Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 08, 1847, Image 3

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    Mexican Heme. .
With reapoct to tha proepoct of peace, cor
respondent of Im Patrin in the city of Mexico
eayi: Santa Anna r-ayi there ehall never be
pcaeo Belong- n there is one American in Meii
co. But Santa Anna k, in troth, moat deal
rout ol all other pereone for peace, and will be
the first to recommend it, when it it aa(e to do
The Picaone aajra.' We aaw a private let
ter from a very intelligent officer at Vera Crux,
dated the 10th Intl., in which he eaya that aeve
ralofthe Statea of the Mexican confederacy
kive denounced the war with the United States,
ad threatened to sec ode unless peace ahould
be made. Many Mexicans predicted a price
within thirty day, bat our correspondent puts
little faith in auguries ao favorable. lie thinks
the great difficulty in the way of a peace ia the
fact that he dare not nke a treaty.
General quietude prevailed at the last ac
count; the people of Saltillo and Monterey
had returned to their business, and seemed aa
tiefied with the powers that be, if they Could but
feel assured of their continuance.
Gen. Gushing- orders that all houses or other
places of gambling in Metatnnrae, of whatever
tiaine or nature, or fur public dancinp, be closed,
nd that all sale or traffic in distilled spirits is
prohibited under a severe penalty for the viola
tion if either order.
ft m aaid that the fine dress and generally
ieannd clean appearance of the Massachusetts
men, contrasted strongly with the scarred and
enn-Varnt face, the black, blue, red, and tri-co-lored
ehirt8, and as many colored pants of the
boys then returning from the bloody field of Due-
a Vesta, but when the column moved, and thry
came to handle th-ir arm, thon "Old Kentnck"
hone nut as as did their new ac-
sjiatatancesa few minutes before.
Gkncrl Tatloh Vhn General Taylor's
principlea havo been fully developed, if we ap
prove of hi" views of the cnnstiuiiion, and of
the policy in which th government should be
administered, we shill be able, to appreciat his
tlaima to the Presidency. We shall weigh
them In the bet spirit. We are now uncom
mitted to any candidato, as are hundreds and
thousands ol the American people. Washing
ton futon.
Donii-han's Vicroay at Sac, akiito. We
have at Ut anmethins like an offiriul account
of the victory over the Mexicans at Cbihnahua,
by Col. Doniphan, of which the Mexicati official
account has already been published. We learn
from the Monterey Pioneer that Gen. Taylor had
received the account from Col. Doniphan. He
met the enemy with 930 Missourians at Sacra
mento, twelve miles north of the city, and dis
persed them immediately, killing and wounding
several hundred and taking ten pieces ol artillery .
The loss on the American side was only one
man killed, one mortally wounded and seven
slightly. We shall probably toon have the offi
cial i!etpatches relating the particulars of this
gallant action. Phila. Ledger.
Voli'stiby NpRisoMMevr A day or two
ago, a man who gave the. name of Jones, app'i
ed in Aldermin Staermrr for a commi'menl to
the County Primm, xtating that he had but a
short time since arrived from England, was una
ble to obtain work at hi trade, (book binding)
and rathor than beg or incur debla for his suste
nance, without the present prospe-cl of p ying
lliem, lie would take up his quarter in prison.
The request waa granted, and he proceeded
with the document necessary to procure boar
ding and lodging fur at least thirty daya. This
i rstber a hard cue. Phil Lrdgtr.
Emiubatioi. During the month of April
there arrived at this port from foreign ports, 21,.
b$Z passengers.
A April :a not lb most favorable month in
the year for foreign immigrants, the number will
probably be much larger during the next three
menths ; and it cannot be far from correct to es
timate the number of foreign passengers that
land at this port during the coming year at two
hundred thousand. -V Y. Mirror.
Rkpabtec M. Lalande dined one day at the
home of Reeamier, the banker, he was seated be
tween the celebrated beauty, Madame Recamier,
and Madam de S'ael, equally distinguished tor
her wit. Wishing to say something agreeable
to the belles, tbe astronomer exclaimed, 'How
happy I am to be thus placed between wit and
'Yes, M Lalande,' sarcastically replied Ma
dame de Stael, and 'without possessing either.'
Tuksbav, May 4
Fioua and Mbai.. Small parcels of Ftur are
selling at $7 for standard brands! to arrive at
J ; Corn AfoeV is steady at St). No sales of
Rye Flour,
GaAt Wheat 137c for red; 105c for white j
a aale of 3300 bushels of Rye was made at 93 a
93e. Corn 93 a 9fle; Odtt, Southern, 31 a 33e.
Waiss.r. 30c in bbla.
OJfl&tftht Baitibobs AsikaicAB, May 3.
GRAlV Ko Maryland Wheat at market. If
bare it would probably bring 1 40a 130 eta. for
good to prima parcels. We nets a aale to day of
1000 Vuskela Fauna. rd at 137et-, and another
f 600 bashalsat 160 eta. '
Balea of Md. Cora at S3a3 ranta for white,
and 3a93 eta. for tHow.
A aala of Md- Xya at Wtta , god another o(
Paaaa. at 93 eta.
6a ta are ia good demand at Met .aalea.
HlSilV Il U Xa ty$t at 38 trs. for
iiil aad 2? ct for tbls ia).
"SJSfJU HL.PJl.ll mmm
Tnt TiNs-oaa Ccstow of taking a little
opening medieine in (ha Spring of the year, ia foun
ded in common sense and eiund philosophy, Ea
ry one is aensibls of lha inomvenienee experienced
on Iba reearrenea of a warm spell, after a season
of colj weather. A fetling of Isssltuda, drowsi
Mas, eametimes a swimming of th Bead and beeJ
ath, a sense of fulne, and a boat f unpleasant
symptoms, ata the general results. The morbid
accumulations of winter are set loose by warm
weather, and float in lha circulation or lodge in
soma part of the body, Hence it is perhaps, thst
Sp-lng Is so fatal to consumptives snd others.
For the purpose of purifying the blood and other
fluids, there is no medicine superior to Wrigh 's
tndisn Vegetable Pills, and it ia strongly retora
mrnded as a 8pri g medicine, These Pills act
upon iha whole ty.tem. and not on one psrt of it
merely, as other pills do. Hence, if disease he pre
sent in any part, it must be driven forth.
Bewsre of counterfeits of all kinds I Horn are
coated with sugar j others are made to leiemhls in
outward appearsnc the original medicine. The
safest Course is, to purchsse from the regular agents
only, one or more of whom may he found In every
village and town in the State.
fXAgant for the eileof Wright's Indian Vegeta
ble Pill in Sunbury, Htar Masssa. For other
agencies see advtrtiaeim nt in another column.
Tpi-st to Bbabbsath's Pills uk ,nem '
ss to produce a brisk efTert, and your sickness will
ha the affair of a day or two, while thote who are
t wise to foll.iw this c iinmon-sens advice, will
be sick for months. Let the sick enquire f the
sgrnts f r Brsndreth's Pills whe.her these things
am so or not. Let ibem enquite among their
friends and ssk the vsme question. Verily if evi
dence is wsuted it shall be procured. To the hick
let me siy, ue the Ba AwnaxTH Pills i the best
sdv ce mortal man csn give you.
f Purchase of H. Masser, Sunbury, or i.f the
.igents published in another psrt of thai pspor.
PRICE cuuurnt.
Corrected year' by Henry Nastrr.
Wn rat, . I IK
Rrt, 70
Cobs, cs
Oats. . . . 37
Eoos, .... -10
Ponx, ... 5
FiAXn. ... . I IS J
Rsrswtx, . . . . 56
Tallow, ... 10
Flax, .10
H sex lxii Flat, - 10
FIFTY PILLS IN A BOX Ihe Cheapest and
hrt M'dieine in et'ufenrr f
rem rvins bile,
rom-rting iKsnrlns
of ihestnmrh snd hnweU.
cotivenees, dyspepsi.i, swimming
In the head. &.e. Yrnn of s full hlit,
who Ate sul j-ct to Headache, Giddinetl. Drnw
sinest, ad n'nicing in the Eir, sri'ing from too
r,rtHt a fl w of blood to the hesd, should never
be without them, as many dsncernus
symptom will be entirely carried
off l.v their immeiVin'e vtnm.
CURE OF D YSPEPS1A ! i to certify il at my was afflicted with
the Dyspepsia for twelve er, aril tried hoih sd
ver'twd midicinra and Thom-onisn, bbt without
rfH rt; and myself ttarkd with blindnt ss, and my
head otherwise effected from hjid drinking, to that
I was apprehensive nffiis; and -e-inr
sdeitited, I went and ot a box of them, whirh,
to my ssmnii-hii ent iff rted a cure of tne ntiJ my
wife both a' yt, and I do thi k 'hem without a
lival brf re the puhl'e. S. II, IIai.l.
Allirnnrte vtfeet. ni ar Wilk.
For sale ' y SETH S. If ANCE. lf'8 Baltimore
s, ud corner -hirtes sod Piati streets, Bsltimorr,
and by GEORfJE BRKJH f.Sunl urv.
D. BRAUI'ia M, Norbvmherl.nd.
Msy 8. 1847.
ting nf Blond Pntn and Opprentinn nf the Bremt,
there i nothing equal In HASCIVS COM
Thi- meiticine hss now l-een in use for sis vesrs
during which time there hsa been a connlant de
mind for it. snd its popularity instead of declining,
hss been atwsys O.I the inrrvase.
During ihw time tnsny ne- melicinrs hive
sprung op for the euro of the ahnve comp'sints,
some of which lasted onlv a few months, and oiht-ta
not aa I nt : hut II ANt'E'8 SYIU'I' h readily
gone on g .inina favor wi'h all claws nf aociety,
until il hss now become i.lentifie.l by nitny fsmt-
lies as a
To those who hive never used the I'omp nnd
Hyrup of llmehnund, thia noiire is partirulsrly d'
rected In, ss to those who hsve once experienced
its peculisrly Ituppy ertVcts, any praise of ita merits
would be eope'fiV'Ua.
Price 50 Cents pnr bottle or six hnttle f r $1 ftf).
fur rare by SETH S. HANCEt 108 B dtimnre
st , and corner of Chrle ft Piatt .Is., BsU more,
and by OEOROR BRIOHT. Sunhuiy,
D. BRAU TIOAM, Northumberland.
May i. 1 847
THE Siorkholdets sre hereby notified, thai an
election wi 1 be held at the bouse of Jsnos
Lee, m lha borough ( NorlhumberUnd, on Mon
Isy the 7ih day of June next, between the hours
d 10 o'clock A. M, and 3 o'cU k, P. M., for ihe
purpose of decline t'fiu-e for the enauiut yesr.
J. K. rlllESTLEY.
NrihM. Xfsy 8, 1H4T 4t i'.es'i.
roslthe Trustee's Sale
or ml
Tract of Land.
"VVTILL be rtpesed to public sale, at lbs coo l
wW bona in Suobory, tor hombrrlsi.d e-vm-ty.
adjoining iande of Jacob Leitchei, ibo hrira of
Marahel and other, containing te. hundred aud
twenty acres mora or lesa, w;;6 the appnrUnanca.
bring tba same tract f land which Joseph Lyon
and Abegail bis wife gianted and conveyed to Burd
atio. by dead, datsd July IStb, H4lllnitut
porpoess therein Hat J. Tba said deed
icdsd in tha tfijoe (brrecotdtog
"v ia Norihomheriend eooaly, in dead
""i 2gM T4 and 76. tba Sin day of Aogust,
A P ?, . bURI PATfrRSO.M.
Fettaville, Msy ik,14T.-.9t TrbsiM.
Faosr Att QoAaTBas of tea Olobs. '
rpHE following letters are prasented with a view
.1 of mora fully showing the opinion of pr ysi
cisn In relsUon to the medical Value nf Da.
SwAtaVa Cnnsooirn Sraoao Wita CHsaat.
Da. SwAvaa Dear Sin Having oed your
Compound Syrup of WiM Cherry, extensively in
my practice, I waa requested by yoor agent Dr.
Crotcher, to express my opinion in Writing, of ft
properties aa a remedi il agent. I moat cheerfully
comply, as I feel by so doing, 1 will discharge a
debt I owe the community at large, and physlcl ins
In psrlcnlsr. As much aa I de'et qoark reme
dies and patent nostrums, I waa imlured a
failure of the most potent rvpectorsn a. recommen
ded in onr materia medirsa in some cs es nf Dis
essed bings. to try your preparation of Ptuntls
Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficient to a.y
that I was so much pleased with the re.ttlt nf
that and euleqient trials that 1 now pre-cr be it in
preference to nil other remedies where sn etperto
runt is indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumo
nia or Disesse of the Lungs, in the alarming form
in which it sppears in Kentucky, I regard il as sn
invnl ji.bU remedy In the trestraent of thst diseae.
To all who know me I hsve said enouah, but s
this may be aeen by persona out of the viciniiy of
Frankfort, I will briefly add, that I have brrn en
gaged in an active practice of my profeeion for 13
years, snd am a tegular graduate of TiSnsylvsni i,
and this is ti e firnt patent mrdirine t ever thought
enough of to eipres an opinion in writing.
Jan 7, 1 847. Franklin co., Ky.
Fn:rnT, Kr.. Jan 7. 1847.
1'he above cerifietite ia from one nf our phval
cisna living a few mile from here, he ie doing a
very good practice, and ia eonstdertd a good physi
cisn, and elands fair ( he ia a be aiv, s regular
graduate. Da. W. L. Cbctcwss,
DiuggUt and Apothecary.
8ioca tbe introduction of my artitle t the
public, there have a -cumber nf unprincipled imli
viduals got up ncstrums, which they aosrri contain
Wild Chirry, some are called Baleama,' 'Bitters,'
and even Syrup of W ild Cherry, but mine ia the
original and only genuine pr-paratiou ev.r Intro
dncid to the public, which csn (e proved by the
public Record of the Commonwealth rf PennsvL
vanis. The only sxfrffusrd against imposition is
Ik ee thut my signsture is on each bniile.
Da. H. 8 WAYNE.
Corner of Eighth and Race sts., Philsdelphis.
On'y Agrnt in Sunbury. i
Dr. J. A. Moor, D invlllej T. H. Mark y ct
So,., M lion; M. D. & J, Muncvj CJ. A.
Wvatl. Leia''ii'B! Di k Pehnure. Selinsgrovi;
John O. Kenn, Line Mounlstii P, O.
I', sl0 c2m.(6 ty
Tho "Sugar Contotl rills."
Rrwaub or MtarT Ckbtiticats or oca Is
vrnTiox. Nsw York., June tOt'i. IPs I
Vfje, the onde'sigoeil. never s w or hesnl of -'8u
gat Coated Pilla." uutil Dr (t. Betijvmin
rm''tti msnufaciure4 and txhil-ited them lo ua a
bout a year since.
Isbasl Rssneirtt. M D., Liberty st
RvsHto St Co., 110 Broolwy, and
10 Aal.o H-xiae.
Hobacs EvsnarT, Drug.. 96 Hudron st
Joux Castbss.97 IIiidon at.
some frw mav be deceived by ignorant
quarks, we putili.h the foll.nsing ar-d none hut
unprincipled dealers will countenance any rmita
t on of this invaluable medicine, .
Patswc Orrtcr.
Received this 17th day of June, 1844, fmm Dr.
G. Benj imin Smith, the f e of $ 10, pavalde on bis
idicaion for a jaunt for a PM ' Coated with
Sugar." II L. EnswoaTn,
CommHii.ner of Pau-nta.
Aa these Pd!a sre prepared by an edttca'ed Phy
atcian, they have an advantage over other prepare,
aiinns so much adveitied, and ae sufficiently die
tinguished from all o hiT. by their virtues, aaide
from thrir penihar pVpaantncse.
CAUTION. As Tnirrshle imitation h's
beou m ule, by the name pf '-Suffir (oa?ed Pi!.,"
it is necess iry lo le sure that Da. O Br.iJ. PniTa's
U'iiatue is on evi ry box. Price 35 centn. Office.. 1 7! Greenwich et Nrw York.
Sold by JOHN W. FI.'ILINO. Sunbury.
WM. FOKtiYTllK, Xrlhum'd.
M.y 1, 1:547.
NltTlt .E is herehy given that the wbscrihera or
the New Stork of th Northumberland Bridge
Compsny, snihors d t t-e raised by sn set nf As
sembly passed Msrrh 2 h, to enable the
t Aid company to ie-lmild the Brilge from fhsmo
kin Ll.nd totheesatern slweof the Nii.qoehsnns,
re requnsttd to y Wro Forsvhe, Treasurer, an
instilment of five dollar on each share by thitn
sub-crilied. on or before ihe 14th day of Msy next,
and five dollar on each share on iht 14th day i f
each month thereaftu. until all is paid.
By Older of the Boaid.
N ..ithnmbM, A pril 24,184741 IV 't., Court Xalts
IN puraumce of sn order of ihe Oiplians' (J-'urt
of Norlhuml e land couuly. witl be S'dd al pub
lic vendue, on Satuulay Ihe I Vt h d .y ol Ju'y neit.
on the prrmiHes, to ttit; A rensin iraft of bind
aiiuaie in Shamok n township, In sod coumy,rou
twining SCO srrrs and 113 parches, strict meanure,
sdj doing land i f the heirs of M .irtn Weaver, John
Unger, Solomon Fegely, and tC Treibley,
whereon is erected a two tory Ins hoUse s"d a ona
kitchen, a large fame bink barn, stone sm-ke
house and an excellent orchard of choke fiUii.
Al-o, one oiber tract, situate in the townahip and
Ci Uniy a'nrrsald. contain. na 35 srre. snd 68 per
ches, adjoining the above dccrlWed trrt, Samuel
Hah a, Ge.oge Unger, and l-ac Treibley, where n
are rrec'cd a one and a half story frame hou, a
frame stable, and a log shop, with a goo 1 well of
water at the house, and a thriving young orchard
of choice fruit Alro, Icn sin other tract of woed-
Isnd situite in Ibe towi ship aforesaid, r ntsin'rg
ft I acres and f peitbes, ailjoiuing Cnnral Yevecr,
Joseph Chsmlwrlio, and Augualue Huey. Also,
a certain oilier tract or hind in aiJ to nship, ron
laluing 33 sc ai d 147 ueichia, a rid mea-ure,
of which u bou I one ha f is deattd. sdj doing Au
gustus iiu-y, ISst'isi'lel PUiton, and 40 hers Al
o, eeilain oilier lial ai u .Ih in asid lown-bip,
coniaining 9 sces snd 14 peiche, strict mea.U".
S'ljoining Sidomoii Peg ly, snd other.. Lata lha
esista of Christian Frgely, deo'd.
Sale to cnaimenoe at 10 u'rtnek. A. M. of said
day.wbsu tbe term of sU will Ks mail knowu
By ordst of the court-, Adrars.
Euwaan Oxrxa. Ct'k. O. U.
Sunbury, April Slih, I47.Ut3l
Thotnas iliilllhen) Caiate.
NOTICE ia hereby given thai la Here of ad.
tnini'tiation base been grant-d lo the eut
smber on the eeteta of Thomas Hullihen, Ista of
Point towiiebip, Noilhumbrrlsnd county, dee'd.
AU persona Indrhtod to said sine. e basing
cl-iimt against lha ae, are irqoretrd to aall and
settle. HENRY H. THOMAS,
eitkt2arerleed,Afri JO, IS47. fl Adas.
Orerteer' Account.
Haa-ar Mahh and SAtmat J. Far, hit Dree,
eer of the Poor ttfthi Borough nf Sunbury, in
aetount with taid borough, for th year eommfnt
ting in March, 184ft, and ending U March, '47.
rt. '
To ibis amount received from th estate
C. G. DonneJ. doe'd .
$60 00
To this amount received nf lha Overeeera
' of Union township, Uoion county, in -tha
ease nf Msrtha Moors, a pauper, IS4 01
To this amount received of Samuel Fet-'
. ter, in part of rent doe for a house snd .
lilt, situated in Broadway, la'a tha es
tate of Mr. Berger, .
To thi amount received nf the Overseers
of the Poor of Penns townhip, U. C ,
To this amount received of George Wei-
sur. l'q , for sundry fi ea.
To sn order on the pte-ent Oversi er nf
the Poor, for balance due to stud
Haupt & Fry,
T 00
I 60
6 67
18 91J
f 249 03
. Cr.
By thi smo'int pa;d (',. V. IL gina. for
profea-lonnl setvicas. as ier receipt.
By thi amount paid George Wrir, ha
lnce due for keeping Michael L. g.111,
a rauper, in '43. s per ?i-reiit.
By thi amnnnl pn d IInpt ft B lllnrion,
batsnca due aa Oveise. In of the Poor
for '45-6, as per receipt
By thin amount piid 5stherine Kiehl, for
boir.ling M.rtha Kiehl, a ptuper, in
full, as per receipt.
By thtasmount paid Dr. J. 1). Mas-er. for
medical attendance in '45, ss p. rec'pt,
Dy this amount paid Dr J. B. Maa r, for
one yrara me.liral attendsnee, com
m nciog in '46 nd enJing in '47. a
per r-reipt,
By this smi'Uiit jaid C. W. Hegina. judg
ment fee in c-e of Ihe Ovcr-eers of
Hunbury vs. Overi-er of Union thp.
Union co , In relation to Muths Moore,
a per rcce'pt.
By this amount paid Daniel Driirkcmi1lr
and J. W. Penl, witnesei in said rare,
aa per teceipts,
By thi amount paid E.qs Bower and
Weis- r, for orders granted for tbe re
lief of wupers, from 43 to '45, incln
sive, as er rerripls.
By thissinnint piid J .hn R-indets, f-r
bo ir.'ing Hen y II s a pauper, tip to
March 19ih ini., in foil, as pur ieci i.t.
By this amount 1 a d Jimes McKmI'V,
j er order from E-q- Bower r Ve;ser,
By 'his sm uotpsid Henrv Baidnlo-r. in
full forkrrpirg M-r Berijer, a pauper
in '46. a per receip'.
By tli am nint paid John Fiber, for
service rendfted. s p r receiit.
By ihi sm unl pai I SchasMsri Hanpt for
cotrm for l.ueinda Mdler. st r rec'pt.
By lhi amnuiil paid Chsfl.a Walter, f r
bonding Lorind Miller. a per rec'pt.
By this am. -rnt pdt I. T. it
g'MKls furnished for Loeindi Milhs-, es
per rec ipt.
By this sm it t paid Walter B. II, for dig
ging n eve for l.ucinds Mi'b-r,sa p. rr't.
By thi amount p iid Bernard H"pprr f l
kirping Y. Conrad, a pnuixr, as p. rc't.
By thi amiiinl paid Mary Hmer, f. kee.
png M.Ttm tlitier, Bpirp", asp rr't.
By ill's smnor.t psid Henry Hanpt anJ
Wnmucl J Fiy, for Fervrres 'emleteil as
Overseer nf lite Toit-, including Au
dit.iT' fee.
40 1)0
ss no
SO 90
10 45
6 90
16 00
3 00
I 00
8 63
50 no
1 00
B 30
1 no
6 CO
6 00
1 79
S 00
I 50
9 46
17 00
f?49 03J
Tbe undersiii'icd. appointed to audit wtlle and
aitjoi-l 1 ho account ol Ihe Overjeers of the I'oor of
ihe Sorourli til S-'uiibory, havig ex tmined th" re
ceipu and eXpeiidiiur.a (aa eel fonh in th- prece.
ding s ateinent.) of II. Haupt and S. J. Fry, l'e
Ovpmrwra of sard l-orough, 1 -xbibiii bilanee in
their lavor of Eighteen Dall'irs and ninety three
and a half end, do allow ard pis ihe same
In tert in-itiy f wh'ch, w- hiv brielintiret on
b md. ih 37 b Much. X. D. IRtT.
April 14 FhELERICX I.AZVftU.
2. Ja 7" I L L
Vend inn. filiml Manufacturer,
No It North 6ih i-l., (a f.-w door- a -ove Ma-k t t.)
'I AS now on liduil the tairfe.t anJ mot fnhmn
1 J kble ass ir-nn lit of Narrow and oihr Ve
netian Blind, nfanv etsb inhinent in 'b- I'uiS' d
Sinies, which he Will sell, Wholeeale end Retail,
at the lowe.i pities.
The ritixei s of Sunbury snd v f inily sre respect,
fully aolict'id to Call on him before pur-hiii? else,
whire. sb he is e mft 'rnt f g'ing rtttire snli.fir
tion to all who may thus f vi h m with rail.
OLD BLINDS Repainted ami Tiimmed, tan
lo lo 'k isjual to ni w.
Oiders puncluvlly stienthsd to, and the Blinds
forwaided with deip'ch.
Mirfh 6. ISltt. 3in.
F A R M" "
THl4.Ucra..r,fr.r- lor aale a cheap Farm,
situate io lhsin. kin township, Northtimhrr
Isnd coun'y, nbnut eihl ml'ee from Stlnhilrv, ly
ing beiwern die Centre lurnnike and lri-h Valley,
containing ICS see and sllowjeees et.iid f nn
is in a g d stale of cUltivstiiin, with reusonsbly
goihl building and excellent wsli-r near thedoOi ',
and all kinds of duit. Are.
Sunbuty, Feb. 20, ttftT.
oeish k son,
Coiuiuistsioii iTli'rcli.iiilt
For the A vf Flour, Grsin. ai d all kii.da ol Coun
try Produce,
' No 49 Ctitomtret ktreet harf,
0Ty Cah advancea on Cunaignmvnta. .
2jVh I3ih, IHt7.-3,i.
n it ;bs
CIothingEstablisliincnt OPEltATIONS in t'Ltnie seem to ba th
order of the djy, at lha PhiLdi Iphla We'd
Kolie, 10-t Chikeut aireei, whrre acry ai tier in
Ihe line la kepi, and sold at sstoul blng low pilcra,
embracing ' .
t, Uangopa. 0M Sack Uoats, Short Sack
Coots, uer French ClotU Diesa Fiotk
Coals, Pantaloona of every grade and .
sty o. any of which will he sold either
by lUe gaimaut at doaoo. st pil
ot that will juaiify iba
moat ee-nemicl in
W sdviaa oil who want good and cbvsp Clo
thing, to call at Ne. I OS Chesnot atieet,
I'k lsdiii bis, Fab Cin, IP47 tn,
.Ii'i i-.!.?-' mf corfg, i
ari.i. from imnni J JitV. tiilJi "7" W
f Brad the Vol ibwIdrZZ r? u&Z'E?'' 'ttffic'0 tu'tweVJ. pr9pprijr
Rowan. Wat;.-0f.:-Fe;7Ur7rtW? ,WMc,,
ful for the eltrsntdinsry e,,re performed n,. I
bvvonr Dr. CULI.EN'a INlitAN vrii I
BLE PANACEA. I feel it my duty to furniahV
with a short biatory of my ea.e. ' s
lir l i .....
m n .00111 1 a years ni sgs 1 waa attacked with
King's Evil. I was under the cars nf sn atneni
physidin, and efier a long course of medical treat
ninnt, was pr mounrrd cured. At 14 years of age
a rli-caae, pmnntirerd by ome of the medical facul
ty ss -Sro'luls.' and by nthera 'Csncernua,' manU
Tested itilf This d'ses-e incressed in its rsvaaea,
till my throat wa filled with u'cers, and my foes
w covered with them 1 my note wa ulcerated
and aw Hen to apparently four times its natural
aitc. I al-o had tumours in my bresst, and ulcere
on different puts of my person. I wss placed un
der the care at various t'me of Ihe mot eminent
phy-ic ians nf New York, Piii'adelphla, Baltimore
and t'ineinn ti, who after having urd their Utmost
endeavors lo eff ct s cure, my es by them was
pio'ioiineed inrurshte. t have (ravelled over II
rt.'e of the Union seiking relief noexpen-e wae
pared, i d s large amnnnl of m .ney wssexprnd-
d, but sll in vain. I ibcn used Urge qusntities of
Sws'm's Panares. Hive st-n tnken t'arpenter's
iSsrsaparilla. Schenck'e Pulmonic Syrup, Town
enl'a Sa enparill 1, snd numerous other prepare-
inn without elfecl ; my throat, nose and face were
still it le rs'ed, and a' length I lo-t entirely Ihe sense
of .m-'lling I continued in thi deplorable c ondi
tion f ir about two year, having given up all hopes
f novei v, I reicned mya lf lo the will of Prnvi.
donee, supposing that every mean of re'ief had
foiled. On the 6 h day of August List I common
red taking yur Dr. Ci-liks's lams V sorts bis
Pabacsa. hsving but little hope of ita benefiting
me. Af er having uJ one bottle, I discovered to
n.y utter sto- i-hment and gr itifiration, that my
senae nf .moiling was entirely restored, and that the
uleers were rspidly diminf.hing in S'te. t hsve
now t ikait three l ot les of ihe panacea ; my fice,
moiilh, t'.roal and nose sre entire'y healed. I sm
n. w 40 ear nfsge, -nd sfter 5S years nfindesC'i
bible tuff ring, my g.-mral bes tli i better, and in 1
f..ct, at no period of my bfe hae I fell aa weFI aa I
have ainc' uaing your invalualde Panicea.
N. Y.,Sett. 30, 1846. No. Ill Cliff st.
We, l'ie UnderMEn d. being personiTly ectJMatn
trd with Mrs. Julia Branch, nf Nn. HI W ft street,
and havuig a know'eilge nf hrr si'uation fir sever
al ye r pat, do l enby rertily, 1h.1t the almve ia a
rue a'atemeiil of her ciae. ao fa' a nuT personal
knowledge g-ie; snd from her eh iraeter snd Ian
din, we hare full confide- ce in hrr statements,
and in fhe ifficacy of Dr. Cuflcii's Indian Vegeta
ble 1'
EUin A. Ware, 113 Cliff street.
Maris Ware, do.
Kamutd Raster. 61 Mulberry street,
S. Til stou.2.1 Ronevell rtreet,
O'Neal, lit 0!ilTtrett,
Eni'ly r. irle. Tludann stieet.
Ye barned ones of ihe -Heihng Art,' Ifyetsn
sr. f ir i vit one prof. -ional pride, as to ue m d
cino wh eh je know nnl how to rompound. ye msy
prrere msny valutltti l.vrs which will nlherwi-e
be -R -rifl'-ed. Wrtl ye not precnbe it ! IT it elisll
not aec imptt-h sll we claim for it, sfiei a f.iir trial
sreonl rtg to drrertions, ve shs'l (mhlirh an areoont
of it f n'uie m soy three papers in tbe United
Slate at our own expense.
Dr. t'uirOuV IniH 01 Wgeta' te Pannreal do. d r.
Spicific; d.i. di. Pie Remedy; Dr. Appleton'a
Remedy for Deifness; Rowstid Magic Lotion to Cii'O
Ceriefieaies of rii', in p .TOpblet form, t&sy bo
hurt Gi..l s, st the nrTi es of ibe sgrnts.
Tl.s-ee meilreioes eie prepared god sold by tha
pro. to tor., RoWnnd & Wslton, No. 87V Msrkdl
atieet. Phil idelp' is.
. r W W Daneohowet. No 1 Murray St. N Y.
; - J J W D inenh over. No
? Jri C T ienkin-. No bn Cs
M N Rotiinaoii.e -iGav
j UHneiitinwer. ,o 1 w r nan, in. u.
anal at, N Ortesn.
Gsv A Saratoga ata. Bait.
Aeenter H. MASSER, Sonbory.
I H. R kt, Milton; J S.eroU, New Ber.
I'm Mr. Masser, Milihenj-, Sharp D- leswts.
Willres'.se,e. . .
foi athj by DrOgls's tbtoughoat the Onilad
cltale. April 3d. I84T- tra f6y
flHE iuirih-r hav the exc'nsts right of
1 vending J M. THATCHER'S
lint lllnal lint 4lr CAoklnaj
in ti t r vii 1 e nf PLirihiimtierlan I, Columhia and
Hehiivtkill; and from the eneouragement met With
already, they i tpret to do large buinea. Tbia
tovi 1 con.tnie'ed on sn entiiely new prlreiolv,
and on I Vie onlv prinr'ple that cm make both a
good w.-od and coal slov. The inventnr has over,
come all ihe difficult ra thai s i frequently belong t-i
othi r eto. He ba by hi arr.ingement, con.
sMirt-.l s broiling fj )V'II III tVOItt, where
In broiling, losaiing, trying or baking may he done,
snd sll the smell that ariie ihs eftom must psaa
ititu On- eninbiitile chamber, sn I is not stall
thrown out ino Ihe r.m JD Besides thi, there
i. an oven only two inches let than lha whole trss
of the Move, wherein b iking or roasting msy he
done ss well s il csn tie ill lb common btick oven.
This .Veil is alv fit f. 11-e when the a'ove I
be.ile,', as the hdc dru;lil of hot air passes a
inund it CT.tantly.
Publ c attention is purtlcnlsrly failed to this
stove. csn t en St our Store and Tin
lisiirhe .t in ISortli D uiville, at the tign of lha Co
luin1 ia Tin idiop, ituil at the round' of Rohrbach
A t'lemeni III Silnbury. Where it particular qualU
lira will be fully shown and esp ained lo any person
wishing to 1 1 niiit.e i.
The tulifcrpM-rs Continue to have on hand alt
kin U nf psrloi t.ive. .uch s rsdiators, ry lender,
four slid 1 lain, suit be for all who may favor ua
oiharall; alio common sheet snd Rusi 1 Ir.irt,
hteb can le mule in any deairahle shape; toge
ther with a general -oitmenl of tin snd jspsnnej
wsre, wholesale and miall. Country merihsnts
are indued lo'rsll and examine our atnrk, aa Our
work cannot be turpas-ed, ai.J piica modoerate,
N B. We can ilely recommend the abov men
tioned Move to f't.m wl.o wish to emharg in a
gtHid biismet Ti e pa'eniee will sell either coun
ty or lie lights. In uil puic'issers, and on rea-
n il b tenna. H or hi sg' n's msy he found in, P. J. & J. AHTER.
1 be undersigrad, sVmg teen io operstion ihe
bol In.l boi air conking stove, invented snd pa
tented by J. M. Tbairber, certify thst wo believe,
from the mtnnerof lU construction snd opera'ion,
that il is the host aoe ever offcieJ lo th public Th
arrangement iaso complete and iba eonatruciion ao
iodicious, thai there is a saving of ooa half lha Turl
nd lima, in doing ny given amount of a- rvtce,
aver Other telehraied atoVeo. , In short wa recom.
menl il in piefeUiice to sll others. Tor lha simple
reason Ibat it embrace every branch nf economy.
8amnel OarreM, John W GariWt. D.vid Chat
field, W F KMeh.b. John M Giar, E Thompson,
Smith Tbemiaon. J D Hahn, John Oake. Heaili
ah Ba, EH F Cooper, (le M ICiih-it, Daniel
Hulfinan. Henry It Riascl, F II Caivci, Duicl
PnUtora, Jowph Vanki k. Brouka
IVesd'a, Mwib 6, 1847. ly
.."ction.V e.ef7 LT" 'n" '! -ge-,.
WtlCllT'J WDMW rRflRtlTH.
Amcrfcttu CoHcr ra.
- ... " r"e lit alt I,.
f'y on our n.o "1 . ,r" 'ow anontsno-
r vi as ra iriainiBi sski.L .
r . "M l UFA lha)e.f..
j . are im
tol"""' constitutions Ib .r. M-J;-l... ".
! ' Tl I HI (ai
prineelRn drtig. hoaever woll .her mTvT,'
SCd and.. ((eT e fouril,,,, Jr
nsmely, dhehomsn hh ia ,n .r., I, '
irert lh:,l, if tl. NTg4t PM.f.u,
diredtone. I. sbsoluntion b. no, ,
averv name from tba bthefr Use a 1 .
When we with to VtaJmerTim '
fertility, we it of the d,," f
like manner, ir we wish to
br.lth, we mutt cleans it of iin "J 0'"
will be found one of the best, if noi y '
medicine in the woild for rarrviug oul i .
Pcmrriao PpiscirLK, brcsuso they ex,
ihe body all morbid and corrupt hum ir, tl'i
of the disease, in an easy and Natural Man.
snd while they every day oivg bass n flbaocb.
di'Csse iif every name is rnpidiy diiven from tha
The foil -wing highly respectable storrkeeps'e
have been dntv ani oimed agenta for the snb- of
IVrjAT Indiun Vegetable 'iL't, in Norihumber
I n I county :
Henry Maer, SunSury.
E. & J. Kauffnan, Angiiat township,
Hsmuel Herb, Lilile M ihonny,
William Deppen. J.irkson.
Beneville Holslme, ITpoer Mahonoy.
John (i. Ri-nn, Upir Mahnnny.
Ssmuel John, Shamokiniown.
Forajthe, Wil-ondi Co., Notthumbetland.
E. 1 filter, Wiilaonburg.
IrUnd Ai Hays. MeEenrvit1e.
James Peed, Portegrove.
Win, O Scott, Rushville.
Hsrtmsn Kiwrble, Elyeburg P. O.
Ami T. Beiseel, Turbuisville.
Gideon Shadel, ITpper Mshonoy.
Rhodes & Farrow, Snydaistown.
John King, Farmeri-v lie.
Pi'sa C. Coi k. Martin's Creek.
J. De Young. Hicksvide.
Abrsh:im Slien r. Rlrhmnnd.
8nmuel Taylor, Nitefor l.
John H. Vincent, Ohilieqnaque.
Wm. Heincn & Diotber, Milton.
Brwanc ter f'ovfiTxarxiT. -The public srra
caationed sgainst the many spcriou medioitiea,
which ill order to dec.i ive, sre C'lieJ bv names si
milar to NVrihi's Indian Vegrtible Pills.
The s ifesl coure i to pnclia.e of the regular
agrnta only, who are gentlemen that rosy b re
lied O'l.
fXj OfTicr drvo-e 1 rXrh:ivi''y to ibe ale of
of the No th Aineircsii College of lleulth. No. S8S
Gteeiiwrch ttrect. ii w York; No. 19S Tremont
Street. Boaiotr; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No.
169 R.ce. Stbsit. Philadelphia.
Jan. 30ih. 1847. sl9y.
jf(rat IJvrmittm Iriitt.
No. 7 North Thinl Street,
THE celebrity of Ihe Ink manufactured by ihe
suliterihcr, and Ihe extensive ta'e conae quent
ipon the high n-puta-inn which Ihev have aMain.
ed, not oi ly ttiouglioot 'he I'ni eil Mit.s. bui in
the Wot Indi-s and in t'b:ni. i ioie ' h:mto
in-ke every neress oy i,, r- v.t nt t. evpl :no
vast demand upon Ins t 1 o .1 b t'e ;. II i-r
pieperesl with every ri-1 1 1 ' t o k . ' 11 " '
Inks, Copying Ink, I: lUI.'oi-j li.'.i I I -
all prepared under bis civvn ter cu.l
enre, to that purcher w?y d pci.J v
perior quali'V.
perior ariich tor Mending G'a.s. t ! .
Wtre, ceo , Oasfut to evry Hou k-n- r. m.
whit lipoid, easily appl ed, ain not allirted y -dinary
heat wjrrai. ted.
frt' Pampbltrla. containing th" ntitti 'mm
mooiW of nan cf ictence, and othna, wi.l bo f .r
niahed to parchasera.
For .ale al lha Mvinf ict iry, Wholi ib snd fte
lad. No. 87 Nomtb Tfila'o Stbut, opposite
Cherry streit, Pbi'.aJe'phii. bv
Jan. 3fllh, 1S4T ly Msnulacuuer.
Drugs! Drugs!! Drugs !!!
lVlioiesnle lruit,
No. 40 Market Street, (South side, be
low Second.)
t h 1 1 d e I p li I a
(IrT. r for sale a lag atock ol rieh
d cioes and Dye S'ull, 10
c.ll ihe fltientloii of Coun-
chants and De drr visiting the
Cosch. Cabinet, Japan, Bleck, and olher Var
niahrsof a supenor quali'.y. Also. While and KeJ
Lead, Wiudo Glas, Psluts and Oil cheaper
than eve.
rry T. tc C. ars also proprietors of ihe tndisn
Vegetable U.iUtni. culebrated tbrnughout their nwH
and neighboring Sla'e. a the be-i pirparaihm Tor
the cure oTCOnftbr, tdds, Asthma. Ac. Mihey
refunded in every itistatice whn no Uuefil I i
"4Jliclolljr .saVtcTTs two
PERSONS wishleg to purrbase go-da H
Sunbury, Witl do wfcll to call al the rbesp
store of the sub-cilier. and eiam ne h a at. fk I'..
lore purchasing, elsewhere. You Cn dep-i tl . 11
gelling good bargalna, aa he ia determ lied lint ti
be undersold by any ether tore.
Sunburv. Jso. 1(3. 1847. nl4y
AKK. t im high-si matksi ptice
paid fuf
Bark, at the store of
archt7. I84T. JOHN UOUAH.
aasl V lrfn ni cinsle. at tl AO pel iloten. bv 8T. 14t. JOHN BOOAR-
TTrTBsH OATTln.N fc.fTP.DS, iro.n'a
Garden, lu.t leceived and for Sale I V
Feb. 13, H4T.
cheap, by
Jan. 16. IS47.
t liew arliile.Tir eili
"jt 1 !' I'k 1 U
VrTTiT-'. "Iloeeii-wsie, Iltidw re,
C J r-..Z..r.. I. do. r. Ac. for le ve.v l w. ty
w. cm .... , -.
u..--- , -, - . v urn
IS wif Jlinir unoin
a a w.r.lna faner. Werl Pen-, and
"jan. J. .
Sl'jf Wt itb they
bbW" ritv.