IfeeieTwtiem ertka Petase, A iwt that will lkl jrodue mort than ne hsrorfreti and fifty bueheli ta the acre, la Dot worth the farmer'a attention, much lew if Irte In a diseased etatej aod, In my opinion, the old potato la not worth redemption from diaeae, ven If it Could b effected. Tim world, I con ceive, la in immadiata want of new- varieties; new, in their origin from the eeedj neas, in quality and productiveness. Such potatoea hive been produced, and ara In advance of tha old crop In every Important particular.. Tb.y are cultivated by aeveriil persons io Europe; aa well aa in thie country. A gentleman In Ger many, near Hamburg, says that he has practiced raMnf potatoea from the aeed for fifteen years, and haa obtained splendid varieties whicb are not attacked by the disease. I have practiced the note method for aeveo year, and A nose, by my own experimeota and observation, that ll le the true course to pun ue. I am now making preparation for the cul. ture ol about thirty acrea the euauing summer, for ttrdlingtubrn, and the $tt& nf ittdlingi. The latter ia io the fifth auccceeivo year from tb old potato. I expect my seedling tubera will produce four hundred or five hundred bu ehela to the acre; and from the aeed of my aeedlingal hope to obtain at least three hun dred hundred buahela per acre, the tubera weighing ten ounce each. I think thia ani mate a safe one, though much will depend upon the eeieon. The summer draughts in thia laky region operate very unfavorable to the potato crop. ' ,. . The coming season, t intend to gather a large quantity of aeed from the balls of my aeed ling tubera, which grow on the vines io great abundance, while on many of the old varieties they have entirely disappeared. Half an ounce of sued will plant a quarter of an acre. It can be conveyed in letters by mail with perfect con venience. The best, fully developed, distinct varieties of tubers, relecled with care, will pro bih!y be in market in September next, from which seedsmen and others can be supplied.' Since the commencement of the potato mala dy, some persons have produced seedlings from old tubers, have found them diseased the first year ot planting, and have abandoned the ex periment, pronouncing the method aa useless. The first seedlings from a stock eo deteriorated or diseased, if found perfectly healthy would seem a miracle.. The perfect redemption from tha malady ia to be looked fur only through suc cessive generations, by the consecutive planting and culture of seedling tubera, and the seed ot the same. Every year'e experiment : brings both the tuber and ita aeed essentially in ad vance of ita former condition. Seven years sgo, I found great difficulty ib preserving my potato plints from the Iroat and little black bogs. In the autumn, the product waa so trifling that I was near ready to a bond on the experiment Last summer, in the fourth succession,;! rai sed, from a thimble full of seed, twelve bushels of tubers. Some of the single planta had on their roots one thousand potatoea, weighing, in a few instances, seven ounces each. ' N. S Stum. Dvjah, jV. Y., Feb. 2Glh, 1847. A German Story. -The eon of an old far mer, by some chance or other, had travelled through several remote countries, and aa ia not uncommon in inch cases, returned home much richer in lies than in knowledge. A few days after hie arrival, he accompanied bia father a pretty shrewd old fellow to a market at some diatance from the village. It happened that a mastiff dog passed thst wsy, which, as soon aa the young man beheld, he cried out Blew me, father I thia dog puta me in mind of one I saw in my travels, at Icaat as large aa the largest of our csrt horses.' What you tell me,' replied tha father grave ly. 'astonishes ma ; but don't imagine that in this country we are wholly without prodigies; by stid by we shall come to a bridge, which we ahall be rblifed to pssj, and which is much more extraordinary than the dog of which you have be.-n talking. They say it is the work of some witch. All I know ol it is this that there is s stone in the middle sf it, sgainst which one ia sure to stumble as he passea on, and break a leg at least, if it so happens that be bis (old a lit in the coureeof the day.' - - Tho youth was a little atartled at thia strange account. 'At what rate yoa are walkiag, father! but to return to the dog how large did I say ! As your Isrgest borse T Nay, for that matter. I believe I might be aaying a little to much, for 1 recollect it waa but six months old ; tot 1 wonld ba on my oath that it waa aa big aa hef ler.' . ' , Here tha story rested till they were mile or two advanced on their way. The young man waa very far from being comfortable. The fatal bridge appear at a distance. Jleer me, lather ; indeed the dog we have been speaking cf; was very Urge, but not quite as large aa a heifer ; I sro sure, however, it was larger than a calf. ai tengiu mey erriveu ai tbe fool of the bridge. The son stopped abort Ah father.' said be, you csnnot bo aueh a simpleton aa to believe I have aeen a dog of such a size ; for onee I must speak tha truth, ibe dog I met in my travel waa not larger than the dog we saw an hour or two ago. A Sw.bm or Bsss Bs quiet. Be aetiva. B patient. Ba bumble. Ba prayerful. B watchful Be hopeful. Bs loving. Ba geatle. Bs merciful Be gracious. Beimt. Bs upright. Ba kind. Bs simple. Ba diligeat. Ba lovely. Ba long suffer ing. Ba not faitklaaa, bat believing, and tbe grace srv4ew1t7oo. JM A W K Jf PT BUST. ... , r , rr PBVMVI.TAinUL .? r, ;? Tba fi.Howtmi Hat shows' the eerrcftt Value at all Pennsylvania Bank Puts. The most implicit ;re bancs may ha ptsced aposi ft, ee h 1 every asssJk urefiiU compared With and eorrewetf freea Bkk nail's Reporter. ;f til r.'" '. . Banks In Phlla4e.lpl.feu ' , , LocaTios, Fintl. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of Nwih America . . Bank of the Northers LlHertieS . ( Rommerriftl Hank of Penn'a." . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank : . Kensington. Bsnk '-'. ' , Philadelphia Dank :. . I Schuylkill Bank . . . . Sottthwark Bank . Western Bank . Mechanics' flank Manufacturers' eY Mechanics' Bank Bank of Peon Township , , Oirard Bank . , , , ' Dank of Commerce, lata Moyanvnaing Bsnk of Pennsylvania , , ' Country Bank. ' Bank of Theater County1 Westchester Bsnk of Delaware County : Chaste Bsnk of Germantowo Germantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Norrielown Doy lestown Bsnk Doyleatown Gaston Bsnk Castne, Farmers Bank of Duck co. Bristol par P' psr par psr psr per psr psr psr psr psr par psr psr par par par par par par par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par t-olumMa Bank & Bridge ro.'Columbia par Farmer' Bank of Lancaster Lancistct par Lancaster County Bank Lancaster par Lancaster Bank Lannatcr psr rarmers Hank er Kesitlng" Heading par umce oruank of Penn'a. Ofncs do do Office do do Office do do Harritburg Thete Lanenater ! ofTicea Reading jdo not Eaatnn J lasua n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Rank of tha United 8Utea Philadelphia 23 Miners' Bank of Pottavills Potisill J Bsnk of l.ewistown I.witown 1 Bank of Middletowa Middletown (at Carlisle Bank Csrlislc rotlaill I.ewitown Middletown Carlialc Pittsburg Hollidavaburg Harrislmrg Lebanon Piltaburf Exchange Bank Pittsburg f Da do branch pi Harriabuig Dank Lelianon Usnk Merrhsnu' &. Manuf. Bank I i i H it Bank of Piiuhurg Pittabuig . Williamapnrt Wilkeabarra ' Allentown Reading Piiuhurg West Branch Il .nk Wyoming Bank Nurlhampton liink Berks Onunty Bank Olfice of Usnk of U. H. Pittsburg . failed - Do do , do Erie do Do do do New Brishton do Dsnk uf Cbambemliarg . Chambersbnre 2 Erie New Brishton Chamberabnrg . Ot'ttyahurg i Mood OS , ; Di.k of Gettyaburg . . , Octtyahurg i , Bank of Susquehanna Co, Mootros , brie Bank Former' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Honeedate Bunk " Monnngahela Bank of B. York Bank ' Eris 14.1 J . Wsyneaburg) t Weshington l ' Honeadxla , . ' I i Brownsville 11 York 11 N. B. -Tbe'notea of those bank a on which we omit quotations, and eubtituta a dash ( ) are not purchssed by the Philadelphia brokers, with tba exception of ihnee which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANK 8. . Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. da failed Schuylkill 8av. Ins. do foiled Kensington Be. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Manusl Labor Bsnk (T. W, Dyott, prep.) fiilsd fowsnda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of T. Bank of Beaver Bank of 8atsra Bank of Washington Centre Bank Bedford no side closed chwed Peaver Harriaburg Wa.hiogton Bellrfont r.iUd closed City Bank : r Farmers' 4 Mech'e' Bnk Pituburg Pittl-urg Fayette co. Greencaatle Hirmony no tale fniled failed failed no ile Fsrmers A. Meeb'c' Bank Farmer' cV. Mech'cs' Bsnk Harmony Institute Huulingdoa Bank Huntingdon no isle Leitown nnle Juniata Dsnk Lumbermen's Bank Warren Dunilaff New Hop Milion Med till Port t:rbon Carli.la Montrose Uniontown failed no le cbwed no e closed failed rinsed failed closed Northern Bsnk of Ps. Nsw Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Ilk. North Western Bank of Ps. Office of Schuylkill Dsnk Pa. Apr.de Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Dauk , Union Dank of Penn'a, Wcaimorelaml Bank Greensburg Wilkeabarra Bridge Co. Wilkesharre noiale rrT All notes purporting to be en any Psnny. vsnis Bank not given in the above list, may be set Jown as frauds. nana ot nw uijwawaca i , Belvideia Bank , Burlington Co. Bank , Brunswick " failed P., p.r r- failed Ilelsidmo Med ford Perth Amboy Brideeiiin Mount Holly Rsbway N. Kiunawick MidilTrtown Pt, Commercial Bank ' Cumlwrljml Bank raimera' Bsnk farmers' snd Mechsnirs' Bk rarmers' snd Mechanics' tk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N. J. Jrrse City fsili Hoboken Bkgft Giaaing Co lfobken failed failed foiled failed failed i lersey City Bank Jersey Cily Mechanics' Bank rallertnit Belleville Mnmstown Freehold Newark Trenton Jsrsey City Nswsik Manufacturer' Bank ' Morris County Bsnk Monmouth Bk or IS. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Msnof. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Note BO sal Newark Bkg ek Ins Co Nsw Hope Dal Bride Co Lambert villa i failed biled failed i par ft. J. Menofae. and Bkg Co Hoboken N J Proieeten & Lombard bk Jrsy City Orange Bank Oranes Peterson Bank Peoplee' Dank Princeton Bank Paler son .do Princeton Bslem Newark Elissbsthtovi Camdsn Morrislowo TrsntoQ i i ttalea Nswtoa Tientoa Dover Hackee sack Balem Banking Co State Bank Htate Bank . . ! ' r-.l pr ss rafted sailed I n failed Stat Bsnk ' State Bsnk of Morris Cttste' Baak ( t ' ' Kalem and Pbilad Manuf Co Sussex Bsnk Trenton Banking Co Union Bank We-tinglon Banking Co, DIX4WARE. Bk of Witm l Brandy wins Wilmingtoa Bsnk f Dataware Wilmingtoa Bank es Smyrna . Smyrna Do branch Milford par par Pr P' P par par par rarssera' Bk of eMata of Dal Do.sr Do - . beseech Wilmington ' - breach Do branch Union Bank r Under 6's Georgetown Newcastle Wilmington l Cj"OoM tanks aaaikae thus () there era e Ibav coaoiaf Ml or ats4 smmss f ibe vermis 4 aoorwstioes, ba stretkujen, ei nOTTNT VXIXtlTOU 9$ North 2tTa bet. Arch & Race sti., P h 1 1 k d e 1 n h 1 a . TOR,ADT p.ARRt" rwpectrurty Inform their JtP friend and tha puuie that they hive taken the above named bouw, heently kept by J. 8. AdsmvshJ are prepared ta ascommoJate euato. mers In the moat satisfactory meaner ehd at ra aonahta prices. , Their table will be supplied with the best vr. ety the market affords their parlors and aleeplng spirtmsnts will U to the best order. Tha house hss been thoroughly repaired sad furnished wHh a view to the Comfort of travellere and etrsnger. Having bad ceversl veirs stperienc in the business, thee heps to give general saiisfaetion, end respectfully Invite traveller and streneers In give them a c.ll. BRADY PARKER. Philadelphia. Jane nry 1ft, 1847. if ' ' Mill and Farm rlHK suliscriber offers for sale fifty or sisty a X cres of land with a mill erected thereon, for. merit known ss Jon-s' Mill, tituatrd in Augusts township Northumberland county, on the Lilile Shsmnkin ere.k, near the Tulpehoekrn roid, lead ins: from Sunbury to.Pottsville right miles from Sunbury. Thirty or forty acres of ssid Isnd ara cleared, and in s good state nf cultivation. The Improvements nre s Crist Mill, a Log House ind isb'e, end sn Orchard. There i alao a gm! Spring and several acrea of Meadow on the premi ses. The I. cition of the mill is aa etcvllent one for custom. For further information inquire of the suhMsriber. DAVID MILLER.. Shsmokin township, Jsn. 8. 1847. 3m CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold nnd Silver VValchea IN PHILADELPHIA. GOLD Lsvsrs, full Jswellsd, $ 4 00 8ivr do. do. S3 00 Gold Lepines, Jewelled, 80 00 Silver do. do. IS 00 8iNer Qnsniers, fins quality, 10 00 Gold Wstehes. plsin, Io 00 Silver Spectsclcs, 1 I 75 Gold Pencils. 2 00 Gold Itieeeteta,' 4 00 Also, on hand, a large assortment nf Guld and Hair Bracelets, (inter rings, breast pins, hoop esr ring, gnld pens, silver spoons, sugar tongs, thim bles, gold neck, curb snd fib chains, guard key and jewellery of every deicripiton, at equally low price. All I want ia a call to convince custo mer. All kind of Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted to keep good time for one year old gold or ailver lini ght Of taken in eiehsnge. For sale, eight day and thirty hour brass clock, st LEWIS LA DOM US' Watch, Clock and .Jewellery Store, No. 413) Market street, alove Eleventh, north aide, Phila phia. - - : . . : CCT I have some Gold snd 8ivei Levers, still much cheaper than tha above prices. ' Philadelphia, Dee. 96. 1B46. 1 AUCTION STORE, No. 6 North 3d st., third door above ' Market Street.' V H X t. A B X. P H X A, ClAl.E EVERY EVEMNO, of a fener.l . fc sortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Table snd Povket Cutlery, Trur.k. Locks, Lstcheta. Bolta, 8jw, Saddlery, Whip, Boot, e-hoe, II'. Caps, Guns, Pistols, Trimminirs, Clothing snd Fancy GomIs. Ths sttention of city and country dealers is in- sited. The Goods sre fresh, and wilt be warranted equal to the representations that may be made of lliem. BAY LIS St BROOKEK, Auelwntm, No. 6 North Third at N. B. Purehaaeta ran have their Good parked. Several invoice of Gaod have been received to be aold at private sale. Philadelphia, Dec. 19th, I84. ly Cn? lloussel's Mnfucfsal SHAVING- CKBAM. Small quantities given without Charge. . U4 cAewu .v, rmi.AUELrm.i. THIS new and splendid article, a- its name d roles, i professed to be superior to eny Mis ving Cresm in the United Ptatee or Europe. It i unauipse d fur beauty, purity ai d f-agrsnre, tho' omen bat snalagous to UO'rlain a Ambrosial Cream and ott'sr similar eomnounds. It far sur passes I hem all by the em' I ient paaty Consistency ol its lalner, which so soften tha heard aa to rend, r ahaving pleasant and easy. It further pnseesaes the advantage over tha imported article, in being freshly prrpnal.no skill being wanting in ite man ufjcture. E. Rousael bi"g had mai.y years' el perirne in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pere t Fit", now Renaud 6t en., of Parts. Besitles bring the bet, it ia the cheapest artirte for sha'ing: it is sleeantlv nut op in boxes, with ei'lendtd sleel engrsved lattels. Pi-e $3 per dosen. or S7 J cents for s s'ngl b"T. to shave one yesr, i ia also sold at ft 50 per lb. nr 12) ernta per ot., so thit gentlemen ran have their bo I canned at EUGOE KOLKSKIS. Whoel and Retail Perfu'neiy and Mineral Wa tr Es ablishment, 114 Chennt 8-reet. Dee 19, 1846.-. PHILADELPHIA. J. Ko. 21 North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. fTj Invite Merchant snd Milliners to 'fpfa B&smin their steck rf Bonnet. PalmvfZ. Leaf snd leghorn Hsla. Fur snd C'olh Cap, snd India Rubber fchoea. It will be f.'Und ta contain sll of the most desirable kinds, and will be add at the lowest market prirss. No. SI North Fourth Street, between Msiket and A reb Streets. Philadelphia. De. 1 9ih. 14. 6m WATCHES JE'vT'ELB.T, iTtll "Philadelphia Watch and Jewky Star;' No. 80 North SECOND e rect, corner i f Qosrry COLD Levsr Welch. full jewelled, IB rsrsl esses, 45 00 Silver Levar Watches, full Jewelled, S3 00 Silver le"! Watch . ao ta on Silver Leuine Watcbea. twlld, ftnsst qualilv. ' - U 00 Superior Qusrtier Wstcbss, . ; ' , 10 00 Imitation Quertier Watohea.not wsnsntsd, 5 00 Gold Hpcctsclss, g 00 Fine Silver bpeclacles, .175 Qjld Brscflat with topsa stones, S 60 Ladiea' Gold Pencils, 18 carat, S 00 Gold Finger Kings 87) els ta 8S t Watch Glas ses, plain, IS) ctst teut, I8j I Lunet, SS. . O. ther article in propoition. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. ' a CON RAD. On hand, sons Gold sod Silver Levers, Lepiaea and Quertier, rower than tha above prices. Fkiladerrhii. Das. 8. 1848 ly : J - " - To The I. o. of o. P. J W. &;E.; D. S TO KE S,; MftDUftcturert tf Prrri!nm' Odd ' Fel lows' Reg(ii, r No. 184 Mirktt StnH, PHILADELPHIA, ' first Clothing 8 tors below tk Street. THE ahoeilbers having taken the peemlem ai Franklin Iostituie, at tha last rahibltlon, for the best Regalia, they invite tba attention nf the order to their establishment, where they will fioJ a splendid assortment of P. U. snd Encampment Re gs lis. Tbey alio make t. order for Lodges end Encampments, Regalia, Hashes, CoMumee and Robes, snd furnish svery thine requisite for ihs enanieiice af new Ludgssor Entsmpment. J. W. 8TOKE. E- D.STtKE3. Philadelphia, Dec. 19, 1840. ) y . New Firm. THE Undere'gned hereby give notice, that be ba ssanciatad with himself, aa a partner in the mercantile business, in his store sdinininff Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury. John Haas, and that the ssid store will hereafier be conducted un drr the firm nf Clement at Uses. Tha store at the South Weat coiner of Market Square will ba conducted as heretofore, by the subscriber himself, to whicb he respectfully invitts his customsts snJ friends. II also notifies sll those indebted to him, to call between thie snd ths 1st of January nest, end act tls their accounts. All kind of produce will betaken on account, at cash prices. Hereafter no longer than lour months credit ill bs given. lit A T. CLEMENT. Sunbury. Nov. 1 1. IR46 if. CLSlrCElTr & ZAAS, RE9PECTFULLY inf.rm th public, thnt on the 9th init., tbey entered into partnership, in the mercantile business, at the store recently ccupied by Ira T. Clement, sdimiiing Weave s Tsvern, in Sunhury. They have lately received a new stock of goods, which they will diipo of at the lowest prices. All kind of produce will be taken in eich.itige for gnO'le. No longer than lour month credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Bunborv. N.iv. 11, 1S46. tf. Chcai?r Than Ever I ' JOHN II. PURDY. h just received, t hi , New colore, in Msiket Hquate, a frerh aupply of Seasonable Goods, audi a ' Cloth. Csssimers, Mutinrtts, Kentucky Jesna, j Curds, Diilling, Alpacraa. Gingham, t Prints, Muslin, Hosiery, Gtnvra. Ac.' AIor (Joeenware and Groeeriea, 1 which will be aold very low, Porehaaera are Invi ted to call and examine hi atork before purrbaaing elsewhere. The highest price paid for Produce. Sunbury, October 17rh, 1846. tf. EXTRAQRDINAUY DISCOVERY! SSiirNESS CAZf BS CTJBXDII COOPER S BI'ERIAL Oil A prompt snd ls-ting remedy for Dssrsi, stso for psins and discharge of matter from the Ear. Hundred of curea in eae deemed ut'eily hope less hsve firmly e'tablibhed it superiority overivr ly former Medics) discovery. Tina valuable Acouatic Medicine la a compound of four different Ode, one uf which, the active snd principsl ingredient, is obtained from the bark nf a certain specirs nf WatseT, 4 new snd effectual gent In the cure of Deafness. Persons who hsd been deaf for 10, 15 and even SO yrara, have been permanently cured by uaing tins oil. In Tact, sn numerous snd so emphatic have been the testimoniala in it- favor, that the in ventor claims for it the distinction of an Infallilde Remedy, in all cases, when tbe Est isprrfictln its formatl n. Foi further particulars, snd evidence of its great value, see printed sheets, in the hands of Agents, F. r sale in Sunbury. by J. W. FltlLING. September 19ih. 1846 ly UNRIVALLfcD AND UNEQUALLED In ruling Colds, Cooghs, Aeihma, lofluens. Whooping-Cnugh, and all Diseaae of ths biexst snd lungs, leading to Con.onip tmn ( composed of the concentrated vir'U'S of the herbs Horchnond, U. nesrtt, Bloodront, snd sevrisl other vegeia-, ' Lla sub-tances. Warranted PURR FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. THIS invaluable Medicine i the most apeedy and certain remedy ever discovered f r the s hove compla n's, a thousands who have uaed it ill tea'.ify. Foi Sale, in Hunbnry, by J. W. FRIMNO. snd in NorlUB.herlend. by D. BRAUT1GAM, snd at wholesale, in Pbilsdi Iphia, bv P. KLETTAOo, Comer of Peenn l and Callow bill atreita. September 19ih. 1846. ly ' DENTISTRY. JACOB HELLER, THANKFUL for th liberal eneoarsgemenl which be hss received, woul I respeetfolly Infnrm hi frisnd snd th cititens of NorthumSer Isns) county in genersl, thst he hss prepared him self with Ibe beat Ineurruptible Teeth, Gold Piste, Gobi Foil, die., tbet csn be bsd in Ibe erly of Phi ladelphia and thst he will endeavor, to lb almost of bia ability, to render full satufaction to all who tuy think pioper to engage bio service. He will be to Suobury at tba Augotl eoart, where be will be prepared, at hie residence, ts inesrl Teeth on Cold Plata, or on Pivot, en the Uteat end moat ap proved plsna, and attend In all tba branch belong ing io DENTAL SURGERY. Ladiea will ha wailed on at their place of red dence, if dird. ' ' ' Hi chart will ba reasonsbls, and his work warranted. lis will visit different perls of the ceoaty, about onee in three months. BunburyJuly 18th. 1846 8m fVS&kt-:SSlf(K)iM end Black Cong' Ink, of a eeperiof euslity. rue sale chaea. at tba awweof ... - JIENRY MASSCIt ' My it, 1848. .. ... rsTlsasTLPSBw A. U Mirth Faurtk Srreet. Wer it Mer. cAawf ' IhtaU Pblladelpbla, a ta atnaa sa rsaia. KEEPS cewstantly on hnd an extsr.aive as ortaaeot of til kind of 8.1k, Pur Snd Bss ver lists, wbicb ha orTsrs fbr sale on the most ra sonsbl term. Hi Hsts are msde ep ot ths beat materials, and In the most approved style. Per sona visiting ths aity will find h to tbsir interest to aalt. juy nth, )848.ty COLTJMBIA HOTJSE, OHrjSNTJT STRBBT, PHILADELPHIA. TH IS large snJ eommmlioits Hotel hss recently been fitted no with emirs new furniture. Th subscriber ther' fir solicit th patronage of the public, and trust that their esperience In the business will enable them to give entire sstisfac lion. Term moderate. B AGLET, VcKENZIE & Co. July 4ib, 1840. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Light Street, IXj CP 23 122.121 THE Ilonsff has undergons s thorough repair. The proprietor solicit it former patronage. Term 1 S3 per day. WM W. DIX. ARTHUR L. FOGG, Ju'y 4, 1846. -ly Proprietors. Keller fc Cireeiiousli, PATE1T7 ATTOP.1TSTD, AND MECHANICAL FNG1NF.F.RS, ' WASSIXNOTOXr, t. c. DRAWINGS and Paper, for th Patent Of. Gee will be prepared by tbem, at tbeir office, opposite the Patent Office. July, 4th. 1846. ly SILVEll MEDAL, IWilDID BT TBS ta&SCLIS ISSTITUTS, 1845. City Dagnrmotype Establishment. (I.STS MlMOMS 6t (.'OILIK,) A'o. 100 Cheinut tt., nbove Third, South tide, P JZIIi ABE IiPBJA. IMATURES t .ken eqmllv a" well in clou- i ,1 w as in clear wthr. A d irk silk dies j fir lady, and black suit for a nen'lemin, i i refral.e in sitting for s pictme. No extra charge ie made for coloring, slid perfect likenesses are j guarantied. , . July 4th, I81. lv j i"irt T A M T " j TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. i YOU msy be sure of obtaining, at j I all timest ure and highly flavored By thesinglo pnund or larger quartily, at the , Prkln TeitComiHiny'e efnreliouae, ' 3U South Second ttrtel, between Market and Chee- ' Mf ttreetM. PnH.ABBX.FHXA.. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed, al most impossible, alwaya to ohtain gnml Gram and Black Teaa. Dm now you base only to visit the Pekin Tea Company's Store, to obtein sa delicioua and fragrant Tea ss you could wish for. A II taatee can here he euited. with the edvsntsge of getting s pora srticln at a low price. June S7ih, 184. . Cf L0 TEI IT G, WHOLESALE AND II ETA II,. THE aubscsibers sre constantly manuficturing from tb beat French, English snd American manufactursd Cloths snd'Csssimen, CLOTHING in very euperior elylr, cul snd workmanship. Parentis buying to sell agsin will find one of Ibe largest and roost fashionable slock of gnoda to select from in ths cily, snd at unprecedented low pricen. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, 194 Market st. Philad. N. B. A large assortment of Odd Fellows' Re galia eonaiantly on hand, and sll order from lodgea or individuals punctually attended to, on the most liberal terms, . J. W. dt E. D. S. Philsdelphis. June57ih. 1846 ly DAN V I L L E WOOLEN FACTORY. BANVILLB, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Pennsylvania. THE Danville Steam Woolen Factory, foi mer ly owned and occupied by Dr. Parsiar. hs recently haen purchssed by the subscribers, who respectfully announce to their friends snd the pub lic genersl y, that they are now prep, red Io do all kii.de of w jrk in theii line of business, at the shor test notice, according Ut order, and in the best com parative niarnor. Hasina cons t considerable expense in r pairing their n.achinrry and apsratus, ana ixlng )iry parncnlsr In aeeormg the aerviee ol expeiieiired mechanics, they feel confident that they are capable of executing all kinds of work in a style superior to aty other etahlishmenl iu the country, at the old euatnmsry piece. CLOTHS. 8ATINETTS. FLANNELS tan BLANKETS ron.tan ly en band, and for sale si reduced price, for Casa or Barter. CARDING A 3D Fl'IXnG will be dnrie in tbe best msnner, st the usual pri oa. All kinda ef eeentry produce taken in pay mmt for work, ai Danville market prices. For the accommodation of ihoss who live st ditsnee, Went snd Ctere will be taken in at, and, when ftni.htd, remrtn-d to the following pie ces, Ptxin writun diiections must accompany each parcel Columbia County. Roup A Marr's afore, Wa shingtt nville ; R. Fruit'e store, J.rreytown ; Yea ger's inn, Roe ring Creek ; Sherpless store, Cstts wij; t F, Msnn's store, M ifflin villa ; Miller's stnrs, Berwick t J. C line's Mill ; RiekeVs store, Orsngsviiie; Iterr's store. White HsIL MHhumherlaud Count? Michael Reader's inn, TurbutvilUi Ireland dt Hav'e store, McEwsns villei C, . Piper's store, Wstsonstown; H. I. Conly th Go's stare, Milton ; Gibsen'a inn, Chit liasjoaqoe I Foriylh's store, Northumberland ; Young'e etora, Sunbory. Luxtrn County. Reynold's stors, Kingston; Gildersleeve's etore, Wilkeebarre Gsylord's store, Plymouth t Stj ers store, NsnOcok Judge Mack's MiH, Huntington. Lycoming County -Xi. Clspp's store, Muuey ; Sboemskar'a store. Bmith's Mill. OEARHART KOWNOVER. Danville. Mv 8. 1848. W EXm 6FIUIIS OP, OApt Jut ea iraetlng Qraas. Pry rwrds, Yarnuh, Tar, t from clothing of aoy description, war ranted not to injure ths cloth or tka most dlicts colors. This liquid bss stso peso used stun great success in ess of Born. Scslds, Tstter, Pimples oa tbe far. Cbsppsd bsnds. Sore lips. Jtbsoasa lism. Hard or soft Corn, Vc. Piics, 19 eta. pee bests. Fe sale at tbe store Jory 18, 148. ' H, MASSTrr. i' car s S.B.IrlASSlER, ' . ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUWSTJaXT, FA. Buslnesa attended to in the Coanrlee of No tbumlarland, Union. Lycoming end Oolaattia, t Rcfsr tai r. Oi A. Rovoc&T, Irfiwan Jt Baaao, SoMsaa Jk Saoaeaaas, rfhikd. niinvfcpi, ificriaiiis a uo, 8egato,Ooo St Co., ' PREMIUM SCALES. Dais's Cslst rsted Rsil Rosd Scales Cosl and Hay d, Iron ManufacV it PerteU PUtferotdi 30 different sixes Dorinut or Floor dt 6 different sixes Counter d' IS different s'aei The sbov Seal t mad either aingU t I double beam, and ar decidedly the moat durable, accurate aod convent ent rei.les ever invented. We also ha Plaifoir and Count r Hi sles, Patent Balannr and str kind of Weighing Machines in Use fr sale, whole sal and retail, at low price. All Scale aold by to gn out of tb rily, a(V boted free of charge, in waiianted to give aaliafaciion to the purchaser ia every psrticuUr. GRAY dt BROTHER, Manufacturers and Dealers, No. 84 Walnut strtei Jure 87. 184. ly Philadtlphxt. CJAI.T. Ne Ymk t?ail in brrla and bag,fu sale at manufkC.urers' prices, by . GRAY tc biiotheh. June V7. 1846. ly 34 Walnut at. Pi.iUd OHORS Horse Mil. prices, by E SHOES. Durrlen'e Psten ISiioee, for aale at oianufacturti GRAY A. BROTHER. 34 Walnut t. PhiUd Jur.e 87. ts4fi. ly I'KXNSYLVAMA HOUSE, SA2TVXX.X.B PA. THE eubsciiber, lte of the Union Hotel, fun ry, Pa , respectfully informs ths old snd nu merous customers nf the Pennsylvania IIouhc, and the public generally, that hs haa leased tht TavirnStsnd of John Rhodes, in Danville, wbert he is now prepared to eutertsin travellers, sod per soi s visiting the town, in the vrry best style. Th sccommodalions will be such aa a well condurteii public houe should afflird, and no effort will be spared to render suti-fai tion, in every respect, to al who may cn!l. The rit;ren of Lycoming county are invited io put up with the unJersigned when they visit Dinvillr. HENRY WEAVER. Dnvi!!e. May 2, 1S4C 'PETK IS 11. MASSE II, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA: RESPECTFULLY informs the cititens , Sunbury and vicinilv, thai he has opened an cflice st the residence of Henry Mss-er, in Market street, where he is prepared to execute sll kinds si Dsrtii f caetav. Plata Work, &c , on the latest and most approved plana. Having had some experience and instruction, under one of the moM eminent snd aurceaaful Den tie's in Philadelphia, ba believes that be will he able to give satisfaction to those who msy want hia services. Ladies will bs wiited en at their place of rei. dence. His charges will bs modeiste, and hi work warranted. Sunbury, March 29th, 1846. To Purchasers of DRV GOODS. C2L 232 SX2CDCDLtCU0 .Vo. 121 l'enrl,t., NEW YORK. HAVING established s Branch at No. 144 nut St.. Philadelphia, ia now i-pening. and i1 be eonvtsntly receiving from the New York Aae lions, an eitensive ssaonmenl of FANCY V STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold st the lowest New York pnecs, at wholesale and Retail. Among h e stock will he found s good assortment of the f.illnwieg articles t Jaeconets. Plsid. Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, Book, SwUa and Tsrlsisn Muslins, Bishop and Linen Lawns, Fanry Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Ureases, Thread Laree, Application Do., rich Black Milk Trimming Lace, Irish Linrns, Linen Csmhrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringea, Cashmere d'Ecoete, Mouseline de Laiae. tfilk and Cotton Warp Alpaccae, Qu n'e Cloth, Gala Plaids, Fremh Meiinoe, Blck filka, Gloves, Si'k Hose, Sh.iwls, Cravas, Ribbons, Emhroideriea. Ac, Ac. Country Mrrchanta snd others visiting Philadel phia or New Yoik to purchase, are res(ceifully in viled to call snd elsmias th slocks. Nov. 1, IRIS. 1 v II K I I E V 15 AND LI V K THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar Wood Aapttia. flHE onprcedented sueeexi of this medicine, in JL tbe re-tofati'n f heshh, e those who, in des pair, had gien up all hopes, haa given it sn eial ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of ita intrinsic value and power, aa the on ly agent which ran be relied upon for tbe cur of Pulmonary Consumption, Brourhitti, Asthma, Pain in the side and Brest, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac Attention is reqoestej to the following ASTON ISHING CURE.bv Thomson's Compound Pyre of Tsr and Wood Nsptha ! t rhilaiUlphia, Matt id, M44. MR. THOMSON Der Bir With grutefol feeling I inform you of tb astonishing effect sf your medicine, hich bss literally raia d me from dtb-hed ! M diera'e, Pulmonary Consume lion, bad reduced me so low thst my physician pro. no-inced my esse bopelas At this junction I bs ga to oyour medicine, snd mirsculM ss it assy eeera, it ba completely restored me to bealtb, alter everything else bad failed. Respectfully yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Chartotts street, above GsjArge atrael. The uodersigned, being peraooally scqusmled with Washington Mark aod bia aufleringa, best witness to Ibe astonishing slfccts of Thomson's Compound Sjmp of Tsr, and tba fata, of th -bove statemenL JOtS. WINNER, 1H North Tbkdtr.t, DAVID VICKER8,4 Almond strael. HUGH M "GIN LEY, 8. E. eomar Tsmany and Fourth etteata. Praparsd only by S. P. Thomson, ?f. E. corner of 6lnsnd Bpruee streets, PhlUdeJphi. A genu. H. B. Maaeer, Bonbury D. Grose, snd Dr. Macpbsrson, Harrleberg Jno. G. Brown, rottevitle Geo. Earl, Reading I Hoosto) 4 Ma en, Tewanda, Bradfeed eoeaty,Pa. Prke 0 per buttle, or fft per does. HsWese rf B imitations. hiHdslphie, June 38th, IS4B. ly do da dl do do do do do do ' do 7