Highly latersstlng CerreapoarUare. We U bo treat pleasure tit laying before our Yeadcre the follow mp correspondence between Goernor Snvni, the Chief Magistrate of Peon eylvania, and General Zaoiiaht Tat lob., the brave vicior, who baa apbeld the honor of hia country in many battle fields i ' F.xkcvtivi CiAMnrm ' J HarrisUirjr, Pa., Jan. 19th, 1847. Sra : ? hae tbe honor to transmit, herewith, ctfflr of rctaiMiendtt'mt to yoo the thank of theVsencral Asuibly of this Commonwealth, fof tHi prudence, ski.M' nd bravery, with which hv conducted the ev P'?n aatnet Megf co; act kiwi, e"e9iinr the 'e of that body, of the suffering?, ??ryice and wmim of the ifficeri and men of the L'.'ited Stain rmf in Mexico, volunteer aa well as fffutars,1 ''d it tender of hearty thanks fur their gallant 6153 p's' triotie conduct. 'These resolution speak the sentiments, snd express the feelings of the freemen of Penn--sylvania . and I esure you I not only partici pate In these sentiments and feeling, but it is one of the moat pleesa nt duties of my life to be 1he medium of communicating them to those whose patriotism, skill and bravery, so richly merit-the approbation of their country. .. f have the honor to be, with sentiments of the highest consideration and rei-peet, yours, &c ' FRS II. SUUMC. 2acrakt Tatw, E q., Major General Com manding the United Slates forces in Mexico. IlrAnqi'AitTRRs, Attuv or OmtpATtON, ) ' Camp near Monterey, March 2?th, 1S47. S i: I have hid the honor to receive your communication of January 19th, transmitting a copy of the complimentary resolutions of the General Assembly of. Pennsylvania. Suitable extracts from those resolutions have been com municated, in General Orders, to the troops of 4y command, and will be duly appreciated by them, aa convew-Hg the sentiments ot great and patrttrtve Slate. I teg 'leave to apologize to your 'Excellency n.! me KTiavuiiiauiH ueiay occasioned Dy late in censant service, which has occurred in nek now !Wging your communication, snd slso lo ex press my personal thanks for tl verv rn..rl. ous terms iirVliichyr.ii have been pleased to communicate the resolutions of the fJcnersI As sembly. lam, sir, very respectfully, ywr nh't servant, Z.TAVI.OR. . Major General U. 8. Army. His Excellency,-Frs It. SnritK, Governor of Pennsylvania, Harrieliurp. From the Danville Democrat of the 7th inst. Death r Captain Wllina, We have a melancholy duty to perform this week thst of recoic? ing the death of our esteem ed and no'ble-hearted Mlow-citii m, Jon. S. Wilsoh, Captain of the "Columbia Guards," while in the discharge of his duty ai Volunteer soldier in the Mexican War. He died on the evening of the 1 3th of April latt, on board the steam-r Virginia, off Veia Cruz, on which be had taken passage a few days before with a view of returning home. Captain Wilson hail been un well for aeveral weeks, but not so nitre h as to prevent bim from doing hia duty as a Voldier at the siege of Vera Cme. From over syerlron On that ore anion he became worse, so much se that his friends thought best to obtain a furlough for him hia company being abo'it to msrrh for the. interior of Mexico ; but before the steamer tai led, he Cell a victim on the altar of bis country. His body wsi buried in the cemetery near Vera Cruz, by the Cam Von Gnard, with military honors, and in tbe abscetite nf a clergyman, Get). Hammond, of MtUon who it Paymaster iu the Army, read at his rave the fepitrnpat funeral service Hia last momenta are taid to have been calm and composed in the hope of a bl eaed im mortality. Every attendance it was possible to beatow under the cirenmttances, waa paid to him by the Captain of the Steamer and Lieut. Co). Msnt of Wllkesbstre, who had alto taken passage on the same Vetiel, beihg Unable to discharge hit ddtina On account or illness. Cspt. Wilson left a disconsolate wife and two children to ttiBUrh hit untimely end ' . ' Con. Pesby's tltPhtM and or IjsIt. DlStca is the thettte of general remark and censure; Had it been Carried into effect "In tbeirlere terms of the sentence, it Would have been eon aidered as performing a part Which official duty assigned, hoWeVcf Unwrlfortie the office tniflit have been. t)ul the ill feeling displayed and the contemptuous language used by him to wards Liut, Hunter, with the design, seeming ly, of executing the sentence In Hie trtoet offen sive manner, prove that something more than official duty waa in the set, end that thd Com-mandet-ln chiT of the Squadron" made the lpportunity an occasion for indulging bis per tonal feelings, and of punishing gallant offl cot tor beating of) the chaplet of victory, just as his superior officer was ready to plaeu it upon Ins own browi '' Such feelings (nay be very natural under the circurostancea to an ambitious commander, but the country hsss greater share in the honor and successes of the ff aty than any Naval Com man-t!r-r(and when si greet public service has been rea-deredf which, for its gallantry and daring hefoisinj sheds additional lustre upon the Amer ican came, a feeling of pride sod gratitude in our country shall prompt it to reward the noble act, instead of aflovrirlg the actor to fall beneath teusure and disgrace, to gratify personal, feel ingsin sny individual. Lieut. Hunter has been lismissed from the Horne Squadron, but he should be immediately re-instated iri the com iiiod1, iu which be has rendered such good ser vios; A little more of lbs) spirit in the Navy he has displayed would do K no hsrrfi.afrd rrtigbt HJ much to iu efficiency id the present war, - -w . ?..- s ToesoAV, May H lou, Ann m t4LT stock of FJbio-la light and holders of standsrd - bisnds atk Mbeyers offer 7J. Sales of small parcels of extra making t $8 a t8). ' Corn Meal With' aalea. five E'l ... ill; . J . ; J" rw 93t. . , , , . ,; , . ,. GaAi The price. : of , Wheat is advancing! Salea Of Psnna. red I73e mewhite it in de mand at tfJOc' Jle 100c ; tarn 10? a IOc, and Oal 52 a o3c. . . , ', y Wntsaax 30c. ) , . ( BALtlMOHIS MAMCKr; "C 'C Office of Ms Biikio.s ANseieA,May 10. Git A IN. Two or three psreels of Md. Wheat were aold to day at !70al73 cents for bett redt, snd a lot of white at 180 cents. We note a tale of 1J00 buthels Tsnna. red at 175 eta 8alea of Md. white corn at 03a05 cents, snd of llow at 10Jal03 cents. " A lot of Penna. yel- low to'd at 104 cents,. weis.ht. , , We h'e a,e of Md Itye at 00s92 ets , and of Oatt at 65a6 cfS. ? - , r . . . - . WHISKEY. T !l,r f nothing doing in hhda. Sales of bbla. 'at ?$ cn((-' Daowtissas, Summing of ihe Head, a roaring noiae io the ears, hrada'ihe, palpitation .'f the heart, Ac Wright's Indian Yrla)4s Pills s.e a certain cute for the above unpleaaant Complaint!', b. ' "use they pnrge from the hody thoni Mngnant and Cir- j rupt hemra which, when floating irt the general man of circulation, are the csose of a 1ftermins tion or rush in the blood to the head, aiuMitms, losa of memory, dimness of sight, drowaiiiees, pain of the hesd, snd many other symptoms of s loaded Slid corrupt ata'S of the blood. Wright's lodisn Vegetable Pills are slso one of the very lat medicines in the world for the cure of iniligraiinn, snd therefore will not only remn-e all I We above unpleasant symptom, snd eniirely prevpot any evil consequents reuliing from s ruh of blood lo the hesd, but will moat ssxuredly restore the. bo.ty lo alste of sound heslih, Bt-wars of counterfeits of sll kinds ! . Some sre coated with sugar; others are made lo reaemble in outward appearance the original medicine. The a fust course ia, to purchase from the regular agents only, one or more of whom may be found in every village snd town in the Slate. (T-Ageol for the ails of Wright's Indian Vegeta ble Pill in Suntiury, Hijbt Masses,. For other agencies see dveniemrfil in soothe column. Tbcst to Ubasosath's PiLt, lake them to as to produce a brii4 -tT.-it, and your sicVness will I the affair of a day ot two, white thoae who are tio wise to follow this common-sense a4vic, wiH he aick for monibs, Ii tbe tick enquire if the sgents f r Brandretb'a Pilla whether these things sra so or nut. Let theis) enquire among their friend and ask the same queeUoo. Verily if evi. dence is wanted it shall be procured. To the rick let ma say, wan th BsAanaiTu Pills ia the best adt.ee mottiil ftian can give you, (O" Purcbaas ,T H. Msaser, OerpSury, or f the genta publiohf d in anolher part of iViik pajier. DIKU, 'On thetttb mM., in Shamokin townahip, Mrs. ELIZABETH GlLtiF.U, aged about 26 years. PRICLS CURRENT.1 ' Corrtcltd tuttk'if by Henry Matter. WTbeat, . k . 12S ftva, . . . . . . . '70 Cobs, . . 70 Oats. . 40 BoTTaa, . . . . . . . 16 Ee)ia, v . . -. . Poas, . ; ; - . . 5 Flaisssd, - . . . 112 Bssswax, ... a& Tallow, . - t . 10 FfcAX, - . in HkckLso Ftkx, v . It) DAian ASfLs,. - 75 Do, - Paacnat . ' v loo ssaa--tMMMMM, 1. 1 1 HANCE'H SARSAPARIM.A VEGETAULE ? - OK BI.OOD PII.I.S. . FOR PUIUFYINU THE BLOOD ! . Baltimobb. July 9, This Is to certify, thai I Wat afflicted w in a U OleiA pain in the t-trast and right vm. which t anppoae proceeded from the impure mate of my MihhI. I waa leenmnaended to lake Hanet't &r tripartita vr DUmd nil; and after lkiUg onS host be pain waa e .tirrly rem irist fnm my hreaat ahi! arm. I fotind tbt'n ektrein'lv grrl'le in their oe. tatlon, tnd would rceummcrid thfem lo every per son in wsnt era mild furgali-e-. PAtairk Itoriia, Xa. 25 Conway at., betwsm Howird and Culaw. Ia rcarsio thksk eiLi.a, Ui me aild OSK WORD Ql CaVtIoxt) Always atk for IIACC S PILL?, and purchare Of Hon bdt thriee adteiliaed aa agents, and if ton. Vsnleht, call and ee the propfirlut himaelf. (jFRICS Xh C.a per Uot. f rlF T V Ptl.LS EACH, fof Uanc'a Geouihli Pilla. or 6 for ft. r or aale i.y SETH 8. HASCE. log n.liimdre si., and corner Charles and Pratt Street, fjaltitriore, snd tty OfeORGti rlRtGlir.Suni Ury. Ai . t).tiftAtTia.vM,lHonhunilrUd. May to. 1847. HACE'sCrtMPOttbftYRHOPlloltET HOUND FOt THE CVKli OF Conht, Cbltfs, Votiettmplinn, Spitting ? Rtixtd, 1 J Of t'M ifit Side aiui Brmtt, BrdncKtit, Vrtoup, Atthma. end nil diteaket 6r: ' simat from a diwrderrd 6mdiHnH ef the lung hmtlredrtd: Cy The folio-Sing Sontlet Wss Sdilreised to the ' propiiemr by a Vonng Lady Whd Waa cured of Cort.-tiinptloo I . Ho ys Who pant wllh failing brcStfaj And 1 ins sWav and die I Hasca shall "pUI aWay" ybur dea'h, And light, Ins, your eje. IoW giaieful 10 lha bieaat ! A flonoua ibems for pout's aong. Soothing hia cough to reat HaSCiI r-srodof.bsUxt,,rnhout A blessing lo Iby rare, -LSI ISursIs floiiriah Oil thy brow, And weslth, those laarcla grass. When heroes sre' forgotten 1 kings Psfuoct ; sr, oeacd 10 reign t . . Glory, for tbeo, sbsll flap hsr wings 1 ' . 1"U conqueror of pain. Pike SO Cants par boltle or six bottlss for t 60. ror salt) by iBTJt & HiNCE. 108 B.liriors st , and corner af Chartaa oi Pratt ate. Bail mors , and by GCOKOS BRJGH?. S.nbuir, ! SnAUTIGAM, Nortbarobsrland. ?lty 15, 1847. . DR. SMITH'S (Sva Costs) "IMPROVED INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS A KB d-Hy sffeeiing some of the nwst satoniah WV. ing and wonderful euree that have ever been known, in consequence of which thev have now become a shining msrk against which' sll ths sr rowsof disappoinlad bops, envy, and bhiarha bleneaa are levelled without distinction, , Tbi town snd eountry srs slike filled with Ihsir praiae, Ths pslscs snd ths poor bouse sliks echo with their vlrv uea. . m sll climates, under all temperat ares, they still tetsin their wonderful powers, and exert them unaltered by age or situation. :. They srs simple In their preparations, mild in their actions, thorough in all their operation', and unrivalled in Iheir re suits. Thev are an'l-bilioua, anti-dyepeptie. and antUmorcon d 1 and ihey are peculiarly licneficial in the following rotnplain'si , fevcf and sgue. yet low and bilious feaeta, dyapepis,rroup, liver com plaint, sick headache, j umlice, aathma, drnpav, spleen, pile, eolie, obstructions, he.rlburo. futre.1 tongue and foul atom-ch, nausea, dianhrea, costive nea. o. of appetite,- -allow complexions, e -l is. and in all eaaes of torpor of the bowels . where a cathartic ot an aperient ia needed. N. B. No Susar Coated Pill. en K unb aa se. bnt haa on it the signstore of O. BENPfX 8MITH. M. D. " ? - . . (Cy CAUTION As a miserable imitation has been msds, by the name of Sogaf Ousted Pill," it is neeessnry lo be sure that Dn. O Bass. Smith's tiens'nre is on every hot. Price renta. Pr'oeipAl Office. 179 Greenwich st. N'-w York. Sold by JOHN W. FRII.INO. Sunhury. WM. FORSVTHE. .VorMuiuV. M.y 15, 1847. TESTI M O 4 lT IS ji O ItTiIEC 131 V C D Fnoai all Qoartbss or tss Globs. '. rSt;t5 following letters are presents! with a vi. w L of more fully showing the opinions .f pt ysi cians in -relation to the -medical value of Da. Switsi'i Compoi;.voSvbi;p or Wun Cnsbbv. Dn. Hwtrss Dear 8irtHsving owti ynor L-ompound oyrup or Wild Cnerry, exten.ivelv in mv practice, I was requested by your spent. Dr. Crtt'cher, to express mv opinion in writing, of its prnpi rttes ss a remeji ! agent. I moat cheerfully compty. as I feel by so doing, 1 will discharge s debt I owe the community at large, and phyaici'ine in par icular. Aa much aa I detest quack r me diea snd patent nostrums, I waa induced from a fiilureof the moat potent cxprctotan's, recommen ded in our materia medicaa in some caea of Dis eased lung, to tiy yout preparation of Prunua Virginia or Wild Cherry. It ia sufficient to aay thai I wss so much plesaeJ with the remit of that snd subsequent Iriala that I now prescribe it in Teference to all other remedies where an expecto rant is indicated. In the mucb dreaded Pneumo nia or Disease of the Long, in tbe alarming form in which it appears in Kentucky, I rcgaid it aa an invalo ible remedy in the treatment of that dieea. To all who know me I have ssid enough, hut s thia my be seen by persons out of ibts vicinity of r rsi.Klort, 1 will brie My add, Ibal I have tvrrn n gaged iu an active practice of my profession f.r 12 years, and am a regular graduate of Tiansylvani, and this is tha first patent medicine I ever thought enough of lo esprsaa an opinion in writing. . J. H. ELLISON, M. D. Jan V, 1 84 T. . Franklin co., Ky. FaawBVOBT, Kr.. Jan 7. 1847. Tbe aboefi teriiicMta is from one oT our phvai ciaoa living fcSV miles from hero, be is doing a very good practice, and is considered s god physi cian, ai.d aands fair( he is aa be aiy, a regular graduate, ;v- - Ds. W. L. CaoTTaks, DiUggi-t Srxl ApMbecary. Qtj Since ins introduction of my srticte to the pudlie, there hsvs) a number of on principled imli viduals got np axsjirwnsa, which Ihsy assert contain Wild Cherry, some ere called -Bataamt Bitters,' snd oven Syrup of Wild Cherry, but mine is ths original and enry genuine preparation ever Intro doeed 10 tbe pUlitiv, which can be proved by lha public Records of tbe Commonwrtlih uf Penna) I vsnia. Tbe only safeguard aga;rtat impotiiion i to ree that my signature ia on etch bottle. D. H. swavnt. Corner of Eightn and lUce .., Philadelphia. On'y Agent in Suukuiy. is HENRY MASSER. Dr. J. A. Moore, DanvilU ; T. S. Mack y & So.., Mdion; M. t & J Welti. M'jncvj C.A. U yatl, Lewlaliuif, Daia )c Sihoure, 8linagrov; John C. Rrnn, Line Mountain P. O. Phihd Iphin, slO-'clm.rtl y Spring Goodst T 1HE sobserder baa just rceivad hia New Snrins Gonda. to whifch ha invit'ea hia frienda and rustometi lo Vail and examine for themaelVes, His stock conai'ts in part of tbe following: Sup.'i inr (cloths. Of all color t Cssimrra of Jilt r fetit p.ttmt ld other V.Ailog ; C.- llcos. Iwims Gingtisiris, Check". Tick- i IrtgS. Snd sttmmer wear of all kind . ' j . Sou pre; stao. Legboth idJ h Talm le.r Hst Umbrella ' - ' Si.d Paiaeola.fr. rrtSS . ' cents ut!wi'd aW, ISrOceiiei', (jueend txte, IfrdWs'S. CedarWare, tlila. Paints, Fuh, Sail. ce..&r. Ac., and in fact, eVeiv article oaoatly kepi In a cobntry stote, which will be sold very Idw. for cash or any kind of trade. jOltN DUG Alt. Suiiliuiy, May Itth, IStT. nlty More IN'eW, Gooila I ? rll HB last arrival is St Po'tly's JSinri, Msikef M. Square, Where will be foUnd a huhilSorilfe as aorlmenl of ' SpRtNtJ AND SUMMER Gt10l)S of the ll.l and ih at apptoiej s)lta, coi. anting of t'lotbs, Casa'lh.-iS, Vt-atila, Summer Stuff, Mjna line, . . L.Wns, (iiigharha. Cs'icoa, MuSlina, Jean, Ac, te , Ac al i, a full assortmrrjt of ffrorrriee, all of blch will be aul.l leW. r lUamvCr ofTi'ied io ttda nurli t. Call and examine for voarselvea,'. ,v -Suubury, Msy 18 h, 147 ff - l'osilite Tmslre's Sale " or rak 'iRIDEfi & KPslCHBA,0'lrl Tract of Land. WILL be exposed to pohtSe ssV.si Ih eou t houe In Sunbnry, Notihumbt flaud C un ty, Pennavivania, on ths !4th day of May, 1847, at 9 o'clock, A. M., all that certain tract of cal land situate m Little Mshonoy t'abp, NortVJ eoun ty, sdjojning lands of Jacob Leitcbel, the heir of Marshsl ahd others, eontsiniifg two hundred snd twenty seres more or less, wi;h ths appurtenances, being the same tract ef land which Joeph I.ym and Abegail hia wife gssted sn.l eontejed loBoid PsttSrsnn, by dead, dttsd July IS'h, 1841, in trust for ihs pu. poses thersin tstcd: Ths ssid deed bsv'mg sq reroi'ded in lbs office for recording deeds, Ac., in Noiihombsilsnd county, in deed book Y-, pages T4 and Tt., the 8ih day of August, A. D. 1131. BL'RD PATTERSON, f ottsville, Msy Bib, 1647. 3( TtM.tes. Flottr, Produce, and General Comnifi tion Merchant, Ne. ll S.tTt. Wean, BALttSIOltfi," ()FPER Ibelr . ssrvices to the Mbrfchatda Itid Fstrnsra ef tbe So-Auahenna Vallev, lr ths sale of Flotan, Omtn and Produee gtneralry, Ih tha Baliim.re marked lnd from their vitenive luaimanos smong puf chasers and shlppeis, can safely warrant latfclaetory sales. " ' - ' , ;J JortespomVnls will be constantly kept sdvbotf of the state or the msike.s, &. w R,lef to l '.: 1.-: r I 'ip. .l-y-w ! ' Messrs, Wm. M'iUon ft R"ts."t ' ' -i ; ... ,ate Reynolds A Son. 1 J ' DavMson ft Saunders, 'B',"-M-V Reynnlda t Smith, J and Mesara. Tinsley, Caldwell A, Ei.gtlsh, Phils. May 16h. IH47.-j-Sm ' ' CE1TTB.E TTOlTPiiK THE Stockholders are lierrhy ntifiid. that an election will beheld at the huese of Jamra Lee, m the borough of Nnithumbedand, on Mon day the 7lh day of June ntxl, between tbe hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock. P. M., for tbe purMwe of electing effics a f r ths en.nlnt vear. ( 1 J. It. PRIESTLEY. North'd, May 8, 1M7 4t ' ' P,,'t, TiOTICU is hereby given that the subscribers' of Jj ths iVca Stock v( ths NonhumherLnd Bridge company, auinoriaeu is ne rs'seo ry sn set ot Aat seinhly passed Msrrh 28ih, 1846, to ensble ths said cnn.pany In re-build lha Briilge from Shamo kin I -I .nd in the eastern abore of tha Sn-qoehanna, are reque-t d lo pay Wm Foravthe, Treasurer, an iiislilmeot of five dollars ot ewrh share) by them anli-rrilietl. on or before the 14th day of May n, xt, and five dollar on each share on the I4lb day of each month thrr. jftn, until all ia paid. By order i f ihe Board, - D: BKAUriGAM. NorthumbMpril 24, 1847. it - Ptea'l. OrI)hall!, Court Kale. IN pnrsu .nee of an iw.ler of lha Orphans' Court of Norlhuml'eilaiid county, will bu Sold st pub lic vendue, on Saunday the 17th day ol Ju'y next, on the prtmiaes, to wit; A certain tract of land a'nua'e in Shsmok n township, in a iid rouniy.con tiiining 2119 screa ami 113 prchea, strict measure, ailj lining laud if the bene of M artin Waavnr, J.ihn Unger, Solomon Fenely, and laaie TreibU-y, whereon is erected s two slory log house and s'nne kitchen, s large fame h.ink barn, atone arrnke hiHiao snd sn eicellent orchard of choice fruit. Al-o, one ntbrr tract, siluala in the township and County a'nrissid, couiainiog 35 acre and ft, pnr Chca, ailjolnins the alMiva ilecrihed tract, 8..muel Hah a, Geoigc Unger, snd laac Treibley. where -n sie creeled a one snd s half story frame house, s frame at utile, and a log shop, with a gttoj well of water at the house, and a thriving young orchard of choice fruit : Also, a eer'ain other tract of wood land aitu its in tha township aforrart'd, containing 81 acres and M perches, adjoining t'.mrail Yeaser, Joseph Chainberlin, and Aui(Utot H u'ey. Alan, a certain n her tract of land in ardd to vnal.ip, con taining 32 aciea and 147 erchiS, a-rirl me-ore, of which uboul one half ia cleared, adjoining An gurtua llui-y, Nathaniel Sjiton, and oihera At ao, a certain other tiact cl'u.it- in aaid town-hip, containing 9 acres snd 1 1 perehex, strict menaiite, Siljoining Soliim.iii Fegly,and otlwr. Late the estate of Christian Ftgely, tlec'd. Sale to commence st 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when lbs tetius of sale will be ensile known by SOLOMON FKGKLY, REUBEN FEU ELY, By order of lb court, Admrs. Eowabo OrsTss, Cl'k. O. C. Sunhttry, April S4ih, 1ft47. tl3t TIlUlalRK lliitlilieu'H ENtHte. 'WfOTlCE la hereby given, that leticV of ad-mioi-listion hjc been grant d to the sub . r lr mi the ea at- of Thomas Holliheu, h'e of Point ViWnaSip. Noithum:erl io.) ritun'y. d.el. All persons ludctwd lo sid e.ra'e, or having rLiins against lbs ssme, are itqu slid to 9a II and settle HENRY i. THOMAS. . Northumberland. April 10. 1847 fit A dm. CHEAP BIaINBsT e. iT. riLL r Aivtdi VtLfffflrt Blind vtinf'ttcttirTt", , No 12 N'Wih iBih t.,"(a f'W door almvs Maiki t st.) HAS now on hnd the Imgest anil nt-Mt fahinn able ass rnnent of Narrow Dial and oihi V Ve netian Blind of any establishment irt ine United Stales, Which bS Will srlh, Wh Jaaii? alij Itrtai at ihs Icwsi-t pi'.rca. The C'tlteo of SonHUVv abd1 VScini'ty ara resH-rt. fblly solicited to call ott htm brfure purrhaainfr etne. white, aS he la t.n8 ht -d giving rHl'.re eHtinfic ti'n to h who may thbs f vor b in with a call. OLD BLINDS Ucpaintrd and Tiimuud, so ss lo lo"k rqual to ncTV. Oidert pUnctUally altciidbd l'i al)J the bliuda forwaided with despa'bh. B J. WIU.UMs. Match C; I84t.3rtt. ' F A ltM xaa S.?,ria. THK subscriber olfer tor sale a cheap Farm; sit lisle in Shamokin townhip, Ndrihttmhet land couniy, shout eight inilea from butib.i'v, ly ing beiwi-i n 'he Centre lUrnnike and Iri h Va'ley. con'aining t62 acres ami allKwancea. Mai.l f.rm ia in a go.! aisle of cultivation, with ress.inalily gooj l uildiiig snd excellent wslet nest itsdiioi snd sll kinds Of fiuit. Ac. JOltN FAUNSWORTII. Snnbuty. Feh. 20. 184T. &X.ISX2 & SON, ruiiiAUBijrniAi 1oiiiiuiIoii .tlOriliaiilvi. For ths a.lu of Flour, fira'io. and all kinds ol Cuun liy Produce, .Vs. 48 CirNwrre srcl tt'sorf, . . BAXTIMORE. flf Fsd ailvancea ou (Jouignuiciita. Feb Hth, 1817 :irr); . 43C3 TLXlTJ&jXL B1 Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS in ('uim,a acem lo ba th order of the il.iy, at tha ili .d. l( bis 'ad Kobe, luft Chesnut aireet, whers evtry nit-le in ihe Una is kept, and sold at estani-biiig lost prices, embracing Cloaks Bsngopa. Over fack Coata. Short Sack Co ait, Siipir Frtrth Cloth these Frock Cost. Pantaloons of every gratis snd Style, any of which will bs sold tithe by Ihe gar merit or dotam, at pii Cea that will jj.l.fy the hi a si rannoiuieal in buying. Wssdvis gllwbowspt good snd cheap Clo tLiflg. to call at No. 106 Cbesnol aiiset, - .-. Pbiladelj.his,, Ktb ih, 147. lux . S V I WtkVMi aP labWasaUfa. taVnikfiW j ava , . - . w rv.n..y,i-sa amieteu wiin vjanoer. Seorrula, King's Evil, Tet er, Salt Rhrbnt. Eryaipelas, i kU a .k.-aw fAS 1. .1 1 a. . .a ! . , . t ""'" wisesses. and sn Vorhplslntk arising rVoW ibiporlties of the tlloed. kre rrqUetrJ ,0 .. cpn 1116 F(ll6vlttU! in. wtT-tsns.s-.Feslini gfsfe- iui ror n exuaoroinary ture performed op-m me iilfXil.'- "l-'iBN'S INDIAN V EG ETA BLE PANACEA-, I f.el it my duty to furnish you wiib e short hUnfry of my esse. , . W hen about 1 13 years of tgsl waa attacked with King s Evil. I waa tinder Ihs cam of sn errinVjnl physician, snd sfier long course of medical treat ment, waa pronounced cured. At li years of sge s dbease, pronounced by some of the medical facul ty as -Srorfuta,' and by others 'Cancerous,' mam feaied its If This diaea-e increased in its rsvsg, till my throai was filled with u'cers, and my facs wss coveri-d with them ; my noaa wS ulcerated snd swollen to apparently four limes its natural site, t al-o had tumours iu my breast, sift! Ulcers on difleient paita of my peiton, I wss placed tin der the rare at varioue times Of lb moU eminent pi yieins of Xew York, Pbils tslphls, Bsftimore sod tinrinn di, who afisr having used their utmost endeavors in elf ct a cure, my case ty them Was protiouneeil incurable. I' have travelled over St al,iea of the Union Sc. king relief; noexpen-e was fpared, si d s Isrge amount of money Wa rtpend eil, but alt In Vain. I then used large Quantities of Swaim's Panacea. H ive al-n taken t'arpenter s Sarsaparilla, Schenck'a Pulmonic Syrup, Town send's Sa-anparilta, and numerous other prepare 'inns Without elTecl my throat, noae and face were still utei ra eil, and at length I lo-t entirety the sense ofem-lling I mntinueil in thia deplorable condi tion fr about two years, having given up all hopes f rcovery, I reniuned myself to the will orPrnVi'. dence, suppusing tist every mesne of re'icf bed f li'etl. On Ihe R b day nf August List t commen ced Isktng ye-ut Dr. Ci'ti.sa's IsniA VahsTAtts Passcs. having but little hopes of its benefitting me. Af ec having used one bottle, I distdvtore! lo my utter s'toniahment end gratification, that my sense of rmelling was eniirely restored, snd thai ths ulcer were rapidly diminishing in aiae. I have now t iken three l ot'lea nf the panstuSt my facs, mouth, t'irost snd nose are entirely healed. I im oi-w 40 years of age, and after 29 years of indeseii bible suif ring, my general health ia better, and in f id, at no period of my bra hse I felt Ss Welt s t have aince eaing yoUt invaluable Panacea. JULIA BRANCH. N. Y., Sept. 30, 1810. No. HI Clival. We, lbs undersisn d. Iwiop personally acquain ted with Mrs. Julia Branch, or No. Ill Cliff street, and having a know'eilge of her si'Usiion for Sever si ys rs past, do hereby certify, that the above ia a true a'ati irtr'ul of her bae. so far as our personal knowledge goes; and from her rhara'cl'eV and st an iline, we have full confidence in. her aXatemsnts, and in lbs efficaCy of Dr. Cullco's ludiSo Vegeta ble Pan.ce,, F.dwin A. Watek 113 Cnnalrest, Msria Wsre, d t. , Samuel Baiter. Bt Mulberry et'reet, . H. Uiaaaon, S3 Rireevelt street, b O'Neal, 1 1 1 Cliff strefcL Umily Katie, H ml son sttee. . Yal. sVnWl nneaOt ibe'He iin AVt,' If ye can an Tar ovr.re.ima professimial pride, aa to Use a medi cine whirh e know nut how ti compound, ye msy preserve many valual la bvea which will otherwise be -errirWd. Will ye noi prVscribe lt i If it ahSfl not aee.imprUh sl w'e claim foVlt, after a lair Irtal according to diVeetiona, we aba II p'tibliah an account of ila failuie in any three puf.crt In the United Slalne at our nvi'ii etpenr.1-. tlr. t'ullou's tndi m Vegetal le Pann'f'6a; do. d.-. Hpcc'fri-t do. do. Pile liemedv ; Dr. Appletnn'a Remedy for DVifneaai tvowand'a MagTc Lotior). Warranted to cure. Ueriifu-ates of cnrer, iu pamphlel form, may e had r5ris, Ibe obVcs of iht a'crntJ. ' These nieilrY'ines ere prepared tnd sobl by the proprn'tor, Row.md 'A. Walton, Nd. 376 Market stteet, Phil.delnt ia. ,, . f"W W Uancnlower, N i MiirraVst. N V. " " J i W D .nenh oer. No 1 O F Hall. Cin.O. f i !T .leVittm. No 5ft Canal st, N Orleans. V. Robinsoii,e-ir Gav A SjratogaMt. Hl!. Agenia! H. ttASSER. Sunbilry. t II. R ser, Miiton; J. SerhOlJ, Ni w Berlin- Mr. Musser, Millhstt; tbsVps D. Lewis, Wllkea'.a're. , , ru!d ilaj by ljrUgglata thVoUBOotlt the United Stat.-. ApVd 3d, A 847. 2m ftiy SOMETHtNCi NEW! PtHK hu'avfibers have lh etc'uilve light of X ven.ling J. M.THATCHER'S tint lltaltt llrlt Air toUhlnff in the c u I es of No on huriiher ltal, Columhis snd Schuylkill ; snd from the encouragement met wild already, ih'ry rxpett to dd a large business. This atove ia coii-trbeied oh an entiiely new principle; and nn the Only principle that cm make troth a go w.ioil ami coal atove. 1 he luvsutor hss over com all the dillicult'ea that ao frequently belong bi o:llcr stoves. He has by hia arrangement, con-stibct.-l s lir.-iling (fj-Ovrrt III IaOlalt where In broiling, rotating, frying or baking disy be urine, And sll the amrll that aries ibsrefion) must paaa into the coinbuKtil'le chamber, anj It not at sll thrown out into tbe room .CD tlfeeiiit s this, there ian oven only tw o i.ichel li-sa than tbe whole site ef the stove, herein biking or roaatlng maybe done ss welt as it can tie in the common brick oveH: This ven is slwsvs til for lie when the t'ove it healed, ai the whole draught of bot it passes a round it conitaniljr, ... Pul'l c attention it jiiinicul.irly ri'led io tnia stove, li cap le ten st niir Sipfe and Tin Estab lii'iment in North Danville, t ths sign of lbs Co luiu' ia Tin shop, and at the Foundiy of Rohrbsch A t'li rrlrnl In Hijn''ury, where its particular quali ties ii be fully shown sndeip'sined to any person wihing lo eX mine it. The siiliscrltiera continue In have on band all kin la nf parlui iv. a. ,uch aa radiators, cytcndSrs, fancy an.) pti!n, nithl fur all who rriiy faVar us w h s rail; also common sheet and Russia Iron, which can le made in any ih s'rible shape 1 Inge; I her With a general asromnrnt of tin snd japtin'ned ware, wholesale and idail. Country oirr. bao'ta si ihvin-d to fall ami eiamine our slock, ss our Wnrk cannot Se aiirpaa-ed, and prima rarfdoef ito. N . B. We ran ea'clv reenmmen J the s"bpve men- . ... - , . j . liorfed atove to persona who wish lo emnaik In a good bue'iiirsi 'ft fc p'aiehie will sell either coun ty 01 slat riyh 1 e. to uit purcliasers, snd on res- -K 1 1 leirra. lis or bis ag. n's mav be foond ill I)aiii!le. Pa. J. & J. AUTER. Ths uhileraigiiC'd, having sorn lo operation ids bnt Kaat hoi air cooking atove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaicher, eefify that wa believe, from thd imnnerof tta reiis(ruet"tf and operaiiorf,' thai ilia ihe lat one sve offered tth public. Tha .i,.n..m.1 ltti ....rNol.Oa n,l ll.s milSl rUCtion SO iudicious, thst there is s ssving ol on hslf Ins fuel ... - J : and lima, in dicing sry given amovm, vt ,ior, over tber celebrated stoves. In short we reeom mentit in preference to all others, for the simple reason that ft embraces savry branch of economy. Samuel Oarreit, John W Oarrsu. Dvid Chst. field, W F Xtiebrn. John M 0y, B Thompson, Smith Thomi son. J D Hshn, John Oakes, Hesikk ah Bear, Ettas F Cooper, Ore M It k hart, Dsoitl Huffinsn, HenrJ H Rtsaal, F H Csivsr, Verjd llrrltbarfc, Jsph Tsntnk, Brooks E(-ky Dsuville, Maich f, H7. ly - IT-IS VTiTlT ' f ! THE BOOK OF NATUFB ANLT OF COMMON SENSE, that tbe .iirl ,es.f-v ble produclioht of every eountry are, if properly spplied, amply aiitTicient fof the cute of sVery ma lady incident to each peculiar elimai. VrilCHFI INDIAN tEHBTlBLS Kti Xorlb Aisick-lcAii CssJtrse Of Ikeatth, ere compbVed nf fl plsnts which gmw sporitSne ousiy on our own kojl, and are therefore better a dapted to otir tonstitu'lions Ibart Medicines Cnncoc ted from foreign drug, however well they msy be compounded aiid ss they are founded ttph the pribciph that tbe human IkkIv is ih truth SUBJECT TO BUT ()NB DISEAsfe, ntmelv. Corruot hiinsnre. aH.I tha saht M,tlrih fcurea this ditesis on NatpbU Psikclrikt, by tletinting and purifying the hotly, it will be man ifest that-, if the constitution be not eniirely ex hausted, perieynrstitee tn tneir use, according tit di.tclior.ii t, sbsolutelv certain to ilriVa diasasa af siSrv name from the body. When We wth to redot a swamp or morns to reniBiy, WS drain It of Ihe snperthundsnt water, tn like msnner. if we wish to mntor ihs l.ut ia health. We milat cleinse it of impuriiy, WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS will he found one of the best, if ndl th Very best tbedicine in the Woitd for carrying out tbia QsAnn PunlVriSO Piis'cirLS. berauaa IheV evrml fr. lbs body sll morbid snd CorrAiA hrtm ir. the chSh of the disetae, in n sy and Natural Manner ; and white tfi'e'y every ilay sivs sita tan rLSAanat. di-'ette of every name is rapidly driven from ths Tbe following tiigh.y respectable storekeeper have l-een ahily spiminted agents for the sale or WrHgi 1 Indian Vegetable JHllt, in Northunsbcr. Inil county t Henry Masser, 8unbtiVy, - ' dt J. KsutTinan, Augusts towntlllp. SarrTuet IJrti, I.'utle Mahonoy. . vl'irtiim Deppen, Jackson. BeDevilla Holahoe, Uper MaoriO'y,' J6brt G. Ren'n, Upr Mahonoy, Samuel Johvi, Sbamokintowa. Wruythr, Wi1on& Co., Noitliumflrland-. E. L. Piper, WataonbUrj. Srlatid Sl IlaVa. McEwcnvVilte. amcS Feed, Pottsgruve. Vro. G Bcolt, Rushvirto. . h&rtmm Kncebte, felyaburg P. 0. Amnl T. BehaVel, Turbutsvillo. tiideon tShadel, Upper Mshonoy. Rhodes Sl Fsrrow, Snydnrstowo. John King, FsrmersVitle. Silaa U. Cook. Martin's Creek. J. De Young, K'K-ktviile. Alirahnm SHcrcY. Richmond. Samuel TaylOr. Slatefor.l. John H. Vincent, Cbilinqotirie. Wm. lleitten V Biotber, Milton. Bswabb or CocTcart)Ts. Tbe pubt'.i: ate captioned against tb'e matiy 'spuViogt medicines, which in order to deceive,, are called by tikmes si milar to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Ths safest course is to puichase of the regular sgmis on'ry, wh6 sl-s gentlemen that may be re lied Ao. ' , fty- Offices (leveled exclusively lo the sale of WRIGHT INDIAN, VEGETABLE PILLSi of the N0rh American College of Hcallh, No. 289 CreenwVh btreet. New York No. 198 Tremonk Streart. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICB, No; lta9 Racx SrsiKT, Pbilsder;ibis. Jan. 30th. 817. slSy. jFlrst iJircmium JEUtt c37 North Tliird "Street, PHILADELPHIA. fiIlK celebrity of the Inks manufactured ' -t Ibd JL subrtnlx r, and ths extensive sale consehiiiunl upon the high reputation , wli'n-h 'hey have attain ed, n,"t only throughi.i'il be Uni'ed tHteR, but iri tbe Wet Indies sVid 1n Chins, has induced him to mnke every .necects'y srrsrgement t i supply the vsst demand upon his esljlili.'.inn-rit. lie is i.ow prepared with every vor'ntv of Blm k , Btit" and Red Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, nnd Ink Powder, all prepared under hia own eroiiil superintenr! rnce, ao that purchasers may di iiJ uputt its su perior qualiiy. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMEN'f.a su perior srticfe for Mending OJask, Chlrta, Cabinet Ware, dtc, useful to every Houarket'par, being a white Itquid, easily applied, and mil alfectcd by drJ dinry heat warrsnted. Pamphlets, conlaibibg the numeroUl irali4 mouials of men of tcten'ee, and others, will bb fut nihed lo purcbtsrrs. . For vale at the MsnufictTy, WholCIie and Rei tail, Nou 87 Ndnfb Tnian BTskit; oposit CbetrV sir c it, PbUsdslpbis.by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Jan. 3nth,1847 ly MsnufScturer. Diiip! BrtigsiriJrugs !!l TilOMrsdN rOitAAVFORD, lVlitftesnie llriiffgistft, t No. 40 Market Street, (South side, be low Second,) . 1 .1 1 1 a d e I p ti I ti t Oir.r for sale a large stock of FreH Drugs, Med'cinea and Dys StorTa, id which they cll ths attention of Coun try Merchant aiid Dealers visiting Ihs eitv. Coach, Cahi'riot, jafian, tilahk, anil other Vsr- nishes of s superior tpjeliiy. AIo, VVhile snd Red Lead, Window Ulsaa, PainU auil Oils ebcapt-f then eve'. rr T: A C. ara slsn broKrietora ef tba Iridiaii Vegetable Balaam, celehfaied throughout their owrf and neiahlhirliig Stare, aa tbe 11 prparation fur the cure of Cdugha; Colds, Asthma, Ac. MorleJF refunded in every instance where no benefit Is ib Celved. Philadrlphia, Jan. 30. 1847. 3m "JiliT Mltar 8tiiA 1 Iwii 1 PERSONS wishing lo purchase good io dunbury, will do wfell lo call at the chesp Siors of ths aubrcnber. a!1d elamihe hi toCS lie-' loi purcbaninf; elsewhere. You toad depend on getting good bargains, sa he it delerrntried bM id bs undersold by any other itdre. . JOHN BOttAR; Sunhiirv, Jan. 16. 1847. nt4y jO"krL--fhe tiigh.il nisrict prits paidfoJ II Bark, st lbs slots of , . March 27. 1817. JOHN BOOAK. 89 dosen tora"i.toonis.for sale, by the do-" ien or ainsfe. si (t frO per dbsen. by March 87. 1M7. JOHN 13UUAK. TfTlREeiir'tfADbN bEEDS, Irom KisleyV Uat.len.' juat lecsived and fr als hy. . , Feb. .13. 147. JOHN BOGAr'- spH'M OVEfiV Jf ebeap, by . Jan. 16. 1847. , a new Buli.e7t'r aaf? JUMN IJUOAn- "aTFirAirvia;r!7ueen.wsrs, Hs.aw-.re, J Grocsriea. Lauor. &s., (or sals vsr, l .w.by Jan. 16, 1H47. JOHN BiKltK i.uiaJ ltiii EJcnTrOTU'Ol?rfi.l'te. esisu.ei.ia. Dia- kJ jog Paper. Willing riper, fito rens, sua HVi'ttMi'e Uolumbi. Ink, for t sale c heap at h atoreof ' JOHN BOO Asv- Jte. If, , , V