Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 24, 1847, Image 3

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    Sei.or AlMttlt rojpnaliior. U lU.iUo,
The term jilted. Ly Senor AA.'in' his
letter to'thVpropoaitions of tho Uni-
i. u nmn id niexwo in oMslir a pen 6", rc
found in 4!ia Diario del Uobirrno.or Mexico,
copied irnm a paper or Uusdalafara, without
word of dissent. . They are b follows;:
a commiBKioi ahall be named to arrange the
conditions. This commission shall be con.po8l
''wrs. Benton and IJitchsnsn and tine mmn
cr of Congress of the opposition,' and two Mex
icho commissioners. Tho commission shall as
temble wherever the . government of Mexico
my appoint. " . ;
Tlie United States demand the parallel of 2(1
leg. ut latitude from the Gulf of Mexico to the
Pacific, as the dividing line. i ;
The United States will pay fifteen millions
t dollars in cash for the territory occupied, so-
cinnly engaging not to exact or claim any ex
Knsea of the war. Tlicne expenses are eati
nnted at about thirteen millions ; consequently
he United State consider that they would pay
wenty-eight millions of tkdlars fur the tcrritu
7 dtscribed. ' ' '
The United States guaranties that it will
ieer consent that anv territory or Statu of
Viexico !ia!i be annexed to the American Uni-
n ; it e(inily guaranties the Hnvereijrnty of
Mexico, especially her territory s-outhof tlie pa
allel of20de.
The United Siatea will 'place ten thousand
itn, infantry and cavalry upon the bout.dary
me, to prevent smuggling and incursions of
The United States engage to adjust all dis
uitcs about old claim we give the remainder
ii Spin ish, pro vl ierritorio cvdiJo poriteir
'at, detains rxlreingrrat, J-c
The alliance, offensive and defensive, shall
e figned between the United States and Mex
co to repel I'uropuuu intervention in the affairs
if America.
Atocha is authorized by, the government of
he United Slates to adjut-t the terms of the
reaty of peace.
Thc Rohhirt and ArTE.xrrKD MtRtiKa in
Irttttr Lain. Couni r We learn from the Potts-
rille Press, that the individual who is suspected of
laving robbed Mr. Lawrence Breiinan, a drover,
ast weak, near Coal Cattle, and wounded bim
everal times, by shots from a revolving pistol,
a likely to be arrested. From the description
tiven by Brennan, of the ruffian, suspicion was
ixpil upon Patrick Moran, or Boran as be is some
imes railed, wbo lived in Coal Castle. A party
vent o'lt to arrest him some of his friends gave
ht alarm, and he fled. They found in the house
ramroil such as is used for the revolving pis
)la, together with a number of slugs, bullets,
nd a mould fur bullets, corresponding in size to
ne which was fired at Brennan.' Moran ia still
t large, though believed to be in the neighbor
ood. lrrtrM.- This dis re-aing complaint is
t eak nets of the digestive organs, and like every
iihtir disease, ia caued 1 7 impurity of the blood,
("be gastric juice, a fluid peculiar to the stomach,
vhen secreted from bad Mood, is deDcientin those
vonderful solvent prnpeitjes which aie of such vi
al importance to digestion. Consequently, the
hid, instead of thing speedily dissolved, often be
:01ms absolutely spoilt d or putrified in the sto
narh; hence bad bieath, sour bi-lching, cotie
iert, pains in the stomach, colic dysrntery, ehole
a morbus and other dreadful complaint.
Wcighi"e Indian Vegetable Pill are a eeriain
ure for Dypc)ie, becni'e they cleanse the eto
nach and bowil from all biliou humor, and pu
ffy ths blood. Four or five ef said Pills, taken
I idgbl on going to bed, ii in all cases give
ome relief, and if coutiiiui'd for a short time, will
lot only m.ikft a perfect cure of Dyspepsia, bul
will assuietdy drive pain or distress uf every do
Tription from the body.
Beweie of Counterfeits of all kind! Some are
:ated with sugar; other are made to resemble in
XI 1 ward appearance the original medicine. The
iifost courne is, to putchasc from the regular agent
mly, 01 e or snore of whom may bs fotiud iu every
dilate and town in the Slate.
GCAgenl for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegna.
ile Pill in Sunbury, Hssav Mans. For other
igcNcieasee advenitem. ut in another column.
Tuutm lata t NiTuas. Have you paint
lie thankful. It ia a vigorous effort of Nature to
diiow off morbific matter. From what may the
morl'ifle matter arie t From a biuise,or U 11 whole,
some air which has become miied with lbs blood,
ir inco'peiated in il, but which is liable to taint
;he whole mam if not eedi!y removed. Or Ihe
j,u"n may arie fiom bile whirh haa become bad,
ranrid, putrid, in ennaeqaenre uf the want uf pow
er In the pr. per organs to difcharge it. Thie pain
wh'ch so firlghtens people is only the symptoms
of the efforts ff Nature, (for the vit .l principle uf
the Wood,) toeiel the pecan t or impure matter,
which would nlherwiisf deatrny the human falrie.
In order to deaciiminate between Truth and ron
jrctuie, we must I guulcd by the light nl Eipeii
rtiee. To what does exwrience direct! To the
free use of Dr. Braudreth'a Pilla in ell eases of bo
Jity suffering. In all acute diaeasra) let Bran
dreth's Piils and mild diot be ue d, and ths patient
wdl soon be restored to good health.
fry Purchase of H." Manser, 8utibury,.or uflhc
i;eiil publiahed in another part of this paper
Corrected wetkly ly Henry Maimer,
Wheat, . .
Rrx, ' ' . . . . ,
I'oan, . . f ' ,
Oat. ' 'f '. . .
Prrjaa, ' r "
I'naa, . ' .. e
Tyaa, ' " e ,' ' ' '
rLAsnf ' "' ' , .
Htxswaf, . '
115 '
70 '
37 :
to 1
Taitow, A
fi. . - . -
H : S I t P l t, !
I'm Arrtib, .
1 - - - r mm m mi mm k
1 At Vort fitrmberinn'.roh the 2 lit Inst;'' sudden-
iy, iwr. JUMN; PHILIPS, aged, about 32 years
I ba Cheapest and best Medicine in eitenr !
Every person who is aiibjeci to Dillons Fever,
: should purify their blood and system by
osins: 1Ot of she . r-
Versnns arflieied wi'h rostivenrss. should trv ihe
Young ladies snd gentlamsn troubled with Pim
plea on Ihe FaCV. should try the
Singing in the Ears relieved hv Ihe
Ileailaehe and linlilim rnred li uinf Ihe
Drowdneta and (5enMl Debililv. curl hv ibn
Uypepia esn be cured by ovine; lbs
Persons who have taken eoneiilemble portions
nimermry, ana in conseauence have pains in the
i piuMiiu ue I'eeiy the
Persona in want of a Pill that ia Purtlu
. s t . . -7
rgrtunit, and is warranted rwf to eonltun a parti
cle of Mercury, ahould oee the
: FH 8. H WCE. 101 H ilt more at. and comer
of Chrales nnd Pritt atieeis. Hallimore,
and by HOOKUP. HKIOMT.81111l.ury.
D. BRAUriUAM, Northumberland.
Annl 34 1847.
Hi if IN n i'n 7'Hii' r tin it n'
Cough, Calih, Couininiplim, Spitting 1
Puin in th Side and Brmtt, Bron,
of lil,l.
L-rottn, Atlhna. and all dtirw art'
itng from a dinorderrd condition
of t fir lt$e or tirifrctrd cold.
a 11 ie re of advice which ia nuiiable In all aenanna.
and applicable to alt purimees ; though there ia no
inatanee in which this niece of advice i more valu
able, than to persons who have a cough or col, I, for if
they neglec' what nnv appear to them very trilling
it may lead to Imflammation of Luue.s. and finally
Consumption ! To all who have a cough, we would
say, procure a h 4t of -
The medicine ia iileasinl to lake, and it may aave
you ye:ira of suffering.
Prire 50 Cents per bottle or ir bnttle for ft nO.
Prepared and sold by SB TH 8. H AN'CE.
I0S Baltimore at, and comer of Charles fc Pratt ats.
and by OEOKGE BRIOHT.Sonbury.
D. BR AUTIO AM, Northumberland.
April 24, 1847. ' ' - '
"Xature ami Fxprlence our
Guide -
riHE extraordinary and well uibenlica'ecl curea
A. wroiieht hv the celebrated Seo CuTe
'ills. 01 Dr. Smith's Improved Indisn Vecetah.'e
Pilla, have natur idv drawn puldie silenlion lo
them. Perhaps io the history of Meiltcine, from
the lime of Hippocra'ee In ihe preaenl day, there i
no evidence of a medical compound obtaining eoual
celebrity in ao short a time. There was never a
medicine recommended bv such high authority as
Ur. smiths Pills. HeHjee their treat eura'ive
proper'iea, (possessing as they do, such astonish
ing powers 10 open all the drains of the bo.
dy, via: the lungs. Kidneys Skin and Bowels.)
they aro unlike ad other pills, e.xliemely pleasant.
tieing coaled ltn sugr, and aa they do not gripe,
nor produce nausea. 01 anv ether unpleasant con
sequences, they have become verv popular for Dy.
pepvia, Headaebe, (tieiies, Bilious eomplainls,
foul Mtomich, Fevera Worms, Want of Appetite,
Impurities of the Blood, Ohsttuctions and rem ile
Cnmnlain'a generally, Colds, tie. One of Ihe moet
ii floentint and benevolent lalies in New Yoik,
Mrs. 8. A Uooll, Matron of the U.S. Naval Hos
pital, say a, "There ia no medicine in her knowledge
ao well adapted to the numerous ailments of man
kind, aa Dr. Smith's Suear Coated Pilla. bhe
caiiecialW recommenda lliein to ladiea
qQ" CAUTION. As a miserable imitation hia
heeii made, by the name of "Xugir Coated Pill
it is necese.try to tie sure that Da. U Bias. Smith's
siitnaiure ia on every bni. Price 25 eenta. '
Principal Office. 179 (Jreenwieh at. New York
Sold by JOHN W. F RILING. Sunburt,.
April 17. 1 347. - - ' .
Fbom ali. (juABTaaa or ths Globs.
rilflE following Irltera are irewnt d with a vi. w
X. or mora fully ahowing Ihe opinions of ptyeh
eiuns in relation to the medical, value of Da.
Swassb's Cua von a 8vacr or Wita I'sum.
Da. Swat a Dear 8ir Having ued your
Compound Sjrup of Wild Cherry, extemively in
my practice, I waa rtqueeied by your agent Dr.
Ciuicber, to expresa mv opinion in wiitinj, of ils
pn pirttes aa a rrmedid asrnl, I moat cheerfully
comply, as I feel by so doing, 1 will discharge a
debt 1 oe the community at large, and phyaici'Ms
in pantcular. Aa much aa I de'et quck r me
dic and patent nostrums. I was iniluced fr m a
fiilureof Ihe most p.4mit eipectoran's. tecommen
ded in our materia medirae in some ca-ea uf Die
eased lungs, to try your preparation of Prunus
Vitginia or Wild Cherry. It ia eulTicient to say
that I was no much pUaaed With the revolt of
that and subsequent trials that I now prescribe il in
preference to all o lier remediea where an eieto
rant ia ia. Heated. In the much drilled Pnnumo.
nia 1 r Disease of the Lung, in the alamiing form
in which it appears in Kentucky, I regaid il s an
invaluable remedy in the treatment of that disease.
To sll who know me I have said enouah, but a
ihu in.y be aeon by reons out of the siciniiy uf
Frankfort, t will briefly add, that I have bran i n
gaged iu an active practice nf my profession for 13
years, and am a regular graduate of Tiansvlvanu,
and tbia ia the first patent medicine I ever thought
eunugu of lo express an opinion iu writing..
Jan 7, 1847, .'. . Franklin ceKy.
- FsinxroBT, K., Jan 7, 18it
The above ceniricate ia from one of our phvei
ci ins living ftW mjca from heie, be ia doing a
ery goid practice, snd U eonsidertd S good pbysi.
Clan, and a auda (air he is aa he aiys, a regular
r,dul, Da W. L. CauTcuta, 1
. ,, . , ''Upgist and Apolhecaiy.
p Since the intioductU, f my auUc u the
ptibnc, Ih.ia have a r.umuei f uU,.,,ncii.led indi
u 1 ZP P 0",rum 'h-y aaM-r, eoolaie
iU Cheny, some are called -BaUam.,' .Uitters,'
and even Hyrup of ikJ I beny, Uut udns M ibo
onginal and eoly genuine prepvatmo evir intro.
duced lo ihe public, which can be prevea) by the
pubfie Records of the ('oramoowsalik el Pawnsvl.
vanib Tbe only safeguard sgainst imposiilun i
lo ee that my signature is on each bottle.
, Da.H.HWATNE,' ,
Corner of EighiR snd Rare sis., Philadelphia.
Only Agent in Sunbury. Is
, HrjS'RY MA8SniL
. Dr.JJ. A, Moore, Dinville; T. 8. Matkij 6i
on, m lion ; M. v. , WV',, Iu,0v C. A,
VlU. Jelauuigi U.i A fVhnota, tr lun' 19 vr :
" . . . ' . am w m. m
Jolin I!. Menu, ..ns .Myj;ii.j J'. O.
j p.UJJjiLu, !'.) cim ff, y
lOTICE is hereby given that the auhscrihers of
11 Ibe Nem Stock of the Nenhumbsrlsnd Bridge
Company, authorised to be ra'sd by an act. nf As
sembly passed March ' 29'h, 1B46, to enable the
ssid company lo re-build the Bridge from Shatno
kin Idand lo the eastern shore nf the Susquehanna,
ere requested to pay Wm. Forsyihe, Treasurer, an
instilment of five dollars on each shsre by them
subscribed, on or before the 14th day of May next,
and five dollars on each share on the 14th day of
each month thereaftei, until all ia paid. '
By oider of the Board,
Norihitmh'd, April 24, 1847. 4t ' Prea't.
Orpli.iiis' Court Salt?.
IN porau nee of an order of ibe Orphans' Court
of Northoml-ertand County, will be Sold at pub
lic vendue, on Saturday the 17th day of Ju'y next.
on ine premises, to wit j A certain tract or laud
situate in Shantokln township, in siid county, con
tuining 209 acres and 113 perches, atrlet m.-ann',
eitj doing land nf the heira of Martin Weaver, John
linger, Holomon Feeely, and Isaac Treiblcy,
whereon is erected a two story log'housv and s'otie
kitchen, a large fismn kink barn, atone smoke
house and an excellent orchard of choice frail.
A No, one other tract, situate in the township snd
county aforesaid, containing 35 acre and !H per
ches, adjoining the above deneribnd tract, Hamuel
Halt s, Geoige linger, and Laic Treibley, where, n
are erected a one and a half etorv frime bone, a
frame stable, and a lug shop, with a Ron. I well of
water at the bouie, and a thriving young orchurd
of choice fruit. Aleo, a crr'am other tract nf wood
land situite in the township aforesaid, containing
81 acres and 51 port ties, ailjoining Conrad Yeer,
Joseph Chnmberlin, and AiiijuMn Hnev. Alan,
a certain o'ber tract of lnd in to vnship, con
taining HJ ac es and 1 17 perches, airiet iiteo-nre.
of wbieh about one ha'f is cleared, ailj iining Au-uu-tu
Hu y, Nathaniel Kxton, and olhera Al
so, a certain other tiaet si n.t" Iu slid town-ldp.
coutaini g 9 acres and 11 peifbee, strict tnea-U'e,
a. 'joining Solomon re(. y, an.t other. Late the
eile of Christian Fegely, dec.'.?.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. rf siid
day, when the terms of sale will be mde known
By order of tbe court, Admr.
EntvAen OvaTxa, Clk. O. C.
Sunburv, April 24ih, 1847. tsl3t
Overseers' Areouiil.
Hirrar Hrrr snd Havii'sl J. F. lite Ore
crrt of the Pour fifth Borough f Simtmri, in
aremint with raid Introuah, fur Ihr yrni- rnmnirn-
cingtn March, I8t, unit ending in March, AT,
To thie amount received from the rstate
C. G. Donncl, dee'd..
ffiO 00
To ths amount received of the Overseers
of Union township. Union ruunty. in
the caae of Martha Moore, a pauper. 151 93
To this amount received of Samuel Fet
ter, in part of rent dee for a boese and
lot, sima'ed in Broadway, la'e the es
tate i.f Mrs. Berber,
T 00
I 60
To tlii amount received nf the Oterseers
of tha Pixir of Penna townahip, U. C
To tbia amount received nf George Wei-
eer. Esq., for sundry fines.
To an order on the prevent Overseers sf
the Poor, for balance due the said
Haupt & Fry, j. - , . ' ...
18 91J
$319 03 J
By this amount paid C. W. Hcgina, for
.professional servica. a per receipt, 43 00
By thia amount paid George Weiser, ba
it nee due for keepiug Michael Logan,
a pauper, in '43. a per receipt. 23 00
By this amount paid Haupt fi B llincton,
balance due aa Oveisevr of the Poor
for '45-6, aa per receipt 20 98
By this amount paid Catherine Kiehl, for
boarding Martha Kiehl, a pvuper, in
full, as per receipt. 1(5 45
By thi amount paid Dr. J. B. M-er,f..r
medical attendance in '45, as p. rec'pt, 6 90
By this amount pa d Dr. J. B. Ma r, for
one yeara' melieal attendance, com
mencing in MQ nd ending in '47, as
pcrr-ceipt, 16 00
By thia amount aid C. W. Hegin. juda-
ment fe in cae of Ibe Oven-ecrs of
Sunbury vs. Overseer uf Union whp,
Union co , in telatiou to Mat ha Moore,
a per receipt, 3 00
By thia amount paid Daniel Prockemilbt
and J.. W. Peal, wilneaaee in said ease,
as per leceipts, - ' i : 100
By this amount paid Esqa. Bower and
. Weis r, for etder grataed for the m -
Kef of paupers, from 42 te '45, inclu-' '
aive, as per rweeiea, 8 ((5
By thia amount paid John Randels .
hoarding Henry Haas, a paupi-r, up lo
March 19th ini.. in foil, as per receipt, liO Ofl
By thia amount paid Jsmea McKrnby,
)irr order from E'q- lluwer Weiser, HO
By this amount paid Henry Baidaher, in
full for keeping Mary Uerger, a pauper '
in '46, as per receipt, 6 DO
By thia amount paid John Fisher, for
service renilered, aa per receipt, 1 00
By Ibis amount paiJ Sehaentn Haupt. for
coffin for Luciui'a Miller, a per rec pi, C DO
By this amount paid Charb-s Walter, f -r
Uo tnllng I.uciniU Mlllei, a per lee pt, H 00
By thia amount pl I I. T. Clement, fir
giMids fUrntsheJ lor I.ucimla Miller, as
ner reCiiuL I 79
By this amount psid Wa'ter Bi ll, for din
ging grave for Luanda Ml' p, re t, 2 00
By thi amount piid Bernard Hopper, f.w
kt eping Y. Conra l, a paU-r, a p. rc't, I 50
By thia amount paid Mary timer, for kec.
p ng Mtrtln I Ihiei, a pauper, aa p, rc't, 9 40
By thia amount aid Henry Hatit and '
Samuel J. Fiy. for reiviceg enileed as v
Overeiaof the Poor, iutloding All- -
dlUar.' fees. 37 00
rspj osi
The undersigned, appointed lo audit settle and
siljuvt the aeeounisnl Ihe Overseers of the P.Hr of
the Uor.iueh of Kunbary , havl-.g examined ihe re
ceipts and expenili'utea (as set forth In tho p-ece-ling
atatemeul.) ef 11. llsupt and S, J. Fry, lata.
Overarere of said borough, eihildiiog a balance in
their favor nf Eighteen Dollar an t ninttif Ihne
and a ccmj, lo allow and paa the same i
lu wiloese of wbk-h, ws have hereunto act our
banda, the S7ih March. A. D. 1847.
Tlioiuaa Ilullltsa,i lltale.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad
mini'trattun have heea granted le. the sub-
l ber on the eatate of Thomas Hullihen, late of
Point tuwuahig., Nonkumberlsod eouufy, dso'd.
( All tersena imHHed U ssid etae. ui bviug
ql otns sgainst the Mn,c. ie4urted lo ggll snd
N ):'ti jtnlHiUi.J, Ar.l jo, 1 S 1 7 . 1 1 . lm.
233 Sr' "CT CE5 UjL nre.
PKRSONJ.ttllletial with Csr. 8cwfla,
King s i Evil, Tet er, 8alt Rrm. Erv-ipelaa,
I lid Sores, Mercurial Diaesaea. g4 l( comn,nts
arising from impurities of th ftioii. are requested
to. r, Rend hb FiioTlafftll ?
r . Row aro & VYAtTor.cer,ftffWin(r gtile.
ful for ths eXraordiwnry cure performed upon me
by your Dv. CUl.l F.N'S INDIAN VEGETA
BLE PANACEA, I fed h my duty to furnish you
with s short hi nry of my case. ,
. When shoot 12 yeara of age I waa attacked with
King'a Evil. I waa under ths care of an eminent
phystcMn, ami after a long couroe nf medical treiH
ment, waa pronounced cured. At 14 years nf ae
a diastase, pronounced by some of the medical facul
ty ss 'Sioifula,' and try others t'nnceroua,' mani
fested tiw If Tbia disee-e inereaacl in it ravaue,
till my throat was filled with o'cer, and my f ice
was covered with them my nmo wa ulcer itnd
and swollen apparently four lime il nalaral
aize. I alo bs.l lomnur in my breast, and ulcer
on diflerent of my iwn. ; waa pluee.l un
der the cure at various times of Ihe mint eminent
physician of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore
ami I'meinn It. who slter hsvmg u-cd their n'moi
endeavors to elf.xt a cure, my cane by them w
pronounced incurable, I have travelled over 21
sttte of the Union seeking relief; netpcn-e waa
rpurcd, snd s large amount nf money wa f j (tend
ed, but all in vain. I then nsed large qitiwtilic of
Swaim'a Pininrra. ' H ive al-n ti.ken Carpenter's
8nraparilla, Srhenrk's Pulm-tnic 8vrp, Town
ee n l"s Ma sapsrillt, snd numerous ether prepara
tion without etTer t j my throat, none and fnee were
etill ntecrateil, and nt length I lo t entirely tbe sense
nf smelling. I cntilttmeil in tlii d 'plorable c mdi
lion for aliout two ye.ira, havinc irien up nil hope
ff recovery, I resigned myself t Wi' nf Provi
dence, supposing that every menu of re'lef hul
filled. On the A h 'lav of Aiieunt list I commen
ced taking your Di. Cn ikV Intix VtnttrtaLt
PVAet4. having hut little b"pe of it hemfi'tiog
me. Af or bavinc U.ed one bietle. I ditctiveted lo
my utler a-toni.hmeul and ut iliti-ation, thii my
senaeof -tnellmn HenHielv restored, and ll at the
ubers were tapidly In u. have
now liken three I ot'los of tlie .nn. ea ; my face,
month, tl.roiit and noaa are entirely heabtl. I am
now 40 veara of age, mil afler 28 year 4'inile.cii
bil.le suff. riua:. my g.'in hea th i tH-lter, sihI in
f .el, al no pcri.Ml of mv life be I f. It a weH aa I
have since uing your iuvaliiaMe pNti.ieea.
N. Y., Sept. 30, 1810. No. IU CliiTst.
We. Iba unilemiun d. being peremi'tllv eeqnain-
tnl with Mr. Julia Itrnio-h. nl No. 1 1 1 I Lit alr.el.
tnil having a kuowliilce uf lit r ei uaiiou f.r 'wr.
al ye r pant, do hereby certify, that the above i a
true statement nf her eaee, ao far a onr personal
knowleilue goest and front her tharacler and Man
ilios, we have full confidence in ber Matemente,
and in the ellieaey of Dr. CuU:u's InJiati Vegeta
ble Panacea. '
Edwin A. Wave, 113 Cliff trct,
Maria M are, do.
Samuel Baxter, 61 Motbeny xtrret,
S. GUaon,tt3 Kaevlt rUcal,
V,. O'Neal, 1 1 1 Cliff street,
Emily Earle, Hutlson street.
Ye learned atnes nf Ihe 'Heating Art,' if ye can
sci far overcome piwfVauiiHtal pride, as to lle a m-dt-cine
which ve know oo how torn pound, ye may
ptewrve many valuaMe live which will otlierwiast
he raerifieed. Wdl ye rxH precril it t If it x It
not ace mipli-h all we claim f-r it. atwr a fair tiiil
acciaidiiig to directions, we shall pulilh-b an account
of its faitwre ia any three paiN i in the I'nilrd
Stales al nur own etpetiae.
Dr. Culleu' Indi n Vi getalle Pan icea ; do. do.
Specific; do. do. Pjle Itemedy ; Dr. ApdctiMiV
Remedy for Defues; Rowaud'a Magic Loiioti.
Warranted lo cure.
Cert i Ge ales of cures, in pamphlet form, my fee
had Gratis, at the olTnea uf ihe agrnta.
- Those mriliciuea ere prepariNl and mij.l bv the
proirietora, Rowaud A, Watlon, No. 376 Market
n, r nnaoeipi'ia.
- pV W Danenhow
t J J J W D ilienhowei
S Li IT Jenkins. No 1
aliool, PhiUdelpi ia.
W W Daneiihower. No l Murray ft. N V
wer. No I OF Hall. Ci.i. O.
! hartal hI, N Oilean.
INN R.tiiiiuuii.cor tiav A Senior a. Halt.
Agents: H. M SSER, Sonbme.
I. II. Riser, Mitton; J. S.-el old, New B.-r-lin;
Mr. Musoer, Millliem; Sbarpe D. Lewis,
Ku'd also by Drnggista tbrnuehoul the United
Stale. April 3d, 1917.2.U lv
ELECTI01T yc?, "
A N K'fHlioti for olttcera of the Niemetnt'larnf
JL. Bridge Contpsny, will lie hc-ht at the Hou-e
ol James Lee, in the borough of Northumberland,
on Mon.lay ihe 3d day of May neri. The eb-e-lion
will itN-n at I o'elm k. I M. The It ka ami
account of ihe company wilt h eiliiliilcd lo tlie
stockholdeis at the lime and pbon almvn mention
ed. D. BKAl.TJti AM,
North'd, April 10. 1847. 4t Prest,
Valuable Proprrty
ZJ2 C S3 '-Li
HIE Subserila-r t iler f,.r sale, on m (.ferule
lermr, s valuable piece of Ion!, iiu nl in
Augosia townsb'p, jSorlhumbeilan.l comi'y, about
6 tuilea from Sunbury, on tbe Tulp Inn ken toad,
coiiiaiiung seven aerea m.Ke or li, in an etcrllctit
tai of cultivation, whereon are ei.cie.l a Ijre
frame tlwe.ting bouse 32 by 4C. and a atom
bou-e 18 by 22, with icellent water at the.lo. r.
a bank barn 28 by 3-1, ami an ice house under
gr.iuiut. It is one -if the l t businea bvattoua in
the e.Hinty, , For fuithi r information, ioijiiiroul' the
a(itacrilH r, uu tbe premises.
Augusta, Ma ch 0. 184771 , ,
nHE aulwribur offers for sale a rh ap . Fauu,
Mtuate in Sbaiuokiu iHWiiahlp, Noitbtlml-rr-land
county, about eight tuilea from Muiibnty-, ty
ing between ihe Centre lumilke and Iri-h Yaltry,
oomaiuing 163 aces end allowances. Said firm
is in a g-n-d state uf iuitiitn, with teaaouaidy building and rxcelleul water near the dooi
and all kind of fiuil. Ac.
Suobafy. Feb. 20, 1847. J '
toiuiiiit4ioii .fleri'liniilsy
For lbs sale uf Flour, Grain, and all kind of Couo
. try Produce,
. ', Ae. 48 Commerce tWeet Wharf,'
Cah advaneea on cn.igntBShis.
Feb. 13th, l4t -.1ih. ' '
AIIK,-Ths liighest tuarkel ptice paid fur
tiara, at the e oie el . . , i
"fh tj, la!7 , . J'UiN BOGAR. s
doimi llutn Bteems for axle, by Ibe s)q-
syF ten or single, it yt Ml pet iloirn
SOlylfijjxiG isIEW ! :
fpHE Subscribirs haaf -tne e (elusive tight of
,, Hot niguit : iit Air ciooklnsr
in the not) o ties of Northumberland, Colombia end
ocauyiaiu; ana irom the encouragement mat with
t ml lllAW .fMfll f. .In . I m.. .
,.; .,. . irKu nuines. J nis
stove is constructed oit sn entirely new principle.
aao on itn oniy. principle mat e m make hoth a
good wood and conl alove. i The inventor haa over.
come all the difficulties that a frequently belong to
otner snues. lie nan nv his arrangement, eon
stiucte, a broiling (TOvril In lYotlt, where
in hroiliug, roasting, hying or baking may be done
and all ihe smelt ibat arises therefrom must pass
into the combustible chamber, end is not al all
thrown out into the roorn.T) Besides this, there
I nil oven only two mchea leas than the whole tze
nf the Move, wherein b iking or roasting may lie
done a well a it can be In the common brick even.
Thia oven i alav fit ll-e when the stove i
be:ite,l, a the whole draught of hot air pastes a-
roun.l It coitalantty. 1 . .
Public atleutinn is particularly Called In (hi
stove. Ii can ! m en ai mir Hi, are ami Tin r.latw
liatiment iu North Danville, al the ign of the Co
lumbia Tin bop, and l ibe I'oiindry ef Ituhrbach
A t'leinenl iu Sunbuty, where it particular quali
tie will be folly bowii and eip'aiued loany p:ron
wtt-biug to ex onitie it. ' ,
The subncri'ier contitioc (, have on bind a'l
k'nl of pari n elovi s. ocli radiatora, cylendera,
fancy ami pljin, suitable for all who may favor ua
vith a call; also common sheet and Russia Iron,
which e;n be in.le in any desirable' shape ; tog.',
iher w tih genervt autment of (in snd j.ipvnned
waie, wbolennle and retail. Country liter. hinta
are invited to call ami examine our etm-k, aa our
work cannot be stlrpaa-.ed, and piieea moiloerato.
N.ll. We can sablv ric.oininend the above men
tioned Move to 4raoltk wt.o wtah to emhark iu a
g.Hid btiaiue!. 'I'be patentee will aril cither coun
ty or state right, t-i iiure'tasers, ami on rev
siiubb totma. He or his agents may be found in
Danville, Pa. I. A. J. ARTER.
Tho un.leratgned, bsviug een in operation the
ht lnl hot air cooking toe. invented and pa
tented by J. M. Thatcher, certify that we believe,
fnn the manner of its ctitruclion end operation,
that il i the lt one ever ottered to the public. Tbe
atratteement bran e.anpli-te and ibeciHMitrtietion an
juitH-ioa, that there i a eavhignl one half the fuH
ami unie. in doing any given amount of service,
over other evtctwated stove. In rhort we reenm
mrnt it h iwetWencc lo all olber, for the simple
rcison that it embraces evrvv branch of rronomy.
Samuel tJarrett, Joliu W tiarrett. David Chat
field, W F Kitcbm. John M Gtav, E Thompson,
Nrntlli Tboriion, J l llabn, John flake. Heaiki
ah Hear, EH is K 1'o.mht, tJeo M Rrtbsrt, Daniel
lltifl nan. Henry H Kin-1, P II Carver, Daniel
Dri ibai-h, Jnwph Yanknk, IIt.hA Bpiey.
. Danville. March , 1847. te
S. J.(WIILU1C3,:
IVnrfmit Wind. Mtnvfarturcr,
No 12 North 6ih , (s few ilnov aliove Market at.)
H AS now ou hand the largest and raoet fashion
utle aas -runi-ut uf Narrow Stat and other Ve
netian BlimU of anv eitatlimbiueot m the United
State, which he will sell. Wholesale anJ Retail,
at the lowest piiiea.'
The cilicens of Simbury and vicinity are respect
fully softened to c ill him before purchasing else,
wht re, aa he i conli !ent nf giving entire satisfac
tion 1. 1 hll wbo may ilitta f.vorhim with a call.
OLD BLINDS Rcpoiated and Tiimmed. so a
to lo. 4l equal to new.
Oiders punctmlly sttcmled to, and the Blinds
forwaioe.l with deri'Alrh.
March i. 1847. 3m. '
Clot hing Kstablislmicnt
OPF.R TIONS in t'l.i.Kinve seem to be lh
or.ler of the d iv. at ihe I'hrt idel( hia Ward
Robe, Itl.S tllummt 'r.t I, where evry article in
the hue i-. kept, and sold at astoni hing low pticev,
tltoiks Ilmjopa. t)ver Sack fjoata, ShnM Sack
Cot, rnper French t'btth Diea Froek
l'Hit-i, Vnrlnl.ith nf every grade and
ttk. any nfwl.n h will l- eol) either
1 by tho garmenl ov docen, t pri
ce that will jri-lify the
' ntoal c .inimical in
We advie all who want g.Ti.l and cheap Clo
thing. toe.H at No. H Chenul stteet,
PliiM' Iplii. Frbffih, IK4V. 6m
Ko. N7 Ntirtli Tliinl Street,
t IHE ci U tility uf ibe Ink in .nufaclutv.1 by the
1 eub-'iita r, and tbe rileristve sale conaeueut
upon tbe high reputation which they have attain
nl, n o oi Iy tl luugboul lt l.'iiiied Slates, bul in
the We t Indi ta and iu Chins, has induced him to
al ike every necevaaiy arrangement to supply the
at demand iiio his estabb-bment. lie ia now
pta-pared itheery van. tv ol Black, Blue and Rud
Ink, Copying Ink, Imh'tible Ink, and Ink Powder,
all piepated under his own -arson al suMiialen.l
ence, ao Ibat purchaser may d- pend Upon iia su- illalllV. ,
p. not arm le Ivr Meml ng (iiars, China, Cabinet
W are, 4e . ttTid lo every tlouwkeeK;ra heing a
Slii e liipud, easily appl e.l, and not atTocted by or.
dmarv heat warianteil. .
, Qj' I'ampl.lela, CiHilaitiiitg the numerous ta-eli-moiii
U of ine-t of i leuce, and olhere, will be fui
lllkiied lo pun bsaera,
1 or ale al tbe Mioitf n t .rv, hoiesilo and Re
tail. No. ni NoatN Thish ftattT, oppisite
Chrriy Iteel, Philsderphi . bv
Jan. nilib. tH!7 y MHnufaeturet.
Drugs! Drills!! Drugs!!!
AVIiolc:ilc llrupTprtstM,
No. '10 Marli'l Sireet, (Svuth side, bc-
lW SfflHtO.)
. I it 1 1 a l I p h I a
Off. t for sale a , Isrg stock of Freeh
Drug. Mtdtl'ineS and D8'utui, tit
Which Uiey e-ll the aileniion uf Coun
try Merchant and Deslera viail;ag ibe
Cearh, Cabinet, Japvh, Blsck, and other Var
nishes nf a superior quality. Also, While and Red
Lead, Window Ultvu, PsiuU aud Oda cheaper
than fever. . .
( T. dt C era also proprietors uf tbe Indian
Vegetable Balaam, celebrated throughout their own
and neighboring Stales, aa Ihe best preparation for
the fcure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, sYe. Moey
lefunded in every instance where ne kaueut ia rf
PMIinMpkli, hn. 3l, le47. 3.n
IT 13 WB.ITTE1T ' "
COMMON. SENSE, that the natural
ble productions of every country are, if praperly
applied, amply auHicioni far the cure of every ma
laily incident to each peculiar climate.
" ' ' ' ' or THS
Xorth iinerlruii C'lleo;eoriIcaltli.
are composed of all plsnls which grow spontane
ously on our own eoil, and are thorrfore builor a
diited to our cnustilulinns than Medicines coiieno
led from foreign drugs, however well they may bo
compounded) and ss they ere founded upon the
principle thil the humsn IhhIv ia in truth
namely, corrupt humora, and that said Medicine
cures this ileaae on Ni-rnn.i. Pntaci si a, hy
cleaiii,ix and pitriJ),iK l.t My, it will be man
feat thil, if lite bi not entirely ex
hausted, a peraevcrnnen in their use. according to
di ectioo, i abaolmely nmtain to drivS disced of
everv name from tho boly.
. When we wMi to re-io-e a iwimp or niotaa to
fertility, we drain it of the miM-tabundaiil water. In
like manner, if we wish lo restore the bodv to
health, we mut cline il of imptlriiv.
will le (amd one of ihe ht, if not the verv best
medicine in the woild for carrjinj out this Gatttu
I'emvrlau Painriei.e, because they expul from
the body all nxubid mid c iirunt hum r, llie causa
of the disease, in an easy n.iid Nnlurnl Manner
and while they every day oic. r.-r. an ei kisi-iii:.
di-ease i f every uaiue is rapidly diiven trutn tho
Tlie following biubtv reit.-cial.e t-f orekernera
have len duly ap'nrinteil atr -uta for tbe ae nf
nritjhf India Vegetable fill, in Northumbei,
I uni countv :
Henry Masaer, RunSorv.
E. A J. Kniiffmitu. Aii(iita town.liip.
Samuei Hetb, Little Mattonoy. .
WiJtiam Dcppeo, Jackson.
neneville Holline, l'pier Mahonoy.
JoIni G. Ren n, Upir Mahonoy.
Kamuel John, Shamekintntvn.
Foraythe, WibonA. (Jo., NorlhuHiberland.
E. I, l'iier, Walsonburg.
Irlarid A Hays. McE wcnsvtlle.'
Jamea Peed, Pottsgrrn-e.
Win. G Scott, Rusliville.
Ilarlunn Kno-ble, lilybuig P. O.
Amos T. Ueisscl, TurUitville.
(tdoon Sbailet, UpMr Maboitov.
Ittiaxte Ac Farrow, Siivdinr-towu.
John King, FarmerHv lle.
Silas (. Coi4i. Mnrtin'a t 'icik.
J. IV Young. HieViei-'nte.
A bralt mo Stirrer, ivi.-hmoud.
Samuel Taylor, Sl.telord.
John II. YiiMVnt. ('bilia,nnqiie.
Wm. Ifeinen cV BriKlter, Milton.
. itawaaa or ('wcarcarsira. 1iie rmbbc are
csetioucd egaiust the many apurious luetlicilier.,
which iu order In deciive, ere c.tlb'd by names m
milar to Wriiht'H Indian Vegetable Pilla.
The aafest cnurae ia to putchae of the regular
gents ouly, wbo are geiAleiuen that easy bare
bed en.
(J j OtTiee devoted exchiHively lo the ale r.f
nf tbe Nottb American College uf Health. No.28H
Greenwich Street. New York; No. 11)8 Tretiiont
Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No.
169 Ries 8r.iT, Philadelphia.
Jan. 3lh, 1847. stity.
J. L A D O 1 TJ
Importer of VrutclKs, Watch-Makers
iools aikl V atcli MAtcrinls, ,
WlioleMalc & Rrlail.
No. ST 5i ik f A Fotrf . PHILADELPHIA,
HAS constantly on hand a large aafortmeut of
Lunette, Patent, and Plain til:i- ; M tin
springs, Verges, Dials. Waieb Hand, and a com
plete. aKrloicut of all Tool uiid Maleilul IkI oil
ing to the trade; with a lurgc assortment of God
and Silver Lever, Lepinc, and Pltin Walche; all
of which he will guaranty to sell at the lowest New
Yoik pticce. All orders fiota thc couutiy punctu
ally eiecuted.
N. II. Country mercbant and others are invited
l'i ch and examine at the Old Stand, No. 33
South Founh lreel.
Ph la.lel;ihi-i. Jn.!i:f, lr7.-fim
rwtOR'IHlsn Shed Tu.k Comb, caned and
1 fluMie.l hi a supetior tte.
Splendid Nhell Dtea-mg Comb, carved aud plain.
Shell Porkvl 1'nnibs, vtttti and uiihout i bm-k.
New Sfo Long Combs, eaive.l ami plain lor
With a beautiful aaaortment of ibe Real Cuflalo
Combs, that ia so much in general ue.
Comb Manufacturer,
Ne. T S.mlli Sec.Hid betnw Market i-t'eet.
P. S. S. W. is the only Manutaeliirer i f tlie
Genuine UutVilo Cotnba in ibe United Stnles,
Ibila.l. Ipbia. Jan. 1817. :tm
aNti. til iotili TliiftI strot:lt
(ttK Tnl i iTr iniri t.)
C. T. M A V K K Y, Ainw rr.R.
Tf7 VcNING SALES nf Haidware. Cutlery, ,
UJ Saddlery, Whip. Boot, e-lio., flats,
Cap, flons, Pistols. Clothing,
i 1 Walcke and Fancy Goads, I
I A Mat-key 'a Auction Store, 31 N.'llh Thud
sireet, near the City Hotel.
The attention uf Country Mir. hauta ia iimle.l.
The Goods witl he s. I.I in lots lo suit poretieneea,
slid all G.iuJs nit. red will tie w arrant.! v.pjal lo ibo
repreaentatiort that may be niadu of tlieut.
N. U. A large asortMient uf Goods al Private
Sale. Jan. 1H. I847. Iy
"One Dollar ave4l is tuo
i :.! en ell."
Itali'GNS wishing to pun base go.ide in
Sunbury, will d well to call st the cheap
tore of the sub.C'iler, and eiamine hia slock be.
lore purehaxtng elsewhere. You cau depend imi
selling good barg.iiua, aa he is determined uol to
be undersold by any oilier store.
Suttburv, Jan. 18. 18tT. nllv
RKSH U UUtlH "SEBDi," Irum ' Ro.U y
Gsrden. juat received and fia? sale bv
eh. 13, 1817. .. JOHN liOGAR.
GUM OVERU0ES7"a hew a-liele; for ""Te
cheap, by JO UN BOGAR.
Jan. 16. 1817.
NECaR VV AbTE,""iue-il.war, ilaVJwie,
J Grocerie, Liquor, cVe., for vale vwv low. by
Jan. 18, ItW JOHN 111 Ki.4R -
SctTlI;l;lsl.'BlM.Milans. ura.
big Par, WrrnifJ Fspe', Sle-l Pfo, en I ,,
i ii..L....;,.. i. l . I. ihiiii m ititi
store uf
Jan. 10.
Much 27,