From the Barton Oliv Branch. 1 lataeestlwC ru. BT D. V COLES WORTH V. Tbcr tTt kiods of rcfcUblra on which twin will feed ; 171 kind tbey will not touch A horse will feed on 262 kind of gras and re 'ct 312. A cow will feed on 070 kind and re-j-rt 120. Ilaller, who collected a pre.! number of e ample of longevity, fcmmJ more than 1'KW who had lived from 100 to 110 ; CO from 110 to 120, 20 from 120 to 130 ;' 15 from 130 to 140 1 6 from 140 to 100 and one. lived to the remark able aire of 109 year. In 1785 Troy, N. V., contained bttt 1 dwel- lings and 18 inhabitant. Now it contain about 6ne)iarter a many people aa Bonn. The population of England, Scotland ard Wale in 1700, waa 6,523,000. In 1750.7. K70.fX0. In 1800, 11,314.138. In England in 1302. ther were 1,553.392 house. In Scot land, 391,090 houae. In Vle, 111,564 he use. There ar 100,000 Roman Ca'.holica, and 20, 000 Jews in London. At Berlin, the longest day haa IfiJ hour, at Hamburg, 1?; at Stockholm, 18J ; at Si. Peter bur, 10; at Tornea, 21 J ; at Norway the day continue from May 21 to July 22, and in rSpitzburgen, the longest day luels three and a (ill month. I'aper is now made of the boet, alter the sac charine matter haa been extracted lor making utnr. Ther are nearly 30,000 persona in the Slate 'I Illinois, upward of 20 ycara of age who can not read. In Boston there ia a church to every 2000 inhabitant. In New Orleans there are about SO.tHKI inhabitant to one church. One quarter of the children born die before they are a year old. One half die before they lire twenty-one and not one quarter reach the Hr of forty-five. A canary bird eats its own bulk in a day. The sea has been sounded to the depth of two mid a half or three miles, and no bolio'ii found. Onlv Tbt. We translate tlie following Iroin a French paper: Phila. 17. ?. Gazette, 'They used to sny that every soldier carried in his cartridge box a marshal's baton. Might not one say in these days, that every chorister onrrici in hi windpipe a fortune.' Here is one xample at least. 'About thirty ycara ago, in a little city of Ita ly, at Bergame, by a aingular contrast, the company at the Opeia House wai quite indifTer 'lit, while the choristers were excellent. It could scarcely have been otherwise since the greater part of the choristers have since become distinguished composers. Doninetti, Cruvelli, fodoro, Blanche, Mafi, and Dolci, commenced by singing in the choruses at There were among others, at that epoch, a young man, very poor, very modest, and greatly beloved by hi comrade. In Italy the orchestra and the chorister aro worse paid than in France, if possible. You enter a boot-maker's shop, the master is the first violin. The apprentice ro lix themselves after a day's work, by playing the clarionet the hautboy, or the timbrels, in the evening at the theatre. Oneyouog man, in or tier to aeaiHlhia old mother, united the functions of chorister to the more lucrative employment of journeyman tailor. 'One day, when he had tsken to Nozari's house a fair of pantaloon, that illuatrimia in ger, after looking at him earnestly, said to him very kindly ; 'It appear tome my good fellow, that I have een you some where.' 'Quite likely, sir ; you may have seen me at the theatre, where 1 take part in the choruses.' 'Have you a good voice?' 'Not remarkably, sir; I can, with great diffv culiy, reach oV let me sen,' said Nozari, fjoiug to (he piano begin the gamut.' Our chorister obeyed, but when he reached not, l.e stopped short, out of breath. 'Sound la come, try.' Sir I cannot.' 'Sound In, you fool.' La, Is. la.' Sound si.' My dear sir, I cannot.' 'Sound li, I tell you, or by my soul I'll Don't get angry, sir; I'll try la, $i, la, so, Jo.' I told you so,' said Nozari, with a voice of triumph ; 'and now, my gl fellow, I will on ly say one word to you. It you will only study and practice, you will become the firnt tenor in Italy.' Nuzari was right. The poor chorister who, to gain liia bread, bad to mend breaches, pos sesses now futiuiieuftvku millions, and is cal led Rubini. Gen. B- -n. I don't co to Mexico o much to fight aa negotiate. Col. VV b I don't know aa I car about eoing at all. Mr. R tch I positively rfuse, to run for Vice President. Mr. C. J. I nj II. And I wouldn't go to France on tny ccount Fx. paper. IlgavxN. A negro woman at the South waa relating htr experience tu gaping congreg tion of ber own color ; among other thing ho said b had been to heaven. One of the bre- thern aaya 'Sister, you are my black folk ia heaben.' She replied, 'Ob, g j way Sam, don't put body out; spot I go in do kitchen when I wis rV IlAlfK WOTE IJ S T. " . tE5rSrSTLTA IVt A. " -i ' Th following lit hnW the current value f all IWevtranl Dank Note. The mot implicit re Iteneamayh placed upon it, WUtvtn uctk wrefully compared with and corrected from Dkk nell Reporter. Ilnnka In Philadelphia. N; , iriac. in I.OCATfOlV. Phi tin NOT EH AT PA R. Bank of North America , Bank of the Northern I.ihertiea . , Commercial Bank of Penn'. . , Parmera' an J Mechanics' Dank . Kcn-ineton Rank . Philadelphia Bank' . ! Schuylkill Itank par r par par par par par Snuthwark Rank par par Western Itank . Mechanics' Bank . Manufacturer,' ft Mechanic' Bank par par par flank of I'enn Township . Oirar.1 B-.rk Bank of Commerce, lute Mnyamcneing Bank of Pennsylvania . . pa par par Conntry Dnnha. Bank of Chester County Wetchcater par Itank of Delaware County Cheater Bank of ncrmantnwn llermatitown par par Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristnwn Doylcetnwn Bank D.iylestown Eaafon Bank Esalnn Farmer' Hank of Burks co BrMol Bank of Northumberland Northumberland Cntnmhia Bunk ft Tlridg co C,iumhi par par par par par par Farmer B:uik nf Lancaster Lancitct par Lancater County Bnnk Lancaater Bank Farmer' BrtTik of Reading Lancaster Lancaster Reading par pj par These office Office of Bank of Penn'a. Harrisburg Office do do Lancaster Reading Office do do do not Office do do Easton J luen. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. niik of the United States Philadelphia 2-1 Miner' Bank of Pnttavilla Potiaville j Bank of l-ewistown Lewixtown I j Bank of Middlctown Middletown al I.pwintown Middletown Carlisle I'ittshnrf Hollidayahurg Harrishurg Lebanon PiMsl'iirg Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1 Exi-hane Bank Do do branch of Ilarrisbttrg Bank I.ehanon Bank Merchant' A Manuf. Bank Bank of rittslKirR Pittntiuig Willismsport Wilkcshari Allnntown ?i'ading Pitlsl.urg Weat Bram h Bnk Wyoming Bank Northampton Uatik Beika County Bank of Bank of U. 8. failed do Do do do Do do do Erie New Brighton Chamhersliurg f irttyshurg MontroM do 1 2 Bank of Chamhershnrg Dank ot Gt-ttyahurg Bank of Nunquehanoa Co. Erie Bank Farmers' ft Drovera' Bank Franklin Bank Hnneadale Bank Moitonfrahela Bank of B. York Bank Eria Wayneshurg Washington Honeadule Brownavill York IJslJ a I U U 2 N. B. The notea of those hanks on which we omil quotations, and aiihslitnte a dash ( ) are not purchased by trie flul1rlihia brokers, with the exception of thorn which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Pliilad. lj.hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do fiilcd Kchuylkill Ssv. Ins. do tided Kensington Mav. Ins. A do Penn Township 8av. In. do Manual Labor Bank (T. Vt Dyott, prop.) f tiled Towuiidu Bedford no sate Beaver closed Msriilurg clel Waahingtoii faik'd Ht'lli-funto rinsed Pittsburg no ale Pittiihurg fulled Fayette eo. failed (reerieattle fulled Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale Ierilnwn nosjle Warren failed DundafT no sale New Hope chwed Milton no kale Mradville closed Port Carbon Carlule failed Montrose closed Uniontown failed (trrenshurg closed Wilkesharre noaale I owaiiua Dank Alleghany Bank of T. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers & Mecti ca Hank Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' .V. Mech'cs Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumhermeu'a Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. BriJge Co. Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Otlice of Schuylkill Bauk Pa. Agr. ft Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesharre Bridge Co. CCT All notea tiurporunc to lie on any Pennyl- vania Bank not given in the atnive tint, may be net Sown aa frauds. new ji:iisi:y. Bank of New Brunawick Brunswick failol llelvidete Bank Bclvidere Burlington 'o. Bank Mttlford par Commercial Bank Perth Amlmy j Cumberland Bank Bridgeton par Parmera' Bank Mount Holly par Parmer' and Mechanics Ilk Rahway Parmera and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswirk failed Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Middletown P t. Franklin Bank of N.J. Jery City failral Hoboken Bkg ft dazing Co Hohoken failed failed failetl biled 1 faib-d 4 par lersey City Hank Jersey lity Mechanira' Bank Patterson Manufaclurera' Bank Bellevill Morria County Bank Mornstown Monmouth Ilk of N.J. r roliold Mecbauica Bank Newaik Mechanic' end Manuf. Bk Trenton Morria Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City Pit Notea HO sale Newark Bkg ft In Cu Newaik New Ho Del Bridge Co Lainhertatilla N. J. MsnuUc and Bkg Co Hohoken i i faile-l N J Proleclou 6i I.onilaid 14 Jersey City failed Orange Hank Orange J raierkon Bank I aterana failed Peoples' Bank do j Pimceton Hank I'nneelon par Salem Banking Co Salem par State Bank . Newark J State Bank Elixabethlown i State Bank Camden par Slats Bank of Morris MorrMown 1 Stat Bank Trenton failed Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem tailed Sussex Bank Newton 1 Trenton Banking Cu Tieiilon par Union Bank Dover j Waabiuglon Banking Co. Haikensick failed Bk of Wllm 6V Brandy win Wilmington Bank of Delaware W iluiir.gloa iiauk of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch M.lford Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover fo branch Wilmington Do branch Ceorgetowu Do branch Keweaetkt Union Bank Wilmington rrj" Under 6's par par pur par par par par par par IXJ On all banks marked ihua () tber are ti, ther rountiwfaii or altered note af the various it craioations, in circulalioo. MOUNT VDRNON 95 North 2il st., bel. Arch tte Kacc sts., 1 li ilntlcluhia. BRADY ft PARKER respectfully inform their friend and the public that they have taken tlix abova named hnue, recently kepi by J. S. Adsms and are prepared to accommodate enele- mera in the moat ajtisfactory manner and at rea twinnM pricef. I heir tahle will he auppliej with the herl vari ety '.he market afTotd their parloraaiid aleepinR aprlmenta will l-e in the tirrt order. The hoiie haleen thoroughly required and furnished with a view to the comfort of UnYellcr and stranger. iltving had eeial yeara experience in the lnin,, Ihey Impe In ftive gcneial atifartion, .ind re-ipeclfully iuvite travi llrr and straneer to Kive them a r. UltXUVA PARKER. rVlideVhia.JaniHrv Ifi. IS47. if Milllind Farm THE ul'crilet ofl'eia for tale filiy or ailv a ere of Innd with n mill errrtrd thereon, for merly known a Jon a' Mill, rituatrd in Auijusta township Northumberland enmity, on the hilile Sh.imoVin rreik. near the Tiilprhinken road, rd iim from Hunhory lo Poltil!e pifjht mile from Sunhnry. Thirty or forty aprea of land are clpared, and in a good tte of cu!tintion. Thp improvement are a f!rUl Mill, o I.og Hoite nnd Sih'e, snd an Orchard. Thrre i also a rooJ Siir'.nrr and aevernl arre of Meadow on the preini e. The I cation of the mill ia n eicallent one for custom. For further Info'mMinn in-uir of the snh'criher. DAVID MIl.I.F.K. Shsmnkin tc.wnship. Jan. 9, 1847. 3in "cheap watches. The Cheapest UoM nnd Silver Wnlchcs in riiii.AUGhriiiA. atnoi OLD Levers, full JewelUI, f 4S 00 W Silver do. do. 33 OH Id lupines. Jewelled, 30 00 15 00 Silver do. do, Silver Qusnirrs, fine quality, (Sold Watches, plain, Silver Sinctaclcs, (told renal, (old Bracelets. 10 DO 15 00 I 75 3 00 4 00 Als", on hand, a Israe ansnTtmrnt of Onld and lLiir Braceli't, finiser rinRs, bre.t pin, hoop ear ring, gnld pens, silver p.ns, sugnr tones, thim bles, fold rnrk. curb and f.ih clntins, guard ki y iiud j.-well' iy of every dccnpiion, at equally low price. All I want is a call to convince custo mer. All kind of Watchea and Clocka repaired and vtMiruriH'tl to keen arood time fur one year ; olJ gold or silver Uicght or lkeit in exchange. For sale, right day and ihirly hour hras elork at LEWIS LADOMl'S' Watch, Clock and Jewellery Store. No. 4I3J Market street, aUive KU vinlh, north aide, Phil hit. (jj I have aome Cold and Silvei Lnver, at ll much cheaper than Ihe sbive puce. Philadelphia, Dee. 30. 1MB. Iv rsTjtraTKwjST i AUCTION STORE. No. 0 North 3d st., third door above Market Street. PHItADELPBIA. SALE EVERY EVEMNU, of general aa ortment of Foreiun and D-rrwlic Hardware, "Table nnd Po. ket Cutlery, Triii k. L-rk, Latchets, lloba, S,w, Saddlery, Whip, Boot. Shoe, lia s. Caps, Guns, Pittols, TriminiiiKs, Cbithmg and Fancy tJood. The attention of city and country dealer is in ited. The are fresh, and will he warranted equal to the representation lhat may be made of them. BAY LIS h BROHKER, Auctioneer, No. 6 North Thud st. N. B. Purchaser can have their Cood packed. Several invoice of (Snods have hi en received lo be aold at piivate sale. Philadelphia, Dec. 13th, 1RID. ly Tn'lttoussrrs CTitftfrsal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities piven without (Thnrgc. . 114 CAe-n PHILADELPHIA. THIS new and tplcndid article, a it nme -le-notea, i professed to le superior lo any Sha ving Cream in lb United State or Eurce. It is unsurpsa. d fr beauly. purity ai d f agrance, tho' somewhat anaUeou to Cu rUin'a Amhroeial Cream and other similar compound. It far aur paaaea them all by Ihe em I ient pasty consistency of its I tther, which so softens the beard as to rend r sh.ving pleasnnt and easy. It further possesses Ibe advantsge over the imported article, in being frehly pri poe.l. no skill being wnn'ing in it mao uficture. E. Rouel having bad many years' ex licrience in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugtir, Pete el Fil, now Renaud ft Co., of Paris. Beside hring the I e-t, it is the cheapest aiticle (or shaving; it iseleginllv put up in boxes, with splemlid steel engraved labels. Pii-ef:l r den.or 37Jcen' for a a'ngle box. lo shave one year. It ia aUo stdd at fl &0 per lb. or 12) ct nts er ox., so th it gentlemen can have iheir Kue. tilled at E CUE. ME ROLSSEL'S. holesale and Retail IVrfumeiy and Mineral Wa ter Fs'shlishment, 114 Che. not S.reat. Dee 19, 1816.-. PHILADELPHIA. ivTrrjAtriTDEP.s, No. '-il Norih Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, HP Invite Men h inis and Milliner to ex t9TLamine Iheir stock ef Bonnet, Palm Laf nnd l.echorti Hat. Fur and C'nlh Caps, ard India liuhher Shoes. Il wi'l he found lo contain i all of Ihe most desirable kinds, and will be aold at I it,,, lowest mark) I prir ea. No. 31 North Poutth Street, between M.ukct and Areh Stieel. Philadelphia. Dee. lOih. l4fi. Cm 4CiJnB:.Km.H;B WATCHES i JEV'ELPaTj a inn "Philadelphia W'utch and Jrwtlry Store," No. 00 Noilh SKCOND a rect. corner i f Quarry (SOLD Lever Watches, full i. wi lled, 18 carat cue, $!00 Silver Leer Watches, full i. welled, 00 Silver Lever Watchea, se ven jewels, IS 00 Silver l.eouie Watchia. jewelled, finest quality, MOO Roiwrior Quarlirr Watchea, 10 00 Imitation Quarlier Watcbea.not warianled, t 00 Cold Spiclaclcs, UU Fine Siivsr Sprcucle", 1 7ft Gold Bracelets with lopat etonea, S f0 Ladies' Cold Pencil, 16 rarata, 2 00 Cold Fincr King 37 J cu to S ; Watch Claa aea, rlain, 121 cut; patent, lei ; Lunet, So. t) ther articles in propoition. All good warranted to U what Ihry are aold for, U. CON RAD. On band, aome Cold and Sikrr Levers, Lepinea and (uariira, lower than in aoova pnaa. Ptiladslphii, Dte. 6, 1818.- ly To The I. O. or O. 1 J. V. & K. D. STOKE S, Manufacturers of Premium Odd Fel- a . low itegiiiiii, Ao. 191 hUirkrt Wr, PHILADELPHIA, Firal Clothing Store below 6th Street. riHE suhscriliera having t-tken tha premium at L Franklin Institute, at the lal exltihitinn, for Ihe best Begalis, they invite ihe attention of Ihe order to their establishment, where they wdl find a splendid assortment of P. O. and Encampment Be- galta. They also make to order for Lodge ami Encampment. Rega'ia, Sashea, Costume and Robes, and furnih every thing requisite for ihe cnvrnienco of new Lodges or Emanipment. J. W. STOKE, E- D. STi IKES. Philadelphia, Dec.J!, 1SK5.1y New Firm. riHIE tnder'gned Itere'y give notice, (hut he L ha as-uH'ia'ed vilh hi itself, a a partner in ihe mercantile busine, in hi store adjoining Weaver's 'Cavern, in Smihiiiy. John Haa. and that the said t-loro will liereaTier be conducted un dfr the firm of Clement V Han. The store at the Smith West coiner of Maikel PU ire will he eondtleted a heretofore, hv the suhsciilxr hiniHelf. lo which he rcapeclfutly intitea his ciislomeis and rriend. He a! ntifie all thne indchted to him. to cnll I ei ween this and the 1st ef January next, and ait ll their account. All kind of produce will be tnkrn on account, at eh price. Hereafter no long. r than four month credit will he iven. USA T. CLEMENT. Snnl ury, Nov. A, 1S4H tf. "'CLEMEITT & HAAS," RESPECTFULLY inform ihe public, ihnt on the 0th Inst., they entered into partnership, in the mercantile hintiness, ot tha store recemlv occupied by r T. t'lement, adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Suuhury. Tliey have luli-ly rcceivol a new slock of eoods, which they will dispoee of at the lowest price. All kind of produce will be taken in cichnnge for good. No longer than four month credit will I given. IK A T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Siinhitrv. Nov. 14, 1846. tf. iicuj Gooes, iruj CooUs. Ciicnpcr Tlitin Ever! JOHN H. PURDY. h jut received, at hi New Store, in Market fijuare, a freh aupply t Seasonable Coods, such s Cloths, C.issitner, Suinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Cords, Diilling, Alpaccaa, fSinghnma, Print. MtiNlin. Hosiery. (Jlov, a. Ac, Al-ot ljtieenWNre and tSroeeriea, which will he sold very low. Purchasers are invi ted lo call and exsmine his sloik before purchasing elsewhere. The highest price paid for Produce. Snnbiiry. fleloher 17rh, ltf4fi. tf. 1 . X T K A O R D I N A 11 Y D1SCOVEUY! VJlATtrHBB CAN BB CURED II COOPER'S E IE KIM. Oil A prompt and la'ting remedy far Datr . lso for pain and discharge of matter from the Ear. Hundreds of cure a in raea deemed ut'erly nope- le-shave firmly e tahlished its sueriuriiy over eve ry footer Medical discovery. Tbi valuable A const c Medicine is a rompound of four difl'erenl Oils, one of which, ihe active and nrinciiral inxiedieril, is ol'ltined f'oin the bark of a certain speciea of Waiacr, a new and ellictu il agent in the cure of Deafness. Person who had It-en deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 year, h-ive heeit peimanenily cured by uaing Mil oil. In fxet, so numerous and so emphatic have been the lesiirimntala in it favor, that the in ventor claim for it the tlis'inel'on of an Infallilde Remedy, in all cases, when Ibe Ear ia ierlrcl in ita formation. Foi further particulars, and evidence of its great value, see prime,! she-1. in ihe hands of A cent.. For aile at Suuhuiv, by J. W. FIULI.M1. September l'Jih, 1846 ly UNKIVALLLD AND UNEQUALLfU) In curing Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Inlluenti, Whoping-('iiigh, and all Disc- of Ihe hie. st and lungs, lesding to Consump tion; cnmmed of the eoneentr ited viriui s of ihe herb Horehound, Bonesetl, BliHxIr-Hit, and eveial other vegeta ble si.h-t nees. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. ""PHIS invabia'de Medicine is ihe most edy -a and cert tin remedy ever ihsrovered fir ihe a love Ciimpla nt. a thousands who have UseJ it will lesiify. For sale, in Suuhury. by .. W. I KIUNO. and in Nortl tin.lx rlxnd. by D. IIRAUTICAM, and at wholesale, in I'blUib Iphia. hv F. KI.ETT A Co, ("ornrr of Secon I and fallow hill l'wU Si'pten.brr lih. 1K4C ly D II i T I S T it Y. 7 AC 03 HELLS?., rfcf" A N KFI'L for tho b'.n rl encourugemeol .1 which be haa received, woul I resprettu'ly inform bis friends and the eilisma ef Northumt-er-land cminty in general, that he has prrpireH him self with Ihe best lucuriuptihlo Teeth, Hold Pl.ite, Cold Foil, Ac , lhat can be hud in the rilv of Phi ladelphia and ho will endeavor, to the ulm-t uf his ahiliiy, lo render full wtii.ftclioo to a'l who ui.iy think pioper to engage biervice. He will be In Suuhury at tha Augu-t court, wheie be will be piepared, at his residence, lo insert Trrth on tiuld Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest aud most ap proved p ma, anJ attend In all lha branches belong', ingio DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will be wailed on at their placca of rosi dence, if desired. Ilia rhargea will b reasonable, and his woik warranted. He will visit different paita of th couuty, about one in three month. Sunburv, July 16th, 1816 6m C'6S'GJtf:SS J.VJf-Blua and Black CongTe Ink, of a tupaiir qualiiy.f.o sal cheap, at tha atoraof HtNRY MASTER. July 4ik, 1946. B. KIIYIBER., JR., Ao. 31 ArA Fourth Strrrt, unJtr the Mer chant' Hold, Phllntlclphla, k It Mnn D et KEEPS constantly on hand an exler.sive a. sortmeni of all kind c.f Silk, Fur and Be. v,-i Hats, which he offera for sale on the nio-ii ten- annahle term. Hi Hat are made up of the best material, and in the most approved at lo. Per- "IH visiting ibe cKy wilt find it to Iheir interest lo call. July I llh, t8-l8.--ly C CLUMBI AHOSET CHESNTJT STHEBT, r u i l a D i: l v u i a . T 11 IS Isree and commodious Hotel baa recently 'I he nlcriliirs tlief . fint olirit lha patronage i.f ti e public, and ttusl that Iheir i xperience in the httsine will enable them lo give entire aatisl'.ic lion. Terms moderate. DAtiLEY, McKENZIC A. Co. July 4ih. tSIB. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Light Mreet, rilHE House ba undergone a thorough repair. L The proprietor solicit its former patronaije. Terms SI nr day. WM W. DI.T. ARTHUR L. FOfiO. July 4, 1940. -ly Propneti.r. Kcllri C rcciiousli, PATS1TT ATTOP.1TETO, AND MECHANICAL KNCLNKKKS, WASHINGTON, D. O. RA WlXfSS snd Pr f.-r the Pa'ent Of. fice will Ite prepared by Ilium, at their oll'ne, opposite the Patent OlTice. Jnlv. 4th. 1S40. Iv JSILVKK AIKUaU awtaiiiu av tus rniMRLiM l.isTiTUTa, 181.1. ity Dajnrrrfotype ExtaMishmrnl. CP. LP. eaX)ULjIi-I25ZS13 (I.tb itoaa ft I'ou.ixs.) Ab. 100 Chexmit it., ulmne Third, Suutt side, niii.ADEi.riii a. MINIATURES taken equally a well in clou dy sa in cle'ir weither. A ibirk silk die for a lady, and a black suit lor a eeullcm in, are I n furalde in sitting for a piclu e. No extra chariie ia made for coloring, and pcifect likeneane are euraiuied. July 4th, IStR. ly 111 I O It T A X T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be sure of Uinng, at all tiroes, pure and highly rltvurud By the single pound or Isrger quantity, at Ihe Ickln Tra Company 'a 4nriliottic, 30 South Steond ttreet, teftnecn Market and Che nut ttrrets, PnilVADELFIIIA. Heretofore il ha 1-een very dirTicult, indee.1, al mot impossible, alwaya lo obtain good (ire. n and Bl.tck 'Pea. But now you have only to viil the Pekin Tea Company's Store, to obtain as delicious and fragrant Tea aa yoo could wish for. All tsKtca can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June 87th. 181ft. C L" CT T"EI Ito; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE sureceiheia aro constantly manufacturing from the best French, English aud American manufactured Cloth and Casmmera, CLOTHING in very aupvrior style, cut and workmanship. Persons Hiving to sell again will find one of the largest and most fathiouahle slock of good lo select from in the city, and at unprecedented low price. J. W. ft E. D. STOKES, 194 Market at. Philad. N. B. A large asortmert of Odd Fell .ws' Re galia constantly on h.ind, and all orders from lodgee or indi-iiluals punctually attended lo, on the niotl Moral terms. J. W. &. E. D. S. Philadelphia. J una 27lh. 1846 ly D A N V I L L if sBTir,3Ji:cL20xr WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLTJIUOIA COUNTY, l'ruiigylvnnla. PltHE Danville Steam Woolen Factory, foimer .L ly owned and occupied by Dr. Pktnikivj, h a recently Iwn purchased by the sub-crilM-ra, who resiectfully announce lo their friends and the put' lit general y, that they are now prepared to do all kit. ils of wjrk in their line of business, at the shor ten! notice, according 1 1 order, and in the best rom parative manner. Having gone lo comidcrahlc expense in t, pairing Ibr it niehinery and aparatus, snd hring Mry pariiculai iiistcuriiig Ihe service of ei-eiieiicel mechanics, they feel confident ihal they arc capahle of exec-Jling all kinds of work in a aiylc superior to at y other e'ahliahmi nl iu the eouiitrv, ai the old customary p tee. CLOTHS. SATIN E'FTS, FLANNELS An BLANKETS constau ly on band, and for tale at reduced prices, for Casu or Barier. c arihm; ami i i i.i.ij will !e done in the heal manner, at ihe uu:il pri cr. All kind, of country pr.xluee taken in pay ment fo, wink, al D invillit inivikil prieea. For ihe accntumodjiinn ol thoMt who live at di-tance, Wiiiil and Ctom will betaken in at. and, wheii liniflied, reiunnd to the following pla ces, I'l.iin written direcliona inual accoaipauy each parcel ; Culnmfnu Cuniy, Roup A Man' store, Wa hingl, uvillc; R. Fruit's at. .re, J. r.ey town ; Y ea ger k inn. Roaring Cieek ( Sharpie' slote. Cults-iH-a ; C F. Mann's siote, Mitt1inviie Millet's aloie, llpiwiikt J- ' line's Mills Kukri's stoie, OiHiigcvillc; llerr'a store. While Hall. Kurt humherla nd Cixinli Michael Reader's inn, Turbulnlle ; Irelninl A Hay's store, McEwen tlle; E. Ik Pipei'a store, Watsonalowii ; S. I, (Vmly & Co's loie. Miliou; Gibson's inn, Chil bxuatue : Forsyth's store, Northumberland i Young's alore, Sjnbury. Luzertte County. Kiymdd's stoic, Kingston! GiUetsWvs's slote. Wilkesharre ; tauylord'a store, Plyuiouih Styei'e stoic, Nanltctke ; Julga Mack'a Mdl, Huntington. Lycoming County.-D. CUpp'a atore, Muncyi Shoemaker'e store, Smith'a Mill. GEAR1I ART &. KOWNOYER. Danville. May 9, 1816. B'''XTP.lTtrBriKIToTBlAP, lor ex 9 trading Crease, Dry Painla, Varnish, Tar, Wax, eYe. from clothing of any description, war ranted not to Injure lb cloth or the mot delicate color. Thta bqu'd haa also been oed with great sucreoa in caaea ol Burn. Scalds, Tetter, Pimple, on lha face, Chapped hands, Sot lipe. Rheuma tism, Hard of soft Corns, fee, y Price, S5 rls. or bottle. For salt al lb ttot r f July 16, 1646. H. MASTER. H. 3. 1A33P, ATTORNEY at law, BUITBTjaT, pa. Builnea attended to in the Counties of Nor thiiml eiland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. Refer to I P. Si A. JfoTnttnT, Low i a &. Diana. Soviasa &. SnonoMAsa, l',hiait. nsTHOLna. Mcr at!a flc Uo. Sftataa.noon it Co., PREMIUM SCALES. rated Rail Road Scales, Coal and Hay do Iron VanufacV do Port !!(. Platform do 30 different sizes, Dormntor Floor do 6 different sites. Counter do 13 dilTeient si-s. Tha above Scale aro made cither single or double beam, and are do d,i dr do do do do do d dj 1 decidedly the most durable, accurate and conveni ent -c.d ever invented. We alio have Platform and Count r Scales, Patent Balances and every kind of Weighing Machines in use for sale, whole sale and retail, at low price. All Scale sold ly u to go out of tha city, are boxed free of charge, and warianled to give salUfaclion lo the purchaser in every pirtieul.r. (J It AY Ac BROTHER, Manufactureta and Dealer, No. 31 Wnlnut struct, June 37. IH46. ly Philadelphia. SALT. New Yoik Salt in barrels and bugs, for sale at nianiifkclurers' prices, by CRAY ft BROTHER, June 27, I81C ly 34 Walnut t. Philid. 0 HORSE SHOES. Burden's Patent Horse Shoes, for sale at manufacture is' prices, by rjjjuY fc ROTH Ell, June 37. 1816.-ly 34 Walnut -t. Philad. i'KxnsylvaniaTiiousk, SANVILLB PA. rilHE subsciilier, late of the Union Hotel, Mtin A cy, Pa , respectfully inform the old and mi, merou customer of tha l'muKjlvania House, and Ihe public generally, that he ha leased the Tavrn Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he is now prepared lo entertain traveller, and per aona veiling Ihe town, in the very best style. Th accommodation will be surh as a well conducted public lioui-e should afford, and no effirt will be spared to render siti-facttnn, in every respect, to all who may call. The ril'en of Lrcoming county ate invited to put up with the undersigned when they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Danvi'le. May 2. 1846. IbEiTTIGTPaT. l'KTHll B., RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicinilv, that he ha npeneti an ollicc al the rei-iderice of Henry Ma-er. in Mnrket street, where be i prepared to execute all kind of Dkwtai Soiioaav, Plate Work, Ac , on the latest ami moi-t approved plan. Having bad some experience and instruction, tinder one of the mot eminent and successful Deri tia'a in Philadi Inhia. he helievea that he will he able lo give satisf.ic'.ion to tbose who may want hie service. Ladies will be waited on at their pi ices of rei dence. His charges will ls modeiatc, and his woik warrnnted. Sunbury, March 28th, 184u To I'ltrcliaoiers or DRV GOODS. .Yn. 121 Pearl tt., NEW YORK. HAVING etablirhed a Branch at No. 144 Chc nut at.. Philadelphia, is now epenine. and wi'l be rona'antly receiving ftom the New York Auc tions n extensive assortment of FANCY It STAFLE DRV GOODS, 'which will be aold al the lowest New York puce, al wholesale and Retail. Among ha stock will tie found a good assortment of the followirg articles: Jacconcts, Plaid. Hair Cotd, Lace, Sirie, Book, Swiss and Tarlaian Muslina, Bishop and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Drease. Thread Lace, Applicaiinn Do., rich B'ack Silk Trimmii g Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Canihrics, Linen Camhrie Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashineia d Ecos-e, Mnuaeline de I.aiae. Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, Qiioen'a Cloth, Gala Plaids, Frcm h Merinos, HI .ek Silka, Cloves Si k Hose, Shawls, lravata, Rihhons, Embroideries, Ac, Ac. Country Meiehants and others Visiting PhiUdel phis or New York to purchase, are tejccifu!ly in viled to fall and examine Ibe alotka. Nov. I, 1M5. ly 5" K 1 I K V K A X D 1. 1 v"K. THOMSON'S C'enipoiuitl iiyrup oflnr cWPool Nuptlia. rilllE unprecedented ucec of this medicine, in 1. the tctoralion i f heal h, to l!iiie who, in des. pair, had gien up all hopes, has given it an r xa' ted reputation strove all other rrtnedie, furni-hing nijence of it intrinsic value and power, ss the on ly aeenl which can be relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consiimplion. Bronehillis, Albina, Pain in the ide and Bieal, Spitting of BIikkI, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention ia ifpicsicd to ihe following ASTON ISHING CURE, hv Thomson's Compound Syrup uf Tar and Wood Nsptha! ! rhila,lefhia, .Vrv H,, lt I. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir U iih smIcM feeling I inform you of the astonishing ell'ecis of your medicine, which haa literally rai d me from a death-bed I My disra-e. Pulmonary lump lion, hid reduced n ib so low lhat my byirian pro. nojiiced my case hojiclcss ! Al this junction I be un in it kc your medicine, and miractiloua ss il nisy seem, it has completely restored me to health, after rveiv thing cle had filled. Reepectfullv yours, WASHING TON MAI K. Charlotte street, ahov George street. The undersigned, being persona!!, acquainted with Washington Mack and hi sunWing. hear witntus lo Ihe aonihing ellict of Thomson' Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of lbs a hove statement. JOS. WINNER 31 North Third street, DAVID YlCKEHS, 44 Almond street. HUGH M 'GIN LEY, S. E. comer Tamany and Fourth atrcrls. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. eorncr of 6th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agent II. B. Maaser, Sunbury D. Gross, and Dr. Marpberson, Hani.hurg ; Brown, Potisville j Geo. Earl, Reading J Houston A Ma on, Towauda, Bradford county, Pa. Price f0 rente nr bottle, or $3 Pr d.Mten. Ben-art c.'l imitoi .'eu PbilaJ.lphia, June 8Sih, 1845.-1