DIftTIUl1iflTakMeiMh, Ve1tt pit fait le ans one bfbovt rivA yearo or bettor ao, I tough t wooden4ay rim-from a Yankee pedltr, named Tom Jones, who used to travel thro' this country, trsppin'one at moat every house. 'Twee the ( one he had, and I cava him fifteen dollari f it. She was a perfect foer of a clock tnd thn ich a beauty.' ' Her little squatty, dampy tiur' dressed out in her painted eaae, jist filled y rye exactly to the ffnal'e heel. - I tot her on the mintle'a thelf, to at I iriijfbt allere tea he r. Her tittle' beiijiiliim ' would taring hack 's nit and forrede,. pipkin off the aeckina at a proper rata. Tharkht'd roll it pickin' away, 1y arterrftyeed week after woek, dead brnt tn keepin op with the ann, and determined that mry time peace in the aclllement ehoulJ git hliead of her. She'd dif thread at the houra, T:t'Rr ttnppin,' to ktlcb breath, tat jest fir in away in admirable etyle. Pd wind bar op or n,'hr, and then po to bed, putin' every confl 1. nee in her, and beta' perfectly satisfied that Wd do hor duty faithful although I wasn't a ntchin' of her, and wouldn't allow the aun to lv up before ahe'd put her her hand to tho hour for enrrriae. Aed then, air when I'd he reatleaa and couldn't eteee, or Att I Wat tick, then what company the waa to me. To be arire, ahe wouldn't talk tome jiat called my namethat' H. Tho sometimes ahe'd ny'Dick to plain, I'd look up at her and almost wiped her to lead nffa tegalat built chit. Well, air, aha continu ed to be good for fire years,' and waa my de lightin fack, I may aay, the hilt on to be good longer than that; but it waa about that time ahe hojrtin monstrously to eieenlde old Dave Wil m'a wife, you know how elm wii?' 'Can't aay I do exactly.' Why, air, 1 thort you knowed old Dave nwd to aay that hie wife waa a charming eree inr one of the beat ol women that he didn't l lieve from old IWtber Eve down to the pre rnt gineretion, better woman never liyed. To be sure, he aed she had, her way (here Dick citutlled in imitation of old Date whom 1 .know very well) eho would have her way, and tich w iyi as alio did have. Well, air, my clock got lu be the tame way, tome of her worka got ou i.-r fix, and for tpite ahe 4on as ahe blamed please. Sttike ! yea air, ahe did like a11 fling nation ! She'd take a notion to bulge off some times, and ahe'd ring on thorn wires one hun dred and fifty timet. At first I waa tickled at i, and would ait and laugh at her for bein' aii-h fool aa to be cuttin' up them eat ray a what didn't hurt no body but herself. ' But at lst I bngun to get tired of eich foolery, lit teemed to me wheneter I had a tough job before me, and wanted to study it out, or whenever I was right sleepy, that then. ahe'd en her chance to come them big licks I i put up with it i long time didn't do nothin to her and thort, by l. itin' her have her fun out, she might get tired of it herself after a while. But ahe didn't ; the Mill hilt on stouter 'to ever. On last Saturday I went up above here to master, tad, aa I altera does on sich occasions, tuck rather too much of the letch me-lightly. When I got home, I thort the place for me waa in bedso aa to sleep off my boozy. I pulls off, and gita into bed; but no sooner did my head tetch the piller, than up el aria the clock ch-r ring ch r ring I determined to put a atop to any auch enpers that night, 1 got up, losded my musket, tuck a cheer and sot right down afore her. .'Now otd laJy.'aez I, yer arter the spite gime agin are ye! Jiat go on ef you like it buldaru't to strikes hundred thia time, and ding ma ef you don't ketch thunder. My tbreata didn't scare her one bit she struck away, 'peared like live lier than ever. She went it to pearl the toon got up to ninety one, two, three, four, five six i tee yer gwyn it,' eex I, and I cocks the old musket ch-r-ring I puts it to nay shoulder ch-r ring I laye my finger on the trigger ch-r ring, cex she; aiouter'o ever, and waa star tin' with another chee when I lama away, and in half a second finda mayself flat on my back in tho middle of the floor. Aa I picked myself up, 1 heard the old lady still goin it; and dcrn me, ef ahe didn't strike fifty timet more, al. though twenty-five buckshot had tuck effect all over her countenance, and both of her kanda were taken amootb oft ' 1 haint wound her up tuee; for, with the pluck ehe'a got thera'a do knowin' what she might do, ef she bad a chance. She's without exception the best gam I ever trd.'- Spirit of Ike Timet. A remarkably ugly roan, as conceited aa silly, aid to a Philadelphia wag, who baa wit enough for everything but making taoney. Why, S . , bow thin you are ! you'U never pay the debt ef nature I'm afraid that you will dry up aod Mow away.' Wall, you will pay that, at all events ; for yon owe nature ao little that you can't repudi ate Counsellor Itudd, of the Iriah bar, waa equally remarkable for hia love of whist, and the dingy color of hia linen. Al y dear Dick,' aaio Curraa to him one day, 'you cant think how puzzled we are to know where you buy all your dirty thirta.' A New Dunk. 'Mr. Guxslefunction I have discovered a new drink for you, suppose you try s little.' Well, I dont care if I do;' (drinka) 'It baen't got very bad taate to it, and if my memory aervea roe right, it it what they call water, 1 recollect drinking some wbeo I waa lad.' There ia a shop kept iy an old ana id io South, amptoa England, io the window of which appear theaa words; "Noivaaonsble offer refuted. " BAlfK HOT IS UiT. w . k i . . - PfUtflfiTXTAIflt. I..'.-k.. The Mlowing tart ehowa the eurravt value ef all Pennsylvania Bank N.itea.-. , The moat imptiort re lianee may plaoeJ noon it; as M is tvtry stem jara-fatly enmrrared with and eorrecVsd from Btuk nell's Reporter.,, . , ., ,j ! ;: Itanke la PbllAAetptaln. Disc.' t Partan. - par . . par ' par '. ' par " ; par j pif par par par pal I. I NOTES AT PAR. diiii cn noun Amnra- t , " (Ualt of eKa Narthern l.ihartles .' Ootnmarrial TiarA of Penn'a. i " ' ' Psnptra' and Mecbaniea' Bank Rnsanran 1Uk' i i " ; rhHa.Mr.hfa 8anV ' i 1 i : I Schuylkill Bank' ' - j ' i ; 8Hithwark Bank " ' " V Wwrtern Bank ''' . , - Merhaniea' BatiV" " 11 ' : Manofcetnrrm' A Maehanica' Dank A ! Rank of Penn Township V , ' Oifar.1 Bank i . BtA of Commerce, lata Moyemmsing ,'' DarA T Paimaylvania 1 f. ' ' ' . ' Country flank. ', ; Bank of Cbaater County Wratcbnter Bank of iMaware County Chester Ban of Germantown , .. Gernaantown L BanV ef Montgomery Co. . Norriatown ; Dnylestowo Bank , . , . Dnylrstown . EaatonBank. ' . Caston f'armera Ratkk of Bwck co, Bristol . , par par par par par par par par- par par Dank of Nnrthumbwland , Xonhaeiberland par ColumNa Bank A Oridge co. Columbia , , par Farmets nnk of Lanraatar Lanca)i , , par Lancavvr County Bunk imcaatar . , par I.ancnarar , pat Reading' , . par Hsrriabuig'A Thaaa J ncater I ofBcea Reading - Tin not Castoa . J tssaen. Lnncaaer Bank . Fir met s' Bank of RcaHlns; OflWa of Dnk cf Penn'a. , OlBea, , , to, , , ... do r Office do . do Ot&ce do do NOTES AT DI8COUNT. Rank of (ha Uatwd Statea Philadelphia Potiavilla Iwiatnwn Middkwown CarUalt -Pittahurr ' Minm' Bank of Pottsville Bank of lwiatowai Bank of Middlatown Catliala Bank Bxchanga Bank Do do branch of Harriaburg Bank lharmn Bank ' Marchanta' A Manuf. Bank Bank of Piltaburg Weat Branch D ink Wyoming Bank ' Nnrthampton Bank Berka County Hank Orfice of Bank of U. 8. - Do ' ' do ' ' do Do do do Bank of Chtmberaburt; Bank of Gettysburg Bank of 8ajuehanns Co. ' ' Erie Bank Farmer' A DroTera Bank Franklin Bunk Honcadala Bnk ' ' Monnngahela Bank of B. York Bank .! i llnllidavabnrg f Harrisborg , fohanon i Pittsburg I Pittabuig Wiltiamaporl I) Wilkeaharra ( AHentoarn Heading Pittahurg failed Eris do New Brisbton ' do Cliamberabarg 1 uettyahurg Montroao Eria ' ' Wsyneaburg Washington Honeadxle Brownsville York Ma! ';! .li i N. B. 'The note of those banka on which wa omit quotation, and substitute a dah ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception ol those which bae a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. Ine. Philadelphia failed do fulled do fulled da do Philadelphia Loan Co. 8chuylkill8av.lna, Kenatngtoti Sav. In. A Penn Townahip 8av. Ina. MatMal Ubat Bank (T, fpwanda Hank , W Dyott, prop.) failed Towanda Bedford no sale Beaver cdmed Hanwburg cIomnI Wavbington failed BelKfonla rlusrd Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaer BankofSwaUra Bank of Washington Centra Bank City Bai A Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' A Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' A Mech'cs' UaiA Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank iuniata BaiJr. Lumlwrmen's BsoV Pitlibuig no ale 1'ittshurg filel Fayette co. - failod (7reencal failed Harmony no est Huntingdon no als Lewisiown no ule Wsrren DnnJafT faded no (ale cl.wed no sale closed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del, Bridge Co. New Hop Northurub'd Union Cob Uk. Milton North WMrn Baukaf Pa. Meadvilla ' Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr.A Manuf. Bank 8ilver Lake Bauk Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Port Carbon Carlisle . failed Montl.e cloaed Uniontswn rViled Oreeiishurg cloed Wilkesbarre no sale (J3 All notes purporting to be on any Penny. vsnia Bnk not given in lbs above lut, may be set lown aa frauds. . KEW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunawick Brunswick failed 1 par par p" failed Belvideie Bank , Uolviders Burlington Co. Bank " ' ' ' Medford Commercial Bank Perth Amlioy Cumberland Bank . Bridgeion Fsrmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' snd Mechsniea' Bk Kahway Faraters' and Mechanics' Mk N. Biunawick Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Mkldlelon Pt. 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed failed failed failed failed I failed par Hoboken okgoc Uiasing t o II oh. .ken Jersey City Bank Jeraey City Patterson Belleville Morristovin Freehold Newaik Trrntoo Jersey City Newark Mechanics' Bank Manufacturer Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bsnk Mecbsnka' and ManaC Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Note Newark Bkg A In. Co Nsw Hope Del Brides Ca N. J. Mamifsc. snd Bkg (Vt no sale 1 i fart.il failed biled i r' I'V l.ainbetlivitle Hoboken N J Protect on A Lombard bk Jeraey Cily Orange Bank Orange Patersoa Bsnk Pstaraot) Peoples' Beak . lo Princeton Bsnk Prmcelosi Ssksm Banking Co Kalern Sute Bank Newark Bute Bank ChxabrAtawei Bute Bank ' Carmleo State Bank of Morris Morrwtow flute Bank - . . TrwM Hslem snd Philad Manuf Ca Hateaa Boaaax Bank New ion Trenton Dankiug Co Trenton Union Bank . . Dover t ! 1 failed failed 1 failed par par par par . P' par par par par Wasbingtoo Banking Co. Hacksnssck DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm A Brandy wiita Wilmington Bank ef Delaware Wiuninglov Bauk of Smyrna ; Bmyina Do - branch MiltorJ Farojen' Bk of 8lei of Del Dei . . ., Do bra-t WiimingUm Do . . branch Georgstowa Do branch Newcastle Union Bank' WitwingoD r Under ft't a . 0J On sll bankt maiked tkue () Ihtra are as thar eobQierfstl or elaarad aotst eg the vsamt da niosucas, U uicultioa. Importer of, WtttcW; .Wateh-MakeiV ioois ana avaicn. Materiaii, ,, , . . WlMlesal .RUkll. . S3. StntA Fourth tt , PHILADELPHIA, ft AH consismly on head a large aeaottmeiit of Mil I.anMte, Fatent, and Plain UlaMt Mam springs Verge, Dil, Waich Hands, aed a cam plela awortinriit of all Tools and Malaiiats kx lonf ing to the trade ; with a Urge 'tf sort meat of Co'd and Silver !,eer, I.aplne, and Plain Walcbaa t all of which ha will guaranty to mII at the jreat Ne vt York price. All orders from the country punctu ally atrcntr.1. . . r -V ' N. B. Country merchants and oihera are invited In c II ant eiamlna at the Old Stand, No. 3J 8omh fuunti ttieeC L ,' Ik. Philadelphia. Jan. 33. lS4T.--m , CITT ATJCTIOIT STOHS, ' .V No. 31 Worth Thiril eirocl, ; . . (tiiTii citr intt.) , VBILADBLVBXA, t C. C. SIACKEV, A'tcTiossEit. TO t.'OUNTHY STORE KEEPKKH. EVr.MNO SALES of Hardware, t5ullary, Saddlery, Wblp. DnMi, Shoe, Hals, . vCapa,. Ouna, Piatola. ; Clothiog, J J J. Wntcbta and Fancy Oaoda, Af 'Mackey'a Auction Sti.ra, 31 Nurth Third treat, neat the City Hotel. ' The attention nf Coonrry M' rchanta la Invited. The Qnnda will be a Id in lots to ault purchaaers, and all Qooda ofTer?d will b warran'ad equal to the repreenMTlin that may b made of them. N". B. A large naaonment of Qooda at Private Sale. Jan. IB. 1847 ly MOUNT VERNON 95 North 2d t., bet. Arch & Knee s(s., Philadelphia. BRADY A PAKKER reipeclfutly inform their friends snd the public that they bie taken the above named hnu.e, recently kept by J. 8. Adam, en I are prepared to accommodate cuato meri In the most satisfactory manner and at res aooahle prices. r ' ' ' Their table wilt be supplied with the bet vari. ety the market aflbrda their parlor and sleeping aprtments will bs in the beat order. The hone bea been thnrnughl repaired and furniahed with a view io the Comfort of travellera snd slrangera. Having had eeral years experience in the business, thev hope to give general aifaction, and respectfully invite t.aveller snd strsnaera to give, them s rati. BRADY A PARKER. Philadelphia. Jsnoary IB. 1847. f . - CHX3AF WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold nnd Silver Watchet IN PHILADELPHIA. GOLD Lsvers, full Jswellvd, - . f 45 00 8dver do. do. . 53 00 U..d Ipii.es, Jswslle.1, . 30 00 Silver . do. .do. 16 00 Silver Qusniers, Ane quali'r, . .10 00 Gold Watches, plsin, 15 00 Silver Spcctach e, , 1 76 Oold Pencils, 2 00 Gold Misrsk-ts, . , 4 00 Also, on bsnd. a Isrgs sriment of Gold snd Hair Bracelrt, finger rii'PS breat pin, hoop esr ring, gold pens, silver pmns, augar tonga, thim ble, gold neck, curb and fob rhain, guard keys and jewelb'ry of every description, si eituatty low prices. All I wsul ia a call to convince custo mer. All kinds of Wstches and Clocks repaireJ and warranted to keep (Mil time for one year; old gold or ailver bo:ght ei taken in exchange. For sale, tight day and thirty hour breae elwh, at I.BWI8 I.ADOMrS Wetrb, Clock and Jewellery Hinre. No. 413, Market street, above Rlevrnth, north aide, Phila phi. ' I have aome Oold snd Silvei Levers, still much cheaper than the above prioea, , - Philndelphis, Dee. 16, tB4.ly ' ' ' ' AUCTION STORE. No. 6 North 3i st.f third Uor above Market Street. PBI&ASBLPBXA. SALE EVEUY EVENING, of a peiral as Mirtmenl of Knreitn and Domestic Hardware, "Table and Pocket Cutlery, Trunks, Locks, Lslchets. Bolls, Saw. Saddlery, Whips, Boot, Shoce, Hats, Car. Gun, ' Piatola, Triinmini. Clothing ml Fancy GihmI. Ths attention of erty and country dealer ie in. vitcd. The Goods srs freh, and will he warranted equal to the reprraeniatlnna that may be made of them. BAYL14& BROOKEK, Auctitiem, No. 6 North Thud t N. B. Purchaaei ran have their Good prkrd, Screral invoices of Goods have tnea reneived to be sold st piivate sale. : ;i Philadelphia, Dee. 19th, 1846. ly i!!ra JXoussrl's nntBfrsal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities given without Charge. .It 114 CArtmi St.. PHILADELPHIA. THIS new end rplendid article, a. it name de notes, ia prteed ! I sUMinr to any sho ving Cream in the United hta'es or Ku. Il ia unauipsd f lauty. purily snd f agranee, tho' nmi hil anaUsoua ti Gu- rlaiu's . AmU"il Cream and oilier similar compounds. , Il far aur aaes them sll by ibe em I lent pasty enaiatency of it l.ittur, which o softens ibe heard at to rend, r h .ving pleasant snd rsy. It further poncasrs ths dsutgs ovsr the importeJ article, in being frenhly pnpued. no skill being wanting in its mso ufaetuie. E.Koaaael having had many year.' perience in ths celehrsted Laberainry of Laugur, Peie el Fil, new Renaud it co., of Paris. . Bsct.Vrs Mug the beat, it ie ths cheapest article for shaving; it ia elegantly pal up in boiea, with splendid ateel engraved labels. Price $3 per doaen. or M7 cents for s single boa, io shave ie year. It is lo aobl st 1 1 60 per lb. or II) crsla per oc, so that gewiHrmen ran bats their bote 6llcd at EUGENE ROl&SEIS. Wboleaate and Retail Perfumery snd Minersl W a ' er Es'sbliabsaeot, 114 Cheaiiut Street, Dee 1, Ii4.-. PHILADELPHIA. J. & JaU. HATTITDSKD, No. 21 Nolfh Fourth Street, PI1ILADLLP11IA, riS Invite Merrbsnts snd Milliners to si-ftte aatlamina Ibsir slock of Bonneta, PalmVg. Iaf and l.eghiwn Hats, Fur snd Cloth Cap, and lodis Rublr Shoes. Il will be found to contain sll of lbs moat desirable kinds, and will be sold al tbs lowest market prices. No. 91 Nenh Fourth Btreet, between Maikal and Arch Sirsau. : Philadelphia, Bsc 19i, 1146. 6oa f : v xo The i. o. or o. t; ' j,..yr;';&. k1. i. -.H.f O k k srt Mnnuftctureft of Premintn Odd Fel . 1 ; n .. .. Jo ws Regalia, . . Ao. 1B4 Marktt StrtH, PHILADELPHIA, ' First Clothing Store below 6th Street. ' " THR sehserlbere having taken the premium at Prenktin Institute, at the fast ekbibttion, for Ike best Regalia, they invtta bs attention nf the order te their eetabti.hmenl, where they will find a splendid Saaortmlnt of P.O. and Encampment Re tails. They alo make to order for Lodge snd Encampments, Regstia, 8shea, Coatume and Robes, and furnish every thing requisite for the convenience of new Lodges of Encampments.' J. W. 8TOKEV " ' E- D. STOKES. Phlla.Mphis, Dec tt, 1846. ly ; New Firm. "It HE Undrrs;gnrd hereby give notice, ihst hs 3. has asancisted with bi'nself, as a pariner in the , mercantile buaine, in bie store ad)nining Wesver'r Tavern, in Hunbury, John Haas, and that the ssid elere will hereafter be conducted un-d.-r the firm of Clement Hans. The store st ths 8..uth West corner of Mrk l Square will be conducted as heretofore, by the subscriber himself, to which bs respscifully invites bis customers and friends. r . . - . . - r Hs also notifiss nil those indented Io him, to csll between thia and the 1st ef January next, and set t!s thslr account. All kind of produce will be taken on account, at eash prices. , Hereafter no longer fhsn four rnnntha credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbory. Nov. M.IMI tf. ' ' CLEME1TT & SAAS, RESPECTFULLY inform the pnbltc, thtt on the 0th inst., they entered into partnership, in tho mercantile business, st the store recently occupied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver'a Tavern, in Sunlmry. They havs lately received a new stork wf goods, which they will dispose of at the loweal prices. All kind of produce will be taken in eacbange for g.KxIe. t Ne longer thao four months credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT, t JOHN HAAS. Sunburv. Nov. 14, IS46. tf. ; , . Ckacnpcr .Than Ever I JOHN H. PURDV. has juat received, al his New Store, in Market Square, a freh supply ol Seasonable Good, such as ' Cloths. Curt met, Sittlnetta, Kentucky Jeans, -Cord,' Dtillings, Alpscrss, Ginghams, Print", Muslins, Hosiery, GloVrs. &e. Al-: tjueenware snd Groceries, which will be sold very low. ' Purchasers sre invi ted to csll snd esamios hi slock before purchasing slsewbere. The hiehrsi price paid for Produce. Sonbory. October I7rh, 1846. tf. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! DZJATZTESS GAM 8X1 GTJBXDi! GOOPER 8 ETERIAL OIL A prompt snd la-ting remedy for DrM, also for pain and diacharge of matter from the Ear. Hundreds of curi e in raes deemed utterly hope lebsve fiimlv e IsMUhed iu sueriority over eve ry former Medical diacovery. Thia valuable Acoustic Medicine ia s compound of four different Oil, one of which, the active and principel ingiedieiit, ie obtiined f.orn Ibe bark of s cerlsin species of WaiiCT, t new and effi-ctujl agent in the cure of Deafneas. Perona who had been d. af for 10, IS snd even 20 year, hive been permanently cured by ueing 1 a as oil. In fact, so numerous snd ao emphatic have been the testimoniaia in it. favor, tbal the in ventor claims fur it the distinction of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when lbs Ear is perfect in its formati. n. For further pariicntsrs, and evidence of its greal value, see printed shew, in the hands nf Agent. ' P. le in Sunbury, by J. W. FKILING. September 19ih, 1846 ly : UMKlKllVVMtnvlv.Ntttn.l1 UNRIVALLtD AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds Coughs, Aalhins,. Influent,, Whooping-Caagh, snd all Diseases ef Hie bieast snd lungs, leading Io Counump tion ; eomMied f I he conceniratrd virtues of Ibe herbs Horebiaand, B nesett. Blo.Klro.it, and several other vegeta ble sutuUnca. Werranled PURE FROM ANY MINER AL WHATEVER. THIS inv .tuatde Medicine ia the mo.l edy and certain remedy r-vrr discovered f r the a lve complcnts, aa ihou.end who bive ued it sill testily. For sale, in Hunbury, by J. W. PRILING. snd in Norti un.berland. by D. BRAUTItiAM, snJ st wholoale, in I'bilad. Iphia, by P. KI.ETT&Cn, Corner nf SecnnJ and Csilowhill slreeta. H. plember 19th. IM6. ty 1 D EN T Ts T It Yr JACOB HELLER, ". T THANKFUL for the liberal encouragement which he baa received, wool 4 rrapectfelly inform bis friends snd ths citizens of Northumlvr Isnd county in general, that hs hea prepared l.im self with lbs beet Incorruptible Ts stb. Gold Piste, Gold Foil, &e., thst can be had in the cite of Phi ladrlphia ; and thai be will endeavor, to the atmoat of hia ability, to render full satisfaction to all who y think pioper Io engage his services. He will be lu Sunbury st Ibe August court, where he will be prepared, st his residence, to insert Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Pivot, on lha latest and most ap proved plans, snd sltend to all lha branches belong ing io DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will be waited on al tbeir places of resi dance, if deeired. Hischargs will be reasonable, and his work warranted. Ha will vitii different perls of Ibe county, about once in three raqnths. Sunbury, July lith. 1646. 6aa v Ink, avf a aeparior sjasliry. (ot sate steep, at ibe store of HENIT MASSEIL July 4th, 1N6. . J 1 A'e. M Aeff k Fourth Strmt Wtr (At Met- , , v . chmntM1 JotcI,. JPhtladcipiiln, A I oea a eaais.j KEEPS conatsntly on hand an extensive as sortment of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Boa v Hats, which be nlTere for ssla on the rnoat rea sonsbls terms. His Hats are made up al the best material, end In the most sppioved style. . Per son vieiiing ths city will find il lo Iheir irtierest Io '"' July llth, 1940. ly C OLTJMB I A HOUSE , CHsturrjT frrasaT. PHILADELPHIA. THIS large and commodious Hotsl hss recently been fitted up With entire new furniture. The subscribers therefore solicit the patronage of the itiblie, end HUM Ihst their nperitnoe in ths bushier will enshle them lo give entire satiifac lion. Terms moderate. BAGLEY, McKENZIE & Co. July 4tb, 1846. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Light Street, TH E Houss hss undergone a thorough repair. The proprietors solicit its former patronage. Terms f 1 85 per dsy. WM. W. 01X. ARTHUR L. FOGG. July 4, 1846. ly Proprietors. Keller tie Gi'eenoiigli, PATEUT ATTORiTEYS, , AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, , WASHmOTON. C. 0. DRA WIN09 and Paper for the Pa'ent Of. i Sea will Im prepared by them, al tbeir office, opposite the Patent Office. July. 4th. 1846. ly SILVER MEDAL, I awasdfd kl Tea va&tXLia ibstitcts, 1S4S. City Dagcfrreotype Ettablishmrnt. s CP. CaCDLLaOjUS, (Lts Smoas & t'oi.i.1'.) Ni. 100 CAf tt., nhbt Third, South tide, PHIX.A.DBI.PHXA. M ariMATURE8 taken equally a well in clou 1tJ dy a in cle.r wetlSnr. A dirk silk dies for s Isdy, snd s black snit for a gentleman, are prcfurabb? in aitting for a pictU'e. No ettra charge ia made for coloring, and perfect liksncsoea srs guarantied. July 4lh, 1646. ly ilPp" 'o'iiT'fli. t TO ALL COUNTRY ... HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be sure of obtaining, ai sll times, pure snd highly flavored By the aingle pound or Isrger quai lily, at the l'ekla Tea Company's Wnrelioune, 3(1 Suuth Siaind ttrtet, betwetn Market and Che- nut ttreett, rBXTACELFHIA. Heretofore it has been very' difficult, indred, si mot.! impossible, alway lo obtain good Gren snd Bl;k Teas. - But now yon have only lo vim the Pekin Tes Company 'a Store, to obtain as delicioua and fragrant Tea ss yon could wieh for, A II lle can here he suited, with ths advantsgs of getting s pure srticle at s low rice. Jane a7lh, 1846. 'Z. C L"0 TS Tit GJ 1VIIOLCSAL.E AKD nirTAIL. PHE ubecsibers sre constantly msouficturing A from the beat French, English snd Americsn manufactured Cloths snd Cssstmers, CLOTHING in s very superior style, cut snd workmsnahip. Person buying to sell sgain will fin J ens of the Isrgesl and moat fashionable stock of good to seleii from in the city, and at unpieceder.tcj .w prices. J. W. A E. D.STOKES, 104 Maiket et. Philad. N. B. A large assortment of Odd Fellow' Re galia constantly on hand, and all order, from lodge or individual punctually attended to, on the most liberal terms. J.W.&. R. D. 8. Philadelphia. June 27th. 1846. ly D A N V X L L if WOOLEN FACTORY. DANYJXLB, COLCIHBXA COONTT, PennayU anta. THE Danvitk Steam Woolen Paetnry. foimer ty owned tnd occupied by Dr. PtTBiaisr, hs recently len purchased by the ssjbsrribera, wkn leaprctfully annoonra lo tbeir friends and the pub lie general y, that they are now prepared to do sll kind of wjrk In their line of busine, at ibe shor test notice, Bccnrdiiig M order, and in the best com parsttve n.annor. Having gone to considerable expense m r pairing ibeii machinery and aparatus, and Iwing wry pardcnlar in securing the service of eirienced mechanics, they rVel confident rhat they sre cspehle of eare iting sll kinds of work in a style superior to si.y other establishment iu the country, at Ihe old ecstoinary prices. CLOTHS, SATINETT8, FLANNELS BLANKETS const an ly on hand, and for sale al reduced prices, for Ca or Bsr'er. CAUD1.G AXU Ft'IXI.VG will be dona in ibe best manner, al ihe uul pri ces. All kind nf country produce tikon in pay m.at fur work, al Dnille tuaiket prices. For the secommodstion of ihne who livs st . , distance, Wool snd Clotb will be tsken in st, snd, when AawJied, letanvd to ihe follewHig pla. ce. Plain written directions must stcompsr.y esen parcel t Ctii.mUm Conrrry. Roip & Marr's store, Wa sbingt.ville( R. Fruit's store, Jrsytown Yea ger'a inn. Roaring Creek t$berpeee' stoie, CalU iss; C. F. Mann's store, MifBinville; Miller's store, Berwiiki J. Cbne's Mil Rickci's store, Oisngevillsi Uerr's store. Whits Hsli. b'oi tkumberiand County Michael klasder's inn. Turbulville; Ireland eV. Hsv s store. McEwens ville; E. L. Piper's slme, Wstsonstown ( S. I, Cumly 4 Co's store, Milton ; Gibson's inn. Cbil liUqu ( Foray lb' store, Northumberland ( Young s store, Sunbury. Luzerne Ceany. Reynold's store, Kingston; uildersleevsj's (lore. Wilkesbarre t Uaylord s store, Plymouth i Stysr's store, Nsntlcoks Judge Msck's Mill, Huntington. ' Lytommg Coersfy-D. Clapp'a stors, Muitsy ; Shoemaker's stors. Smith's MiH. GEARHART KOWNOVER. ' Danville. Msy 9, IS46. " ' insETTirR'iripl kits dp oap, JJJf irscting GresM.- Dry Paints, Varnish, Tsr, Wei, Ac. froaa elotUnf of any wascrlptioti, war. ranted n.4 lo injure Ihe cloth ar the aaost dsliesia colors. This lto'd hss sleo bee need with greal auceass ia eases ol Dome, Scalds, Tesfr, Piraplaa ee. Us rte Cbeptes) haode, Sore lipa,. Rhsoms tauB, Hsei ee ast Corns, eac. (r Price, Sects, per bottle. Fee sale at Ibe store ef i Jory If, 1846. H. MA&BW. iisieA.aaaS.Ka ..i -i ATTORNEY AT LAW, STjifBtrmT. pAa . . Buslnsss tttended to .in the Counties ef MW inamberland, Union, Lycoming and Colambte ; iuw hi SSJI . . aass, VJ iLinadtCe. I Co J P. or. A. KevooDT. Lowaa A Bitao SoMnBeVBtoasaass, i PAiaa. RsvtoLoi, McFia oesaiae.Goea tt PRXSXtXIUZvI SCALES. Dale'a Cele rated Rail R .ad Scalee, Cosl and Hay ' do Iron MsnofscV do Portable Platform do SO diflVrent siaes, Dormut or Floor do . ft diflurent siaes. Counter do 13 different size. The above 8estes sre ' msds either eingle or double besm, snd sre decidedly the most duiable, accurate and conveni ent "ChIvs aver inve.ited. We slso bare Platform and Counter Scales,' Patent Balencee and every kind of Weighing Machines in use fur ssle, whole, sal snd retail, al low prices. All Scales sold by ns to go out of lbs city, sre boxed free of chsrgs, snd wsiisnted lo give eslisfsction lo Ihe purchaser in every psrticular. GRAY St BROTHER, Manufacturer and Dealers, No. 34 Wslnut stset, June 27, 1846. ty Phitiidelphia. SALT. New Yoik Salt in bsrrsls snd baga, for sale at manufacturera price, by GRAY dr. BROTHER, June 87, 1846. ly 34 Wslnut at. Philad. OHOR8 Horse 8h P'tces, by HOR8E SHOES. Burden'a Patent Shoee, for sile st manufacturer,' GRAY tt BROTHER, 84 Wslnul -t Philad. Jucs 27. 194C ly PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, SAZTVZZslsXI PA. THE ubciiber, late of the Union Hotel, !lfun cy, Pa , respectfully informs Ihe old snd nu ' merous customer of the PeiuiN) lvnnla House, . snd the public gerferally, thst he has leased Ihe Tav.rn Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he is now prepared lo entertain travellera, and per sons visiting the lown, in tbe very beat style. The accommodation will be ui'b s a well conducted public house should afford, and no efttrt will be spared lo render iti-faclion, in every reeiiect, io sll who msy call. Ths cil'iena of Lycoming county are invited lo put up wilh the undersigned when they visit Dnnville. HENRY WEAVER. Dsn't'le. Mav 2, 1816. EE1TT1GTB.T. PET Ell n. M A 8SF.ll, RKCENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizen of . Sunbury snd vicinity, thst he bs opened an office at the residence of Henry Msfner. in Market . street, where he is prepaied to execute sll kinds of Dotal Sumoebv, Plata Work, Ac , on the latest and most approved plana. Having had some eiperience and instruction, nnder one of ihe most eminent and eucceseful Den tist in Philadelphia, be belie vea that be will he able to give satisfaction lo those who may wsnt his services. Lsdiea will be waited on al their places of reai. dence. His chsrges will be moderate, and hia wck warranted. Sunbury, March t8th, 1846. To Puichaaers of DRY GOODS. .Vo. 121 Pearl tt., NEW YORK, Tl AVING established s Branch at No. 144 Chs. kk. nu et.. Philadelphia, ia now opening, snd wiH he constantly receiving from tbe New York A ac tions, an extensive assortment of FANCY A STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will he sold si the lowest New York pi ices, at wholesale and R tail. Among hie stock, will be rbonil a good assortment of the following articles: Jaccaneis, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Stripe, Book, Swiss snd Tsrlatan Muslins, Bishop snd Linen Lswns, Fsnry Cap Netts, Fancy and Bsll tlresaes. Thread I .area. Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Iriah Linens, Linen Csmbrrce, Linen Csmhric Hdkfs.,Cttain Fringes, Cssbmeea d'Ecosse, Mouacltne de liee. Bilk and Cotton Wsrp Atpsccss, Quoeu's Cloth, Gsls Plsids, French Merinos, Bl.ck Silks, Glove. Si k Hum, Shawls, t 'rsvsie, RilKna, Embroitleries, ice., Aa. Country Merchants and ethers visiting Philadel phia or New Yoik lo purchase, are reajiectfully in vited lo csll snd examine Ibe stocks. Nov. 1, 1845. ly II E L I E V E AND LI V E. THOMSON'S Compound Syrup or Tar A Vfoo4 Aiaptha. . . ri'V.HE unprecclcnted success of this mejieine, in M. the restoration of health, to lhoe who, III des pair, had given up sll hoes, has given it an exer ted reputation slave all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic valus and power, a the on ly stenl which csn be relied upon for ibe core of Pulmonary Coneomptinn, Brnm-hittie, Asthma, Pain In Ihe side and Breast, Spitting of Uloed, Wbonping Cough, Croup, Ae, - ..... Attention ia requested le the following ASTON. ISH1NG CURB, he Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Narnha 1 1 Philadelphia, Nay 3r 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelini 1 inform you of the astonishing effect of yonr medicine, which has literally raicd ma from a death-bed I M y di-ea-e. Pulmonary Conaump lion, bad reduced ane so low that my physician pre nojnccd my eaae hojrr I Al this junction I be gsn to u-eyour medicin,snd miraculous ss it msy seem, it bss compbteiy realored me te health, stVer everything else had failed. Reapectfully yours, Washington 'mack, Charlotte street, above George street. Th endereignedJ, being pereoaally acqusinled with Wsabingtoa Mack and hia aunVrings, bsat witness lo ths astonishing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup ef Tsr, and the train of lha a base etatement. ' JOS. WINNER, SI8 North. Third street, DAVID VICKERS. 48 Almond street, HUGH M'GINLEY, 8. B. eomsr Tsttsay and Fourth arreers. i. Prepssed ssdy bf 8. P. Tkssaaan, N. E. eorner of 6lb and Sprnee straets, Philadelphia. . Agents. H. B.. Mseser, Sunbury D. Gross, snd Dr. Maephereon, Hsrrwbarf ( J no. G. Brawn, PpSHvttU Gas. Sari, tUsdiog Rooataai A Ma on, Towaede. BiadonJ aoeaty, Pa. Price 60 eenaj per bottls, or M er dotes). fJ Bsirave eaff istreaViW -Philadelphia, J-uaa ?8th, 1641.-1 1I 1 I do da rA ii, d J do do I do - do I da do