I of, fining XUPotM Rot-aM r . -I..-. : rk-.,..9-T.b.,w.lb. New York Club mi adjourn. meeting Judfo Van. W.ch in ,.h,ir, and a fair attendance o- .h..f.n.l.tiona from ths French we wl,.ro that M. Hardy. "'""'T eat.;., .i.t.a .h.Mie flowering of ,,,-iof Alger.n, tate. that i'j.Kx.ia ia lhat region is cn rB it k. ha in the no"" ss in P.ri. H "J- h" ,B T .n?K.. .bout wo arfrrwuV.T-- f" .1 .t acen their fruit. anil 0 bout ouu uwn w.' hss not yot teen their jna young- . . Tk nuneeiee Will 0 ' latfrouin. --- in this .nnn ninety to one T m, U,. The culture o. " . ,. , ,, pl.ee continue fc L Cult.Eeq.ol rewarded aa "'"e'J Subject of Cm. A letter paired fof fc fr,f "yt Uolderneee breed, which lieaaya; y to thirty quarts of milk for take the yeir Qut if mi, ia win,e(j rivefc uc of the producer, take the Al 3(which give eight or teu quart of milk thin the cretin we are in the habit of ying in this city. For general purpose, he as inclined to think that the Aldcrney, thia ids of the Alleeony Mo-Jntaint, (except on ennie of our very rich rally land) ia the beet kind of Block for the farmer to keep. Next to ehi, the pure North Devon are good for milk, pood for beef and the best of all working cattle but for gentlemen five htm the Alderney, fur one want quality rather than quantity. He had tried Short Horn, but found that our Jeraey Unila will l ot rupport them without too much expenditure beyond gram and bay for grain. H the Alderney he would guaranty 7 quart a dny of their creamy milk. In another letter, read at the tame meeting, Mr. Coll diiwented from Prof. Mapca off hand . pinion of the non nutritive properties of Corn cobs given some time since and suggested Him a regular chemical analyai of thecobahonld lie made under the auspice of the Institute. Mr. N. nith observed, very sensibly, that the cheap i ht way of ascertaining whether the cobs were iniiriticrtt or not would be by the throwing the uiifhelled corn before the animals and let them i-hoorn to suil themselves. Air. Colt farther MiteH that he encsped the Potato rot last year, u lirq he naed no yaid manure, by a dressing that pnived beneficinl aa follows, in parts: 1 of suit, 1 of Plaster of Paris, 2 of charcoal dust, 1 of wood anhea, 2 of slaked limed and 10 of muck that had been dug twelve months. Tho crop, although not heavy, was perfectly uvt'd and ol fino flavor. lie put them into barrels and filled in charcoal dust, and they are now aa 6ne, dry and mealy as they were in November. Mr. C. resolved to put in the whole of hit crop this year with the same mix ture. Perhaps the best way is to spread 10 bushels of salt and 30 of slaked lime, broadcast, to the acre, and then apply tho wood-ashes to the extent of about 10 bushels, with 50 of dry mucked and 1 buohel of guano well nixed io the hills or drill. Let any one try this on an acre, and if he does not realise 300 bushels or more of sonnd potatoes, Mr. C. would be great ly mistaken. Mr. Gabriel Wakemsn.from Herkimer conn, ty, in thia State, then deocribed OKt volumin oualy the cheese manufacture In hfti 'feginn. He ftalod among other incidentalities, that swine should never be nearer than 100 feet to the dairy, whereas they areolten not more than 15 or 20 led removed. The cheese and milk are alwaya more or less affected by their pr ximity. After a general distribution of graftsand seeds the meeting adjourned until Tuesday next (the ugular meeting) same subject continued. Tribune. I.awrt'L RrvEWot. Many ycarssineet gen tleman in Newington, a parish of Weathersfleld, Connecticut, who was a very religious and con eipntimis man married one ol the most ill na lured and troublesome women he could And in the vicinity. This occasioned universal sur prise whernvcr he was known, and one of his neighbors ventured to.itk him the reason which had governed his choice. He replied that hav ing had but little trouble in the world, he was fearful of becoming too much attached to the things of limn and sense, and thought by expe riencing some afflictions, he should become more weaned from tie world, and he married tuch a woman as he thought would accomplish h's object The bei-t part of Ihe story is, that his wife, hearing the reason why he married her, was much oflended, and out of revenge became WiO of the moot pleasant and dutiful wive in the town, declaring that she waa uol going to be a pack-horse to carry her husband to heaven. STirCTeat Ptrimrsos A little gill atk ad her sister 'what was dumi, that papa r-ad about Tb elder sister replied, why it is a great pils of ootkiag, sad no phut to put it.1 Lova vooa Emmiss. A t lergymaa told aa Indian bs should Uv his aeoiies. 'I du,' said ths latter, 'for I lov rum and cidsr.' If a si us is s good as a mitt, bow many yenng ladiea would it taka to make a lemgui JCI9. land riain Dealer. Wi thick ws could ifcsk a lajus with ens,' Buffuta Cuuritr, O. K. Prentice says that tb Isdiss havs fouad out the trua meaning of these mysterious spltsls, whit h is OnJy Kiting. ths current veins ef all 'The- loltovrlnf The most Implicit rs ..r.tvMa RnnJipoft h, m it Meter uttk bene my y with slid oorrectej fiom Blah. held jsrefonV enrr . . nail's R-Mks la Philadelphia. T fj,,,.... Drac. t Location. pt4D NOTES AT PAR. the i of North. Amite' par Ink of the Northern Libertiee hommrcMlDnk of PennV . PMBWt. im, M Kensington Kink l pkh,ii..ii. t..i. pur par par par par per par per ? 3huvlkill Dank South wark Bank . Westsrn Hank , Mechanic' Dank Manufacturers' A Mechanic' Pank Hank of Perm Townahip . . Giranl Dark . INnk of Conimcres, lte Moysmi Ming Dank of Penoi) Nanla , . Country Rntihi. Bsnk of Pnenf or County W.ntrhoKer pat par par pi: pir par par par par par par par par Bsnk of Delaware Conniy Chester Hank of GeTmantoffn" Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylestnwn Dank Gaaion Dank Oi-rmnntown Niwrlsmwn D ivleitown Ciston Farmera Dank of Burks co Bristol Bank of Nnrthumberland Ni.rthnmlierland par Colomliia Bank V Rrlds eo.Columhia par par pir pat Farmera Bnnk of l.ancaatei Lancitei I.snca-tcr Cnuntv Bank Lancaster Lancaster Bank Fsrmers Bank of Reading Office of Bank of Pei.n'a. Office do do Office do do Office do Jo Lancaster Rcatline par Harrishurg Thene Lancaater 1 olReea Reading do not Catton Jiaaoen. N0TE8 AT DISCOUNT. Rank of the United States Philad. Inhia 21 Miners' Bank of Pntlsville Bank of Iwiaiown Bank of MiJJIotowo Potiaville I.ewitown 1 J MidJIotown l Carlule j Pittxhurv Hullidaf shurg Harriburg Lebanoo Pillahurg i Pittsburg Wiltiamaporl If Wilkc.harrs I Allentnwn itrading Pittsburg failej Erie Jo New Brii(1itiiii dn ('liainltenburg j Crttyaburg j Montrose 1 Eris 1JI Wsynesburg 4 Washington I Hnnesdale 1 Urownsvills I, Yo.k J.l Carlisle Bank Eichanga Dank Vo do branch of Harrisbuig Bank Lebannn Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Weat Branch B nk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Beika County Bank Office of Bonk of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chambersburg Bank ol'Gettyaburg Bank of uquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmera' fc Drovors' Bank Franklin Bank Honeadale Bjnk Monnngahola Bank of B. fork Bank IN. B. The notes of those banks on which wa omitquolatione, and iiib.lituUi a daah ( ) are not purchased by the Pbiladrlphia brokers, wilh tho exception of tlioae which have Inter of nfennce. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sa. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sa. Ins. Kenainciou Ba. Ins. A Pailadr1t.kia failed failed filled do do do Penn Township Sav. Ins. Jo Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed rowands Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of lieaeer Bank of 8atra Bsnk of Wasbinglo) Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' &. ModhW Bank Farmers' &. Mach'ca' Bank Farmers' & Met h'ca' Uai Harmony Inetitsto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bsnk . Lumliermeu'n Bank Northsrn Bsnk of Pa. New Hope Del. BriJirs Cn. Northumb'd Uliion Col. Uk. North Wssurn Bsuk of I's. OHkaof Bobuylkill Bank Ps. Ar. A Manuf. Bank HiItbi Lake Bank Union Bank of Peon's. Westmoreland Bank Lmlfoid no aale Bdavee WaM!d Hsriinburg rbnwj WabiiigUu failed botli fonts dosed Pittubntg no rale PiUslaira; fsilod rayervo co. f. uletl (Tpiicatle fulled Harmniiy no sale Huntiiifrdoii no sale l.ewistosrn a W.trien faded Uiindaff- no sale New Hope rJ wxl Mihon rro tale Meadfilla closed Purl Carbon (Carlisle failed MontruM closed Unioniown failed liieensburg cltwed Wilkeabarre no sale Wilkesbsrre Budya ('o. (Xj All notes purKitui(( lo bo on suy Pennyt. eania Bsnk not given in lbs slos li.t, o.ay be h i lows as frauds. Dank of New Biuusnick Brunswick Belvideis Bsuk Belvidore Burlington Co. Bank Mid ford Comuiercisl Bank Penh Amlmy CumberUnd Bnk llridjjeton rarmrra' Bank Mount (lolly Faimrrs' and Mechanic' Bk Kahway Fsriuers' snd MrchsuuV lik N. Biunawirk failed i par i par par i fiilc-J Farmers' sod Merubauia' Uk MuIJIcIowq Pi. I Franklin Bank of N.J. Juicey City failed faiM failed failed failed I failed 4 par tloboken UKg & Uiazing l"o llolxikra Jersey City Bauk Mecbanka Bank Jnwy Cuy Pallersoii Belleville Morristown Freehold Newark T ronton Jeisey City Newark Manufacturers' Ujuk Morris County Bsnk Monmouth Bk of IS. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' snd Manuf. Ilk Morris Canal and 15kg Co Post Notes Nswsrk Bkg ct Ins Co New Hot Del Bridge Co 00 aale LamfH-rtsville i failed failed failed I par i par N. J. Mauufac and Bkg HoKkeii N J I'roleclon 6l Lombard bk Jersey t'iy Orange Bank Orange I'atersoa Bank Pateikoii Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bsnk Prinomn feulsm Banking Co feslt-m 8lsle Bank Newark State Bank EuzsUlhtovi 8laU Bauk Camden Stale Bauk of Mortis Morristown estate Bank Teuton rtalsra and Philad Manuf Co falem Suaaex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank I 'ever Waabingtou Banking Co. llarkanaack Bk of Wllm Sl Bramlywuts WHmingtnn Bsnk ef Delaware Wilmingtoa Bank of Smyrna ' Bmyioa Do hraneb Milford FarnxW Bk of 8uw of Del Dover ' Do branch Wilmington Do branch Onoigetowo lo branch Nswcaatl Union Bsnk Wilmington ay Undet 6's i fsileJ Udsd 1 "t failed P par P' par P" par par par par QC7 On sll banka marked thus f ) there are si, that counterfeit or aliared aotso W the ssaoue da aociiastioas, in ctrcularfon. TO WATCH MAXtHRS AND J. L A D0 1 XT S, Importer of Waicht?, Watch-Mike' Tools and AVatch Materialt, TTTholeaale A Ht nil, - fc. M. SnHtA Fourth $t , PHILADELPHIA, HAS rOnstan'ly on hand a large assortment of Lunette, Patent, and Plain Oleest Mlo spring.. Verges, Dial. Wstch Hsnrls, snd com plrte awort renl of all Tools snd Msterlals belong ing to the lladej with a large a-s .rtment of Oo'd snd Silver Lever, Leplne, and Plain Watehei sll f which bswill guarmtv loaoll St ths lowest Nev. Yoik pr e-. All orders from tbs country ponctn-. allr etecut1. N. B. Country merchants and others are Invited In c II and examine st ths Old Stand, No. 33 8.n h Foiinh ti eel. Philadelphia. Jan. 8Jt. 1847. ffm ciiir "auctioit stoPsE. No. 31 North Third atroet, (vta Tr ciTt BtoTriJ PHUADOLFniA. C. C. MACKE Y, Auctioneer. TO COUNTRY STORE KEEPER. IVaNINO SALES of Hsrdwsre, Cutlery. 14 Saddlery, Whips. Boots, Sliors, H its, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, Wstcbts and Fancy G ind, At Mackry 'a Auction Store, 91 North Third strpt. nrar Ihe City Hon I. Ths atien'iin of Country M. rrhanls ia invitcil. Ths O.Ktds will be s Id in lots to auit purchasrra, and ell O iodt nrTrred will be waran'ed equal to ihe represi nt.itinna thai may be made of them. N. B. A large aeoriaisi.t of Goods at Private Sale. Jan. IB. 1847 ly MOUNT VERNON 95 North 2d st., let. Arch & Race its., Philadelphia. BRADY A. PA K KEN respectfully inform th. ir frieuds and ths public that they h ive taken the above named houe, nci nily kepi by J. 8. d.ima, an I are piepsrcd to accommodate cuelo- inir in Ibe moat ..liafactnrv inannnr mt. so. ahle pi ices. 'I'heir table will lie supplied with Ihe bet vari cty the market alTotd" their parlors and alreping apirtmenta will in ihs best order. The house has hMn tKfiri.iinKlM M...!ait ...l -.w ..... ... v. --h ,, , j awp.i... WI IU I 1,1 IMIMI1TII Wl a view to the Comfort of Irjvellera and strangers. Having nail sevsial yeata experience in Ihe business, Ihey hope to giv grneial aa'ikfaclion, .ind repeclfully invite tisv. llt-r. and atraneerato RivunVm a call. BRADY & PARKER. rniied.-ipma. January is, 1847. f CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold nni Silver Watche IM PHILADELPHIA. GOLD Levers, fu l Jewrllcd, f 45 00 Silver do. do. 83 00 Cold Lenities, Jewelled. 30 00 Silver do. do. 15 00 8dvf r Qusrth-re. fine uu .li'V. 10 00 Gold Watchea. plain, 15 00 Silver 8 1 ct acli a, 175 ttold reucits, 2 00 Gold Urarel. te, 4 00 Alan, on hand, a large assortment nf Gold snd Hair Brsrelcls, finer rn pn. hreaM pins, hoop rar ring, gold tiers, silver sp.-on. su(sr tona. thim bles, gold ni't k. curb and f ib chain", gunrd ki-ya and ji'welb iy of every dectipinn, at equally low prici-a. All I want ia a Cill to convince cuslo mem. All kinda of Watchea and Clocks repaireJ and wairinted to kei-p good time for one yew; old gold nr ailver bni-gbt or taken in exchange. Pi aale, right day and thirty honr brass clock', al LEWIS LADOMCS' Watch, Clork and Jenellety Store, No. 413J Market strt K, s'mve Eli vrntb, north side, I'bil i hu. (L7 a v' some Gold snd Hilvri Levers, st II mui'h crirapt r than the sh ve pitcrs. PhiladrJfdita, Dec. 26. 1846. ly AUCTION STORE, No. Q Norlh 3l stn tliird door aoove Market Street. PBtliADBLPHlA, SAMS EVERY EVENING, ol a sei.ersl as rnrtment of Foreign snd Domestic Hardw ire, 'i'sWa and I'.xaet Cutlery, Trui ks. Locks, Latt'hi'is, Hobs. S.iws, Saddlery, Whips, B.Htis, Minis, Ha s, Cat. Guns Pistols, Tnmminss, Clothing and Psm-y Go ds. Tbs stteulion of city and country deihvw ia in. vilrd. 'J'he Goods ste fiesh, snd will be warranted CfUal I I'.e rrrrcnla'loiis llial msv rr nulr of Horn. BAYLI4SY bKOOKEU, Anttmne.-r., No 6 North Thud st N. N. Purchasi can have thi-ir Goods po kfd. Several i.ivniris ol Gjods bsve beu icccivid la be sold at piivate sabs rhilsdilpbia, l).c. 1 9th, 18IB. ly ITiu lloussrl's Clufucrsal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantiiies given without Charge. M 11 Chnnut SI., PHILADELPHIA. riMllS nrw and rpleodiJ article, a- its name de al notes, ia pr fe-ed to he sucrior lo sny fha viug Cream in the United bla'ce or Eui. pe. It i unaurp'sa d for tieniity, purity and f tgtsnce, iho' oinm ri it analfou lo Gu rlaii, Ambn'siil Cieam and oil er similar compounds. Ii far sur passes thi-m sll by lbs em I ienl ps.ty e nil''iir) of it I ithtr, which so softens the bean I ss to rendi r sh ving pleasant snd easy. It further pnuesat-s Ibe sdvsntags ovar the irnports i srticle, in being freshly pn pi t I. no skill being wan'ing in its man ufacture. E.Uoue having had mai.y years' ei lierit'ocs in ibe eele.brsled Lsboialnry of Laugur, Pfie et Kit', now Itenaud & co., of I'aria. Besides being the ht, il is Ihe chesursl article for shaving! il iasleganilv pul up in boles, v.iib splendid sleet engraved Islx-la. Pn. e $3 per dozen, or 37) cents for s singlr box, lo aliHva one ysar. Il is alo sold si f I 60 per lb. or t cmls (r ot., so Ihtl aentlemn rsn have their boxes filled st EUGENE KOI SSEL'S, Wholesale snd Rrlsil Perfumeiy snd Mineral Wa ter Es'sblishment, 1 14 Uhesnut Street, Doe 19, 1846.-.. PHILADELPHIA. No. 21 Norlh Fourih Street, PHILADELPHIA. fit Invlu Merchants and Milliners to ev-ftfc sBSamino their slock of Bonnets, Palaalf. Isfand Lehorn Hals. Fur snd Cloib Caps, snd India Kunhsr Mboes. Il will bo found lo eontaiii sll of ths most desirable kinda, and will be sold at the lowest market prices. No.tl North Fourth Sliest, bstwcsn Msikst sad Arch Streets. Pbilsdrlphis, Ptt, I9ib, II4.m To' The I. OofO. P. -J. W. & E. D. STOKES, Manufacturer of Premium Odd Fel lows' Regalia - ' No. 194 Hirliret SfrcrJ, PHILADELPHIA, ' First Clothing Store below lib Street. THE subscribers bavin taken tbs prernivm al Pranklio Inatitute, st the Isst exhibition, for ths best Regalia, they invite the attention of Ihe order to their establishment, where they wiU find a splendid assortment of P. O. and Encampment Re galia. They also make ta order for Lodges and Encampments, Regalia, fashts, Costumes and Robes, and furnish every thing requisite for the Convenience cfnsw Lodges or Encampments. J. W. STOKE", E- D.STOKES. Philadelphia, Pre 19, 1846. ly New Firm. THC Uuders gnrd bere'-y gives notice, that he has aafcia'ed with hio self, as a partner in the mercantile buaine, in bis store edjoining Weaver's Tsrern, in Sunbury, John Haas, and that the said store will hereafter be conducted on d. r the firm of Clement & Hans. The store at Ihe South Wi st comer of Market Pqtinre will he conducted aa heretofore, by the suhscrilnr himaelf, to which he respectfully invites his customers snd friends. He i'i i notifies all those indebted lo him. to rail leiween this snd Ihe 1st of Jaimsry neit, snd set tle their sccounts. All kinds of producs will be taken on sccount, st rash prices. Hereafter no long. r than four months credit willbsaiven. I II A T. CLEMENT. bunl ury. Nv. 14. 14 if. CLEIOITT & HAAS," "RESPECTFULLY Inf.rmthe public, th it on the 9th inat , ihey enterrd into partnernhip, in ths mercantile business, at the store recently occupied by Its T. Clement, adjoining Weaver'e Tavern, in 8unhury. They havs l.iMy received s new stock of goods, which they will dispose of st Ihe lowest prjree. All kinds of produce will le taken in exchange for goo Is. No longer than four months credit wlU be riven. IRA T. t l.BMENT, JOHN HAAS. Snnbnrv. Nov. 14, 1846. if. lco GooXts, ltoGottos. Cliriiprr Than Evert JOHN II. PCRDV. h is just received, at hia New Ktnre. in Market Squvie, a fie.U supply id Sessonable Gnmls, such ss Cloths. Cjpsimers, Httinetts, Kentnrky Jeans, Cords, I)iil!ings, Alpacras, GiiigVrns, Piint-, Muslins, Miviery. Gloves, due. Al o: tjueenWsre end Groceries, which nill he sold very low. I'urrhssers are invi ted lo call and ei imins his alotk before purchasing elsewhere. The bigbrs' pr ce p. id for Produce. Sunborv, Oclolwr I7rh, 1846. If. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! SEAriVSSS CAN BE CURED 1 1 COOPER S El'ERI L Oil A prompt and lasting icmei'y for Dr.tr , ulso for pams and di-rbsrge of inatlsi from tSe Ears. Hundreds of curea in ce-es deemed ut'eily hope le-shave firmly e taldikhed its supeiiotity over eve ry former. Mediesl discovery. This vatualde Acuuetic Medicine ia a compound of four different Oils, one of which, Ihe active and principal ingiedient, ia ol liiucJ fiom the bark nf a certain specii a nf WstMir, new sod effectual sgent in the cure of liN.fnc. Perton' who had teen deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 year, h ive been petmsnently rureil by using this nil. In lacl, so nuiiieroiis and so emphxtic have len the te.iioiomala in il. favor, iht Ihe in ventor claims for il the disundiou of an Infallilde Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear is perfect in ita formti n. Pol fuither particulars, and evidence of its great value, see printed she. Is, in ihe hsnds nf Agent.. P. r s.lc in Sui.buiy, by J. W. FHH.1NG. September 19,h, IMG ly UNIttVALLLD AND UNKQUAL1.F.D In ruling Colds, Couch. Anthms, Influenzi, Whooping-Cougli, and all Diseases of the bie iet snd lungs, leading lo Coiisiitup. lion; cimipoocd of Ibe concentrated vir'U- S of the herb llorehoui-d, B liesi tt. Btoodroot, snd M vcial other ge a bio sub tanci s. Warranted PCRE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. HHIS inv-lua'de Medicine is the mo.l se.ly snd cetttib remedy ever discovered f r the s twve compla n's, as thoiiiands who have used il LI leatily. Foi ae, in Sunbury. by J. W. FRILING. and in NorU un.berlaml. by D. BKaOtIGAM, anu si wiiuiessle, m J'biLd. Ipbis. bv P. KLETT & r Corner nf Second snd Callow bill .lie. Is. Septendier ,ht S4C. ty D e nYTs W yT JACCB HELLS?, THANKFUL for the liberal enci'Uragemenl which he has received, would reapeelfully inform his friends snd the citizens of Norlbumt'er Isnd county in general, thst he hss prepared bim aelf with Ihs bent Incorruptible Teeth, Gold IUie, 4 Sold Foil, &c , ihsl csn bs had in Ihe eilv of Phi lad, ibis snd lhat hi will endeavor, lo ihe ulmoM ol bis ability, lo render full satisfaction lo a I who uisy tbink ptoper lo engage hisaeivicea. He will be til Kuuhury al Iho August court, where be will he prepared, st his residence, to insert Tenth on Gold Piste, or on Pivot, on lha latest snd most ap. prosed plsns, nd atland to all ibe branches belong, inglo DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will be waited on al tbeir places of resi denes, if desired. His charges will be reasonable, snd his work warranted. He will visit different parts of the couaty, aboot ones in three months. Sunbury, July llh, 1848. sa rtt&kKSSlNKZ-bo and Black C oTIg'S Ink, of a sopeiior sjuality. fir sale cheep, st ibe os of HENRY MA8SER. July 4th, WI. -Tlliilil Ill ai II Silis I UMKviiyniBtfikSqvdi ou. niisiBun, jr., No. 34 AortA Fourth Sreef, mnAtr the ,Wer. - f Aeajf a' iolel, . Phllodolphla, , A L4 MODS Da FSBIS irT"EEPS constantly on bind an sttor.jilve as JaHL settment of all kinds of Bilk, Fur and Bee vvi Hats, which he offers for sale on ibe most rea sons!) I a terms. , His Hsts srs msde up ol ths bett materials, and in the most approved style. Per son visiting tbs city will And it to their Interest to call. July Ilth, 1818. If CCLUIlBIA HOTJSEj CHBSWTJT rTRHBT, PHILADELPHIA. TH IS large snd commodions Hotel hss recently been fltteJ up with en'ire new furniture. The SHbsCribers therefore solicit ths patronage of the public, and liual that their experience in Ihs business will ensble them to give entire satisfac tion. Tettns noderste. BAGLEY, McKENZIE Jc Co. July 4th. 1846. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Light Street, THE House has undergone a thorough repair. The proprietors solicit its former patronsge. Terms $1 85 per dsy. WM. W. T)1X. ARTHUR L. FOGG. Ju;y 4, 1846. ly Proprietors. Keller fc tarcenoucli, PATE1TT ATTORITET'S, AND MECHANICAL PNGINEERS, WASHINGTON, Z. O. DRAWINGS snd Papers for the Patent Of. ftce will be prepared by them, at iheir office, opposite ihe Patent Office. Jnlv. 4th. I84B. ly SILVEK MEDAU awASDcn av rat frsjibli isbtitots, 1845. City Dflgnrrrcotypc Establishment. (T.sts Simons cV. I'oitin.) Ao. 100 CAesnuf tl n!nt Third, Suuli tidt, rniiiADEtrHiA. M for a (MATURES ,ken equally as well in clou dy aa in cleir either. A dirk sdk diea or a lady, and a black auit for a gentleman, are I -reftirsble in sitting for s pietu e. No extra charge is made for coloring, and perfect likeneMites are susramied. July 4th. 1840. ly ilT io" K T V .V T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be sure of olit.'iii tig, at all times, pure and highly fl ivorcd Bv ibe single pound or larger qitat tilv, al Ibe IV kin Tea Com pan? n tVnrrlinur, J0 South Sicund itrtet , Lttween Markrt unj Chei nut tlreeit, FKIX.ADEI.rHXA. Heretofore it baa been very difficult, indeed, al-mo-t impossible, alwaya to obtain good Gre.ii and IM xk Teas. But no you hsve only to vUil ihe Pekin Tea Company's Store, to obtain as delicious snd frsgrsnt Tes ss you could wih for. A II ta-les can bete it suited, with the sdvsntags uf getting s pure srticle st s low price, June 27th, 1816. C L"0"T"E'I IT G; WIIULE$.ILE AU Itr.TAII.. rPME eulaaibers sre constantly nisnuficturing fiom the Ival Frt nch, English and Atueiican nisiiurat tuied CI.. ths snd Cnsrimers, CLOTHING in s very superior style, cut and workmanship. Perrons buying to sell senin will find one of the j largest ami inw fbiinelile slock of goods lo select I from in Ihe city, and nl nnp ecedetded .w price-. J. W. & E. I). STOKES, 194 M..iket at. Philad. N. B. A large awnrtmerl of Odd Fellows' Re galia constantly on hand, and all order from lodgea or individual punctually attended to, on. the nio.t lural terms. J. W. A E. D. S. Philadelphia. June 57ih. I84R. ly dTn vTl l" e WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, 1'ennnylvanla. flHK Danville Steam Woolen t'oft'irt. foimer X ly uwned and occuped by Dr. PsTaiKi. h. s recently leen purcbaatd by tbs subscribers, who iesM ctfullv ann. unrs to their friends snd the pu lie general y, thst Ihey sre now repsred lo do sll kii.ds uf w irk in Ihrir litis of business, st Ihe shot test notice, according Ij order, and in Ihs beat com pnrative manner. Having pone Ii cnnMderahle eipene ui npairirig ll.eii n.acliinery and aparatus, j and 1'iii g vurj par.iculur in s curing the service of j r.ncvnu ineenanica, me) leei eonujeni ir.at they are capable of elic iting all kinda of w. rk in a style superior In aiy other s'sblishment in the country, at the old customary p ices. CLOTHS. MATIN ETTS. FLANNELS as. BLANKETS eonsian ly on hand, and for sale st reduced prices, for Cssh or Barter. i'AUDlXG A.D Fl LLln will be done in ihe best manner, el the usual prj. eee. All kinda of country produce taken in pay tmnt for wutk, st Danville mm kit piices. For the eccommodstion of those who live at distance, Wsot, end Cistb will lie Isken in at. and, whin fiuuhtd, returned to the following p's ces. Plain written ditections must LCcompany each paro l Columbia County. Roop & Mart's store, W. shirigt. nvills; R. Fruit's store, J r-evlon; Yea gei. inn, Roaring Creek; Sharpleaa atoie. Calls wia.a; C. T. Mann's a oie, Mifflinville Miller's stoie, Betwiik t J. Cline's Mill; R r Let's store, Oisngevillei Derr's store. Whits Hall. Northumberland County Michael Render's inn, TurhultihV; Inland it Hat's atore, McEwens i'le; E. Ifc Pifier's stoie, Wslsoi.slnWn ; M. I. Comly St Co's atoie. Milton ; Gibson's ion. Cbil lisquaqae t Foraylb's atoie, JVorthumbt rl md ; Young's atoie. rtunbury. Lutrrnt Ceony. Reynold's etoi, Kingston Gildeisleevs's store, Wilkesbsrrs Gaytord's store, Plymouth t Styss store, Nsnllccks ; Judge msec s aim, iiunungton. Lycoming County. Clspp'e store, Muncy ; Khoemeker's store. Mmiih's M ill. GEARHART it KOWNOVER. Dsnville, May 9, 184B. tf3n,tll,a SPlRlTsi 6r OAr, tr ei JLLV trading Grease, Dry Paints, VsrnUh, Tsr, Was, eke, from clothing of any deactipiion, war ranted nt to injure the cloth or the moat delicate colors. This liquid bss also been ossd with great aucease in ese of Burns, Seslds, Tetter, Pimples on the face. Chapped bands, Sore lips. Rheuma tism, Hard or soft Corns, tc. QJ" Price, , IS tts. per bottle, for sale at the store of - Jul; Ii, l44. . H, MAs?R, 2. 2. 1AS3ZR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' stTKstm-r, pa. Business attended to in the Coanties of XoS' thurnberlind, Union. Lycoming and Colombia. L ' i Hefcr tsi r, & A. I'OTOCDT, , Lowsa Jt Baaaoir, ' Sowtas & PseDoaisv, " RctMOLns. McFaatiss dt Co. Srtaise, Good At Co., PREMIUM SCALES, Psle's Celet rated Rail Rosd Scaler Coal snd MSV if Iron MsnufecV iv Portable Plalformdo tO different sites, Dormat nr Floor ia B different shies. Counter do 13 dihVent tut. The sbovs Scsl'-S no made either sing's or double besm. snd ara decidedly ths most durable", accurate snd ennveni- j ent fCjIrs ever ineot.d. We also bas Plstfum j snd Count r Scales, Patent Balances and every I kind of Weighing Machines in u for aale, whole. sale and retail, at low prices. All 8cales sold by ui j to go out of ths city, are bnxed free of charge, snd j wsnsnlrd to five satisfaction i the purchaser in every partieular. GKAY k BROTHER, Manufacturcts and Dealera, No, 34 Walnut street, June 27. 1846. ly I'hihdrlphjn. O ALT. New Yoik Salt in barrels snd lags, fur sale st manufacturers' priei a. by GRAY A BROTHER. June srlMC ly 34 Walnut st. Philad. 0 HORSE SHOES. Burden's P.tent Horse S lines, for ssle st oianufsclunu' piices, by GRAY ft BROTHER. Jur.e 27. 1846. ly 34 Wslnut -I. Philad. kWi7tania house, DANVILLE PA. riHE aubaciiber, late of the Cnion Hotel, Mun X cy. Pa , respe.'tfully informs Ihs old snd nu meroua customers nf the Inniaylvnnla Hounc. and the public generally, that he haa leased tbs Tsvern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where be is now prepared lo entertain travellers, and per- j aot. a visilina the town, in the v. ry best style. Ths accninmoiUtions will be such ss a well conducted public house should afford, snd no effort will lie spared to render sttinfaelion, in every re.wrt, lo sll who n sy rs II. The citizens of Lycoming county are invited to put up with the undersigned when they visit Diliville. HENRY WEAVER. Danvi'le. May 2, 1846. l'KTKit n. mas sun. RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs ihe citizens ,.f Munbury and viciuitv. Dial hs lus nened sn nice st the reiderice of Henry Master, in M.itket strict, where be ia prepaird to eiecute all kinds of Dr.s-rst. Scnosat. Piste Woik, 4.C , on the latest and niot-l 3ipned plans. Havins bad some exierience and instruction, Under rne nf the mol eminent and successful Den tis'a in Philad. Iphi 1, be believes that he will I able to give satisf.ic'ion to ttiote who may want bis services. Lad es will be w.iiled on st their pl ies of resi dence. His el srges will lie mojeiate, and hia woik warranted. SSuubury, March 28lh, 184fi. To I'liiclianers of DR3T GOODS. .'o. 121 Vearltt., NEW YORK, 11 AVING eftsbli.he.l a Branch at No. 144 Che-. ' nut St., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be eoiiK'Mitlv receiving from the Nvw York Auc tions, an extetifive assortment of FANCY A; STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold si ibe lowest New York piices. at wholesale and R' tsil. Among h i stock will bs found a good aortmrnt of the follotviee articles: Jacconels, Plaid, Hair Cord, Lace. Stripe. Book, Swiss snd Tsrlaian Muslins, Bishop and Linen Lewne, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy snd Ball Dres-e., Thresd Laees, Applies lion Do., rich Black Milk Trimmii g Lace, Irib Lintna, Linen Cambrics, Linen Canibric Ildkfs.. Curtain Frinaes, Cuehmeis d'Ecos-e, M.iuselnie de I .sine, 8ilk and Colloa Warp Alpaecas, Qu ocii's tJlolh, Gals Plaids, Fr.n. b Merinoe, Ul.ck Kilks, Gloves, Mi k Hose, Mhawla, t.'isvats, Rtlihon, Embroideriis, &e.,3cc Country Meicbsuts and othera visiting Philadel phia or New Yoik to purchse, sre respectfully in. vited to cill snd rismtns the stocks. Nov. I, Ih-15. ly Ii K L 1 fTv K AN I) Is fv T. THOMSON'S Compound Sy rup of Tar & M ood Napthiu 11HE onpiecedenteil success of thi medicine, in . Ihe restoration ef health, 10 (hose who, h des pair, had given up all hopes, baa given it an exal. ted reputation at.ove all olhci retnediea, furnishing rvitleureof its intrinsic value and power, aa the on !v scenl which can be relied up..n for the cur of I ulrannary Consumption, Brouchiltis, Asihms, Pain in ths sids snd BreSt, Spitting of Blood, V hoi pipg Cough, Croup, Jcc, Attention ia lequested to the following ASTON. ISHING t'L'KE, bv Thomson's Compound Myrtip of Tsr and Wood Nsptha! ! I'hilnihlphia, Mny M, 1S44. MR. THOMSON Dear 8ir With gr..teru fi-eltnga t inform you of the astonishing effects of your medicine, which baa literally taia d me front s dsaih-ld ! My uVea-e, Pulmonary Conu mp, lion, had reduced mi so low lhat my physician pro. ro.inred my ease hopeless! Al this junction the isn lo u-eyour medicine, and miraculous as it may sesm, it bss completely restored me tn health, after everything else bad failed. Respectfully yours, WASHINGTON MACK, Charlotte strut, above George street The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mack and hia sufferings, besr witness to Iho astonishing effects of Tbenwon's Compound Syrup of Tar, and ths troth of lbs, bove ststement. - JOS. WINNER, SlS rtorlb Third street, ' V DAVID VICKERS.4S A booed street, HUGH MGINLEY, S. E. corner Tsmsny snd Fourth st rest Prepared only by 8. P. - Tboaasovi, IT. E. comer of 6tk snd Mprnee etraets, PbUadalphra. Agents. II. B. Maaaer, Puabory D. Grass, snd Dr. Msepbsisnn, Harjiibgrg ; Jno, G, Brown, Pottrville ) Oso. Earl, Healing 1 ftoeatosj & Ms on, Towsods, Bradford eoonty, Pa. Price So essras per boiUe, ox So P' oM fp Bewr if imUaiptu. . . . f btlsserphis, June lith, 1S4I I; 1 du d dit do do do do do d do