions of war generally.
... e.L. i ... ' I
iVoneof the large gone were spiked, and were.
found in ,
found in excellent order,
Ammiiti. wiik k. n rv.rt j : i
r "i wkubijuw, mwu mniririn'Kii nn-
j , .
cer. moved out mat f u,juk ...m.-...
flict, and then proceeded on,
Santa Ann had not passed ihrongh Perote,
snd must now be in the mountains on this side
of that place.
fProin the Vera Crux Eagle, tif the 28th
IH'iBLa. We understood yesterday that in
formation had been received at Jalapa, that
General Worth had thrown his ontpnat a towards
P., . , , A , .. . .
i ..' . . " ' J """run,"Ll l"fll
direction himself. We are somewhat dmiht-I
r i ..... . . .
ful a. to ... trerts however, no.heing .Me o
raw ft to any posittVe smirce The latest in-
formation received from Perrfre whtih may b
,.. , 1 .
relied on (we think) is that issued byuiin in
i. , , j. .. ' .
extra on Monday last, and republished in this
. , Z
day'a paper. Generala Scott, Patterson, Twigge
,, , . . . .
Pillow and Quitman were then in Jalapa, Gen.
v. . .. ,
unitiu. nan ami iyinj in a very aouoiTui stale, !
at a hospital on the battle field at Cerro G.rtdn, I
Rumor aaya that Puebla wtU yield without dis
charging a gnn. If so, they will show mote
wisdom than haa been evinced by several other
Mexican cities, with Karcely a hope for auc
Crsa against ue.
Samta A us. It is now certain that Santa
Anna ia at Orixaba, a littha town at the loot f
the mountain ot that name, with about one !
thousand tronpa around hi standard. He waa
aeen at that place on Sunday morning last, and
waa heard to express his desire of remaining
there until he emild muster a sufficient force to
make another stand. In regard to the sinceri
ty of his sssertion, much dnebt fa entertained,
aa it ia suppneed that he i exceedingly dosirous
to reave the country, but fears to attempt a
movement of that kind openly, lest he ehnold
be assaninatrd immediately ; which will Vm
drtthl he hia fate ttttimniely, however long he
may prolong it. He will not dare return to the
city of Mexico, ia the universal opinion, until
some success should crown hi efforts to rc
deem his tboujsnd promises to the deluded peo
ple snd the clergy, the latter being now hia on
ly backers.
Itta said that those who cling to his diwping
standard now, are brought fVr.m Oijtca princi
pally, and that tmt more than two or three hun
dred ofthvm have any annn ; those they have, !
loo, in very bad condition. We h am i
that he pretende he can yet rvpulse the ''invi. J
dcrsaf of the rjii ' if he can rouse the ranche
roe, and form them into gueiiila parties to an
noy email bodies of our citisens and soldier
whom they may lisVe the termerty W attack.
We have hern credibly informed that a eon
tif Gen. Baota Anna ia at the heer-, cr aery
c!. ly leagued with the murderers who infest
the road betwtch this city and Jalapa Eegto
TXthtolt. '
TrnfWea. Yesterday evening, some Amer
ican Wigona arrived front (Sierra Gordo, bring,
ing several of the brass pieces taken by Inn
American fjrtes in the action at that place.
They are, we believe, inteoded to bo taken to
the Ceeile tkronicte Wih off.
The following ia Irom the Chronicle of the 28th.
Peacx Ab Sahta Akna By a person ju.t
arrived Horn Orixaba, we know that tien. Sin
ta Anna had arrived there with ahiKit 2(NI dra
goons, and immediately commenced reerO-I Hy,
having now under his Command about 6000
men of the fugitivea at Cerro Gordo. He a'eo
aasureaUl that a enrrapondente had been et
ed by the authorities at Mexico, addressed by 8
ft eat persons ge to Benor Refon, ifiering a cer
tain anm ifhn WeoH hHn; about an early beaen
and io place all the requiaite means at hi dis
posal. in Puebla, General Incise in triiti standing.
They are (brlilyiog the town tor reaiaunce.
On reccivieg newa of the dismantliog of Pe
fote, the American ttonpa pushed - forward U
that place with sufficient force, and seven gene
occupying the fort where, however, they only
lotted the tine left by Clen. Canalito,
The following dairy by oar Vera Cru8 corres
pondent, wiU he pe rosed with latere!
Correspondence of the Commercial Times 1
April 27 A Istur from Mr. Black, Ameri
can Conajl at the city ef Mexico, waa recti vtd
are it no appeal bet to force, the vital principle
Pa. Saturday, May s, t4A
1 to-d., a fnd of hi. j thirty, rom Tarn-
P'Cn' wh:ch P,,ce ,,e h"d ""
i ",? n,r,h,T dfie" (r(wn ftapit.l, and pre-
! V"",Pd frnm ,akin ll,e Xnfm Crux. It
, wi'' probably bo in the United Statee hofora thia
Lll.a I . b, J .... ....
..r, in irow u f H ia, meretore nnn-fsary
to enter ftrto particulars regarding hi ejctmenU
ft is a matter that givee me no surprise; I h9
only vxndered that he waamt sent oft months
. t)urifigtho whole of thia war. Mr. BUek
baa kept tip a regnlar cotrespnndenee will, the
United B etcs. keeping it well informed of the
facts occurring sh mt him, snd, in fact, pretty
much thvovifhdfit Mexico, hia eorreapon
denca has been extensive, and his acquaintance
with the people and S'atea thorough. Cerhape
there ia no other man who Could have been ao
serviceable, and hold the ground which he haa
so lone neciipied.
The Nary people a i
, ,
are in course of compl
re hsppy. ArtiYieementa
etion for the expedition to
the Southward, and a start will soon he made.
1 u- i ,
Aner the porta alunj the roast are snroren. a
' " rur"' "
gfand expedition into he fltte! crt fortlm P,
cific Whether ihe Wliio ia to he'esrried across
or not, I have not heard, but I am aaeured thnt
the pioj.'et ia not merely imaginary,' it has a
real existence, and the movemrtit ta aetrcttkly
j The Ohio, Ksrftan snd PntnmW aloYte, enitld
I furnish fifrren hundred me'n fur such 1 purpose.
I J SIA 1 I ..11 , U I
w iiuiiurru cim i", pf;rnnue. w .piri-n
Trvvm the and bomb VessehMW that
.. , m,J , v ,w w .. .
i the real effitienry of ftte rrtsdroh could not
; f, b mPt,J
. & lvMA
, , a i . .u .
April 28. Our news today, Irom .he inte-
lt. . e . . , . a . r
It - tM - tU of but Irttie Vmpnrtarrcn. Keporta if
.. j ... .,
I mora hinrderson the road, and the eoi'brmation
, . , , . .l
of some of yesterday a rumors, tvgardin? the
I J . 7 , .. . to . .
movements of General fScott and Pant a Anna,
are the only onea worthy of notices Scott only
wails for supplies eternsl supplies to push
on for Perote with his main body, Sod may do
ao without them. KVery wagon, hite and
mu'e to b found, are employed on the road ;
and, previinir, will soon enable him to "go a
head." It i$ said that Gnivrsl Worth has
1 penetrated eighteen haeue beyond Perote.
but 1 eennot find anv one who imjt it to bo so.
RAn.rBt I V amt hia irtt nftf eipt.nnrva
General l,a Vega, and hie frllntv
I " i
leave here early to rnotrew morning in the
steamer New Orleans, by which Vessel t send
my letter.
When the Mexicane first surrendered, it Was
shout their ifrnner hoar. In one nf theitmrts
the camp kettles ware taken from the fire, snd
the rations were being proportion- d tnit, when
the order flir surrender rsmn tVom the eccotri in
command so they had to march nut, without
their dinnvrs. That evening, althmich rsrtre
nunntithof food had bwn eervvd out t6 tV.vm
j hy ouV commissaries, they were picking up old
i bones, stale pincea of bread, and every thing
that ttluhj ho etteri. Yesterday, on the march,
they would run op to a beef, killed the day be
fore by our advance, and cot off every piece
that eor he obtained, aa eagerly aa though
they were half famished.
From the foot cf CerTo Gnhlo to Santa Anna's ;
hacienda, the roed side ws lined with drad j
Mexican end hot see. At or near the ranclm
whirls General Twiggs overtook the retreating
I froymy, they lsy thick around, and a more hit
; rid scene it would be difficult'. 6 pijlore. M'Jti
i Cans lay dead in eVery direction , some res'ing
np against Itees, others with legs and srms ex
j Vended, and octssionally a lancer laying with
hta arm upon the Charger that received nta i
death-wound Unlit llie tame volley that ended j
the career of his rider. S.itne of the priona
passine through would occasionally halt lo view
the reatutea of the rivaceised, atirj then muudmg
their gsit, regain their place by the aide of those
who were more fortunate in the fl-M.
When Santa Anna ami Amfi)a Inghttiotta
ly it6 ftom the field of battle they were atta
ined to paaa thrett;h '.his place, but with their
followera tnbk Mi hand tnat!, inrt phiCrftted j
to a mountain para nine tmlea from here on the
road to Mexico, which they commenced fortify
ing, but which th y eVactiatfd IllN Ihtirning.
S-inta Anna boasttd Very much in Jalapa, and
said that he wnuM riot only hip the Americans,
but that ho would ncVrt eU fr hta tn-n from
he pursuit until he had driven iir nin: iitin thn
st-a. Alaa! the eehuel. Ceiro Gordo. Im said.
was intended by nature aa a drlrnre sgain-tsll
IhiM wltn attcmptrd lo tjVelrUn Uie republic,
and if tbe Americana were nol Watert back Irom
that poiet, it would be useless lo oppose further
obstacles id Ihtlt advance; Thia he Mid in Ja
lapa, tod the eVe of departure for thn etfene of
action. But to wheedle the pVbple In his Uses!
style bo now excuses birdeir hy saying that he
as not prtps Ired--thst th action commenced
much sooner than he ea pec ted and that hia do
febtea were not Completed. J. ll. P.
1 lead yoe the I rat two nosnheve ef a Mav pa
per iiloed In tbii eity th Atecr.eaa Croena'
from which I tabs lbs liberty to clip IU Mlew
Ing BftOMssik I bad teeorlgieel handbill ytr
day, ned translated it, hot tbla ia a battel t re sale-
tien than mia. Crerral Morale! tneainrta tbs
and immediate parent of rpotie!Y.JsYfteoa
Vol. ft5-1Tboitt IttfK S4t
veraeity of American efRtera by a Metre .ten.
turil henea hia miataVe. tan hardly renal det
liim capable of a ditert falarhood, hot thia date
ment would aeem to Justify sYtch charge. Hers
ia the paper :
Jean Moaarva, General of Brigade of tha
Mexican Republic TotheNatron and its AHia
!t baeing arrived to my knowledge that aome
chief end officer of the invading army of the TJ.
nited Statea, which has operated againit Vera
Crte. say that Gen. $CMt had prevfonaly alviasd
rrre that the famifies eoul.l leave to av6id tha e-
vils attendant Upon a bombardment; and conve
niently, thoia v.irch have happened, see charge
able upon me.
In order that neither now, rror at any futor
time, any arcntation nf injustice may etlgmatiae
th defence of Vera Oma, 1 declare that it ia raise
that any suvb advice Iras given 1
That the only vommimrcatron t have received
tram Genet! Scott, tended to summon we, In
geneial terms, to surrender ; that even rhetaeu-
trala were prevented from reaving the place ; and
that, if the Mexican familiea could have left,
the enemy wonld not bsv. occupied the piece
withont nrit hnrying ita defenders in tha ruina.
Signed, Juan Mobaus.
Jalaps, April 1, 1817.
General Scott ta laid to have dispatched a mee
render to Mexrco, or to the ftnint occupied by the
legislative Joota, with the old song and tha olivs
branch. No igo, of coerae.
Vonre, very retpeetfulfy, InorcAtoa.
April n.'-An rkpvaia is in this morning,
bringing intelligence nf the Continued advanfl of
tienerel Worth, and some disconnected remors
rmw the city ! Mexico.
The citite are throwing up walla of sand, 1
fancy sround tbe place, eod expect the soldiers
tn defend Ihern. How sir their expectatrons
will be realised, we may jd(a by the past.
The public voice ia openly heard In opposition
to th late Mexican drmi god, Santa Anna.
Down with tbe coward .'" "Down with . tbe
traitor V are the criea that are now heard in the
I am very hapfy to learn by thia expresa that
Gen ShleUa is not nVt'; he is improving. The
ateaftiihip is etpeted' to move every moeaent,
snd I muat clese. Yoora. rutncATon.
4ti 'Trophies of War.
A Vera Crux l-tl r in so Auburn. N. Yv, pa
per tfives the followin? pein'ul pirlore touch
ing the late bombardment of that city :
'Nevrr hid I beheld ruch deetruetietj tif pro
perty. Scarcely a house did I psaa that did not
d o aom great rem made hy the bursting of
our bomb shells. At almost every bouse at
which 1 passed to examine the destruction oc
casioned hy these Jrfci'iful messengers of death
someone of the family (if the house did not
hsppen In be deserted) would come to the door
ami, inviting rr.te ro enter, point out their pro
perty deatrnynd, and with s pittfot sigh exe'sim
ha bnmhu nnflton !' the bomb ! My
heart sched for the poor creaturee.
taurine toy peregrineli.'tie t tame to 8 lofty
and noble mansion in which a terrible bomb had
exploded, and lard the without whole front in
ruins. While I was ekimining the awful he
von a neniitii'ut girl of soote si Ventren came to
the dnr snd invited aie into the hottse. Bhe
pnint-d In the Hapmerits, and the piles ol the
rubbish lying around, and informed me, with
her b aotifiil eyee filled with teste, that the
bomb had destined het rVhvr, mother, brother
ami two Utile, aistoia and that ahe was now left
in the world alone O war . war ? who can
N il tly horrota 1 Wliocan picture thy defor
mities! During the afternoon t visited the bcpitaL
Here lay upon truckle beds the mangled crea
tures who had been wounded during the bora
liardntfni. In one corner waa a poor, decrepit,
bed ridden wnrnan, her brad while with the
sorrows of seventy years. One of her withered
artni had b-eo blown oflf by a (Vagmcnt of a
a'icll. tn snothet place might be eeh mangled
creatUrea of both srkee, bruised 8ntl ditftgtited
by the tailing of the house and bursting of the
ehvlta On the itttoe fhair lya little child in
a atate of complete nudity, with one bfita poor
lege cut off just above the knee 1 The apart
Itlel.l waB filled tA till tin', that see Hied to de
I m lit iu the si'ooiea o! the mitt table ctea'.urc
and the moan a were heart-rending.
I went about frutn M to cot, and attempted
to condolb W illi the ahilcrers, by whom 1 waa
invaiiably greeted with a kind smile. Not even
tin abode, of wn tcbedncae had been exempt
Ihitn the sad scourge of war A bomb de
ccndi d through the roof and after landing oo
the ftoor, rxpUaled eroding soru8 twenty alrea
dy manpl.d wretchee to ".leep that knows no
In the couirae of the afternoon the aim) loot
possession of tke city ofVeta Cnix and the
streets wefe threegH with oor troops. After
Visiting every thing worthy of note, It snnstt 1
returned no oosrd, Uvieg received a lesson id
the horrors of war whith t shall not sotm fcrget
A FAjsKt Tru At tho recent illemlua
ttuB ia Piitshurgh, s tailor named Worth had
hie shop ornamented with two tranepareneiee,
one bearing tho motto ' IVerr A maket tho tnmm'
the other 'If token nfnt meit to mmk T'ff
rRKra or aatertisztvo.
J 1ae I inewrtien, i . 0 bw
t do ' . . . T
. I 09
EverjreuhssajaerrtrnsBrtl n, . . . t
Yearty Adverltkements: one eolame, f 85 j hatT
eotornu.fli.ehreeieTuares. ttt two sonsres, (0 1
one eeeare, 8. ' HalrVyoarly t one eorseae, $ in . three shears, M i twsaaaarast
ii one equals, $$ 60,
AdvartissmMts Ufa withoot alesetions ss to the
length of r?uB lliey are to he ptihtiahod. will be
esmkaned nnlrl erdetwi eart, a4 ehargwl aoesed
CySlxteen, tinea or less msks a sauare, fraen Oenatavl fayvwrv
Three ot Col. Mv's Drsgootve Killed- Qeaer
al Minon at Encarnacion Health of the
Troops Oen. Taylor at Walrret Springs
Ilia nominatmn fc thn Presidency -Return
of the Vo'trnteera, &e.
Tha New Orlean T3eTta. of May , htrnt the
following Interesting intelligence from Ceo. Tay
lor's Army s
Wa yefteroay venveraed With an officer direet
Iron-. SeTtiTls. He left there on tha lath ult.
The foree stationed there and at Buena Vista,
under the command of tSeft. Wool, Was composed
of the 1st and 3d Illinois regiments, the 3d Ken
tecky regiment, the 3d and 3d lodianians, and
the Arkansas cavalry. Tbs 1st and 3d Illinois
Wete about re leave ; tha terra Of the whole of
them will have expired between the 1st and 30th
Tie artillery foree that vets in the battle ef
Boena Vista, are atill stationed there, aa are also
Col. Msy'a dragoons. A eeaadroa of tha latter,
numbering lorn 3U0, under Lieut. Ruvleer, had
a scout in the adjoining country. They found
Gen. Minon m the neighborhood of Encarnacion,
at the bead of a thousand or fifteen hundred lan
cers. They thought to draw a fight from Minon,
hot Were Ymiuceesiful. Three of the party, wbo
separated themselVea from tbs main body got
killed before they retursed to camp, by sems
prowling Mexicana who bung about their linea.
The troope at Buena Vista and Sahillo Were in
excellent health, and the wounded, who were
dally viaited by Gen. Wool, and who aaw that
all their wants were attended to, were rapidly
improving. With tbe woended Mexicans, who
Bra in 8 aeparate hospital, attended by their own
aargeona, it ia different. The place ia in a most
filthy condition ; tha American governor of tha
town had to compel the alcalde to pay more at
tention to their wants and to the cleanliness bf
the place.
Gen. Taylor ia atill at the Walnut Spring.
He haa heard 61 lis nomination for the Preaiden.
cy by aevera presses and petsdne in tha United
Statea, hot avoids referring to it or saying aught
ohost it. He evidently appears chagrined, but at
or about what he doea not communicate to those
about him. Our informant left hia eamp on tho
18th ulY.
Tbe Kentucky rifles, who Were then at tho
WaTnnt Springs, were to start for Camargo, en
their wBy home, with tbe next down train.
The headquarters of Humphrey Marshall's
Kentucky- cavalry' ws Cerraloe, Tom Mar
shell's company was st Camargo. But few or
none of the Volunteers will fs-ehliit.
CaatABeo, April 16th. 1847.
There ia no longer a doobV of Gen. Taylor'
intention to advance upon San Luis Potest, so
soon ss he can obtain a aufficient number nf men
and roeana nf transportation for the enterprise.
! ha vaeatieAed myself of this by the General's
reQolsftioo epoatbe Quartermaster's Dspartsasot
for a larga number of fndls rebber bags, caicala.
ted to carry water.
Several thousands of these were yeattrdav feat
up in a train. F.ach c-Yie is capable of holding
hem four to six gallons. This seems to one con-
clusivs evidente of a contemplated march thro'
the waterleil country between Bttena Vista and
San Lnit.
On tha other haod, th diabandment of the vol.
uttteera, whose term of service is shortly exptr.
ing, will leave Gen. Taylor With bnt a very
small fores. Several regiment of Indiana, Dbio,
Illinois, and Kentucky, snd one (rem Mississip
pi sr.d Arkansas, will before leng return home.
Col. Belknap is in command of all tbe country
between CerrBlvo Bod tba mouth of tbe river,
bia government il rigid, but from all appearance
extremely judirioua. He bai put hii veto upon
all grogsbopa and gambling establishments since
his arrival here, and in ronieqrtenee every thing
il Very Quiet and peaceable. He is thia day start,
trig for Matamoraa, for tba pntpoee of regulating
affair there altft. Your friend, H.
Major W. W. 8. Blue.
Thia officer, whose name U now so favorably
known over the Union, ie a native of New
Hampshire, snd he graduated at West Point in
July, lB&3, with considersble distinction. Iff
l&k. duritrg the Indian troubles, be wss order,
ed to Fort Mitchell, Alabama, hut ahortly after
lie returned tu West Point, where he remained
until 1840, discharging the dutiea of assistant
professor ol mathrmatire, for which he wae
eminently qualified. Having been appointed
in J8 IQ assistant aHjutsnt general, be waa st'
lathed to the ttsffol Gen. Tiylor then stationed
upon the Arkaneae frontier. In that capacity
he baa amce acted, rendering the most laborious
and important services and enjoying tha unre
served confidence of thn Genersl. His gallatt
try in all the lsts hittlei in Mexico haa especU
Hy signalised h!e cams, add entitled him to
the gratitude of hia country. But although he
has been thushigty dUMoguiehed inaction, Ma
jor Bi.raa ia chiefly regarded in the army on ac
count of hia literary attainments. Doing one or
lb beet writera ofthe day, end a finishes Oer.
msn, French, sod Spanish scholar. Thua gif
ted, abd in tho prims of life, he ie io all proba
bility destined for yet brighter honors He
who wai a poor orphan boy when he entered tho
Military Academy, and who la now, if wt mis
take not, without a aiogle relative In the world
rosy beoro one tfttva most h chores) 0 ere
tountryrrji rit Jfouii