Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 24, 1847, Image 1

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H. B. MASSKR, . j PvstttatM sue
JOSEPH EI8ELY. J Paoraiaxea.
f. It. Kditsr.
QJict in Centre 4Hty, in the rear of tt. Hat
-, ., , "mt'j Jforc. '" o ;
. THE" AM EWCAN" is published every ftttor
Jty tt TWO DOLLARS per unnm loin
paid half yearly in advance., No paper diecontio
wed till itt arrearage are palj.
- No subscription received for a lee period thin
tlx oiTn. All communications or letters en
business relating to the offiae, le insnr attention,
XT. nTH O ilttP rS 1 0 N,
. . . . FaMiionable n
' . Minxa Hraair, fltrai-ar,
THANKFUL for pit favors, begs leave to in
form h i friend and the public generally, that
be hat Just returned from the city with new and
fahionahle last, and a full assortment of Light
col wd, Bronte, Black Kid, and all other kind
tif Morocco for Genilemrn, Ladiee and Children's
wear ; and he eirarea all who may fsvor him with
their custom, thai Ibey may rely upon having their
w.iik done in the mwi substantial and fashionable
tninner, and at very low pi ices.
' He also has t full assortment of tow priced work,
selected by himself, which he will tell lower than
ever oflVred in pUee, via t
Men' Shoe. a low $ 1 ,00
Kura Stout Boots, 8.00
Good Lace Boot lor Women, " 1.00
Women' Slip. " 60
Children' Sh..s, -26
' Snle Leather, Moroeso, Ac, for ! low.
AirntTlil, IMS. splStf
""Boot & Shoe
At hit UU Ettablishtnrnl, in Market Strrtt,
. - Sunttury,
RETURNS hie thanki for putt favors, and re
spectfully inform hit friends and the puMir
generally, that ha eontinuea to manufacture to or
der, in the neatest and latent atjle,
warranted of the heat materisl, and made by the
most experti-need workmen. He sn keeps on
hand a genera) assortment of fashionable Boot for
gentlrmeo, together with a large stock of fashion
able gentlf men'a, boys', la-lies' and children' Shoe,
all of which hiive been mile under hi own imme
diate inspection, end are of the best material and
workmanship, which he will aell low for cash. ;
In addition to the alove, he ha just received
from Philadelphia a large and extensive supply of
Uooia, Shoes, Ac. ut all descriptions, which he alo
offer for carh, cheaper than ever before off. red in
thin place. He respectfully invite hi old custo
mer, and others, to call anil examine tor mem-
Kepairing done wiih nestnes and despatch.
" Sunliury, August I5ih, 184B.
, It A. -
Absolut acquiescence in the decision of tht majority, the vital principle of Republrca, from Which titers ia to appeal hot to force, the vital principle end immediate parent of despotiam. Jtrrao.
Br Haejer ElMly.
tmHiry, NorlhiimliwUiiiv CowPa. rMttwelvayt April 94, IS4T.
Tol. VIVo. 31--Wit-ale IfO, 34i
PttfeJCT Qf AbTteTrtWO,
I tetMre 1 inaeetton, 0 dv
1 ' do ' ' de . . ' L 6 T
I do " a)o- ; 1 '1 IMv
Bvtythae1tientlnetlVin, ' . V
Yearly Adreitlsetrrent t one column. 135 I half
eolutaov $18, three aqUaree, li two sajuarea, f 9 (
one equate, Sf. ITalr-yearly I one column, H (
half coliimB. $11 i three severe, f two tqutrea,
$5 1 one tquare, $A 60.
1 AdVertraemonl leat trflhwH direetione tt te it
I Urth of time the ire to be published, will h
fconthroed ttntil ordered onl, and charged accord
i wi'r " J . . .
rjWiteetj Rnee or lea tmct m eqnare.
THE SUBSCBIBER baa been appointed agent,
for the snle nf CONRAD MEYER'S CEL
ANOS, at thi place. Thene Pianoa have a plain,
massive and beautiful eiterior fini-h. and, for depth
end sweetneaa of lone, and elegnnce of workmen
ship, are not surpassed by any in the Uniltd Sletea.
7'lie folio vug is a recommendation from Ciav
Pists, a cel-brted performer, and himself a man
uftcturer: '
IlATlise had the plraure ol Irving the eteel
lent Piano Fortes manfactured by Mr. Mayer, and
eihiblted at tht, lrt exhibition of the Fr .nklin In
stitute, I feel it clue to the true merit of the maker
to ileclare that theae instruments are quite equal'
and in some respec's even uperiot, to all the Pi
ano Fortes, 1 aow at the capiula of Europe, and
during a sojourn oftwoyesr at Pris.
' These Pianoa will be sold at the manufscturer's
lowest Philadelphia price, if not aomething lower.
Persona are requested to call and examine foi
tb'mseWes, t the reniilence of the subscriber.
Hungary, May 17. 1845. H. B. MASSE R.
The puMie will please obserre that no Brandreth
Ptlla are genuine, unless the hoi baa three la
bels upon it. (the top, the eiile and the bottom)
each containing a fjc-aimile signature of my hand
writing, lheU. BatratTn, M. Theae la.
bel' tie engraved on steel, beautifully , deeigned,
end done at an expense of over $t.000. Therefore
it will be seen thai the only thing necessary to pro
core the medicine jg in parity, it to observe Iheee
. Remember the top, the aide, and the bottom.
The fvllnwing respective person are dulv tOlhori
ted, and .Hold
For the tab) of BrttAdrrth't VtgtlaHe t'nietrtal
Northumberland county Milton- Maekey &.
Cbambeilin. hunbury H. B. Masaer. M'Ewena
wille Ireland & Meixrlt. Northumbeiland Wffl,
Forsyth. Georgetown J. tt J. Wnlla.
Union County i New Berlin Dogar 4 Win
ter. Solinugrova Gotg Gundrurn. - Mtddlo
tnrg Iaitac Smith. Beavertown David Hubler.
Adamahurg Wn, J. May. MiiTliiisbotf Mensch
A, Ray. Haitleton Daniel Long.' Freeburg
G. dr. F, C. Moyer, Lew isburg Walla t Green.
Columbia county t Danville E. B. Reynolds
ek, Co. Berwick Shumsn A Rittenhouse. Cat
ts winra C G. Qrobta. BlnomaburavJnhn R.
Moyer. Jeiaey Town Iri BiaeL Washington
Root. MeCay. Limestone-.Balt ft MiNi'ieh.
Observe that each Agent haa an KngrsVed Cer
tifscata of Agency, eonlaining repreesntation l
lit BRANDRETH'B Msnufactory at Bbg Bing,
and opon which will also be seen eiact eopiw of
the niw labtU now uttd upon tht Bntndrttk Pill
Fbiladarf hla, ettce No. 8. Nolth th etreet. '
June 14th ma.
" Ceorgc J, Weaver
No. 13 Forth Water Strut, Pkiludclphi.
MAS constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twine, cVe., ait t
TaYd Roimml Fiabing Rope, White Hops. Manil
It Ropea, tow Line for Canal Boata. AUo, a
complete assortment of 8eine Twinsa, Ate. such as
Hams Shad and Herring Twine, Beet Patent Gill
Nm Twin. Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Ban
TKiuds. etc Ate. AJao. Bed Corda,Ploogh Linea,
Haltejre.Traeee. CoUon and Linen CerpaA Chain.
&JL, all of which bt will diepoat of oo raMvablt
tewnav' " " ' " '
PbiladelpWa, Wevemher II. IMI If
From tht Public Ledger.
; To-ke. C-r.-...,r.
1813., Thit year old Johnny tried hit htnd,
, To throw ut in eenfution; .i
, . Bot hit baUprmetitt failed to thtkt
Our well-built Conttiutim.
And after that we flonrished long,
Aft unmoleated nation;
Until the late turmoil began
Concerning Annexation.
Tankee doodle, doodle, doo !
; Texat liet bo handy,
That Jonathan wonld have it joined
To Yankee doodle dandy.
And now our men in Mexico,
Go on through tbin and thick, tira ; .
And Palo Alio taught the foe, .
Just bow to "tut their itiek," aire.
No mercenary troopt litre we,
Who battle bul to win gold ; ,
Their blood ia coin in Honor mint,
At thine t, gallant Rinoools 1
(Laural twin with cypres now,
O'er the hero bending;
Teart of torrow, thouit of prmite,
To hit memory blending )
And when the flag of Victory, :
Flew Vet the field to gory,
Colombia wrote another PJt,
' In her bright book of glory.
And thoush our men have nevet feared,
A double force to face, aire ;
To face their colore wieethey had, '
A very pretty Chair, tirt. ' ' '
Yankee doodle, doodle, doo !
Yankee girl are steady ;
Though not Rough the lady' hand,
the lady't wit wtl Riadt.
And when before the Castle walla
Of Vert Crut we got, tirt,
, What e'er Columbia owed the foe, .
.. She paid them "Scott and lot," tirt I
Then blett tht Rough and Ready hand
Such bearta wilt never rail her ;
And well they'll baite the Mexican ;
j The work' tut out by TaTLOi.
Rough and Ready ! keep it up f
The word come in quite bandy;
And fill the trump of Fame tt well
At Yankee Doodle Dandy. A
tlTI OLABSES. Tb first quality Putt Uouat)
I 11 Melaaaet, only IS canU per oartf alao.t
su(76 na anicst f jeJIow MoUaaet fo baking,
re I H eente per qar rut as toe
13, 1M. flPMRY MAK8CJI
Two Elxmiakts DnowNXD The elephant
attached to the Mentgerie of Metirt. Raymond
& Waring, well known to those who visited the
exhibition during the past winter, were nnfor
tnnately drowned in the Deleware river, on the
13th init., t short distinct below the city. The
exhibition! of the menagerie having been closed
in thi city for the season, t tour to the various
towns in New Jeisey, on the route to New York,
wa projected, and most of the animate and para
phernal a of the establishment had been removed
to Camden, in anticipation of an opening there.
Before daylight yesterday morning, the elephants
known aa Virginiut tnd Pizarro, were taker)
down to the Wt'nut ttreet ferry, where the
steamboat Wm. Wray was waiting to carry them
tcrost. The ctutiont tnirr.tli. conciout of their
immense weight, had no tooner placed their fore
feet opon the slip, than doubting its solidity, they
drew back, and all the coaxing of their keeper
cenld not induce them to venture to past tlong
it to tht boat. Finding it Impossible to over
come their obstinacy, the keeper drove the ani
mal down to the railway ' wharf, whert, feeing
fond of the water, fhey were easily Induced te
enter, and, goided by the keeper, who followed
the m in boat, they commenced the talk of
swimming to the opposite shore. In order that
the keeper might manage them the mere readily
they were fattened together by a rbain, about
ten feet long. On gettmgout fairly into the cnan-
ne, the tide wtt to ttrong tt to carry them ra
pidly down tht stream, in spite of the eflfortt of
tbt keeper to gaidt them toward tht Jertey
bort. On trriving opposite the Powder w barf,
the animali appeared to bt rercorne either by
tb chilliness Of tht water, or their atrugglet
against the rapidity of the current, and the keeper
observed tbat Virginiut appeared to be sinking.
Ha immediataly endeavored to detach the chain
bat belore he tonld (teeeed, Virginiut stink,
tad dragged Piaarie down with him. It it est-
ternary to twim the animtlt tcrott ttream of
wtter ia the it trtvtli a boat the reentry, they
taking great delight in it, end but for the fort of
tht current, tby woold doabtlett taVe tnOeed.
td is gtiaieg tbt othtr bank of the river in tafe-
'tht wttt tuppoted to fee nearly thirty yetrt
f age. and vtloed tt ' tbout thirty thoatand dol
lar!. Tbt ewntre, Mettrt. Raymond h Waring
htvt three ether elephant, ont being at New Or-
jeana, with' t branch of tht eollettlon, tnd the
J' Iter twt Clncmntttl, With tteond 1 mena
aria, Which tat wintered ia that eity. They
rill U replwed tn few dtyt and tht tthiki
tient at CtrtuUa tad Berliagtoa will take pltet
aetwithataading thia aevre lost.
' Tht Vodlst bav alatt beea tawd tthof tctr
Gleuctittr Poiat ThiUtklpMa LtJgir.
lio Reraior Muann Vlstsn,', ' ,
TJrfil emergencies, ft fata id produca frrnt
men. if they ao not produce them, they tt
leist bring tnem to Ifjrhr. So it has bern fn
the unhtppy war bet wren na and a titter repub-
tr A man of simple and unottentatimit tit
bit, who, thoogli atteMftig pTrtt wetlth,
chete to follow the prrjfrttftfn of trme, tnd wtt
tttitnVd with eommon routine f military life.
never throating himself into notice, but timply
dnitif; hi duty in a quiet wty it by the force
of circumittncet brought before the people, tnd
it found to Doeaet the highest milittry talents,
and every other quality which men are accus
tomed to admire.
Dow mnny of our most gifted public servants
inrtp.itient ol deity, have endeavored tn control
destiny itself, md create the event upon which
their id vaneement depends! How many blight
spirits bav thus been shrouded in darkness, be
fore they have reached even t mid day career!
Gen. Taylor, fortunate in hit pliilr sophy or
hit temperament, permitted evrnte tn take their
course tranquil in retirement, and calm when
forgotten. But til at once he developed the
quslitieenf a general. ' tn the moat critical sit-
nttiont hit judgment forteet what hit vaW
wine. ' No nutter whit mty be the difScnltiet
tround him, be meet and overcomei them til
In etrttepy ri well tt hand to htnd, he evincet
superior skill, end when the nttion almost givet
him up for fnet, tgtin he tendt back to it the
intelligence that he haa conquered.
In no pngeeof history do we find on record four
suchnnrO fought battles, fought at rich feartul
oddt tt these, which hive pliccd tuch laurels
on the brow tf VSen. Taylor, the brave troops
under hit command. The country ia tstoniah
ed to find it posseeeei tuch a rot ft ) Journal
of Commerce. , , ,
In the rrmrte 'oT conversation thit trmrning
with an esteemed friend who bit enjoyed tire
npportunitie for extensive intercourse with
public men tbroad tt well te tt tram, ft was
said IhttGen. Ttylor't cornhict ol tbe ' ctm
ptign in Metico bed attrarterj the tirgert admi
rttion in Europe. Hit gtlltYi'try tnd addreee,
tnd the discipline, order tnd courge tit bis
army manifested on the ftioTjraride and he
liking of Monterey, it wnt further ttrd were
the frequent theme ol eulogy in France and
Eneltnd during the last few week of hit late
visit to Ptrit tnd London. .The British mind
especially tpoeart to hive derived new iinpret
sinntof Americtn chirtcter from these mtoi
festations, which our friend regarda it tmong
the few promising- rftecta nf this mott unpm
mising wer. An eminent Americtn, who now
occupies a conspicuous position tmnng nur pub
lie secn't tbroad, tnd who it not pledged to
any political ptrty tt home, mentioned to him
thnt the name of no contemporary wtt now
more respected atnonj the public men wiMiin
the circle nf hit interco'use thtn ihtt of the lie
roof the Rio Grande. Ie remarked, niofo
over, that he, wit gratind in being tb!e to add
from tlong tnd intimato acquaintance, with
Gen. Ttylor in year past, that tbe personal tnd
private qtitliiiet of the man who had thtit it
trteted to himtelf all altehtinn, were quite aa
admirable aa the prow est in I ha ,P.eldMhil he
ia in ahnrt not leu a civilian than a soldier.
And tuch, we may tdd, it the uniform testimo
ny of ill who know hirrn
If any proof of thit were heeded we mlpht
refer to thia remarkable Volumltimm cntresptm
dence with the Ooverhmeht tt beihg cnntltl
sive. ' It woohJ be difficult to find in the whole
tnhtlt of military bistory ttty elmilir eorret
pondetiee tt all Comparable to it in the Variout
(tributes that go to declare a round end cuiti
vatcd mind, prtctirti Wisdom, clear forsi;ht,
and manly vigor, The public mind it apt ' tn
inler wheni mtn great!y dittinguithet himself
in t given course of action, that lie is more es
pecially fitted tor thit than anything eUe. This
doubtless sometime 'he Case, But it it not
so with fieri. Taylor, at he hit himself dcrhon
vtrated to hit Iriends, the army, hit Country, and
the world. Though the greater part of hia life
haa been tpeiit in the public service, he haa not
neglected, it tome lUppnee, to cultivate) thnte
milder Virtues which fjire a charm to per tonal
intercoutte tnd lend attraction and gft&e tq
pfivtle hO.
lie comet from an tncieht Virginia family
which emigrated from Englthd, with ether
frieudtof liberty: t fid settled on the e(ern
part of V.rginit, nfctr two eetitur iet tgo a (a
mily which hit time been gtettly diatingaith
ed in it Vtriout brtnebet, ana which Include
wVthin itt eonntCl on tuch name it Jamet
Mtditon, John f aylor of Carolina, Gem Hont,
&a. &e, ' Gen. Ttyloft Ftther wiiontoftht
matt diring of those ehterpriting pionetra, who
tettled nbe dirk tnd bloody grbind" which
dtfinrt the Indian word Kentucky, and many
toecdotei art) told of hit prowea in detperate
encounteri wUHlhe atvagea. ' - '
; Ut bectme tlso a man of eminence in civil
life, and wtt a member of the Electoral Col
lagaa whieh voted lor iederaon, Mtditon, Moo-
yot and C!ty. lit died on bit estate petr M
Ington In lB2fl, leavingtuor ronsof whom 'old
Zacli' it the third, and we believe ono or two
dtughteT.v Thw eldest ton Gen. Jtmet Tay
lor, who wta a Quarter MasTet Genertl in the
Army during the wtrof 1814, now reaidei at
Newport, ktritucky, at the advanced tffe of
eighty yetrt.
Hit more dirtlngnltbed banther . Wta born In
Kentucky two yetrt before in tdmission into
the Union, and i no thereforv almot 57 yeart
of ege. Having t ttonl vigorous frame, he
wat early distingoished for tcttt nl manly chir
tcter, tnd msny amusing anecdntet are told of
hit tchievtnentt in the tportt ot boyhood. The
time forsight, firmnesi tnd tfeciion Which
have since eo attracted public admiration, are
said to hnve characteriz-d hit whole course
thnugh all the shfting circumtrtaneet of .life.
Soon after the affair of theCherspenktnd Leo
ptrd previous to the war of 1812, lie being then
18 yparsof tge, he received 1mm Mr. Jeffor
eon (in 1S0S) the appointment of Lieut, in the
7ih Infatiiry, and enmmener d that military cn
reer which hat now been crnwned with imper
ishable fame.
Hit ttrict observance of rlrjty tnd dittingnrsh
ed merit tta dieciplintrian soon commended
him for promotion, . and tt the opening of the
wtr of 112 we find him ctpttin in hit regiment
Hiving been entrusted with the command of
Ft. Harrison on the Wtbash with garrison nf
fiO mer, he greatly distinguished himself in that
yesr by hit mrccessful defence of it tgtihst a
formidable attack by a large party of Indians,
and wtt rowirded by the President with the
brevet rank nf Major. Hit well known skill in
Indian wirfsr, srttiired in his brilliant career
in the N. W. Territory, secured for him the
command of the first Brigsde if the Army if
the South, tnd it wtt tt the head nf that D vi
aion thnt hr won the bloody Bsttln of Lake O.
kee-Cliocee during the Florida campaign
1838; and for which achievement he wtt bre
veted Brigadier General. After 4 or 5 yetre
arduous service in the Swamps and ViammncVa
of Florith he wtt atsigned to the command of
the flrat department of the Army at Fort Jessup
where the order to TeXtstnd thellioGrinde
fbond him.
By hbsYnatritgft wrth a lady of Mary bind
Gen. Taylor bat one ton and two daughter
ono oTwbom it nmrirdto Xkl. Pa vis of the
Mississippi regiment who wet eeverely Wound
ed it Buena Vista. But to pursue hit military
caYecr furltier iti Hie midst of tho glowing en
thuiiasm of the YotmirV DVet bis brilliant
chievmentt hi Mekico, would be idle, tnd th
receipt of the southern tntil at fte write com
ppa us to defer a notice of the higher qualities
which commend him to tin? fonfide-nce and res
pect of his wnntrymeii.-'-.VriearJr. ArArrlt'srr
Men ov iNrtAJKVc. Some tbinlt the;
hVh of great consequence in the world and tba
great merit thould tn atttcheil to tberYiselVee,
when in ftcttbey would be mere t phert, were
it not for tlm poitinn in which they are plncud.
A lid, a screw, a hail mty be ot eseeutitl tar
Vice but taide from the pltcea they occupy.
what art they wnrtht Put a co.nrtion man in
office, end hit situation Will make hit influence
felt; but thvre iso merit in Luni.lf. We
hive known men of fa-No internets, by the
force of circumstances, placed in important situ
ations and who have actually had the filling of
certs in &cet f trust t but It wat nut merit, or
tslntv or gondoees thai eleVt'ed them J it wat
luck, ot it mty be wetlth thit placed them in
so important situations. But it they bad the
power,' their fellow-eitiSena were obliged to
ahow them that retpeel which they did not de
ervet and yield to therm when it would result
to thi ir injury tu Cppoee Ihelr Unjust ind wicked
course. ' 1
' Wothihg Is more htlmilitling thn n reflect
that money end powerful Iriends hve eleVated
a tcniindiet, or a weak-minded man to pistof
honor or influence. You cm not resrtpcl him,
ne matter how dignified his ufilre may be. Von
leel tshsmed nf his irsnsiftioiis tnd hit daily
Course, though you ire obliged lo subtnil to hit
mcsnners, his fully tnd hit jnrk rif judgment
tnd tliseretioti. The people who ire so blind
ed by party seal, at to give their consent tnd
their votes to the eleVttioh of a cunning, iftflil.
designing fellow ot one whoso intellect itb
low nar, afa titiwotti to enjoy the priVile,
and btesainge of tfeeinea. not to did uur ft.
there. - Look tt the men who romped our na
tional eoUnCija it) the dtyt of Washington ind
Admit, U'hat a Contrast with tomt ol ihs
office holdert nf the present day 1 . lint enough
A word shod Id be sufficient to frea AaietictU
eititena. Portland Bullet in..
Da. Rtw, Professor bf Cbemestry, iayt thai
If Wfstminiittr Bridgewhich ia built of thiig
1 tesit lime-sion. were covered with water and
ulphtrit aeid, It would be eeavetted intrj f iBm
taltt. -' !-(
Fatbaaica V, of Brtsnark, in hia last moment
txcltieoed, "It it a great consolation to sne in
: my last hour, that J navel wilfully offendsd any
I sne, td tbtt aV it not rop of AJettf on any
it tloal(liIllutt wn CnaiotM1efr,
bt rn.-e. s. nrcn.
The Itrger the lungs, the mote perfett tbeiV
fvclopement, ths lent they are liablo to pul
monary consumption. That the mor tbey are
exercised, the larger tbey will become; tbat at
we take active orlaWinni exerc.iie, cr Innga
will be cnntinnlly enlarging! that on tbe'tdti
rary, intblenee, want of excrrfse, &e., wifl rfn
der the lungs smtller, ontil by tbteitfie tt aft,
the tir teV.t rvi,.l ttieri 'toe np and totltpse
their wills, it t bird folds 'np itt plurnage. By
thit we tlso learn tbat pure air, and evcYi cold
ah, becoose trmre dense, tt thebett friend of
the lungs, and thotiM be retdrted to with the
greatest confidence, loth to prevent and to cor
their diva sen
Tt is found in the bittory nf the American In
c'iaris at (Sne time numbering many millioniof
people, tnd inhabiting from the most extreme
pn nt north, to I'stsgonis south, embracing all
varieties nf climate tnd location, retting in the
frigid, temperate tnd torrid tones; occupying
every variety nf sitoation, on the seaboard, on
the borders of the lakes, on the tops of tba high
ret lands, tmd in the most tectuded Valleys; on
the wide rptend and open prairies, and in the
most arid detent; the conntriet of tbe greatest
humidity, and where it rtrefy everVtins, at in
lVrn ; yet in til these coonrties, and every
where, tuch thing at pulmonaYy consumption
has never been observed, tVhilet tbose people re
mtinvd in their SsVjge ttate. Bring them Into
our settlements, civilixe tbem, educate tbetn,
tnd let tbem tdopt nor habits, tnd they become
s liable to tronrtirnptloti at we on r selves.
By What JWnlitrity it tbe Itiditn distinguish
ed from the civil ited American 1st, tbe Ame
rican Indian ia remarkable for the perltfctsym
meUy tT his Bgore. "Strtight at an Indian,"
it n old proverb, wlinvo truth la fnsttntfy re
coijn fcedby aR Wbo bave eVcr aeeti the Wild
Inditn, his chest is perfect symmetry, his ahoul
ders and khoubler blail.-s are laid Hat against
tbe tbeet and the whole weight of bia BTtna,
sbotildeVs, and aboubJrr blttles, is Vbrown behind
tbe chest; thoa always expanding. Instead of
contracting it ; the naVed thebt and the wbole
person is oflen e noted to the open air; they
are much otu of doott; indeeiH rtrety in doors;
biettlie tbe pure tie, nevet stoop in gait or walk
and pu.sue , rro aVocttkiflt that to'nt'nct the
chest; or prevefit Its IVee expiVisionj often
War-b in pure 'CfDa WateY, exercise the lungt
ffeel? by aib'tetta excrc'iset, VufiYiing, ricing,
ibn cbsse, frequently 'ttn'cTng tnd tboutitig,
StC k Innst Vehemently ti'early every day. The
taftie rfoldt tWe iti YegaYd ro animals.
Animals iYi ibeir title neVe baVe the
"con-iimptiun: whilst the svme tniinalt domes
treated hive it te Tin monki'y, the rabbit, the
horHP, &e. Consumption it the child of CiVili
it Uno; retults chiefly trorh the log of kyrhWe
try, and Ironi efleminnry, induced by too rhU'ch
clothing, tao luxnrioiia living, dissipation, too
little ekerciee, tnrl dbbilUtMYig discaSfca and oc-
efrm1nn. '
If ttieife ltt irJpellatliVri that would apply to
ti t a batinni it is round shouldered. The ha
bit of rrintML-tihg tbe chest by stooping, it for
metf by multi'udes at school, by sitting at low
table ut no table ; by tilting ail in a brap, ei
ther in school, by hot holding Inemselvet erect,
eitber fitting or stahdlng ; and it ia a rhatter ol
hnbit It t great degree, with tailn'rk. shoema
kers, machiiii'-it. clcrht, t'Udenit, tearhstresses,
hit whnae occupation ctUurt therh to ilorpit
their work, or at rett, or at tbei pleasure, or
Practice will loon make killing or ttanding
perfectly elect, vastly more igreetble and less,
Utigitirtg than a ttonping posture. To perns
predisposed to cnnsumpHah, these hints at re
gard writing or reading, tiVska tre of the gret
tent imprlrttht-e. In ttalkine, the c'neet thould
be carried proudly erect trid etrv.ght, the topnf
It priintlng talhet backafds than forwards.
The North Amwibsn Indians, who never had
ronstle.piWln, tre reirr.rltble for tbe!r perfectly
erect, ttralght walk. Next to tbPs, it is of Vast
importance tr t.'.io consun p'iW, to breathe well;
lie shou'd. tnake a practice of taking long
breai i, sucking in ill the air be can, tnd bold
1 In the chest tt long as 'postiible. On going
Into the colj tilr 1'nsVead of ehrinkiog, from it.
drtw a long oretth of pure coid air. Do thit
ImridVed il.tiet a dtjr, if yo'ubtve aay aymplomt
hfwi'ik lungs, iis it will core Jro'uJ iho'ubl you
haVe i ttigbt coid, bt In the h'tbit of ariwirig
iti i full chest bl aiK ,
i-uxurioui fettfier or t!own beds tho'ulil bet-
Voided", at they greatly tend to effeminate the
system, in reduce the etrehgth. '.'tot thit ret
ton, bedi should bt elsitie, tiiit ratVer firm and
bird straw beds, heir niettnesea, theae oh t
featherbed tre well; a tfioat excellent mtt
Inst is made by combing out1 the busks br
thiickt that cover the ears of Indian corn, I
first met thete bed in Italy I they art delight
ful, told sleeping rrnirni'trt in genertl bet,
eipecitlly iiir jJersoht lb' hei',th; they t-lioiild ne
ver be rbiicti bM 0r any peraon, bat all
kkould be fnrorttbly wirtn i M.
the ktrtVie ttardVV.
At the Etsex trljoorned Quarter Keesion, Ed'
wtrd Bently, wirowti aa & kntckernran ot te'.lut-
of deadTiortet, wis tnd'icted torlcilling, by meant
ofwflucatten, f elding, tht pYoperty Of &i
TbcrnatBtocV, tetpectable fattnet living tt
Eaal DtnninsjifieM, a email Village a few miles
from vjh;elmtford"-!Since tho pYltonet't 6jmmit
rnent ft hat been aatislirctorily tscertairred that
rttbasbeeri topplying birntell wtb ttrttset
by Carrying on the strocioos tys'tptn T. a eon
slilertbletimt. He ws in he hkbft of buying
detd hoYtet for tba London markets, tnd in no
leu than twenty-loor fnrftarfcca bis be been
s.nown to be the fint to call opon owners and
eventual to briy &t& tattle, which tip to their
dttthhad been in a fine tnd healthy condition.
Many nf them were oft valuable -detcYiption i
and tho mode he adopted to destroy them was
to choke i:p lbpir notrila with bay-bands, and
irmly tie Optbeir jaws with ropes. Tie poof
thtngi would Tall to tht ground from exhaor-
tion, and on thefr expiYTn'gbt w6Qld Yeroove th
hay surd rope, and then Call upon the owner to
boythem. 1
Several wtfheAek proved tbe following facts.'
On tbe flight oftbe 4th losthnt, abo-u't'twelvft
o'clock, at k laborer named Maron was return.
i"ng'to Vis YMS'.er'e farm, be betrd a 'groaning;
nolae, knd ebortfy hftcrwards by 'tlfe Tight of tbt
fnrWn, ssw aborsoiyrn'g on 'the ground ?f a tbed,
t'hfl a mao, whom be oerleved e be 'the bVitoiv
eY, "kneeling by the tide of It. Mason went up
tnd ttted what be ws'nt6d tbere ; he made no
answer, but Van oft. ttft followed to the gatr
snd tbe ltboYsY "being tlnable to teizo him,
etuck blrnOVer tbe bead wfth t sticV A light
wasten procured, kftd it wtt found 'that tl:6
borse was rlfead, but quite wsrrn. Tliere werfl
fouY wisps of bay tnd k baher lying near
tbe beto, and Mason believing that the beai't
bad been strangled, it ha ving been teen tob.
quire well about 4 o'clock in tbe afternoon of
the Mine day, called up his maeteY, M r. Stock.
TbelatteY watof opinon that theborBehtd been,
destroyeu, and hearing from hit servant that
tbe prisoner, who bdoght dead borecs in tht
neighborhood offcast tianninfiold, waa the per.
son teen by the tided! the animal, he suspect'
ed tba troth oftbe matter and caused Insfrac
lion to be given to tbe police lb ipprehed biV.
One ol tbecoYiBtabultry force atationed at VVcbd
bam FerYle, went to the abode of Ae "prisoner,
tt tbt Village ot ftunwetl, at 4 o'ebek on th
following WoYning. tte fiieYld in bed. TbfJ
ofGcer first toolt birn to the ar'm, and Mason
then identified biYh libeifi? the man b'6 skv
kneelfng TileaV the horse. t)n being rearcheA
a piece "of coYd kl a lined wi'tb blood anri a brOr
er"e ibond Tn bis pockets. One of bis lcye
wtsblicltened, at if from the blow of thattick,
A witness, employed at a neighboring krmdc
noted to the halter found by the tide of the dee J
beast being the prisoner'. About ;nree weeks)
ago hia master told the prisoner a dead horse,,
and the halter in question whs the very tamo
the prikoner used to remove it - Theet'denco
of the veterinary surgeon who examined tba
body of tbe geldintr in the course ol the 5th intt;
showed that the entire viscera wit in a healthy
tta te, witb tbe exception of the right lobe of tb
lungs, which was congested with blond from the
rupt tiro of tome veseel which might be caused
by suffocation. - A decided opinion wtt giveri
sb to the detth of the horse being caused by suf
focatfon. Tbe police produced the wisps and
tbe halicr, and it waa explained to the B 'ncri
nd Jury how they could be uted In destroying
cattlo. The Jury found the prisoner gnil'y,
ai'.i the Ciurt sentenced birri tube transported
'orlS years.
I)Ef eratb JsALoikY A young by the
name of Je!ix AHard, a worker in porcelain;
wtatVateo' recently with hn wife at a lull- irl
the 'Cute tie It Pair. The txble wst b-t weerl
th'ern, and upon it the two cups of ctT.-e tt-a
had been s.-rvd. With fi.'ri- 'o? !: nt.rl i- c.
low voice. Allard reproached hi v.i 't; tor cet
tain' ihilitcretione of mnJuct. The tcene tirt w
ilio tttention o the freijuenten ot the pluce, suil
finding hiu-self observed, Allard grew mnru
calm, and presently changed hia humor appa
rently, and talked even affectionately. After a
few minutes, be requested of tier a kiit of re
conciliation. The request wet extrtordinary
for tuch a public place, and tho vyifb at firt e
vaded compliance, tie porgiiteJ, however, and
the at length vielJed. They both rose p'lj
inl leaned act the talie, anri Allafd, iiKiu'e'-jS
ly seizing hie wile' head iri both hit hal", oil
p(T her note ller eundVri shrieli made all per
sort in the establwlimehr ttnh to lit r tide, buf
it tint the two faces covered wiih blood were
the only eitplanttion. Allard tst for a moment
or i wo, convulsively holding something bet weeil
hit ieeth; and when the 'crime wit undeMnodi
arid tomt one present 'tusgettad tht possibility1
ofreplecing tunder'ed flesh, it wis found that
tbt terorious brute had tttallowei itt lit
mtde no attempt to etcepe, tad wat hsnded o
ter totho police, aod now awtiu his trial.
tr RotttTi recommend the ladle, wbe fen-j
srally take lar loo liille etertise. to reteit Iht
skippiec rope tor ut at heme, instead of perrav
eently tbrewiBf it tsile en entering theli te.r: