... ; jft oVSt ... , Long years have passe d since Inst wo mot, r. On a blmy summer night . t ;. , Withsitver dew onf peth was wet, "' As it ahone in tlie nioon's put light. , Tut brighter far in thy darfc ey k 1 " Thfl light of lore was gleamfii, And oo tliose lips of coral dye. . A heavenly smile wai beaming. . -. -Otir lips met In a thrilling k"ts; ' ? Our bearta in a fond embrace; V ... Tears, half of sorrow, ball of bliss - Courted o'er thy pale, aweet facei Mary, till then I never know, How deep was that love of thine Nor feared I that 't was not aa trua ' As the stars that o'er thee shine.5 I thought we loved each other well, J'' . Nor deemed that it would not last ; ' Thine altered tmil too plainly tell, It has pass'd forever pass'd. A New Planet. Pro'cseor Pierce, of Harv ard University, in a letter to the Boston Courier, reya: ''Whatever may be shown to be the runs and orbit of Neptune, I am prepared to publish the corresponding elements and masa of another planet, (nhould one be needed,) which, combi ned with Neptune, and havine period of revo lution of ICS years, will be sufficient to account for all the perturbations of Uranus." Mines Disr-ovr.Rtn. It is stated that eevrral mine of gold and copper ore, and easily worked, have been discovered by Capt. Emory, in hia exploration from Sinta Fe, to California. Ho baa brought home some epeclmens. ' Ftartt.ino Oiturrf.kce -The Dtiluiqiic (lo wa) Republican publishes an account of the fall of n-rolites in that neighborhood. In one intince, a large atone, some aix feet in dameter, and re sembling a mass of sulphur, in its d scent went through a large tree, . crushing it to atoms, and entered the earth to the depth of about twelve feet, whence it w-ae afterwards recovered by those who saw it full. The traces of eevrral smaller bodies ot the same nature have been dis covered in that vicinity within a abort time. CntFfor tiir Miamiics Dn Lafontine, the principal chief of the Miami tribe of Indians, died on the 13th inst , at Lafayette, Indiana, on his return from the far west, where his tribe had re cently emigrated. Lafontina wa rich, and civili-z-A farmed extensively, and was. a heavy dealer in produce and nu'rebaudite. ; , , i Rei i'sko to FiniiT. Will the Indiana Regi metitj pulilikh the names of their companies who refiised to fight at Buena Vista ? It is their du ly, in Justice to themselves, to do so; and the country should mark down for future remem brance, against the names of the heroes who fought and bled that day, those of the traitors or cowards who refused Extliantre juiptr. We should be sorry to see any thinp of the kind done. Among the Indianians there are as few "traitors and cowards" as among any other troops. The best troops in the world have at times fled the field. The second Indiana regi ment fought three hours in the thickest of the battf before they gave way. Gen. Taylor him self bears testimony that they afterwarde did gaod service in repelling an attack of a superior body of cavalry upon the baggRge wagons, and saved them from capture. These men will yet distinguish themselves, and prove that they pos sess the courage which animates every Anieri can's bosom. PkH Ledger. ; .rHIX.ATJSXi7Xi:iA. MARKET. Tvesoav, April 27. GRAIN Wieat is in reqtiest, and 12,000 ba shels bave been sold at 155c. for grmd Ted, and ICOc for white. Ce sells at &0c, weight, from tore, tOfkr from wagons. Ou't 52 a 51c. WHISKEY Dull at 29 a 50c. n a t.t i mm k maiikkt, ; Offictofllit ltti.Tloaa Aaeairaa, ApriJ 26. .-R A1N Wequote Md red at ItnatriOrents for gooj to prime. The receipts, however, are trilling. We note a sale to day of ICKJO luuhels Peiina. white at 159 cents, and 1500 bushels Penni. red t 155 cts. . J Salea of Md. Corn at G$2 centa for white, and 92 cents (or yellow. Sales of Penna. yel low today at OlaOiets. ... Maryland Oats are worth 4Sa49 cents. WHISKEY. There is a moderate demand for bbls. at SO cents. Hhds. are held at 29 cents. To aa Fiat op Lire one must be full of health, anJ to be full of health be must have a fec, onoh structed circulation of the blood. A disordered li ver will blunt the mental perceptions, and a ills r dried stiimsch will sour the wreleat temper. To he gloriously 'blue and to be soft ring front a i'e Tsngement of the digestive functions, are ibe some, thing. Pi isonal quarrela and social Unbappinra', originate in ibia cauae to a greater extent than peo ple base any i.les of. Reform tba stomach and you refoiu the world, for this is ihe f.inndation of all rif.iims. To this end take a dose or two of Wiight'a Indian Vrgeul le Pi. I At this u ason tfey woulJ do much good, and wiil be the means, if discreetly uwd, of ke.'ping the syi-tem in nrdct du'ing the year. And white they drive pain of all kinds away, tlu'V will leuiove depression of spirits) aourucsa of lemper, unuuo huiiuhkj, mw "nw h-iuii oi dctdsblue' and substitute ihcrcfor comfort, cVjeer- fulucsa, bsppinrss. . Uewaia of Counteif. its of all Vlhi-! Soma are coated with sugai otrtiare msdrf to Ve.emlil in outward j, pear, oca iba iil'inal DaodicinevTha aasaai course lit, U purehaas) from the rajular agents m.ly, o or mora f whom may laafound in every anI f wo in the 8:ate. f '. t fXj AV"' fji Aa saIb of A lithralrulian Yi'S'ta. o' Ti!!- in Sunl-uiT, Hv Msaa)..Foreihr jti it sre SOtMIcrntIH iu anoiuti luiuinu. , Tatar to DaAffnarTH's Pitts, take them . s to produce a brisk effect, and your sickness will he the alfilf ef a'dny of two, whllrf ihoe who a-e to-i wise to folt.iw 'Ibis common-sense advice, will 1 a:ck for mon;bs, .Let the, sick enquire nf the agents f r Brsndrsth's Pills whether these things are ao or nut.1 Let 'them enquire among their fiends and ask the same qur.iiion, Vtiily if evl. uence is wanjed it shall la procured. To thrj sick let me say, use the Dwrtr.TH Pi u s is the best Jv!ce mortal mm ran Rive you. fXj" PurrhM .f H. Maimer, Smihury. or rf the sgentspiihlithrdin another put nf this psjsr. ' w t rr it 1 1 n , On the 22d u!t, by the Rev. P. McFnaltv, Mc William Boii.ton, of Danvil'e, to Miss ElKa iikth Wcavkr, of thiscountj. . ? 1 I H D, " In this borough, on Wednesday n'aht lnt, after a short and severe illness, JAMKS 11. UUS TKD, aged about 45 yeara. Mr. ITusted was an estimable and exemplary citizen and neighbor, and bia death will be sin cerely regretted by bia numerous friends and ot quaintances. In this horongh, on Wednesday last, Mr. MAR TIN C. HINKR, aged about 82 years. At his residence, on the Isle of (Jue, near linsgrove, on Tuesday evening last, lr. JACOR WAGENSELLF.R, aged about 50 yeara. The deceased had a severe and painful surgical operation performed upon him in November lust, at Philadelphia. v Hia left aim, With a large por tion of the ahoulder blade, was taken off. He bore the operation with great fortitude, and for some weeks waa supposed to be doing well. ' His system,' however, gave way under the shock which it sustained, and he gradually declined un til death relieved him from his sufferings. Dr. Waggenseller was a highly useful and enterpri sing citizen, and bis death will be sincerely la mented in the community in which be has long resided. At the time of his death, he was the Senator of the district composed of the counties of Union, Mifflin and Juniata, but was net, on ac count of his illness, able to occupy bis seat at the last session. "PKICE CUKKENT. Corrected weekly by Henry tfasner. Whkat, ' ... .115 Rra, 70 Duals, . f,5 Oats, . . . . .37 Buttsii, ' - J Koob, jo ' Pork. , . '.' 6 FtAasaan, . . U2J llKKaWAV, . , . 2ft Tallow, ' . . . ' rt Fiat, . . . ' . lo Himnii FiAi . r . -.10 DnHn Arri, 75 Do. PsACHK-, ' . 150 Rood Intent Fire Company.' STATElt Mr.KTlVfJ .l il ..ill Ite held on Mond iv evening next, at 7 ochclu at the Court House. Punrinal allendance is re quired.' . HENRY DONNE L. My 1, 1847. Sef.rtary. "Waslilnston rire Company." THE memliers oT ihe "Washington Fire dm. r J i - - - House, on Monday b renin c, May 3, al CA o' clock, precisely. Punrlonl attendance is required. May I, , KAMI Rl. J. YOCKU, Tlio "Susar Coated Plliia.)' Rtwiaa or Maarr CtiaririCATi! or oca I - VENTIII. Nrw Yosk. June lltth. 18il f e. the nnderaigned. never snW or heard of "Hn gar Coated Pills," uuiil Dr t!. Heniamin rnit'i manufactured and rxhidited them to us a bout a year amee. ' Imir.t R vnor.rB. M D., Liberty at RrKKTo' & Co., 1 10 llroiidwiy, and 10 Axtur ILiuKe. Hoatrs Etrtt, Drti(, !6 lludaen st Joh CASTnr.s.'DV Hod -on at. Lest eogia few msv' h decried try ignorant quscfca, we publish ihe folbrwing ; ; ar d mine tmt unprincipled dealers will e-'Untenance any imita tiou if this invaluable medicine.. . - ;, ,f , .( - Patkm r Orricr. Received this 17th day of June, 1844, fim Dr. fi. Denj imin Hinilh, the fee of $30, pavatde on bis application for a palrut for a Pid ' Cmli4 tcUfi Sugar." . .. II. L. EtLstraaTH, - . : . Ctmmiai4..IM-r of I'al.-nin. At these Pdla are prepand b an rducsirj I'hy fciriaH, llisy have an aivaiiiai(e over other prepare aiiona aa much edvnii-rd, and ae aurliuieiitly dis linguistic! fr.Mn all o lmr. ty their virtuea, aaule Tom their peculiar ph!aantnes. fXj CAUTION.- As a miserable imitati.in has Ircoii made, by tle name of fugtr Coaled Pill," it isneceeary to be anre that Da. fi UtS4. Kami's signature is on every bus. . Piice 25 rents. . PiinopaUJiricB. I7irernwirh at New York. 8d by JOHN W. FltlLING. Sntibiiry. VM. FOUSYTHE, tortt.um'd. M.y 1, 1847.; ;. ; , . IIANCE'S 8AR8APARILLA, OR ULOOD PILLS. fXT WH AT IS THAT PRINCIPLE WHICH WE CALL THE BLOOD1 7 UK ULOOD tS TltA T PR IXCIPIE HY WHICH THE WHOLE SYSTEM Is HE G VLA TED. Thercf ire if the blood becomes im pure, a general derangement of the system most ensue and rive rie to Coughs, Cold-i, Influenza. Dyspepsia. Dropsy .Head ache, Futtne s of Illooil, lliliioia, ttcsrln, Tvi hod and Typhus Frvei of all kinds, Indigestion, We.k on of Stomach, Rhpumstisrn and liheumatic Af feciitiii, Nervous Affections, Llvei Comlaint, Asth ma, Plcuri.yj luflamniatlon nf the Lungs, 1,JW ftplriis, Fns, Meste, Smsll Poi, A'b.0ping Cough, Croup, Rare Eyes, Inward Weikne, orma. Qumr. Hrnnehiiia. f'li. Ti. ..... 8slt Rlieum. Deafness. ir,J other affrcliebs ot in br, Bi, Aniboin' fir Si-.tfilta tt9 tClr.!!'. Evil. Ulcere, V.'l s !Maelhng,Tuinirs, Biles, Hup L . iinase.i ..ijntbly Discharge. d Femle cnmidaiuia feenersl, Erupuons of the t?Uio, Habitual Cue tivenes. and all deeaa dejnding oh a di.i4ered and diseased slate ol tba blood, or a turpensidq pf the baalihy secretions. Theref.tre, on tbe Gist appearmcte 0f tny 0f t'M Symptawa, - , s ... ' ttAtrsa aAiiaAfAKii.i,.,or m.ooDrn.l.h! should be' procured, and ued according to tha di. rectroMa. PRICE lb CENT per Dot of ftp. T.Y PILLS, or T1VB BOXES for ONE DOL LA It, - - .... . , ' ' 1 For sale by fETl! t. HANCIi, Corner rf Charles and Prstt Its., ind 10rj Bsttimore street, " anrj ,y OEORnU RRHJH'P.Hur.borv, D.BRAUTIGAM, Na.t.iurnVerinJ- in j i , i pi r . irFHTHRRii pnoor of the fffjacy OF-HANt'B'! (-OMPOIiND RVKKPOP HORntlCMNn tN RP.r.TF.VINO " AFFLICTED MAN t !.."!' Ma. Okohof T. W aiai.ioTox, reidlne in York, Mrret, Fedeisl Hill, Duliiinorr, whs sit irked with a vi.dent cough ami sore throst. after trying mnny irmediiw, was induced by a friend to nm HmmV. ('ompnni)d Hyrup nf llo'reh.Ulnd, and bilore uning tne bottle, was emirelv rured,-1 :"J ASOTHER, YET MORE ASTOMSHlSG Mas. HanRiRTTA Msaarf a!, reitiding in Monu ment street, hrtween (Unn and Eden streets was slt icked with a very nevcra congh and pain in the breast, which v eo intense, that it ratended t.t Ilia rhonldeis. ' Shn was afllicted aUi ssvstta a pain in the side. ; , '. After Irving manv remedies, hc kii prrsmditl hv n rirn.! to ne HAMUVM t'l HI t'( ii;N !Y PUP OF H)REHOi;Ml. .nd after u-ioa three doses she experienced gresl relief, and before she had finished the bottle, was entire'v cured." PKICE 60 Cents per bottle. or 6 bottles for f2f0. For sale by SETH 8. HANCE. 10H n.dtimore St., and comer Charles and Piatt slreela, Unltim.tre, and by CBOKGE RRKJII I'.Sunlnry, -I). BRAUTKJ AM, Northumlrl..tid. Msy 1.1M7. . Tr.sniiow is mow nf kivki Frov am: Cjirianaa r thr Gtnaa. f1HE following letters are prrarnted with s view I of more fully showing the opinions of pi ysi eiana in relation to the medical value of Dr. SwavrVs CienfTn Hvaue or Wnn Cmsrrv. Dr. Kwimi- Dear Sir: Having n-eil ynr Compound Myrop of Wild Cherry, extensively in mv practice, 1 was requested by yonr agent. Dr. Crutcher, to express mv opinion in writing, of its properties aa a remedial agent. I most cheerfully romp'y, as I feel by so doing, 1 will discharge a debt I owe Ihe community at large, and phviri ma in par icular. Aa murh aa I deteat qnack r-'mi dies and patent noatruma, I was inlineil fr-m a fuiUire of the moat potent eipeclorania, recommen ded in onr materia medicaa in aims ca-ef hia essed lungs to try your preparation of Primus Virginia or Wild Cherry. It is sufficient lo any that I was an much pleaaed with the result of that and sulMqiient trinls that I now pre.r'bc it in preference to all o ber remedies where an exiicrto rant ia indicated. In the much dreaded Pneumo nia or Disease nf the Lungs, in the alarming form in which it appears in Kentucky, I regard it n trn inv.doHbln remedy in the treatment of that disease. To all who know me I bave said enonch, hut a. tbi miiy lie seen by persons out of the vicinity of Frankfort, I will briefly add, that I have hren i n gsged in an active practice of my profeiin fr 12 years, and am a regular graduate of TYanaytv w i , and this ia the firxt patent medicine I ever thought enough uf to Cipro an op:ninn in writing: " S. H. ELLISON, M. D. Jan 7, 1847. Franklin eo . Ky. FBAtraroRT, Kv.. Jan 7. IH47. ' The above certificate ia from one of our phvsl cians living a few miles from here, he is dning a very good pnictiee, and is considered a good physi cian, and stands fair; he is a be aya, a regular graduate.' ' Dr. W, L. CariTCHsa, D'Upgit and Apolhecary. ' fX5 Finee tbe introduction of my article 15 the public, there have a number of unprincipled indi idtinla got np nostrums, which they aaaert conlnin Wild Cherry, somr are called IViii'Sms,' 'Diiteta,' and even Syrup of Wild lberry, but mine ia the original and only genU'tie prepiration en r intrn dood In the public, which can be proved by the pul lie Records of the Coinmnwcalib, of Pennsylvania.-- The only safeguard against imposition is to see that my signature is on each holt la. . Dr. IL8WAVNK. ' Corner of Eighth ami Rsce ata., Philadelphia. Only Agent in Sunbury. ia - ' V HENRY MASSE R. ' Dr. I, A. Moore, Dsnvillat T. 8. Mack-y A 8on, Mibon M, D. At J. Wells, Munev . C. A. Wyatl, Lenisburg; Daia & fchniire, 8liuagiove; John C. Itenn, Lino Mountain P. O. I'hilndelphia, . , . . , al0-c2m. ffi ly". XTO ?.T H E S P. LAIT D TJOTH'H is hereby given Ihst theeubacribern of 11 th Stnrk nfthw Niwihernlierland Bridge Oompatiy, authorised to he raised by an act of As sembly wil Mssrli M-h. iHtTj, to ettabt ihe hsid company lo te-build the Bridge from fr'hamo Mn I-d tnd In thveaaten sh"Ve of ihe Juiiehanra, are renet-ud to pay Win Forayihe, Treurer, an insl ilineot of f e dollura en each share by them siih-crilied. on or hef.iee the 14tlt day of May im xi, Uand five d.il,ir-i en each ehsre on tbe 14th day uf each month thereafter, twill all paj.l. Uy order of ihe llnard, D. BRAUI lfJAM. N. rthiimhM, April 24. 1S47 4t Prei'i. Orplians' Court Sale. IN purau nee of an order of the Orphans' Ciinrt of Norihumlilend eoums. will I ald at puh Ist vendue, on. iJstunlsy the ITlhday of July next, on lha premises. IswHi A reriain tract of land situate in $aamolj lownahip, In s id cownty.ton Is'ming 200 ocrei and It perch ea, Itrh-i measure, dj dning land f th heWa f Martin Weavm, J.diii 1'ngrr, tSol.Mn.m Fcgrly, . and Isaiio lTieihtey, nheteon is erected a two story log huuae ai d s ore kitchen, a large frame bink tiam, stone am ke houae and an excellent irfh-.rd of choice fruit. Al-o, ine other tract, situate in the t.iwnahlp i.n.l county aforeaaij. containing 33 acre and 6 per ches, ad'i.iining Ihe alhive de-crlbed tr-icl, mui I Hah a. Ceoige linger, and I -a ic Treihley, where n are erected a one and a half story frame bonne, a frame sUblc, and a big shop, with a goo I well of water al the house, and a thriving young orcbaid uf choice fruit Ah-n, a cr rail) other tract of wood land situ ue in the township uforrsaid, c ntalnitig HI acrea and At perches, adjoining Conrad Tester, Joseph Chsndx-rlin, and Augustus Huey. A I so, a certain otber tract of land in s.iij to nsH;i, con tabling 32 sCjs and 1 17 pcrchea, s'r'ct neiure, of which about one bs!f ia clean J, adj iuing Au-RU-lus llM 'y. Nathaniel'Smino, tj olhrs Al so, a certain other tia t si unle in aij l,iwnl.lp, ruiiiainiog 9 acres and li ierrhe., sirict meaaU'e. adjoining Soh.nion Feg. Iv, and olh. ri. Lite the extaul of Cbr-stiin Fegaly, dee'd. . Hile to e-.,mnneiiee at 10 oYlbcV, A ' M. of aiiil dsy, when the lenn of kla will iui ei le known l,y ... .......... -. SOLOMON FEOELY, : RLUBLN FEUELY. t By order or the court, ' Adnirs. Eiiwarb Otstrr. CITt. O. C. ' Sunburvi April 24'h, H47.ul3t TDonia itiillllirn'a i:statt-7 NOTICE is hereby given, that loiters or aJ nini tisnon have been grant d to the ul wl her on the estate of Thomas Hullihcn, lite of Point tnWiiShip, NoilhumberhnJ county, dee'd. All persona Indebted to said e.tate. or having cldtns agaitisl the same, are irqorstcd to call aud settle HEM1Y 8. THOMAS. NorthumberlabJ, April 10. 1M7. Ct Adm. -"StaffiCTIOlT PGR CQ ig zz 23 Lfii fT1 S3 d A N Election for u tike is nf the Nortiintiileiland j Bridge Cownant, will be held si tbe Hou-e olTsmea Ie, in the botough of NonhutniictUilJ, on MouJay the 3d day of Msv pen. 1 he Icc: will a.pi, .1 l VU k, P. l. Tk Tba Ufc-k and accounts of ihe compsnr 111 be exhibited to tba stixkhulJas at the time and pi ice t.ix nieiitiui,; i. uK.rr:AM. .iriuo, Acrii iu. lHl,. lt Preii't, U i. Orcrtsccrs' "Accoiint. O T Uttrnr HirrT nnd Aitrat J. Far. lute Oirr. trm'oflu Pour aflht Borough nfSiutbttry, in nrrmmf with mid hnrntgh, fr the. yew eommni Cif in rV;trC,h, $r,t niirlenlitig 'i March,'!. t . - . ,r' i , De, -1 ... . , . Tfi this jmnont tereiveil froin thu estate 1 C. O. D.e.nel, iW-c'd.,; ' x t ;-VC0 00 To this amount reeaived of the Overaeera of Union townohip, Unino cumjiy , in ' ' tbe ease af M.irrba Moore, a paiiwr,.' lot To this rwnonnt received of Vamunt Fet . . ; ter. in tmrt nf rent Hon f.ir a k..n .n.l . - l.n, sitiis'ed In ltroadsvay, I iio the cs- tuts ..fMra. Merger, i" - . t To thla amount rveived of the Overseer of the Poor ot Peons tosvnhip, II. C, To this amount ri"ceiveil cf tleorge.Wei- cr. Esq.. fr sundry fli.es. To an order on Ihe present tlvcraiers i.f ' the Po.w, for bahilice due to said Hiiupt A Fry. . '. u 1 00 1 SO r. C7 tt:t fsin on. i Tr. By this amount pa'd C. W. H- gins, f.it proles ional services, aa per receipt, 40 00 By thi amount paid (isxHgn W.-iiu i. lis lance due fur keeping Michael Is. .g in. a pauper, in '43, as per nt eipt, 23 00 By this amonnt paid Haopt eV B llinginn', ' '; balance due as Oversei.rs of the Poor f..r '45-0, as per receipt 20 OH J By this amount paid I'aiherine Kieht, for bonr.ling Martha Kichl, a pinper, in full, as per receipt. " If! ag By thisHiuount pnid )r. J. B. Mumcr.f.ir medical nttendance in '45, a p. ree'pf, f 00 By this amoii'it paid Dr.. I. B. Mm. r, for one yeara' mclirnl attendance, com-m- ncing in '4(5 sn.l ending in '47, as ier r. ceipt, n no By thisammint aid C, W. Hegiu. ju.lg- rrscnt f-e In cae nf the Ov.-r-e.is of Hunbiiry va. Overseers of Union Ishp, Union co , in relation to M.itha Moore, as wr receipt, 3 (10 l!y this amount paid Daniel Drockcindler and J. W. Pel, witnesses in said esse, as per teceip's, . I Oil By this amount paid Esq. Bower and Weia- , for orders granted for there- ( lief of jaiier, fro-n '42 to I5, inelu- sive, as er receipts, ' S fi5 By this amount pid J. din R.intlels, for hoir.'ing Ien y Ilia, a iuper, up to March I 'Jib int., in foil, as per teci-ipt, fit) 00 By this amount nid J nie s McKroltv, ' "r urder from E-q I'ower Weia r, ' 1 00 By this mio lint puid Henry ltaidstier, in full for keeping Mry Bcrger, a pauper in '40, as per receipt, 5 30 By this amount psid John Fisher, for aervicK roodr'red, iis per receipt, 1 00 By this ainoiMil paid Sebastian llaiipt for coffin for Luciuda Miller, as iar re-'ot, 0 n0 By this amount paid Chorb s Waller, f r Imsiding Luciuda Miller, as per rec'pt, 00 By this am.mnt pniJ I. T. Clement, for gotala furnished for Lucinda Miller, as ' " per reciipt, I 79 By this amount paid Waller Bell, for did- gint grave fur Ltteinda Millera p. ri 'l, : 3 00 By this anioimt p dd llernsid lloii.-r f.ii . J keeping Y. t 'ontad. a pmer, p rc'l, . I 60 By Ibis xmoiint paid M iry I liner, for kw- p.ng M..rtin llmei, a pauper, as p. rc'u 0 40 By this amount paid llr nry HauptanJ Kamucl J. Fiy, for servieea ren.U'red as Overseers of ihe Poor, including Au- dilor.' U-c. 27 00 f 149 03J The nndcnrigired, aspninted lo audit, settle and ailjiixt ihe accounts ot the Overseers of the Poor of the y.irmiiili ot Wniiliury, having examined the re ceipts and rxpcndituice (as set forth iu lb- prece ding statement.) of II. llaupt and t. J. Fry, late Overseers of said borough, exhibit' g a balance in their favor nf lUvhtrm Dollirt ttnd ninety three rmit a half rnt. iln allow and pnas the same In testimony f which, we hive lo rennto set our hiitida, ihe 27ih M ireb. A. I). IK47, E. O MARK LEY. M All I IN IRWIN, April 24. fi;euerh;k i.aZkIts. CHEAP BLINDS ! S. J. y? I L L I A 2 S, Vruetiati ItJiiul vManHfuflmtr, No 12 Nrih liih l., (a IV v ditor- a ve Market St.) PHILADELPHIA, n now on n unl Ihe largesl and most fsh on uble ass r'mitit of Narrow Slat and other Ve netian BKuds of any estaMivbinem In ihe United States, which be will a-ltt Wh"hale and lietail, at the lowest pilces. ' The citif.eris of Wunhery and vicinity are reaped. Hilly anliciied to c t It on him b f 4a pureliasioc cl-e. whete, aa he is c-nl tent "f giving entire aalisf.r thin lo all who may thus f in htm with a call. OLD BLIND Repainted and Trillion d, a 8, lo lo.-k cqusl t.i lo w. Orders punctuilly atten.Vd to, an l the Blinds forwarded With deejureh. B.J. WILLIAMS. M ircli rVI(M7. Sm. 'TMIU swtiecnlwr oilers lor sale a cheap Faun, ;,te ln 8hauii.kin tewnrdiip, Norihnmlar Is'.J county, about eight miles from Hu'itmrv, ly ing luMwren ihe Centra luriinike and Iri-h Vuih'y, containing ICi nc.r. and allownci-s. Ssi-I frtn is in a gnxl state of ruttivsli'Hi, with reus. mat. y gond buddings and excellent wan t neat th dooi ; and all kinds of buii. Ac. JOHN FAUNSWORTH, X unberv. Feb. 20, 184T, . GX3ISB & SON, t otiiiitiitiii .Vli'rvliaiitta Fvl the -do of Flour, f train, and all Mi.iL of Colin try Produce, " A.' 4 CoiHuurre ttrrrl Wknrf, BALTIMORE. (X" Cash advances on tJoiHigriments. Feb I3ih, 11?. :m. n a tKi '.Ok.'. n Clothing istablishnicnl " .- ' - s . . s . . OPEItATIONH in t'Le-eniae seem to W ttv order of Itm d.v, al lha Philadelphia Waul Kotic, 105 t?hesnltj street, where every article, in tUUu is kept, atul anU at eatwuiJliug low pilces, emhracuig ,: Clo(s, U Angnps, fiver Sack Coals, iShort Ssrk Coats, tSuiior French Cloth Diesa t Fiock ' Coats, I antaloohs of every grade' and - style, any of which will be sold cither "' by the garment bi doren.at prl- ' e that witt justify the ' ' ' moat economical in . . buying. . - ' . -- AVeadvise aUwhowjnt pond anj chesp ' thing, tocilj al No. Ih'i ( lo-tuiil rreer' I'liiln.leti.hia, Feb ilih, li.t7.--f.rj: - -A VOICE Uli -:3? CO LSJ. LZZ If tuKfiON.S ainictrd with Cancel. RcnrfUla, King' Evil, Tft er. Salt Rhinm, Ensiielaa, Old Pores, Morrntial Diseaan, and all enmplainU arimng from iinpuiittcs ol Ihe llloil, are rrquaaled to Itfiiil the lollim hia; III Row AM II & WALTOSr ('ca.L Fcrbllg gMlC- ful for the rXtrnot.linary core hfrformed upon me bv yonr Mr. l.tll.UIM INDIAN .VKUETA RLE PANACEA, I feel it my duty Id furnUh you with a abort bl-lory of my case, r . , AVhen about 12 year of age I was attacked with King's Evil, I was under the rsrn of an eminent pltysict.ni. and nftet a long course of tneilieiil treat incnt, wis pronounced cured. At 14 years of age a di-e.ise, pioimuiiced by some qf 1 1 in mediofll facul ty as Wro fiil.i,' at-d by cthera 'Cancerous,' niani t'eSTil itsilf This discs eincicais?d in i(s lavages, till my throat was filled with u'crra, and my face was coveted with them ; my nosa was ulcerttaJ and swollen lo apparently four times its natural airs. I nl-o had tumours iu my bn-ast( aud ulcers on dilli-ictit parts of my (M-tson. I was placed un der the care at virions time nf the tnot eminent phvdeitnis of New York, PMlnilclphia, Baltimore and 4 'im-iiin di, who afior bating used their uimosl emli-avors lo elf rt a rare, my cae by ihem ws prnnoiineed incurable. I have travelled Aver 21 stops of the Union aeikiug relief; noexpene was spnred, and s large amount nf money was expend ed, bo! nil in vain. I then tiaeil larga quantities of ttwaim'H Panacea. ' H ive al-o taken Carpenter's etarsnparill.t, reheiicka Pulmonic Svrup, Town aend's Wa s:ipariH i, and numerous other prepnra. ions without rtToct t mv throat, nose and free wre sill I ulivraied, and al length I lo t entirety the srnae nf smelting. I continued in this deplorable condi tion for iil'titil two yenv, having given up all hojies nf recovcy, I reaiune.1 mya. lf lo the will of Provi. ilence, siippoaing tba' every means of relief had f .lied. On the 5 h day of August last I commen ced Inking your Dr. I'i i.i r.i'a lam Yirstari r lAVArs. having lait little bofies of ila tem fining me. After having U-s-.l one Koile. I discovered to n.y utter atoni'hment and gratification, Ihst my Mnne of smelling was eniuely restored, and that the ub ers were rapidly diminishing in aice. I bave now liken three bot'les of the pjna.Ta; my free, mouth, throat and nose are entirely healed. I am now 10 venra of age, md afier 2 years nf imlesc.it bible soil' ring, my genital hen 111 H better, and in f.ct, at no ieriod of my bto hae I felt as well as I have since tiring your invaluable Panacea. JULIA BRANCH. . N. Y , Sept. 30. 1846. . No. 1 1 1 Cliff at. We, the undersign d, b. ing peraonally ac.qusin liil with Mrs. Julia llru eh. ft No. Ill t:i.lTslr.-e, mill b-iving a kuow'e.lce ol" Iut si'us'ion for sevi-r al ve rs pat, do boreby certify, that thfl alwve ia a true tCutemciil of her rw, so far as our personal knowledge goes; and from her character and blin ding, we have full eon1i.lei.cn in her i-talementH, sod in tlio illie.jcy ol Itr Cutbu's Indian YcgeU ble Panacea. Edwin A. Vtc, 113 Cliff oct, Maria Ware, do. , (Samuel Baxter, fit Mulberry t-trcet, t. GUnson, 2:1 Roaevell rtreet, C tl'Nesl. 111 Cliflatn-ct, V'mily E irla, Hadson sir eel. Yebarired on.sot" die 'Hiding All,' fyocan so Lir overcome piof.-s-.iim il ptde, as te usee med riuo which yc know not hnw lorompound, ye msy preset ve many vahi.il to lives which will ntherwii-e be fft. rifi. cil. Will ye not presenbo it I If it shall not see -mpH-h all wc claim fir it, after a fa'rr trial ai-cordteg lo directions, we shaft ymhliiih an aceonnt of its fstlute in any three pswt in the United Slates st our own experis.s Dr. Cu Hen's Indi oi V-ceist.le Pannraa; do do. SM-cifrc ; do. id. Pi'e lMneity ; Dr. Apdelnn'a Remedy lor lH'ifm-ss; Kowsird'a Magic l.ettint. Warr.intcil to Cure. t'.-riifirarcs of conn, in p-wplilct form, Tfl iy 1m hsil (ir .li, at the ntli.es of the sgents. These ineiliciues ete prepured and sold by the proprietors, Kowund Ar Wah.m, No. 37 Market stieel, Phil idetpl.is. W W DaneiihowiT, , j t Murray st, N i. J W D menh ower. No t O F Hall, Cin.O. O 'P Jenkins, No fiR tanal st, N Orlesns. N N Robinson, crtJay Ssratogasta, Halt. Agenia: H. MASTER. Sunlmry. I II. R.ser, MOion; J. rt.ebotd, New Ber lin: Mr. Musner, Milllim( WhaTjrc D. Fiewts, Wilkeaharre. Hutd also by Drasgista iliTivnjViont the United JtaU . April 3d, IP4T. 4m ffiy SOrrZETIIING NEW ! FlIlE ulweribers have the exclusive light of 1 vending J. M. THATCHER'S ' Hot Itlast Hot 4tr Co6Kln$ In tbe c.ui.l es ol N irihunitwilari I, Cnluiutila aVi.l rVhuvlkill; and fiom the eiienOrsgement met with already, they :M-ct lo do a larc bUMiieas. This stovtf ia rom-truded on su entiicly new principle, Hint on Hie only p.-tne-pte Uni on make Kith a gn.i.1 w.nd and coal Move. The inventor has pver. come all ihe ililticull i trial s i frequently belong l other love., lie bis by bis arranged!' lit, con sltu'ti .1 a bioilirig (J J Ot I'll III trout, "here iu broiling, masting, fry ing or buking may be done, and alt die amcll that ari-es tbarefrom must paaa into the ronibustihle cbainlx-r, sod ia nnt l all thrown nut into Ihe tor)m XD Beaide tt)i, there i. an oven mily Iwo'inehes k-ss than ihe whole els nf llw stove, wbervin b.iking or rdasfliig may be done aa well as it,tau le ill the Common brick oven. This ovio U always f.l lot i-e when the s'ovo is beuteil, as the whole iluu-ht (X hiU air passes a rouud it constantly, I'ubl c attf iition I particularly called to this stove. U can be men tit mil Store aud Tin E-tab-lialuneol in North Danville, al ihe sign of the Co lumbia Tin shop, and at ihe K'oumby of Rohrhach A. Clement In t-'unbury, w here Us particular quau j ties will b fully sbown and cip aiucJ to any iermn wihhing to ex imine it. - ' V The sii'.scii'.K-ia continue to have on hand all kinds of l atl.n tnvi s, such aa radtatiVra, cvletidocs, V.incy and plain, eut' ibl tor all who msy favor us wl b a call', alao i-oiuuioh rtn.-t and ihissia Iron, which cah la: imJr in any & sirable h ape ; toge ther w iih a genital asxtiltoiui i.f tin and japxlinrd wan-, V ln'l,-.ile aud leiail. t'ountry iner.hsnts ate iii'ited to tall and etauiine our ahnk, as our Woik esnnot bo aUipas-ed, snl piii is ntodoerate. N 11. We ran asl. lv r. comnieii.l ill aboVr men tioned Move to rsous who wish to rtrthslk U a good hiiaiiicxa 'l'l patentee will na-ll tellhor cou il ly . .into rights, to stiii purchascra, anil nn lei-Mush.- leiina. lie or his spilits mav lie found in Danville. Pa. , J, At J. ARTER. The iitiiU'riugned, having seen In operation the hot hat hot air cooking t-tiive, invented and pa tented by J. M. 'I'bailher, rertlly that we ticlieve, from the m inner of ila construction and operation, that it Is the beat one ever nlleml tn the public. The airangernent iss) coirlpleta and Iheconatroctiort a jadiriotts, thM there is a saving ol oi half the tnt-l and time, in iloibg any given amob'nt of service, over other celebrated stove. In short we reennv ment it in preference to sll ethers,' Rir the simplo lesson thai It emhtacca every branch of economy. Samhel Oarrctr, John W tJarrett. D.vld Chat nel.1 W Y Kitch.n. John M tJiav. E Tboiniisoii, Smith Tbemreon. J D Hahn. John IhtVr. Hes ki- j ah Hear, Pli'is F t'ooiH r, M ftkhart. Daou-1 1 llnfT.ii.in.- HimtV 11 It.aset. f rt ra.vr, AJSifi pMtchrleiw Vauki-li; Hrrw.1. Fr1' 1 : Dautille, Mauh C, 147. If - I v or I IS WRITTE1T , , I ,..!SL1IIK1K OK NATIjPB and tfp I COMMON lEN8E. that the natural aegeta hie prodoetions nf rvary country ,e, if ynop.-rly sppheil. amply .ufr,cier,t for Ihe cure of every ma I uly Incident to em h peculiar climate - W RIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS,, or TH8 - Xortli Amerlcuu College of'IIralCi, are romimend nf all plants which grow spontane ously nn our own soil, and are thorffor better a d.pteil lu our constitutions than Medicines conc.ic ld from fomign dings, however well they may lo compounded and ss they am founded upon the principle that the btitnsn laidy is in truth HUBJECP TO BUT ONE DImI'.AsE, . , na-rnly. corrupt humors, and tbnt sid Mmlii ini .curca this dieasn on Ns-ir-ntt Pat jicirt r. iiruimcir ntt p'tr'jyttllj mt UO'lt, II Will be tllUII- ifest lint, if the vaiiatiluti n be not entirrtly sj. hsitsteil, a peracvotancn in thiir use, according to tliierti. tts, Is absolutely eettain to ihivs ilise;i.-e of everv name fVom thoMwMty.' ' 1 When w wtxb to re.tma a swamp or ntora: i 'o fertility, we drain ilof tho .upmabunilunl -.valor l.i liko manner, if we wish to restore tba body lo health, we must cte insc it of iinpmi'v. VHIt;H I S1N VEUEPAIil.E PILLS will le f.mnd one of (he beat, if not the wiv he.t meilietne in the woild for carrying out lliia (Juaii I'l Htrrian I'aiNrirt.r.. becsnse they expel ,,,m ihn b.Mly all morhhl ami t irrtiil humor, it;e cmi-ie of the disease, in an easy i.nd Kalian I Mhiki,, and while they evi-ry ilay oivr: rir i i i.ka-i -t :, di ease of every nsme in r.ipid'y diiccn 1 r--i it the liody. 'Hie following highly respect ibl.' (.totekercers Imve bei-n iluly sn's)uiii-d ae rns for I'e rule nf ItW'-nf't hutian Vrfrlniik I'ilh; ill Nnrthuniher. land roiinlv s 1 Henry Mnw, KunS'irr, . K. A: J. KinfTMari, Ai'gtitj township, Kamml lleib. Little Mdionoy. Will am Devifico. Jsckaoit. Itenrville Hulshno, Upper Mahonijy.. John tJ. Rent), L'ppcr M iliotioy, Hamuel John, ShamriVintoo n. 9 Forsylhe, WiNon oc Co., Noftlmmberlaud. E. I .. Piper, Waisonburg. . Irlntid fc Hays. McEwcnsiile, . Jjnos Ptttl, Polt.grove. Wm. ( Seott, Rostiville. Ilartmin Kmeble, Elvsburg P. ij. Amos T. I'eisse', Turtniitiville, tttdeon HbmVI, Cpper Mahonoy. . Rhodes A. Fnrrow, nydbitlo'vn. John King, Farmerv'lle. Wins t'. Coi. Martin's Creit. J. Do YiMini, H ictvit-idi Alah:im Nlnfi-t. l5ilinion.l. tamuel Tsylor, itelur I. John II. Viiavnt, Ci.ilisijo.;'ir Wm. Hemen A Biuther. .Mill.vn. UtrwARR or CecnTRnrriTs --The pnl.hr are cantioiicd agniiiAt the in n y spurioijK ino.licim s, which in order tn deceivo, urc cdh-J bv r.inn s milar to W right's Indian YegetiVIe JMIs. The safest coitr is to ptimha-e of the regui.f agents only, who ere gontleuioii that may be re lied on. fjj Offiees flevo'e.l rxchiiieclv M the s-nlr of WIU(5HTR INDIAN VEOETABLH PILLS, of Uie North Aiiu-rrcan tiol'eceof Heslili. No. "HH Ure.enwtch Strret, New York j Nn. 15fi Tremoiil Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. tti9 Rsce Str v st, Phflailelphia. Jan. 30th. 1817. rl?y. . jFCrst iptrmittm tniu No. H7 Norllt Tliirrl SSlnfit, I'lll I.ADF.Ll'HIA. fllME celebrity of ihe To's minnfscinteil V,y te JL subscriber, arid lire ert-"nsiee mile conseonenl upon the high repoiofion which they hne attain ed, not otdy throughout the Vnt'ed, Gluten, hm in the Weet lodi-s and in China, l:s inilu..-' him to ninke every neccsaHry nrriircenient to supply the vast demand upon his estahli!iiTii nt. He is mio.' prepared with every variity of Blacli, Blue and Red Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, and lull Powder, B prepsrej inder hi ovn pr rsonnl topeTinlcii ' eiice, so that purchasers may d pend tipiui its u-la-rior quality. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, a su perior arrlcte fiW Mendint Olas. Chins, I'ahinot Warr, Jkc. useful lo every ll.uisek' ep r, loih-o White liquid, lastly appbc.l, r.tiJ not in'-liU'i! hy rr. dinary heat warranted. ft Pampbleta, ccWtniiiing the numer.'.u testi. mum ata of men of science, aud uilirrn, will bo I'oi liixhed lo purchriaers. For ale at trie Manufirtory, Wholcctle and Re tail. No. North Tiitrii Stmtkt, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia, hv JOSEi'H E. HOVER. Jan. 30lh,t7 ly Miiiofucinrer. I)Vugs! Driitc!! iJruiurs!!! TIIOM PS feu A v ini iNo. 1(1 Alorkcl Str:cl, (Sotiili mJo, be lnV So.LMtnl.) l'hllitdtlPlila, tin. Y lor rale a InrTje him k ot r rc-il llrng. Medicines and ioaiu!l's, to whuh they Call the aiu-litiill of Colin try Merchants and Dealers visiting the civ. Coach, Cabinet. Jupm, Black, and other Van nixhee of a superior imhty. Also. White and b'e l Lead, Window tllnKS, Paints nrd Oils chenpef thsn eve'. fl' 1'- ' 7. nil K ppVVirielOrs oi" the Llili.iO egi-lahle B ibuin. ek-hr-H.'. througbpiil their nn .....1 n.. ..;.. i)l..l..u ... V,,. I.a.i T.i.:i:trti.n for the cure i.f Coughs, Coida, Asthma, 'A e. M.me Vefimded in evcy mtai!cc where no Uht-fit iates coived. PL'iUd.lpbia. Jan. 30, 1817. 3n Oiii! lioll.ir .SaVccl" i Imu l-:.ani'il.'f 1ERW'N'S ui-hi. g ! purchase go.id ill fnburv. Will do well to call at the ehe.ii wore of Ihe stibidl. ahd examine his Motk b lort piuchuing elHCvvhere. You can depend ml getting good bargjins. as he is determined not M be uhdVraolJ by anV other atorv: JOn.N BOfJAII, PunhUrv.jan. 10, IStT. nlly 1SjAKK. lb Innh'Sl niaikct nce paii M I Bsrk, at ihn atoie of M.rcb37. 1S17. JOHN BfWLAIt. ssBk ihrieii Corn BTonnia fir sale, by tine J. SI V or aingtu, al i 1 'f per dvxea. I v M..ch?T, 1H7. JOHN B.-B (TtltESU UAKJ)t.N rvLEIJt!, Irom KibUyS !v Hsr.ln. Inst ice.ivrd aed for sste bv ' i t 147. JOHN BtVlAlt. 4T CM OVPItJHORS, a heiv artbie, . aaro icbe.,by . , . JOHN lintiAlt! jVii..r,.W.v 1 . 2 i n u it ' crjurri; ..ecu - . ''' J flr.er-. L'l'ir, v r. i. i4t - .. .mhin U'Oai: . tChtiOL. f'lkes. Bill. 4 isoii ni-., l s a. iotf Pi -. W ' ' P-pcr, .fd '' !I,r, ..!.' tMv: -I. I. V. for' a ,e . hejp .:.t .be -.tVte. C ' - " ' JOHN Hy OMic Jiii. ti. I? I -' . t- t.